#*sigh* fan art time i guess
invisiblegarabgetruck · 8 months
I half expected the episode to be lore filled with things we've already know about Rick + fun facts but also a whole reveal about Jerry's past all while they're getting repaired and shit.
Like Jerry probably learning about Rick prime through ricks memories and also picking up a little fighting skill and some up to date references would've been cool
And meanwhile Rick sees Jerry's own backstory for the first time and probably understands why Jerry acts the way he does.
And in the end they make up and go and get Morty, who probably ended up taking a nap while waiting for Rick.
On a side note, Jerry with that head scar looks incredible.
anon are you memory Rick because you READ MY MIND oh my god??? I'm agreeing with you all of this 🤝🤝🤝
After seeing the end credit & memory Rick. I thought about how parts of their minds could explore each other brains and maybe Rick and Jerry could see the parts they had never seen of each other before and finally understand each other more deeply. (also I thought Morty and the Mafias was gonna be a B plot thing. hope he gets a spotlight soon)
AND YES THE LORE STUFF. Besides Rick Seeing Jerry's past. Jerry would see a bunch of Rick's past too and we might get to see what actually happened between Rick and Prime through Jerry. (also imagine, memory prime) but then again, knowing RnM. I see now why the team would not touch that. And Rick's mind being filled with pop culture/references would be funny
And, gahhh!! I'd LOVE to see that! but the tone of the episode would be more serious? I think. and we have to sacrifice burgers and fries (and jerricky) for that.... :'')
while I feel like burger and fries feel like 'what could have happened' to Rick and Jerry's relationship. (and I believe they both will try to bury that memory in their skulls and not talk about it) more than their relationship growing(?) I really like those guys. and the episode concept was a cool take on Freaky Friday. oh well, You win some, you lose some. I guess
my only complaint about them is that -
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also, yes. that head scar looks so good on him. :'))))))))))
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Some Vetvimes for y'all~
Discworld © Terry Pratchett / art © Murderous-Coffeebean (tumblr & dA)
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sungbeam · 3 months
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧
nonidol!choi san x gn!reader (no prns mentioned)
turns out your upstairs neighbor has a cat who adores climbing through your window — oh, and said neighbor is also fine as hell.
3.7k words, neighbors au (2 lovers), fluff, maybe like two swear words, drinking, lots of mentions of food
a/n: low-key just read this like ur watching the highlight reel of a romcom lol but @jaehunnyy for u 💖 i hope u like it :'))
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It all started about seven months ago when a gorgeous Thai cat waltzed into your apartment via the open window. It was a late July afternoon, stiflingly hot and sticky, meaning you had your window opened and the mobile fan set up to blow cool air into the apartment.
You were, for once, not at work. Because the art museum you worked at downtown was currently undergoing reconstruction, you were stuck in your apartment trying (failing) to sell prints off your low-traffic Etsy shop while also trying (failing) to make popsicles.
“Why is this so complicated?” You grumbled aloud as you sat on top of your kitchen counter with your knees pulled beneath your chin. You scrolled down the recipe again on your laptop screen, nose wrinkled at the amount of convoluted steps listed. “Too fancy,” you decided, slamming your laptop lid closed.
Immediately, you hissed, lifting the lid to make sure you hadn't cracked the screen from closing it too hard. Thankfully, there were no cracks visible and you breathed out a sigh of relief. You could not afford a broken—
“Holy shit!” You nearly fell off the back of the island counter at the sight of a light gray cat with black tipped ears, paws, and tail seated on the floor before you.
The cat meowed an innocent greeting.
You pressed your hand to your hammering heart and shifted to get a grip on your position atop the counter. “How—? Where…?” Your eyes drifted to the open window.
Oh. Well, that would explain it.
You glanced back at the cat, who peered up at you once more. “Meow.”
Carefully, you climbed down from the counter as to not scare the creature with any sudden movements. “Hey, baby. Where did you come from, hm?” You cooed, extending your hand out as an offer to be sniffed.
The cat unfurled its tail out from around its body and crept toward your hand. With an experimental sniff, you were deemed safe, and the cat rubbed the side of its face affectionately against the back of your knuckles.
Your chest nearly exploded from the cute interaction. You lowered yourself to your knees, gently taking a peek at the silver charm attached around the collar. There you found the engraving of a star in the metal circle.
“I'm guessing this has something to do with your name?” You hummed, reaching up to scratch the feline behind the ears and head. At least you had an inkling that this little one belonged to someone. You just didn't know how to find out who they were.
“I guess you can hang out with me,” you sighed and stood up with your hands on your hips. You didn't mind the company, after all, and maybe this could be a point of inspiration.
About three hours later, the summer sun still hung relatively high in the sky and you were trying to figure out what to feed the cat when there came a sudden knock at your front door. Really, the “sudden knock” was a series of rushed, panicked DUDUDUDU sounds. You nearly jumped out of your skin for the second time in one afternoon, and even the cat seemed to leap.
Well, the cat only looked mildly annoyed that her nap was interrupted, but she seemed content to give a languid stretch and join you in seeing who was so alarmed at your door.
When you peered out the peephole, your eyes shot open.
There was a pretty man at your door.
You glanced down at the cat who looked back up at you. You mouthed to her, pointing at the door, ‘Do you know this guy?’
As expected, she did not answer. Lovely.
You weren't exactly in appropriate garb to see people. You had thrown on something cool enough to not make you melt like one of the popsicles you weren't able to make earlier, and enough to cover any necessary areas. You were sure your hair looked about as luxurious as a barn, and there wasn't a lick of cosmetics on your face.
It was fine, you told yourself. You probably weren't even going to see this guy ever again.
You opened the door. “Hello? Can I help you?” You asked through the chain linking the door shut.
The man flashed you a flustered, dimpled smile at you. His dark hair was damp, like he just came out of a shower, and he had on a muscle tee that was definitely doing its job, and a pair of basketball shorts. “Hi! So sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you've seen a Thai cat wandering around here about yea high—?”
“Meow.” The cat at your feet shoved her way between the gap you made with the door and out into the hallway.
Your eyes widened another smidge, until the man outside released a gasp of relief and bent down to scoop the feline up into his arms. You unlatched your door and opened it fully now, the man holding the cat to his face as if he was communicating with her telepathically.
“That's the cat, I'm guessing?” You mused.
He tucked her back into his arm and his smile became sheepish. “Yes, I am so sorry about her. I came back home from work and she wasn't in the apartment, but thank you for dealing with her for however long she was here.”
You waved off his concern with your hand, sending him a kind smile. “Don’t worry about it, really. She's adorable. What's her name, by the way?”
“Oh, this is Byeol,” he cooed, lifting Byeol's paw up to wave at you.
Swoon. Your smile widened as you waved back at them both. “Well, it was nice to meet you, both Byeol and…?”
“San,” he answered. God, he was gorgeous. That smile… “And you are?”
“Yn.” You shook each other's hands in the dim hallway light.
“Nice to meet you, too, Yn.” He lit up, pointing up to the ceiling. “Hey, I'm pretty sure I'm your upstairs neighbor!”
You opened the door to your apartment wider so you could show him your open window. “Well, that would definitely explain how she got down onto my fire escape,” you chuckled.
He whistled lowly. “Man, cats are scary sometimes. I'll definitely try to keep an eye on whenever she's near my window now.” He ran the back of his knuckles down Byeol's spine. “I don't wanna take up any more of your time, but thanks again.”
“No worries! Have a nice night.”
“You too!”
San began walking back toward the stairs at the end of the hallway, and you were about to close the door when you thought you heard him chastising his cat in hushed tones. You laughed to yourself as you locked up your front door. You wouldn't mind if Byeol came traipsing down your fire escape again.
And she would. About three times a week when San had a later shift at the boxing gym he worked at (yes, a boxing gym… good lord). Byeol oftentimes expected you to have your window open, and if you didn't already have it open, she would sit out on the fire escape until you did.
Two months into the fire escape escapades, you gave up and left the window open just enough for her to squeeze through while you returned to work.
San would always come down to your apartment to retrieve her, and at some point, decided to swing by your apartment on his way up instead just to make sure she wasn't already here.
By month four when the days were shorter and the nights dragged longer and colder, you couldn't exactly keep the window open, lest you wanted to freeze your ass off in the safety of your apartment. Byeol would hop down the fire escape in the evenings when you were back so you could let her in, only for her owner to come barreling down the stairs, dimpled cheeks flushed and exasperated.
“I swear she likes you more than me,” he guffawed from where he stood out in the hallway as he always did. He shook his head as he watched the Thai feline waltz around his legs once, then circle back into your apartment. He arched a brow at her. “Look at her strutting. She knows exactly what she's doing.”
You swore there was a dash of red gracing his cheekbones now.
You bit your lip through a smile. “Well, you're welcome to come in. I was just about to eat dinner and I don't really think I can finish this roast chicken alone.”
“Ah, I don't really wanna impose,” he drawled, scratching the back of his neck and peering at you from beneath those lengthy lashes of his. He knew what he was doing—he had to know what he was doing. If Byeol could strut, then so could Choi San.
He promised to take you up on your offer as long as you let him run upstairs to grab a bottle of wine to contribute.
The last thing you expected to happen was to hear a knock on your window less than ten minutes later. You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound, folding over in laughter when you saw him waving to you on the other side with cold-bitten cheeks and a red-tipped nose. He clutched a bottle of red in one hand and gestured furiously to the window latch. “It's fucking freezing!”
“Okay, okay,” you grinned, walking over to let him inside. “Just so you know,” you said as Byeol welcomed her owner into your apartment, “usually it's just cats who come in this way.”
“Well, you might have to get used to a cat and a human coming in now,” he teased. San presented you the wine bottle with a flourish. “Milady, your beverage.”
“Why, thank you, good sir,” you jested and accepted the offering. “Make yourself at home!”
What you didn't expect was for such a statement to be taken so literally, and yet, you had no complaints.
Three months further along—making it seven in total since that first hot July day Byeol came in through the open window—you and San (and Byeol) were cooped up in your apartment as usual. It was a Friday night with dinner on the table, a TV show playing in the background, and a pair of wine glasses for the pair of you. Over the past few months, sharing a dinner together had become a weekly event wherein San would come in via window, and the two of you would have the evening together.
Sometimes it was just dinner, sometimes it was dinner and a movie, and sometimes it was even dinner, a movie, and drunk Pictionary. But every Friday night was yours and San's night.
Plus, he turned out to be a much better cook, so you definitely couldn't argue when he somehow wrestled his entire Le Creuset pot down the fire escape to feed you the most divine lobster mac 'n’ cheese you had ever tasted. (As if you'd ever had lobster mac 'n’ cheese before…)
“I feel like it would just be more convenient if I came up to your apartment instead,” you said with enthusiasm, your free arm flailing around as you melted dark chocolate on a double boiler upon the stove top. While San had the right side of the stove for his chicken and gnocchi soup, you had the left to prepare tonight's mousse for dessert. If San made dinner, you figured you could at least learn a thing or two about a dessert course.
He chuckled, “I mean, I'm not opposed if you ever get tired of hosting. I'm kind of a creature of habit though, which is why I don't mind coming down every week, but it's up to you, sweets.”
Oh, right. And the nickname. You couldn't even pinpoint when that started, but again, you weren't complaining.
“I don't mind hosting either,” you told him, “it's just that it's either you leave your super expensive cookware here or I go upstairs. I don't think Le Creuset has fire escape insurance.”
“You're not wrong about that.” You felt his hand gently brush against your waist as he slipped past you to get to the spice cabinet on your left. “Behind you,” he murmured by your ear before grabbing the jar of Himalayan salt (also his) and returning to his station behind his pot.
You couldn't deny the pitter-patter of your heart around him either. Things were coming to a point that you didn't know how to label. But perhaps that was the beauty of everything slipping into place. You carried on, “I think I've seen your apartment once, and that was when Byeol wouldn't stop meowing until I followed you guys.” You laughed to yourself at the memory. That had been an interesting night.
“If it's any consolation, your apartment has much more life in it than mine.”
“That's a lie,” you said pointedly. “Yours is just more meticulous.”
He snorted. “Meticulous. Might as well be as barren as a clinic.”
You passed him a glance. “I offered to paint your walls…”
San beamed back at you, dimples creating divots in the apples of his cheeks. “And I never said no! But—I do think that it should be something the both of us do together.”
Your brows creased as you took the chocolate off the stove to fold into the other mixture you'd set aside. “You wanna paint with me?”
“Yeah,” he said, almost bashfully. “I think it'd be a fun bonding and learning experience. And it would be cool to see you in your element, besides when you're drunk.”
The latter comment had you turning away to laugh. “Fair enough.”
When dinner was ready to be dined, and the mousse was freezing in the fridge, you and San sat at the kitchen island with your matching bowls of hot soup and glasses of lemon water for the night. Neither of you had remembered to buy wine for the week (surprisingly), but one week without alcohol wouldn't hurt.
The two of you clinked your glasses together, toasting to another week survived.
You took a sip, then spooned the soup into your mouth, wiggling around on your stool in a little happy dance as the flavors did their own dance on your tongue.
San smiled around his own bite. He swallowed, then said, “You know, I always know I did well when you do that.”
“Do what?”
“That cute little dance,” he chuckled. “I’m glad it tastes good, is what I'm saying, sweets.”
Your skin warmed, and you managed to convince yourself it was the soup or the heater or something and not the beautiful man beside you. “Then get used to the happy jig, because everything you cook tastes divine. You should be a chef, San.”
“I could've,” he shrugged, “but I kind of like this little life.” He gestured to you with his spoon, a twinkle in his eyes. “Don't you?”
For a moment, you let the smile slowly unfurl onto your lips. You lifted your own spoon in agreement. “You're right. It's a lovely, little life.”
Now that you were in agreement, you fell into a comfortable silence as you both enjoyed your dinner in one another's presence. Byeol was hunched over her own bowl of food just by the foot of your stool, against the adjacent side of the island. You'd gone out and bought her a pair of food and water bowls, as well as her preferred food. San had been touched by the gesture, and Byeol most definitely appreciated it.
San wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Oh, by the way, next week.”
You hummed. “What about it?”
“Are you doing anything?”
You perked up, eyebrows lifting to your hairline. “Why do you ask?” It was usually unsaid by now that Friday nights were set aside for the two of you to share an evening, which was why you were confused by his question.
And then he explained, “It's Valentine's Day, so I just wanted to make sure I didn't interrupt or assume anything.” He'd said it so casually and easily that you nearly missed the slight nervousness in his voice, or the minor intonation of hope. “I mean,” he fumbled, “if you do have something planned, then it's no worries, really. There are plenty of other weeks—”
You shook your head, finishing off your water after having scraped your bowl clean. “I'm not doing anything,” you said. “Well, besides what we usually do.” You chuckled to yourself, “To be honest, Valentine's Day completely slipped my mind this year.”
And if you were truly being honest with yourself, every Friday felt like Valent—no. You shouldn't think like that. It would only make things worse about how you felt for him now. Plus, these past few months with San felt far too casual, too domestic, to be like Valentine's Day. Was Valentine's Day not for grand gestures and romance? This wasn't grand… though, you could probably argue about the romantic part…
“No, I feel the same way,” he nodded. “My friend Wooyoung just asked today if I was up to go to a single's party, which was why I suddenly remembered.”
Ah. “Oh, are you planning on going?” Wine sounded pretty good right about now.
He grimaced. “Probably not. I—I was kind of hoping you wanted to still do dinner next week—but, like, it doesn't have to mean anything besides how it usually is. If that's what you're comfortable with.”
It doesn't have to mean anything besides how it usually is. What if you wanted it to mean more than how it usually was? There was nothing inherently wrong with how it usually was, but you couldn't deny that a part of you yearned for more. That part of you imagined what it was like if San didn't have to come see you via fire escape, and he was always in the same space as you.
There was a pause as you wrestled with your own conscience about how or if you were going to admit it to him.
He pressed his lips together. “I've made you uncomfortable.”
“No, you haven't made me uncomfortable,” you assured him swiftly. “I just…” You sighed, pressing a hand to your forehead then returning it to your lap. “Of course, I would love to have dinner with you next week, but I’d like it to mean something else—if you are comfortable with that.”
