wings-of-angels · 7 months
Cant believe people hate carrie kelley,, like do u also hate fun and whimsy ??
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kierancaz · 10 months
Ppl shipping Cahir and Ciri is absolutely ridiculous to me bc not only is he 25 and she’s 16 but SHE SAYS IT HERSELF HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HER.
He’s literally part of the reason her only family left died, helped destroy her home and slaughter her people, tried to kidnap her to bring her back to Nilfgaard, and then spent like the whole first season hunting her to try and get back.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
ok well that was terrible. going to go watch joey king kill a bunch of dudes in a torn up wedding dress now
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redclercs · 1 year
vi. do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
— the one where he ain't reading what they call you lately.
warnings: anxiety tics and symptoms, i–unironically–listened to the lakes a lot while writing this. 3k words.
masterlist ✢ next
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By Marie Nichols
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The first news we got about actress y/n y/ln's new romance came at the start of this month, when she was seen at the Miami Grand Prix with Ferrari's sponsor Elix. What appeared to be only rumors, since y/n and Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc were single at the same time, have been confirmed little by little.
Although it is not like y/n to soft-launch a relationship, she's been hinting at it for several weeks now. From staring lovingly at her new boyfriend as he receives the winner's trophy in Monaco's Grand Prix to instagram posts saying she 'feels like a princess', the last confirmation we needed came yesterday when Twitter went crazy over user @/formulacharles' picture of the new couple, on a romantic date around Monaco.
Opinions are divided on this couple as both #y/nIsOverParty and #YNCHARLES trended at the same time. Most of the negative views on this flourishing romance come from Aidan Kim's fans, who claim it has been happening since before Kim and y/ln broke up around March after dating for three years.
We have gathered some of the best tweets from both sides, to help us make up our minds about the whole situation.
❝@/aidankimluv: I can't believe y/n is rubbing her new relationship in everyone's faces like this! she can't be single and it shows❞
❝@/gr4ndekim: the timing still rubs me off the wrong way, this has been happening for way longer than she wants us to know❞
❝@/ynselixcan I need y'all to touch grass for a second and realize men and women can be friends, and if they are dating it's none of your business anyway❞
❝@/leclercsdiary: they are cute together but tbh without knowing much about y/n... i don't want her to mess with charles' head❞
We are still hoping for an official confirmation, although pictures speak for themselves. Will y/n ever be brave enough to admit she dumped Aidan Kim for a Formula 1 pilot? We'll keep you updated!
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[text to speech assistant voice]: ❝(...) someone on twitter took this picture of them at a famous rose garden in Monaco and the second clip is charles dropping y/n off back at her hotel. i guess all the rumors are true and we have a new grid couple... a frankly problematic couple at that.❞
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May 30th, Montecarlo, Monaco.
It was, in all honesty, a little dumb to believe that you could keep it lowkey if you were going to hang out with Charles.
First, Victoria who normally remembers close to nothing about the nights she gets drunk, remembered perfectly the 'moment' you shared with Charles when he offered to show you around. The whole rebound conversation happened again, much to your dismay.
Then, there was the car. Charles' custom Pista Spider is quite literally, the opposite of lowkey and apparently the only option he was willing to offer for you two to move around Monaco.
Which makes perfect sense, no matter how much you hate it.
There was also the timing. Which was really, really bad, and you blame your ignoring this on the fact that you had a lot to drink the night you said yes to his offer. On a normal basis Charles is the most sought after person in Monaco, him being the Grand Prix winner from two days before, multiplied the attention by a million.
Yet when he called you on Monday night to make sure you were still up for the next day, you couldn’t find it in yourself to say no. He was being nice and friendly, and you had no reason to deny him other than the anxiety you felt in the back of your neck every time you thought about what people would say if they found out.
And people would find out, sooner or later.
But you are not committing a crime, you tell yourself in front of the mirror. Charles is becoming your friend, which is something you really, really need at this point in your life. Granted, befriending the guy that you’re tangled up in rumors with isn’t the best idea, it’s neither your fault nor his.
So you take a deep breath and fix your hair for the last time before leaving your hotel room. Charles called you a few minutes before to let you know he is waiting in the lobby, and you can feel your palms sweating already.
Charles is nodding attentively to a child with a Ferrari cap who is telling him all about his Monaco GP experience when you step out of the lift.
He waves at you, and his eyes register your appearance in seconds before they return to the child.
“This is my friend y/n,” he tells the little boy as you approach. “She’s a huge Ferrari fan, too.”
The boy smiles brightly and his focus shifts to you, asking what your favorite part of the Grand Prix was and whether you think they can win in Spain. You give him the best answer you can come up with, that the best part was seeing Charles win (to which both Charles and the boy smile) and that yes, you believe it’s Carlos’ turn to win his home race.
Once Charles finishes signing his merch and he makes sure the kid has returned to his parents safely, his whole attention is devoted to you.
“You are really pretty,” he smiles, his accent coming out in the way he pronounces “pretty”.
Lowkey is the word of the day, and that’s also what you had in mind when picking your outfit. A sage green sundress with matching short-heeled shoes. Nothing too garish, but that still makes you feel confident.
“Thank you, you look good yourself.”
It’s a half-assed compliment that comes out of your mouth out of sheer anxiety. He looks incredibly handsome in a light blue shirt that brings out the blue in his eyes and a decent pair of jeans instead of the horrible ones he wore on Sunday.
Charles smiles wider, "Thank you, y/n."
You bite the inside of your cheek in embarrassment, and Charles' eyes go small in amusement.
"Are you ready?" he asks, ending your torment as you feel heat creep up your neck. Charles hesitates in offering his arm to you, and instead puts his palm out for you to walk in front of him.
You nod, starting the walk towards the exit. His car is right outside the door to the hotel, and there are people surrounding it, taking pictures and craning their necks to look inside. It's your turn to hesitate as you stop in your tracks, Charles' chest millimeters away from your body as he comes to an abrupt stop and avoids crashing into you.
"Let me," he says, his semblance more serious as he moves you aside gently. The doorman nods at him and opens the door.
Your anxiety rises as Charles leads you out of the hotel, apologizing in both French and Italian about not taking pictures as he opens the car door for you.
He continues smiling and saying 'thank you' and 'i'm sorry' as he walks around the car, to the driver's seat and climbs inside. The car offers little protection from the outside, but you're grateful for whatever refuge. It's not like you to act like this, but wherever your name appears on the internet lately is full of vile stuff. The mere thought of it makes your hands shake, you're afraid of what they're going to say this time.
"Are you okay?" he asks softly, watching you put your hands on your lap, palms down so the skirt of the dress wipes your sweat.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reassure, more to yourself than to him. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see," Charles smiles again, shoulders relaxing as he steers the car away from the crowd.
You look at him, feigning insecurity and he frowns for a moment before you chuckle. "Don't worry, I love surprises."
"What do you think of Monaco so far?" he asks, squeezing the wheel a couple times. If you didn't know better, you'd think he is nervous too.
"Are you kidding? It's beautiful. The Grand Prix was something else, and everywhere I look there's luxury." You gesture around, but the prime example is the car you're riding right now, and the driver who's wearing a $2 million watch.
Charles laughs and nods, "It never stops being beautiful, no matter how much time you spend here. I miss it every time I'm away."
You understand. Because you miss New York so much, it doesn't matter how overrated people say it is. It's become your home and you hate being away from it, especially considering the circumstances that exiled you.
The very good thing about Monaco is that car rides are short. So when you get to your destination, you've barely had time to make things awkward with small talk.
You wait patiently for him to walk to your door and open it once you’ve parked. Charles has put on a pair of sunglasses and you think it’s a shame you can’t see his blue eyes anymore. You discard this thought immediately though, you’re not going to think like this about someone you’re befriending.
“So?” You ask taking his hand as he helps you out of the car. “What place were you so keen on showing me?”
Charles holds on to your hand for a moment too long, and you stare down at them. He lets go, repeating the gesture from earlier to let you walk in front.
“It’s a rose garden,” he begins explaining, leaning a bit forward so he doesn’t raise his voice. “The Princess’ Rose Garden, I saw your picture saying you felt like a princess. I thought you would like it.”
You turn around to face him and this time he isn’t quick enough to avoid crashing in to you. So much for an F1 Pilot’s reflexes.
“You’re not allergic to flowers are you?” He questions, the panicked undertone makes you smile. “y/n?”
“No!” You throw your head back laughing, “I just think it’s adorable how you related the ideas.”
There is a newly installed shade of pink in Charles’ cheeks and he runs a hand through his hair, sheepish. “Well, I’m glad I got it right.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling and you are genuinely so excited so clap your hands a little. “The Princess’ Rose Garden! Let’s go!”
Charles still lets you lead, following wherever you go and translating whatever signs aren’t in English already. He too, is genuinely happy to see you so bubbly and excited as you marvel at the colors of the flowers and the arches, and the statues. He’s proud of himself for picking the right place.
“Let me take a picture of you,” he says, as you walk through a white arch speaking excitedly about how this reminds you of Alice in Wonderland. “y/n?”
You look at him over your shoulder with a smile and he snaps the picture before you can react properly or pose.
“Oh no Charles, delete that!” You whine, walking back to him to look at his phone.
“No, you look perfect,” he replies, showing you his screen. “See?” He does not regret a word that has come out of his mouth and it makes you pause, face warming up at the statement.
“Let me take a picture of you, then,” you say, pointing him towards the arch. He’s quick to comply, walking towards the arch and smiling at you, without looking at the camera.
You show him the screen of your phone and he seems satisfied with the picture, as he doesn’t ask you to retake it.
“Should we go down to the lake?” He asks signaling down the path.
You nod, putting your phone back in your purse and resisting the temptation to look at the notifications that crowd your lock screen.
Charles takes your hand once again as you arrive at the lake.
"You might slip in the grass," he explains, clearing his throat.
"Right," you chuckle, but he's right, the little hill you have to pass to get to the edge of the lake looks like a worthy rival to your heels. You know who'd be losing. "Thanks."
You sit down so close your shoulders are touching, but neither moves or speaks for a few minutes. Taking in the way the golden hour falls in the garden, the sun reflects off the surface of the lake and colors your face amber.
You're glad Charles has removed his sunglasses, because you can see his eyes again. The green is more visible now thanks to the golden in the environment.
"Thanks for bringing me here," you finally break the silence, "I really like it."
"I'm glad, y/n," he says, both dimples showing as he smiles. "I'm sorry I couldn't show you more places, though."
All Monday and a big part of today he was busy with interviews and photoshoots, all to celebrate his breaking the Monaco curse. You don't mind, he deserves to be celebrated.
"Maybe another time," you add.
"Whenever you want," his smile widens, and you have to look away from him. Your brain is swarmed in thoughts of how pretty he is, and you wish you could just leave it blank for a minute or two. "Thank you for agreeing to come."
The impulse of saying something that will ruin the mood is greater than your self-control, and curiosity keeps eating you from the inside since last Thursday.
"Can I ask you a question?"
Charles nods calmly, resting his chin on his hand as he faces you. "Anything."
"Do you really not care about... well, what everyone is saying?"
Charles tilts his head slowly, and frowns. "About what?"
"Me. You. Us." you whisper the last word, embarrassed. It feels a lot like 'Us' means something completely different than just being thrown together in a hurriance of wild rumors and lies.
"I don't," Charles doesn't even hesitate, "I don't read all of that. Carlos keeps me up to date, which is ridiculous."
You pinch your thigh lightly, ashamed that even his teammate knows everything that's been said about you.
It's the first time all evening that Charles wishes he could take his words back. "What I mean," he continues quickly, "Is that I don't let people on the internet form my opinion on someone, you, especially."
You return your gaze to him, "I'm sorry people have dragged you into this."
"You don't have to apologize for things that aren't your fault, y/n."
"Well, it does feel like it's my fault." You admit, and you hate the way your eyes sting, you don't want to cry in front of Charles. You really are ruining the whole mood.
"Is there anything you'd like me to do?" Charles is more serious now, trying to catch your avoidant eyes as you blink the tears away. "Something you want me to say? Because I will."
You shake your head no. You don't want him to actively participate in this mess, it's a PR nightmare and Ferrari and him have enough on their plates already.
"Unless you want to say something, Charles."
"There is a lot I want to say," he mutters through gritted teeth, and you're not quite sure what he means.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing," he repeats, more lighthearted this time. "And stop whatever it is that you're reading about yourself, too."
"I'm not—"
Charles shuts you down with a look, there is no point in lying to him when, like Mati, he's weirdly capable of seeing right through you.
"You're sweet and talented, and hard-working, and many other positive things I'm hoping to continue witnessing first-hand." He speaks so fast his accent slips in several words.
"Thank you." you say sincerely, and you reach for his hand for the first time ever, giving it a squeeze before letting it go, something he accepts albeit reluctantly.
You sit together for a while longer, the awkwardness from your previous moments together alone is a distant idea, as you don't need to fill the silence anymore. Charles doesn't make your hands sweat in the way that feels wrong, your fingers don't prickle or go numb, your heartbeat—although fast—doesn't make your chest feel tight.
It's okay, you remind yourself, Charles likes you enough.
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"Hello?" you're taking your shoes off, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder.
"y/n!" Vic yells, making you wince, your phone clatters to the floor and you're glad the rug breaks the fall. "Are you back from your date?"
"It was not a date, Vic," you opt to put her on speakerphone, "And yes, I'm back."
"How was it? I saw on Twitter that you were in a garden? Was it cute?"
You sigh, of course this is on Twitter already. "Vic, I'm so serious right now, stop with the Twitter stuff."
"Sorry y/n," she sighs, her tone like a regretful child apologizing to their mom. "But my timeline is just full of them, honestly, I wish I could just reply to people and tell them to back off."
"Just ignore them, please, Vic,"
"I promise. But how was it, your not date?"
"It was great," you immediately regret the sigh that escapes your lips. "Charles is very nice, and the place was super pretty. We went to dinner after which was pretty cool too."
"That is a date, y/n," Vic giggles, "That's amazing! I'm glad you had a good time."
"Thank you," you let yourself fall back on the bed. It was not a date. The anxiety that Charles had helped soothe is back now, it feels like cold water running down your back. "What about you, what did you do today?"
It's 10 pm in Monaco, which means it's around 1 pm in Los Angeles.
