#...do they call them hoodies in the uk?
leupagus · 8 months
OK I promise to stop sharing all of my writing praaahcess, but I did figure out the other day that one other reason this Broadchurch fic is giving me trouble is because I haven't written a ball/dance into the story anywhere and that's frankly shocking
She's sweating a bit, her bloody awful hoodie tied loosely around her waist and revealing a monstrously pink top underneath. Her hair's been shaken loose from its ponytail and the curls are everywhere, spilling over her shoulders and sticking to her neck; even as he watches her she blows a strand out of her face. It immediately falls back to where it was.
"I haven't done that that in ages," she says, still breathless. "Didn't think people still played Tubthumping in clubs."
"It's not a club, it's a school dance," Hardy contradicts, because if he doesn't, he's going to reach out and tuck that strand of hair behind her ear or something equally horrific.
She rolls her eyes. "We're supposed to be chaperones, not pedants." Whatever the new song is, it's at least less frenetic, and those who aren't singing along are sorting themselves out into pairs. He's about to suggest they extricate themselves from the throng of adolescent hormones when she holds out her hand. "When in Rome, I suppose."
He takes it, but he's got no idea what comes next — not until Miller puts her other hand on his shoulder and like that, it's decided; his free hand lands gently at her waist, just above the belted sleeve of her hoodie. He swallows and keeps his eyes fixed on the top of her head.
"Were you and Maggie worried about me spilling my guts to Olly?" Miller asks, as if they're bickering in the car instead of… whatever this is. "Is that why you braved the sea of youths to cut in?"
"Not at all," he says, leaning out of the way of someone behind him, enthusiastically singing about laying down his weapons. It moves them closer together, and he curls their clasped hands in to rest on his heart.
"So Maggie wasn't, but you were," she deduces, infuriatingly; her fingers on his shoulder drum in irritation. "I do know how to keep my gob shut about an investigation, you know. I've had practice."
"I think Maggie just wanted to — what's the phrase?" He nods in their general direction. "Take a turn about the room, sort of thing."
"So she asked you to dance?" Miller scrunches her nose up at him. "Did you tell her you were in no mood to give consequence to ladies slighted by other men?"
"Am I Mr. Darcy now?" he asks, looking down at her. A mistake; her top isn't particularly low-cut, but from this angle he's got more of an eyeful than he ought to have.
Not only that, but she's looking up at him, smiling, and that's far more dangerous. "You'd be an absolutely rubbish Mr. Darcy," she says.
"How d'you mean? I'd be outstanding. I don't like anyone, nor does he."
Miller nods, thoughtful. "That's true. You're broody, so is he."
"And I make even more than ten thousand a year."
"Wa-hey, we've got an eligible bachelor here, lads," she laughs. "Or whatever the line is, a single man of good fortune, in want of a wife."
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boot-prints · 1 year
Made the mistake of scrolling down the Hogwarts Legacy tag for a while, gonna blacklist it now so I can't keep doing it because it's not a helpful or productive thing to do. It's all kinds of infuriating though.
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cheriladycl01 · 7 months
Paparazzi - Lando Norris x UniStudent! Reader
Plot: you are a university student in the UK, and the Paparazzi manage to find out where you go and stalk you due to rumors surfacing about.
Credit to nameis-c for the GIF
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It was a pretty shit day at university for you, you were a third year law student who had just come back from an amazing placement with Mercedes as part of their legal counsel.
You'd had so much fun and had worked really closely with Lewis and George. It also was the first year that you were able to travel from the last half of one season, to the 3/4 of the next season.
He was a driver for McLaren, his job and you being a student meant that you guys didn't see each other as much as you'd like.
You had been dating for the good part of 4 years now having met in secondary school and stayed as friends even when he left the school. When you started on your A-levels and he was progressing in his driving career he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Now he was in Formula One and you were about to be graduating university. It had however been difficult, the transition of being with Lando pretty much everyday, and now not seeing him was killing you.
It had taken a tole on you, you had dark circles under your eyes, your nose was red from the cold. Your class hadn't been great either and tears were starting to brim your eyes. You just wanted to get home and cry it out in private.
Lando: Hey Babe, its Thursday so media day today and McLaren are busy! Call me later, love you lots!
The text made more tears brim in your eyes until you heard the snap of a camera. Next you saw the flash.
Your eyes dart up seeing the 5 or 6 people with cameras behind you, following you. You pick up your pace, going towards your specific building on campus where you could hide out with your personal tutor until they left you alone.
You walk into the building into a flurry of students walking around the building pulling the hood of Lando's hoodie up. You make your way to a back stairwell that was quieter than the main one and made your way up the 5 flights of stairs to where your personal tutors room was.
"Michael?" you ask entering the room, nobody was there so you sat on the small little sofa he had at the side of his office. You pull the work bench closer to you, placing your laptop and book down before getting on with some work for your Intellectual Property Module.
Minutes later Michael comes in, a shocked look on his face as he observes you.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" he asks walking past you and taking a seat at his desk, sipping from the takeaway coffee he had just brought.
"I had Paps come onto campus again. And i've had a bit of a shit day" you mumble looking at the email from Lewis asking you to do some research for him if you had any free time.
"Well, you know my door is always open for you"
"That's why i let myself in" you grin at him, already feeling better. He spoke to you for about an hour, while he was doing his own research and marking behind his computer.
"I think its safe to say they've left now" he admits engrossed in something on his computer.
"How'd you know?"
"There's articles already up, some of these headlines. Oh lord they are ridiculous" Michael admits scrolling down on his mouse wheel looking further.
"Huh?" you ask before looking online under your name.
Lando Norris Girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N, Seen Crying On University Campus After Breakup Report Y/N Y/L/N Seen On Campus Crying Is There Tension Between Lando Norris and Y/N Y/L/N On Her First Absent Race Of The Season Lando Norris Cheats On Girlfriend - Her Reaction Is Heartbreaking!
"I'm just going to go home. I don't have the energy to read any of these. Thank you for letting me stay" you admit, packing up your bag and nodding in a goodbye to your personal tutor.
As you exit the building and make your way to the carpark where your Mercedes-AMG SL 63 sat, courtesy of your time at Mercedes for the last year. You now still work for them, but from the Brackley and part-time around your degree.
You get in and let out a long sigh, you pull away getting onto the road driving back to yours and Lando's apartment which was about a 30 minute drive away.
Lando started to call you, the ringtone blaring through the car speakers that your phone was connected to. You hit accept on the screen, your eyes only momentarily wavering from the road.
"Y/N baby, what's up. The articles and the photos of you! You look so sad, what's going on?" he immediately starts grilling you like you'd expected him to when he would eventually see the articles.
"Sorry, I'm in the car right now! I just had a shitty say at uni and i really fucking miss you" you breathe out happy to finally admit it. It was the end of October now and you'd been back at university for a month.
"I know baby, you still planning to come out for the last race, in Abu Dhabi?" he offers, it sounds like he's busy and like he's walking around the McLaren garage. He did say it was media day...
"Erm, ill let you go. Its like midnight there and you have a big day with practice tomorrow" you say, he starts to stay something but you interrupt before he can.
"I love you, goodnight" you say to prompt him.
"Goodnight, ill see you soon" he sighs, he also sounded tired just like you.
You drove the rest of the way home, pulling up in the underground carpark and just sitting there for a few minutes taking in some breaths.
You eventually get out the car and head into yours and Lando's apartment. The apartment was always clean because either you were here or your parents were kind enough to house sit while you and Lando were away.
You did your normal routine for when Lando wasn't here, which was go to the gym, go back and shower, cook food eat food and go to sleep.
You never really had any motivation for anything when he wasn't around.
The next day was a free day from uni, you went to the Mercedes team, everyone could tell that something was up with you. They chose not to say anything and just let you get through your shift. You'd had a cute Good morning text from Lando, asking if you'd slept well and if you'd eaten.
You'd replied, saying yes to both and that you were just catching up on his free practices and that he had really good times, as you'd expected.
But part of you just longed for him to come home.
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sanrio-gyal · 2 months
The cultural significance of
Akatsuki amvs to “calling all the monsters” or “pokerface”
the Kakuhida and Sasodei “anything you can do” I can do better animatics.
“Akatsuki funny pictures” with the songs hamster dance, witch doctor, and boom boom boom boom.
The yaoi, seme, uke, lemon discourse. The “ukes” randomly ending up in skirts and dresses
The various mpreg Akatsuki fanfics. The Akatsuki fan children.
Kisaita, Sasodei, Kakuhida and tobizet amvs with the “warning yaoi. Don’t like don’t watch.” Or “warning boy x boy. Please no flames”
The Akatsuki cat fics.
Them literally being the tumblr sexy men.
The random “glomps” and Japanese words throughout fanfics.
The skinny black jeans and converse fits in every fanfic.
The Akatsuki high school fics where they were all bad boys and wore hoodies with the cloud on it.
The rock band aus.
The random ocs that somehow always got with Itachi.
The Akatsuki cosplay videos on yt and the awkward cosplays posted on deviantart.
The Akatsuki forums.
The Akatsuki members having to share one bed while traveling.
The end notes where the author would argue with the Akatsuki members.
Naruto joining the Akatsuki. The various fanfics and artwork that had an obsession with collars.
The time where people were confused about Deidara and Konan’s gender, sasori was drawn with white hair, and people thought Tobi was a teenager.
The ships sasori x zetsu, konan x Hidan, Madara x Deidara, Tobi x Zetsu, Itachi x Deidara.
The fangirls and ocs harassing the members and konan being a fujoshi.
The Akatsuki dress up flash games.
Sigh….what a time to be alive
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moony-mari · 11 months
1:58 am - lando norris 
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Lando norris x fem!reader Summary: 1:58 am the time he walked out of your life or 1:58 am the time he walked back into your life Warnings: hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. max is max fewtrell, italics are flashbacks a/n: put my playlist on shuffle and started writing! Hope you like it send me requests if you want an idea to be written! 
1:58 am the exact time he walked out of your shared apartment leaving you alone, tears cascading down your face as you wondered why he went away. 
Your knees gave out as you sank to the couch, tears blurring your eyes as you opened your phone, your heart clenching as you looked at the photo of lando that lit up the dim room. Immediately you opened your email drafting  a letter of resignation to send to all the quadrant members. 
Placing your phone down, you began to walk around the apartment, memories flooding your mind 
The rain hit the windows harshly causing you and Lando to look at eachother “we're gonna get soaked” he laughed. You'd gone out for dinner and decided it was a good idea to walk to to the restaurant completely forgetting how brutal the UK weather can be 
“I guess we'll have to run home. You wanna race me lan?”
“You don't stand a chance” he smirked at you as he took your hand and led you to the door. 
He was right, you couldn't win,completely drenched hair dripping you finally caught up to him trying to catch your breath ”you could've let me win arsehole” 
“Where's the fun in that baby” he took your hand, and as if on queue music started playing from the car parked on the side “let's dance” 
You're not much for dancing but for him you did. And so you danced in the rain, laughing like a bunch of idiots. Lando pulled you in for a sweet kiss which you gladly reciprocated, until you jumped the honk of a car breaking you apart.
