#A server engine at its core
lowcodetechnology · 1 year
Node.Js Development: Important Facts And Features | Dew Studio
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#JavaScript is widely used for developing standard or even advanced custom software. Node.js is everything developers need and look for with#which encourages developers to produce advanced and diversified software applications.#Applications of PayPal#Netflix#Uber#eBay and many others are a few longstanding examples of Node.js’ exemplary possibilities. If you want your organization to enjoy one such r#then choose DEW Studio#the top low-code app development platform for your next software development projects.#Server-centric or Server Side programming powers of Node.js elevate every app development process when combined with JavaScript frameworks.#Let us uncover the important facts and features about node.js.#Discover 12 Interesting Node.Js Facts And Features#To choose Node.js#learning about its facts will be useful and essential.#A server engine at its core#Node.js#works only after you properly set it up and alter it to fulfil your needs.#It is part of the community of JavaScript. So this allows developers to alter or manipulate it with User Interfaces#JS tools and also connectors.#Node.js is completely open source. Additionally#it is a building framework that perfectly allows developers for cross-platform or hybrid mobile app development.#Your familiarity with JavaScript will help you to understand and use Node.js very easily. That is why node js is famous. You can hire a top#JavaScript is the easiest to work with. But it is Node.js that unleashes its true potential making it wonderful for every kind of web and m#Google’s V8 engine powers Node.js to run in the backend#while JavaScript runs in the front end with Google Chrome. Even Google itself mentions Node.js as its honorary#along with additional engine power structures.#Chrome 57+ has a Node.js debugging feature to eliminate errors from front-end and backend processes.#The JavaScript Object Notation – JSON is one stable#realistic and common data exchanging format. It is highly easy to create APIs with JSON.#Node.js group is always accommodating to exchanging its core bundles. Sharing becomes simple and effective. This answers why node js is bet#Node Package Manager [NPM] is used and its in-depth support has propelled growth Possibilities for the Node community.
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👁️👁️ do you still play tf2?
👁👁 a little! i don't play much of Live TF2 these days, only because my computer would rather explode than allow me to run it at a good enough framerate, though there's a few settings ive only experimented with recently on other source games.
i deeply love tf2 as what it is still more or less, it's mostly my laptop that's always been a problem is all :(
#ask#anon#and it wasnt always that way! i use to have a REALLY good laptop (granted it was a generic dell laptop of some kind)#but it burned out back in 2017 and i couldnt fix it <- knows nothing about fixing laptops and shouldnt have attempted it himself#i miss that laptop dearly you have no idea.......#i could run so much stuff on that badboy.....#anyway because of my laptop (and internet) i dont play a lot of games as of late#last few games ive played are Runescape. Crash Team Racing. and a sourcemod name of Pre Fortress 2.#ive been playing that last one on and off because i have a lot of fun playing a somewhat beta recreation of TF2#but i have to warn you that if you want to play it. turn off voice chat and text chat. theres only usually one populated server#and most of the people ive had to play with there fucking suck nuts and bolts#if it weren't for that id reccomend it more or less.#i get a lot of enjoyment out of the gameplay changes they make. from the grenades. the armour system. and some changes to weapons#if you play PF2 on players muted and with sprays disabled? id say its a fun experience#all classes are a little more mobile due to all having grenades. heavy less so but yeah#you can definitely tell how much grenades distupts the core of TF2s gameplay. but i like the option of having both games#theres no loadouts in PF2 though. youre restricted to the beta loadouts of each class.#and its not necessarily a ''Pure Beta Recreation'' since they have engineer hauling and upgradable buildings#but i dont mind personally. the grenades are a lot of fun to experiment with#dispensers also deal damage when exploding. and ive used that a lot on 2fort while guarding intel#sometimes an enemy rounds a corner and doesnt see it. and im notified on my HUD and i instantly blow them into gibs#fucked up a medic and heavy's uber push because they werent expecting it#exploded the dispenser in front of the heavy so the heavy lost 80% of his health. shot him with one blast and dead#then chased down the medic before he could even really process what happened to be able to uber#its really fun to experiment with dumb shit and see what you can get away with#just the playerbase sucks really. keep VC and text off and sprays disabled and you might have a fun time#youre also a lot tankier due to the armour system so thats kinda neat in a way#anyway thank you for the ask anon :)#id like to play TF2 more if it werent because my laptop
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mewtwofan1 · 3 months
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So...I have to blame @sciencewife for this silly little PortalxTrek idea. And thank you to the folks on the discord server for humouring me during the making of this. I'll put more character details under the readmore. Might make more characters for this little au later. Had a lot of fun emulating the Star Trek: Lower Decks artstyle!
USS APERTURE: Not exactly Starfleets moral best, good people don't end up here. But her crew might very well be the best of the best. Headstrong, steadfast, and somehow still alive despite a few admirals wanting them gone, the APERTURE and her crew uphold their mission: to do what they must because they can!
Captain Cave Johnson -"somehow still captain" its Caroline pulling the strings keeping him in charge, and the fact he's willing to take on virtually any mission which makes him an asset worth keeping. -Fan of using the ships PA system, and is well regarded for his inspiring speeches. -Is still a competent captain, just too confident for his own good. Luckily, has a solid crew to back him up.
Commander Caroline Dubuk -An excellent first officer, regularly goes above and beyond (and blackmails a number of officials behind the scenes) for her crew. -Scarf was a present from her best friend after graduating the academy. Wears it regularly in spite of uniform regulations. -Parents split when she was a teenager. Dad married Gla'dos's mother. Neither of them really regard each other as step-siblings, and few even know their relationship with each other
Ensign Chell Redac -Not mute, but is a human of very, very few words. Few enough one would be forgiven for thinking she was. - Regularly pesters Gla'dos, who is the subject of most chaotic antics. Gla'dos is still finding potatoes in her quarters to this day. Chaos is just how Chell says "I like you!". -Determined and stubborn, could be an excellent officer someday.
Commander Gla'dos -Suffered a freak warp-core accident that scarred her and would have been career ending. Built her own prosthetics/enhancements with the help of some off the books Starfleet research. -Is a genius, was in engineering before switching to sciences. -Grew up on Earth in Michigan to a single mother, and is step-sister to Caroline though she does not talk about it
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🇯🇵 The Sony NEWS (Network Engineering Workstation) is a series of UNIX-based workstations and servers developed by Sony Corporation. Introduced in 1987, the NEWS series represented Sony's ambitious entry into the high-performance computing market, targeting professionals in engineering, scientific research, and academia.
💾 In the late 1980s, the computing world was rapidly evolving with a growing demand for powerful workstations capable of handling complex tasks. Sony, primarily known for its consumer electronics, ventured into this niche market with the NEWS series to provide high-end workstations for network computing and engineering applications. The initial model, the NEWS NWS-800, was unveiled in 1987. It was designed to compete with established UNIX workstations from companies like Sun Microsystems and Silicon Graphics.
💻 The early Sony NEWS models were based on the MIPS architecture, a series of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processors known for their performance efficiency. Later models transitioned to other architectures, including the Intel x86 family. The NEWS series ran on a customized version of UNIX, providing a robust and versatile environment for software development, data processing, and scientific computations. The workstations boasted impressive processing power for their time. For instance, the NWS-800 featured a 16.67 MHz R3000A processor and supported up to 24 MB of RAM, which was substantial in the late 1980s.
🖥 High-resolution graphics capabilities were a standout feature of the NEWS series, catering to applications requiring detailed visual representations, such as CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and multimedia development. As the name suggests, network engineering was a core focus. The NEWS workstations were designed with advanced networking capabilities, including support for various networking protocols, which was critical for collaborative engineering projects and research. The machines were equipped with sizable storage options, including SCSI hard drives and support for external storage devices, ensuring ample space for large datasets and software applications.
⚙️ The Sony NEWS workstations found use in numerous specialized fields. They were particularly popular in academic research labs, animation studios, and engineering firms where high computational power and graphical capabilities were essential. Despite their advanced features, the NEWS series faced stiff competition from other established UNIX workstation manufacturers. However, they carved out a niche market due to Sony's reputation for quality and innovation. Over time, the landscape of computing evolved, and the demand for proprietary workstations diminished in favor of more standardized PC-based systems. Sony eventually discontinued the NEWS line, but the series left a lasting impression on the high-performance workstation market.
🌐 The Sony NEWS series represents a fascinating chapter in the history of computing, showcasing Sony's foray into the realm of high-performance workstations. With its robust UNIX environment, advanced graphics, and strong network capabilities, the NEWS series was a testament to Sony's engineering prowess and innovation during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Today, it remains a memorable part of the evolution of workstations, reflecting the dynamic nature of technological advancement.
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Google's chatbot panic
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The really remarkable thing isn’t just that Microsoft has decided that the future of search isn’t links to relevant materials, but instead lengthy, florid paragraphs written by a chatbot who happens to be a habitual liar — even more remarkable is that Google agrees.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Microsoft has nothing to lose. It’s spent billions on Bing, a search-engine no one voluntarily uses. Might as well try something so stupid it might just work. But why is Google, a monopolist who has a 90+% share of search worldwide, jumping off the same bridge as Microsoft?
There’s a delightful Mastodon thread about this, written by Dan Hon, where he compares the chatbot-enshittified front ends to Bing and Google to Tweedledee and Tweedledum:
https://mamot.fr/@[email protected]/109832788458972865
“At the front of the house, Alice found two curious characters, both search engines.
“‘I am Googl-E,’ said the one plastered in advertisements.
“‘And I am Bingle-Dum,’ said the other, who was the smaller of the two, and sported a pout, as to having fewer visitors and opportunity for conversation than the other.
“‘I know you,’ said Alice. ‘Are you to present me with a puzzle? Perhaps one of you tells the truth and the other lies?’
“‘Oh no,’ said Bingle-Dum.
“‘We both lie,’ added Googl-E.”
It just keeps getting better:
“‘This is truly an intolerable situation. If you both lie,’
“ — ‘And lie convincingly,’ added Bingle-Dum — 
“‘Yes, thank you. If that is so, then how am I to ever trust either of you?’
“Googl-E and Bingle-Dum turned to face each other and shrugged.”
Chatbot search is a terrible idea, especially in an era in which the web is likely to fill up with vast mountains of AI bullshit, the frozen gabble of stochastic parrots:
Google’s chatbot strategy shouldn’t be adding more madlibs to the internet — rather, they should be figuring out how to exclude (or, at a minimum, fact-check) the confident nonsense of the spammers and SEO creeps.
And yet, Google is going all-in on chatbots, with the company CEO ordering an all-hands scramble to cram chatbots into every part of the googleverse. Why on earth is the company racing Microsoft to see who can be first to leap off the peak of inflated expectations?
I just published a theory in The Atlantic, under the title “How Google Ran Out of Ideas,” where I turn to competition theory to explain Google’s sweaty insecurity, an anxiety complex that the company has been plagued by nearly since its inception:
The core theory: a quarter of a century, the Google founders had one amazing idea — a better way to do search. The capital markets showered the company in money, and it hired the very best, brightest, most creative people it could find, but then it created a corporate culture that was incapable of capitalizing on their ideas.
Every single product Google made internally — except for its Hotmail clone — died. Some of those products were good, some were terrible, but it didn’t matter. Google — a company that cultivated the ballpit-in-the-lobby whimsy of a Willy Wonka factory — couldn’t “innovate” at all.
Every successful Google product except search and gmail is an acquisition: mobile, ad-tech, videos, server management, docs, calendaring, maps, you name it. The company desperately wants to be a “making things” company, but it’s actually a “buying things” company. Sure, it’s good at operationalizing and scaling products, but that’s table-stakes for any monopolist:
The cognitive dissonance of a self-styled “creative genius” whose true genius is spending other people’s money to buy other people’s products and take credit for them drives people to do truly bonkers thing (as any Twitter user can attest).
Google has long exhibited this pathology. In the mid-2000s — after Google chased Yahoo into China and started censoring its search-results and collaborating on state surveillance — we used to say that the way to get Google to do something stupid and self-destructive was to get Yahoo to do it first.
This was quite a time. Yahoo was desperate and failing, a graveyard of promising acquisitions that were gutshot and left to bleed out right there on the public internet as the dueling princelings of Yahoo senior management performed a backstabbing Medici LARP that had them competing to see who could sabotage the others. Going into China was an act of desperation after the company was humiliated by Google’s vastly superior search. Watching Google copy Yahoo’s idiotic gambits was baffling.
Baffling at the time, that is. As time went by and Google slavishly copied other rivals, its pathology of insecurity revealed itself. Google repeatedly failed to make a popular “social” product, and as Facebook commanded an ever-larger share of the ad-market, Google made a full-court press to compete with it. The company made Google Plus integration a “key performance indictator” for every division, and the result was a bizarre morass of ill-starred “social” features in every Google product — products that billions of users relied on for high-stakes operations, which were suddenly festooned with “social” buttons that made no sense.
The G+ debacle was truly incredible: some G+ features and integrations were great and developed loyal followings, but these were overshadowed by the incoherent, top-down insistence of making Google a “social-first” company. When G+ collapsed, it totally imploded, and the useful parts of G+ that people had come to rely upon disappeared along with the stupid parts.
