#90's!Luke x 90's reader
ki-irke · 1 year
Julie and the phantoms
Reader x luke Patterson
Reader is Luke’s girlfriend in the 90’s and was with them when he past away and years later when he’s a ghost he goes to vist her and she can see him
Paring: Luke Patterson x reader
Summary: Luke goes to see his love for the first time after he past away, and it may be the last, but he doesn't expect them to stay together for much longer.
A/N: Ik it's not probably what you had in mind, it was a fun one and too cute to not make!
Words: 613
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"I'm going to see y/n," Luke said, looking at Alex.
"You sure? She could have family now, you know?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and carefully watching the brown-haired boy.
"Yeah. I just want to see her when I get the chance."
"Okay," Alex said, nodding his head. But Luke stayed for the next few hours. The thought of you being happy with someone else who wasn't him broke his heart. But he knows that this may be the last time he sees you.
So, while Julie was at school and Alex and Reggie were busy with each other, Luke teleported to where your house used to be.
The house still looked the same. The black fence was overgrown with some kind of ivy, which made it difficult to see the yard. Luke walked forward, putting his feet on the slices of wood that formed the path to the big, white house. He had always thought this place was magical, and seeing it still look the same after all these years made him believe it more. When he was about to walk into the house, the door opened. A tall, dark-haired man with a dog on a leash came out. Lukes' heart stopped for a second. Is this your boyfriend? Or even husband? After the man came a smiling woman. SHe leaned against the doorframe. The man turned around to send her a kiss and walked out of the yard. Before the woman could step back into the house, Luke invited himself inside.
Inside, there were small changes to a more modern one, but it still looked the same. The brown-haired boy eyed the woman carefully, who was now pulling a lighter out of a drawer. She was looking almost like the young you. He gave up looking around the house and simply followed the woman upstairs. The woman was like you. But something about her was different. Maybe it's the age, Luke thought. The women looked at white doors with pastel hearts on them. You didn't remove it after all these years? The woman took a deep breath and went inside.The first thing that caught Luke's attention was the large number of photos, candles, and flowers. What was happening?
"I'm sorry, y/n, that I couldn't save you," the woman said, tears streaming down her face. "All of this is my fault. Mum was right," she added, lighting every candle. Luke didn't know what was happening. You couldn't be dead. I mean, if you would, he could meet you. But who was the woman? Because it surely wasn't your mom. Maybe it's about your daughter?
And then the young girl walked slowly past him.
He didn't see her. But he immediately knew that it was you. You sat beside the woman, putting your head on her shoulder. But the woman continued crying.
"Y/N, if you're listening to me, I'm sorry." you blew out one of the candles near your family photo, which made the woman smile through her tears.
"It's okay, y/s/n. I wanted to protect you," you said, standing up but holding a hand on the woman's head. "She does this every time she's alone," you said softly, turning around to face Luke. It wasn't something funny, but it made him smile.
"Why are you smiling?" you laughed, moving closer to him.
"I thought you were still alive. That you have a new family," he said, but his smile soon dropped. "Did you–?" he asked, but you didn't let him finish.
"God, no. It was an accident, but it's a long story," Luke chuckled, hugging you.
"Well, we have plenty of time, love," he answered, lowering his head to kiss you slowly.
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heliads · 2 years
Congratulations on 5k followers! Can I get a platonic 90’s Reggie x female reader imagine with prompt 22? The reader is friends with all the boys from Sunset Curve but is closest to Reggie. They have almost a sibling type relationship. Her boyfriend broke up with her. The boys from Sunset Curve cheer her up by taking her on a road trip. It was Reggie’s idea.
it's road trip time indeed
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You don’t know that you’ve felt this miserable in quite some time, if ever. You were doing great before– wonderful life, passable schoolwork, excellent boyfriend who loved you, or at least claimed that he loved you. Can you see where this is going? Should you, perhaps, have seen it in the weeks before this, when you missed how he was falling out of love with you just as quickly as you were falling in love with him?
Instead, you saw nothing of the sort, and now you’re the one trying not to cry in the corner of your best friends’ music studio. Their invitation has been a constant one, repeatedly extended especially after your boyfriend broke up with you. You figured you could use a change of scenery in the hopes of feeling even a little less terrible, so you came.
In truth, it has done a fairly good job of brightening your spirits. You’ve been friends with the bandmates of Sunset Curve for a long time, Reggie Peters the longest. He was the one you met first, and he’s the one who’s become something of a brother to you. The others are wonderful, of course, but some part of your heart will always associate Reggie the closest with family.
This also means that he’s the most concerned about your post-breakup state. Every few minutes, he’s casting a worried glance your way. He’s been a little distracted for the past few minutes with some business in the far corner of the studio, but you haven’t really been paying attention to the boys’ practice.
Eventually, Reggie comes over to you, the three others hanging back with the smiles of someone who’s got something to hide. Reggie is practically jumping with excitement, and he can hardly sit still long enough to grab a chair opposite you.
You arch a brow at him. “You look pleased. Has Luke finally caved and let you talk him into doing a country song or two?”
Reggie shakes his head sadly. “No, but he should definitely consider it!”
This last part is said in a shout directed towards the others. Luke Patterson, the offending singer, just mouths ‘No way’ at the back of Reggie’s head, and you have to choke back a laugh.
“Anyway,” Reggie says briskly, “how are you doing?”
“I feel like I hate all boys,” you comment matter of factly.
Reggie chuckles. “I think you’re in bad company for that. Besides, I think I have something that could make you feel better.”
You glance at him quizzically. “What’s that?”
Reggie reaches into his pockets, pulling his hands out closed around two small objects. “Are you ready for this?”
Cautiously, you nod. “I think so, but I’m getting worried now. What’s going on?”
“This,” Reggie declares proudly, “is the answer to mending your broken heart.”
He opens one hand to reveal five tickets to a concert by your favorite band, and then turns over the other hand to hold up car keys.
You look between the two objects, stunned. “You got tickets? That’s insane! Wait, but they’re playing one state over. That’s nowhere near us.”
Reggie nods encouragingly, and seconds later, you get it.
Your eyes light up with unbridled joy, all heartbreaking boys forgotten. “Are we going on a road trip?”
“Right on the money,” Reggie says happily, “We could all use a change of scenery, so why not? Clear your schedule, we leave Monday morning. This is going to be so much fun.”
You beam at him for a second longer, then throw your arms around him. “You guys are the best friends ever. I can’t believe this is happening.”
Alex, Luke, and Bobby rush over to join in the group hug. You can feel your spirits soaring with every passing second.
“It was Reggie’s idea,” Alex mumbles, “He wanted to make sure you knew that.”
“Like, really sure,” Bobby confirms, “It was actually crucial that one of us bring that up. My life was threatened.”
Reggie scoffs. “I would never do something like that. I’m sure you’ll live far longer than any of us, Bobby. All that sarcasm is good for your health.”
Bobby lunges forward to swat Reggie on the shoulder, causing all of you to break into laughter. Yes, this is going to be a good trip indeed.
Monday morning finds you with your overnight bag packed, ready by the doors of the studio to take off. Bobby insists on taking the first shift of driving, which is probably for the best. The rest of you are either half asleep or so hyper on caffeine that you might start thinking you could fly.
Alex takes shotgun, racing Luke for the prodigious spot. He only makes it in time by the slimmest of margins, something Luke is quick to point out for the next hour or so. That leaves you, Reggie, and Luke in the back, which you’d argue were the best spots of all.
Alex masters music by default, given his position. The five of you scream out the lyrics to songs playing on the radio for as long as you can until the stations turn to ads, at which point Alex is forced to scramble to find the next channel before an uproar ensues.
You all take a break about an hour or so in, jumping out of the car to run circles around a nearby rest stop. It’s gotten fairly hot by now, so you all grab slushies at a gas station across the street. Luke tests his balance by walking on the edge of the curb, one careful foot over the other. He’s actually pretty good about not falling until Reggie fully tackles him out of nowhere.
They land on the grass with a solid impact, but they’re both laughing so hard that you can tell they aren’t hurt in the slightest. The conflict earns you the irritated stares of a couple exiting a nearby boutique, which only makes your grins broaden.
After you’ve sufficiently rested, you all pile back into the car. Positions are switched, with Alex driving. Luke claims shotgun as soon as he can, fixing all of you with an evil stare, all but daring you to try and fight him for the spot. If any of you raised an objection, you’re fairly sure you’d be taken out within the span of a second.
About half an hour into the second shift, you, Reggie, and Bobby realize that there are levers on the sides of the seats that cause the backs to snap backwards into a reclining position in moments. Thus launches an intensive period of brutal warfare in which all pleasantries are retired. You’ll be minding your own business and then your lever is pulled, causing you to be flung backwards out of the blue.
You and Reggie target Bobby at first, but Reggie decides that becoming a traitor is his best career choice and turns on you when you least expect it. Shrieks of surprise and betrayal fill the air, underscoring the beat of the music. Luke tries to complain about the three of you being so loud that he can’t hear the lyrics, which leads to all of you immediately reaching for the lever of his seat at the same time. It’s simply what he deserves.
You take the next driving shift, as apparently you and Reggie are causing too many problems and need to be separated. Luke retires the position of shotgun to Bobby, but he quickly becomes invested in launching a punch buggy conquest against the boys on either side of him, so he’s not doing too badly, either.
After your driving shift, the lot of you decide to pull in at a local restaurant or some lunch. The five of you get burgers and sandwiches, eating on red and white checkered tablecloths. You’ve been saving up for a while, so you’re all able to get milkshakes for dessert, just because. 
Alex drinks his shake too fast and clutches his temples in the agony of a brain freeze. Despite his supposed anguish, however, he seems to have healed pretty quickly and can be spotted drinking again within the span of about fifteen seconds.
Reggie takes the last driving shift, delivering all of you to the hotel. The night passes quickly; although all any of you really did was sit in a car for several hours, every one of you is somehow exhausted. You do hear reports of pillow fights, however, and certainly take part in some yourself.
The concert is the next night. The five of you take the opportunity to explore the town during the day. Luke stumbles upon a mural on a nearby wall and instantly gets the idea for some killer lyrics. He panics briefly, being so far from his studio, but you reveal that you always carry a notebook and a pen for just such a purpose and hand it over. He claims that he’ll dedicate the next album in your honor, which makes you laugh.
Soon enough, the sun starts to fade from the sky, and your merry group heads over to the concert hall. You think this night will go down as one of your best memories, the five of you screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs. Air guitars abound, drum solos are rapped out against legs, and you’re all so thrilled to be here that you can’t imagine a world in which you didn’t have this.
It’s the most wild night of your life, plain and simple, and the best time you’ve ever had. The five of you are talking about the concert the entire drive back, analyzing everything from dance moves to song mashups to concert attendance. You can tell that Reggie is getting ideas for an upcoming show, but then again, they all are. You don’t see something like that without wanting to live it for yourself.
As for you, you couldn’t be happier. Even when the trip ends, you’re not thinking about any ex boyfriends anymore. You have enough Polaroids to paper your walls, enough memories to keep you ecstatic for years. All of you agreed that you definitely need to do road trips more often, so you can count on something like this in the near future.
After all, what’s not to love? You have your best friends, and at the end of the day, that’s all you’ll ever need. When you’re with them, you’re happier than ever, and you can’t think about a single worry when you’re around them. It’s good, you’re good, and nothing could ever be better.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
jatp tag list: @rogueanschel, @retvenkos, @caswinchester2000, @lovesanimals0000, @amortensie
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heartmix · 2 years
Had Me At Heads Carolina- Adam Page
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Pairing: "Hangman" Adam Page x fem!reader
Word Count: 800+
Warning: drinking, that might be it?
A/N: I am so fucking obsessed with this song. I should thank it for getting me out of the writers' block I had all summer. I also had an idea to do Adam's pov of these events.
*Based on She had me at Heads Carolina by Cole Swindell and Heads Carolina, Tails California by Jo De Messina*
Masterlist / Wrestling Masterlist
Who didn't love karaoke? Who didn't love going to the bar and drinking? Who didn't love going to a good country bar to do both of those things? Country bars are like no other. The atmosphere was never dull whether you were line dancing to "fake ID" or belting your heart out to "before he cheats".
Tonight was different. No one in your friend group had any breakups or any recent boyfriend/girlfriend troubles. It was a fun carefree night to celebrate the well-deserved weekend ahead. It seemed like everyone at the bar was doing the same thing seeing no one drowning in their sorrows so far. Friday night was in full force.
Nodding to the bartender, who was a familiar face, to start your tab and your first round as she greeted you guys with a big smile. Taking your seat at the middle of the bar someone was already belting out a Luke Bryan song making you immediately smile. Drunk karaoke was starting early for some people.
"Here you go my darlings. I put you down on the next two." Jo, the bartender gave us our beers and shots with a smile as we all thanked her.
"What's it going to be tonight?" Your best friend asked for your song choice after we took our first sips.
"I'm in the mood for some 90s country." You hummed which didn't really surprise her.
"Can't wait to see that."
Everyone in here was a regular. You could name every single person drunk and with your eyes closed. Those who weren't regulars stuck out like a sore thumb. The group in the far corner booth was a prime example. Although they were tucked away quietly, their clothing and behavior gave it away. All of them stood out except for one.
His denim and boots were a dead giveaway that he wasn't new to the scene. His friend's gym shirts and sneakers were a dead give away they were new. His whiskey compared to his friend's waters and one with a beer intrigued you. You were snapped out of your observing state with your name being called to the stage.
The stage wasn't big but it for sure wasn't small. It was big enough to fit a small band that usually played during the weekdays. The whole bar could see the stage no matter where they were. Smirking as you went on stage, every familiar face cheered for you making any nerves you had, go away. Not like you haven't done this before.
"I'm in a 90's mood. Nothing new for this place." You said into the mic as the crowd cheered in anticipation to see what song you picked.
Baby, what do you say we just get lost
Leave this one horse town like two rebels without a cause
I've got people in Boston, ain't your daddy still in Des Moines
We can pack up tomorrow, tonight let's flip a coin
The first line got everyone in the mood. Who doesn't love some Jo Dee Messina? All eyes were on the stage, even the people in the booths looked your way. Everyone on the dance floor, and around the stage was dancing which let you know that the right song was chosen.
Heads Carolina, tails California
Somewhere greener, somewhere warmer
Up in the mountains, down by the ocean
Where it don't matter, long as we're goin'
Somewhere together, I got a quarter
Heads Carolina, tails California
The song ended with a bunch of cheers and screaming as others were singing along with you. Getting off the stage you had a fresh beer waiting for you courtesy of Jo. All your friends cheered and teased acting as if you were the most famous person here. As you hushed them, from the corner of your eye you felt someone slide into the empty seat to the right of you.
"You had me at heads Caroline." The voice from that said person commented making you look over in curiosity as the voice was recognizable.
To your surprise, it was the same guy you were observing earlier. The one with the nice boots and one of the best brands of whiskey this bar carries. He was the last person you expected to be saying that to you. With him being closer and in better light you got more of a good look at him. Brown curly hair, beard well-groomed, eyes kind and genuine. Something you normally don't find in bars.
"Oh did I now?" You asked in amusement.
"More like, baby, what do you say we just get lost." The words rolled off of his tongue like butter.
Whether it was the little alcohol in your body or the thrill of the karaoke you did just minutes ago, you didn't mind the man's flirting. In fact, you welcomed it with a smile. He was a friendly face despite you only seeing him for the first time not too long ago. The night was different. No heartbreak, no significant other drama, nothing negative, and the man in front of you was quite a good reminder that it was different.
"Hmmh. You had me at heads Carolina."
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Grant You a Universe | Luke Patterson
Requested: Yes/No
wait because here me out, Luke as a quarterback AU like— imagine that, yeah imma request that, a luke quarterback au pls 🥺BUT HES THE COCKY GET ALL THE GIRLS QUARTERBACK YEAH YEAH AND READER IS POPULAR BUT THEY DON’T DATE BUT EVERYONE WANTS THEM TO BE THE POPULAR COUPLE CLICHÉ OMG
A/N: This is the longest I ever worked on a fic, I think? I hope you like it! 
