#11:11 post
k8mosss · 24 days
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make a wish! જ⁀➴✮⋆˙
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paristtexas · 13 days
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sexygaywizard · 5 months
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lily111meryl · 9 days
How to make a wish when you see 11:11?
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☆ First and foremost, if you set an alarm or wait for the time to be 11:11 and then make a wish at 11:11, it will not come true. You must observe 11:11 unintentionally, not on purpose, or your desire will not be granted. Now if you see the time 11:11 unintentionally, you can make a wish.
☆ After making your wish, do not tell anyone about it, and try to think only positively; otherwise, the exact opposite of the wish you made may come true.
☆ After you have finished wishing, you mustn't notice the time changing from 11:11 to 11:12. If you wish at 11:11 and then see the time changing back to 11:12, your wish will not come true. So, after making the wish, immediately shift your gaze somewhere. But you can see the time 11:13, but not 11:12.
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4x01 · 6 months
you don’t like country/folk/americana? you don’t like the soulful lamenting and colorful storytelling of poor workers and immigrants of the past? banjo banjo🪕?
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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grianboycunt · 2 months
happy 11:11 i need to be a dumb mutt for someone
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xxfoxcharmxx · 2 months
Just fell off the toilet 💪🔥💯‼️🗣️
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keithbutgay · 2 months
So I don't know if anyone has been keeping up on this case, but I tried looking for posts on it and I've only found transphobic rants and comments. So just... spreading awareness.
There is an ongoing case in Australia currently (the hearing has concluded but the ruling has not been announced) where Roxy Tickle, a trans woman, is suing the Giggle for Girls app and its founder for $100,000, plus another $100,000. Giggle for Girls is a platform exclusively for women, and Roxy was banned from the app after joining.
The app already has a lot of problematic features on it. For example, any new user is required to submit a selfie-- a photo which is then analyzed by ai to determine whether or not the user is a woman. For Roxy, the ai wasn't the issue, however-- in fact, she used the app for several months with no problem. Instead, the owner of the app manually and purposefully overrode the ai, revoking Roxy's access to the app, because she saw her profile. She then refused to reinstate her account and blocked her.
The founder of the app, Sall Grover, has knowingly and persistently misgendered Roxy dozens of times in interviews, articles and posts. I have a chrome extension that shows if a website is queerphobic or not, and when I look up Roxy's name there are only two results not in red.
As well as this, the additional $100,000 dollars Roxy is suing for? That's because of an online campaign waged against her by Grover, who has a large platform on Twitter. Katherine Deves, who had been representing Giggle in court tried to get the case thrown out. And Grover quite literally called in evolutionary biologist Colin Wright to advocate for her case. He's giving evidence for the trial.
There is a fundraiser to "reclaim sex based rights and protections for all women and girls" created specifically for this case. It has raised over $500,000, and that number is still growing.
Anyways. I don't know if I was just the last one to know about this, but the fact that I even found out about this case was because of a post a terf made scares me.
If anyone else has any more information, please add onto this post! And if I missed anything, or said anything wrong, please correct me.
Thank you for taking this time out of your day.
If you want to read more about the case, I would check out these articles:
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punkitt-is-here · 9 months
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happy 1 year anniversary to the time i did this to my buds
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magz · 1 month
In case you have little choice on having to use Windows 11.
Option 1: Guide to basic install de-bloated Windows 11 (by Chris Titus, with video and blog article)
Option 2a: Use a script to de-bloat Windows 11 (by simeonsecurity. more digital literacy. check "how to install" section)
Option 2b: Use a script to de-bloat and harden Windows 11 (by simeonsecurity. more digital literacy. check "how to install" section)
Note: If choose Option 2, choose either 2a or 2b. not both.
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qiinamii · 9 months
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races and naps
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tardis-technician · 5 months
Something about the way the doctors always argue when they meet themselves but all of them are always dunking on ten so specifically. Like yes they will all argue with each other but they take one look at that version of themselves and go yikes. You were my middle school cringe fail phase. You're shiny and dumb and easy to trick. There is so much wrong with you. Unlike me. I'm much more normal now (lying).
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adhdandcomics · 1 year
shout out to my folks with insomnia & depression & delayed sleep phase disorder & sleep apnea & disabilities & other sleep disorders diagnosed, undiagnosed, and just my plain old night owls & night shift workers!! we r so fucking cool & exist every day in a society not made for us at all. and NONE of us are lazy bums or bad people for staying up late & sleeping in till noon or two or whatever whenever you get up!! no matter what anyone says!! you’re incredible and i love you!!!
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ride-a-dromedary · 4 months
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[I didn't expect such naivety in an Archdruid of your vintage.]
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pricklepines · 11 months
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iñaki luffy you are so loved forever
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The gangs all here! Happy OPLA release day!!
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