#70s baby early 80s child
gleafer · 7 days
What WHAT??? 14,000 followers?!!!
Aw! You make this small potato feel all Au gratin!😘
Enjoy these pages from my Patreon 80s romcom “Come With Me If You Want To Live!”
I cram in as much 80s nostalgia as I can dig out of my childhood memories!
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max1461 · 17 days
Born in 60s or early 70s -> old enough to play arcade games and Atari growing up -> probably aged out of video games in teens and never played them again. 50-65 years old; coming up upon grandparent age.
Born in mid-late 70s -> old enough to play NES when it game out, stereotypical 80s childhood -> probably aged out of video games in teens unless you were a real nerd. 45 years old.
Born in mid 80s -> old enough to play SNES/Genesis growing up -> old enough to play Doom, Mortal Kombat etc. as a teenager -> may have aged out of video games or continued playing them. 40 years old.
Born in mid 90s -> meeeeeeee -> played Gamcube and shit. some of you liked the XBox... not 30 yet. I'm not 30 yet. I still have life left in me. I'm not 30 yet. Just a few more years, please.
Born in mid 2000s -> baby? your a child
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fishedeyelenz · 1 year
Billy Lenz headcanons 2
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Part two baby let's go
TW: child abuse, animal death again :( though I don't really get into the details of either of it
Grew up in a kind of suburban/rural like area, not totally isolated but definitely a bit remote, so a lot of things that happened in the Lenz household went unnoticed by the wider community
Lived close by to a pig farm as a child, hearing their grunts and squeals all day and all night. He quickly adopted the sounds, and now grunting and squealing and snorting are a stim to him. Though, because of this he often got compared to pigs by his family as a child :( he did sometimes sneak away to the pig farm to look at the pigs to get away from his house
Had a crooked broken nose. He either got it broken by one of his parents or Agnes broke it in self defense
As stated in the last part, he loves movies, and one of his absolute favorite ones is the shining. Jack Nicholson is one of his favorite actors, and he watched most of his filmography- exept one flew over the cuckoo's nest. He can't handle that one, it's too real for him
Likes those adult oriented animated movies that came out during the 70's-80's like Fritz the cat, Fantastic planet, Rock and rule, and so on. He also very much enjoys who framed Roger rabbit and cool world, though not really for their technical breakthroughs (perv)
I can see him also appreciating eastern block animated films if he ever got his hands on them, like Russian fairy tale animated films and early Hungarian folk tales, János vitéz etc.
Last unicorn enjoyer but prefers the book to the animated movie (though he enjoys both)
Doesn't really like Disney animated movies though (exept for Roger rabbit). The ones that came out during his adulthood were too "kiddie" for his tastes, and the ones from his childhood trigger him greatly
Has Italian heritage
Hates hippies, though likes a couple of bands that can be considered to make hippie/stoner music like Pink Floyd and the Doors
Yes he relates to Pink from the acclaimed concept album/rock opera movie Pink Floyd's The Wall why do you ask
Every weed is scary weed to him, don't let this man bake
Cat's are his favorite animal, aside from pigs, and he would feed the local stray cats as a child
Would honestly be catkin in a modern au
Garfield is his favorite mediocre but cute Saturday morning comic strip <3 he relates to Jon a lot
Doesn't like children, they freak him out, he would never want to have children and that's for the best
Has an appreciation for naive/amateur/outsider art, and he himself does make his own collages and drawings from time to time, whenever he's mentally stable enough to do that. His works are crude, both technically and thematically, and there is a very morbid quality to them. One of his great inspirations is Henry Darger
Has hoarder tendencies
Loves soft things, like blankets, pillows and plushies. His nest in the attic is like the most comfortable pillow fort there is
Yes the plushies are stolen directly from children
Honestly has his own collection of small, tinny , insignificant shinny things he found/stole. If he ever gets his own place his house would look like Howl Movingcastles room just more... Dirty and covered in cat hair
Liked to lay out all the things he stole from the girls in the sorority house on the attic floor, and admire his spoils from time to time
Yes he is a panty snatcher why do you ask
Doesn't like people staring/looking at him, though he himself has a staring problem
Is afraid of dogs, he got bitten by a stray dog one time when he ran away from home when he was just three years old. A stranger who just so happened to be passing by saw what was happening and defended him, killing the dog in the process. Then he took Billy right back to his family home, like any good Samaritan would. Sometimes Billy's nightmares have bloody, gaping black dogs in them.
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temtamtom · 8 months
Any thoughts on Seborga?
Ohhh I love love love him. He's my little guy. My rotten soldier. My sweet cheese. My good-time boy.
I didn't care about him all that much until I visited the town of Seborga last year (I was in the area and wanted to drop by). I started thinking about him a lot more after that, and here we are now. I can't have modern Itabros or Itafam content without Sebby, it just wouldn't be the same 😔
This post might get a lil' lengthy as usual, so I'll put my headcanons and thoughts under "read more":
I feel like he's under-utilized in the brother/family dynamic, which is a shame. He's an interesting contrast to his brothers, who've been around for thousands of years and experienced so many hardships. He's very young and still a little naive to the reality of nationhood. His brothers kept him sheltered throughout his upbringing so he could have an easy, happy childhood. Lord knows it was messy for Romano and Feliciano. They didn't want that for Sebastiano.
Since Seborga is in the region of Liguria, I think he was given to Genova(/Liguria) first as a baby. Genova, who isn't very good at caring for others and knows it, immediately called up Feliciano. One thing led to another, and Seborga soon became part of their family. Sebby and Genova have a relationship but not as brothers. Maybe Sebby sees him more as a close family friend/"zio" type of person. Someone he can turn to for advice when he doesn't want his brothers to get involved in his problems.
The first few years of his life were very nerve-wracking. I have a headcanon that he aged scarily fast for a nation, on par with a human. They weren't sure if he would keep aging and eventually die off, and they didn't calm down until the late 70s/early 80s when his growing slowed to a halt. There was also a lot of debate about what sort of relationship they should have with Seborga. They were raising him from infancy, so were they his parents? Is one technically more of a "parent" than the other? What about just being brothers? Yeah, brothers sound better. Brothers but with more Nuance(TM).
Romano and Feli received an extensive education as children, so it felt obvious that Sebby should attend school as much as possible. Due to their living and working arrangements, Seborga went to school in Rome and consequently picked up a lot of Roman mannerisms. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Genova every time he saw the kid ("Look at what you've done to this Ligurian boy! He's Roman!")