For anyone who lived through the G+ tragicomedy, Google’s pivot to Bard — a chatbot front-end for search results — is grimly familiar. It’s a real “die a hero or live long enough to become a villain moment.” Microsoft — the monopolist that was only stayed from strangling Google in its cradle by the trauma of its antitrust dragging — has transformed from a product-creation company to an acquisitions and operations company, and Google is right behind it.
Just last year, Google laid off 12,000 staffers to please a private-equity “activist investor” — in the same year, it declared a $70b stock buyback, extracting enough capital to pay those 12,000 Googlers’ salaries for the next 27 years. Google is a financial company with a sideline in adtech. It has to be: when your only successful path to growth requires access to the capital markets to fund anticompetitive acquisitions, you can’t afford to piss off the money-gods, even if you have a “dual share” structure that lets the founders outvote every other shareholder:
ChatGPT and its imitators have all the hallmarks of a tech fad, and are truly the successor to last season’s web3 and cryptocurrency pump-and-dumps. One of the clearest and most inspiring critiques of chatbots comes from science fiction writer Ted Chiang, whose instant-classsic critique was called “ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web”:
Chiang points out a key difference between the output of ChatGPT and human authors: a human author’s first draft is often an original idea, badly expressed, while the best ChatGPT can hope for is a competently expressed, unoriginal idea. ChatGPT is perfectly poised to improve on the SEO copypasta that legions of low-paid workers pump out in a bid to climb the Google search results.
Speaking of Chiang’s essay in this week’s episode of the This Machine Kills podcast, Jathan Sadowski expertly punctures the ChatGPT4 hype bubble, which holds that the next version of the chatbot will be so amazing that any critiques of the current technology will be rendered obsolete:
Sadowski notes that OpenAI’s engineers are going to enormous lengths to ensure that the next version won’t be trained on any of the output from ChatGPT3. This is a tell: if a large language model can produce materials that are as good as human-produced text, then why can’t the output of ChatGPT3 be used to create ChatGPT4?
Sadowski has a great term to describe this problem: “Habsburg AI.” Just as royal inbreeding produced a generation of supposed supermen who were incapable of reproducing themselves, so too will feeding a new model on the exhaust stream of the last one produce an ever-worsening gyre of tightly spiraling nonsense that eventually disappears up its own asshole.
This is the last day (Feb 17) of my Australian tour for my book Chokepoint Capitalism with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We’ll be in Canberra at the Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: Tweedledee and Tweedledum, standing at the bottom of Humpty Dumpty's wall. Dee and Dum have the logos for Google and Bing on their chests. Humpty is about to fall and is being held up by a motley collection of panicking businessmen."]
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ursathebear · 5 months
I'm gonna rant about a thing in TTRPG discussions and you can't stop me
So I'm in this discord server and tonight a conversation started up about Pathfinder 2E (I'm going to be running a campaign for some people in the server) which spiraled into a conversation about wider TTRPGs and eventually FATE.
One person in the server started ranting about FATE and how much they loved FATE. I have nothing against FATE. I own the FATE Core Book and have read it, and while I don't think its my type of system, it seems like it accomplishes what it wants to accomplish. The problem is they were talking about it comparatively to Pathfinder, specifically 1st Edition PF since that's what they had played.
It can be hard to compare these two systems. They are trying to accomplish different things and as a result are very, very different from one another. One is a tactical D&D clone, the other is an extremely rules-light narrative engine that encourages customization.
The problem arises when you start to say that D&D-likes (such as Pathfinder) get in the way of the storytelling and narrative, and that actually narrative focused games like FATE are better because they facilitate character story over rules. And don't get me wrong, I love a good story. But I also love games.
And this is the thing that frustrates me; I see on D&D pages new players and GMs get told to "ignore the rules if they get in the way of the story!" I see people describe how play looks at their table and it barely resembles the ruleset they're using. This idea that rules get in the way of enjoyment is really frustrating because some of us actually enjoy the GAME part of our Tabletop Roleplaying GAMES.
When I sit down to play a TTRPG, I am sitting down to tell a story, yes, but I am also sitting down to play a game. And I want that game to be fun. For me, engaging with the mechanics and the math and the systems is fun. And I get frustrated when people act like all the things I like about my TTRPGs are actually bad and ruin the enjoyment for everybody because they "get in the way".
And this isn't to take away from anyone who enjoys the narrative or storytelling parts of TTRPGs, I get it. Thankfully there's different systems for different people, and I think there's enough for everyone to have their way. I also like the narratives told by TTRPGs, though I lean more into the emergent narratives of rules-heavy games like D&D and Pathfinder rather than the explicit scripting of games like FATE. I just wish people didn't constantly act like the stuff I fell in love with about D&D and Pathfinder was a problem that needed solving.
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amber-gimlet · 8 months
I wrote a mini essay on the balor and I want to get it out of the discord server. some of this might be outdated.
Balor Report The following assumes one is doing a nanowhip build Balor.
Mobility: Pankrati 2, skirmisher 2, and Agility 2 are more than sufficient for mobility purposes, Sunzi is actually unnecessary and Balor can very comfortable achieve its foundational mobility by LL3 at the cost of executioner 3 and Hull 4 which both have to wait till LL4.
Heat Resistance: Lesson of Disbelief! 2 investment in systems or engineering depending on if one is branching out into tech attacking or focusing on raw damage would be wise, but is not a priority.
Presence: Even without swarm body, skirmisher executioner with the whip allows for insane combat oppression.
Takeaway: sunzi can outright be dropped in favor of IPSN investment for the HP, size, or threat core bonus at LL6, the quest is just what you want from IPSN for specifics. Avoiding heat gen is still important. Hull 4 is sufficient HP investment for the most part, so I'd actually suggest investing in Engineering or systems at LL5-6.
Addendum: Balor 3 Black Witch 3 is very good, as most of the IPSN license are wholly unneeded by Balor build. to put it in Morrowind terms, from the perspective of "solving problems", ISPN does not, but also threat 4 whip and hull save acc. further enhances the insanity of the balor so its hard to pass up. Black Witch on the other hand provides the ferrous lash, the PCP, and the black ice module. These immensely help patch of existing weak points of the Balor by providing it further tech resistance, allied support, and control effects. Magnetic shield is good but may not fit due to SP cost, and I'd say that the balor benefits more from having swarm/hive nanites than mag cannon. Also +2 evasion core bonus further assists the Balor's survivability, allowing you to perform some insane feats of frontlining.
Balor Synergy Options
Sunzi: Accelerate and Blink charges are excellent. HA Core Bonus Synergy: Low. IAF or SBD are good options, the former for blink charges, the latter for shoring up Balor's weaknesses. Low rating is due blink charges being an unsustainable luxury that runs counter to the Balor's speciality, and the Balor's poor reactor can be better mitigated by giving it protection from tech, such as from the next entry-
Black Witch: Ferrous Lash, Black Ice, and PCP. Black Ice especially combines with Lesson of Disbelief to turn a normally witch-fearing frame into a witch-hunter. SSC Core Bonus Synergy: Moderate. Evasion allows for more front-lining, others not really useful.
Lancaster: Cable Winch, Restock, Whitewash. CW traps them into melee with you, restock drone is some nice team support, and whitewash can slow enemies for pankrati as well as supporting allies and saving civilians. IPSN Core Bonus Synergy: !ridiculously high! Formorian Frame increases combat presence, since threat 3 extends from all tiles, and taking house guard will allow you to acquire guardian to be an incredibly defender presence. Gyges frame is obviously threat 4 whip but also shoutout to +1 acc Hull for further enhancing survivability. lots of nasty things are hull saves. and Reinforced Frame of course further enhances your natural regen.
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sylenth-l · 1 year
How are you feeling about Lightfall? People seem to be very divided on opinions 🤔 I personally hoped for more answered questions 😔😔
Well… I like the most gameplay/ui changes Bungie made in LF, but I don't like the campaign and almost everything about the story. But the thing is, I knew I won't like it when the first details and the updated logo dropped, so it's nothing new. This whole ✨super secret super city with super people✨ just didn't sound exciting for me from the beginning. I thought it looked extremely off for the Destiny setting, not something I'd personally like to see.
(Super subjective opinion below, with spoilers)
Its core idea is what bothers me the most, I guess... Those people from Neomuna gave 0 shit about the whole Solar system outside of their safe bubble for ages. They were chilling in arcades while hundreds, if not thousands, of people on Earth died from starvation and thirst, not even to mention countless wars. Even the Darkness itself arriving wasn't a good enough reason for them to show up, yet when their own asses got in the slightest danger, they're suddenly our besties and expect us to help them asap. Umm… I think such theme deserves at least some controversy and conflict to happen between the two sides, but no, we became friends in a minute and that was it. 
The way we accrue Strand is a joke, it literally just…… lays there in the middle of a random street…... I highly suspect originally it was supposed to be a part of Witch Queen, it would've fit there insanely better. Here it feels just as flat and random as everything else in this dlc. For me LF felt like a half-baked chunk of a different game. Not necessarily a bad one, just… different. You can cut out everything between the first and the last cutscenes and literally nothing will change. It's the most telling sign of the story being not that good, imo.
Tbh I don't feel like going further into the details and turning this post into a huge rant… I can mention a few things I liked instead!
LF had a bunch of excellent cutscenes, those I really enjoyed. The first and the last one ofc, the one with the Witness and Calus, Osiris and Rohan having a good talk, and the moment Caiatl appeared to fight alongside us was really cool. Witness, Osiris and Caiatl in general were the best things in LF for me, I guess. The idea of people living in a virtual space is also VERY interesting and I think Bungie should've gone all the way with it and said Neomuni had a virtual only society this whole time. What if the whole planet itself was modified to be just a huge server, containing data of all people living there? A few "Cloud Striders" could've been the only physical shells they had available for ages, and people could've taken turns in being uploaded into those fully cybernetic bodies, or maybe even several at once (let's say an engineer + a scientist + a warrior), to do the maintence and make sure the servers run as intended. That would've explained their total ignore of everything outside their own planet - they've truly surpassed all other species in the system to the point of not being able to interact with them properly due to the almost total disconnect from the physical world.
Also I get what you say about many unanswered questions. I personally wouldn't have mind it, if the story itself was more exciting/interesting, but sadly for me it wasn't, so the new terms and concepts being thrown around all the time felt irritating and confusing more than intriguing. But since the story campaign has a huge TBC written all over it, we have to just wait and see how it ends.
It's the first dlc i didn't like that much, so yeah… weird feelings. I just hope the next one is better.
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monisha1199 · 8 months
Exploring the Power of Amazon Web Services: Top AWS Services You Need to Know
In the ever-evolving realm of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has established itself as an undeniable force to be reckoned with. AWS's vast and diverse array of services has positioned it as a dominant player, catering to the evolving needs of businesses, startups, and individuals worldwide. Its popularity transcends boundaries, making it the preferred choice for a myriad of use cases, from startups launching their first web applications to established enterprises managing complex networks of services. This blog embarks on an exploratory journey into the boundless world of AWS, delving deep into some of its most sought-after and pivotal services.
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As the digital landscape continues to expand, understanding these AWS services and their significance is pivotal, whether you're a seasoned cloud expert or someone taking the first steps in your cloud computing journey. Join us as we delve into the intricate web of AWS's top services and discover how they can shape the future of your cloud computing endeavors. From cloud novices to seasoned professionals, the AWS ecosystem holds the keys to innovation and transformation. 
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): The Foundation of Scalability At the core of AWS's capabilities is Amazon EC2, the Elastic Compute Cloud. EC2 provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud, allowing you to run virtual servers, commonly referred to as instances. These instances serve as the foundation for a multitude of AWS solutions, offering the scalability and flexibility required to meet diverse application and workload demands. Whether you're a startup launching your first web application or an enterprise managing a complex network of services, EC2 ensures that you have the computational resources you need, precisely when you need them.
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Secure, Scalable, and Cost-Effective Data Storage When it comes to storing and retrieving data, Amazon S3, the Simple Storage Service, stands as an indispensable tool in the AWS arsenal. S3 offers a scalable and highly durable object storage service that is designed for data security and cost-effectiveness. This service is the choice of businesses and individuals for storing a wide range of data, including media files, backups, and data archives. Its flexibility and reliability make it a prime choice for safeguarding your digital assets and ensuring they are readily accessible.
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): Streamlined Database Management Database management can be a complex task, but AWS simplifies it with Amazon RDS, the Relational Database Service. RDS automates many common database management tasks, including patching, backups, and scaling. It supports multiple database engines, including popular options like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. This service allows you to focus on your application while AWS handles the underlying database infrastructure. Whether you're building a content management system, an e-commerce platform, or a mobile app, RDS streamlines your database operations.
AWS Lambda: The Era of Serverless Computing Serverless computing has transformed the way applications are built and deployed, and AWS Lambda is at the forefront of this revolution. Lambda is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code without the need for server provisioning or management. It's the perfect solution for building serverless applications, microservices, and automating tasks. The unique pricing model ensures that you pay only for the compute time your code actually uses. This service empowers developers to focus on coding, knowing that AWS will handle the operational complexities behind the scenes.
