#*we honor Ben in this blog
scorsesedepalmafan · 2 years
George Garea going on new dates would include
George Garea x male reader dating headcanons
Love is Strange (2014)
requested by @freddiefredfive​  
Notes; fluff, lime, dating, grief, (nsfw) vague description, kissing, thinking about Ben, new relationship.
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- George was ready to go on the dating scene, and to start looking for love, or just a gentle touch, but it proved to be challenging even if he had grieved for almost what would be 11 months for Ben.
- Tireless nights thinking about Ben and everything he’d given him, all the moments of joy and the moments they had shared. They would all flood back to him, and just the feeling of being held by him and gentle kisses in their bed, when they had one. Their relationship had been one of the strongest. More than anything George could’ve dreamed of when he was a younger man.
- After having thought about it for so long, whether he even wanted to have a relationship after everything that had unfolded, George had concluded that Ben would have very much wanted him to find love again, and allow himself to love again.
- Dating at first was quite tricky, being a man his age. But George managed to figure out and begin to understand the workings of modern dating and so was finally ready to put himself out there, at the urging of some of his friends but mostly Ben's voice in his head.
- "Come on sweetie" he'd imagine Ben say, giving him a kiss on his neck. Ben was hugging him as he sat, cheering George on, for him to find love again.  George would then reach over to grab his hand and feel the ghost of it. Those kind of imaginings always brought a tear to George's eye.
- When George was finally beginning to go steady with a man (you/y/n), he'd made it clear from the start that he'd want to take things step by step, and rather slowly. He was happy to hear that you would for when he was ready.
- George had only shared a bit of his story to you. And you made sure not to ask too many questions, since you could tell it was sensible. You felt as though you fell almost immediately for this attentive, stern and lovely man: George Garea.
- One evening after a charming date with George at the museum, George casually invited you over for some casual diner, but you knew very much the other intention of his invitation. You'd noticed it from the way George was looking at you as you were ranting away in amazement at Robero's Holy Family. George was ready for the next step.
- During intimacy, you were enamoured and overwhelmed by how slow and gentle of a lover George was. He was paced and attentive, and very fond of kissing.
- You cuddled under his white clean sheets and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.
- The following morning you woke up with the most fluttery butterflies. George's house was such a place of comfort, love and understanding. A lovely painting of a tan man was hanging opposite the bed. And a nude sketch to its right.
- You put on one of George's robes which were hanging on these wooden hooks, and walked over to the kitchen. George was making breakfast.
- "Well, hello, sleepy head! Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." George expressed. He looked back to the pan where he was making some delicious-smelling french toast. - "I don't mind at all, George-" you said endearingly. "
- Now I don't get to miss the show."- George leaned over to kiss you, placing his lips gently on yours, eyes closed, and felt a tingling in his heart.
Tagging: @antifiction , @alfredosauceee , @doctor-octiddius , @ottolover101 , @j0kerand0ck , @darknymite , @heythereimashley​ , @octogobby​ , @illiana-mystery​ , @randomfandomtrash28​ , @gayforalfredmolina​ , @nothingbutyourchains​ , @bones-ego​ , @bi-octavius​ , @tsukiakarinobara​ and @mcseggsy​ .
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged for my HCs! Attentively, B.
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~ Sweet gesture and festivities ~
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warning : fluff, tiny emotional if you look closely just the two sweety pies
Info : Sooo this is again inspired/made up from THIS gorgeous animation (go check it out please and her blog because it's everything) from again our lovely dear @pocketwei . Have fun reading it and check out @pocketwei 's (her) blog its's amazing and again the animation omg.
Have fun reading :)
The small mill village on the small but beautiful island had many things to ask. Beaches, trees, a small town and friendly pirates. Although this may look little from the outside, the annual festival in honor of the windmills and its builders is the festival of the neighborhood. The island seems to triple in size and everyone looks forward to the festivities.
Especially this year there was an extra reason to celebrate. Shanks, their beloved friend and proudly friendly pirate, would return from one of his voyages to see and enjoy the festivities.
It was one of those quiet and carefree relaxed moments the captain had. Otherwise, it was an exciting but dangerous life that he and his crew lived. A life full of death, blood, danger, the navy and other pirates.
But even in this danger he could count on his crew, especially on one. As much as he liked his crew and best friends, one of them had captured his heart like a true pirate.
Ben Beckman, his first officer and longtime friend, and between all that and the sea, his love. It seemed to be only a matter of time between the two before the waves of the ship brought them together. Their crew made bets every day on whether Ben or Shanks would make the first move.
The red-haired captain who almost stuttered every time he tried to invite the gunner on an excursion. Or whether Ben, who was even quieter than usual, would disappear as quickly as he had appeared. But it was something else that brought them together.
A situation they both always had in mind. Shanks who had taken a bullet for Ben and Ben who had taken a stab for Shanks. Together they had finished off each other's opponents before rushing to the doctor, panicked and worried about the other.
Their hands never left each other, disregarding the fact that the other's injuries were not even fatal. Fearing to lose the body, they confessed their love for each other after a moment of carelessness. While the crew with a ,,Ohhhh finally!" began to celebrate a party in the for it not completely aligned doctor's room.
But this was years ago, years in which the two had never stopped loving each other. It was like an eternal bond between them and always would be. Even if at first sight it was not obvious that the captain had a relationship with his first husband, at second sight it was.
,,It's hard to believe that we are back" said the red-haired man happily, leaning against the rail of his ship and looking at the island that was coming closer and closer. Behind him, leaning on the wheel, Ben let his gaze wander over his friend and had a smirk on his lips. ,,It's good to be home again," the gray-haired man said before getting ready to go ashore with the others.
Gathered their things together and felt this little happy anticipation in him. The anticipation of their daily ritual when they had time for it and for which they would always take time. Before the ship arrived moments later in the small harbor and the crew went down.
They were finally back in their beloved home and were instantly welcomed. The usual applause and congratulations. The children watching the men with wide eyes and wishing to become pirates too.
The usual drink in the bar at Makino, the small celebration and how they all relaxed and were happy to be back. Not worrying about the world and Luffy but just living life. What they also did the round in the bar lasted longer than usual they sang, drank and danced.
Ben also twirled his captain several times over the wooden floor, enjoying the happy expression of the redhead and wishing for a moment that it could be like this forever. ,,I've never seen you so happy, what's wrong?" he heard Shanks say as the two of them retreated to a table.
Each with a mug of beer in hand, Ben looked at the team, but Shanks' words caused him to look at the younger man. Taking another drag on his cigarette he thought for a moment. Did not immediately know what to say.
It was always happy when he was with Shanks. It was like his own pretty personal red sun. He held out his hand and let his fingers play with some of the red strands and said affectionately, ,,Today it's just you and me, no Navy, no other pirates...just you and me and the moment" before pulling back.