Onto one of my favourite dynamics within the family- Romano and Sebby's dynamic. Grumpy boomer big brother and his baby brother who likes getting on his nerves at every opportunity but, goddamnit, that's his weird baby brother and he still loves him to pieces. I'm a big softie for some loving-big-bro-'mano content. That man will look out for his family I just know it. His doors are always open for Seborga and there will always be food on the table for him, no matter what. Even if Seborga likes to grind his gears.
Seborga grew up reading a lot of comics! He started with the more kid-friendly ones like Disney comics (Paperino, Topolino, etc.) and soon graduated to things like TEX (one of Romano's favourites) and Dylan Dog. As a child, he'd draw his own little comic strips and characters- a hobby that Feliciano actively encouraged.
One of his closest friends is Monaco. Seborga is very close to the French border, and while I was in the area, I got the chance to visit Monaco for a day. The drive was quite easy and relatively quick, so it's not hard to imagine that they would've struck up a friendship since they're quite close! One thing that I enjoy about this friendship is the Uptown Girl/Downtown Boy dynamic they'd have ❤️ I don't know, I just think they're lovely
I'll stop here, but. Yeah. I just think he's neat! A lovely fella
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darkbluekies · 4 months
Not a request, just a collection of rambles from reading your Tumblr!
It’s cool that you like older dolls. I like fashion dolls, like from Mattel and MGA. Do you like any fashion dolls or those that are considered new like in the past 25-ish years? (I related so hard when you said you can talk non-stop about ocean liners to people, cause I’m the same way with toys).
You said you had an idea to write something of two yanderes with each of their darlings becoming friends, but not knowing how to write it. I think writing in third-person perspective is the way to go, and giving the darlings each a fixed nickname instead of Y/N is the trick. @lizzaneia-elizalde wrote this same concept too, and it allowed the reader to choose if they wanted to be “darling” or “honey” for example, choosing which yandere they belonged too. https://www.tumblr.com/lizzaneia-elizalde/735928746190815232/oooh-aeron-and-eros-should-have-a-double-date-with?source=share
I love pregnancy tropes too. I also wish people wrote about it more and loved it as much as I. Pregnancy and children in general change so much of a person’s/couple’s life in real life, so it’d be so much fun to explore that new life change in stories more. @mamayan wrote a great baby trapping story, and a post-baby trapping story exploring a bit of the new family dynamic of a yandere, their wife, and their child. (I want Edmund to dote on me even more so when I’m pregnant and in recovery too. And I squeal in delight thinking of the glorious platonic yandere Ludwig taking care of us, his mother, and his adorable sister Victoria). https://www.tumblr.com/mamayan/737992517751013376/can-we-get-a-babytrapping-yandere?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/mamayan/738097294480736256/this-is-just-some-brain-thought-i-had-after?source=share
This is getting too long so I’ll stop here (I only made it to early September 2023 before my phone crashed and stopped loading the rest of your blog).
Thank you for your time!
Hm, I think that those new rainbow high dolls are really pretty (along with the original monster high dolls), but it's not my taste in collecting. The newer dolls I can collect could be from the 70's/80's! Since you mentioned Mattel, do you collect Barbies? Are there any special/limited that you own in that case?
Yeah, I might actually abandon that story all and together. It's not something I have the energy or motivation to do right now. Since I'm writing the story with dr kry's twin girls, there's basically two (actually three) darlings, so I guess I get that kind of fill from there, even if it's only one yandere :) might try it out someday in the future, but probably not. Not my priority right now.
I absolutely love writing families, especially yandere families. There's just something about it. I am writing a story about Ludwig keeping an eye on his mother and little sister while Edmund is out on business, so you will most likely get to see Ludwig in action in the future :)
take care<3
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Kirk and Spock: Canon Musings and Fandom Curiosities Of an LGBT+ Trek Fan
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Here are some thoughts surrounding the fandom controversy of anti k/s shippers who get uppity with those of us who enjoy it; specifically those members of our fandom who have now taken to bemoaning how "woke" Trek has become despite it always being "woke", or the recent fresh flush of anti-LGBT rage stirred up in select fans at our (checks latest reason for outbursts) SNW enthusiasm.
As a member of LGBT+, I can't help but bring my own experiences in this fandom into this, too, because I feel it is relevant. So let's have a conversation.
FYI, This is not in alignment or support of those k/s forcefeeders who try to browbeat all fans into agreeing that k/s is canon, which I'm not cool with. Everyone should be able to enjoy the fandom however they see fit - don't conflate extremism with fandom. If someone enjoys this fandom thinking Spock/Chapel or asexual Spock or platonic besties Kirk and Spock then leave them alone. -_- They have every right to enjoy this fandom in their own way as much as you do. To quote Jim: "Don't push, Charlie."
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What I mean is, k/s fans who simply enjoy entertaining the idea as canon for ourselves and like-minded fans, while some other Trek fans get rabid stinging mad and offended about it for some reason.
I've been told that even the idea that Jim Kirk might be bi is "disgusting", "perverted", a "twisted, sick fantasy" to name a few examples. . . No joke. Actual Twitter comments from people who think simply liking both men and women is "perverted". Y'all TIL that just the idea of being bi is a "twisted, sick fantasy". And as a bisexual person in a fandom that gave us a concept like IDIC, I wasn't feeling very welcome or embraced after reading some of that anti-bi vitriol. My existence is not "perverted" or "twisted", nor is the love I have shared with my married partner for the past 12 years. But I digress. I'm not about to be chased away from something I love because of the usual cowardly stream of anti-LGBT+ pearl clutching and dismissiveness from a loud minority that has become so commonplace in our society. 
"They're trying to make everything gay now it's so stupid and unrealistic I'm so tired of hearing about gay things" *Looks pointedly at the decades of STRAIGHT ONLY representation being celebrated: straight-centric holidays, the fact that gay marriage was illegal for decades and yet in order to be allowed to visit a dying partner in the ICU, they required you to legally be family; this meant that while straight couples always got to say their proper goodbyes to the loves of their lives on their hospital deathbeds, LGBT+ couples were denied this right on the basis of not being legally allowed to get married throughout the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and early 00s, plus constant cultural straight-washing forced on everybody from day 1 in the form of creepy fake child kindergarten wedding invites and baby rompers that say gross things like "Daddy's Little Lady Killer"*
It all seems rather aggressive for so mild a suggestion pertaining to fictional characters that are living in the future where this would all be a lot more likely and casual regarding gender and sexuality.
