#Angst angst baby <- to be sung to the tune of Ice Ice Baby if that wasn't obvious
carlos-in-glasses · 9 months
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Thank you for the tags @tellmegoodbye @alrightbuckaroo @thisbuildinghasfeelings @strandnreyes @catanisspicy @three-drink-amy @rmd-writes @welcometololaland 💚
I have another TK/Owen moment from Flashback Fic because it involves a certain moose that I told @goodways about in this ask and now, much like Carlos after he hooked up with TK, I can't get Monty Morgan out of my head.
Owen cups TK’s left heel in his palm and moves the flashlight over it again, inspecting close. “God. I see another piece of glass. You’ve stepped in who-knows-what. When was your last tetanus shot?”
TK, who can barely recall his own name, wails at his dad to take a chill pill, and he’s so ridiculous it actually makes Owen laugh.
“There’s my boy,” he says, “You’re going to be okay.”
Owen finishes patching up TK’s feet quietly and helps him hobble across the living space to his bedroom. TK hasn’t spent the night here since he moved into his own rented apartment, and it’s pretty much the same it’s been since his late-teens:
Off-white walls are decorated with posters of Nirvana, Death Cab, Eminem, Muse, and shirtless Brad Pitt.
A bright yellow comforter covers the bed in the corner, the foot of which meets the window. TK has often sat at the end of this bed, staring at the street below, people watching, alone but not lonely.
The pinewood desk is long-free of schoolwork, neat now with a mug from the Guggenheim that is full of colorful pens, and a few old books about photography, human biology, and twentieth-century American literature, with a battered copy of The Catcher in the Rye on top.
A rug of muted rainbow squares remains on the hardwood floor.
And here is his shelf of well-squeezed plushies.
Mr. Bear the polar bear, missing an eye.
Rory the lion, whose mane he trimmed short with the kitchen scissors.
Montgomery ‘Monty’ Morgan the Moose, a gift from Aunt Elinor, who moved to Montreal to work at a research station when TK was eight. She mailed the silky-soft, sweet-faced moose with floppy antlers to Gwyn – a lifelong lover of perplexingly cute giant creatures like moose, manatees, walrus, sloths. Gwyn named him Montgomery ‘Monty’ Morgan and gave him to TK; TK took Monty Morgan with him to Owen’s because he helped with his homesickness when he was away from her.
TK grabs Monty Morgan for something to press against his sore stomach and crashes onto his old bed, his face twisting. He’s felt so unwell since he had to stand up again. To Owen, his son might as well be the colicy baby he once was, the way he’d thrash and his face would contort with pain. The way his tongue would jut in and out of his mouth. His mouth is dark red today. The skin around his lips blotchy as if zits lie below the surface, ready to erupt. His tongue is cracked like sun-dried earth, and earthish in tone, just a hint of its former pinkness. Slowly – yet it's strikingly apparent – TK lies before his father and drains to gray.
Tags below (and open tag too!)
@louis-ii-reyes-strand @mikibwrites @wandering-night19 @noxsoulmate @theghostofashton @freneticfloetry @taralaurel @rosedavid @lemonlyman-dotcom @chicgeekgirl89 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @liminalmemories21 @heartstringsduet @never-blooms @ladytessa74 @lightningboltreader @goodways @paperstorm @reyesstrand @bonheur-cafe @tailoredshirt - if you want to share/ haven't already! No pressure ever! I hope you're all having the best days!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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steveusesfaberge · 5 years
Ice Cream and Cassettes
 Pairing: Steve Harrington x Byers!Reader
Request: Hey, could I have a Steve Harrington x reader where the reader is a Byers. They’re hanging out in her room and all but Joyce comes home so he as to try to sneak out of her room through the window like the “ninja” he is. Lmao. Jonathon spots him, doesn’t say anything, but does talk to Joyce/the reader. But then Steve and the reader meet up at scoops the next day. She tells him and he tries to make it up to her in a cute and cheesy way. Can’t wait to see what you write. Thanks!
Summary: Hanging out with your boyfriend isn’t a crime...yet, when he’s sneaking out your window in the evening - and your big brother catches it...yeah...that about sums up where Y/N is now. Steve’s stealth isn’t as flawless as he thinks it is...luckily, ice cream fixes every problem! Or...at least the cute sailor boy serving it can!
Type/Style: Requested, Imagine, female pronouns
Warning(s): Fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff...A bit of angst, overprotective Jonathan, bad dance moves, and a fluffy lil’ sailor boy...
Word Count: 6,400-ish
a/n: I had an absolute blast writing this! I got to jam to 80s hits while writing?? Heck yeah!! <3 I hope this request was to your liking!! This was sooo cute to write! :) 
I hope you like my take on the request! <3
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The music was deafening - Queen was blasting through the small room; the noise pulsing through the walls and silencing anything that wasn’t Under Pressure for the time being. Band posters hung all around the bedroom, accompanied by hundreds of Polaroids...(she was the kid-sister of Byers...what did you expect?), and enough stuffed animals that made Steve want to cuddle Y/N until her face turned blue (or red from embarrassment; he wasn’t gonna be picky). He was wearing his black shades (despite being inside - and the sun having gone down a few hours ago), Steve’s hair was messy and out of place as he danced across the carpeted space, yet The Hair Harrington couldn’t truly bring himself to care. He’d pop his collar ever now and then (like the cool kid he was), slick back his hair dramatically, pull a goofy-face, and portray the most unruly of choreographies...
Y/N wasn’t better off - she had her hair held up in a limp bun, y/c/h hair strands sticking to her forehead from a light sweat she’d worked up from dancing for the past hour or so... She had an oversized striped boyfriend shirt on (ironically, it was actually Steve’s...authentically branding it as a boyfriend shirt), a random graphic tee to match, and her blue jeans rolled just above her ankles. She had a pair of sunglasses on as well - though hers carried a quirky pattern of colorful geometric configurations. With every move that Harrington busted, Y/N had an even better (worse) one to counter.
There were photos littering the floor with a promise of I’ll pick them up later, and laughter was the only thing able to outdo the cassette player. Their shoes had been forgotten in the mix long ago, thrown to the side as they continued their party (only having Steve grin like a madman because Y/N’s socks were adorably mismatched, raising mid-calf, hiding beneath the fabric of her pants). Steve was bent over, hands rested on his knees for just a moment, catching his breath as he watched his girlfriend scurry across the room to the tapes, replacing it for a new one. He smiled at her state of bliss his eyes flickering to the cassettes - feeling proud to have been the one to buy at least, one-fourth of the large collection (Jonathan being the main source; he was the one to get her into keeping a collection as it was. Steve only fueled her addiction).
“What’s next, babygirl? Hit me with it!” He cheered, making a loud whooping sound, pumping his fist in the air. Y/N giggled breathlessly, a wide grin on her lips as she spun on her heels to face him, just as the music began to play (mind you, she was being careful when using it...it was not hers - she’d snuck the player from Jon’s room while he was out with Nancy...it wasn’t like he was using it...and while she had one, it was a portable; being much smaller, not as loud - and totally not apt for their jam session).
As the beginning of the song rolled in, Steve had the brightest smile on his face (God, she’d kill to just kiss him right now...but they did have a dance party on the line...it’d have to wait, she supposed).
She shimmed over to him, Steve grabbing her by her thin waist, pulling Y/N into him. She was pressed to a half-way dressed torso, his pink button-up having all the said buttons - undone, due to him getting rather hot in the small room - not that Y/N was complaining.
She comfortably placed her hands on his bare chest, tracing a heart on the exposed skin, right above where his actual one was. Steve hummed in response, winking at her with that dreamy Harrington suave style of his. Tapping his foot to the fast-paced song, readying his throat to scream the lyrics.
“If I--,” He began while leaving one arm wound around Y/N’s hips, the other coming up to point to himself. She laughed, filling in the rest of the lyric,”--I get to know your name!” Steve snickered at the way she lifted a hand, using her finger to write Steve in the air, then pursing her lips - crossing her eyes at him.
“Well if I, could trace your private number, babyyyyy,” he added, his tune off-key, and his words way too loud; dipping, at least, five octaves trailing off. Though Y/N could only see how perfectly straight his teeth were - admiring the way his lips articulated each syllable and how sexy his voice could be.
He held a “phone” up to his face, using the hand-gesture with a little shake, then blew a kiss to Y/N, while she dramatically spun out of his arms - reaching to catch the kiss.
“All I know is that to me!” Y/N sung while clutching her hands to her chest, throwing her head back in the process. Steve was bobbing his head to the music, his arms thrown out, his legs kicking out every once in a while (representing a flamingo on skates rather than someone attempting to dance, in L/N’a opinion).