Knowing that Shanks was trying to hide the redness on his cheeks with the straw hat. Which made him smile and concentrate on his cigarette and beer. Knowing that as soon as the sun would hit the horizon they would both go to the party.
The moments passed in the bar they talked for a while, their fingers wandered across the table and connected with each other and they just enjoyed the touch.
Before the two rose after a few more moments passed and made their way out of the bar to the streets. ,,Beautiful as always," Ben murmured, walking beside the redhead, smirking as his lover's eyes seemed to grow larger and larger for each new food stall he found.
From cotton candy to apples with chocolate glaze to rice cakes the redhead couldn't seem to get enough. Ben took a couple of bites of the food but stuck to his cigarette, it was joy enough for him to see Shanks so happy.
The two went on about the festival and the redhead went to the fruit stand while Ben settled on boxes. Watched the hustle and bustle around him didn't see Shanks looking for a good fruit and just waited for his heart to finish.
Watched the sun almost kissing the horizon and slowly threatening to disappear behind it. ,,Captain it's time to go" Ben said as he knew they had to leave, watching Shanks buy and walk back to him, a silent nod coming as the two made their way out of the streets. Past the many people towards the hill that let them look over the island, the village and the most important the sea.
The two settled down on the soft grass and watched the sunset together. Watched as everything was bathed in a pretty red gold while Ben saw in the corner of his eye how Shankd's hand passed over the grass to his.
He felt the light nudge of Shankd's fingers before he joined their hands together. ,,Our daily ritual...just like back then," the redhead murmured, looking from the horizon to the gray-haired man. Saw the memory of themselves both still younger no beard no gray hair and completely focused on the other as they caught the injuries.
They both dragged themselves injured with bandages and bandages on the crow's nest and both leaned against each other to watch their first sunset together. ,,It's been so long and yet...still so stubborn," Ben said teasingly, running his hand over his red hair as he pulled Shanks to him.
His captain made himself comfortable against Ben, put his head on Ben's lap and pulled the fruit out of his coat pocket. Shanks joked and winked at the older man who rolled his eyes and took the fruit from him.
Opening a fruit with one arm wasn't always easy, but that's what his love was there for, to help him. With skillful grips, the protector had opened the fruit and gave the redhead a few pieces before he tasted the sweet fruit himself.
His gaze of Shanks followed this and they both looked at the sunset together again. Ben played with the strands of his lover's hair and Shanks soon pulled his straw hat into his face and enjoyed the other's touch.
After all they had been through, this moment they had, this ritual they had, was proof to both of them again and again of their impenetrable bond of love.
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fangshing · 14 days
This a member of the TV Station trying to apologize to you. Originally, I was going to send you a direct message but you have all of my blogs blocked and I don't want to pull what Arty used to and make a blog just to message you. That's creepy.
I want to start off by saying I am genuinely very sorry for her harassing you in the past and while the entire situation seems like a joke, a horrible grab for attention or fake I promise you this is very much real it has been very much affecting my personal life and the investigation with Ezra.
Full disclosure; I don't know you. I never wanted your contact information or your Discord, people would usually just kind of relay others to me expect me to know what's going on but I really am trying my best to distance myself from the situation which is impossible when I'm the only person who's out in the open if that makes any sense.
Understandably I get why you wouldn't want to see what I post unless someone else's screenshotting it without my permission and posting it, both sides have done this and I don't appreciate it and I typically don't see it because I'm very rarely on Tumblr and if I do see someone reposting my stuff without asking (which I'm only paranoid about because one of Sunny's friends has edited my face white more than once) I can't do much to undo the action.
I can say I know that the blogs typically will reblog a post without any commentary because it was meant to go into drafts or something to be commented on later or archived on the internet archive or some other thing I really don't know and really don't care because this is dragging my entire reputation through the mud it's been making everything harder for every person in my life right now.
You have no reason to believe this is me and I don't really have any way to show except if I take a screenshot of this and post it which I probably will at some point, but I am deeply sorry for the harassment you've faced. You're welcome to DM me with any questions you have or for any explanations.
Two things we can say is that we don't have a fictive of Taylor's OC and Arty is a real person, her deadname is in Sunny's callout.
Since you're being polite and trying to clear the air, I'll refrain from being a sarcastic bitch in this post. I do not forgive you, but its nice that you felt the need to apologize.
That being said, I don't appreciate that you block-evaded, even if your intentions were good. I do not want to speak with you, Hau, or anyone else in the TV Station system. I have made that abundantly clear on several different occasions.
The thing with the archiving still puzzles me. Posts from people who are twice removed from the drama (that is, only involved because they are interacting with me) are being cataloged even if the post has absolutely nothing to do with you. Like, a post that was just lyrics from a nonsensical YouTube video was saved by one. Why?
This entire situation doesn't have to continue. You and your friends don't have to do this. There is nothing to gain from trying to defend your character online. Ultimately this hurts nobody but yourself. People have already made up their minds about you and no amount of convincing will get them to change their minds. They are inconsequential anyway; the likelihood of you ever meeting them in person is slim to none. Internet slap fights where someone is trying to protect their honor has never ended well and has always resulted in more trouble for them than if they let it go.
The nature of human beings is that people will always take offense to what you do, no matter what that may be. You don't have to acknowledge them or try to prove them wrong. Like I said above, its doubtful you will meet any of your online detractors, and even less likely that they'll know who you are if they do. The opinions of someone who is this unimportant doesn't have to matter. If you don't look at their accounts, you will never know what they said, and it can never hurt you.
You don't have to take my advice, but I thought I would at least offer my two cents instead of saying "lol fuck off" because that helps no one.
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nerdygaymormon · 9 months
A few memories of my recent trip to Utah
I spent 4 days in Utah as part of a trip to attend the Gather Conference. 
I receive more hugs on these short trips to Utah than I get the rest of the year. I think the average queer Latter-day Saint is touch-starved and we need more opportunities to hug, to have someone put their arm around us, and so on. Touch is a way of feeling connected. 
Being with others who see me for who I am is healing. I don't have many people in my regular life with whom I can share all aspects of my life. It is such a relief to fully be myself with others and know they will accept and love me.
It's happened on previous trips to Utah, but this time more people introduced themselves and said they know me from my blog, from the chapter I wrote in a book, from the Lift+Love group I host, from podcasts I've been on, and so on. Mostly it's kind people just wanting to say "hi," and I love that, and I like to learn more about them and hear their stories. I do feel a little awkward if someone acts like I'm famous and they are fangirling. I'm just a regular dude who happened to have some opportunities to share his story.
