sweetxvertigo · 10 months
I still can’t believe I started this night on the lawn and ended up with a pit wristband to see one of my all time favorite bands
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nedsseveredhead · 4 months
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New up the wolves character incoming. His name is Vanya he is an upstanding citizen its fine its fine
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possum-tooth · 2 years
happy wednesday i cannot wait until friday ~9p <3
#i get to see him again 🥰🥰🥰🥰#i also took an edible a little bit ago so bear with me as i write my stream of consciousness <3#anyway hi hello hi for the the llove of god Hello how are u i love you happy wet beast wednesday to those who celebrate. i hate not seeing#him now! whats WRONG with me!!!!!! wheres the cold hearted bitch i usually am.. theyre dead and i killed it >:)#anyway also very extremely dangerous knowledge that i can stay monday nights potentially too.. like girl what the fuck is going on#like i made it back w plenty of time.. pavloving myself methinks#maybe not pavlov idk man im high idk anything. anyway i cant wait for friday bc i get to See Him aagin + we're going to [redacted]#but i havent bought a ticket yet so im a leedle scared but. itll be fine. right. tell me itll be fine#Also in a dilemma. i have a concert coming up and other dude said he wanted to go but hasnt bought a ticket bc he doesnt#know if/when he'll get a job so he doesnt wana buy it then not be able to go but how do i ask in a nonannoying way. hey are u going or not.#i need an answer and soon bc im freaking out bc if i ask my bf if he wants to go and he Can then itll be weird maybe. idk maybe not??#is it just me?? would it be weird to hang w ur bf and another person u met on a dating app??????#apparently not tho i guess bc hes done it like twice w me so. maybe not?? idk and its driving me insane anyway#good god this edible is Hitting. its been like 20 min wtf#and this was cheap shit! like $8 for a 10 pk i think! and its knocking me on my ass tf!!#anyway. happy do you wear wigs wednesday i love you and hope your week is going well <3 if youve made it this far um. congrats ily#talk tag
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candiid-caniine · 4 months
im sorry this is a silly question, but what does it mean to be clicker trained? i haven’t been able to find a good answer but it seems hot (although i think everything’s hot tbh)
okie so pls prepare for autistic infodumping on psych and hypnokink below/
so. clicker training is often used for dogs and sometimes cats; basically, you're clicking the clicker every time you give them a treat. eventually, the animal becomes conditioned to associate the clicker with the dopamine rush of being rewarded! that's how it's used on animals. but the overarching concept is (afaik) a form of Pavlovian conditioning.
Pavlov (at least partly) got famous for an experiment where he conditioned dogs to associate the sound of a bell with getting food. eventually, anytime they heard the bell, they started to salivate.
why am i talking about animals? that's weird right? well the truth is that humans work basically the same (tho ofc our minds are more complex): over time, we are trained to associate certain stimuli with certain things. if you listen to the same song every time you go to sleep, eventually that song will always make you sleepy; our brains love repetition. it makes things predictable and orderly, giving us clear signals that help us navigate the world.
now...obviously...conditioning also has its applications to kink ;)
im a simple creature: im *stupidly* easy to condition, esp if i'm being intentional about it. most of the time it happens accidentally tho. here are some examples in my life:
i'm so conditioned to associate a collar with subspace that even touching my neck gets me wet. having the side of my neck sucked on immediately makes me go limp. when i noticed it happening passively, i vocalized it, strengthening the connection by intentionally "noticing" it every time it happened. it has only gotten stronger with time >.>
i also ended up accidentally being able to cum on command. once (i repeat: once) i was super worked up in between changing positions and i blurted out, "if you told me to cum right now i think i could" and owner said "cum for me" and...just like that, i fkn cum on command now. it's been that way for 4-ish years.
now...conditioning, esp when it's accidental, is an inexact science lol. i started getting more into denial. that fact, combined with the fact that i cum on command, eventually turned into *only* cumming on command. this was mostly coincidental: when owner and i moved in together, the only times i'd ever cum were when they were home, usually having sex/playing with me, and would command me. my brain turned that into an inability to cum *without* command. again, once i noticed it, i vocalized it, got intentional about recognizing it mentally, and it has only strengthened over time.
now: clicker training. theoretically, any effect you want (within reason) can be conditioned with enough consistent training. you could clicker train a person to feel sleepy at the sound of the clicker by using it when they're going to sleep. you could tie it to basically anything that isn't too complex, probably.
in my case, the goal is for me to hit the edge every time the clicker's pressed, so i've been clicking the clicker every time i hit the edge.
theory: eventually, my body will be so conditioned to think "click = edge" that i won't need to be touching when it happens.
theory: to really make this stronger, i need to get close to the edge, then use the clicker to get "there." stepping back further and further from the edge until, even if i'm idle, not turned on, or doing something else, clicker = edge, instantly.
here are the effects so far:
i'm not at the point where click = edge when i'm idle, yet, but the clicker does = a powerful clench of my cunt lmao...body's still getting on board.
*imagining* the clicker sound also prompts this effect, but a little less strong. HOWEVER...
suddenly, mysteriously, if i imagine and concentrate really hard on the way my body feels at the edge, i edge mentally.
this takes some concentration. curiously, it also makes me feel like i'm about to squirt; don't know what that's about.
why is this happening? because conditioning a human being is an inexact science. it's messy; the brain is very involved. so, in theory:
because i concentrate intentionally on the idea that click = edge, every time i edge and use the clicker, i'm also concentrating on my body.
concentrating on the feeling as i get closer to the edge. thinking, intentionally, "this is how i'll feel whenever i click this button."
so consequently, in the background, my body/brain is learning that "concentrate on how edging feels = you're edging now, fucko."
in conclusion: ymmv. my theory is that this kind of conscious conditioning method would be less messy and more precise if used with well-practiced, methodical, and specific hypnotism to strengthen and simplify the connections...but for the moment, i'm enjoying the chaos. i do like feeling powerless lol.
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fatuismooches · 6 months
(About the Dottore sugar tax)
I like to imagine that some members of the Fatui are very discreet in handing out the sweets.
Oh, one of their comrades is getting a scolding and it looks like it's escalating? Quick! Sneak a sweet nearby that the Lord Harbinger could spot easily!
And what happens is that mid-rant, the segment would glance just a little to the side behind the researcher and he sees - what the fuck?? Why is there a Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake on the desk??? How? When???