Amazon DynamoDB: Low Latency, High Scalability NoSQL Database Amazon DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service that stands out for its low latency and exceptional scalability. It's a popular choice for applications with variable workloads, such as gaming platforms, IoT solutions, and real-time data processing systems. DynamoDB automatically scales to meet the demands of your applications, ensuring consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. Whether you're managing user profiles, session data, or real-time analytics, DynamoDB is designed to meet your performance needs.
Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): Tailored Networking for Security and Control Security and control over your cloud resources are paramount, and Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) empowers you to create isolated networks within the AWS cloud. This isolation enhances security and control, allowing you to define your network topology, configure routing, and manage access. VPC is the go-to solution for businesses and individuals who require a network environment that mirrors the security and control of traditional on-premises data centers.
Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service): Seamless Communication Across Channels Effective communication is a cornerstone of modern applications, and Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) is designed to facilitate seamless communication across various channels. This fully managed messaging service enables you to send notifications to a distributed set of recipients, whether through email, SMS, or mobile devices. SNS is an essential component of applications that require real-time updates and notifications to keep users informed and engaged.
Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service): Decoupling for Scalable Applications Decoupling components of a cloud application is crucial for scalability, and Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) is a fully managed message queuing service designed for this purpose. It ensures reliable and scalable communication between different parts of your application, helping you create systems that can handle varying workloads efficiently. SQS is a valuable tool for building robust, distributed applications that can adapt to changes in demand.
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands as a colossus, offering a diverse array of services that address the ever-evolving needs of businesses, startups, and individuals alike. AWS's popularity transcends industry boundaries, making it the go-to choice for a wide range of use cases, from startups launching their inaugural web applications to established enterprises managing intricate networks of services.
To unlock the full potential of these AWS services, gaining comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience is key. ACTE Technologies, a renowned training provider, offers specialized AWS training programs designed to provide practical skills and in-depth understanding. These programs equip you with the tools needed to navigate and excel in the dynamic world of cloud computing.
With AWS services at your disposal, the possibilities are endless, and innovation knows no bounds. Join the ever-growing community of cloud professionals and enthusiasts, and empower yourself to shape the future of the digital landscape. ACTE Technologies is your trusted guide on this journey, providing the knowledge and support needed to thrive in the world of AWS and cloud computing.
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annajade456 · 8 months
DevOps for Beginners: Navigating the Learning Landscape
DevOps, a revolutionary approach in the software industry, bridges the gap between development and operations by emphasizing collaboration and automation. For beginners, entering the world of DevOps might seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In this blog, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide to learn DevOps, from understanding its core philosophy to gaining hands-on experience with essential tools and cloud platforms. By the end of this journey, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of DevOps.
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The Beginner's Path to DevOps Mastery:
1. Grasp the DevOps Philosophy:
Start with the Basics: DevOps is more than just a set of tools; it's a cultural shift in how software development and IT operations work together. Begin your journey by understanding the fundamental principles of DevOps, which include collaboration, automation, and delivering value to customers.
2. Get to Know Key DevOps Tools:
Version Control: One of the first steps in DevOps is learning about version control systems like Git. These tools help you track changes in code, collaborate with team members, and manage code repositories effectively.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Dive into CI/CD tools like Jenkins and GitLab CI. These tools automate the building and deployment of software, ensuring a smooth and efficient development pipeline.
Configuration Management: Gain proficiency in configuration management tools such as Ansible, Puppet, or Chef. These tools automate server provisioning and configuration, allowing for consistent and reliable infrastructure management.
Containerization and Orchestration: Explore containerization using Docker and container orchestration with Kubernetes. These technologies are integral to managing and scaling applications in a DevOps environment.
3. Learn Scripting and Coding:
Scripting Languages: DevOps engineers often use scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, or Bash to automate tasks and configure systems. Learning the basics of one or more of these languages is crucial.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Delve into Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation. IaC allows you to define and provision infrastructure using code, streamlining resource management.
4. Build Skills in Cloud Services:
Cloud Platforms: Learn about the main cloud providers, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Discover the creation, configuration, and management of cloud resources. These skills are essential as DevOps often involves deploying and managing applications in the cloud.
DevOps in the Cloud: Explore how DevOps practices can be applied within a cloud environment. Utilize services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk or Azure DevOps for automated application deployments, scaling, and management.
5. Gain Hands-On Experience:
Personal Projects: Put your knowledge to the test by working on personal projects. Create a small web application, set up a CI/CD pipeline for it, or automate server configurations. Hands-on practice is invaluable for gaining real-world experience.
Open Source Contributions: Participate in open source DevOps initiatives. Collaborating with experienced professionals and contributing to real-world projects can accelerate your learning and provide insights into industry best practices.
6. Enroll in DevOps Courses:
Structured Learning: Consider enrolling in DevOps courses or training programs to ensure a structured learning experience. Institutions like ACTE Technologies offer comprehensive DevOps training programs designed to provide hands-on experience and real-world examples. These courses cater to beginners and advanced learners, ensuring you acquire practical skills in DevOps.
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In your quest to master the art of DevOps, structured training can be a game-changer. ACTE Technologies, a renowned training institution, offers comprehensive DevOps training programs that cater to learners at all levels. Whether you're starting from scratch or enhancing your existing skills, ACTE Technologies can guide you efficiently and effectively in your DevOps journey. DevOps is a transformative approach in the world of software development, and it's accessible to beginners with the right roadmap. By understanding its core philosophy, exploring key tools, gaining hands-on experience, and considering structured training, you can embark on a rewarding journey to master DevOps and become an invaluable asset in the tech industry.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Apple M4 Chip and iOS 18: A Look at Next-Level Performance
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Apple M4 Chip Rumors Apple M4 Chip Features
Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman says Apple will add M4 Chips to its Macs in late 2024. Artificial intelligence performance will be improved by the Apple M4 Chip. Apple intends to launch its first Macs equipped with the Apple M4 Chip family of CPUs in that time frame.
M4 Chip Release date Since Apple unveiled the M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max CPUs all at once in October of last year, it’s probable the Apple M4 Chip range may be shown around the same time. Gurman said the M4 will be arriving in late 2024 and early 2025 for all Macs.
The first to get Apple M4 Chips are the iMac, low-level 14-inch MacBook Pro, elite 14-inch MacBook Pro, 16-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini. The 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models will get them in springtime 2025, the Mac Studio’s in mid-2025, and the Mac Pro later in.
Apple is approaching manufacture of the Apple M4 Chip, which will come in at least three flavours. Donan, Brava, and Hidra are the codenames for the entry-level, mid-range, and top-tier chips, respectively. The low-end Mac mini, MacBook Air, and entry-level MacBook Pro will all utilise the Donan chip, while the higher-end MacBook Pro and MacBook mini will use the Brava chip.
Since the Hidra chip is made for the Mac Pro, it is likely a “Ultra” or “Extreme” category processor. With regard to the Mac Studio, Apple is testing variants that include an M4 Brava CPU variant that is likely of a better calibre than the M4 Pro and M4 Max “Brava” chips, as well as an unpublished M3-era chip.
The maximum amount of Unified Memory that M4 models of Mac desktop computers might handle is 512GB, a significant increase above the present cap of 192GB.
Although TSMC, an Apple supplier, is expected to use an enhanced version of the 3nm process for increased performance and power efficiency, the M4 chips will be constructed using the same 3-nanometer technology as the M3 processors. Apple also intends to include a much enhanced Neural Engine with more cores for AI applications.
This week brought news of Apple’s hardware roadmap. They plan to release a complete portfolio of M4-based Macs later this year, along with various iPad models, and should solidify plans for the introduction of newer iPad Pro and iPad Air models next month.
As they examined how things are going with the iPhone 15 Pro now that it is halfway through its flagship lifetime, they also heard some new rumours regarding iOS 18, which is scheduled to be introduced at WWDC in a few months. Continue reading below for all the information on these tales and more!
As to the source, the M4 series of CPUs will be rolled out later this year to the MacBook Pro and iMac lines, and during 2025, additional models like as the MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro are anticipated to get updates as well.
According to a recent report by Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, other models with M4 series CPUs would be introduced in the next year, after the initial release of the first ones later this year. Gurman provided a more detailed plan for these Macs in his Power On email today.
Gurman reaffirmed that the Mac Studio and Mac Pro would be compatible with Apple’s internally tested M3 Ultra processor, but he added that it is “all but assured that at least some of Apple’s high-end desktops” would forego the M3 chip series.
Gurman said that Apple would highlight the M4 processor series’ artificial intelligence capabilities.
iOS 18 iOS 18 Features
According to reports, Cloud Servers Won’t Be Used for Apple’s First AI Features in iOS 18
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple’s initial round of new AI capabilities for iOS 18 won’t depend on cloud servers at all.
In the Q&A part of his Power On email today, Gurman said, “It appears that that the first set of features will work entirely on device as the world watches Apple’s big AI unveiling on June 10.” “That indicates that there is not a cloud computing element to the organization’s large language model, the application that enables the new capabilities.”
iOS 18 update Gurman predicts that Apple will likely continue to provide certain cloud-based AI capabilities powered by Gemini from Google or another supplier. Regarding possible collaborations in generative AI, Apple is said to have spoken with businesses including China’s Baidu, OpenAI, and Google. Although it is uncertain whether Gemini or another chatbot will be directly incorporated into iOS 18, it is not anticipated that Apple’s ChatGPT like chatbot would be included in iOS 18.
Given that Apple supply chain experts, like Ming-Chi Kuo and Jeff Pu, have said that the business is aggressively buying AI servers, it is plausible that Apple may eventually provide some of its own cloud-based generative AI capabilities.
New generative AI capabilities for the iPhone’s Spotlight search function, the Siri, Safari, Shortcuts, Apple Music, Messages, Health, Numbers, Pages, Keynote, and other apps are reportedly coming with iOS 18. Previously, Gurman stated that generative AI would let Siri answer more difficult inquiries and auto-complete phrases in Messages.
iOS 18 release date At WWDC, which runs from June 10 to 14, Apple is likely to reveal iOS 18 and other software improvements.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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inextures · 7 months
Interactive and Conversational Search with Google Cloud and Elasticsearch
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These days, where we have such a lot of online information, it’s truly essential to find what you really want rapidly and precisely. That is the very thing that this blog post is about. We will discuss a better approach for looking and searching online, utilizing something many refer to as interactive and conversational search.
This method makes searching more like having a chat, and it uses some cool tools from Google Cloud and Elasticsearch. We’ll take a gander at how these better approaches for looking are unique in relation to the old ones, and how Google Cloud’s most recent tech improves looking through even. We’re likewise going to look at Elasticsearch, which is a search engine web index, and perceive how it cooperates with Google Cloud to make your searches fast and simple.
What is Interactive and Conversational Search?
A flow method for looking for information that goes beyond the usual practice of inputting keywords into a search engine is interactive and conversational search. All things being equal, it empowers clients to communicate with the search system in a more normal and conversational manner, using text or voice.
This technology utilizes progress in artificial intelligence, especially in natural language processing and machine learning, to comprehend, interpret, and answer client inquiries in a way like that of a human. The objective is to further develop the search experience by making it more automatic, productive, and easy to understand.
Users can get clarification on pressing issues or make demands in natural language, and the system is intended to comprehend the context and intent behind these searches, resulting in more accurate and relevant replies.
This technology is particularly helpful in applications requiring fast and exact information retrieval, such as customer service bots, personal digital assistants, and sophisticated data analysis tools.
Google Cloud – Powering Advanced Search Capabilities
What is Google Cloud?
Google Cloud is a Google cloud computing service that provides a variety of server and computation choices for web applications. It offers computing, storage, and Application Development Services that are provided on Google hardware, allowing developers and organizations to develop, test, and roll out applications on Google’s highly scalable and dependable infrastructure.
Let’s discuss various aspects of Google Cloud
The AI and Machine Learning Edge of Google Cloud
At its core, Google Cloud uses the force of power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)  to offer extraordinary abilities in information handling and analytics. These technologies are significant in understanding and interpreting the vast amount of data generated day to day. Google Cloud’s sAI and ML services are intended to be available and adaptable, making them reasonable for organizations, all things considered.
The strength of Google Cloud lies in its complex calculations and neural networks, which are continually learning and evolving. This consistent improvement considers more precise expectations and insights, essential for making a proficient and intelligent search experience.
Enhancing Search Functionalities with Google Cloud
Google Cloud significantly enhances search functionalities in several ways, most notably through natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a branch of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. It enables machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language in a useful and meaningful way.
One of the key applications of NLP in search is understanding the context and intent behind user queries. Traditional search engines might struggle with complex or conversational queries, but with Google Cloud’s NLP capabilities, search engines can interpret these queries more effectively. This means users can ask questions in natural, conversational language and receive more accurate and relevant results.
For example, if a user searches for “best strategies for online marketing in 2023,” Google Cloud’s NLP tools can analyze the query to understand the specific intent – in this case, looking for recent and effective online marketing strategies. The search engine can then prioritize content that is not only relevant to online marketing but also current and strategy-focused.
Real-World Applications and Future Potential
The applications of Google Cloud’s search capabilities are vast and varied. From powering sophisticated recommendation engines in e-commerce platforms to enabling efficient document search in large corporate databases, the potential is limitless. The real power lies in its adaptability and how businesses can leverage these tools to meet their specific needs.
