newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Paul Robeson speaks to reporters on August 28, 1949, about the riot in Peekskill where he was supposed to sing. The local KKK (yes, there was one) objected to his open admiration for Communism (as well as, no doubt, his color) and tore down the stage on which he was supposed to appear. Busloads of Harlem residents had gone to the concert, a benefit for the Harlem chapter of the Civil Rights Congress. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Lee Hays were also on the bill. The ensuing riot injured eight people, two seriously.
Robeson asked Governor Thomas Dewey to open an investigation of the riot, but he refused.
Photo: Marty Lederhandler for the AP
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the-myrna-loy-blog · 1 year
We forget sometimes that the essence of democracy is to question.  In those days [McCarthy Era], people thought - some still do - that liberal meant Communist.  To me a liberal is one who moves slightly left when the Fascists get too strong and slightly right when the Communists get too pushy.  A real liberal has to be flexible that way.  ….  I believe in liberality of thought and have no time for any kind of totalitarianism - be it right or left.
Myrna Loy
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kafkasapartment · 2 years
If we can't think for ourselves, if we're unwilling to question authority, then we're just putty in the hands of those in power. But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us. In every country, we should be teaching our children the scientific method and the reasons for a bill of rights. With it comes a certain decency, humility and community spirit. In the demon-haunted world we inhabit by virtue of being human, this may be all that stands between us and the enveloping darkness.
Carl Sagan
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"RED RIOTERS ROUTED BY LOYAL JOBLESS," Toronto Globe. June 20, 1933. Page 1. ---- Strike Attempt Fails at Thunder Bay Unemployment Camp ==== (Canadian Press Despatch.) Fort William, June 19. - Rioters at the Trans-Canada Highway unemployed camp at Martin, near here, were driven off with a fire hose and hammer handles wielded by camp workers who resented a strike brought on by the discharge of two alleged Communists over the weekend.
Armed with rocks and pick handles, about twenty-five men resisted efforts of police and camp officials to force them to leave the camp. They were joined by thirty more men who quit their work. When police and trusted camp workers drove them off with hammer handles and a fire hose, they retreated from the camp singing "The Red Flag."
[AL: As always coming from an anti-Communist paper like The Globe hard to take seriously their account of this relief camp strike near what is now Thunder Bay, Ontario. Indeed, the second paragraph indicates that a large protest was broken by police aided by scabs, but tells us little about how big the second group of non-strikers was. Don't have access to the local papers yet.]
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polish-spirit · 1 year
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Grupa żołnierzy ze zgrupowania partyzanckiego AK-DSZ-WiN mjr. Hieronima Dekutowskiego w okolicach Łańcuta (1946).
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a postcard first published in 1939 titled "Bolschewismus ohne Maske" ("Bolshevism Unmasked"), with an illustration of a Communist soldier attempting to rule the world with a hammer and sickle against the backdrop of a yellow star of David, implying the Nazi opinion that Jews were behind the Communist phenomenon.
FULL OVERVIEW: "Not everyone who had read "Mein Kampf" took seriously the rabid outpouring of filth and hatred it contained. But in his own words, Hitler described how his eyes had been opened at an early age to the "two menaces" which threatened the existence of the German people: Communists and Jews.
These two objects of his hatred would become, after his seizure of power, subjected unrelentingly to vicious propaganda and heinous persecution. That Marxism, or Bolshevism, was to Hitler a "doctrine of destruction" which itself must be destroyed for the survival of all Germans may be seen plainly in the picture on this official postcard from the Great Anti-Bolshevist Exhibit organized by Goebbels' Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.
"Bolshevism unmasked," reads the inscription over a world engulfed in red flame and branded with a hammer-and-sickle in the center of a yellow Jewish Star, recalling Hitler's rant in "Mein Kampf" that "in Russian Bolshevism we must see the attempt undertaken by the Jews in the twentieth century to achieve world domination!" A ghostly image of Death as an armed revolutionary clutches in both hands its weapons of destruction. The exhibition was held in Vienna in 1939. Six years earlier Communists had been among the first of those countless victims rounded up for the concentration camps."