Even though I said I don't like when others fangirl me, I found an exception where I liked it because it felt so validating. There was a moment when Ben Schilaty & I happened to be alone and I took the opportunity to introduce myself as David and thanked him for his visibility, that the work he does helps increase understanding. I've been following him since he participated on a panel of LGBT BYU students about 5 years ago. I've read his blog, his book and I listen to his podcast.
He responded by thanking me and it's nice to hear he's making an impact. He looked down at my badge with my name on it and he goes, "David Doyle! You're David Doyle! I know you!!! You had the thing in 2017 that went around! You're from Florida! You had the thing last year with Elder Renlund! You're amazing! David Doyle! I am finally meeting you! Allison Dayton says the best things about you!"
The rest of the conference, if we happened to be passing each other, he'd say "David Doyle!" as he walked by. It was cute. At the end of the conference, when the crowds had thinned, I was getting ready to gather my stuff and leave but Ben comes over and says, "I've been wanting to talk with you but I've been so busy." We had a few minutes and recognized each other as being on the same team in doing this work. He's prominent in this intersection of LDS & LGBTQ+, and it was surprising to have him know who I am.   
Friday evening a woman came running over and hugged me. 30 years ago I was a teacher at the Missionary Training Center and she was one of the missionaries I taught. This was her first time attending such a conference for LDS/LGBTQ people, she was there because two of her kids have come out, and she was so excited to see a familiar face. It was an amazing reunion. 
The RaYnbow Collective put on a Pride event on Saturday in the park behind where I used to live in the 1990's as a BYU student. 30 years ago I could never have imagined this happening in Provo. I had to go as a way to honor my younger, closeted self. The drag show was a lot of fun, very energetic!
There were no seats for the drag show, the audience sat on the ground, and my leg fell asleep. I couldn't get up. Some strong Samoan guy had to help. I was so embarrassed. I'm a very big guy and that certainly played a factor. Even after getting up, my balance was not right and I had to keep holding onto people in order to remain upright. I even needed help walking to the car.
All the feelings of shame about my body, my weight, my eating disorder, of worrying how others view me and wanting to be accepted and loved, all of that came rushing in. At the hotel I asked my friend @loveerran to take all the food from my room because of my eating disorder, but I still felt my feelings and had a good cry. I try hard not to let my social anxiety or body image or weight issues keep me from participating in life, but that night I wanted to hide away and never be seen again. The human mind sometimes is unkind to ourselves.
Despite that unfortunate episode at the park, I treasure this trip and all the people I met and friends I reconnected with. I returned to Florida with my batteries recharged, my resilience strengthened, and feeling seen & validated.
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deanwinchesterswitch · 3 months
February 2024 Monthly Fic Recs
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Lovely, juicy little fics this month.
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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(K)not for Sale ~ @sam-is-my-safe-word. Author's Summary: Every six months, Soldier Boy goes into heat. Vought can’t afford to let him go without a knot and end up sick - again - so they bring in a compatible alpha to see him through. Whether Soldier Boy or the alpha want it or not. (Dean Winchester x Soldier Boy)
Black Tie Optional: Final Part ~ @thoughtslikeaminefield. Author's Summary: The last time we saw Vanessa, she was swooning over Dean’s lasting impression. Now, we fast-forward a year to see what she’s up to.
Everyone has a Tell ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Dean in Vegas.
Just Another Day ~ @1000roughdrafts. Author's Summary: Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine’s Day post
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author’s Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Nurse Dean ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Takes place during Life with Dean.  A glimpse into a day where everything isn’t so awesome. 
Rules Are Rules ~ @thoughtslikeaminefield. Author's Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself lately. The Mark has seen to that.
Snowglobes and Forgiveness ~ @kickingitwithkirk. Author's Summary: Even though Chucks no longer creating the narrative, it’s not a Winchester Christmas till something goes wrong. (wincest)
Valentine's Dean ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: This is the follow up to “New Year’s Dean,” I thought it would be fun to check in on the new lovers. 
~The Boys~
sweet and sour ~ @wildwestdean. Author's Summary: when you get back home after drinking a little too much, a sweeter side of ben slips out to take care of you. though you quickly learn that with him, you can’t have any sweet without a little sour
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Crazy On You ~ Author's Summary: On a trip up state, things get a little spicy when the rumble of Bucky's engine gets you going...
Danger in the Mist ~ Author's Summary: As the fair Princess Y/N races through the woods, running for her life from the evil monster, Margraw the Horrid, she fears that all is lost. Is there anyone who can save her? Will some brave knight come to her aide?! (Dean Winchester x F!Reader)
Nervous Glances, Secret Smiles ~ Author's Summary: Sam's a freakin' superhero, but he still gets a little nervous... (Sam Wilson x Reader)
Close to Home-Parts 6 and 7 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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riptozier · 5 months
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hey everyone, happy (almost) 2024!! even though this blog hasn't existed for the entirety of 2023, this blog has still given me the opportunity to meet and get to know a lot of really amazing people in and outside of this fandom! we're small but we support each other, which i think is really important and meaningful in a community like this. before the new year hits, allow me to express my sincere thanks to all of those that have made my time on this blog so meaningful and fun! i'll be speaking for both this blog and for @ripkaspbrak since i don't wanna be redundant. although i've mentioned specific people here, i want to state i've enjoyed every interaction i've had with everyone i've ever gotten to interact with here this year!! thank you all so much for a great 2023, and i hope for so much more in 2024!!! ❤️❤️
@scribedhorror. skye, your bill is truly an honor to write with! he is very well-developed and honestly one of the best-written bills i've ever seen on this site. i've had a ton of fun discussing and building our muses' relationships and i can't wait for them all to have even more fun together in this new year!!
@eddiethekaspbrak. CARE you truly are the GOAT!!! your eddie really is everything that my richie has ever wanted and more, i've enjoyed literally each and every single one of our ic and ooc interactions, my richie truly fucking adores your eddie and would die for him. you truly are the sweetest and i can't wait for what 2024 has in store for us!!
@tczier. the og richie!!!! at least that's how i see you, merrick. you've truly been an inspiration to me in joining this fandom and every second my eddie spends with your richie the more attached to him he becomes. you've always made me laugh and seemingly know exactly what to say to make your richie ... richie. it's really inspiring to see your characterization of him and i hope we can have more of these wonderful shared moments in the next year!!
@diedbrave. if there's an eddie on this site that i love, it's strode's. i love how you take inspiration from all the canon material at once and manage to make the perfect characterization of eddie that the movies just don't do him justice with. it would be an understatement for me to say that my richie is fucking smitten with your eddie. i'm looking forward to them developing their relationship even more in 2024, and for more moments where richie can tease the hell out of eddie ;)
@spider-self. now THIS is truly one well-written IT. not only is IT's terrifying nature captured in your highly descriptive writing, but this interesting little relationship that IT has started to develop with richie ... it certainly is interesting, isn't it? i'd be lying if i said i didn't highly enjoy every second of that, though. everyone needs a bit of (sometimes hidden) toxicity in the things they write if they're open to it, i think. i look forward to developing them and doing even more creative things with them this new year!!