As we look to the future, the integration of AI and ML in search is only set to deepen. With advancements in AI and machine learning, particularly in areas like deep learning and predictive analytics, Google Cloud is well-positioned to lead this charge. The potential for creating even more personalized, intuitive, and intelligent search experiences is immense, paving the way for a new era in digital information access and management.
Elasticsearch – The Backbone of Search Engines
Elasticsearch stands out as a pivotal technology. Originally released in 2010, it has rapidly grown to become a key player in the search engine landscape, renowned for its speed, scalability, and robust set of features.
What is Elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch is an open-source, distributed search and analytics engine, designed for horizontal scalability, reliability, and easy management. It is built on top of Apache Lucene, a high-performance, full-text search engine library. This foundation enables Elasticsearch to not only perform complex searches but also to handle large volumes of data in real time.
Also Read: Explore Elasticsearch and Why It’s Worth Using?
Core Features of Elasticsearch
Full-Text Search: At its core, Elasticsearch excels in full-text search. It breaks down texts into individual terms or phrases and allows for complex query types including fuzzy matching, wildcard searches, and synonym handling. This makes it extremely powerful for searching through large volumes of text-heavy data.
Scalability: One of the most amazing elements of Elasticsearch is its capacity to scale. It can deal with petabytes of structured and unstructured information, and its appropriate nature implies that it can develop with your necessities. Whether you’re a little startup or a huge endeavor, Elasticsearch adjusts to your data requirements without compromising on performance.
Real-Time Data and Analytics: Elasticsearch works progressively. As soon as a document is indexed, it’s searchable. This feature is critical for applications that require immediate insights from their data, like monitoring tools, financial analysis, and e-commerce platforms.
Distributed Architecture: Its distributed architecture ensures that your data is always available and accessible. Elasticsearch automatically replicates data to ensure resilience and high availability, meaning that even in the case of hardware failure, your search system remains operational.
Powerful API and Ecosystem: Elasticsearch comes with a rich set of APIs that allow for seamless integration with numerous languages such as Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, and more. The Elastic Stack, which includes Kibana for data visualization and Logstash for data processing, complements Elasticsearch to provide a comprehensive search and data analysis solution.
Applications of Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is used across various industries for different purposes:
E-commerce: For product searches and personalized recommendations.
Logging and Monitoring: For analyzing and visualizing logs in real-time.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): For threat hunting and security analytics.
Search Applications: As the underlying engine for custom search applications across websites and enterprise systems.
Integrating Google Cloud with Elasticsearch
Integrating Google Cloud with Elasticsearch represents a significant advancement in search and data analysis. This integration combines Google Cloud’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities with Elasticsearch’s robust, scalable search engine framework.
The result is a powerful synergy that enhances search functionalities, enabling more intuitive, accurate, and real-time responses to complex queries. Businesses can leverage this integration to analyze large datasets, gain actionable insights, and provide users with an unmatched search experience.
Whether it’s processing natural language queries, delivering personalized search results, or offering predictive analytics, the combination of Google Cloud and Elasticsearch paves the way for innovative and efficient data-driven solutions.
Use Cases and Applications
The integration of Google Cloud and Elasticsearch significantly enhances search capabilities across various sectors. In e-commerce, it improves product discovery through natural language queries, enhancing both user experience and sales.
Customer service benefits from AI-powered conversational bots that can handle complex inquiries efficiently. In healthcare, it streamlines access to patient records and medical information, aiding in faster decision-making.
Additionally, for data analytics, this combination simplifies extracting insights from large datasets, making the process more intuitive and efficient. This synergy of Google Cloud’s AI and Elasticsearch’s search functionality marks a leap in creating more user-friendly, intelligent search experiences across diverse industries.
The integration of Google Cloud and Elasticsearch marks a transformative step in search technology. More than a technical feat, it’s a portal to a future where search engines evolve into intelligent partners, adept in processing natural language and delivering precise, efficient results.
This synergy heralds a new wave of innovation across sectors, making our interactions with the digital world more intuitive, responsive, and centered around user needs. As we advance, this blend of Google Cloud’s AI and Elasticsearch’s search prowess promises to redefine not just how we search, but also how we experience the digital landscape. The future of search is conversational, intelligent, and here to revolutionize our digital interactions.
Originally published by: Interactive and Conversational Search with Google Cloud and Elasticsearch
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Tron
Code Name: Site-GRID
Object Class: Euclid/ Thamuiel
Special Containment Procedures: The entirety of SCP-ACH is contained within Site-AQ. All the devices that make up SCP-ACH is contained within a 60x60 meter server room. The room is guarded by a Level 2 Surveillance A.I. as well as ten Foundation guards with six in the room and four outsides. The guards are to be trained in hand-to-hand close quarters combat and are only armed with batons to minimize potential damage to SCP-ACH. 
Inside of SCP-ACH is "Site-GRID", in order for Foundation personnel to enter Site-GRID they are to first be approved by the Site Director of Site-AQ or requested by the Site Director of Site-GRID. Anyone who enters SCP-ACH's containment room who has not met either requirement is to be apprehended, tortured for questioning, and killed afterwards. There are no exceptions. 
Description: SCP-ACH is a computer labeled SCP-ACH-1 and a device capable of digitalizing anything into a virtual world labeled SCP-ACH-2. SCP-ACH's design is simple in nature yet SCP-ACH-1 is able to hold an entire virtual world into its data and SCP-ACH-2 is able to digitize anything it fires its laser at 100% accuracy and 0% chance of failure. How SCP-ACH is able to do this is entirely unknown. Unfortunately, SCP-ACH has also been confirmed to be quite fragile so to take apart SCP-ACH to build a new model of both parts is not advised.
As explained earlier, SCP-ACH-2 is able to fire a laser, once this laser comes into contact with anything, it digitalizes it into the virtual world within SCP-ACH-1. This virtual world which is labeled as SCP-ACH-3, is a world almost as large as the entirety of Russia. Though thanks to being connected to Foundation servers it has expanded to that of an entire world. Regardless SCP-ACH-3 is populated by two types of entities known as SCP-ACH-3.1 instances and SCP-ACH-3.2 instances.
SCP-ACH-3.1 or "programs" as they call themselves are human looking entities that are no different to A.I. programs within a software. However, within SCP-ACH-3 or "the gird" as they call it, they have their own personalities and will. Just like normal programs, SCP-ACH-3.1 instances can be reprogramed to do something else and obey any command input into them. However, doing so can have the side effect of degrading their personality. Each SCP-ACH-3.1 instance is created by SCP-ACH-3 depending on what is needed, the most common jobs is medic, teacher, guard, builder, engineer, and program designer. They can create amazing things such as structures, tools, weapons, and even vehicles through programing alone since everything within SCP-ACH-3 is virtual. SCP-ACH-3.1 also have discs on their back that act as both a weapon to slice enemies as well as a data core to keep their memories intact. Without the disk their memories will start to degrade until they become no different to rampaging psychopaths.
SCP-ACH-3.2's are similar in appearance to SCP-ACH-3.1 instances thought the main difference is that they have circuitry like patterns on their body and they don't follow programs. In fact, SCP-ACH-3.2 instances or "ISOs" as they are called, though similar in appearance, have digitally more advanced algorithms in their codes. Essential SCP-ACH-3.1 instances are no different to Level 4 Artificial Intelligence, this gives them limitless evolution and makes them extremely dangerous. However, it also means that when given a purpose they can except at it with remarkable results though unlike SCP-ACH-3.1 instances, they are able to decide whether they want to follow those orders or not. 
Essentially when given the opportunity SCP-ACH-3.2 instances could have limitless potential. Unfortunately, because of their evolution SCP-ACH-3.2 instance are prone to spontaneous glitches and programing mutations that may lead to deviancy and corruption. It is also possible for SCP-ACH-3.1 instances to suffer this, but the chances are 0.005% unlike the 0.5% chance for SCP-ACH-3.2 instances. Should this corruption happen, the result will be an SCP-ACH-3.3 instance. 
SCP-ACH-3.3 instances or "Viruses" as they are called, can infect both programs and ISOs alike turning them into slaves of SCP-ACH-3.3 instances. Unfortunately, as time goes on the SCP-ACH-3.3 instance is able to manipulate their code making them stronger, faster, and on rare occasions manifest objects like weapons. Unlike previous SCP-ACH-3 entities, SCP-ACH-3 instances desire power and to spread as much as possible. Mobile Task Force Zeus-4 "Hackers" is the security force of Site-GRID as well as the entirety of SCP-ACH-3. They are responsible for finding, containing, and/ or destroying SCP-ACH-3.3. 
SCP-ACH as a whole was discovered back in 1984 when Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 "Skynet" detected a massive influx of power and data being absorbed into the servers of the main building of the ENCOM Corporation. Mobile Task Force Pi-1 "City Slickers" quickly locked down the building and raided it. The cover story being the building was being attacked by a cyber terrorist, not far from the truth. However, once MTF Pi-1 made it to the location of SCP-ACH the entity known as [data expunged] was defeated by Person of Interest: Kevin Flynn. Afterwards all involved parties were quickly amnestied of SCP-ACH's existence thought everything else was allowed including the removal of Dillinger form the company and Kevin Flynn being reassigned as the new CEO. 
Afterwards SCP-ACH was taken from the building and transported to Site-AQ. Once SCP-ACH-3 was discovered as well as the entities that reside inside of it, it was decided to have Foundation presence inside of SCP-ACH-3. This led to the development of Site-GRID as well as an influx of knowledge and great improvement in Foundation technology thanks to SCP-ACH-3.1 and 3.2 entities being employed by the Foundation. the SCP-ACH-3.1 instances tend to see Foundation staff within SCP-ACH-3 as "users" and revere users as sort of demi-gods. SCP-ACH-3.2 instances sometimes have the same opinion but can often treat Foundation staff as equals instead. Unfortunately, SCP-ACH-3.1 instances tend to show hostility towards SCP-ACH-3.2 instances and vice versa.  
Because of the instability of SCP-ACH-3 posed by the SCP-ACH-3.3 instances as well as the racial tensions between SCP-ACH-3.1 and 3.2 instances; the Foundation agreed to protect all instances within SCP-ACH-3 in exchange for services, knowledge technology, and weapons. Its thanks to this established peace that the entities within SCP-ACH-3 can live in peace and harmony while the Foundation continues to have the best knowledge and technology among all organizations within the ACPA. 
Testing has shown that it it's possible to manifest objects within SCP-ACH-3 out into the real world but to do so requires moving SCP-ACH-2 to a more spacious area first. Furthermore, the technology within SCP-ACH-3 is so technologically anomalous that bringing them into the real world is a possible violation of Protocol "Censorship". As such weapons and entities created within SCP-ACH-3 are to never enter the real world. The only exception to this would be when the Foundation is forced to enact Protocol "Final Order". SCP-ACH-3 is also to be used as an escape area should an XK-Class End of the World Scenario occur. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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react-js · 10 months
React JS
Unleashing the Power of User Interfaces: A Guide to React.js
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces is crucial to delivering engaging online experiences. One technology that has risen to prominence in this domain is React.js. Developed by Facebook, React.js has transformed the way developers build web applications by providing a powerful framework for building modular and reusable UI components. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of React.js, exploring its core concepts, benefits, and practical applications.
Understanding React.js:
At its heart, React.js is a JavaScript library that focuses on the efficient rendering of user interfaces. It employs a declarative approach to building UI components, where developers define how the interface should look at any given point in time, and React takes care of efficiently updating and rendering the UI when data changes.
Key Concepts:
Components: In React, user interfaces are constructed using components - self-contained, reusable building blocks that encapsulate both UI elements and the logic to manage their behavior. Components can be nested within each other, forming a tree-like structure that represents the entire user interface.
Virtual DOM: One of the most powerful features of React is its Virtual DOM. Rather than directly manipulating the actual DOM, React creates a lightweight virtual representation of the DOM in memory. When there are changes in the data or state of a component, React calculates the difference (also known as the "diff") between the previous and current virtual DOM states, and then applies only the necessary updates to the actual DOM. This process greatly improves performance and minimizes unnecessary re-rendering.
State and Props: State represents the dynamic data that can change within a component. Props (short for properties) are immutable data that are passed from parent to child components, allowing for dynamic content and customization.
Lifecycle Methods: React components have a lifecycle, consisting of phases from initialization to rendering, updating, and unmounting. Developers can tap into these lifecycle methods to control behavior at various points in a component's existence.
Hooks: Introduced in React 16.8, hooks are functions that allow developers to add state and lifecycle features to functional components. This enables a more concise and readable code structure, promoting the use of functional components over class components.
Benefits of Using React.js:
Modularity and Reusability: React's component-based architecture promotes modular development. Components can be reused across different parts of an application or even shared between projects, leading to more efficient development and easier maintenance.
Performance: By employing the Virtual DOM and selective rendering, React minimizes the performance overhead of constantly updating the actual DOM. This results in faster, smoother user interfaces, even for complex applications.
Community and Ecosystem: React has a vast and active community that contributes to its ecosystem. This means there are numerous libraries, tools, and resources available to enhance and streamline the development process.