Vic starts going off about her day, how she hates the smell of the new face cream she was supposed to release to the public two weeks ago, her trip to the gym with Holly and that other girl whose name you finally learn again—Deanna.
"When are you coming back to LA?" she asks.
You're picking up your stuff from around the room, you have to take a flight tomorrow and you'd rather sleep in, than wake up early to finish your packing.
"Soon I hope," you yawn. It makes no difference to you, spending time in hotel rooms and Vic's house, neither are home. So you're not rushing to go back to her.
"y/n, you promised you'd be here for the opening of the store," Vic is serious now. "You promised."
Closing your eyes, you battle that uncomfortable feeling on your hands. You're sure that you won't get any proper sleep if it doesn't go away.
The opening of Vic's first Presley Beauty store is on Friday, the same Friday you're going to be in Spain.
"I know Vic, I'm sorry. But I have to be with Elix, violating a contract at this point is not a good idea."
"Babe, you said you'd be the ambassador for the first store. People will come if you're there!"
You're not too sure of that right now. Maybe people would show up to throw tomatoes at you, if anything.
"I really am sorry, Vic."
She falls silent on the other side for a few minutes, and you continue packing, waiting for her to gather her feelings. You know you're in the wrong here, breaking a promise to your best friend, but you'd rather not mess up the only job you have right now. Plus, you are certain the publicity her very first store would get from you wouldn't be a good one right now.
"Okay, apology accepted," Vic exhales so hard it makes the microphone crackle. "But you do have to come to the store later, PROMISE ME."
"I promise. I'll be back in LA next Monday and I'll go straight to your store and steal everything."
Vic laughs and you're glad her anger has vanished.
"I'll call you tomorrow, okay? After I land in Spain."
"Sure babes," Vic is her cheerful self again, "Have fun and also, say hello to Charles for me."
You roll you eyes. "Bye Vic, love you."
"I love you too, babe."
For the first time in days, you turn your phone off before getting ready for bed. You are not going to scroll endlessly through hashtags with your name. You're not going to read what they're calling you lately, because your friends—at least some of them— aren't.
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─── team principal radio: ❝hello hello, thank you for reading! i hope you've enjoyed this chapter. The slow burn is slow burning friends. I would love to know your thoughts.♡❞
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talaok · 2 years
Long overdue
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Summary: You're famous and a part of the stranger things cast.You joined the show this season together with Joseph, whom you have a huge crush on, and even though you always thought he didn't like you that way, turns out, you might have been wrong all along...
Warnings: Smut: oral sex(female receiving), unprotected sex
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x fem!reader
Don't judge me for this one ok? It was 2 am and I kept seeing tiktoks of his interviews and I just HAD to write about  it, but I repeat it was 2 am so it's not my best work
"We're interviewing the cast of stranger things and here with us, we have Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, Joseph Quinn, and Y/N Y/LN!" the interviewer said enthusiastically, making you cringe a bit. You tough you would have gotten used by now to all of Hollywood's exuberance, but apparently, you hadn't. You were sitting in two rows, Maya and Keery were in front of you and Joe. You gave your best smile to the journalist as she began with the questions. "So, first of all, I wanna congratulate you on this new amazing season, I have watched the first two episodes at the premiere and I can't wait to see the rest!" She said, with a big smile. You laughed softly as Joe and Maya politely thanked her. "ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way let's start with the questions," she said, looking down at a card she had in her hand where the questions were probably written. "Ok so, the first one is for the newest cast members, of course. Y/N and Joseph How was it? Getting the part, entering such a huge production and working with all of these people?" the interviewer asked You cleared your throat, this was about the hundredth time you had gotten this question and you were really starting to hate it. "Wow" you chuckled "Those are a lot of questions.No but yea, I mean, When I got the part I was obviously very happy, and I was so in shock that I didn't believe it at first, and then when I had to go on set for the first time I was really scared because, you know, everyone knew each other and they were all friends and I was kind of the new kid in school, but everyone was really friendly and we all became friends really quickly. So yeah, getting to be a part of this is really amazing, and.." you were starting to run out of things to say "and I'm really grateful for it" You ended with a smile, turning to Joseph to silently ask for help. You always hated the awkward moment after you had answered a question and everyone was silent, but thankfully Joe looked at you briefly and realized you wanted him to speak and did as he was requested. "It was the same for me, at first I didn't know anyone, so it was scary but then we all started to bond and it was really nice," he said, his accent making you smile internally. You turned to him as he was finished and smiled, thanking him for helping you out, he smile back, his eyes glancing for a second too long at your lips. The next two questions were for your other castmates, so you could relax. You loved your job, you really did, but when you had first gotten into this industry you naively thought that it was just about learning your lines and acting in front of a camera, unfortunately, though, you had quickly realized that you hadn't taken into account all of the rest, all of the press tours, interviews, paparazzi and people asking for your autograph. It wasn't that you hated it per se it's just that you felt anxious all of the time, especially during interviews. You had told that to Joseph the night before the press tour started. You were at the hotel bar, having a drink before going to bed and you had told him about how you still felt panicked every time someone asked you something and he had offered to help, and for now, he had maintained his promise "So, Y/N" you had zoned out and the interviewer's shrill voice startled you. Joe noticed and chuckled softly. You subtly sent him a threatening look. "Who was the funniest person on set?"  the woman asked "Uhh, well, I have to say that everyone is really funny. Like, I always have a great time shooting with all of them, but if I really have to choose" You paused a moment, pretending to be thinking. You already knew the answer, but you had learned that when responding to questions like these you always had to be very gentle about it "I have to say Joseph. We just had a lot of scenes together and we had so much fun on set" you said truthfully, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked at you and licked his lips before grinning. You felt butterflies. Fuck, how was he so hot without even trying? You would have been lying if you said that you didn't have a crush on him. You hated yourself for it, but it was the truth. You had liked him from the first moment that you had met him. He was just so incredibly nice and funny and you fell for him almost immediately. At first, it was just a stupid little crush, but as time went by and you started to spend more and more time together even outside of work you became utterly infatuated. Every time he smiled at you or touched you, even in the slightest you would melt and need a second to recover. You seriously doubted that he didn't realize the effect he had on you, I mean, how could he be so blind? You literally blushed at everything he said, but even if he did he had never done anything about it, and neither had you to be fair. There had been times when you felt like something would have happened if it wasn't for the fact that you always got interrupted. There was the time in his trailer when you were practicing a scene and he got so close to you you could feel his lips almost touching yours and you swore he was about to lean closer when Finn came in. There was the time when you had fallen asleep on his shoulder during a break in between scenes and as you woke up you saw him staring at you. There was the time at the bar. You had finished filming late and went there with the rest of the cast to blow off some steam, you both had a few drinks and after a while, you went out to smoke a cigarette and he followed you. As you talked the alcohol must have had his effect because you remember telling him that there was a girl at the bar that was obviously flirting with him and that he should have flirted back and him saying " I enjoy flirting with you much more" with a low tone while he looked at you straight in the eyes and reached out his hand to stroke your cheek, making you blush and leaving you speechless. But even that time nothing happened because Natalia and Charlie decided to come out of the bar that same second and just like that, the moment was gone. Since filming finished you hadn't seen each other very often and you thought that was a good thing. Getting your mind off of him for a while would definitely do you some good, and it did, it did until you saw him again, until the press tour started, and since you are the two new characters and everyone says they "like your chemistry together" you are stuck with him every day, all day, which would be a good thing if it wasn't that he was just so damn distracting. Maya was talking and absentmindedly you started bouncing your leg up and down. You always did it when you were nervous but your agent always told you not to do it during interviews, because it made you look anxious, which you were, but the public didn't need to know that. You were staring at your hands when you felt a hand on your thigh. A shiver went through your whole body as you realized it was Joseph's hand. You swallowed nervously and looked up at him. he looked at you reassuringly and then at your leg, making you understand to stop bouncing your leg. A soft "oh" escaped your mouth before you smiled at him gratefully and stopped the movement. You went back to listening to the journalist but, to your surprise, he didn't move his hand, making it hard for you to focus. He must have known what he was doing because for the rest of the interview he had a smug look on his face, while you were trying your best to keep your breathing normal as he started to draw patterns on your thigh with his thumb. Having Maya and Keery in front of you, thankfully the camera and the journalist couldn't see what he was doing, but they could definitely see your face turning red.
"All right, thanks guys, and congrats on the new season" The interview was finally over and you hadn't listened to a second of it. You all thanked the journalist and shacked her hand. Joe did the same, having to reluctantly remove his hand from your leg, finally rendering you able to breathe normally again. There were way too many thoughts going through your head and you needed to calm down, thankfully, You had a twenty-minute break now, so you turned to Maya and asked her to come to the bathroom with you.
"fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" you started freaking out right when you got into the bathroom. "What?" Maya asked, visibly concerned "He touched my leg and I think I'm gonna have a heart attack" you said, panicked. Maya laughed. You looked sternly at her "This is serious, ok? I don't know why but he makes me feel like I'm fucking 13 all over again" you said desperately putting your head in your hands. You sat on the floor and looked up at her, pouting. She sat beside you, still smiling. Obviously, she was enjoying this. You put your head on her shoulder. "Y/N" she said, her voice calm "you are an idiot" She stated. You looked up at her, pretending to be offended "He obviously likes you" She said. You rolled your eyes "Why? because he touched my leg? What is this elementary school?" You said, waving your hands around you. Maya chuckled "First of all, you are the one who said that he made you feel 13 again. And secondly, not just this, but all of the other times you told me about. Like come on Y/N, it's obvious! " she laughed softly "He literally always stares at you and he brings you coffee every morning!" she exclaimed" Every morning! Who does that?!" She laughed. You punched her shoulder playfully "Hey, it's our little ritual" you said, smiling just thinking about it. He had started bringing you coffee every morning when you were filming because he had noticed how you were always tired, and now he had started doing it again for the press tour. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for you and it always put you in a good mood for the whole day. It became a tradition pretty quickly and as you chatted while drinking, you had started to get to know each other better, becoming closer and closer. "Oh, come on, you are literally smiling just thinking about it. You are SO down for him" Maya said, making fun of you You groaned"I hate you" you said, getting up "Y/N, I swear to god, if you don't tell him how you feel I will" Maya said, exasperated "I can't Maya" "Why not? He obviously reciprocates!"She said frustrated You sighed "Whatever, we need to get back now" you said, helping her up.
It had been a tiring day and you were laying on your bed in your hotel room, staring at the ceiling while the tv was playing in the background. You had just finished showering and you were in your bathrobe, contemplating whether or not to even put on your pajama or to just turn the light off and get under the covers like that. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a knock at the door. You frowned, confused. You had no idea who it could have been. You opened the door and your mouth fell open as you saw who was standing in front of you. Joe smirked at you "Well, this is definitely a look" he said, pointing at your bathrobe. You blushed and cleared your throat, trying to clear your mind "W-what are you doing here?" you asked, feigning nonchalance. He smirked and raised his eyebrow "that's not a nice way to greet your guests" he joked "and to answer your question, I was bored and I was wondering if you wanted to do something" he said, his voice lowering. "What did you wanna do?" you asked he licked his lips "Whatever you wanna do, darling" he said suggestively. You rolled your eyes, pretending not to be affected by his words. "Get it, idiot"You said, turning around and walking towards the bathroom "I'm gonna get dressed, and then we'll decide what to do" you told him. He entered the room and closed the door behind him "that's a shame, I liked this outfit " he said, smirking. You shot him an annoyed look, took your clothes, and went into the bathroom "I'll be right back"
this must have been a world record. You had gotten ready in like 5 minutes. You had put on a tight green dress a designer had gifted you and a tiny bit of makeup just to look presentable. Fortunately, you hadn't washed your hair and they were somehow still styled how the hairdresser had done them this morning. You looked hot, there was no other way of putting it.