You watched as that beautiful smile you'd come to grow more fond of blossom onto his face. “I'd be more than comfortable with that—I’d be really happy with that, actually.”
“Good,” you said softly, unable to bite your own smile away. “Then dinner next week, it is.”
There was something fundamentally different about this next Friday night compared to the others. Specifically, the context by which you and San went into the Friday evening of Valentine's Day was completely different. The apartment was aglow with the same warmth as it usually boasted, but there was a bouquet of blood red roses in a glass vase on the kitchen counter beside a bottle of red wine.
San was at the stove, finishing off the last bit for dinner before it needed to simmer for a good thirty minutes. You were in the living room portion of your apartment, flipping through the vinyl records to play before you pulled one out and set it up. As you moved the needle onto the record, you placed the empty cover back into its slot and turned toward the kitchen.
You froze in your spot, skin warming at the sight of San leaning over the island counter with an adoring look in his eyes as he watched you. “What?” You laughed, subconsciously adjusting the sleeve of your blouse.
“Nothing,” he smiled. “You're just—you’re gorgeous.”
You were sure if your face didn't give it away, there must have at least been hearts floating around your head. “You cannot just say that,” you chided weakly as you walked over to where he was, your expression growing shy.
His smile widened and he rounded the counter to stand in front of you, your back pressed against the edge of the counter. “I can, too,” he teased. He stepped back once and held his arms out, fingers flicking toward him to beckon you forward. “C'mere. Can you dance?”
“Some.” Your eyebrows arched upward as you stepped forward and took his hands in yours. “Dancing and romancing, Choi San? What magic do you hope to enchant me with tonight?” You joked, moving your left hand to his shoulder.
“Perhaps magic that will leave your window open for me on nights other than Fridays,” he said sheepishly as the two of you began to sway to the music waltzing out from the record player. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your fire escape—”
You let out a laugh, ducking your head toward your chests. He did the same, an embarrassed grin coming onto his face as his nose nudged against yours.
“That was god awful,” he winced in apology.
“It was,” you agreed teasingly, “but I'll let it slide because you're cute.”
He shot you a bright smile. “Oh? So I'm cute? I guess that makes two of us.”
You weren't really sure at what point you realized you had fallen for this man. It was sometime between the Himalayan salt lectures and the dancing like an old married couple in your kitchen, maybe. You thought about the day he showed up at your door panicking about a missing cat, and to a future where you might have found yourself in his living room painting murals on his walls. Or perhaps… not his living room, but both of yours.
As you danced with your chests pressed together, hearts beating rapidly in sync, you gazed into those beautiful, dark brown irises of his and sank further and further into those feelings. They were gradually making themselves a home in your chest.
“What're you thinking about, sweets?” He murmured as you tucked your head against his shoulder and the arm he had around your waist rubbed the small of your back.
The smell of his cologne made you inhale deeply. You could get used to this—his smell, the feel of his body under your fingertips, his presence intertwined with yours taking up space in the best possible way. “I'm thinking that Byeol is a good matchmaker.”
His chuckle rumbled through him and softly into your ear. “You're definitely right about that.”
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a/n: pls remember to reblog and comment if u enjoyed!
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melodic-haze · 10 days
remote vibrator in public w sub robin?? 👀
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Robin x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Exhibitionism, mentions of corruption, semi-public sex mentions at the end
☆ — NOTES: Wait I didn't even realise I had essentially already done this oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭😭 anyway is a cheeky Robin ooc I wonder if it is..........my bad gang I actually haven't finished Penacony yet 😭 ik like spoilers
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Such a move spells TROUBLE for a universal celebrity like her.............good thing she likes the trouble you put her through ☺️
You've seen how she dedicates herself to her multimedia craft, putting her all into performing arts for the sake of inspiring people and making everyone happy. Now, you want to see how she does with.......performing for a different reason :3
"Such a risk would be much more trouble than it's worth, you know."
"If it's 'so much trouble', then why are you smiling like that?"
"Maybe I just find your request amusing. You know that the press are determined to spot anything that may give them a good scoop."
It's not as if Robin was wrong—a cosmically-famous figure like her would be risking the possibility of complete and utter ruination with such deviancy, along with.. well, having to face her brother. And The Family too, but mostly her brother. She had the right to be worried.
..But, well, she doesn't really seem to be worried right now, despite her words. If anything, the expression on her face as she leaned on the wall and the slight fluttering of her wings showed a different feeling.
As if she were the cat that got the cream.
"Uh huh," you leaned back on the chaise with a knowing look, eyes narrowed and arms crossed, "what I know is you're not saying no..."
She lets out a false sigh as she pushed herself off the wall to head to you, "Aw, I thought I led you off my trail."
"Like you do with the press? Oh, please." You rolled your eyes, "I know you much better than that."
"You seem so sure."
"Am I wrong?"
"Mm.. no, I guess you're not."
Then she sits down on your lap and wraps her arms around your neck, the wings on her hips wrapping themselves around the both of you like a barrier that separates you from the rest of the world, "And neither are you wrong about my lack of your refusal."
Your hands snake themselves over to your lover's waist.. before moving down further and lightly squeezing her ass, "So that's a yes?"
"Mhm," she hummed, her voice reduced to a raspy whisper, "I could never resist you, sweetheart."
"What a coincidence—I could never resist you either. Must be a Halovian thing, with that halo of yours."
"Haha, who knows."
And that leads on to your present situation: Robin, as an important member of The Family and a famous singer, was invited to a gala as a special guest. Naturally, she attended and was thankful that they allowed her to invite a plus-one. Considering that Sunday had his own invitation, you were practically the most obvious pick out of everyone she could've chosen, both because you were her most important person.......and because this was a perfect opportunity for the both of you
So here she was, clinging to your arm as you talked to some.. some random who was (unsurprisingly) one of Robin's fans, one that's REALLY obsessed with her too, apparently. And really, she wasn't sure whether to thank you for giving her a different thing to focus on or silently plead to you somehow to cut it out, but she essentially clamped her mouth shut for most of the time you were there, not actually trusting herself to let out a coherent sentence
Not just with that one guy too, you do this through the night—your hand mostly in your pocket as you manipulated the controls of the vibrator within her, usually during inconvenient moments to mess with her a bit
During times you're left alone with her as everyone else goes to do other things and talk to other people, you taunt her of how if she doesn't hide it good enough then people miiiight start suspecting something's wrong ☺️☺️ and she wouldn't wanna ruin her career like this, would she ☺️☺️☺️☺️ oh that'd be such a huge shame ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
At first she does actually taunt you back, lightly boasting to you that it takes a lot more to faze her and that it's sweet of you to try...........but as the night progresses you find that she fires back at you less and less, your favourite songbird getting increasingly more quiet, just like how her panties are getting increasingly wetter. But she bares with it with a smile anyway, disregarding the rosy tint in her cheeks as simply applying too much blush HAHAHAHA
It's not just when you two are together either!!! You've both made sure that the toy has a big enough range that you can walk around without the connection being severed from the distance, so it was rather easy for you to manipulate it even while you were away from her. Oh, and how FUN it is, esp when you see her try to look around for you as her wings flutter restlessly
It's actually rather impressive to watch though—even when the night toiled away and it got increasingly harder for her to stop herself from cumming herself silly from sheer frustration, she keeps herself in check. It's almost as if she were completely unbothered, acting the perfect part as a beautiful socialite at a grand event as she sang with (very false) confidence. You would've been fooled......if it weren't for the fact that she had telepathised her need for you to just bend her over somewhere and fuck her dumb instead of letting her continue with this toy inside of her. You almost feel bad
Keyword: almost, especially when you decide to get braver and mess with her a liiiiittle bit more. And she would've been fine with it!!! At least, if it weren't for the fact that this was with HER FUCKING BROTHER LOL
Halovians, the musical and emotional creatures that they are, can probably communicate via special frequencies right?? At least, that's my personal hc, like you can't actually use a radio to intercept it and listen in bc it's like a Halovian-specific kinda thing that can only be read through their halos. Idk how they work lol don't sic me
Anyway through that logic, I feel like Sunday picked up signals of distress from his little sister. He's probably more sensitive to her frequencies too, with how yk. They're related. Like sharing genetic code except it's like if you look at a sound visualiser and see multiple lines at once and the Oak siblings have that one similar line or smth. So he can tell that SOMETHING is wrong with her, just not what specifically (esp when Robin's probably trying her best to block out signals of her lust from ever notifying her brother that smth more is happening)
"Are you certain you're feeling alright, Robin?" Sunday's voice held a sense of urgency and protectiveness, as expected of the one that had been there for her as the one constant before she had left Penacony, "I can tell that something is off.. and your feathers are a bit ruffled."
The worried emotions he had sent to Robin, along with a request to pry into her psychical wellbeing, didn't help the singer at all in terms of calming down—the possibility of her beloved brother becoming unwillingly privy to the fact that her inner workings are so utterly perverse and corrupted scares her. The fact that you had slowly switched the vibe's speed between an agonisingly slow pace and an upward climb as the exchange went on added to the torture.
Though compared to the rest of the night, this time actually felt like you were taking mercy on her, with the way you hadn't decided to suddenly ramp the intensity up out of nowhere.
(And there was that twisted feeling inside her that actually liked the thought of being an R-rated spectacle in front of all these people around them still threatening to take her focus away.)
To keep up the charade as she continued to block Sunday's attempts in peering into her enotions, she could only do what she did best; perform. So she nods her head with a smile, though the latter action didn't really need that much acting, "Yes, I'm feeling alright. I appreciate the concern, brother, but nothing's wrong. Perhaps it's just exhaustion—I don't know how you.. mm.. how you deal with it all the time."
"I could say the same to you," he reciprocates her smile, if a tad bit crooked from his worry, "I think it takes a lot of inner strength, to take on the attention of a universal crowd. Luckily, I know you can more than handle it."
The blue-haired sibling hummed, her smile widening from her brother's confidence, "It's because I know I have you to fall back-- on..!"
The grey-haired sibling furrowed her eyebrows in turn at the sudden yelp, "Are you quite sure you're okay..? You're worrying me, dear sister."
Yeah, no, she couldn't carry on such a conversation like this.
Another nod as she digs her nails into her palms in an effort to redirect her thoughts from the overflow of slick in the apex of her thighs, "Y-Yes, I'm fine... I think I just need to take a walk around to.. calm myself. I feel rather warm."
He doesn't reply immediately, leaving Robin in suspense. Could he have figured it out?
..Turns out no, as he lets out a small sigh, "Alright, just remember to tell me if something's wrong, yes? I don't want your comeback here to be an unpleasant one."
"I will, thank you."
She turns around in a hurry—though not that much of a hurry, lest he either gets more suspicious or she somehow makes the toy's effect worse—and leaves, making a beeline for you before grabbing onto your wrist and dragging you off before you could say a word (though the small smirk on your face said all you needed to say).
And Sunday clocks the two of you leaving the main hall together with a raised brow. His initial instinct is to go investigate himself—he knew better than to believe his sister's act, of course... But he thought better of it.
He had an inkling that perhaps this wasn't something he should involve himself in.
And his gut feeling was right, esp when Robin dragged you out and into the first private, empty room she found, pushed you down and started grinding onto your lap like a bitch in heat 🥰🥰🥰🥰
People are going to talk for a WHILE about your sudden disappearance, the both of you KNOW this very well, but right now? Robin doesn't gaf, not when her mind's been reduced to a horny mess as she begs you to finally get her off yourself. Whether you do or you DON'T??? Up to you LMAO
Either way, it's DEFINITELY something unforgettable........and dare I say, tellingly exposing of what your songbird likes 🫶
"Why do I deal with such risks again?"
"Because you love me?"
"..Mm. Yes, that's true."
"Wait, really? That's giving me too much power, birdie."
"And that's perfectly fine," her lips curl into a light grin, "There's nobody else I'd rather obey."
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collapsedglasshouses · 8 months
Mine [Noah Sebastian x Singer!Reader]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Singer!Reader (female)
SUMMARY: You are Noah's girlfriend and helped him out during the concert, because he lost his voice. After the performance he wants to thank you.
WARNINGS: swearing, SMUT, MDNI, 18+, unprotected sex (P in V) (don’t do that), fingering, (let me know if i missed something)
A/N: Surprise! Two uploads today! This idea came to my mind because of I See Stars and Erra helping the boys out. If you enjoyed it, please consider reblogging!
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Today had been entirely different than you originally thought. You visited your boyfriend of almost a year on tour and planned to stay in the background.
Being a well known singer in a band as well, you met the boys over a mutual friend, Jesse Cash. You had met Jesse around three years ago when he helped you and your band write on your new album and even featured on it.
Becoming friends with Jesse made it almost impossible to not meet the boys and you were more than pleasantly surprised of how well you all got along.
You almost immediately clicked with Noah, having this mutual interest in music and creating art while living similar lifestyles.
It almost came naturally how quickly Noah and you got closer. First it started with some hang outs that often included creating music together. Those hang outs quickly turned into self-named "friend dates" and before you really realised it, you were suddenly the "friends" who thought it was totally normal to occasionally make out and have sex.
It took you almost a year to admit your feelings for each other. But when you finally did, you did everything you could to find time for each other.
You two being singers of bands that had the opportunity to blow up over night, made it pretty hard to match schedules.
That is why you were more than relieved when you got a couple of weeks off and decided to join your boyfriend and your friends on their tour.
But when you arrived your happy mood quickly changed. After greeting Folio and Jesse, you asked were your boyfriend was but when you found him, he looked everything but happy.
"Hey, Baby. What’s wrong?" You immediately asked and left your suitcase next to the door before quickly wrapping your arms around him.
Almost instantly he returned your hug while sighing and rested his head against your neck.
"I'm so fucking done." You immediately noticed what the problem was. His voice was hoarse and rough.
"Oh no…" You muttered under your breath and rubbed his back.
"I couldn’t even sing yesterday. We had to cut the set short." He confessed to you and slowly let go of you.
"Why didn’t you tell me? I could have brought my special tea and some goodies to make you feel better, Noah." You asked him and caressed his cheek. A smile crept onto his face. "You know, I love you so much, Y/N."
"I love you, too."
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The next couple of hours were filled with planning and even thinking about cancelling the show but when you all set down and ate, Jesse had an idea.
"What if we help you sing? You just sing what you can and we all step in when you can’t." He explained and Matt started to nod. You saw how stressed Matt was, trying to make the best out of the suboptimal situations that kept on happening this tour. "That would actually be a great idea. We can ask Devin, too."
"Y/N can step in, too." Jesse than suggested and gave you a careful look. You stopped chewing when you heard that sentence and immediately looked between Noah and Jesse.
This would have been a big step, considering the fan base didn’t really know about yours and Noah's relationship. It wasn’t like you were really secretive about it, a lot of them were even guessing it, since you always seemed to be near each other but you never really confirmed anything. If you would sing tonight, there would be little to no doubt that something was definitely going on, considering the fact that you had no reason to be there otherwise than being close with one of the boys.
Your eyes locked with Noah’s, who seemed to wait for a response from you while you waited for his. When he didn’t speak up, you cleared your through before taking a sip from you water.
"I could, if you want me to." You offered and felt how Noah's hand slipped onto your thigh. He gave you a reassuring squeeze before looking at the others. "I would love that."
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Erra had finished their set ten minutes prior and now you started to sweat. You wouldn’t be on that stage until they played Just Pretend and for Dethrone at the end, but your heart was racing.
"Are you okay?" You heard a voice behind you and shortly after felt a hand on your shoulder. Jesse.
You quickly gave him a smile and nodded. "Yeah. Just nervous."
"You know, you don’t have to do it. Devin can step in for you. I can step in for you." Jesse tried to calm your nerves. He knew exactly why you were this nervous.
"No, I'll do it." You reassured him and he nodded. "It’s just scary, you know. It’s always been just Noah and I. We didn’t answer any questions that had to do with our relationship status, we just kept everything to ourselves and this is going to change now."
"You'll be great." Jesse answered you and you quickly gave him a hug.
