#And the only thing that can fill the void is french fries :3
murmuringbug · 1 month
I love feral badboyhalo hes my favorite <3
I support badboyhalo wrongs more than I support badboyhalo rights to be honest. I want him to do something irreversible so bad tbh.
Like hes mentioned it a few times now but his first instinct is to kill people. And he just like resists it, it's so interesting and fun to watch.
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Round 2 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Sister Michael
She drives a DeLorean. She does judo on Fridays. She likes a good statue and despises the French. Her full nun name is Sister George Michael, after the guy from Wham!. She is the fiercest nun you’ll ever come across and, if you’re attending Lady Immaculate College, she’s the woman in charge. So whatever you do, if you’re feeling anxious or worried or just need a chat: don’t come crying to her.
joined the nunnery for the free accommodation?
she does love a good statue it has to be said
She is the headmistress of a catholic school <3
OKAY SO . “Galahad (played by Jonny d'Ville): a travelling preacher/religious zealot who is told to sit in the Siege Seat by Merlin, and discovers the fact that Fort Galfridian is falling into the star Avalon. He sparks the quest for the GRAIL, and willingly goes to his death to overcome its final defences.” DUDE SAT IN THE CHAIR THAT IS KNOWN FOR KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE HIS CRUSH [MERLIN] [AKA HANGED MAN] [AKA DRUMBOT BRIAN] TOLD HIM TO . SORRY I THINK THATS REALLY FUNNY. he found out the whole shitshow of a spacestation he lived on was gonna fall into the sun and he went around yelling about it incomprehensibly and got fucking gunned down trying to get the GRAIL and just kept going through the gunfire because of how Religious [tm] he was . he died . in once and future king it just “galahad’s blind faith” . also hellfire goes really hard . he is the definition of going insane with the knowledge of the universe . also jonny dville played him thats bonus points
There was a prophet. The prophet gave three separate people three separate instructions. 1. Stop being racist 2. Love your son 3. Sit in the Chair That Makes People Insane Galahad received number three. He was the only one who followed the instructions. He sat in the Chair That Makes People Insane, saw the sun for the first time, and immediately starts preaching about how everyone will burn in hellfire
i dont know anything about this guy i just wanna help make Kai happy please dont like not count my submission just because i dont know anythinf except for the Kills You Chair im trying my best im sorry 😭
his themesong is called hellfire and it slaps btw go listen to it. anyways he is my blorbo blingus he is Deeply unwell i could fix him but also whatever is wrong with him is incredibly fascinating to watch. a robot dude who’s been hanging from the gallows since forever told him ‘hey go sit in the Chair That Kills People Who Sit In It’ and he was like 'I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY ENTIRE LIFE’. the getting-his-brain-fried thing definitely made him worse but he was also clearly kind of fucked up before that. his death is probably one of my favorite scenes in any mechs album. maybe just straight up my favorite. ahem. SAY WHAT YOU WILL ABOUT FAITH, BUT IT CAN HAVE POWERFUL EFFECTS ON THOSE THAT HAVE IT. IT CAN KEEP YOU FROM FALTERING AS THE BULLETS START TO SLAM INTO YOU. IT CAN KEEP YOU WALKING AS YOU LEGS ARE SHOT TO BLOODY STUMPS. IT CAN KEEP YOU LAUGHING AS YOUR LUNGS ARE FILLED WITH SHRAPNEL AND LEAD. IT CAN KEEP YOU SMILING AS HALF YOUR FACE IS BLOWN AWAY. IT CAN KEEP A MAN LIKE GALAHAD STANDING TALL UNTIL THE GUNS. CLICKED. DRY. anyways go listen to high noon over camelot <3
Ok i know this is kind of a shot in the dark because hes so obscure but i need to speak my truth. Hes so insane. The narrator calls him a “holy roller.” He has a vision which is meant to tell him that the place they live is LITERALLY going to get burnt to a crisp because its slowly falling into the sun. But hes like Oh my god i just had a vision of hell i need to save everyone from eternal damnation. And he happily gets killed and turned into a pile of slop because he believes its what he was “chosen to do” he quite literally dies for his religion. Hes also quite funny. I like him. Thank you
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lemonysharkbait · 4 years
Untied  He Tian x Mo Guan Shan bodyguard fic
This is a followup to Knotted Up - a little piece about BodyGuard!GuanShan and MobBoss!He Tian
Read on OA3
He Tian shifted against the bindings biting into his wrists. The edge was close, he could feel it, smell it around the rough fabric gag, sense it even as the blindfold around his eyes kept him from seeing anything. He shifted again, relieving the pressure on his hands pinned behind his back.
The utter boredom was almost worse than the thirst and hunger. Than the aching ribs and slipping sense of time. Someone walked in from somewhere and there was the sickening yet mouthwatering smell of chicken fingers and french fries. He wondered briefly if it was a new development of his hallucinations. The latest twist of his brain’s desperate attempts to fill some sort of information into the void of sensory deprivation. Darkness filled with gold eyes. Fire red hair. After-shave and soft hands. He let himself indulge. What else was there to do.
Chicken-finger guard settled in and the other left. Shoe-fall muffled by thick carpet. The atmosphere was air conditioner cool. The smell – when not tinged by food – was boring like an office. 
There was no warning when the door opened and the guard’s plate clattered to the ground and feet scuffled on carpet. He Tian strained to sit up, strained to find footing and to hear what was happening. 
There was a grunt. No. He would know that grunt anywhere. Had heard it in frustration and anger and in other situations too intimate to linger on. There was no way this was all in his head, he knew it even before the two shots rang out in quick succession and a body slumped heavy onto the carpet. 
Footsteps. The smell of gunpowder and aftershave. A hand – too soft – tugging the gag out of his mouth. 
“Little Mo.” He means it to be saccharine sweet. Instead it’s a horse wheeze, his cotton dry mouth desperate for water.
“Fuck.” It’s Guan Shan alright, although his voice is laced with something heavy.
“I thought you were dead.” Ah. Well.
“Takes more than what they could do, sweetheart.”
Guan Shan is tugging at the blindfold, cursing when he can’t get it off. He Tian feels the warmth of his body pulled close, soft hands checking the bindings at He Tian’s wrists, warm puffs of breath against He Tian’s neck, little curses, a wash of sweat and the pressure of thighs against his own. Then there are hands ripping open his dirtied shirt. 
“So eager.” 
“Shut up.” Fingers brush up and down his abdomen, his chest, looking for wounds. He Tian hears an unsteady breath, an almost sob.
“Are you crying, gorgeous?” 
“Fuck off.” There’s a shuffle and the warm weight of his body is gone. “One of them fucking head butted me in the nose. Can you walk?”
There are hands already hauling He Tian up. He goes willingly. “I don’t exactly know where I’m going.”
Guan Shan has already positioned himself to support and guide He Tian, blind as he is, one warm arm clutching around his waist, a shoulder hitching up into He Tian’s chest to steady him, the rest of his body squared in front of He Tian as much as possible to block whatever will be in front of them.
“I can’t get this shit off you yet. Follow me and fucking do what I say He Tian.” 
“Lucky for you I can’t do much else.” He Tian knows if he could see Guan Shan’s face right now, he would be scowling.
When He Tian saw Mo Guan Shan for the first time it was across a dark room. Grey eyes locked on gold. Something hot passed between the look and that was it. All it took for He Tian to have to know his name. Have to know who he was and what he wanted and how to please him in every way he could. One look.
Of course, there were rules. That’s how this worked and it wouldn’t work without those rules. Rule 1: Sex was separate from work. Rule 2: No kissing on the mouth. Rule 3: It had to stay casual. 
He Tian broke the third rule the second he invited Guan Shan over for a session. He had feelings that he couldn’t fuck out. Infatuation gave way to fondness. It was hard to hide. He thought about the scar, his present for protecting someone who was sworn to protect him.
They had stumbled without incident through several rooms, Guan Shan pulling He Tian, supporting him and quietly cursing at each stumble, each moment where they had to pause and wait or huddle down. Finally, they burst through a set of doors and He Tian was hit with a wall of heat and the sound of fans. The ground was suddenly slick beneath his feet. Guan Shan hurried him forward, propping him up against the edge of something and leaving him there momentarily. 
But he’s back within seconds and something cool pushes between He Tian’s head and the blindfold. It twists, there’s pressure and then the sound of a sharp knife cutting through fabric. The blindfold falls away and He Tian blinks, squinting against the first light he’s seen in days. Grey eyes meet gold. Concerned gold, rimmed with red. He doesn't get to look long. Guan Shan is reaching behind him and using the kitchen knife to saw through the zip ties binding his hands together. 
The skin on the bridge of Guan Shan’s nose is split open and dark circles are already forming under his eyes, a shadow of the bruising to come. There’s a gush of congealing blood splattering down his face from the broken nose and He Tian feels unholy anger. 
When his wrists are free – the first time in days – he clumsily moves them to cradle Guan Shan’s face and wipe the blood away. “What next little Mo?”
He’s clammy and pale beneath He Tian’s palms but his voice is even. “Fuckers had you in one of the casino counting rooms. We’re back upstairs now. I used to work here before–” He drags in a breath and something seems to pain him. He leans back against the shiny metal work station. A gun presses into He Tian’s hands. “We could only send in one person without being noticed. The morning crew will be in this kitchen in 30 minutes.” He Tian notes it’s 4am according to the ticking clock mounted high up in the industrial kitchen. “We just have to make it out of the building. They can’t really do anything now, it’s too public. All you have to do is walk out the back door through the worker’s entrance, past the dumpsters. One of our guys will see you and take care of the rest.”
He Tian motions “Lead the way Little Mo.” 
The beautiful man slumps, bringing a hand to his abdomen and sinking lower against the counter. “You go, I’ll be right behind you.” 
He Tian’s stomach sinks. Reactively, he grabs onto Guan Shan, pulling him forward. The cry of pain is so strong He Tian freezes. Golden eyes squeeze shut. He looks up and down, curses his adjusting vision, blinks and reaches for Guan Shan’s shirt. The all black outfit had hidden the growing pool of blood. He peals the shirt up and groans. “Guan Shan.”
The redhead, who was manhandling him just minutes ago, is now almost completely limp in his arms. He Tian has seen this before. Has seen how trained fighters let go once their objective has been achieved, falling apart as soon as a match is won. He must have been running on pure adrenaline up until now. Until He Tian was basically homefree. The memory of two gun shots and then the strong scent of gunpowder comes rushing back to He Tian.
“Fuck. Guan Shan.”
He Tian goes to gently lay the man on one of the workstations but the redhead, defiant as ever, grips He Tian’s shirt with startling strength, twisting and yanking He Tian down towards him. Gold eyes come as close as they’ve ever been to grey. 
“Hey, I’ll be fine. Our guys can’t get slowed down. Go out there, I’ll be right behind you. I’ll always be with you.” 
The soft lips are a shock. He Tian tastes him, tastes what he’s dreamed about for years, yearned for, the mouth he’s fucked too many times to count. Plush red lips and a soft tongue. He’d come so close to breaking his own rule so many times. But of course Guan Shan was the one to barrel across the careful line. To do it fully, without hesitance. To be so sure. 
He Tian whines before he realizes what he’s doing. And Guan Shan is the one to pull away, although it wasn’t pulling away so much as it was falling. He Tain held him. Holds him. Feeling fully back in his hands, he cradles the man in his arms. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He Tian pulls him close. “Don’t be.”
His lover’s voice is weak. “I broke the rules. I broke all of them.” 
He Tian swallows. “I did too.” 
Guan Shan laughs, a manic thing that turns into pained gasps for breath. His teeth are stained red and the knife he had been holding, the one he used to cut He Tian free of his bindings, clatters to the kitchen floor. There’s a noise somewhere in the adjacent halls. 
He Tian looks around, calculating. If only he could keep his heart still. If only he didn’t feel so goddamned panicked. Guan Shan makes a valiant effort to stand. He Tian notices the blotchy trail of blood leading right up to where they stand. Fuck.
