#ADDitude magazine
ub-sessed · 1 year
For clinicians who work with later adolescents and adults, the DSM-V criteria are almost useless because they ignore so much which is vital to understanding how people with an ADHD nervous system experience their lives.
...they have little control over an episode of RSD once it begins. The incidents have to run their course. Some people with ADHD, however, report that getting interested in something new and fascinating can help to end an RSD episode more quickly than it would otherwise. In my clinical experience, neither coaching nor traditional psychological or behavioral therapies — like CBT or DBT — offer any prevention or relief from impairments. Nonetheless, many people report that it is very helpful for them to know that this highly disruptive experience is real, common, and shared by other people with ADHD.
Article updated July 11, 2022.
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hauntedselves · 28 days
ironically, Additude magazine is pretty overwhelming to read. you'd think an online resource about Distractablilty Disorder(TM) would know better than to crowd their articles with ads.
here's what it should look like (after zapping it with uBlock Origin):
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instead, heres what it currently looks like:
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thats bad accessibility and web design... what happened to "know your audience"?
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priapocalypse · 8 months
The ADHD world is curvilinear. Past, present, and future are never separate and distinct. Everything is now. Individuals with ADHD live in a permanent present and have a hard time learning from the past or looking into the future to see the consequences of their actions. "Acting without thinking" is the definition of impulsivity, and one of the reasons that people with ADHD have trouble learning from experience.
From this great article explaining ADHD traits:
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naiokiara · 1 year
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monriatitans · 1 year
Hello Teachers of Brains!
I know you’re out there in the classroom every day, overwhelmed with the number of students/lesson plans/IEPs/504 plans/etc. etc. etc. you have to worry about -- I’m not here to add to your plate, I’d like to make it easier. Your ADHD students need you, whether or not they’ve been diagnosed -- let me know how I can help.  Happy back to school!
(Classroom-friendly!) Fidgets: https://www.fidgetland.com/product/noah https://www.tanglecreations.com/colle... https://www.boinks.com/
Posters: An all-brains-appropriate version of our "you are not alone" poster: *technical difficulties uploading this, please check back after Edward gets some sleep*
The iceberg animation was based off a poster from ADDitude Magazine.  You can find it here: http://bit.ly/2MLEUGe
This is what it's really like to have ADHD:   • This is What It's...  
"Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story" – My TEDx talk:   • Failing at Normal...   
Understood through your child’s eyes tool: https://u.org/2Jwj2tz
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s-leary · 8 months
Individuals with ADHD don't know where and how to start, since they can't find the beginning. They jump into the middle of a task and work in all directions at once. Organization becomes an unsustainable task because organizational systems work on linearity, importance, and time.
Just shank me next time, ADDitude Magazine.
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telanana · 1 year
me (adhd), looking up job interview advice:
every article I find: don't fidget! make eye contact!! don't ramble or just blurt out answers and don't interrupt
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anissapierce · 1 year
"i have adhd boredom is painful letting kids with be bored is bad for them'
Consider this .... Boredom being painful is universal and its an important part of boredom and using the psychiatry approved label as a shoeld isnt the argument ender you think it is
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freckliedan · 7 months
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phil formspring, november 2009 / dan interview with additude magazine, october 2020
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence under the cut!
Wildly out-of-the-box thinker with no patience for anything boring, hyperactive, invented a game where the only rule is that the rules are whatever you say they are in the moment (talking about this is what made me say "I should probably submit Calvin JUST in case no one else has yet). While looking up whether he was ever canonically confirmed ADHD (afai can tell, no, but there's LOTS of speculation), I found this article from ADDitude Magazine itself that has a lovely description of Calvin (under the "Hyperactivity" subsection) that could also serve as propaganda
From Mudkip: Decided I'd copy and paste the relevant section for you, but the article is linked if you want to peruse the whole thing!
Think about Calvin, in Calvin and Hobbes, who has an overactive body and imagination. Take him to the doctor, and he slides off the table, turns upside down, with his head on the floor and his feet in the air. Ask him a question and he starts chattering away. He has no clue about what he’s saying, but he’s eager to share all the things he’s been thinking about while the adults were talking. He spews rapid-fire thoughts about school, an adventure with Hobbes, and what he wants for dinner. When the adults start talking to each other again, he slides along the floor like a lizard pursuing a mosquito on the windowsill.