And he just gets so confused that he kinda momentarily short-circuits
The Fatui can't keep using the sweets tactics too often tho, they might accidentally pavlov their lord into hating sweets if he keeps receiving them when he's angry!
It happened with Omega already, he scowled at the Fatui Skirmisher and demanded if the agent thought of him as a dog that could be placated with a mere treat. Yeah that guy is dead now.
And of course the segments start to get suspicious by the sixth incident of receiving a sweet out of nowhere.
Zandik is baffled, because somehow everyone and their damn mother knows he has a sweet tooth and he is convinced that Pantalone has something to do with it (probably the ninth trying to gain his favour for a new gadget to sell)
Reader: sweating in the background.
Wait no I got pavlov's experiment mixed up: It would be more accurate to say that since Dottore keeps receiving sweets when he's angry - he starts to subconsciously expect sweets when he's frustrated. Which is even funnier because imagine how confused he'd be. He's stressing about failed results, why is he salivating???
OH MY GOSH... THIS IS LIKE THE FUNNIEST AND CUTEST THING EVER AHH!! When you work for someone such as Il Dottore, it is important to stick together with your fellow co-workers. Because you never know what will happen. And also, you don't really want to be carrying your new friend's dead body to the experimentation room. So it's important to look out for each other every now and then. This includes distracting the Harbinger's attention in any way possible from the target of his assault. Even if it means sneaking sweets into the lab. Yes, it is truly terrifying work, but it is necessary, especially when you were so kind to bestow this protection upon them.
THE WHOLE ASS CHARCOAL CAKE IS WHAT MAKES ME DIE... 😭 Was he really so caught up in his ranting that he didn't notice it? Actually, never mind that, how did they know he likes sweets, much less prefers Sumerian sweets compared to any other nation? All the agents have the exact same poker face, betraying absolutely nothing, for their lives are genuinely on the line right now. It was all riding on this Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake. Yes, this was 100% serious.
Ugh... if i was a regular agent think i'd rather die than present the OMEGA segment of all a piece of candy. The courage it'd take is insane. But oops. The other agents knew from that day they needed to be more careful with their tactics... yes, they have to add this to the handbook now. 😭 I imagine, the method begins to be used sparsely because the segments are not going to let their reputation be dumbed down to the guys who can be won over by mere sweets. Nope, not happening, they should be feared! Not known to the Fatui as being a sweets lover! So subduing the segments with sweets only happens on very violent days. Or if you happen to be in the room, you'll happily take the sweets offered by the agents and share them with the segment to make him calm down.
EBWKBEWEW DOTTORE BLAMING PANTALONE FOR ALL HIS PROBLEMS!! 😭 ah he would, despite how smart he is, it just completely slips his mind that you could have done this as well. Oh well! You just hope he doesn't find out! *nervous sweating intensifies*
Teehee him stressing not only over his failed results but his sudden urge to devour some sweets... it's really annoying for him though, usually, he ignores his growling stomach for a long time but, the taste of sweets is just haunting him and his tastebuds.
Maybe if he asks you, you can make some that lasts a few days... because at this rate, he expects to be thinking about sweets for a while with how poorly his experiments are going.
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leonenjoyer69 · 1 month
*Inbox Invasion* Free ramble card!! Make it a long one, About literally anything, anything at all, can even switch topics constantly. This is literally just for fun.
Okay so, starting off strong, let's go music. Will Wood and the Tapeworms, right? A few weeks ago I listened to both versions of every song twice to find which versions I liked better for when I eventually burned CDs (my car is old af, bbg ain't even got an aux, but also her ass ain't got an engine rn 💀) for the albums.
My verdict for Self-Ish? Literally all the songs are the exact same, except Self-, -Ish (which just sound a wee bit different), and Dr Sunshine is dead (which just has a longer outro in the original).
EVERYTHING IS A LOT THO? Some big differences in some songs. So here's my preferences:
6 up 5 oh- Remaster, the "oh how I know how I go.." Part just sounds better to me
(Bones)- Remaster, the radio/tv talk at the end isn't glitchy and stuff, like the OG
Front Street- Original, I like the snaps (tapping?) Behind the pre-chorus, along with the dialogue clip. But, also, I like how much clearer everything is in the remaster, so I'm kinda torn.
¡Akiado!- Original, I am,,,, not a fan of the extra end part in the remaster
White knuckle Jerk- Original. The background(?) Voices are quieter and sound kinda different. Idk I may be wrong about that tho.
Cover this song- Original. I hate hate HATE Batman will wood growling in my ear, please never make me listen to that version again, it was a genuine jump scare. (EDIT: THE REMASTER JUST PLAYED ON MY SPOTIFY AND??? HE'S NOT BATMAN ANYMORE??? IS MY SPOTIFY BROKEN?? PLZ IK I'M NOT CRAZY)
Thermodynamic Lawyer- Remaster. Not really a fan of the robot voice in the original.
Red Moon- original, his voice seems quieter or more drowned out in the remaster.
Lysergide Daydream- Original, don't remember why, so vibes ig lmao, there's not really a difference between the two
The First Step- Remaster, I think it just sounds a little clearer
Jimmy Mushrooms- either, they're literally the same lmao
Chemical Overreaction- original. WE CAN'T STOP HERE, THIS IS BAT COUNTRY 🗣️🗣️ need I say more?
Everything is a lot- Remaster, so then I don't have to listen to construction noises (or destroy to enjoy in general) 😋😋
So yeah, ig that's my dream Everything is A Lot album.
BUT NOW!! more music! But Chonny Jash this time!! Specifically the Ballad of Dr Jekyll and Bargaining/compromise.
First of all, I love the lyrical differences!! Ballad Jekyll leaning more towards blaming Hyde for everything and being way more self-pitying, while B/G Jekyll seems to have more of a subdued acceptance? Like, Ballad Jekyll is a lot more emotional and bitter, while B/C seems to take more of the responsibility. Also!! I like how in B/C Jekyll seems to be with someone else, while Ballad Jekyll seems to be alone. The contrast between the last lines ("but if it takes Mr Hyde with me, then I'm glad to hang" V.S. "so take my hand, hold it till the end") really does show that bitter self destructiveness vs that sad, duty-driven acceptance. AND LIKE UGHHH JUST THE LYRICS OF B/C IN GENERAL!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
Also, the Mr Hyde Jive? I love Hyde being a silly fellow. Literally just being like "damn, I'm not the villain, smh, lemme go have some fun for you gayboy 🗣️🗣️ (might still ruin lives tho!! I am vice, teehee)"
Yk what? Fuck it, this whole ramble will be music. THE JEKYLL AND HYDE MUSICAL 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I love Anthony Warlow so much, all the Jekyll or Hyde-centric songs are so eoughhhh ughhhhh AHHHH. Favorite songs rn? Board of Governors, His Work and Nothing More, The World Has Gone Insane, This is the Moment, Transformation--I JUST UGHHH I love listening to his screams idk man. also Alive. I also love you, Gabriel John Utterson. His parts are so fun to sing.