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Anyway, moving on from that disappointing dumpster fire of interactions that I and others were on the receiving end of as a member of LGBT+ in the Trek fandom . . . the fandom is typically very open minded and welcoming, but there are always a few turd nuggets in any gold heap.
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With all that unpacked, it made me curious: just what are they protecting so fiercely? What are they canonically terrified of losing? Swaggering Jim who is doomed to hop from broken relationship to broken relationship? Are they saving Jim Kirk from the Bisexual boogeyman? What exactly are they vehemently defending, if they are so against that take?
I guess what I'm curious about is this: What is their ideal pairing or TOS ship that seems logical to them that we are threatening by loving our ship, if any at all? (Hey I know some of you are just here for the spaceship porn and don't give a shit about any of this, fill your boots. Come on down and ignore us fools obsessed with make believe characters, we love you all.)
If y'all don't think the affection was certainly sufficient enough for their relationship to be considered romantic (as Gene Roddenberry put it) . . . Well then, who or what else? What makes more logical sense, given the canon we have been given? I don't ask this antagonistically, but with genuine curiosity about theories. I'm not here to shoot anyone down, opinions are welcome. I've just always wondered about the other takes.
The canon is so weird in that unlike most other stories where they try to beat you over the head with hetero happily ever after, Star Trek canon keeps Kirk and Spock's long term romantic details -- especially Spock's -- quite ambiguous. We never see them get married, or settle down with anyone specific, officially on screen or in the canon.
Not that characters have to have a relationship to feel fulfilled, but this is all based on what we know of these characters in particular; we already know that Spock and Jim have expressed a desire and need for love, companionship and connection.
We know Jim is brimming with affection; he is a VERY openly affectionate person who often vulnerably ruminates on love and feelings of loneliness.
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He constantly expresses a want and need for a partner to understand him and love him as he is, and he talks a great deal about  how being alone is a fear or discomfort of his. Even though he romances often, Jim usually ends up dumped or removing himself from the relationship because ultimately, nobody seems to respect or understand his commitment to his ship and Starfleet on a personal level -- they don’t seem to truly understand him -- that is, besides Spock. But Jim is right of course; he shouldn't have to give up who he is and what he loves in order to be loved or understood. True love is what happens when a person sees you just as you are and still wants to buy what you’re selling, warts and all.  And the only person who seems to share this love and enthusiasm for his ship and his job with that same keen level of understanding is Spock.
This comes up in even some of the earliest episodes of TOS.
"This vessel. I give, she takes. She won't permit me my life. I've got to live hers." - Kirk to Spock
Conversely, Spock has convinced himself that he doesn't need love or anyone else to survive, and how he grapples with that throughout TOS. By the end of the motion picture, he finally realizes how wrong that is and says as much to Jim by confessing his feelings and how he needs them -- specifically, how he needs Jim.
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So if Kirk and Spock aren't the closest to one another and the most likely spouses, I’m curious: who else? What makes more sense then, canonically, knowing what we know about Kirk and Spock in TOS/The Movie canon from start to finish?
We never expressly hear of Spock having an official significant other named throughout canon. A marriage is alluded to in TNG, but we do not know to who -- or anything about their gender/identity. The writer of Spock's autobiography describes him as "widowed" from Kirk. This is just about the closest reference that we get (outside the vague mention in TNG) resembling Spock having some semblance of an intimate love relationship long term.
I genuinely don’t feel there is another character in the TOS canon that reoccurs throughout it that you could argue the canon explicitly intended or set up for Spock to end game be with aside from T'Pring, who shot him down for Stonn.
Usually when people say a character is straight, it is because the canon has already arranged an obvious hetero end game pairing for them with blatant evidence. 
For Spock, that never happens -- not an end game situation with another character that is anything remotely close to being as intimate, personal, or affectionate as what he develops with Jim. 
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The closest we ever get is Chapel, Zarabeth or Leila -- all of which we know for certain were never canonically described or written as Spock's long term partner - we'd know about it by now if that were the case. (Note 1: I didn’t count Saavik here as their relationship wasn’t primarily developed or sold as truly romantic or an end game romance. I feel if that were the case, they would have blasted that from the rooftops -- whereas the mentor-apprentice relationship they shared is prominent and obvious. She doesn’t come back outside the canon she appeared in, they aren’t mentioned as settling down or having a relationship later in-canon. . . Basically she got down with Spock’s mindless meat thrall teen body while his katra was in another castle in ST III so that the body wouldn’t die. If that constitutes an intimate romantic relationship to you, please get help.)
(Note 2: I am writing this from the perspective that Spock is not ace based on TOS evidence such as Amok Time, The Enterprise Incident, All Our Yesterdays, and This Side of Paradise as examples which highlight Spock's capacity for sexual desire and offers a mild suggestion of interest in sex -- however rarely it appears. However if y'all interpret Spock as ace though, my take is one take and it ain’t gospel-- power to you fam, rock that ace Vulcan.)
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In Kirk's case, Jim very obviously loves women. He has a number of genuine relationships with them; he most notably has a failed serious relationship with Carol Marcus. That would be the closest thing canon did to assigning an official long term partner for Jim, but the films and comics make it very clear that Carol and Jim were unhappy together -- so much so that Carol left Jim, and demanded that Jim stay away from his only child and not be a part of his life. She denied him the ability to participate as a father selfishly; not for David’s benefit, but for her own personal benefit. She wanted to have nothing to do with Kirk, and she kept their child from knowing his father or following in his footsteps. Truth be told, that wasn’t Carol’s decision or right to choose for David, ultimately. She can raise him, but it wasn’t her right to deny him access to his father or the option of exploring that side of himself. And in Kirk’s case, nor is that the kind of lot that the end game love of your life offers you in regards to a future with you and your child. 
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Furthermore, what Carol had always feared is exactly what happened; David followed after Jim into the thick of the action, and he died as a product of it. Did Carol ever want to be in a relationship with Jim again, after their son was killed due to him trying to get Spock back? I don't know about you, but I wouldn't if it were my kid that died. There is also no mention in the canon of Jim and Carol ever rekindling, and any relationship Jim has with other people outside of Spock in canon are often fleeting; they never seem last long term. Besides Carol, he never truly "settles down" with anyone in canon for what could be considered a true “end game” scenario. 
So my question is, in canon, if Kirk and Spock aren't the most feasible answer for each other in terms of closeness, intimacy, mutual respect, love and admiration, who is?
