#Alpha Pack Teen Wolf
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
I’m gonna start to add on other members of the Alpha pack onto my ‘Deucalion adopts Tara and Theo’ posts.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 2 months
Stiles: So you're just like——out here raw dogging life, huh Der-bear?
Derek: Dog jokes? Really, Stiles?
Stiles: Oh my God, I didn't even mean to——hang on, you mean I don't actually need to take quadruple doses of ADHD meds to be funny? BECAUSE I ONLY HAD A DOUBLE DOSE TODAY AND OMG I'M HILARIOUS! Hashtag winning! Hashtag I was just born this way! Hashtag The Stilinski Life! Hashtag How many times can a puny human pump their fist into the air without passing out?!
Stiles: *wobbles on the spot*
Derek: *steadies Stiles with a hand on the puny human's shoulder*
Stiles: Uh... Hashtag what were we talking about??
Boyd: You want me to threaten the pharmacist again, Derek?
Derek: *Le sigh* Please.
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kymera219 · 12 days
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@artforkuponuts providing yet another excellent meme commission
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salemsvlog · 4 months
Sometimes “I’m just a girl” means search for 100 time Stiles is push out of the Hale Pack and Sterek angst on AO3 with hopes that there is a new gut-wrenching fanfic waiting for you to end the day crying.
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dropofbittersea · 2 months
“Hey Derek? Are you absolutely sure that Beacon Hills isn’t sitting on a Hell Mouth?”
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haletostilinski · 2 months
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eevylynn · 3 months
Tiny Spark, Mighty Flame
Sterek || eventual Alpha Werewolf Stiles [ao3]
Among born werewolves, it was common knowledge that the prime age for a human to endure the bite of an Alpha and survive was typically during their teenage or young adult years. In fact, the youngest recorded case of a bite resulting in a transformation and not death was previously eleven years old, so imagine the Hale pack’s astonishment when they learned of a small seven year old who was bitten and miraculously survived, challenging the known boundaries of possibility.
Chapter 2 - Perception Ignited
The late afternoon sun broke through the thick canopy of trees on the long, winding road through the dense preserve casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on Roscoe. The lush green leaves danced in the gentle breeze, creating a picturesque scene of nature's vibrant beauty. The summer heat wrapped itself around the vehicle, adding a sense of warmth and anticipation to the air.
Seated in the backseat, Stiles' imagination soared amidst the seemingly surreal surroundings. His young mind, now awakened to the existence of supernatural beings, conjured images of mythical creatures running alongside the car. Perhaps a majestic unicorn with a gleaming horn or a fierce griffin soaring through the sky? Stiles yearned to encounter these fantastical beings, unsure of which ones were mere legends and which ones held the truth. Now that he knew werewolves were real and that he himself had become one, his entire world, his very perception of reality had forever shifted. Anything seemed possible, and the boundaries between the ordinary and the extraordinary blurred in his mind.
Stiles marveled at the fact that he had been discharged from the hospital yesterday after being there for only a day. He’s still amazed at his own healing. He pulled his sleeve up to look at his arm where the giant werewolf had bitten him and still found it astounding that there wasn’t a single trace of injury.
When they had arrived at Beacon Hills Medical Center two days ago, Melissa McCall happened to be on duty, a stroke of luck that would prove crucial. It was Ms. McCall who first noticed something extraordinary about Stiles' injuries - they were healing at an astonishing rate. The sight both relieved and alarmed the Stilinski family and the medical staff, leaving them bewildered.
Unbeknownst to them, Alpha Talia Hale had cultivated connections within the medical center staff, ensuring that she would be promptly informed of any supernatural occurrences. As soon as she received word of Stiles' condition, she wasted no time and made her way swiftly to the hospital. Talia sought out the bewildered parents, Noah and Claudia Stilinski, to deliver the astonishing truth: their son had been turned into a werewolf.
With utmost care and compassion, Talia explained the physical implications that Stiles would now face, including the transformations, the influence of the full moon, and his heightened senses. She also shed some light on the intricate dynamics of werewolf packs and the profound impact they have on the mental and emotional well-being of their members. Overwhelmed and nervous, the Stilinski family found themselves grappling with the magnitude of the revelation. Noah especially struggled to accept this new reality unfolding before him.
Being a parent herself, with three children of her own, Talia could relate to the stress and uncertainty that accompanied such circumstances. She provided them with her personal contact information and assured them that she would be available whenever they needed assistance, guidance, or simply a compassionate ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on.
