#7 anni
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Mathias Malzieu, “Il guerriero di porcellana”.
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gelatinatremolante · 2 months
Sicuro al 100% che se fossi nato il 29 febbraio sarei una persona insopportabile che ogni volta che parla della sua età deve per forza far notare quanti anni avrebbe contando soltanto gli anni bisestili.
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pietroalviti · 4 months
Ceccano, indetta la gara per la raccolta dei rifiuti, 20 milioni per 7 anni
Con un anno di ritardo rispetto al previsto e la nomina di due consulenti per la redazione del bando, è stata finalmente indetta la nuova gara di appalto per la raccolta dei rifiuti, in regime di proroga appunto dall’inizio del 2023. L’appalto, pubblicato all’albo pretorio, è di 20 milioni di euro per una durata di 7 anni. Intanto non si è più saputo se l’attuale concessionaria abbia poi…
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emblazons · 3 months
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"So suck it up, 'cause I'm not leaving."
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockheart in Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
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kald-dal-art · 3 months
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Second compilation post of my latest victor art. These are a lot fun to draw and think out so appreciate all the feedback I have gotten for this series. We'll see if I end up making all 75 Victors or not ksdjhfa
Part 1 / Ko-Fi
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thegreen-moonwitch · 2 years
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Dopo 7anni,da quando ho aperto il mio profilo,ho abbandonato le ormai vintage convers blu slavato e ne ho comprate delle nuove..è strano
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I've been dreaming of the Ruler of the Abyss.
Kneel to the Thorn Fairy, who shall make manifest one’s dreams—the wishes made by the heart.
He promises happy endings for all. Woe to those who doubt and defy his vision.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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He has always been alone.
But alone he is no longer—not when he is in his castle, surrounded by hordes of his people. He will never be alone again. No one will, all thanks to his efforts.
Never, never, never.
Malleus easily traverses the thorn-crusted lounge, floating across them like a specter. The bodies of school staff and fellow students lie limp in chairs and couches. Eyes closed, chests rising and falling rhythmically.
As he passes, he runs a hand along their scalps. Brushing their hair, patting their heads. Tender touches wishing them well.
Here is a king's domain, and here are his subjects. He, the dragon guarding his trove of invaluable treasures.
Malleus turns to face his captive audience, arms spread out toward them. “Today is something of a special occasion: Night Raven College’s Founding. I do believe this warrants a celebration—and, of course, all are invited to the festivities.”
A wave of magic washes over the room. Conical party hats manifest on each person's head, decorations appearing from thin air. Banners drape across the walls, streamers spill from black-clothed tables laden with food, and balloons tuck into the corners, safe from the needle-like thorns.
He projects applause, stunned oohs and aahs. Here, he is not a monster, but fellow man.
"Hmm, we're still missing something." Malleus strokes his chin, deep in thought. He snaps his fingers. "Ah, that's it! Music. It's not a proper party without any music."
With the wave of his hand, he summons a series of floating instruments. Bass, cello, viola, violin, harp, each bathed in an eerie green glow. They start playing by themselves, as if being handled by skillful, invisible hands.
Soft orchestral song fills the venue.
The guests rise, puppeted by the strings of his magic. Thorns on the floor retreat, allowing his peers to spill over onto the area repurposed for dance. Heads loll over--Malleus frowns and fixes them.
"There we are."
A glittering assemblage.
He smoothly conducts the bodies into neat pairs.
A waltz, he thinks, is ideal. It is also one of the few forms of dance he is familiar with. A waltz it shall be.
Palms link, fingers intertwine. Hands upon shoulders and upon backs. And then they are set to the hypnotic swing of the music, slow and sweet and intoxicating, like a steady drip of honey into one's mouth.
Malleus threads past the avid dancers and to the one person that has not been matched. The little bat who had almost flown away, far out of his grasp.
"Lilia," Malleus breathes raptly, "look at how happy everyone is. No one was left out. No one was forgotten. No one has to be alone anymore."
With this gift... my blessing... I've protected their smiles.
The duty of any Draconia.
He's proud--elated--but Lilia, alas, does not share the sentiment. Instead, the ancient fae wears a placid expression, eyes sewn shut. The same as all the other guests.
Malleus chuckles. No one hears it but himself.
"How exciting your dream must be. Action and adventure, at the best of your strength... I'm afraid this humble gathering cannot compare."