It has been said time and again that they know and understand each other unlike anybody else in the canon -- that they are two halves of the same whole. Roddenberry himself said he intended them to complete each other: "You are closer to the captain than anyone else in the universe. You know his thoughts."/"Theirs had been the touching of two minds which the old poets of Spock's home planet had proclaimed as superior even to the wild physical love which affected Vulcans every seventh year during pon farr."
The pendant scene written for ST 2009. "I have been and always shall be yours."
The one thing I struggle to understand with anti-K/S fans is, do they prefer the idea that the guys just lived their whole lives for duty, contradicting the message of TMP about how essential love and connection is, and just kind of stayed lonely and isolated for the rest of their lives? Did Spock just have one off pon farr cycles with strangers and never knew what it felt like to actually be loved wholeheartedly by somebody?
Was Jim just destined to be a sad, lonely boss who's relationships always ended in the other person choosing their career over him, of putting him aside or dumping him, never knowing what it is like to be genuinely appreciated and cherished as opposed to discarded? He has had his heart and trust broken so many times. Is that really the life we are so sold to for James T. Kirk?
I can completely understand if folks would rather maintain the perspective that they are friends -- I think folks should enjoy stories in whatever way makes them happiest. I'm not here to say "IT'S CANON" *forcefeed* or that anyone has to buy what I'm selling, I'm just curious.
It blows my mind that the idea of Kirk and Spock getting a shot at real, genuine love -- that good shit you only get when you are intensely close with someone who understands you and you marry your best friend -- that that idea is less appealing to someone out there than "well they were just married to their duties forever, never made any other real long lasting, intimate bonds with other people or found true love, and they just kind of worked until they died. Kirk had an anthology of failed relationships that never stuck and Spock was just lonely till he died. The end." Like really? That gives you your jush? If it does then I love that for you, but for me that is just so . . . Cold.
Just . . . what the fuck? Being forever alone or a failure at love sounds so much more miserable than being secret gay?
Anyway, that's just one little bear's opinion, do with it what you will. But I'm on team "they had a secret but awesome love relationship for the remainder of their lives" over team "forever alone and married to work for the rest of their lives".
I'm on team "my boys deserve happiness".
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If you want to ship fucking Horta x Balok fics or if you’re simply here for the nacelle porn a la Monty Scott and don’t give two damns about any of this, I’m here for you: you support something I love, and you aren’t hurting anybody while doing it.
Thanks for coming to yet another long winded, homoerotic Star Trek TedXTalk.
Remember that regardless of why you are in this fandom, so long as you are not hurting somebody else, I’m here for you. 
We don’t have to love something for the same reasons or the same way in order to love it just as equally. So even if we don’t see eye to eye about every little fan theory or sentiment, thanks for being here and supporting Star Trek, however you lean; so long as you are kind and open minded, I got you fam. LLAP, and IDIC.🖖 💚
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agoddamn · 2 years
Stranger Things is a show about the 80s.
I don't think this is a thesis I have to prove, right? It's in the damn Netflix summary. The Goonies, Stephen King, Star Wars, arcades, Reagan, Cold War--it's very purposely an 80s show about 80s stuff.
With that in mind, it feels very purposeful that its antagonist is a product of the 50s.
S4 foregrounds the theme of time very literally: people are stalked by a clock, for Christ's sake. You can't get more blatant than that. Brenner is obsessed with trying to regress Eleven to an earlier time, a child he could easily control.
As far as we know right now, there's no mechanical reason for Henry Creel to be twenty years older than all the other subjects. He didn't need to be the child of the Greatest Generation, a returning WW2 vet. There's no reason Creel couldn't have been a child of the 60s, or even early 70s.
But they made him a child of the 50s.
The 50s are typically associated with innocence, paradise, "a simpler time," "the greatest generation." WW2 is "the last good war," to the point where even modern comic books still rely on Nazi bad guys for uncomplicated villains.
Henry Creel's motivation is disillusionment.
He peers into his father's mind--his decorated hero soldier father, his good guy Nazi-killing father--and instead finds a man murdering a family, a man lighting a baby on fire. He can't stand it. He can't cope with it. He can't reconcile this man's continued existence with his murdering a baby.
He peered into his mother's mind and finds a woman planning to get rid of him. And although he couldn't have known the extreme extent of Brenner's cruelty at that point, I don't think it's far-fetched for Henry to have known that asylums were not kind places.
Henry Creel is a child of the 1950s because he represents a disillusionment with the 1950s. The idyllic image people have of the 1950s is categorically false. Even the "last just war" was full of atrocities on the side of the good guys.
Thematically, this is also why he doesn't re-emerge until the 1980s; after the growing revolution of the 60s and the liberation of the 70s, the 80s are associated with cynicism and the death of the American dream (remember all those Reagan signs?). If Henry Creel represents the fruit from the rotten tree of American nostalgia, naturally he should bloom during the 80s.
Bringing things full circle, Stephen King's It features seeds planted in the late 50s blooming in the 80s. As much as It is clearly a huge influence on Stranger Things, I think this is a case of parallel evolution moreso than purposeful nod. The rot from the 50s sends it all tumbling down in the 80s. That's just how America works.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
jayroy for the meme
who hogs the duvet
Jason, 100%. Listen. One of these men wears a leather jacket over kevlar, and the other one doesn't own anything with sleeves. Who do you think is always cold?
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Roy, because he is a chatterbox and also needs a lot of validation.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Jason, because his love languages are all non-verbal gift-giving and caretaking. (THE WATCH COMIC. ;_; )
who gets up first in the morning
Roy, to get Lian ready for school.
who suggests new things in bed
ROY LOL. I don't think anyone expected a different answer here! Jason is eager but inexperienced, Roy has plans and schemes.
who cries at movies
Mostly neither of them, but there is a specific genre of sad children's movie (The Land Before Time, Lilo and Stitch, Dumbo) that will instantly reduce Roy to a weepy puddle. Lian's fine with them but he has to leave the room during "Baby Mine."
who gives unprompted massages
Honestly probably both of them? Not even for sexy reasons, they both just constantly need PT.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Absolutely Jason. See above re: caretaking being his love language (and like...rationally he knows that as a small child he could not have saved his mom from being "sick," but that instinctive panic and Need To Fix is never going to go away entirely).
who gets jealous easiest
Jason. He has very little that is his and he doesn't like to share it.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
So I have this thing where I tend to associate characters with music either from around their debuts, or crucial moments in their history. To me, Roy's musical tastes skew towards the 60s and 70s, his early Titans/Snowbirds/Great Frog years - so a lot of classic rock, folk, soul, etc. Pretty universally recognized as "cool" music. (With some nostalgic love for 40s swing and blues, which he canonically listened to growing up with Ollie.)