@myheartburnsthere. carrie!! your ben is honestly so ... ben?? like in the most perfect, yet most original way. so fucking lovely. he's still incredibly sweet, still kinda shy, exactly what richie likes in a man, if i must say so myself ;) i love how on and off they are with one another, in a sense that they're so open in an almost romantic fashion one moment yet so platonic in the next. and i fucking love it, but richie is starting to feel teased!!! as fun as it is, i look forward to seeing where they may or may not go with this in 2024!!
@rayofsunshinc. while i haven't had the opportunity to write with all of sara's muses, the ones i have written with (only richie & ben so far iirc) have been incredible and wonderfully entertaining!! richie honestly needs someone to just chill with, and in terms of my eddie ... he's really falling head over heels for your richie, if i'm being perfectly honest. it's been so fun and rewarding getting to write with you, and i hope to continue doing so in the new year!!!
HONORABLE MENTIONS . @painofhumanity @infernalrampage @gazebobullshit @multivcrsity @witchoflegends
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canirove · 1 year
The Nanny Diaries | Chapter 9
Author’s note: First of all, I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has read and supported this story. Like I said when I published the first chapter, this was something I wasn’t going to post because I wasn’t happy with it, so the fact that so many of you have liked it, is a very welcomed surpise 💜
Also, sorry about it being so short compared to the others I post. I tried to think of ideas to make it a bit longer, but they all seemed repetitive and I didn’t want to force it and ruin it, so it is best to leave with an ending that I am happy with.
Again, thank you very much for reading, and keep an eye on Chilly’s tag or my blog for a little Christmas surprise next week 👀
Previous chapter 
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"So you are dating, right?" Alice says while we drive to pick her wedding dress.
"I don't know" I shrug.
"How can you not know? You've been going on dates for a month now, are constantly texting or calling each other, checking how you are feeling and talking for hours, when you are free you go to his house and have sex on his piano..."
"That has never happened and you know it."
"Fine, not on his piano but I'm sure you've done it all over his place already. You are dating."
"We aren't. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, and I haven't asked him to be my boyfriend either."
"Then do it. What are you waiting for? You like him, don't you?"
"I do, yes. A lot."
"Then ask him to be your boyfriend. You can do it at my wedding.”
"Take him as your plus one. I want to see him wearing a suit in real life, confirm that it actually is as powerful as you always say" Alice says with a big grin.
"You may want to ran away with him and leave Rose standing at the altar."
"Never. Rose is my one. And by the looks of it, Ben is yours. If you make it official, of course."
"Ask him to come to the wedding and to be your boyfriend. It's all I ask as my wedding gift."
"Isn't getting married on Valentine's Day a bit... Corny?" Ben asks while adjusting his tie.
"They met at a party on Valentine's Day. It's special for them."
"Do we have a special day too?"
"I don't know" I say while I check myself in the mirror, making sure everything is ok. "That's something couples do."
"I thought we were a couple " Ben says, arching an eyebrow.
"Maybe. But not officially."
"What does that mean?" he says, hugging me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder.
"It means that we haven't asked the other to be girlfriend and boyfriend."
"Oh, that.”
"Yes, that" I say while I turn to look at him, putting my arms around his neck.
"Ladies first."
"What?" I chuckle.
"You ask first, I'll start it for you. Ben, would you do me the immense honor of being..."
"I'm not saying that."
"We are at a wedding, it seems fitting" he shrugs. "C'mon."
"Fine" I say, rolling my eyes. "Benjamin, would you do me the immense honor of being my boyfriend?"
"Yes" he says. "Yes and one million times yes."
"Cheesy” I laugh.
"Only the truth" he says before kissing me. But the kiss doesn't last long, someone knocking on the door and interrupting us.
"I guess that's my cue. My duties as bridesmaid await."
“You’ll survive” I say, letting go of him.
"Wait, you lost a bracelet" he says, picking something from the floor.
"Oh, that's the bracelet Alice gave us at her hen do. Apparently, the day it falls it means that your wish has come true."
"Has that happened with yours?"
"It actually has. I have him right in front of me" I say with a big smile.
"I was your wish?"
“And what did you ask for exactly?” he asks with a smirk.
“Nothing, really. I was just thinking about you and the way you make me feel.”
“Which is?”
“The fact that I just asked you to be my boyfriend should tell you already.”
“But I want to hear you say it” he says, hugging me by the waist and pulling me closer to him.
“Ben, I need to go. Alice will kill me if I don’t show up.”
“C´mon” he pouts, making me want to kiss those gorgeous lips of his.
“Ok, fine” I say, rolling my eyes. “I’m falling in love with you.”
“I am also falling in love with you.”
“The fact that I just said yes to being your boyfriend, should tell you already" he says, teasing me.
“Idiot” I chuckle. “And I seriously need to go, or this will be the shortest relationship the world has ever seen.”
“Ok, ok” he says, letting go of me. “But before you go...”
“You are missing something. This” he says, kissing my cheek, my skin tingling where his lips have been. “See you around, girlfriend.”
“See you around, boyfriend."
But before I leave, I look at him one last time. He also is smiling, though this smile isn't one of his cocky ones. Or a teasing one. This one is different.
This is a sincere and honest smile, a happy one. And the type of smile you give to the person you are in love with. Maybe your one like Alice said? Only time will tell.
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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decembermoonskz · 11 months
for the ask game!!!
i love all of these questions! i actually wanted to answer the clover hehe you read my mind genie lol i hope you're doing well! i missed seeing you in my inbox <33333 this got long so i'm putting it under the cut haha
🩷 dream job i honestly haven't thought of it much. i had a lot of dreams growing up, but now i'm just... vibin lol but it'd be nice to be able to do something involving writing and art, like storytelling. <3
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog since the blog used to be about writing i won't say that but it's def smth i do outside of the blog LOL instead i'll say drawing for sure. and gaming (i am currently playing zelda totk and pikmin 4 if you haven't seen genie ^^)
🔐 something no one would guess about you i really love voice acting, i do it for fun when i play games and i am no professional but i'd love to actually do it one day (this could also apply to the dream job question but i decided to put it down here)
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write they kind of just come to me. i am just hit with inspo and then i decide what ideas i want to actually develop (some ideas are best left in the brain aksfhafkh). i get a lot of inspo from the things i watch or the games i play tho
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer okay i have a lot but if i have to pick like my FAVORITE it's a tie between "safe haven" by rhythm (@therhythmafterthesummer) and "instinct" by fi (@fizzydrink698) some of the best stuff i've read (i read them on ao3 but they're also on here) (both are nsfw so mdni)
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? how has it helped you? this is the one i wanted to answer for sure i love talking about my comfort shows granted i don't watch many shows anymore lol i'd have to pick full metal alchemist brotherhood, the ancient magus bride, and friends.