You got out of the bathroom and you saw Joe's jaw fall to the floor. You laughed, proud of yourself "Oh stop" you said. He swallowed "I'm sorry, you just look really beautiful" he said grinning. You blushed, and just like that, he had all the power again. "can you help me with the zipper, I can't reach it" you asked him, walking towards him. he got up from the bed he was sitting on and you positioned yourself in front of him, before turning around. You felt his finger travel down your back and you shivered. He put one of his hands on your waist and you held your breath. You felt him smile behind you. He put his hand on the zipper and slowly started going up. You could feel his hot breath on your neck and your breathing got faster. He got to the last bit of the zipper but stopped. "What are you doing?" you asked, in a low voice "Something I should have done a long time ago" he whispered on your neck before kissing the spot under your ear. You gasped softly. "Joseph" you said. "I know you want this too Y/N " With one swift move he turned you around and looked at you straight in the eyes "tell me you don't" he murmured against your lips. You looked up at him and stayed silent. He smiled at you and without notice, he attacked your lips, with a hungry and wanting kiss. It took you a moment to realize that that was really happening, but as soon as you did, you kissed him back with the same passion, throwing your arms around his neck. His hands started exploring your whole body, caressing your ass and going up and down your back. His mouth hungrily explored yours and you could feel his beard grazing your chin. "God, this is even better than I had imagined" he said out of breath, breaking the kiss. You smiled "You had imagined this?" you asked shily. "A lot more than I should have" he said, before pushing you on the bed. You bit your lip as he leaned in to trail kisses down your neck. You moaned softly as he started sucking a spot on your neck. You could feel him smirk, as his fingers slid slowly under the hem of your dress, making you whimper. he kept sucking as his right hand made its way up to your panties, gently touching your core through them. "You're so wet already darling" he hissed, kissing your neck one last time before getting on his knees. You bit your bottom lip as your breathing got faster and you propped yourself up on your elbows. He looked up at you and grinned as he started pushing your dress up. You squirmed under his touch as he kept pulling your dress more and more out of the way until it was rolled up at your waist. "Open your legs Y/N" he said in a low growl, and you immediately did as you were told. He leaned in and kissed your still-clothed core, making a desperate whine escape your lips. he kissed it again, and you whined again, this time more desperately. "Please" you muttered almost inaudibly He smirked as he moved your underwear to the side. "Since you asked so nicely," he said, before gripping your waist and without warning licked your folds. You moaned loudly. He did the same movement with his tongue a few times before starting to suck your clit relentlessly. "Oh my go- Joseph-" You shouted as he spread your legs even more and put them on either side of his shoulders, pushing you even closer to him. he started caressing the outside of your thighs as his tongue made its way through your entrance, making you gasp before going back to your clit. You moaned again, this time even louder, and started grinding on his face, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge. He gripped your waist to stop you from moving, making you whine. He kept sucking your clit until you were in ecstasy, you threw your head back, overwhelmed by the pleasure. "I-I'm gonna cum" you said, finding it difficult to form a coherent sentence. Joe chuckled and the vibrations from his voice sent a wave of pleasure through your body "Not yet my darling," he kissed your clit " I want to feel you come on my cock" he said leaning away from and taking your legs off his shoulders You whined as he stood up and you pouted at him. He grinned at you "You're gonna have to be patient Y/N" he said, quickly taking off all of his clothes. You decided to do the same so you sat on the bed and pulled off your dress. He stared at you as you did and once you were in front of him only wearing panties he licked his lips and smirked. "You are so fucking hot" he purred, before leaning and kissing you again desperately, letting you taste yourself. You could feel his boner through his boxers and it weirdly turned you one even more. Your hand traveled down to his cock and you started touching it through his underwear, making him hiss. "Y/N" he said, his voice strained. You smirked at him as your hands made their way in his boxers and you started stroking his cock, already feeling a bit of precum on his tip. "fuck" he groaned, before taking his boxers off and pulling your panties off of you, throwing them behind him. You whimpered as he positioned himself between your folds, looking down at you before pushing himself into you aggressively. "OH MY GOD JOSEPH" you screamed, overwhelmed with the feeling of being stretched out so perfectly. He groaned lowly as he started thrusting in and out of you faster and faster. "You feel so fucking good" he said out of breath, gripping your waist in order to make you stay put. He started pounding into you even harder, hitting your g-spot perfectly. The room filled with your filthy moans and the sound of your bodies meeting each other. One of his hands made its way to your clit and he started circling it, making you cry out even louder. "You're so hot when you're getting fucked" he growled, thrusting into you again, while still circling your clitoris. "Please-Joseph, I'm gonna cum" you moaned, desperately "c-can I cum? Please?" you asked , gripping his biceps, while basically begging him. "come on my cock Y/N, make me feel how good you can squeeze me sweetheart" he ordered with a deep voice, never slowing his pace. Those words tippled you over the edge, making you cum while moaning his name over and over like a prayer. He groaned at the feeling of your walls tightening around him and you knew he was getting closer. "Where do you want it" he said, out of breath. You didn't even need to think about it. You opened your mouth and looked at him innocently. He groaned loudly, clearly liking your choice. He quickly pulled out of you and you immediately got on the ground and on your knees as he started stroking his dick. "You are way too good for me Y/N" he murmured. You opened your mouth and in just a few moments you felt his warm fluid fill your mouth and you swallowed immediately, looking up at him and smiling. "We should have done this a long time ago" he said, chuckling and helping you up before kissing you again, this time more gently.
"Did you have a good night?" Maya asked you while you sat down at the table for breakfast. You panicked a second and cleared your throat. "Uhh, yeah, I slept fine" you lied "Well, that's good, because I didn't. It's kinda hard to sleep when you and Joseph are having extremely loud sex in the room next to mine" She said, with an annoyed but also sarcastic tone. You spat your orange juice back into the glass and started laughing like crazy "I'm sorry Maya, we'll be quieter next time" you promised, smiling at her.
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Round 4: Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Amane Momose (MILGRAM)
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Propaganda below the cut
Mabel Pines (12):
I literally saw a tiktok today about how Mabel is a bad person. She’s 12! Like yes, she has made some mistakes and bad choices, but so has everyone else. And I never see any of the other characters in the show criticized the way she is. Everyone in the show has made mistakes (Grunkle Stan commits crimes practically every episode ffs) but because Mabel is a 12 year old girl and acts like it, she gets the most hate. Mabel deserves to be loved 🩷
girl gets so much flack for being... immature and kind of selfish at age 12? like she had whole video essays made on why she is a horrible person who deserves punishment. god forbid girls be silly
!!! Spoilers for Gravity Falls last 5 episodes !!!
This has gone down a lot but when the Weirdmaggedon arc was happening, the finale of the series, a big part of the fandom started hating Mabel because she accidentally caused the Weirdmaggedon (basically an apocalypse + bizarre shit like the water tower becoming an eight-legged monster with a giant mouth).
For context, in the episode that starts this arc, "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future", Mabel is really excited to the end of their summer vacation at Grunkle Stan's house, since it will be her and Dipper's 13th birthday and they will enter high school (her idea of high school of course coming from teen movies). But then this whole idea starts to shatter when Wendy tells her that high school isn't like a Disney musical, but it's okay, she will get through this since she will be with Dipper, her twin brother...
Except, that Dipper receives an invitation by Grunkle Stan's scientist brother Ford to become his apprentice after summer ends, staying in Gravity Falls, without Mabel. When she discovers it, she gets really mad at him and in a fit of rage, she accidentally picks Dipper's bag instead of hers and runs off to the woods.
When she gets there, Blendin, a time-travelling friend of theirs finds her and tells her that he has a way of making her brother stay with her, and make the summer take a little more to end, and that he just needed a little thing that Dipper has in his bag. That thing is a dimensional rift that Dipper and Ford contained to not cause the Weirdmaggedon, but Mabel didn't knew about that and gives it to Blendin. Blendin then breaks it and it's revealed that Bill Cipher was controlling Blendin to get the rift and release the Weirdmaggedon. He then traps Mabel in a bubble, starting the final arc of the series.
So, a few episodes later, that bubble she's in is revealed to be a world of fantasy that she controls, and that she didn't want to leave that world, as she was scared of growing up etc.
Context given, A LOT OF PEOPLE HATED HER FOR THIS. Suddenly people started seeing Mabel as just a selfish girl who wanted things only her way, when she was only a 12-year-old scared of growing up without her twin brother (they do end up going back together at the end but still).
The worst part is that apparently the people behind it took note of this, and on the comics that where released after the finale, she is a selfish spoiled brat. I haven't read the comics though so I'm going off what some people said about it.
Amane Momose (12):
Amane was voted guilty in the first trial so that she would acknowledge her guilt. It backfired, and now she’s considered a threat. Well, everyone is a threat, but nobody’s threat level has been as heavily discussed and debated as hers. Consider the next prisoner in line, Mikoto. He’s objectively more dangerous and cannot be restrained. He beat up the guard in trial 1, and he was able to hold his own when the other guilty prisoners were attacked. But a good incentive to forgive him is so that he will calm down. You know what? That’s a good incentive to forgive Amane too! But she *can* be restrained, so a good portion of the discussion went into how she should be voted guilty so she *will* be restrained and not a threat. Since her vote was a near 50/50, of course a good chunk of the voters expressed dissatisfaction with her forgiven verdict. Some are already planning to vote her guilty for trial 3, calling her a “lost cause”. She hasn’t even done any concrete harm yet. Hold the pitchforks until she actually causes harm, please? And what if she *was* voted guilty in trial 2? We’ve been warned that she will continue to deny our judgement. A second guilty verdict won’t make her better either, and then what? She’d be called a “lost cause” as well. There is no winning with her.
Where do I even start? So first of all she’s an cult child who was physically and mentally abused and tortured by her parents and then (presumably) murdered her mother after her mother killed a cat that she took care of.
Now everyone in Milgram is a murderer but when Amane came and her MV showed her murder and circumstance in an admittedly highly fictionalized depiction of it the audience decided to…repeat the cycle of abuse!
She was voted guilty for the main reason of “teaching her” and helping her “realize that she was abused.” I would like to note that this tough love approach is something her parents utilized against her. “We are only doing this to help you.”
So the audience replicates Amane’s abusers and repeats the cycle of abuse and that’s pretty shitty but it isn’t exactly “Fuck Em Kids” level.
And then Trial 2 happened. Cause Amane is bitter and angry and horrifically traumatized so she acts aggressive and hostile. Especially towards another prisoner.
Now, again, everyone here is a fucking murderer (of atleast could be constructed as one) These people being able to Harm is a core concept of this series.
Yet for some reason it feels like people treat Amane as a “delusional creepy kid who wants to kill people” which completly takes away the nuance of her character. She does have the capacity to harm! Everyone here does! She’s not Uniquly Dangerous! She just has a Reason to be Dangerous. A Reason we GAVE HER by REPEATING THE CYCLE OF ABUSE.
In short: In a series full of Murderers I’m honestly a bit pissed that the 12 year old abuse victim is the one who’s treated like the guy from American Pyscho.
TL;DR: "We metavoted this abused, indoctrinated child guilty in trial 1, but it didn't work. Now she is a threat to three grown adults: one who is fully free and two whom she has been shown to get along with. Please metavote her guilty again so she will be restrained and unable to attack them, even though that means subjecting her to further psychological torture." Amane Momose is the youngest of ten murderers, prisoners of Milgram who are to be judged innocent (forgiven) or guilty (unforgiven). In the first interrogation (voice drama), she said that what she did was in line with her religion's doctrines. If we judged her the "wrong way", she said she will just deny the verdict. Combining the voice drama and music video, you could piece together that she was raised in a cult and abused, even though she is cheerful and downplays her pain. She never shows *who* she killed, only *why* she did. After the first day of her vote, she was 81% innocent, but this wouldn't last the whole three months. Many people voted her guilty so she would "see her sins", part of the practice commonly known as "metavoting". Her innocent percentage rapidly decreased, and she hit guilty in the last 15 days, finishing at 51% guilty. At the end of the first trial, Jackalope (who is something like a host) went over all the prisoners' verdicts and commented on the general reasoning. When he got to Amane, he *laughed* at the audience for voting that way to make her realize her sins. Trial 2 rolled around, and it was revealed that Amane's victim was her abuser. On day one, she was at 74% innocent. Seems like a cut-and-dry case now, right? Well... in the intermission, two of the prisoners (Fuuta and Mahiru) were badly beaten up and became reliant on the care of Shidou, a doctor. Amane became hostile to Shidou because what he was doing was against her beliefs. She visited all three of them on their birthdays to convince them to change their ways. She seems to be especially close to Fuuta, who is now murmuring about salvation. Guilty prisoners are psychologically tortured, forced to listen to voices that reject their beliefs. Fuuta and Mahiru both say that the mental strain is worse than their physical injuries. But Amane, who also looks worse for wear, was thrown under the bus because she isn't injured and is considered a physical threat to them (never mind that she gets along with them). She's considered a threat to Shidou, a grown man who is twice her size and fully free, while she is partially restricted by the long sleeves in her trial 2 uniform. She might indoctrinate Fuuta even though, in a prison of ten people and one guard, she's the only voice of her cult. Fortunately, she got a break. Her vote was falling at a similar rate to the first trial. But this time, it stabilized at 51% innocent, 12 days before the end of her vote. But there's no way this is over.
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Buddie: Eddie's 'Vertigo'
This makes me stand by my "Buddie Crack Theory" even harder than before.
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I've been posting for weeks about how off this season has been and the release of this poster leads me to believe my "Buddie Crack Theory" holds even more weight (for me at least) since TM the showrunner had to go to this extreme and post another late night cryptic message to Buddie Shippers. Please understand the GA doesn't follow social media in this manner to pick up his "Buddie clues" so he's doing this specifcally for those who 'ship Buddie.
BT bones incoming!
Now that I've had my LOL moment, I'll explain how I'm not going to get into the similarities between the original movie and TM's wacky depection of it since it's been done multiple times on 911blr, TikTok and other platforms. But I will say it's extremely suspicious that he's doing this now following everything that's happened since 7x7 aired.
Additionally, it's very interesting that he made a whole "movie" poster about this to help viewers understand what's in his mind🙄. He didn't do this for "Poseidon" or "Speed" or any of the other storylines he ripped off from blockbuster movies so there's that.
IMO, TM has been reading comments since Thursday (I think he's been doing it all season) about how much most veiwers f~cking hate this storyline for Eddie and he's trying to do something to corral Buddie shippers since a lot of them gave up on Buddie after the episode aired and they read the latest interviews.
If a storyline is this complicated then maybe TM should have reconsidered it. Based on the comments left on post mortem articles, not even the GA liked the cheating arc for Eddie so this is even more telling (something similar happened in season 5 with the introduction of Lucy D. after she kissed Buck in 5x11 and it's been speculated they cut her scenes in later episodes). Reminder, TM said it himself that he has to produce a show for everyone including the network executives and the GA not just Buddie shippers but he ships them too so... what's his motivation here? Apparently, he doesn't want Buddie shippers to give up but is he too late for those who already have? Possibly but only time will tell. Furthermore, IIRC, he's been wanting to include Devin K. back into the series since he killed off Shannon's character and now it appears he has his chance.
Finally, I'll say this... if you follow me you know that I've been posting since the season began that I believe Buck’s still in his coma dream. It's my "Buddie Crack Theory" and I haven't elaborated on it yet because I wanted to wait until the season progressed. But now I'm even more convinced it holds merit and I might elaborate on it with CANON proof now that TM has released this poster. Possibly later this week if I feel up to it.
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holykratos · 11 months
Professor’s Dilemma
Leon Kennedy/Reader
Summary: Based off an AI audio on TikTok ;) reader’s phone is going off during class, taking pictures of Professor Kennedy without his permission. The ringing is incessant, and Kennedy’s patience can only last so long. (ib: @/xkeiira on tt!)
Warnings: Smut, Rough, 18+ (I know none of yall abide by that but think abt it <3), deepthroating, penetration, degradation, slight humiliation, slight (but not really) unconsensual touching, slight hate sex (but also not really)
(Y/N)’s first day of university was supposed to be all glimmer and shines—almost Elle Wood’s esque, at least in her imagination. The campus dazzled passerby’s like a shiny ring, and students could only marvel at the very buildings they were able to step into everyday. Her expectations were extremely high, and she set her expectations on her professors even higher.
Her eyes scanned across her bland schedule sheet, skimming every class with disinterested. ‘Thompson on English 101, Ford on Communications 113, Kennedy on Criminology 111…’ She thought to herself, head tilting in slight amusement and boredom. College was incredibly important to her, yes, but her schedule for today wasn’t interesting. She lamented over English for days, dreading to her roommates about her professor from hell whom had already assigned essay’s on the first week. Communications was okay—besides the communicating part, she couldn’t complain. Criminology was slightly new: she was aware that another professor had switched in recently, hence making the start of the class later. Originally, she was to start a week ago, but it was offset by the large—and apparently sudden—change.