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When you sang the last note of the song, you felt relieve. The applause totally overwhelmed you, when you suddenly felt a hand sneak around your waist. It was Noah. His eyes were shimmering and his smile was the brightest you had ever seen. It had been a complete success.
You had to grin so much that your cheeks started to hurt. It wasn't like you never experienced something like that, but it just felt different to stand on that stage with your boyfriend.
You all bowed to the audience before walking ever so slowly off the stage. As soon as you were backstage, you all fell into each other's arms.
"THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!" Folio exclaimed while slightly jumping up and down. You still couldn't stop smiling. The crowd had been amazing and you had so much fun performing with your boyfriend that you forgot about your concerns entirely. Hell, if you had the option right now you would broadcast to the whole world how much you loved him.
"It was absolutely brilliant." Jolly praised the whole group. Jesse still held onto you before pinching your cheek. "You did so well, I had goose bumps." - "You are one to talk. You sounded so great."
Noah still grinned from ear to ear while looking at you all. "I had so much fun. Thank you all so much for helping me out."
"You did so great, Noah. Even with your not so healthy voice." You praised your boyfriend before giving him a big kiss. He held you close when you broke the kiss again.
When the group made their way to the lounge room, you and Noah walked behind them all. He didn't let go of your hands since you walked off the stage and right now you couldn't be happier.
Right when you were about to catch up to the others, you were dragged into the bathroom that was in the corridor before the lounge. You heard the click of the door, which showed you that it was locked.
"Noah, what-..." You tried to say but you were met with his lips on yours. You instantly felt goose bumps form on your body while he kissed you like you would disappear if he stopped.
"This is your reward, baby." He whispered in your ear and seconds later he softly bit your neck. You could feel how wet you got just from that.
He pressed you against the door and kissed his way back to her face. Before you could even catch a straight thought, he opened your pants and let them slight down your legs while kissing you hard.
"You did so well. You sounded like an angel." He almost moaned into your mouth while his hand found its way into your underwear. You moaned out his name when his fingers found your clit. Even though you already got used to his touches, this time felt so different to you.
His fingers began to circle your clit with swift motions and you felt like you were crumbling into little pieces right in front of him. Your hands found their way into his short hair. At times like this you missed his longer hair, because you couldn't grab onto his shirt hair that easily anymore.
"Fuck. I love you so much." You moaned and let your head fall against the door while you slowly started to shake under his touch.
You almost let out a scream when he suddenly stopped fingering you and instead lifted you onto the bathroom counter in a swift motion. You didn't have the time to react properly because he kissed you again.
"You don't know how much it turned me on, seeing you sing my song on that fucking stage." He groaned into your mouth and pulled your underwear down. "Showing every single one how proud you are to be my girlfriend."
"Fuck, I love being yours." You cried out and started to pull on his tank top to get it off of him.
He smiled at you when you finally got the shirt off of him. "Look at you, so needy." - "Only because of you."
You easily opened his pants, but when you tried to pull them off of him, he grabbed your hands and looked you in the eyes. "This is about you, my love. Not me." - "Please, Noah. I need you."
He stared into your eyes but you couldn't form a clear thought in your head and whined again. "Please, Noah. I haven't felt you in so long."
"Is this really what you want?" He asked you in a deep tone and you still could noticed how rough his voice was. You needed to take care of him later. "Please."
"God, you drive me insane, Y/N." He groaned against your mouth before stepping back to pull his pants and underwear down. You felt a rush of heat run through your body when you saw his hardened cock leaking with pre-cum. You needed him so bad, you almost cried out again.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, while you leaned a bit more over the edge of the counter to get closer to him. He ran a hand through his hair, before stepping between your legs and lining himself with your entrance.
He looked you in the eyes again while slowly sinking into you. You moaned out loudly at the feeling of him inside of you, causing him to press a hand over your mouth.
"Even though I love your voice so much, I don't think the boys should hear this." He whispered to you and you slowly began to nod.
His eyes never left yours as he slowly started to move his hips.
He furrowed his eyebrows and his mouth dropped slightly open. His heavy breaths turned in to quiet moans and you thought you were about to lose your mind at the noises he made.
"You feel so fucking good." He almost cried out, causing you to get goose bumps before wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. When his thrusts became harder, you felt his hands squeeze your hips even more. You were sure he would leave bruises.
"I love you so much." You whined when you started to feel your orgasm form in your stomach. His head fell onto your shoulder and you felt him twitching inside of you. He also was close.
"I love you." He moaned in your ear and sent you over the edge with that.
You bit down onto his shoulder to contain your moans while you reached your high, clenching around him.
"Oh God." Noah moaned into your ear while his thrusts became more irregular before you felt his cum spread inside of you.
You both held onto each other, while you came down from your highs, before you started to giggle lightly.
"What?" Your boyfriend asked you and slowly pulled out of you, causing you to whine quietly at the loss of contact.
"What's so funny?" He asked again when he started to clean you up.
"You tell me to be quiet, just to almost scream." You teased him and pressed a kiss on his forehead, when he gave you a shocked look.
With that you jumped of the counter and reached for your clothes, when he grabbed your hips and turned you to face him.
"If you tease me again, I'll make sure, you're the one to scream." He threatened you.
Your eyes widened and you quickly got ready to leave, but before Noah could reach the door, you grabbed his hand and pull him towards you.
You kiss him deeply, before whispering against his lips: "Now, let's get you into bed. I'll take care of you."
"God, I love you."
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charliedawn · 10 months
Hi! I have a request! (I won't be mad if you choose not to write it, you do you)
Since the slashers can't leave the facility, how would they take you on a date? I feel like Freddy would take you on a date in your dreams, etc. Please include Penny! He's my favorite!!! Love your work, and hope you have a blessed day! ❤️
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Penny would make a whole world appear just for you. He is not as powerful within the hospital as he’d normally be, but he could still make a pretty good illusion for you.
He’d probably make you see what you want and make sure you have as much fun as possible. He’d dig into your head for all of your most personal desires.
He’d also take as many opportunities to know you better and satisfy his curiosity as to why you’d ever want him too.
Penny *tilts his head curiously at you* : "Humans are so odd. Your hearts beat so loudly when you are afraid…But, yours has a different sound to it."
You *surprised* : "Really ? How does it sound ?"
Him *presses his ear against your chest to hear it closer and closes his eyes* : "…Different." *giggles* "Good different."
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Arts and crafts. Jason love carving wood and making bird houses. He brought his passions with him when he first entered St Louis. He’d be excited to show you his masterpieces and show you how to do it.
You’d be sitting side by side while using your hands to try multiple different shapes, but would be careful as to not let you get hurt with the knife when you’d try to carve things.
Jason *smiles proudly while showing you his last wooden piece of work*
Jason isn’t comfortable sharing anything about himself so…It’d be a huge honour. He’d also show you his collection of frogs and let you pet them if you want.
He’d also hold your hand and show you his face if you’d want.
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Jack is a pretty standard guy when it comes to dating. He was kind of the popular kid and did date a lot in his younger years.
He’d normally go for the classic cinema and restaurant. But, as he is trapped in the hospital…He’d do with what he’s got.
Netflix and chill.
He’d ask the other slashers not disturb the both of you as you take over the TV room and eat snacks together.
Jack *pretending to be yawning before lowering his arm over your shoulders to caress the skin with his thumb*
You *smile knowingly* : "Really ?"
Him *smiles and shrugs* : "…Hey. Am a big fan of the old technics…is it working ?"
You *smile before leaning back against him* : "~Maybe."
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Pennywise would let you drag him anywhere, but he’s the type to not like big crowds so…the fact that he can’t go out won’t really be a problem.
He’d be just as happy staying inside and have some time with you. But, don’t expect him to have many date ideas.
Pennywise never dated anyone before, so he’d just let you decide or let you sleep on his lap. Tops.
However, he may sing you to sleep.
And his voice is really soothing when he hums while rocking back and forth on his rocking chair.
Pennywise *starts humming while holding you close and stroking your hair*
You : "…I thought you didn’t like people touching you ?"
Him *smiles* : "Guess you must be the exception, huh dollface ?"
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Norman is a gentleman. He’d be holding you and gently swing you back and forth in his arms.
He’d be dancing a waltz with. Or cooking you a good meal. His mother taught him how to be a good cook and to always be as respectful and nice as he can be.
So, he’d also be the type to buy you dinner and buy scented candles and roses for the occasion. And he’d always ask you if you’d had a good time at the end.
Norman *holding you close* : "Was it alright ?"
You *smile and wrap your arms around his waist* : "Perfect."
He’d then smile and let out a relieved sigh.
Norman was taught to be perfect. He would be devastated if you didn’t have fun or didn’t enjoy your time with him.
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Freddy can date. But, the dates he went on in the past weren’t exactly heartfelt. He just never got emotionally connected with someone enough to care.
So, he’d try simple at first.
Freddy would either invite you to get a drink or offer to take a look at his garden. Let’s not forget he used to be a gardener. So, he does love flowers.
He’d then wait until it gets dark to ask you if you want him to try something on you.
Freddy never used his powers for anything else than pain or to kill. So, he’d be nervous when first trying to think of the perfect dream date.
Freddy *smiles nervously before taking your hand* : "Trust me ?"
You *smile back* : "Always."
He’d then get inside your head and put his plan into motion. He’d be careful not to hurt you of course and try to make it as perfect as he can.
Because he knows you trust him. And that is something Freddy never got from anyone but the kids he used to love…before they betrayed him.
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Bo : "…Beer ?"
Bo is a simple man. It’d normally be a truck ride and drinking beer while looking at the sky, or at whatever is around.
But, as he can’t really leave the facility…he’d just ask you to join him in the courtyard of the hospital to have some s’mores and look up at the sky.
No conversation necessary. But, he’d be happy either way.
Bo : "Thanks fer…Ya know…Sayin’ yes to the whole thing…"
You *smile and shrugs* : "No need. Believe it or not…I like hanging out with you, Bo."
Bo *is stunned before chuckling and handing you a cold drink of your choice* : "Whatever you say, darlin’…"
Bo would be happy to hear it, even if he wouldn’t believe it at first.
Because Bo has always been the failure of his family.
So, why would you ever like his company ? But, he’d let himself dream for a bit. Just for a moment.
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Brahms would give you his favourite toys and ask you to play with him. He’d also share his favourite snacks with you and watch cartoons with you.
Brahms is a child at heart and he’d be happy to do anything with you, as long as he spends time with you.
He’d also insist on staying with you for the night.
Brahms *holds you close and starts breathing deeply* : "Nice…day ?"
You immediately understood what he was asking and hugged him back.
You : "Yes. I had a great day. Thank you, Brahms."
He was very happy to hear it and cuddled you closer—even letting you take a peek at his face. He’d become very clingy very quickly.
Brahms has a big fear of being a disappointment and abandonment. So, once he knows you like him ? There’s little chance he’d ever leave you alone.
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Michael *A…date ?*
He’d be surprised and even a little nervous at first. Love is a tricky business for Michael, since he technically killed all of the people he ever cared about.
So, he’d be a little worried you’d end up with the same fate.
So, even making him agree to go on a date with you would be tricky.
Michael *frowns and sighs before taking your hand*
You *smile hopefully* : "Is that a yes ?"
Michael *nods after a while*
He’d then lead you to the kitchen and have a little cooking date with him. He knows how to handle a knife and was advised early on to find an activity which would soothe him. He found cooking.
But, cooking with you was different. It felt…better.
Seems like the bogeyman can get lonely too.
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Unfortunately, Hannibal Sr. is considered too dangerous to leave his cell most of the time, as he arrived after all the others to St Louis.
So, he’d be either asking you to put on some music for him or to read to him. Two of his favourite things.
Hannibal Sr. *smiles as he tilts his head left and right to the music*
You *smile as you silently observe him* : "Tell me…Why did you ask me on a date ? I mean…You’re always in there. It seems pointless."
Him *stops tilting his head before opening his eyes slowly and smiling at you* : "But, that is precisely the game, my dear. Anticipation makes the deal all the sweeter…"
You : "So…You would rather wait and watch me all day rather than going out on an actual date ?"
Him *chuckles* : "Of course not, my dear…But, even if I never was set free…Spending a lifetime just watching you would be enough for me."
You stared at Hannibal Sr. for a while and he didn’t break eye contact for a second. He had just confessed that he’d be okay with just watching you until the end. And somehow, you believed him.
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zepskies · 1 year
Break Me Down - Part 5
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
AN: Get ready, there be some surprises in store for this one…
Word Count: 5,100 Warnings: 18+ only. Smut (m. receiving oral and implied smut), SB’s attempts at flirting lol.
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Part 5: Morning, Night & Day
Now that you were allowed to roam the mansion freely, you were able to confirm that it was huge. And it was beautiful…if a bit dusty. 
The house boasted Spanish style arches and textured walls, cherry wood furniture and rod iron lamps and wall sconces, not to mention various art pieces on the walls that looked well-curated. No doubt Soldier Boy had hired an excellent interior designer.
You were more interested in the garden outside. It was tucked away behind the pool, in the shade of large palm fronds and bigger trees. Peeking through them was a lovely view of the mountains. 
Though it reminded you of the damn cliff where you fell, Soldier Boy saving you, and of course, being an arrogant asshole about it. 
Your lips pursed in annoyance. What a dick.
Expelling a heavy sigh, you shook the thought of him out of your head as best you could, and tilted your head up to the sunshine. You’d found a nice stone bench to just sit and be, and try not to think about why you were here.
“Lunch time,” Frank said, encroaching on your solitude. He wasn’t a chatty man, always one to hand off your meal and leave. Escort you back to your room and leave. 
You were bored enough (and perhaps lonely enough) to attempt a conversation.
“You seem to be the brains of the operation,” you remarked. “Yet he’s got you babysitting me. My condolences.”
Frank gave you a bland look. He wasn’t a hothead like Tony, but he was starting to look annoyed as he was still holding out the plate to you. It looked like a roast beef sandwich on rye with some mixed fruit on the side. At least they were trying to keep you healthy.
“I’m not a fan of rye bread,” you admitted. “Tastes like sour cardboard.” 
But you took the plate anyway. 
“Want to sit?” you offered a place next to you on the bench, before Frank could scurry off. “I doubt doing Soldier Boy’s bidding is more fun than ignoring me for a few minutes.”
You could tell he was about to leave anyway. So you tried one more thing.
“He’d probably want you to watch me,” you pointed out. “Make sure I don’t choke on a grape or something.”
Frank’s mouth twitched, though it wasn’t quite a smile. After a moment of indecision, he surprised you by sitting down with you. You’d been trying to get Frank to talk to you for days, but he was definitely the strong and silent type. The good soldier, following his orders. 
You were a curious person by nature, but more than that, you wanted to know what kind of men your captors were. You weren’t just learning Soldier Boy. You had to learn his team too.
So you offered Frank a grape. He met you with a raised brow, but he didn’t take it. You shrugged and popped it into your mouth.
“So,” you started, tucking into your sandwich next. “Ex-military, turned private sector?” 
Frank shot you another look. He was older than you, though not quite old enough to be your father. He could have been around M.M.’s age.
“You carry yourself like an military man. Marine maybe,” you guessed. 
Frank sighed and gave a short nod. “Good guess.”
“My father was a Marine,” you said. And that was the truth. Military men ran in your family—from your father to your grandfather, though you’d never met the latter. He’d died of liver and kidney failure, thanks to good old-fashioned alcoholism.
Frank snorted. “My condolences.” 
You eyed him with a small smile. “You got a family? Wife and kids?”
He hesitated, casting his gaze ahead. You sensed it was a question with a potentially loaded answer, so you let it be. 
“Yeah,” you said. “I know the feeling, being married to your job. Harder to quit than heroin.” 
When you offered him another grape, this time, he actually took one.  
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Being able to tell between night and day somehow told your body that the night was no longer for sleeping. So your wandering continued that night. 
Moonlight poured through the tall windows outlooking the garden, but most of the mansion was dark and eerie and all but silent, except for some quiet rain pattering outside. 
It’s like an episode of Scooby Doo in here, you thought with a shiver. The long halls were empty and mostly dark, with just a few dim wall lights along the way. Still, you’d rather be alone than run into one of Soldier Boy’s goons, or even the man himself. 