As the jeep came to a halt in front of the imposing Hale house, Stiles glanced up and caught sight of a boy not much older than himself standing at one of the upstairs windows. His black hair framed his face, and thick eyebrows added intensity to his piercing green eyes. Though Stiles couldn't comprehend the significance of the moment, he felt an inexplicable pull toward this mysterious boy. With a friendly wave, the stranger acknowledged Stiles' arrival as the younger boy climbed out of the old jeep. Stiles grinned and waved back.
“Mischief,” Claudia called softly, gaining the boy’s attention, and he joined his parents as they headed to the large covered porch.
By the time they reached the stairs, Talia had already opened the red door, ready to greet them with a tall teenager standing at her right that had the same long dark hair and dark eyes as her mother.
“Welcome to our home!” the Alpha said regally. “This is my eldest, Laura,” Talia added, gesturing to the girl next to her. “She has recently started her training to take over as Alpha after myself, so she wanted to join us. Laura, this is Deputy Noah Stilinski and his wife Claudia.”
Talia paused before crouching down to be level with Stiles as she continued, “And this little one here is our newest pack member, Mieczysław.” 
Stiles blinked and raised his eyebrows over at his parents at the correct pronunciation of his name. No one outside of their family had ever been able to say it correctly before.
“Nice to meet you all,” Laura said kindly, “especially you, Meechslav.”
Noah smiled at Laura’s stumbling, “You can call him ‘Stiles’ if you want.”
“I am so sorry!” Laura looked horrified, like she had offended them or something, “I’ve been trying to practice saying it. Everyone has the right to have their name pronounced properly.”
Claudia put a calming hand on the girl’s shoulder, and replied, “Sweetie, we appreciate it. Honestly!” She added, seeing Laura about to interrupt. “Mieczysław was my father’s name. They were first generation immigrants from Poland, and, trust me, as a native speaker of the language, I completely understand that most Americans would have issues pronouncing it. Even my little Mischief here has problems saying his own name at times.” Claudia smiled down at Stiles, running her fingers through his shaggy hair. “For the longest time, he pronounced it ‘Mischief’, which is both adorable and, admittedly, accurate,” Claudia laughed lightly and everyone joined in.
“Stiles was originally my own father’s nickname,” Noah added, “so in a way, he’s named after both of his grandparents. We won’t be offended which you choose to call him by. You’re good. I swear.”
Talia smiled at Stiles, still crouched next to him. “What would you prefer, pup?” she inquired softly.
Stiles fidgeted as all eyes turned towards him. He shrugged, “Stiles is what everyone at school calls me.”
“Stiles it is!” Talia said cheerfully before she stood up, clapped her hands once and motioned for everyone to head inside. “How about we show you guys around real quick while Elijah finishes up lunch.”
[continue reading on ao3]
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clotpolesonly · 13 days
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Druid Emissary Scott
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patolemus · 16 days
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what we have become
gen | teen wolf | concept
It hits him while he’s washing his face.
Scott is just. There, in the bathroom, in front of the sink. There’s bits of kelpie gunk on the sides of the sink from where he’s rubbed his face to get rid of it. Scott looks at it and can barely find it in himself to feel disgust, let alone guilt. His face is wet, water droplets rolling down his cheeks and onto his chin like tears.
He looks at his reflection and he doesn’t recognize the person looking back. It’s weird, because Scott remembers looking at himself yesterday just like he’s doing now, and he knew exactly who he was. Now… the person staring back is a stranger wearing his face. He has the same hair, the same jawline, the same eyes. But no matter how similar, whoever it is that is looking back at him is unknown.
The person looking back at him hurts people. The person looking back at him is selfish. The person looking back betrays, and uses, and is so, so cruel. Scott has said and done things that should horrify him, that would have horrified him a year ago. He said a family deserved to die in a fire. He violated a person’s autonomy. He was ready to kill a man because it benefited him. He left his best friend, his brother, to fight by himself so many times because he was too busy with a girl.
It scares him. It scares the hell out of him because Scott thought he’d be the kind of person who makes good choices in tough situations. He thought he wouldn’t change if he were to get power, and responsibilities. He thought he would still be kind.
But tonight he killed that kelpie without so much as hesitating. He saw it, and he lunged for it before he could even comprehend what he was doing. And yeah, the kelpie had been killing people, but Scott— Scott’s supposed to be better than that. He’s supposed to be the good one.