Pairing: 90′s!Luke x Reader
Song(s) used: None (WHAT?! Yeah, I know, shocking!)
Warnings: Cheating, implied abuse, party, drinking, someone is drunk, aggression
Words:  6,868
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The first time he saw her was Freshman year during football tryouts. While he was on the field, trying to pay attention to whatever the coach was blabbing about, she was running around it. Her ponytail whipping around her head as her feet pounded against the red gravel of the race rink. She was a flash of pink and brown hair, but it was enough for Luke to become infatuated with her. He didn’t even care when he became the quarterback that year. All he cared about was her. He needed to know who she was and ask her on a date, even if it were the last thing he did.  
The first time he ever spoke to her was a few days later, after their first game in Freshman year. She was sitting in the bleachers, cheering on the team, and Luke couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter as this beautiful girl cheered him on with every touchdown he scored. 
After the game, she came down to say hi to Bobby, the team’s Running Back and the girl’s best friend. Luke knew this. He had seen the two of them together a lot during lunches and in the hallways, but never dared to ask the boy that became a friend of his too, what this girl’s name was or what her deal was. 
But the fact that she came to say hi to him, gave Luke an opportunity to talk to her, too. “Hey, Bobbers, nice touchdowns,” the girl teased her best friend, who hadn’t scored any today. He did assist on some of Luke’s touchdowns. 
“Oh, shut it, y/n,” Bobby muttered and shoved her in the shoulder. He turned when Luke patted him on the back as he joined the group. “Good game, Patterson,” he said to the floppy haired boy next to him. The boy who couldn’t keep his eyes off his best friend for one second. 
“You too, Bobbers,” he repeated y/n’s nickname for her best friend, earning an eyebrow raise from the girl he’s been crushing for a week straight now. Even her eyes were captivating. The dark brown reflected gold in the setting sun.    
“You making fun of my nicknames, Patterson?” she asked, one corner of her mouth tugging up into a smirk. The boy became a stuttering mess at the teasing tone in her voice. 
“No, I uhm… I-I…” he scratched the back of his neck at a loss for words. “I’m Luke, by the way.” Y/N giggle reached his ears like a sweet lullaby. She shook her head at the boy. 
“Oh, I know.” 
Her straightforward reply haunted his brain for years to follow. He never knew what it meant but it became the thing that started a blossoming friendship. A friendship that made them the infamous ‘it-couple-that-wasn’t-a-couple’ by junior year. A title neither of you wanted, being in the ‘popular’ clique was already too much. 
“Chicaaaas!” Luke called out as he and Bobby walked into the student lounge where y/n and Lydia, her best friend and captain of the cheerleading team, were having some tea and chatting about girl stuff -- as Luke himself liked to say. “Party tonight at Alexis Bryan’s place, are we going or?” he rubbed his hands together as if he’d just concocted the greatest scheme of all time. 
Y/N smiled up at both boys and said, “Lyds and I were actually talking about having a sleepover tonight and making a puzzle together.” The two boys groaned and rolled their eyes at her answer. “What?” she asked. 
“You sound like two grandmas!” Bobby exclaimed and ran his hand through his dark hair. 
“Hey! No hate against grandmas!” Lydia exclaimed with a scowl on her face. Bobby raised his hands in defense before everyone turned to Luke, who was looking down at y/n. 
“I don’t know, Luke… I really don’t feel like running into Matt tonight.��� 
“Come on, y/n. I’m literally nothing with my party partner in crime!” His eyes begged and pleaded, which was something y/n hadn’t quite learned how to resist yet. She’d tried to. Many a time. But she always had to give in eventually. 
Even now. “Fine,” she said. “But you’re gonna have to promise to dance with me!” Luke rolled his eyes at the compromise, but couldn’t help the smile finding its way to his cheeks. No matter how hard it was for y/n to say no to Luke, it was twice as hard for him to say no to her. 
“Fine,” he grumbled. 
That night, as y/n took her scalding hot shower in preparation for the party, she reminisced over the past few years and how much her life changed since she started high school. Her mind wandered over the first day, when she clung to Bobby’s bicep because she was so scared of all the new things around her. She remembered how tiny and scared she felt, but all of that washed away when Bobby reassured her he wouldn’t leave her side. Only when he went to try out for football and she tried out for the running team. Then her mind jumped to the day she met Luke at the football game and how he immediately caught her attention. Ever since that day, her life had become this big-ass chaos. If it weren’t for Luke, she would probably just be part of the sprint relay team. But thanks to being so close to the quarterback, y/n was popular by association. Though, she wouldn’t change it for the world. What she would change was how all her dates had always been scared of Luke. All except for one. Matthew. He somehow managed to get through Luke’s and Bobby’s shield of brotherly protection -- as they called it. The two had been together for a few months until the whispers started. Whispers about Matthew cheating on y/n, or y/n cheating on Matthew with Luke. None of which was very healthy for the relationship, so they broke it off. 
It would’ve been friendly if she didn’t see Matthew the day after their break up kissing one of her teammates. That’s when she knew the whispers about him weren’t just rumors. Even up until this day, she wondered if her sister ever had a thing with him, like the whispers suggested. 
As her Ace of Base CD played on her stereo, she started to make a move-on with her outfit and makeup. She opted for a black body con dress with spaghetti straps that accentuated her curves in just the right places. For her makeup, she decided on a neutral look and swiped the light browny color across her eyelids. 
By the time she started applying her mascara, there was a light tapping on her window. She turned around to find Luke on the small balcony at your window. He was wearing his Screams from The Attic band tee with the sleeves cut off and his trusty black jeans, decorated with the infamous chains and blue rabbit’s foot. 
She opened the window door to let him in and turned to grab her shoes. “Hey, you re--wowza!” he cut himself off when his eyes took in every inch of the girl in front of him. A blush crept to y/n’ cheeks as she strapped the black heels on. “That’s a fly outfit, girl.” 
“Thanks, Patterson. Let’s bounce, yeah?” 
Luke climbed over the stone enclosure of the balcony and carefully let himself hang down from the bottom before letting go and landing gracefully on his feet. He whispered a ‘yes’ under his breath before looking up to find y/n climbing over as elegantly as she could. Though, with that dress on, she was about to flash someone and the lucky recipient of the little sneak peek was of course Luke. 
“Is today a special occasion?” he asked. Y/N turned her head to look down at Luke while hanging onto the balcony for dear life. “You only wear red lingerie on special occasions.” 
“Why are you looking down my dress, you creep?” The giggle that followed the words reassured Luke that she wasn’t offended by it. It was a typical thing to bicker about in their friendship. 
“You flashed your knickers at me, Peaches, don’t blame me.” He held his hands up in defense, shooting her a sheepish look. Y/N scoffed at that and rolled her eyes before dropping down to hang from the balcony the same way Luke had done. 
“You are so lucky I love you,” she mumbled and then screamed, “Patterson, think fast!” She let go, and hoped Luke would be fast enough to catch her since she wasn’t going to stick the landing on her heels quite as much as Luke did. Thankfully though, Luke’s fast reflexes made him move underneath her just in time to catch her, bridal style. 
Their eyes locked for a moment, both of them suddenly realizing how close they really were. A smile made its way to y/n’s features and she leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek before flicking her legs out of his grasp and patting his chest twice. 
“Thanks, buddy. That was like a crazy trust fall.” 
Leaving Luke behind to reflect on whatever just happened, y/n skipped towards Bobby’s car and got into the passenger’s seat. She planted a kiss on Bobby's cheek and then turned around as Luke got in the back, finding two other boys she knew all too well. 
 “‘sup homies?” she grinned cheesily at the blonde and brunette she knew as Alex and Reggie. The two other members of Sunset Curve, the band Bobby and Luke formed when they met in freshman year. 
The two boys smiled back at y/n while Luke gave her a glare, probably because she stole his seat in the front. However, y/n didn’t care or notice, for that matter. Her mind was wrapped up in something else instead. 
“So, Alex…” she started, capturing the blond guy’s attention. “How was your date with Driss?” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, and it sent a scarlet color up to Alex’s cheeks. Even though his parents didn’t care for his sexual orientation, he was glad his friends supported him, even if that meant y/n’s curiosity in his dating life. 
“It was okay…” he replied humbly, but y/n wasn’t y/n if she let this slide. 
“Where did he take you? What did you do? What did you wear?” she gasped, “Did you kiss?” The boys collectively chuckled at y/n’s antics. All of them had endured her searching for cute date stories. 
“He took me to this really pretty lake where we had a picnic and we screamed into the dark,” he reminisced dreamily with a tender smile on his face. Y/N’s heart melted at the sight of Alex’s happiness. It was about time he got a happy ending too. 
“Did you kiss?” she repeated her question. 
Alex exhaled, a pout forming on his face as he said, “No… But! He did ask me for a second date tomorrow!” Y/N’s face lit up entirely as she clapped her hands giddily, making Alex laugh. 
“I am so happy for you, Alex.” She reached out her hand between the two front seats, and Alex grabbed it, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. 
The car abruptly came to a stop, causing y/n to lose her balance a little. “The hell, dude?” she asked Bobby, glaring at the driver. 
“We’re here, so unless you wanna continue this little tea party, get out of my car!” Y/N glanced at the other boys, who were equally as confused about the boy’s sudden behavior. 
“Someone needs to get laid tonight,” y/n muttered while she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of Bobby’s jeep, the boys following suit. She came to a halt in front of the house, looking up at the castle of a house. Music was thumping through the white brick walls and people were bustling about on the front lawn, smoking, drinking and talking. 
“You ready?” Reggie asked, placing a hand on y/n’s left shoulder while another hand grabbed her right one. Looking up, she found Alex smiling down at her with that reassuring smile of his. When she felt another hand on her right shoulder and a kiss to the back of her head, she knew she was good to go. She had all her best friends with her. She would be fine, even if she ran into the devil’s spawn. 
“If you wanna dip, just give us the sign and we’ll bounce,” Luke told her as he stood behind her. Slowly, but surely, y/n began to nod her head, mentally preparing herself for what’s about to come. 
She'd made up a million of scenes where she’d confront Matthew, coming up with the wittiest comebacks she could possibly think of. The perfect monologue that would forever be stuck in her head since she was too much of a shy girl to actually say those out loud. She might seem like a clever, obnoxious popular girl, but deep down, she was still the little geek from Middle School at heart. 
“Good to go,” she mumbled and started her way up to the house with Alex’s hand still in hers and the other boys safely surrounding her. 
As they walked into the house, they turned a few heads and with it began the rumor mill, like it always did. There was always something to spill about the group, it seemed. 
“Y/N!” a loud shriek brought y/n back out of her thoughts. When she looked up, she found Lydia walking up to them with arms wide open. As she hugged her best friend, y/n could smell the alcohol on her. 
“Hey, Lyds,” y/n chuckled, “Been here long?” She pushed the strawberry blonde hair off her and took in her presence. She was wearing her lucky red dress with the plunging neckline, which was enough information for y/n to know her best friend was drinking for some courage to get a boy into her bed. 
“About an hour,” she slurred, and then her eyes fell on the boys behind y/n. Another shriek deafened y/n as the girl stumbled into Reggie’s arms for a hug. The boy giggled, steadying the tipsy girl. Each on their turn, the boys handed the drunk girl off to the next, knowing she wouldn’t stop until she had hugged every single one of them. “So, what are we thinking, shots?” she asked as she leaned on Bobby’s shoulder for balance. 
“I think you need some soda,” Bobby replied before grumpily grabbing Lydia’s hand and leading her towards the kitchen. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as she watched the two walk off. Something wasn’t quite right with her best friend, she just couldn’t place a finger on what it was. 
“What’s gotten his panties in a twist?” she asked the others, who all simply shrugged. 
Within the first ten minutes, the group was split up. While y/n was talking to her running team, Alex was occupied with Driss, Reggie was playing beer pong with some people and Luke was, unsurprisingly flirting with some girl.   
Luke was notorious for his flirting with girls, so it didn’t surprise y/n too much when her eyes fell on the popular quarterback, surrounded by a bunch of cheerleaders. Though she had to admit, she loved it most when the flirting was directed at her instead of other girls. 
When their eyes locked, Luke shot her a wink with that overconfident smirk on his face that made y/n roll her eyes. After blowing him a kiss, y/n walked back into the kitchen for a refill of her beer. If she was going to survive this party, she was going to need some more party fuel. 
“Hey, y/n!” a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the kitchen. When she looked up, she found Astrid and Alexis Bryan, hostesses of tonight’s soiree. It was Astrid who’d called her name. Y/N raised her red cup at the girl as she made her way over to her, leaving her sister by herself. “How you doing?” 
“Pretty good. Nice party you got going on here,” she answered, nodding her head to the dancing students in her living room. Astrid chuckled and sipped from her own beer while leaning against the counter. 
“Yeah, it is pretty rad,” Astrid mumbled, “Though, we have to thank Alexis for that. Could never have done this myself, but she did, so…” A snicker left y/n’s body as she softly tapped her foot to the beat of the music and her eyes scanned the party. 
“Let’s go dance, hm?” Astrid held out her hand for y/n to take, which she gladly did, and let the girl lead her towards the dance floor while sipping her beer. 
It’s about time y/n let loose for once. She always used to get so worked up at parties, knowing Matthew was going to be there and she’d tell the boys she wanted to leave before it ever got any fun. But this time, she wasn’t going to let a boy ruin her fun. She was here now, she looked bomb and was having fun with some of the girls from her class. 
“Y/N!” Lydia’s voice shrieked once more as she joined y/n on the dance floor with a red cup in her hand while the other landed on the back of y/n’s neck, pulling her in to kiss her on the cheek. “You know I love you, right?” 
Y/N glanced over at Bobby, who was keeping an eye out for Lydia from a few feet away. 
“I tried to give her soda,” he shrugged. Y/N rolled her eyes as an amused smile made its way to her cheeks. “It’s your best friend,” he added with his hands raised in defense. 
Y/N reached out and grabbed Bobby’s wrist, pulling him into the group to dance. He was hesitant at first, but eventually gave in and sang along to the song at the top of his lungs while supporting Lydia in a dance. 
Soon, Reggie and Alex had joined the group too, and y/n just knew tonight would be amazing. All she ever needed were her friends, some good music and booze. 
“Having fun, sweetheart?” Y/N’s skin crawled upon hearing the voice and feeling the familiar hands on her waist. That amazing night did not include him. 
She stopped moving all together and stepped away from him, only for him to pull her closer. 
“Let go, Matt!” she yelled and tried to step away again. He twirled her around, leaving his hands firmly on her waist. His bright blue eyes looked down at her with that familiar smile of his playing at his lips. A smile that used to make her heart swell now felt like a violation. 
“Ah, you still remember the sound of my voice,” he cooed. One hand came up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve missed you, y/n. I know we broke up, but I realize now that it was a mistake. We’re perfect for each other…” 
Y/N almost melted as the words reached her ears until she was reminded by the past they shared. Until she was reminded of what he’d done to her and how much it  had hurt. All the pain and sadness suddenly came back to her. She was feeling all of it again. 
She took a step back, finally freeing herself from his claws. She said, “Don’t.” Her eyes were dark and angry, her face stoic. A whole new side of y/n Matthew had never seen before. As he muttered her name, he took a step closer, wanting to hold her in his arms again. “Don’t take another step in my direction,” she said, now a lot firmer than before. “Don’t ever think you can apologize your way back into my arms, Matt.” 
The commotion had grabbed everyone’s attention so much so that even the music had stopped abruptly. Luke got up from leaning against the wall with a girl pinned against it, when he heard y/n’s voice raise, while her other friends perked up too. 
“Please, y/n… You’re the only person I ever loved. You’re the only person I still love.” 