Meanwhile I associate Jason with the early 80s, so like...early Michael Jackson and Madonna, "Total Eclipse of the Heart," the Flashdance soundtrack. I firmly believe that to this day he thinks "Open Arms" by Journey is the most romantic song ever recorded. He's right, but yeah, the answer here is Jason.
who collects something unusual
What's more unusual, ancient weapons or vintage books?
who takes the longest to get ready
I think they're both pretty quick! The vigilante lifestyle trained them well.
who is the most tidy and organised
Jason. He is a Bat (and not one of the ones who was used to servants), he is orderly.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Roy. Jason doesn't like to get excited about anything in case it's a trap.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
They switch off, but mostly Jason is the big spoon, because he likes to cling and Roy likes to be clung to.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Both of them, they're awful. The only reason no one has broken a bone is because Roy also thinks Jason's hot when he gets competitive so the game usually gets derailed by sex.
who starts the most arguments
Stupid arguments over nothing: Roy. Actual fights: Jason.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Lian. Frequently.
what couple traditions they have
Cleaning their gear after a mission. I'm serious.
what tv shows they watch together
Honestly, I watch so little TV that I am going to be terrible at answering this question for every pairing. I think they're more likely to put on something mindless and zone out when they get back from patrol at 3 am and need to decompress than anything where they need to follow a narrative. Probably cooking show reruns.
what other couple they hang out with
Kyle and Connor, when Kyle's on Earth. Yes, Jason and Kyle still hate each other. It's very entertaining.
how they spend time together as a couple
Raising Lian, fighting crime, Roy being ridiculous and Jason trying to pretend he's not charmed by it.
who made the first move
Roy made a very long series of incrementally tiny moves that Jason didn't notice. Jason made the one big move that actually got them together.
who brings flowers home
Roy, but it doesn't count because Dinah owns a florist shop and he got them for free.
who is the best cook
I think fandom has a pretty definitive answer for this one. ;)
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ilovecocomovie · 2 years
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Hola:) Today I´m back with a photomontage. This is how I imagine how Imelda and Hector would look like, if nothing bad would happen and Hector would return, so they could get older together. I imagine they would have second child in 1922. Well, I guess that after 6 months that Hector was away, when he would return, they would be inseparable...they would be so happy to be together again, that 9 months later baby would come. And I believe it would be a girl. And also I imagine that then in 1926 Imelda would give birth to two boys- they would be identical twins (I like to imagine this, because the gene for it it´s in family - Oscar and Felipe or Benny and Manny). So, in my mind they would have Coco, Olivia, Marco and Mateo. And in this photomontage, they are already happy grandparents. Also, I believe that Hector would live a long life, I think he would die in his early 90s and since Imelda would not live in stress (that she was abandoned), she would not die in her early 70s but in her late 80s. Well, this is my little story that I like to think about, almost every time I´m doing photomontage of them. Have a nice day :)
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gldenhrs · 1 year
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                               (—) ★ spotted !!   luciana  “ luna “  santiago  on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid ! many say that the 22 year old looks like cindy kimberly , but i don’t really see it. while the model / socialite  is known for being  passionate  my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be  irresponsible i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song crazy by aerosmith .
*   ◞  ╰   general   .
full name :   luciana kristiyana santiago .  nicknames :   goes prominently by  luna  , only her dad calls her  moon  . birthdate / zodiac sign :   april 12th / aries .  birthplace :  madrid , spain . sexual orientation :  bisexual / heteroromantic .  family :   victor “ vic “  santiago (  lead singer in Aerosmith )  &  indah prasetya  ( band’s groupie )  languages spoken :   fluent in english  &  spanish , conversational in indonesian . pets :   two cats named freddie purrcury  &   madam meow  occupation :  model / socialite . love language :  physical touch . + traits  :  passionate , adventurous , enchanting , valiant , energetic , optimistic , affectionate  &   honest . - traits  :  dramatic , stubborn , querulous , insecure , irresponsible , impulsive , impatient   &  moody .   aesthetic :  red lipstick on plump lips , freshly baked coffee , spontaneous dance parties , strawberry lemonade on hot summer nights , heart shaped sunglasses , pigmented eyelids , european music festivals , setting off firecrackers at midnight , laughter floating through a room , missed calls at 2am , ripped bralettes , bare chest in the mornings .   muse inspo :   fran fine ( the nanny ) , francesca farago ( too hot to handle ) , kelly taylor ( 90210 ) , rachel green ( friends ) , jackie buckhart ( that 70s show  ) , hanna marin  ( pretty little liars ) ,  phoebe halliwell ( charmed ) , kiara ( outer banks ) , gabrielle solis ( desperate housewives ) , caroline forbes ( the vampire diaries ) , stassi schroder ( vanderpump rules ) ,  maddie perez ( euphoria ) .
*   ◞  ╰   quick history   .
victor  “ vic “   santiago  (  aka luna’s dad  )  is a  famous lead singer in a rock band .  think steven tyler from aerosmith ! !  so basically , growing up she’s been constantly surrounded by  GOOD  80s rock music  &  being on the road which definitely shaped her personality .
luna’s mother  ,  a groupie  ,  is someone who followed the band around on the road for numerous years , but vic never took her seriously  (  only took them to bed )   &  the only reason she even got pregnant with luna is because vic wanted a child , knowing he would most likely never marry .
soooo , incomes luciana “ luna “ santiago ,  his pride  &  joy  , his  MOON .  yes , he actually calls her that bc he’s always had an obsession with the stars   &  constellations .  tbh luna’s been the love / light of vic’s life from the moment she was born , adored by not only her dad , but the band , team  &  fans too !
as for her mother * cough *  , who knows where she is now , she doesn’t stay in touch tbh , only comes in town every couple of years to  “  see her “  aka  “  ask for money “ .  
with the better part of early years where she was home schooled due to her dad’s insane tour schedule , luna was always an insanely energetic  &  menace of a child , constantly running around , causing trouble , etc !  
at some point , she realized just how much she  LOVES  traveling , nature  &  being barefoot .  yes , kind of a wanderer but who can blame her when she grew up with 80s rock legends ? ?  so , she spend almost every waking moment traveling to exotic places , going to music festivals , walking bare chested in the mornings , painting landscapes  (  SHE’S V TALENTED ) , having spontaneous dance parties at 3am , etc !
as far as doing things outside of being a socialite / a nepo baby go ,  she’s been in her dad’s music videos since she was 15  (  think liv tyler in crazy  )  ,  and in many others , which naturally resulted in a numerous calls for modeling gigs , tv shows …. she took some modeling jobs out of fun  &  recently also out of pure fun , went to a famous tv show called  “ too hot to handle “   (  think francesca farago here’s inspo hehe :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rUY_xAF0T0  )  .  in a way , the only reason she went to that show was to show the world she can be something other than vic santiago’s daughter , so here she is ! !