“Do you want to come home or are you just gonna keep standing in the rain all night?” max called 
“Oi you muppet you played the song didn't you? You should’ve shouted us before” 
“Believe it or not i actually like you two together so i gave you a cute moment don't worry i got pictures and videos so i expect a thank you”
“Thank you max” you giggled at his antics and pulled lando to the car 
You placed the frame face down not wanting to remember anymore, the hole in your heart only growing as you continued to roam through the dark halls, leading to your bedroom. Checking your phone one more time pleading for a message a call anything to tell you that he was okay and that he was coming home 
Nov 20th was the date. 2 weeks. 14 days. Complete radio silence. Your resignation had not gone down well. Max showing up to your place pleading with you to come back saying Lando was an idiot for what he did and how you shouldn't throw 3 years of hard work at quadrant because Lando was being a dipshit. Ria and the boys spammed you with messages.you told them you’d finish all the videos scheduled this year but after that you were done. You couldn't work with him anymore. 
How could you go back? 9 years of friendship and a 4 year relationship down the drain like it meant nothing. you’ve been there since the beginning. You held him while he cried and celebrated with him after a good race. But most importantly you loved him. You thought he loved you too. 
Dread consumed you as ria dropped off your abu dhabi paddock passes reminding you that quadrant scheduled a video filming the last race of the year from the mclaren garage. You had no choice but to go. It was work after all. So you packed your bags (full of Lando's hoodies that still smell like him) , got on the plane and checked into your room on wednesday night.Declining offers to go out because you knew he'd be there and you weren't ready to face him yet. 
Saturday rolled around (too quickly) and you were getting ready to go to the paddock to watch quali. The Mclarens had been looking unbelievable this weekend, the progress they've made throughout the year clearly showing with both of the drivers being at the top in both fp1 and fp2. Your mind wandered to the possibility of Lando winning a race. Your heart clenched. A knock on your door brought you back to reality. “Are you almost ready, love quali is starting in 30 minutes? The cars waiting in the lobby ” ria spoke through the door. You grabbed what you needed and headed out. 
As predicted, Oscar finished fp3 in p1 with Lando just behind. Your heart rate was skyrocketing as you walked closer to the McLaren garage.Max knew how hard this was for you so he pulled you aside “i've known you for 9 years. I know when you're not okay. I know this is hard but this is the last time you'll be with us. Forget lando. I mean quadrant. Aarav, steve, ethan ,niran, ria, me the people you've spent the last few years with building this brand so enjoy yourself. I may be Lando's best friend but you know you'll always have me.” 
Tears pooled in your eyes as you hugged him pouring everything into it not being able to answer him verbally. You wiped your tears and continued to walk to the garage with Max next to you. 
Luckily Lando was already in the car when you got there so you settled into the familiar garage missing the feeling of watching live from the garages. Quali  went past in a blur and now all you could focus on was Lando's car going round the track setting purple sectors all around. Screams erupted as he crossed the finish line and secured pole position. Hugging all your friends and fully embracing the moment.
Lando soon made it back into the garage and Max gave you the heads up so you could go back to the hotel. You knew you'd have to face him tomorrow but maybe tomorrow you would be ready. You settled into bed and hoped you would be okay and drifted off to sleep. 
Loud knocking woke you up. Looking around for your phone you checked the time. 1:58 am. Walking up to the door thinking it was just ria you pulled on a hoodie and opened the door.You wrong. Lando stood on the opposite end of the door. Bags under his eyes and his cheeks more hollow than you remembered  he just stood there defeated. Until he finally broke the silence that consumed all the air around you
“Can I come in?” 
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ynbabe · 6 months
Fake texts au- pt.15 bffs with the rookies+ "come pick me up I'm scared"
Okay, I was in my feels when I wrote this one, sooo- it's sad as shit 😭, this is a CW, I think?
| Masterlist |
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"Well, I didn't ask," You responded to Logan, who kept you company as you walked from your dorm to your university in the UK, he had been struggling with jet lag as he was back home for the two-week break for the Vegas GP.
"Well, why didn't ya?" He called out, you told him to do jumping jacks to help go to sleep, you didn't know how it would help but the thought of him jumping around made you laugh.
"Mate, I've gotta call you back," you looked at the huge crowd of men and women with expensive cameras and microphones in front of her university's gates, "Bruv, there's gotta be a celebrity or someone dead."
"Okay," he said, panting, "I think it worked, imma go sleep," he cut the call.
"Scuse me, imma just pass through, to actually study here," you pushed through the crowd till someone grabbed your book bag and yelled, "IT'S HER- IT'S Y/N L/N."
And then, the chaos started.
The cameras began flashing till you couldn't see, mics shoved in your face making scarps and bruises as people pushed and pulled you, yelling questions in your face.
"How do you know the F1 drivers?" one yelled,
"Are you dating any of them?" came another,
"Is it true you're related to Fernando Alonso?" A woman asked, grabbing your hoodie.
The whirlwind went on for a few more minutes, you tried your best to get out of the storm without saying something that might negatively impact their reputations, but then came those questions.
"How's the cushy life since you've got baby Schumacher's pockets?" you heard someone yell.
You finally found an exit, that's it, just five more feet and you'd be free, you know you could outrun them, "Hey, y/n! Who fucks better?" Some guy called out from behind you.
"Your Mother," you yelled back, throwing a punch at the disgustingly proud-looking, fifty-something-year-old man. Shock rippled through the crowd where laughter had run at the question just a few seconds before.
You used the distraction to run back to your dorm room, only your phone in hand, your bag having been yanked off your back in the mess.
"What the fuck?" You panted as you saw your dormmates outside your room, cash in hand, you pushed them aside and ran in, only to find your laptop and iPad missing, along with the camera Lando had gifted to you, the signed 'inchident' from Max and Charles, the polaroid of you, oscar and Logan camping in when you were teenagers and the 'Build a bear' Arthur had gotten you with him saying an inside joke.
You felt your face warm as anger and tears pricked at you.
You turned around to find the unreadable faces of your dormmates, "Where the fuck is my stuff?" You asked, hoping it was all a joke like you hadn't just lost everything that gave you hope, that gave you happiness.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SHIT-" You yelled, slamming your hand on the room door, making your friends move back, one tried to speak, trying to make excuses, "DON'T CHAT TO ME, FUCK YOU-" you could hear your voice breaking, "fuck you," you did your best not to cry but it was becoming tough to not.
You ran out of the building, and despite their protests, you made your way through back alleys and corridors that only locals would know of, pulling up your hood in case anyone recognised you.
You thought of who you could call, Logan was in America, god you wished Logan was here with you, he wouldn't have let this happen in the first place, you laughed to yourself. Oscar and Arthur weren't around either. Max, Charles and Lando were all in Monaco, and you definitely not going to let Mick, someone you'd known barely for a month see you like this, and he wasn't in the UK.
You wiped your hands down your face, and dialled on your phone, "Alex..." your voice trembled against his cheerful greeting, making him worry, "Can you come pick me up please," you tried not to break down. How did it get to this?
"Yes, give me a few, are you okay? Y/n? Hey-" You cut the call, sending him your location. How were you asking for Alex's help? The same man who'd pat you awkwardly on your head every time he saw you. Someone who'd begun treating you like a little sister, along with Logan, bringing you food from the cafeteria, sneaking in Redbulls. Someone who you'd tease calling your older brother, making him cringe about 'I'm not that much older', so maybe he was the right one to go to.
You saw a car pull up and you knew it was Alex, seeing him through the driver's side window. You got into the car, only phone in hand and the clothes on your back. "Hey, what are-?" Came a protest from George, who was in the passenger seat, but stopped as soon as he saw you sitting in the seat, you really didn't want this to be your first impression.
The car didn't move, like he was waiting for some form of explanation, "You'll see," you whispered, making him sigh and drive.
As he passed the gates of your university, they saw what you had been running from, and both their eyes widened. Alex looked into the back-view mirror at your face and decided not to say anything. George on the other hand, began cursing the crowd, calling some people on his phone.
You couldn't make out what he was saying, too tired and too scared.
"Hey, y/n wake up," Alex moved your arm, startling you awake, you saw you were in a car park and got out the car, following mindlessly, behind George, who was typing his code in. If Alex noticed it, he kept it to himself, but you could tell he was concerned about something.
You followed as they led to the apartment, you sat on the couch, if it were a normal, visit you'd be off the walls about the beautiful place, with floor-to-ceiling windows and plants everywhere, terracotta furniture to match the gloomy blue-grey sky.
"Um, George's place was closer, hope that's okay," Alex spoke, softly like it would spook you. He was right.
"I'll make tea, then," George nodded and walked off.
"M-My phone's dead, I think," you sniffled out.
"Y/n, that's not really-" He began,
"Can I charge it please?" I asked, if I tried to pretend this disaster didn't happen, maybe it would be like it wouldn't have.
He took the phone out of your half-stretched hand, attaching it to a charging cord, a small 'ding' telling you that it was indeed charging.
"Y/n, what happened?" He asked sitting next to you on the sofa.
"They took everything," you began, making him frown, George too, was out of his depth, placing the tray with three mugs of tea, "M-My frie- roommates, sold my laptop and iPad, and all the things I'd gotten from you all." You began, but this time you couldn't hold in the tears that pricked at your eyes.
You cried into the sleeve of your hoodie, curling into yourself on the sofa.
All those memories were lost. You had photos all the way from your childhood on that laptop and now they were gone.
"Oh, um," He went in to hug you and patted your head, making you laugh.
''See! There we go!" He smiled wide, making you laugh more, "Here," he passed you a mug of tea, it had cooled off a little, so you could drink it.
"You punched someone?" Came George's voice, it was the only thing he'd said to you.
You looked sheepishly at your right fist, the knuckles of which had turned a nasty red.
"No worries, I'll go get a first-aid," He said, walking to get it, when he was back he sat you on your other side, "You know," he poured some anti-septic onto a cotton pad, "I think, you handled it quite well, they were some stupid questions," He said as he moved onto your face.
You hissed, "Wait, what?" You asked, "It's already on the net?" You felt another wave of anger and tears.
"Yup," Alex said, moving his phone to you, showing a reel on Instagram, where the man was asking you that question, edited with the 'your mom' sound and a 'thwack' when the punch landed, ending with an edit of you in cat ears and a high-pitched fast-paced song.
"What... the fuck?" You didn't know where to laugh or cry.
"Mate, why the edits?" George asked scoffing.
"Wait, check Twitter," You suggested suddenly seeing the hilarity of the situation, "ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME?" You yelled, gulping the last of your tea, "YOUR MOTHER IS TRENDING??" it wasn't on top of the trending list but it was there.
"Y/n... I think you're going to love this," George showed something on his phone, they'd turned your voice into an audio, and there were already hundreds of videos being made on it on TikTok.
"Fuck my life."
.xX A few hours later Xx.
George had given one of his flannels, noticing how dirty your hoodie had gotten.
The three of you ordered takeout and watched The Walking Dead all afternoon, he genuinely reminded you of a posh London Mother.
In the middle of season 2, George got a call, "Hello-" He began but was cut off almost immediately and you could hear the man on the phone's voice till out.