She groaned haughtily, staring at her watch with disdain. It was 11:00–15 minutes from Kennedy’s first class. She stood up slowly, stretching her bones and shining a small smile to the science building ahead. “Alright, criminology, let’s give this a go…” She whispered, smirking mischievously at the students flooding into the building.
As everyone sat down, (Y/N) grew incredibly anxious. Her Professor was to arrive 5 minutes ago—the lecture was 2 hours long, and she’d immensely prefer to not be late for her daily nap session. Just as she was about to grab her books and ditch the first day, the two wooden doors of the classroom slowly bleared. The creaked and groaned with the weight of a push, a muscular arm protruding from the doorwar. A man slowly sauntered in, large duffel bag in hand and a plain baby blue button-up shirt on. His dirty blonde locks swayed in the wind, tussling along his slightly glistening forehead. (Y/N) was no less than mesmerized, staring into his cold blue eyes that held nothing but discomfort but determination. She could tell he was nervous, but ready to educate nontheless. ‘What a sweet man,’ She thought offhandedly, smiling softly as she watched his arms flex under his bag.
He reached his post, setting his bag down and clearing his throat. “Good morning everyone, my name is Leon Kennedy. I am a previous police officer, as well as a retired DSO agent. I’ve been active in the force generally for more than 20 years-“
A hand raised.
Leon stared perplexed, wondering how a student could already have a question. He pointed towards the girl, dressed in plaid and cheap hairpins, he noted cruelly. “How old are you, sir?”
He grimaced at the title, smiling slightly in discomfort. “I’m 40, and Professor Kennedy is fine. Anyways, I-“
Another hand.
He sighed, pointing to a man in the back, an excited smile on the latter’s face. “Are you married, Professor Kennedy?!”
He groaned, slapping a palm on the side of his face in annoyance. He’d only been speaking for 30 seconds, how could they fire these now? “No, I’m not—but this isn’t exactly an appropriate question now, is it?”
The student shook his head, a small smirk on his face regardless. Kennedy cleared his throat once more, serving a restrained smile to the students. “Now, as I was saying-“
Kennedy was about to snap.
He turned over angrily to the recipient of the message, staring at a woman with beautiful, silky hair, textured and defined in it’s own way. He stopped for a moment, staring into the girl’s eyes—she was nervous, understanding that she’d been caught with her phone out. His breath hitched slightly at her parted lips, and he turned away quickly, grasping his jaw in shame. ‘Am I still in puberty or somethin’?’ He thought, grimacing at the thought. He turned back around, a small glare on his face. “Turn the phone off—I better not see it again.” He ordered, staring at her as she embarrassingly shut off her phone, slowly shoving it into her bag.
Kennedy was able to get 15 more minutes into the lecture before he heard a small snap, and a phone ping once more. He froze, turning to the girl from earlier. (Y/N), he noted from his attendance sheet, a small frown forming on his face. “Hey, phone off. What did I say earlier?” He said in a disappointed tone, almost like an unapproving father.
“Sorry, Professor Kennedy…” She apologized softly, tucking her phone into her bag once more. He shivered at her words, unexpectedly reacting to the mention of his title quite well. It sounded different coming from her—more alluring, more telling. He shook his head, turning back to the board and furrowing his brows. ‘Ignore her, she’s a student…’ His brows furrowed harder, the chalk in his hand smashing into bits from his built up annoyance—not only at the girl, but at himself. He sighed, grabbing another piece of chalk and writing messily on the board.
Another 20 minutes passed of peace and lecture, before one last ring was caught. And this time, she was caught mid message, a hand slamming down onto her text almost seconds after the initial ring. He glared at her deeply, veins protruding on his forehead from anger. “Everyone’s dismissed—out, now.” He called angrily, scanning the room as students stood in bewilderment, slowly flooding out of the room. (Y/N) slowly rose from her own seat, slowly gripping her bag before a hand placed itself on her shoulder, a small growl leaving the professor’s throat. “Not you, you stay.”
She gulped nervously, sitting down silently in her seat. When all of the students slowly left, Kennedy beconned her over to his desk, motioning to the seat in front of it. She took a seat, fiddling with the straps on her bag in anxiety. “I-I’m really sorry, Professor Kennedy, it was an emergency and—“
“Shut it.”
This ceased all conversation for a moment as Kennedy tacked at his keyboard, pulling up her file and information. “(Y/N) (L/N), 20, science major…” He read out slowly, scanning his eyes down the entirety of the file. She quirked a brow at him, unsure of why he would be searching her so fervently—and in front of her. “Okay, show me your phone. Let’s see this emergency, shall we?”
(Y/N) froze, a heavy blush forming on her face. “W-What? My phone? I-I can’t show you, it’s personal!” She nervously stuttered, looking away from the man and his domineering aura.
“No, look at me. Let me see your phone, or I’ll fail you for your first day.” He said strictly, reaching a hand out and grabbing her chin, pulling it towards him. “Now, give it to me.”
She frowned, eyes downturned towards her phone. She sighed, unlocking it and pulling up the messages. ‘This might be the most embarrassing of thing I’ve done,’ She thought anxiously, foot tapping against the floor.
He sighed, an accomplished smile forming on his face as he scanned through the messages. This face slowly morphed into one of embarrassment, shame, and heavy—heavy lust. In her messages contained multiple pictures of his backside and front, with replies such as “I’d hit that”, “You think he’d pull my hair?” and “I want him to leave me unable to walk” with various emojis. His face glowed a bright red, clearing his throat in shame as he set his phone down. His pants were becoming incredibly tight, and he couldn’t bear the restriction any longer, an evil thought brewing in his mind. He smirked at her, slowly handing her the phone, brushing his fingers over hers purposefully. “Y’know, I should report you for this—this behavior isn’t normal, and to take pictures of me without my consent is almost abhorrent.”
She frowned, small tears forming at the corners of her eyes. ‘What a baby…’ He thought with a malicious smirk, eyes glinting as he watched droplets fall from her beautiful eyes. ‘She’d look better crying on my cock.’ “I’m so sorry, Professor—I swear, I’ll take any punishment you give, I really am sorry.” She turned her head towards her lap, tears still dripping from her eyes.
The chair ruffled, and Leon sat up properly, patting his thigh. “C’mere—since you wanna take picture so bad.”
She slowly stood, perplexed but body warming as she approached. He grabbed her hands, softly rubbing his thumb along her knuckles almost lovingly. He smirked up at her confused eyes, standing for a moment to push her down to her knees. He grabbed her phone, sliding open the camera app and setting it down as he unbuckled his belt, much to her surprise.
“W-Wait, professor-“
“Shut up. Unless you want to be on academic probation your first year, you’re gonna sit pretty, understand?”
She gulped, face flaming in embarrassment and arousal. Though she was incredibly nervous, she couldn’t deny she didn’t want this. It was her end goal, truly, but she didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. She inched her own hands forward, fiddling with his button and zipper. She released them slowly—teasingly—as she stared at him with a sultry expression, eyes twinkling in mischief. “Alright, professor—let’s make a movie then.” She teased, sliding her tongue along the outside of his boxers. He groaned, fingers maneuvering into her hair, gripping as she pressed light kisses against his covered shaft.
“Stop teasing, you slut,” He growled, pressing her face against his bulge. “Suck it—after all, you wanted my punishments so badly. Do it properly, or else.” He stated strictly, eyes lidded and face red as he kept grinding her face against his bulge. She pulled back slowly, hands still kept on her scalp, pulling his boxers down. His cock sprang free, bouncing slightly against his covered chest. Pre-cum stained his baby blue button-up, soaking through the fabric almost immediately. He hissed at the sudden cold air, a smirk forming. “Cmon now, baby, suck.”
She nodded, almost mesmerized, slowly wrapping her lips around the tip of his cock. She suckled the head, lips and tongue wrapping around the start of the shaft as she slowly worked her way down. Kennedy groaned, hands gripping her hair tightly as he resisted the urge to fully face throttle her. He wanted to enjoy her little licks and teases so he could pay her back tenfold, but he couldn’t bring himself to—not when he’d already been teased for so long (5 minutes). He chuckled, hands gripping her hair tightly and shoving her head down, moaning loudly as she gagged and choked against his cock. Her arms flailed, finding purchase on his thighs and squeezing harshly on his bare skin. He moaned louder as he quickly rocked her head, tears almost filling his eyes at the intensity.
“Fuck, baby, your mouth’s so good—shit.” He cursed, pushing her head down closer to his shaft. She reached the bottom, gagging and choking as her hands slowly lifted to touch his balls. She sucked desperately—whatever she could reach—and moaned as he continuously shoved her head down. She adored the rough treatment, and could only wait patiently as she prepared mentally for the main event. Her core throbbed and her pussy grew incredibly wet, soaking through her underwear. She groaned as she felt a shoe lift underneath her, the tip of a brown martin rubbing against her lips. She squealed against his cock, feeling his shoe rub back and forth, a deep chuckle leaving his lips in response. “Yeah? You like that? Like my dirty shoe rubbing against your pussy?” He laughed, shoving her head down harder onto his cock. He bobbed her head harder, loud moans leaving his mouth as he came closer to cumming. “Fuck, you’re such a dirty whore—my dirty whore.” He moaned out, saliva dripping down the corner of his mouth. He thrusted a few more times before thrusting into her throat hard, holding her head flat against his pelvis. She choked and sputtered, smacking at his thighs as his cum flooded her throat.
She pulled back immediately as he let go, coughing and hacking. The cum in her mouth saturated on her tongue, and she grimaced, ready to spit it out when a strong hand gripped her jaw. She whined, turning towards Leon with her mouth wide open. He gazed at her cum soaked tongue, smiling devilishly. “Swallow it, now. Don’t waste a drop.” He chided, eyes lidded in enjoyment. He spit onto her tongue in addition, tapping her cheek, signaling for her to close and swallow.
She shamefully closed her mouth, swallowing the various liquids in her mouth. She groaned as the salty tastes cascaded against her taste buds, eyes crinkling in disgust. “Salty…” She whispered, rubbing her mouth of the sweat and extra cum. Kennedy only laughed, pulling her to her feet and slowly pulling off her shirt.
“Lift your arms baby, let me see you.” He whispered softly, smiling as she relented and allowed him to remove her shirt. He immediately moved to her bra, embracing her momentarily to reach around. She almost moaned as she felt his bare and slowly hardening cock press against her, and she swore to herself she couldn’t handle waiting any longer. But, it wasn’t worth pissing him off and not getting dicked down at all.
Once her bra was removed, he repositioned them, slowly laying her down onto his desk. He frivolously swiped his arm across the desk, moving a lamp and stacks of papers. She laid down, back aching as she tried positioning herself correctly. Leon wasted no time in undressing her fully, pulling down her pants as soon as she was laid down. He trailed his fingers along her neck, moving to her chest and circling her pebbled nipples. She moaned as he prodded and pinched, a smirk plastered on his face the entire time. “Smug bastard…” She mumbled, moaning as he pinched incredibly hard. “Fuck!”
“Say that again, slut.” He squeezed again, leaning down and taking the other one into his mouth with a harsh suck. “Insult me again—I dare you.”
She kept quiet, moaning as he placed kisses and suckled on her chest and sensitive parts of her neck, slowly trailing down to her panties which he hadn’t removed. His fingers delicately danced around her pelvis, drawing circles on her inner thighs and slowly onto her lips. She gasped, feeling the cold panties press against her. Her core throbbed harder, muscles spasming as immense pleasure filled her. “Sensitive from just a few touches—you’re so cute, baby.” He mocked, pressing kisses to her panties. She moaned loudly as his lips made contact with her covered pussy, eyes shooting open in pleasure.
“F-Fuck… more, please, Professor,” She pleaded, wrapping a hand into his hair and tugging softly. He chuckled, teeth grabbing onto her panties and slowly pulling down. He tugged all the way to her knees, using his hands to finish the rest.
“I want you to be good for me baby—I’m not gonna let you off easy, so just be good and there will be no punishment after, okay?” He smiled softly, stroking her cheek gently. ‘After…?’ She thought excitedly, nodding almost too eagerly.
“Yes, Professor,” She whispered in a sultry tone, leaning up to match the height to his face. She placed small kisses at the corner of his mouth, reaching them towards his neck and ear. He moaned softly, breathing heavily in her ear as she continued her ministrations. He grew tired, resistance faltering, and he couldn’t bear not being inside of her any longer. Preparation be damned—she’d be made to take him. She felt the tip prod at her entrance, and she squealed, slightly drawing back in surprise. “W-Wait, won’t fit—“ She tried to plead, but her cries fell on deaf ears, and he slowly hammered his way into her pussy.
“Fuck, so god damn tight, baby,” He groaned loudly, pulling her into an embrace as he bullied his way in. She almost howled in pain and immense pleasure, a stinging sensation bullying her cunt. She groaned as he finally settled in, practically sitting in his arms. She breathed heavily, trying to regain her strength and sanity as he slowly pulled out. She worriedly looked down, wondering why he had left, before she launched back, head hanging off the desk with her mouth agape. He shoved himself back into her quickly, wildly rocking himself back in forth in her tight entrance.
“God, you’re such a good whore—all mine, baby, I can’t let you go after this.” He laughed sorely, hands gripping her waist so tight it’d have left bruises. She whined loudly, grabbing into his shoulders with haste.
“Fuck, fuck! So big, professor-“ She choked out, moaning as he continued thrusting, balls slapping harshly against her ass. “Too much, fuck!”
Kennedy laughed cruelly, hand wrapping around her throat and squeezing tightly. “Take it baby, take it—you can do it, you will do it.” He remarked, a crazed grin playing onto his lips. His eyes showed nothing but pure lust and admiration, hearts almost forming in his eyes. One lick of pussy had him drawn in, and he wasn’t willing to let go of a gold mine like this. He thrusted harder, loud moans escaping his lips as he gripped her throat hard, watching the breath leave her form. He released her, laughing as she frantically gulped down air before grabbing hold again, thrusting frantically into her.
