#2 hour work flow
moonshine-nightlight · 7 months
@cax-per submitted:
me doing my daily check ins to see if the next part of There’s Nothing Wrong With Dale is out yet 🥸💻
this week has flown by so fast, holy shit. my original plan was to edit Monday (possibly Tuesday too depending on how long it took) which is already shakey cuz during the week, but between work and headaches, yeah no editing was accomplished this week
soo i shall be spending today editing chapter 34 of Dale (which is over 10k words) and hopefully posting it today as well
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hella1975 · 1 year
worked four sections today bc we were so understaffed. i had 20 tables. a normal section is about 5/6 tables. the way i didn't maul anyone will go down in the guiness book of world records as strongest silly guy alive
#MY FEET HURT!!!#like my sister worked at a HUGE place one time and she had around 20 tables to a section#and she has complained loudly and at length that it's just not something that works#like a single waitress CANNOT take a section that big especially when it consists of tables ranging from 2 people#to 15 people like that's a ridiculous amount of customers relying on a single amount of staff#and that was in a place that was BUILT TO WORK LIKE THAT#MY PLACE IS VERY MUCH NOT BUILT TO WORK LIKE THAT#WE HAVE ONE WAITRESS TO A SECTION AND TWO ON THE BIGGER SECTION NORMALLY! NOT THIS!#IT WAS INSANE#i was soooo lucky we werent busy bc it meant i wasn't slammed off my feet but there was a constant flow of things to do#like i could JUST keep up with the tide of it if that makes sense#but i knew if i fucked up even minutely then id lose it and get overwhelmed#not a fun position to be in#ALSO I DROPPED A FUCKING PLATE#FOUR YEARS OF WAITRESSING AND I FINALLY DROPPED A PLATE IM GONNA KILL MYSELF#IT'S BC THIS BOY WAS TRYING TO BE NICE BY STACKING HIS PLATES BUT HE DID IT IN SUCH A TWATTY WAY#AND THEIR TABLE WAS LITERALLY THEE FARTHEST ONE FROM THE KITCHEN I NEVER STOOD A CHANCE TRULY#IT WAS MORTIFYING THE TABLE NEXT TO WHERE I DROPPED IT WERE SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT#like they were TOO nice about it the bloke asked me like 4 times if i was okay i was like YES IM FINE STOP TALKING ABOUT IT#then i dropped a wine glass like an hour later should've just quit right there and then#the lad i was on shift with went for his fag break at one point and i was joking with him like 'oh you slacking off?'#this boy goes 'im having a fag break for each thing you break' COME ON 😭😭😭#i am hateful today. i am very sleepy#hella slaves to capitalism
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perilegs · 5 months
i miss the era of internet where all we got were anime fansubs made by people who had the time to do what they enjoyed
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ellesfruitcart · 1 year
in memoriam de.
“in memoriam de Achoo? No, Pikachu’s revamp; abiit autem numquam oblivione delebitur.”
“in memory of de Achoo? No, Pikachu’s revamp; gone but never forgotten.”
Elle stared at the plaque on the wall, where she had put her code to rest. By then, the guests had left, the food had gone cold, and the sun had long set.
If only she had thought for a split second longer. If only she had read what she had been doing instead of haphazardly clicking along her screen.
Maybe, just maybe, her code would still be alive.
The two hours she spent coding might seem short to some—and honestly, two hours is quite short in the tech world—yet the pain Elle felt was that of an everlasting pain. She mourned not only the code she had poured her dedication, her craft, her heart and her soul into, but also what it could have been.
The code was meant to be updated version of Achoo? No, Pikachu. She had just recently found the motivation to revive the broken code from her first WoX era. Achoo? No, Pikachu was lost, desolate, fragmented. It contained tens of bugs simply waiting to be squashed; it was missing parts simply waiting to be repaired.
Today, Elle had her tools by her side, and she was ready to wield them. She readied herself and set off in hopes of fixing her code for herself and for other WoXers to enjoy.
