#50 Days of Star Wars
sketchupnfries · 1 month
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That man needs to have a shopping spree at Tempur Pedic so he can finally sleep for one night in his life.
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
Did they fucking age Asajj up from Legends to Canon/TCW for her to flirt with Obi-Wan and date Quinlan because I'm losing it over this
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For further context some other Star Wars characters' ages (canon for most, Legends for Aayla and Quinlan because they don't have a canon birth year)
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Ok, so get this: she was younger than Padmé, Aayla and maybe even Anakin originally, but they aged her up 7-11 years to get her with Quinlan and Obi-Wan. Oh. While this was most likely not an intentional decision it still really disappoints me because imo she works so much better in the younger age group
Btw, this means that in Legends by the start of the Clone Wars she was 17-21, what the fuck. And by the end of it she would be 20-24. Incredibly fucked up I think
For even further context, the ages at the beginning and the end of the clone wars: Obi-Wan & Quin - 35, 38 Aayla - 26, 29 Padmé - 24, 27 Anakin - 19, 21 *Ahsoka - 14, 17 **Asajj - 17/18/19/21, 20/21/22/23/24
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gildeddlily · 9 months
honestly I love how Mark Hamill came back and gave us more content ab our sweetheart, or how Hayden Christenses did the same and was just majestic, but I think they should start searching for new actors. Instead of paying a (n absolutely beautiful) 42ys man to play a 19ys boy why can't they find a young actor who resembles Hayden enough to look like Anakin?
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black-cat-babe · 1 year
When Luke is rebuilding the jedi order Ezra is less involved more the crazy ass uncle none of the adults bring up over dinner and all the kids love because he brings gifts and stories about blue men and space whales beyond the known galaxy. He'll show up out of nowhere in some stolen ship with gifts and stories for all the younglings but the moment someone asks him to contribute or teach He'll mysteriously vanish with no explanation
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 11 months
Sometimes I think about the over-ambitious 50-chapter discontinued pmd fanfic I wrote on deviantart as a tween and have the urge to try again...
I think I did once or twice a few years after writing it, but it'd be good to see what I could do with it now, with so much time passed and so many new generations and pmd games :o
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I’m going to reach 50 followers??
Okay, listen…
It’s a big deal to me. I want to celebrate it and I want your help!
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ct-hardcase · 2 years
feeling things about Windu clearly not hating Anakin and even having easy banter with him but still acting the part of a mentor to him and Ahsoka even if it’s somewhat clumsy
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scoopstrooptm · 1 year
maybe if i post a to-do list here then i'll actually be productive.jpg
• spring clean my drafts • write up erica's bio • figure out specifics for d&d verses for robin & dustin • write up an apocalyptic au outline for robin & dustin • finish the robin & russian bunker trauma meta i have sitting incomplete in my drafts • modern verse ????? idk where to start with that aside from giving robin her long-awaited middle aged lesbian icon modern verse • starter call ?????? • write ?????????? • profit
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muffingnf · 2 years
just went to a toy store and oh my gosh i miss being a kid so much and like i may be 22 but i’d still buy a handful of things for myself if i was able to 🙁
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Genuinely: For people who are angry and frustrated at the limited number of movies and shows available for streaming, at the way streaming services pull or cancel movies and shows at will, at the way every media corporation under the sun is pulling their stuff onto their own streaming service and balkanizing access to things behind a dozen different monthly subscriptions? For people who miss Blockbuster and want to be able to just rent a DVD again?
See if your local library has a DVD collection.
If I want to watch The Mummy (1999) with Brendan Fraser? I can't stream it on Netflix, but I can borrow it from my local library.
If I want to watch The Mummy (1932) with Boris Karloff? I can't stream that pretty much anywhere, but I can borrow it from my local library.
I want to watch Star Wars or Iron Man or my favorite Disney movie but I refuse to sell my soul to pay for Disney+? I can borrow these from my local library.
Do I want to finish watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9 or check out Star Trek: Picard but resent that it's all on yet another streaming service I don't want? I can borrow season box sets of DVDs from my local library!
Obviously, available circulating collections vary a lot between library systems. (My hometown's library has all of Star Trek DS9 on DVD, for example, but my college town's library only has TOS, Picard, and Discovery.) And of course it depends on whether things are released in physical media form at all, and you won't be able to keep up with new episodes of new series - it takes a while for many things to come out on DVD.
But there can be a lot of good stuff there too. For example, I missed Nope in theaters, but I still really want to see it. So I have it on hold from my local library. I'm 73rd in line on 50 copies, so it'll be a while.
So check to see what DVD collections your library does have - it might surprise you what you can get access to, for free, in a manner that no greedy corporation can yank away.
And by checking out DVDs, you are telling the library that you use and want them to maintain and grow their AV media collection. Which is an encouragement we could really use these days.
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studioghibelli · 18 days
leather & lace- a joel miller x reader series
chapter one: the silver stallion.
summary: an untamed cowboy and the sheriff's daughter. an outlaw and a goodie two shoes. a hardened piece of leather and a perfect cut of lace. at first glance, you and joel miller are polar opposites, yet somehow fate has managed to tangle you both up in the same spool of yarn.