BUT!! the absolute hold Board of Governors has on me is insane. Every time I hear the intro begin to play through my tv I look up. I'm literally pavlov dogged to that shit. It's basically a requirement for me to go "THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF ST JUDE'S HOSPITAL IS NOW IN SESSION!" every time it plays. I love sassy Jekyll and Stride, it's so funny, like yes!!! The girls are fighting!! The absolute sass of half that cast is crazy. I have every part memorized, I AM the entire cast and recreate it expertly 🗣️🗣️
Anyways, yeah, I love Utterson too, his voice is in my range perfectly, he's literally my bbg. All his parts in How Can I Continue On and His Work and Nothing More? Kdoelvkskfldk I love him I love him. JEKYLL THO? shaking him aggressively (lovingly) I want to chew on him and rip him apart. Warlow's voice for him is so EOUGJDJDKKD ‼️‼️‼️
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stinkybrowndogs · 5 months
-Shiloh was pretty ok but kind of boring. The beagle was cute tho.
-101 and 102 Dalmatians were both pretty good. Glen close carried the movies for sure. Also Mr dr house who is in the first movie as a burglar. There were also a bunch of on screen tricks that the dogs did which is fun.
I would like to note that the description for 102 Dalmatians is “oddball the spotless puppy goes on an adventure to find her spots” and that is definitely NOT the plot of the movie? Why they would just lie about this I’m not sure. But the plot is that Cruella devil has been “rehabilitated” by dr Pavlov (of the Pavlovian response and also the dogs) and must do community service. But Big Ben (the clock) triggers her to return to being a puppy killer and she must be stopped. Again.
Shout out to this stuffed dog who is hanging out with a bunch of actual puppies. It made me cry laughing.
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-Old yeller…. Holy shit. They just let that dog attack a bunch of animals and filmed it. By my count they had him on a rabbit, raccoons, mule, pigs, cow and an actual bear and maybe a wolf or just another grey dog it was hard to tell. They just let u do fucking anything in Hollywood for a bit there, huh. Also? Racism.
-Because of win Dixie is probably my favorite so far, they didn’t kill the dog and it still made me cry (but like? Happy cry) it was one of my favorite books as a kid and I think they did a really good job with the movie. The Picardy shepherds r darling
-Snow dogs marks my second sled dog film, and I gotta say it was way more fun than 8 below. Honestly, maybe the funniest movie I’ve watched so far? The border collie was very darling. But the best bit was these two characters, who had barely a line between them, that became dentists by the end of the movie
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a-library-of-old · 1 year
Any jack horner praise kink headcanons?👁️👁️
👁👁 mayhaps
He is always at the reaciving tho lmao sorry^^"
So we all know he likes being told he's a good boy right? Like with the ryhme and him near the end of the movie??? All but spelled out
That said when in a more sub space he aims to please (when not being a brat 🙄 cause why make things easy) and needs to be told he is
Even things as simple as a 'your doing so good' or 'yep just like that' get him a goin
Some days he'll come home and be so mad from work tired and just need you to stoke his ego which turns into not just the old ego
Give him some good head scratches while you first start the praise, whispering it into his ear, and he's puddy in your hands man (he's like a fuckin cat I swear)
I'm convinced if you play your cards right you could get him to cum just from your words alone, or Pavlov him into associating good boy with fun time
Both is also a great option because trust me he'll be semi wrapped around your finger!
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leonsliga · 21 days
Don't worry, I understand perfectly that you get emotional when your favourite player who you have a special connection with isn't nominated. Euros at home is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity for players and it sucks to be left out.
I just think that Leon's strength nowadays is being box to box midfielder who plays best in a defensive set-up, but not when you need your midfielder to quickly progress the ball up the pitch. When you look at who Nagelsmann nominated, it's clear he wants to play in a double pivot with Kroos/Pavlovic as an attacking midfielder and Gross/Andrich as a defensive midfielder. Leon is in an unfortunate position because he's jack of all trades, master of none type of midfielder right now. Tuchel choosing to start Pavlovic instead of Leon against Real Madrid, our most important game of the season, must have been the final nail in the coffin.
Leon isn't competing with Ilkay Gündogan for his spot. Gündogan will be playing in Thomas Müller's usual position as a #10.
I was surprised as well that Mats Hummels wasn't called up. I think the explanation was that Mats is too outspoken and wouldn't accept a back-up role. I've never played any sports professionally and I don't know how it is, but I think it it's possible that having too many leading players can be a bad thing. Too many cooks in the kitchen etc. Especially when a leading player is third choice in his position. Very unfortunate for Mats of course, he's had a very good season. And it must sting to watch Toni Kroos, Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer from 2014 all getting a callup. Mats is better than Schlotterbeck on paper but I think Nagelsmann thought that Schlotti will accept his role in the squad more easily and Schlotti is a defender for the future. He needs big tournament experience for 2026. Plus Dortmund has played a low block and counter attacking football most of the season which plays to Mats' strengths, but Nagelsmann is going for more attacking based set-up where speed is more important.
As for Manu, he's simply the GOAT and improves any team he plays for. I don't think anyone would deny his incredible mental resilience. But I do think that it gets a little silly when people start saying that he should spurn the dfb and Nagelsmann for not worshipping the ground he walks on and that Nagelsmann doesn't rate him when he clearly does. Nags wouldn't have patched up their relationship and called him up otherwise. Nagelsmann has said many times that Manu is the clear starter even tho Manu missed the march games with an injury and hasn't played in the dfb since dec 2022. Nobody else in the squad has been given that much leeway. I doubt Nagelsmann would have taken Manu's armband away, but because Hansi Flick already did then it would have been silly to reverse the decision so soon and basically say fuck you to Gündogan.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re the anon I sent an entire master’s dissertation to the other day 😂 if it’s you, welcome back! And thanks for reading all that omg 😅 I’m glad I didn’t scare you off too much lol.