Derek had looked surprised. Concerned, even. Stiles had called out to him almost hesitantly, had stopped before his hand couch touch Scott’s shoulder. Scott hadn’t understood why until now.
What has he become?
(A monster, his mind whispers. And really, can Scott truly refute it?)
A look into what Scott could have been, had his character arc to become a true alpha in s3 been different.
Thanks to @darling-winnie for finally pushing me to write this, our conversation about Scott was really helpful! And of course thanks to the wonderful @oldefashioned for reading this over and encouraging me that it’s not trash lol
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The Hale Pack
Derek Samuel Hale - True Evolved Alpha
Mieczysław Stilinski - Spark / FBI Secret Agent
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Mieszko Samuel Stilinski - Hale
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Laura Susanne Stilinski - Hale
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Vernon Noah Stilinski - Hale
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Taly Claudia Stilinski - Hale
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Elies David Stilinski-Hale
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Isaac Lahey & Cora Hale
Peter Hale
Noah Stilinski
Jordan Parrish & Malia Hale
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biggukuma · 2 months
A fanfiction or a series (my god, a series about this) in which Eli explains (in the voiceover for the series?) just how weird his family is.
Starting with Eli's many aunts and uncles, 3/4 of whom share no blood ties with him. ( Yes, the puppy pack is part of the Hale pack. Yes, Alec was Eli's babysitter. )
( Erica and Boyd would have twins about the same age as Eli. Why would that be? I have no idea. )
( For those who love Scott/Isaac/Allison, they would have 4 children. Yes, exactly, so that 3 of them would come from duos and the last one would come into the world thanks to the magic and presence of 3 DNAs. )
(The whole pack would not live in the huge mansion that is the Stilinski-Hale mansion. Thiam and Morey would have their own place. Sheriff would have refused to move in. )
Then his cousins, of all ages, each more unusual and annoying than the last. With whom he shares the same grimaces when they learn that most of their parents have gone out with each other.
( - Sweet Home Alabama-
- Shut up! )
His dziadzia, who had never been angry with him for ruining his wallpaper (he had every reason to be. They were horrible drawings-) and who had taught him to lie to his tata while making him promise never to lie, understood, you little rascal, when they went to get the greasiest order in the whole fast-food restaurant. And his babcia and his abuela and his abuelo and his tias and his tios and his primos and his primas he knew only in grave form.
Finally, his dads, who look like they hate each other half the time or would kill someone if it made the other half smile. His two dads who have criminal records but brunch with the station cops once a month. His two dads who are both biologically men and who have biologically managed to have a child together.
(Eli politely asks anyone who jokes about him being his parents' little shit to fuck off. His dads told him his tata had a C-section, okay ?!)
A fanfic or series in which we discover the famous Hale Pack that has risen from the ashes and is so feared and respected. Where we discover how Eli feels so alienated from the pack he loves and cherishes, so alienated from his family. How Eli feels he's not cut out to be the next Alpha of the pack. How certain Eli is that he'll never be anything like his incredible, powerful, famous dads, no matter how many times he's told he's the spitting image of Stiles or has Derek's eyes and sourwolf face.
Eli sees himself as the boring kid in this extraordinary family, the boring offspring of a rich heir to a famous werewolf pack, a bad boy with a tragic past in his youth, a DILF today with his dad's super skills, a fair and fierce true Alpha (alive and not DEAD) and an FBI agent as sarcastic as he is intelligent, a supernatural detective in his spare time, a fearsome spark, emissary and Alpha mate. Like the good old cliché of the character with no friends but his cousins and an overpowering entourage, so beloved and popular and so much more remarkable and interesting script-wise than he is.
(Perhaps Eli never could and never will be able to shift? Perhaps being human is in part the source of his fear.)
And being the good old cliché that he is, he apparently becomes interesting when he gets superpowers. (Stiles is not at all happy that the Nemeton has chosen him to be its guardian. In fact, no one in his family seems happy. Great.)
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teencopandthesourwolf · 7 months
*Sunday afternoon. No crises. Hale pack 2.0 playing baseball down on the preserve*
Erica to Derek: Omg you really need to tap that harder.
Derek: Huh? Did you somehow manage to miss me scoring that home run just now?
Erica: *rolls her eyes* I'm not talking about the ball, Babe Ruth.
Stiles: *runs past them both, reeking of horny*
Erica: I was talking about that.