“You're saying I'm fragile, I try not to be. I search only for something I can't see. I have my own life, and I am stronger than you know.”
warnings: violence (guns, blood, death.) enemies to lovers, an unspoken companionship of convenience, this is sort of a soulmate au? in a very thematic and metaphorical sense, age gap (50’s Joel, 20s reader), themes of guilt and betrayal, domestic abuse. if i missed any, please kindly let me know. thank you!
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A silver stallion was galloping across the vast canopy of the dusty sky, illuminating the distant mountains with a sheen of gentle moonlight. It had been a harsh, dry summer, followed by an uninspired autumn, but soon the loving hand of winter would blanket the land in her snowy glory.
The town of Ruby Springs stood glimmering at the base of a mountain, the golden light of dingy hotels and busy saloons flickering in the darkening air.
It was warm, inviting-and there was nothing he wanted more than a pint of beer and a place to rest his aching feet.
How long had it been? Days? Weeks?
The time didn’t matter when his back ached like this. His crooked spine had not felt the plush feathers of a pillow in many moons, his lips had gone too long without a tender kiss from a pretty stranger.
Every inch, every bone, every breath of Joel Miller hurt.
He was getting too old for this, too lousy, too grumpy, too much of everything to keep up with it all. The train robberies, the kidnapping, the late night bank runs. If it were up to him, he would have stopped years ago.
But he was an indebted man, and Joel knew he’d have to sleep with one eye open if he tried to run away from it all. He was reminded constantly of his duties, of the promise he swore to her years ago.
His boss, his warden, his burden. She saved a life for him, and in turn, he owed his entire world to her. Every penny, every breath, every move- Joel did so to appease Tess.
And now this.
He had done many things in his life. Cruel, unspeakable things. He had watched skin turn purple and eyes roll blank. He had watched men hang for their crimes and horses die for their loyalty. War, famine, anger, cruelty- Joel had seen his share of the world, of the vast and indescribable horrors of man.
But this. Something about this made his stomach churn. Something deep, intrinsic, something that had been determined by fate many moons before. Something he didn’t quite understand.
The letter detailing his current orders were in the pocket of his worn coat, burning a hole straight through the leather and deep in to his chest.
The girl. The boy. Their father. In that order. This sheriff’s been sniffing out our plans for too long, and we can’t have him ringing any alarm bells. Get it done and dusted, and report back to me in Jackson.
He could turn his strawberry roan mustang right around and run off, far into the desert. Where he would go, what exactly he would do- well, he wasn’t quite sure.
But he had ideas. Options. Dreams.
He could ride alongside the screaming eagles through the valleys of mesa rock, make camp beside a Montana stream rich with salmon. He could trade meat with the Apache down in New Mexico and drink moonshine beneath the stars.
He could choose to do anything but that.
He couldn’t, could he?
What was more innocent blood on his hands? Joel had killed before, and he knew he would kill again.
Patting the ivory handled Colt that sat glued to his holster, he guided his steed towards Ruby Springs, stomach tight with the promise of what he was about to do.
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The powder room was the color of eggshells with pink satin pillows thrown about, piles of gowns that needed to be washed and trays of powder that were fading had been littered throughout various places. It was pretty. Delicate. Feminine. A room fit for a city girl who had never known a days work. A city girl who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
A city girl Joel felt inextricably fond of, without ever knowing intimately.
The room he had found himself camped in smelled faintly of vanilla and cinnamon, and framed photos of a pretty thing and her loyal steed were hung about the walls.
The woman he was sent to kill.
Joel sat behind the bed, careful not to lean back on any loose floor boards. If he made any noise, he know he was screwed. In his gloved hands was a small, circular photo frame, a photo of your face beaming up at him, his target, staring back. Your eyes were full of light, face full of promise. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen someone so beautiful, someone so fragile.
He wondered what you smelled like. He wondered what your voice sounded like, if you snorted when you laughed. When he looked at your photo, he saw hope. He saw a shadow of someone he once was.
An outline of a little boy with a heart, with a soul, with a dream. A little boy who prayed and laughed and played outside beneath the heat of the sun. A boy who kissed his mamma and brushed his dog and shook the sand from his boots before walking inside the house.
Where had he gone? What had he turned in to?
Down the hall, he could hear footsteps. Heavy and booted, hushed whispers accompanying them.
“Shit.” He muttered, grabbing his pistol and peering over the meticulously made bed.
The doorknob was rattling.
Joel glanced down at the fading picture. He really did think you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A confident smile, pretty hair, dazzling eyes- you were so young, you looked so pure.
And your blood was about to be all over the palms of his hands.
His ribcage felt as though it was going to break, his whole body full of the whistling pressure of what must be done. Before he could even think or mourn, he heard a hiss of pain.
“Get off me, Wyatt!”
Wyatt. Your brother. The boy he was meant to kill.
“You gon’ tell daddy? Betcha’ not gonna do shit about it.” There was venom in his words, it dripped from each syllable.
Joel sat quiet. His curiosity outweighed his allegiance to Tess, and he wanted to see where this was headed.
“You killed him, Wyatt.” Your voice was hushed on that forbidden middle word, killed sounded so foreign when it came out of your mouth. It was as though your tongue wouldn’t dare hold on to the verb anymore than it had to.
“So? Don’t matter. When you’re the sheriff’s kid, you can do anythin’ you want. You should try it sometime.”
“No. I won’t. I’m going to tell him.”