SEO-Friendly: React applications can be rendered on the server side, improving search engine optimization (SEO) by providing search engines with a fully rendered HTML page.
Practical Applications:
React.js finds applications in a wide range of projects, from simple web apps to complex enterprise-level solutions. Some common use cases include:
Single-Page Applications (SPAs): React excels in building SPAs where fluid user experiences are key. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram use React to power their dynamic interfaces.
E-Commerce Websites: React's modular nature is beneficial for e-commerce sites, allowing developers to create reusable components for product listings, carts, and checkout processes.
Data Dashboards: React is suitable for building data visualization dashboards that require real-time updates and interactive charts.
Mobile Applications: React Native, an extension of React.js, is used to develop cross-platform mobile applications with a native-like experience.
In Conclusion:
React.js has revolutionized the way web applications are developed by providing a powerful set of tools for building modular, efficient, and interactive user interfaces. Its component-based architecture, Virtual DOM, and rich ecosystem make it a top choice for developers looking to create modern and engaging web experiences. Whether you're building a personal project or a complex enterprise application, React.js is a valuable technology to have in your toolkit. So, embrace the power of React.js and embark on a journey to create stunning user interfaces that captivate and delight your audience.
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blu-engineer · 11 months
cool dice [heart]
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ok here i go!
Team Fortress 2 is a 2007 multiplayer first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to the 1996 Team Fortress mod for Quake and its 1999 remake, Team Fortress Classic. The game was released in October 2007 as part of The Orange Box for Windows and the Xbox 360, and ported to the PlayStation 3 in December 2007. It was released as a standalone game for Windows in April 2008, and updated to support Mac OS X in June 2010 and Linux in February 2013. It is distributed online through Valve's digital retailer Steam, with Electronic Arts managing retail and console editions.
Players join one of two teams—RED or BLU—and choose one of nine character classes to play as, with game modes including capture the flag and king of the hill. Development was led by John Cook and Robin Walker, the developers of the original Team Fortress mod. Team Fortress 2 was announced in 1998 under the name Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms. Initially, the game had more realistic, militaristic visuals and gameplay, but this changed over the protracted nine years of development. After Valve released no information for six years, Team Fortress 2 regularly featured in Wired News' annual vaporware list among other entries. Finally released on the Source game engine in 2007, Team Fortress 2 would preserve much of the core class-based gameplay of its predecessors while featuring an overhauled, cartoon-like visual style influenced by the works of J. C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell, and Norman Rockwell, alongside an increased focus on the visual and verbal characterization of its playable classes and what the developers have described as a 1960s spy movie aesthetic.
Team Fortress 2 has received critical acclaim for its art direction, gameplay, humor, and use of character in a wholly multiplayer game, and since its release has been referred to as one of the greatest video games ever created. The game continues to receive official Valve server support as of January 2023, in addition to new content being released on a seasonal basis in the form of submissions made through the Steam Workshop. In June 2011, the game became free-to-play, supported by microtransactions for in-game cosmetics. A 'drop system' was also added and refined, allowing free-to-play users to periodically receive in-game equipment and items. Though the game has had an unofficial competitive scene since its release, both support for official competitive play through ranked matchmaking and an overhauled casual experience were added in July 2016. Since early 2020, the official Valve servers have seen an influx of bot accounts using cheat software, often inhibiting legitimate gameplay.
A group of RED players attack a BLU base on the map "Well".
In most game modes, BLU and RED compete for a combat-based objective. Players can choose to play as one of nine character classes in these teams, each with their own unique strengths, weaknesses, and weapon sets. In order to accomplish objectives efficiently, a balance of these classes is required due to how these strengths and weaknesses interact with each other in a team-based environment. Although the abilities of a number of classes have changed from earlier Team Fortress incarnations, the basic elements of each class have remained, that being one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, and one melee weapon. The game was released with six official maps, although over one hundred maps have since been included in subsequent updates, including community-created maps. When players choose a gamemode for the first time, an introductory video is played, showing how to complete its objectives. During matches, the Administrator, voiced by Ellen McLain, announces events over loudspeakers. The player limit for one match is 16 on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and 24 on the Windows edition. However, in 2008, the Windows edition was updated to include a server variable that allows for up to 32 players.
Team Fortress 2 is the first of Valve's multiplayer games to provide detailed statistics for individual players, such as the total amount of time spent playing as each class, most points obtained, and most objectives completed in a single life. Persistent statistics tell the player how they are performing in relation to these statistics, such as if a player comes close to their record for the damage inflicted in a round. Team Fortress 2 also features numerous achievements for carrying out certain tasks, such as achieving a certain number of kills or completing a round within a certain time. Sets of class-specific achievements have been added in updates, which can award weapons to the player upon completion. This unlockable system has since been expanded into a random drop system, whereby players can also obtain items simply by playing the game.
Game modes
Core game modes
Team Fortress 2 contains five core game modes.
Attack/Defend (A/D) is a timed game mode in which the BLU team's goal is to capture RED control points. The number of control points varies between maps, and the points must be captured by the BLU team in respective order. To capture a control point, a player must stand on it for a certain amount of time. This process can be sped up by more players on one team capturing a single point. Once a control point is captured by the BLU team, it cannot be re-captured by the RED team. The RED team's job is to prevent the BLU team from capturing all the control points before the time limit ends. Once a point is captured, the time limit will extend.
Capture the Flag (CtF) is a mode which revolves around the BLU and RED teams attempting to steal and capture the opposing team's flag, represented in-game as an intelligence briefcase. At the same time, both teams must defend their own intelligence. When the intelligence is dropped by the carrier – either by dying or dropping it manually, it will stay on the ground for 1 minute before returning to its original location if it is not picked up again. A team's intelligence can only be carried by the opposing team. The first team to capture the enemy's intelligence three times wins.
Control Points (CP) is a timed game mode where there are several control points placed around the map, with 3 or 5 control points in total depending on the map. These are referred to as "3CP" and "5CP," respectively. The game will start off with only the middle control point being available for capture, with the other control points split equally among both teams. Once this middle control point is captured, a team can begin capturing the enemy team's points in respective order. The time limit is extended on the capture of a control point by either team. For a team to win, they must capture all the control points within the time limit.
King of the Hill (KOTH) is a timed game mode that contains a single control point at the middle of the map that can be captured by both the RED and BLU teams. Upon capturing the control point, a team-specific timer starts counting down but stops upon the point being captured by the opposing team. The first team to have their timer count down to 0 wins.
Payload (PL) is a timed game mode where the BLU team must push an explosive cart along a track, while the RED team must prevent the cart from reaching their base. To push the cart, at least one BLU player must stay within the range of the cart, which will dispense health and ammo every few seconds. The cart's speed will increase as more BLU players attempt to push it. Payload maps have multiple "checkpoints" along the track. Once these checkpoints are captured, they may adjust the spawn locations of both teams. Capturing a checkpoint will also increase the time limit. If the cart is not pushed by the BLU team for 20 seconds, it will begin to move back to the last captured checkpoint, where it will stop. The RED team can stop the cart from being pushed by being within range of it. The RED team wins by preventing the cart from reaching the final checkpoint before time runs out.
Alternative game modes
There are several alternative game modes in Team Fortress 2. These modes consist of a small number of maps and detach from the core game modes in some way.
Arena is a special game mode in which players do not respawn upon death. A team can win either by eliminating all opposing players, or by claiming a single capture point that opens after a certain time has elapsed. This mode is currently unavailable through matchmaking, but is still accessible through community servers.
Mannpower is a mode in which players have access to a grappling hook and assorted power-ups laid around the map that grant unique abilities. While not bound to any specific mode, all current official Mannpower maps use a variation of Capture the Flag. In Mannpower's variation of Capture the Flag, both teams have an intelligence flag, and the first team to capture the enemy's intelligence ten times wins. The mode is heavily inspired by the Quake mod, Threewave CTF, a mod created by former Valve employee David Kirsch.
Medieval Mode is a mode in which players are restricted to using melee and support weapons, with certain exceptions for medieval-themed projectile weapons. While not bound to any specific mode, the only official Medieval Mode map uses a 3CP variation of Attack/Defend. If Medieval Mode is enabled on a map, select phrases spoken by players in the in-game text chat will be replaced with more thematic variants, such as "hello" being replaced with "well meteth".
PASS Time is a unique timed game mode inspired by rugby, developed by Valve, Bad Robot Interactive, and Escalation Studios. Three unique goals (the Run-In, Throw-In, and Bonus Goals) are placed on each team's side of the map. A single ball called the JACK will spawn at the center of the map, and players must pick it up and carry it to the opposing team's side. Players can score a goal by either carrying the JACK to a Run-In Goal or by throwing the JACK through the Throw-In Goal. Three goals can be scored by throwing the JACK through the Bonus Goal, which is much more difficult to score. To win, a team must either score five goals, or have the most goals when the timer runs out.
Payload Race, like Payload, has the main objective being to push a cart to a final checkpoint. Unlike Payload, both the RED and BLU teams are fighting to push their cart to the final checkpoint. There is only one checkpoint for each track, and there is no time limit. The team to reach their checkpoint first wins.
Player Destruction is a community-made game mode in which a player's death causes a pickup to appear. The first team to collect a set number of pickups and deliver them to a drop-off point wins the game. The players on each team with the most pickups are highlighted for everyone to see, and gain a passive healing effect for themselves and any nearby teammates.
Special Delivery is a mode similar to Capture the Flag, but there is only one neutral briefcase that can be picked up both the RED and BLU teams. Upon a team picking up the briefcase, the opposing team will be unable to pick up the briefcase until it has been dropped for 45 seconds and respawns as a neutral briefcase. A team wins by carrying the briefcase onto a loading platform, which will gradually rise until the platform reaches its peak.
Territorial Control consists of several control points spread out across a single map. Like Control Points, each point can be captured by either the RED or BLU teams. Unlike Control Points, only two points are accessible at a single time. Upon a team's successful capture of a point, the "stage" ends and the accessible capture points change. When a team only has control of a single control point, they are blocked from capturing the opposing team's control point and the team must wait until the time limit is up and the accessible capture points change. A team wins by capturing all the control points.
Other game modes
These modes are not categorized with the other modes, and instead have their own separate sections in the game.
Halloween Mode is a special mode that is enabled during the Halloween season, and allows the players access to more than 20 maps, Halloween-exclusive cosmetics, and challenges. For example, Halloween 2012 included a difficult Mann vs. Machine mission involving destroying more than 800 enemy forces. Owing to popular demand of the Halloween events, Valve later added the Full Moon event, an event that triggers around every full moon phase throughout the year, which allows players to equip Halloween-exclusive cosmetics. In 2013, Valve introduced an item called Eternaween, and upon use, allows players of a specific server to use Halloween-exclusive cosmetics for 2 hours.
Mann vs Machine, also known as MvM, is a cooperative game mode where players must defend their base from waves of robots modeled after all nine playable classes, and slow-moving tanks carrying bombs. Robots and tanks drop a currency referred to as Credits upon their death, which players can use to buy upgrades for themselves or their weapons. The players win upon successfully defending their base from the bomb until the last wave. A paid version of this game mode called "Mann Up" is also available, where players buy tickets to play "Tours of Duty", a collection of missions with the chance to win unique cosmetics and weapon skins upon completion.
Offline Practice Mode is just like any other multiplayer match, but it only consists of the player and bots. The number of bots, their difficulty, and the map can all be adjusted to a player's preference, though only a select amount of maps are available to play.
Training Mode exists to help new players get acquainted with basic controls, and teaches them the basics of four of the nine classes. It uses wooden dummies and bots to teach players the basic mechanics of classes and the game.
Competitive play
Team Fortress 2 is played competitively, through multiple leagues. The North American league, ESEA, supports a paid Team Fortress 2 league, with $42,000 in prizes for the top teams in 2017. While formalized competitive gameplay is very different from normal Team Fortress 2, it offers an environment with a much higher level of teamwork than in public servers. Most teams use voice chat to communicate, and use a combination of strategy, communication, and mechanical skill to win against other teams. Community-run competitive leagues also tend to feature restrictions such as item bans and class limits. These leagues are often supported by Valve via in-game medals (which are submitted via the Steam Workshop) and announcements on the official blog.
In April 2015, Valve announced that a dedicated competitive mode would be added to Team Fortress 2, utilizing skill-based matchmaking; closed beta testing began in the following year. The competitive mode was added in the "Meet Your Match" update, released on July 7, 2016. Ranked matches are played six-vs-six, with players ranked in thirteen tiers based on win/losses and an assessment of their skills. Ranked matchmaking will balance players based on their tiers and rating. A similar matchmaking approach has been added for casual games for matches of 12-vs-12 players. In order to join competitive matchmaking, players must have associated their Steam account with the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, as well as having a Team Fortress 2 "premium account", which is unlocked by either having bought the game before it went free-to-play or by having made an in-game item purchase since.