“Guan Shan,” it’s fond, his thirst completely forgotten even as his voice is rough and cracked, “I’m adding a new rule. You have to stay with me, ok?” He looks into golden eyes, still startlingly lucid, before whispering “stay with me.” 
The red head grits his teeth and thrashes when He Tian lifts him up and slings him over his shoulder. Stay with me. And he runs. Stay with me. The rest is a blur of movement. A smack of the iron-strong scent of blood and a wound he can’t help. A blur as someone comes in behind them shouting. Stay with me. A blur of instinct, a blur where he dips and dodges, a blur of training honed into this moment and this point. A burst through doors into chill, early morning air. A blur where he shifts his hold, cradles Guan Shan’s limp form in his arms and it’s quiet for a second. Golden eyes are glazed and barley open. “Stay with me.” 
A blur where men surround him. His men. There’s someone grabbing Guan Shan from his arms, he stumbles and there are hands all over him. Voices surrounding him. His voice is one of them, commanding the impossible. Commanding them to fix him. It’s only later that he realizes his voice is so hoarse they probably can’t understand his demands. But they understand enough to keep He Tian by Guan Shan’s side.
And he doesn’t care anymore. The adrenaline is leaving his system now, the surge of energy leaving him bereft, he can barely hold himself up anymore. But he bends over the limp form of his lover in the backseat of an SUV swinging through streets at breakneck speed. 
“Stay with me.”
The hand he’s holding is limp and cool. He bends, only vaguely aware of the tears dropping from his eyes.
Golden eyes flutter open. “Idiot. I couldn’t leave you if I wanted to.”
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Survey #446
“so you can throw me to the wolves  /  tomorrow i will come back, leader of the whole pack”
Favourite cheese? American. Superman or Batman? I know literally nothing of Superman, but I like Batman. Who are your best friends? The only person I consider a best friend is Sara. Name the 3 most important people in your life: My mom, Sara, and... I suppose myself since I cherish my mental health VERY deeply. Are you currently learning from anyone how to play any instruments? No. Do you know anyone who is overly flirty with people? Girl or a boy? In my personal opinion, yes. I do believe it's possible to be "overly" flirty, considering you can really lead people on. It's a she. Do you believe vampires are real? Not the stereotypical Twilight kind. No. Have you ever been to a porn website? Were you addicted to it afterword? No. I'm really not into that. What is the most disgusting thing you think the opposite sex can do? I think the most disgusting thing anyone can do is commit rape. Would you rather be able to teleport or freeze time? Which one seems best? I feel teleportation is obviously more convenient and useful in dangerous situations. Have you seen the movie Twister? Did the tornadoes look real to you? LKJFL;AKSDJFKLASJDLFKA;WE NOOOOOOOOOO. I am WAY too terrified of tornadoes to watch that. Have you actually been through a devastating natural disaster before? Hurricane Floyd was pretty devastating. I was too young to really remember it, though. Did your mom ever fix your eggs and bacon into a smiley face as a kid? She probably did. What fast food place, in your opinion, has the best french fries? BOJANGLE'S, AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Do you believe one day aliens might take over the planet Earth? I mean, it's possible, but I don't know. Do you remember when they used to actually throw candy out at parades? I didn't know they stopped. Does it bother you when people burp around you or do you do it too? I couldn't possibly care less, it's a natural bodily function. Just because of societal standards though, I don't burp in public, though, but only around family and close friends. What is one kind of music you’d do anything to not listen to in the car? Anything like rap that has a STUPIDLY loud bass that just annoys everyone within a ten mile radius. When was the last time you babysat, if ever? Did anything bad happen? A year or two ago, for my nephew. No one else was free to watch him, so I had no choice. Nothing bad happened, besides nearly having a panic attack. Do you ever talk to people you met online through webcam? Or is that weird? No. Even Sara and I don't do it, because I'm too self-conscious of how I look. Even though she's seen me plenty before irl. Would you ever consider becoming a scientist? Why would you or why not? Well, I majored in biology briefly... I wanted to be a wildlife biologist. I just adore animals and thought I could do it. I just couldn't handle school. When is the next time you’ll talk to the cousin you’re closest to? I'm not especially close to any of my cousins. Are you really into vintage things? Have you ever been into that stuff? Yessss! is writing something that you enjoy doing? Definitely. Would you rather read or write? Write. Would you rather draw or take photographs? If I wind up being very proud of the product, I prefer drawing, but I take pictures far more. When was the last time you cheated at something? I have no clue. Has anyone ever copied off of your homework assignments? I think so? Do you have any pictures of celebs saved to your computer? ... *stares at my folder labelled "Mark"* What would you consider your favorite holiday? Why is this? Christmas. I love the whole vibe of it. The weather, the smells, the treats, my niece's and nephew's excitement... I adore all the lights and decorations, the gratefulness for family and your loved ones in general... I just love Christmas. If you’re a girl, do you have big hips? Too big? I'd say my hips are normal. Girls, do you think you look good in dresses or not? God no. Not anymore. Have you ever taken a pottery class before? Nope. How many times have you seen Star Wars? Be honest. Once. I didn't like it. Has your best friend ever made you cry? Yes. But in her defense, we've both made the other cry. Have you ever entered a talent competition? God no, I ain't got shit to flaunt. Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? Yes. If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark colour or a light? And if you wear mascara, what colour is it? I only ever wear black for both of those. What is your favourite Christmas movie? Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. What do you get complimented on the most? My Markiplier tattoo, actually. What do you think of your best friend’s ex? One I REALLY don't like, the other I'm neutral about. Are you biracial? No. Do you have Pop-Tarts in your house right now? No. We try to not buy them, given they're just TOTALLY empty calories. They don't fill me at all. Is anyone’s birthday coming up? No. Does/did either of your parents serve in the military? No. Do you like sour candy? I LOVE sour candy. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? Alaska, to see the Northern Lights. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? I haven't driven in well over a year. Hell, maybe two. But no, because I'd need prescription sunglasses. Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? God no. Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yeah. What time do you usually have dinner? 5:30-6:30, usually. What’s your favourite meat? Chicken, I think. What is your favourite meal of the day and why? Breakfast. I just enjoy breakfast foods. What colour is your shampoo? White. Tell me a silly little old wive’s tale you believed when you were a child: My older sister got me to believe that if you said a word a ridiculous amount of times, it'd be the only word you knew how to say anymore, lmao. Shut up, I was little. What was the last magazine you bought? Do you subscribe to any? I don't buy magazines. Whose Facebook profile did you last look at? Was there anything that caught your attention? Uh, that's a good question. Do you regret your last relationship? Not at all. What’s better, mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes? Mashed potatoes, though I'm picky with them and the texture. Did you ever used to make cookies, cakes, or pie with your grandma? No. Do you like kids? Not especially. They ask too many questions and can be really rude, even though I know they usually don't mean to be. What are you listening to? I'm watching Gab Smolders play Dino Crisis 2. I finished her playthrough of Final Fantasy X, so now I feel a void in my soul that I am trying to fill with a new series lmao. Do you burn incense? Not really anymore. I'm not against it, I just... haven't. What is your favorite kind of cracker? Cheese-Itz. Can you name a single song by Billy Joel without looking it up? Yeah; I can name a few, actually. My dad loves Billy Joel, so I heard him a lot growing up. "Piano Man" is a classic. Do you like regular peppermint candy canes, or do you prefer different flavored ones [fruits, bubble gum, cinnamon, etc.]? I actually really like the Jolly Rancher ones. Have you ever been kissed while sitting atop the hood of a car? That's actually possible... but I'm not sure. I think I have a faint memory of lying on a car hood with Jason before. What do you think is the dumbest/tackiest piercing? I don't like calling a piercing either of those, like if they make someone feel more confident and attractive, good for them. I can say I'm personally not a fan of the smiley piercing, though. Have you ever requested a song on the radio? No. When I was a kid at a birthday party, though, one of the girls did. Does your mother still take care of you if you get ill? She helps a lot, yeah. What is one song that always brings back memories every time you hear it? Honestly, too many. I attach way too aggressively to songs. Do you currently have any pimples? Not currently, no. Did anything disturb your sleep at all last night? Ugh, yes. I couldn't sleep for shit. How does it make you feel looking at pics with your ex and someone else? I have only seen one picture of Jason with the girl he dated after me and it. Set. Me. On. Fucking. Fire. It's pathetic. If you’re not in college, why? All it did was give me emotional breakdowns. What do you think about MTV? I am way too out of the loop on what goes on on any TV channel to answer this. What was your very first day of your very first job like? What’d you do? How long did it take you to get the hang of it, and feel comfortable with working? This was waaaay too long ago... All I remember is actually being hopeful, though nervous. I never got to the point of feeling comfortable there. Or at any job. If you have a dog, are they friendly to strangers or other dogs? We don't have a dog, but we do have a cat that is EXTREMELY skittish around strangers. Someone he doesn't know comes through the door? He's bolting to hide. Do people ever comment on or joke about your driving? Well, I got flipped off once by a driver, so... I'd consider that a silent comment. I, to this day, don't know why they (it was a group of guys) did it, but it's stuck with me. What was the last thing to move you? Are you easily moved or inspired? The ending of FFX alsdkfjkaljlkwjer. And yes. If you`ve ever seen your very favorite band, did you cry when you saw them? Was it like a dream come true? If you`ve never seen them, do you think you would? I haven't, but I probably would a little bit. Of all the reality competitions you’ve watched, who are some of your all-time favorite contestants and what shows were they from? From America's Got Talent, I adore(d) Landau Eugene Murphy Jr., as well as Prince Poppycock. I keep up with them both on Facebook. Ever had a friend named Alex or John? One of my closest online friends was Alex. A couple years ago she just... got a boyfriend and fell off the face of the earth. Are you happy with your relationship status? I mean... no, I'm ridiculously lonely, but being single is for the best right now. What kind of stuff do you like on your hot dogs? Just ketchup and mustard. Have you ever been in a spelling bee? No. What is the most annoying thing that your parents do? Mom absolutely always assumes she's right. Dad repeats himself like CRAZY. Would you say you’re someone who has good manners? Yes. Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? Actually, the doctors couldn't determine mine (or any of Mom's kids') because my legs were ALWAYS crossed when they did ultrasounds. Mom says she "knew" I was a girl, though. Have you ever been addicted to something unhealthy? I'm addicted to caffeine, yes. Who makes the best desserts in your entire family? Hm, I dunno. Do you have good dreams or nightmares more? I have very severe sleep apnea that results in very violent nightmares almost any time I sleep without my APAP mask. Even WITH the damn mask, I have them a lot. When was the last time someone insulted you? What was the insult? *shrug* Do you have trouble reading small fonts? Yes. I used to find it aesthetically pleasing, but my vision is just too bad now, even with my (shitty) glasses. Do you know anybody that believes that magic/witchery truly exists? I think so. Do you find watching animals in their natural habitat to be exciting & fascinating? Absolutely!! The last time you had sex: did you want it, or did the other person want it? ... You know it's supposed to be a mutual desire, right?? What does your sibling(s) call you? "Britt." Has anyone you’ve known claimed to be psychic? Maybe? I'm unsure. Did/do you believe them? Hell no. I don't believe in psychics and believe people who claim to be so are manipulative pieces of shit. Is anything annoying you right now? I am bored to an inexplicable level askldjfla;wejlr. Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? Yeah. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents or someone else? No. Have you ever felt abandoned? Well yes. By definition, my dad abandoned our family. Where are you? I’m in my bed. What’s been the worst part of this day? I've just been so, so bored. I'm sick and fucking tired of dealing with anhedonia. Who last encouraged you to better yourself? My therapist.
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Tips to help with depression that help a lot!
And, yeah I know the title sound overly enthusiastic but is 3am, so bear with me...