You raise some excellent points as well. This is why I love footyblr, because we’ve all got different views and takes on news like this, and it’s interesting to hear everyone’s perspectives.
I definitely agree with you on Leon’s role these days. He functions best as he always has—as a box-to-box midfielder—but recently, thanks in large part to Bayern’s current structure under Tuchel, his duties lie more in assisting the defense and helping with the buildup than they do in the attacking third (though he still helps out there when needed). Personally, I think Nagelsmann’s aiming for a Kroos/Andrich midfield pivot with Groß and Pavlović in reserve, but we’ll have to keep an eye on what develops as the Euros draw nearer.
Personal emotions/vested interest aside, for as much as Leon’s greatest strength is his versatility, it’s also his biggest weakness right now, at least as far as Nagelsmann is concerned. After all, it can make him harder to pin down/lock into a role than most, as you suggested. When you can adapt to variety of positions, the issue becomes where you can play best, and I can definitely see how that’s become muddled to some extent recently.
With Leon’s jack-of-all-trades skill set, you could argue he was competing with a variety of players for his spot, depending on where and how Nagelsmann would’ve wanted to use him. That said, I think his stiffest competition was in Groß and Kroos (though I still disagree with excluding Leon, but I’m pretty sure you know that already lol 🤷‍♀️). I think when I discussed Gündogan recently on this blog with one of my mutuals, we were saying that it was impressive that Leon’s goal contributions rival his, considering that Leon operates more defensively these days, despite retaining his role as a CM.
Honestly, I’ve got no issues with Gündogan (I’m a little hung up on the captaincy thing, but I don’t blame him for that); I think my concern is with him assuming Thomas’s role as #10. I understand that Ilkay is the captain now and Thomas is getting older, but Thomas has proven, despite reduced playing time under Tuchel, that he’s still extremely valuable, especially when given the time and freedom to play his game. If I’m honest, it concerns me how quick Nagelsmann was to confirm he won’t be a starter, and it’s hard not to feel, at least to some extent, like he’s being paraded around as some sort of figurehead, even if he’ll still get some playing time. I don’t think that kind of treatment is fair to Thomas—not when he has so much left to offer the team on the pitch as well as off it.
I’m glad I’m not alone in being shocked Mats was left behind 😅 nothing against Koch, but I’m sorry; he’s not better than Hummels. Plain and simple. End of. I’m being a bit dramatic here, but Nagelsmann excluding Mats was genuinely one of the more questionable roster decisions I’ve seen in recent memory, even more baffling than Leon’s absence.
I see your point about Mats’s outspokenness; he certainly can be, but I feel like at least as far as the Euros have been concerned, he’s been fairly tight-lipped. I understand what you mean about the stubbornness as well, but I think at the end of the day, if it came down to him sacrificing a position in the starting XI for the benefit of the team, he would do it in a heartbeat. He’s a self-assured player, sure, but he’s not selfish. He’s a team player above everything.
As far as whether too many leading players can be a bad thing, like you, I haven’t played a sport professionally and can’t speak to that in any definitive way, but I’d imagine that while it can be a bad thing, it doesn’t have to be. In my mind, it comes down to the cohesion we spoke about in that previous ask. Take the 2014 World Cup, for example; the dfb had quite a few leading players at their disposal then, like Phillip Lahm, Miroslav Klose, Bastian Schweinsteiger, and Lukas Podolski (although his role was somewhat limited in the tournament itself, if I recall), to name a few. And that’s without even mentioning Manu, Mats, and Thomas, who, despite still being relatively young at the time, were already well-respected, well-established homegrown talents. I think, at the end of the day, it’s all about how everyone’s different leadership styles mesh with one another, along with how the players in their charge respond to them.
And ugh, it’s gotta feel like a gut punch for Mats, who can do little more than watch his 2014 teammates play in the Heim-EM without him. To some extent, I can put myself in Nagelsmann’s head on this one, even if I strongly disagree with him. As we’ve discussed, he values younger players and wants to develop them into replacements for some of Germany’s aging legends, which unfortunately includes our beloved Mats, despite him playing absolutely out of his mind lately. Do I completely agree with Nagelsmann’s decision to risk developing so many youth players during such a special, high-pressure Euros? No. Would I do things differently if I were in charge? Absolutely. But I’m not, and given that in most matches, Germany likely won’t be playing low like Dortmund and will operate more on the offensive, demanding a bit more speed in the process, I can understand to a degree why Nagelsmann made the calls he did—‘to a degree’ being the operative phrase here.
While speed isn’t exactly Mats’s strong suit, and his knack for long balls and well-timed tackles do favor a counter-attack, we’ve also seen the damage he can do in the attacking third, in spite of his comparatively slower speed—his magnificent header against PSG in the second leg of the UCL semifinal being the most recent example. It’s just that considering the form Mats is in, it seems foolish not to take him, even if he wouldn’t start under Nagelsmann’s current system. Practicing a degree of tactical flexibility and being willing to make adjustments based on the opposition you’re dealing with is important as a manager. With certain opponents, it’s better to lie in wait and go on the counterattack, and like you said, matches like these are right in Mats’s wheelhouse. Save him for them, and in all honesty, he and his body will probably thank you, given he is getting older.
Additionally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out how Nagelsmann decided to call four goalkeepers as opposed to fortifying what’s been a historically shaky defense (at least in recent years). Yes, he has a chance to fix this, as his current shortlist consists of 27 players as opposed to 26, but if the reports are to be believed (though I should note here I make it a rule of thumb to take bild’s reports with a grain of salt), all 4 goalkeeper spots are safe, which, when you have goalkeepers like Manu and Ter-Stegen in your ranks, seems completely excessive in my opinion.
And last but not least, since we’re now on the topic of goalkeepers, let’s talk Manu, because god knows I haven’t talked long enough at this point 😵😂
An anon of culture, I see! I totally agree that Manu’s the GOAT, but I think my opinions on him probably go without saying lmao. The fact that he’s been through as much as he has—Schalke turning its back on him, Bayern ultras initially rejecting him (see: the “koan neuer” incident), getting diagnosed with cancer, and enduring several potentially career-ending injuries, just to name a few—and has managed to rise above it all is truly inspiring.