*   ◞  ╰   personality & dating life   .
luna’s a bit of a spoiled brat which is a given ,  &  while she does come across a textbook example of a nepo baby with no real world problems , she’s really not bc she never cared much about the fame she just likes having  FUN  .
v v enchanting  &  can charm her way out of any bad situation  &  make u swoon .  tbh 10/10  she’ll annoy the living shit out of u or u’ll find her irresistible lol .
given her spanish roots , she can be hella’ dramatic just like her fav characters in telenovelas , but beside that she’s a truly good person with a good heart ok ! !   she just has a flair for dramatics , throwing fits , pouting   &   making puppy eyed faces whenever things don’t go her way .
can be hella hella flirtatious to a point she doesn’t even realize the effect she has on other people  &  more often than not she leads people on ? ?   she regrets it later but eh .
loves to party , drink , dance , wear skimpy outfits  &  kiss on the lips but also wear mickey mouse pajamas while someone softly combs through her hair ? ?   yeah , she needs to grow up . also kind of  LIVES  for summer  &  music festivals where she can just dress in glitter  &  fall in love with a different person every night !
v fun to be around bc she hates being bored  &  is impatient af !  she can’t stand being in one place for too long soooo catch her doing v dumb , impulsive decisions while bored like jumping on her father’s private jet to pet a koala in australia , go bungee jumping or snapping u a nude bc she’s bored at home jfnerjfgjsrgf .
some cute headcanons ? ?  ok , here we go ! !   to this day loves watching telenovelas  &  she might cancel her plans with u to binge watch them (  like rebelde , rubí ,  pasion de gavilanes , la reina del sur … ) , still cries like a baby when mufada dies or miguel  &  mia break up ,  very childish  &  dumb at times but will also surprise u with some random wisdom at 2am , will react if someone offends her or her friends best believe she’ll throw a dramatic telenovela shit in public  &  call u  “ un desgraciado “ lmao .
*   ◞  ╰   connections  .
she could use a squad  ?  like PLS .  i want her to have a squad of friends she can party with and overall do dumb shit lmao . 
also her  BFFS .  the thelma to her louise , the cassie to her maddie ! !   overall just two muses who are her family  &  they’re always tagging along w her , like vic probably treats them like his children too ! 
someone she’s  dating  atm but it’s nothing too serious , maybe he’ll end up breaking up with her or she’ll break up with him we’ll see but main thing is they WON’t last bc they’re messy af   &   luna’s heart isn’t 100% in this .
a  close friend  who party  &   hookup with other people when they’re out but always end up going home together  &  having this super open friendship where they have no problem hooking up with each other 6/7 days of the week ? ?
also gimme  caleb fuck buddies  that everyone ships  &  one of them is in love with the other while the other seems them just as a good time ?  ewfjwesbf.
also also gimme  a messy ex  plot where they are constantly on / off  &  the fans love em but they’re just so fucking toxic ? ?  maybe bc they’re too alike  &  won’t admit it’s love   &  just won’t settle down  (  like imagine cheating scandals , public fights caught by tmz ... but also cute ass insta posts when they’re in a good place )  just think of nate  &  maddie from euphoria or  francesca  &  harry ! ! 
a plot where luna  uses them  to make someone jealous but they don’t know  &  actually think it’s a  legit  relationship ? ?   then obvi they find out luna was just using them  &  y’know  :  drama .  
family friends ! !  someone who could know  EVERYTHING  about her life n be there for her like pls .
someone who is her  HOME .  it doesn’t have to be potentially romantic just someone who makes her feel completely safe , warm  &  protected  ? ?    they can also just…talk, and make each other laugh  &   smile, because they feel comfortable enough in themselves  &   with each other to be vulnerable in that way ? ?  some fluff never hurt nobody .  
someone who’s using her bc of her dad ? ?   YES .  gimme fake friends .
tbh exes she cheated on , exes that cheated on her , fwb of all kinds , crushes , childhood friends , good / bad influence on her dumb ass would be good , gossip queens n kings , party friends , enemies for whatever reason , etc ! !  
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gleafer · 2 months
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Alright alright alright! The cover isn’t done and I’ve only posted part of Chapter 1 on my Patreon (more pages to be uploaded this weekend)
Work has been busy so Moonlighting *slams office door* (see what I did there) has taken a backseat briefly.
BUT I wanted to share the intro to my 80s romcom parody comic “Come With Me If You Want To Live!”
This is rated pg-13 like all great 80s flicks so all tiers will have access to the mullet fest!
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council-of-beetroot · 9 months
[gun emoji] tell us more about the baby feliks fics
Okay Okay okay
So there are a few routes that stem from this concept which I blame my early years in childhood watching old sitcoms from the 70s and 80s, combined with the fact that Iove taking tropes and making them insane.
Route one is Lietpru it was originally for lietpru week but I ended up just doing Office AU. Magic fanfic reasons (read I don't know why but I'm writing this shit so it happens) Feliks is now an infant. Liet and Gil argue a bit and decide neither one of them is going to be stuck taking care of Feliks by themselves because they don't know whose fault it is but the other is not getting out of this.
So they take Feliks with them try to be parents it goes as you would expect and they get annoyed at times but they also kind of bond on their experiences and successes and failures in raising their kid brothers in often less than ideal circumstances.
And as for Feliks well he really isn't aware of the fact that he was previously an adult all he cares about is that he has these twos complete and undivided attention. To babies, the world revolves around them and Feliks is no exception
Route two is Rusliet. Ivan is kinda happy about these circumstances since now that Feliks can't do much and what not as a literal infant he can't be as much of a thorn in his side (Feliks as it turns out, still in fact can) and besides he Liet and Feliks are a great start to a perfect little family Man, Wife, baby all they need is a dog and picket fence (lmao gil could work) all the sudden it's Ivans old sitcom family fantasy came true. Heck get Lat and Ed and now you got your 2.5 kids!
Feliks clearly has a preference for Liet and as such would be satisfied unless he knows liet is there, other guy is weird and Feliks doesn't know how he feels about scarf guy.