But you wanted to rejoice when you found the kitchen. Finally, you could put together a meal for yourself that wasn’t a damn sandwich. 
Both the pantry and fridge were fully stocked with expensive-looking ingredients. At the moment though, you weren’t so hungry for a heavy meal as you were for a snack. Maybe something for your incurable sweet tooth. 
You rifled through and found something you recognized: a family-sized tray of Chips Ahoy. 
Ooh, success! With a grin, you ripped open the top and rifled through the cupboards for a glass.
“The hell’re you doing?”
You jumped with a yelp at the voice that startled you. You looked over your shoulder and frowned in annoyance when you noted Soldier Boy in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the frame. A snappish retort was on your tongue, but at the last moment, you held onto the threads of your temper.  
Don’t be difficult, you reminded yourself, however much the thought grated.
“Midnight snack,” you replied, nodding to the open parcel of cookies. “Want some?”
You took out two glasses without looking at him, but you could hear him approach. When you went to the fridge to look for some milk, you noticed him take a seat at the kitchen island in front of you, where there were three stools. 
“What’re you, a fucking eight-year-old?” he remarked. You raised a brow at him and took no less than five cookies from the tray. 
“You’re never too old for milk and cookies,” you said sagely. You were a proud dunker, and you did so until your cookie was half-soggy with milk. You shoved an entire one into your mouth and looked him in the eyes when you did it. 
His lips tugged upwards, dryly amused, while his gaze not-so-subtly raked over your form. You almost rolled your eyes, but you resisted. He could take in your oversized shirt and sweats all he wanted.
“‘S that a man’s shirt?” he asked. 
“Yeah. Not a lot to pick from here at the Holiday Inn,” you quipped. You were running out of clean items that would actually fit you, and you weren’t about to run around here in some of the slutty shit you’d found.
“Can’t sleep?” You distracted him with the question, then slid a glass of milk in front of him. Regardless of what he said, he’d glanced at those cookies twice. 
This was an opportunity, you thought. A chance to get into his head, see what the fuck made him tick.   
Soldier Boy eyed the milk, then you. After a moment, he grabbed a cookie and took a bite. He didn’t answer your question, and instead asked one of his own.
“How’d you get caught up with Butcher?” he asked. 
You smiled behind your glass. It seemed he was curious about you too. 
“I work at Supe Affairs.” That was easy enough for you to admit. And if he was smart, he would’ve had Frank run a background check on you. 
Soldier Boy snorted. “Yeah, I figured that fucking much. Doesn’t answer my fucking question.”
So damn rude. You wanted to sigh. 
“I help run surveillance,” you said. But before he could ask his next predictable question, you continued, “Grace Mallory recruited me because I was a private investigator…and like you, I worked at Vought for a while.”
His attention piqued at that. 
“Though your tenure was a bit before my time,” you couldn’t help a light jab. 
His lips curved again. “Why’d you take a job you couldn’t hope to win? You got some vendetta against me, like Butcher?”
You arched a brow, watching him shove another cookie into his mouth. If anyone had a vendetta against him it was M.M., but trust Soldier Boy to conveniently forget murdering the man’s grandfather.
“You’re asking if I’m obsessed with you? I think not,” you said with a genuine chuckle, then sipped at your milk with some decency. Unlike your companion, who already had a pile of soggy crumbs on the counter beneath him.
Soldier Boy shot you a frown, and his eyes said he didn’t believe you. He sat back in his chair, his jean-clad legs falling open casually. His gaze on you, however, was anything but. You wouldn’t admit it, but it made heat creep up the back of your neck.
“Really?” he said. “‘Cause I gotta tell ya, sweetheart. During your slutty little seduction act, you were pretty fucking responsive.”
He rubbed his palms slow down his thighs, like he could still feel yours wrapped around his hips and grinding your hot core against his slacks. 
You stared back at him as your lips pressed together. 
Soldier Boy tilted his head at you, his smile turning smug. “The filthy sounds I was getting outta you…”
You set down your glass on the counter. Reaching for another cookie, you rested your elbows on the counter and leveled him with a teasing smile of your own. 
“Unlike you, Ben, I’m a good actor,” you replied. 
His brow twitched at that, however subtle. You couldn’t tell if using his real name annoyed him, or if it just added to the game you two were playing. But it felt right, stripping him of at least that façade. 
He wasn’t a soldier. He wasn’t even a superhero, really. He was just a man. 
Albeit, a super fucking strong one with an ego the size of Empire State. But a man. The same kind you’d dealt with all your life. 
And he crossed his arms, like he was starting to lose his patience with you. 
“Then why’d you come out here?” 
Munching on a dry chocolate chip, you answered, “To get paid. Why else?” 
Again, it didn’t look like he believed you. 
“You don’t look the type,” he said.
“Don’t I?” you said. He seemed to know you were holding something back, but not willing to admit he wanted to know it. 
And you weren’t willing to give it to him. He didn’t need to know that you’d taken this job to support your family. Because what the hell would he know about family? 
…But at the same time, his curiosity just made it all the clearer: in whatever small way, you’d piqued his interest. He wanted to figure you out. 
And maybe that was the real reason you were still alive. 
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It started to happen like that more often.
Midnight snacks, as you’d continued to call it in your head. When you couldn’t take being alone with your thoughts (or being alone at all), if you made your way to the kitchen you often found Ben.
Whatever was keeping him awake, he seemed to crave the company as you rifled through the pantry. From alfajores, macarons, and chips, to the entire leftover ham from dinner, he often smoked a large blunt and ate whatever you found. 
You’d taken a hit once when he offered, but the shit was so strong than you abstained afterwards. You wanted to be in your fully right mind around him.
And you talked—about the old-ass TV shows he never got to see the end of, and the new music he hated. You’d enjoyed (gently) teasing him about being an old man who didn’t understand Cardi B when you played it on his phone. You suspected he didn’t quite understand how all the bells and whistles worked on an iPhone yet. (But he’d taken it back from you before you could text anyone.)
“In my day, there was a little more fucking class,” he’d said. “Sinatra. Nat King Cole. Christ, the fucking Beatles.” 
You’d rolled your eyes at that. You liked all those guys too, actually. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t bang out all the words to “Bodak Yellow” and “Please Me.” 
You also talked about the movies he missed out on. The ones you thought he’d probably enjoy, like the Terminator sequels and Liam Neeson’s Taken (if only for the sheer irony). And all the while, he asked you probing questions he likely thought were subtle. 
“What did you do at Vought?” he asked over chips and salsa. 
You thought the salsa was a bit too spicy, but he was lapping it up. It both amused and disgusted you. 
Until he licked some of it off his fingers. Catching your gaze, his became mischievous. He slid his fingers out of his mouth with an obscene noise. All the while, his deep green eyes held yours. 
You would never admit to being turned on, but you felt your cheeks warming up as you fought not to react, watching the juices drip down his fingers.
“I ran down criminals for the supes to ‘catch’ them,” you managed to reply. “They just got to do the sweeping in part.”
“Lazy shits,” he remarked, licking off the remaining salsa from his hand. You tried not to focus on the sight of his tongue. Afterwards, he gave you reprieve by wiping his hands on a paper towel.
What the fuck is wrong with me? You inwardly shook your head at yourself. 
“Back in my day, we actually ran down our own leads,” he said. “Sure, we got tips every now and then, but we did our own busts.”
You didn’t know how much of that you could believe, considering he’d never even fought in World War II, despite his numerous claims of pounding Nazis up the ass.  
“How’d you end up there, anyway?” he asked. 
“Vought paid more than private practice,” you wryly replied. 
He eyed you then. “And before?”
Before? Was he just bored, or did he genuinely want to know about your life? 
Still, this was starting to veer into things you’d rather not talk about.  
“Worked for my dad’s P.I. firm,” you said, making an effort to untighten your spine. “I learned what I know from him.”
That much was the truth, though you hadn’t spoken to him in over a year. 
Ben chortled, making you frown. “‘A’ for fucking effort there, sweetheart.”
You huffed. Yes, you did realize the irony of being kidnapped by the man you’d hunted down (sort of). Didn’t mean he had to be such an asshole about it.
“He must be fucking proud,” he added. Your gaze sharpened with irritation. 
“Like your dad was proud of you?” out came your pointed reply, before you could stop yourself.  
His amusement faded, likely as he stared back at you and saw that you knew for a fact what he’d told Butcher.
A fucking disappointment.
He didn’t bother lying, but his lip curled into a sneer. 
“Be careful, sweetheart,” he warned. You heard the underlying threat in his voice. You forced yourself to keep your mouth shut, lowering your eyes. The act was grating on you, boiling your blood.
But it seemed to mollify him enough. He let out a low chuckle. 
“I’ll let that one go,” he said. “Next time, I might not be so fucking nice.”
You believed him. 
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It was a week of this, before you finally found out the hard way where Ben’s room was. 
You were wandering down a long hallway on the second floor, over in the west wing of the house. Your room was in the east, so you really hadn’t seen this side of the mansion before. The problem was, all these halls were looking the same to you. 
And now you had no idea how to get back to the main hall, where by now you could navigate downstairs to the kitchen, the back garden, the pool hall, a study room (with several shelves of books), a gym, and even an indoor movie theater. 
Suddenly, you thought you heard a woman’s voice, high and giggly. What the hell?
Your natural curiosity led you farther down the hall, where you could see light and movement beneath the closed door. Whatever (and whoever) was in there, you really should just let it be. 
You’d been able to successfully avoid Ben for the past few days, and you didn’t feel like dealing with the headache of another encounter with him—for as long as you could manage it.
So you were just about to turn back and keep on your merry way.  
But when you heard a slap, followed by a feminine cry of pain, you halted in your step. With your brows crunching in concern, you couldn’t help but approach the door again. You leaned in to listen.
Another slap, another pained mewling from the girl. Your mouth turned down in an angry frown of alarm. 
What the fuck is going on? You didn’t know what kind of sick shit he was into, but if he was hurting some poor girl for his own entertainment, you knew you couldn’t just walk away. 
After one more second of hesitation, you gripped the door handle and shoved it open. 
What you found seared your eyes. 
In unblinking shock, you took in the shambled state of Ben’s room. Clothes strewn haphazardly about, remnants of lines of coke on the coffee table, plates of half-eaten delicacies left on a wheeled in buffet, bottles of liquor, half-empty glasses and shots rolling around. 
And a California king bed occupied the center, where the sheets and pillows had fallen off while Soldier Boy fucked no less than five prostitutes. All looked to be of various ethnicities and a wide age range. The oldest of them looked saggy enough to be in her seventies, but she was working as hard and skillfully as the rest of them.  
One of the younger ones, maybe around your age, was getting spanked by one of his large hands while another girl’s head bobbed over his lap with gusto. The other three were finding things to do, whether on the man himself, or to each other in front of him on the bed. 
In reality, you probably took all this in for just a few seconds. 
But a gasp fell unbidden from your lips, along with a “Jesus fucking Christ!”
Ben looked like he had been working up a mild sweat. Broken from his concentration though, he glanced up at you. And then the broadest, Cheshire cat fucking grin spread across his face. 
“Hey, baby doll,” he greeted mischievously. “You here to join in? Here, tag in for, uh…what’s your name again, sweetheart?”
He looked down and grabbed the shoulder of the girl in his lap. She released his cock out of her mouth for a second to answer, “Jasmine.”
“Sure,” he said with a nod. Then he frowned and gestured to his still rock-hard dick. Your eyes widened in shock—both at the audacity, and at the size of it. You blushed hotly.
“But don’t fucking stop now, Jesus,” he said to the girl. And he looked over at you with a raised brow. “Unless you wanna jump in…but seriously, don’t make me wait all fuckin’ day here.”
Your face contorted in disgust. 
“There’s not enough fucking therapy for this,” you muttered. 
Then you fled the room, slamming the door behind you so hard that it rattled. It still didn’t muffle his laughter behind the door. 
Your face, neck, and the tips of your ears were on fire as you hastened down the hall. 
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By the time you got to the kitchen, you could even hear your rapid heartbeat in your ears. You set a hand over your chest and felt the thump, thump, thumping under your palm. 
Images continued to flash through your mind—naked flesh, bouncing tits, shockingly adept wrinkled hands. And then the man’s chiseled bare form, planes of tanned skin over muscle, and strong-looking hands.  
Fucking hell. You shook your head to try and rid yourself of your brain’s ongoing loop, but it was a losing battle. With a long and frustrated sigh, you reached into the fridge and grabbed all the ingredients you needed to make a damn sandwich. 
You knew Ben had hired a personal chef (Simone, you thought her name was), but you were pretty sure she was currently part of the service the supe entourage today. 
You slapped together a turkey and provolone sandwich with some lettuce, mayo, and a pickle for added “razzle dazzle.” 
Though on second thought, you put the pickle back. 
With an aggravated huff, you stood at the counter and tore into your dinner (you were too angry to sit at this point). You devoured half of it and nearly a whole bag of Doritos by the time that cocky bastard strolled in like the cat that got the cream, and clearly, more than once.
He looked freshly showered, and finally clothed in casual pants and a buttoned down shirt, rolled up on the sleeves.
Ben eyed you with a smirk. You raised a brow at him. 
“That was fast,” you remarked. “I expected you to be in that fuck dungeon all night.” 
“I wouldn’t call it a dungeon,” he said, leaning on the other side of the counter opposite you. “More like a cellar of fine delectables.”
You snorted. “All right, Hugh Hefner. I want to scrub my eyes with bleach.”
“Didn’t look that way from where I was sitting, doll face,” he quipped. His brow rose at you with a salacious, curling smile. You leveled him with a look. 
“At the very least, you would’ve ended that little dry spell of yours,” he added playfully. 
Your gaze sharpened at that. You dropped your sandwich on the plate to glare at him. “Excuse me?”
“What’s it been?” he asked, leaning closer into your personal space with a more knowing grin. “Don’t really fucking tell me it’s been three years since somebody’s laid you out right.”
Despite your outrage at his audacity, your mouth fell open the slightest bit. 
Again, he eyed your form, and not subtly at that. Today you’d found a pair of jeans that you’d managed to squeeze into. The polo shirt clinging to your waist and ribs and tight across your breasts wasn’t helping you either.
But you were honestly surprised he could still be looking at you like that when he’d just been doing some Olympic-level fucking. 
Your spine tightened nervously when he straightened to his full height, walking around the kitchen counter towards you. His hand slid across the surface, his head tilting at you in amusement. 
“It’s amazing what you can hear on shitty hotel roofs,” he said. 
Your eyes widened when you understood what he was getting at. When you were on the phone with your sister… 
“Maybe then you’ll—and let me not shock you here—meet someone,” Louisa had said. “And finally put an end to that three-year goddamn dry spell.”
And that prickly feeling you’d felt then, licking up your spine and raising the hairs on the back of your neck…
“You were watching me,” you realized.  
Ben just looked down on you with a deepening smirk. His green eyes were alight with mischief, and yeah, probably lust too.   
“You fucking creep,” you said, with both a sigh and a roll of your eyes (despite your growing blush). 
He chuckled and raised a hand to lightly grip your chin. “That’s not very nice.”
You glared up at him, too angry and stubborn to remember to mind your temper. He seemed to like it though, working you up. He teased and prodded you enough, almost like a little boy trying to get a girl’s attention. Except this one was the most powerful supe alive.
So why does he like it so much, this stupid cat and mouse thing?
Not for the first time, you wondered why he decided to keep you around. And you had a feeling it wasn’t just to bait your friends. Maybe he just liked toying with you, seeing how far he could push until you snapped.
And then what? you wondered. 
Though if you were honest with yourself…you were just as into this little game as he was, albeit for different reasons. You wanted to understand him. 
At first, it was the job. Know the man you’re after.
But now, it was more. Knowing Soldier Boy, getting to know Ben would be the key to making it out of this situation alive. You just knew it…if only he didn’t make it so damn frustrating. 
“Seriously, tell me,” he said, still with a deceptively light grip on your chin. The pad of his thumb brushed your full lower lip, making your breath hitch. He glanced down at your mouth, then back into your eyes. 
