#8 goddamn years
donald-trump-official · 10 months
Just wanna say how glad I am somebody who DESPISES trump is the one to have this URL
First come, first serve. I claimed this url over 8 years ago, just days after he announced his candidacy with the “Mexicans are rapists” speech. I saw the potential and I jumped on it. And here we are.
By now, Donald trump himself could offer me a small payment of a million dollars to delete/hand over this blog, and I would probably reject the offer.
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yuri on ice: we were born to make history
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dont-leafmealone · 2 days
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Something to commemorate the downfall
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wretchedraymond45 · 9 months
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I love this game to death, I could babble about it's greatness but I'll keep it short. soubless you toby, temmie, and everyone else who helped ^_^ ❤️❤️❤️
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I also don't mind the aesthetics of the early new millennium coming back (it's literally only been three years since I was finally able to get my hair to part down the center in a straight line and not the zigzag I had since I was ten, and that was only because I buzzed my hair off) but like goddamn the most important thing young people need to know about those years after:
post-Nine Eleven hysteria and the rampant Islamophobia that bled into general xenophobia for anyone not a white immigrant from non-France western Europe
on that note, "freedom fries"
the begining of a twenty year war and bush enacting the "Invade The Hague" Act to cover his ass weeks before the unlawful invasion of Iraq
the designated "free speech zones" that to my knowledge the adults at the time didn't protest against and just let happen
The avoidable deaths by neglect during Katrina and the flat out eugenics at Memorial Hospital that went unpunished (this was mentioned by @penis-keeper before me, but it needs to be repeated and the knowledge spread around)
Queerphobia so normalized that PSA's had to go out to stop people from saying "that's gay" at every inconvenience or bad things that happened to them
is that bush's vice president dick cheney (sp? I've completely forgotten how to spell his last name) while in office once shot a guy in the face and then the guy he shot in the face apologized to dick for it and dick went unpenalized
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pvppyjawn · 9 months
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whoneedsgenderanyway · 7 months
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argentum-fae · 25 days
Old Art Redraw
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andithil · 2 months
I cannot believe the long weekend I just had... Loki themed dance night at the local kink friendly night club on Friday, Fall Out Boy concert of the decade on Saturday, then Sunday night was a last minute decision to drive 550 miles to see the total solar eclipse and back, by myself, no hotels, just a 3 hour nap at a rest stop in Wisconsin on the way there and a detour to visit Trixie Mattel's bar in Milwaukee on the way back. Got home very late last night and I'm still kind of processing everything. While I do that, I'm going to be posting a lot while catching up and setting up a more frequent queue, so be warned lmao
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xannerz · 4 months
honestly I’d rather eat glass than read ha$bin discourse on twt
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lovely-number-7 · 6 months
How in my 14 years of Titanic being one of my special interests, am I just now learning that their might have been an uncontrolled coal fire? That the possible reason for them going so fast was the workers trying to get as much of the burning coal as they could into the furnaces? I have spent years trying to learn everything and anything I can about this goddamned boat, and I'm still learning new things!
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strange010 · 3 months
Kinda wanna see how Derek (Aarons dad for people who survived the chokehold this series had on some of us and doesn't remember every single character) was raised
Like we could have went into some generational truama shit if we saw how Derek was raised bc it may have been even worse than Aarons
Derek was trying to protect Aaron and yknow... We saw how that turned out but I wanna know if this is him thinking he was being lenient compared to how he was raised as an Ultima
In this essay I will-
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homosociallyyours · 5 months
Just saw a post pontificating on how g-ylors just want straight culture to be gay instead of appreciating REAL gay culture and like. Obviously i don't speak for all queer g-ylors BUT OMG there just so many incorrect assumptions there like. Do you think we're not also listening to artists who openly identify as queer?? That we're not buying the of queer performers and reading books for and by queer people and and and 🙃
Also. Idk how other people live, but for me personally? I've got fucking gay-ggles on babe!! Rainbow lenses!! If I see a couple making out on the street corner I think "YES THAT'S QUEER LOVE" unless/until they turn around and are wearing shirts that say "we are 100% cis and heterosexual and heteroromantic and also hate gays." (These shirts are extremely rare and I try to look away from street corner PDA quickly). If I can make something queer, I'll do it! I am imagining queer realities and getting my sticky dirty dyke fingers alllllll over evvvvverything!!!!!!