“You wouldn’t.” A challenge. There was the ruffling of a leather strap, followed by the clicking of a gun. Not only a challenge, a death sentence.
Although Joel couldn’t see, the air grew thick with tension, like a beach before a storm. He could hear your little breath of air, he could smell your annoyance. Quietly, Joel peered over the mattress.
Something stirred deep within him. He wanted to protect you, and the thought made him angry.
Wyatt stood tall and dumb, buck toothed and freckled like a growling hound dog. His pistol was pointed right at you, and he wore a mask of pure anger. That’s all he was. An angry little boy with no real reason to be.
And Joel knew how to deal with angry little boys.
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You couldn’t remember when it started.
The rage.
It ran unbridled through you, like a stream trickling downwards towards the edge of a mountain. You could feel it in your veins, like the stinger of a wasp, stuck with nowhere left to go.
You knew, ever since you were a young child, that one day the band that held it all together was going to snap. And one day, sweet, innocent, “Oh no sir, I could never!” little old you would snap. You would sink your teeth in the neck of a handsy man, or drive a bullet straight through a gossipy woman’s stomach.
One day that band would break. And one day your perfect socialite image would come crashing down.
Today, spoiler alert, was that day.
That morning, when you had awoken, your thighs were sticky with your own blood, and your skin was covered in a sheen of sweat. Winter was approaching, but the wooden walls of your family home held in the heat from the furnace like no other.
You were hot. You were angry. You were a woman on the edge, standing at the precipice of a ravine full of hatred and violence. One little gust of wind, and you’d be pushed over the edge.
Enter: Wyatt.
Your big brother. Nasty, incompetent, spoiled rotten by your overly doting mother who never, over her now dead body, treated you the same.
Wyatt could get away with whatever he wanted. Why? He was daddy’s favorite. The crown jewel of Ruby Springs. Next in line to be the town’s newest, gluttonous, and corrupt Sheriff.
Wyatt was a pig. A fucking pig you would send to the slaughterhouse if you could. You could do a lot of damage with a nail gun to his forehead, you thought.
When he had grabbed you by the arm and dragged you in to your room to snarl his line of profanities, you were already knee deep in the rotted mud of a shitty day.
One little gust of wind.
“-You wouldn’t.” Wyatt’s tone was full of that disgusting self-righteous attitude he always carried around with him, full of the thought that nothing could ever harm him, full of the thought that there was no one who could put him in his place. When he pulled his pistol out on you, no fear coursed through you.
Why would it?
You had been spanked as a child, damn near shot by your own father when you were twelve and accidentally dropped a bucket of hot water on his feet. When he grabbed you by the throat and threatened to spill your life blood, you felt it for the first time.
That rage. That deep, bitter, heavy rage.
One little gust of wind.
“What are you doing, Wyatt?” You asked nonchalantly, eyes flickering down to his gun.
“Protectin’ myself.”
“From what?”
You couldn’t help but scoff. “You’re such a fucking coward. You know that?”
Wyatt held the barrel of his gun against your chin. It was cold. It was… inviting, like a hug from a distant family member. There was a feeling to that frigid metal against your skin that felt familiar, a yearning deep within you that had always been there but never awoken.
Not until now.
“Don’t test me, girl.”
“No, Wyatt.” Your voice was low, like the growl of a cougar. Your dumb brother didn’t notice you reaching towards your vanity, to the pointed hair pic resting gently on the edge. It wasn’t a knife, but it would do.
They say poison was the weapon of women, but you figured anything could work if you gritted your teeth hard enough.
So grit your teeth you did. So hard you could hear them heaving and grinding against another, like the metal cogs of a train engine.
“You don’t test me.”
Wyatt took a step back. A floorboard creaked, from what- or who- you weren’t sure. All you knew was your red tinted vision, the thrumming pound drumming at the back of your head, was filling your mind with the promise of a fight.
“I have put up with you for so long. Your incessant bitching, your stupid fucking crocodile tears. I’ve put up with the abuse- from you and papa- and I’m sick of it. I’m sick of you. You know what doctor’s do when a sickness starts spreading? They get rid of it. And I’m going to get rid of you. You’re a fucking pain in my ass. A disease.”
You had never seen Wyatt go so wide eyed before, like a doe stuck at the end of a bowie knife, a rabbit lost in the woods. There was a bead of sweat forming at his temple, crinkles scrunching at the side of his dark eyes as he squinted, trying to make sense of what was going on in the world around him.
“You-….” He stood up straighter, cleared his throat louder. Wyatt’s eyebrows knitted tightly together as he gained his arrogance back again. “You on your period or something?” The chiding tone of his voice was enough to break that band.
One little gust of wind.
“That’s it!” You screamed out as your legs carried you, your mind completely on auto-pilot as your instincts guided you. In a matter of seconds Wyatt was on the floor, and the hair pic was lodged deep into the flesh of his cheek.
He cried out, a string of curses soon following. “You crazy bitch! You fuckin’ stabbed me!” He spit, a loose molar tumbling to the floor.
“I said don’t mess with me!”
“You’re fuckin’ crazy!” Wyatt easily wrestled you to the ground, shuffling around for his pistol as you struggled against his grasp. Unfortunately he was much stronger, and you held no power over him while he had the high ground.
You felt the cold barrel of his Colt on the temple of your eye, and for a moment you accepted your fate. At least you went out with a bang.