“How fucking long’s it been since that pretty pussy’s been touched?” he asked. “‘Cause in my opinion, that’s a crying shame.”
For a moment, your breath got stuck in your throat. You felt a hot blush rising in your cheeks, down your neck…and maybe warmth between your legs at the mere suggestion.
You inwardly steeled yourself, clamping down on your anger and your embarrassment. Instead, you leveled him with a cool smile. 
“Not forty years, I’ll tell you that,” you said. 
While he raised a brow, he let you slowly push his hand away. You left him in the kitchen soon after, but he watched you go. Whether you meant to or not, the sway in your hips and your delectable ass in those tight fucking jeans made his dick twitch. 
Figures, he thought, that you’d get all fucking huffy. He shrugged and picked up half the sandwich you left behind. 
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You found nothing else for your frustration but to head outside.
With a sigh, you sat down at the edge of the massive pool and just dipped your legs in. You didn’t have a swimsuit, and you didn’t want to take any chances by getting your clothes wet around here. Or even worse, stripping down to your bra and underwear. 
You blushed at the memory of Ben’s proximity, his touch, his rich, teasing voice that dripped with lustful promise. And that just reminded you of the scenes from his room, which flashed in your mind every so often like a bad porno. 
Shit. You absently bit at one of your nails. Ben had also heard that entire conversation with your sister. That meant he knew about her, and that gave you no small amount of anxiety. 
But he already had you. He hadn’t tried to extort you for anything (yet). You knew though, that if he threatened Luisa, or tried to use her to manipulate you in any way, there wasn’t much you could do but play along, like everything else. 
Right now, anyway… 
You noticed a dark shape out of the corner of your eye, and for a moment you were annoyed, ready to tell Ben to give you a moment’s peace. 
But it wasn’t him. It was Tony standing near the end of the pool. He must’ve been freed from desk duty, or whatever Ben had him doing while he presumably recovered from his injuries.
“What up, Tony?” you greeted, unable to resist a teasing smile when you noticed the large boot for his broken foot. Now plus a few extra bruises from your last tussle. They were dark, but yellowing around the edges. 
His lips twitched at a cold smile. “They’re letting the little mouse out of her room now?”
You shrugged, smirking.
“You look good,” you replied. “How’re the balls though? Still broken?”
Tony expression tightened into a glare. “You better watch it, bitch.”
“Or what?” you challenged.  
There was enough distance between you and him across the pool for you to feel comfortable, but really, you weren’t too afraid of Tony.
Yeah, he was a dick. But you’d taken him down before. You could literally break his balls again if he needed more encouragement to fuck off. 
Tony just smirked back at you, deciding to leave you alone for now. You watched him head back into the house with sharp eyes. He wouldn’t take you by surprise again.
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Frank was waiting for you when you got back to your room. You were more relieved to see him than you’d like to admit, and you greeted him with a genuine smile, before you noticed the shopping bags in his hands. 
“What’s this?” you asked. Frank dutifully handed you the bags, and inside you found new clothes. They actually seemed to be your size. 
You looked up at Frank, both shocked and grateful. “You got me clothes?”
“Boss’s orders,” he revealed. Your brows rose high at that. 
“He told you to do this?”
Frank expelled a breath through his nose, hesitating, like he was debating how to frame his reply.
“He provided them,” he said. It felt like a confession, one that made your eyes widen at the implication.
Soldier Boy bought you new clothes? 
You didn’t know how to compute on this one, honestly. But you still answered with a tentative, “Oh. Well…thanks.”
He nodded, and soon left you with your thoughts and your spoils. You went into your room and dumped the bags onto the bed so you could examine their contents. 
There were casual shirts and yoga pants, a couple pairs of jeans, some sneakers, thank God. All the bras and panties, however, were lacey and expensive.
You shook your head with a smile, eyeing the labels. This man really went to Victoria’s Secret to buy you new underwear. 
It was both kind and somewhat sleazy, knowing he was going to be imagining you in the sexy, but admittedly tasteful lingerie. 
The “kind” part took you by surprise though. The clothes overall weren’t revealing or obnoxious. Even the underwear and bras were in styles you’d probably wear, under normal circumstances. 
So you put together an outfit out of one of the shirts and a pair of jeans, breathing a sigh of relief when you could peel the old ones off. 
This was a far cry from bullying and annoying you, and generally being an arrogant son of a bitch. 
The truth was, Ben was confusing you.
Perhaps now more than ever. 
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AN: 🤭 Well, one would argue that she saw more sides of Ben than she thought she would (or wanted to). 😜
Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Things are definitely going to ramp up in the next one...
Keep Reading: PART 6
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List:
@deans-spinster-witch @this-is-me19 @waynes-multiverse @pallographsunspot @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @spalady26 @spnwoman @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @syrma-sensei @muhahaha303 @123passwort @xoxovienna @magnificentnightmarehadi @lollag0w0 @globetrotter28 @nancymcl @ashbatz @yvonneeeee @fckinel @secretdreamlandmentality @kristophalis @wonderland2022 @waters-2567 @emily-winchester @shelh93 @sl33pylilbunny @spoonmynoodle @chernayawidow @buckybarnes-1917 @secretdreamlandmentality @asgardprincess97 @sometimes-i-sing @itsyellow @karnellius @kimberleymjw @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @iamsapphine
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callsignfate · 6 months
Risk is my middle name
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Day Nine of Writemas/Birthday posts!
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here
If you want to see more posts like this go here Reader wears glasses/contacts
TW: None? Let me know if I've missed any!
"Damn it!" You hissed as your last pair of contacts had dried out. You looked at them in disbelief before moving to find your glasses. Usually, the world was an uncomfortable blur; your terrible eyesight made people standing even two feet away appear blurry and their faces unreadable.
Valeria, who had perfect eyesight, watched you walk around, moving your hands over the objects on your nightstand and dresser, pulling them mere inches away from your face before putting them back down. An amused smile played on her lips, your mind so focused on finding your glasses that you had forgotten Valeria was still in the room, lounging in bed.
"What are you looking for?" she questioned with an amused tone. A small, startled scream escaped your lips before you turned and squinted your eyes to try to see Valeria clearly.
"What in God's name—have you been in here the whole time?" you questioned immediately as Valeria's laugh echoed into the room. "Yep, just enjoying the show," Valeria replied, her laughter continuing. "You're like a detective investigating a crime scene without your glasses. Or trying to decode some ancient script. It's cute."
You scowled, the effort of squinting making the expression comical. "This is not cute. This is a serious situation. I can't see anything."
Valeria sat up, her laughter subsiding but a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, maybe you should've taken better care of your last pair of contacts. What's your plan now, Sherlock?"
You huffed, knowing you looked ridiculous. "I guess I'll have to go to the optometrist and get a new set. But right now, I need you to guide me. Help me find my glasses, Val, Please." you hummed out before you made your way back to the bed.
"You broke your last pair when you fell, remember?" Valeria added.
"Oh, right," you muttered, mentally facepalming. "Well, that complicates things. I might need a walking stick instead of glasses."
"Okay, blind detective, what's the plan now?" Valeria asked, settling in next to you.
"I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get new contacts," you replied, a hint of frustration in your voice.
Valeria patted your back reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. In the meantime, you can enjoy the world of artistic blur. Who knows, you might discover a hidden talent for abstract art."
You chuckled, appreciating Valeria's lighthearted approach to the situation. "Maybe I'll start a new movement: Impressionistic Living."
Valeria grinned. "I can't wait to see your masterpiece." "You might be witnessing the birth of a genius," you huffed dramatically, gesturing toward the blurry surroundings.
Valeria pointed her blurry arm at random objects from the room. "Describe this masterpiece to me. What do you see?"
You squinted in the general direction of her hand. "It's a... uh, blob of colors.. Definitely represents the complexities of life."
Valeria burst into laughter. "I think you're onto something. Abstract art enthusiasts would pay a fortune for that description."
"I can't even see your expression's Val, you're a blurry blob, a hot blurry blob, but a blob." You sighed now even more annoyed with yourself.
Valeria playfully pouted. "Well, as long as I'm a hot blurry blob, I guess that's acceptable."
You sighed again, dramatically. "Imagine all the details I'm missing right now. Your fabulous hair, your radiant smile, and, most importantly, your evil plotting expression."
Valeria chuckled. "Ah, the evil plotting expression is a fan favorite. Too bad you're missing out."
You mimicked a gasp. "Maybe this is all part of your grand plan. Sabotaging my vision for world domination."
"Lean closer so I can." You pouted as you tried to release you eyes from squinting, the headache from the squinting, that wasn't helping, already forming.
Valeria leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Yes, my grand plan is to make you utterly dependent on me. Step one: sabotage your vision. Step two: rule the world together. It's foolproof, really."
You groaned, "I knew falling for you was a risky move."
Valeria chuckled, her breath warm on your face. "Risk is my middle name." "I knew it." You playfully mumbled before she leaned in and left a gentle kiss on your lips.
If you want to see the scheduled posts go here
If you want to see more posts like this go here
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Happy Birthday Wally: Actor Wally x Stage hand one off
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Do not tag clown bee cause they don’t want to be tagged in written fan art but for everyone else to se HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOWN AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE WHO HAS BIRTHDAY TODAY 🎂 make sure to keep you eyes out for random birthday cakes
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🍎Today was just another day for Wally. Drive to the stage area. Park his car in his private spot. Head on in to go to his dressing room and get a team to do his makeup. He actually forgot it was his birthday because the week had been so busy. They had been making a Mother’s Day post and talking about moms on the show and people who we see as moms. It was exhausting to Wally. He never really talks about his mother. Though he loves her a lot. He just gets so busy with work that he barely has time to contact family. He heads to the stage shooing away the makeup artists who finished with him so he can go to wardrobe. He notices you and his fellow cast mates whispering but is whisked away to be in todays outfit.
🎬 You were talking with the cast the other day and they told you about Wally’s birthday. Barnaby told you how busy they all been lately and how Wally may have forgotten. So you all got together and formed the Wally Birthday 🎂 surprise group. Poppy would bake the cake. Howdy would get the supplies and Sally would decorate. Since those three weren’t in this weeks episode. They really wanted to help out. So you tell them to bring everything to the dressing room on Wally’s birthday and while everyone is filming the show , they set up for the surprise party. You watch Wally walk by and wait for him to leave the dressing and as soon as he left , the party set up started!
🍎 Wally exits the dressing rooms and sees that Howdy , Poppy, and Sally walk away. He just assumes they going to go chill at the food court area since they weren’t in todays episode. He watches you run around seeming to do even more extra stuff. He wonders what you are doing but he does the episode. Barnaby was talking about his chicken mother. Julie was talking about her oldest sister who she sees as a mom. Frank talked about how his mother used to put bandages on his knee when he fell and Eddie talked about how his mother made the best biscuits he ever had. Wally talks about his mother with the others as they record the show. Not knowing what was happening behind the scenes. Soon enough. They finished filming and everyone packed up. His friends left him like they ran. He was confused . But he heads to wardrobe to get in his regular clothes.
🎬You hush everyone. Making sure they have their gifts in their hands for Wally knowing he would be coming in. The door slowly opens and in comes Wally. You all yell , “SURPRISE !!! Happy Birthday Wally!!!” Confetti flew at him and his face looked shocked. Poppy showed a cake that had his face on it. 🎂 He was so shocked . Everyone hand their gifts and gave him hugs and sang happy birthday and he just smiles tearing up. You hand him your gift last. He opens it and it was a picture of all of them when you first started working together with them. “Thank you (y/n). And thank you for the birthday party,” he says which surprises you. He guessed right it was you. “I got one last gift for you Wally,” you say and give him a cheek kiss finally showing you like him . “Happy birthday Wally,” you say after it and his face turns bright red but he just sighs happily looking at you. “Thank you (y/n) ,” he holds your arm after was swooning over you . Best birthday ever
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Ta Da. Some little fluff for my darling. Happy birthday to Clown and everyone else who has a birthday this month!!!!!
Wally tags: @akilaporu001
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Blue Bow
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT AF
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Requested (can I just say first that I'm a HUGE fan of your work i love you💗) but anyway could you write an imagine where Y/n works at the hospital with Jack but he never notices her until he finds her..pleasuring herself to the thought of him and then soon he starts to notice her and falls in love with her?? that was a lot I'm sorry but that would make my life complete (could you also add smut between them??)
I groaned as the light from my window flooded in across my face caused my skin to heat up, I forced my body up out of my bed and made the bed behind me, I went to my wardrobe and got some clothes on for today before headed to the small stove made myself a cup of tea and some toast to try and bring me into this world a little more. I finished my toast and was about halfway down my tea before I heard my door. I looked up and saw one of the nurses, I didn't know her name opened my door. This was very usual most nurses don't bother to knock or anything mostly because if they're getting me there isn't often really time to knock I guess. 
I looked at her and took her in a little, a pair of small black boots laced up to her knees, I would assume stockings but I don't know, the usual grey-washed-out nurses dress around her with an apron over it, nothing overly spectacular or noteworthy about her. She was cute I guess, but the main thing I noticed about her was her hair in a ponytail with a blue ribbon bow to tie it up.
"Doctor Dawkins?"
"Yes?" I asked, 
"The surgery is starting,"
"Right, I'll be down in a second." 
She nodded and went off back to her business, So I finished my tea and headed down to get on with work. 
I set up for surgery this afternoon and sorted everything I needed in the prep room, I heard the nurse who was to be helping me today arrive at the prep room, I didn't bother to look up at her I'm sure whoever it is can do her job. 
"Doctor," She smiled as she brought the leather apron over, 
I saw her and noticed it was her again, her little boots, grey washed-out uniform, and her hair with its blue bow ribbon keeping her hair in a bun. Ohh right that one, "Ahh Afternoon," I told her as she happily handed me the apron which I slipped over my head and she cheerfully buckled it at my back,
"Good Afternoon Doctor Dawkins," she smiled, 
"You know what we're doing?" 
"Yes sir," 
"Good, shall we get on then?" I asked her as I turned and handed her what we needed to take into the theatre, 
"Of course, yes." She nodded as she followed behind me like a little lost kitten,  
I sighed as I headed into the storage cupboard looking for, well peace for a few minutes. I shut the door and leaned against the wall, I took a moment to breathe and to straighten my head after today's madness. I let a few breaths out but I perked up as I heard another sound, I heard a gasp but not like a gasp of surprise. I looked into the cupboard and saw someone standing leaning against the side of the wooden shelf used to store towels, bedsheets, and other such things, given the angle they were mostly hidden. But I saw a foot around the shelf with a black knee-high lace boot, an exposed leg with some pale stockings, and the pulled-up fabric of a washed-out nurse uniform. They gasped and shifted their body a lot, I was almost worried they were hurt whoever they were. 
"Uhhh... Doctor Dawkins..." Her voice moaned softly,
Ohhh... What? What was that? she- she just moaned my name? Ohhhh this is gonna be fun.
"Uhh...uhhhh... ummmm..." Her voice muttered as she tried to be quiet, 
It was then as she moved her head I saw her hair in a half updo with a blue ribbon bow, 
Ohh! it's Blue bow. It's her. that- that one. who's the name... damn it still escapes me. I moved a little closer to try and see her better, Her back was against the wooden shelves and Her dress was tugged up around her waist exposing her white bloomers, she had moved the table close to her and perched herself on the corner of the wooden table she shifted and moved her body slowly to the rounded edge of the wooden table rubbed against her clit to pleasure her. Ughh fuck she looked so good... Umm my naughty little nurse. I had to admit watching her grind on the table moaning for me with that innocent little blue bow in her hair was more than enough to get me excited. But she moved off the table and I almost whined from disappointment, but she unbuttoned her dress and slipped her hand in plaid and fondled her breast she leant against the shelf and slipped her hand between her legs as she rubbed her clit and slipped her fingers inside herself. 
"Ughhh! Doctor Dawkins..." She moaned,
Ummm... you naughty little girl, locking yourself away to touch yourself thinking about me. Fuck I just wanna go over and get my hands on you... but, then you might stop and we don't want that. 