Y/N scoffed at this and shook her head in disbelief while kissing her teeth. “Do you think I’m naive, Matt?” Matt looked up at her, pleadingly. “You really think I’d fall for your lies? After everything we’ve been through? After everything you’ve done to me?” She didn’t care who was watching, she needed to get the monologue she’d thought of in the shower out of her system. It’s now or never. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, y/n… I thought we broke up as friends?” 
A collective gasp fell over the whole entire room, followed by the usual whispers. 
“Yeah, we did. Until I found out you already had your tongue down Sam’s throat the day after. The day after, Matt! I know you were seeing her and so many other girls while we were dating. I hear the whispers too, you know? And I thought, I really thought you were speaking the truth when you told me none of the whispers were true.” Her voice wavered, but she took a deep breath and bit back the tears. She had to stay strong. 
“Fine, the rumors were true, but so what, y/n?! The whispers about you were true, too!” The volume of his voice grows, his tone sharper, firmer. Back when they were dating, y/n got scared whenever the volume of his voice rose, but not this time.   
Y/N shook her head, her tongue gliding over her teeth. “You hear whispers from people around you, saying I slept with Luke when you know damn well that Luke’s like my brother and we don’t look at each other that way. When you hear whispers, you have to scream and you’re screaming at me for being disloyal when the only one who was ever loyal in our relationship was me. I know about whispers, Matt. I saw the way you looked at my sister. At Alexis. At Amber. At Sam. So don’t you dare say I was ever the only one you loved. Because you, Matthew, don’t love anyone or care about anyone but yourself.”
Luke jammed his hands into his pockets as he listened to y/n’s words. Even though they hurt, he couldn’t help but feel proud of her for standing up to her oppressor. He watched as y/n said her final words before running up the stairs, leaving everyone confused and in a humble of even more rumors and whispers. Shaking his head, he followed y/n upstairs, finding her on the balcony at the end of the hallway. 
“So, you finally did it, huh?” His voice made her jump slightly, but she calmed down straight away when realizing it was just him. “Your monologuing in the mirror paid off.” He went to stand next to her, leaning against the concrete enclosure. 
Y/N wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, chuckling. Of course Luke would know she’d been practicing in her mirror. This had been brewing for a while and now that it was finally out in the open, lingering in the air in that living room down there, she didn’t know if she should feel relieved or scared. 
“Hey,” Luke nudged her with his shoulder, shooting a small smile, “I’m proud of you.” 
Her lips curled up into a smile before she wrapped both arms around his bicep, her head resting against his shoulder as she took a deep breath. “I can’t believe I said all of that in there,” she chuckled. 
“Yeah, me neither,” said Luke and he pressed a kiss to her hair before laying his head down on hers. “Did you see Matt’s face though? He was genuinely scared of you just then.”
Y/N scoffed and let go of him, making her way to the small bench in the corner of the small terrace. “I doubt he was scared of me. What he was, was shocked because I never talked back to him whenever we fought.” 
Luke turned around, but kept leaning against the fence, crossing his arms. “I’m glad you finally did. That asshole needed to know that what he was doing wasn’t cool. He needed to know that that’s not how you treat a woman.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow at him, leaning back on her hands. “And you know how to treat a woman.” Luke wasn’t sure if it was a question or a statement, so he didn’t answer straight away. He mulled over a good answer as he walked up to her, taking a seat next to her on the bench, their shoulders touching. 
"You know how I’d treat a woman?” he asked. 
“Please, enlighten me,” she replied. 
Luke inhaled deeply before the words poured out of him like he’d been the one monologuing this in front of his mirror. “I would treat her like a goddess. I would build her temples out of words and love and affection. I would make sure she was happy and satisfied before my own needs were fulfilled. I’d write songs to her and she’d be my muse for my music. I would build empires of paragraphs, castles of melodies inspired by her. I would flood her senses with words and make sure she knew all of that was for her. I would build her a whole new world. I’d grant her a universe filled with words and music of love.”    
Y/N let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Woah, Patterson…” Luke shrugged and offered her a shy smile before looking out into the dark night in front of them. “Careful or you’ll make me fall in love with you.” 
“That’s the intention,” he muttered, but his words were overpowered by Lydia’s shrieking. 
“Here you are!” she yelled, then turned her head to someone inside. “Bobbers! I found our love birds!” She turned her head to the two on the bench and smiled. “Come on, you guys! There’s a party downstairs! We need to celebrate y/n’s greatest victory ever!” 
“We can dip if you don’t wanna go back out there,” Luke told her as she stood up. 
“I think I’ll be okay,” she smiled thankfully at him before reaching out her hand for him to take. “Come on, let’s get jiggy!” Luke smirked before gently placing his hand in hers and letting her pull him up to his feet. 
Together, the two of them followed Lydia and Bobby back downstairs to the party, their fingers laced together as they made their way through the crowd. As if on cue, the people started to whisper again as they passed, but y/n didn’t care. She had her best friends with her, she just stood up to her ex-boyfriend, and she found out her best friend was a feminist. There’s no better night than that. She was not going to let it get ruined by a few whispers. 
For the rest of the night, y/n danced and partied with her friends until the sun came up again and it was time to head home. Like every other party night, the six of them ended up in Bobby’s garage. Luke and y/n snuggled up on his couch, Bobby and Lydia in a sleeping bag together, and Reggie and Alex spooning on an air mattress. 
Can’t get more perfect than that.   
 New week, fresh start, people always said. Y/N used to think of it as bullshit, but this time around, she could actually feel it. She felt refreshed, as if a whole new world opened up to her. As if she’d started a new chapter, nay, a new book. One with a happy continuation. One without Matt. 
Monday also meant practice after school. For all of them. The football team had practice out on the field while the sprint relay team ran around it and the cheerleaders practiced on the sidelines. It was the one extracurricular they did together without actually doing it together. 
“Hey, y/n…” a voice she recognized as Sam’s made her look away from the boys on the football field. Her voice sounded ambivalent, which confused y/n as the girl would normally be chirpy and cheery. 
“Hey, Sam. ‘Sup?” y/n gathered her long hair in both hands and tied it up at the top of her head with a bright pink scrunchie. 
“I just--I wanted to apologize for what I did…” she mumbled, her eyes cast on her fidgeting finger. Y/N had never seen her teammate like this. The otherwise lively sport nut now sounded guilty and like the light had been snuffed out of her. “I knew you and Matt were together and I still let him…” she trailed off as though saying the words would make them true. 
Y/N flinched at the mention of the boy’s name. She had hoped it wouldn’t have been brought up and besides the occasional whisper she’d caught during lunch, the objective had been quite successful. Until now. 
“I really don’t wanna talk about him right now, Sam,” y/n muttered, and when she looked up at Sam, she knew she had to say something to ease the girl’s mind. “But this wasn’t your fault. Matt should’ve not tried anything with you. He was the disloyal one, he was the one that cheated on me, not you.” A teasing grin played at y/n’s lips when she continued, “You know, unless you’re gonna tell me now you doped yourself up for practice and are gonna make me lose.” 
Sam worriedly looked up, but when she noticed the grin on y/n’s face, she immediately calmed down and couldn’t help but laugh. 
She shook her head, “No, I’m no cheater.” 
Y/N’s lips curled up into a smile as she grabbed Sam’s hand and squeezed it, letting her know the two are on good terms. Nothing should ever break up the team, especially not a boy. 
“She's talking about you, y/n?” 
Speak of the devil… 
Y/N turned around to where the voice came from, finding a tense Matt in front of her. She should’ve known there was no way of avoiding him all day today. 
“I knew you were lying to me. I knew you and Patterson were a thing and you cheated on me with him.” His voice resounded across the entire area, attracting everyone’s attention with the sudden commotion. 
The football team stopped their exercise half-way, much to the coach’s dismay, and the cheerleaders broke up their human pyramid to find out what was going on. Luke, Bobby and Lydia were the only ones of each team to give incentive to the rest of the team to walk up to the ex-couple fighting. 
“And you just kept on guilting me because I was the only one to be disloyal,” Matt grunted, shaking his head in disbelief. “I heard the whispers, y/n. I heard what happened the other night!” 
Y/N’s eyebrows rose, unimpressed at his outburst. “What did you hear this time, Matthew?” 
“You and Patterson getting dirty on the balcony at Bryan’s party!” he spat, and drops of saliva actually found their way to y/n’s face. She kissed her teeth before wiping her cheek with one forceful finger. 
“Have you learned nothing, asshole?!” y/n shouted. She wasn’t going to keep her cool anymore. Ever since Friday, she learned that she was able to stand up to herself, no matter how scary Matt could get. 
She stepped forward, erasing the space between the two as they stood chest-to-chest. Seeing this, Luke halted and averted his eyes. He thought this situation would actually give him a hand at finally asking y/n out for real, but it seemed like the two were about to make up. 
“Didn’t you learn about whispers being just that, whispers? Nothing happened between Luke and me. Not when we were dating, not at Alexis’ party. And the fact that you even dare to insinuate I would be capable of cheating just shows once more that you don’t know me and you don’t care about me.” She pressed her index finger to his chest harshly. “You are a selfish, self-indulgent prick who doesn’t deserve all the wonderful women that have thrown themselves at you. You don’t deserve anything and--” y/n flinched as she watched his hand come up and two hands pulled her away from Matt. 
“Patterson, stay out of this,” Matt growled. Y/N opened her eyes at the mention of her best friend’s name, finding him between her and her ex now. As she turned her head, Bobby was standing behind her, his hands on her shoulder. 
Matt turned back to Y/N, the growl persistent on his face. “No,” Luke said, capturing Matt’s attention once more. 
“No?” His voice was abrasive, a tone y/n had gotten used to over the years. 
“No,” Luke repeated. He glanced back at y/n before jamming his hands into his trousers and looking at Matt again. Though Luke was a lot smaller than the broad, tall teenager in front of him, his confidence was twice the size of the other footballer. “Technically, you’re pinning me down as a home wrecker, so you pretty much pulled me into this yourself.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrows at the new-found confidence. Luke was cocky and flirty around girls, but he’d never been this overly confident version of himself towards his teammates. It was refreshing to see this entirely different side from her best friend. 
“Well, yeah, because she clearly did cheat on me with you. Why else would you guys be fooling around after her little outburst to me?” The overconfidence Matt normally carried had now washed away. He hadn’t seen this side of the quarterback yet either. 
Luke let out an airy laugh, and retorted, “Yeah, well, see, that’s where you’re wrong.” He tilted his head ever so slightly, his green eyes looking up at the big, burly footballer. “There’s this misconception about our relationship, you see? Y/N and I are the best of friends, and I get it we’d look super hot together as a couple, but the sad truth is -- well, sad for me -- that Y/N has always been too busy being loyal to an asshole like you to see that. So, despite popular belief, y/n and I are just the best of friends and she deserves the world, more even, she deserves a whole-ass new universe. Which is something you can’t give her.” 
Y/N stared at her best friend in awe. She had never seen this side of him but she couldn’t say she disliked it. In fact, there was this attractiveness about an overconfident Luke defending her against her ex-boyfriend. And reciting the words in her mind, she realized something she hadn’t seen before. Luke was in love with her and he’d tried to tell her so many times before, but she took it as harmless flirting. 
Moreover, y/n realized she was in love with her best friend too. 
“But you, Matthew McSomething,” y/n chuckled at Luke’s name dig at the Scottish boy, especially with the added bonus of an attempt at a Scottish accent, “You are too self-indulgent to even give her a fraction of a world. So, unless you can actually give her more than that, stay away from her…” 
“Or what?” Matt snarled. 
“I’ll put you on the bench for the rest of the season. And we all know you can only get the girls when you’re on the field, don’t we?” 
Matt’s eyes widened at Luke’s words as the panic set in. Matthew McGregor was nothing on the bench. Even worse, he was less than nothing. On the bench, he’d get associated with Bruce Frederickson, coach’s nephew who was just there because he was family and not because he was actually good at football. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Luke murmured and then turned to the coach, who, too, had joined in the drama. “I think we can hit the showers now, can’t we, coach?” The tall man nodded his head slowly, unsure about what had just happened to his star player. He’d only ever got this confident on the field, never off. Even the coach knew that. 
As all teams dispersed, y/n grabbed a hold of her favorite cheerleader’s arm, pulling her aside while Luke and Bobby walked away. They didn’t even notice y/n’s panicked rush. 
“Lyds, I think I’m in love with my best friend,” she whispered. Her eyes were wide, her tone hurried and filled with panic. The strawberry blonde’s lips curled up into a grin as she patted her best friend’s hair. 
“Oh, we know, sweetie…” she said, confusing y/n even more, “It’s about time you admitted it.” Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head as she anxiously played around with the friendship bracelet around Lydia’s wrist. 
“I’ve been dreaming about my knight in shining armour since I was ten, Lyds. I never thought I would find it in my best friend. My best friend, Lydia!” The girl let out an endeared laugh as she tucked a flyaway behind the other girl’s ear. 
“I know, sweetie.” Her hand landed on y/n’s cheek and her thumb gently swiped across the skin. “Now, go! Tell him!” 
“Yeah! Right! Right!” she vigorously nodded her head, but she didn’t move a muscle. 
“Y/N… You’re gonna have to move if you wanna go and talk to him.” 
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, so she shut it again. “Right, yeah…” she swallowed a lump as the fear sank in. She had never had to tell her best friend she had feelings for him. All of this was new to her. How does one even confess that? 
“Sweetie, you can do this, okay? Just follow your gut.” Lydia’s tone was stern, but it was exactly what y/n needed to hear. “Like how you don’t calculate your moves on the track, but you just go! Like Gail Devers!” The mention of y/n’s absolute favorite athlete made her look up. 
“Gail Devers was actually very meticulous,” she corrected her best friend’s metaphor.
Lydia deadpanned, “Not the point, y/l/n.” She placed  her hands on y/n’s shoulders and turned her around, pushing her towards the field. “Now go! Shoo!” She waved her hands in a dismissive manner, and after one more hurried look, y/n sprinted across the field. “Atta girl!” she heard Lydia yell before making her way into the school, through corridors until she reached the boy’s locker room where Bobby had just walked out of.  
The boy glanced at her, and when he realized what she was there for, he nodded his head towards the closed door, giving her permission to go inside. He said, “He’s the last one in.” 
Y/N kissed Bobby on the cheek before opening the door. She was met with the stench of sweat and deodorant, but it didn’t phase her. Not today. The girl was on a mission. 
She weaved through the rows of lockers until she found him standing near a bench, zipping up his trusty black jeans, shirtless. Her eyes scanned his entire physique from head to to toe until she realized she was actually checking out her best friend in a way she hadn’t done before.
For a second, she tried to calculate her next move, but then decided to throw it all overboard, and instead marched up to him. She grabbed his face with both hands and brought him down to meet her lips. His breath hitched in his throat before melting into the kiss and bringing his hands up to her waist, pulling her closer into him. 
“Give me that whole-ass universe,” she muttered as they pulled away to come up for air. Luke huffed, a relieved smile pulling at his lips. This was what he’d been dreaming of for so long; kissing her, holding her, cherishing her. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” he replied before kissing her again. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages,” he added, his words disappearing into her mouth.  
“Oh, I know.” 
With the same words their friendship started, started a whole new chapter in their lives and their relationship. Everything would change now, but neither of them cared. They were granted a whole new universe. 
JATP taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @rudysbay​ @thedarkqueenofavalon​​ @caitsymichelle13​​ @calamitykaty​ @wiselight​ @kcd15​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @stars-soph​ @kinda-really-lost​ @notasofti​ 
Charlie/Luke taglist: @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​ @lolychu​ @perfectlywrongformend3s​ @luckylouiebug​ @camiladelrio98​ @myfriendscallmebeans​
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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writeroutoftime · 2 years
don't cry, beautiful
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pairing: dead!luke patterson x reader
summary: on luke's birthday, twenty-five years after his death, you get a visit from a familiar face that gives you more comfort you could know
warnings: mentions of death, nothing worse than in the show
words: 1.8k
a/n: look at me, getting the fics out after months of this request sitting in my drafts! this is my first time for posting for JATP, and I'm really nervous. to be honest, I don't know if anyone still reads for this fandom, but I really enjoyed writing this - hopefully it's not too bad!