Derek: *turns the same shade of red as the flash of his alpha eyes*
Scott, muttering quietly: Oh God, please, please just wait until we're out of earshot this time...
The rest of the pack: *tutting unhappily* Awww, Stiles!
Stiles: *throws his hands up in the air* What? What I do?!
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sarafangirlart · 4 months
I wish ppl wrote Werewolf packs more like real life wolves, not the incorrect (and painfully cringe and eventually sexualized) alpha/beta dynamics.
Give me a mafia like pack with powerful and intimidating parents who’s children lovingly do their bidding and fuck shit up, give me older siblings taking care of their younger siblings, give me parents that are scary af but deeply affectionate toward each other and their children.
Write better basically.
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The Mated Alpha’s | Alpha Derek Hale x Black curvy Fem!Alpha Mccall!Reader
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*Y/n Pov *
I just got into town from staying with friends in New Orleans. Derek had called me a few weeks ago telling me that he and other wolves are needing help with a pack of alphas I immediately knew who they were going against Deucalion had tried to convince me to join his pack of alphas I said no obviously because I wasn’t dumb. I had dropped the children at Mom's and was about to pull up to my husband's living I stepped out of my car and looked at the building. I suddenly felt pain in my midsection I immediately knew my husband was horribly hurt I rushed quietly into the building as I made it in I could smell his blood it made me furious I parkour up some flights of stairs and ran to the door I slide the door open quickly to see Derek with a pole through his midsection I furious growl at them I walked over to Deucalion’s Bitch and she stepped away from Derek and growl at me try to get me to attack first I got close enough to Derek as I slowly pulled it out of him I help over to the corner of the wall so he wasn’t in the way of the fight was about to happen
I quickly got up and kicked her in the stomach as I heard her run towards me my kick send her flying across the room she landed with a loud groan.
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I turned to “ The Blind man” also known as Deucalion I walked to him I was in front of him
Me: Deucalion didn’t I tell you to stay away from my family and to stop with this foolish pack of alphas
Deucalion: I was never gonna listen to what you told me about my pack as you can see it’s going well about this family, I don’t think you have any family here that is why I am here for that alpha over there, and another in town.
Me: oh my you’re such an imbecile they must fucked up your wolf senses because like my scent is everywhere in this place like take a great sniff of the place dumb ass
He took a deep sniff and finally got hit with the scent of the place tensing up I laughed and lend to him to leave with the little alpha bitch I lean back and dodged and weak attempt of an attack from Kali as Derek call out to me to watch out I grab her arm and smashed her head into the wall beside me she groaned and try to hit me I dodge again knocked her down with a backhand slap she finally stopped me and left with Deucalion
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When I knew they were gone I went to Derek to see if he was alright he smiled and nodded he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his embrace I sighed and cuddle into his chest I told him that the children are with my mother and that we have time only for a couple of hours he smiles and pick me up over his shoulder and walked to our room I guess he got a bit hot and bothered when I was being mommy alpha as he likes to call it at times
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dropofbittersea · 4 months
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
New Rules - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: New Rules by Dua Lipa. Also requested by @sjsjsksskks
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Warning: None just fluff and angst (I think)
Thank you to my amazing Beta for listening to my rants this morning about my personal life thanks to getting that off my chest I was able to come up with this! Thanks @lets-imagine-fanfics
You walked into the kitchen where half the pack was inhaling coffee. It was late at night so most of the pack was asleep but those who had work tonight or school work were still awake.  
Lydia was eating a fruit salad whilst reading a text book of some sorts. Stiles was inhaling his coffee, complaining about work as Derek stroked the back of his neck affectionately whilst sipping his own coffee. Scott was cooking something on the stove with no shirt and a pair of skinny black sweatpants.  
You sat down next to Lydia smacking your head off the breakfast bar counter. The loud thud caused Stiles and the rest of them to look at you with wide eyes. You sat up just as your phone started ringing. You groaned and looked at the phone with narrowed eyes.  
“Don’t pick up.” Lydia huffed without even looking at the phone. She knew who it was without looking and that caused you to roll your eyes. You left the phone to ring but after it stopped it quickly started back up.  
“Y/N you know it’s a bad idea right?” Derek muttered carefully. You stared at them but when the phone started ringing for the third time you gave in and picked it up.  
‘Hey babe.’ He slurred down the phone letting you know he was drunk.  
“What do you want David?” You sighed tiredly.  