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ub-sessed · 1 year
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chronic-cane · 5 months
It's so odd that ADHD is so commercialized, medicalized, and stigmatized.
I got an ADDitude magazine from the library to look through for anything that could help my current research project. A little over a third of the pages have ads. A lot of them specifically marketing towards helping ADHD. About 25 out of 70 pages. Compared to National Review's 3 out of 60 pages or The Progressives 5 out of 70. There is literally a dedicated section for advertisements in ADDitude.
In the past this group has been helpful for me a few times, but its also heavy in pseudoscience. Plenty of the ads were for "ADHD supplements" and shit. But it's the thing you first come across when looking for resources.
I'm fully aware that ADHD is seen as basically the anti capitalist machine disorder. The main focus behind treatment is to increase productivity most of the time. Which has lead to people rightfully pointing that out before then unrightfully stating that it isn't a real mental disorder or disability. So then those of us with ADHD see the ones that are dismissing us and even go so far to over medicalize ourselves in the process. Or at least the second part is my experience and what I theorize.
And that really sucks. I look to the autistic community more than the ADHD community at this point for support with my developmental disability.
We could have, and still can, incorporate ADHD not only as an example of some mental illnesses are socially constructed based off of societal norms, and instead a more extreme example of most if not all mental illnesses constructed off of societal norms.
We could recognize that even though medication helps focus and some behavioral aspects, we still appear odd, neurodivergent, to people. That we learn how to go through the world differently and face plenty of stigma and discrimination. Not because it's a medicalization of "bad character" but instead of form of madness impacted by sanism.
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eashmo · 10 months
7 minutes in hell, or is it heaven? Part 12
-There are Stranger Things out there-
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Warnings: abuse and angst.
a/n: if ya’ll could'nt tell the time line is totally fuck up from how the show is. also this chapter gave me trouble i didnt want to write it.
*Billy pov *
 I was relaxing on my bed  flipping through a new rolling stones magazine when I heard my fathers angry voice ringing through the quiet house.
“William! Get your ass down here, right now!” I shivered at my father’s voice, speedily jumping up from my bed, and quickly went downstairs. “You needed me, sir?”
Neil walked over to susannand whispered in her ear. She looked at Billy like she wanted to say something to him but shook her head and left. She always wanted to say something. She just never did.
 “Where the fuck is maxine?” Neil snaps. 
“I don’t know, sir. She is probably at the movies or arcade” 
“You let her go alone?”
“She's old enough to take care of herself.”
“You know what I’m done playing these games. I’m done with your fucking additude”. He slaps me across the face. 
“What did we talk about?”
“Respect and responsibility.” 
“Fucking find your sister!’ instead of staring at yourself in the fucking mirror faggot and get her home immedially” he spats while dragging me out of the house throwing me on the ground next to my car.
I headed to Sinclair's house first, but mrs. Sinclair said that the kids were probably at the wheeler's house.
I rang the doorbell to the wheeler's house, but there was no answer, so i tried again. The door opened to a woman wearing just a robe, her hair slightly wet. She must have gotten out of the shower or something. 
“Oh Hi”  I smiled at her.
“Hi” she softly says. She stared at me in awe, this is going to be fun, i thought. Using my charm to get information faster. 
“I, uh, didn't realize Nancy had a sister. She chuckles lightly. 
 “What's so funny?”
“I'm Nancy's mother.” she laughs. 
Chuckling in disbelief  “Mrs. wheeler”
“Um, I'm sorry, and you are you?” she stammers.
“Billy, Billy hargrove.” I said as I took her hand delicly.
“You must be here for Nancy.”
“Nancy? No, no. Not my type. uh…. “ I noticed she had a glimmer of hope behind her eyes. Sorry, mrs. wheeler im taken. I smile to myself. “No, actually, I am looking for my little sister Max. goes by maxine. She's been missing all day, and, uh, to be honest with you, I've been worried sick, you know, so….”  Not going to lie to myself. i was actually starting to get a little worried about Max. 
“I thought she was at Lucas", but Mrs. Sinclair said your house is the designated hangout, so, you know…"I leaned on the door frame, smirking slightly “here i am.” 
“Come on in, i give you the byer's address.'' She says, opening the door more for me to follow her inside.