I watched her for a creepy amount of time but I couldn't tear my eyes away, I bit my lip as I watched her so eagerly play, I couldn't stop myself from unbuttoning my trousers and I pulled out my stiff erection, I smirked as I rubbed my hand down myself as I watched her, listening to her gasps and moans, I did my best to keep quiet made sure my hand kept pace with hers, But she was overexcited already going a little too fast for me but I soon got to that point of desire too, 
"Ughhhhh!" she whined clearly desperate,
I wanted to go over and finish her myself but she was doing just fine without me, and she was so much fun to watch, as her own wetness coated her hand and even began to drip down her legs, until it suddenly hit her, she lent her head back her eyes rolled back and her mouth hung open as she uncontrollably moaned as she reached her orgasm. Just watching her was amazing and I hit my own only just after her own, so I clamped a hand over my mouth so my moans wouldn't alert her to my presence, I quickly cleaned up and calmed down. 
"Umm..." she sighed and fanned herself with her hand as she fixed her clothes, "Ohh Doctor Dawkins..." she sighed happily as she blew a kiss,
Awww she's cute, I silently blew her a kiss too before I quickly did my trousers up and left as quietly as I could, as soon as I shut the door I bolted across to the small room under the theatre standing and shut the door to be alone. "Fuck..." I gasped slightly recovering after all that, "Ummm you naughty little thing. I'm gonna have to start paying more attention to my little blue bowed nurse." 
I smirked leaning on the wall across from the ward, looking through the window watching the nurses work, or well... the nurse work. My eyes square on her. In her little boots, her cute little dress and apron, her hair in a braided half updo with her blue ribbon plaided into her braid and then in a bow at the bottom to hold the braid, a broom in her hand as she worked making sure everything was cleaned. I admit my eyes lingered longer than they should have, and it had been like this for days now, ever since the storage cupboard incident I couldn't stop looking at her, reminded of what I saw. But even so, I couldn't help but notice so many things about her, how she always wiggles her hips as she sweeps, how she dusts off her hands when she's finished working, how every day she finds a new way to put that little blue ribbon in her hair, her sweet gentle smile when she makes the patients, I have to admit... I do think she's cute, and sweet, and... Ohh crap. I like her, don't I. 
"Ohh Good Morning Doctor Dawkins," she smiled as she hurried past with her broom,
"Morning," I smiled, "You're always so busy," I chuckled as I followed her with my arms behind my back, 
"Well, so much to do." she chuckled,
"Yeah I imagine there is, you don't have to work so hard you know. You can leave some of it to the other nurses?"
"No, it wouldn't be right, I don't mind."
"You're sweet, such a precious little thing," 
She blushed, "Aww that's so kind of you, Doctor Dawkins," she giggled, "I uhh I think you're very sweet too,"
"Hum... you're too nice to me." I smirked, "You sure you don't take any breaks during the day?"
"I do try not to doctor," she said, "always something to do,"
"Right you are," I nodded, "But uhh you ever do want a break, the uhh... the storage cupboard is a very peaceful place."
Blush formed across her cheeks, "It uhh it is?"
"I'd say so,"
"I uhh I wouldn't know I don't often take a break, let alone in the uhh storage cupboard."
"no, course not. You're far too busy." I told her, "But if ever you do fancy a break I do enjoy the storage cupboard,"
"You do?"
"I do, often find myself in there of a busy day,"
"Yes uhh I uhh I will have to take your word for it," 
 "You have a nice day Nurse," I told her before I headed off to get on with my work, unable to hide my smile for hours.
I stood by my mirror and fixed my hair a little to make sure I looked decent, I knew she'd be coming up to drop off some clean laundry for me and I was eager to see her. As soon as I heard feet up the stairs so I went and sat on my bed doing my best to look attractive grabbing a book to look mysterious and busy as she came into my room in her usual dress and apron, her hair in her usual blue bow tied around her head with the bow on the top of her head like an adorable little present, the basket in her hands with the folded laundry.
"Ahh There you are," I smiled,
"Good Evening doctor Dawkins," She cooed as she set the basket down by my wardrobe as usual,
"Thank you very much,"
"You're welcome," She smiled before our eyes finally let and immediately blush dusted her cheeks,
"Yes?" I smirked at her blush,
"Uhh Doctor Dawkins..." She began, "Are you reading your book upside down... on purpose?" 
I glanced at the book in my hand and saw the pages and their words upside down, as I was in fact holding the book upside down, "...Yes," I answered, "I was trying to observe a medical diagram from an additional angle..." I lied, 
"Oh, of course, do excuse me." she smiled, "Is that all or is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Yes actually, I uhh..." I began as I got out of bed and set my book down, "I wanted to ask you how you came into this line of work?"
"Ohh? Me?"
"Yes, you." I told her as I moved closer to her,
"Well, My uhh my father got sick when I was young, just sort of lived my life as if I lived in a hospital always cleaning and caring for him, after he died I suppose I just thought I should use my years of experience." 
"That's very sweet."
"Thank you, may I ask how you came into this line of work doctor?"
"Much the same I suppose, just sort of fell into it." 
"Well, I'm glad you did,"
"Yeah, I'm glad you did too."
"If that's everything Doctor I should be heading back..."
"There is one more thing,"
I couldn't wait any longer so I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to hers, her lips soft and almost sugary, she kissed back her hands settled on my chest and gripped my shirt, I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer so not an inch remained between us, she pulled back for some air and gasped quickly. 
"Umm... Don't stop." I told her as I caressed her cheek and pressed kisses all over her face and jaw, 
"Don't stop, Please... just let me kiss you." 
"Doctor dawkins I-"
"Please. I need you. I want you so bad..." I groaned, "You've wound me up like a bloody spring all this time, now you've let me go... you can't expect me to just stop-" 
"I didn't know you- you even looked at me?"
"I've done nothing but look at you for weeks." I told her as I ran the tip of my nose up her own, "Humm ever since the storage cupboard..." 
"Ohh god- You-"
"Ohh I know." I growled, "I watched you..."
"You wa-watched me?"
"I did."
"Ohh I'm so so sorry I-"
"It's alright, I was too."
"I was, I joined in with you. Took all my strength not to go over and replace your hands."
"You should have,"
"Should I? Would you have wanted me too?"
"I would,"
"Well... how about we repeat the cupboard events then? but this time I'll replace your hands."
"On one condition,"
"I'll replace yours too."
"deal!" I smirked as I pulled her back into a kiss, 
she very happily kissed back, our kisses becoming lustful and passionate immediately, our hands lost on each other our lips battling one another but there was no way on this earth she was winning over me. I set my hands on the back of her thighs just under her ass and lifted her up before I threw her down on my bed not wasting a single moment to get between her legs, she giggled her hands either side of her head on the pillow before she grabbed me by my hair and pulled me down to her, I didn't argue pushing myself against her pinning her whole body down pressing it into my mattress as we kissed her hands tugging and knotting in my hair as our moans flowed freely, I pulled back kissing down her neck as my hands grabbed her hem and forced up her dress,
"Let's see what you're hiding under this study little dress," I growled in her ear as I pushed her dress up she happily lifted her arms letting me push it off over her head and throw it off my bed revealing her cream corset and white bloomers, and that body... Fuck! "Urrghhh! That is a fucking crime to lock that body in that boxy stuffy dress... Ummmm look at you!" I groaned kissing down her chest until I reached her corset, her hands began tugging at my waistcoat so I did deny her I sat up and unbuttoned it throwing it to the floor too I peeled off my suspenders and tossed my shirt to the side and Immediately her hands found my bare chest and wouldn't stop petting and stroking me, 
"Oooohh Look at you," She smirked, 
I admit... that made me feel very loved and very desired, not had a girl go so excited about seeing me before, and... I cannot be blamed for my response. 
"Ummmmm!" I groaned wrapping my arms around her and pushing her so hard into my best as I kissed her on the the bed springs actually broke below us, 
"What was that?" she pulled away at the shocking sound, 
"I don't know- I don't care-" I told her, "the bed still work?"
"...Yes?" She said quickly giving it a test,
"Then I'll deal with it later!" I told her kissing her again, my fingers quickly found her corset ties tugging and pulling on them until it was undone and tossed that off the bed pulling back to see her perky breasts "Fuck!" I groaned just looking at her, "I can't wait anymore." I groaned yanking her bloomers off and kissing her stomach as I did all to get her naked on my bed already she was insanely beautiful and I held her thighs to spread them a little to get the most perfect view of her laying on my bed her hair against my pillow with that cute little blue bow in her hair, her perk bare breasts, her smooth seductive stomach, her glistening pussy with her legs wide open for me. I kissed down her body already feeling myself throbbing in my trousers for her, "I want you so bad..."
"Then you can have me doctor Dawkins..." she gasped, 
I didn't need to be told twice burying my head between her legs to lick and suck on her clit not even needing to warm up gently as she was already more than ready for me, Hearing her gently whine and squeal under me was the most erotic sound I'd heard in my life, her body often wiggling and flinching under me from how overwhelmed she was at merely my touch, and her taste! fuck I could eat her for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still not be satisfied. My hands held her thighs stroking the cotton soft skin her own knotted into my hair tugging and pushing on my head often to guide me where she needed me, 
"Ughh! Doctor Dawkins! Stop please I'll-" She whined, 
I didn't stop I got faster moving a hand up to grab her breast fondling it in my hand as I kissed her and her orgasm hit suddenly her legs shaking, her hips twitching and her squirting down my bed her hands gripped my hair tightly and she loudly moaned,
"Ohh my god you look so good-" I groaned as I watched her cum, "Ummm, you're doing that again!" I smirked trying to kiss her again but she clamped her thighs shut,
"No, no please -" she gasped, "At least let me rest for a moment..."
"Alright, you think you have the energy?" I smirked unbuttoning my trousers and pulling out my cock, 
"yes doctor," she nodded excitedly, she happily kissed my neck and chest before taking every inch of me in her mouth,
"Ughhhh fuck!" I groaned one hand holding the bed and the other holding her bow as she so passionately worked, moans and groans tumbling from my lips as she worked moving her head back and forth using her tongue to run circles all the way around my head, I couldn't stop looking at her as she worked, "Ummm you look so gorgeous... Ummm you naughty little thing," I groaned I knew I was already close to her sucking so I pushed her back flat on the bed which made her giggle teasingly "Ohh? you like winding me up?"
"Maybe I should torture you see how you like it?" I smirked thrusting two fingers inside her fast and hard,
"Ughhhhhh Doctor Dawkins please!" she screamed over my fast and merciless thrusts I smirked and grabbed her breast fondling her perky breast again and hardening her nipple rubbing and pinching it which made her scream more, "Ahhh ughhh uuuuhhhhh!"
"Aww you like that?" 
"This what you want?" I growled taking my hand from her pussy to grab her other breast and playing with her nipples with both hands 
"Ughhh yes!" she whined,
"Ummm, you naughty girl..." I growled kissing her neck as I mercilessly plaid with them, "Umm I wanna suck on them so bad-"
"Yeah- sorry that was probably kinda-" I began trying to apologize as I realized how weird that sounded only after it left my mouth but she grabbed my hair and forced my head down, I smirked and kissed down her neck and chest picking the left biting gently on the soft smooth skin of her breast before flicking my tongue across her hard nipple which immediately made her tense, I made sure to be slow watching her face as I ran my tongue in a clockwise circle around it before sucking hard on her nipple even gracing her skin a little with my teeth and flicking my tongue across her harder. 
"Uhhhh! Please! doctor-" she gasped, "No more please,"
"No? What do you want instead?"
"I want you inside me."
"Ughhh! You naughty girl!" I smirked immediately stroking myself to make sure I was at my best for her, "Ready?"
"Ready," she nodded, 
I smirked and pushed inside her, immediately losing myself in pleasure. She felt amazing! more than I could have ever imagined I held her hips hard and thrusted hard and fast listening to her intense screams, I let my moans fall without concern I knew I wouldn't last long so I rubbed on her clit mercilessly as I thrusted harder and faster hearing her scream and plead for more. She pushed me back until I pulled out I was confused for a moment but she smirked and turned over to kneel on her stomach moving her hips back until they met my own, "Ummmm you naughty girl." I growled grabbing her hips and thrusting fast and hard, listening to the sounds of her moans and squeals mixed with the bed squeaking and the sound of our skin hitting each other, I smirked and grabbed her breast tugging on her nipples making her scream in pleasure, "Ummm you like that? Fuck! You naughty girl, my naughty, naughty girl." 
"Doctor Dawkins..." she moaned, "Yes! Please!"
"Come on my little nurse, I'm not stopping till you cum." I smirked pulling her hair and that sweet little blue bow until, she tightened around me and squirted again as she reached her orgasm I kept going to let her ride it out as long as possible but it made me reach my orgasm too so I quickly pulled out and finished across her back. She collapsed on the bed and I quickly laid down beside her as we both gasped quickly, "Fuck... I uhh I think I'm in love with you,"
"I... I think I'm in love with you."
"I... I love you too..." she smiled, "You really mean that?"
"I do," I nodded, "More than anything," 
"Ohh, that's very sweet doctor Dawkins," she cooed moving to lay her head on my chest I smiled and pet her hair softly, 
"It's Jack." 
"Jack," she smiled, "Jack Dawkins, it's a very pretty name."
"Aww you're a sweet little thing," I told her,
"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n."
"Y/n," I smiled kissing her head, "that's a beautiful name." I told her kissing her sweet face, "I really do love you y/n."
"I love you too Jack," She smiled nuzzling closer into my chest so I held her tight and tucked the covers around us, letting her lay there comfortably as I plaid with her cute blue bow. 
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Well, I had an idea for you to do. The reader is a streamer who enters the Welcome website and, together with the live people, gets to know this Welcome and Yan! Wally... Well, how would Wally react to that? And as time goes by wally falls in love with the reader, how would he see the reader's fans and his job of doing live, playing games, watching videos?
Tysm for the request! I love this idea I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do it yet but I could be wrong too! Hope you’re doing well or that things get better 🐰!
this hasn’t been spelll checked so sorry for any errors in my writing!
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“Hello everyone and welcome back or to my stream! Today I’m looking at this website called “ Welcome Home.” You greeted explaining the website you found while starting your stream.
You’ve been a streamer for a few weeks, but you’ve managed to gain a lot of popularity due to keeping up with the popular topics of the months. And out of nowhere you had found the website “ Welcome Home”. You don’t know how or why it just one day popped up in one of your emails probably from some fan of yours wanting you to review it. Strangest thing about the email was how nothing was said about the website and the email even seemed to be sketchy, but curiosity got the best of you.
So without thinking or whatever had possessed you made you click on the website. For a second the bright colors and themes of the website blinded you as your eyes tried to adjust to it. The bright colors and theme of the website amazed you. As you looked further into it the website explained it was an abandoned puppet studio they had found. And wanted to revive or find out more about the old show that seemed to have been wiped from history.
You’ve heard a few things about the website and it’s fast rise to popularity so it would probably do you some good to check it out. What’s a little curiosity going to hurt?
” There’s glitches in the website?” You questioned as people flooded your comments with all the glitches in the game.
You decided to check them out after previewing the characters information about them. Though one character in particular caught your eye. Wally Darling he was the only character who ever made eye contact with the viewer. Especially in official art or any on the website his large black eyes almost followed you around in a way. It was creepy, but you guessed that might have just been something the maker of the website did.
Little did you know it wasn’t. As the lively black eyes followed you are still peering into your own eyes. Even peaking onto your stream. As you chatted to your so called “chat” about the website.
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“ Hello and welcome to or back to my stream!” You said doing your usual intro for your stream.
“ Sorry if the quality is bad! I’ve been having some trouble with my computer, but that won’t stop me.” You announced.
Ever since you went onto the welcome home website you’ve been having technical difficulties with your computer. You’ve rebooted it twice, brought it to someone for repairs, and after all that you were told nothings wrong with it. Now here’s the oddest thing today as you streamed your graphics and everything was fine. No buggs or anything it was fine. Acting as if there wasn’t anything wrong with it for the last week!
“ Well I’ll just end the stream here. Thank you all watching!” You said as you finally ended the stream.