fmab is just one of my fave shows ever. i prefer the dub for alphonse and mustang but honestly i can play any episode and enjoy and just have it on in the bg now bc it's just one of those shows. it really relaxes me haha which is funny bc it's so dark
the ancient magus bride is one of my favorite animes of all time, the fantasy elements and the dark plot are just so magical and unique to me (i get a lot of fantasy inspo from it highkey) and the music too is just so relaxing. i often feel like despite its dark nature hahaha
i chose friends bc in spite of how i've learned many ppl hate it it's a show that i really loved and my family all watched it so we quote it so much in everyday life and laugh so much and so i think it helped me bc it's a core part of my family's dynamic HAHA
idk if these are good answers to this but yeah i love these shows a whole lot. honorable mentions to inuyasha, demon slayer, ben 10 and generator rex
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scorchedthesnake · 2 months
December 7, 2011
This is when Chapter 2 begins. Gossip Girl had aired; the Halloween parties and the Vanity Fair shoot had let the world know this was a scene. Neil Patrick Harris had raved on Regis and Kelly. The run was no longer extending in short fits and spurts. And original cast began to move on and new residents arrived. Some had trickled in: William Popp and Tony Bordonaro had come in in the late summer and fall. But tonight, I would learn, was the debut of many, many new faces.
As it happened, I was celebrating my 32nd birthday (my original blog said 31st, but come on, do the math). Friends gathered at Manderley with elaborate and themed gifts; a bottle of absinthe I wouldn’t finish until 2022; a journal crafted from my show notes. Banquo had been my first infatuation in the show, but I had pretty quickly moved on the Malcolm, and the journal told the tale of that new fascination.
But the new cast that night included a triumvirate of extraordinary women: Lily Ockwell (Sexy Witch), Haylee Nichele (Lady Macduff), and Chelsea Bonosky (Agnes). 
As I wrote at the time… Chelsea immediately took my breath away. And somehow I didn’t put together that when she picked me for the 1:1, it was her first one ever. We would revisit this moment numerous times over the years. Once, she pulled me in and said: people are being awful tonight, can we just sit for a minute? And most poignantly on her final night as a regular resident, when she would insist on an elliptical structure for our journey together in the building. 
Other highlights of the night: Haylee’s Lady Macduff, whose 1:1 I saw on her final pick. I had been with her at the start of the show and watched as her very first pick *declined her hand,* and she later told me the audience member she picked after that had to be ejected. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to learn these scenes, harbor the confidence to pick someone, and have two mishaps like that one after the other. 
Ben Thys as Malcolm. It was a golden age of handsome Malcolms with Ben and Will sharing the role. Many years later I’d have the good fortune to see Ben’s final Malcolm loop and be part of an audience that all choked up when he chose Will for his last 1:1. 
Tony Bordonaro as Banquo! It was not his premiere night, but it was my first time seeing him. In the very small universe we inhabit, I’d been told to look forward to this performance. Matt, in his final acting gig ever, had managed to land a small role on One Life to Live as a high schooler going to the prom (he was 30 already I think?) - and the other two boys in the posse were So You Think You Can Dance’s Neil Haskell (a fellow Western New Yorker)… and Tony.
Later, in Manderley, came John’s component of my birthday gift: an introduction to Maxine Doyle. He indicated I’d seen the show a fair few times, and she said, so what do you think of the new cast? I replied they were all wonderful and brilliant! And then she said, don’t patronize me, tell me what you really thought. So I tried my best to give some even notes on things that had felt off (but truly, the people I had followed closely, were in fact wonderful and brilliant!). I was moderately terrified but also in awe of her seriousness.
This was the final normal show of 2011 for me. The New Year’s Eve that followed was a massive, massive party and full of dramatic hijinks to kick off 2012, the year we all lost our minds. (sorry, work blew up and I am behind, I had hoped to reach Remixed 1 by today in honor of Remixed 2 but it will not happen. Enjoy Remixed 2!)
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debunkingtherightwing · 5 months
The Right-Wing Stupidity Hall Of Shame
This is what one might call a living document as well as a sort of “best/worst of” for this blog. How this is going to work is that we are going to do this by year and month and every time I cover a right-winger who says something particularly dumb I’ll add that post to the hall. In short, watch this space every time I get ticked off in a post.
June 2024:
Dave Rubin knows absolutely nothing about New York's justice system
May 2024:
Matt Walsh's absolutely horrendous take on the dating market.
Tim Pool devotes an excruciatingly long amount of time to using ChatGPT to predict the 2024 election results.
April 2024:
Charlie Kirk speculates that the Pro-Palestine protests on college campuses are Soros funded because "the tents all look similar" and then goes on a bizarre rant about how oppressed he is because he's white.
Michael Knowles defends a Republican politician who admitted that she shot her dog and, seemingly forgetting that he made an episode with a segment praising predictive AI just days earlier, warns that predictive AI will corrupt our humanity.
Tim Pool dedicates an entire episode to yelling about furries in Utah.
The Daily Wire attacks women's sports and accidentally reveals their hypocrisy around trans athletes.
Fox News and the Daily Wire freak out over European Scrabble with hilarious results.
March 2024:
Candace Owens uses old photos, an RT writer, a clairvoyant that defamed the French prime-minister, and an antisemitic blog that says that Emmanuel Macron wearing a pink tie is a sign that he's a satanist as sources to prove that Brigitte Macron is secretly a transwoman.
February 2024:
According to Ben Shapiro, AI is anti-white. To prove this he lies about an executive order, ignores a massive amount of data, and digs through the old tweets of some guy who works at Google.
Chaya Raichik gives a terrible interview where she endorses a white nationalist conspiracy theory and split hairs about how ok it is for journalists to lie (but only her, not everybody else)
Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro attempt to argue that society has abolished all taboos and that's leading to an increase in "sexual boredom"
Matt Walsh advocates for harassing trans kids and tells people who are having difficulty living on the minimum wage to "stop being on the minimum wage".
Tim Pool makes multiple poor defenses for some guy's who defaced a rainbow crosswalk meant to honor the LGBTQ victims of a mass shooting and then calls on Ron DeSantis to commute their sentences.
January 2024:
Dave Rubin accidentally reveals that he may be the laziest journalist of all time multiple times over the span of a single episode.
Charlie Kirk teams up with a guy who collaborates with Neo-Nazis, a guy who got fired from FOX for being too racist, and some guy who works for him that sued Arizona once to declare that all movies are psyops, make disgusting false statements about the border, and praise a white nationalist who works at VDARE.