1. Self love, I know, I know, "I already knew that" but the thing is, that most of the time is really hard. You see your self in the mirror, but you don't see you. So what I did is, tell my self good thing about me, like when you compliment some else. Tell your self, "Hey, I like you hair" or "Your dress is beatifull" and so on.
2. VENT! F*CKING VENT!! To who? To you! To you, your self and the demon under the bed! Draw it, write it, speak to your self. But don't hold it in. Scream to the void, to your pillow. Heck, make a blog and vent. I know is hard to spoke to other people, specially if you are like me and think that you are emotional baggage for everybody around you. If you can some one to listen to you, even if they don't replied, that's fine. Let it out. Saying how you feel a lound will help you out to understand your emotions better and you will feel better after. Take a moment to cry under the covers, if okay.
3. Found something to take care of, a plant, a pet (even a fish is fine), anything, because, is reguarding. If is plant that has flowers, you will feel accomplish when they bloom, if is a pet that you got when it was small, you will feel happy when it groes up. In my experience, seeds are the best, is always kind of magical when in a pot that use to be empty there is a bloom, even if you place 6 seeds, and only 2 bloom (which may happen and is normal btw) is nice to see it, is pretty.
4. Self control, you wanna eat the hole ice cream gallon, eat one serving. You wanna go out and eat tacos for the 10 time this weak, make a snack with similar ingredients. You are always spending money on food? 'Cause is the more common one and I know is easier that cooking. Make food at home! "I don't know how to cook" learn! I don't care if you take 2 sandwiches to lunch every day, make them different and attempt to cook. Just do it. I know is hard, but do it, it will help reducing various thing. Which could be: stress (because you should be saving), health (because you are eating home food, you know what is in there), extra cash (which is always nice)...
5. Get pretty things. For real, that nice dress, get it, the plush, get it, that video game of $5 get it. Of course you don't have to spend every last cent in your bank account. (As I already give to understand in point 4) Is more like a reward, for make it to the end of the month. For example, since we where with food, try to take home made food for two weeks strait, then buy a lunch, let say hamburger, the again to weeks of home made food, then buy a ice cream or a donut. Dosen't had to be a full lunch, or doesn't had to be a treat, but the thing is to think about it like a game, the overall reward will be "oh I had extra cash" because you will, "oh I was able to eat sort of healthy, that's nice!" Because you will.
Speaking of which:
6. Eat with order. "What?" Yeah, that, take breakfast(you may skip it if you litterality feel sick is you do take it, I know that happens to some people) , take lunch, take dinner Eat on a speuudoschedule, take breakfast in the morning, take lunch in the afternoon, take diner at night. And if you are like me and you don't eat much in general (no particular reason I get full easy, that's all) take a snack between foods, eat an apple, some cracker with cheese, something small and something that you like, but avoid fried things, like chips an so, you don't want to be eating that dailly. Don't skip foods. (This also helps if you are try to losses weight 'cause you will eat less on the main foods, but you will not be starving to death, so less guilt, and happy stomach!)
7. Normally with depression come stress and anxiety. So get a stress ball or a toy, slime, a spinner, a tsum, a squishy, have at your desk at work, have one at home, rake it to first day to school/collage, take it to trips. So if you are stress/anxious you can squish the ever loving f*ck out of it. If you tent to destroy said objects (like the ball, which I notice most of my friends will murder on their desks) get more than one an bring them with you. Relive it, let it go.
8. Exercise/ nature (I don't exorcise, but I should, 'am a couch french fried {am very skinny some how}) make exercise is good for you! Helps with stress, keeps you in shape, makes you feel alive. You don't have to go to the gym, take a nice long stroll in the neighborhood, at the park, feel nature. Breath fresh air, go to the garden an get some sun. Sound cliche, I know, but take a moment to put you mind in white. I sun bath with my cat in the garden and is nice, I get to see the clouds, and the sky and I'm spending time with my cat. Look at the clouds, look for shapes. The trick with this things is keeping the mind in white. So if you are having a anxiety attack you can help your brain to slow down, by doing something that is minimum effort. Stay there for 15mins, 20 if much. Breath in and out. Then go back to face the world.
9. As you may have infer buy now, the key is taking small breaks, to allow your brain to process what's going on. Don't overlode your self with tasks, find balance. As much as you can, going little by little, makes a difference.
10. Last but not least, therapy. I know it is scary at first, admitting that you are not okay. That being sad is not your trade mark, that making a phone call shouldn't be hell, that smiling at a camera feels fake, that you feel dead inside, that you feel alone, that you are constantly wondering if people care about you, if they hate you... I know, is hard, is scary. But, they know better. 'Cause, wanting it or not, sometimes is your hormones, and if so, you are going to need medicine. And that's okay. You have to pass the psicologist first, if you are not comfy with the one you are, get a new one, they can't help if you can't open up... If you have to stay at a mental hospital that's fine! (Although, if you are in a 3th world country, like me, that last probably won't happen. You know why.) Admitting you are, well, broke, will help to but you back together, of course, don't expect to be who you where before, is like if you broke a cup and pasted back, yes is a cup, but part of it may be missing, part of it would be chirp, you may have to fill some holes with glue. But regardless of if it able to hold water or not, it has a new life. It can be a pot, or part of an art composition, you may use it to paint, to hold pencils and such. Nothing stays the same. And that's fine. Life is about change, embrace it.
OmG, what a long post, is 4 am. Haha, hope it helps, thanks for reading!!
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spnroundrobin · 7 years
Masterpost: Round Three - Ship Round
Prompt: Newly human Cas has been staying at the bunker and helping the boys with research while they are away on hunts but has been feeling lonely being in the bunker by himself. During one of the lulls between hunts, he broaches the subject of getting a pet. Dean isn’t very excited about the idea. (established Destiel)
(Remember: This is the ship round so ship to your heart’s content. We’d like to keep this Teen rated so no sexual acts on screen. Innuendo is allowed. Sam is in the bunker so he can be included but side characters will have to be over the phone or on Skype.)
Schedule and Posting Instructions
(As submissions are made, they will be posted here by the mods.)
#1 @deadlykittenkay - Submission: 1
Cas was sitting at the table with books spread out before him and Dean’s laptop. He had decided to take a break from his research on how to get Mary back from the other universe. He always enjoyed watching videos online the featured little kitties and puppies playing. Sometimes Sam would try to find one that he hadn’t seen yet and send it to his phone while he and Dean were hunting.
Cas muted the current video of a cat pretending to be the famous Pokemon character when he thought he heard the bunker door open. After several beats of silence, Cas let out a heavy sigh. The bunker was such a lonely place without another living presence there, whether it be the Winchesters or Jody and Claire. Cas needed a companion, especially if Dean continued to be the over protective boyfriend, insisting that Cas stay behind on the bigger jobs.
#2 @zolaliz - Submission: 1
Of course, Dean would never agree to a pet.
“Who’ll feed it when we’re away, knee deep in some world-ending shitfest? No one. And then it’ll stink up the bunker.”
Cas scowled, recalling the conversation. As much as he hated to admit, Dean did have a point.
He mentally ruled out cats and dogs, glancing longingly at the muted laptop screen. Most mammals would need the same amount of care. Cas had learned over the past few weeks that humans were included in that category of high-maintenance, as he struggled with remembering to eat and sleep. This only added fuel to Dean’s runner-up argument against getting Cas a companion.
“You gotta start taking care of yourself before you go off trying to take care of something else, Cas,” Dean would say, in that highly hypocritical way of his (though Cas highly doubted that was intentional). But Cas reasoned he could work around that argument once he found a way to make Dean’s first one void.
He clicked open a new tab, and tapped “pets that don’t need to eat” into the search bar. Unsurprisingly, it heeded no helpful results.
“Maybe I’ll try to refine the search,” he mumbled, and bounced his fingers over the keys again.
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 1
Cas spent hours trying to find the perfect pet that would be low maintenance but that would still keep him company. He finally decides on a hamster. He knew that it would be easy to care for and not very costly. The little guy would also keep him company when Dean and Sam were away for cases.
The only thing now was to convince Dean to let him get one. He knew that Sam would be open to the idea and he also knew that Sam would help him convince Dean. So, he just had to bring up the idea with Sam first.
Perfect, now all he had to do was wait for the brothers to come home, hopefully safe and in one piece. He sits back and stretches on his chair. He does some more research and finds some useful things to help the brothers speed up their hunt. He picks up the phone and before he can dial he gets an incoming call from Dean.
He answers with a smile.“Hello, baby. I was just about to call you.” Cas answers.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 1
“I just wanted to let you know that Sam and me are on our way back,” Dean said. Castiel could hear the rumble of the Impala in the background as Dean paused. “You sound like you’re in a good mood, any particular reason why?”
Cas scowled; was he really that transparent? He was going to have to seriously up his game if his plan to bring Dean around on the pet front but he knew it was going to have to be extra devious. His eyes widened and he smiled as an idea occurred to him.
“Nothing really but I was going to ask if you were going to be home tonight?” Cas replied smoothly, standing up to wander into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and started taking inventory.
Dean hummed in the affirmative. “Yep, we’re only about an hour out now. I was going to ask if what you wanted for dinner, we’ll stop somewhere on our way in.”
Smiling, Cas pulled his chosen items from the fridge. “Actually, since you’re almost home, I was thinking I could make something,” he said, grinning to himself. “I need something to do anyway and you guys are probably sick of take out.”
“That sounds really freaking good,” Dean sighed happily. “We’ll see you in a bit, babe.” This was followed by a quieter, “love you.”
“Love you too,” Cas said, smiling and shaking his head. All this time and Dean was still shy about saying that when Sam was nearby. It didn’t bother him since he knew it was just a fear of brotherly teasing, not that Dean was ashamed of them. “See you soon.”
After Dean hung up, Cas sat his phone down and looked at the pile of ingredients in front of him before glancing at the clock. He calculated carefully and smiled as he started peeling potatoes.
An hour was plenty of time.
Almost exactly an hour later as Cas was putting the finishing touches on the food, a familiar metallic clang echoed through the bunker and signaled the boys return. He worked quickly to clean up and wash his hands, hurrying out to the main area to see Dean and Sam’ booted feet clomping down the staircase.
“Oh my god, what smells so good?” Dean groaned as he walked over to drop his bag on the map table. He smiled brightly and pulled Cas into a tight hug, giving him a quick peck on the lips at the same time.
Sam rolled his eyes affectionately. “Hey, Cas,” he said as he walked by to place his armful of books on the table. “I’m gonna go clean up before I eat. Don’t let Dean eat it all. He’s been whining for the last half hour about how hungry he is.”
Stepping back from Dean but not dropping his hand, he chuckled. “Don’t worry, Sam. I’ll make sure to save you some.”
“Speaking of food,” Dean interjected not so smoothly as Sam disappeared down the hall to his room. He draped himself over Cas’ back and wrapped his arms around his waist. “What are we having?”
“I may have made homemade bacon cheeseburgers and fresh cut french fries,” Cas said innocently; happy that Dean couldn’t see the smug smirk on his face.
Dean squeezed him into a quick hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Mmmm…my favorite…”
Exactly, Cas thought, internally preening as everything fell into place as he planned as he and Dean trooped to the kitchen. And just wait until you see the peanut butter pie.
#1 @Deadlykittykay Submission: 2
As expected, Dean showed his appreciation for the burgers with gusto. He would moan appreciatively with each bite, his cheeks filling like that of a chipmunk, or better yet, much like the hamsters videos Cas had seen on YouTube. Castiel couldn’t help but smile at Dean fondly every time he did this. Even Sam was enjoying his meal, despite his brother’s unseemly manners.
Cas had missed the brother’s terribly and watching them bicker and interact with each other, even throwing stray fries at one another, filled Cas’ chest with warmth. Between this, the feel of Dean’s knee knee against his own, and listening to Sam retell the story of the latest hunt, Cas nearly forgot about his mission behind tonight’s dinner.