‘I miss you.’ He whispered softly. His voice sent your heart rocketing, no matter how many times you made this mistake you never learnt.  
Before you could reply the phone was yanked out your hand. Lydia stood there with your phone in her hand. She quickly hung up on him with a scowl on her face. You let out a growl but inside you were momentarily thankful.  
“One, don't pick up the phone. You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone.” Stiles sang as he danced about the kitchen, his coffee finally kicking in.
“Two, don't let him in. You have to kick him out again.” He continued with a laugh.
“Three, don't be his friend. You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning.” He whispered like it was the biggest secret.
“And if you're under him. You ain't getting over him.” He giggled as Derek rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’s antics. Once he sat down on Derek’s lap Lydia spoke up.  
“As much as Stiles is an idiot and his way of saying it is moronic, he’s right. You need to stop Y/N, it’s going to kill you.” She sighed softly as she placed your phone on the kitchen side.  
You gave her a sad nod before sitting down. You laid your head on the counter as you thought back to your relationship with David. He was your first love, the boy you gave you virginity to. He was a coyote like Malia except he was raised by humans. He’d lived in beacon hills most of his life but coyote weren’t pack animals so even when Scott had offered to be his Alpha he declined.  
He still hung out with the pack occasionally but you and he had grown close in that time. You eventually started dating but you knew he didn’t love you. For him it was just sex. After you guys broke up he called you when he was drunk, telling you he missed you but after sleeping with him he left like it never happened. It’s been five months since you broke up but every now and then he calls and for some reason you always crawl back. You couldn’t understand it yourself, but either way you did.  
Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. You shot out your seat when you caught David scent. You tried to run to the door but Scott beat you to it. He opened the door flashing his red eyes before catching you by the waist effectively keeping you away from your ex-boyfriend.  
“You’re not welcome here.” Scott growled as you struggled against his hold.  
“I just wanna talk to ‘er.” He slurred sadly.  
“No.” You let out a whimper at his sad tone.  
“Y/N listen to me. Forget his tone and forget his face look at me.” Scott mutter softly in your ear. You huffed but played along anyway. You glanced up at your Alpha with a frown.  
“Chemo signals.” He muttered causing your eyes to widen as you zoned in on the chemo signals around you. You found Scott’s first his was concern and something you couldn’t quite pin point. Then you zoned in on David and your eyes widened in hurt. The only chemo signal coming from David was arousal. No hurt. No longing. Just pure lust.
You’re eyes welled with tears as you stared into Scott’s dusky brown ones. He strocked your cheek sweetly before pulling your head into his chest. Stiles came out the kitchen with a glare firmly on his face. Before anyone could figure out what was happening Stiles punched David across the face.  
“Leave. If you come back I’ll take my bat to your pretty little face!” Stiles growled angrily as his boyfriend ran out the kitchen to grab him.  
David let out a laugh before leaving calmly like he hadn’t just ripped open a wound that was already bleeding. Scott held you as you shook against his chest, but as soon as you were sure he was gone you burst into tears, collapsing to the floor with Scott who was making soothing sounds that frankly you barely registered.  
You weren’t sure how long you cried but by then end of it, your eyes were sore and you felt beyond tired. Stiles and Derek had left for work and Lydia had gone to bed. You finally looked up at Scott who was holding you like you were the most precious gem. He shot you a sad smile before reaching out and stroking your cheek once again.  
“You ready for bed?” Scott asked gently. You gave him a nod but as you tried to stand your legs gave out from under you. Thankfully Scott caught you before lifting you up bridal style.
He carried you to your bedroom before placing you in your bed. He brush your hair out your face before pulling the covers over you. You gave him a smile that probably looked more like a grimace but either way he returned it. And you were vaguely aware he bid you good night as you felt into a deep sleep.  
You weren’t sure what time it was when someone shook you awake but you were aware you had tears sliding down your face and a sheet of sweat glistening across your entire body. You shot up with a sob you hadn’t even realised you’d let out, before glancing at the person who woke you up.  
“Hey it’s okay. I’m here.” Scott muttered softly as he pulled you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around you tightly. You buried yourself into his chest silently and the tears involuntarily kept falling.  
He rocked you back and forth until you finally pulled away your face covered with dry tears. He wiped mostly of them away before waiting patiently for you to speak. When you finally found your voice it was scratch and felt so raw you almost winced.
“I don’t even remember having a dream..” You muttered sadly.  
