#Amazon fire
iwriteaboutfeminism · 5 years
Indigenous people are saying the out-of-control fires in the Amazon Rainforest were caused by people purposely lighting fires to illegally deforest indigenous land for cattle ranching.
President Bolsonaro says green NGOs started the fires to make him look bad.
Please tell me that we know well enough by now who we should believe. Please tell me that we trust and respect Indigenous peoples enough to know that they have every reason to be telling the truth and Bolsonaro has every reason to lie.
As an international community, we need to call for accountability. Not only are sacred Indigenous lands being destroyed, but the area of the world that supplies 20% of the planet's oxygen is covered in thick smoke and burning away. This is an example of how climate change is a man-made disaster.
It's also an example of the disaster of capitalism. Under capitalism, *nothing* matters more than money. Not Indigenous communities, not countless species of wildlife, not the babies in Sao Paulo breathing in smoke so dark it blocks the sun in the middle of the day. Surviving climate change means dismantling the capitalist system of greed at any cost.
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liberalsarecool · 5 years
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The fire and smoke in the Amazon is the size of one-third of the US.
The scale of this fire is a threat to the planet. Brazil needs to quit the bullshit and think of the health of 8 billion people.
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sokkable · 5 years
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how in the world was the last airbender given 6.8 times the amount of money than the amount offered to the literal lungs of the earth.
the fact that the heads of entire nations don’t care enough to offer actually valuable help is so infuriating.
if the deforestation of the Amazon continues, we are all doomed. our home is doomed.
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climate-crisis · 4 years
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A graphic showing the Australian bushfires compared to other great fires around the world. As you can see, the worst fire in the history of the US (the Peshtigo fire) doesn't even compare to what is happening now.
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silvermarmoset · 5 years
Here's the thing about the burning of the Amazon rain forest. There are things you can do that will affect the rain forest—donate to organizations dedicated to protecting the Amazon; eat less beef; call elected officials and demand action on the fires now. But something that's very important to recognize about the fire is that this is likely NOT a natural accident (or simply an accident, like the much-compared Notre Dame fire). Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro has been aiming to industrialize the rain forest since his election, and it's becoming more and more clear that he is not only responsible for the inaction in fighting the fire—he is also directly responsible for the causes of this fire.
When Notre Dame burned, there was an outpouring of response from the wealthy and powerful because saving one building in Paris provided them with good rapport. But destroying the Amazon? That provides wealth, it provides land, it provides the industrialization that Bolsonaro has been rallying for since he began in politics through mining and cattle farms. The active deforestation happening in the Amazon is happening because of a political figure, happening because it benefits industries who don't care about their impact on the world. And what makes this so crucial to understand is that we cannot, really, save the Amazon by fighting the fire with donations and vegetarianism. We have to save the Amazon by fighting the man who created the fire and the companies who stand to gain the most by destroying it. Our ire must flow in a political vein, to the source of a man-made disaster grounded in extremism.
With all that in mind, here's some ways to aid the Amazon rain forest:
Absolutely encourage your elected officials to put environmental concerns to the forefront, at home and abroad. America isn't the paradigm of environmentalism, either—our recent actions with the EPA and the Endangered Species Act prove that we're capable of ignoring our own wildlife in favor of profit. Make it clear now that environmental issues matter to Americans.
Keep track of Bolsonaro's activities, and if you see him attempting a free trade agreement with the United States—FIGHT THAT SHIT TOOTH AND NAIL. American support will only increase the deforestation that started this.
Refuse to support the American corporations funding Bolsonaro's actions and, by extension, the current fire. Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Vanguard, Fidelity, TIAA—the pro-forest organization Amazon Watch has detailed all of these companies' involvement in the destruction of the rain forest.
On a related note, research the supply chains that link back to the forest, and write to the companies that support them.  Target sources its office paper from a Brazilian company closely tied to Jorge Amanajás, a politician with a history of promoting illegal deforestation. Minute Maid and Coca-Cola both benefit Nelson Marquezelli, another politician who has rallied for stripping protections from the Amazon and the indigenous people who fight to defend it. Demand that American companies develop supply chains that contribute less to devastation.
Don't shut up about it. Keep talking.
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juluia · 4 years
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01/25/2019- Vale’s dam collapsed in Brazil releasing a river of toxic waste and mud into Brumadinho killing 270 people - 11 still missing. This is the second dam from Vale that broke in Brazil, and the worst industrial disaster in Brazil’s history. Only last week, more than a year later, 16 of Vale’s executives and CEO will start answering for their crimes - homicide and environmental crimes. There’s evidence that the dam was in critical condition which they hid from the public. Survivors are still waiting for help and compensation and surrounding rivers are still toxic. 
 08/10/2019- “Day of fire”: in August 2019 the Amazon forest suffered from an increase number of forest fires - some due to droughts that have been lasting longer and in more areas than usual, but most of the bigger fires were caused by humans. There was a day called “Day of Fire” which is said that ruralists, merchants and farmers in Pará organized a plan via WhatsApp to burn areas of protected forest reserves.  Others say (ps: the president lol) that ONGs were the ones that caused the fire to gain international help and to devalue the Brazilian government. Either way, no one was condemned and probably won’t be. The president exonerated the Inpe Director (National Institute of Space Research) for releasing scientific data that showed a significant increase in deforestation in the Amazon. The president says the data is a lie. 