"WHERE IS SHE?" Another voice yelled, "IS SHE OKAY??" All the sudden noise made George flinch and pull the phone away from him.
He quickly passed the phone off to you, and you were bombarded by three heavily accented Monganesque accents, "Hi, guys it's me," You responded making the call go silent for a second and then they all began screaming again, loudest was Arthur, then came Charlie's voice. Lastly, It was Lorenzo who got both the others to keep quiet.
You used the peaceful moment to excuse yourself to another room.
"Are you okay, y/n?" He asked and you replied with a small yes, he hummed and passed the phone.
"Y/n, oh my god, I saw the posts," Charles began, "Those people were stupid to attack you like that," He comforted you.
"Thank you, Charlie," You said, a small smile on your face.
You waited as words were exchanged in French and you heard footsteps on the other end of the line.
"I'm sorry Y/n, that should have never happened, it is all because of us," his voice rang sad.
"It's okay, Arthur, we'll talk about this when we're together okay?" You responded, and he kept apologising as he cut the call.
Next came Logan's call, just as you were about to call him, "What the fuck is wrong with people?" He questioned, his tone angry, "You could have gotten hurt. Like seriously hurt. This is bullshit." He yelled, but then his voice softened, "You aren't hurt are you?"
"No, not much, I've got a few bruises and cuts but all mint other than that." He hummed as you spoke, and began asking you other questions and you told him about what your roommates had done, you could hear that he was livid but kept trying to be calm for you.
And when Oscar called, that's when it finally hit you again, that feeling of losing everything that you held dear, "Y/n, please don't cry," came his voice from the other end, "Please don't cry while I'm away cause then I can't do anything about it," his voice broke.
"They took all our stuff, Osc, all the way from the first time we met to the last time we got McDonald's together, everything," you sniffled and you could hear the frown in his voice.
"I'm sure we can get it back, don't worry y/n, we'll figure it out, ya know, we've all got your back, speaking of which, you'd better call Max right away, he's with Lando, his bombarding my phone as we speak," He complained, returning some normalcy to your situation.
You cut the call and called Max, and it was Lando who spoke first, cursing at the media and complementing your punch and quick response and then Max took over.
"Firstly, are you okay?" He asked, making you say yes, "Secondly, I've got a lawyer ready, tell me and we'll fight this. We can find a way to get your stuff back." you didn't know what to say.
"Yes, yes, please," you spoke for a little longer before you had to excuse yourself. You had to call someone, someone you know who was going to be livid.
"Hiiiiii," You spoke into the phone, awaiting a response.
"Y/n, how are you, kiddo?" Your uncle's voice rang out. He had been taking care of you ever since you were a teenager, not that you needed much, a place to stay and school.
"I'm fine, it was bound to happen one day," you exhaled at the unfairness of it all.
"I know, I heard what your bastardas friends did," and you could hear the anger in his voice, "Names, and I will get it sorted," He asked making you giggle, he'd always been like this ever since you had showed up on his doorstep.
You told him not to do anything rash but that Max had gotten you a lawyer, he seemed proud of Max for that.
You told him you had to leave since it wasn't your phone you'd been using.
You walked inside, apologising for hogging the phone but George just waved his hand, too invested in whatever episode that was playing. He'd gotten out a bottle of wine (Of course he had,) and he and Alex were busy deep-diving into the show's lore.
He'd kept you a glass, which you gladly accepted.
As the day progressed, you took your leave, but not before George offering you the guest room, saying Alex would take the sofa, which made the other man kick the taller blonde, as you took your leave, having booked an Uber and hotel room for the week, you could still hear them play fighting.
As you were in the car, Mick called you, and you were surprised he had.
"Hey, Y/n! How are you?" He asked,
"Good, you?" You were good at pretending everything was okay, you got an A+ in coping mechanisms class in school!
"Can't be worse than, you know, punching someone," he laughed, you had realised, that the both of you had a sense of humour that really just clicked.
"Oh mate, that was the good part!" You made sure that your payment had gone through with the Uber driver and walked into the hotel. They already had your room ready (courtesy of George, you were sure,) and you only needed to show an ID to be led in, without any other questions.
"Yeah... I saw all the clips on Instagram," He sighed.
"It was kind of crazy, I can't even imagine how it must be for you guys!" You put the phone on speaker and looked through the room service options.
You were going to have lunch in your dorm's cafeteria but that loan had kind of fallen apart, and anyways tea and wine wasn't nearly enough to make you forget the shit show that happened today.
"Mate you won't believe what else happened," You told him about the laptop.
"What the fuck,"
"RIGHT- anyways, I hope they don't get into my drive 'cause I have some in there that is not for public eyes, like imagine they saw the video of your horrible Ghostface impression?" You laughed at him, making him remember the party.
"Oh, Please, it was amazing, I scared you!" He yelled,
"And then you shrieked when Logan did the same to you,"
"Well yes, but he was dressed as Anakin, y/n! I'm not competing with that!" He gasped, shivering at how the hair on his neck raised when Logan did the voice.
"Oh mate please, but that's not even the worst of it, I've got a video of Max and Charles, slow dancing, and literally everything Lando and Carlos do is incriminating."
"That is true, I didn't see them for half of the party," he insinuated.
"Well, you and Arthur were pretty busy seeing who could down more shots," You snickered.
"Well, it wouldn't have become that big if Oscar didn't egg us on!" He complained as he had for days after the party but all he got from Oscar was a smug smirk, with an evil look in his eyes whenever he did something like that.
You spoke till room service came in and then excused yourself to drown in pasta and Netflix.
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Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @cashtons-wife @i-wish-this-was-me @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eugene-emt-roe @fangirl-dot-com @landosgirlxoxo @aquangxl @sachaa-ff @tyna-19 @assholeinatrenchcoat @allenajade-ite @megatrilss1885 @squirreljoe @jsjcue @s4turnsl0ver @yl90 @elijahslover
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Love To Hate Me || Kylian Mbappé
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Chapter 6 : Liar, Liar
Plot: A surprise return makes y/n question her relationship with Kylian.
Word Count: 1902
A/N: In celebration of Kyky's birthday, here's an update xxx
Chapter 5 Masterlist
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Y/n's phone began to buzz loudly on her desk; she sighed and rose from her desk, a small smile gracing her face at the sight of her brother's name. Taking the phone, she headed out of her office, deciding she was in need of some fresh air anyway.
"Hey, James." she smiled, answering the call.
"Hey, y/n. You busy?"
"I'm at work but I'm owed a break anyway. Speaking of, shouldn't you be working?"
"The kids are on lunch, so I thought I'd see my little sis' is doing."
Her brother, James, was a primary school teacher back in the UK. He was two years older than her and growing up, the pair had been incredibly close. Nowadays, they didn't get the chance to talk as much, between their two busy jobs and their entirely separate lives in different countries.
"I'm good."
"Still having a hard time at work?"
As she strolled down the corridor, she sighed, "Well, the lack of headlines says not. It's calmed down a little."
"Good, you deserve a rest."
"Well, I'll have time for a rest when the transfer window closes. Until then I'll just have to suck it up."
As she strolled past Luis' office, the coach's door swung open. James continued to chat, "With the wage you're on, they're not paying you to relax." he chuckled but y/n had stopped listening to a word he was saying. From Enrique's office, not only did the coach emerge but so did Kylian. Her heart stopped.
It had been two weeks since their evening togehter as well as two weeks since she'd seen him at all. By the time her alarm had gone off- 5am- he'd slipped out, every trace of him gone, save a large, white hoodie he'd left on her bathroom floor.
Sure, she'd enjoyed the night with him; he was handsome, and good in bed, and he'd held her in his arms as they fell asleep, and it'd made her feel safe and loved and... She didn't care that he'd left in the night or that he hadn't called after that. It had been a one night thing, they'd both known that. He was leaving PSG, so what was the harm?
It was just a goodbye fuck, knowing they'd probably never see each other again. An acceptance of their attractions and their urges, admitting them to one another before he faded into TV screens and perfume adverts. So why was he here now?
"James, I've gotta go, I'll call you later though, alright?"
She didn't wait for a response before she hung up.
"Y/n, just the woman I was looking for!" Enrique grinned.
She turned around, her eyes fixed on Luis, stringently avoiding acknowledging Kylian's presence. She forced a smile, "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yes, Kylian and I finalised his contract yesterday. Elizabeth is bringing a file containing the details over to you. I need you to draft a press release about his return ASAP."
She faltered, "Kylian's coming back?"
The footballer cleared, his throat, "Yes, I am."
She shot him a glare before looking back at Luis, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I am doing."
"Okay, but some advance notice would have been nice, given that it involves my department."
"Well, this is your advance notice, so I'd appreciate it if you'd have the statement drafted and sent over to me within the hour."
With that, Luis nodded firmly and marched off; Kylian's feet were glued to the ground beneath him and he gawped at her like a goldfish. Her scowl deepened and she hesitated momentarily, as though she was going to say something. Then she spun around, her hair whipping after her, and stormed off.
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Two or three days had passed since Kylian had appeared at the training centre and y/n hadn't seen the man since. Much to her dismay, she'd had to schedule in and would have to attend a press conference regarding Kylian's reintegration, which she'd announced on social media earlier that day. Now, her chances of avoiding the man in question were significantly decreased.
Sporting black suit trousers and a long-sleeved bodysuit, she walked into the press conference room. She lingered at the back for a few seconds, arms folded over her chest, holding a stack of files tightly as she surveyed the room. Tens if not hundreds of journalists sat on the rows of chairs in front of her. There was a loud hum of chatter as expectant glances were cast at the panel in front of them.
She slipped back outside and headed for the room Luis waited in. As she stepped in, she was met by the sight of not only Luis but Kylian and his father.
She smiled tightly, "Good morning."
"Miss y/l/n, good to see you."
"Sorry, I'm late. I was just running a little behind schedule, but here are some cards for you to read from." she rushed over to Luis and handed him a stack of prewritten cards. She spun around to the player who watched her carefully, "Kylian." she spat, placing the cards in his hand.
Her skin brushed his, he was close enough that she could smell his unforgettable scent. His warm, soft skin on hers took her back to that night. All of a sudden, it was like his hands were all over her again, squeezing, exploring, rubbing. She could hear his voice, calling out her name, singing her praises. She could feel his hands on her tits as he pressed kisses up her neck, on her lips, her cheeks, anywhere he could. They were tangled in his soft sheets, her legs wrapped like a vice around his waist as he held her so easily, like she weighed nothing more than a feather.
He'd cried out, chanting her name like a prayer. But no, he really was speaking now. He said her name, his thumb grazing her palm as she handed over the cards. He spoke quietly, almost whispering her name.
She cast him a fleeting, strange glance before turning back to Luis, "Are you ready to go?"
He nodded and she headed out into the wilderness, where the pack of reporters were gathered. At the sight of the doors opening, they all began to clamour before seeing it was only y/n.
She stepped up to the panel and spoke into one of the microphones, "Bonjour à tous et merci d'être venus. Il y aura une section pour les questions à la fin. Et maintenant, Luis et Kylian."
Cameras began to flash as everyone turned to the door she'd emerged from. She stepped down from the raised panel and stood to the side of the room. As the footballer and his coach took their place before all of the cameras, Kylian's father came up beside her.