Every year, your mind and body felt heavy as you opened your eyes. Taking in a deep breath, you willed your eyes to hold back their tears as you got ready for a day of work. Even twenty-five years later, your heart still stung as much as the night you found out. It felt as though everywhere you looked, there seemed to be a reminder of him.
A hot dog vendor on the street, a boy with floppy, brown hair playing guitar on the corner, but the thing that drew the line for you was Trevor fucking Wilson’s ‘song’ on the radio as you drove to work. Ever since that fateful night you had fought with ‘Trevor’ over the rights to the songs, eventually losing the battle. It broke your heart to hear him receive undeserved credit for the song, so you quickly shut off the radio, content to mull over your thoughts for the rest of the drive.
All day at work, you existed in a daze – mind back in the 90’s and in that garage you spent so much time in that it felt like home. It wasn’t until later that afternoon that you allowed yourself to open the box of his things: an old shirt of his, stubs to movies and concerts you saw together, and with shaky hands, you pulled out a pile of polaroids.
“Oh, Luke. Why did you have to leave?” you whispered as the tears finally fell down your cheeks.
Looking through the pictures brought a smile to your face at the same time your heart clenched in grief. From childhood to rockstar, you and Luke had always been a part of each other’s lives. When he was upset with the world and with his parents, it was you that he turned to. When you needed comfort or a corny joke, you knew that Luke would always have your back. The last picture you have of the two of you, show you goofing off in Sunset Curve’s old garage – neither of you realizing how short your time together would be.
For a moment, you felt a cool breeze brush against your shoulder. Turning around, you gasped, but saw nothing there except thin air. With a shake of your head, you chalked it up as a figment of your imagination. Your emotions were running high, and you weren’t in a state to be judging reality. Sighing, you realized it was time to head over to Mitch’s and Emily’s, but before you left, you gazed at the polaroid one last time, lightly kissing the glossy film before tucking the box away for another year.
Not long after you arrived, Emily lit the singular candle on the birthday cake, and you tried to keep your tears at bay. It had been twenty-five years since Luke had been alive for a birthday, and it still ached just as much as the first year. Right as you, Emily, and Mitch were about to blow out the candle, you felt a calm presence behind you before the flame was extinguished as if the wind had snuck through the sealed window.
Spinning around, you swore it had felt like someone had been there – just like the feeling you got earlier in the day. The click of the lighter brought you back to the moment, and you leaned forward once more, closing your eyes. As you blew the candle out for Luke, you couldn’t help but make a wish.
“Please, just let me know that you’re okay, wherever you are, Luke.”
Quietly, the three of you took small bites of the chocolate cake, not really knowing what to say. The ring of the doorbell caught your attention. “I’ll get it.” you offered, glad for something to keep your mind and your hands busy.
What you weren’t expecting was a young girl on the other side, two pieces of paper gripped in her hands. “Hello, can I help you?” you asked with a soft smile.
“Is this the Patterson house?” she asked carefully.
“Yes, it is. I’m y/n, but Mitch and Emily are inside. And you are?” you asked.
Eyes widening slightly, the girl shook her head before sticking out her hand. “I’m Julie Molina. Did you know a boy named Luke?”
Your breath was taken out of your chest when she asked the question, and all you could do was nod. On all days, what were the chances that someone who claimed to know something about Luke magically appeared on the Patterson’s front steps. Shaking yourself out of your daze, you called out for Mitch and Emily before inviting Julie inside.
Taking a step back, you watched on as Julie explained who she was and where she lived – claiming she had found a bunch of Luke’s old things. It was difficult not to break down watching as Julie handed Emily a song Luke wrote for her, unknowingly giving Emily the peace, she had been searching for the past twenty-five years.
Suddenly moving to approach you, Julie stopped in front of you, offering a tentative smile. “I think this song is for you, y/n.” Julie said, handing you the second piece of paper she had brought with her. “I also found it with Luke’s things. I think he would want you to have it.”
With shaky hands, you glanced down at the paper and chuckled when you immediately recognized the messy, slanted writing that could only belong to Luke.
Reading through the song brought back every memory – the good ones and the bad ones – you had with Luke. His poetic words spun a story of how resilient your love was, even though all the challenges. He sung about how you changed his world and made him a better person. He also wrote about how, even at 17, he knew you were his one and only. At the end of the song, there was a messy scrawl in Luke’s writing:
to my best friend and love of my life, y/n
Holding that paper made you feel as though Luke was standing right behind you, bringing you the comfort you so desperately needed on that day. Overwhelmed by all the emotions, you smiled thankfully at Julie before excusing yourself, taking a step outside. Once you were alone, you let out a shaky breath, leaned against the cool, brick siding, and let the tears run down your face.
“Don’t cry, beautiful.” a voice whispered, and you thought you were hallucinating.
Glancing up, you let out a loud shriek when right before you stood Luke Patterson, just as handsome as the last time you had seen him 25 years ago.
“Everything alright, dear?” Emily asked leaning outside.
You looked between the spot where Luke was and the door that Emily stood in, realizing she could not see whatever image your mind had conjured up. “Yeah, sorry. Thought I saw a mouse.” you lied, offering a faux smile until she went indoors.
Turning back around, you braced yourself to be meant with thin air once more, but there Luke still stood. “Luke?” you whispered, not trusting your own voice. “Am-am I hallucinating?”
“No, no. It’s really me.” Luke rushed to reassure you, taking a few steps closer to you. “I can’t believe I get to see you again.” he admitted, running a hand through his messy hair.
“How can you be here?” you asked, still trying to wrap your head around what you were seeing.
“Well, uh, I’m a ghost.” he chuckled, looking up at you through his doe eyes sheepishly. “Julie found us one day when she listened to our CD, and here I am. Oh, Alex and Reggie are ghosts too.”
A laugh bubbled out of your chest, eyes staying misty as you thought about the two, sweet boys that had been your close friends. “I can’t believe you’re really here.” you breathed out, taking yet another step closer.
“I can’t believe you can see me.” Luke admitted. “So far, Julie has been the only one who can see us.”
Reaching out, you moved to grasp Luke’s hand, only to be met with cool air. Face falling, you looked into Luke’s eyes and noticed the disappointment.
“And that still makes no one who can make contact with us.” he mumbled, sitting down on the stone patio.
You took a moment to watch the boy in front of you, heart aching over how he hadn’t changed at all. To his inflection, his mannerisms, even his looks. “You look like you haven’t aged a day.” you said, taking a seat next to the ghost of your former boyfriend, suddenly very insecure about the way you looked. The last time Luke had seen you, you had been twenty-five years younger and no traces of grey hair or aging wrinkles.
“Can’t say the same for you.” he teased, wanting to bump your shoulder as he used to. “But seriously, y/n, you’re still the most beautiful person to me.”
There was a moment of silence, neither of you knowing how to handle the situation you found yourselves in. “I’m so sorry, Luke.” you finally spoke, shoulders shaking as the tears fell once more. “I tried to stop Bobby from taking those songs as his own. I screamed and I fought, but he would never listen to me. I just wanted this world to remember Reggie, Alex, and you.” you confessed, arms wrapped around yourself.
Luke moved on instinct to wrap his arms around you, sighing when his arm fell through your body again. “Please don’t cry, babe.” he comforted as if no time had passed. “I mean, yeah, we were mad when we found out what Bobby did, but it doesn’t matter. The fact that you even fought against him makes me so proud. I know you want to make things right, but we’re making music again with Julie, people can hear us sing.” he explained, a smile taking over his features. “The only thing I want is for you to be happy and to let go.” Luke told you, eyes, and voice serious.
“I don’t know if I can do that.” you admitted. “But I’ll try for you.” you added on, offering a watery smile in return. “It’s a beautiful song.” you told him after a minute, holding up the sheet of lyrics you had yet to let go.
Luke blushed but smiled none the less. “I meant every word. My best friend and the love of my life – I’ll always love you.” he told you.
“And I’ll always love you.” you professed, closing your eyes as he stepped forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
Although you couldn’t feel the warmth of his lips, you felt his presence bring a comfort to you that you hadn’t known for a long time. When you opened your eyes again, Luke was gone, but it didn’t hurt like you thought it would.
“Happy Birthday, Luke.” you whispered into the air, song clutched to your chest – a new reminder of your promise to Luke.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Master List
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**Anything I post personally you have my permission to RE-blog!! Much Love!**
Hey guys, gals, NB pals, welcome! So, I don't really have a huge specialty and have things for the most part organized! I do have some pretty good things lying around so pick your poison. If I don't have it, I'm sorry, I've only been writing what randomly comes to my head when I'm in-between writing my newest inspiring fic or working.
As far as requests, zip them on through if you want! I won't do the basic no-no's (No child stuff that isn't fluff, no exaggerated violence, and no animal stuff beyond fluff.)
Drabbles, headcanons, quotes, silly, profane, angst... you name it, I'd love to do it. I like to challenge myself and I believe my work speaks for itself. I like to think I'm darn good at fluff and the absurdly funny and odd. I have no issue with NSFW. I do mark my stuff that's mature properly.
All my posts that are of adult content are marked properly. Clearly, if it's Mature, you wouldn't want your kid sister to read it. Browse wisely, my friends!
Suggestive - Dialogue or situation is leaning toward adult
Mature - The situation or dialogue is adult
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Random Headcanons Everyone (Almost):
Random Headcanons (All the Demons + Solomon)
Random Headcanons Part II (The Entire Crew)
Situations that MC Walks Away (Brothers, Dateables - Luke)
Reactions to You Hiding Under a Table (All the Crew)
My Greatest Contradiction is... (All Crew quotes)
Traits and Sins (Virtues) and Why All These Beings Are in Love With You (All Beings non-Human Theory)
Butter. Demon Prince Project (All the Demons + MC)
Random Headcanons The Brothers:
How the First Four React ADHD (Luci, Mammon, Levi, Satan)
How the Last Three React ADHD (Asmo, Beel, Belphie + bonus)
The Brothers React to an Angry Crier (The Brothers)
The Brothers Walk in on MC in Face Mask (All the Brothers) Requested!
AU Coffee Shop: The Brothers and Type of Customers They Are. (The Brothers)
"Oh, Baby!" Older Brothers Reaction to It Being Their Child. (Luci, Mammon, Levi)
"Oh Baby!" The Younger Brothers React to It Being Their Child. (Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie)
Manor with Manners: The Brothers Reactions to Meeting Your Family
Soundtrack of their Love: The Brothers (Music tracks for all seven)
Aggressive Flirting (The Brothers Headcanon) MATURE
Kink Headcanons No One Asked for But Eff It! (Brothers) MATURE
The Art of Wooing: Pride (Courting Behavior)
The Art of Wooing: Greed (Courting Behavior)
Drabbles and Fun Stuff for The Brothers:
Melted Coins (Mammon fluff!)
Wash Away Self-doubt, Embrace his Sin. (Lucifer Hurt/Comfort one-shot)
Beelzebub Musing (Greysexuality)
Be Careful What You Wish For... (Luci x Reader x Satan) Suggestive
Roped into Trouble (Belphie x Reader) Suggestive
Off the Rails (Lucifer snippet/ humor) MATURE
The Library is Open. (Satan) MATURE
Satan's Attire (Lucifer's frustration)
Hero (Satan x Reader) Fluff
Hero: Cat's Eye (Satan x Reader) Fluff Part II
Beside You (Lucifer) Angst, Grief, Loss - Happy ending though!
Dog Family (Lucifer) Fluff!
Crows, Understand, and Mammon (Mammon Musing)
Random Headcanons The Dateables:
AU Coffee Shop: The Dateables and Type of Customers They Are (The Dateables and Luke)
"Oh Baby!" The Dateables Reaction to It Being Their Child (Solomon, Simeon, Luke(React to Simeon's), Barbs, Dia)
Manor with Manners: The Dateables Reactions to Meeting Your Family
Soundtrack of their Love: The Dateables (Music tracks for all Dateables)
Kink Headcanons No One Asked for But Eff It! (The Dateables NO LUKE) MATURE
Drabbles and Fun stuff The Dateables:
The Angel of a Prince's Dreams (Diavolo)
Glove Theory? (Barbatos+Lucifer)
Rollin' with the Homies (Diavolo 90's)
Tastebuds Aren't for the Sorcerer (Solomon's cooking)
A Theory about Sheep and Lambs in Om! (Simeon references)
Picture Hoarder. His Pretty Little Mess. (Diavolo) MATURE
Formidable You (Diavolo insight fluff)
The Fall (Reader x Diavolo with Simeon Angst)
A Sacrifice for the Devil (Dia x F!Reader) Suggestive
Dealings With A Prince (Diavolo, Barbatos)
Evaluated Through Distant Observation (Diavolo Musing)
A Moment in Eternity (Solomon x Reader)
Chocolate-covered Kisses (Barbs x Reader) Suggestive
Midnight Skies (Solomon x Reader) MATURE
Daily Life in the Devildom (Fanart, other little tidbits!):
Picrew Random 1 - 2 (kitty Satan stuff) - 3 (Mc and others)
Cover for Sacrificial Trust Fic
Scenes From a Dysfunctional Family:
Wrecking Ball (Mammon, MC, Satan, Asmo, Lucifer)
Kinbaku is a Dish??? (Satan, MC, Asmo, Belphie, Lucifer) Suggestive
Locked in a Room... naked? (MC, Satan, Asmo, Levi) Suggestive
Uncoordinated Dresser (Asmo, Belphie, Satan, MC)
Princely Birthday Gift (Luci, Satan, Asmo, Solomon, Simeon, Barbs, Dia, MC) Suggestive
First Time (Luci, Satan, Mammon, MC)
A Comfortable Screw (Luci, MC)
Scenes From a Dysfunctional Devildom:
Joking Around (Dia, MC, Barbs)
She's Beauti- what? (Dia, Barbs, Luci, MC) Female MC
Practicing Daddy (Dia, Luci, Mc) Suggestive
Incorrect Texts:
Legalizing Marriage (Luci, Barbs, Diavolo)
Shar-e-oke (Mammon, MC, Asmo)
Cuddle Positions (Solomon, Asmo, MC) Suggestive
Stolen D.D.D. (Lucifer, MC, Asmo) MATURE
Who [Censored]ed her? (All the Brothers) Suggestive
"Get [Censored]ed!" (Dia, Luci, Barbs)
Debatable Definition (Luci, Mams, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Belphie, MC)
Who do you go to...:
Beel, Mammom, Solo, Diavolo, Luci
Q&A's- The Devildom Project:
Large and In Charge with the Prince.
233 notes · View notes
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Pairing: Luke Patterson X Alive!Female! Reader
Requested: Yes, @charliegillespiewife
A/N: so sorry it took me a while to get this out, I hope you enjoy it, though!! One of these days, I might write something happy for Luke. I might go back and add a gif later, they weren't loading for me! Lyrics are Window by MAGIC GIANT.
Luke sat in Bobby's garage, scribbling away in his songbook. You kind of figured that's where he'd be. He's always got that little book open in front of him when he's not busy.
You cleared your throat, trying to gain his attention. As soon as he looked up at you and processed who you were, he slammed the little book shut, gaining your interest.
"What's in there that you're hiding from me, Lukey?" you asked, a teasing lilt in your voice. Red spread across his face and he looked down at the book. The flustered attitude and silence following your question was an unusual response to gain from your usually confident and boisterous significant other. It made you a little worried. You sat down next to him, leaning bodily into his side.
"You'll find out soon enough, Y/N," Luke hummed, dropping a soft kiss on your forehead. You hummed softly, leaning up to get a proper kiss from him.