I understand why it can seem silly at times when some of us Manu fan footyblrians say certain things about him and the dfb. But this is footyblr we’re talking about here; no one has ever accused us of being normal (and that goes for me too ofc; I’m certainly not normal, as I’m sure you can tell 😅). We’re all a little weird here (deeply affectionate). More often than not, it’s all stemming from a combination of frustration at the situation and feelings of protectiveness towards Manu. Hell, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve crossed the line between a simple parasocial relationship into hero worship a time or two. I think the important thing that we can all agree on is that it’s unequivocally good news that Manu and Nagelsmann have patched up their relationship and reconciled their differences. You make a good point about Hansi setting the precedent of Ilkay as captain as well, and you offer a good explanation of why Nagelsmann might be hesitant to reverse the decision so quickly. Still, I do think Manu’s got quite a bit of captain magic left in him, should he get the armband back one day 💫
If you read all this by the way, thanks 💜 I know it was a lot, and I appreciate it!
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bnha-more-like-bnh-gay · 10 months
So, for a couple of years now, I've been reading the old X-Men comics of the 70s & 80s, and a few recent issues from '87 have given me a great idea for an AU.
Dazzler!Izuku 😀
So, Izuku is born with a quirk that allows him to transform sound into photonic energy. Anything from generating benign blobs of light that move, pulsate, and change color in relation to whatever music he's listening to (tho, this can be weaponized too; during the sludge villain attack, Izuku overwhelms the villain's eyes with a fantastic light show that leaves him catatonic), to concentrating a single, loud noise into a laser beam that deals concussive damage.
Izuku would, of course, gravitate towards Present Mic as a mentor. And he would team up well with Jirou.
So, what do you think?
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO, SCHOOL AND MY MENTAL HEALTH FUCKED ME OVER. I have had half of this in my queue for about 3 months, ya bitch was just burnt tf out 💀
But dude, I absolutely fucking love this 😭😭
Heads up, my knowledge of physics is limited so I’m not going to be talking much about the actual details of his quirk until after I learn more about it, but I hope you enjoy!!!
Izuku who makes physics jokes.
He has shirts with physics puns on them. A shirt that says, “the photon checked into the hotel and was asked if it had any bags, it said, “no thanks, I’m traveling light!”
Reminds me of the time I was dual enrolling and in my psychology class, I said, “I once asked the librarian if she had a book on Pavlov’s dog and Schrödinger’s cat. She said it rung a bell but she wasn’t sure if it was there or not!”
I thought I was so funny, but everyone else hated me.
Izuku is that kid. He does that shit
Inko loves it, she thinks her son is hilarious. Mic loves it. The little lister is so smart! Nezu has a goddamn field day. Aizawa is so tired, but secretly likes the jokes. He face palms every time and acts like it’s the end of the world, but he does like them. Midnight thinks it’s great, she asks izuku for more jokes/puns all the time. Mainly to annoy Aizawa. But still. BRUH, MISS JOKE. SHE LOVES THIS LITTLE SHIT. I honestly feel like all might wouldn’t understand most of them, but he’d love them anyway.
Izuku: I was studying frequencies, but now my brain Hertz.
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He accidentally freaks people out the first few weeks in the dorm because they’re not used to it/expecting it.
The number of times mina asks for mood lighting
I really want to drive home that he makes an unholy amount of puns
He doesn’t even try to, it just happens so naturally. Shouto has theorized that it’s a secondary quirk.
You have spoken directly to my soul with mentor mic (and Jirou/izuku friends)
They’d all work so well together though
Mic brings him to Put Your Hands Up Radio not only to work with his quirk, but to help with his nerves
It is no secret that izuku is a nervous lad, but I raise you, mic was also a nervous lad (personal headcanon, but you cannot tell me that lad doesn’t have generalized anxiety)
Mic helps izuku gain some coping mechanisms (or coping mic-anisms if you will (thank you, thank you))
Mic is a nerd, izuku is a nerd, Jirou is cool, but a nerd. Jirou, similar to Aizawa, rolls her eyes at the physics puns, but does she think they’re funny? Yes. Yes, she does. They defends izuku when people mock his puns
Mic couldn’t be prouder of his children
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was kinda short 😅
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Daydream (Joseph Quinn x Reader)
Title: Daydream
Chapter no./Oneshot: Oneshot
Notes: Sooooo after years I came here again to give you this..It was actually a dream I had last night, and it felt so real that I wanted to write it down as a fanfic.I wish to have the same dream again soon,because apparently I have no life and I need fanfics and dreams to keep me going… Also if you watched 1899,I kinda had a little crush on the depressed captain,just to warn you for what’s this.
Ratings/Warnings: 18+ content,fem!reader,smut-ish,blood kink guys,fluff,angst if you squint but not so much really.NSFW in general.You’ve been warned..!
Songs/Soundtrack: “You and I” and “Only You” by Pavlov’s Dog 
Summary: You always had a place to hide when you’re feeling down and nothing could lift your spirits.One day after a misunderstanding that led to a fight,you ran to that place not knowing that Joseph followed you. 
Word Count: 2.2 k
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It was Christmas week,and as usual you and Joseph came to your family home in the countryside.A perfect scenery that combines mountain and sea,in a small town,with mostly older people,a small school,a few vintage family shops,a church and an abandoned movie theater.This old movie theater had become a safe space for you,the owner passed away years ago and he didn’t have a family so it was left to rot.Not on your watch though,a few years after his death,you were just curious to explore the building,with flashlights and a small pocket knife just to be safe,you never know what can happen.That was when you found the owner’s office,there was dust everywhere,the window broken,papers upon papers scattered across the floor,movie films on the shelves,most of them ripped off.It was intriguing to say the least,so you kept going,until one day you managed to clean it up,get a small battery operated CRT tv in there and a couch that turns into a bed from your grandparents.Anytime you feel just a bit melancholic you escape there,as many hours as you need,and no one knows.
This year you decided to invite Joseph’s friends,just to get to know them better and perhaps make a friend yourself,because as of right now you didn’t have many.Your parents had already cleaned and made the basement floor more welcoming and homey,besides your bedrooms,where Joseph sleeps with you, and the basic rooms there’s not so much space.At least the court yard was big enough to contain plants,flowers,a lemon tree and a purple leaf plum tree.In the summer you and your parents will always spend time in the garden,sometimes even sleeping there.Every winter tho’ it’s magical,fresh snow covers the entire town,the plum tree flowering with snowflakes around the purple and red leaves,and the only sounds you can hear is the song of the goldfinches,while the gangs of crows always find a way to wake you up in the mornings.At night if you listen closely and silently, you can hear the owls celebrating their hunt,combined with the faraway bells from the church in town.