She glanced up at him and offered him a small, polite smile, before turning her gaze back to the press conference which was starting. Luis began speaking, though she didn't understand a word of his Spanish.
"So, you're the one who's been sabotaging my son's career?"
He was so nonchalant she wasn't even sure he'd spoken or if it was just a creation of her imagination. She glanced up at him but he just stared straight ahead.
Hesitantly, she replied, "Sorry?"
"You're the one who has been dragging my son's name through the mud?"
"Usually I go by y/n."
"Oh, I know. I've heard all about you, y/n."
"Right." she pursed her lips, "Well, it's all worked out just fine, hasn't it?" she shrugged, nodding her head in the direction of the press conference.
“Hmm, for you.”
She drew back, looking up at the much taller man, “What’s that supposed to mean? I gave him every chance to leave, you are aware that PR doesn’t encompass transfers or contracts. I just broadcast what I’m told.”
“Y/n, I know what is best for my sons and I won’t have anyone getting in the middle of that.”
She frowned, what the hell did that mean? Before she could question his ambiguous statement, there was a flurry of excited voices and her head snapped back to the conference at hand.
Kylian nodded to a journalist, who stood up, "Kylian, pourquoi avez-vous pris la décision de rester à Paris?" Kylian, why have you made the decision to stay in Paris?
"Paris est l'endroit où j'ai grandi. Je tiens à cette équipe, c'est ma famille et je veux le meilleur pour eux." Paris is where I grew up. I care about this team, they are my family and I want the very best for them.
"Mais vous allez devoir quitter cette équipe à un moment donné. Pourquoi pas maintenant?" But you are going to have to leave this team at some point. Why not now?
Maybe y/n was going insane but she swore Kylian glanced at her before he spoke. Surely not. He hadn't called her. He didn't care about her more than her body. Of course, he was probably just looking at his father. But she just felt his gaze deep within her, like the ground beneath her was shaking.
"Je n'ai pas l'impression d'avoir terminé mon travail ici et j'espère encore accomplir davantage" he paused before adding, "avec mon équipe." I don't feel like I have finished my work here and there is still more I hope to achieve... with my team.
A few more questions were asked before the conference ended and they returned to the room next door. Y/n began to regather her files, "That was good, guys." she declared, offering a half-hearted smile, "I hope this puts it all to bed once and for all."
She nodded firmly before starting for the door; she headed out into the quiet corridor and let out a breath she wasn't even aware she'd been holding. It was like stepping out into fresh air, just being out of a room with him. His presence made her sweat and forget how to breath or think or speak.
And she couldn't breath again, and the temperature was rising, and she almost tripped over her own feet at the sound of his voice.
She snapped around, "What?"
She blinked at him and when he said nothing more, frowned, "Well?"
"Are you upset with me?"
"Of course not." she spat, sarcasm thick on her tongue.
"What did I do?"
She rolled her eyes and turned to leave again, "Just forget it."
"Y/n!" he yelled. When her pace didn't falter, he chased after her, catching up easily. He caught her arm and a flush immediately raced across her cheeks at the contact, "Y/n! Stop! Is this because I didn't call you after that night?"
"Forget it." she annunciated, still marching on.
"No, not if you're just gonna ignore me!"
She laughed bitterly, "That's rich."
"So it is because I didn't call?"
She spun around so abruptly that he almost crashed into her. "No, it's because you told me you were leaving! I wouldn't have fucked you had I known we were still going to have to work together! I'm mad at you because you lied to me!"
He didn't have time to reply as a door behind them opened and they both swiftly fell silent. Luis and Wilifried both walked out into the corridor, too deep in friendly conversation to notice the heated moment between y/n and Kylian.
She raked her eyes up and down him then quickly disappeared.
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stephaniebrownslover · 2 months
My Creepypasta but The Magnus Archives style AU
Okay so this is an old AU that I would like to explain and write, but my street cat is currently sick and he's requeiring all my time and energy and that's okay!
There'll be only character roles and AU explainations in this post.
Character roles and which TMA character they match;
Judge Angels//Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Police officer called upon to deal with paranormal cases
Nurse Ann//Annabelle Cane, Avatar of The Web
Zero//Basira Hussain, Police officer called upon to deal with paranormal cases
Vladimir and Zachary//Breekon and Hope, Mysterious deliverymen and servants of The Stranger
Slenderman//Elias Bouchard , Head of The Magnus Institute
Mary Vaughn//Georgie Barker, "Host of the What The Ghost?" podcast
Ben Drowned//Gerard Keay, Mary Keay’s son and acquaintance of Gertrude Robinson
Rouge//Gertrude Robinson , Former head archivist of The Magnus Institute
Nina The Killer//Helen Richardson, Real estate agent merged with the Distortion
Lulu//Jane Prentiss, Avatar of The Corruption
Masky//Jonathan Sims, Head archivist of The Magnus Institute
Clockwork//Julia Montauk, Hunter and daughter of Robert Montauk
Homicidal Liu//Jurgen Leitner, Collector of paranormal books
Hoodie//Martin Blackwood, Archival assistant at The Magnus Institute
Jane The Killer//Melanie King, Proprietor of the "Ghost Hunt UK" Youtube Channel
Laughing Jack//Michael Shelley, Gertrude Robinson's assistant who was merged with The Distortion
Laughing Jill//Nikola Orsinov, Plastic mannequin created from Joseph Grimaldi
Zalgo//Peter Lukas, Avatar of The Lonely and captain of the Tundra
Kate The Chaser//Sasha James, Archival assistant at The Magnus Institute
Trendderman//Simon Fairchild , Avatar of The Vast(edit:he's changed from Offenderman to Trenderman)
Ticci Toby//Timothy Stoker, Archival assistant at The Magnus Institute
Eyeless Jack//Trevor Herbert, Self-proclaimed vampire hunter
-Creepypasta characters, which are the equivalent of The Magnus Archives characters, were selected without caring about gender and the character whose personality is the most similar with TMA role was replaced with creepypasta character.
-The terms like The Stranger, The Vast, The Spiral, The Buried and blah blah and being an avatar etc. will be explained in future as in the podcast.
-Although I'm trying not to go out of personality to a large extent, there will be many things that do not fit because this is a completely different universe.
-Most of the Creepypasta characters are not killers, and some external appearance features have been arranged accordingly. If you don't like it, you don't need to read it because it's an AU. It's that simple.
-This AU is set in London, just like the podcast.
-If there is a thing that you are uncomfortable with, just don't read it. TMA is a podcast series full of really interesting horror stories, and if you're feeling uncomfortable, it's quite normal but please don't push yourself too much.
- All statements in the 200 episodes will not be mentioned in this AU. Only as much of it as will help you understand the AU will be edited into the AU.
-The dialogue is not exactly the same as in the podcast, because it will vary depending on the characters, but the critical scenes may be the same.
-I think that's it, have fun.
-And for you to have a better idea, The Magnus Archives description;
"The Magnus Archives is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join new head archivist Jonathan Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of supernatural statements up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team.
Individually, they are unsettling. Together they begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying because as they look into the depths of the archives, something starts to look back…"
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nxghtstxne · 1 year
"like a date"
Warnings: None
Pairings: JJ Maybank x reader
Word Count: 1392
Summary: JJ and y/n had been instant best friends since she moved here from the UK, feelings have been growing until a night on the boat changes everything.
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Y/n had moved to Outer Banks a couple of years ago from the UK, moving in with her grandpa in his little house nestled somewhere between The Cut and Figure Eight; not quite pogue but not kook either. After a walk on the beach and running into Pope and Sarah, she soon became inseparable from the group called the pogues.
It was a cool Tuesday night and y/n and JJ had found themselves wrapped up in blankets with snacks and a beer or two on the HMS Pogue, floating softly by the makeshift dock at the back of the chateau. Music was playing from y/n’s phone, a mixture of her favourite songs and some that JJ had forced her to add to the playlist, claiming that she needed to ‘broaden her music taste’, the two had a special relationship, ever since they had first met y/n had calmed JJ down, making him rethink all of his insane plans and he had bought her out of her shell; being more on the introverted side, he was one of the few people that instantly made her want to talk and be herself. After having a crazy few days of picking up extra shifts at work at the gas station, or petrol station as JJ and the other pogues teased her for calling it, and other stuff, the best friends had made plans to hang out, just the two of them, wrapped up and comfortable on the floor of the boat. The sun was just starting to set, JJ chugged the rest of his beer down, making y/n laugh as she saw a bit dribble down his chin causing him to laugh, covering his mouth, eyes flickering over to her. Her head was back leaning against the edge of the boat, hair tucked behind her ears, she had a light blanket over her lap and was wearing his hoodie, sleeves pulled over her hands holding her own beer. JJ hadn’t told anyone but his feelings towards the girl had changed over the years, at first she was just a friend, a good addition to the group, her light and calm energy had fit in perfectly with the chaos that came with the pogues, he wasn’t quite sure when it all had changed but now whenever shes near him, his heart beats a little faster and his stomach fills with butterflies whenever she touches him or they hold eye contact for maybe a little too long for just friends. And seeing her like that, relaxed, with the golden light from the setting sun shining somehow just right on her skin and spending time with just him was making those butterflies reappear. 
JJ didn’t realise he was zoned out until a soft hit to his thigh and then another to his arm brought him back, “huh?” he murmured, running his hand through his hair and looking at her. 
“Where’d you go? I was just talking about this lady that came into work today.” she giggled at the way his nose scrunched up and he shook his head, his hand coming over to grab her legs that were by his side and pulling over his lap, her body now facing him still leaning against the side of the boat.
“Nowhere! I was jus’ thinking..”
“Oh you know how to do that?” she teased, giggling at the way he scoffed and shook his head.
“Yknow what? Give me that-” he reached for her phone and unlocked it, his face id working on her iphone, smiling at the fact that she even wanted to set it up with him. He changed the song and watched as she started smiling big, “Oh I love this one!” He knew all of her favourite things, as did she with his favourite things. Instantly she started to softly hum and sing along as JJ was drumming along on her legs, still on his lap, they were both giggling and laughing at each other as the singing got more serious and louder, y/n now using her hand as a makeshift microphone and JJ doing the same, forgetting about his ‘drumming’. The sun had set fully now, a soft blue tint covering the OBX, birds and bats alike flying about overhead. The two of them now serenading each other, pointing and mouthing the words, laughing at each other. 
The song finished and the playlist carried on, JJ and y/n still laughing as she rested her head on his shoulder, he placed his hands back on her legs on his lap after fiddling with his shark tooth necklace. “JJ we should do this more often, I love the others but I love just us too.”
“Yeah we should, like once a week or something for sure?” 
“It’ll be like a date! Once a week.” JJ took notice of the excitement in her voice and in her eyes but his head only replayed that one word a date, surely she didn't mean it like that? y/n would never want to go on an actual date with him would she? In her eyes they were just friends, JJ was sure of it. That didn't stop the slither of hope in his heart that just maybe she would want to go on an actual date. 
“What's wrong J?” she whispered, lifting her head off his shoulders and tangling a hand in his hair, lightly scratching his head. She had noticed how quiet he was, quite the opposite to how JJ usually is.