Team Fortress 2 is played in a variety of different formats, which dictate the maximum size and composition of a team and can drastically change the impact of a single player's gameplay or choice of class. The two most basic formats consist of 12v12 and 6v6 ("Sixes"), the two being used on official Valve servers for casual and competitive modes respectively with no additional limitations. Most competitive leagues host Sixes but include limits on certain classes and weapons to preserve traditional, skill-based playstyles, for example limiting the allowed amount of medics or demomen to one on either team or banning certain movement-enhancing weapons from use. Other popular formats include "Highlander", a 9v9 format with a limit of one player per each of the nine classes, as well as a Sixes-inspired 7v7 variant thereof known as "Prolander" to allow for strategically switching classes during a competitive game.
Characters and setting
From left to right: Pyro, Engineer, Spy, Heavy, Sniper, Scout, Soldier, Demoman, and Medic
Team Fortress 2 features nine playable classes, evenly split and categorized into "Offense", "Defense", and "Support". Each class has strengths and weaknesses and must work with other classes to be efficient, encouraging strategy and teamwork. Each class has at least three default weapons: a primary weapon, secondary weapon, and melee weapon. Some classes have additional slots for PDAs.
The Scout (Nathan Vetterlein) is an American baseball fan and street runner from Boston, Massachusetts who practiced running to "beat his mad dog siblings to the fray." He is a fast, agile character, who is armed by default with a scattergun, a pistol, and an aluminum baseball bat. The Scout can double jump, and counts as two people when capturing control points, thus doubling the capture speed, and when pushing the Payload cart.
The Soldier (Rick May) is an American jingoistic patriot from the Midwest who stylizes himself as a military man despite having never served in any branch of the Armed Forces. The Soldier is armed by default with a rocket launcher, a shotgun, and a folding shovel. He is both the second-slowest class in the game and the class with the second-highest health, after the Heavy Weapons Guy. The Soldier can use his rocket launcher to rocket jump to other locations at the cost of some health.
The Pyro (Dennis Bateman) is a pyromaniac of unknown gender and origin who wears a fire-retardant suit and a voice-muffling gas mask. By default, the Pyro is armed with a flamethrower, a shotgun, and a fire axe. In addition to simply flames, the Pyro's flamethrower can also produce a blast of compressed air that repels any nearby enemies and projectiles, and extinguishes burning teammates. The Pyro is deluded and believes they are living in a utopian fantasy world referred to as "Pyroland".
The Demoman (Gary Schwartz) is a Black Scottish, one-eyed, alcoholic demolitions expert from Ullapool, Scotland. Armed by default with a timed-fuse grenade launcher, a remotely-detonated "stickybomb" launcher, and a glass bottle of scrumpy, the Demoman can use his explosives to provide indirect fire and set traps. Similar to the Soldier's rocket jump, the Demoman can use his stickybomb launcher to "sticky jump" at the cost of some health.
The Heavy Weapons Guy, or simply the Heavy (Gary Schwartz), is a large Russian man from the Dzhugdzhur Mountains of the USSR. He is heavy in stature and accent, and is obsessed with firepower. He is the slowest class, and can both sustain and deal substantial amounts of damage. His default weapons consist of a minigun that he affectionately refers to as "Sasha", a shotgun, and his fists.
The Engineer (Grant Goodeve) is an American inventor, engineer, intellectual, and "good ol' boy" from Bee Cave, Texas. The Engineer can build structures to support his team: a sentry gun for defending key points, a health and ammunition dispenser, and a pair of teleporter modules (one entrance and one exit). The Engineer is armed by default with a shotgun, a pistol, a wrench that functions as both a melee weapon and to repair and upgrade his buildings, and two separate PDAs; one to erect his buildings and one to remotely destroy them.
The Medic (Robin Atkin Downes) is a German doctor from Stuttgart with little regard for the Hippocratic Oath. He is equipped with a "Medi Gun" that can restore health to injured teammates. When healing teammates, the Medi Gun progressively builds an "ÜberCharge" meter, which, when fully charged, can be activated to provide the Medic and his patient with temporary invulnerability. The Medic is also equipped with a syringe gun and a bonesaw for situations in which he must fight without his teammates' protection. He keeps doves as pets, one of which is named Archimedes.
The Sniper (John Patrick Lowrie) is an ocker assassin born in New Zealand and raised in the Australian outback, equipped by default with a laser-sighted sniper rifle to shoot enemies from afar. Depending on how the player aims and fires, he can cause severe damage or an instant kill with a headshot. By default, he also carries a submachine gun and a kukri for close combat.
The Spy (Dennis Bateman) is a French covert operative whose equipment is designed for stealth and infiltration, including a cloaking device disguised as a wristwatch, an electronic sapper used to disable and destroy enemy Engineers' buildings, and a device hidden in his cigarette case that enables him to disguise himself as any player on either team. He is armed with a revolver and a butterfly knife, able to use the latter to instantly kill enemies by stabbing them in the back. He is the only character who does not wear any clothing in his team's bright color or a patch denoting his specialty, instead preferring a balaclava, business suit, necktie, and gloves in muted team-color hues. In the extended media it is revealed that the Spy is the father of the Scout.
Non-playable characters
Other characters include the Administrator (voiced by Ellen McLain), an unseen announcer who provides information about time limits and objectives to players, and her assistant Miss Pauling (Ashly Burch). The cast has expanded with Halloween updates, including the characters of the "Horseless Headless Horsemann" and Monoculus (Gary Schwartz). 2012 and 2013 saw the addition of Merasmus, the Bombinomicon, and Redmond, Blutarch, Zepheniah, and Gray Mann (the first three all played by Nolan North). Previous unused voicelines recorded by North were later used for Horseless Headless Horsemann seen in the 2019 map "Laughter" and a jack-o'-lantern resting atop the Payload cart in the 2020 map "Bloodwater". The character Davy Jones (voiced by Calvin Kipperman) made an appearance in the 2018 map "Cursed Cove".
In the video announcement for the "Jungle Inferno" update, Mann Co. CEO Saxton Hale, a hypermasculine Australian adventurer, is voiced by JB Blanc.
Logo and motto of the fictional Mann Co.
Although Team Fortress 2 is designed as an open-ended multiplayer experience without an active storyline, the game and additional material nonetheless feature a wider narrative centered around the fictional Mann Co., a large shipping and manufacturing company led by CEO Saxton Hale. The main PvP gamemodes are set during the "Gravel Wars", a conflict between the rival heirs Redmond "Red" and Blutarch "Blu" Mann for which the nine playable characters were hired out as mercenaries. Gray Mann later emerges as the third competitor, killing the other two brothers and forcing Hale to rehire the mercenaries to protect Mann Co. from Gray's robot army in the Mann vs Machine cooperative horde shooter mode.
The original Team Fortress was developed by the Australian team TF Software, comprising Robin Walker and John Cook, as a free mod for the 1996 PC game Quake. In 1998, Walker and Cook were employed by Valve, which had just released its first game, Half-Life. Valve began developing Team Fortress 2 as an expansion pack for Half-Life using Valve's GoldSrc engine, and gave a release date for the end of the year. In 1999, Valve released Team Fortress Classic, a port of the original Team Fortress, as a free Half-Life mod. Team Fortress Classic was developed using the publicly available Half-Life software development kit as an example to the community and industry of its flexibility. Team Fortress 2 originally featured a realistic visual style.
Unlike Team Fortress, Valve originally planned Team Fortress 2 to have a modern war aesthetic. It would feature innovations including a command hierarchy with a Commander class, parachute drops over enemy territory, and networked voice communication. The Commander class played similarly to a real-time strategy game, with the player viewing the game from a bird's-eye perspective and issuing orders to players and AI-controlled soldiers.
Team Fortress 2 was first shown at E3 1999 as Team Fortress 2 Brotherhood of Arms, where Valve showcased new technologies including parametric animation, which blended animations for smoother, more lifelike movement, and Intel's multi-resolution mesh technology, which dynamically reduced the detail of distant on-screen elements to improve performance. The game earned several awards including Best Online Game and Best Action Game.
In mid-2000, Valve announced that Team Fortress 2 had been delayed for a second time. They attributed the delay to development switching to its new in-house engine, Source. Following the announcement, Valve released no news on the game for six years. Walker and Cook worked on various other Valve projects; Walker was project lead on Half-Life 2: Episode One and Cook worked on Valve's content distribution platform Steam. Team Fortress 2 became a prominent example of vaporware, a long-anticipated game that had seen years of development, and was often mentioned alongside another much-delayed game, Duke Nukem Forever. Walker said that Valve built three or four different versions of Team Fortress 2 before settling on their final design. Shortly before the release of Half-Life 2 in 2004, Valve's marketing director Doug Lombardi confirmed that Team Fortress 2 was still in development.
Final design and release
Valve reintroduced Team Fortress 2 at the July 2006 EA Summer Showcase event. Departing from the realistic visual design of other Valve games, Team Fortress 2 features a cartoon-like visual style influenced by 20th-century commercial illustrations and the artwork of J. C. Leyendecker, Dean Cornwell, and Norman Rockwell, achieved through Gooch shading. The game debuted with the Source engine's new dynamic lighting, shadowing and soft particle technologies alongside Half-Life 2: Episode Two. It was the first game to implement the Source engine's new Facial Animation 3 features.
Valve abandoned the realistic style when it became impossible to reconcile it with the unrealistic gameplay, with opposing armies having constructed elaborate bases directly next to each other. The Commander class was abandoned as other players would simply refuse to follow their orders.
Valve designed each character, team, and equipped weapon to be visually distinct, even at range; for example, the coloring draws attention to the chest area, bringing focus on the equipped weapon. The voices for each of the classes were based on imagining what people from the 1960s would expect the classes to have sounded like, according to writer Chet Faliszek.
The map design has an "evil genius" theme with archetypical spy fortresses, concealed within inconspicuous buildings such as industrial warehouses and farms to give plausibility to their close proximities; these bases are usually separated by a neutrally themed space. The bases hide exaggerated super weapons such as laser cannons, nuclear warheads, and missile launch facilities, taking the role of objectives. The maps have little visual clutter and stylized, almost impressionistic modeling, to allow enemies to be spotted more easily. The impressionistic design approach also affects textures, which are based on photos that are filtered and improved by hand, giving them a tactile quality and giving Team Fortress 2 its distinct look. The bases are designed to let players immediately know where they are. RED bases use warm colors, natural materials, and angular shapes, while BLU bases use cool colors, industrial materials, and orthogonal shapes.
During the July 2006 Electronic Arts press conference, Valve revealed that Team Fortress 2 would ship as the multiplayer component of The Orange Box. A conference trailer showcasing all nine of the classes demonstrated for the first time the game's whimsical new visual style. Valve's president, Gabe Newell, said that the team's goal was to create "the best-looking and best-playing class-based multiplayer game". A beta release of the entire game was made on Steam on September 17, 2007, for customers who had pre-purchased The Orange Box, who had activated their Black Box coupon, which was included with the ATI HD 2900XT Graphics cards, and for members of Valve's Cyber Café Program.
Team Fortress 2 was released on October 10, 2007, both as a standalone product via Steam and at retail stores as part of The Orange Box compilation pack, priced at each gaming platform's recommended retail price. The Orange Box also contains Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Portal. Valve offered The Orange Box at a ten percent discount for those who pre-purchased it via Steam before the October 10 release, as well as the opportunity to participate in the beta test.
Since the release of Team Fortress 2, Valve has continually released free updates and patches through Steam for Windows, OS X, and Linux users; though most patches are used for improving the reliability of the software or to tweak gameplay changes, several patches have been used to introduce new features and gameplay modes, and are often associated with marketing materials such as comics or videos offered on the Team Fortress 2 website; this blog is also used to keep players up to date with the ongoing developments in Team Fortress 2. As of July 2012, each class has been given a dedicated patch that provides new weapons, items, and other gameplay changes; these class patches typically included the release of the class's "Meet the Team" video. Other major patches have included new gameplay modes including the Payload, Payload Race, Training, Highlander, Medieval, and Mann vs. Machine modes. Themed patches have also been released, such as a yearly Halloween-themed event called "Scream Fortress", where players may obtain unique items available only during a set period around the holiday. Other new features have given players the ability to craft items within the game from other items, trade items with other players, purchase in-game items through funds in Steam, and save and edit replay videos that can be posted to YouTube.
Valve has released tools to allow users to create maps, weapons, and cosmetic items through a contribution site; the most popular are added as official content for the game. This approach has subsequently created the basis for the Steam Workshop functionality of the software client. In one case, more than fifty users from the content-creation community worked with Valve to release an official content update in May 2013, with all of the content generated by these players. Valve reported that as of June 2013, over $10 million has been paid back to over 400 community members that have helped to contribute content to the game, including a total of $250,000 for the participants in the May 2013 patch. To help promote community-made features, Valve has released limited-time events, such as the "Gun Mettle" or "Invasion" events in the second half of 2015, also including the "Tough Break" update in December 2015, in which players can spend a small amount of money which is paid back to the community developers for the ability to gain unique items offered while playing on community-made maps during the event.