Alas, fate is cruel, and she was her own downfall.
It took but a soft click of a mouse to erase her hard work. 
It took but a second to delete the code from existence.
Yet she would always remember Achoo? No, Pikachu’s planned update.
“Rest well, dear friend.”
Elle gazed upon the plaque once more, her hand softly grazing it as if to comfort the lost thing.
“Thank you for everything.”
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Hi Spurgiecousin! I’m impatient to see your take on the rodrigues book!:) hope you’re doing ok!:)
Thank you amigo!! I'm doing great, I know I'm super behind and it's just due to *really* underestimating how long it takes to edit down 1.5 hours lol (I'd like to get it closer in the 40 min range which still feels long). Plus I'm new to this software I'm using, I keep finding out it can do new things and am like oh shit that's cool, I need to do that to the rest of the video 😂 so it adds an extra hour of messing around
This one is mostly so long bc I added a longer intro for context, future vids should be way shorter (Jill also gets very rambly in the last chapter i talk about). And now that I'm used to the software hopefully that'll also cut down editing time.
Thank you for being patient!! ❤️❤️ It will be posted here the second it's done. If you need Rod content in the meantime though I'm pretty sure Fundie Fridays is getting ready to post her yearly Halloween Rodrigues round up
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bsaka7 · 1 year
IT band is bothering me for the most it has since the beginning of last summer... literally no clue as to the trigger but I am ANNOYED!!!!
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#hi. i'm doing better than last night 😭#IT'S HARD FOR ME TO GET TO ACTUALLY WRITING WORDS RN BUT#to that anon ! (i have a feeling ik who you are off anon tho 🥺) THANK YOU GENUINELY TOO#n i wna also thank my irls 🥹 i feel bad for kind of ghosting them last night#5 ppl on discord that i haven't replied to from last night sob#i was really tired oh man#i ended up sleeping at 5:30 or so but#i got only like huh. 2 hours of sleep then??#but i'm not really sleepy rn wtf#i got 3 assignments already done#1 more (for english) that i wna finish today then i'll work on 2 due tmrrw#slowly i'll catch up!#it's hard taking care of myself but#i don't want to force myself. i don't want to fake it.#as long as i don't destroy myself in that way then i can slowly improve#BUT HELPPP A FRIEND REPLIED TO A SCREENSHOT OF MY STATUS MY OTHER FRIEND SENT IN A CHANNEL#LYRICS OF FLOW FFXIV 😭😭 THEN I GOT CALLED EMO#'WHYRE U ALL BEING EMO' she said#n another said '^ WHY IS [NAME] BEING EMO'#i'm too tired to reply rn but#i just wna say somewhere for now thank u to my friends for making me smile n laugh 😭#i was just. incredibly emotional yesterday#wait. i feel#NO FUCK I WILL NOT START OVERTHINKING RN#just focus on school then i'll sleep yk 🥺 then i'll reply n i'll do other stuff#after i have been productive THEN i can cry or write about everything else#my friend said my alt discord account is literally an alt fgo character.....#i will offer everyone a thank u and an i love u n i'm sorry !#wahh its nothing personal im just drained :<<#i'll be ok after i do my assignments ><
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kirishwima · 2 years
and bc, yknow, life HASNT given me enough punches the last few weeks-im also sick w covid 🤡
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48787 · 3 months
toki suli nasa wawa li pona suli jaki e pilin mi nasa wawa
(Little too lazy rn to make sure that is grammatically correct, but toki ike is still more toki pona than toki English so I don't care that much hehe, it's good enough for me at least. I would write this blurb in toki pona as well but I still need to work out comparisons a bit more first.)
I made my post ideating a second blog or a Blog Revelation -> Regenesis or maybe something else entirely, and then immediately after posting I refreshed the page and saw people were contemplating the efficacy of this webbed site once again due to unneeded/unwanted/unpopular changes to the site once again, which got me thinking quite a bit more about what I actually wanted out of all this. It was kinda like a sign from the Gods, shedding divine light to guide my path.