“You look like you’re lots of fun—,” Steve proclaimed, pointing in her direction, chuckling as Y/N made her sunglasses wiggle on her face - pulling an adorable fish-face that shot an urge through his whole body to seize her and pepper her face and neck with kisses.
As the chorus trickled in, Steve was quickly grabbing for her hands. He began to spin her (a bit violently, but he was just really into the song), shouting the words as if she couldn’t hear them herself,” You spin me rightttt round, baby! Right round like a record, baby!--” In between her laughter, she joined him; the chorus being vocalized by the two in...a...harmony only perfect to their ears (and their ears alone).
Steve loved days like these; where there wasn’t a care in the world - the only thing to keep in mind being; what song to play next? He loved the way Y/N just let it all go - unraveling to reveal the goofball he’d fallen in love with oh-so-long ago... Of course, it’d taken some convincing for her to be his goofball - she’d known him throughout his...unmentionable phase...and her oldest brother, Jonathan, hadn’t always been his biggest fan. Though, after she got to know him, his Senior Year onward - they found out how much they had in common (along with the fact that Steve confirmed to be a complete dork).
Harrington was spinning her around as the song came to a close, and when the cassette stopped playing - a slight hiccup in its sound - they both landed on her mattress. Y/N rested atop him while she buried her face there; laughing. Steve was out of breath, but nonetheless, he laughed with her. Peals of their hilarity better than any song he’d ever heard.
“You’re so weird,” Y/N huffed after taking some time to collect herself. Her hands folded across his uncovered chest, her chin resting on the flimsy bridge her fingers built, entwined together to keep her head up. Steve fake pouted, using his arms as support for his own head, poking his tongue out at Y/N while she rested between his legs, half off the bed.
“Says you! You suck ass at dancing, babes,” he teased while reaching out to boop her nose. Only having her retract with a half-grin, half-grimace appearing on her lips - producing a soft noise in response to the cute look on her face.
Y/N sighed, unfolding her arms, pulling them around him, resting the side of her face on his chest - causing Y/N to look squashed against him. “It’s ‘kay, Stevers...we can suck ass together, ‘cause we both could use some dance lessons.”
Harrington grinned, lifting a hand to undo Y/N’s sloppy bun - her y/c/h hair falling down in a now deformed bunch. “What about that Jazzercise place at Starcourt?” he suggested with a growing smirk, seeing his girlfriend hold back a scoff.
“Pfft, so you can just stare at my ass all day? Yeah -- sure, buddy,” Y/N tittered while shaking her head.
Steve rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, running his hands through her tangled hair (Y/N had tied it up for almost the entire day, so the feeling of his fingers combing through her scalp was heavenly...darling Steve, knew this too). 
“You’d be winning too, hun...I mean...it’s not like my ass is going anywhere. It’s like a win-win situation!” That only earned him an uproar of giggles.
Steve hummed happily at her fit, and wrapped his legs around her waist, keeping her in place. The squeal she objected, only egging him on.
“Steeveee! Let go!” Y/N demanded while trying to wriggle from his hold (she cursed his time playing basketball, his legs were unmoving...). By now, his hand had fallen away from her (somewhat) untangled hair and he only shook his head - keeping her still, clamped between his long limbs - holding her face up with one hand. He squeezed her cheeks together and she only sulked.
“Wet me goh, Steeev!” He gave Y/N a smirk, raising a dark brow at her cute attempt of: Let me go, Steve!
“Sorry, honey - I don’t speak gibberish.” Y/N groaned at his statement, whacking his hand away from her. “Steve Harrington! -- If you don’t let me go, this ins--,” her words and Steve’s chuckling was cut off when the sound of a car pulling up could be heard.
“Joyce?” Steve asked promptly, releasing Y/N, the girl slipping to sit on the floor as her boyfriend scrambled to get his things together. “Probably,” she replied, collecting his shoes for him while he clumsily buttoned his shirt up (he didn’t need it to look bad if he got caught).
Steve was now striding over, slipping his sneakers on with his usual awkward struggle; walking at the same time, towards her window (he regularly snuck in and out in when the situation called for it...this being one of them) - which wasn’t the best idea for a clumsy guy like him... “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N/N! Come see me at work?” He rushed out questioning her while pushing the pane up, his body turned to her as he stuck a leg out the opening.
Y/N shuffled to him and elevated his face - sharing a soft kiss before he departed. “Mhmm! Will probably wants to hang out there, anyways - heard him mention it this morning,” she explained while holding his bicep as he swung his other leg over (Harrington wasn’t known for his perfect balance after all).
Waving him off - she shut the window (though leaving it unlocked, as Steve often liked to come back - even when he really shouldn’t). As she watched his figure disappear from sight, she pretended she didn’t see Steve trip over his own two feet and she ignored the muffled curse of dissatisfaction he exhibited. Y/N then took the liberty to collect all the developed Polaroids from the floor - they were still scattered across her carpet, and she bent down to compile them.
Holding one between her fingers, she smiled at it - deciding to keep it by her bedside (maybe buy a simple frame to match) - as it was quite cute. Steve had his left arm around her shoulders, his right arm holding up a peace sign, as he smiled brilliantly at the camera. His shirt was unbuttoned only at the top, and Y/N had her head resting there by his collarbone. One hand holding the camera, the other wrapped around his waist.
Admiring the picture - Y/N drew it to her chest, sighing in content. Lost in her own little world; she examined and accumulated all the photographs for the next few minutes.
Most of the pictures she hung up, were either of her family, the kids, or Steve. She cherished all of them though, and they were fastened to the wall with some clear tape and the occasional thumbtack. It was Jonathan who had gotten her into photography - he’d take her to the darkroom in school after hours one day, and showed her how to develop the photos, how to turn negatives to positives, etc.
Eventually, he got her a small camera of her own - to go around taking photos as she pleased (Y/N kept it on top of her dresser for easy access). It was actually Steve who got her the Polaroid camera - his argumentation had been; what’s the point in doing all that other shit when this little baby does it all for you? The pictures ready in like...a minute and you’re done! He’d given it to Y/N as a present for their three month anniversary - in return, she had gotten him a necklace (which, Steve refuses to take off - he holds the silver chain like the secrets to the universe; precious and miraculous).
Y/N was neatly organizing the stack of newly made memories when her mother’s voice echoed down the hall. “Y/N? Sweetie? Could you please come here, and help me with the groceries?” Placing the stash of photos on her nightstand, Y/N answered while walking to the doorway. “Yeah! I’ll be right there, mom!”
Entering the kitchen, Joyce was already unpacking. “Hey, sweetie! How was your day?” Y/N was about to answer when someone beat her to it.
“Oh, I’m sure her day was fine - in fact, I just saw a ninja leaving the house!” Both women turned to see Jonathan leaning against the wall, arms crossed, eyebrows raised.
Y/N placed the cartoon of eggs away and rolled her eyes. “Ninja? I think you’re delusional, Jonny.”
Jonathan only huffed, tossing something down on the countertop between mother and daughter. Y/N’s y/c/e eyes widened. It was one of her and Steve’s Polaroids from this afternoon... This one, in particular, was of Steve pressing a kiss to her temple. He’d taken the photo, she knew by memory, and by the fact that it was a bit blurry (Harrington had never been a steady-hand).
“Look familiar?” Jon asked while carrying the orange juice to place in the fridge.
Joyce leaned over, examining the photo - not really seeing anything wrong with it (maybe questioning the brunette’s undone shirt - but the sunglasses they both flashed, had her think it was simply for aesthetic), even thinking it was cute. “What’s wrong with it?” Y/N asked while crossing her arms.
“You know, I’m not sure what the big deal is either - it’s just a photo, Jonathan,” Joyce added while trying to decide what to do with a few canned fruits.
The boy sighed. “The point is -- Steve was here, and he wasn’t supposed to be. He thinks he’s so sneaky leaving - but I watched him trip over nothing on his way out...”
Y/N tried not to imagine Harrington’s reaction to being caught - probably an uncomfortable cough and a side-glance away from her brother. Oh, hey man...just going for a walk...um...past your uh...house... probably on the tip of his tongue.
“How do you know that’s not an old photo, anyway?” Y/N pushed while walking to the wooden cabinets to put the cereal boxes in their proper spots.
“Y/N...I watched Steve drop this one on his way out,” Jonathan hissed,” And what didn’t you get about my comment on your day? Ninja, huh?” Joyce looked to her son, giving him the okay....cool your jets, bud. I’m the mother, remember? look.
“Is that true, sweetie? Did you have Steve over? You know I don’t mind, but we talked about having boys over when no one’s around.” Joyce reminded in that gentle way of hers.
Jonathan seemed to be rather smug and clearly sided with his mother’s easy scolding - Y/N shot him a glare.
“I mean...we didn’t do anything,” she defended weakly. Joyce bit her cheek, knowing that to sustain proper order in the Byers’ household, she’d have to distribute punishment evenly...