Development of the new content had been confirmed for the Xbox 360, while development for the PlayStation 3 was deemed "uncertain" by Valve. However, the PlayStation 3 version of Team Fortress 2 received an update that repaired some of the issues found within the game, ranging from graphical issues to online connectivity problems; this update was included in a patch that also repaired issues found in the other games within The Orange Box. The updates released on PC and planned for later release on Xbox 360 include new official maps and game modes, as well as tweaks to classes and new weapons that can be unlocked through the game's achievement system. The developers attempted to negotiate with Xbox 360 developer Microsoft to keep the Xbox 360 releases of these updates free, but Microsoft refused and Valve announced that they would release bundles of several updates together to justify the price. Because of the cost of patching during the seventh generation of video game consoles, Valve has been unable to provide additional patches to the Xbox 360 version since 2009, effectively cancelling development of the console versions. On March 29, 2023, the servers for the PlayStation 3 version of Team Fortress 2 went offline.
On June 10, 2010, Team Fortress 2 was released for OS X, shortly after the release of Steam for OS X. The release was teased by way of an image similar to early iPod advertising, showing a dark silhouette of the Heavy on a bright green background, his Sandvich highlighted in his hand. Virtual earbuds, which can be worn when playing on either OS X or Windows once acquired, were given to players playing the game on OS X before June 14, though the giveaway period was later extended to August 16.
On November 6, 2012, Valve announced the release of Team Fortress 2 for Linux as part of a restricted beta launch of Steam on the platform. This initial release of Steam and Team Fortress 2 was targeted at Ubuntu with support for other distributions planned for the future. Later, on December 20, 2012, Valve opened up access to the beta, including Team Fortress 2, to all Steam users without the need to wait for an invitation. On February 14, 2013, Valve announced the full release of Team Fortress 2 for Linux. From then to March 1, anyone who played the game on Linux would receive a free Tux penguin, which can be equipped in-game.
Team Fortress 2 was announced in March 2013 to be the first game to officially support the Oculus Rift, a consumer-grade virtual reality headset. A patch will be made to the client to include a "VR Mode" that can be used with the headset on any public server.
In April 2020, source code for 2018 versions Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive leaked online. This created fears that malicious users would use the code to make remote code execution software and attack servers or players' computers. Several fan projects halted development until the impact of the leak could be determined. Valve confirmed the legitimacy of the code leaks, but stated they do not believe it affects servers and clients running the latest official builds of either game.
On May 1, 2020, shortly following the death of the voice actor of the Soldier, Rick May, Valve released an update to Team Fortress 2, adding a tribute to his voicework as the Soldier in the form of a new main menu theme (a rendition of Taps), as well as statues of the Soldier saluting, added to most of the official in-game maps. These statues all featured a commemorative plaque dedicated to May and lasted through the end of the month. One of these statues, appearing on the map "cp_granary", the setting of the "Meet the Soldier" short video, was made permanent in an August 21 update.
On June 23, 2011, Valve announced that Team Fortress 2 would become free to play. Unique equipment including weapons and outfits would be available as microtransactions through the in-game store, tied through Steam. Walker stated that Valve would continue to provide new features and items free. Walker stated that Valve had learned that the more players Team Fortress 2 had, the more value it had for each player.
The move came a week after Valve introduced several third-party free-to-play games to Steam and stated they were working on a new free-to-play game. Within nine months of becoming free to play, Valve reported that revenue from Team Fortress 2 had increased by a factor of twelve.
Bot accounts and "#SaveTF2"
Since early 2020, Team Fortress 2 has endured large amounts of bot accounts entering Valve casual matchmaking servers. Though bot accounts had been an issue in Team Fortress 2 for some time prior to this, multiple sources began to report a spike in activity for these bot accounts. The activities of these bots have included forcibly crashing servers, spamming copypastas in the text chats of matches, assuming other players' usernames, and the usage of aimbots. Additionally, some bots were programmed taking advantage of a TF2 source code leak that Valve had confirmed in April 2020. A common bot that exploited this leak used the Sniper class, allowing them to exploit the "headshot" mechanic to instantly kill enemy players from across the map regardless of direction they were aiming.
On June 16, 2020, Valve responded to this by restricting accounts that have not paid for Mann Co. Store items or purchased Team Fortress 2 prior to the game becoming free-to-play from the use of both voice and text chat in game. On June 24, all players were restricted from changing their Steam username while connected to any Valve matchmaking server or any server with display name updates disabled.The change was implemented to prevent bots from changing their display name to impersonate legitimate players, which allowed the bots to avoid being kicked due to the confusion caused by their duplicate name. On voting, changes were also introduced to prevent bots from spamming this functionality in an attempt to prevent real players from using kicking bots.
Approximately one year later, on June 22, 2021, additional changes were implemented to discourage bot activity. Another YouTuber, Toofty, posted a video that provided input from several of those that were behind the bot problem; reasons given ranged from grieving against Valve developers to simply finding the disruption fun to watch. These are issues normally dealt with by a game's developer but Valve's lack of response allowed their activities to go unchecked for two years.
These issues remained ongoing as of May 2022, prompting YouTuber SquimJim to uploaded a video to his YouTube channel encouraging his viewers to express their grievances to Valve and news outlets through letters. After receiving over a hundred news tips, IGN journalist Rebekah Valentine wrote of her experience with trying to play the game. She remarked that the game was "literally unplayable" on official Valve servers, forcing many players to join unofficial community servers instead. She also said that some bots would "...spam chat with homophobic or racist remarks, outside links, or just plain rude or obnoxious messages". In response to these issues, Robin Atkin Downes, voice actor for the Medic, also reached out to his contacts at Valve for a response, and encouraged fans to continue making their voices heard in a "peaceful, passionate manner".
On May 26, 2022, members of the TF2 community held a "peaceful protest" on Twitter using the hashtag #savetf2 with the goal of getting a response from Valve regarding the issues. With the hashtag trending on Twitter, Valve responded, saying "TF2 community, we hear you! We love this game and know you do, too. We see how large this issue has become and are working to improve things."
Across June and July 2022, Valve released a number of patches to help players deal with the bot issue, such as improving the game's vote kicking system so that both teams can vote to kick players accused of abusive behavior at the same time. Valve took down the servers for five minutes in August 2022, during which a number of bans were issued via Valve Anti-Cheat to players that were known to be running these bots, effectively ending the problem. Valve's efforts helped to increase the player count in the months that followed.
On February 9, 2023, a blog post was shared on the official website, saying that a new "update-sized" update was coming to the game. The update will be released sometime around summer and will use community-made content submitted before May 1st. However, shortly after the post was made, Valve silently changed the message to say "holiday-sized update" instead. The update was released on July 13, 2023.
Tie-in materials
Beginning in May 2007, to promote the game, Valve began a ten-video advertisement series referred to as "Meet the Team". Constructed using Source Filmmaker and using more detailed character models, the series consists of short videos introducing each class and displaying their personalities and abilities. The videos are usually interspersed with simulated gameplay footage. The format of the videos varies greatly; the first installment, "Meet the Heavy", depicts him being interviewed, while "Meet the Soldier" shows the Soldier giving a misinformed lecture on Sun Tzu to a row of severed BLU heads as if they were raw recruits. He claims Sun Tzu "invented" fighting, then further confuses this claim with the story of Noah and his Ark. The videos were generally released through Valve's official YouTube channels, though in one notable exception, the "Meet the Spy" video was leaked onto YouTube, several days before its intended release.
Early "Meet the Team" videos were based on the audition scripts used for the voice actors for each of the classes; the "Meet the Heavy" script is nearly word-for-word a copy of the Heavy's script. Later videos, such as "Meet the Sniper", contain more original material. The videos have been used by Valve to help improve the technology for the game, specifically improving the facial animations, as well as a source of new gameplay elements, such as the Heavy's "Sandvich" or the Sniper's "Jarate". The final video in the Meet the Team series, "Meet the Pyro", was released on June 27, 2012. Gabe Newell has stated that Valve used the "Meet the Team" series as a means of exploring the possibilities of making feature film movies themselves. He believes that only game developers themselves have the ability to bring the interesting parts of a game to a film, and suggested that this would be the only manner through which a Half-Life-based movie would be made. A fifteen-minute short, "Expiration Date", was released on June 17, 2014. The shorts were made using Source Filmmaker, which was officially released and has been in open beta as of July 11, 2012.
In more recent major updates to the game, Valve has presented teaser images and online comic books that expand the fictional continuity and characters of Team Fortress 2, as part of the expansion of the "cross-media property", according to Newell. In August 2009, Valve brought aboard American comic writer Michael Avon Oeming to teach Valve "about what it means to have a character and do character development in a comic format, how you do storytelling". "Loose Canon", a comic associated with the Engineer Update, establishes the history of RED versus BLU as a result of the last will and testament of Zepheniah Mann in 1890, forcing his two bickering sons Blutarch and Redmond to vie for control of Zepheniah's lands between them; both have engineered ways of maintaining their mortality to the present, waiting to outlast the other while employing separate forces to try to wrest control of the land. This and other comics also establish other background characters such as Saxton Hale, the CEO of Mann Co., the company that provides the weapons for the two sides and was bequeathed to one of Hale's ancestors by Zepheniah, and the Administrator, the game's announcer, that watches over, encourages the RED/BLU conflict, and keeps each side from winning. The collected comics were published by Dark Horse Comics in Valve Presents: The Sacrifice and Other Steam-Powered Stories, a volume along with other comics created by Valve for Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead, and released in November 2011. Cumulative details in updates both in-game and on Valve's sites from 2010 through 2012 were part of a larger alternate reality game preceding the reveal of the Mann vs. Machine mode, which was revealed as a co-op mode on August 15, 2012.
Marketing and microtransactions
Valve had provided other promotions to draw players into the game. Valve has held weekends of free play for Team Fortress 2 before the game was made free-to-play. Through various updates, hats and accessories can be worn by any of the classes, giving players an ability to customize the look of their character, and extremely rare hats named "Unusuals" have particle effects attached to it and are only obtainable through opening "crates" or trading with other players. New weapons were added in updates to allow the player to choose a loadout and play style that best suits them.
Hats and weapons can be gained as a random drop, through the crafting/trading systems, or via cross-promotion: Limited-edition hats and weapons have been awarded for pre-ordering or gaining Achievements in other content from Steam, both from Valve or other third-party games such as Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse, Worms Reloaded, Killing Floor, or Poker Night at the Inventory (which features the Heavy class as a character). According to Robin Walker, Valve introduced these additional hats as an indirect means for players to show status within the game or their affiliation with another game series simply by visual appearance.
The Pyro, Heavy, and Spy all function as a single playable character in the PC release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The Pyro, Medic, Engineer, and Heavy appear as playable characters in Dungeon of the Endless. The Pyro was added as a playable character to Killing Floor in 2010, along with appearing as a henchman in the 2021 game Evil Genius 2.
The game's first television commercial premiered during the first episode of the fifth season of The Venture Bros. in June 2013, featuring in-game accessories that were created with the help of Adult Swim.
Items and economy
In Team Fortress 2, players can trade with others for items such as weapons and cosmetics. This functionality was added in the 2010 Mann-Conomy Update, alongside being able to purchase items through an in-game store with real money. Operating largely through informal gray markets before the introduction of the official Steam Community Market, trading items made players susceptible to fraud.
Team Fortress 2 features an in-built item valuing system known as an item quality, assigned to a given instance of an item through a variety of different means and ranging from "Normal" items used as the stock weapons of each class, to "Unique" items used as the base obtainable items from the item drop or achievement systems, to far rarer qualities such as "Strange", "Unusual" or "Decorated" which feature special cosmetic effects that can immensely increase the market value of a given item; Strange items keep track of kills or other objectives achieved while equipped in-game while Unusual items feature item-specific particle effects, with both Strange and Unusual items being obtainable through rare crafting items or randomly obtained in place of the far more common Unique items. Decorated items are instead redeemed from rare items known as "war paints", awarding the player a weapon retextured with a pseudo-random cosmetic skin. Other qualities include "Vintage", awarded to older items to compensate for changes in obtainability, and "Collector's", created through combining 200 Unique instances of a single item.
Cosmetics and war paints are typically released through seasonal "cases" that award a random item from an associated collection unique to the given season of a specific year. Such items are additionally assigned a "grade" from "Civilian" to "Mercenary" to track their relative rarity within a collection.
Third-party websites such as the crowd-sourced backpack.tf have been created to aid users in trading, as well as track the value of in-game items. Crate keys, crafting metal, and in-game items such as an "earbuds" cosmetic (also referred to as "buds") are all used as currency due to their value.
The economy of Team Fortress 2 has received significant attention from economists, journalists, and users, due to its relative sophistication and the value of many of its in-game items. It has often been the subject of study. It operates on a system of supply and demand, barter, and scarcity value, akin to many real-world economies such as that of the United States. In 2011, it was reported that the economy of Team Fortress 2 was worth over US$50 million.
2019 Crate bug
On July 25, 2019, a bug was mistakenly included in an update - if players unboxed certain older series of Crates, they would be guaranteed to receive an Unusual-grade cosmetic item, compared to the usual 1% chance of obtaining an Unusual-grade cosmetic item from a Crate. This damaged the in-game economy, causing Unusual-grade cosmetic items able to be unboxed from these Crates to drop substantially in value. The incident has been nicknamed "The Crate Depression" (a pun on "Crate" and "The Great Depression") by fans. On July 26, 2019, this bug was fixed. Users who received any Unusual-grade cosmetic items from the bug were restricted from trading them, with Valve later announcing in an official statement on August 2, 2019 that the first Unusual-grade item any player received from the bug is tradable, with any subsequent Unusual-grade items being permanently untradeable and only usable by the player who received them.