He could almost cry from how good he felt—both the blowjob and now, he was truly addicted. One taste of an elixir and he was hooked, unable to think of anything else besides the beauty he was inside. He was purely pussy drunk. “God you’re so tight, fuck, this hole’s all mine. You’re gonna be my fucktoy—stick you under this desk and make you suck my dick as I teach the class.” He stuttered slightly, words wavering as he came closer to cumming. He felt her constrict around her, and he almost burst out laughing, a cruel smile appearing. “You like the sound of it? Like the risk of getting caught by your classmates? Naughty bitch.” He hissed, thrusting into her sore body even harder. She cried out, eyes closing tightly as tears streamed down her face.
“M’ gonna cum, please, please, please,” She pleaded, hand reaching down to rub her clit. It was harshly smacked away only moments later, a rougher hand replacing it with slow circles.
“Think you deserve to cum, baby? You’ve been so bad all day—distracting the class with your horny mind. Do bad girls really deserve to cum, huh?” He questioned, slowly his thrusts but still deepening them. He grinned as tears fell down her face quicker, small whines leaving her lips.
“Please, oh god, please Professor,” She cried, hands gripping his shoulders tightly. “I’ll be a good girl, I promise, please make me cum!”
He shook his head, gently rocking into her body. “Mm mm, not good enough baby. Give me more.”
“Fuck, Leon, please fuck me! I need your cock to make me cum, please, only you could have me like this,” She pleaded, watery eyes staring into his.
His eyes widened for a fraction of a moment before he smirked, pulling back and slamming into her. He pistoned wildly against her hips, moans leaving the pair as they both approached rapidly to their climax. “Gonna fucking cum inside, shit—gonna breed this naughty pussy.”
She almost screamed at his words, walls contracting around his as she came all over his cock. “Fuck, inside, please,” She whined loudly, lower half shaking in aftershocks. He grinned, thrusting harder until he eventually slammed against her, a loud moan ripping from his throat. Cum flooded into her sensitive pussy, dripping down her thighs and onto his pelvis. He groaned, pulling out of her slowly and smacking her ass.
“Best pussy I’ve had in forever. Hope you know you won’t be leaving anytime soon, sweetheart.” He smirked, pulling her hair behind her ears as she blinked in and out of sleep. She only smiled softly back, whispering, “Wasn’t planning on it, professor.”
This is my first thing I’ve posted on heree ;) Would anyone like to see anything else? Might also cross post to AO3!
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trickphotography2 · 5 months
'tis the damn season | Chapter 2
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Julie/Cece (OC, no physical description)
Word count: 5.7K
Synopsis: After six years away from home, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin was finally going to make his parents happy and surprise his family by spending Christmas in Magnolia, Texas. Introducing his pregnant fiancee to his family is a culture clash, with rural Texas meeting California influencer. Though unhappy in his relationship, Jake knows he has to buckle down and do the right thing with a baby on the way.
The last person he expected to run into was his high school sweetheart and the one that got away, Julie.
The holidays are already going to be hard enough for Julie. Her home baking business, which had started as a fun side project, exploded after a few TikToks went viral. Just when she was getting the hang of juggling her job and business, tragedy struck. Facing her first Christmas as an orphan, the last thing Julie expected was to hear that once familiar nickname - Cece.
After almost a decade apart, Jake and Julie can't help but feel that old familiar spark. Even with the realities of their lives pressing in, they can't help but wonder what might have happened if just one of them had fought for their relationship all those years ago.
Chapter 1 | Master List | Ao3
Chapter 2
“Mama. Cece.” Julie blinked, unable to trust her bleary eyes. But no matter how much she tried to clear her vision, Jake Seresin stood in his mother’s kitchen. 
With a woman who had a possessive hand on his chest and a smug expression on her face. 
And a large diamond on her finger.
“What are you doing here?” Mama Seresin demanded, emotion coloring her voice as she hurried across the kitchen to throw her arms around her youngest son. “You said you couldn’t make it.” 
“Wanted it to be a surprise,” he answered, eyes locked on Julie before lowering when he hugged his mama. Julie tore her gaze away, mentally cataloging the differences from the last time she’d seen him. Like the new crows' feet decorating his eyes, deeper smile lines carved into his cheeks, and the fact that he seemed larger. He’d gained muscle in college, shifting from a wiry teenager to a strong military guy. And now… now he looked even bigger than he had the last time she’d seen him, with a new seriousness that he hadn’t possessed before. 
The woman studied her, eyes narrowing briefly as they swept Julie’s frame. Apparently satisfied by the too-large t-shirt and ratty jeans, the woman’s eyebrow twitched before returning to Jake’s mother. 
“Well, you sure managed it. And whose this?” 
“Mama, this is Shayla. My, uh…fiancee.” Pink dusted his cheeks as his eyes darted up to meet Julie’s again, and he gave her a strained smile as his mother gasped. Julie forced herself to smile at the couple and push away the awkwardness of her ex-fiancee announcing his new engagement. 
“Fiancee?” Mama Seresin echoed. 
“Hi,” Shayla beamed, ignorant of the sudden tension. “It’s nice to meet you! Jakey’s told me so much about you.” 
“Has he, now?” the older woman said, tone a syrupy sweet that belied the brittle irritation underneath. Julie caught Jake’s eye twitch and pressed her lips into a thin line to avoid smirking. Unless things had changed, he hated being called Jakey. It had been his brother’s go-to nickname growing up to tease him about being little and got heavy rotation once Jake started to call him BJ. Julie was convinced that Bill Junior now insisted on being called Will because, during a wrestling match after too much spiked egg nog, Jake had called him BJ in front of Ally the first Christmas she visited the ranch. 
Jake had returned to Annapolis with a few bruised ribs that Julie had heard all about when he complained about his physical training. Bill was never called BJ again, and everyone respected his wish to be called Will. 
Shayla turned her gaze to Julie, who was pulled from her musings as the other woman grinned. “You must be Allison.” 
“That’s Cece.”
“Julie, actually.”
“Oh,” Shayla frowned, nose wrinkling in confusion while glancing between Jake and Julie. “I just thought, since you’re here so early…”  
“Just stopped by for breakfast and some eggs,” Julie shrugged, lifting the basket. “I’ve got to go, or I’ll be late for work. It was nice to meet you, Shayla. And... congratulations on the engagement. Welcome home, Jake.” 
Jake took a small step forward as though to hug her and paused when Julie shuffled backward. “Thanks, Cece.” 
“I’ll walk you out, honey,” Mama Seresin said, walking over to Julie and placing a hand on her lower back. As they exited the kitchen, the two women heard Shayla clear her throat.
“So, is her name Cece or Julie? And who is she?”
“Julie,” Jake replied. “She’s… she’s an old family friend.”
“Jake? Jake fucking Seresin?” Lucy demanded as Julie laid her head on her desk and closed her eyes. 
“What the hell is he doing back here?”
“Well, I’m guessing the fact that it’s Christmas and he’s engaged probably has something to do with it.” 
“I can’t believe that fucker is engaged again.” Julie felt her lip twitch at her friend’s comment. But just as she was going to reply, a chime sounded, alerting them to someone using the drive-up teller services. “Hold that thought,” Lucy said, sliding off her chair.
Taking that as a sign to actually start working, Julie sat up and logged into her computer. One of the other bank tellers had called out sick that morning, so she was helping to cover the desk rather than sitting in her office processing loan applications. Given that it was just a few days before Christmas, there were only a few applications to get through - a couple of car loans and small business ones. 
Stretching, Julie grimaced when she felt her back crack a few times. She’d been up late again working on an order and felt every hour she’d leaned over her kitchen counter to make sure that the 200 hand-drawn decorations were right. She still needed to pipe ganache into the macaroon shells before boxing them up and driving the two hours to Amarillo to deliver. Taking the last-minute order for a holiday party had been a mistake, but the extra money offered for the rush would go straight into her moving fund. 
Just after three in the morning, Julie called it quits and passed out on the couch. Two hours later, her phone had gone off to remind her to head to the Seresin ranch for her weekly breakfast with the family. As much as she wanted to beg off, she’d offered to make cinnamon rolls, and Allison, pregnant with her first baby, had made her swear to include extra caramel. Not one to piss off a pregnant woman, Julie dragged herself off to the shower and quickly drank a cup of cold coffee before getting in her car. Since moving back from Austin two years ago to care for her dad, the Seresins had checked in on her. 
It was hard to think of a time the Seresins hadn’t been a part of Julie’s life. Her mom had been best friends with Mama Seresin and had gotten closer after falling pregnant at the same time. When Julie was in third grade, she’d been spending the night at their house so her parents could celebrate their anniversary, and she woke up to Mama Seresin telling her they needed to get to the hospital. 
She tried not to think about that night too much, but flashes of it invaded her dreams every February. Glimpses of Jake and Will, confused as their mom bundled her into the car with tears on her cheeks. How dark it was as they flew down the road to the hospital in the neighboring town, snow hitting the windshield. The crowd of firefighters - her daddy’s coworkers - in the emergency room. The sad looks they gave her. And then the confusion of seeing her daddy, who never cried, sobbing as he pulled her into his arms and told her that Mama was gone. 
As much as Julie missed her mother, she’d been blessed with abundant family. Not only had the Seresins taken her in and treated her as one of their own, but so had the firehouse. The mainly volunteer force had adopted her, making sure that she never wanted for anything. On nights when her daddy couldn’t stay in their quiet home, they would go to the station and sit with the men on shift. Julie learned to cook and bake with the rookies, spent nights playing poker while betting Oreos, and learned how to make trick shots at the pool table. 
Even after being away from Magnolia since she was 18, it had picked right back up when she’d moved back after Daddy’s cancer diagnosis. He’d reluctantly stepped down as the town fire chief when it became too hard to manage his treatment and work. Still, it wasn’t uncommon to find him in the firehouse with his men when Julie was at work. She would come home to find Mama and Mr. Seresin sitting in the kitchen, dinner already in the oven. The three of them had ganged up on her and convinced her to re-enroll in pastry school, shifting from the in-person program in Austin she’d been attending at night to the online one.
So, after days spent at the bank, she would sit at the kitchen table and practice knife skills, how to make meringues and buttercreams, candied fruits, the science behind bread making, and how to decorate. There were also classes on operating in the hospitality industry and starting your own business. After taking pictures of her assignments and submitting them, the pastries went to the firehouse, work, or the Seresin’s house. 
Soon, she was getting requests. A coworker asked her to make a birthday cake. One of the firemen asked for cupcakes. After posting a picture of cookies decorated with royal icing, she got a message asking if she would make some for a baby shower. A batch of macaroons dropped off for Mama Seresin’s quilting club led to three women reaching out for her flavor list. On one memorable occasion, a grandmother finished her banking deposit and promptly asked Julie for “one of those fancy cakes” for her anniversary. 
Magnolia was no longer content with grocery store pastries. And, while Julie was happy with the practice, the amount of people wanting her baking was overwhelming. It had taken her dad sitting her down after a long day trying to design a cookie order for her to start charging for more than just ingredients. To her surprise, there hadn’t been much pushback when she’d put out a price list the next time someone asked her to make something. 
To keep her Austin friends in the loop, she’d made TikToks as she baked. At first, there were only a dozen views and comments from her friends. When she included videos of her making her orders, the Magnolia residents started to follow her. And then, unexpectedly, a video of her dad helping her heat seal cookies while she flooded another batch went viral. Older videos of her cakes suddenly got thousands of views and comments. Her DMs were flooded with messages asking if she shipped. She received requests from brides asking for her website. 
The sudden interest was overwhelming, and Julie was inundated with orders. In her spare time, she built a website that got thousands of hits. After work, she would stay up late baking to ensure she could ship orders. Weekends were spent driving around Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, making deliveries. She was a nervous wreck when she booked her first wedding and spent the entire seven-hour drive to Fort Worth terrified that she would be in a car accident and destroy the cake. 
When Daddy got really sick, all of that fell by the wayside. The bank let her take a leave of absence, and she took a semester off of school. After filling her orders, she shut down her website. She posted a video saying she was taking a break from baking and making content. Her life narrowed to the hospital room, listening to the steady beeping of her daddy’s heart monitor and the hiss of the cannula helping him breathe. A revolving door of people kept them company in the hospital, making her daddy laugh with some story from the job or growing up in Magnolia. There was always someone to sit with him when she was persuaded to go home to shower and spend a few hours in her bed. 
But when the time came, she was alone to hold his hand and whisper in his ear that it was okay to go and to give her love to Mommy. 
Julie spent the next few months dragging herself to the bank and collapsing into bed. Her friends from Austin flew in for the funeral and tried to convince her to move back, but it felt too soon to leave. There was too much that needed to be handled, and the idea of selling the house she grew up in and permanently leaving Magnolia wasn’t something she could face. 
After ignoring her TikTok for months, Julie forced herself to open the app and read the comments. Watching the videos with her dad hurt, but she loved seeing how much her followers loved him. So, after having a bit too much wine, she decided to break out her cookie sheets for the first time since he went into the hospital and made his favorite - simple, classic peanut butter cookies - and shared the news. As they baked, she leaned against the counter and sobbed. Her followers sent their condolences and told her to take care of herself. 
Eight months after his passing, Julie was slowly reopening her shop. She only accepted orders that would be filled in a few weeks rather than months in advance. It severely cut down on her wedding orders, but it was nice not to have that added stress. With Magnolia as her home base, she was still doing a bit of travel but fitting in her baking around her day job. Daddy had encouraged her to take the leap into being a home baker full-time and even left her enough money to set her up to do that for a while, but Julie was reluctant to tap into it before moving. 
The front door opened, and Julie looked up from her computer and smiled at the man entering. Dressed in his blue pants and grey polo with the fire logo, Captain Drew Pine strolled in, eyes locking on her. “Hey, Jules,” he said, grabbing a withdrawal slip.
“Hey Drew. What brings you in today?”
“Need to get some cash. Promised to buy some candy bars from Charlie’s daughter for her fundraiser.”
“You know there’s an ATM outside, right? Could have saved you a trip inside.” 
“But then I wouldn’t see you,” he grinned. Lucy, apparently done with the transaction at the window, snorted.
“Well, that’s nice of you,” Julie replied, taking the slip of paper and license he slid across the counter. “How’s everyone at the house been?”
“Good. We got a new rookie who's learning the ropes. Thankfully, his fire skills are better than his cooking ones.”
“That bad?” she chuckled, opening the cash drawer. “You want this any special way?” 