"If you say so, love." You sat up to let Luke stand, and winced when his back popped loudly as he streached. "Are you excited for tonight?"
He turned to look down at you, a large grin plastered on his face. " Of course I am. After tonight, everything is going to change." Luke and his band, Sunset Curve, had finally gotten the biggest gig of their career so far performing at the Orpheum. They had all been ecstatic for it, Luke especially. He felt like this was finally their chance and that they were finally going to be able to get their names out there.
The short silence that followed your question was broken by the rest of the band barging in. They were all ready to get the equipment loaded and taken over to the Orpheum.
After the successful soundcheck you watched with Luke and Alex as Bobby and Reggie chatted up one of the employees at the club. Luke interfered for a little bit, before suggesting street dogs. He looked at you after Reggie and Alex agreed, and you shook your head.
You wanted to stay behind and make sure that everything was ready for the rest of the night, and Bobby wanted to stay and see if he couldn't get any farther with Rose. You waved goodbye to Alex and Reggie, and pressed a kiss to Luke's lips, begging him to stay safe. Little did you know this would be the last time you would see him.
Julie was looking over a song in Luke’s book, going over it in her head. It was one that Luke had brought to her attention. He thought that it would be good for them to perform at their next gig, and so far, Julie agreed. When she shifted positions, a picture and a folded out piece of paper fell out of the book, gaining her attention as well. It was of Luke and a girl. Her arm was outstretched, holding the camera to be able to take the picture of her and Luke. She had her eyes closed, but Luke was looking at her with so much love.
Julie unfolded the piece of paper, finding it was a song. She felt bad for snooping for all of a moment. She jumped when the paper was pulled from her hands, looking up to see a less than enthusiastic Luke.
He had poofed into the garage quietly, wanting to ask Julie a question, but he froze when he saw the picture in her hand. He still remembered that day, vividly.
“Luke!” you called happily to him, holding the polaroid camera up for him to see. “Come take a picture with me!” Your smile made it hard for him to say no, so he crossed the room to you. As you held up the camera and smiled, eyes closed, the only thing he could look at was you and your smile. When you opened your eyes to find him already looking at you, you smiled shyly.
“Nothing.” He uttered softly, before pressing a kiss to your lips. “I love you.” You laughed softly, pecking his lips again before looking to the polaroid.
“Luke! You were looking at me!” You pouted. Luke laughed.
“I think it turned out just fine.”
“You weren’t meant to see the picture or the song.” Luke mumbled, holding his hand out. Julie passed the photo back to him.
“Who is she?”
“Just someone I used to know. I doubt she’d even remember me now.”
“What’s her name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
Julie knew what she wanted to do.
“Where are we, Julie?” Luke asked softly. He looked up at the house, confusion twisting his brow.
“I did some digging, and I found that she was still in town.” Julie answered. Luke was still confused until he remembered their earlier conversation.
“No!” Luke shook his head quickly. “Absolutely not.” Julie stared at him for a moment before ringing the doorbell. “Julie!”
Julie didn’t have a chance to respond before the door opened to reveal you standing there. You had clearly grown up, but he could still recognize you.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Julie. I found an old songbook in my garage when I was cleaning one day.”
“That’s not what happened.” Julie ignored Luke’s interjection and continued on.
“And I found this picture tucked into its pages.” She held the picture out, and you took it, covering your mouth with your free hand after seeing it.
“Luke.” you breathed out softly, your eyes glazing over. You were hit with memories of the two of you together, of goofing off with the band, of being happy. You invited the girl in after a moment.
“I also found this in the book.” She said softly, once the two of you were seated on the couch. Luke hovered behind, knowing what was going on. Julie had done the same thing when she found the song for his mom. Julie held a folded piece of paper out to you, and you took it, gingerly unfolding it. ‘Window’ was scrawled across the top of it in Luke’s messy but familiar handwriting. ‘For Y/N’ followed right after.
It's 3 A.M., I hope you're home
I wanna be with you
Just let me in through the window
I had a dream we fell asleep
And woke up in ecstasy
What makes a dream come true?
No one needs to know
I will come in through the window
Oh, oh, oh I'm not leaving you alone
You could write this love in stone
I'm not leaving you alone
It's Friday night and we're alive
And lover's Lane is open wide
We'll get there when we arrive (we arrive)
Your balcony's a limousine
Your bed's a yellow submarine
Right off to the great unknown
Just let me in through the window
No one needs to know
I will come in through the window
Oh, oh, oh I'm not leaving you alone
You could write this love in stone
I'm not leaving you alone
Oh oh oh I'm not leaving you alone
You could write this love in stone…
You closed your eyes, feeling tears slide over your cheeks. Luke wished he could reach out, and wipe those tears away.
“I loved her, so much.” Luke said softly. Julie repeated the words to you, and looked at Luke. “You were the best thing to happen to me.” He continued. “You made everyday worth it. You were the reason I kept going when I felt like everything was against me. You made me strong and I loved you for it,” Julie repeated everything to you, and by the end of the small soliloquy, you were crying even harder. Julie reached out and pulled you into a hesitant hug.
“Thank you, Julie.” You sobbed softly into her shoulder. After a moment, you recollected yourself. “After he died, I never felt like I would have closure. The way things ended felt wrong to me. But you bringing me this, telling me those things, makes me feel like I can finally let go.”
“He’d want you to be happy.”
“I know.” The two of you sat and you regaled her with tales of Luke and the bands adventures in their short lives. Julie laughed along with you, enjoying hearing about them.
Luke leaned on the back of the couch, tears leaking down his face, but a smile held firmly on his face. He missed seeing the happy look that would light your eyes. He missed you. A lot.
“Thank you for that, Julie.” Luke murmured softly, once they were back in the garage. “Maybe we should have told her.”
“Maybe.” Julie looked at the picture of Luke and Y/N that she had put up on the wall. “Maybe one day we will.”
JATP Tag list: @spooky-scary-lesbian
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parkerslatte · 3 years
Just Confess Already
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Luke Patterson x Fem!Reader (90s)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Luke and (Y/N) had been best friends since childhood. The two of them cuddle and act like a couple - except their not. The boys do what they can to get them to confess to one another.
(Y/N) closed her locker just as an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She smiled to herself, knowing who it was immediately. Luke and (Y/N) had been friends since they could remember - they had been through everything together, from first girlfriends and boyfriends, to first kiss, to first breakup. They had been there for each other every step of the way. 
Since the two were extremely close with one another, there were quite a few rumours about the two. The words ‘(Y/N) and Luke are dating’ had spread like wildfire. Of course the two denied these rumours all of the time but no one believed them. Every time the two were together, Luke would either have his arm slung around her shoulder or the two would subconsciously be holding hands. This just fed into the rumours more. Alex, Reggie and Bobby had tried to help the two deny the rumours but only they could do so much. 
(Y/N) stepped away from her locker as Luke’s arm tightened around her shoulder.
“So, the boys and I are rehearsing tonight, you wanna come?” Luke questioned.
“When do I not?” (Y/N) chuckled, “I’ll bring snacks.”
“And this is why I love you.” Luke said and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“You two acting like a couple again?” Bobby questioned as he, Alex and Reggie approached the two best friends. 
(Y/N) scoffed, “We’re not. We’re just being friendly.”
“Friendly my ass.” Alex mumbled.
(Y/N) shook her head before speaking up, “Well, I’ve gotta get to class. I’ll see you boys later.”
Without thinking, (Y/N) leaned up and placed a soft kiss on Luke’s cheek causing him to smile. He unwrapped his arm from around her to let her leave. He watched as she walked down the hall and out of sight. Once she was gone, Luke turned back to his band mates - who all had a similar look on their faces.
“What?” Luke asked obliviously.
“You two, that’s what.” Reggie answered.
“I don’t-”
“Luke, just ask her out already. You two already act like a couple, just make it official.” Alex pestered.
“What? We don’t like each other like that.” Luke denied - although he felt the complete opposite.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” Bobby said.
In her class (Y/N) sat with her friend, Natalie. The two of them were close friends, but obviously not as close as Luke and (Y/N). Natalie reached forward and tapped (Y/N) on the shoulder. 
“(Y/N), don’t you think I don’t know what you and Luke did in the hallway.” She said.
“What?” (Y/N) questioned.
“Well, he wrapped his big strong arm around you. You smiled like an idiot. He kissed your forehead. You smiled like an idiot. You then kissed his cheek and this time he smiled like an idiot.” Natalie explained.
“Okay, first of all, how do you know all of that, you weren’t even there, Second of all, I’m gonna tell you what I told the boys, we were just being friendly.” (Y/N) stated.
“First of all, I have sources, second of all, that was a lot more than friendly if you ask me.” 
“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. We’re just friends.”
“Well, if you’re just friends, you wouldn’t mind if Sierra Carter asked him out would you. I overheard that she’s gonna ask him out.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened, she hated Sierra with all of her being. The two had a long history and there wasn’t time to get into that now. 
“I’m assuming that by your reaction, you would mind.” Natalie said.
(Y/N) sighed, she did like Luke, she might’ve even loved him - but she was afraid that telling him would ruin their friendship.
“I would mind, I really would. I like Luke, but what if me liking him ruins our friendship?”
“Sweetie, have you seen the way he looks at you. You’re not going to ruin your friendship,” Natalie reassured, “Tell him at band rehearsal tonight.”
“How do you know about that?” (Y/N) asked.
“I told you, I have my sources.” Natalie remarked before leaning back in her chair.
“You know, one day I would love to know who this so-called ‘source’ is.”
Later that day at band practice, Luke was slouched in a chair tuning his guitar, he was making sure to take his time because he didn’t want to start rehearsing until (Y/N) showed up.
“Dude, can we start now, you’ve been tuning that guitar for the past half hour.” Reggie spoke up.
“We can’t start yet because we’re waiting on Luke’s girlfriend.” Alex said.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Luke quickly denied.
“Yeah, but you would like her to be.” Bobby smirked.
Luke didn’t deny this and stayed silent causing the boys to smirk. He didn’t know what to do, he obviously wanted to ask (Y/N) out but he just didn’t know how to. He could practically ask (Y/N) anything - but this was one thing he was struggling to ask.
“Sorry I’m late!” (Y/N)’s voice sounded, causing Luke to perk up - this not going unnoticed by the boys who all shared a look with each other, “But I’ve got snacks for everyone. And Alex before you ask, nothing contains nuts. I checked everything before I bought it.”
“I just like to be sure.” Alex mumbled to himself.
(Y/N) placed the bag down on the table and turned to face the boys who were all staring at her. 
“What? Why are you all staring at me?” (Y/N) questioned.
“Oh, no reason other than-”
“Okay, let’s get to rehearsing!” Luke cut Reggie off.
(Y/N) gave the four boys a weird look before sitting down in the chair Luke was previously sitting in. She smiled as the boys rehearsed. (Y/N) was always the boys biggest supporter ever since they started the band. She was there throughout everything. No matter how hard she tried, her eyes always drifted towards Luke. Just watching him play and be in his element always made her happy. Luke caught her staring and sent her a wink her way. Normally, this wouldn’t affect (Y/N), but this time she felt herself blush and get flustered. She quickly diverted her eyes to watch Alex play who only sent a smirk her way - noticing the way she acted when Luke winked at her.
After they rehearsed, the group moved onto the snacks (Y/N) had brought along. (Y/N) sat down on the couch and Luke sat down right next to her slinging his arm around the back of the couch. (Y/N) felt her cheeks heat up as Luke moved his body slightly so his side was pressed against hers. Alex, Reggie and Bobby noticed this and all looked between each other - silently having a conversation. Bobby moved the bag containing the drinks out of (Y/N) and Luke’s sight.
“(Y/N), you forgot drinks.” Bobby spoke up.
“Did I? I swear I bought some,” (Y/N) said and leaned forward to inspect the bag. When she leaned away from Luke, the boy noticed a disappointed look on his face, “Hmm, I guess I forgot them, I can go and get some-”
“No, no, allow us.” Alex spoke as he, Reggie and Bobby stood up.
“Are you sure? I can easily go and get them.” (Y/N) said, rising to her feet.
Bobby raised his hand, dismissing her statement, “No, no, it’s fine. We can get them, it’s no trouble.”
“Well if you're sure…” (Y/N) said, sitting down next to Luke again - however this time sitting a little further away from him.
As the boys left, Reggie turned to look back at Luke. (Y/N) was looking down at her lap so wasn’t paying attention to what Reggie mouthed to Luke. ‘Ask her out now’. The boys left leaving (Y/N) and Luke on their own.
Luke looked over to his best friend, who had sat only a little bit further away from him but it was enough for him to notice. He shuffled over and slung his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders, pulling her down on top of his chest. (Y/N) let out a small giggle, not expecting the sudden movement. Luke’s other arm wrapped around her waist while (Y/N) hands were placed on his chest. This position wasn’t uncommon for the two friends, in fact they fell asleep like this quite often. 
(Y/N) thought about her and Natalie’s conversation earlier that day. She did like Luke, there was no denying that and she was happy that they were so comfortable in their friendship. But she was worried that if she told him - she would ruin it all.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Luke was thinking the same thing. His thumb brushed lightly over the exposed skin on her waist where her t-shirt had ridden up. Luke always put on a confident front, but behind that, he was just a lovesick boy who had no clue how to confess to a girl that he loved.
“(Y/N), I need to tell you something.”
“Luke, there’s something I need to tell you.”
The two spoke at the same time causing them to chuckle.
“You go first.” Luke said. 
(Y/N) took a deep breath, “What are we?”
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“What are we, Luke? We cuddle and act like a couple all the time and…”
“What are you trying to say?” Luke asked, his heartbeat accelerating. He knew for sure that (Y/N) could feel it.
(Y/N) paused for a moment. Although the pause was only a couple of seconds at maximum, to Luke it felt like hours before she began speaking again and what came out of her mouth Luke wasn’t expecting.
“I like you. If this ruins our friendship, please forget I ever said it. I don’t want anything to change.”
Luke didn’t say anything. He felt like he was on cloud nine. The girl he loved, liked him back. A smile stretched across his face.
“It won’t change anything.” Luke said.
“Oh, I’m sorry-”
“Because I like you too.”
(Y/N) shifted her head on Luke’s chest so she was looking up at him, the smile on his face was enough to make her melt, “You like me too?”
Luke brought his hand to rest on the side of her face, his thumb grazing lightly over her cheekbone, “How could I not?”
A smile stretched across her face, she was elated. Luke slowly brought his face down so his lips were only millimeters away from hers. 
“In fact, I don’t think I like you - I think I love you.” Luke didn’t wait for her to respond before crashing his lips onto hers. (Y/N) let out a surprised noise before melting into the kiss. She moved her hands up and slowly ran them through his hair messing it up. Luke’s arms moved so he was holding her waist pulling her body tightly against his. 
(Y/N) broke the kiss for only a moment, “I think I love you too.” She reconnected their lips quickly and pushed Luke down so his back was laying flat on the couch as she rested on top of him. Luke’s thumb began stroking the exposed skin of her back as she broke the kiss for air. 
“I’m glad you love me because I would have no idea what I would’ve done if you didn’t.” (Y/N) said. 
Luke smiled as (Y/N) settled herself on his chest once again. (Y/N) closed her eyes and let out a content sigh as Luke’s hand played with the ends of her hair. When she opened her eyes again she noticed a bag behind the chair Bobby was sitting on. 
“Those bastards, they made me think I didn’t buy the drinks.” Luke followed her eye line and chuckled once he saw what she was looking at. 
“But if they didn’t leave, then this wouldn’t have happened.” Luke mumbled into her hair.
“I guess I have to thank them for that.” Luke pressed a kiss to her forehead. Of all the times Luke had kissed her forehead, this time it felt different and she couldn’t explain it. 
“I love you.” (Y/N) mumbled.
“I love you, too.”
“I’m never going to get sick of hearing that.”