And there was indeed a bang, followed by a thud, and before you knew it, you were being suffocated with the body of your lifeless brother, your neck and face painted with the crimson of his blood.
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Joel had no clue what had come over him.
He hadn’t felt protective like this for a very long time.
Not since her.
As he perched behind the cushy mattress, listening to you two bicker like a pair of angry birds, a wave of emotion rushed over him. A bit of fear, an unforeseen amount of admiration, and a twinge of…. well, something he didn’t really know the word for. Interest?
Interest? Joel shook his head to himself quietly. He wouldn’t. And even worse than that- he couldn’t.
Interest. In his line of work? Not a safe option, not a safe feeling.
Joel held his gun steady, ears perked like an alert dog, waiting for an opportunity. An opportunity for what exactly, well, he wasn’t quite sure.
When he heard your bodies tackle to the ground, he knew he had to do something about it. Before he could think about his next move, his mind shut off, and his gun was pointed right at Wyatt’s head.
Something within him could hardly stand it, seeing you there, wide eyed and covered in blood. His ears were ringing, the echo of the shot bouncing off the wooden walls of the house. It had been drowned out by the old church bells right across the street, signaling the turn of midnight, the noisy commotion of the late night saloon bustling about outside the frosted windows.
“Up.” Was all he could manage to get out, extending a gloved hand your way.
Fuck Tess. Fuck it all. He wasn’t going to kill you.
Because God above, were you even more breathtaking in person. He felt his stomach twist and knot around itself, his organs rearranging themselves at the mere sight of you. His palms grew sweaty behind his gloves, his heart slammed against his ribcage, begging for a prison escape.
He didn’t know what to do with all the emotion fluttering about behind his skin.
It was in that moment that Joel Miller decided he hated you.
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The weight of a dead body was unlike anything you had ever felt before.
Your mouth was full with the taste of metal and gunpowder, your eyelashes cracking with drying viscera. It smelled like searing flesh, and your nostrils flared at the intrusion.
The strange man stood towering above you. Strong, capable, eyes hidden behind the brim of his dark Stetson.
It was a simple command. Covered in the previous life of your brother who easily wrestled you in to submission, you decided to take both his hand and his offer. It was one of the kinder interaction you had had today.
While rising to your feet, your eyes caught his own.
His eyes.
You had never seen a shade of umber so alluring before. Honeyed spheres full of coffee tinted orbs, his pupils wide and dilated with the rush of taking another man’s life. There was something dangerous about his eyes, something dark and distant, as though he had seen and partaken in unspeakable horrors, as though he had carried the entire weight of the world on his shoulders and survived to tell the tale.
He was a broken man, you knew it right off the bat. A broken man with nowhere else to go, or nothing else to do, except shoot people with bounties on their head.
Oh, you weren’t naive. It wasn’t the first time a man had been found hiding in your room, ready to take you. Why, kidnapping the Sheriff’s daughter for ransom would give them a pretty penny, wouldn’t it? But you have a murderous brother- correction, had- who didn’t mind hunting men down and killing them. Not because he cared about you, of course not, but because he loved the feeling of murder, he danced with the illustrious shadow of death.
That shadow came back to bite him in the ass, and you relished in watching him die.
Fuck Wyatt. Fuck that tool. He had tormented you your entire life and now he was gone.
You shook those thoughts away, returning to the gaze of the man before you. Something rumbled deep in your soul, something you had never felt before. A tug, a pull, towards the person who stood tall in front of you. You had never felt something so intense, so deep, in all your life. It’s like you were stuck in the waves of a tempestuous ocean, with no escape in sight and a mouthful of sea water clawing at the back of your throat.
You were drowning in those honeyed orbs, a gust of wind pulled you back down to reality.
Finally, you could speak. “I’m-”
“I know who you are.” His voice was raw and deep. You watched him wipe his bloodied gloves off on the denim of his pants, and you winced.
“Are you taking me somewhere?”
For a moment you stopped. You could run out the door, it was three feet away. You could also pounce and grab Wyatt’s gun, it was right at your feet.
Or…. you could go with him. You could run away from the abuse, the suffocating town, the disgusting standards, the burden of having a social life in the public eye. You could prove a point to your father.
You could be your own person.
In that moment you decided that this man was going to be your ticket out of Ruby Springs.
“Can I change?”
“What?” Joel looked at you like you were crazy, a thick eyebrow raising with incredulousness at the sound of your statement.
“Can I change? I’m covered in blood. I want to put on a clean dress, it reeks of Wyatt.”
The unnamed cowboy sighed. “Fine. But be quick.”
You began the tedious process of stripping out of your layers, starting with the buttons on your sleeves. “And don’t think about looking.”
“I ain’t lookin’.” His voice was tired with annoyance, an echo of the man he once was. He turned around on his heel, staying true to his word with his broad back turned to you.
“What’s your name anyways, mister?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“I reckon you and I are going to be spending a bit of time together.”
He snorted, and you watched his shoulders rise and fall with a shrug. “Miller. Joel Miller.”
Your fingers stopped in their tracks, your body short circuiting as the name replayed in your mind, again and again.
Joel Miller.
The Joel Miller.
He was as famous as Billy the Kid, as notorious as Jesse James- he was an outlaw that everyone, even those fancy pants on the East Coast, knew of. And he was standing in your room.