And there's such a radiant glow coming from the "Export Blog" button...
I don't think the data theft shit'll be that bad for me specifically, I don't think I did anything here that could be considered "Sensitive" (Relative to any other shitty data stealing websites we keep finding ourselves normalizing) but I suppose you never really know until it's too late. Regardless, I think I don't need to consider the infernal temptation of the big red "Delete Account" button for quite a while until the next Divinely Comedic think happens and the temptation grows stronger. It is such a tempting button how it is alone anyway..
I just might not make as many "public" posts while I focus on my own local environment and a more targeted (and more "secure," whatever that means in this day and age,) audience. I'm so sorry denizens of this social platform, if it feels like I've been deceiving you into thinking I was here to socialize it's because I was and still am (Deceiving you, I mean), I'm really mostly just here to look at shit for wannabe art student inspiration and do pseudo slam poetry that I don't expect anyone to read but post anyway because the adrenaline kick from potentially being held accountable (In any possible way, getting complimented is another form of being held accountable you know.) helps me shape my social anxiety into something more positivity fetishistic. Though I do hope this doesn't come as a shock, as I've said quite a few times by now my first rule is "You are being deceived" and if you were deceived into thinking I was lying it's kinda a skill issue sorry, I literally feel psychic pain when I lie so I try my hardest to just act deceptive rather than actually lie or spread misinformation/false information (I don't know if the distinction between any of these words matters to anyone but me, but hey maybe you can learn the wonders and horrors of Etymology some day!.. Or maybe we should stop telling autistic people shit like "You need to not be expressive in order to be expressive" because that's not deception that's just a fucking lie or weird wannabe proof by contradiction, and I am living proof enough that that doesn't fucking work for people like me who feel the need to be expressive.).
Despite that deception, most of you have been excellent weapons and/or tools and I hope I can use you all again later. Maybe at some point this blog site that supposedly lets people be themselves will eventually let me be myself more too! It'd probably have to make a couple changes before I could consider it "worth" being "myself" on, but hey the future sure is bright ain't it! But if not feel free to message me on whatever communication platform, protocol, or format you prefer whenever you want about whatever (Maybe you like being one of my weapons or tools, idk, it's not my job to judge that beyond how it shapes how I utilize you), even on Tumblr's shitty messaging service if you happen to "prefer" it for some weird reason. I happen to prefer direct messages solely between two distinct entities because it makes the social contract a bit easier to understand or reshape so I'm even willing to put up with Tumblr's shitty messaging service for now, but hey you do you, if you want to try to communicate with me via tags or posts or whatever I'll certainly try to perceive your meaning! Good luck!!
And, if you can bear the raw psionic might emitted from whatever cobbled together homunculus I form to bear the weight of my thoughts (Most likely an even shittier website, but my previous definition of "website" has actually proven to be incorrect so who knows!), know that I have so many more posts in mind that have to go somewhere so you might be able to seize the relatively unique privilege of actually seeing them if you would like. It'd be a good idea to probably have a good understanding of toki pona first though, I'm only speaking English because I lack power to make pu or su mandatory readings in public education and I have yet to master telepathy well enough to psychically transmit the glyphs in a way other brains can actually understand.
I'll still be around, probably still making posts similar to how I have been if focus allows it, but there just won't be any kind of deliberate/active improvement to the format or structure, as well as the natural slowing that occurs whenever focus is diverted. Until I construct my spacebridge, this blog will stagnate at its current level of organization and coherency with the same kind of posts coming at the same or slowed irregular rate. Stagnation should be enraging, but it's merely a diversion of focus till all are one.
Maybe I'll start posting more music posts? idk, i'll feel it out, it might be faster at letting me spew an idea out without having to spend too much focus on, but who knows!