Tim Pool puts out an absolutely ridiculous episode where he uses jokes from TV shows to prove how AI women are going to lead to the death of society.
Matt Walsh thinks it's gay to love your wife and misrepresents every point he argues in the episode.
Tucker Carlson interviews a congressman who thinks that his wife having a nightmare is proof that COVID is a ploy to take away American liberty about supposed January 6th evidence that we will never get to see.
Michael Knowles wants to create cartoon Nazi propaganda to "own Disney for transing the kids"
Tim Pool thinks that "sneaky fucker males" are turning women lesbian.
December 2023:
Michael Knowles is really concerned that a five second clip from a CocoMelon video is going to turn kids gay.
Dave Rubin casually suggests that 65,000 people being laid off due to the Bud Lite boycott is OK because "They'll just get a job somewhere else"
Matt Walsh fantasizes about misgendering trans people on air and generally conducts himself like an unempathetic child.
Ezra Levant doesn't even bother to read a document he's citing even though it directly contradicts his point
Tim Pool uses an out of context tweet containing disinformation as a source and as a result ends up spreading misinformation about Taylor Swift.
Michael Knowles decides that porn videos turn people trans and gay, to prove this he interviews a woman who tries to push back on his stupidity but ends up getting steamrolled by him
Ben Shapiro has no reading comprehension and declares that everyone on the left worships Beyonce
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intermundia · 1 year
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I posted 6,839 times in 2022
That's 524 more posts than 2021!
824 posts created (12%)
6,015 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,435 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#sw - 1,652 posts
#obi-wan kenobi - 914 posts
#anakin skywalker - 818 posts
#obikin - 449 posts
#fanfic stuff - 282 posts
#kenobi show - 244 posts
#darth vader - 199 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 163 posts
#the team - 139 posts
#the boys - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#im really honored that you consider my fics safe 💙 thanks for being in the community it’s nice to hear from you and i’m glad you’re here
My Top Posts in 2022:
fellas is it gay to hallucinate the distant figure of your beloved, fallen apprentice as you walk beside his daughter who asks if she's your daughter and the answer is no and the answer is you could have been, and you can see him, but he's not really there, he never was, and vader's coming, the force is murmuring, whispering, warning, that you can't escape him, obi-wan, except it's ben now, obi-wan's gone, because anakin's gone, and vader's all that's left, and you can see him, just over there, standing across the field, his arms folded across his chest in that commanding way he used to have, his gaze piercing from all that distance and across all those years, his handsome face like it's carved from marble, his daughter pulling on your arm to wake you up. he's there, he's gone, you can't escape him, obi-wan.
2,443 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
fellas is it gay to bury your weapons together in a shared coffin box entombing the lives you shared while wielding those blades as complementary halves of a single warrior
2,646 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
nobody looks unhinged quite like hayden, like he’s so pretty but his kubrick stare is terrifying. he’s got the face of an angel and when his expression contorts with pure vicious loathing, it’s awful. the casting for anakin was so perfect it makes me feel feral. every time he loses his goddamn mind on camera i feel such glee. nobody could’ve done it better imho
2,706 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
"I found it quite hard," McGregor, now 50, admits of the reaction to the prequels. "For it to come out and get knocked so hard was personally quite difficult to deal with. And also, it was quite early in my career. I didn't really know how to deal with that. I'd been involved with things that just didn't make much of a ripple, but that's different from making something that makes a negative ripple." Simultaneously dealing with sudden fame and criticism, the now-40-year-old Christensen also couldn't help but experience a measure of emotional whiplash over the prequels. "When the films came out and the critics were very critical, of course that was a difficult thing — because you care so much about this thing that you've invested so much of yourself into. So, for sure, that's challenging."
"Now I meet the people who we made those films for, who were the kids of the time," says McGregor. "And our Star Wars films are their Star Wars films. In the way that Carrie Fisher and Alec Guinness and Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford's films were ours, we're theirs. And that's beautiful that they were important to the kids who we made them for. It's just so nice to finally get that wave of positivity about them." (x)
guys stop making want to cry
6,526 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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friend texted me this and im dying. why on earth would the global south play as those fighting back against imperialism?? and the global north enjoy playing out imperialist fantasies?? i’m sure there’s no implications to this whatsoever
11,466 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
🎉We’re caught up!!!🎉
We have officially gone through all of 616!Moon Knight’s published material (that I’m aware of anyway hahaha).  Thank you for following along, as there are a lot more of you than I ever thought would be interested in this little project of mine, and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to share this with you all!  For those of you who just started following (first of all hi! So excited to have you!) and for long-time followers alike, don’t worry!  This isn’t the end of the Age of Moon Knight by a long shot.  Administrative minutiae and musings on the future of this blog beneath the cut.
I’ll be keeping a sharp eye out for any new 616!Moon Knight material that gets released and I’ll be posting here accordingly.  Can’t wait to see how the current volume develops and whatever guest appearances they have in store for Moon Knight!
I have also been playing with the idea of branching out into other Moon Knight material.  I definitely want to go through and perhaps share any variant covers I can find, as I think that could be fun.  Furthermore, I might pop my head in and see what the heck went down in the Earth-1610/Ultimates continuity in regard to Moon Knight (or maybe even more non-616 continuities???).  Please feel free to share with me any Moon Knight content you’d like me to investigate and post about as I am definitely open to suggestions hahaha
For those of you who like my comic commentary in general (which???? still never fails to amaze me that some of you not only read the clownery I leave in the tags but actually look forward to them; can’t thank y’all enough and I’m incredibly honored), I’m already thinking about which comic book character I would like to read through next 😅, on a separate side-blog I’d be working on concurrently of course hahaha.  The list of possibilities is currently as follows:
Kaine: Scarlet Spider
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider
Nate Grey: X-Man
Ted Sallis: Man-Thing
Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen: Cloak and Dagger
Bob Reynolds: The Sentry
There are also some DC characters I’d like to tackle some day (namely Scott Free/Mister Miracle and Big Barda, Bart Allen/Impulse, Conner Kent/Kon-El/Superboy, and Cassandra Cain), but I’d first like to nail down some reading lists that span DC’s many continuity reboots, which my cursory research have yet to yield.
Just let me know if there are any characters listed here (or others? I’m amendable) that you would like to see me dive into on my next side-blog.  Right now, I’m leaning towards Kaine (and not only because he has close to only a quarter of the comic book appearances that Moon Knight does hahaha).
In conclusion, thank you once more for accompanying me on this adventure and I can’t wait to read many, many more comics with you all.
Also, I would just to like to leave this here, collected from What The --?! (Vol. 1/1988), #13:
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Might I present to you...MooKnight
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15 / 08 / 2022
It's already the 50th "MAN OF THE DAY"!!!! Thanks to all of you for reading my blog and being there to read my articles about these famous alpha males who deserve to be worshiped for their talent and beauty.