Sighing out you looked at your now glitching computer. You brought your lips to a pout still thinking of what possible way your computer would be fine. How could it be fine if it’s doing this? And what’s with the eyes that would always pop up randomly. The eyes seemed so familiar in a way too. Were you being hacked? This was just starting to get ridiculous. Who and what is doing this shit?!
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Your ‘streams’ as you called them were always so interesting. He’s never really seen anything like this and you even do it for a living? A very fun job in his opinion! To just info dump, review, and give your own input on whatever you were doing sounded like a dream.
As you talked he couldn’t help but become mesmerized with your voice. It was just so addictive to just watch you all day doing your streams without a care in the world. Especially as his dark eyes watched your face contort into so many different emotions. Whether it be anger, sadness, disgust, or even adoration all of them looked so beautiful on your beautiful face. He looked forward to watching you ever day. In a way you could say he was your number one fan because he was always the first one to watch your streams every day.
But once they ended he still had front row seats to his next favorite stream. What you did when the camera was off. This was when you didn’t put on your little persona for the camera and everything was just artificially you. He loved this part of you the most. Even if you didn’t know he was there he always was watching you. You were all his thoughts had clouded over with. A fog of nothing but your sweet face saying his name in admiration just as he hoped to someday say to you.
Oh, how he just yearned to be with you! But not yet, no it’s not time. Not yet…
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Tysm for reading this hope you’re alll doing well or that things are getting better!
sincerely- Cup1dT3a💖
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risuola · 9 months
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Sometimes you forget about your own birthday, but no worries, Satoru's got you. He always remember, and he even prepared a very special gift for you.
cw: fluff, no warnings — 2,8k words
a/n: i turned 28 this week, so here i am indulging myself with a fictional party, because i hate real parties. also i'm not sure if the picture in the middle is an official art or the fan art, i claim no rights to it 🩶
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“Thanks Kento,” you addressed the blonde, when you got out of the bathroom in his house. “You’re saving my life.”
“No need to thank me,” he responded with the ghost of a smile on his face, and you checked yourself in the mirror. You looked tired, but other than that, thankfully normal, which wasn’t the case just half an hour ago, when you finished your job in the field.
It was a simple mission – get to the place, exorcise a bunch of curses, nothing out of ordinary and nothing especially difficult to do. Quite the opposite, it went smoothly – it took you three hours to hunt down every single one of the little curses, but their grades were low. One thing you were not told before taking the assignment though, was that those curses had a tendency to ugly explode with purple and green goo as they were exorcised. That’s why, when the job was done, you were covered from head to toe in those slimy curse gut-residuals. It was on your clothes, hands, in your hair and you could have sworn it was in your mouth too. You could feel it, smell it, taste it and damn was it disgusting. Hence why you called Nanami on your way back and thankfully found him at home. His apartment was so near, compared to the way you had to reach Jujutsu high and being the sweetheart that he is, he agreed for you to take a shower at his place and even gave you one of his dress shirts to wear, because your clothes were good for nothing but a trash bag. It was way too big, but with a belt it made for a pretty cute dress actually.
Once you were ready to leave, he got up as well.
“I have a thing to check in school so Ijichi will drive us both,” he explained and you gave it a nod and after that, you two went down to get a ride.
“How are you?”, you asked your friend, while you two were comfortably seated in the back of a car. It’s been a while since you last saw Nanami. “I didn’t even ask.”
“I’m good, thanks y/n,” he once again, gave you the slightest one of his smiles and exhaled deeply. “You’re tired, huh?”
“Ah, it’s nothing. Guess I didn’t sleep well today, it’s all good.” You shrugged it off, looking at the driver. “And you, Ijichi? Satoru’s not bothering you too much?”
“I-I’m fine and no, he’s n-not,” the man stuttered, sweat beads forming on his forehead as he spoke and you chuckled. That poor man was constantly being terrorized by the strongest sorcerer for god knows why.
“So, he is bothering you,” you chuckled and Ijichi laughed nervously, wiping his forehead with a tissue. “You don’t have to be so scared of him, he just likes to assert his dominance but he wouldn’t hurt you. Is he bothering you as well, Nanami?”
“Gojo is always bothering me,” the blonde sighed. “It always amazes me how fondly you speak of him. You really seem to like Satoru.”
“Oh, he’s really not that bad,” a smile spread over your face as you thought about Satoru. “He’s quite charming, actually.”
Truth is, you and Satoru are closer than any of you might wanna admit. You’re co-workers, that’s for sure. Friends, also, you know each other since high school and you kept in touch ever since. You probably know the man more than he knows himself. You’ve also been on few dates. Unofficial dates, of course, more like you just went to the same place, at the same time, just the two of you, and sat at the same table or bench, and talked for hours as you were brushing circles onto the skin of his hands or he was just keeping yours in his palms. Those kinds of dates. Nothing serious.
“As charming as a clown can be, I guess,” Nanami shrugged softly and you giggled. “But you two should get together, it’s only you who he seems to not enjoy annoying.”
“Commitment in our profession doesn’t seem like a great idea.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
The rest of the drive went in calm, you talked with the two in the car about sweet little nothings, sharing meaningless details about your days and maybe Ijichi seemed a little more stressed than usual, but you didn’t notice anything too weird to think about it. That’s why when you pulled off to the school and got to the main building, your heart almost jumped out of your chest at the sudden and incredibly loud ‘surprise!’ being thrown at your face.
“Huh?”, it stunned you to the point of disorientation. Why were all of your students and most of the older sorcerers that you know here? Why all the balloons, confetti and the cake?
“It’s your birthday, dummy,” you quickly were swept by the long arm of no one else but Satoru Gojo, who greeted you with a grin wide and bright and a light squeeze on your shoulder. The gesture was friendly, but you couldn’t deny the warmth that exploded in your chest the moment he touched you.
“My birthday?” Oh yes, your birthday. “God, I forgot about it.”
“I figured, buuuut we didn’t so I hope you have a little bit more power in your batteries to celebrate?”, Satoru led you more into the crowded space and with real surprise you noticed that even Yuuta was here, and students from Kyoto along with Utahime. No Gakuganji though, thanks to the heavens.
It was all surreal but at the same time so grounding to be surrounded by so many people that you find close to your heart. And for the next hours, you forgot about how tired your body was, how disgusting you were earlier that day and how perfectly Nanami acted like he has a real job in the school rather than the party to attend.
You stayed there until very late, enjoying every second of talks and laughs with your friends and students. You caught up with all of them, learned about the progress the teenagers were making, got to know more about how work was for the older sorcerers and even, when outside for a quick fresh air breath, one of the little, flying curses gave you a card with few wishes written in it, with no sign whatsoever, but it was the handwriting that gave it away. Suguru Geto. Even though he went a very different path than the rest of you, even though you all lost contact with him the moment he left around the second year, he had never, not even once, forgotten about your birthday, always delivering a card or something else one way or another. It warmed your heart and sometimes you wished to see him just for a moment to give him one last bear hug. You couldn’t, but the card will go to the box of things you cherish, along with the round, dark shades that no one could see through – the ones that Gojo was wearing while in high school; with Shoko’s first scalpel that she used to practice – the very cheap one that got blunt after just few uses; with one button from Haibara’s uniform – the only one that was left hanging by a thread, when he got back to school one last time and along with many other things you’ll hold onto until the day you die.
“Tired?”, Satoru asked you, when the clock hands moved past 1am. Most of the students were already gone and teachers also began to crumble down, calling it a night.
“Exhausted,” you chuckled softly and squeezed the hand he offered you, helping you get up from the couch.
“Let’s get you to bed, how’s that sound?”
With all of the goodbyes done, you gathered your gifts and left with Satoru, heading towards your little apartment. All the way he was keeping your hand in his, grinning like he usually does, but something felt off in the way his fingers were wrapped around you. A little tighter than always, little more possessive – a little more like he was afraid to let go of you even though that would be an irrational fear, because you never wanted anything more than to be held by him.
“Soo,” he began, when you both stepped into your place and you put down all of the bags, “I hope you don’t think I forgot about your gift. Though it’s technically not your birthday anymore.”
“Oh, Satoru, you know I don’t care about the gifts, right?” you smiled at him. “All of this, the party, the people, is more than I could wish for. Every second spent with all of you is worth more than any gift I could receive.”
“Yea, yea,” he waved a hand at you, making you laugh. He made you feel all kinds of weird things, one of which being the urge to slap and kiss him at the same time. “I actually have two gifts for you.”
“Of course you have,” a shake of your head was all you could offer him. Of course, Satoru Gojo had to be extra like that. “So?”
“Sooo, that’s the first one.” You didn’t even question the way he pulled the light-blue bag with a matching ribbon on top of it from behind his back, like he had it all of the time, which you know he didn’t. You took it anyway and before you even peeked inside, you reached up to him and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, whispering little ‘thank you’. “You’re welcome, now, you can check it later,” almost immediately after the bag landed in your hands, it was snatched away and put down where the other gifts were. “The second gift-“
You looked at him with confusion, realizing that Satoru was… nervous? He was bouncing slightly on his feet, as if he was hyping himself up. He took his glasses off and brushed a hand through his hair.
“Yea?”, you encouraged him to continue, taking him by the hands in hopes to calm him down a little. “What is it? Satoru, don’t tell me you bought me a snow tiger or something?”
“Huh? No, I didn’t. What, you want a snow tiger? You said they are cute, but-“
“No, absolutely not. No snow tigers, please.”
“Ok, wow, I’m more nervous than I was… ever, probably, that’s new,” he laughed at his own composure, or rather the lack of thereof, and now you really began to worry. What the hell did this man did?
“Just say it, I can take it.”
Pulling him by the hands, you took him onto the sofa, now slightly worrying he might really pass out. Doors to your apartment stayed open wide, but that was the least of your worries, when you two sat down and all your eyes could fix on was a man next to you. He looked stunning in his dark grey sweater that exposed a little bit of his collar bones and his long neck, contrasting with his pale skin, light hair and really making his eyes pop. The eyes that made it so easy to get lost. They were like an ocean under the clear sky and bright sunlight, illuminating with thousands of glittering sparkles and the shades of azure and turquoise mixed and flew one into another, intertwining and creating an artwork impossible to recreate. If someone were to animate Satoru, the whole budget would probably go into his eyes alone.
“So, first you need to know that if what I want to give you is not something you feel comfortable accepting, please don’t feel obliged to and just say no. Okay?”, he spoke again and you nodded.
“Come on, Satoru. Just tell me. Or show me, whatever it is.”
“Show you. Alright, I can do that.”
You expected everything. Your mind even wandered into absurd such as him giving you an airplane for god knows what reason, but even in your boldest, bravest dreams you didn’t anticipate his lips on yours. He went all slow and soft about it, closing the distance carefully, leaving you with more than enough time to react and push him away if you wanted to, and when he finally reached you, planting a gentle kiss to your mouth, whilst his hand rested on the side of your neck a little stiffly, you froze for a second. Your body froze, but your heart was racing inside your chest, beating so hard he probably could hear it and feel it in your pulse underneath his palm. Satoru’s lips felt as soft as they looked, so perfect against yours even though what was happening wasn’t even resembling a kiss. It was more like a press with the slightest movement applied but it spoke so much. It was an offer – that way Gojo opened himself to you, ripped his own chest apart and with that simple peck on the lips, he wanted to tell you that now, he’s ready to be vulnerable with you, if you’d only want him to.
“Is my second gift a kiss from you?”, you questioned when he moved his head back just a little, searching for your reaction. It would be on brand for Gojo to consider a kiss from himself a valuable gift, which it was, but if that’s what he wanted to offer you, he had to put more effort into it.
“It’s me. If you’ll have me,” he almost whispered, smoothing over your jawline with his thumb. “Maybe it’s not the best idea to commit to relationship in our line of work, but fuck this. If you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
“Are you serious?”
“Never been more serious.”
Your heart fluttered. Grabbing his face in both of your hands, you went in and kissed him, pouring into it all of the love you held for him and he purred softly against your lips, wrapping his long arms around you and leaning more against you. He outweighed you; you lost your balance and fell back onto the couch and he followed you closely, breaking the kiss just to ask, “is that a yes?”
“Yes, Satoru. Very much yes,” you chuckled and his lips were back on yours, taking your breath away with how good it felt. Your fingers found a way through his silky, snowy white strands, you smoothed over the back of his neck and his broad shoulders, giving into the sensation that radiated throughout your entire nervous system, sending hot waves of pure euphoria down your spine and into every cell in your body. You were happy, the exhaustion now completely forgotten and only the man above you mattered. His weight felt so right on top of you, even in the insanely uncomfortable position you two were now trapped in with your hips twisted below his torso and him now half in the air and half on the couch because there was no way for his height to fit in here. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was his lips on yours, his warmth on your skin and-
“Doors,” you mumbled into the kiss, the gentle whiff of cold air reminded you of what has been forgotten. The doors, that were still wide open. He could feel your chest rumbling with a chuckle as you realized none of you cared enough to even close your apartment when you went in and he made a decision to ignore this fact, now completely consumed by the thought of you. He hummed something and moved his lips lower, smearing kisses all over your chin and down your neck and you tugged softly onto his hair. “Satoru, doors are still opened-”
Getting up, walking towards the entrance and locking the doors would be the logical thing to do, but the thought of parting his own body from yours for even a second now didn’t dare to cross Gojo’s mind, so he stretched his hand towards the doors, consumed by sucking a red spot to the side of your neck and you couldn’t believe it, but he blasted the door with a cursed energy. They shut with the loudest noise anyone could create at that hour in the middle of the night and not ten seconds passed, before they just fell out of frame and hit the floor with another harsh thud.
That seemed to do the trick in stopping the heat, because both of you froze for a moment and you looked to the side, he looked to the side and the world stopped for a whole five second, before you started laughing and playfully patting his shoulder.
“What have you done,” you whined. “Satoruu~”
“I’ll fix this,” he swore, hiding his face back into the crook of your neck, pretending like he wasn’t even there and you couldn’t help but brush through his hair as laughter still had the better of you. “Guess I’ll have to stay the night so you can be safe.”
“Guess that might be necessary.”
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triplesilverstar · 2 months
Along came a bunny or two
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X GN!Reader, Wolfwood X GN!Reader, Knives X GN!Reader
CW: Smut, bunny outfits, riding, clothed sex, listen they're in bunny suits and doing what bunnies do! Bang.
Word count: 1.3K roughly
A/N: Alright so when I saw this art by Lizery this morning I couldn't help myself. So have three little blurbs about the ugh... Bunnies today.
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Walking out of the bathroom you sigh rolling your shoulders and feeling a few of your vertebrae pop adding to the sense of relief you feel. The grip on the towel around your neck loosens and you tilt your head to look up the ceiling and the slowly spinning fan. 
“Well Hello Mayfly~” Letting out a short laugh at the sing song way Vash is speaking, you have a pretty good idea what your outlaw is looking for. Rubbing your fingers along your damp hair before letting a smile grow on your face before looking at Vash. 
And letting out a choked noise. 
“Like what you see Mayfly~” Turning on the bed and giving you a short salute, the leather of his glove squeaking. 
You don’t answer him, your mouth opening and closing as your brain tries to process what Vash is wearing. “Oh, have I left you speechless? That’s new~” 
An audible gulp as you lick your lips at the thigh high leather boots with heels you think only he could pull off. The red fabric clings tightly to his waist and stomach, but the top is stretched out over his pecs in a way that the cups are flopping over. Turning just a small amount and giving his booty a shake to reveal the red cotton tail attached to match the ears on his head.
That does you in. 
Dropping to the floor and wiping the drool from your mouth as you finally find the words. “You make one cute bunny.” 
Laughing as he rises from the bed only to stumble and land in front of you, chuckling at his clumsiness. “I was going for sexy.” A blush breaks out across his face as you lift a hand to trace the scars along his chest peaking out from the cups of the bunny suit. “Guess my little tumble didn’t help that.” 
“Well,” You start before blinking a few more times as you try to gather more of the scattered parts of your brain. “You’re that too. Though, I heard bunnies like to be busy.” Snorting at your own cheesy thoughts before blurting out “So let's get busy, my red sexy bun.” Winking as he tugs you under him to kiss you senseless. 