“I- I jus’- I don't know.” He sighed, he wanted this moment to last forever, no chaos, no gold chasing, just him and his girl on the HMS Pogue, on a nice cool night. And if he told her how he truly felt then maybe she wouldn’t want to do this anymore. But what if she did want this?
“I want this to last forever y/n, jus’ you and me. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more actually.” He looked at y/n, her eyes looking straight back at him, a small smile on her face when they locked eyes. He swore he felt his heart and mind calm down at that, “I like you y/n, more than I've ever liked anyone before and I was always scared to say anything cause like what if you don’t like me like that and I ruin everything and-” he was cut off by a soft giggle and a squeeze on the hand that was rested on her legs, now in her other hand. 
“J I like you too, I have for awhile and I really thought I was being obvious but clearly not-” Another giggle escaped her lips at the look on his face, eyes locked on hers and his mouth hanging slightly open, “I couldn’t imagine liking anyone else as much as I like you, you make me feel the kind of happy and loved that I never thought I’d ever feel.” They were facing each other now, y/n cross legged and still holding JJ’s hand.
“I wanna do this J, if you do too?” JJ nodded with no hesitation, grabbing her hand back tightly,
“More than anything yeah I do” He leaned closer to her moving his free hand to hold her face, waiting for y/n to show that she wanted it. Y/n moved forward slowly and he pressed his lips to hers for a gentle kiss that they both have waited years for. Y/n pulled away first, laughing when JJ whined and chased her lips for another quick kiss. 
“So does this mean I can finally take my girl on a real date?” He asked, his thumb still softly stroking her cheek, 
“Your girl huh? I like the sound of that” 
“You've always been my girl but now it’s like official official y'know?” He smirked and watched as a blush covered her cheeks.
“I like that” Y/n whispered.
“Yeah?” JJ whispered back, “Yeah” She replied, putting her head back on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her to him. The smirk never leaving his lips but only growing when the playlist shuffled to a song that caused y/n to gasp and start singing along to again. They were definitely going to be doing this more often. 
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Chapter 12 Nemo dat quot non habet (No one gives what they do not have) - Benidorm part 3
Next, Cartagena
Warnings: Smut and I'm sure lots of typos that I missed
Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @letsreadallday @jamesrifftapes @sofasoap @mmyrrhh
Previous / Masterlist / Next
‘‘Was that Price? Did anything happen?’’ Johnny’s voice sounded concerned when Simon hung up the phone, but the sly grin on the scarred lips of the Lieutenant made him relax right away and smile. ‘‘Shit, what did’yae do?’’
‘‘Exploding cigar’’ Simon chuckled, grabbing his glass of beer to take a sip, face mask hooked under his chin and the hood of his hoodie covering his head and most of his face, leaning back in the chair. Like always, it was too small for him, but he felt so satisfied and content in that moment that he didn’t care.
They were sitting at what Christine had called a chiringuito, which seemed to be a bar next to the beach, with good food and sometimes music. It was right by the building where they were staying, at the apartment that they had rented even before leaving the UK, not trusting the CIA arrangements in the slightest.
And in spite of all, as both men observed the girls having a good time, dancing… life was good. Gabi’s laughter could be heard over the music as she twirled following Christine’s guide. There were plenty of people dancing, and the music was at times too loud, but life was good.
‘‘Yer an awful piece of shite’’ Johnny was laughing, imagining Price’s face, and Simon just grinned, his dark brown eyes following Christine and Gabi as they danced. Carefree, duty forgotten for the moment. Even though she was wearing her face mask after finishing dinner, Christine seemed to be laughing and enjoying herself. Gabi was beaming too, as they both danced to the music, whatever it was.
‘‘He put glitter in my gloves, it’s fair payback’’ Simon justified himself, shrugging, still grinning, and Johnny just burst into laughter. The girls were making their way back to the table, chatting among themselves, and he straightened up a bit in his chair, looking for the blue that he wanted to see.
‘‘Eeeeh, guapa (Hey beautiful)’’ Someone slurred from the neighbouring table, and both him and Johnny tensed up. Simon covered his lower face again with the face mask, turning to look at a small group of men that had been ogling and trying to chat women up the whole time they had been there. When Gabi had gone to the toilet they had tried to talk to her, but she had ignored them. When Christine had gone to the bar counter to order food and drinks, one of them asked her something that she plainly ignored when she came back.
It seemed they still hadn’t got enough rejection to get the clue.
‘‘Eh, cabrón (Hey motherfucker)’’ Johnny called out to them in his broken Spanish, grabbing Gabi’s waist to pull her onto his lap. ‘‘Mi novia, cállate (My girlfriend, shut up)’’
Christine sat calmly beside Simon, in silence, trying to avoid looking at the other table. Slowly, he threw his arm around the back of her chair as usual, waiting for what he knew was coming next.
‘‘¿Y esa qué, es tuya también? (And what about that one, is she yours too?)’’ Another of the men laughed, pointing at Christine, but his face dropped when Simon leaned in, his dark eyes as unforgiving and stern as ever. His arm fell slightly between the back of the chair and her body, and his enormous hand came to rest on her waist, dragging her closer.
‘‘No’’ Ghost answered coldly, with the low, gravelly voice that promised nothing good would happen if they continued on that path. ‘‘Es mía (She’s mine)’’
He felt her body melt into his side, but he kept staring until the men turned around and decided to pay attention elsewhere. Gabi was cooing something in Johnny’s ear, but his friend was looking at him, with a smile half amused and half surprised.
‘‘Ye bastard, ye speak Spanish!’’ He laughed, slapping his shoulder and making Gabi bounce on his lap with his laughter. ‘‘But you told Alejandro in Las Almas…’’
‘‘I said nothing in Las Almas’’ Simon corrected, leaning back in his chair again, but bringing discreetely Christine’s body back with him, reluctant to let go. If he had to act like an alpha male to the whole fucking bar, so be it, as long as she was left alone. ‘‘You told Alejandro you didn’t speak Spanish. I said nothing’’
‘‘Oooh, yer an asshole’’ Johnny was still laughing heartily. ‘‘All those times Ale and Rudy were talking in Spanish in front of us ye understood everything’’
‘‘Not everything’’ Simon admitted, and then looked down at Christine, to find her blue eyes on him. ‘‘I don’t really speak it, only understand part of it’’
She nodded slowly, but seemed lost in thought. Gabi decided in that moment to speak up.
‘‘Johnny and I are going to visit a couple of bars before going back to the apartment, do you want to come?’’
‘‘No’’ Both Simon and Christine answered at the same time, and looked at each other for a second before she added. ‘‘I prefer to go back to the apartment, to be honest. I’m drained’’
‘‘Not interested in going clubbing’’
‘‘Yer loss’’ Johnny grinned, standing up with Gabi in his arms, and kissed her before setting her down on her feet. Then, he bent down to kiss Christine’s covered cheek. ‘‘Behave yerselves, don’t do anything ah wouldn’t’’
‘‘Get lost, you wanker’’ She laughed, and waved them goodbye as they left the bar, holding hands.
Even with the loud music and the chattering of the other patrons around them, the silence between them was deafening.
‘‘When did you learn Spanish?’’ Christine looked up at him, and for a second she saw something in his eyes that made her doubt and regret her question. A flash of pain, or maybe anger, and amusement.
‘‘In another life, lovie’’ Simon answered, gently, and with his free hand brushed back a strand of her hair. ‘‘I’ll tell you about it sometime’’
‘‘Does it… have to do with that story you said you’d tell me…?’’ She almost leaned into his touch, her eyes closing, and he smiled under his mask.
‘‘It does’’ Looking around, he decided he had had enough human interaction for the day. ‘‘What do you say we go back to the apartment and watch something on the telly? A movie, or whatever. While those two are whoring around’’
‘‘Don’t say it like that’’ Christine laughed, standing up, and smiled down at him. ‘‘But I like the idea of watching a movie. I hope the sofa is more comfortable than the one in the common room’’
Simon grunted his approval as he stood up, watching with satisfaction how the men in the neighbouring table cowered when they saw his size. Sometimes, being that big was an advantage. With his hand on the small of her back, barely touching her, he guided her out.
The building door was close enough to not really have time to talk about anything, and when they took the stairs up instead of the lift, as always, they kept their comfortable silence. The apartment came with two copies of the keys, one that was in Gabi’s possession, and the other Christine used to open the door.
Maybe it was not as luxurious as the CIA apartment had pretended to be, but the apartment they chose looked cozier. With two bedrooms, one bathroom, an open plan kitchen connected to the living room, and a balcony with a great view of the beach and the sea. There were faint noises coming from the neighbouring apartments.
‘‘I’m going to have a shower first’’ Christine commented, going to the bedroom the girls had claimed, the one with the king size bed, to grab her toilet bag. The other had two single beds, and Johnny and Simon had flipped a coin to choose. ‘‘I forgot how hot this part of the country is. It’ll get worse when we go south’’
‘‘Take your time. I’ll shower after you’’ Simon sat down on the sofa and turned the tv on, trying, hard, not to allow his mind to wander. She flashed him a smile when she walked past him to the bathroom and closed the door. A couple of minutes later, he heard the shower working.
He had managed to half distract himself with a metalworking contest when his phone vibrated in his pocket. A text from Johnny.
In case ye need some, condoms are in my bag. Cheers!
And the twat added a winking emoji and an aubergine. Simon felt tempted to write something snarky back, but decided to just ignore the text and return the phone to his pocket, seething. Only to find that his jeans were more strained than normal, and his cock was fucking hard out of nowhere.
He looked at his crotch, half amused and half affronted, and tried to get more comfortable on the sofa so he could… No, not working. The noise of the water coming from the bathroom made his mind start wandering, and wandering, and… He tried to focus on the metalworking episode.
In the shower, Christine was having her own problems trying to distract herself, but to no avail. It had started with her wishing he had showered before, because in that case she’d be able to smell him, right? Because that wasn’t creepy or pathetic at all.
And one thing led to another, and now there she was, biting the inside of her hand, her back against the wall, and her index finger rubbing slow, soft circles over her throbbing clit. There’s my girl. Es mía (She’s mine). Because I don’t fucking know what I would do without you either.
Christine bit back a low whimper, with her head hanging low to avoid water in her eyes, trying to imagine his voice praising her. His hands on her skin, his fingers inside her. Lovie. She really didn’t enjoy her own fingers inside her because it never felt good enough. But just thinking about one of his long, thick digits, toying with her folds, slowly sliding inside of her…
I will ruin you
Her eyes snapped open, and she bit down hard enough on her hand to mark her teeth. But she forced herself to continue rubbing her clit in small circles, thinking about Simon’s voice, about his broad shoulders, his big hands, his strong arms…
No one will want you after I’m finished with you, whore
Simon’s wide back, Simon’s dark eyes that equally undressed her and made her feel safe, Simon’s dirty blonde or light brown hair, she couldn’t decide on the colour but she was dying to tangle her fingers in it, Simon’s mouth, with that big scar that crossed his lips and the smaller ones around it, and the scars on his chin and jaw…
Who would want a marked bitch like you
Simon’s hot tongue between her legs, teasing her clit and plunging deep inside her, Simon’s meaty hips between her legs while he pinned her down somewhere, wherever, Simon’s cock, that made her mouth water just by fantasizing about it, Simon’s strong thighs that she was dying to ride…
Christine slid down the wall until she was sitting on the floor, too far gone for the voices in her head to ruin her this time, not this time, with Simon’s voice in her ears and the warmth of his forehead still on her forehead and…
She moaned his name. Like a whore. Like a desperate virgin. But she moaned his name as she came, harder than she had managed to come in the latest months, feeling hot water streaming down her cheeks. Salty water.