“Well, Y/N/N...you know the rules,” her mother stated shortly, placing a few apples in a large wooden basket, leaving room for oranges, and bananas.
The girl groaned and scratched her head. “I’m serious! All we did was listen to music and dance! I can prove it too - the cassette player’s in my room still, and you can call Steve - not like he’ll lie!” Jonathan pursed his lips at the last bit, ever the protective older brother. His eyebrows then knitted together.
“Cassette player? I thought you kept that in the ca--,” “We used yours because it’s louder than mine.” She quickly resolved.
“Oh - so not only did you break the ‘no boys/girls allowed when home alone’ rule -- but you went through my room as well?” Jonathan snorted.
Y/N’s eyes narrowed at the accusation, she placed down the lettuce that was to be used in tonight’s dinner. “It was sitting on your desk! I wasn’t going through anyone’s room! I figured - since all we did - was listen to music, it’d be okay! I’m sorry, I guess I was wrong!” Their voices were slowly climbing and Joyce had a hand up, silently telling them both to drop it... Neither heeded their mother’s warning though.
“Yeah, you did guess wrong,” Jon growled lowly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry -- cut the crap by the way, I know this isn’t about your cassette player...you’re just sour I had Steve over!” Y/N scoffed.
“So you admit it!” Jonathan stabbed while slapping his hand on the countertop.
“Okay, kids -- kids -- listen to your mother when she talks to you,” Joyce informed sternly, two heads turning in her direction slowly.
“Jonathan, you don’t need to talk to your sister like that,” her eyes dodging to her daughter,” And you -- you know the rules.” Y/N only held back a groan - as the rule implied things that Steve and she hadn’t done... “Okay, I’m sorry...I know it was wrong of me to take things into my own hands - but we seriously didn’t do anything, mom.”
Joyce believed her, she did (in her opinion, after meeting Steve; he was a charming young man with a good head on his shoulders...good head of hair, too) - but as a mother, she had to keep both children happy.
“I accept your apology.” Y/N relaxed at that. “But you broke the rules, sweetie...meaning--,” “I’m grounded, I know.” With that, she shot a glare to Jonathan and stormed off.
There had been plenty of times she could’ve snitched on him (she wasn’t an idiot when Jon said they needed him late after work...bullshit - Nancy needed him late after work). Y/N couldn’t believe Jonathan would throw her under the bus like that. Yet, that wasn’t even the half of it...it hurt to think Jon didn’t trust her.
They’d been through so much together, and he’d always had her back. The best big brother any girl could ask for... But...the second, she and Steve got together - it was like she was twelve-years-old again. Y/N felt like Jonathan was her father and not her eighteen-year-old brother...mind him, she was seventeen and completely capable of taking care of herself.
Hadn’t she proved that while fighting off demodogs in some far off junkyard? Or when she helped set up a trap for the Demogorgon? Or what about the time she punched Billy Hargrove in the face for cat-calling her and getting in her personal space? Jonathan treated her like...a kid.
It felt like Jon forgot all the things Steve had done for her, too... He saved her life when she’d been jumped by a stray demodog - if Harrington hadn’t been there, she’d have died. Y/N was sure he’d saved her life more than just that single point in time (Y/N only remembered it so prominently because it had been then, that she realized she loved him)... Or, all the times Steve offered to drive her home so she didn’t have to walk. Even when he put a drunk in his place after trying to drag Y/N off at a party (which Nancy had invited both Byers to...if anything, that one was Jon’s fault).
Steve had proved himself to be a good person with good intentions and a kind heart - and yet Jonathan was the most overprotective person she’d ever met. It was frustrating...she didn’t question Jon when he “snuck out”, or when he left randomly to go aid Nancy or attend to whatever was on his mind... Ugh.
She’d fallen asleep while flipping through the loose photos, planning to hang them up sometime tomorrow. Praying that things would get better by morning - though she knew that Jonathan would always be a bit...tentative after their fights. Along with the remainder of her childish lockdown, she wasn’t very pleased as she slipped into darkness.
“Y/N? Can you take me to the mall?” Lifting her head, the said girl looked away from the tape and pile of Polaroids scattered on her bed. “Where’s Jonathan?” She asked while turning back to find free space on her walls for the pictures.
“He already went to work,” Will replied while standing in her doorway watching as she (quite aggressively) tore a piece of tape from its roll.
“Mom?” “She left like...four hours ago,” Will answered, crossing his arms as he waited for her to agree.
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair, which was a bit greasy - as she had gone to bed upset and hadn’t taken the time to shower, nor even wash her face (Steve would always tell her the secret to great hair, was shelf-life...he’d go three or so days without washing it...it seemed to work for him...not so much for her).
“I would, but I’m grounded, right now, Will,” she explained with a bitter tone.
“Just tell mom you’re taking me to the mall,” he said while shrugging.
Y/N snorted. “She won’t let me leave the house - thanks to Jonathan.”
“What did he do?” Will asked while moving to hand her another piece of tape as she struggled to reach for it while keeping the photo in place.
“He’s being a hypocritical ass, that’s what he’s doing,” she seethed. “He...he caught Steve leaving yesterday and instead of just trusting me and letting it go - he told mom and then argued with me about it...”
“Well...I need to go to the mall - everyone’s waiting for me...you’re the only one who can drive...and technically, I can’t be alone... and you are the only available driver - who else better to watch me than my sister?” Will raised an eyebrow, Y/N narrowing her eyes at him - a small smile playing on her lips.
“I mean...being forced to the mall when you’re trying to be grounded like the good daughter you are - is a pretty harsh sentence. You’ll just have to watch six kids which is probably worse than sitting here - abusing tape.”
“Will The Wise...you never seem to fail me,” she smirked. The younger boy only laughed and shook his head, smiling as Y/N grabbed her keys, tossing them into the air to catch; ushering him out the door.
“Ahoy, stranger! Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I’ll be your captain...I’m Steve Harrington.” Of course, he had to greet his girlfriend like so...it was employee policy after all.
“Hey, Steve,” she offered while plopping herself at the nearest table, not even having to tell him that she wanted to try the newest ice cream, or that she was in a bad mood. He just knew.
“Here,” he said after a few seconds of getting her a small cone of rocky road and caramel dream - his brown eyes fixing on her irked state. “On the house, cutie,” he added while pulling the chair out across from Y/N. Steve flipped it to be backward (an unpleasant squeak to follow), and tugged off his dumb hat, straightening its edges in his hands as he leaned forward. His chestnut hair was falling into his view and his slight frown only had him look like an adorable chocolate lab.
“Thanks,” she mumbled while taking the cone, their fingers brushing (Steve used to flush like a manic back before they’d gotten together - he occasionally still did, and it only had her love him more).
He rested one arm around the rim of his chair holding his hat, the other having his elbow rested on the table, his palm cradling his chin as he looked at her in question.
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He tested while cocking a brow, only having an intimation of the truth.
Y/N admired the marbled coloring of the custard before answering him. “Jonathan’s just being a jerk.” She expressed while sighing, taking a mouthful of ice cream as an attempt to cool her temper.
Steve’s eyes widened - realizing what she must be talking about. He rubbed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as everything washed back from yesterday... He had been turning the corner of the house - having waited a few minutes for Joyce to be out of sight - when Byers pulled up in his own car. They’d locked eyes and Steve had stammered an excuse. Oh, hey - I was uh..I-I um, your sister...I was just...with her...keeping her company -- I mean, we didn’t do anything, or like...yeah. Just came over...c-cause she was bored...wait...I mean-- The brother hadn’t said anything, only crossed his arms and waited for Harrington to leave. Once Steve did - he could only pray that he didn’t make himself to be a bigger fool than he already was...he was certain that his grand speech was useless.
“Shit -- this is my fault, isn’t it? -- I’m sorry, babes -- I didn’t even hear him pull up. If you want I can talk to hi--,” She cut him off, taking his hand in hers. Giving a small smile. This was why she loved this dorky man so much...he tried his best even when the odds were stacked against him (heavily...as Jonathan didn’t quite like the idea of his little sister with an ex-heartbreaker).
“It’s okay. He’ll get over it, I need to apologize anyway...I know he’s just trying to protect me...but...it’s just a little irritating,” she said.
“Besides - I came here to keep an eye on the kids, I’m supposed to be grounded, you know,” she giggled,” I think sitting in an ice cream parlor with Captain Steve Harrington and his sailor outfit, is a fine enough suffering.”
Steve was glad she’d lightened up - while he nodded, he did make a mental note to grab Jonathan on his own... The brunette then smirked, of course - watching the kids was a pretty terrible punishment, indeed.
He clicked his tongue with a scoff,” Hey -- at least you’re not wearing it.” Steve pulled at the red tie around his neck and ran a hand through his hair, standing up as a customer walked in. He placed his hat back on and made a face.