I'm not gonna write a NYT think piece about it, and I'm sure as hell not gonna walk up to TSwiz and ask her about a long list of ex lovers. But what I am gonna do? Is listen to her songs (and the songs of literally anyone else I want to) and make them GAY GAY GAY
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
I know you're a voltron lover ny friend so which fox would be which paladin and why?
okay so i got this ask like as soon as i woke up and i was like HUH bc i forgot about last night :'))
after some consideration, of the monsters:
Kevin would be Shiro, Neil would be Keith, Nicky would be Lance, Andrew would be Hunk, and Aaron would be Pidge. (none of these assignments has anything to do with shipping purposes. like i'm not saying neil and nicky would be klance? i just wanna make that clear?)
Anyhow you can think otherwise, i don't mind! But to me, these just make sense.... I will explain myself below.
long, sort of insane ramble under the cut. you have been warned.
Kevin is the slightly older mentor to Neil (the shiro to neil's keith) who is very traumatized by his time with a Bunch of Evil Shits and has gray hair and had his hand (arm) ruined by the enemy! He learns and grows and tries to make his team the best it can be. He never wants to stop until the ravens (galra) are defeated! He's scared bc he's far from home but he's brave as hell anyway! Braver than he should have to be, he's just in his 20s. PLEASE GIVE THIS MAN A BREAK (and also he's separated from his bf. ik kevjean isn't canon but let me make this connection anyway bc they're canon to me)
Neil is the hotheaded asshole who actually sorta wants to be friends with people but has the social skills of a raccoon who was shoved into a trash can and shaken around for, oh, ten years or so. He looks up to Kevin, wants to be like him, but knows he could NEVER fill his shoes! And he doesn't want to! He wants to help Kevin, not be Kevin. (getting the quote wrong for sure but the 'one of us should make it and i want it to be you' kinda mindset is so keith? keith literally almost died to KEEP EVERYONE SAFE!!!! LIKE NEIL'S STUPID MARTYR ASS)
Nicky is the sweet, funny one who cares deeply about everyone and who gets the least consideration from the rest no matter how he tries? (the man willingly moved away from his family (ERIK) to take care of people who don't give a shit about him (supposedly), like lance who was taken from his family to fight to save the world? like... come on.) he's unapologetic about who he is and tries to get along with everyone, for the most part. but he has no problem biting back one someone starts smth. (ie. his beef with Seth and Allison) He is misunderstood, bc while he's outgoing and friendly he also has another side that's just straight-up Traumatized. Like... he's not all jokes. He's just hiding behind them.
Andrew is is strong and is largely a Protector. People misunderstand him because of things outside of his control, by this I mean Andrew is 'evil and crazy,' but it's because of the drugs that he's on bc he was fiercely protective of his cousin. He cares about his people and wants to protect them. (Like Hunk is rightly scared and Andrew acts apathetic, but they do care. That's the important part.) I'm not saying Andrew has a secret heart of gold and he's a Sweet Lil Cinnamon Roll or all the shit people used to say about Hunk (bc let's be honest, making the fat brown character into a uwu baby is rage inducing) but he cares. OH ALSO THEY BOTH HAVE A FEAR OF HEIGHTS!!!! (or hunk did at the beginning anyhow!) Also this is unrelated but I think Andrew would enjoy having a bayard. It could turn into lots of different knives? sign him up : )
Aaron is green. (i was gonna leave it at that to be funny but that would be mean to aaron) So... Aaron is Andrew's everyone's annoying sibling who's actually really smart but also is a dumbass at the same time. He's got ulterior motives to be there. (Aaron plays exy to get his education, Pidge is part of voltron to find her dad and brother.) And Aaron is going into the medical field which is science related, thusly... assigned green paladin by Moi.
Anyway, it just fits. I could probably go into even more detail but I'd rather be dead than discuss this show at length bc I'm not a really voltron fan. I love the characters and the first three seasons. that's where it stops for me. the rest of the show makes me wanna die. lol i couldn't even tell you what happens after s3. i've blocked it all of that shit from my memory. :')
ahhh sorry for this novel. i just apparently had a lot of thoughts. i was gonna go and do the upperclassmen as well but... this is too long and they're not my Pookies so.
(ps: sorry this is so badly formatted. i didn't feel like making it look nice :'))
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Wally the second he becomes Den Mother for the Tiny Titans:
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You know I honestly wonder why Karl spent so much time fucking around with robot zombies when he could've just... Done it literally any other way. Like dude, you control metal. Drop an anvil on her ACME style for christ's sake. Build a giant metal dragon and have it bite her or something. Hell, even just stab her. I mean, he trapped Ethan in that metal cocoon early in the game so like, why not do the same thing to Mirander? Just put a (metal) cup over her like she's an annoying bug and smack her with your hammer ffs. He could just make the support beams of whatever building she's in crack, and at that point he'd have plausible deniability even if she doesn't kick the bucket. Sir there is no reason to send a bunch of zombies after her when you're literally magneto.
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