#963 HZ
A Frequência 963hz fortalece o seu 3º Olho & Limpa a sua Glândula Pineal. Música para relaxamento, meditação, para fundo para leitura, dormir, estudar ou qualquer outra atividade. Assista ou apenas ouça - você decide como se sente melhor. Fones de ouvido podem aumentar a experiência. A frequência solfeggio 963hz se mistura perfeitamente com a música.
Acesse o canal e compartilhe nossos vídeos.
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thelofilotus · 2 years
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chilltidetrance · 2 months
Manifest Your Own Reality: Transform Your Life with 963 Hz Solfeggio Fre...
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theserenefounder · 4 months
This week. The Serene Founder invites you to discover the magnetic creativity of gorgeous Greece. Be a Magnet for more Profound Ideas, Feelings, and Winning Mindsets.
Reward your senses with 963 Hz Frequency and Greek landscapes that inspire creativity on an elevated scale. Gain rewarding clarity of thought. Enjoy this audio-visual presentation with tranquil music and vibrant visuals. Experience a renewed spiritual awakening and boost your overall mood and positive feelings!
Let's thrive together.
Get a deeper connection with yourself. Enable a guided direction to your vision through creativity and positive energy.
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bryannellium-blog · 8 months
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godsg111rl · 8 months
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healing-meditation · 8 months
Experience the Divine: Insights into the 963Hz Solfeggio Frequency
The 963Hz Solfeggio Frequency is known as a part of the ancient Solfeggio Scale. This frequency is also referred to as the "Frequency of God," believed to aid our spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness. This article focuses on the impacts of this mystical frequency and the benefits it can offer to our lives.
What is the Frequency of God?
The 963Hz frequency is said to connect with higher-dimensional energy, helping individuals understand their true selves and integrate with the harmony of the universe. This, in turn, enhances positive energy, peace, and balance.
Benefits of the 963Hz Frequency
a. Spiritual Awakening This frequency elevates levels of consciousness and promotes spiritual awakening.
b. Self-Healing 963Hz reinforces the power of self-healing and self-love, bringing healing to the mind.
c. Clearing Energy Blocks The frequency of this sound clears energy blocks and brings harmony to the chakras.
d. Divine Connection It can deepen the connection with the divine and higher-dimensional beings of the universe.
How to Use the 963Hz Frequency
a. Meditation Use this frequency as background music to deepen meditation.
b. Sleep Listening to this sound before sleeping can result in deeper sleep and relaxation.
c. Healing Sessions During energy healing sessions, use this frequency to access higher energy levels.
963 Hz Frecuencia de Dios - Milagros incontables se derramaran en toda tu vida - Cielo
The 963Hz Solfeggio Frequency, also known as the "Frequency of God," connects us to our true selves and the entire universe. Utilizing this frequency expands our consciousness, fosters peace of mind and healing, and promotes a sense of oneness with the universe. Incorporate this sacred sound into your daily life and experience its transformative power.
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15mins - 963 Hz Frequency for Truth (Theosophy) - Divine Delta Binaural ...
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calmomilla · 5 months
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reality-detective · 3 months
Frequency can heal you 🙏
What do you know about "Brain Wave Ritual❓"