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Ghost of you (1/2)
Pairing: Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
This fic is inspired by Dancing with your ghost by Sasha Sloan and specially Ghost of you from 5SOS and one of its verses also makes an appearance.
It’s also a collaboration I did with the lovely @cookiebuba, thank you for trusting me to write it, love! (I really hope you like it🥺)
Summary: This first part is angst and is basically Y/N catching up with her boyfriend Luke one last time in the 90’s and then Luke founding her once he’s back in 2020.
And that's the only thing I'll say because I really don't want to spoil you. I also adored to write it🥺💖
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“Hello again, my love.
Today marks 2 years since you left, And it's still as hard as the first day. One of the hardest things is waking up. Sometimes I stay almost an hour on bed, looking towards the door. Terrified to turn to your side and find it empty again.
Every night I try to rest for hours until finally exhaustion allows me to sleep wrapped in one of your old shirts, pretending that you are quietly sleeping next to me. Sometimes I have to play the only slow song from the first and last Sunset Curve record to ease the craving of you and in the hope that it will help my mind to meet you in my dreams. Those nights when I am lucky enough to find you are what keeps me relatively sane, because no matter how much it hurts to have to say goodbye, not seeing you again would be so much more painful.
I could dream of us anywhere, doing anything. But it’s always the same dream, what I yearn most projected in it. It always starts with me opening the door of our house, you are writing a song in the living room and as soon as you look at me you smile as if you had not seen me in years, wrapping me in your arms with all your strength.
You tell me how much you love me, and that when you are without me you feel as if your soul is missing. And then you ask me to promise not to leave you again. And it hurts, it hurts like fucking hell. Because I know I’m dreaming. Because I know it’s not actually you. Because I know I can’t promise you that. And god, how much I want to promise you that.
I divert the conversation crashing my lips on yours because I don’t want to lie to you, even if it’s only a dream. You pick me up and I hang my legs around your waist. And for a second I allow myself to forget. I sink in your perfume, in your arms, in your kisses, in how your tongue feels inside my mouth, in how your hands walk all over my body, In how my name sounds almost magical in your husky voice.
We spent the rest of the day just being us. Laughing, writing, playing, singing.
I sing to you the last song I wrote, the one I wrote especially for you after the first dream. The first time it just came out naturally, like it had been there the whole time. When I woke up I decided to write it down and complete it, and the next time I dreamed you I started playing it for you, just like all the following times. Because it’s the only excuse I have to cry there, for you to comfort me. Because it’s the only way I have for you to understand a little of what I am suffering without ruining the illusion.
“Come here beautiful, you’ll never have to experience something like that, I promise. You’ll dance with the real deal.” If you only knew, love.
That's when I melt on you. The tears don’t stop falling as you practically wrap me in your arms and we dance calmly around the room, I’m sobbing like crazy while you sing in my ear to try to help me relax.
I can tell you’re freaking out, comforting someone while crying was never your strong suit, but being me you always try your best,and that was more than enough.
The dream always ends with me in your arms, when I finally calm down and our heartbeats sound as one. Everything feels good for a second until suddenly I can't hear yours anymore. I beg you to hold on to me but little by little you fade away. I try to dance alone, pretending that you are still there to try to make you reappear, but I never get it. I never get you. So I keep dancing and crying until the stabbing pain wakes me up.
And I know it sounds awful and heartbreaking, but I can assure you, If to see the shine in your eyes, hear your voice and feel your lips, I have to end up dancing with the ghost of you, I’ll do it every single time. It's worth it... you are worth it. I would happily pay for the suffering I go through when I wake up every day in order to continue living the good moments.
I officially released the song a month ago, and it's doing fairly good. I knew I had to come to tell you, and it was a good excuse to finally dare to tell you that I still find you recurrently in my dreams. You will always be the love of my life, my biggest dream. I love you Luke, yesterday, today and always.”
After talking to him for hours, she gets up, wipes her knees, and examines the tombstone of her beloved for a few more seconds before leaving the cemetery.
The only thing on her mind right now is how unfair life was with her.
After several months Julie finally decided to hear the music that she used to listen with her mother at full volume every day. Iconic songs from the 90's that marked the life of her mommy and later, in some way, hers.
‘Ghost of you’ starts playing and Julie can't help but feel even more connected to the song now that she lost Rose and the boys came into her life.
Just as she thinks of them almost as if she had summoned them, Sunset Curve appears. Reggie is about to speak when Alex puts his hand on his mouth. The three turn pale and begin to search where the sound is coming from, until the three approach their friend's laptop, a tear instantly falling from Luke's eyes.
“Ghost of you by Y/N Y/L. The story says that the poor thing lost the love of her life when she was just a teenager, she couldn’t recover from that loss. 2 years later she released this song to honor his lover on the anniversary of his death, and ended being one of the most iconic songs of the 90's era."
“Dancing through our house with the ghost of you. Cleaning up today, found that old Zeppelin shirt you wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt.”
There is no doubt that she wrote it for him. The pain on the young woman's face makes him want to hit his head against the wall until he’s unconscious.
Reggie and Alex aren’t in better shape, they both seem about to pass out. Julie wasn’t expecting them to be so affected over an old love song.
“I know the feeling guys, her voice is breathtaking and heartbreaking at the same time, is insane. I know she would have done a lot more of amazing music if she’d had more time.”
If Luke's heart continued beating it probably would have stopped at that very moment.
“Julie, What do you mean with If she’d had more time?”
“She died a month after releasing the song in a car accident. I think in 1997.”
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Welcome to Our Hell // Charlie Gillespie
IN WHICH: Charlie asks the reader a simple question that leads the man to fall down a rabbit hole of reading. Despite the panic you felt along with your fellow writers you still introduced and helped him navigate the pool of fanfiction.
Warnings: None (it’s actually possible with me??)
Words: 1k
A/N: I couldn’t resist making a tiny blurb about the revelation that Charlie has read fanfiction, that he enjoyed reading it. I actually talked about how Owen and Charlie would react to jatp fanfiction so sorry for manifesting 😬
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Your eyes slightly glanced up from your computer to where a certain someone was humming along to an Eagles song. His hips swayed as he slipped the egg in the pan, unaware of your eyes following him. He was entirely in his own world while he left you to finish up what he was led to believe was just school work.
The innate cheerful aura the male gave off regardless of the landscape had always been one of your favourite things about him. He saw the joy and good in things most people tended to overlook. It didn’t matter if he had his guitar in his hands or a cooking tool; he’d shoot that smile that melted your heart.
“Whatcha doin’?” Charlie questioned, peering over the island in the apartment you had rented in the city.
“Just doing some work.” You replied, beginning to type once more with a sudden burst of inspiration. You barely noticed he had slid the egg onto the plate before he was at your side.
“Are you writing for Tumblr?”
That one sentence froze you. Fingers stiffened above the well-loved keyboard of your computer you’d invested a fair amount of money on. Goosebumps swarmed every inch of your skin that suddenly lost a few shades.
Your skittish gaze found purchase in the warm ocean of hazel that bore no judgment, “Did you just say Tumblr? H-how do you know Tumblr Charlie?”
The Canadian hummed in response with a thoughtful expression, “I saw this really cool artwork, and it had a link. I followed it to Tumblr. It’s such a cool site.”
“It’s a hell site.” You deadpanned at the young actor who held no contempt for the different creativity methods unleashed in the fandom. Your e/c irises stayed stuck in a battle of colour with his own eyes.
“If it’s a hell site, why do you go on it?”
“It’s like a car crash or a burning building. It’s horrifying, but you stay to see which outcome ends up winning.” You had to carefully find the words to eloquently describe why you kept returning to a site that was frustrating at times.
“There’s so much diversity from songs, traditional art, poems, dances, covers and now writing. It’s insane.” Charlie chucked as he nudged the plate of breakfast he’d cooked for you, “I’m really digging the ‘90s Lalex books-”
“Fanfics. Fics for short.” You offered the man who held a slight expression of confusion that quickly cleared up, “And the writing has been going on since the series dropped. I’d be rich for every fic that referenced Luke’s aversion to sleeves.”
The boisterous laugh filled the room as Charlie hunched over. His arms wrapped around his midsection.
“Don’t you find it weird that there are fics about you?”
“Weird?” Charlie spoke, scrunching up his nose adorably. His hazel eyes lightened further, “Y/N, I’m not weirded out. I’m honoured that I made enough impact to have people writing about me.”
A small smile broke across your face, “You totally have a secret account, don’t you?”
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“No. NO.” The whisper come in the dark of the bedroom where both sides of the couple should be sleeping. You had been before Charlie whined with his phone attached to his hand.
“Baby?” You groaned, turning to find him still invested in the world of fanfiction. His hazel eyes, tear-filled, raised to meet yours, “What are you doing up at-3am?”
“I just finished reading this adorable fic about Willex. The euphoria had me reading the next fic without reading the summary.” Charlie cried to the bedside light you’d turned when his sniffles woke you up. The near distraught man didn’t fight as you gently took his face out of his hand.
“Oh, Char.” You hummed, bringing the brunette into your arms as he mourned whatever was in the fic.
“Luke died with his girlfriend waiting in the Orpheum. She lived and began a life with Bobby..er Trevor.” Charlie whispered against the soft comforter you’d only recently bought, “They never got to say goodbye. As Luke’s portrayer, I just know the double betrayal took him to his knees.”
“Ah, you found @losttinwritings​ ‘See you Again’. That one is a doozy.” You winced, remembering the heartbreaker, “You, however, need sleep.”
Charlie’s eyes quickly met the phone sitting in between you two, “But-”
“Here.” You handed over your own phone after clicking your secondary account, “It’s one of my all-time comfort fics when I’m feeling sad. @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ always nails it out of the park but ‘Love Shack’? Immaculate.”
Charlie’s eyes flickered between the phone in his hand to your eyes twinkling in the albeit shitty lighting the cheap lamp offered. The vulnerability in your eyes at offering your blog took his breath away. This was a place where you were safe in your thoughts with no judgment.
“Oh! And @cherrymaybank​ created ‘A Romantic’. A beautiful story in the eyes of a hopeless romantic Luke and the stoic, independent reader.” You offered with a grin and sigh of happiness, “I’ll have to start tagging you in the ones I adore. Definitely gonna introduce you to @merceret​’s work; it’s always amazing regardless of how long the fic is or the distance between work. I’d wait a thousand years for her.”
Charlie’s lips spread to reveal that smile that always had you falling back in love over and over again. It even eased the panic you felt viewing Charlie’s rather honest confession he put on his Insta story. He’d caused panic within the writing community as he boldly announced his pride, awe, joy and love for all the fandom provided creatively. 
Next thing you knew, you’d started sending each other fics you’d think the other would enjoy; it often ended up with the same fic being sent. Charlie didn’t address the topic publicly to allow the buzz of panic to die down. He also never discovered your personal writing blog either, well, that you knew about.
Sometimes you’d find him sniffling over a story where Luke discovers his girlfriend was unknowingly pregnant and never got to see him child grow up. That one also tore your heart apart and you’d been the one to write it. Just a secret you’d be taking to your grave.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​ @kexrtiz​ @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies​ @dangersolns @soverignparker
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heliads · 3 years
Luke Patterson Masterlist
Tutoring Troubles - Based on this request: “Luke x reader where she’s his English tutor and he develops a crush, so even when he understands what she's teaching him he pretends to be confused so the sessions last longer. He gets a good grade but that means the sessions are over so he builds up the courage to ask her out.” Imagine
Skills and Smiles - Based on this request: “Reader does art for sunset curve. Luke tries to teach the reader guitar and the reader tries to teach Luke art. It doesn't end well, the reader is embarrassed that they can’t play to save their life and Luke is embarrassed that he can't draw. But Luke finds it cute that the reader can't play even though they're trying hard and the reader finds it cute that Luke can't draw even though they are trying hard.” Imagine
The Ex Friend (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) - Luke Patterson isn’t used to any part of life as a ghost, let alone trying to figure out the drama between Julie and Carrie’s friends. However, he has a feeling that there’s more to Y/N L/N, Julie’s old friend, than meets the eye. Imagine
Dating ‘90s!Luke Patterson and Being a Newspaper Photographer Would Include... - Based on this request: “Headcanon request: 90’s Luke with a girlfriend who is a photographer for a local newspaper” Imagine
The Lead - Based on this request: “AU where female reader is the lead singer of Sunset Curve, not Luke. Luke’s a solo artist and dating reader. Sunset Curve rehearses at the Orpheum. Luke watches. Reggie and Alex leave the Orpheum and die after eating street dogs. As the reader is driving herself & Luke to Reggie & Alex’s funeral, the car flips. The reader and Luke come back as ghosts." Imagine
Now or Never (Part One) (Part Two) - Based on this request: “Luke imagine where reader is friends with Reggie and Alex. When the boys finish their rehearsal, Luke convinces her to do a duet with him. After the boys and reader die separately, she comes back as a ghost in 2020.” Imagine
All Good - Based on this request: “The female reader is dating Luke and is a surfer. As she’s surfing, she is attacked by a shark and dies of blood loss. The reader comes back as a ghost in 2020 and meets the boys. Julie helps her find a way to thank her parents for what they did for her in regards to surfing.” Imagine
How to Move On - Based on this request: “A ghost!Luke Patterson x alive!reader but she is older. Like in the 90s they were but then he died and she got older. An angst story please :)” Imagine
The Eternity Ahead - Based on this request: “The female reader is dating Luke and is one of the rhythm guitarists of Sunset Curve. On the way to the boys’ funeral, the reader dies in a car crash. As a ghost, she becomes the rhythm guitarist of Julie and the Phantoms.” Imagine
Dating Luke Patterson and Working at Caleb’s Club Would Include... Headcanons
Forever Separated - Based on this request: “Reader is Luke’s girlfriend in the 90’s and is at the gig at the Orpheum and hit by a drunk driver and dies instantly. She and the boys come back as ghosts 25 years later. She’s there for everything that goes down with Julie, Willie, and Caleb.” Imagine
Breaking Promises - When Julie has to suddenly drop out of a Julie and the Phantoms performance, the role of lead singer falls to her best friend Y/N, as she’s the only other person who can make the boys visible to the world. When Y/N seems betrayed by this, it falls to Luke to figure out why the girl he’s been crushing on seems so hurt. Imagine
Goodbye in C Minor -  Luke Patterson was dating this incredible girl, Y/N, until he died along with Alex and Reggie. Now that he’s been stuck in the present day, he doesn’t know how to move on from the girl he left behind in the 90s. Imagine
Broken Arms, Not Hearts -  Based on this request: “a luke x reader where the reader gets hurt somehow (maybe they like break something, idk) and he is super worried and caring” Imagine
Lucky Number 6 - Based on this request: “5 times Luke almost admitted his feelings to the reader (Julie’s BFF) and one time he actually does?” Imagine
Touch-starved -  Based on this request: “after getting close to the reader before the Orpheum through writing sessions and such and hating the fact that they “couldn’t touch”… well now that Julie freed them from Caleb… it’s game over now and Luke uses every chance he gets to express his love for y/n.” Imagine
Still Into You -  Based on the request “Luke x reader based on the song Still Into You by Paramore?” Imagine
Crushes -  Based on this request: “a fic based off the Nick scene where Luke mocks him but instead it’s with the reader who has been helping Luke with writing songs/getting close too? And she has her “perfect harmony” moment with Luke that kind of freaks her out when she explains it to Julie and Flynn but what she dosen’t know is that Luke overhears everything?” Imagine
Sighted - When Willie directs Luke, Julie, Alex, and Reggie to seek out some mysterious girl who might be able to make lifers see them, Luke isn’t sure what to expect. Imagine
Pining - Maybe you happen to have a crush on Luke Patterson. Maybe it hurts you more than you want to admit to see him perform so well with Julie. And maybe, just maybe, he might like you back. Imagine
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Hi can you do a Reggie x reader where she’s Luke’s younger sister and her and Reggie were dating in the 90s and then in the present when Luke goes sees his parents the reader is there and Reggie isn’t expecting that and the reader is telling her parents that she’s been trying to expose Bobby about his hit songs are her brothers and Reggie and Luke are both happy about that and also the reader knows julies mom and she asks to come hear her play and see Luke and Reggie. I hope this isn’t to weird
TITLE: Number One Fan (JATP Reggie x reader)
Request an imagine here!