“A twenty, ten, and fives would be great. He’s definitely no you when it comes to his desserts - made some brownies the other night, and Rich nearly broke a tooth.” 
“Is this your subtle way of asking me to bring something by?” Tugging off his baseball cap, he ran a hand through his black hair and chuckled, brown eyes crinkling.
“Am I being that obvious?”
“Just a little.” After counting the cash out for him, Julie propped her chin on her fist and hummed. “I have a huge order I’m working on right now, but I can probably drop something off your next shift.” 
“You’re a lifesaver, Jules. And maybe I can take you to dinner for a thank you?”
“Not necessary,” she replied, pink staining her cheeks. “I just appreciate everything y’all did for my dad.”
“Brian was one of our own,” Drew shrugged. “We miss him, too.” Chewing her inner lip, she nodded, willing herself not to cry. “So about that dinner?”
“Raincheck? I’m swamped right now,” she replied after clearing her throat.
“Those rainchecks are stacking up,” he said, a little less confident this time. 
“I know, I just…business is kind of crazy right now with the holidays.” 
“Right. Well, if you ever need anything, you know how to get in touch with me.” After tapping a finger to his cap, he nodded. “I’ll see you later, Jules. Lucy.”
“Drew,” Lucy replied, collapsing into her chair. When the door closed behind him, she whirled to face Julie. “Put the poor man out of his misery and say yes one of these times.” 
“I’m - ”
“Not dating ‘cause you don’t know when you’re gonna leave,” the other woman cut her off, rolling her eyes. “No one said you have to marry him. Just go out and have fun. Hot, sexy, sweaty fun with the fuckin’ fire captain. And tell your married best friend all about it so I can live vicariously.” 
“I’ll get right on that,” Julie scoffed, turning back to the computer.
“You’d have adorable babies with Drew,” Lucy added under her breath. She chose to ignore that.
Jake lay in his childhood bed, staring up at the ceiling. After Cece left, Mama insisted that he and Shay nap since they’d been traveling since 1:30AM. But, while he was a bit tired, it felt wrong to be trying to sleep when the rest of the family was out doing their chores. 
Heaving a sigh, he got up and stretched, feeling his back crack from being in the uncomfortable twin-sized bed. Shay was staying down the hall in one of the guest bedrooms. When she’d shot Jake a look that clearly said she wasn’t happy with it, he’d shrugged - it was his parent’s house, so they would be playing by their rules. Besides, he wasn’t exactly upset by having some physical space between them. Once they returned to San Diego, they would have to figure out the living situation with a baby on the way. 
Besides his time in the dorms and the few months Cece had been with him in Virginia, Jake hadn’t lived with anyone since moving out. He liked the peace of coming home from work and knowing everything was where he left it. The idea of merging his stuff with Shayla’s was overwhelming - he wasn’t exactly a neat freak, but he liked his space tidy. Her two-bedroom apartment was filled with products to test and cluttered as hell. He hoped that, since they had seven months before the baby came, they would have plenty of time to figure out the logistics of marriage and co-parenting.
After peeking in to see that Shayla was sleeping, Jake went downstairs to the empty house. With a cup of coffee in hand, he slipped on his shoes and stepped onto the back porch. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the familiar scent of home - crisp air and the heavy odor of manure - and listened to the cows mooing. With a glance back at the house, he descended the few steps and made his way to the horse barn.
Soft whinnying met his ears as he pushed back the door and was hit with a rush of warm air. He couldn’t help but grin at his older brother standing outside the last horse stall, leaning against the railing and frowning. But when his eyes turned to meet Jake’s, there was a momentary look of confusion before he pushed away from the stall. “Didn’t Mama send you to bed, squirt?” 
“Couldn’t sleep,” Jake replied, striding across the barn and hugging Will. Over his shoulder, he saw his sister-in-law stepping out of the stall and closing it behind her. “Hey, Ally.” 
“Hey, Jakey,” she smirked, gently shoving her husband out of the way and hugging him. “It’s okay to call you that, right? I heard it was on the approved list of names now.” His eye twitched, knowing that the family had already talked about him and Shayla.
“Definitely not. The only exception will be this one,” he added, hovering a hand over her stomach. “I could deal with being Uncle Jakey for him.” 
“I’ll hold you to that,” she grinned, rubbing a hand over her pregnant belly. Turning to her husband, she leaned in to peck his cheek. “Tink’s all good. I’m gonna go get another one of Julie’s cinnamon rolls and then hit the road. I’ve got an appointment at the Perry’s in an hour and need to stop by the house first.”
“The doc said you shouldn’t have too many sweets,” Will frowned, resting a hand on his wife’s stomach. 
“Julie’s don’t count. Besides, your kid is the one making me want it.”
“Cece made those?” Jake asked but was promptly ignored.
“Pretty sure they do. And don’t pretend that I didn’t see her give you another tray of them to take to the house.” Ally scoffed and shook her head. Recognizing his defeat, Will sighed. “Want me to drive you to the Perrys? Now that Jakey’s here, he can help Pops with the milking.” Jake rolled his eyes, then looked away when Ally tilted her head and smiled at her husband.
“I’m good, honey. ‘Sides, you might traumatize the city boy by actually puttin’ him to work. Probably doesn’t even remember how to use the milking machines since he hasn’t been home in six years.”
“Ha, ha,” Jake scoffed, feeling slightly ashamed. “You know I pilot an 80 million dollar jet, right?” 
“Shut up, squirt, I’m talkin’ to my wife here,” Will said, reaching out and shoving his brother. 
“Speaking of!” Ally snapped, turning and pointing a finger at him. “What’s this your mama said about a fiancee?” 
“Yeah, I thought you broke up with her.” The brothers frowned at one another, and Jake’s eyes darted away. 
“Well, things change.” 
“Can’t have changed that much,” Will pressed. “You were pretty set on it when you got home.” A flush crept up Jake’s neck, and he couldn’t help but glance at Ally’s stomach. Catching it, Will scowled. 
“She’s not…”
“We haven’t told anyone.” 
“You stupid son of a - ”
“What?” Ally demanded, glancing between the two men. 
“Seems like Tyler’s gonna have a cousin,” Will said through grit teeth. 
“What?” Jake glanced at his sister-in-law and gave her a weak smile.
“Surprise.” With a polite smile, Ally hugged him. 
“Congrats, Jake. That’s exciting news. You gonna tell Mama and Pops while you’re home?”
“That’s the plan. Wanted them to get to know Shay before telling them, though.”
“Well, good luck with that. I’ve gotta go, or I’ll be late. We’ll talk later, alright?” After sharing a quick kiss and a significant look with her husband, Ally left. Jake scrubbed a hand through his hair as his brother let out a heavy sigh. 
“I guess congratulations are in order. I’m assumin’ that’s why you’re engaged now?” 
“It’s the right thing to do.” After a long silence, the older man sighed again.
“Alright, squirt. We’ll keep your secret, but you gotta tell Mama soon, or she’ll figure it out and be pissed. Ally tried to keep it a secret, and then Mama brought her a baby blanket and said she had a dream she’d need it.” 
Jake shook his head and smirked. His mama and her dreams… she’d told him he’d be a pilot one day and live by the beach. She’d also been the one to tell him that he and Cece would give her grandbabies.
But that had just been wishful thinking for two women who were best friends and pregnant at the same time.  
Julie leaned against her car and closed her eyes as the tank filled. Her hands were cramped from spending three hours piping ganache and assembling macaroons and decorative boxes. The three larger cardboard boxes sat on her backseat, ready for delivery in Amarillo. After taking a couple hours off work, she’d finished the order just in time to jump on the road and make her delivery time.
And, with any luck, she would be home by 10:00PM. She needed to finish some cake pops for the library holiday party, which shouldn’t take too long. With any luck, she could be sliding into bed around 1:00AM. 
A car door closed, and she forced her eyes open to see who had joined her at the gas station. And then had to blink to make sure that she wasn’t imagining those green eyes. 
“Jake,” she replied, pushing off her car and glancing at the gas pump. Her tank had to be almost full by now. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched him circle his truck and reach into the bed to retrieve two gas canisters. After setting them at his feet, he swiped his credit card and frowned at the machine, one hand planted on his hip. Turning her gaze back to her own pump, she let her eyes glaze over as she watched the numbers tick upward. 
Finally, it popped, startling her out of her daze. She quickly returned the nozzle to the pump and turned to click the gas cap onto her car. She saw Jake watching her out of the corner of her eye and forced herself not to look. He spoke again when she reached for her door handle. “I’m sorry about your dad.” 
Inhaling sharply, she lifted her head to meet his steady gaze. He had that stupid, pitying look she’d gotten so used to over the last year. But for some reason, his hurt more than anyone else’s. “Thanks.”
“I would have come home for the funeral, but - ”
“Your mom told me you were deployed. It’s fine. Thanks for the flowers.” Seeing that arrangement at the funeral home had been a surprise, along with the simple note. 
So sorry for your loss. Your dad was a good man, and he loved you so much. Thinking of you. 
Love, Jake
“Least I could have done. How… how have you been?” 
“Okay,” she shrugged. “It’s… everyone’s been so amazing and kind. Especially your family.” She caught the twitch of his eyebrow and the briefest look of confusion. “They’ve gotta be happy your home. It’s been a long time.”
“Too long,” he agreed. “But it’s not like Magnolia ever changes.”
“I mean, we do have a fancy coffee shop now,” Julie smirked, knowing full well that he was a black coffee drinker, just like his daddy and brother. He rolled his eyes, and she couldn’t help but chuckle. “There��s been some change, but you’re right - it’s mainly the same.” 
“You, uh… you planning to move back to Austin, now that…”
“Maybe. Or Dallas. Or maybe out of Texas. How’s California?”
“Great. I think you’d like it.” That startled a laugh out of her.
“I meant for you. Your dad told me you moved out there a couple of years ago.”
“Oh,” Jake said, blushing. “Not bad. I’m stationed in San Diego now, so it feels more like California than Lemoore. And there’s no snow,” he added, glancing up at the grey sky threatening more flurries as the sunset.” At her heavy sigh, he turned back to see her slowly blinking. “You alright?”
“Yeah. I just… I need to get on the road.”
“You should have plenty of time to get home before it starts.” 
“I’m headed down to Amarillo, so I’ll drive back in it.” He frowned, taking in the dark circles under her eyes and the tired slump of her shoulders. He’d seen that exact look many times before tucking her into bed. As if on cue, she covered her mouth while yawning and then blinked away tears when opening her eyes wide. 
“You’re stayin’ the night down there?”
“No, just a quick trip.” 
“That’s four hours round trip in good weather.” 
“I know.” 
“Cece… are you okay to drive?” A tired smile crossed her lips.
“I’m fine, Jake. I’ve got my coffee and an audiobook, and I’ll pull over if it gets bad.” The idea of her pulled over on some highway, alone and in the snow, made him anxious. He’d hated it when she would call him from a rest stop to let him know she was pulling over to sleep while driving to see him in flight school. No matter how many times he offered to get her a hotel, she’d always said it wasn’t worth it for a quick cat nap. So Jake had kept this phone in hand and begged her to call as soon as she was back on the road. He felt like he could breathe again after hearing her voice and held her tighter every time she got to him. 
Jake remembered all too clearly the night that he’d woken to his mama crying and taking Cece to the hospital after the accident. How her pops had looked at the funeral as they buried her mama. The way Mr. Ryan screamed at Jake for being reckless and irresponsible when they snuck out one night when they were twelve, and he taught her how to drive the feed truck in the field. When they’d left, his mama had held him and dried his tears, explaining that he was just being protective of his daughter. Unlike the other 15-year-olds, Cece hadn’t gotten her learner’s permit and had to wait until 17. Mr. Ryan only relented after she’d thrown a fit that left her face red and tearstained and made her practice driving at the firehouse. 
They didn’t tell anyone about her taking the wheel on their late-night drives, and Jake wasn’t surprised when she passed her test with flying colors. 
As the first snowflakes started to fall, it was on the tip of his tongue to offer to drive her. But as he opened his mouth to offer, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. 
Grab me a kombucha while you’re out. I need something other than sweet tea and water.
Gritting his teeth, Jake dismissed the text from Shayla and looked up to see Cece watching him. “Everything okay?”
“Fine. Just Shay wanting something.” Cece took a deep breath at the mention of her name and blew it out, misting white before her. 
“Right. Well, I’ll see you around, Jake.”
“Let me know when you’re home safe?” The request was out of his mouth before his brain caught up. Her hand froze on the door handle, and she glanced at him, something familiar and warm flickering in her eyes before disappearing. 
“I’ll be fine, Jake.” 
“At least tell me you’ve got an emergency kit in there.” When her brows furrowed, he ran a hand through his hair and huffed. “Cece.”
“It’s not that bad of a storm, Jake. I’ll be fine.” 
“Don’t move,” he ordered, stepping away from the gas canisters and circling the back of the truck to lower the gate and climb into the bed. Grabbing a large bag from the toolbox, he jumped down and stalked over to her, holding it out. “Take it. I’ll tell Pops you have it.”
“I - ”
“Take it, or I’ll drive the whole way behind you to make sure you get back safe.” The determined set of his jaw made Julie scowl. She’d seen that look too many times to not take it seriously. Biting the inside of her lip, she reluctantly took it, pointedly ignoring how his warm fingers brushed hers. “Text me when you’re home.” 
“I’d need your number to do that.”
“It hasn’t changed.” The challenge in his gaze made her tip up her chin, and she refused to confirm that she’d kept it all these years. She thought she saw his eyes dart down to her lips for a moment but pushed that thought away. Clearly, she was exhausted and seeing things. 
“Bye, Jacob.” Her clipped tone was one that he’d heard after so many arguments. Nights that she’d slammed a door in his face or hung up, ignoring his attempts to call her back. 
It was the last words she’d said to him before she’d driven out of his life and shattered their future. But at least this time, there was fire behind them instead of resignation.
He opened his mouth to retort when his phone vibrated again. When his hand slipped into his back pocket, Cece pressed her lips together and gave a curt nod, turning on her heel. 
Their eyes met as she pulled away from the pump, and Jake was hit with a wave of deja vu. 
It was close to midnight when Jake crept down the stairs to the kitchen to retrieve his mother’s phone. After unlocking the device - the code was her wedding anniversary, just like every code in the house - he quickly pulled up her contact list. 