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It is an honor for me to present the 50th "Man of the Day", a man whose birthday we are celebrating today. American actor Ben Affleck celebrates his 50th birthday today. I wish an happy birthday to this superior alpha male !! Indeed, at fifty Ben Affleck is still as sexy and desirable as in his youth.
I belong to the generation that discovered him in roles like Bruce Wayne / Batman in Superman vs Batman (2016), Suicide Squad (2016) and Justice League (2017). I can't wait to see him again in Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom and in The Flash, scheduled for 2023.
Since then, I've seen him in the role of Count Pierre II of Alençon in Ridley Scott's The Last Duel (2020) : I gave you my opinion on this excellent film in which he plays an arrogant and superior character. I discovered his first roles, such as in Will Hunting (1997) which he directed and scripted with his best friend Matt Damon.
Ben Affleck is very sexy and dominating in the role of comedian Ned Alleyn in the magnificent film Shakespeare in love (1998). There is also Pearl Harbor (2001) or the role of Matt Murdock in Daredevil (2003).
In short, Ben Affleck has a long filmography, as a director, producer and especially actor.
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I therefore let you admire the photos of several of his roles, do not hesitate to write in comments the one where those you prefer so that we can discuss it.
If he has not always played in hits, it is in any case indisputable that he is a talented actor. However, he often plays characters who are very sure of themselves, who have an undeniable charisma, like the actor who plays them. Indeed, what for me makes the beauty of Ben Affleck is his charisma.
Impossible not to see him when he arrives somewhere, all eyes turn to him. His friendship with Matt Damon helps make him likeable and funny, but Ben Affleck no longer has anything to prove to anyone.
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For me he is a real alpha male because his look is strong, proud and cocky, as if he knows how superior he is. He's the kind of man who could spit in my face without apologizing, and I wouldn't find that shocking. I would even kneel down to kiss his shoes and thank him.
A handsome, tall and muscular man, he was already very attractive in his roles in his youth. He didn't have a beard and wasn't manly, but he must have been a fag's crush / fantasy. He's the kind of handsome man in any role, and it's a dream to serve him.
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I love everything about him, physically. He is tall, muscular, as handsome with a beard as without. He has beautiful feet that I would obviously like to be able to lick. He have a perfect regular nose and also very sexy eyes. Now that he is fifty years old, he has the physique of a handsome dad, muscular but not too much, obviously not too big and just enough hairs on his body. His gray hair doesn't make him old.
It must be said that he recently married Jennifer Lopez who also does not look her age at all. How lucky she is to be married to this man. He looks dominant and funny, protective and sexy. I'm proud that he spent his honeymoon in Paris, even if apparently he didn't appreciate the excessive presence of the paparazzi. I'm linking you to an article that looks back on his evolution as an actor, his career and his many roles.
I hope you enjoyed this 50th "Man Of The Day", thank you again for always being present for my blog.
C'est déjà le 50ème "HOMME DU JOUR"!!!! Merci à vous tous pour lire mon blog et être présent pour lire mes articles sur ces mâles alphas célèbres qui méritent d'être vénérés. C'est un honneur pour moi de présenter le 50 ème "Homme du Jour", un homme dont nous fêtons l'anniversaire aujourd'hui.
Aujourd'hui l'acteur américain Ben Affleck fête ses cinquante ans. Je souhaite un joyeux anniversaire à ce mâle alpha supérieur!!
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En effet, à cinquante ans Ben Affleck est toujours aussi sexy et désirable que dans sa jeunesse. J'appartiens à la génération qui l'a découvert dans des rôles comme celui de Batman dans Superman vs Batman (2016), Suicide Squad (2016) et Justice League (2017). J'ai très hâte de le revoir dans Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom et dans The Flash, prévus pour 2023.
Depuis, je l'ai vu dans le rôle du comte Pierre II d'Alençon dans Le Dernier Duel de Ridley Scott (2020) : je vous avait donné mon avis sur cet excellent film dans lequel il joue un personnage arrogant et supérieur.
J'ai découvert ses premiers rôles, tels que dans Will Hunting (1997) qu'il a réalisé et scénarisé avec son meilleur ami Matt Damon. Ben Affleck est très sexy et dominateur dans le rôle du comédien Ned Alleyn dans le magnifique film Shakespeare in love (1998). Il y a aussi Pearl Harbor (2001) ou Daredevil (2003). Bref, Ben Affleck a une longue filmographie, en tant que réalisateur, producteur et surtout acteur.
Je vous laisse donc admirer les photos de plusieurs de ses rôles, n'hésitez pas à écrire en commentaires celui où ceux que vous préférez afin que l'on puisse en discuter.
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S'il n'a pas toujours joué dans des succès, il est en tout cas incontestable qu'il est un acteur talentueux. Pourtant, il joue souvent des personnages très sûrs d'eux, qui ont un charisme indéniable, à l'instar de l'acteur qui les joue. En effet, ce qui pour moi fait la beauté de Ben Affleck c'est son charisme. Impossible de ne pas le voir lorsqu'il arrive quelque part, les regards se tournent vers lui. Son amitié avec Matt Damon participe à le rendre sympathique et drôle, mais Ben Affleck n'a plus rien à prouver à personne.
Pour moi il est un vrai mâle alpha car son regard est dur, fier, comme s'il savait à quel point il est supérieur. C'est le genre d'homme qui pourrait me cracher au visage sans s'excuser, et je ne trouverai pas ça choquant. Même je me mettrai à genoux pour embrasser ses chaussures et le remercier.
Bel homme grand et musclé, il était déjà très attirant dans ses rôles dans sa jeunesse. Il n'avait pas de barbe et n'était pas viril mais il a sûrement été le fantasme de plusieurs pédés. C'est le genre d'homme beau dans n'importe quel rôle, et on rêve de le servir.
J'aime tout chez lui, physiquement. Il est grand, musclé, aussi beau avec une barbe que sans. Il a de magnifiques pieds que j'aimerais évidemment pouvoir lécher. Il a un nez parfaitement régulier et des yeux sexy. Maintenant qu'il a cinquante ans, il a un physique de beau papa, musclé mais pas trop, pas trop gros évidemment et juste ce qu'il faut en poils. Ses cheveux gris ne le rendent pas vieux.
Il faut dire qu'il s'est récemment marié avec Jennifer Lopez qui elle aussi ne fait pas du tout son âge. Comme elle est chanceuse d'être marié à cet homme. Il a l'air dominant et drôle, protecteur et sexy. Je suis fier qu'il est passé son voyage de noce à Paris, même si apparemment il n'a pas apprécié la présence trop importante des paparazzi.