When everyone arrived at your home in the evening,you and your mother helped them with their bags,showed them around the house and helped them settle until dinner.While you all were sitting in the living room watching television with your father,who surprisingly liked them from the moment he met them,Joseph suggested a walk at the snowwhite beach.You wanted to help your mother with the dinner,so you stayed behind and told them that you’ll find them there later.After some time that you helped your mother with her famous beef ragu,and cheese ‘n’ garlic bread,she gave you the ‘okay’ to go meet Joseph and the guys.Getting your coat and scarf from the hanger,you jog your way to the beach,and as you arrive and waved at Joseph,getting closer you heard them arguing with your name on their mouths.So here you are now,watching them blaming you that one of their girl friends didn’t come,with Joseph obviously on your side.A few more seconds passed until you had enough and spoke your mind. 
"I don't understand why should I have known that she doesn't like me, when she acted all kind and sweet with me?" 
One of them started to say something but you cut him off. 
"I tried to be as polite as possible because you're Joseph's friends, and he loves you guys a lot.." you try to take calm breaths at this point, seeing red. "..that was the only reason, and I still don't get how the sweetest person I've ever met.. Is-is hanging out with such assholes."
"Darling.." Joseph touched your face with his hands, you didn't realize how close to you he came "it's okay.." 
He was talking, he was talking to you but you couldn't hear him, the sadness overtook you by storm..telling you that it was your fault, they were unhappy and it was your fault, they were fighting and it was your fault, she didn't come and it was your fault..Tears start peaking from your eyes, and your lips trembled. You need to go to your safe space,your nest,and quickly. But not before you say your final words. 
"You know what..?" 
All of their eyes are on you again, waiting. 
"If you were so heartbroken from her absence, and you didn't like me for it..then why are you here..hmm?"
They don't answer..but at least they look a bit ashamed. 
"Why did you accept my invitation, and my parents' hospitality?" 
You waited for any of them to say something, anything.. Joseph was looking even more furious at them. No answer came, as their silence became unbearable and the sea was singing a lonely melody.
You couldn't stop your tears of frustration any longer, but you didn't want any of them to see, so you did what you wanted to do and ran your way to the old movie theater.Passing by your house,your mother was outside cleaning the ice from the stairs,of course she saw you and she probably called your name but all you’ve got in your mind is to get the hell away from there.While you were taking a turn,you didn’t quite look where you were stepping,your feet slipped on a frosty mud and fell down scratching your knees and palms trying to break the fall.That didn’t stop you from getting back up,after some minutes steadying your feet,not knowing that a few meters away someone was following you.
Finally you’re in the old movie theater,your tears almost frozen on your face as you try to wipe them with your coat’s sleeve.Your mind was tired from playing the same scene over and over..his angry look,those beautiful puppy eyes looking like a storm,it felt like it was meant for you..your fault..it was all your fault.You walked up the stairs with your flashlight in hand,slowly,as if someone would come attack you any minute.At last you’re in your safe haven,you open the tv in low volume to have some white noise in the background and make the bed to lie down.Your eyes feel more and more heavy,but it doesn’t feel like a good time to sleep right here,so you just close them for a little bit to calm down.
The sadness started to go away,your breathing slowing down and all of a sudden you weren’t in your bed.The sound of the sea was right beside you as you opened your eyes and looked around.Grey clouds surrounding the sky,mixing with the dark calming sea in the horizon,and feeling the wind through your hair softly whispering.The ship dancing on the waves,accompanied by seagulls and dolphins that lost their way.You played with your hands as you stared at the landscape.
“Did you get lost?”
You gasp as you turn around to see the owner of the voice.Big brown eyes looking back at you.
“I apologize..I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“It’s quite alright..” you chuckle.
“What are you doing down here?”
“I was just enjoying the view..you’re the captain?”
“And what if I am?” 
“Well..I could ask you the same question.”
“I’m enjoying the view..” he smirks,using your words back to you.
“I didn’t catch your name,miss..” he steps closer to you,stretching his hand towards you.
“I didn’t give it to you.” you also stepped closer to him,just close enough but not giving your hand yet.
“Of course..” he stares at your eyes for a bit,before continuing “Who are you?Your name?”
“(Y/N)..how about you,captain?”
“Pleasure to meet you,captain Joseph.” you finally give him your hand,and he holds it like it’s fragile,close to his lips to kiss it softly.
“The pleasure is all mine,miss (Y/N)..”
Just like that your daydream is interrupted by the silence of the tv and the same voice calling your name.You see Joseph as you open your eyes to your surroundings.He was sitting on your bed softly caressing your calf.
“Is everything okay love..?” his eyes trail around the room for a bit “and how did you do this..?!” 
“With patience and savings..” you whisper back to him,but you couldn’t take out of your mind the picture of him as a ship captain,your pupils getting wider by the minute and your breath heavier..so much for calming down.
“Darling..are you alright?You seem off.” he lies down beside you as he sees your grabby hands.
“Just a fantasy..”
This seemed to intrigue him,and he took hold of your body,turning you in a way so that you lay on top of him.
“What kind of fantasy?” he whispers,his eyes lingering on your lips.You sigh through your nose,bringing your hand to play with his wool sweater your mother made for him.
“Oh..nothing special just..a ship captain..” 
“Hmm? What about him?” he asked, playing with your hair,almost purring.
It was just the two of you,nothing mattered at the moment,just you and him,there were no friends,no worrying parents.Just you and him.
“He had the most beautiful eyes..like a puppy..” you rub your noses together.
“Hmm…” he smiles,biting his lips “what else?”
“Big veiny hands..mm” you groan,squirm and spread your legs so that you can place your thigh on his crotch.Already feeling him getting hard.
“Woah…w-what else,babe..?” his hand stopped playing with your hair,and it holds the back of your neck instead.His breathing is getting heavier.
“I don’t know..you interrupted me..” you chuckle,and start to get off of him.He stops you before you even move,holding your thigh over his growing dick.Pushing your lips together in a soft kiss,his tongue licking at your lower lip and you open your mouth for him to explore.
“Just think..what did you want him to do?” he whispers between kisses.
“To touch me..”
“Eh- mm -everywhere..” you start grinding at him,flexing your thigh.
“Be specific,babygirl..” you whimper at the nickname..grasping at his sweater. “Go on..”
“I uh..I wanted him to lift my dress..” you inhale through your mouth,breathing him in “get my panties to the side-” you moaned as he grabbed both of your thighs,making you sit on top of him,on top of his rock hard cock,his eyes darker than ever.You start dry humping him,as he growls,squeezing your waist. “..and uh-use your-uh..his..his fingers inside me..” 