Source: https://search.library.wisc.edu/digital/AFEMLOIYBU6FPX9A.
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milkboydotnet · 24 days
After the collapse of the Marcos regime in 1986, the Philippine military’s rediscovery of more conventional pacification methods coincided with codification of a special warfare doctrine by its main ally. In July 1986 the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College published its Field Circular: Low Intensity Conflict with a detailed explanation of the new tactics that the Philippine military embraced with apparent enthusiasm. While conventional military science applies maximum firepower against an enemy, LIC “is often characterized by constraints on the weaponry… and the level of violence” since counterinsurgency is above all “the art and science of developing. . . political, economic, psychological and military powers of a government." At the core of the formal LIC doctrine was a combination of social reform and unconventional military procedures, fusing appropriate force with “psychological operations.” Without “unduly disrupting the cultural system,’ the host government should “broaden the bases of political power through education and health programs.” Beyond such psywar and civic action, the Field Circular also advocated “eliminating or neutralizing the insurgent leadership” — words that repressive third world militaries could readily construe as a recommendation for selective assassination. Only months after the doctrine’s release, President Reagan reportedly signed a “finding” that authorized a two-year, $10 million CIA counterinsurgency effort in the Philippines. Reflecting the administration’s reliance on privatized covert operations, the Philippines, like El Salvador and Nicaragua, suddenly experienced a proliferation of Christian anticommunist propaganda and paramilitary death squads. Throughout 1987, Filipino anticommunist activists received a remarkable array of foreign visitors: Gen. John Singlaub (ret.), a former CIA officer who now headed the U.S. chapter of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL); Dr. John Whitehall, a representative of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade; and agents of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s anticommunist CAUSA. During his visit to Manila, General Singlaub, earlier identified with death squad activity in South Vietnam and Central America, met CIA station chief Norbert Garrett, AFP chief of staff Fidel Ramos, and Gen. Luis Villareal, head of both the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency and WACL’s Philippine chapter. Their recommendations found a receptive audience in Aquino’s government, particularly from Interior Secretary Jaime Ferrer, who had used CIA funds to organize election monitors in the 1950s and was now promoting armed vigilantes. The Reagan administration also showed strong “animosity toward the liberal approach” to land reform, allying with conservatives in the Aquino cabinet to block any serious land redistribution. In this same volatile period, Col. James N. Rowe, commander of the green beret training program at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, arrived in Manila to head the army detachment within the Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group. As a veteran of U.S. Army Special Forces operations in Vietnam, where he was famed for escaping after five years in a Vietcong prison camp, Rowe was uniquely qualified to revitalize the country’s counterinsurgency after a decade of decline under Marcos. Indeed, the posting of this top special warfare expert—who was intense, disciplined, and militantly anticommunist—was a strong sign of Washington’s renewed interest in the Philippines. During his year in Manila in 1988 -89, Rowe, according to the Manila Times, “worked closely with the CIA and was involved in a program to penetrate the NPA and the Communist Party of the Philippines which were both undergoing massive ideological upheavals that resulted in bloody purges.’ A Filipino security specialist described him as “clandestinely involved in the organization of anti-communist death squads like Alsa Masa and vigilante groups patterned after “Operation Phoenix’ in Vietnam which had the objective of eliminating legal and semi-legal mass activists.”
Alfred W. McCoy, Policing America's Empire: The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State
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kindaorangey · 1 year
do you think anybody's written a historically-integrated spyfam au. like where it's actually west and east germany and they actually live under the soviet union
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enby-axels · 2 months
will delete this later, but people online are so fucking annoying about racism between asians. if youre talking about japanese and south korean racism against south, west, and southeast asians, then specify that! lumping all east asians together in the "white people of asia" category is a reductive, inaccurate, racist generalization. what did north korea and the ainu and and ryukyuan people do to deserve this slander. as for china—well, hong kong and taiwan have similar racial politics to japan and south korea. the mainland also admittedly deserves some of the slander, but to act like it has a comparable positionality to japan, south korea, hong kong, and taiwan is hilariously out of touch and historically illiterate. me when when i regurgitate US state department talking points
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thejdog2000 · 1 year
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newyorkthegoldenage · 5 months
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At the Hotel Roosevelt office of "10 Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice," volunteers use adding machines to tabulate signatures obtained in a nationwide drive opposing the censure of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, November 26, 1954. They were unsuccessful: the Senate voted to censure him on December 2.