Okay that was a healthy distraction, back to work on the current homunculus! This new homunculus is named "nemesis" and usually uses it/its pronouns but when rodent is @ nemesis sometimes it uses he/him or she/her. She's my lovely baby of extreme power and potential, and I've been siphoning psionic energies and essences to channel within her to the point where its finally sentient, but she still lacks the right amount of perception and aesthetic to really start acting with sapience though (I usually do not separate the two words to make a deliberate etymological point, but I am doing it here to make the point opposite to the one I usually make). She knows I'm proud though!
#yippie peace through tyranny!!#pretentious wannabe art student posting#I need to get around to printing out my weird triune of matrices (Matrixs? The etymology of cybertronian stuff can get muddied sometimes)#The Matrix of 1. Leadership 2. Deception and 3. Conquest will have their places *somewhere* in the enclosure I just need to work it out#May your hours be dark so they may shed their light!!#I also need to write the sister-grimoires of 1. toki moli 2. toki nasa and 3. toki pilin#Still working on toki pilin's title but “pilin” is the closest word for “sin” I have.#(No it would not be “ike” read the lipu Bible to learn more and contemplate sina pilin e mortal existence)#(Oh Christ this gives me ideas for a Divine set too... They wouldn't use “toki” they would probably use lipu instead...)#(lipu ken... lipu kon... lipu kulupu...)#(I am scarily good at this. Not to pat myself on the back or anything but I only was going to write lipu ken but then divined a new triune)#(I really oughtn't've learned about the magic of numbers before going to that bible study... But comedy comes in 3s!!)#I miiiight post all those on this blog?? Maybe?? I'll have to see how progress/focus ebbs and flows#Maybe I'll post the staff planning stuff? Might be good to get more name ideas for my fucking Conscientious Observer#it doesn't seem to like being called “The Mf Eyeclops Staff”#Hell I might even be able to let you fucks use the staff if I get my invocations right!#That could be cool! And a good incentive to figure out more secure I/O/connectivity shit#Alright then I think that's quite enough for one night. Till all are one. No mercy! You are being deceived!! <3
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starswallowingsea · 7 months
got so excited seeing the merm4id logo but it was Dalia 💔💔💔 love her but I just want vampire marika plsplspls
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😔😔😔😔 you WILL get vampire Marika i believe in you she will come home 🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️
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renegadeknight · 11 months
Grinning like an absolute fool as I tuck in to reread my own fic
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
The Klamath River’s salmon population has declined due to myriad factors, but the biggest culprit is believed to be a series of dams built along the river from 1918 to 1962, cutting off fish migration routes.
Now, after decades of Indigenous advocacy, four of the structures are being demolished as part of the largest dam removal project in United States history. In November, crews finished removing the first of the four dams as part of a push to restore 644 kilometres (400 miles) of fish habitat.
“Dam removal is the largest single step that we can take to restore the Klamath River ecosystem,” [Barry McCovey, a member of the Yurok Tribe and director of tribal fisheries,] told Al Jazeera. “We’re going to see benefits to the ecosystem and then, in turn, to the fishery for decades and decades to come.” ...
A ‘watershed moment’
Four years later, [after a catastrophic fish die-off in 2002,] in 2006, the licence for the hydroelectric dams expired. That created an opportunity, according to Mark Bransom, CEO of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC), a nonprofit founded to oversee the dam removals.
Standards for protecting fisheries had increased since the initial license was issued, and the utility company responsible for the dams faced a choice. It could either upgrade the dams at an economic loss or enter into a settlement agreement that would allow it to operate the dams until they could be demolished.
“A big driver was the economics — knowing that they would have to modify these facilities to bring them up to modern environmental standards,” Bransom explained. “And the economics just didn’t pencil out.”
The utility company chose the settlement. In 2016, the KRRC was created to work with the state governments of California and Oregon to demolish the dams.
Final approval for the deal came in 2022, in what Bransom remembers as a “watershed moment”.
Regulators at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) voted unanimously to tear down the dams, citing the benefit to the environment as well as to Indigenous tribes...
Tears of joy
Destruction of the first dam — the smallest, known as Copco 2 — began in June, with heavy machinery like excavators tearing down its concrete walls.