“You were crying so loudly. Stiles tried to wake you but when he couldn’t he came to get me. I’m just glad I left you door open a little otherwise we wouldn’t have heard you. The soundproofing in this house is no joke.” Scott chuckled sadly.  
You glanced at his chest quickly realising her was in nothing but a pair of dark red boxer briefs. You coughed awkwardly before he looked down and realised what you’d looked at. He flushed before scratching the back of his neck.  
“How about I go put on some sweats then I can stay in here with you?” Scott asked softly his embarrassment fading quickly.  
“I thought you hated sleep in clothes?” You chuckled in amusement.  
“Well usually but I have a little more respect for you than to sleep in your bed in just boxers.” Scott smiled softly as you took in his words. They made your stomach flutter softly but you quickly dismissed it before looking at him.  
“I don’t mind. It’s not like you’re naked.” You giggled softly before crawling into bed. He followed quickly getting in behind you so your back was against his chest. You sighed happily before closing your eyes and letting the much need sleep take you.  
When you woke up against you felt someone restricting your movement and then when you tried to move something very large poked your ass. You thought maybe you left your sports bottle on the bed again but your eyes shot open as you remembered last night. Scott’s ridiculously large morning wood was pressing against your ass.
“Mornin’ how’d ya sleep.” He muttered sleepily as he started coming to.
“Yeah great…Scott I hate to embarrass you buuut your monster dick is poking me in the ass.” You deadpanned. He started flapping about until he finally fell off the bed. You burst out laughing as you looked over the side of the bed in amusement.  
“M-Monster dick?” Scott stuttered his face bright red.  
“Yep I thought I’d left my sports bottle on my bed again.” You giggled softly as he tried to cover up his problem with a pillow.  
“O-Oh I’m so sorry…” You muttered the scent of shame taking over the room. You quickly hopped off the bed and bent down next to him.
“Scott I know it’s not because of arousal it’s fine. I want to be a doctor remember? I know it’s because of the need to pee. Not all the time but most of the time.” You shot him a smile before stroking his cheek gently.  
“How about you go sort it out while I make us some breakfast and coffee.” You muttered sweetly as he nuzzled into your hand happily. He gave you a nod before running off to your on suite bathroom.  
By the time breakfast was done Scott strolled down stairs in some tight jeans and a burgundy Henley. It wasn’t a tight Henley like Derek’s is was slightly baggy but recently Scott had been working out more with Derek so he was slowly filling out the top.  
“What time do you have work?” You asked as you both sat down at the breakfast bar. Just then Stiles walked into the kitchen with a tired gaze before stealing a piece of bacon off Scott’s plate.
“I have work at 8am so in about thirty minutes.” Scott mumbled softly as he smacked Stiles hand away as the other boy tried to grab another piece of bacon.  
“You have a day off today right?” He added with a mouthful of food, as he scoffed down his breakfast.  
“Yeah no lecture today either so I’m gonna be lazy all day.” You giggled as you sipped you coffee.  
You picked up a piece of bacon on your fork before holding it to Scott’s lips. He gave you a lopsided grin as you wrapped his mouth around the fork happily. You returned his smile before eating some more of your eggs.  
“Okay well if you need me text me. I gotta go.” He stood up and cleared away his plates before walking back to you with a smile. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your temple before muttering goodbye.  
You stared at Stiles with wide eyes as Scott left the house. Stiles stared back mirroring your expression. You flailed your arms around in an attempt to communicate something that only Stiles would most likely understand. He gave you a shrug before stealing Scott’s abandoned coffee.
You weren’t entirely sure what happened but you couldn’t exactly say you were unhappy about this little development if anything it made you heart fluttered excitedly.  
Just then Derek walked in and Stiles looked up from the coffee, a smile broke across his face as you sniffed the air to get a feel of their chemo signals. You smelt the same thing you’d smelt on Scott last night so you glanced at Derek putting out your hand to stop him approaching Stiles.
“What’s that emotion raidiating off Stiles right now?” You asked Derek cautiously. Derek sniffed the air as Stiles made grabby hands at Derek ignoring my words.
“Oh that’s attraction.” Derek muttered as he opened his arms for his boyfriend, who happily ran into them.  
“So like a toned down version of lust?” You asked in confusion because you were sure this smelt nothing like lust.  
“No…Hmm how do I word this…It’s the pheromone that gets released when you’re in love with someone. It smells kinda sweet right?” He asked as he hugged his lover tightly.  