Photo: John Lent for the AP
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cripple-punk-dad · 2 years
Disabled people aren't a leech on society for needing extra support.
If anything, the structures built around providing support for everyone, not just disabled people, are leeches.
Do you know how much a good prosthetic costs?
How about a wheelchair?
Or glasses?
Or medication?
In the United States, all of those things can easily cost well over $2,000. You know how much average rent is in the United States? $1800.
Power structures under capitalism are inherently exploitative, and inherently leeches. The people being drained of everything they have just to survive are not the fucking leeches.
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schooltrashers · 2 years
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With The Left becoming more Totalitarian, it is abundantly clear that the Democrats and Nazis aren't that different. The above picture is of the Alt-Centrist CommuNazi flag. It fits with my Political Spectrum chart(below). The more Far Left Or Far Right you are, the more likely you are to be Totalitarian.
So what would I consider far-right? Support of Blue Lives Matter, supporting the police is a socialist idea because it takes socialism to fund the police. Even Biden supported the police and introduced a racist crime bill, but Biden is on the Far-Left.
Also, socialism exists on all sides, so there's that. Capitalism exists on all sides as well. For example, if you support anything that requires taxes, that's socialism. If you like to make money, that's capitalism. Hence why Antifa are selling overpriced Anti-Nazi patches on their website. Luckily I got mine for $5 on eBay. So Antifa isn't Anti-Capitalist.
What do I consider Far-Left? Raising taxes, printing money we don't have, and being okay with hyperinflation (Jack Dorsey is a prime example of that).
So what happens if you end up being too far right or too far left? You end up being a Leftist or the Alt-Right. Leftists are Commies and the Alt-Right are Nazis. Leftists aren't true Liberals and the Alt-Right aren't true Conservatives. Since Liberal ideologies don't mix well with Leftist ideology. Conservative ideologies also don't mix well with Alt-Right ideology.
Hence why Alt-Right white nationalist Richard Spencer ended up voting for Biden after realizing that Biden's a racist and Trump is not. Xanderhal claimed he used to be Alt-Right but then became a Leftist. Showing that it is possible for both Leftists and the Alt-Right to switch sides. Their ideologies aren't that different from each other, the only thing that makes them different is who they hate.
Nazis/the Alt-Right for example hate the Jews. Commies/Leftists on the other hand hate straight white Christian men. Any kind of hate leads to CommuNazism. It is possible to be both Nazis and Commies, it's been done before(which I explained in another post).
But it is also possible to be both Anti-Nazi and Anti-Commie through Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-CommuNazism, and Anti-Extremism. For example, Anti-Totalitarianism means you're against totalitarian regimes such as Nazi and Commie governments.
Anti-CommuNazism means that you're against both Nazis & Commies that are either in government or are a part of an extremist group.
Anti-Extremism means you're against all extremists such as Nazis, Commies, KKK, Antifa, MGTOW, Feminazis, and any other extremist group who are violent, hateful, totalitarian, murderous, or commit riots.
Both Liberalism and Conservatism are authoritarian to an extent. For example in some red states, weed is illegal. It shouldn't be illegal because it has health benefits. It's illegal because it's a threat to Big Pharma. In some blue states, it's illegal to carry or conceal a gun. It shouldn't be illegal because it takes the cops 5 minutes to get to where you're at and sometimes you can't make the call because you have to defend yourself. Hence why it's better for law-abiding citizens to carry a gun so they could protect themselves against a murderer, rapist, or thief.