He snickered at your word slip,but didn’t say anything.He knows that your daydreaming is about him in different time periods,you’ve told him many times.As you go quicker he starts moaning louder,feeling you soaking him through your pants.
“Yeah..keep going,baby.” 
“Then ha- lift me,push me to a wall and spread my legs..Ah!” you felt him piston his hips hard enough up to your aching cunt,that made you cry out his name,your pants and panties forever ruined.Your hands grabbed at his chest,feeling his muscles flex under them.Sweat dripping down both of your faces,red cheeks and half lidded eyes.
“Yeah…come on,keep going,you’re almost there..”
“Spread my legs and..huh..fuck me hard until I fucking bleed..” you feel your composure fading,your orgasm slowly and strongly hitting you like a thunderstorm,as you feel Joseph holding you down on his cock,rubbing you in quick small circles.
“Is he bleeding you,babe,like the whore you are for him? Hmm?”
“Ah- YES!”
“Uh..yes,don’t test him or he’ll punish you,darling..” the way he said ‘darling’ made your eyes roll to the back of your head,groaning at the picture of you on his knees getting spanked raw,his hands red from your bleeding backside.
“Ahh..come on,baby,let go..”
“Joseph I..I w-want..”
Before you even finish your sentence,his hand flys to your throat,squeezing tight.
“Come on,love..” he moans “Come for your captain.”
With a silent scream,your orgasm finally hit its peak.It got you trembling,and squeezing your thighs around Joseph.His orgasm coming a second later,with his growls echoing in the room,along with your panting and soft whimpers..
It feels like time has stopped,you’re looking at each other with soft smiles,as you drop beside him.His arms instinctively coming around you,to hold you close to him,with a satisfying sigh.You stay like this for a while.Looking at the ceiling,playing with your hands..just existing together.
You would worry about the ‘friends’ situation later,together as always.Your only worry is that you have to find an excuse about your pants,for your parents’ sake.
Hope you liked it!!
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myreygn · 1 year
soft nagiri headcanons because i'm sleep deprived and bored
nagi would sleep 20 hours a day if he could and chigiri is always up before him, so when nagi wants to surprise him on his birthday or something similar he usually just doesn't go to sleep in the first place
"happy birthday babe" - "nagi, your eyebags-" - "don't worry about it"
"don't worry about it" is a phrase nagi uses way too often, he'll drop really random observations or spit out some vile shit at a stupid npc in his game and when chigiri looks at him like "wtf" nagi just goes "don't worry about it"
"where were you?!" - "no one died" - "WHAT HAPPENED?!" - "don't worry about it"
so nagi tends to cause chigiri a whole ton of stress, not just by that but also by constantly being chill about things he really shouldn't be chill about and then chigiri has to freak out for the both of them
the amount of appointments nagi would've missed without chigiri is unbelievable
that being said nagi also calms chigiri down by not getting stressed about things as easily
he does this little thing where he subtly puts a hand on chigiri's lower back or softly bumps his shoulder into his and that always helps chigiri stay grounded when his anxiety is flaring up
chigiri usually likes to handle things on his own when he's sick but nagi gets a slight cough and immediately turns into a dying swan
literally. he's fucking useless.
chigiri always scolds him for being so dependant on other people and not even attempting to do things on his own but he does it while making nagi soup and preparing him a bath
if he's too busy to nurse nagi back to health himself he sends him care packages and they're always completely over stuffed with three different kinds of everything - minimum
chigiri usually doesn't play video games and one time nagi hands him his phone and goes "just try it" and chigiri immediately beats nagi's high score
he's really smug about it because he usually always loses and nagi stays awake all night to get his spot at the top back
he finally has to admit defeat but he wrecks chigiri purely out of spite
"i can't beat you at the game... but i can do this" - "GET OFF"
nagi tries to learn braiding so he can do chigiri's hair sometimes and chigiri thinks it's really sweet even tho nagi kinda sucks at it and he always has to redo it
chigiri is scared of thunderstorms and nagi gets freaked out by spiders so chigiri sometimes comes home to nagi on the table and then spends the entire evening cleaning so nagi can feel safe and whenever there's a storm outside nagi builds a really comfy blanket fort and makes some special snacks so chigiri can feel safe
they just make each other feel safe ain't that wholesome
speaking of which.
chigiri is a little cautious with balancing over something because he has this fear that he'll fall and fuck up his leg and nagi wants to help him with that so when they're taking a walk and pass by a little wall or something nagi will just hold out his hand and have chigiri balance all the way over it
at the end of it he always wraps his arms around his waist and gently puts him back to the ground, muttering "secured" to himself and then they continue their walk like nothing happened
it gets to a point where chigiri gets actually excited when he sees something to balance over that's some pavlov shit going down there
they adopt a cat i don't make the rules
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
One Big Family... give or take
Back to the Gent co parenting au, here's how I think each notable character relates to the demon now:
Joey: Distant/incompetent bumbling dad. He questionably loves Bendy but the reason may not be due to his dream coming true more proof of concept. Only really shows concern when Bendy starts getting close to someone else or someone accuses him of being distant.
Henry: Supportive but bumbling dad. He and Linda didn’t have any intentions on having any kids and the child support letter was super shocking coming from Joey of all people. But after realizing that Bendy would only get worse he tries really hard to be a good influence on Bendy. Kinda the strict parent when he’s not scared shitless of his kid.