All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies 👇
174 Hz: Relieves Pain & Stress
285 Hz: Heals Tissues & Organs
396 Hz: Eliminates Fear
417 Hz: Wipes out Negativity
528 Hz: Repairs DNA, Brings Positive Transformation
639 Hz: Brings Love & Compassion in Life
741 Hz: Detoxifies Cells & Organs
852 Hz: Awakens Intuition, Raises Energy at Cellular Level
963 Hz: Connects to Higher Self.
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FREQUÊNCIA DE DEUS 963 HZ Peça e Receba Conexão Divina Música Milagrosa Solfeggio
Experimente a Transcendência com a Frequência Divina de 963 Hz! Caro público iluminado, Embarque em uma jornada transcendental com a Frequência de Deus a 963 Hz! 🌌 Sintonize-se com o divino, peça e receba as bênçãos que o universo tem a oferecer. No canal @AuraDivinaEspiritual, mergulhe em uma experiência única de conexão espiritual através desta música milagrosa, cuidadosamente criada para elevar sua vibração. O que esperar: 🔮 Ative seus chacras e desbloqueie energias positivas. 🌈 Estabeleça uma conexão profunda com o divino. 🎵 Deixe a magia da Frequência de Deus transformar sua jornada espiritual. 🚀 Elevação instantânea da sua energia vital. 💫 Abertura dos portais para bênçãos divinas. 🌟 Desperte a sua capacidade de criar a realidade que deseja. Não estamos apenas oferecendo um vídeo, mas uma experiência transcendental que pode alterar o curso da sua vida. Imagine-se imerso na ressonância de 963 Hz, guiado pelos arcanjos e seres cósmicos em direção a uma vida plena e abundante. 👉 Não perca a oportunidade de vivenciar o sagrado. Assista agora: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6afTGKyMoqF6-RXucM8Lug A sabedoria ancestral e a magia do Solfeggio aguardam por você. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de autodescoberta e iluminação.
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thelofilotus · 2 years
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chilltidetrance · 4 months
963 hz Awaken the perfect state | Manifest destiny go and allow the univ...
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santoschristos · 5 months
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Isis Isis, the goddess of the earth, is one of the oldest and most powerful deities of ancient Egypt. With her magic, she made possible the resurrection of her husband Osiris and the birth of her son Horus. Isis is also the protector of Pharaoh, who is considered his representative on earth. In this video, we invite you to connect with the energy of Isis, the cosmic mother, and harmonize your crown chakra, which is the center of your spiritual consciousness. The music that accompanies meditation is based on the frequency of 963 Hz, which is one of the solfeggio frequencies, known for their beneficial properties on the body and mind. By listening to this music, you will feel a feeling of inner peace, light and connection with the divine. Let yourself be guided by the voice of Isis, the goddess of the earth, and discover her healing and transformation power.
art by Hüseyin Ozcelik Hail Isis, Radiant Goddess.
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thejournallo · 4 months
Explain the method: Frequency and vibrations.
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!).if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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Discleimer: This is not to be taken as a substitute for therapy; it is a way to find some peace of mind when we struggle with something light. I will explain better in this post. I just wanted to make this clear!
The universe responds to your frequency. It does not understand your desires, wants, or needs. All it recognizes is the frequency you're vibrating at. For example, if you vibrate at the frequency of guilt or shame, you will attract things that resonate with that frequency. If you are vibrating at the frequency of love, pleasure, and abundance, you will attract things that match that frequency. It's similar to tuning into a radio station. You have to be tuned into the radio station you want to listen to, just as you must be tuned into the energy you want to manifest in your life.
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I already once used the example of changing radio stations, but here is more in a "literal" manner.
Let me explain. We have our own frequency, right? right. So if we have to adjust our frequency to the right radio, we have to listen carefully so we don't miss the station that we want. That's how we work with various frequencies.It is like a subliminal, but instead of affirmation, we get brown or white noise, depending on the frequency. Especially for their relaxing sound, frequency is often used during meditation!
You can find many frequencies online, but I won't leave you hanging.
MEDITATION FREQUENCIES: 174 Hz: Removes Pain 285 Hz: Heals Energy Field 396 Hz: Removes Guilt, Fear, and Root 417 Hz: Resolve past trauma (watch the discleamer) and facilitate change/sacral chakra 432 Hz:Miracle Tone of Nature 528 Hz: Repairs DNA, Transformation & Miracles, Solar Chakra 639 Hz: Heals and connects relationships/heart chakra 741 Hz: Attracts Soul Tribe/Express Truth and Communication/Threat Chakra 852 Hz: Awakens intuition/third eye chakra 963 Hz: Connects with Spirit/Connects with the Divine/Crown Chakra
aura health : I did not understand if it had a price or not because I usually use YouTube or Spotify. But I fond this site that is great for learning to meditate, and it gives you frequency directly connected to your problem!
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godsg111rl · 2 months
I had the sweetest pillow talk with God last night. I love when my prayers and sleep melt into each other.
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