Now this one has quite a bit of like mini scenes and moments in my head that I could see happening.
Now when I discussed this on discord this quickly dissolved into an AU where it's stereotypical suburbia but with these idiots. And Liet's a PTO mom with a book club slowly losing their sanity. Alfred is their neighbor that Ivan feuds with and laughs at during the holidays when Alfred accidentally sets his house on fire due to their escalating Christmas decoration conflict that led to Alfred putting an insane amount of Christmas lights on his house and it basically ending up like that robot chicken sketch.
And in both of these there's a lot I have thought about how Feliks would act and behave and what kind of child he would be like throughout early childhood and how his interactions with Liet, Gil, or Ivan would be like.
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tightjeansjavi · 8 months
Hello Gi!!! Can I request 🧸 & 🌟 for Beanie from Slow Hands 🥹🧡
Charlie, how did I know you were going to ask this? 👀
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
I actually haven’t put a ton of thought into Beanie’s childhood but considering she is a creative being, she probably picked that up from her parents. I imagine her mom was some kind of artist (probably acrylic painting and free-hand drawing) that taught at a local college and her dad worked in the theater department and that’s how her parents met. She’s an only child, and her weekends at home consisted of early morning cartoons and lots of time outside playing with the neighborhood kids. She’s a 70’s-80’s baby (what a time to be alive) I totally imagine her parents raised her in the granola lifestyle, and her parents were 100% hippies without a doubt. Her childhood was filled with laughter and color and she was always encouraged to follow her dreams, no matter how big or small they were 🥹
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
I think Beanie has 3 desires in her life now; validation, acceptance, and peace. Validation and acceptance can be tied together but I think she especially seeks validation from her peers in Jackson that she’s doing okay. Considering she’s living in a post-apocalyptic world, her mindset on life has drastically changed and she’s seeking human connection more than ever. She just wishes she had someone to tell her on her rough days/nights that she’s doing okay. She’s important. She’s loved and she’s not alone. She’s seeking acceptance in the community because majority of the members in Jackson think she’s the nutty coffee woman who has her head in the clouds 90% of the time. I think she just wants people to accept her as a normal person who is trying to navigate in this new life just like everyone else is. She knows she sticks out like a sore thumb, but the three people who have not judged her once is Tommy, Joel, and Ellie (Maria as well, but there was a time when she started to show pity towards Beanie and Tommy had to tell her to just treat her like anyone else so she wouldn’t feel isolated)
Finally, she desires peace. Any form of peace that she can grasp because I can only imagine how frustrating and terrifying it must feel like to not fully recognize and remember your trauma. I feel terrible for her because it’s obvious that on the inside she is struggling immensely and she’s able to put up this facade through soft smiles and a gentle voice, but guess who sees right through it? Joel. He wants her to find that peace within her body and her mind, but as much as he wants to help her, she needs to want that for herself as well. It’s going to be a rough journey for her, but ultimately she will find that peace and solace that she is desperately craving.
I could go on and on about her I swear 🥺
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Here I am as a baby in 1946, lying on the lap of one of my Great Grandmothers. She herself was the mother of twelve, so she’d had some experience in managing babies. She and her husband owned a sheep farm in northern Ohio. Although they became pretty successful over the years, in the beginning they worked hard together and poured every bit of extra money into improving their stock. She was born in 1859, 87 years before I was born. I was lucky enough to know her through the first few years of my life.
She had a brother who had become a medical doctor. The story we children were told was that he went to Alaska inspired by the gold rush in the Yukon and stayed to practice medicine. Family lore had it that he once reattached the ear of a man who had been attacked by a Kodiak or grizzly bear. As a child I remember thinking that it was amazing that that man had lived through his bear encounter and also managed to save his ear so that it could be stitched back on!
He wrote letters to my Great Grandmother, one telling the story of his trip to view the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes not long after its formation. This valley was a side effect of a gigantic volcanic eruption that occurred in 1912. Countless openings in the earths' surface adjacent to the eruption site sent up clouds of steam and gas, creating hundreds and hundreds of fumaroles releasing heat and vapor into the air.
Uncle John married and he and his wife had a daughter whom I was able to meet when I took a trip to Alaska. She was in her 70's at that time and although they lived in the city of Juneau in the colder weather, she and her 80-something year old husband still backpacked their groceries on a long hike to their cabin that was located high above an inlet of the Inside Passage.
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Here she was as a little girl, probably in the late 1920’s or early 1930’s. She and her mother, Uncle John's wife, were on a routine dogsled trek, the most practical way of transport for them in the winter.
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goldendiie · 2 years
PLEASE tell us about the domino effect Americana drama. I am BEGGING to hear it.
(That's a funny sounding phrase. "Americana Drama. Lol.)
okay so keep in mind that this is something i am ABSOLUTELY NOT going to do. it goes against everything i’ve planned so far, and god forbid i change plans this late in the game. also this might be incoherent because i’m running on very little sleep, so hopefully it at least somewhat makes sense.
so. spoilers for americana (even tho y’all have read the third blink): sarge and fillmore break up and get back together SEVERAL times over the course of like two decades. during one of these longer breakups (around chapter 23 in americana, i think) fillmore briefly has an affair with cherry banes, the girl he flirts with at the frat party in chapter 1. she’s this beautiful san franciscan woman of twenty-four or twenty-five by the time they get together, but it really doesn’t last. fillmore breaks her heart after a series of events that i will not divulge (because i want to keep some things a surprise), and they go their separate ways.
what i’ve personally designated as canon in americana is as follows: cherry and fillmore eventually agree to just leave it all in the past; cherry ends up with richie harper (the other oc), and they get married & have kids sometime in the late-70s. fillmore is the best man in their wedding. he keeps in touch with them long after they all grow old, and they’ll get together sometimes.
now. here is what’s ABSOLUTELY NOT going to happen. cherry moves to los angeles after getting her graduate degree in politics. it’s there that she meets this big-time wealthy businessman, who she falls in love with. they get married, and spend the first several years of their marriage just working on their careers and relationship. they have one child at some point in the early 80s, a little blue eyed baby girl. she’s smart, and witty, and looks just like her mother. you know what they named her? sally.
you can imagine fillmore’s surprise, twenty-five (ish) years down the line, when a young woman who’s the spitting image of an ex-lover turns up in his little hodunk new mexico town. for a little while, he’s too shocked to hold a decent conversation with her.
but, eventually, he chills out. he asks her about her family, and she’s usually willing to share. “my mom’s a social worker, right now,” sally tells him, “but, i’m pretty sure she ran for political office at some point.”