He’s sure Lilia would agree with him, were he awake.
“Never mind that," Malleus says, dispelling the thought. No more what ifs, only there ares. "Would you care for food? You'll need to keep your energy up for the celebration--it just may last all night."
He beckons with a finger, and a platter with a large cake hovers over. It is an extravagant seven layers, each a different flavor. Details are piped on in buttercream icing, invoking the image of each dormitory. A chocolate raven, wings open and prepared for flight, crowns the dessert.
A cake knife slides into Lilia's hand. His fingers slowly closer around the handle. With Malleus's guidance, he cuts into the topmost layer--Diasomnia--of the cake.
Something thick, red, and sticky leaks from the insides. The knife is coated as it is pulled back, freeing a slice. The violet crumb is fine, the frosting neon green with a dark chocolate drip.
Devilishly decadent.
"Come, you must try this," Malleus insists, stabbing a fork into the cake. He stuffs the bite into Lilia's mouth--but it doesn't stay, just rolls out and lands with a squishy splat on the ground.
Malleus eagerly waits for Lilia to beam at him, to praise him for its deliciousness.
It never comes.
Malleus laughs as though Lilia has responded as he imagines him to. He's drunk with delirium.
The strings abruptly screech, the dancers ceasing in their revelry.
He lets the unfinished slice fall. The plate shatters, reflecting one hundred Malleuses, one hundred Lilias. So many realities, and yet this is the one he has been dealt.
He guides the corners of Lilia's mouth upward, forcing a smile.
"Happy Night Raven College Founding Day," Malleus whispers, "and may you all have the sweetest of slumbers."
To his guests, to Lilia, to himself. And to the world that will soon be joining them in this delightful, never-ending dream.
Raising a hand, he unleashes fireworks from his palm. They explode in wild shapes and colors, emitting warmth and dazzling lights. The display is beautiful but fleeting--long shadows running along the walls before they blip out of existence and return to the darkness.
Every dream is like a firework, he surmises. A fiery flower frozen in time at the height of its bloom. They shall never wither nor fade.
Malleus reclines into his seat--a spiked and scaled throne, mounted high above the party venue. A lone king, untouchable.
Seated upon a mountain of lies, he looks out at his twisted kingdom. It’s a scene of his own creation, props lovingly places and toys carefully posed, acting out situations in his head.
The average school day at Night Raven College: students bickering, teachers watching over them. They see him, smile and wave. Talk with him, invite him.
Stay with him.
A loop playing, forever and ever.
Malleus sighs contentedly.
This is his happily ever after—from now until the end of eternity.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 5 Group 22
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Greendale 7: Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Pierce Hawthorne, Shirley Bennett, Annie Edison Soul Squad: Eleanor Shellstrop, Chidi Anagonye, Tahani al Jamil, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Janet
Greendale 7:
they are so stupid together and they were all normal human beings in the beggining but as time went on they just kept being more like themselves and went even insane-er and even the dumbest combinations of people in the group is just so much like different people within a family interacting ,,, I hope to find that kind of family to myself one day
they are all toxic people who form a very dysfunctional family and kind of learn to be better thanks to each other. i love them dearly
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Soul Squad:
four humans specifically chosen to make each other miserable, the demon torturing them, and an (initially) unfeeling construct become so ride or die for each other they literally change the afterlife at a fundamental level
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arlothinkstoomuch · 2 months
Recently rewatched "Curriculum Unavailable" and the 'therapist' started listing off all the reasons the study group got to Greendale in the first place. Before he got to Britta, she stopped him because "I don't want to hear mine." And something about that is just so emotionally devastating to me. I actually can't stop thinking about it. Like what was it in particular? The An-Her-Chists bailing on her? If it really is that, then to me, this is just another reminder to Britta how people don't really tend to like her, how people always end up leaving if she doesn't go first. I think remembering that drags up too many feelings for her to the point where she'd rather ignore it than ever face the memory of it happening or the realisation it could happen again. I mean, she doesn't even wanna hear it.
Somehow that makes me think of a Britta at home thinking about it all and just helplessly, unavoidably panic crying because she couldn't bear a repeat. "What's an anarchist to do without her organisation," probably would sound something more like "What's a girl to do without her friends," now that she knows what it's like to have them. But of course, Britta being Britta, she'd never want to show that in front of anyone. So it's better to just avoid it all.