Cece hadn’t changed her number. 
Locking it, he pulled his own phone from his pocket and leaned against the counter. His finger hovered over her name but he hesitated before calling. When the screen dimmed, he let the phone fall onto the counter and hung his head, scrubbing his fingers through his hair. 
He was engaged. To another woman. Texting his ex-fiancee when his pregant fiancee was upstairs editing a video wasn’t exactly good husband or father material. Jake knew he needed to buckle down and focus on his relationship with Shayla if he was ever going to make it work. And part of that meant doing exactly what Cece did to him - leaving her in the rearview mirror.
The image of her yawning at the gas station flashed through his mind, quickly replaced with the visceral memory of her falling asleep in his arms. He could still smell the coconut shampoo she used, and feel her cold toes pressed to his shin. It never mattered how warm it was, she was always cold. 
Quickly, he grabbed his phone and typed out a message. 
Did you make it home safe? The message flashed as delivered, and he waited for a response. But the phone locked as he waited, and he pushed off the counter to get a glass of water. 
It wasn’t until he’d kissed Shayla goodnight and crawled into his bed that his phone lit up again.
Pulled over and slept for an hour. Just getting home. Thanks for the blanket.
Jake read the text again. Frustration that she’d even driven alone in the storm, and slept in some random spot on the road, mixed with relief that she was safe. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard, and he almost typed out a message telling her how reckless it was to park on the side of the road when it was snowing, but he stopped himself.
Instead, he simply liked the message and turned off his phone. He needed get some sleep - he’d be joining his Pops and Will with their chores in the morning.
In town, Julie pulled out her piping bags and glitter before settling down to get back to work, a fresh pot of coffee brewing. 
Read Chapter 3
Taglist: @mamachasesmayhem; @buckysteveloki-me; @fanficfandomlove; @maeleeme; @djs8891; @kmc1989; @justenoughmadness; @shanimallina87; @lynnevanss; @dempy; @emilyoflanternhill; @midnightmagpiemama; @sordidfairytale; @vivalas-vega; @eloquentdreamer; @roosterforme; @mizzzpink; @memoriesat30
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pussygarnish · 6 months
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7 Minutes in Heaven
abby anderson x f!reader
very suggestive content 🤗 but nothing really happens until pt. 2 !! modern AU (they have phones, go to college, etc)
2.3k words
hi guys its carri :3 this ones for my mootie pooties on tiktok i luv you guys!!! go follow me 💯 (@/pussygarnish)
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“—so fucking hot,” the voice of a very muffled Nora broke your train of thought and you fixed your stare on her, eyes flitting down when you noticed that she was actually staring at her phone instead of talking to you.
You wish you hadn't. She was scrolling through Abby-fucking-Anderson's instagram page. Literally, what was it about that arrogant waste of space that people swear up and down is the best thing to happen to the university since it'd been created? Personally, you were more of a personality kinda girl; if personalities equated looks, Abby Anderson would look like Quasimodo. Take... Owen, for example.
“God, would you cut—” you reached over, scowl adorned on your face, and snatched her phone out of her hands, “—it the fuck out?" She watched in annoyance as you swiped the app away and turned the phone off, placing it on the coffee table in front of you. “I'd rather not have my evening be ruined because my my friend wants to ogle my mortal enemy instead of partying.”
Nora scoffs at your remarks, turning to fully face you with crossed arms. “Hate her as much as you want, that woman is hot as hell.” Your eyes roll playfully and end up landing on some random space behind her, getting your thoughts stirred up again. You'd never admit it aloud... but she really was so fucking hot. No matter how much you wanted to convince yourself that she physically looked like Quasimodo.
“See! You're thinking about it!” She points out, shoving in accusatory finger in your chest and laughing. “No I am not,” you snap, pushing her finger away. “Bitch, who do you think you're fooling? I know you,”
You throw your hand up and wave her off, leaning against the headrest of the sofa a bit. “Not well enough, apparently,” you grumble lowly.
"Mhm," she threw a side glance your way and a silence fell over the room. “Hey, actually,” she began, moving to pick up her phone, “wonder when they're getting back with the drinks—”
Just as her sentence ended, the door swung open and a rowdy sea of partygoers fell in; it didn't take too long for the music to get going and drinks and snacks to run scarce. Nora—luckily—had managed to snag a few before returning back to the sofa and cracking two cans open for the both of you.
You thanked her and took a long swig. It was actually pretty decent. Til a certain voice soured the drink on your tongue.
“Sure you should be drinking that?” Abby chided, taking a seat on the sofa opposite of you. You didn't bother responding, only hauling a nasty glare in her direction. Her lip curved up at the sight of it. Nora looked back at you and lifted her eyebrows, shit eating grin adorned on her face before turning her attention back to her other friend.
The rest of the group and a few random partygoers followed shortly after, all taking their seats and chattering mindlessly. It was getting to be a bit boring, and Ellie—of all people— took notice of the dim mood and proceeded to shout:
“Who wants to play 7 minutes in heaven?”
A silence fell over the room as everyone looked around. There was a mixture of responses, one half of the group was silently nodding, while the other half was shaking their head frantically. You were leaning more towards the no option.
“Is that not a kids game?” You asked, taking another swing. Ellie frowned and crossed her arms, leaning back into the cushion of the sofa. “Well, not the way we play it, obviously. But, y'know since you wanna be a smartass, you can go first.”
“Who said I was playing?” You lifted a brow, taking another sip of your drink. Nora pinched your side and motioned to the spare bedroom with her head, and even though she wasn't looking at her, you knew what she was implying. “You don't play I'm just gonna assume you're a pussy,” she further taunted.
Your brow raised even further and you looked almost disbelieving now. “Me not playing a game makes me a pussy?” Ellie nodded and you pressed your lips together in a tight line.
You discarded your drink and raised your hands in mock surrender. “Fair enough, I guess. Who's going in with me?” Ellie sucked her teeth and looked around, an idea seemingly going off in her head when she spotted some old newspaper and crafting supplies tucked away in a corner of the room. She quickly rushed over and began writing something down, walking back to the group while still writing.
“Hey Jordan, can I see your hat?” She asked, stretching a hand out in his general direction. He obliged and handed it to her, then she was ripping the paper and crumbling it up, tossing it into the hat and mixing it up like she was some kind of fucking chef flipping a pancake or some shit. You scoffed and moved your eyes to a different corner of the room.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see her. From the looks of it, she had already been looking at you. Seemed to have no intention of stopping.
Her gaze was heavy, intense. Made you wanna squirm away. Thank God for Ellie drawing the attention back to her after what felt like eternity.
Ellie lifted the hat and dramatically shoved her hand in, fumbling around with it for longer than necessary before finally whipping out the small slip of paper; she was wearing one of the most mischievous smirks you'd ever seen.
She opened it. Saw the name inside. Whistled lowly and furrowed her brows deep. Then, walked over and handed it to you.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” The name inside made your heart stop completely. Begrudgingly, you flitted your eyes up to Abby and she quickly perked up, something in her face changing completely. She raised a brow as if to ask for confirmation and you looked away, throwing the piece of paper down and sauntering to the room without a word.
Ellie motioned toward the door for Abby, a way to confirm because you refused to.
Abby followed suit and entered the bedroom, the door shut behind her and the timer had began. You and Abby, alone together in the bedroom. You could feel the tense silence between you, it was tangible.
The both of you leaned against the wall as you pondered over the situation. Abby's arms were crossed and her face was unreadable, so it was difficult to even know what she was feeling or thinking. You wondered if she felt as uncomfortable as you did, but there wasn't enough time to ponder. Ellie had given you seven minutes. And seven minutes wasn't enough for you to wrap your head around the fact that this was even happening.
You decided to break the silence first, expressing your innermost thought and worry. “Nothing will be happening, let me make that clear,” you muttered, pressing your back against the wall as tightly as you could.
“What makes you think I'd even want something to happen?” Abby retorted, scoffing a bit. Though, her eyes continued to study you for a moment. She didn't quite look upset at the sight of you; in fact, she had an expression of intrigue on her face.
Her eyes darted down to your mouth, lingering there for what felt like an eternity before they shifted back upwards to your eyes.
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes, “Then you stay on that side of the room and I'll stay over here.” You recoiled when you felt her eyes on your lips, averting your eyes quickly.
“You look nervous,” Abby's tone took a playful turn. “Never done anything like this before?” She sauntered closer to you, her gaze shifting back down to your lips before she smiled. “I mean, with a face like that, I can tell you're some sort of prude.”
She was only a foot away from you now; your breath hitched and your body hummed with heat.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You furrowed your brows, trying to take a step back. “And—” What the fuck. Did you just shudder? “Why is that any of your business?”
She ignored your question, drawing in a little closer. “Why are you so flustered?” Abby's head tilted, her eyes still glued to your lips.
Your heart thundered in your chest, your thoughts a jumbled mess of confusion. Her hand reached out to capture your face, thumb drawing lazy circles at your jaw before she cupped it and tilted your head upwards.
“I'm not flustered,” you pause, swallowing hard. “I'm disgusted,” you snapped, but with how uneven your voice was and how trembly you were, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you were lying.
Abby hummed, her lips curling into a knowing smirk. Slyly, she lowered her mouth toward yours. All she had to do was lean in and let her lips press against yours. And she could probably take her time with it—you seemed to have no intention of pulling away.
Her fingers laced between your hair, pulling you closer. Her lips parted slightly, allowing the sensation of touch to linger for a moment before they closed once more. She hummed, again. “Yeah, you're definitely disgusted.”
“What are you doing?” You whispered, trying with every fiber in you to keep your gaze on her eyes, and not her mouth. There was a pause, and the air completely sifted into a different atmosphere. “I thought we established that I'm disgusting you?” Abby tilted her head, lips curving into yet another wry smile.
She pressed her thumb against your lips, pushing you backwards until you hit a nearby wall. Your back arched, hair splayed out and your face flushed. The corner of Abby's mouth curved further, one brow cocked up as she looked you over.
Her hand snaked down to your lower belly, fingertips ghosting just above the waistline of your pants. The action caused you to squirm and she hummed in approval, cautiously dipping her index finger below the line and watching for any signs to stop.
When she found none, she continued. Her free hand snuck up and grabbed both of your wrists, lifting them up and over your head and pinning them to the wall behind you. Your pulse was racing, her touch was leaving a scorching burn wherever it trailed and you were ashamed, yet not, for wanting more.
She moved to your jaw, pressing slow and deliberate kisses before moving to your neck and collarbone. She pulled back and watched you carefully, her breath shallow. She tugged on her bottom lip at the sight of you: reduced to a mess because of her and she'd hardly touched you.
“If you're actually disgusted, you're not doing a good job at showing it,” she teased, finger slipping out of your jeans and working at the fly. Your face burned and you couldn't bear to look at her.
“Fuck—shut up,” you murmured, hips stuttering when she finished with the zipper and began to hike your jeans down ever-so-slightly. Abby lifted her gaze to you once more and tutted, giving you a warning pinch on your hip. “Keep your eyes on me while I'm doing this, or I'll stop, yeah?”
She dropped your wrists and you were quick to lift one right back up, slapping it over your mouth as you kept your eyes trained on her hand. It was climbing higher and higher—you were nearly trembling with anxiety, desire, not to mention confusion. How did you let yourself end up in this position?
You felt, and watched her warm hand slip between your legs, cupping your heat and stepping impossibly closer into your space. A shaky exhale left you when her fingers slowly began moving your panties aside. Your mind was racing a mile a minute. You should shove her, tell her off, save your dignity— but you were well past that point now, weren't you?
Three abrupt knocks broke your lust-induced delirium and your once arousal, butterfly filled stomach was now completely replaced with panic. She had been inches away from giving you what you'd wanted.
Three more knocks followed. They were loud, heavy, deliberate. Almost as if whoever was on the opposite side of the door knew what had been previously happening.
“Times up!” Of course it was Ellie. “Get your hand out of her pants and get out,” she quipped. It was meant to be a joke but it kinda freaked you out. Because thats literally where Abby's hand was.
You turned your attention from the door to Abby, halfway expecting her to move her hand. When she didn't your brows furrowed. Ellie was getting audibly impatient on the other side, but she didn't seem to care about it. At all. While half of you wanted her to continue, the other half was screaming at you to swat her hand away. She'd also seemed hellbent on getting what she wanted.
“Abby,” you whispered, “stop.” Her gaze flitted up and met yours, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Slowly, she began to retreat her hand, making sure to press against the sensitive bundle of nerves and making you hiss. A glare was sent flying in her direction as you quickly worked at your fly and hurried over to the door.
You snagged it open, almost incurring a head-on-head collision with Ellie but she caught herself and cursed at you as you slid past her. You nearly tripped yourself, making your way back to the couch. The look that Nora shot you had your face flushing with embarrassment. Was it that obvious?
Abby followed shortly after, sitting down in her previous spot just like before. This time, she wouldn't look at you.
You exhaled deeply, averting your eyes, too. Somehow, they fell to her hands—the ones that had just—you bit your tongue. Nothing about her body language gave way to the events of what had taken place inside the room.
Nothing but her hands.
They were trembling.
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taglist: @b-4-il-3-y @st444rstruck @abbyandersonsonlywife @lastofabbyy THE WAY I CANT TAG HALF OF THE PPL HELP. where is my teammm? 😣
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linberlyy · 4 months
And again obvious nonsense from tb stans who pretend to sympathize with Helaena but wish her and her family a speedy death.
I accidentally saw this “beautiful” edit on TikTok and laughed. I have never read such stupid thoughts anywhere! Let's go through the points.
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Bro, point your finger at those people who sympathize with Alicent, but claim that the marriage of Aegon and Helaena is wonderful. That's right, you won't find such people (or such people will be completely repulsed). EVERYONE, without exception, sees how uncomfortable the two of them are.
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Did Alicent order the marriage of Aegon and Helaena? I beg you. you missed her words about how she hates Valyrian traditions, which she talked about in the series in episode 5. and do you think she will immediately marry her children to each other? It seems to me that it would have been much more reasonable on her part to insist on different marriages with different great houses of Westeros, which would bring green support later, and she would have insisted if not for the will of Viserys.