“So,” Sam started, pushing his plate away and smiling at Cas. “What were you up to while we were gone?”
Cas just shrugged, glancing at Dean before redirecting his attention to Sam. “The usual. I’m still trying to find some lore about alternate universes. It’s a bit trickier than I had imagined.”
“Come on, Cas,” Dean nudged his knee with his own, giving him a found smile. “Don’t tell me you were a nerd the whole time.”
Cas rolled his eyes and reached for the brother’s empty plates. “No, Dean. I did more than research. I watched Netflix and YouTube videos. Pie?” he asked quickly, internally kicking himself when Dean groaned at the mention of the videos
#2 Submission: 2
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 2
“Pie?” Dean’s face lights up at the mention of pie. “You made pie too? God, you’re perfect.” He says and then immediately blushes.
Sam snorts into his cup as he tires and fails miserably to hide his laugh. Dean glares at him and rubs the back of his head in embarrassment.
“I’ll go get that pie now.” Cas says.
Dean nods not meeting anyone’s eye.
“I’m gonna go put these plates in the kitchen.” Sam says, grabbing the dishes off the table and heading after Cas.
“Hello, Sam. Do you have a minute?” Cas asks as Sam walks into the kitchen.
“Yeah man, what’s up?” He asks, putting the dishes in the sink and leaning back against the counter. He looks at Cas and waits patiently.
Cas takes a breath, “I would like to get a hamster.” He says in one go.
“A hamster?” Sam tilts his head.
“A hamster.” Cas repeats again. “I need someone to keep me company when you two leave to go on long hunts.”
“Uhm, Ohhkay. So what’s the big issue?” Sam says, scratching the back of his head.
“And I need your help to convince Dean.”
Sam groans, “Dammit, that’s gonna be hard but alright, I’ll help you.”
Cas smiles warmly at Sam.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 2
A quick and rough plan was quickly established and it all started with an extra large slice of peanut butter pie and Netflix.
“Wow, that was so freaking good,” Dean groaned, leaning back in his chair and patting his stomach before letting out a contented belch that had Sam scrunching his nose. Cas picked stood up and collected their plates. Dean tugged him down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, a sure sign that he was in an extra happy mood. That would make the next stage of the plan easier.
Sam pushed back from the table and stood up. “I think I’m going to get into some sweats and watch some Netflix, you guys in?”
Dean replied in the affirmative and, while Cas quickly washed up the dishes, he and Sam went to change since Cas was already comfortably dressed. Fifteen minutes later, Cas and Dean were on the sofa in the room that had become the unofficial den after they’d picked up a couch at a second hand store. Sam was booting up Netflix from his armchair.
They settled on a light comedy show since Sam and Dean weren’t really interested in anything heavy after being out on a hunt. Cas curled up next to Dean and rested his head on his shoulder but he wasn’t really watching the show. He was waiting for his opportunity.
Three episodes in he enacted phase two.
Over the course of the next episode, Cas slowly and carefully situated himself so that his head was pillowed in Dean’s lap, one hand resting on his knees. According to plan, Dean began absentmindedly running his fingers through Cas’ hair while he continued to watch and Cas pretended to fall asleep.
“You know, I kinda feel bad for him,” Cas heard Sam say after about twenty minutes of ‘sleeping’. “Cas seems like he’s been sort of lonely while we’re gone.”
Dean grunted. “What makes you say that?”
“Oh, he just mentioned how nice it was to have people moving around in the bunker again,” Sam said, his voice appropriately casual. Dean continued to toy with Cas’ hair, a sign that he was still relaxed. “I have to admit, it does get boring here when you’re by yourself.”
“I mean, we could probably take him on a few extra hunts,” Dean said though he sounded extremely reluctant, “but it’s really been working out for us to have someone here at home base.”
Cas heard Sam shifting in his seat. “Oh, yeah, I agree,” Sam replied before letting the conversation pause for a little bit. Cas had to work really hard to keep his body relaxed. “I don’t think it would hurt to have a pet around here though.”
The hand in Cas’ hair froze.
Dean sighed heavily and Cas’ stomach twisted in anticipation. “Sam,” he said heavily, his hand starting to move again, “you know my stance on pets, man. Cats hate people and dogs are just too high maintenance for a bunch of dudes who routinely get stuck on the road for weeks at a time. It’s not like we can call up the neighbors and ask them to pet sit.”
Cas felt his stomach start to sink. Dean wasn’t going to go for it; having Sam talk to Dean first wasn’t going to help his case. He had just decided to ‘wake up’ and forget the whole thing when Sam spoke up.
“But what if it wasn’t a cat or a dog?”
#1 @deadlykittenkay - Submission: 3
“Then what, Sammy?” Dean asked his voice sounding much more tired than Cas had ever heard come from the hunter. “A fish? So that way we can come home to it bloated and floating upside down? Think of how he reacted when you accidentally killed the bee last year. How do you think he’s going to react to a fish dying. Not just any fish but his fish.”
Sam sighed and leaned forward, bracing his forearms onto his thighs. “Not a fish, Dean.”
“Well I’d rather go to Hell again than have a snake or glorified spider in the bunker.”
“What about a hamster?” Sam tried.
Dean wrinkled his nose in distaste. “I don’t know, Sammy. They’re rodents.”
Sam’s eyes connected with Cas’ from across the room. Cas opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he saw the flick of Sam’s hand, motioning for him not to say anything.
“Dean,” Sam said softly, a tone that Dean knew as the one Sam uses when he pulls his lawyer card on someone. “You love Cas, right?”
#2 @zolaliz - Submission: 3
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 3
“Of course I do!” Dean says a little too loudly. He bites his lip and looks down at Castiel, who stirs in protest.
Castiel keeps calm and tries not to open his eyes.
“Of course I do.” Dean says again, a little quieter this time.
“Then don’t you want him to be happy?” Sam asks.
“I do,” Dean says, looking down and carding his hand through Cas’ hair. “but I don’t see how a stupid hamster is going to do that.” He grumbles out.
“It will Dean, trust me. It will.” Sam says. “It gets pretty lonely here when you are alone.”
Dean sighs softly, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I know.” Sam says smugly.
Castiel opens his eyes and looks in Sam’s.
Sam smirks down at him and Castiel mouths ‘Thank you’ at him.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 3
When he’d “woken up” from his nap, Dean hadn’t said anything at first much to Cas’ disappointment. Maybe Dean had taken the time to think and decided that he’d changed his mind. It actually hadn’t been until they were getting ready for bed that Dean had haltingly admitted that he had been wrong and that it wouldn’t be a horrible idea for Cas to have a pet.
“So I guess, if you wanted, we could go to the pet store tomorrow and you know, look for some sort of critter…but only one.”
Cas tried extremely hard to receive Dean’s acquiescence towards getting a pet with grace and dignity and felt he succeeded…barely. Instead of jumping up and cheering at finally achieving his goal, he beamed and leaned in to kiss Dean silly before moving on to other ways to show his gratitude.
It would be well into the later part of the morning before they left their room for breakfast the next day.
After breakfast, which definitely seemed to take longer than normal to Cas, they left the bunker to head into town. Cas had the directions to the pet store pulled up on his phone; he’d spent days upon days while he’d been on his own researching the best places to find pets and had bookmarked marked them.
“Turn up here,” he said, pointing to the last turn that should take them to Pet-topia. Excitement had him practically vibrating in his seat as Dean pulled the Impala into the parking lot and maneuvered into one of the store’s parking spaces.
Dean looked vaguely grumpy as they got out of the car but Cas suspected that he was just trying to pretend to be upset that he’d caved to save face or other such nonsense. He trailed behind Cas as they entered the store.
There was a bored looking teenager standing at the register when they entered who sighed heavily and didn’t straighten from his slouched position over his phone when he asked in a flat voice, “welcome to Pet-topia, is there anything I can help you with today?”
“No, thank you,” Cas said, noting the teenager went happily back to his phone.
Keeping his and Dean’s discussion in mind, he forced himself to pass the rabbits and other larger animals despite the fact of how much he wished they were an option and walked on until they found themselves in front of the hamster display.
Looking down into the massive cage, he saw oodles of small balls of fluff; some of them scurrying around on the wood shaving covered cage floor or on the wheels while other’s nibbled at the food and water or laid sedately in their chosen spots. Cas looked down at the hamsters, his heart sinking ever so slightly.
How was he supposed to pick just one?
#1 @deadlyangelkay - Submission: 4
Dean could tell from the slightly panicked look in Castiel’s eyes and the frown etching it’s ways at the corner of his mouth, that he was over whelmed. Hell, Dean wasn’t even the one picking the damn rodent and he felt over whelmed.
Dean’s heart broke when he heard Cas mutter that he should just get a fish. He hated hearing the defeated tone in his love’s voice and was determined to make this easier.
Dean draped his arm around Castiel’s shoulder, pulling him closer and placing a kiss to his temple.
“How about this?” Dean suggested. “You spend some time with these little guys, see which one grabs your attention and I’ll go look at the cages and crap for his new home.”
Castiel gave Dean a small smile and nodded. “That is agreeable.”
“Awesome. Text me when you’ve found the one.” He gives Castiel another kiss, to the forehead this time and smiles at him before heading off to cages.
Dean had no idea that there were so many options for a hamster to call home. As if picking the perfect one was hard, Dean could only imagine how Castiel would feel about selecting a cage. Dean selected a colorful plastic monstrosity that had a Ferris wheel looking thing attached to it.
Of course, Dean turned down the wrong aisle and was accosted by the site of adorable balls of fluff. He would never admit it, but he had a soft spot for rabbits. The little balls of fluff with floppy ears and twitchy noses made Dean give pause every time. And this time was no different than any other time. Especially when one of the dwarf rabbits happened to be interested in his movements. Dean would be a bold face liar if he said that the damned ball of fluff hadn’t already set it’s hooks into him. And how could it not? It’s black fur contrasting with the bright blue eyes. Dean was so captivated by it that he hadn’t even noticed he had company.
“I thought you said no rabbits,” Castiel’s voice was soft and teasing.
#writer 2 drop
#3 @ravenscat-tumbler - Submission: 4
“I did not say that…” Dean starts, “And I’m not saying that now either.” He finishes. Castiel just smirks at him, eyes glinting.“Don’t give me that look.” He says, turning back to looks at the dwarf rabbit. “We can get the rabbit if you want to Dean.” Castiel says. He stands slightly behind Dean and places his hand on his lower back, looking at the rabbit with him. “He is a cute little fella, isn’t he?” Dean ask. “That he is.” “Alright, let’s get em.” Dean says, making up his mind. Castiel smiles warmly at Dean and then goes to talk to the person at the counter.The lady helps them pick out the necessary items they need to take the rabbit home. They leave the place with loads of bags and a lot less money than they came with. They come home and Sam is instantly taken to the little guy.“Hey, his features look like Cas’.” Sam says with the bunny on his lap. He scratches behind his ear and the rabbit wiggles his nose in content. Castiel smiles mischievously looking towards Dean, who had adverted his gaze and was pretending to read the bag of the food.“Is that why you wanted to get him, Dean?” “What?” Dean asks, looking up and pretending to hear them for the first time. “Did you want to get the rabbit because it had similar features to me?” “What? No! Don’t be ridiculous.” Dean says. “Anyways… what do we name the little guy?” He asks changing the topic.
#4 @blue-reveries - Submission: 4
The debate on what to name their, and Cas maintained that this pet belonged to all of them now after seeing Sam and Dean’s faces, rabbit raged on for the rest of the day until a decision was made just after dinner.
And so the rabbit was dubbed Bruce in honor of the Hulk and so that he had a “manly” name.
(Though Cas suspected Dean only agreed to the name so he could go around saying “Hello..my name is Bruce…” in an entirely inaccurate Australian accent despite his previous insistence that Finding Nemo had been boring.)