Yeah, I'm really out here just devastating myself for no reason tbh
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pgfone · 10 months
Stamattina sto tirando su la legna dal bosco con un mio amico a mano, avete capito bene A MANO, per due motivi principali, perché è troppo bagnato e perché non possiamo usare mezzi causa furti, ovvero bisognerebbe tutti i giorni portare su e giù attrezzature e diventa molto dispendioso sia di energie sia di tempo sia di gasolio e quindi A MANO. La tecnica è la seguente, io attacco il ceppo/i ceppi a seconda della grandezza e il mio amico tira su con una corda, A MANO. Potete immaginare che è molto faticoso (è un lavoro che di solito fa l'argano del trattore) ma questo mio amico è un gorilla e il lavoro viene via abbastanza liscio, fino a che vedo in lontananza un signore che si appropingua dove ci hanno rubato le api l'anno scorso, tranquillamente apre il cancellino che ha il lucchetto aperto entra e si mette a guardare in terra, così urlo al mio amico " Marcooo aspetta un' attimo che ci sta un tizio che è entrato nel recinto delle api!!! E vado a vedere, vado lì con il mio garbo da lord inglese e gli dico, ma scusi questa è casa sua? Arriva apre, ma chi è lei? Che cerca? E questo che di garbo inglese non ne ha affatto mi dice, ma che cazzo vuoi? sto a raccogliere i funghi, non rompe i coglioni ci vengo da una vita pischè, A queste parole strillate in modo disumano vedo il mio amico lanciarsi giù dal monte come una valanga, il signore mi guarda basito e dice tra sé e se... E che vuole questo mò? Niente signore insegnarle l'educazione, A MANO.
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americqnheartss · 4 days
panem's possible asian diaspora: how being asian might add nuance to district 4 & 7 characters.
i'm not trying to discredit the actors that portrayed these characters, nor am I saying that these experiences are universal to asians everywhere. as an asian-american thg fan, it's just interesting to see how my experiences (again, not universal) could apply to some characters and explain their actions. they're not canonically asian, you can imagine them as you want. this is just for funsies! it started off as a fun little, "lol what if finnick was filipino?" then spiraled out of control.
topics discussed:
seniority and the seablings
filial piety and duty to community in thg
treech, odesta, and the model minority myth
asian f*tishization and finnick odair
cw: racism, s*xualization, and death are mentioned but not entirely fleshed out and in detail.
Let’s start off with geography!
In the official map of Panem, we see that districts Four and Seven encompass both California and Washington, respectively — two states with some of the highest populations of Asian-Americans in the modern-day west coast. It’s not far-fetched to believe that there are some Asian influences there just as there are hints of Katniss’ indigenous roots in the books (a headcanon that inspired this one).
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or... I'm just projecting!!! idk 😁
sorry for the censoring. I tried posting this on tiktok, and they took it down, so now I'm a little paranoid!
AGAIN (sorry, I just hate causing too much debate) I'M NOT SAYING THEY'RE ASIAN. I just think asian characters in thg would be neat--
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If they ever make a show about the other victors these four better be in it
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whereismyhat5678 · 3 days
Idk about you guys but these little fuckers have been invading my head for like AGES BRO-
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March 26 . 24. - a Quality publication of Greendale Community College
This issue's hot topics:
The REDSTREET SMACKDOWN: Greendale students' midnight brawls and mega bans
Leaked: timeline travel method: Vent, vent, voom?
1st Horrors Humans Answers
Notices we had to put in or the paper wouldn't run this week
The owner of the popular bar on L Street has said it will be permanently banning all the Greendalians involved in the brawl late last night. 
The numerous bans follow a review of the situation which identified them all as equally responsible for the damages, losses and brutal attack of the bartender on shift that night.
Allegedly, the bartender, who came from the night with a severe black eye and several cuts, has also been banned as well as being fired outright. 
Separately, another bartender, ‘Jean’, has said he didn’t witness the entire event, just the final moments where they all "acted as part of the group". 
Other witnesses suggested a redheaded girl with ‘too many darn piercings’ was ‘vicious’ in her screaming match and was the one who took the first swing. 
An on scene reporter wrote that the bartender on shift argued back equally as viciously and threatened the crowd to take further action. All in all the row was said to have lasted no more than five minutes and yet the effects of it would cost the owner greatly. Our reporter counted a total of eight present during the dispute. This included Greendales’ own Troy Barnes, Abed Nadir and Vanessa Wright. It’s suggested that the others were also students but they were unable to be identified at the time. 