“what’s your mothers name?” fillmore asks, “for curiosity’s sake.”
“oh, it’s cheryl,” sally replies, “most everyone calls her cherry, though.”
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 1x01
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Episode Title: Pilot Original Air Date: 8-25-1979 Important Notes: This 2-hour Pilot episode did a great job of setting the series up, and introducing the viewer to Jennifer and Jonathan and the entity that is their powerhouse marriage. However, the show's internal canon was all over the place especially re: the early years of their marriage. So scenes discussing Jennifer's family and wedding should be taken with a grain of salt because they will all be ret-conned by the end of the series. This episode is the only time we hear the Hart's special song - Now, by the Carpenters - and the only episode missing its iconic theme song. (Mark Snow, I could kiss you on your mouth for that theme song.)
Quote of the Ep (tie): "If I rolled over right now and tried to make love to you, would you call the police?" Only if I thought you needed help.
"This is going to be your first time, isn't it?" To be fair, not exactly.
Right off the bat, they try to insinuate that Jonathan is not very involved with running Hart Industries, something that will change drastically. I mean, Deanne has been his secretary for a month and has never seen him?
"They found the missing Rembrandt" - were they trying to Thomas Crown this?
Jonathan might want to take Jennifer's mother out for her birthday - the mom that has been dead since Jennifer was a child. Oopsie.
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They call the spa where they blackmail people "The Golden Goose" lmao. Smooth.
Jennifer is doing a series of articles on the nature of macho. She does intensive research - she's known for it. GASP.
I have no idea what Max was making in the blender with raw eggs and a dash of whiskey? And Jonathan gave it to Freeway? why god.
PS Freeway's actor's name was Charlie and he was 12 when the series ended. He's a Löwchen and my ass is on a waiting list for one with a friend in San Diego who just started in the breed a few years ago.
I have to warn you. I don't watch this show for plot. That would be stupid of me and you.
A Health Farm. what a weird concept. So 70s/80s.
Jill St John dressed as a baby during "regression therapy". Future wife of Robert Wagner, too, 11 years down the road.
"Shouldn't she be in school?" Jonathan Hart is a sarcastic little bitch sometimes.
18 minutes into the episode and we get our first look at Jennifer, racing to the Golden Goose in her Mercedes convertible which apparently does not have its signature "Hart" license plate.
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"Even as a child I was all thumbs." It must have been painful for you to handle a yo-yo. Guess what. Jennifer is also a sarcastic little bitch sometimes.
Doing an enemies-to-lovers mini arc was pretty inspired. Do it tonight, bungalow 10. They wanted the viewer to believe Jennifer was an assassin.
This chick is teaching water aerobics in heels.
"Templeton, you got nerves."
He showed up for an undercover stint with his clothing custom made for his persona. That attention to detail is what makes Mr Hart better than your average mega-rich wanna-be detective.
"Apologize? You? Whatever for?" *smack*
Only the bravest men wear a white onesie. It's the confidence that pulls it off.
This lady smuggled alcohol into her room in her perfume bottles.
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"This is going to cost me money?" LOL omg
One of the first scenes RJ and Stef filmed together was the long scene in bed. They nailed it. Chemistry everywhere all over the place.
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"Your feet are cold." Compared to who, your fulsome friend? "She threw me out." No taste broad.
Like ok it's nice that they're all touchy and kissy in bed and stuff but the most important thing is that they talk. They really like each other. They're best friends. (*cough*cobert*cough*ihaveatype*cough*)
on this blog we try not to discuss natalie wood and the whole..you know...thing. but she has a cameo in this episode and it would be irresponsible not to mention it. we're like 2 years from The Incident, anyway.
Sylvia is wearing a bathing suit that has a hood? FASHION.
Stefanie Powers did her own hair and makeup for this show. So.
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"How goes our first day?" This has all been one day? Jesus.
Jennifer's at a health farm doing exercising all day and she's laying in bed doing sit-ups. Psycho.
Then again, Max brought burgers for dinner so.
In this entire ass office of books for these supposed psychiatrists and they just happen to have a book by Jennifer.
ding dong sylvia is dead.
this episode has the first, last and only time Jennifer threatens to withhold sex as a way to control Jonathan. It's also one of the very few times they bicker, which was never a good look for them. The only other time was at the end of season five when the powers that be wanted one of them to cheat on the other, those absolute FUCKERS.
"You're thinking that if you kiss me I'll get all mushy."
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"OK, what the hell. Let's stay. So we'll die together. Max will probably bury us."
An entire scene of Jennifer and Jonathan "fighting" while flirting with each other.
award winning acting work by Jennifer, who can actually cry on cue.
i want ya'll to know that this is the first of many times that Jennifer is hypnotized on this show. she's getting drowsy...very drowsy. i'm p sure jonathan is only hypnotized once.
I have seen this episode a LOT but I do not remember why jonathan is putting masking tape under his jacket. wtf is that. he also put a wad of cash in the glove box. i told you i don't pay attention to plot.
Jennifer under hypnosis is talking about how much she loves jonathan and they have that love theme playing under it. So sad that we never hear it again.
oh. he's putting the tape on the glass to cut the window and get into the office. derp.
jonathan is using a stethoscope to get into a safe-locked door. that's almost as brilliant as dr mike using an apple corer for Brian's brain surgery.
these bad guys have this whole hypnotism set-up to get their marks to drive over the cliff by the flashing yellow lights. Meaning they've done this more than once and nobody got suspicious? Everyone is just like "guess people like to die there" and went on with their business?
this entire fight scene with the amazon warrior in purple and jennifer is all "hey stop messing around and get in the car we gotta GO."
they're at a poker game in the middle east. there are camels.
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this DOG though. i love him.
at the end they're detouring into Africa about a sabotaged diamond mine, hinting that they purposely get involved in their cases. Fortunately for all of us, they end up just stumbling on them most of the time which is way more fun. and insane.
anyway, as per usual the episode ends with making out. a fine tradition.
the end.
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Important unimportant detail: Jonathan Hart Towers is also the location of the office of Remington Steele. So I firmly believe that at some point Jennifer wrote a piece about Laura Holt and her firm, specifically years later when she can spill the tea about Remington Steele not even existing and that she had to make him up to get work.
Important unimportant detail #2: my mom's friends used to jokingly call her jennifer hart in the 80s. they were not wrong.
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it tickles me beyond all that is holy.
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