‘‘All yours’’
Simon looked up at her, startled, and for a moment, his eyes widened and his throat went dry as sandpaper.
Christine was standing there, smiling, with her hair still damp from the shower, wearing… pyjama shorts and a black t-shirt that looked enormous on her.
His t-shirt.
‘‘Where did you get that?’’ He grunted, smiling, standing up from the sofa, and she shrugged while sitting down exactly where he had been, curling up on the seat.
‘‘Mysteries of the universe’’
Simon hesitated, looking down at her and her smile. She seemed… happy. For what, he had no clue, but it warmed his heart.
‘‘We’ll talk about this later’’ He threatened mockingly, and she stuck her tongue out at him. He almost didn’t leave, but he did, before she noticed the growing strain in his jeans.
And the second he stepped into the still damp bathroom and closed the door, he felt it. Smelled it.
Her scent, everywhere. The sweet, faint scent of cherries that accompanied her whenever they weren’t deployed. He grunted while undressing, his hard cock springing free from his boxers and standing at attention, too heavy to really reach his stomach.
Inside of the shower, the scent was worse. Or better. He couldn’t decide as he washed his hair and then tried to focus on rinsing the sweat off his body, but the insistent weight between his thighs was making it difficult.
Before he knew it, his hand was around his shaft, his fingers tracing the vein on the underside, and he gritted his teeth. Her scent was making him go crazy, and as he slowly thrusted his hips forward, into his closed fist, he tried to imagine it was her hand. Her long, slender fingers around him, her body against his back, her tits pressed against his flesh, her lips on his scars.
Simon braced himself on the wall, using his forearm and dropping his forehead on the cool tiles of the shower, with a low grunt. What he wouldn’t give to shake his hesitance. What he wouldn’t give to feel her body against his, like in that goddamn dream that had made him cum in his sleep like a schoolboy.
He tried to imagine her lips wrapped around him, but his fantasy soon turned into something softer, more intimate. Her hand wrapped around his cock, and his hand guiding hers, while they kissed until their tongues hurt. Her pretty little moans, like the moan she had let out a couple of months ago in the gym while lifting weights and that had almost made him cum right there. Her giggles, like when she laughed at his jokes.
Her beautiful breasts, her thighs, God her thighs, what he wouldn’t give to have those thighs around his waist, or around his neck while getting drunk on her taste and fucking her with his tongue until she was a babbling mess underneath him.
Her voice telling him…
Simon had to bite his own arm when he suddenly came, embarrassingly soon but hard, spurting ropes of cum all over his hand and the shower wall. He growled her name.
God, what he wouldn’t give to not be afraid.
When he returned to the living room, Christine seemed engrossed on something on the TV, and when he sat down beside her, she almost jumped and fumbled with the remote to change channels.
‘‘What were you watching?’’ Simon asked, curious, trying to grab the remote and change back, but she kept it out of his reach, blushing.
‘‘Nothing! Something stupid I used to like when I was a kid’’
‘‘Well, let’s watch that’’ He shrugged, still trying to get the remote, and she hesitated.
‘‘Only if you answer something first’’
He stopped immediately and looked at her, expecting her question, but she seemed to hesitate even more. Until she sighed and looked right into his eyes.
‘‘Did you mean it?’’ When he just stared, without understanding, Christine explained further. ‘‘What you said to those idiots in the bar’’
Es mía (She’s mine). Simon’s shoulders relaxed, and his gaze softened.
‘‘I did’’
She smiled. He was still wearing a face mask, but she got rid of hers right at the door, as always, when they came back from the bar.
‘‘Ladyhawke’’ She whispered, giving him the remote, and he changed the channel back to what she was watching before, choosing the option to watch it from the start, in English. ‘‘It’s… my favourite movie since I was a kid’’
Simon smiled and raised an arm, a bit doubtful of his bold move. But she immediately moved closer, and he let his forearm rest on her shoulders as she made herself comfortable against his side.
‘‘Then I’m sure I’ll love it’’
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zablife · 9 months
Weekend Reading
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Looking for something to read this weekend? Here are some of my newer fics 📚 and some older ones that have been shown love recently ❤️. If you enjoy them, let me know with a reblog or a comment! Happy reading!
📚 Do You Even Miss Me? Tommy x reader
📚Part 4- As Long As I Live (completed series) Tommy Shelby & Amelia Holland (OC) x Bonnie Gold
Tommy's long lost daughter appears at Arrow House and quickly becomes a beloved part of the family. What happens to their relationship when that peace is shattered by his newfound political aspirations and the only way to protect her is to send her away again with the one person she cannot abide?
📚 Call #4- My Sun, My Moon and All My Stars (ongoing series) Luca Changretta x OC (Aurora Sabini Changretta) x Tommy Shelby
Luca and Aurora Changretta come to the UK to avenge the murder of Luca's brother and father. However, as their volatile marriage unravels, events take an unexpected turn.
❤️ Partners in Crime John Shelby x Y/N Solomons (Alfie's sister)
Their unique skill sets and their older brothers' greed have brought them together against their will. Can they learn to get along? Not a series, but an ongoing list of blurbs about an AU I can't stop thinking about where John and Alfie's sister are problematic besties.
❤️ A Handsome Stranger John x female reader
You meet a handsome man one night in a club who makes you feel a powerful desire for him. The events of the evening grow increasingly strange and difficult to comprehend.
❤️ Before Sunrise Tommy x female reader
One autumn evening, as you and Tommy cause mischief in the forest, you wander away until you find yourselves on the grounds of a grand estate. Too late to return to your family's camp, Tommy breaks a window to gain entry to the empty house and you spend a memorable night together.
❤️ Liar and a Thief Alfie x female reader
You borrow Alfie’s hoodie and he has a unique reaction.
❤️ The Fight Bonnie Gold x gf reader
After Bonnie loses his first fight, you’re worried he’s been seriously injured.
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fleet-of-fiction · 2 months
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Aggelos - Part 1
I think sometimes closure comes in many forms. I thought, perhaps, mine would be different. But it never came in the form I expected. I have to create it for myself. So here it is. My closure. My story. From start to finish. From the moment I met him to the moment I pressed Post on this eulogy of a love I didn't expect to know.
It was a bitterly cold January morning when I first met him. Bed hair unbrushed and my breasts swinging freely underneath my husbands hoodie that I'd grabbed off the pile at the end of the bed. It was still early, only days after celebrating the new year. The 4th to be exact, and time really wouldn't wait.
I'd known my Mothers house was in need of some repair. Her physical condition meant that some changes needed to be made in order for her to stay there. A ramp at the back of the house to enable her to exit in her wheelchair. A lift in the kitchen that would take her upstairs without having to transfer into another chair. A few hand rails here and there, and some repairs to the drain out back where the ramp would need to go.
I was prepared for the upheaval. For the early mornings where I'd need to roll out of bed to let the contractors in to start work. My Mother is not an early riser, her condition meaning that nights can sometimes be disturbed. And as I only lived a two minute walk down the street, I was happy to be around if the work men needed anything.
I paid little mind to myself that morning. Scooping my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head as I always did when I didn't have time to do anything with it. I told myself; all I need to do is open the gate for them and I'll come back later to make them all a nice cup of tea. I didn't know that morning was about to change the course of my life forever.
I was standing in the garden when I heard them. Deep, jovial voices speaking a language I couldn't understand. I thought perhaps they were Spanish at first, two olive skinned smiles turning the corner to greet me. The first was Giannis, a heavy set and darker toned 30-something with grey hair and sparkling eyes. He had lived in the UK for twelve years after meeting his wife online, he told me later on, and had moved his construction business over with him. He shook my hand and moved aside so that he could introduce me to his brother, Aggelos.
Aggelos was fairer than his brother. With caramel brown eyes that were almost cat-like. He was taller and slimmer, with a smile that didn't sparkle. It was quieter, more reserved. His dark hair peppered with grey, but not covered like his brother. He didn't shake my hand he just nodded and smiled wryly.
I gave them a briefing about my Mother. Explained that I'd be back later to get her out of bed and that if they needed anything just to call me. I handed Giannis my phone number and told him to call me every morning when they arrived so that I could unlock the gate for them. He thanked me and I walked away. Back to my life down the street.
Where I lived with my husband. My husband who, for now and for always, will be my best friend. My husband who has walked by my side for the last eight years. Who took on my children and navigated my mental and physical health issues with me. My husband who shares a set of friends with me, family, memories and experiences. The person I always thought I'd love, and no other, for the rest of my life.
I hadn't really noticed the shift in our closeness until Aggelos. I just immersed myself in Greta Van Fleet and the obsession that was Jake Kiszka. Safe. A man I could never have. A man I could fantasise about when my husband paid me no attention. A man I could imagine myself with when my husband would have rathered do anything but spend time with me.
It wasn't that we disliked each other. It wasn't even cruel. It was just gradual. Unnoticed to the untrained eye. The years unravelling, and our comfort becoming more and more until we never sat in the same room. Never watched the same tv shows. Never walked the dog together. Our personal schedules in complete contrast. We weren't unkind to each other, we just weren't...anything.
On the second day, I rolled out of bed and in the same manner I let Giannis and Aggelos through the gate. This time we stopped and spoke more, Giannis telling me that Aggelos wasn't even supposed to be there. He'd been visiting for christmas and was meant to be back home in Athens, Greece. But he'd extended his stay in order to help his brother complete this job. He didn't even work in construction, he worked in finance.
Aggelos didn't say much. He was nothing like his brother. He had this way about him that was almost intimidating were it not for the way he smiled. I thought he was shy. He was only 24, he was young. And me, at 39 almost fifteen years his senior, I was of no interest to him. Giannis was almost my age, we talked about things casually that were age appropriate. Aggelos agreeing with him every time he would shoot him with a "Eyy... Aggelos, isn't that right?"
On the third day, they began work on the broken drain that sat just outside the kitchen window. I was dutifully making cups of tea, stood on the other side of the glass as Giannis removed the old pipe. Aggelos, stood watching, his eyes moving from what his brother was doing up to inspect what I was doing.
I caught his eye. For the briefest moment, brown met blue. And I felt it. That heat in the space between your stomach and chest. Like a bundle of nerves had just punched me straight in the gut. And I hurried to busy myself with the drinks. Telling myself I was stupid and delusional. I didn't just see what I'd just thought I'd seen. He's 24. You're married. You look like shit. You don't even have a bra on. Or a stitch of make up. You haven't brushed your hair. He's just from a different country, he's probably intrigued.