“All hands on deck, Cap’in,” Y/N snickered, Steve only saluting her and rolling his eyes. It amazed her every time - how simply his presence and hearing his voice made everything one-hundred times better...
Throughout Steve’s shift, he tried to keep Y/N happy, smiling, and entertained. When he couldn’t - Robin was his stand-in. Both good friends as it was, so it wasn’t hard to do so. The kids even came in after some time of wandering around; ending with all nine of them surrounding the cash register and taste-testing the flavors with their eyes closed.
“Um, that weird cherry one?” Lucas hesitated while licking his lips, eyes squeezed tightly.
“I need a name, dingus,” Robin told while tapping her dry erase marker on her whiteboard (which had previously been used to mark Steve’s losing streak).
Max had her fingers crossed and was snickering with El - hoping that her boyfriend wouldn’t be able to produce a proper name. They’d split into teams; Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Will...versus Steve, Y/N, Max, and El (Robin being their “host” choosing flavors and keeping score; along with making the difficult decisions of...if the answer was close enough or not).
“Dude -- how do you not remember this?” Dustin hissed while rubbing his face.
Mike only nodded vigorously, sighing loudly,” You tried this two days ago! You literally had to say the name to order it!”
“Just think about it, Lucas,” Will encouraged while Robin tapped her invisible watch - telling the three boys that if Sinclair wasn’t quick - they’d lose the point.
“Uh--,” “You have five seconds, kid.” “Uh-- Cherry...um” “Three” “Chocolate cherry? -- No wait, vanill--,” “TIMES UP!” Robin laughed while half the small crowd groaned, smacking Lucas on the head or expressing their disappointment verbally.
“What was it?” He asked while walking to the glass showcase.
El and Max were gloating, taunting the other team - to which Dustin claimed they were cheating; Steve works here! He probably eats this shit every day! To which Harrington denies, flicking Henderson’s face.
Actually, dipshit -- I have to, y’know, keep in shape... The curly-haired boy only gave a fake laugh and a glare. For who? Hargrove? Y/N? Bullshit!
The kids started bickering amongst themselves, and Robin clapped her hands to get their attention (everyone but herself and Y/N had been accusing one another... and sadly, Steve’s child-like mentality fell into that category of bickering children).
“Hey! Dinguses! You’re tied - it’s time for the final round, so shut up.” She rolled her eyes,” Steve may work here, but he’s a probably a handicap if anything - he doesn’t even know all the flavors we serve.”
Y/N snorted at that, fist-bumping her friend while her boyfriend floundered to defend himself. “What? I know the menu, thank you, Robin - we have chocolate, vanilla, uh, strawberry...that thing that Lucas just ate - oh, rocky road and caramel dream! I know that ‘cause it’s the special today--,” his girlfriend cut him off by scooting him out of the way. “Alright hotshot, take a seat to cool off. I’m about to win this for us.”
Steve only chuckled, rubbing his neck as his blush ran down his face; ears tinted a shade darker. Mike was whispering to the boys about how whipped Harrington was -- and the older boy had overheard, flipping them off when Y/N turned her back to them.
“Oh, we’re so gonna win! Guess we’ll be watching Sixteen Candles, losers!” Max quipped - high-fiving El. The boys all collectively moaned (all except for Steve who actually kinda liked Sixteen Candles...another reason they all made fun of him). The teams had been split purposefully - as movie nights were Fridays - and if Y/N wasn’t grounded, they were all planning on going to Harrington’s house (as per usual) to watch something together. Of course, they could never agree...always split one way, two ways, or three...heck - once there were five different ideas thrown out, and no one wanted to compromise...(Steve being the loving mother he was...gave in and everyone ended up sleeping over as had to go through five different movies...).
This week’s split was between Sixteen Candles and Return of the Jedi (even though everyone had seen the Return of the Jedi on multiple occasions. The boys just didn’t want to watch such a ‘girly movie’ which Steve defended in being pretty good). Last week they’d watched The Neverending Story, and since then, the boys wanted to watch one of their favorite movies for the nth time... But Harrington was bored of those teddy-bear things, El didn’t quite understand the whole Star Wars universe, Max wasn’t interested in it, and Y/N was tired of listening to Will gush about it at home... That, sealing their conflicting sides.
“Robin choose a hard one!” Lucas requested while glaring at his girlfriend.
“Oh, do -- this one,” Dustin whispered.
“No that’s too easy - Y/N’s tried like...all of them,” Mike cut in while scanning the flavors for himself.
“I mean...Sixteen Candles isn’t that bad,” Will mumbled - only getting glared at by his friends (if he sided now, then they’d be forced to watch the said movie without a fighting chance as that was the rule...with these stupid challenges if someone ended giving in - the other team automatically won...).
Y/N rolled her eyes before placing her hands over them and silently going over the list of ice creams she scanned almost every day (the menus suddenly spotting in and out, the list a bit foggy as she tried harder to remember them all).
The air was tense and everyone was on edge (luckily, the mall was closing soon so not much foot traffic was provided to interrupt this distinctive moment in Movie Night Fridays). Max and El were biting their lips, mumbling c’mon, c’mon - while the boys were all pointing in silent rage to the ice cream they thought Robin should choose.
There was a soft wave of whispers. A few outbursts - then silence like someone had calmed the storm...she wondered what was going on, questioning if she was going to be handed the small spoon or not...
“Guys? Robin? Y--,” the touch of soft, warm lips froze her words in her throat. Y/N immediately felt her cheeks flame. Her hands slipped away from her still closed eyes, and she wrapped her arms around a familiar figure.
Ews could be heard, along with a shut up, it’s cute. Steve cupped her cheek, keeping her face close while she played with the nape of his neck. Y/N could only focus on how he was smirking into the liplock like the little dork he was...
“Okay, that’s enough now,” Robin teased while capping her marker.
Steve pulled away, nevertheless holding Y/N’s body close to his own. He swept his thumb across her pink cheekbones and smiled with a toothy grin.
“I won’t be able to burn that from my mind,” Lucas gagged - earning a smack from Max.
“I’ll say... --that’s my sister,” Will grimaced. Mike only nodded in agreement, yet with El’s arms hugging him, he wasn’t quick to criticize.
“That’s my idol,” Dustin mumbled while scrunching his nose up.
Y/N stuck her tongue out at the children - and giggled when Steve rolled his eyes at them - waving them off. “Oh, please. I just schooled you all in how to treat your girlfriend.” His arms tightly wound around her waist.
The deal he’d made with them was you can all stay over at my house and watch all the movies you want - I’ll even by you whatever snacks you want - if you let me do this. They agreed, in the name of Harrington being a push-over and for all good junk food he’d blow his money on.
Robin left a shortly after (a plan to hang out with Y/N sometime next week) - leaving Steve to lock up and it left the eight of them to exit the mall together. Hand in hand with Steve, Y/N sighed in content. Sure...her mom would probably have something to say when she got home so late (though reassured by Will’s promise to stand up for her - taking her side), but it was impossible for her to feel anything negative while listening to Steve’s breathy, lasting laugh.
“Thanks, Steves,” she mumbled, using the simple nickname affectionately.
He smiled down at her, letting her hand go to wrap his arm around her, then reaching to place his hat on her own head (rewarded with a giggle).
“Oh? How come?” He asked while swinging his car keys on his index.
Y/N leaned into him, watching the kids walking ahead of them talk amongst themselves, in their loud, troublesome manner. “You made me feel better,” she clarified,” You always do.”
Steve wore a proud look - his (slightly flattened) hair still looking as perfect as ever. “Aw shucks, that’s real sweet of you, babes.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and then watched her for a second longer.
“I’ll talk to Jonathan -,” continuing even with Y/n’s eyes flashing protest,”- Maybe we’ll grab a coffee or something, and I’ll talk to him like an adult. Because I know I don’t deserve you, but I’ll love you anyway - and if it takes me manning up and downright asking for your brother’s approval...I’ll beg until I get it because I can’t live without you, Y/N,” he admitted sweetly.
El had overheard and awed, resulting in a blushing Harrington (he hadn’t thought he was that loud). Mike, Lucas, and Dustin were mocking him, professing their love to one another (eventually stopping because Max’s glares were not that welcoming).
“Don’t worry, Steve. You already have my blessing! So...that’s one brother down!” Will said while walking backward to talk. “My mom likes you - and she doesn’t really care as long as Y/N/N’s happy. And Jonathan just needs to realize you’re serious about her -- then you’re golden!” The kid’s words reassured his raging nerves (even with his cool facade, he had been fretting that because of the rift between himself and the eldest Byers...Steve wouldn’t be able to hold Y/N in his arms any longer...).