“Their driveway is pretty dark this time of night. So drive slowly.” She handed me a piece of paper.
“Always” I smiled at her.
“And when you see Mike tell him to come home already, okay?”
“You’re a real lifesaver, you know that?” I said as I took a bite of a cookie she offered. 
“I’ll see you later.” walking out the room i can feel her eyes on me. Chucking, y/n is going to kill me if she finds out I let mrs. wheeler eye fucked me but i needed the inforation for my sake. 
*small time skip*
I pulled up to the byers' house. I see Harrington standing at the front door. “Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?”
“Yeah, it's me. Dont cream your pants.”
“What are you doing here, amigo?”
“I could ask you the same thing, amigo, y/n isn't here, by the way.”
“I'm not looking for her, I'm looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here.”
“Huh, that's weird. I don't know her.”
“Small, redhead, bit of a bitch.” 
“Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy.”
Sighing “you know, i don't know, this whole situation, Harrington, i don’t know. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies.”
“Oh, yeah? Why is that?”
“My 13 year old sister goes missing all day. And then I found her with you in a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it.”
He chuckles. “Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here.”
“Then who is that?” I pointed my cigarette at the window behind him. He turned, and we saw the kids duck. 
“Oh,shit. Listen….” he started to say before I pushed him to the ground. I leaned over “I'm going to let this slide because you're your y/n friend.” marching to the door, I swung it open to see the kids all staring at me. I saw how close Lucas was next to Max, and that made me furious.
“Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise.” I say as I walk towards him. Looking over to Max “I thought I told you to stay away from him, max.”
“Billy, go away” she says.
“You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me. I break things.” I pushed Lucas against a corner shelf roughly. 
“Billy!, stop!.” she screams. 
“Get off of me.” Lucas says as he struggles under my grip.
“Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her, you hear me?” I growled.
“I said," Get off me! "” he knees me in the balls, i quickly let go.
“You're so dead, Sinlcair!” 
“No. You are.” Steve turns me away from Lucas and punches me in the jaw. I started to laugh. "LOOKS LIKE THERE'S STILL SOME FIRE IN YOU AFTER ALL! I'VE BEEN WAITING TO MEET THIS KING STEVE EVERYONE HAS BEEN TELLING ME SO MUCH ABOUT!"
“Get out.” was all he said, pushing me back. I threw a punch, but he dodged it, he manages to land a punch on my jaw again.
The kids start yelling “kick his ass, steve!
“Get him!
“Murder the son of a bitch!”
I hit him with a plate and got the upper hand, and continued to land punches on his jaw. “Now one tells me what to do!” I yelled. Steve is a bloody mess on the floor.
“Billy? Kids? What the fuck is going on?” I froze when I heard the y/n voice. “Shit im in trouble” I thought, Steve realized that I stopped and he pushes me into the fridge, a demented dog looking thing fell out onto my lap.
“What the fuck is that?!” i say.
*y/n pov*
I pulled up to the byers house, and I noticed Billy's car  was here, “weird why is he here” I said to myself as i got out of mine. I could hear screaming and yelling coming from the house. I ran to the door thinking we were under attack by demodogs again. I had my nail bat ready and slammed the door open, expecting creatures  but what I found was  my boyfriend beating the ever living shit out of my best friend. 
“Billy? Kids” what the fuck is going on?” I yelled. I noticed Billy froze to my voice and suddenly he was on the floor with a dead demodog on his lap.
“What the fuck is that?!” was all he said. 
“Fuck dustin, why did you have to put in the the fridge.” i say. Great, now I'm going to have to explain everything to Billy, who is probably going to think his girlfriend has gone crazy.
“This is a ground- breaking scientific discovery. We can't just bury it like some common mammal, okay? It's not a dog.” he says as he picks it up from Billy's lap, who was still in shock. 
“Billy?” i say. He doesn't look at me. 
“Baby?” he finally looks at me. “ I'm going to explain everything, so please listen closely…. Okay?” he shook his head, yes. Taking a deep breath.
“The year before you got here, something strange happened to Hawkins. It all started when Will byers went missing, and a girl named Eleven suddenly showed up. El made cross-dimensional psychic contact with the hive mind and opened the "Mothergate" at Hawkins Lab. Somehow, the Mothergate’s creation also caused the Upside Down to transform from its original state and become a perfect copy of the human world, during that time a Demogorgons came through terrorizing both Will in the upside down and our town.” i looked at him carefully. He just sat quietly listening to me. I continued.