Now the less authoritarian you are, the more likely you'll end up being a moderate or a Centrist. The ultimate centrist is usually Anti-Totalitarian, Anti-CommuNazi, or Anti-Extremist. As long as you're Anti-Commie or Anti-Nazi, as well as agreeing with the other side on a lot of things, you're a centrist. But of course, Anti-Totalitarianism, Anti-CommuNazism, and Anti-Extremism can exist on a larger scope of the political spectrum through Libertarianism, which exists on both sides. Anyways as far as I can tell, the political spectrum is a circle, not a square. Also, real Anti-Fascism is Anti-Totalitarianism or Anti-CommuNazism, or Anti-Extremism.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
A solid episode from Things Observed providing a brief overview of the World Anti-Communist League
In this episode we cover the origins of the world anti-communist league starting with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations and the Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League. This group brings together nazi collaborators from the Ustasha, Iron Guard and the Organization of Ukranian Nationalists. We also cover War Criminals from the days of the Imperial Japanese some of whom we've previously discussed in the Blood and Gold series on the Golden Lily Operation such as Yoshio Kodama and Ryochi Sasakawa. Some of the characters we find in the WACL would be involved not only with fascist movements across the world but would also peddle opium. We discuss the Kuomintang party's connection the world opium trade and the little-known fact that Chiang Kai-Shek's country was a narco-state that worked alongside the Civil Air Transport and the CIA and how the National Crime Syndicate would get in on the action as well. Oh, and how can I forgot to mention the Moonie connection!
VISUP: Secret Societies, Narcoterrorism, International Fascism and the World Anti-Communist League Part I (visupview.blogspot.com) - Recluse
Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League - Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson
Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold - Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
One Nation Under Blackmail Vol I - Whitney Webb
Opium and the Politics of Gangsterism - Jonathan Marshall
History of the Opium Problem: The Assault on the East - Hans Derks
The Politics of Heroin - Alfred McCoy
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“NINE UNEMPLOYED GIVEN ACQUITTAL,” Montreal Gazette. January 6, 1933. Page 4. ---- Vitre Street Refuge Men Charged With Having Disturbed the Peace ---- SYMPATHIZERS ATTEND --- Evidence Shows Trouble Arose Over Desire to Have Relief Card Restored to Alleged Communist ---- Acquittal was given nine unemployed workers all inmates of the Vitre street day refuge by Recorder Aime Leblanc in the Recorder's Court yesterday on charges of having disturbed the peace. Their arrest followed in the wake of a rowdy meeting on December 2 last between a delegation of the unemployed workers receiving relief and G. B. Clarke, manager of the Protestant Relief Committee's offices on St. George street, over cancellation by the relief bureau of the relief card of an alleged Communist. 
Evidence before the court showed that one John McMartin, branded by the police as a "Communist," had had his relief card cancelled by officials of the Protestant Relief Committee on December 1 last on the grounds that he was disseminating subversive propaganda amongst inmates of the Vitre street refuge. McMartin complained at the St. George street offices of the committee, and was told to see Mr. Clarke on the morrow during business hours. 
The next day, McMartin, accompanied by a group of the unemployed receiving relief, turned up and asked to see Mr. Clarke. They affirmed that they comprised a "delegation," and wanted to protest against cancellation of McMartin's relief card. Their request was refused because they had not appeared during the specified business hours of the office, but the men became so persistent that Mr. Clarke was obliged to see them. He told them that their complaints would be Investigated, but they demanded the immediate renewal of McMartin's relief card. Surging into the office, the crowd of men is alleged to have become menacing, and the police were called.
Arrested on charges of "disturbing the peace by shouting outside of No. 1027 St. George street,” nine of the men faced the Recorder yesterday in chambers. Outside in the lobby was gathered a crowd of "sympathizers" estimated at some 60 in number. 
DISTURBING OF PEACE. Following deposition of evidence, J. H. Blumenstein, attorney for the nine accused, asked that the charges against all men be dismissed. Complaints against them charged that they had disturbed the peace "outside" of the St, George street offices, he noted, but there was no disturbance there. What had happened - and it represented but the submission by the nine men of definite-demands to Mr. Clarke - had gone on inside of the offices. 
"If a delegation waits on somebody and lays down certain demands, is that to be interpreted by the law as willful disturbance of the public peace?" Mr. Blumenstein asked.
Recorder Leblanc, in his judgment, acquitted all nine men.
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