“Will The Wise...you’ve done it again,” Y/N smiled, laughing lightly at her brother’s kind support. Steve only tightened his grip on Y/N, confidence finding him as they stepped into the cool night. He understood why Jonathan was so worried...Steve may not be her brother - but he was her boyfriend, and would be just as worried if someone posed as a danger to his beloved.
“Alright, dickheads - who am I driving home?” He asked, clearing his throat.
When all the boys (minus Will) raised their hands - Harrington groaned. Pleading to trade for El and Max... while Y/N shook her head, claiming he shouldn’t have offered himself up like that.
“Stop by tomorrow, sailor,” Y/N told while pressing a goodbye kiss to his lips. “Jonathan gets home early on Wednesdays. You can talk to him then til your heart’s content.”
He smiled, pulling her into a crushing embrace. “Sounds good to me, babes...you think he’d want to join our dance parties? Or...no?”
a/n footer: gahh! That was pretty cute to write! I hope it’s okay! <3
Part 2 of Sunsets Back Home should be out soon! (hopefully, tonight/tomorrow morning because I stay up late writing...whoops)
Side Note: @novaddictx​ I’m sorry Tumblr is being mean to you XD I hope you get this tag...bahaha, give ‘em a piece of your mind XD <3 I’m glad you’re enjoying my writing as much as I enjoy well..writing it for you all!
Tagged List: @billyhargrovescigarette@novaddictx @mairalynn416 @krystalane@wefracturedmotivation@truthdaze @xxcxrolinexx @savingprivatecass @emmalbg @timeladygallifrey@the-first-breath-of-autumn-air 
Feel free to message me or comment if I forgot to tag you or you’d like to be tagged in future posts! :)
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melyaliz · 5 years
Canary 8
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Canary Masterlist  
Fandom: Marvel / MCU
Summary: All I had meant to do was make a friend smile, guess that’s not even ok anymore. 
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Notes: This was going to be something different and then it turned into this. Like so different that I even had cover art that totally didn’t fit. 
Loki and Canary wanted this I guess. 
💛PLEASE: Like, Comment, and/or Reblog 💛
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
“So this is it”
“This is it!?! This isn’t just it... this is the AVENGERS!” 
“Yeah, ok it’s pretty great isn’t it?” 
“More like pure amazing.” 
“Well don’t act all fangirly, we do have a reputation around here.” 
“Aye Aye captain.” 
“And leave that captain stuff for the boy in blue.” 
Ok so I’m not going to lie, I mean at this point I feel like we have all gotten close. We have seen some real shit together and well…
When I first met Steve Rogers I was smitten. 
But like if we are all being really honest with ourselves… who isn’t? 
Have you seen that man? Those abs? Those baby blue eyes?
That ass? 
And let me tell you, all that stuff is EVEN MORE gorgeous up close and personal. 
Plus he was just so nice to me when I first came. Back then, when I was so nervous and young. My powers had just become basically viral thanks to some kids who were quick on the draw with their phones. (But that’s a story for another day) My whole world had been shifted from the small-town girl to an Avenger. During those days I didn’t feel like I fit in here or there.
But Steve took the time to help me feel right at home. Making time ask me every day how I was settling in and taking the time to lean my interests and finding ways to bring them to the base. 
He was also the one who pushed Wanda and I to hang out and now we are basically best friends. 
Every morning I would look forward to our breakfasts together where we would talk about our past lives. How we were adjusting to the changes we had gone through and ways to cope. I would always feel my heart skip a beat when he would be waiting for me to train during the day. 
Those first days were so awkward because every single touch would set my body on fire. 
Then slowly, as the days stretched into months my flames started to dull into embers. 
Somewhere along the line my infatuation with him slowly faded into adoration and then a friendship. 
When that happens, though, I’m not quite sure. Feels recent but I can’t be for sure. It was as if one day Steve turned from the most beautiful man I had ever seen into just... a man. 
“So how is the music Sam has been forcing… I mean letting you borrow?” the Canary asked as she helped Steve unload the new equipment Tony had brought back. More fun trinkets for him to tinker with in his evil lair. 
Which he, of course, had dumped on Steve to unload, claiming to be too busy at the moment. 
“Good but there is something about those big bands that I miss.”
“Ohhh back in my day” 
Steve laughed at her playful tone, “There is something about just a good song that makes you want to dance to it.”
“Were you a good dancer back in the day?” 
Steve shrugged thinking back to the days when he could barely get a woman to look at him. When Bucky would basically force him on millions of dates with uninterested women. But as the night wore on, and the music would play he would always find that one wallflower who would be swayed by herself and take her across the floor. 
“My mom taught me a few moves and Bucky and I use to go dancing all the time.” 
“You know I took swing back in the day too.” 
“Yeah, some woman from our school decided to teach it over a summer as a way to keep wayward teens from getting into trouble.” 
Steve burst out laughing at her tone, making it the perfect pitch to sound like some slightly uptight busy body. “You never told me that.”
Canary shrugged as the last box was put into place. It felt like a lifetime ago. Her mother giving her a dress and dance shoes. The other girls and boys standing in line trying to follow the movements. That was before her powers had shown up. 
Before she was the canary. 
“Well, may I have this dance?”
“There’s no music.”
“Well, I know a place that does.”
“Then you’re on.” then true inspiration struck, “Actually,” the wheels turning in her brain, a plan. A way to give back to the man who had given her so much when she had first come here, “Let’s say six in the gym.”
“Ok, can I ask why?” 
She let out a sort giggle shaking her head as she skipped toward the door, “Nope!” 
Sam grumbled the whole time. Tony didn’t even show up. But Vision was game and Wanda was always happy to help. 
After all, Steve always did whatever he could to fit into our time, why couldn’t we try and fit into his? 
Plus I needed a distraction from a certain green-eyed (not so) God.
And that look on Steve’s face when he walked in was a nice bonus. It was as if his whole body light up at the sight of the balloons, lights and the music blasting from the speakers with a little help from your’s truly. 
“Spotify is a magical thing,” I told him taking his hand dragging him into the room. “They had a whole playlist of top 40’s songs.” 
“Can I have this first dance?” Steve asked 
“Of course” 
An hour later and I was breathless swinging around the room. The music flying around matching the bright lights, sharp horns and deep drums with clean voices. My fingers buzzed with the sounds as flowed around me as I danced. The rest of the team enjoying themselves just as much. 
I’m sure the liquor Tony brought helped. (Yeah, he ended up showing up a while after Steve. Not one to miss out on any fun.) 
“Oh now I LOVE this one,” Steve said as another tune came on grabbing my hand swinging me around. Sam tipped his glass.
“This brother sure can sing” 
It took all my willpower to make the music swallow my laughs as Steve moved me around the room. It helped he was so strong, being able to pick me up and spin me around, it almost felt like I was flying. 
My feet hit the ground in time with the music pulling close and then spinning out.
And hitting something.
“Mind if I cut in?” 
The music seemed to wash down around me, cold like ice water dripping with sing like poison. Those green eyes looked down at me like a snake about to strike a mouse. 
They were so loud Loki wasn’t surprised they hadn’t woken up hell itself. Screaming and yelling while the music blasted from the gym. The sight that greeted him was no different.
The loud music filled the room as the team of dorks stood around drinking and talking. The Witch and robot were swaying comfortably while the soldier moved in time around the room with his partner.
Loki’s Canary.
A huge smile on the young woman’s face as she looked up at Mr. America. Eyes shining and bright as the music seemed to follow them. Spun around in rhythm as if she was controlling it, maybe she was.  
He had never seen her this way. 
She was glowing. 
And it made his sick.
Standing in the doorway he waited, bided his time. Waiting for that opening, that moment when he could pounce on his prey. 
The song swelled up and then came crashing down, the beautiful horns making their last trumpets as the chorus was sung. Spinning around them as Justice Man and his partner moved across the dance floor.
Loki was a snake in the grass, moving so smoothly and deliberately he went undetected until his sound mistress was colliding with his chest. 
The look of shock she gave him was so beautiful he allowed himself a small smile. She (almost) always had a way of reacting just how he planned. 
“Mind if I cut in.” 
Of course, the song changed to a slow one. 
Of flipping course. 
Steve shot me a concerned look, making sure I was ok with the turn of events. 
It was like all my walls came flying up so fast I almost didn’t see them happening. They knew they knew how uncomfortable I was and had come rushing to my defense. 
“Don’t” Loki’s voice was gentle but firm. Razors cutting into me as his eyes roamed me. 
“Don’t what?”
“You know what,” he said, his eyes never leaving mine. The walls, how did he always know? His hands were cold angst my warm ones as he intertwined them lead me to the center of the room. It was a good thing my face was already flushed because being this close while Billie Holiday crooned about love was adding a layer to my already confusion emotions that I didn’t want to have to justify at the moment. 