[Amy Cordalis, a Yurok Tribe member, fisherwoman and lawyer for the tribe,] was present for the start of the destruction. Bransom had invited her and fellow KRRC board members to visit the bend in the Klamath River where Copco 2 was being removed. She remembers taking his hand as they walked along a gravel ridge towards the water, a vein of blue nestled amid rolling hills.
“And then, there it was,” Cordalis said. “Or there it wasn’t. The dam was gone.”
For the first time in a century, water flowed freely through that area of the river. Cordalis felt like she was seeing her homelands restored.
Tears of joy began to roll down her cheeks. “I just cried so hard because it was so beautiful.”
The experience was also “profound” for Bransom. “It really was literally a jolt of energy that flowed through us,” he said, calling the visit “perhaps one of the most touching, most moving moments in my entire life”.
Demolition on Copco 2 was completed in November, with work starting on the other three dams. The entire project is scheduled to wrap in late 2024.
[A resilient river]
But experts like McCovey say major hurdles remain to restoring the river’s historic salmon population.
Climate change is warming the water. Wildfires and flash floods are contaminating the river with debris. And tiny particles from rubber vehicle tires are washing off roadways and into waterways, where their chemicals can kill fish within hours.
McCovey, however, is optimistic that the dam demolitions will help the river become more resilient.
“Dam removal is one of the best things we can do to help the Klamath basin be ready to handle climate change,” McCovey explained. He added that the river’s uninterrupted flow will also help flush out sediment and improve water quality.
The removal project is not the solution to all the river’s woes, but McCovey believes it’s a start — a step towards rebuilding the reciprocal relationship between the waterway and the Indigenous people who rely on it.
“We do a little bit of work, and then we start to see more salmon, and then maybe we get to eat more salmon, and that starts to help our people heal a little bit,” McCovey said. “And once we start healing, then we’re in a place where we can start to help the ecosystem a little bit more.”"
-via Al Jazeera, December 4, 2023
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rakundas · 1 year
I genuinely think over half of my coworkers are starting to develop dementia. Losing my mind at this office.
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tia-222 · 9 months
Enter the void on command by turning off your left brain and how to do it.
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❥ About this post :
Hey angels, so today's post is about " how to turn off your left brain to enter the void state instantly" , when I say instantly I mean it. So, most of you know that the left brain is basically the conscious mind. When we turn our left brain off completely our subconscious is fully emerged ready to accept any suggestions we offer it. I realised that many of us struggle with limiting beliefs and doubts when entering the void or doing a method. Well, in this post you will learn how to make these limiting beliefs disappear Instantly and this is also a scientific method for your logical brain. Also, by turning of your left brain you will naturally go into a deep meditative state bypassing all the necessary work you need to do to reach deep consciousness. Ready to enter the void state ??
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Let's get straight into it :
Firstly, let me say that this method is extremely easy and don't overcomplicate it. This is also very helpful, if you are trying to shift or manifest something instantly. When the left brain is turned off expect Manifestations in seconds...
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Step 1 :
(Optional) Setting an intention : before doing this method , you can set an intention like " I intend to enter the void state and be successful in it" or whatever you want, you may say this out loud or in your head. Now, i know some of us just go with the flow and there's nothing wrong with that. But before, have you ever considered making an intention beforehand that you are gonna enter the void state. Intention governs our brain into focusing on a specific task and make sure, we get it done.
Step 2 :
Get into a comfortable position. You can either sleep on your back or lay on your side, anything works tbh. And there's no specific position that you need too lay in. Choose whatever makes you comfortable, love.
Step 3 :
Keep your right brain awake! Guys, this is so easy istg. You can keep your right brain awake by :
- Listening to your fave song ( just like the zone out method by ghostfest), now tell me what's your fave song? Just pop into YouTube, play your fave song for about 15 minutes on loop. Don't blast it, play it like at a medium volume.