Originally when they’d been hammering out the details on where the hamster they’d been planning to get would reside, Dean had been adamant that “the critter” would be staying in the room next door to his and Cas’ room. He’d argued that he didn’t need a rodent in his living space. So Cas was surprised when Dean picked up the rabbit cage they’d purchased and carried it past the room they’d prepared only to enter their bedroom.
As much as Cas wanted to ask why their new pet was suddenly allowed to be in their room, he refrained. Today had been a big day for Dean what with agreeing to not only having a pet but changing that pet to a slightly bigger animal so he didn’t want to risk pushing his buttons too much. He cuddled Bruce to his chest as he watched Dean clear off a space on the one dresser for the rabbit cage; the little ball of fluff burrowing into the fabric of his t-shirt. Running his fingers through Bruce’s hair was extremely soothing and this pleased Cas.
Bruce wouldn’t be a substitute for actual human interaction but he’d definitely be a comfort and a fitting companion for when Sam and Dean needed to leave for extended hunts.
“There,” Dean said, stepping back to brush his hands off.  He stood there, examining his handiwork for a bit before turning to face Cas. “Bruce’s place is all set.” Dean reached out and scooped Bruce out of his hands, cooing at him. “Here you are, big guy. A home just for you.”
It took every ounce of control that Cas had cultivated over millenias of existence to not burst out laughing at his self-proclaimed “macho” boyfriend turning into a puddle of goo in the presence of a small bunny.
#1 @deadlyangelkay - Submission: 5
A few weeks had passed since they had brought home both Bruce and Peanut. The brothers hadn’t found a case and it gave time for all three to bond with the animals. Cas’ favorite part was watching the rabbit and hamster interact and Dean’s reaction to it. At first Dean was hesitant, having his precious Bruce and the rodent near each other. But once Sam pointed out that essentially the two were brothers, Dean begrudgingly relented.
Now, it’s as if Dean looks forward to their play time. Castiel smiles fondly at Dean as he laughs at the way Bruce and Peanut play. More like the way that would climb over Bruce and Bruce would twitch his nose at the hamster. The best part about watching “their boys” – as Dean has started to call them – was the Dean would periodically lean against Cas. Happy, content, and peaceful.
Before Castiel knew it, it was time for the Winchesters to go off to another hunt. Dean gave Cas the familiar speech about how it was just a simple salt and burn and they would be back before he could miss them. And as always Cas would roll his eyes because after all this time, when has anything been easy for the Winchesters? A quick kiss goodbye and a promise to call when they got to the motel, Castiel was once again left in the large quiet bunker.
He scooped up Bruce into his arms, the little guy nuzzling into his shirt as he carried Bruce to the bedroom. “You know, there’s an excellent documentary on Netflix that you might like,” Castiel says softly, happy to no longer be alone.
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Self-Care Strategies When You Hate Your Job but Quitting is Not an Option
Written by CH ‘09
It was last summer when I began to feel a bit antsy as I had been in my position at work for over 4 years and felt it was perhaps time to move on. Fast forward a few months and I was about to start a new position, one that’s job description excited me. It was the opportunity to move up and on that I had been looking for after a few years of both stagnation and complacency.
Just a few days into my new position, however, something happened. I realized very quickly that the job description that excited me? Those job responsibilities were seemingly not unique to my role and would be either shared with or primarily managed by other colleagues who were more senior and really that I would be assisting my colleagues with all those tasks, that I essentially had no autonomous duties. I paused. Perhaps, I was too quick to rush to judgment. Perhaps, this was how they on-boarded people. Perhaps, it would get better or there would be an opportunity to not be what basically felt like an office assistant, a role I was certainly not looking for after leaving my previous position after many years.
That was November. It is currently April. Nothing has changed. In fact, it has gotten worse in the respect that I at times feel talked down to, treated as if I have no work experience, micromanaged. Sigh. While I figure out my next steps in terms of a new, better job opportunity, I need to rely on self-care in order to get me through these tough times. So what’s a W alum to do when trying to make it day to day in a not so ideal work environment (while simultaneously trying not to go down the life comparison rabbit hole)?
Here are some of my personal self-care tips:
1. TAKING LUNCH BREAKS – It is pretty much office culture in my current position for people to not take a dedicated lunch break, choosing instead to eat in front of their computers. I, on the other hand, take full advantage of my one hour unpaid lunch by breaking out of the office, grabbing lunch and not being surrounded by work. It is still apparently winter in New England some days (why??), so not many outdoors excursions yet but lunch time away from my desk is a great way for me to recharge and push through until the end of the (at times long long) day.
2. MUSIC – Music for sure has become a close personal friend particularly on lunch breaks but also at the end of the day on my commute home. Whether it is TLC’s greatest hits, reliving 1999 via N’SYNC and Britney Spears or listening to the iconic Cardi B’ s latest mixtape, zoning out and listening to some tunes is a great way for me to decompress.
3. GOOD FOOD – Forget diamonds, food really is this girl’s best friend. I am in no way suggesting turning to food in order to fill an emotional void, but sometimes when you’re feeling down a good meal is the best way to cheer yourself up. My go-to meal is tacos from my favorite spot Bernie’s Place, but I also love a good hamburger, some French fries, Thai food, or sushi for a little pick me up.  
4. FRIENDS – Catching up with friends (and not ruminating over your work situation while doing so) is another way to just get my mind off work especially in a situation where I just do not jive with my colleagues. The sense of familiarity can be comforting when you feel out of place or not well integrated. Also, your friends can give some great advice sometimes without even knowing it. When I mentioned to one friend that I was trying to not beat myself for taking a less than great job, she reminded me that jobs are a crap shoot and that one can always end up in a place that is not a good fit. That instantly snapped me out of a bad place with just a simple remark.
5. LIMITING COMPLAINING - One thing that I found is that it is easy to dwell on the how terrible my job is to the point of talking about it incessantly. What helps me break that habit is complaining to myself or family member or friend for a delineated amount of time and then moving on. There is no point in pretending that working in an environment that’s wearing on you emotionally is not but it also is not healthy for me to talk about it for hours on end. If you find that your toxic environment is affecting other aspects of your life such as eating or sleeping, I would encourage you to seek professional help. I have and there is no shame in that.
6. MINDLESS TELEVISION – After a long day and then getting out the day’s frustrations, coming home to mindless television is a dream come true for me not only due to my work environment but also in the context of these political times. Some of my go-to favorites include The Real Housewives franchise, Southern Charm, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Say Yes to the Dress, and Catfish. I also enjoy reliving the good old days of watching daytime soap operas after school or during vacations by catching up on The Bold and the Beautiful and Young and the Restless at night.
7. CIVIC ENGAGEMENT – Staying involved in my local community has been a great way over the years for me to positively contribute to my hometown, meet new people and build my resume through unpaid work. This has come in the form of working on municipal campaigns, joining education justice activities and participating in park clean ups. This year is a municipal election year in my area ahead of 2018’s Congressional races so there is still an opportunity to be involved, engage in issues I care about and get my mind off work.
8. MAKING A PLAN – One thing that keep a down me down is not actively working toward improving my lot. So while I mull over what I want to do next and keep my eye open for new opportunities, I am learning to drive at 30 (!) and am trying to remind myself that right now is not forever.
9. ACCEPTANCE – I say this not because I am there but because it is something that would truly be in my best interest. Perseverating on what I questions I should have asked in the job interview that may have helped me make a better decision or thinking about the red flags I may have missed or kicking myself for complaining about a previous situation that was infinitely better than my current one is not helpful. Accepting that I am where I am and moving forward with the mentality of rectifying to get to the other side is self-care. It is not beating myself up because I made the best decision at the time based on what I knew it just did not work out. It was a learning experience for sure though in the sense of knowing what to ask or look for going forward. I also have to remind myself that I would not be learning to drive or looking to explore new cities outside of my hometown had it not been for this job. Looking for the silver linings no matter how small eases the tension of feeling like you made a huge mistake or are a failure.
10. SUNLIGHT – Finally, when all else fails, there is nothing like taking a walk in the sunshine whether while hiking or along the beach or simply in your neighborhood, feeling that warmth on your face and saying ‘it’s going to be OK’ as a form of caring for yourself.
Are you currently going through a tough time? What are some ways you are coping? Send them to us at [email protected], Attn.: Self-Care
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
What To Order For Your Big-Deal (Quarantine) Birthday added to Google Docs
What To Order For Your Big-Deal (Quarantine) Birthday
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear reader. Happy birth - now rinse your hands. It is, needless to say, not ideal to have your birthday in the midst of a pandemic. Unless you’re not really a birthday person, in which case, result. But, a pandemic does not = ‘no party’. Because thanks to the wonders and resilience of restaurants, bars, and video apps with questionable T&Cs when it comes to personal data, you can still celebrate your birthday in ways big, small, and boozy. Here are some suggestions for food, drink, and cakes.
FOOD Namaaste Kitchen £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Camden ££££ 64 Parkway 7.8 /10
You never thought your birthday wishlist would involve toilet roll and a hand-held hoover, but here we are. The good news is that your birthday meal can still involve some of the best butter chicken, lamb chops, and biryanis that north London has to offer. You can order directly from Namaaste Kitchen’s website or give them a ring on 020 7485 5977.
Quality Chop House £ £ £ £ British  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 94 Farringdon Rd 8.5 /10
In an alternate reality we would have featured on MTV’s My Super Sweet 16. Only instead of asking for a ’rarri or a performance from Nelly, we would have asked for the QCH’s confit potatoes with a big bow on top. Luckily, you can get that and a party-sized supply of stuff like smoked cod’s roe, big family-style pies, wine, and more from their shop.
Yauatcha £ £ £ £ Chinese ,  Dim Sum  in  Soho ££££ 15-17 Broadwick St 7.7 /10
If your birthday plans are reading like a vicious post-festival comedown - 1) shower, 2) wear (clean) underwear, 3) briefly sob, 4) retreat to sofa with ice cream for the foreseeable future - then we suggest you look at Yauatcha’s menu instead. The stalwart Soho Chinese spot is delivering their excellent dim sum alongside macarons and champagne around central and west London. Best of all, underwear is very much optional.
Coal Rooms £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Peckham ££££ 11a Station Way Not
Great things can come from bad times, and in Fat Boy BBQ - the new barbecue menu from the previously-closed Coal Rooms in Peckham - a great thing has happened for your birthday. Less phoenix rising from the ashes, and more pig slow-cooked in them, the Thursday - Saturday menu features BBQ pork belly, Korean short rib, burgers, mac and cheese, and a gloriously filthy sounding bone marrow gravy. Plus, there are milkshakes and cocktails too.
Top Cuvée £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Wine Bar  in  Highbury ££££ 177B Blackstock Rd 7.5 /10
Top Cuveé in Highbury have rebranded themselves as Shop Cuvée and, depending on which number birthday you’re celebrating, you may well be thinking about having a little mid-crisis rebrand yourself. What you’ll also want is their £60 birthday package for two that includes cocktails from Three Sheets bar, nibbly bits, a ragu, a side, a bottle of wine, and sticky toffee pudding. Delivery is London-wide and, to be honest, we’ll be ordering it birthday or not.
Taquería £ £ £ £ Mexican  in  Notting Hill ££££ 139-144 Westbourne Grove 7.5 /10
Look, there is nothing - we repeat, nothing - wrong with spending your birthday solo downing passion fruit margaritas whilst reenacting the hasta la vista baby, Terminator scene with your cat. Sure, Mr Tiddles might need to work on his Arnold Schwarzenneger impression, but Taqueria in Notting Hill has the margaritas and tacos covered. You can order here and look out for their set menu deals.
Pidgin Experimental  in  Hackney 52 Wilton Way Not
Put down the pipette. We repeat, put down the pipette. And don’t even think about putting those micro herbs on your spag bol. You’re not a fine dining chef, but the folks at Pidgin are. Every Sunday this neighbourhood Hackney spot is releasing four days worth of fancy three-course menus for to pre-order for the following weekend. All you have to is set a reminder and hit this link for a stylish, celebratory meal.