Reception and legacy
See also: Critical reception of The Orange Box
Best Action Game (1999)
Best Online Multiplayer (1999)
Best Artistic Design (2007)
Best Multiplayer Experience (2007)
Best Artistic Direction (2007)
Best Multiplayer Game of the Year (2007)
Most Unique Art Style (2007)
Team Fortress 2 received widespread critical acclaim, with overall scores of 92/100 "universal acclaim" on Metacritic. Many reviewers praised the cartoon-styled graphics, and the resulting light-hearted gameplay, and the use of distinct personalities and appearances for the classes impressed a number of critics, with PC Gamer UK stating that "until now multiplayer games just haven't had it". Similarly, the game modes were received well, GamePro described the settings as focusing "on just simple fun", while several reviewers praised Valve for the map "Hydro" and its attempts to create a game mode with variety in each map. Additional praise was bestowed on the game's level design, game balance and teamwork promotion. Team Fortress 2 has received several awards individually for its multiplayer gameplay and its graphical style, as well as having received a number of "game of the year" awards as part of The Orange Box.
Although Team Fortress 2 was well received, its removal of class-specific grenades, a feature of previous Team Fortress incarnations, was controversial amongst reviewers. IGN expressed some disappointment over this, while conversely, PC Gamer UK approved, stating "grenades have been removed entirely—thank God". Some further criticism came over a variety of issues, such as the lack of extra content such as bots (although Valve has since added bots in an update), problems of players finding their way around maps due to the lack of a minimap, and some criticism of the Medic class being too passive and repetitive in his nature. The Medic class has since been re-tooled by Valve, giving it new unlockable weapons and abilities.
With the "Gold Rush Update" in April 2008, Valve had started to add fundamentals of character customization through unlockable weapons for each class, which continued in subsequent updates, most notably the "Sniper vs. Spy Update" in April 2009, which introduced unlockable cosmetic items into the game. Further updates expanded the number of weapons and cosmetics available, but also introduced monetization options, eventually allowing it to go free-to-play. To this end, Team Fortress 2 is considered one of the first games to offer games as a service, a feature which would become more prevalent in the 2010s.
Fans of Team Fortress Classic have made a total conversion mod of Team Fortress 2 titled Team Fortress 2 Classic, which seeks to marry gameplay elements and concepts from both entries alongside scrapped ideas from the sequel's development cycle and several entirely original additions.
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this-week-in-rust · 9 months
This Week in Rust 513
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing Rust 1.72.1
Announcing the Rust Foundation’s Associate Membership with OpenSSF
Project/Tooling Updates
This month in Servo: upcoming events, new browser UI, and more!
Pagefind v1.0.0 — Stable static search at scale
Open sourcing the Grafbase Engine
Announcing Arroyo 0.6.0
rust-analyzer changelog #199
rumqttd 0.18.0
Stability without stressing the !@#! out
The State of Async Rust
NFS > FUSE: Why We Built our own NFS Server in Rust
Breaking Tradition: Why Rust Might Be Your Best First Language
The Embedded Rust ESP Development Ecosystem
Sifting through crates.io for malware with OSSF Package Analysis
Choosing a more optimal String type
Changing the rules of Rust
Follow up to "Changing the rules of Rust"
When Zig Outshines Rust - Memory Efficient Enum Arrays
Three years of Bevy
Should I Rust or should I go?
[audio] What's New in Rust 1.68 and 1.69
[audio] Pitching Rust to decision-makers, with Joel Marcey
Rust Walkthroughs
🤗 Calling Hugging Face models from Rust
Rust Cross-Compilation With GitHub Actions
tuify your clap CLI apps and make them more interactive
Enhancing ClickHouse's Geospatial Support
[video] All Rust string types explained
A Grounded Conceptual Model for Ownership Types in Rust
Debugging Trait Errors as Logic Programs
REVIS: An Error Visualization Tool for Rust
JetBrains, You're scaring me. The Rust plugin deprecation situation.
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is RustQuant, a crate for quantitative finance.
Thanks to avhz for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
r3bl_rs_utils - [tuify] Use nice ANSI symbols instead of ">" to decorate what row is currently selected
r3bl_rs_utils - [all] Use nu shell scripts (not just or fish) and add Github Actions to build & test on mac & linux
r3bl_rs_utils - [tuify] Use offscreen buffer from r3bl_tui to make repaints smooth
Ockam - make building of ockam_app create behind a feature flag
Ockam - Use the Terminal to print out RPC response instead of printlns
Hyperswitch - add domain type for client secret
Hyperswitch - separate payments_session from payments core
Hyperswitch - move redis key creation to a common module
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
342 pull requests were merged in the last week
#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented] without filters
repr(transparent): it's fine if the one non-1-ZST field is a ZST
accept additional user-defined syntax classes in fenced code blocks
add explicit_predicates_of to SMIR
add i686-pc-windows-gnullvm triple
add diagnostic for raw identifiers in format string
add source type for invalid bool casts
cache reachable_set on disk
canonicalize effect vars in new solver
change unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn to be warn-by-default from edition 2024
closure field capturing: don't depend on alignment of packed fields
consistently pass ty::Const through valtrees
coverage: simplify internal representation of debug types
disabled socketpair for Vita
enable varargs support for AAPCS calling convention
extend rustc -Zls
fallback effects even if types also fallback
fix std::primitive doc: homogenous → homogeneous
fix the error message for #![feature(no_coverage)]
fix: return early when has tainted in mir pass
improve Span in smir
improve PadAdapter::write_char
improve invalid let expression handling
inspect: closer to proof trees for coherence
llvm-wrapper: adapt for LLVM API changes
make .rmeta file in dep-info have correct name (lib prefix)
make ty::Const debug printing less verbose
make useless_ptr_null_checks smarter about some std functions
move required_consts check to general post-mono-check function
only suggest turbofish in patterns if we may recover
properly consider binder vars in HasTypeFlagsVisitor
read from non-scalar constants and statics in dataflow const-prop
remove verbose_generic_activity_with_arg
remove assert that checks type equality
resolve: mark binding is determined after all macros had been expanded
rework no_coverage to coverage(off)
small wins for formatting-related code
some ConstValue refactoring
some inspect improvements
treat host effect params as erased in codegen
turn custom code classes in docs into warning
visit ExprField for lint levels
store a index per dep node kind
stabilize the Saturating type
stabilize const_transmute_copy
make Debug impl for ascii::Char match that of char
add minmax{,_by,_by_key} functions to core::cmp
specialize count for range iterators
impl Step for IP addresses
add implementation for thread::sleep_until
cargo: cli: Add '-n' to dry-run
cargo: pkgid: Allow incomplete versions when unambigious
cargo: doc: differentiate defaults for split-debuginfo
cargo: stabilize credential-process and registry-auth
cargo: emit a warning for credential-alias shadowing
cargo: generalise suggestion on abiguous spec
cargo: limit cargo add feature print
cargo: prerelease candidates error message
cargo: consolidate clap/shell styles
cargo: use RegistryOrIndex enum to replace two booleans
rustfmt: Style help like cargo nightly
clippy: ignore #[doc(hidden)] functions in clippy doc lints
clippy: reuse rustdoc's doc comment handling in Clippy
clippy: extra_unused_type_parameters: Fix edge case FP for parameters in where bounds
clippy: filter_map_bool_then: include multiple derefs from adjustments
clippy: len_without_is_empty: follow type alias to find inherent is_empty method
clippy: used_underscore_bindings: respect lint levels on the binding definition
clippy: useless_conversion: don't lint if type parameter has unsatisfiable bounds for .into_iter() receiver
clippy: fix FP of let_unit_value on async fn args
clippy: fix ICE by u64::try_from(<u128>)
clippy: trigger transmute_null_to_fn on chain of casts
clippy: fix filter_map_bool_then with a bool reference
clippy: ignore closures for some type lints
clippy: ignore span's parents in collect_ast_format_args/find_format_args
clippy: add redundant_as_str lint
clippy: add extra byref checking for the guard's local
clippy: new unnecessary_map_on_constructor lint
clippy: new lint: path_ends_with_ext
clippy: split needless_borrow into two lints
rust-analyzer: field shorthand overwritten in promote local to const assist
rust-analyzer: don't skip closure captures after let-else
rust-analyzer: fix lens location "above_whole_item" breaking lenses
rust-analyzer: temporarily skip decl check in derive expansions
rust-analyzer: prefer stable paths over unstable ones in import path calculation
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A pretty quiet week, with relatively few statistically significant changes, though some good improvements to a number of benchmarks, particularly in cycle counts rather than instructions.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 7e0261e7ea..af78bae
3 Regressions, 3 Improvements, 2 Mixed; 2 of them in rollups
56 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
[disposition: merge] RFC: Unicode and escape codes in literals
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] stabilize combining +bundle and +whole-archive link modifiers
[disposition: merge] Stabilize impl_trait_projections
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for option_as_slice
[disposition: merge] Amend style guide section for formatting where clauses in type aliases
[disposition: merge] Add allow-by-default lint for unit bindings
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: Remove implicit features in a new edition
[new] RFC: const functions in traits
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-09-20 - 2023-10-18 🦀
2023-09-20 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
SurrealDB for Rustaceans
2023-09-20 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Nightly Night: Generators
2023-09-21 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-09-21 | Virtual (Cologne, DE) | Cologne AWS User Group #AWSUGCGN
AWS User Group Cologne - September Edition: Stefan Willenbrock: Developer Preview: Discovering Rust on AWS
2023-09-21 | Virtual (Linz, AT) | Rust Linz
Rust Meetup Linz - 33rd Edition
2023-09-21 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-09-25 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
How we built the SurrealDB Python client in Rust.
2023-09-26 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror
2023-09-26 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2023-09-26 | Virtual (Melbourne, VIC, AU) | Rust Melbourne
(Hybrid - online & in person) September 2023 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2023-10-03 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-10-04 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-10-04 | Virtual (Various) | Ferrous Systems
A Decade of Rust with Ferrous Systems
2023-10-05 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-10-07 | Virtual (Kampala, UG) | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup: Mentorship (First Saturday)
2023-10-10 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror
2023-10-10 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2023-10-11| Virtual (Boulder, CO, US) | Boulder Elixir and Rust
Monthly Meetup
2023-10-11 - 2023-10-13 | Virtual (Brussels, BE) | EuroRust
EuroRust 2023
2023-10-12 | Virtual (Nuremberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2023-10-18 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-09-25 | Singapore, SG | Metacamp - Web3 Blockchain Community
Introduction to Rust
2023-09-26 | Singapore, SG | Rust Singapore
SG Rustaceans! Updated - Singapore First Rust Meetup!
2023-10-03 | Taipei, TW | WebAssembly and Rust Meetup (Wasm Empowering AI)
WebAssembly Meetup (Wasm Empowering AI) in Taipei
2023-09-21 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Rust Aarhus - Rust and Talk at Concordium
2023-09-21 | Bern, CH | Rust Bern
Rust Bern Meetup #3 2023 🦀
2023-09-28 | Berlin, DE | React Berlin
React Berlin September Meetup: Creating Videos with React & Remotion & More: Integrating Rust with React Native – Gheorghe Pinzaru
2023-09-28 | Madrid, ES | MadRust
Primer evento Post COVID: ¡Cervezas MadRust!
2023-09-28 | Paris, FR | Paris Scala User Group (PSUG)
PSUG #114 Comparons Scala et Rust
2023-09-30 | Saint Petersburg, RU | Rust Saint Petersburg meetups
Rust Community Meetup: A tale about how I tried to make my Blitz Basic - Vitaly; How to use nix to build projects on Rust – Danil; Getting to know tower middleware. General overview – Mikhail
2023-10-10 | Berlin, DE | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-10-12 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2023-10-17 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
SIMD in Rust
North America
2023-09-21 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
A Cargo Preview w/Ed Page, A Cargo Team Member
2023-09-21 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2023-09-21 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Rust on the web! Get started with Leptos
2023-09-26 | Mountain View, CA, US | Rust Breakfast & Learn
Rust: snacks & learn
2023-09-26 | Pasadena, CA, US | Pasadena Thursday Go/Rust
Monthly Rust group
2023-09-27 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2023-09-28 | Boulder, CO, US | Solid State Depot - The Boulder Makerspace
Rust and ROS for Robotics + Happy Hour
2023-10-11 | Boulder, CO, US | Boulder Rust Meetup
First Meetup - Demo Day and Office Hours
2023-10-12 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
The Actor Model: Fearless Concurrency, Made Easy w/Chris Mena
2023-10-17 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2023-09-26 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Rust Canberra
September Meetup
2023-09-26 | Melbourne, VIC, AU | Rust Melbourne
(Hybrid - online & in person) September 2023 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2023-09-28 | Brisbane, QLD, AU | Rust Brisbane
September Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
This is the first programming language I've learned that makes it so easy to make test cases! It's actually a pleasure to implement them.
– 0xMB on rust-users
Thanks to Moy2010 for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
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