 08/30/2019- Oil stains started appearing in beaches around Northeast of Brazil. The oil spill spread to almost the entire coast of Brazil (more than 800 locations) affecting beaches, mangroves, marine and plant life, food supply, tourism and people. We don’t know where the oil came from to this day. It took the government 41 days to do something about it. Residents from the Northeast did the government’s job and with their bare hands tried to clean as much oil as they can. On the long run, substances in the oil could be carcinogenic therefore raising the risk of cancer among local residents or cause mutations in their DNA.
just don’t forget the negligence of people around these issues because they will happen again. 
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plutosychic · 5 years
emoji spell to help the amazon forest heal and regrow from the fire
like to charge, reblog to cast
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clivethings-to-say · 3 years
Are German beer purity laws a hindrance?
Are German beer purity laws a hindrance?
A beer mug picked up at a flea market, celebrating laws over 500 yrs old. Time to let go! Remove the ball and chain from your leg, brewers! German beer purity laws date from the 16th century, and were needed to stop the worst abuses by brewers, who added everything in the garden and beyond, in order to get the drinkers happy, but it came with a price to drinkers’ health and eventually laws…
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typingtess · 3 years
If you have an Alexa or a Fire Stick or some other Amazon connected device, you too could be sharing your internet with your neighbors.  If you want to stop this, you have a few days to opt-out, otherwise, you’re in.
To opt out:
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pile-ofbones · 5 years
Amazon fire
Hello guys,
I guess y'all already know what's happening in one of the biggest forests in the world, Amazon (Brazil). It's been in fire for, like, 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS.
Here some photos
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Some countries have offered some help to us, but our president, Jair Bolsonaro, doesn't accept it. He's not trying to save the forest. In fact, his government is the cause of this fire. It wasn't and accident.
I live in São Paulo, the second biggest city in the world (the bigger one is New York). During this week, the smoke of the fire has appeared on our sky. I don't even remember when was the last time I saw the sun. In some areas of the city, the sky has become COMPLETELY dark at 3:00PM. Yes, 3:00PM. Here some photos
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Those photos are from 3 days ago.
This one I took yesterday, at 01:00PM. I know it looks like just a rainy day, but it's not. There's not any rain here.
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People are desperated. I AM desperated. I'm nervous, I'm anxious. It's our forest, our animals, our air. IT'S OUR PLANET.
So please, download Ecosia.
Ecosia is an search app like google/chrome. BUT, everytime you complete 45 researches, they will plant a three.
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It costs nothing. It helps us. It helps the planet.
This app is the only thing I found that everyone can help, from anywhere and anytime in the world. It's not hard, guys. Just download it. Use it. And you will be helping us.
Please, help
Save Amazon
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berniesrevolution · 5 years
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Scenes from #ClimateStrikeNYC on September 20, 2019.
Photos by redguard
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lupusdraconis · 5 years
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The Amazon Rainforest is on fire. Government protections have been reduced and land is being illegally cleared through deliberate wildfires. Indigenous peoples are being burned out of their homes.
The Amazon rainforest sits at 17% deforestation and climbing. Science suggests that if the rainforest reaches deforestation levels as low as 20-25%, an irreversible chain reaction of desertification will begin that could lead to the Amazon and its life-giving rain being lost forever.
I’m hosting a charity event on stream on Saturday, August 31st to raise money for the cause.
It will take place from 1-10 PM EST, on the Picarto streaming site here: https://picarto.tv/LupusDraconis
No account is needed to join in!
A sketch/thank you drawing is guaranteed, and higher levels of donation will get you higher levels of detail, such as inks or color! Donations can be sent to me via Paypal or sent directly to your choice of charity! If you choose to donate directly to a charity, please email me evidence such as a receipt to get your art! Suggested charities to donate are: - AmazonWatch , which works locally with indigenous people to enact governmental and policy changes to protect the land - Rainforest Action Network, which is a larger organization that fights companies and industries that drive rainforest deforestation
Art will be created during the August 31st event, and delivered after the event to all donators who provide the necessary contact information. Further information about the art and the event itself will be available on the stream.
ALL donations given to me will be donated to Amazon Watch.
I will donate all funds sent to me and provide proof of donation within 24 hours of the event ending.
Please consider sharing, joining us for the event and donating to the cause! Thank you, and hope to see you there!
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eowynfoxx · 5 years
This is a sign.
If you see this, this is your sign to do something for the planet today. Even if it seems tiny and insignificant. Turn off your lights and ac for a bit and open a window. Have a vegetarian/vegan meal. Recycle the water bottle you almost threw away. Take a quicker shower than usual. It doesn’t matter the significance as long as you do it. This is your sign!
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silvermarmoset · 5 years
i already posted this elsewhere but we should mention again that Trump is aiming to do exactly the same thing to the Alaskan rainforest that Bolsonaro is currently doing to the Amazon—tearing it up and destroying it to further corporate interests. Write to your elected officials; donate to wildlife causes; fight tooth and nail against these administrations that put profit over our world’s safety.
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x0401x · 5 years
some updates on the Amazon fires, in case y’all thought they were over:
no, they’re still very much happening
yes, the destruction is about just as enormous as in the previous months
it’s apparently being done at nighttime now, so many people are completely unaware of it
the military is mostly just pretending to help (surprise, surprise)
people suspected of taking part in starting the fires are being released from jail
Brazil’s president, without a single ounce of proof, literally just up and accused Leonardo DiCaprio of being one of the people behind the fires and sending money to unnamed NGOs for setting fire to the rainforest
it’s all painfully real
For the love of God, please keep donating. We still need it.
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