Request: Yes!
Pairing:  Reggie x reader, Luke x sister! reader
Prompt/summary:   The reader is Luke’s younger sister. Her and Reggie were dating in the 90s and she finally gets closure after 20 years
Word Count: 2,136
Warnings:  some angst I guess
Authors note: I already had a similar idea to this so I’m gonna take some ideas from what I already had written. I had to simplify this a little bit, but I hope you enjoy!
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The beating of my heart drowned out the sound of the doorbell as I stood outside of my parents house. Though this event happens every year it still doesn’t quell the amount of anxiety and pain I feel, even after 20 years. In 1995 I didn’t only lose my brother Luke, I lost my boyfriend Reggie. Oh even the thought of their names makes my eyes water and my throat close up.
The door finally swung open after what felt like a century. Seeing dad standing there brought up feelings I had tried to run away from, feelings I tried to fix and shut out but never truly could. He pulled me into a tight hug and wiped some of my tears away. This is how it went every single year on his birthday, no one truly spoke but everyone knew there was nothing to say.
I still remember the night Luke ran away. My parents tried their best to pry where he was staying out of me but I never let them, I just couldn’t betray my brother like that. Besides they treated him terribly after they found out about the band. I guess I still blame them for him never coming home. 
After the candle was blown out and the cake was cut I took mine into Luke’s room to eat. I knew he’d be proud since our parents used to be super strict about no food in the bedroom and I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity. His room was still the same, even after 20 years. Posters of his favorite bands hung on the walls, his guitar sat on its stand in the corner. I only knew one song that he taught me, but it’s become the only thing that feels close to him. The strings hadn’t been replaced in years and I could see the exact spot where his fingers had worn away the metal leaving it smooth and thin. It still sounded beautiful after all this time.
I felt something in the room shift. Goosebumps formed on my arms as I felt something soft wrap around me. It was barely there. If I wasn’t paying attention I would’ve missed it entirely with how the air seemed to wrap around me. Tears fell down my face as I put the guitar up and grabbed the empty plate, trying to make sense of what happened.
It wasn’t even a few days later when there was another ring from the doorbell. Dad answered it and let the girl inside.
“Julie lives in the house the band used to rehearse in,” Dad said as I walked into the living room, “She was just telling me she found a song that Luke wrote.”
“It’s a song about a girl named Emily?” Julie questioned.
Mom gasped, “I’m Emily…”
“Then I think your son may have written this song for you,” Julie said.
I took the paper out of her hands slowly, looking over my brother's handwriting and scribbles that covered the paper. I turned to my mom and nodded while handing it to her.
“I need some air,” I said. I walked out the front door and leaned against the hood of my car trying to catch my breath.
It wasn’t too long after that Julie finally walked outside. She saw me and put her hands in her back pockets before walking over slowly.
“Your Luke’s sister?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said, I wiped the tears off of my face, “and Reggie’s girlfriend back in the day.”
“Oh,” she said, I could tell she was shocked and I giggled at her wide eyes.
I took a deep breath, “Did you find his songwriting notebook? I’ve tried searching for it for years, it wasn’t in his stuff when he…”
“He must’ve left it in the garage before he left that night, and it’s there now. It’s one that I found. Do you want it back?”
“No,” I said, “I don’t think I have the strength to look through them all, and honestly I don’t want to know how many sappy love songs he wrote about the girls he chased when he was younger.” 
Julie laughed and I joined her, it felt good to finally be able to talk to someone about my brother.
“Julie?” I asked, “Did you find any of Reggie’s stuff?”
Julie took a pause before responding, “Yes I found some of his jackets in the garage.”
“Would you mind to bring some of them?” I asked.
She nodded before pausing again, “Did you ever move on? After that night?”
I sighed and looked down at the ground, “I lost both my brother, my best friend, and my boyfriend in the same night. It’s hard to move on after that. Losing not one but three of the people you love can change you.”
Julie nodded before pulling another piece of paper out of her back pocket, “I asked your parents if I could perform some of their songs, I think you should come.”
“Thank you Julie, I’d love to. You know I was their number one fan right? I always got to sit in at practice and got their shirts before they were for sale. I guess I didn’t want to listen to their music at all after everything that happened.”
“They wouldn’t want you to lock music out of your life, just know they died while going after their dreams. Not many people get to do that.”
I nodded before pulling her into a hug. She waved as she walked off leaving just me and the paper she gave me. I opened it up and a smaller white piece of paper fell on the ground. The first paper, bright pink and vibrant, read Julie and the Phantoms Live!
The white piece of paper was obviously from my brother's songwriting book, scribbled at the top of the page in Reggie’s handwriting was (Y/n)’s song.
The Opheum. The same place my brothers passed away over 20 years ago now. I found Julie’s dad near the front row and took my place next to them at the wall separating the fans from the stage. Julie appeared on stage finally and delivered a short speech dedicating the song to her mom and her friends. I was confused as the notes to Stand Tall started playing, I wrote this with Luke a month before he died. Where did she get this? My answer came as slowly each member of Sunset Drive appeared on stage in front of me. Tears formed in my eyes as I saw the people I loved the most show up after 20 years of thinking they were gone. After a big finale and a standing ovation Julie finally walked backstage and she had asked me to meet her back there after the show.
“Julie I- what was that? Are they really here?” I said as I rushed up to her.
“Hold on,” she said as she pulled me into the dressing room, she closed the door and turned back to me, “I’m going to tell you but I don’t want you to freak out or think I’m crazy.”
“Julie I just saw the three people I thought were dead for 20 years play an opening act on stage, if anyones crazy it’s obviously me.”
Julie took a big breath and went into the entire story of how she formed a band with my three ghost best friends and managed to convince everyone that it was a hologram. And then how a creepy demon dude branded them and is trying to force them to join his club and they have to avoid it by finding their unfinished business to be able to cross over. By the end of it I was leaning back in the chair I sat down in and rubbing my face.
“So they’re here?” I asked.
“Yes, well, kinda.”
“And people can only see them when they’re playing?” I said as I pushed my hair back.
“Yes,” she said, “and I know I know it doesn’t seem real but I can prove it to you.”
“Follow me to my house.”
I drove behind them on the way home and waited for Julie to give me the signal to come inside.
“You know Luke wrote Stand Tall as a duet for me?”
Julie turned to me with wide eyes, “Oh- uh, no I didn’t. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be Julie, I’m so glad he finally got to perform it with someone,” I said with tears brimming my eyes
“Don’t you still want to be with him?” Julie asked.
I raised my eyes, “With Reggie?” 
She nodded.
“I’ve aged 20 years Julie, and spent most of that time believing he was gone. I moved on. Maybe if I could see him again I would, but I don’t really know if people would find it weird a 36 year old is dating someone who hasn’t aged.”
Julie laughed before I could continue, “I’m just happy he finally got to live his dream, and I’ll always be your biggest fan.”
 She led me out in the garage that my brothers had practiced in when they were in high school. I looked around and saw how much had changed over the years, a grand piano sat in the back that I had never seen before. The lights were still off but I could see the outline of the couch and furniture and instruments scattered around. 
“I never got to say goodbye before they crossed over,” Julie sighed and I rubbed her shoulder, “Or tell them thank you.”
I heard a whisper come from inside the studio and Julie whipped around to turn on the lights. I couldn’t see who she was talking to but I knew it was them.
“I thought you crossed over?”
My face furrowed in confusion, “What’s going on?”
“They pretended to cross over but the Orpheum wasn’t their unfinished business,” Julie said as her voice shook.
“So they came here to die again?!” I yelled.
Julie smiled and said, “Reggie said you’re still the same firecracker he asked out in freshman year.”
She pointed to the ground beside the recliner, the air seemed cloudy, surrounding a vague outline of a person. I sat down on the ground near the blob and cried wishing I could see them.
Julie pleaded with them to go join Caleb but I knew it was no use. Their stubbornness transcended the mortal world. I saw Julie lean up and hug a figure, then I saw Luke. I gasped as he started to glow a golden light.
“Why can I feel you?” Julie said. 
“I don’t know but, I feel stronger.”
“Luke?” I gasped out.
He turned and gave me his signature smile, “See? I told you you’d never get rid of me for too long.” 
I rushed forward and tackled him in a hug.
��Reggie, Alex come here!” Julie yelled.
I felt three more sets of arms around me. More glowing light filled the room and I looked up to see my three best friends standing in front of me once more.
“Whoa,” Reggie said, I looked up and looked deep into his eyes, “I don’t feel as weak anymore.”
The boys winced as the marks on their wrists began to float into the air and disappeared. 
“What does this mean?” Julie said.
“I think the band’s back,” Luke smiled.
“And with our number one fan,” Reggie said and threw his arm around me. I buried my face in his neck and finally smelled the scent I’d forgotten long ago. 
“You guys think we can try the hug thing one more time?” Alex said, causing us to laugh. We all pulled into another group hug.
After we pulled back again Reggie said, “I like this.” Before pulling us into another hug. 
“We played the Orpheum!” Julie shouted and we all jumped around, never letting go until Julie’s dad called her inside.
I stayed outside with the boys for just a little bit longer. My arms never left Reggie’s neck unless it was to hug the other too, trying to catch up on 20 years worth of affection that was missed.
“You look hot,” Reggie said causing me to chuckle.
“Dude!” Luke yelled, “I don’t care how old she is, that's still my little sister.”
“Sorry bro, but she’d be a hot mom,” Reggie smirked.
I smiled and pulled Reggie in for another hug.
He pulled back and looked into my eyes, “So what does this mean for us?” 
“I don’t know honestly,” I sighed, “But I guess we’ll figure it out.”
“I’m never letting you go,” Reggie said as he buried his face in my hair.
“I’m counting on it besides you still have to play that song for you number one fan."
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Julie and The Phantoms | Masterlist
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All Julie and The Phantoms related content on my blog! 
Not taking requests for Julie and The Phantoms at the moment! 
Add yourself to my taglist! 
Fics indicated with !! contain smut and adult content, proceed with caution. 
Last updated: August 2, 2021
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Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 /  Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10  /Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21 / Chapter 22 / Chapter 23 / Chapter 24 / Chapter 25 / Epilogue
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- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three
- Part Four
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- Part One 
- Part Two
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- Part 1: Starstruck 
- Part 2: Something About The Sunshine 
- Part 3: Hero
- Part 4: What You Mean To Me 
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Parallels Masterlist 
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Snacks, Cuddles and Julie and The Phantoms | Charlie Gillespie
Took You Long Enough | Charlie Gillespie
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart | Charlie Gillespie
The Perfect Night | Charlie Gillespie
A Long Way From The Playground | Charlie Gillespie
‘Til We Meet Again | Charlie Gillespie 
Bet On It | Charlie Gillespie
Without A Doubt | Charlie Gillespie -- Thanksgiving Special  
More or Less Potter | Charlie Gillespie 
The Guy at The Gas Station | Charlie Gillespie
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Meant to be Yours | Luke Patterson
An Unforgettable Halloween | Luke Patterson
Halloween Prank Gone Wrong | Luke Patterson
Grant You A Universe | Luke Patterson 
Break My Heart | Luke Patterson
Break My Heart (Alt. Scene) | Luke Patterson !!
Royals and Rockstars | Luke Patterson !!
Love Shack | Luke Patterson (Song Fic Feb) 
God Only Knows | Luke Patterson
Rock Bottom | Luke Patterson 
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OG Version on AO3
Rewrite Coming Soon 
Maya & June | Deleted Scene
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A Touch | Reggie Peters
Prove Them Wrong | Reggie Peters
Just Like Heaven | Reggie Peters 
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- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3 (Christmas Edition)
- Part 4 (Song Fic Feb Edition)
- Part 5 
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Hero Complex | Owen Patrick Joyner
Just A Thought Away | Owen Patrick Joyner
Rendezvous | Owen Patrick Joyner !!
Never Enough | Owen Patrick Joyner
End Up Here | Owen Patrick Joyner
Curiosity Killed The Cat | Owen Patrick Joyner
Fearless | Owen Patrick Joyner 
Vet Visits | Owen Patrick Joyner
Home Again | Owen Patrick Joyner 
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Chemistry | Alex Mercer
Love Thy Neighbor | Alex Mercer
Breathe | Alex Mercer 
I’m There | Alex Mercer 
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Illusion | Julie Molina 
The Baby Project | Julie Molina
Dreaming of You | Julie Molina 
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Change My Mind | Carrie Wilson 
My Love Won’t Let You Down | Carrie Wilson 
A Mess | Savannah Lee May 
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- Part 1: Will They Won’t They
- Part 2: Uh Oh 
- Part 3: Ballerina 
- Part 4: Minutes Away 
- Part 5: Stranger 
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More Than Enough | Platonic!Owen x Charlie x Reader
More Than Enough (Part 2) | Platonic!Owen x Charlie x Jeremy x Reader
The Cure | JATP Girls 
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JATP x BTR Crossover Week Masterlist
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Dream-a-little-bigger-x’s Christmas Countdown: The Masterlist
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Disconnected | Reggie Peters 
What I Like About You | Sunset Curve 
Best Years | Luke Patterson 
The Story of Another Us | Bobby Wilson 
San Francisco | Reggie Peters 
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What 90′s Dreams Are Made Of | Masterlist 
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Royals and Rockstars: MINT | PINK
What I Like About You  | JATP x 5SOS Week
Best Years | JATP x 5SOS Week
A Mess | Song Fic Feb Week 1
Love Shack | Song Fic Feb Week 2
The Cure:   CARRIE | JULIE | KAYLA | FLYNN | Song Fic Feb Week 3
StarStruck: StarStruck | Something About The Sunshine | Hero | What You Mean To Me | Song Fic Feb Week 4
Home Again | Owen Patrick Joyner
Just Like Heaven | Reggie Peters
I’m There | Alex Mercer
Life in Quarantine (Part 5) | Owen Patrick Joyner
Dreaming of You | Julie Molina 
Maya & June | To Find You Again (Deleted Scene)
Rock Bottom | Luke Patterson 
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laviefantasie · 3 years
Not A Fan | Luke Patterson
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Mini Series
Pairings: Alive!Luke Patterson x Alive!Reader
Summary: What happens if Sunset Curve loses their sound after their bandmate’s betrayal? Will a certain shy songwriter be able to help Luke Patterson, known narcissistic rockstar, find his inspiration before Sunset Curve’s new demo is due?
Loud screams were heard from the band’s rehearsal studios as the staff of the recording label tried to get the door opened without success. A loud crash was heard followed by an angry grunt, making the security staff break the door’s handle to open it.
The sight that greeted them was an angry-looking Luke Patterson beating the crap out of Bobby Wilson, Sunset Curve’s rhythm guitarist, while Alex Mercer and Reggie Peters tried to pull them away from one another.
To say everyone was confused was an understatement.
The security staff snapping out of their confusion to run to pull apart the bandmates, although the brunette didn’t seem willing to stop punching the dark-haired boy.
“It’s done, Luke!” screams Bobby once he is set free, “There’s nothing any of you can do! It’s over! They’re my songs now!”
With an angry grunt, Luke tries to set himself free from the guards’ hold making Bobby run out of the door.
Alex and Reggie staring at the way he left with hurt in their eyes. Bobby Wilson had stolen Luke’s songs, the ones that hadn’t yet been recorded by Sunset Curve, and gone off to Convington’s Records.
He had stolen all of Luke’s feelings and the band’s hard work to make a name for himself, not caring about the many years of brotherhood he was throwing away. 
“Wha...What do we do now?” Reggie questions softly.