“Do you remember when I said i had a brother?” I asked.
“Yes,” he says softly.
“Mikey died at middle school trying to protect the kids from a demogorgon. While I was upside down helping Joyce and Hopper find Will. We managed to get Will back. But he didn't come back nearly like his old self. Recently, he's been having visions about a creature we are calling a mind-flayer, which now has made Will a host. The thing that fell on you was a demodog, a smaller version of a demogorgon. I know all this sounds crazy and I understand if you think I'm crazy but this is what's happening in the hell hole of a town. I wanted to tell you for so long, but I did it to protect you from this, and the government made us promise not to tell anyone." I breathed. 
“You're right. This is crazy and you are crazy, but…. Strangely, I believe you.”  he says, taking my hands. 
“Max, how long have you known?” he asks her.
“Since last year.” she says
“Jesus” he sighs in disbelief. 
"Guys, i have located where hopper dug the entrance to the tunnel," i say to Steve and the kids. as they geared up to help with the mission.
"Baby, i know you're trying to process everything, but we may or may not have to go in an alien vine tunnel thing right now to help save the world."
"oh fucking fantastic" he says as runs after me and the group.
Previous Chapter
Part 13
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beesmygod · 1 year
I have a question, a while back you were like 'rsd' doesn't exist, i always took it for granted that's what I had. I dug further and it seems pretty real to me? A lot of accounts are kind of anecdotal but it seems like it reacts the same as adhd people having extreme emotions to a lot of things. And at least for that I was able to find a lot of studies that back that up.
as stated by the bot on the ADHD subreddit:
"Please be aware that RSD, or rejection sensitivity dysphoria, is not a syndrome or disorder recognised by any medical authority.
It has not been the subject of any credible peer-reviewed scientific research. It is not listed in either of the top two psychiatric diagnostic manuals, the DSM or ICD. It has been propagated solely through blogs and the internet by William Dodson, who coined the term in the context of ADHD. This means that Dodson, his explanation of these experiences, and claims about how to treat it all warrant healthy skepticism."
here are some articles from the magazine dodson contributes to, ADDitude
Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD: Research and Reviews of Natural Treatments
Brillia: Homeopathic Supplement for ADHD Symptoms
Reiki: Could This Alternative Treatment Help Adult ADD?
etc and so on. i think you should take a better look at whatever studies you found
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harmonyrosesaga · 3 months
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So I went ahead and read this free downloadable page from ADDitude magazine. I will post the link below!
After reading this page and gaining an answer from my understanding, personal thoughts, and experiences, I concluded that I have hypersensitivity. I've checked all of the boxes under that section and I'm more than glad to find discoveries about myself! This has been very insightful indeed!
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
Hello, you recently reblogged that post about autism in media v reality and commented that it overlaps with adhd.
If you don't mind, could you elaborate on this?
Here is a small article from ADDitude magazine from this January that briefly touches on this, and one from last year that also breaks it down without little anecdotes (a little easier imo). This publication is one that my behavioral therapist's office often will send useful articles from, they feel almost too simple to read but i've noticed that they seem to be formatted for people with ADHD. But they do work with board-certified medical professionals and are consistently fact-checking and updating their articles to contain accurate information and research. There are plenty of articles connected to these so I thought it was a good place to begin, as I'm still learning too. Doctors are thankfully doing more research on both of these diagnosis, and I was hesitant to include links from doctor-i-run-a-blog-and-got-diagnosed.
But just on the surface from what I remember from visits with my doctor, both diagnosis have shared comorbidities (such as anxiety, depression, OCD, bipolar, EDs) and shared symptoms ( such as sensory issues, impulse control issues, emotional regulation difficulties, executive functioning difficulties, rejection-sensitivity, special interests, higher risk of substance abuse, other ND communication patterns, and even stimming). It is not uncommon for a child to be misdiagnosed with ADHD when they really should receive treatment for ASD, or vice versa. Sometimes they go hand in hand. It's all very interconnected.
Again, I'm no doctor and this is just what I've learned from mine! I would encourage you to contact your healthcare provider for more information, or ask them to help you connect with a behavioral therapist that specializes in ADHD treatment.
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