Couldn’t I just have one day of peace? 
“I’m honestly surprised you know how to do the waltz” change the subject, focus on anything but his large hand on my back. 
“I know many things” his voice was thick and deep, like chocolate. Bittersweet in my ears as he leaned in just a bit closer. “I am after all, much older than anyone else in this room.” 
“I just can’t see you in a 40’s club.” 
“I would never lower myself to be with mortals, but I do happen to be a collector of the arts.” 
“Well, then what drew you to these mere mortals today?” 
“Like I said, I’m a collector of the arts.” Maybe it was the tone in which he said it, of the way his tongue flicked out for a moment over his lower lip, or how his eyes seemed to wash over me but I suddenly felt very… naked. 
And I was very aware of everyone around me. 
“I’m not a piece of art.” my words were strong and blunt. No more games, no more veiled innuendos. I’m tired. 
His eyes narrowed at my tone as I tugged at his hand. “What? You can spend hours dancing with boy bland there but when someone with real class…”
“I set this up for Steve thank you very much.” 
I could feel the anger boiling around me, the music seemed to fade away into silence, just the two of us locked in a staring contest. “And I don’t appreciate you talking about him like that. He’s my friend.” 
“Is he now? Is that all he is.”
How dare he… I could feel my face lighting up hot. Memoires of me crushing on Steve for weeks. Thinking about ways to be around him, just be in his beautiful presence. That past me was just so pathetic and even the thought that somehow Loki seemed to be able to see that sent me into a whole new furry. Fight or flight. 
I mean he couldn’t really see it but… It felt like he could. 
“This sort of dancing will never get you what you want.” he said leaning forward his face only inches from him, “the kind of dancing you need soft and slow, somewhere alone.” 
I wanted to blast him across the room.  I wanted to run. I wanted to… I wanted to…
“Why do you care?” my heart was racing so fast I could barely hear my own words as I spoke them.  I could barely hear anything but that pounding of my heart in my ears. 
Gently his hand reached up brushing away a few strands of my hair out of my face, letting them get tangled in his long fingers “Because you’re mine.” 
My hand grabbed his pulling it away, “I’m no ones.” 
Tagging: @royslittleharper  @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @nilthanious  @jason-redhood @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep
Loki: @wayward-hell
Canary: @baybay123455 @rizanendoza808 @dragonrosegardens @6-daughter-of-a-witch-6 @califorina-grown @2s0uls @oh-no-a-whovian @it-jinxed-us @pixiehex1985
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dong-hyucks · 6 years
cheerleaders. | kim wonpil
➳ genre. fluff, extremely slight angst, volleyball player![Y/N] // there’s like, one ‘inappropriate’ joke and a slight makeout session ➳ word count. 2.8k+ ➳ author’s note. i’m sorry this took so long for me to write :( - admin. jade ➳ synopsis. After finding out that your family can’t make it to your big game, Wonpil takes it into his own hands to make you feel better.
➳ masterlists.
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    “We’re close friends, we pretend not to have feelings. I introduce you as a good friend but there are words lingering in my mouth -- I am in love with you.”     - “Tender Love,” EXO  
When you first found out that your family wouldn’t be able to attend your big game, you were disappointed
To say the least.
It was the big game of the season -- the finale of the mixed volleyball tournament your team had been training for all year
And, to top it off, your team had managed to make it to the finals, meaning you could very well be going home with the winning trophy
So, hearing your family apologize as they explained they couldn’t make it, you were pretty bummed
Of course, you would still give the game 200%, but that didn’t stop you from feeling a bit down
“They’re not coming?” your friend, Wonpil asked in worry when you got off the phone with your parents
You shook your head, running a hand through your hair, “No. I don’t know what I was expecting -- they can’t just drop their jobs and travel from Seoul to Ulsan just for me”
Hearing your dejected tone, Wonpil couldn’t help but frown
He and the boys were lucky enough to be in Ulsan at the time, for a concert, so they were able to make it
“I’m sorry, [Y/N], that we can’t make it too,” Younghyun sighed, patting your back gently, “We have to perform that day.”
You only nodded in understanding, “It’s okay.”
Your voice said otherwise, making Wonpil feel even worse
Shaking your head, you sent the five of them a smile, “Don’t worry! We’re going to win, so even if you aren’t there, we’ll give you something to be proud about”
Pointing behind yourself, you started to back up, “I have to return to practice”
They watched as you dashed back into the gym, shamelessly huddling around the door to watch you stretch for practice
“Do you think we should tell [Y/N] the truth?” Sungjin pondered, frowning as he watched you expertly pass the ball, “They just found out their family can’t come, isn’t it a bit much for them to think we can’t go too?”
Dowoon nodded, scratching the back of his neck, “Yeah, I bet they’re feeling really bad right now…”
Younghyun tried a smile, “Well, when they see that we’re there, I’m sure that’ll lift their spirits up, right?”
Jaehyung nodded, “[Y/N]’s strong -- they can deal for a few days, then we’ll give them a big surprise!”
As the group began to leave, having to attend their own practice, Wonpil lingered for a moment longer
He bit his lip as he glanced at you before sighing, “I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
You panted, wiping away your sweat with the back of your hand
“Good job today,” Seonjoo, the libero and essential leader, piped after taking a swig of her water, “We’re going to do great tomorrow!”
The team cheered, with you weakly joining in
You were far too tired to yell with the same excitement that your teammates did, having used up all of your energy during the final practice
“Rest well tonight,” Seonjoo continued, “ice your muscles and eat well. Get lots of rest, you guys.”
A chorus of replies echoed within the gym, followed by the heavy footsteps to the changing rooms as everyone moved to change out of their sweaty clothes
You being far too tired, decided to just leave wearing your gym clothes, since you’d be going straight home anyway
“Good night,” you greeted Sanghoon, your setter, as you walked passed him on the way out
He smiled in return, wishing you an enthusiastic goodbye as he rushed to his girlfriend’s car
As you pushed open the doors, you relished in the cool air that hit your slightly sticky-from-sweat skin
“Tired?” you heard a voice say from a few metres away
Opening your eyes, you were met with Wonpil’s gaze
Despite how tired you were, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of the man, bounding over to him, “What’re you doing here?”
He shoved his hands into the pocket of his pullover, “We ended practice early, so I decided to come visit.”
You smiled in appreciation, walking with him, “Your concert’s tomorrow, right? Good luck, Pil.”
Wonpil looked down at the ground, feeling slightly guilty before he mustered up a smile, “Good luck to you too, [Y/N], you’re going to do awesome tomorrow! Can’t wait for you to dominate the other team.”
You chuckled, shoving him lightly
He pretended to be offended before nudging you back and acting as though he hadn’t, whistling nonchalantly.
Narrowing your eyes at him playfully, you shook your head
“Hey,” he mumbled upon seeing your car, “Let’s go out.”
At his words, you nearly choked (you would’ve, had you been drinking from your water bottle)
Realizing how he had worded it, he blushed and smiled in embarrassment, “I mean… I mean, let’s go somewhere. Think of it as our good luck party.”
“Good luck party,” you repeated through your laughter, “Sure, Pil.”
Looking down at yourself, you glanced at him, “Could we stop by my place first? I still need to freshen up.”
Nodding, Wonpil glanced over to his own car (can Wonpil drive? idk let’s pretend if not--)
“I’ll meet you there then.”
No more than ten minutes later, you and Wonpil were at your house, with Wonpil waiting for you on the couch as you showered
He played on his phone as you waited, scrolling through his photos in boredom
He smiled as he came across old photos, memories of how those photos came to be flashing in his mind
Then, he came across a photo of you and himself back when you were in high school
It was taken during prom, to which you had gone with Wonpil just so you wouldn’t be alone
In all honesty, Wonpil was super happy you accepted his offer to go, even if you were only going as friends
After all, he’s liked you since you were ten.
“What’re you looking at smiling like that?” you asked suddenly, making Wonpil jump
You glanced over his shoulder, leaning over the couch as you stared at the photo
“Oh, prom?” you chuckled, “I remember that. We bailed after like half an hour.”
Wonpil snorted, “Well, it was really boring.”
Nodding, you straightened your back as you continued to dry your hair with a fluffy towel
Turning around, he gulped at the sight of you
“You look nice,” he choked out, boring into your eyes
Looking down, you shrugged and let your towel rest atop your head to cover your burning ears, “I didn’t know where you wanted to go, so I just threw this on.”
You were dressed up more than you normally would be, wearing a white button up and some black pants, as opposed to your typical sweats and t-shirts
Wonpil nodded, moving to his feet
“I’ll be done in a moment,” you mumbled, heading back to your room to discard of the towel
Wonpil waited at the door, tapping against his thigh as he hopped from foot to foot
“Okay!” you exclaimed as you slid out into the foyer, nearly falling over due to your slippery socks, “Let’s go.”