The Camberwell Arms £ £ £ £ British ,  Pub  in  Camberwell ££££ 65 Camberwell Church St 8.4 /10
No, this year you can’t go to the pub on your birthday, but yes the pub can come to you if you’re either within 2.5 miles of The Camberwell Arms, or you want to swing by and pick-up. Alongside essentials, the go-to south London gastropub is selling our kind of classic birthday bundle: beef and bone marrow pie, mash, wine, and a galette to finish. Order that, some bubbly, and whatever else takes your fancy from their website.
La Mia Mamma £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Chelsea ££££ 257 King’s Road 8.1 /10
Missing your mum on your birthday? Then La Mia Mamma’s ‘pacco di mamma’ is the next best thing. This mamma’s package is a whopping amount of food, including portions of aubergine parmigiana, handmade ricotta and burrata, croquettes, pizza dough, pasta sauces, wine, and pretty much everything and anything your own mother would try to feed you after 78 courses of birthday eating. It’s available for delivery all over London from their website.
Naughty Piglets £ £ £ £ French  in  Brixton ££££ 28 Brixton Water Lane 8.2 /10
Obviously spending your birthday in a wine bar would be the dream right now, but buy enough wine, light a few candles, and order from Naughty Piglets in Brixton and you’ll almost, almost be there. This Brixton wine bar is taking 40 orders a day via 07964 538 982 between 2pm - 4pm, featuring handmade crab linguine and pork belly with XO sauce. Check their Instagram for menu details.
Yard Sale Pizza £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Clapton ,  Hackney ££££ 105 Lower Clapton Rd 8.0 /10
You know that gaping hole in your heart where your mad birthday party should be? Yeah, fill it with an 18-inch pizza from Yard Sale. Plus, if you don’t want to eat something called the Mush Be Love on your birthday, we’re not sure we can be friends. Their toppings include everything from fennel sausage to truffle oil, and they deliver from Hackney, Finsbury Park, Clapton, Walthamstow, and Leytonstone.
Hide £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Mayfair ££££ 85 Piccadilly 8.7 /10
Sadly, Hide’s multi-course tasting menu experience isn’t an option for your birthday this year, but their cleverly named Hide at Home menu is. Call or email if you’re in the mood for a truffle-filled croque monsieur birthday brunch, or a full-blown scallops followed by suckling pig dinner.
The Laughing Heart £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Wine Bar  in  Hackney ££££ 277 Hackney Road Not
The late-night Hackney wine bar is sticking to what they know and supplying pretty much everything you need for a good time, birthday or otherwise. They’re delivering set meals that you just need to ‘finish at home’, including parmigiana di melanzane, salads, focaccia, a very grown-up cheese situation, as well as countless bottles of wine.
Casa do Frango £ £ £ £ Portuguese  in  Southwark ££££ 32 Southwark St Not
Some of your most formative birthday memories have involved piri-piri chicken and fries, so why should this one be any different? Throw in a little Zoom with your mates and an order from Casa Do Frango, and you’re basically there. Just don’t forget a pastel de nata, it’s your birthday after all.
dRINK Passionevino £ £ £ £ Shoreditch ££££ 85 Leonard Street Not
Your birthday fantasy might have involved a Vespa and excellent Italian wines. It probably didn’t involve an industrial amount of hand sanitizer, but that’s okay, because you can still make your whole grown-up Chianti moment happen by ordering in from Passione Vino. They’re now delivering across London with their #wineonwheels service, including aperitivo packs and plenty of independent wines.
Top Cuvée £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Wine Bar  in  Highbury ££££ 177B Blackstock Rd 7.5 /10
If the whole theme of your birthday this year is just going to be the phrase, ’it’s five ‘o’ clock somewhere’, then take note because Top Cuvée are delivering cocktails across London. Their online shop has everything from natural wine survival packs to a magnum of negroni. That’s right, a magnum of negroni. If you live in Islington, you can collect, otherwise they’re offering same-day deliveries across north, east, and parts of central, as well as London and UK wide shipping.
The Sun Tavern ££££ 441 Bethnal Green Rd
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, get pissed on your sofa, happy birthday to you! Celebrate your birthday with The Sun Tavern’s ‘quarantini kit’ which involves four large cocktail serves of either negroni, boulevardier, or old fashioned for £30. If your birthday has crept up on you this year due to, you know, time no longer existing, they also have free same-day delivery, plus plenty of beer too.
Kicking Horse Craft Beer ££££
Beer, beer, and more beer - that’s what you can expect from Kicking Horse Craft Beer. As well as big 24 bottle cases, you’ll find plenty of mixed case options, the odd bottled cocktail, and cider too. Deliveries will be made in two working days and it’s free for all orders over £35, just be sure to order before 12pm on Thursday if your birthday falls on the weekend.
cake L'ETO Caffè ££££ 155 Wardour St
Nothing will fill the void of your friends and family on your birthday, except for an enormous tray of profiteroles and a multi-layered caramel cake from L’Eto Café. This patisserie has got a few locations over London, and their spread includes chocolate, sponge, layered cakes, and more.
Crosstown Doughnuts & Coffee ££££ 4 Broadwick St
Look, no matter what you do - pop bottles, Houseparty with everyone you’ve ever known, thank your dog for the birthday present you bought and wrapped yourself - you’re going to end up back on the sofa. And when you do, you’re going to want a box of Crosstown Doughnuts next to you. Order selection boxes of six or twelve here. You want twelve.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/london/guides/birthday-dinner-delivery-london Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created April 16, 2020 at 08:26PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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Today my mom told me I had an eating disorder.
Bulimia Nervosa.
I’m not skinny by any means, nor am I overweight, and my views on my body are not particularly good or bad. I’m a chocoholic that lives for raspberry filled dark chocolate squares from Godiva. I love almost every form of potatoes, and I want to go on a french fry tour of the world. Taking photos of food is one of my favorite hobbies, and I am a sucker for a good steak. Fish would be my main food group if I had it my way, I’ve always been a huge fan of salmon. I once ate a head of lettuce like it was an apple, and my Easter baskets are always filled with raw veggies.
However, when I eat, I eat more than I should. I go 3 or 4 days without eating again. I often forget that there are 3 meals in a day. I forget whether I have eaten anything. I have alarms on my phone that remind me to eat and drink. I often ignore them with the thought that I will get back to it later. Later is 3 days away. When there is a sharp pain on my right side that feels like an intense pressure at first but then becomes the equivalent of taking a knife and applying just enough pressure to break the skin. 3 days is when my stomach has given up on growling and instead it groans. 3 days is when food smells disgusting, but my stomach is heating up because it is trying to consume something it hasn’t even touched. 3 days is when I finally decide to eat everything. Leftovers? I got that. Cereal? I love that. Tuna salad? Ooh! We are always done for that! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Uncrustables are literally my favorite. Ice cream? I mean it’s kind of freezer burnt, but I’ll take it. Questionable Chinese takeout? Hasn’t this been there for 2 weeks? Oh well. What’s left? Damn, I can’t cook. I guess I’ll go to Steak & Shake, they have $4 meals. Yeah, I’ll have a number 14. Thanks. God I’m so hungry.
Today my mom told me I had an eating disorder.
Bulimia Nervosa.
This is a big deal. This is the moment of truth. I have Bipolar II disorder. My mom doubted that I had any issues for years before I was finally diagnosed. This woman is determined to make me out to be a perfect being. She calls the entire family whenever I’ve accomplished something. Today she even called everyone and bragged about my graduating college in 2 months. They know mom. Everyone knows. She says she’s proud of me. She is the type to insist that mental disorders are not real problems, they are simply challenges you can overcome.
Yet, today my mom pointed out that I have an eating disorder.
Bulimia Nervosa.
Look it up. See if you have it. They make it out to be scarier than I feel my situation is. I don’t puke up my food. I haven’t noticed any changes. Sure, maybe I lost a few pounds, but what college student doesn’t? Sure, maybe I have occasional blackouts, but that’s probably just sleep. Sure, maybe I feel weaker than normal, but isn’t that just depression? After all, I’m not puking up my food. I’m not eating a lot of food to fill a void. I’m not counting my calories. I’m not overexerting myself by exercising more than I should. I don’t look unhealthy. I don’t think I have an eating disorder.
This is day 2.
I’m afraid to try and think of the last time I drank water. I’m scared to realize when my last real meal was. When I think about food, I register that I am hungry, but food sounds tasteless. Food is tasteless. Did you know that french fries taste 10x better when you are extremely hungry? I didn’t. I thought they were delicious all the time. I was wrong. They are bland, tasteless, lacking. Did you know chocolate can be an acquired taste? I didn’t. I thought chocolate was always appreciated. I was wrong. It can be too rich, too sweet, too bitter, too plain. While we’re at it, veggies are the worst, and meat… God, meat. I can’t stand the smell.
I don’t hate my body.
I’m not a health nut.
I’m not particularly stressed.
I haven’t really experienced any trauma.
Today my mom told me I have an eating disorder, and it has knocked me off course. Going through the motions every day, accepting that I forget the most mundane things… Today I was forced to step back and examine my health again. I thought I was getting better, but you can’t get better when you don’t take your meds. I thought I was being normal, but you can’t be normal when you weren’t sure what that was to begin with. Today I am hungry, and it is only day 2.
What about you?
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Selena Gomez on Instagram Fatigue
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/21/selena-gomez-on-instagram-fatigue/
Selena Gomez on Instagram Fatigue
On an unusually moist and windy evening in La, Selena Gomez indicates up at my door with a heavy bag of groceries. We’ve decided that this night’s dinner could be a form of tribute to the after-church Sunday barbecues she recollects from her Texan youth. I already have ten simmering in green salsa, poblano peppers blackening at the flames of the stove, and crimson cabbage wilting in a puddle of lime juice. All we want are Gomez’s famous tacky potatoes—so bad they’re excellent, she guarantees. She sets down her Givenchy purse and brings up, in gaudy succession, a frozen bundle of Massive Eagle Potatoes O’Brien, a can of Campbell’s Cream of hen soup, a bag of shredded “Mexican cheese,” and a squat plastic canister of French’s Crispy Fried Onions. “I wager you didn’t assume we have been going to get this real,” she says, and after I inform her that real isn’t the first word that springs to mind whilst confronted with these ingredients, she responds with the booming conflict-ax laugh that offers a foretaste of Gomez’s many captivating incongruities. However actual is exactly what I used to be awaiting from the 24-yr-vintage Selena, simply as her a hundred and ten million Instagram fans (Selenators, as they’re regarded) have come to expect it. Of course, celeb’s old codes are lengthy gone, MGM’s untouchable eggshell glamor having given manner to the “They’re Much like Us!” generation of documented journeys to the gasoline station and cellulite captured via telephoto lenses. However, Gomez and her ilk have long past similarly nevertheless, using their smartphones to generate a stardom that appears to say now not merely “I’m Just like you” However “I am you.” People so badly wanted me to be true,” she says, laying a tortilla in scorching oil, “and when that came about, sooner or later, it turned into a massive release. I’m no longer extraordinary from what I placed out there. I’ve been very vulnerable with my enthusiasts, and once in a while, I say things I shouldn’t. But I have to be sincere with them. I feel that’s a large a part of why I’m wherein I’m.” Gomez lines her shift towards the unfiltered lower back to a track she launched in 2014 known as “The Heart Wants What It Wishes,” a ballad approximately loving a man she is aware of is awful news. The name derives from a letter written via Emily Dickinson, although Woody Allen reintroduced the phrase when he used it to explain his relationship with Quickly-Yi Previn. We will count on that Gomez is referring here to Justin Bieber, with whom she ended a 3-yr dating at across the time the track debuted.
How To Get Instagram Followers Fast
Instagram is some other of the numerous social networking websites running out on the internet today. It’s far a platform wherein you can share your snapshots privately or publicly. Now, in case you want to reach out to a much wider target market, you need to start amassing your Instagram fans.Instagram online
Here are a few legitimate and tried and examined techniques to get Instagram followers speedy.