On the fourth day, Giannis needed to go to the store to pick up some supplies. He dropped Aggelos at the gate and promptly drove off, leaving his quiet little brother to explain the situation. Mother was still asleep and the weather was getting colder and colder. He wasn't used to it, he stood there shivering and his teeth almost chattering as he spoke in very good, but slightly broken english.
And I noticed it for the first time. The way he would pause on his next word and say, "Ok...errmm...ok..." before speaking. It was endearing. Sweet. Like he didn't want to say the wrong thing despite the fact he could speak an entirely different language than his own and I never could.
I told him to come inside. That he didn't need to do anything until Giannis got back. He wasn't so sure, he'd been given a few tasks to do in the interim. I said "Ok, I'll be inside if you need anything." and I watched him dither and blow heat into his gloved hands until I couldn't take it anymore.
I'd never seen anyone look more grateful as I opened the door and presented him with a steaming cup of tea. He stepped into the kitchen and it was like his entire demeanour changed. I was suddenly aware that, despite his age, he was a full grown man and was capable of knowing what he wanted.
We talked for a little while while sipping our drinks. He was a smoker, and asked if I minded that he smoked. I used to smoke years ago and my Mother does to this day so there was always an ashtray at the back door. I shook my head and watched him roll up a cigarette so deftly I was sort of mesmerised by his technique. Almost one handed and he explained to me how he had acquired this skill.
Four months ago, In October 2023, he was playing basketball as part of an amateur team in Athens. He'd got slammed to the ground and landed palm down, his entire weight and that of his opponent crashing down onto his hand breaking every single bone in it. He'd had surgery, he showed me his scar, and told me about the physio he was still undertaking. How helping his brother was all part of that, learning how to use his hand again.
It felt like the 10 minutes we'd been stood there drinking tea and him smoking was much less, I found myself not wanting to let him carry on working. I was lingering and I felt stupid. Ridiculous. But, he was lingering too. More so than I was.
There's a saying I'd heard before. "He fell first, but I fell harder." I didn't know it then, but it was about to ring true.
That night was the first time I fantasised about him. Laying there next to my husband imagining what he might look like under his clothes. What his kiss might feel like. What it would be like for him to make love to me. Wondering what his cock looked like, not knowing that it was the most beautiful cock I would ever see. Not knowing anything that was about to happen would lead me into the most gut wrenching pain I had ever known.
My husband and I hadn't spoken in days. Not because we had argued, not because either of us were annoyed with the other. We'd simply been working, taking care of obligations, our separateness meaning sometimes it was just like that. But for some reason, as I laid there, thinking about Aggelos, he turned to me and asked how the work on Mothers house was going. And I didn't realise how dry my mouth was until I tried to speak. Unable to say much, afraid that I'd say something incriminating. Like one little word would make it obvious that the thoughts in my head were impure.
I was in trouble.
On the fifth day, they came a little earlier. I knew their work was only contracted to seven days and they needed to get everything done. I hadn't been able to sleep so I'd woken early and decided to shower and blow dry my hair. I put a little bit of make up on, not too much. Just a little concealer and a sweep of mascara. I wore clothes that weren't ill fitting, I don't recall what exactly, but when the van pulled up and Aggelos jumped out he almost sprinted towards me.
That was the moment I knew. I knew I wasn't delusional. I knew I wasn't alone in whatever this was. My fate was barrelling towards me and I couldn't stop it. And this time his smile was not shy, it beamed and he said Good Morning to me like he'd been waiting with baited breath all morning to see me.
And then he said it. "You look beautiful this morning." in his greek accent, in his slow and soft way of speaking.
I almost died inside. On the verge of my stomach threatening to tighten so much I would choke. Something my husband hadn't said to me in a long time, something I didn't want to hear from him anyway. I didn't want anything anymore, if it wasn't him.
Giannis lived on the other side of the city. A thirty minute drive from where I lived. As the day came to an end and they packed up to leave, I found myself in a situation I hadn't anticipated. Aggelos was staying at his brothers house, and he very sweetly invited me to go and meet him later for a drink at a pub nearby. He explained that he would like to pick me up but his car was at home in his garage, in Athens.
I giggled and told him I was married. He said he knew, he'd seen my wedding ring. But he stood firm. Stared at me whilst I tried to hold my nerve. He wasn't forceful, I could see that it meant something to him. He wanted to thank me for being so welcoming. For making him feel comfortable in my company, he admitted that he struggled to form connections with people but with me it had been so natural. And I had to agree. Everything with him had felt so natural, like breathing. So of course, I said yes.
I could tell chapters of detail. Paragraph after paragraph of the way we sat there trying not to admit how we felt. Trying not to acknowledge that my thigh was brushed against his as we sat at the table, me drinking rum and coke and him nursing a neat whisky. I could tell you about the guilt and how it ate me alive because I knew that if he tried I would let him kiss me. I could weave an epic tale of it, how I knew that night that I was in love with him and I couldn't stop it from happening. But I wont. Because some things are just too hard to bear. Even if writing this is meant to be closure, some things only need to be touched upon. Only the periphery of the memory ever talked about. Because, if ever I opened the door to those memories, I would drown in my sorrow.
Suffice to say, he did kiss me. In the parking lot. He took me away from where I stood and transported me into the very beat of his heart. He loved me, he loved me so much I could taste it in his kiss. And nothing and nobody else mattered in that moment, I wasn't married. I wasn't a Mother. I wasn't anyones but his. And it was like that until he went back to Athens three days later.
Then our life in messages began. Weekends we would spend 12 hours or more talking. Week days I knew his routine, he knew mine and we would meet and talk until the early hours. Whenever I was out of the house in the evening we would talk on the phone, me listening to him rabble on about nothing inparticular in the way he always did.
We were together. A couple. I knew his physio schedule, he knew my after school club schedule. I came to know everything about him, things he had never told another soul about his Mother dying when he was 9. Experiences he'd had with ex girlfriends. His Father not speaking to him for 2 years because he wanted to study abroad. How his sister, Sofia, longed for him to settle down with a girl. His Father lived in a house by the sea, he wanted to take me there. To show me Greece. And we would always part each night with him saying "tomorrow" and I would say "Always."
Some time at the end of January, he came back. He didn't tell Giannis he was coming, he could only be here for one night and had to fly back for work. I'd been struggling with guilt, struggling with being parted from him. He wanted to make sure that I was ok. He made the journey. A 30 minute drive to Athens airport. A four hour flight. An hour and a half drive in a hire car to my city with nowhere to sleep just to look me in the eye and tell me that he loved me.
I broke down. We walked in the woods near my house, holding hands, talking about the reality of our situation. He had never been in love before, he didn't know it would be as intense as it was, but he was determined to love me regardless. I cried a lot. Letting him put his arms around me and hold me as I tried to reconcile the fact I was married. He never once asked me to leave my husband. He never once asked me to do anything that might jeopardise my home life.
Only a hand full of times he never lost his cool. One night he couldn't take it any more and told me that he would fuck me like he hated me for not making it to be with him "years" ago before I met my husband.
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I had only kissed him at this point. Most of our devotion had poured out in messages. We were intense. Bereft. Heart broken at not being able to be together in the way we wanted. He was terrified I would leave. I was terrified I would leave, I blocked him four times in moments of despair. Going back hours later each time, unable to let him go. And each time he begged me never to do it again.
I was losing my mind. I missed him, I loved him. I didn't love my husband anymore, he was like a stranger to me. Aggelos was my partner, he was the one supporting me. And I couldn't be with him.
I have to write this epitaph in two halves. I can't see for tears. I can't write the next part until I'm stronger.
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jessnotfoundd · 2 years
Your fics are so good- I can not get enough of them !
Here is another prompt idea-
Tommy and Reader (who is also a cc ) first met at vidcon, and started talking. From there Tommy, of course, had to go back to the UK fairly quickly, but the two of them stayed in touch. After a couple of months, the two end up officially dating, long distance style since the reader is still living in the US. And since TwitchCon Amsterdam was coming up, the reader decided to fly out and go to the con to surprise Tommy ! Also, I’m not sure if you’ve seen Badlinu’s video about him sneaking into Tubbo’s meet and greet line, but I’m thinking that the reader does that type of thing.
Yessss I have seen that video of Freddie, should write about him too?
I'm really glad you like my fics! thank you for all the requests <3
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
Pairing: cc!Tommyinnit x cc!reader
Masterlist here!
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After a few months of dating the blond, I started to have this necessity of seeing him, like face timing all night Isn't enough anymore. Holding my phone so he can see my face, the realization comes.
-So, twitch con Amsterdam is so close, do you think you could make it?- he asks, he's lying on his side and I smile at him.
-I hope so, but I'm not sure, lots of work in the middle, I'm finishing the book and I need to be with all the editors for the final touches.- I pout. I wasn't one to lie, but I wanted to surprise him.
-Yeah, I get it I guess, I thought It was a good opportunity to see you again.- he pouts too.
-Maybe I can fly to the UK after the book it's ready.-
-Yeah, I need to train my patience a little.- we both laugh, knowing how impatient he was.
After a few hours of making terrible jokes and remembering each other how much we loved each other, the call comes to an end, I get up and start working on the last touches of the book, he didn't need to know that I work my ass off a few weeks to be able to fly to Amsterdam and see him.
Now, dressing up in my hotel room in Amsterdam, after telling Tommy this week I would be super busy, so if I didn't text him was because of that. I could feel the sadness in his voice. I couldn't help but smile when he didn't see me, he's gonna be really surprised.
I put on some black sweatpants and a black hoodie Nike, a beanie Quackity gave me at some point on the Vidcon and some black glasses, I bring my mask to cover the rest of my face. When I get into the big event. I showed my credential to all the bodyguards that tried to take me out for my suspicious look. When my turn to 'meet' Tommy came, I walk to him and pulled him into a big and warm hug.
-I appreciate my organs, so if you let me keep them would be amazing.- he jokes and I laugh silently, so he wouldn't recognize me right away.
-Can you sign it, please?- I hold my credential and he takes it, I immediately take my glasses and mask off.- Surprise I guess.- he was looking at the user and the 'partner', and when he looks at me I could swear to god, he almost lost his mind.
-No fucking way- he wrapped his arms around me and I hug back.-I've missed you so bad- he hasn't let go yet.
-Babe, there's people waiting for you, I have all the time in the world with you, but they don't- I let go and he nods.
-Wait for me, please- he smiles.
-I'm not going anywhere soon.- I left a single kiss on his cheeks and leave for my actual meet and greet.
After a really long meet and greet, I'm ready to move to the SMP panel, where I'm sitting right beside Tommy. At some point, his hand move to my tight, and everyone freaks out, he starts to get red.
Now we were moving to my hotel room, he throws himself onto my bed and I snuggle to his side, with my face right in front of his.
-I love you- I peck his lips a few times.
-I love you too, so so much.- he pokes my cheeks and I smile.
-I still remember your face when you realize it was me.- I can't help but crack a laugh. He pushes me a little and I hid my face in the crock of his neck.
-I was so excited I just couldn't stop smiling so hard after that.- He laughs with me.
-I love you so much it feels unreal.- I left a trail of kisses from his neck to his forehead.
-Everybody dreams of being a billionaire, but every time I look at you I just don't care.-
-Isn't that a song from the vamps?- I smiled, we were so close that our noises were touching.