Joel let out a sigh. “Your silence is loud, girl.”
“I just…” You paused for a moment as you flicked through your wardrobe. “I just…. my dad used to tell us stories about you when we were kids. He…. well-”
“Hates me?”
“Damn straight. Made it his life mission to hunt you down.”
“Well he ain’t that good at it. Considering I walked right in to his town.”
You laughed, slipping in to a chemise. “He’s gotten a bit stupid in his old age. Should I go and tell him you’re here? Give him a head start?”
You could have sworn you heard Joel chuckle, but a quick clearing of the throat masked whatever sound of amusement he could have made.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Don’t know yet.”
“You don’t know? That’s not how ransoms work, you know. This isn’t my first time being snatched up.” You held your head up high, buttoning up the front of your blouse.
“Doesn’t surprise me. Lot’s of hunters like your type.”
“My type?”
“Naive little girls with rich daddies. The kind that pay well.”
“Naive? Don’t make me laugh.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. You’re definitely not naive. You put up a good fight with your brother.”
You had to learn to defend yourself at an early age. You had to hold your own. There were days you would walk back home from school with swollen eyes and cracked knuckles. By the time you hit puberty, your mother started dressing you up in the attire that good little girls from rich little families inside snooty little social circles wore. Dresses the color of poppies, shoes made from silk- it was all lovely, and you grew to love it all, but deep down you knew it wasn’t where you belonged.
You didn’t respond to Joel. You threw on your overskirt, slipping on your tired leather boots. “Ready.” You chirped.
Joel turned around on his heel, looking at you through his eyelashes. There was a short moment of silence before he picked your brother up and tossed him on your bed.
You winced. “Come on. Those sheets were clean.”
He ignored you, patting through his pockets. A few stray bullets and some loose change later, and you were sneaking out the back of your house.
“Can I go grab my horse?”
“That would defeat the purpose of a kidnappin’, girl.”
You rolled your eyes. “Please? I don’t want to leave Fritz here.”
“Fritz?” Joel scoffed at the name, staring you down.
Joel gritted his teeth, hissing out a shot of hot air. “Fine. But be quick or I’m shootin’ you too.”
You smiled a toothy grin, running off to the stables. You had appeared just as quick as you left, an all black stallion standing tall and proud. His mane was braided, and his soft nose was pink. He was a handsome specimen, standing out like a sore thumb beside the strawberry coated mustang.
“What’s her name?” You asked, following him closely on the path that lead out of the town. You noticed you were headed for the mountains.
“My horse?”
You nodded, before realizing he couldn’t see you. “Uh, yeah.”
Joel sniffed a bit. “She doesn’t have one.”
“Why not?”
“Because she’s just a damn horse.”
You rolled your eyes, running your fingers down Fritz’s soft neck. “She’s your companion. She trusts you more than anything, you know. She’s bonded to you, completely at your service, and you can’t even give her a name?”
“Will you just shut up? You’re yapping my ear off, woman. Kidnapee’s ain’t supposed to talk this damn much.”
“Well you ain’t never kidnapped someone like me, Joel Miller.”
As you rode in silence, the early morning thickness hanging in the air, the sound of cicadas lulled you deeper in to your thoughts. Thoughts of Wyatt, thoughts of the strange man riding in front of you.
The strange man who seemed so cold, so mean. And what kind of dick didn’t name their horse?
It was in that moment that you decided you hated Joel Miller.
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tag list: @loliwrites @persephone-girl @ilovepedro @noisynightmarepoetry @moel-jiller @bensonispunk @obvitsclaire @redb1cpen @paanchusblog @joelalorian @dragonsanddragons @ashleyfilm @kungfucapslock @cumberpegg @cupidguider @sunandmuun
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david-talks-sw · 10 months
Debunking more myths in the GFFA: the Jedi and the clones.
I wrote a post debunking the various myths about how "the Jedi condone slavery", a while ago. Something I had omitted (because it's such a big topic) was the following two statements that concern the clone troopers' relations with the Jedi:
"The clones were genetically bred to have accelerated growth, so they're technically child soldiers."
"The clones were slaves of the Jedi."
Both the above statements are inaccurate, let's explore why. 
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"The clones were child soldiers"
Let's get the easy one out of the way first, because it's a logic that cuts both ways. If age is our only determination of the maturity of a Star Wars character, then Grogu is not a baby. He is aged 50, and is thus a middle-aged man.
Who cruelly eats the babies of a woman...
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... and knowingly tortures animals for his own sadistic pleasure.
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Of course, I'm kidding. Grogu's none of the above things.
The narrative frames him as a cute baby who does innocent baby stuff. Him eating the eggs is played off as comedic, as is him lifting with the frog. To this day, some fans still call him "Baby Yoda".
Conversely, despite the clones being 10/14-years-old, their actions, behaviors, way of thinking, sense of humor, morals etc, are all those of an adult.
Like, Ahsoka is technically older than Rex in this scene.
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The scene doesn't portray them as peers, though. This isn't written as "a teen and a tween talking". No, Rex looks, acts and behaves like a grown-up and is thus framed as such by the narrative.
You can make the argument "they're child soldiers", but (unless you're doing so in bad faith) you'd also have to argue that "Grogu's an adult".
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"The clones were the Jedi's slaves"
Nope. For all intents and purposes, they're in the same boat as the Jedi, who George Lucas stated multiple times had been drafted to fight in the war.