- MAJOR TIP, you can imagine your desired scenario. If you're a daydreamer like me and can't stay still then doing this will most definitely help you. All you need do to is imagine something, ik some of us can't sleep without our romantic scenarios, so you can do that. Whatever you want to imagine , GO AHEAD!!
Step 4 :
Stay still! Don't worry, you don't have to stay still for hours, but only for 15 minutes. By staying still, you are convincing your brain that you are sleeping. You only need 15 minutes :-). And when you're staying still, begin moving your eyes fairly rapidly in all directions - imagine you’re looking at the night sky and you’re trying to look at every star. If your eyes start to feel tired or hurt, slow down a little. You can do this with your eyes open or closed - up to you! You’re doing this to trick your body into thinking you’re in REM sleep. This also helps keep your mind awake. You can do this about 15 times.
Step 5 :
In about 15 minutes, you will start feeling like you are floating. But, about 15-20 minutes you will start to feel like you're floating. Also, you may feel like your body is numb, twitching, etc. Now, don't get excited or move! It's just your body telling you that your left brain is completely shut off and your subconscious is awake.
Step 6 :
Start affirming and you'll literally tap into the void state instantly. You can affirm " I'm in the void right now"and your subconscious will make that immediately to happen because our conscious mind is completely turned off and won't interfere with our Affirmations. And once you're in the void state, you can say your desired Affirmation ♡. Once exiting the void state, you will have what you affirmed for instantly.
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮
Q and A's :
What's the best time to do this method?
- Before bed and right after you wake up.
Is this method Guaranteed?
- Yesss!! It's really popular in the shifting community and helped a lot of people to shift and manifest their desires.
What happens if we move and does it ruin the process?
Honestly, nothing will happen. Start again and don't put pressure on yourself. It's only for 15 minutes. Remember, we do move in the night, but after that we tend to become still again. So, if you moved, don't panic because you can start again.
Does it really take 15 minutes for left brain to be shut off ?
Scientifically, yess.
Is moving the eyes necessary?
I'd say yess, if you want bypass going into Rem sleep and stuff. It's all about convincing your brain and this is perfect.
Can we listen to any music?
Yess!! Whatever song you like <33
Will we enter the void right after our left brain is asleep?
You will enter instantly because your conscious mind is asleep and your subconscious is super suggestible.
Summary :
1. Set an intention that you will get into the void state ( optional).
2. Get into a comfortable position. Whatever position that makes you comfortable.
3. Keep your right brain awake! You can listen to your fave sings, or imagine any desired scenarios. You can do anything that relaxes you.
4. Stay still for about 15 - 20 minutes. When you staying still move your eyes either closed or open around in circles. By doing this, it will convince your brain that your in REM sleep. You can do this 10-15 times.
5. It takes 15 minutes for your body to be convinced that you're sleeping. You'll start feeling symptoms like floating, tingling, etc.
6. Start affirming for the void state and you'll get there almost instantly because your subconscious is full awake. Start affirming for your Manifestations.
7. Live your dream life! <33
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kenntolog · 24 days
𝝑𝝔 an: i had 2 requests about babysitting yuuji and they were similar so i did the earlier one i hope its alright. read more!!
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“hey, loser, what’s up?”
you smile at the sound of sukuna’s voice, “jus’ reading. what about you?”
you sense him rolling his eyes on the other end of the line at the mention of yet another book you’ve been gushing about.
“‘m still with the old man.” he grumbles, referring to his father, but his tone changes to a more serious one, making you worry, “look, there’s somethin’ i wanna ask you.”
“anything for you, ‘kuna.”
“could you watch yuuji for a couple of hours? jin’s been called from work and i can’t leave the old man alone right now, so…”
“of course! i adore yuuji, y’know that.”
he sighs in relief and chuckles, his fondness seeping through the line, “aren’t you the sweetest little thing? i’ll see you later then.”
“bye, ‘kuna!”
you close your book after bookmarking the page and jump from your bed to prepare and run to sukuna’s place, excited to spend time with his nephew.