Public money owed –
If you have a non-public account, it is most effective your buddies who can see what your percentage. Hence, the first step to getting Instagram fans speedy is to head public. For the ones of your actually involved about privacy, you can constantly preserve a check on what you pick to proportion.
Hashtags –
Instagram uses hashtags to filter out photos. When you look for pictures, the social media community will display all of the photographs with a commonplace hashtag. Popularity isn’t always the only criteria whilst choosing the hashtags to go with your pics. You must also use relevant ones. three is an excellent range of hashtags to use with your image.
Normal uploads –
A dormant account does not normally get too many fans. Instagrammers on an Everyday basis tend to unfollow inactive money owed. Consequently, the approach is to refresh your account with new, original and charming content material.
In general of the thumb, don’t post too little and do not flood your web page. A picture each day is a superb popular.
Use filters –
Why have you to use filters? Nicely, they definitely enhance the appearance of your photographs adding a more personalized touch. This experience of delivered splendor is enough to draw greater followers who love following great paintings. test how a selected filter looks before you actually apply it.
Image collages –
Instead of importing alone Photo, you could integrate multiple pix right into a single one. Such photos are more engaging as they inform a story. There are numerous paid and loose, 1/3 party university makers and image-enhancing apps you can use for the motive.
Time it right –
The maximum breathtaking pics will have no viewers in case you publish it while the whole Instagram community is asleep. The peak times on Instagram are within the morning earlier than paintings and inside the evening after work. This is when maximum Instagrammers take a look at their debts. So, time your uploads proper.
Follow, like and comment –
Yet some other tip to growth your visibility on Instagram is to Comply with others. They could Observe you in go back. Take it a step in addition via liking and commenting on other’s pics and movies. You are in all likelihood to seize the eye of the image owner as Properly his/her fans. It’d spark off them to test out your Instagram account, increasing the likelihood of fans.
Sync with Facebook –
With Fb taking up Instagram, you can now percentage your pix across both the structures with the aid of integrating your Fb and Instagram account. This manner your Instagram activity gets streamed on to Facebook. Fb friends that also have an Instagram account will start following you if they prefer what you upload.
Detroit Could Use Gomez For Pennant Race To Fill Out Injured Roster
The Tigers had been the most lively contender given that final month’s change closing date, looking to fill in for the numerous injuries which have sidelined key players. They’ve misplaced half of their establishing day infield and one 0.33 of their ordinary outfielders, collecting a crowded disabled list.
Just days ago, Detroit engineered a change with the Braves. The Tigers acquired veteran Erick Aybar from Atlanta to help replace injured shortstop Jose Iglesias, who’s on the 15 days D.L.
Even extra these days, Detroit referred to as up utility guy Alex Presley from their Triple-An affiliate in Toledo. Presley became without delay inserted into left discipline against the Boston Red Sox, hoping that the former Mudhen can assist fill the void left through the injured Curtis Granderson.
The team should see an extra on the spot impact if they looked within the course of a former All-Famous person who was Just closing week released by using the Houston Astros, a player that Detroit has to be very familiar with.
In the end, that player, Carlos Gomez, changed into worried in one of the maximum memorable plays that most Tigers fanatics would really like to overlook. Even as gambling for American League imperative rival Minnesota, Gomez scored the run that prevented Detroit from reaching the postseason.
Youtube Selena Gomez
After the closing recreation of the season returned in 2009, Detroit and Minnesota had been dead even atop the department. The two golf equipment had to meet in sport 163, which would decide who could be going to the playoffs.
Now not only did the golf equipment need that extra recreation to decide the champion, but they ended up wanting twelve innings before it changed into ultimately decided. The result thrilled the fanatics at the Metrodome that night, but the sight of Carlos Gomez rounding third and crossing home has been for all time painfully etched into the reminiscences of Detroit lovers as well.
Suffering From Low Energy And Fatigue
Fatigue can deliver a mixture feeling of weariness, tiredness and in standard a loss of electricity. There are many causes for low energy. It is able to be as simple as placing extra electricity into your each day lifestyles to end up extra lively, the much less movement or exercising your frame receives the greater strength it could lose.
Being low on power the maximum commonplace one is nutrition. But, if fatigue is not willing to head away after having made adjustments in your nutrition and activity plan, then It can be caused by any underlying clinical hassle and pleasant see a health practitioner. There are many approaches to offer yourself again the electricity or replace the only you misplaced. Regardless of what age, deficiency can show up to anybody and faster than you think.
The Purpose Of Deficiency
In accordance with research, human beings over 60 are much more likely to have better deficiency levels. The cause at the back of this is, the absorption price lowers as we grow old. The body calls for greater effort to absorb nutrients. Alas, the larger percent of meals our frame receives is lacking crucial nutrients. The principle bulk of meals humans devour is over processed, loaded with sugar and coffee on nutritional values.
To retain a weight loss plan wherein the bigger percentage consumption is over processed and delicate food, this not best will bring forth low power and fatigue, it will weaken the immune device, opens the frame’s defense for any type of infection. refined ingredients are complete of chemical compounds, meals colorings and loaded with preservatives. Including to this is pollution, strain, tension, which all of them drain your body of energy. An unexpected upward push in temperature and humidity will even supply that feeling of low strength. As your frame adjusts to the new temperature this will quickly depart and is not any type of deficiency.vitamins for tired and no energy
A way to Fix The trouble
As stated before, absorption is often the issue as we age. In our food regimen most probably are lacking a few minerals and nutrients and this might be one of the reasons via no longer having the proper absorption. Blockers: It is recognized that positive pills and medication can block your frame’s nutrition consumption, and prevent therefore right absorption.
What do help absorption and occasional electricity are a specific nutrition belonging to the diet B organization Methylcobalamin B-12? Do no longer confuse the call with Cyanocobalamin; keep away from them and take most effective Methylcobalamin B-12, (methyl B-12).
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New Post has been published on Healthy Food and Remedies
New Post has been published on http://healthyfoodandremedies.com/2017/02/09/10-health-myths-just-wont-die-debunked-science/
10 Health Myths That Just Won't Die, Debunked by Science
Everything makes you fat! Gluten-free food is the key to eternal youth! You need to poop ten times a day or you’ll die! You’ll find tons of equally ridiculous health claims around the internet, and you’ll actually believe some of them. Today we’re taking a look at 10 common myths and uncovering the truth.
While we’ve learned a lot about health issues here at Lifehacker over the years, we can’t claim expertise on any particular subject. To help us get to the root of these myths, we solicited the help of three experts: Dr. Carly Stewart (medical expert at Money Crashers), Andy Bellatti (Las Vegas-based registered dietitian), and Dr. Spencer Nadolsky (medical editor at Examine.com). They all offer a unique perspective on each myth but mostly came to the same conclusions: we have a lot of silly misinformation out there about our health.
Myth 1: Eating Fatty Food Makes You Fat
It seems obvious that fat makes you fat, but what seems obvious often turns out to be wrong. After all, we used to believe geese grew on trees for reasons that actually made some sense. Just because fat goes into our body doesn’t mean it stays there, however, and so we’ve now found that a long-held assumption didn’t make a lot of sense. Dr. Stewart explains.
Eating fatty foods does not make you fat. Fat in moderation is a necessary part of any healthy and balanced diet. Putting on more weight in the form of fat is a result of energy imbalance. You will gain weight if you take in more calories than you burn. Fat is a concentrated source of calories, but it is not necessary to eliminate fat from your diet completely.
Bellatti agrees, providing a little context as to why we might look at fat as a problem:
Sheer lunacy. Whole-food fats (nuts, seeds, avocado) are satiating and help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. You can’t put French fries and almonds in the same category simply because both are “high in fat.”
Foods like french fries don’t fill you up. They also don’t contain other useful nutrients like foods with good fats (like the ones Bellatti mentioned). Dr. Nadolsky also agrees that it really just comes down to excess intake of anything:
Fat can make you fat, but so can carbohydrates and (to a much lesser degree) protein; it just matters that you over-consume the source of calories. Granted some fats are seen as ‘better’ than others (such as coconut oil and fish oil relative to trans fats) which accounts for some variability in weight gain, but weight gain will occur when ‘excess’ is consumed (whatever that may be to your body).
So fat won’t make you fat, unless you eat too much of it. You know, like anything else. You have to beware of fat free, as well, as it often actually contains fat and adds quite a bit of sugar. When something gets eliminated, make sure to find out what filled the void.
Myth 2: Eating Carbs Makes You Fat
If eating fat won’t make you fat, carbohydrates must! Right? Carbs, the devil of our current decade, get cut from just about every new fad diet to promote super fast fat loss. Again, the truth comes down to striking a healthy balance. Dr. Nadolsky explains why a healthy amount of carbohydrates don’t really cause a problem:
While it is becoming more popular to blame carbohydrates as the cause of obesity, people don’t realize that de novo lipogenesis (DNL; which converts sugars into fat) tends to be inefficient in human bodies. For carbs to make one fat, they would need to work in concert with a poor diet and lack of exercise which makes those latter two more readily blamed.
So how do you tell when carbs cause problems? Bellatti explains:
More over-simplified nonsense. Again, a Pop-Tart (carbohydrate-rich) and a pear (also carbohydrate-rich) are not the same thing. The problem is refined and highly processed carbohydrates, which can trigger cravings.
Dr. Stewart elaborates:
It is a good idea to limit the number of carbs you eat in the form of sugar because sugar is low in nutritional value and high in calories. However, if you eliminate carbs completely, you will miss out on healthy food such as whole grain breads and wheat pastas. You will only gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.
Perhaps you’re seeing a pattern here: a healthy diet comes down to balance and choosing natural sources of carbs when you include them. You don’t have to eliminate them entirely, but focus on the options with greater nutritional value and limited processing.
Myth 3: MSG Is Bad For You
Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, has a sordid past. Many Americans look at MSG as anything from a dietary problem to a silent killer. In reality, if MSG poses a problem it doesn’t stem from the flavor enhancer itself, but where you tend to find it. Bellatti explains:
Yes and no. Some people don’t respond to it well. My main thing with MSG is that it’s a marker for highly processed foods.
Dr. Nadolsky also explains that most of our information about MSG doesn’t really add up to much:
MSG is commonly demonized as giving people headaches, and it’s possible that some people are more sensitive to MSG or currently unknown reasons; these people can avoid MSG and treat it like some manner of allergen, but this doesn’t mean that it is inherently bad (we don’t know). MSG is often cited as causing obesity, but that is induced in mice with direct injections into the brain and ‘supported’ by binges at Chinese food establishments.
So should you avoid it? Sure, if it bothers you. Small amounts, however, shouldn’t have an impact on most people so don’t let it throw you into a panic.
Myth 4: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Is Worse Than Sugar
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) gets a bad rap. Make no mistake—it’s bad, but compared to sugar you won’t find a huge difference in the overall impact to your health. Dr. Nadolsky explains:
The content of fructose in both options (sucrose and HFCS) are pretty much similar, and if you ate enough HFCS for the extra 5% to matter then you over-consumed any type of sugar. There are no other known differences between these two sugars, and that one Princeton study saying otherwise has not only failed to have been replicated but is more than likely just misleading data.
Bellatti agrees, but adds that it has other negative impacts:
It’s technically no different, but it’s ubiquitous, takes a huge toll on the environment, and is a marker for highly processed foods.
As you may have noticed so far, a lot of stuff we consider problematic in our diets doesn’t cause as much trouble as we believe on its own but rather has a negative impact due to where you’ll find it. HFCS, carbohydrates, and fat often appear in highly processed foods. We think of them as bad because they exist in many unhealthy meal options and show up places where they don’t necessarily belong. Rather than demonize an ingredient, we need to focus on the food as a whole. You won’t find much good stuff in HFCS or sugar, but you’re more likely to find sugar in nutritious options and HFCS injected into foods that don’t need it.