Again: both the Jedi (monk/diplomats untrained for fighting on a battlefield) and clones (literally bred en masse only to fight) are being forced to fight by Palpatine and the Senate.
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Though, on paper, the clones were commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, it was actually done by the Sith (who either manipulated or assassinated Sifo-Dyas then stole his identity, depending on the continuity you choose to adhere to). The rest of the Jedi had no idea these clones were being created.
So while the clones are slaves... they're not owned by the Jedi.
They're the army of the Republic, they belong to the Senate. This isn't exactly a scoop, they refer to the clones as something to purchase...
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... and manufacture.
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As far as the Senate’s concerned, clones are property, like droids. 
Like there's a whole subplot in The Bad Batch about this very point: after the war, the clones are decommissioned and left out to dry because they literally have no rights, they served their purpose.
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The only trooper to ever canonically blame the Jedi for the clones' enslavement is Slick, who the narrative frames as having been bribed and manipulated by Asajj Ventress into betraying his comrades.
Also, the only canonical Jedi shown to ever be mean, dismissive or mistreating the clones in any way, is Pong Krell.
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And it's eventually revealed he’s in fact a full-on traitor, hence why the story frames him as an antagonistic dick from the moment he's introduced. He doesn’t represent the Jedi in any way.
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We know this because the other Jedi we’ve been shown are always prioritizing their clones’ lives over theirs, if given the chance.
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Finally, if we wanna get even more specific... as Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), the clones belong to Palpatine. 
Palpatine who is a Sith Lord. 
Palpatine who arranged for the creation of the clones and had them all injected with a chip that would activate upon hearing a code-word...
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... and forced them to murder their Jedi without hesitation or remorse.
When you bear all that  ⬆️  in mind and when you read this quote by George Lucas...
"The Jedi won't lead droids. Their whole basis is connecting with the life force. They'd just say, 'That's not the way we operate. We don't function with non-life-forms.” So if there is to be a Republic army, it would have to be an army of humans."    - The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020  
... narratively-speaking, everything falls into place.
Sidious knows that:
If he orchestrates a war designed to thin the Jedi's numbers, corrupt their values and plunge the galaxy into chaos...
If he wants to draft the Jedi - peace-keeping diplomats who’d never willingly join the fray - to fight in his war...
... then the only way they won't resist the draft and abstain from fighting is if they think joining the conflict will save lives.
So he creates a set of cruel, sadistic villains for them to face, opponents who will target innocent civilians at every turn...
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... and instead of lifeless droids, he prepares for the Jedi an army of men... living, mortal people who, despite being well-trained, will be completely out of their league when facing the likes of Dooku...
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... Ventress...
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... Grievous...
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... Savage Opress...
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... or the defoliator, a tank that annihilates organic matter.
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Thus, in order to save as many clone and civilian lives, the Jedi join the fray despite knowing that doing so will corrupt their values. 
And as the war rages on, a bond of respect is formed between the two groups.
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Clearly, the Jedi don't like the fact that the Republic is using the clones to fight a war, but for that matter, they don't like being in a war, in fact they advocated against it.
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However, it's happening regardless of their issues with the idea or personal philosophies. Said The Clone Wars writer Henry Gilroy:
"I’d rather not get into the Jedi’s philosophical issues about an army of living beings created to fight, but the Jedi are in a tough spot themselves, being peacekeepers turned warriors trying to save the Republic."
And bear in mind, the Jedi are basically space psychics, the clones are living beings that they can individually feel in the Force... 
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... so the Jedi feel every death but need to move on, regardless, only being able to mourn the troopers at the end of every battle.
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We see this in the Legends continuity too, by the way.
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(that is, when the writers actually try to engage with the narrative)
Also, if you ask the clones, they’re grateful the Jedi have their backs.
When Depa Billaba voices her concerns about how the war is impacting the Jedi's principles, troopers Grey and Styles are quick to make it clear how grateful they all are for the Jedi's involvement:
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So the clones aren't the Jedi's slaves. If anything, they're both slaves of the Republic (considering how low the Jedi's status actually is in the hierarchy).
Only I'd argue the clones have it much, much worse. 
The Senate sees the Jedi as "ugh, the holier-than-thou space-monk lapdogs who work for us"... but a Jedi has the option to give up that responsibility. They can leave the Order, no fuss or stigma. 
A clone trooper cannot leave the GAR! If they do, they’re marked for treason and execution. Again, they’re not perceived as “people”.
And it doesn’t help that the Kaminoans, the clones’ very creators, see the troopers as products/units/merchandise. A notion that the Jedi are quick to correct whenever they get the chance.
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How The Clone Wars writers describe the clones' relationship with the Jedi.
George Lucas hasn’t spoken much about this subject aside from the quote from further up. But to be fair... the Prequels aren’t about the clones’ dynamic with the Jedi, so it makes sense that he wouldn’t talk on that subject so much.
He did mention that part of The Clone Wars’ perks is that he could:
“Do stories about some of the individual clones and get to know them.”
But that’s as far as it gets. 
So for this part, I'm just gonna let Dave Filoni, showrunner of The Clone Wars and the upcoming series Ahsoka, and TCW writer Henry Gilroy - both of whom worked closely with Lucas - take the wheel. They make themselves pretty clear on how the clone/Jedi dynamic is meant to be viewed. 