Je vous met en lien un article qui revient sur son évolution en tant qu'acteur, sa carrière et ses nombreux rôles. N'hésitez pas à le lire.
J'espère que ce 50 ème "Homme Du Jour" vous aura plu, je vous remercie encore pour être toujours aussi présent pour mon blog.
@hotfamousmen @hotfamousguys-blog @celebritymasters @fgsidekick @benafflecklookingsad @benaffleckfan-blog @benaffleck44 @benaffleckbr-blog @benaffleckblog163 @benaffleckdaily1 @benaffleckdoingstuff @benaffleckes @benaffleckthebat @affleckdaily @affleckfan @affleckgifs @lovefanfiction01 @emerldarchr @rainykpoptravelcreator @chrisevansxmalereader @i-love-marvel-men @awesomecrowdcontrol1 @bat-woodfeet-us @batman-comics @leftprogrammingroadtripdean @garconsoumis
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bytedykes · 2 years
rules: tag game! tag people and have them tell you your top ten favorite characters of all time (doesn’t have to be in order).
i loooove rambling i will ramble about each of these btw ❤ i am my own enabler (and procrastinating hw rn ahahaha...ha...h)
Will Byers (stranger things) - i LOVE will SO MUCH!!!! i love him soo so much he is my sweet can of peach preserves i want to swing him around like a ferret literally obsessed with him rn. everything about him makes me want to scream and cry and throw up every day im so thankful will exists nobody gets him like me. honorable mentions el who is practically one unit with will so i can legally put her on the same bullet point, and also all the other st characters who im also obsessed with who are not getting their own bulletpoints but i still want to acknowledge them bc i love them.... soo much.......
MAGNUS BANE (shadowhunters tv) - *long drawn out scream* tbh hes probably the first character i was like, really and truly obsessed with, like honestly magnus bane kicked off an Era for me regarding my derangement and how i participate in fandom. magnus bane was the catalyst of a whole gender awakening for me. magnus bane is my everything. i love him and his husband. yeag
Phoenix Wright (ace attorney) - OBSESSED WITH HIS PATHETIC BISEXUAL SWAG no further commentary needed. honorable ace attorney mentions go to maya fey and klavier even tho i have not gotten to him in game yet. i know imgonna love him when i do go back to playing aa4 so he counts
Bart Curlish (dirk gentlys holistic detective agency tv 2016) - THE MOST WOMAN EVER!!!!!!!! the peak of grimy murder women. they peaked with her here. we need more women like bart
Farah Black (dirk gentlys) - OUGH couldnt resist putting farah in here too bc shes also SUCH a woman i love everything about her she is perfect. honorable dghda mentions goes to tina and amanda and dirk and every other character in this show. shakes them up and down puts them all into the pear wiggler even
Diego Hargreeves (umbrella academy) - i love insane men with sharp objects and insane morals
Constance Contraire (the mysterious benedict society tv) - i love insane little girls who have plotted murders canonically on screen and have insane familial relationships
Ben Hargreeves (umbrella academy) - wait ok sorry to double dip again but i cant believe i forgot how obsessed with ben i was?? i spent literally 3 years blogging about him and drawing almost exclusively him?? i even created a crackship with him to torment my best friends with??? ben i am so sorry. how could i have forgotten. i love ghosts who are younger brothers who are big bitches
lowkey cannot even think of anyone else lmao. im gonna say Megamind from the movie Megamind bc i love that movie and i love him. me when autistic blue men from space <3
i genuinely cannot think of anyone else i only rlly started having Favorite Characters around age 10-11 but all of the guys i liked from then i dont care much about anymore so i wouldnt say theyre All Time Favorites. and since then i have been majorly into only like 5-6 pieces of media where i had True Blorbos, Personality Shaping Characters, so like. that might be it? im probably just blanking im sure ill think of a few more characters i love after i hit post on this but ehhhh whatever live laugh love <3
okkkk thats it i guess !! i love being so so normal about fictional character just me and my blorbos having a normal sane time
no pressure to do this but tagging @tmoblrina @toadstoolillustrations @urlocallesbiab @jonathansbowlcut annnnd my wifi just went out! so no one else <3 peace on earth
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cosmic-kaden · 4 months
Send this to your favorite blogs! Remember your f/os love you! 💜 We all need some love and positivity 🫶✨
- @faerie-circle-ships
*looks over both my shoulders and then points at myself* m-me!? A favourite!? R U SURE!? ME!?
I'm honored!!! 😭💜
Thank you!!!!!!
I have the inability to forget that Ben absolutely adore the heck outta me~ hehe
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
Packard Poem
A poem by Mrs. Nethiah Hayward Thayer, via this website, reprinted here. It has a LOT of patriarchal undertones, with implication that women are meant to be "keepers" of the home, mothers, and supporting "their" man, and nothing more.
The Packards have gathered from near and far. Father and mother and dear grandmama. From Samuel we came, his name honored be. A more goodly race not often you'll see.
The lineal descent oft puzzled us sore. For Packards and Howards were mixed o'er and o'er. Now 'tis not Howard, Packard, and Jones. But Packards with Porter, Glover, and Holmes
Goodly the race is that answers the call To the name of Packard. B.W. and all. We honor the fathers who fought, bled, and died. No less, we honor these here by our side.
Davis and Moses and Winslow, we know. Direct are from Samuel, who faced the foe; Liberty, Wallace, Fred, and Josiah. Martin and Robert. Ben and Uriah.
George A. -- from the Heights all ready for fun. Andrew and Elmer, we know every one; They are here from the East, here from the West: They are known unto us as good, better, and best.
And DeWitt is here, and Caleb near by; They are Brockton's jewels, we all testify; Horace the doctor, and Ransom the strong. Henry B. and Fred come marching along.
Simeon the aged, and Franklin his son. Willard and Edmund -- but we are done. Name after name comes to mind. To speak of them all no space we could find.
One word for the girls, the good Packard girls; We seem them to-day with crimps and with curls. The name they have lost, but loyal are still, And never were known to do what was ill.
Adaline is here, well known to the fold As our sweetest singer in times now old: Josiah's daughter we see here to-day. Her pills and her pellets all cast away.
Our history fails to mention the name Of Samuel's wife, who has little fame; We honor her too. She clothed and she fed. Twelve children to her their daily prayers said.
Their old-fashioned names not all of us know, But they were trained the right way to go. Years passed away, the race multipled, From coast to coast the Packards abide.
Our fathers are gone, their places we fill. The acres they left we have them to till. They left us the school, gave us Church and State; These we will cherish, whatever our fate.
We bless our dear fathers, yes, every one; Filial the heart of each daughter and son. We meet here to-day glad praises to sing-- Praises to God, our Maker and King!
This poem was from a past Packard Celebration.
Note: This was originally posted on October 19, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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