“Yeah. WAIT...LOVE!?”  You squeaked loudly as Derek flinched and started at your with furrowed brows.  
“Yes. Love. Why where have you smelt it?” Derek asked with a laugh.
“S-Scott smelt like that last night w-when he was looking into my eyes…” You muttered shyly.  
“Oh cool.” Stiles stated before pulling away from his boyfriend.  
“COOL!? THIS IS A BIG DEAL STILES!” You screamed loudly.  
“Not re-Wait…You really didn’t know he was in love with you this whole time?” Stiles asked in shock.  
“You guys knew!?” You yelled angrily, slamming your coffee down on the table in frustration.  
“It’s not hard to see. You were just too blinded by David fucking asshole Smith! I mean come on! SMITH! What kind last name is that!?” Stiles groaned dramatically. You shook your head before storming to your room to think about this new revelation.  
When Scott had gotten home that night, you’d locked your bedroom door. You hadn’t known how to face him. The reality of the situation had been too heavy for you to bear at that moment. You had still been so screwed up about David you honestly couldn’t have even thought about a relationship with Scott. Even if your heart had fluttered around him a number of times.
However now you somehow find yourself brimming with anxiety and seething with jealousy. Malia and Scott had gotten closer over the past few weeks since you had kept your distance but right now they were currently giggling and flirting away with one another.  
You suddenly felt a wetness on your hand which made you frown and snap out of your jealousy. You looked down at you hand and noticed it was covered in blood. Your frown deepened as you tried to assess what happened. That’s when you notice your phone was practically bent in half on the floor covered in blood.  
You looked up to see Stiles staring at you with wide eyes and suddenly Scott sniffed the air his eyes shooting to yours. You hid you hand before he could see it but that apparently did nothing because he was on your in seconds.  
“Why are you bleeding?!” Scott asked with a panicked tone.  
“It’s nothing go back to your flirtatious conversation!” You snapped before picking up your phone and storming out the living area.
You were about to close the bedroom door but before you could Scott burst in after you, slamming it loudly in apparent anger. He paced your room a few times before looking up at you with anger on his face.
“What the hell was that about!?” He growled angrily, his eyes flashing red.  
“What are you so angry about!?” You snapped.
“Malia is down there thinking she was stepping on people’s toes by expressing her interest in me!” Scott screamed angrily as he took a step forward.  
“YEAH WELL MAYBE SHE WAS!” You yelled back with an equal amount of viciousness.
“I FOUND OUT YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH ME! I HAD JUST BEEN THROUGH MY FIRST HEART BREAK! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO ACT! W-When all of a s-sudden you entered my head and started making my heart flutter…I-I was scared.” You trailed off as you tried to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.
“Is that what these past few weeks of avoidance has been?” Scott asked his tone raw with pain.  
You gave him a nod before glancing up to see his face contort in pain. You let out a whimper as you took in his expression. You hated seeing this man hurt. Especially when it was because of you.
“Bu-But over the past few weeks as you a Malia got c-closer I realised…I-I want to be…” You stopped as you felt your tears start falling.  
Suddenly Scott was inches from your face, his hands cupping your cheek like you were the most valuable breakable artefact in the world. His eyes were boring into yours, his expression one of hurt, concern and love.  
“Please don’t cry…When I see you cry it kills me.” Scott whispered brokenly.  
“I’m s-so sor-sorry I never w-wanted to hurt you.” You cried as you clutched onto his dark blue hoodie.  
“I…I know…I know. I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’m sorry I confused you and if you would let me…I’d love to kiss you right now?” He muttered softly as he looked into your eyes questioningly.
“Please.” You replied breathlessly as your lips parted slightly.  
He caught your lips in a soft yet passionate open mouth kissed. It was sweet and portrayed everything you’d both felt the past few weeks. He twisted his head the opposite way as you did you same. Never deepening the kiss but you honestly didn’t care because this moment was the most picture perfect moment you had in your life and you were sure nothing could ever compare.
After a few more seconds he pulled away a little breathless. You stared into his eyes only to see the brightest loving look staring back. You stood on your tip toes as you leant up, throwing your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck.  
“I think I’m totally head over heels in love with you.” You giggled softly into his neck as happy tears dropped onto his shirt.
“If it makes you feel better…I’m totally head over heels for you too.” Scott chuckled happily as he hugged you back.
The only rule you knew you’d need in your life now was; Never let this beautiful man go.
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