Myth 5: Gluten-Free Foods Are Healthier
The gluten-free craze recently took hold and you’ll find tons of options as a result. Will you benefit from eating them? That depends on what your specific body needs. Just because some people need to eat gluten-free doesn’t mean it will work for you. Bellatti explains when you need to rid it from your system and when it’s fine:
If you are celiac or gluten sensitive, gluten is problematic. Otherwise, the body is technically able to process gluten. The absence of gluten in a food does not automatically make it healthier (soda is gluten-free). A lot of gluten-free breads are made with refined starches, which are not healthful. While I think many people can tolerate gluten just fine, I also don’t get concerned if someone tells me they feel better when they don’t eat it. Shunning gluten from your diet doesn’t put you at any sort of nutritional risk.
Dr. Stewart, for the most part, agrees:
Gluten-free foods are only healthier for you if you are allergic to gluten. If you aren’t, eating a gluten-free diet restricts the amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals you are able to consume. A variety of foods that are high in whole grains (such as foods containing wheat, rye, or barley) also contain gluten, and these foods are an essential part of a healthy diet. Most people have no trouble digesting gluten.
Why don’t most people have difficulty digesting gluten? Dr. Nadolsky explains:
You just cannot eat enough grain lectin (ie. gluten) to damage this tissue appreciably unless you have some preexisting impairment in the regenerative capacity of the intestines, which would refer to celiacs and maybe those with ‘sensitivities.’ Otherwise, worry about gluten is overblown since the intestines are made to recover from these stressors.
Unsurprisingly, people get duped when they meet celiacs whose lives improved vastly by cutting out gluten. Naturally, since they can’t process the stuff, that would happen. Few of us suffer from celiacs disease, fortunately, so we can handle products with gluten. Like with everything else, however, eat it with balance in mind.
Myth 6: Everyone Needs to Poop Daily
Some talented, amazing people can poop twice a day. How do they process that much waste? It must be magic. If you don’t make a bowel movement daily, it can seem like a problem when you compare yourself to those who take more frequent toilet breaks. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry. Everybody poops, but schedules vary. Dr. Stewart explains:
No single bowel movement schedule is right for everyone. However, staying hydrated, eating foods high in fiber, and being active will help ensure that your schedule is regular and you do not become backed up.
Dr. Nadolsky argues that regardless of how well you eat, you shouldn’t expect a predictable schedule:
The frequency of defecation is not something that should be put to a schedule, since it is a bit unreliable and dependent on food intake. Consistency of the stool, perhaps assessed by the bristol stool chart, is more reliable of an indicator of health than the frequency; while altering frequency does affect the body, it shouldn’t be a major concern unless you get constipated or cannot function due to frequently watery defecations.
If you don’t poop frequently, don’t worry. Make sure your stool appears healthy and that it doesn’t cause you discomfort. Beyond that, you don’t need to worry much about your poop.
Myth 7: Microwaving Kills the Nutrients in Food
The microwave oven “nukes” your food, or so we’ve come to describe. Does it actually affect the nutrient content of your food, though? As Dr. Nadolsky explains, sort of:
Microwaving can kill some nutrients (sulforaphane from broccoli, for example) but this does not extend to all nutrients. Unfortunately, we need to look at this stuff on a case by case basis to see which foods you should microwave and which you cannot since there is no rhyme or reason to which compounds are damaged or inactivated. In general, microwaving is not a serious concern.
Even though the microwave won’t have a major impact on the nutritional quality of many foods, I think most of us can agree that it heats most meals unevenly and creates a disappointing texture. If you have any great reason to avoid the microwave, that’s probably a better one. Besides, cooking broccoli in any way can kill sulforaphane (or at least greatly slow its absorption into your body), so microwaves definitely do not have a monopoly on nutrient death.
Myth 8: You’ll Lose a Pound of Fat for Every 3,500 Calorie You Burn
We all want to believe a simple equation can lead us to fat loss. If we only need to burn calories to lose weight, in theory we should be able to track our progress through meticulous counting. Those who enjoy the predictability of numbers love this myth because it reduces weight loss to an accountable formula. Unfortunately, it’s not one you can actually count on because the science behind the equation lacks the consistency it sells. Dr. Nadolsky explains:
Technically you do lose a pound for every 3,500 calories, and we could calculate this if our methods for calculating energy expenditure and intake were perfect. Unfortunately we do not have perfect equations right now, so while a pound of fat does have about 3,500kcal in it we tend to lose a pound of fat when our diets give us somewhere between a 2,000 and 5,000 caloric deficit (because we calculated something wrong).
Why does it vary? As Dr. Stewart explains, burning a pound doesn’t necessarily mean it all comes from fat:
This statement is partially true. You do lose one pound for every 3500 calories burned (generally speaking), but that loss isn’t actually all fat. It’s a combination of fat plus a modest amount of water and other forms of tissue.
So while you can somewhat count on this equation to predict weight loss, if you have fat reduction as a goal you might wind up disappointed.
Myth 9: Spot Training Helps You Burn Fat in Specific Areas
Some people believe that focusing exercise to certain muscle groups and parts of the body can help burn fat in those areas. In a way this seems logical, as you’d think literally targeting your efforts on specific areas of your body would help disrupt the fat content. Unfortunately, fat loss doesn’t work that way. Dr. Stewart explains:
Doing sit-ups (or another type of spot training) will strengthen the abdominal muscles, but will not burn fat specific to that area. Fat is burned or lost throughout the body on a more even basis, and is accomplished through aerobic or cardiovascular exercise. The pattern of fat gain or loss has more to do with each person’s unique body than it does with the type of aerobic exercise performed.
The claim comes from somewhere, of course, and Dr. Nadolsky points out you really have to make a stretch to believe this claim:
Even if we get the most cherry picked evidence for this claim, the localized fat loss is pretty much one gram (for comparison, a can of coke has 40 grams of sugar). Fat loss comes from all over your body, and there is a lot of evidence that fat gets re-distributed even after localized fat loss surgery. With that said, men and women each tend to have stubborn areas (waist and hips/thighs respectively), and they are usually the last deposits of fat to go.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t perform focused exercises. Like with any healthy diet, it helps to have variety in your exercise regimen. While you should focus on your specific goals, don’t shy away from strengthening your muscles solely because it won’t burn the fat faster. For greater physical capability and aesthetics, you need a balance of different exercises that train your entire body.
Myth 10: The Scale Is a Good Way to Help You Manage Your Fat Loss Progress
When you diet and exercise, you want numeric proof that your efforts actually matter. Traditionally, we’ve stepped on the scale to see our weight decrease and considered that progress. For a variety of reasons, your weight will mislead you. You ‘re made of a lot more than just fat—water especially—so losing a pound can mean progress or it can mean nothing at all. Dr. Stewart explains:
Using the scale is not the best way to track the progress of a healthy diet and exercise. The scale treats both fat and muscle the same way – a pound of fat is the same as a pound of muscle. If you’re strengthening your muscles during your exercise regimen, you might actually see a small amount of weight gain rather than weight loss, which is not a bad thing. A better way to track the progress of diet and exercise is to monitor how you feel and how you look. Your local fitness center may also be able to help with measuring your percent body fat.
Remember: We Still Don’t Know Everything
We still don’t know a lot about our health. Science often makes new discoveries and we learn a bit more, but we also run into several instances where new studies can get taken out of context by the news and myths—much like the ones in these posts. That said, you can only go on the best information currently available (that’s why we consulted doctors and a dietician for this post). Before you start worrying too much about what you eat or how you take care of yourself due to something you’ve heard or read, make sure you do the research and consult professionals. Often times the myths that propagate throughout our society take hold because they seem logical and reasonable, but science doesn’t back them up. Hopefully we’ve dispelled some good ones for you here today, but you’ll always find more. Remember to always keep learning, and that few health answers are definitive at this time.
A special thanks goes out to Dr. Carly Stewart, Andy Bellatti, and Dr. Nadolsky for their contributions to this post.
Dr. Carly Stewart is the medical expert at Money Crashers.
Andy Bellatti is a Las Vegas-based registered dietitian and you can check out his blog, Small Bites, to read more.
Dr. Spencer Nadolsky is the medical editor at Examine.com. Established in early 2011, it is an independent compendium on supplementation and nutrition, with over 25,000 citations.
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lifeaftered-blog1 · 7 years
How do people do it?
I’m baaaaaaack.
I don’t know about you people but I do love me a good vacation-- but I can only be out of my routine for so long. I just got back from NYC and it was A BLAST! However, I am definitely feeling all of the wine, gluten, and sugar (and I know Ryan is too).. blah. 
This brings me to what I want to rant about today-- How the hell do people do it? ‘It’ meaning eat like crap, not exercise, and drink all of the time. Now-- don’t get me wrong.. I like my french fries, ice cream, and margaritas but not ALL of the time. When I was going through my eating issues/bad relationship with food my mom always used to tell me ‘it’s what you do MOST of the time that counts’. <--- and this is SO true (this is why they say momma knows best!). I used to be so particular about eating something ‘bad’ (you shouldn't label foods ‘bad’-- this will be another post).. and be thinking about it non stop and then eventually I would either binge on something or not eat anything. It literally consumed my mind ALL. THE. TIME. And you know what? It should not be that way. Food should be thought of as fuel and not as something you reward yourself with or have to fill a void with. It took me A LONG TIME to be able to really grasp this concept. 
Fact of the matter is results are not seen overnight and once I coped with that reality… things came easy. I ate what made me feel good and not so much with what would ‘make me look good’. I now know that if I eat gluten my stomach blows up or if I eat a lot of sugar my brain gets foggy. Sometimes I make the choice and know I am going to pay the price and sometimes I don’t want to feel like that --especially if I’m hitting the gym hard. 
SO-- obviously pre-NYC I told myself I was probably not going to feel the greatest but I wanted to treat myself this trip with some New York Style pizza, dessert, wine, bagels and not freak out about it or feel like I have to ‘work it off’ and spend hours in the gym (who the hell does that on vacation?). So I did just that-- I ate and drank and did not really workout much except for walking…. and I knew that in a week I would be back to my normal self and not feel gross (because this is not my lifestyle.. I don’t eat this way most of the time) because I have hit that point… I have recovered to the point where I can do something like that and not have it bother me. Before it would have been constantly on my mind, I wouldn’t eat for days, and I would over exercise. I’ve made it. I can do it. And you know how that makes me feel? 
Relieved. Proud of myself. I did it. 
Now, I still haven’t gotten to the ‘how do people do it’ which is the whole topic of this post. I ate whatever for 3 days and didn’t work out and I don’t understand how people live that way. I felt like complete sh*t when I got back on Saturday. Very lethargic from the gluten and sugar, foggy from the wine consumption, my stomach was churning and I was just TIRED. All I wanted to do was sleep. My first workout back was yesterday and I completely DIED halfway through. How can people feel this way?!?! People don’t know how GOOD they can actually feel until they eat for fuel and exercise. SO MANY  people think they ‘feel good’ but have never experienced how good they can actually feel. I can’t explain to you how much of a natural ‘high’ you actually get from working out and eating correctly. It blows my mind that people don’t get to experience that. This is why I do what I do… I want people to FEEL GOOD and have it transfer over into other areas of their lives. 
Enough of that rant. NYC was great-- we walked a million miles, got lost a million times, saw a hockey game in Brooklyn, was in a Bunker Suite at Madison Square Garden for the Knicks game (met a new friend Terrance.. took shots with my parents and people we just met… that’s another story), toasted my birthday at midnight, went to Central Park, saw Ground Zero, went to top notch Steakhouses, people watched, ate, drank, and just had FUN. I was with my best friend the whole time and I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my birthday any other way. 
Now it’s time to get back on the health train and feeling better! 
Have you ever tried eating healthy and exercising--- I promise it’s a real thing. 
Make the choice and DO IT. 
“If it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.”
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