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Where does it say that she is autistic? I laugh so hard at the tb stans who angrily claim that Helaena has signs of autism. Yes, she is unhappy in her marriage. yes, she bears his children because apparently it is her duty as a princess. Alicent’s duty to the state was exactly the same. She's not Rhaenyra, who fucks whoever she wants, whenever she wants. if she wants, she will give birth to a brown-haired child; if she wants, she will give birth to a white-haired child.
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I see that toast as a way to get through to Aegon. it was a cry for help, but she didn’t want to upset him with it. what she said about the nuances of her marriage was a way of letting Aegon know that she was hurting and lonely, and the way Aegon then watches her closely during Jacaerys's (hypocritical) dance suggests that he still cares about her . I guess the author is one of those people who argue that Jace acted like a real gentleman when he asked Helaena to dance haha. no, my dears. Jace did this to spite Aegon. he has always been petty, and his mockery about his childhood during dinner confirms this. and if Alicent had agreed to Helaena and Jace's marriage, do you really think she would have liked it? Helaena would have been held hostage by the blacks along with the children during the dance, manipulated by Rhaenyra or Daemon. and if the blacks had won and Rhaenyra had taken the throne, would everyone really have turned a blind eye to the obvious bastards behind her back? especially on Jacaerys, who seems to inherit after her? Uprisings would begin again, and then Helaena would also fall under the distribution. no, this is a stupid decision, and I advise black fans to forget about sweet dreams forever. that's all.
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selarha · 6 days
! Drama of CoS !
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Guysy guys, I appeal to everyone who has CoS among their favorites on Roblox! Just recently, or rather this morning, I came across a repost on TikTok about the situation with this game. I'm not a member and I don't blog about it, but one thing compels me to write this post: I hate negligence. And now this negligence comes from moderation towards CoS players. Check out the first screenshots.
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Erythia (the name of the co-owner and developer) is perhaps the main character of this problem. Players have repeatedly complained about what is happening in the game: from the toxicity of the community to bugs, to which moderation not only turned a blind eye, but also, according to one commentator, deleted players’ messages about it. Why delete messages if you can simply explain how it happened, without unnecessary steps? Apparently, you are still trying to hide something. (Check screenshot of an eyewitness)
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Judging by the very first screenshots, you have already noticed that Erythia reacts tactlessly to people and has fairly high egocentric tendencies. She believes that the opinions of those who pay attention to their work are absolutely unimportant, she believes that other people’s opinions, even constructive ones, are bad and deserve a whole block on the discord server (I’ll say right away, I’m also not a fan of unwanted criticism from people, however, given what I read under the comments on the TikTok post, many people were unhappy with what was happening in the game and this opinion could carry the purpose of improving circumstances). And, as far as I understand, this is not the first time this has happened. What’s even funnier is the negligent attitude even towards one’s own and other people’s work. To stop working on the entire game just because the wave of creation of the creatures themselves, of which there are already quite a lot, may stop (I recently went in and saw the list of creatures, and I’m telling you that their variety is simply colossal) - this is either nonsense and manipulation from greed. (Check out the first screenshots of her messages again)
I think, based on people’s further comments, you will understand everything yourself, draw conclusions (and maybe even begin to revolutionize in the same way). I will immediately note that those who will justify Ery, saying that she is tired, that she is not to blame, etc. - read all the screenshots again and keep in mind one fact: all your actions are your responsibility. They even gave me the right example: if they start justifying a drunkard on the grounds that he broke a thing because he was drunk, then hardly anyone will like it. :/
Also, if you want to see more people who have their own complaints and stories with this game, you can follow this link. That's where I got all the information from. => https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr11u15E/
Complaints from players in general, so you don't think it's just the sound of one player. If you also have any unpleasant experiences with this game, share it with others. Sooner or later it will be noticed.
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heyftinally · 18 days
Swift is a Quanity Artist not a Quality Artist. She has high sales because of the Quanity of her albums not because of the Quality. Her fans are not ready for that conversation.
She has one song!! doing 2Billion streams on Spotify and she got that just recently. For a modern Artist who is active, it's a pathetic achievement. Abel's highest is 4Billion and there are other artists who got songs with higher streams.
Her fans constant comparsions with MJ make no sense, their output is completely different. Mj became a high selling artist with a relative small discography but big albums. Taylor Swifts output - when it comes to releasing albums- is more similar to Elvis or you would say (Prince) and I'm only talking about sales not talent ofc.
Her behaviour with her fame on top of that is completely different aswell. MJ was careful of not being overexposed during the heyday of the Thriller era. Apparently he even demanded only to be shown a few seconds during the Pepsi commercial in 84'. Barely gave any interviews, no tour ( Thriller), the album just sold on hid own. While Taylor Swift unintentionally or not, forces herself down on people. Her art itself cannot survive on it's own if she didn't do that heavy promo. The heavy Promotion also on Tiktok where, when you even watched a random video; her face would pop out in a small circle. This one of the worst thing she could have done to annoy the gp even more.
Many people who were once neutral about probably began to hate her, simply because of that. It's annoying. And it's also quite pathetic to have your new album play in over 800 radio stations! I mean, how insecure are you about your own art? Good music does not need that heavy Promotion.
It's the ignoring Celine Dion at the Grammys, annoucing an album at the Grammys. It is evident that they tried to make this moment a Taylor Swift moment in history of the Grammys, similar to MJ's back then. But it just ended up being embarrassing and awkward. Her putting her Grammy on boygenius' head. I couldn't even watch this, due to the second-hand embarrassment. She carefully forces everywhere to be always in the center of attention. And she does make it in a way where it seems like it is not her fault, so people getting mad shouldn't be blaming her. But that she supposedly has no say how her public persona is perceived is just laughable. She may cannot control the paparazzis and some articles they write. But she knows how to get attention.
And then this:
Her fans are mad at this because it is a Coleen Hoover book and they feel that Swift deserves better than this. I quite honestly don't understand what they mean with better. But for my understanding Taylor owns her songs post Reputation, right? So she had to give her ok using one of her songs in this Film.
I also, unpopular opinion as an already huge artist find it cringe to have a song as a movie soundtrack. Like you are already popular enough. Give it a rest sometime.
She oversaturates the market just to always be on everyone's radar in the most obnoxious way. It's not just that her music is on 800 stations, it's that on any one station they'll play four of her songs for every one of anyone else! When I can hear the SAME Taylor Swift song 4+ times in >4 hours, that's excessive.
But she truly doesn't care, as long as she's the center of attention at all times to feed her ego. Just like when she snubbed Celine Deon. But she paints every and any criticism as an attack/"misogyny" (she wouldn't know the definition if it slapped her smug smirk off her face), and just further feeds her victim complex.
And, for the record, she does control the paparazzi, in a way. There's been reports of her staging outings with friends and having her team call the paps to get shots of her and her entourage. With Taylor always in the middle like Regina George, interestingly.
That said, Taylor doesn't deserve anything "better" than a Colleen Hoover movie adaptation oh please no someone say sike. Taylor can't write good music - might as well pair it with a trash book lol.
Depending on the artist, I think including them in a movie soundtrack can work. Bowling For Soup was in a fair amount of Phineas & Ferb. Hilary Duff had a thriving music career when she was in The Lizzie McGuire Movie and A Cinderella Story, and her music was in both. Same for Selina Gomez in Another Cinderella Story, and Aly Michalka in Phil of the Future on Disney Channel. In all of the above cases the singers had established careers in music, but their music still added something to the media they were in.
Now, that said, I don't think Taylor Swift's music will do the same. I already saw that back in Valentines Day, and her song "Today Was A Fairytale" felt excessively cheesy, childish, and almost Disney-ish for what was supposed to be an older teen/adult movie. And given how stagnant her "growth" as an artist has been since then, I can't see her current music having much benefit for *any* movie.
And yes, she has final say in what movies get her songs at this point, so she signed off on this somewhere. So if/when she cries and/or bitches and bashes the movie for whatever petty reason she decides to fabricate, I want everyone to remember that 1) I called it 2) she HAD to have given permission for her music to be included. *I* have to pay royalties just to use music for a group of 8 year olds to compete at a dance competition - Taylor Swift was ABSOLUTELY compensated after signing an agreement somewhere.
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forestshadow-wolf · 5 months
This is Not CoD related, but infact having to do with the HTTYD live action that's coming out.
More specifically one problem that I'm seeing almost IMMEDIATELY and I hate it so I'm going to talk about it
Ok Before I actually get into it I want to preface with this: Not everyone is going to agree with me, some people might even think I'm incredibly wrong. And that's okay because this is my opinion and you have yours, and I, infact, am not saying that you have to take my opinion as fact
Anyway! SO the HTTYD live action has started filming. There's been talk about it for years, I'll be honest, I never really thought it would happen. Especially not this soon after the third movie.
Whether I'm excited for this film or not is yet to be seen. On one hand I definitely don't believe anything could top the original. And live actions are not always the best remake, especially for animated movies like this one. But on the other hand they DO have Dean Deblois back, and they've kept the original actor for Stoick, so at least we'll recognize one voice. Also I have high hopes for the soundtrack, since John Powell will be back. But again I'm still skeptical about the movie.
What I really wanted to talk about is, I just saw a tiktok talking about the movie (TT user: Straw Hat Goofy), I don't really have much to say about the video itself, it was good informationally. But I wanted to talk about the comments.
So as was stated in the video and confirmed officially, Actress: Nico Parker will be cast to play Astrid. Fine, dandy, lovely, I see no problem. Apparently not everyone thinks this way...
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Ignore my shitty editing to scribble out usernames and pfps)
Theres more. A lot more :(
Not the only reason I can see people actually complaining about the casting of Nico parker is (apparently) blatant racism.
Like I understand that the original movies Astid was a blue-eyed, blonde haired girl, but I don't think this slight change should be that big of a deal. If her acting is shit, historically, she wouldn't have been cast. And her appearance (especially something she CANNOT change about herself) WILL NOT make or break the movie.
Let me repeat that
Guys, this is the same thing that happened/is happening with the Percy Jackson series, people objected to Leah Jeffries being casted as Annabeth. But Leah is a phenomenal actor, and in my opinion, is the perfect actress for the role.
If you really have a problem with Astrid not looking like she did in the animated movies then DON'T WATCH the live action. Simple as that. Ignorance is bliss in this case, so be blissful. It's 2024 people are dying, people are living, and people still can't change the color of their skin (nor should they have to (or want to, especially if it's only to fit society) even if they could)
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theemporium · 4 months
Hey cece ik it's been a while but I just wanted to check in on you and I also have a bit of inspo to drop on in
So I don't know if you've seen these tiktoks but basically I've seen a couple of them to some nle choppa song where a girl lipsyncs the first part which is "she my private dancer you can call her phone but she ain't gon' answer" and then the guy peeks his head out or like puts his hands around her waist and puts his chin on her shoulder and says " you can call her phone and I'll probably answer" and I think it's so cute for a hard launch but just imagine rival!reader and max posting this after Abu Dhabi or Vegas like obviously drunk or hungover maybe even you can see that their both topless and in a bed and everyone is just so bamboozled and shocked bc they both have like that post-sex look and maybe the video is obviously taken at night and they apparently hate each other right??sorry that this is so chaotic 😭 I did not know where I was going with this also I did not describe the trend well do it u want maybe search it up and that might help u see my vision *Debby Ryan ear tuck * ok that's all night night babes <<<333
but imagining this post vegas where obviously a lot of celebrities attended the race and this is fuelled by the fact someone kept hitting on the reader and max couldn't handle it😭
like they are drunk and they've just fucked each other's brains out but max is still a little huffy and they jokingly film it maybe just to send to daniel as a joke or post it to a private account. but she posts it to her public main account and they wake up the whole internet burning down at the revelation
but mostly people are just shocked that max can actually look normal when doing a tiktok and not seem as though someone is holding a gun to his head
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weirdraccoon · 5 months
Hogwarts Legacy and what kind of Youtubers (ot tiktokers whatever) they are cause this idea just bit me in the brain
MC: one of those explorers who may or may not find the gates to hell in a cave. Also touches everything they find. Cursed ever since they played with a ouija board in a cemetery to win a bet. Lives. Talks about their pets while breaking into creepy abandoned buildings. Keeps a collection of creepy stuff over their bed. Some might think they're a psychopath.
Garreth: Recipes!!! But he doesn't have butter so maybe oil works? And he doesn't have that brown sugar but what if he adds some oil to the regular white sugar? He thinks the blender doesn't work until he realizes he didn't plug it in. First hundred videos are mostly about how to react to kitchen emergencies. Then he turns out to be an amazing cook and everyone misses when he used to set the water on fire.
Ominis: AITA reddit reactions, Karen-videos reactions, Wedding-drama reactions. Loves petty stories the most. (Gossip. He lives for gossip.) He makes live-especials where he criticises his best friend's latest video, not caring that said best friend is sitting right beside him. People ship them for some reason and he just goes along with it. (No one has told him Sebastian blushes when he fake kisses him on camera).
Sebastian: Book and movie reviews, he likes to compare them to decide which one was best (books always win in his channel). His lives are about him playing some videogame to either destroy his opponents or destroy the story. The ones he actually likes have their own section on his channel and it's clear he loves them by edition alone. He also has videos where he tries to pull pranks on his bf but either Ominis is very lucky or very innocent. Was the one who started the Sebinis ship (unknowingly) and will be the first to admit his feelings one day.
Imelda: Extreme sports and challenges. Has touched a lot of dangerous beasts just for the thrill of it. She was the one betting MC to play with the ouija board. She wanted to try jumping off a plane without a parachute but apparently that was not allowed and if she dared to do it anyway she wouldn't be welcome on a plane anymore. Most parents hate her channel but she says it's their fault if their children are idiots who try what they see on the internet.
Amit: Constelations and stuff about the universe, planets and stars. One day he mentions the zodiac signs and his fate is sealed. Realizes there is some truth to the zodiac and becomes one of the more popular channels on zodiac and astrology. Still hates when people think astrology is the same as astronomy. Tries to teach people. People ask about their zodiac houses. He learns about zodiac houses.
Poppy: cientific facts about animals and birds and bugs and anything that fits in the animal kingdom. Defends spiders when people say they should be burned. Recognizes weird shapped worms with one single glance. Tries to get people to be kind to animals even if people fight each other. One time she saved a wolf from death. Then she fed a deer. She also rescued a fox. Animals often visit her house to be pet or fed and she loves it.
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