Total damages are said to be cash register breakages, several broken glasses and dents on a couple of chairs. The assailants also stole several bottles of wine and two shot glasses. 
Redstreet’s owner claimed he will not be pressing any charges on this occasion. He commented “if i went apeshit on every stupid drunken fool, I’d never have time to actually run the damn bar. It’s all show business.” 
He also told the team that Redstreet is opening a ‘Tapas Tuesday with ten percent taken (off the total price of the order, not including discounts and other offers and limited only to tuesdays)’ All are welcome except the blacklisted, including the newly banned assailants of last night. 
Leaked: ‘timeline travel method’, Vent, vent, voom?
Sources have suggested that the more surefire way to travel between the ‘timelines’ are by crawling through Greendale’s vents.
The ‘timelines’ themselves were discovered late last year upon the discovery of the ‘other timeline’, (also been dubbed the ‘superior timeline’ by some) rendering this the ‘prime timeline’. It was quickly realised by the sci-fi society members, namely one ‘Abed Nadir’ that there are possibly infinite other timelines out there. It was also discovered that Tumblr is a rare medium through which all the timelines are able to converge. 
While many claim to have undertaken this method to travel between them, the Gazette Journal Mirror stresses that this is still hearsay, and has yet to be directly confirmed by the paper. 
Although, with this new information to light, we urge you to keep a keen eye for the evil timeliners who have been sighted around campus and tumblr alike! 
Horrors Humans Answers 
hi! i have a crush on a girl, and i know she's gay, or at least queer, and she's been dropping some hints, but then sometimes she also says we're just friends and does friend-zone-y kind of stuff, and i'm not sure what to think or to do. please send help!
- angel lover
ANSWER: Hey, Angel Lover! This horrors human knows exactly how you feel! The lovesick feeling is bittersweet. But hang tight! Here’s my advice. Scenario One: You bite the bullet and just ask her out, you never know the outcome until you try - and as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Scenario Two: You ask a mutual friend if you know who she likes! That’s a sure way to know if it’s you, or someone else. Horrors Human wishes you the best of luck!
what’s the deal with the dude hanging in the east stairwell - scared student
ANSWER: Hi there, Scared Student! I’m here to say - Fear Not! You’re probably seeing things. Have you been eating funny brownies recently? There’s no one hanging in the east stairwell, silly! There’s no one there, see? No one there. No one there. No one there at all. anymore. In fact, we’re going to put a nice new vending machine right there next week! Enjoy! 
How to stop having gay thoughts -person in a study group who totally isn’t gay
ANSWER: Hello, Study Grouper! Sounds like you’ve got a classic case of denial. Though this may be tricky for you to come to terms with, my advice here would not be to try and stop yourself from having these thoughts but to take a step back and allow them to be there. Indulge yourself a little! Perhaps there’s a celebrity you’ve never openly admitted to liking, or maybe you’ve got a crush you flirt with? Get comfortable with yourself, Study Grouper! 
Notices (we had to put this in because otherwise they wouldn't let us run the paper this week)
GREENDALE’S THEATRE DEPARTMENT:  We are excited to announce their upcoming performance, ‘Anti Death Macbeth’, the tickets of which will be going on sale this Friday from the drama studio and reception. Don’t miss it. This will not be an ado about nothing! 
NON-GLUTEN FREE RUMOURS: ‘Who on earth would trick people into eating bread with gluten in it?' Greendale's head chef and meal planner commented, insisting on speaking directly from rehab. And there you have it, human beings! We’re here to remind you that, no matter the rumours, the cafeteria’s Gluten-Free bread is indeed gluten-free!
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kald-dal-art · 1 month
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Finally after so long I have an access to a scanner so have some of my THG/TBOSAS drawings from my sketchbooks, so hope you enjoy these
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eucalyptusbuck · 3 months
honestly, i think if 911 wants buck and/or eddie to have a compelling serious love interest at this point, one of them can't be on the show anymore (i am not saying i want this. i am just thinking about their dynamics.) they both fill the partner role for the other so well that no LI is compelling, they already have their person. like, even if the actress is great and the character is great, i think it'd be extremely difficult to make them so great we see them as viable long-term.
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