Here’s Henry Gilroy:
"In my mind, the Jedi see the clones as individuals, living beings that have the same right to life as any other being, but understand that they have a job to do."
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"The clones see the Jedi as their commanding officers on one hand, but also, at least subconsciously, they look to them for clues to social/moral behavior."    
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"Some clones may find themselves getting philosophical leadership from the Jedi that helps them answer some of the deeper questions of life."    
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"We thought this was a great opportunity to show how the Jedi interact with clones. Specifically, Yoda in a teaching role of the clones, who were socially new, who kind of grew up— who were created to fight, and he really broadened their horizons and helped them realize there was a great big universe out there that was bigger than just fighting and killing."    
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And here’s Dave Filoni’s comments:
"I truly believe that the Jedi try to humanize their clones and make them more individual, as Henry says."    
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"I think we saw that in Revenge of the Sith, when the Clones were colorful and named under the Jedi Generals, and then in the final shots of the film with Palpatine and Vader near the new Death Star, the ships are grey, the color and life is sucked out. The Stormtroopers are only numbers and identified by black and white armor or uniforms in A New Hope." 
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"The soldiers have become disposable to the Emperor."    
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"That is something the Jedi would never do."    
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"Yoda teaching the clones much like he taught Luke. ‘Cause that was kind of natural for [the Jedi], a natural instinct to take to these clones like they’re students."    
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None of the above quotes from two different writers of The Clone Wars, who had many interactions with George Lucas, frame the Jedi and the clones’ relationship in a negative way. 
How much more proof do we need that "the clones were slaves of the Jedi” isn’t the intended narrative?
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My point being that while the clones' ordeal is indeed horrible, the Jedi have nothing to do with it. The narrative of The Clone Wars always frames it as the fault of the Sith, the Senate and the Kaminoans.
If you go by the intended narrative, the Jedi were the clones' teachers and brothers-in-arms. The clones and the Jedi were not just comrades.
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They were friends.
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Does anyone else settle down in their Writing Chair, light a Productivity Candle, prepare an Appropriate Beverage, and then end up with an overly attached dog/cat squeezing into their lap or is that just me?
Also sorry for the posting delay! My best friend graduated from college (and I've been helping her job hunt, RIP), my job made me lead on a new project, and I've been on the prowl for Halloween Home Decor in my spare waking hours. I plan to post a chapter in the next few days if all goes as planned!
Thank you all for your patience!
- Tripping Forward, Chapter 3: ~1.5k pending rewrites atm.
-Tripping Forward, Chapter 4: Tentatively outlined and partially written
-The Light Of Distances, Chapter 1 (Feemor AU): ~2.5k
-The End Of Love (Is A Haunting), Chapter 1 (Quinlan AU): ~4.5k
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Yvonne De Carlo (Frontier Gal, The Ten Commandments, Casbah)— Although most famous for playing Lily Munster in The Munsters, Yvonne De Carlo had a successful movie career throughout the 1940s and 1950s, appearing in such films as “The Ten Commandments”, “Sea Devils” and two Munster movies later in life.
Setsuko Hara (Tokyo Story, Late Spring, The Idiot)— "'The only time I saw Susan Sontag cry,' a writer once told me, his voice hushed, 'was at a screening of a Setsuko film.' What Setsuko had wasn’t glamour—she was just too sensible for that—it was glow, one that ebbed away and left you concerned, involved. You got the sense that this glow, like that of dawn, couldn’t be bought. But her smiles were human and held minute-long acts, ones with important intermissions. When she looked away, she absented herself; you felt that she’d dimmed a fire and clapped a lid on something about to spill. Over the last decade, whenever anyone brought up her lips—'Setsuko’s eternal smile,' critics said, that day we learned that she’d died—I thought instead of the thing she made us feel when she let it fall." - Moeko Fujii
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Yvonne de Carlo:
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The woman who brought Burt Lancaster to his knees.
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Setsuko Hara:
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One of the best Japanese actresses of all time; a symbol of the golden era of Japanese cinema of the 1950s After seeing a Setsuko Hara film, the novelist Shūsaku Endō wrote: "We would sigh or let out a great breath from the depths of our hearts, for what we felt was precisely this: Can it be possible that there is such a woman in this world?"
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One of the greatest Japanese actresses of all time!! Best known for acting in many of Yasujiro Ozu's films of the 40s and 50s. Also she has a stunning smile and beautiful charm!
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Linked gifset
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She's considered by some to be the greatest Japanese actress of all time! In Kurosawa's The Idiot she haunts the screen, and TOTALLY steals the show from Mifune every time she appears.
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"No other actor has ever mastered the art of the smile to the same extent as Setsuko Hara (1920–2015), a celebrated star and highly regarded idol who was one of the outstanding actors of 40s and 50s Japanese cinema. Her radiant smile floods whole scenes and at times cautiously undermines the expectations made of her in coy, ironic fashion. Yet her smile's impressive range also encompasses its darker shades: Hara's delicate, dignified, melancholy smile with which she responds to disappointments, papers over the emotions churning under the surface, and flanks life's sobering realizations. Her smiles don't just function as a condensed version of her ever-precise, expressive, yet understated acting ability, they also allow the very essence of the films they appear in to shine through for a brief moment, often studies of the everyday, post-war dramas which revolve around the break-up of family structures or the failure of marriages. Her performances tread a fine line between social expectation and personal desire in post-war Japan, as Hara attempts to lay claim to the autonomy of the female characters she plays – frequently with a smile." [link]
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Leading lady of classic Japanese cinema with a million dollar smile
Maybe the most iconic Japanese actress ever? She rose to fame making films with Yasujiro Ozu, becoming one of the most well-known and beloved actresses in Japan, working from the 30s through the 60s in over 100 hundred. She is still considered one of the greatest Japanese actresses ever, and in my opinion, just one of the greatest actresses of all time. And she was HOT! Satoshi Kon's film Millennium Actress was largely based on her life and her career.