The songwriter lets out an angry scream as soon as the guards let him go, pacing around the room with many emotions running through his body. Betrayal being the one that stands out the most.
“I’ll... I’ll just write new songs” Luke states, “Better songs. Ye-yeah, I’ll write better songs”
The other two boys look at one another with uncertainty, both knowing this cut them all deeply in different ways. Especially, since they considered each other family after everything that had happened with their own.
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Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Y/N was walking through the halls of Los Feliz High School with Julie Molina by her side. Since the loss of both of your mothers, you both had lost interest in music. Julie being able to reconnect with her love for it through her mother’s former band demos. You didn’t have the same luck as your dad wasn’t truly supportive of it.
Meanwhile, you continued to avoid playing an instrument or even singing softly in the car. It just didn’t feel right anymore, not without her. Though that didn’t stop you from writing songs, although you always said they were just poems.
Poems that helped you expressed everything you felt without actually having to say it.
The curly-haired girl was trying to convince her best friend to sing at Mrs. Harrison’s music class, afraid the girl was going to lose her spot on the music program for refusing to even play an instrument.
Either way, Y/N didn’t care.
You were ready to be kicked out of the program so your friends could stop trying to push you to sing. You couldn’t do it, you had tried. 
“Y/N/N” calls Julie softly as you open your locker, “I know it’s hard, but you have to sing today. Mrs. Harrison was very patient with the both of us but I don’t think she can wait much longer”
Before you can asnwer the Molina, Flynn appears on the curly girl’s side with a big smile on her face, eyes shining brightly as she shows you both what she had opened on her phone.
The Band is Back!
Los Angeles’ very own Sunset Curve comes back! Rumor has it the band is coming home to reunite with their roots in hopes of inspiration for their new album.
We all know that after Trevor Wilson, a.k.a Bobby, left the band our favorite boys fell off the radar, but now they’re back and they’re coming home! 
We certainly cannot wait to see what they have in store for us.
Julie smiles excitedly over the article the braided-girl shows them while you simply roll your eyes. Sunset Curve was everyone’s favorite band of the moment, the eighteen-year-olds being revolutionaries with their rock music and 90′s looks. 
Even better, they were old students of Los Feliz High School. Their music was good, but honestly, Y/N didn’t see what made them so captivating other than that. 
So as Julie and Flynn gushed about the returning superstars, Y/N concentrating on getting the books she would need out of her locker. Her e/c eyes falling on her dark blue songbook at the end of her locker, hesitating you shake your head before closing your locker. 
You didn’t need that anymore, no need to torture yourself by having it near you.
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Reggie and Alex kept their eyes on Luke as the boy once again ripped a page out of his songbook in anger. Right now they were on their tour bus on their way back home, hoping that being back where it all started helped their brunette songwriter finally come up with something.
So far, the lead guitarist hadn’t been able to even write a single verse. Somehow, Bobby’s betrayal had messed him up in more ways than he had realized, making it hard for him to write something.
Luke throws his black songbook across the bus, almost hitting Reggie in the head. The bass player looks at his best friend with disbelief.
“Sorry, Regg”
Both bandmates look at the boy in worry as he goes to grab his songbook, neither knowing how to help him. Bobby had crossed the line when messing up with the brunette’s songs, if there was something that was very intimate for the Patterson boy it was his songs.
It had been a low blow from Bobby.
Before Alex can open his mouth to try and make his best friend feel better, Reggie’s eyes catch sight of a place he had missed after they had left two years ago to follow their dreams as sixteen-years-old against their parents’ approval.
“Guys!” He calls getting closer to the window “It’s Los Feliz!”
Both missing members run to Reggie’s side to look at the place where they had fallen in love with music for the first time and where they had met one another. The sight bringing smiles to their faces.
Before anyone can say something else, Luke is already screaming at the driver to stop.
“Let’s go say hello, boys”
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You were skipping your last class before the music program, deciding you needed the time to decide what you were going to do. Were you actually ready to finally give up music completely?
With a sigh, Y/N opens her locker to grab her dark blue songbook. Staring at it with a troubled look, so concentrated in making up your mind that you don’t notice the three teenage boys that are running your way with their eyes set on one another.
It is not until you fall to the floor with a loud thud that you realize you had been walking while staring at your songbook, proving once again that not watching where you go is never a good idea.
“Oh shi- Are you okay?”
You look towards the voice finding yourself staring at bright green eyes, in confusion you look towards the other two boys behind him recognition flashing across your eyes as you’re reminded of the article Flynn showed you that morning.
You’re about to open your mouth to say you’re fine, but the brunette that’s kneeling beside you covers your mouth in a fast move.
“Please don’t scream!”
You frown with disbelief before biting his hand, making him take his hand off his mouth while letting out a grunt of pain.
“First of all, it’s not polite to cover a stranger’s mouth” you snap before standing up, “Second, I wasn’t going to scream. As unlikely as it is, I’m not a fan, all I was gonna say is that I was fine”
Luke stands up with a frown on his face, looking towards his best friends in confusion before turning to look at you once more.
“Not a fan?” He asks with disbelief, “We’re Sunset Curve”
“Tell your friends” Adds the one with the leather jacket.
You roll your eyes, “I know who you are, my best friends love you”
Luke lets out a scoff before pouting at you, Alex trying -and failing- to keep a smile off his face at Luke’s obvious tantrum over you not being a fan of the band. 
Reggie giving the teenage girl his own pout as he realizes the same thing. Alex being the only one who finds the situation amusing.
With a sigh, the h/c girl looks at her things on the floor rushing to grab them. Making sure to throw her songbook inside her backpack before looking towards the band once again.
“Thank you for the fall” you smile sarcastically towards the brunette boy, “Hope to not see you again, boy band”
You continue your way towards the library hoping to catch some sleep before having to go to the music program, ignoring the looks you’re giving by the boys.
You roll your eyes as you hear the band’s lead singer scream after you before you disappear from their view.
Luke scoffs at your disappearing figure muttering angrily under his breath about the fact you were not a fan, kneeling to grab his own songbook that fell during the fall only to find a dark blue one instead of her black one.
Staring at it in confusion, the songwriter turns to his friends before realizing you must’ve taken his own songbook by accident. He’s about to run to try to catch up with you when curiosity gains the best of him.
Opening the blue songbook, his green eyes catch sight of an interesting title: Finally Free. Reading through it he cannot help the smile that grows on his face, Alex and Reggie soon appearing by his side as soon as they see their best friend’s eyes shined brightly in a way they hadn’t shined since Bobby’s betrayal.
The three read the lyrics with disbelief. The song was absolute killer, with the right melody they were sure it could be a hit. Maybe, just maybe, he could help you finish it.
But how could he find you again?
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vgilantee · 4 years
In Love and Sh*t || Luke Patterson x Reader
Requested by anon
Word count: 1.1k 
A/N Back to my roots with a soft, slice-of-life fic. and my first Luke fic! and it was fast tracked just for Jules! 💕💕
Warnings: Cursing (I hold the belief that these boys have potty mouths, but it’s a show for younger audiences, so no swearing. but they are teenagers in the 90′s so nobody can convince me these lads don’t swear)
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It was obvious from the day you met Luke that his love language was physical touch. He was always leaning on one of the guys, or holding Alex’s hand, or using Bobby as a foot rest, or having an arm warped around Reggie. Always touching them in some way. This made things in your developing relationship both easier and more difficult. 
On one hand you knew when he was comfortable around you because he would place his hand on the small of your back when you were standing together, or he would rest his head on your shoulder when sitting together. But on the other, it made it impossible to tell if he saw you as just friends, or he wanted something more, like you wanted with him. Until one day you finally had enough of the wondering. You would tell him and either way, your friendship would change forever.
Luke had walked you home after a band practice, and before he could walk away, you put your hands on his shoulders to hold him in place.
“Luke, this may make our friendship very weird but just hear me out.” You dropped your hands and took a slow, deep breath.
“Are you okay?” Out of habit, he reached forward and held your hand. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He squeezed your hand. “Look, Luke. I really like you and I don’t know if you like me back and I just needed to tell you or I might just combust.”
“What?” His voice was so soft, and you pulled your hand from his. 
“I knew it. I’m sorry, I should go.” You felt your eyes start to water and your throat start to tighten as you turned to your front door.
“Wait, no, Y/N.” Your hand paused, hovering over the door handle. “Please, turn back around.” Staring at your feet, you turned back. “I’m sorry, that wasn’t what that reaction meant. I just…” he let out a sigh and you glanced up to see him run his hand through his hair. “I like you too, okay? And I never expected you to like me back.” You stare at him as he blushes, your own cheeks warming.
“Oh.” Stepping forward, he placed his hands on your waist, and you rest your own on his shoulders. “Okay.” Luke let out a quick exhaled laugh before leaning down to rest his forehead on yours. 
“So, can I kiss you?” A shit-eating grin spread across his face, your own smile hurting your cheeks. 
“Ya know, Y/N, I have to thank you for finally confessing to Luke.” Bobby’s weight shifts the sofa as he flops down next you Luke, who has you held firmly on his lap. Reggie and Alex had yet to arrive, the latter bringing food. 
“And why’s that, Bobby?” You manage to turn so that you are sitting sideways, legs on the same side of Luke’s so that you are facing Bobby.
“Because now I can actually do things during band practice instead of being pinned down by that fucker.”
“Oi!” You laugh as Luke releases one arm from around you so that he can whack Bobby in the head with a pillow. You duck and roll off of his lap just in time to avoid the retaliation, and you watch as a pillow fight ensues. That is until Bobby’s hand slips and the pillow goes flying, hitting you in the stomach. 
“Oh, it’s on.” You can confidently say that you have never seen Bobby move as quickly as he did when climbing off the sofa and sprinting out the garage door, chased by you and Luke. As soon as the door swings back into place, you are scooped up by Luke with a squeal.
“Luke!” You are thrown over his shoulder as he moves back to the sofa. 
“Yes, my dear?” Luke’s terrible British accent sends you into a fit of giggles.
“Put me down!” The sentence is broken by the giggles, and you let out an ‘oomph’ as you are dropped, then another as Luke drops himself on top of you. “Get off my fat ass!”
“No!” He tucks his head into the crook of your neck and pushes his hands under your waist. You wind your arms around his neck, closing your eyes and letting out a hum as he softly kisses your neck.
“Ew! Gross! Luke and Y/N are all in love and shit.” You open your eyes to glare at Reggie, and you feel Luke groan into your neck.
“Fuck off, Reggie.” His words are muffled by the fact that his face is still very much pressed into your neck.
“He said to fuck off.” You relay for the bassist.
“Oh I know. I just don’t care.” Reggie made his way over to his bass and flopped himself down on the seat beside it. “I’m just going to sit here to make sure you don’t bone in the middle of the garage.” Luke groans again as you try to hide your face in his shoulder. 
“Aww! Look at you two!” You press your face even further into Luke’s shoulder as he pulls an arm out from under you. You can only assume he is flipping off Alex, who very likely has his hands pressed to his cheeks in mocking. Alex’s voice is raised a couple of octaves as he pretends to gush. “So damn cute! And so in love!” Then his voice returns to normal as he drops a pile of pizza boxes on the coffee table beside you. “Anyway, food.” 
You quickly pull your hands to Luke’s chest and shove as hard as you can, trying desperately to get to pizza. This only causes Luke to wrap his arms tighter around your hips and squeeze. 
“Off! Off! Food!” Luke becomes a dead weight on top of you as you try with all your strength to shove him off.
“Oh my god, get off of her you fat ass.” Bobby wanders back in, bottles of soda tucked in his arms as he carries in cups. 
“Oi!” This is what finally causes Luke to finally release you, and he scrambles to sit up. You pull your legs out from under him and sit up, making grabby hands at the pizza boxes as you shift. “My ass is not fat!” He turns to you, hoping for you to defend him. Instead, he sees you staring at the now-open pizza box that Alex leaned over to hand to you. “Babe?”
“Hm?” Your head whips to him, a piece of pizza in your mouth. “Well…” You hold the ‘e’ sound and Luke looks at you in mock offence, folding his arms and pouting. You press a kiss to his cheek and Reggie pretends to gag. “I love you.” You sing, holding the ‘o’ sounds in both words.
“I love you too.” He tries to keep up the hurt act, but it’s clear he’s losing the battle.
taglist: @parkeret​ @amazing-socks​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ (if you want to be added to my taglist for jatp, luke, or all of my fics, send in an ask!)
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90ssunsetcurve · 3 years
Kiss the boy
Pairing: Alex x reader
Summary: Bobby, Luke and Reggie watch the scene and all they can think is “go on and kiss the boy”.
A\n: This is a story for  @dream-a-little-bigger-x ’s What 90′s dreams are made of. Following what she has been doing, it’s a crossover between Julie and The Phantoms and Boy Meets World.
Taglist: @msmarvelsmain; @lex-the-mess; @littlemissaddict; @sunsetcurving; @mrsweasley06; @sunsetcurvej
Being George Feeny's godson meant many things; great advice, less help with homework than expected because he was supposed to do his own work, befriending the Matthews and his godfather knowing he's gay even before he did. "Y\N." George called and his godson straightened up quickly, startle by the voice. Feeny took a long look at the group of boys down the hallway, a group he was not only familiar with but had had to give his share of scoldings and advice to; his stare went back to his boy who was now avoiding his eyes, afraid of what was about to happen since he had been caught, a string of excuses coming out on a way that wasn't too far from coherent. A smile graced Feeny's face and he placed a hand on the teen's shoulder "We choose what we let people see about ourselves, Y\N. But denying our heart's desires when it wants nothing more than love sounds like a shame, don't you think?" Before Y\N could fully process what Feeny had said, the man was already walking down the corridor. He smiled before his godfather’s voice made him sneak behind the locker door again, his eyes back to the group he was previously watching. "Mr. Patterson, Mr. Peters and Mr. Mercer, I would like to believe the rule 'no lifting friends in the middle of the hallway' doesn't need to be created. And Mr. Wilson, would you take that camera away from my face?"
Alex and Y\N had their books and notes all over the table, working on their project, but the 3 other boys didn't seem to be really working on anything as they sat on the couch near them and Y\N could swear he saw them staring. At the start, from the first suspicious remark when he got to the house, Y\N felt confused, soon embarrassed and at some point, he became amused, feeling his confidence grow at the realization that not only his crush felt the same but his bandmates where trying to get them together. "You know, you guys are really good!" Y\N told them while writing something down, he had watched a bit of the band's rehearsal since he got to Alex's house a little earlier. "You gotta see us on stage!" said Reggie excited "Alex looks hot killing it on the drums" he added with a wink and the blond boy groaned, throwing an eraser at the bassist. "I bet he does..." Y\N answered simply, a smirk on his face but looking back to his book. There was silence for a while but it was cut by hushed talk coming from the couch. He didn't pay attention to it till he heard kissing noises and he saw Alex facepalm, his cheeks red. He also noticed he was sitting closer than before. Y\N raised an eyebrow, stealing a look at Alex's notes, searching for anything he could use as an excuse. He leaned in unnecessarily and pointed at the notebook "I like that, we could associate it with what we were talking about the main character." he turned his head to the side to look at Alex, knowing that their faces were way too close this time. Reggie's hand gripped Bobby's arm as he looked from his friends to the couple and back. "Yeah, that's... that's good. Good. Okay." The small crowd got to edge of their seats, all eyes on them, waiting for the next move. Y\N smiled, letting his stare travel from the blue eyes to the mouth, staying there for a while and going back to the eyes that were slightly wide before softening, the lips that were once parted in shock curling into a grin. A loud thump interrupted them just before their lips touched. Luke was on the floor and Bobby smacked his arm before helping him up. They said something about having to go and rushed out of the door, Bobby closed it but not before teasing them one last time with a "Have fun". "I'm so sorry about them." "Don't be." After that, they were just too distracted by the taste of each other to notice the 3 heads popping up behind the door’s glass; Luke in the middle, putting his hands out for the other two to hit them.
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