-I'm trying to be romantic, y/n.- he giggles and closes the gap between us.
The rest of the night went by playing games and seeing movies, enjoying each other company.
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Switching up on me - Esteban Ocon x Lawyer! Reader
Plot: Busy days using an underground train system you aren't familiar too is stressful enough with all the people and noises, but your day couldn't get any worse when you switch bags with the person you bumped into on the platform.
Credit to estiebestieban for the GIF
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You were currently running around central Milan in a tizz, you were trying to find the underground station so you could make your way over to the building your client had sent through.
Usually your legal firm dealt with everything strictly in the UK, but this high profile client of yours was unable to make the travel from Italy to England. Your boss sent you off saying you'd have to meet him there to run through final things before you went to court. Everything was in a large duffle bag, all the private documents and confidential agreements and you were struggling holding it next to you.
Once you got into the subway system you placed the bag down next to you but close enough no-one would be able to steal from you. A gentleman came and stood next to you waiting for the next train that was supposed to come in about a minute.
What you didn't anticipate was Milan's sudden rush hour, some guy bumped into you making your trip over your bag. The guy who was next to you caught you and held you steady so you didn't fall onto the tunneled track.
"Thank you!" you smile up at him, and you guys continue to stare up at each other until the train comes into the station. People push their way off and the mystery man looks up at the train side and gasps when he notices it's his. He grabs his bag and jumps on while you watch in awe as the love of your life, your literal soulmate leaves the station on the train.
You wait knowing that one was heading out of the city and sit on a bench waiting for yours to come in.
You pick up the bag which feels slightly heavier than before but you don't think much off it. You get on the next tube which is luckily a lot quieter and manage to get a seat and have your bag on your lap. When you feel it, it feels a little odd, not as padded out in some areas as you remembered it being.
You slowly unzip the bag, seeing none of your things. No water bottle with turtle stickers, or university hoodie, no legal documents of your clients and no nice pair of heels you were supposed to put on before you got to the office after your train commute and small walk.
"No no no!" you whispers to yourself rummaging through finding a helmet, a suit and other various manly bits that weren't yours.
You then remembered the man on the platform and that you must have switched bags. You smiled at the thought that you guys had the exact same bags which just fueled your thoughts of the fact that the very attractive man that saved your life on the Milan underground was in fact your soulmate.
You get off at the next stop at a completely random place in Milan, where you see and advertisement for the F1 race in Monza. The guy must be something to do with that, he was heading that way and he had the helmet and race suit.
You pull out your phone and pull up your clients number before calling them.
"Hey Y/N!" they answer after one ring and immediately they sound a little guilty.
"Everything alright?" you ask.
"Well, you see somethings come up and I'm going to need to postpone everything until tomorrow and the day after, I'll pay for the flight for the inconvenience and your extra hotel expenses and you know what even through dinner on me tomorrow night. I'll take you to a nice place in Milan, but I'm so sorry I cant do it today!" she blurts out and a massive smile comes onto your face.
"That's no problem at all, I can er... do a little more research in the mean time and ... maybe explore the city!" you exclaim knowing you'd be heading on a tube straight for Monza.
"Ahhhh! Your a star I'm so glad the company sent you! I swear you are the only one I trust! But defiantly explore the city it's beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow babe but I really have to go! Okay goodbye!" she says before hanging up.
"You clutch the bag, looking around before you find your way to the nearest taxi service.
"Hello, could you take me to Monza? The er race track?" you ask having no idea if there was a specific name.
"130 euro!" he says and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at the price.
"Yeah, that's fine!" you grit your teeth.
You are there in no-time jumping out after paying the driver and looking at the map to try and find the most sensible place to go. You assume the paddock where it leads to the garages makes the most sense.
However as you get there and see the security and the pass entrance you start to panic. You walk up to one of the security with a friendly smile on your face which was almost sheepish.
"Hi, this is going to sound so bizarre but I think I've switched bags with a driver and I have their helmet and race suit. Can I get in to hand it back to him please and to get my bag back?" you ask and he laughs.
"Yeah sod off kid!" he laughs the one next to him joining in.
"No I'm being series look!" you say unzipping the bag. They look at it and look between each other.
"Radio it through to alpine" one of the says before walking off through the entrance. You awkwardly stand there waiting for someone to say anything.
"I've been told to bring her through!" the one on the walky talky says letting you go through. He walks with you until you come up to one place that has a big picture of the man you met in the subway.
"Esteban?" you ask pointing to his picture and the security guard nods.
"Apparently he went out to look for you, he's been called by his team to come back as you are here!" he smiles before walking off towards the front. Someone comes running out the front in team gear smiling at you.
"Hey, come with me can we get you anything to drink. You can wait in Esteban's driver room!" he smiles and you politely decline a drink, placing yourself on the sofa and waiting patiently.
"Hey!" a voice interrupts you from scrolling on your phone.
"Hey, I erm think I have something of yours!" you grin, holding up the bag and he sighs seeing his bag the exact colour and model that yours was.
"Thank god! That bag has my life in it!" he cries.
"I think i would have been fired if I actually lost mine!" you admit.
"Yeah, I just want you to know the minute I saw confidential i didn't look through anything. I only found the key card to your hotel room, that's where I was heading to in hopes you'd gone there to try make some calls.
"I worked out you must be a driver and that you'd probably be in dire need so i came straight here!" you smile and he nods.
"Well thank you for delivering the goods!" he smiles handing over your bag. You smile and thank him, before hesitating to exit the room. However you do with a sad sort of smile, knowing you'd probably never see him again.
"Wait!" a voice shouts making your turn round and you see Esteban stood there.
"Can I please have your number, or take you out to dinner as a thank you?" he asks looking over you, trying to get a read.
"Really?" you grin, not expecting him to have asked.
"Well, I think it's sort of fate right?" he asks with a little sly grin on his face.
"Yeah, I guess you're right!" you grin.
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thavron · 7 months
1, 2, 21, 23, 48!!
Hello! fancy seeing you here 😁
who is/are your comfort character(s)? Well you may have spotted the copious Astarion posts lately. I love him. He has a lot of trauma. He's afraid and angry and just needs someone in his corner, supporting him. I like being his ray of sunshine. He's similar to Adam in a lot of ways. He hates what he is, and resents what was done to him. But his anger isn't hot and uncontrolled. He's scheming and sharp tongued, and kind of vicious as a defense mechanism. Initially he tries to control and manipulate you because he can't believe that anyone would want to help him without an ulterior motive. But throughout the game you have these opportunities to earn his trust, and if you do, he lets you in and becomes softer and kinder. You discover the depths of his trauma and it's just harrowing stuff. I just want to wrap him in a blanket and sing soft kitty to him honestly. TBH I think I have a thing for damaged souls who just need to be loved and nurtured. He and Adam are my best boys. I love Tali and Garrus from Mass Effect as well, but they are MY ray of sunshine. 😆
2. lighter or matches? To play with? Don't you know that could lead to a fire? 😆
21. something you’ve kept since childhood? I have a cuddly rabbit called Mixie. My mum named him. Yes he has huge eyes. My mum has a wicked sense of humour. It took me about 12 years to finally get the joke... I have a lot of cuddly toys actually from my childhood. I can't quite bring myself to throw any of them away.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather? It's my favourite. I love being able to wrap up in snugly hoodies and jackets and be all warm and cosy whilst feeling the ice on my nose and cheeks.
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage? Ooh there is a question. Probably 7 or 8. I hasten to add, that I live in the UK. Our rules on alcohol consumption are quite flexible. Service in a bar is 18, but at home or with a meal out the age limits drop. My mum used to let me share her wine when we watched coronation street in the evenings. By about 12 I was allowed my own glass. Her attitude was if I could try it at home, then I would be less inclined to sneak about behind her back. Which is true.
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valentinebullock72 · 3 months
Where Can I Buy Branded Replica Clothing
According to the survey, 90% of the world’s replica products are from China. One can imagine how developed China’s high replica products trade is. When you're goning to take a position replica clothing business, the following threat you must take into consider. Are you're looking for the most effective costume that offers you a novel movie star look? At this web site then you might be able to find the costume at their catalog for designer clothes available on-line at wholesale and retail costs. However, it is extremely difficult to find a foundry for model cosmetics and do a good job in high quality control. My colleague Alice bought a replica of Airpods in Taobao for less than fifty nine RMB. But it appears precisely the identical as the unique product, and there's no difference in any respect from the skin. Some of the most effective are Handbagstore888, MKshop555 and Yoyoshopping plaza. One way to filter them would be to type within the name of the model you want plus the sort of bag you would like and seek for it. wikipedia clothes Next, filter based on essentially the most bought or the most effective rated. That will filter out the least sold or the bad high quality merchandise. Do learn a number of reviews of the merchandise to get an idea of the seller as well because the product, before you choose to purchase it. You may even be succesful of know where consumers are shopping for their products. Finally, you should have a good idea on what product you must inventory your shelf with. After understanding where to wholesale faux clothing, next, I will share some useful ideas of how to wholesale replica clothes. They have one of the best shirts starting from youngsters' shirts, men shirts, Men polo shirts, ladies Blouses & shirts. If not then let me tell you why it's so well-known in the UK. Hi, I’m Ayla Anderson, and welcome to my website Aylatrendguide.com. If you may be on the lookout for a user-friendly website, Replica Wholesaler is for you. The platform is simple to make use of, and you are capable of do your search by typing in your search engine as directing you to the categories. Here you can see the replicas of brand clothing you need at wonderful prices and bags, belts, footwear, and so forth. This platform provides replica manufacturers at wholesale prices from $6 in numerous feminine outfits. Shop the very best quality reps streetwear style together with sneaker, hoodie, tee, belt, trend accessories & bags. If you're in the midst of buying replica at low-cost value, you might have come to the best place. Ever since 2010, we are the only replica store that produce hype brand such as Fear Of God, Off-White, Palace, ASSC, Palm Angels, Stone Island. Aliexpress’ selection signifies that you get a variety of branded replicas that you could select from. In reality, for the worth you pay for a real brand, you may get 7 to eight replicas on the same cost, from different brands. Blueberry12 is called a pop-culture fanatic go-to store. They provide a variety of clothes that has prints, logos, and aesthetics of pop-culture affect. They have a steady following of patrons from wholesale to retail. Not solely do they have NASA shirts and Friends caps however they also offer tees, attire, and pattern shorts which have all the enjoyable twist on our favorite TV shows, films, and bands. When the public discovers that you simply promote replica brand clothing or accessories without prior authorization, the popularity of your corporation will be affected. Their enterprise cover over 200 countries and 98% merchandise could be obtained by worldwide customers inside forty eight hours. replica designer clothes If you might be after quality then you've arrived at one of the best website, where you can get the most effective provides at inexpensive prices. Whether you’re on the lookout for Louis Vuitton swimwear, Adidas sweatpants, or Fendi sweatshirts, you can find all of them at this one stop store. The transport technique of replica merchandise is similar as normal, however you have to confirm how the customs of your country/region determines whether or not the products are replica products. Knowing the rules beforehand may help you choose a product. Due to the huge demand for copies, a giant number of websites promoting copies have spawned.
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