Chuckling at your clumsiness, Wonpil simply put on his shoes and waited for you to do the same
As you slipped on one shoe, you almost lost balance, your arm shooting out to catch yourself on the wall
Wonpil was quick to react too, hastily grabbing your shoulders, “Why are you so clumsy,” he laughed
You looked up to stick your tongue out at him, scrunching up your nose
Finally pulling on the other shoe, the two of you headed out
“Where do you want to go?” you asked as you stepped into Wonpil’s car (he had insisted on driving)
“We could go to a karaoke bar,” he shrugged, “you know, to get out those last minute nervous jitters.”
You refrained yourself from laughing at his wording, nodding in agreement, “Okay, Mr. Singer.”
The drive was spent singing --screaming-- along to whatever song began to play on the radio, the amount of off-tune singing making both of you laugh
When one of Day6’s songs started playing, Wonpil burst out into laughter at the sight of you passionately singing along, knowing every word
“You’re such a My Day,” he chuckled once the song came to an end
You nodded, “Of course -- I’m your number one supporter!”
He glanced at you once a stop light turned red, the sight of you under the city lights making Wonpil smile gently
“And I’m your number one supporter,” he put up his index finger, “My baby’s so talented at volleyball, I’m proud.”
Though he said the name jokingly, you couldn’t help but blush at the word ‘baby’, a small smile decorating your features nicely
Once you reached the karaoke bar, Wonpil requested a private room and before you knew it, you were under the flashy lights
You spent the first half hour eating and drinking, joking with one another as you brought up past memories
As you and Wonpil finished the food, you glanced at Wonpil
He was too busy picking out a song to sing to notice your stare, his little nose scrunch of concentration making you smile
Finally, he picked a song and you started laughing at his choice
It was an old song, the only song the two of you danced to at prom before ditching
“Here,” Wonpil was quick to hand you one of the microphones, standing up as he brought his own to his mouth
Even though he wasn’t singing seriously, exaggerating his dancing as he had a little bop, you couldn’t help but admire his singing voice
During the chorus, both of you sung your hearts out, ending up laughing too hard as the song came to an end
“74,” you mumbled at the score that appeared on the screen, wiping away tears of laughter, “Bull, that was a 100 for sure.”
Wonpil let out a giggle of a laugh, nodding in agreement, “I think there’s some faulty wiring here.”
The two of you calmed down for a minute or two before you were up and singing and dancing yet again
Hours passed and by midnight you were slightly drunk, but not too drunk
Wonpil had decided to stay sober, since he was driving, and only laughed and your slightly intoxicated state
“That’s enough for you,” he stated, taking the bottle of alcohol away from you, “You don’t want to be hungover tomorrow.”
You mumbled a thanks, yawning as you stretched your arms
“Let’s get you home,” Wonpil mumbled, moving to turn off the TV
Before he could stand up, you took hold of his wrist, bringing him back down and next to you
“Thanks for bringing me out,” you said, not letting go of his hand, “If it weren’t for you, I definitely would’ve been at home stressing about tomorrow’s game.”
Wonpil glanced up at you through his bangs, offering you a small smile, “No problem, [Y/N]. We can’t have you freaking out before the big game, can we?”
You gave him the smile that he loved so much, making him grin
When you didn’t let go of his hand, his smile slowly dropped, “[Y/N]?”
Mustering up all of the courage in your body, you opened your mouth
“I like you, Wonpil,” you mumbled, your voice barely audible over the quiet music that filled the room, “I really can’t thank you enough for tonight.”
Wonpil gaped at you, his heart racing at your confession
Before he knew it, he found himself leaning forward, and soon enough his lips were pressed against yours
His hand moved to cup your cheeks, yours staying at his waist as you fisted the soft fabric of his shirt
His lips moved slowly against yours, his brows furrowing as pulled you up against him
His tongue poked out briefly, swiping against your bottom lip, making you shiver
Once he needed air, he pulled away and dropped his head onto your shoulder
“I like you too, [Y/N].”
Leaning back, he pressed another soft kiss against your cheek
“Come on,” he mumbled, his voice soft, “You need to sleep.”
The next morning, you woke up with a smile
Memories of what had happened the night before filled your mind, making you grin into your pillow
When you made your way into the gym, where only a few people sat on the bleachers, you were still smiling
“Woah there,” Sungwon, the outside hitter, said after he caught sight of you, “Did you get laid or something?”
He smiled, “Joking. What’s got you all happy?”
You shrugged, “Am I not allowed to be happy?”
“You are, but you came in here skipping and suddenly there was rainbows flying in throw the windows”
You rolled your eyes at his exaggeration, “Just do your stretches, Sungwon.”
Halfway into the game, you didn’t notice the group of people walking in and huddling themselves onto the already crowded benches
You were too immersed into the game, focused on blocking every spike and attack
As the middle blocker, you couldn’t afford to let your attention wander, even for a single moment
The whistle blew once you spiked the ball over, effectively winning the first game
Your teammates cheered and huddle around you, exchanging high fives in excitement
“1-0, Team Seoul,” the referee announced, telling the teams to go off to the sides
As you took a swig from your water bottle, your eyes wandered to the bleachers, smiling at your teammate’s families when they glanced in your direction
Then, you made eye contact with him
You almost dropped your water bottle, at the sight of Wonpil in the bleachers, choking on your water as you bent over to cough
You could practically hear the five of them laugh, looking up to narrow your eyes at them
“Teams get ready,” the referee called, finding his way back to his stand
Doing a team chant with your team really quickly, the six of you dispersed and got into your positions
The moment the whistle blew, the game started and you forgot all about everything else
After winning your team another point, you finally heard it
The five boys in the bleachers stood up and screamed your name as they stood up and clapped, more enthusiastic than any other person attending
You allowed yourself to laugh, before shaking your head
It was a tight game, with the score being 2-2 (wins)
The last game, the tie-breaker ended up finishing at 32-30 in your team’s favour, meaning you won
After months and months of training, your team had won the big tournament
The team screamed in happiness, crowding in a circle and hugging each other happily
You could still hear your friends screaming their lungs out, and you began to worry for their voices
As Seonjoo happily accepted the large trophy, tears in her eyes as she held it up, your team bowed toward the crowd
“This years winner -- Team Seoul!”
Another cheer erupted from the crowd as your team shook hands with the opposing, your breath still short as you reached for your water bottle
As people began to leave and the players began to disappear into the change rooms, you made your way to the bleachers
“You guys!” you practically shouted, “You lied to me, I thought you had a concert?”
Jaehyung grinned, “We do, but it’s not until later.” He shook his head, clicking his tongue, “I thought you were a My Day, [Y/N], and you don’t know our concert schedule?”
You rolled your eyes, punching Jaehyung on the shoulder lightly (though he acted as though you had seriously punched him)
“We have another surprise!” Dowoon piped happily, him and Wonpil stepping to the side
When you saw your parents standing behind them, you almost cried
“You nerds,” you laughed, a euphoric grin overcoming your features as you moved to hug your parents
Turning to the boys, you grinned, “I can’t believe you guys!”
Wiping away an amused tear from both eyes, you couldn’t help but let out a sob
The boys’ once happy expressions became still, watching as you shook, your father gently rubbing your back
Your mind was buzzing, your hands shaking, and your legs weak
You could already feel the bruise making itself known upon the skin of your knee, from digging the volleyball before
“Are you happy?” Wonpil asked, wiping away your tears
You narrowed your eyes at him, wrapping your arms around his wide shoulders as you pulled him into a tight hug, “Of course I am”
Looking over his shoulders, you mouthed a ‘thank you’ to both your parents and the boys, each of them grinning at the sight of you and Wonpil hugging
Pulling away, Wonpil quickly pecked your lips, making your face go hot
The boys hollered and your parents shared a similar expression -- their eyebrows raised
You could only laugh, burying your face in Wonpil’s shoulder
What would you do if it weren’t for your cheerleaders?
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urdemonfaunus · 4 years
Dedicated to @blake-belladonna-defence-force, for never gettin tired of my requests and always givin me Bumbleby fluff/angst when i most need it. As a fellow writer, i am obliged to return the favor without you asking me. I mean, respect, right??
So anyways.. Uh.. Please enjoy readin :>
Almost (Sweet Music) [Hozier; Bumbleby]
The golden-haired brawler leaned by the bar's counter, her lilac eyes seemed to be caught in some kind of trance. She stared at an enamouring sight not too far a distance. Her partner actually socialized much more now -- talking and laughing giddily with Atlas's huntsmen and huntresses that shared the same interests as her. And, some moments afterwards, the raven-haired beauty even took the opportunity to dance with the members of Team JNR and FNKI.