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jin’s relief when you appear in his doorway, a little out of breath but with a bright beam that matches yuuji’s nonetheless. he quickly gives you a list of things you should remember when watching over the little guy and presses a gentle kiss on both of your foreheads, leaving you a bit flustered and yuuji very happy.
you find it that 5-year old yuuji isn’t that to look after.
he is such a sweet boy; leading you through the house with his chubby fingers snugly wrapped around yours, giving you his big big smile that outshines everyone’s despite missing tooth on the front. he absolutely adores the way you treat him like he and you are on the same level, avoiding hurting him if gets even a little capricious and responding with the same energy he gives off.
yuuji loves to talk a lot, not shying away from anything that comes to his mind, still an unfiltered, naturally unlike his more balanced father and his barely approachable uncle. it’s impossible to be annoyed with him, his innocence and genuine interest in every little thing is so sweet you can’t help the fondness oozing through every word you say to him.
such a helpful boy too; even though he makes a face at the vegetables you put on his plate(jin emphasised on feeding it to him any possible way)he still eats them, distracted by your silly antics. he helps you with the dishes, clumsily drying the plates with his head barely even peeking over the counter. picking up the toys he plays with right after and putting them back in their places. and you can tell that jin, although alone, still does a pretty good job of raising the sweetest boy out of him, which warms your heart.
ruffling the pink tufts of hair on his head, pinching his cheeks lovingly, holding him close as he himself initiates physical contact, always eager to be in your space and accept and give love. throughout the rest of the day you clearly understand that just like falling in love with sukuna it’s just as easy to love little itadori yuuji and you find yourself easily giving in to his charming nature, feeling closer to him and his family than ever before.
when it’s time to go to sleep, he whines a little bit about not being sleepy to which you make a point of reminding him jin’s words(“if you behave extra good today i’ll give you a present, ‘kay?”). he just salutes with the wrong hand and tugs you to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
nestled in the comfort of his bed, with you sitting on your knees by its side, yuuji initiates another conversation, albeit his yawns keep interrupting his minds’ flow.
“d’you think i’ll be like dad and uncle when i grow up?”
your brows raise at the sudden seriousness in the little boy’s tone, “do you wanna be like them, yuuji?”
“of course! they are the coolest!”
you smile at him fondly, stroking the side of his face soothingly, to help him fall asleep faster, “you’ll be even cooler.”
he flashes you his toothless grin once again and closes his eyes.
“night night, yuuji.”
he mumbles something in response and dozes off, clutching his blanket. you kiss his forehead and try to contain another yawn, not even noticing the sleep catching up to you too as you continue gazing at him, lids falling closed a few seconds after.
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the silence greeting them while they enter the house makes sukuna frown. jin is still not home, shoes absent from their usual spot, but you’re still there and he can’t help the excitement building up inside of him because he missed you.
he calls your name, yuuji, walking further in, yet still no response. throwing his things on the table in the guest room, sukuna can’t help but observe that his surroundings are neatly cleaned, even more than before. he looks around in the kitchen, knocks in the bathroom, inspects the living room — still no answer. so he decides to check yuuji’s room, maybe you’re playing or something and too distracted to hear him.
the sight that greets him is something new though, stealing the air all the way from his chest as his eyes widen. he slowly steps closer, hissing silently at the annoying squeaky floorboards, and crouches before you. you seem very very uncomfortable in that position, yet the way yuuji’s body is facing yours makes it clear that you were just waiting for the boy to fall asleep and joined him unintentionally. so cute, so warm it melts away the leftover iceberg that is his heart.
his hand caresses your cheek gently before poking it repeatedly, making you stir in your sleep.
“huh? ’kuna?”
he wraps his arms around you, holding you close to his chest as he lifts you up, “was the little shit good to you?”
“yuuji? he was the sweetest.” you blink at him sleepily, nuzzling deeper into his chest. sukuna can’t help the soft smile that stretches on his lips.
“thank you for the help, baby.”
“anytime, ‘kuna.”
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
The lack of availability of anything besides panty liners that are more sustainable makes me want to commit violence.
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