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371 notes · View notes
I love explaining MCR lore to people who aren't fans because there are literally so many wild ass things you can bring up. Like hey remember the used? Yeah the singers were fucking. Remember fall out boy? Yeah the BASSISTS were fucking. Did you know that 9/11 led to the existence of 50 shades of grey. Did you know they voluntarily lived in a haunted mansion that literally drove one of them to madness. Did you know that the whole time two of them were making out on stage the singer was actually getting married to another bands bassist while on tour after dating for 6 weeks. Did you know the singer went on to recreate JFK's assassination with their wife. Did you know they wrote a twilight diss track. Did you know they wrote a song for yo gabba gabba. Did you know one of the guitarists was investigated by the FBI for writing a song about killing the president. And then got investigated a second time because they told him to never play it live again and he did anyway. Did you know he got hit by a bus and massively injured his arm, and then fell off a ladder and broke that arm AGAIN and somehow still plays guitar in two different bands. Did you know they had to kick out three different drummers. Did you know the singer has a thing for prostate exams/piss/vomit and we know that because they tweeted about it multiple times. Did you know they went on a movie date with green day to see star wars. Did you know they managed to get Liza Minnelli on a song. Did you know they got interviewed by a porn site and just talked about d&d. Did you know they made merch of a porn star with a tramp stamp of their logo on it. Did you know the bassist maybe fucked ian mckellen. Did you know the other guitarist maybe fucked tony hawk. And that's without even really deep diving.
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
part of the el!hughes au
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liked by jackhughes, colecaufield, and 122,167 others
y/n.hughes alexa, play fifteen by taylor swift
though if i can make an amendment, there has been nothing greater than dating the boy on the hockey team 🤍 that boy has given me the world and the absolute cutest daughter in the world
tagged jackhughes
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colecaufield damn, talk about some throwbacks!
y/n.hughes my phone made a compilation of these today and you know i just HAD to post them!
trevorzegras you post 3 photos of me and i don’t even get a tag?? i see how it is! hoe’s before bro’s i guess
y/n.hughes trevor, you’re letting your drama king out
trevorzegras he deserves to shine. don’t stick him in the basement when he deserves the pent house. he deserves to bejeweled.
y/n.hughes don’t you dare use the sacred word of mother against me! i advise you to check the book of Lover; chapter 14; verses 0:50-0:54
jackhughes it’s like i married trevor… oh i just got chills
user92 we ask, and y/n delivers omg
jackhughes lovie, you are the greatest thing i’ve ever done
y/n.hughes do you wanna reread what you just said?
jackhughes lovie, MARRYING YOU is the greatest thing i’ve ever done
jackhughes i still stand by my original comment though
y/n.hughes momma is gonna see this!
jackhughes we have a child, do you think she doesn’t already know these things?
slknight35 oh wow, you’ve been down tremendously for THAT man since you were 15? look at him
y/n.hughes since i was 13*
slknight35 that’s actually worse
_quinnhughes you two make me sick in the best way possible
y/n.hughes my bad, Q— didn’t know you were allergic to love
_quinnhughes you’ve been with him too long, he’s corrupted you. what happened to my sweet little y/n that asked me how the star wars movies were made if they would’ve been floating in space? she would never talk to me like this
y/n.hughes hey! i was young!
_quinnhughes you were 14, you were old enough to realize they weren’t actually filmed in space
y/n.hughes i was a dreamer and a believer! your brother seemed to have found that quite charming
jackhughes you were like an innocent little kicked puppy that i wanted to take home with me and keep safe forever
y/n.hughes @/jackhughes why do you speak? you’re SO pretty, and then you open your mouth
jackhughes technically, i didn’t say it, i typed it.
y/n.hughes @/jackhughes crib.
jackhughes yes, that is where El sleeps?
y/n.hughes @/jackhughes no, that is where YOU will sleep. act immature, get treated immature.
jackhughes i’m sorry, i love you
user27 these photos omg i just can’t even believe they’ve been together THIS long
lhughes_06 sis, i say this with so much love… why?
y/n.hughes what do you mean “why” ?!
lhughes_06 i mean, why the pictures? why Jack? why?
y/n.hughes you guys look adorable! and because he’s always been the cutest boy to ever walk the planet to me
lhughes_06 i think you need your eyes checked
jackhughes what is this, hate on Jack day?!
_alexturcotte i’ve always been stylin 💯
y/n.hughes hey remember when you used to call me at 7am and ask what you should wear?
_alexturcotte idk what you’re talking about. that doesn’t ring a bell.
y/n.hughes really? cause you did it for 5 years
_alexturcotte lovie, please, you’re killing my game
y/n.hughes you have game?!
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