Yang never felt one end of her lips move upwards, a small smile etched on her mouth as she looked down at the moderately swished beer in her mug. What she did feel, though, was the presence of her younger sister. Lilac eyes that were previously trained in glanced towards the person beside her.
Ruby sported rather a huge grin as she greeted her older sister. "Hey, Yang!"
Faint smile changed into a sly smirk, her yellow-painted prosthesis ruffling the red-dyed hair of Ruby. "Hello to you too, sis." Laughing at her whines and grumbling, Yang settled her lower back once more on the polished counter. "How's your night going so far? Really looking forward with you making a move at Weiss."
The silver-eyed girl blushed furiously as she rubbed the back of her neck. It only made Yang giggle more. "I'm… uh, not…. She's too, um…"
As her voice failed her, her older sister just beamed at her, taking a sip of her beverage. "It's so funny seeing you all flustered up, Rubes." She sighed dramatically and engulfed the shorter girl into a bone-crushing hug. "My baby sister's all grown up and havin' crushes!"
"Yang -- OW -- put me down! Can't -- breathe!" Ruby managed to squeak out, randomly slapping Yang's arms and pushing her head. The blonde laughed once more before acknowledging her sister's pleas. And as soon as she got withdrawn, Ruby inhaled a lot of oxygen deeply to reclaim the lost air in her lungs. "You seriously need to stop doing that, sis. My ribs are already fine as they are, thank you very much."
"See? Ice Queen's really rubbin' off of ya. You can't convince me otherwise." Yang chuckled. Her heart fluttered inside her chest, knowing Ruby can finally focus on something rather than having her mind always scattered all over the place.
Ruby dejectedly sighed. There was no way she can turn this tide back. Arguing with the golden-haired brawler will get her nowhere. Honestly, it's like joking with a bear.
So instead of going against it, the silver-eyed huntress decided to go with the flow of the current.
"Well, what about you, sis? Let's take the spotlight off me and talk about you," Ruby said, a glimpse of slyness hinted in her voice. "Your eyes always seem to be always glued on… say… a certain Cat Faunus?"
The smile on Yang's face was wiped out and was immediately replaced by a dark tint painted on her cheeks. She felt herself sweat slightly from the heat overtaking her body. Her mouth bobbed opened and closed like that of a fish, yet not a single word was spoken. She tried to think of a great retort, but found nothing.
"I-uh… this is so unfair, Ruby! You can't turn on me like that!" Yang finally stuttered and exclaimed. Whilst Ruby just laughed heartily in return.
After that, Ruby continued. "If you really like her that much, might as well do something 'bout it, sis. Don't 'friendzone' yourself, thinking she doesn't deserve someone like you. And when you're flustered -- which is all the damn time -- go through with it. Don't let it stop you."
Yang stood there in shock and awe. Hearing those words coming out of someone younger than her -- especially her sister -- left her with an incredulous expression on her face and her prosthesis theatrically set on top of her heart.
She gasped, exaggeration displayed. "When did you get all so poetic, lil' sis? It scares me, if I'm being honest."
Ruby smirked. "Great then! 'Cause heads up, she's already flagging you down." She gestured towards Blake. Lilac eyes settled on golden ones, watching the faunus wave her hand and smile at her.
Yang swore she heard Ruby tell her something else, but she was ensnared in a trance that made her vision blue everything else but her. Her jaw slackened; her hand holding the empty mug became wimpy and shook. But it wasn't because of the bad, terrible shaking that was left by Adam. It was because of a good, nerve-wracking anxiety this beautiful raven-haired girl gave her unbeknownst to her knowledge.
Once Yang took a deep breath and finally calmed herself down, she placed the mug down on the counter, leaving the bill with it. She sighed hopelessly.
If only you knew what you did to me, Blake -- wHOA!
Her daydreaming was cut off in a rather -- might I say, curt way -- by a random, middle-aged brunet. She tried to reason with him, but was intervened once more. "Go in there, girl! The song's gon' start any minute now." He stated with so much glee, proved by the wide grin on his mouth.
"I -- what?!" was all that Yang could say before finding herself trapped in the middle of the music pub, surrounded by smiling and excited people. Her eyes searched for Blake, and they found her purposefully sauntered near the front row of mixed folks, brandishing a Machavellian grin of her own.
The golden-haired brawler barely managed to register what was happening when the resonating sound of semi-acoustic guitar being strung in a jazzy-folky way, its music just loud enough for everyone to hear. Yang circled the area and saw two figures with visible smirks on their faces. Ruby and Weiss were just beside the long-haired brunet singer plucking his way through the guitar slung over his shoulder, their arms crossed and watching the two love-drunken idiots intently.
Clapping and snapping of fingers soon followed, the familiar song finally having a name. Both of them looked into each other's eyes, already knowing what one meant. They joined in the clapping, feet unconsciously gaining speed steadily. Inches apart, Blake mouthed words at Yang.
Just like we practiced?
Yang smiled and nodded.
Just like we practiced.
I came in from the outside, burned out from a joyride
She likes to roll here in my ashes anyway
Played by the bedside, is "Stella by Starlight"
That was my heart, the drums that start off "Night and Day"
Only two words were able to describe their movements. Graceful and fascinating. At first, the idiots were insecure and not sure about their actions (especially Yang). But after some of the lyrics were sung, both hummed along the tune and began to ease up their tense selves. By the next words, Yang gave up and sang along excellently. Fast movement shifted to a slower one.
Same kind of music haunts her bedroom
I'm almost me again, she's almost you
Blake's golden eyes widened at Yang's voice. She never heard the blonde sing before, so this really was a pleasant surprise. She thought it was sweet -- almost like honey. The raven-haired girl could not contain herself any longer and sang along with her.
I wouldn't know where to start,
Sweet music playing in the dark
Be still, my foolish heart
Don't ruin this on me
Pulling each other's body, foreheads touching and noses brushing, lithe body against well-built, athletic. They repeated several motions, only altering some parts of it to make them look new. Perfect, they both thought. Just perfect.
I wouldn't know where,
I wouldn't know where
I wouldn't know where, I wouldn't know where
I wouldn't
I wouldn't know where
I wouldn't know where
I wouldn't know where, I wouldn't know where
I wouldn't know
The song skipped to their supposedly "solo part". As kinsfolk around them carried on clapping, Yang did the first part. Growing up in Patch, she learned this amazing way of dancing known as Ceili dance. Tapping the heel, ball, and midsole of her boots on the ground quickly, made a thumping rhythm that accompanied the song's beat very well. People gasped and "wowed" as she did all that with her hands behind her back. Even the repressed nerd was amazed by this, garnering a triumphant smirk on Yang's face.
Second part, and Blake happened. With her gifted flexibility and dexterity, her movements were like that of a snow or leaf letting itself be cradled away by the wind. She looked so light on her feet, it was hypnotising. Years of yoga and contemporary dancing showed its resulting fruits.
Watching her made Yang practically melt right then and there. Her knees felt weak and were starting to buckle from the view she was being gifted by the Gods. She felt as if she'd just fallen in love over this elusive faunus all over again.
The Very Thought Of You and Am I Blue?
"A Love Supreme" seems far removed
"I Get Along Without You Very Well, " some other nights
The radio news reader chimes
Reporting "Russian Lullabies"
She'll turn to me awake and ask, Is everything "Alright"
Yang, being the stronger of the two, lifted Blake to the air, earning a yelp and a giggle from her, and so does the people surrounding them. The Cat faunus suppressed her laughs using her hand, meeting lilac eyes as she looked down on her partner. Yang gazed at her lovingly, and she realized something. So… this is what it feels like to be… in love? She asked herself, the grin on her lips fading into a faint smile as she was lost in thought. It feels like… you're on top of the world.
At the realization, her smile returned. Now, it was doubled in size.
I wouldn't know where to start
"Sweet Music" playing "In The Dark"
Be still "My Foolish Heart, "
Don't ruin this on me…
Chorus was sung over and over again. Final actions were made and done. Yang and Blake both exhausted themselves, for by the last word they were both panting and breathing heavily. They were so close -- Blake's hand resting on her partner's shoulder while the other was held by another warm hand. Yang's prosthesis securely held her in position just on top of her hip. Staring longingly into each other's eyes, the blonde asked for permission. The raven-haired girl just chuckled and sighed.
"Well?" She prompted gently, and Yang was more than happy to oblige.
Leaning in, the taller woman captured the shorter's lips. Soft and innocent, they warmed into each other's touch a few seconds later. Humans and Fauna alike whooped and cheered for the two huntresses. Others were encouraged to do the same thing, while the others just smiled at the scene in front of them.
The kiss did not become heated in any way, and after several hours of enjoying the rest of their night off, the bunch of huntresses left filled with joy and love. After all, two new pairs of lovers found a way to exhibit to the world that gender and race do not matter. What really matters?
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