*cut cause post is long
Sammy: Uncle that’s just young enough to be more like an older cousin. He technically has authority over bendy but it feels weird and he rather let Bendy do his own thing as long as it doesn’t fuck around in the music department. Does play Bendy “calming” music on his more “playful” days also weird tension at times if we follow Joey x Sammy in this timeline
Jack: Family friend that you don’t know but think is mysterious and cool. Technically Bendy has full permission to duck around in areas completely ink and the sewers count. Jack ain’t scared of him as he’s seen the thing fall on it’s face crawling out the pipes down there but knows he’s still a bit dangerous. Bendy is curious as Jack rarely stops him from doing much. Coaches Bendy in “singing”
Susie: Cool big sister. Susie techno still voices Alice in this au and as such is technically in competition to be more popular than Bendy. Bendy likes her a lot tho as she’s the most like Alice otherwise and it’s lonely knowing ur the only one like you. Susie just wants to work and doesn’t indulged Bendy when he wants to play toons… most of the time. She thinks Bendy is funny but not right kinda jealous he gets so much attention
Allison: Technically adoptive mom but more like the aunt that spoils her siblings kids. Thinks the whole ink kid thing is a laugh and good for studio bonding! Brings Bendy outside studio stuff despite Joeys rule against it and by far is his favorite in terms of who he actively seeks out. Pavlov dogged the demon and now you may get trampled cause she brought him a toy that didn’t look like him
Thomas: Aloof dad that is subtly proud of his freaky adoptive son but won’t admit it. Like GENT forced him to be Bendys handler and that’s what he calls himself but Bendy treats him like a third dad, cause why not. On Tom’s days he’s patient when the demon absorbs his tools and makes sure no one messes with it or calms him down. He says it’s just procedure but it slowly gets more personal and defensive when others mumble about him. Stern and has actually grounded the ink demon like what
Norman: More like an urban legend to Bendy, the boogie man. Bendy doesn’t understand like metaphors so when people say Norman disappears in the studio or knows everything Bendy is like “God??? Actually Devil???” and has tricked himself into thinking Norman is this all seeing being that says morbid jokes things with a smile. Norman plays it up because it’s funny he’s horrifying the horror simply by minding himself. Occasionally drops the act to be nice and like play a toon for the toon
Wally: Doofy brother. Wally just gets jokingly upset when Bendy walks over a freshly mopped floor and fake fights him with the mop. The only person willing to actually play the traditional way with Bendy. Bendy messes with Wally only cause he thinks Wally messes with him despite it’s just Wally being incompetent. Wally didn’t realize bendy was a demon until he saw him go through a wall then was more mad he had to clean the wall than “holy shit Joey summoned Satan and now gets custody on the holidays”
Shawn: Neighbor kid who spies on the supposedly haunted house. Bendy actually stays out of the toy department on account he can break too many things so Shawn found out dead last and freaked out when Bendy came looking around. Hides from the demon or shoos him off cause if bendy comes around he gunks up the machines and that’s extra work for him.
Grant: Literally like a tired babysitter. Bendy took up so much time in court and now he has to entertain this thing until someone more qualified can. Just gives Bendy an abacus and tells him to go nuts. Thinks the demons okay and has like a weird mutual understanding that Joey should not be a dad.
Nathan: If Nathan comes around Bendy the person who can throw him out the fastest is offered a $300 dollar cash prize. Fuck Nathan I’m surprised he had a kid.
Bertrum: Grandpa who tells weird stories but lets you do crazy things so he’s fine ig. Bendy isn’t supposed to mess with Bendyland workers due to all the dangerous stuff they could drop when scared but Bertrum likes to show him how much better and competent he is than Joey. Kinda wishes he made Bendy so he could rub it in Joey’s face but see actually Bendy with more fascination and personal interest
Lacie: Tried to fight Bendy and puts him on par with robo Bendy. Doesn’t hate the poor demon but he creeps her out and she’d wish Bertrum stop showing him every nook and cranny of BendyLand. Will warm up to him but is also gonna be that vine. “So you uhg...wanna beer?” He’s 4! “I dunno what I’m supposed to do with him!”
Wow Bendy! How come your mom lets you have 3 dads!
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lqfiles · 2 months
To 🩰 anon, damn I wish I got the silent treatment instead of having to continuously explain why I wasn't going to drop my ex and fly out the same day to marry cheol (I really should've tho cause he ended up cheating on me soooo)💀 💀
I cant even watch the goose episodes in peace anymore. I love cheol but everytime he man spreads or flexes now I get the urge the fight or flight cause my ex fricking pavloved my ass 😭
When watching goose I'm stuck between "oh wait!" *twirls hair* and just straight up turning away like he just showed his ankles and I'm some helpless girl in the regency era.
But anyways, I like girls now! 😄
the audacity of HIM to cheat on you when hes getting mad at the thought of you even giving your attention to a CELEB you don’t even know.. men are so weird brah 😭 that annoyed me, i wish you could’ve dumped him before he pulled that stunt on you like the audacity of men
THAT SUCKS NOOOO i can only imagine how much annoying it must be to have that be connected to anything cheol related, i say we hunt him down and **** him but idk.. ALSO HSJDJSDJSK SOMETHING AVOUT THAT LAST LINE KILLS ME like you truly couldn’t handle men anymore 😭
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milo-is-rambling · 3 months
tmi type ramble about learning to deal with masturbating again after a weird non consensual sex thing kinda ruined existing in my own body
Okay proceeding as normal tumblr post from here:
That weird thing after {insert vague phrasing} happens to you where you get horny again and you have to kind of treat masturbating as a self care routine cause like yes I’m gonna hopefully eventually maybe get to cum a little (I hate my body) but then after I’m gonna have to deal with the fucking consequences (ha.) when I can’t sleep and I’m having nightmares about {synonym for bad thing} and like idk. Triggering myself bc I have this like body horny that won’t go away and this brain that hates the body it’s in because it reminds it of the bad thing that happened to it and it’s just like exhausting but I can’t just like not cum bc like. That’s all I fucking have. Like truly at the end of the day at least I have my clit. Some days my vibrator is literally the only good thing I have going on in my life. I just love cumming and hate penetration now.
Anyways I was saying it’s like partially a self care thing cause I have to charge my vibrator and like wait for it to get late or whatever and I get to chill and like eat a snack and get water and stretch my body and focus on all the things that kind of remind me I’m safe and that I’m in my own space and even tho the bed is the same as {NOOOOO} the sheets are new it’s okay everything is moved everything is clean everything is built to distract me from being here while also forcing me to be present I get really high I vibe I hate myself I wish I was dead I cum I smoke I cum i clean up and I drink a cold can of root beer and tuck my vibrator into its own little bed before smoking as much as possible and then going on Pinterest until I fall asleep begging my brain not to dream anything awful.
If you’ve read this much you’ve reached a secret hidden end half joke :
Part of my waiting for my vibrator to charge routine has been watching the muppets and I am really hoping I don’t accidentally Pavlov myself here 😬
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toomuchracket · 8 months
mads i’m actually scratching at the walls back flipping sobbing screaming that was so fucking good 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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NOT THIS FROM THE QUEEN HERSELF HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO also your reblog tags had me rolling lmfao. and actually you've pavloved me bc every time i write favourite in a fic i genuinely go. this is molly coded. so you actually only have yourself to blame for that one babes!! ly tho. and i'm really touched you like it <3
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