Later you’re the one wearing the bunny ears while sitting atop him and riding him still in his boots as he thrusts up into you. “You make a cuter bunny.” Panting as he says it, and you’re well aware he’s nowhere near done with you yet. 
Tossing your head back as he hits just the right place inside you that has you screaming his name while he keeps bucking into you. 
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“Darlin, can I get your help with something?” Nico’s voice calls out from another room and you pause what you were doing to head towards the sound of his voice. You’d gotten lucky and stumbled across the abandoned town, taking a bit of time to recover from the wandering of the desert planet. 
Only as you head down you stick your head into one door and don’t find him. Doing the same to another. “Nico, where are you?” 
“Bedroom!” Letting out a small hum at the tingle his raised voice sends down your spine, you head to the end of the hall with a skip in your step. Letting out a whistle at the figure crouched on the bed. 
“Oh, I see you need my help alright.” Smirking at the tanned man in a black bunny suit, a set of black stockings on his thick legs and he’s wearing a pair of heels that don’t fully fit his feet. A set of bunny ears on his head, but what really has your attention is the choker around his neck with the small cross hanging from it. 
“I’ve got an itch I need your help with.” Leaning back you can see the bulge straining the bottom of his outfit curious how he isn’t breaking out the sides of the thin piece of material over his crotch. 
Stepping towards the bed you grin as Nico holds out a hand for you to take as you crawl into his lap and start grinding against him. “Like this?” Pretending you don’t know what he wants as you slip two fingers under the collar around his neck and give it a small tug. 
“Close.” Grunting at the sudden jerk around his neck. Placing his hands on your hips before catching your mouth in a sloppy kiss. “Almost there, maybe something a little warmer to help.” Lifting your body and helping you slip your pants and underwear down your legs, groaning as his thick fingers slide along your sex. 
You ripped a hole in his pantyhose after pushing the bottom of his bunny suit aside and sinking down onto his length. Both of you groan as you ride him with your fingers gripping the choker around his neck. “What a naughty bunny you’ve been, all pent up. Don’t worry Nico.” Panting as you move faster with his aid. “I’ll help with that itch until it’s good and soothed.” 
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“Oh come on Master Knives, you agreed.” Crossing your legs at you sit at the foot of his bed, doing your best to behave. It wasn’t your fault he had agreed to your little wager when he informed you he expected you to wear the outfit he had found. 
A wager he was certain he was going to win. 
“This is nothing but beneath me.” The snark in his voice is clear, clearly full of disdain for what he’s wearing. 
“You were going to have me in it.” You grin hiding your lips behind your hand. “Please Master Knives.” Pleading with him usually resulted in you sort of getting your way. 
A snarl and it takes every fibre of your being not to laugh at the most dangerous being on the planet striding towards you. In a bunny suit so pale the blue is barely visible, walking on heels strapped around his ankle with a grace you didn’t expect of the plant, the bunny ears atop his head bobbing in time to his graceful steps. 
You can’t hold yourself back at the sight of him filling out the fabric and having it stretched across his lean abdomen so you can see every twitch of his stomach as he strides towards you and gives you the smallest of twirls as per your agreed upon a deal. 
A giggle escaped you as the fake cotton tail attached at the back twitched when his cheeks clamped together for the spin. 
“Do you find something assuming Pet?” A low growl in his voice as he faces you, and a flash of rage in his eyes. 
“No Master Knives.” Trying to back peddle to try and save yourself from his usual brand of punishment that is just for you. 
“Did you know rabbits have a great deal of stamina?” Blinking your on your back with Knives staring down at you with a glint in his icy eyes. “I think you need a lesson in just how much they have.” 
His hands divulge you of your clothes in moments, throwing your legs over his shoulders before lining himself up and slamming into your core. All you can do is gasp at the sudden stretch, arching your back as you let out a wanton moan. One of his large hands grabs yours and crosses your wrists to keep you from touching him and he slams into your body with enough force you can hear the frame of the bed creek. 
“You’re about to learn just how long this rabbit can go, now sing for me while I remind you who is in control Pet.” And sing you do, screaming his name between pants and moans that have anyone who can hear you thinking you’re being tortured by the plant. 
They aren’t far off. 
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thedevilinmybrain · 6 months
Harry knows Louis has his reasons. He's heard all of them, listed out like one blow after another. The focus should be on the band, on the music, too much at stake. They can't be selfish, need to think about the rest of the boys, the fans. So many things weighing on them, should know better than to push back against management. Louis is the oldest so he needs to make the right choices, be a role model, be mature enough to know when enough is enough.
Louis talks and Harry can hear Simon's voice.
Standing against the wall, Harry presses the rim of the glass against his lips, can smell the vodka inside. It's expensive, served straight because Harry can't afford the calories, no sugar after seven. It's all part of the image, the routine to make Harry hotter, more attractive with a sharp jawline and thin waist. His hair is getting longer now, brushes against his jaw, a real Mick Jagger in his tight jeans and drawling accent, charming whomever he feels like. It doesn't mean shit when he's watching Louis wrap his arm around the shoulders of some up and coming.
He's pretty, Harry guesses, as far as aesthetics go. Big eyes and smooth skin, an upturned mouth in a smirk that makes him look a little impish. Louis is being bold tonight, no one that important around to side eye him, to shove a pretty blond in a mini dress into his lap. So, Louis is free to laugh into the guy's neck, face flushed red and drunk. His free hand has been on the guy's thigh for over an hour, holding him close, holding him down, with a ring on his finger that belongs on Harry's. Louis had said they had to break up because too many people were watching them, that it was a liability, that it just wasn't possible. But someone with a name the tabloids don't care about is safe, Harry guesses.
Jealousy is a fucking collar around his throat, chokes the air out of his lungs, drags him down like an anchor into the darkness, drowning him. Louis used to do that to him, to press their cheeks together, to keep Harry close and safe against his side. Always had to have his hands on Harry somehow, around his wrist, on his waist. But that was before Louis decided to start eating out of the hand that feeds them.
This morning, leaving the studio, Louis had held the door open for Harry and smiled at him, all big and bright and cooing at him. Come on, baby. Hurry up. Like it wasn't a punch to the gut when Louis is the one who told Harry he had to stop calling him that. When Louis is the one who set up the rules, who laid down the way it was going to be. And Harry has been trying to be so good, kept himself away, doesn't try to press or talk to him. Even when it feels like Harry's sawing off a limb every time Louis is in the room.
"Feels fucking rude," Niall mutters, digs his fingers into his own cup, tugging out a cherry. "Over there flaunting it."
"Niall," Harry sighs, takes another sip of his own drink. Across the room, Louis takes the pipe from Zayn, holds it up to show his newest friend.
"Well? It fucking is. I know you all broke up and shit, but honestly? To do it here?" Waving his hand at the center of the room, Niall's top lip curls. "Fucked, mate. Really fucked."
Niall is right. They're in one of the public houses that the label owns, all blase designs and inconsequential art on the walls. But it's still in front of their friends, some of the crew, all the lads. Harry can't remember ever feeling so on the outskirts of the people he considers family, so fucking lonely in his own skin.
"You're Harry fucking Styles," Niall hisses, venomous and angry. He's felt like this since he heard the news, had been the one to pull Harry out of that bathtub, soaked through his clothes, wine drunk and sobbing. Louis doesn't know any of it, but Niall does.
"It was almost Tomlinson." Harry mutters, takes the rest of his drink in one shot, rolls off the wall to stalk towards the stairs. He hasn't worked up the ability to charge across the room yet, to stand his ground, to call Louis out on his shit. No, not yet. So, Harry prefers to have his meltdown behind closed doors, to cry his eyes sore and try to rub the tattoos off his skin.
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inawearyworld · 6 months
free if you truly wish to be: chapter i
florence fickelgruber, the famed chocolatier's idealistic young wife, ponders her past, her regrets, and her longing for a change. guess what? she finds one.
2023!wonka x oc, this chapter ~1.7k
chapter one is a shit ton of exposition for the character, but i promise you, dear timothee fans, the content you're here for is coming. i tried to capture the dahl style of storytelling (without, yknow, the racism and fatphobia and all that) which was so fun. this character essentially popped into my head last night, and the story will follow her development through the plot of the movie. after i left the theater, i realized i'd painted my nails to match mat’s costumes without realizing, and then suddenly WHOOM there she was. almost like magic. :)
(also. even if the cartel’s offices don’t actually have balconies, THEY DO NOW.)
part two fic masterlist
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"Free if you Truly Wish to Be", or, "the Chronicles of the Songbird", being a Tale of She who is Truly one Wren Matterson, but More Widely Known-at the Start of our Plot-as one Florence Fickelgruber.
Things were…fine.
In a world such as this one, there was very little luxury for a girl such as herself to hatch, nurture, and follow a dream. It would spark up in the purest of fashions and launch onto its way, glittering with promise of a life’s hopes fulfilled, only for the world around it to force it down a path of compromise and disillusionment until the dream’s poor follower found it nearly unrecognizable.
Such was the lot of Mrs. Florence Fickelgruber’s passion for performance. Long before either of these names were attached to her, she knew she longed to spend her life swept up in poetry and music, creating a better world through the arts she loved.
That dream, she often swore to herself, had not died.
It had simply…not turned out as planned.
For now, at least.
For a little over the past two years, more specifically.
It would have been nice to have the means and time to try to make her own fortune, to experience a sweeping romance with someone her own age, to live in a world fair enough that allowed her to both support her now-faraway family and live according to her ideals; it would have been nice indeed.
But for now, life was not quite nice, but fine. The sleekly fonted Fs that monogrammed nearly every surface in the mansion in which she lived had stood during the beginning months for her husband’s, and now her own, alliterative names. Now, she only saw them as golden signifiers of things being nothing more than Fine.
She was currently perched on an emerald-colored fainting couch in her husband’s office that, despite its plush craftsmanship, had lost any semblance of comfort long ago. She sat, and she considered the striking portrait of the two of them that hung over the fireplace, which they’d posed for when she’d still thought this was a good idea: a self-satisfied smirk rested on his face, and her emerald-manicured hand rested on his chest (intended by her to show her devotion, intended by the artist to show her ornate ring). She sat, and she looked into the hall, and she sat, and she stared out the window for a time, and she sat. Eventually, she picked up a set of paper and an emerald-set quill.
“What’s that you’re writing, darling?” came Felix’s voice from across the room, and she nearly sighed in annoyance, a direct contrast to the way her head snapped toward the sound.
There shouldn’t be a melody to that voice, she thought. Not when he only seems to initiate conversation at the exact moments I’ve decided to do something for myself.
“To the opera house,” she responded as he entered the room.
“Again? I thought they’d rejected you.”
“On the grounds that they were scared to hire me, they said, lest they write my role not fully to your liking and lose their concessions wares because of it.”
“Pish, posh.”
“Do you think, my love,” she asked, standing and moving to him, “that…well, would you dictate something I can write here, to reassure them? They’ll take your word over mine.”
“There wouldn’t be a point,” he said flippantly. “Besides, they’re right. Just keep singing for my radio commercials, darling; the customers love it. I can’t imagine you needing anything else. They’re installing our new grand piano next week, you can have all the little fun you’d like on that…”
Throughout this speech, he’d been digging through the pockets of his impeccably tailored blazer, eventually producing a cigarette.
“Give me a light, pet?”
She gritted her teeth as she lit his cigarette, and he brought it to his lips with a smile. She hated when he called her that.
It used to make her feel…wanted, wanted when nobody else did.
Now it just felt…
“I want to share my work,” she said, pushing aside the previous thoughts and pushing forward the previous conversation. “I want to have a genuine impact on the world.”
“And you will, I swear it. Once Fickelgruber Chocolate’s advertisements started using your voice, sales went up nearly twenty percent, and they’re only growing; if that’s not impact, what is?”
With that, he kissed her before she could give an answer-there was a time I would have romanticized that taste of cigarette smoke-took the half-finished letter, folded it so crisply it nearly ripped, and tossed it into the gold-leaf wastebasket.
“Just wait until the new radio spots are released. It’ll be marvelous, darling.”
She should have known this was how it would be.
It had seemed too good to be true in the moment. To receive, after a performance in her home city, not only the praises of a world-famous chocolatier but also an offer to travel to and perform in his world-famous city, and later a proposal-albeit more businesslike than romantic-to be set for life, to provide for her struggling family; although, she’d come to learn, her husband would have wanted nothing whatsoever to do with her if he had known of her humble origins.
He’d just never bothered to ask.
Well, save for once-
“I assume you come from a good family?”
“Oh, yes, they’re the warmest souls you could ever-”
I grew up nowhere near those obsessions with reputation; how was I to know he meant “good” in that sense?
Before she truly knew him, she had liked him. Felix was undeniably smart, and not unhandsome; she thought him to have a solid wit and an intriguing way of speech, with eyes and hands that would have been attractive on a kinder man. The clean lines and deep green hues that seemed to follow him everywhere suited her well, and she used to have reason to believe that association with him might give her a platform to create positive change, that he saw her as an equal in ambition and intellect.
Once they were married, once she’d seen him with the rest of his Cartel and realized the depth of his disdain, arrogance, classism, and general apathy for anything that was not himself, that reason to believe had dwindled faster than a sweet drop of hot chocolate on a waiting tongue.
…Not to mention that I could practically see him almost rescind his proposal when he learned I’m lactose intolerant.
But she’d suffered through the resulting throataches and occasional days of less-than-stellar singing that came with the barrage of dairy-filled sweets as she was announced to the world as the famed chocolatier’s fiancee, telling their story (which Felix embellished quite often) to the press over and over again.
“Yes, that’s right,” she remembered him saying on the television broadcast that announced the engagement, “my little songbird has finally found her golden cage.”
She had winced, forced to make it seem like a smile in the face of the blinding sea of flashbulbs. That had been the first moment in which she couldn’t ignore the deeper feeling that this was wrong, and she wondered if anyone watching would notice her flash of pain.
What she didn’t know was that, thousands of miles away, in the middle of a far-off ocean, a boy on a ship had been holding a tiny transmission screen (assisted somewhat by magic in order to obtain a stronger signal), eager to see the news about one of his idols, and that, despite his core tendency to give the benefit of the doubt, that idol lost a bit of his respect that day.
I shouldn’t have done this.
But if my family was still starving, all because I wanted to wait for someone kinder, someone who’d support my dreams, I couldn’t forgive myself.
She was startled from her thoughts by a shout calling from below the office, followed by…
A song.
Felix discarded his cigarette and went to the window, posturing into a lean against its frame, and Florence followed. His arm slunk around her waist, so her hand found its way to his chest; it was the portrait pose again, the frozen frame, the unspoken understanding.
I do love acting.
But I don’t know how much longer I can take a life of…offstage performances.
The boy in the center of the Galeria, though, seemed not to be putting on a persona for the crowd, but rather infusing his entire soul into his song to them. He was indeed meaning to sell something, but his passion for it shone brightly in a way she’d never seen from a businessman, present company included. The people that were starting to surround this young man hailed from all walks of life, and he beamed at them all with the same sunlit smile.
With a flourish, he opened the lid of the jar of candy that he held, and-
Each piece of chocolate had flown from its container and flitted into the air, leading to a gasp of delight from the crowd. Florence was able to suppress her own squeal, but couldn’t stop a flex of the hand, involuntarily causing her to grasp her husband’s tie.
“Don’t worry, pet,” Fickelgruber said, clearly misunderstanding his wife’s reaction, and with the tone of his voice clearly opposite of his words. “His charm over them will be…short-lived. Our business is perfectly safe.”
The boy finished his song to rapturous applause, and it took every ounce of Florence’s theatrical training to keep from joining it. She felt a shift next to her, and looked to the side to see her husband making pointed eye contact with his colleagues in their respective offices. The smirk that used to set her soul aflame-before she’d learned what it could mean-formed slowly across his face.
“Yes, dear?”
“Go home.”
“We’ll take care of him. Go home.”
Saying this, he left her side and swiftly went out of the office, presumably to join forces with the rest of the Cartel in terrorizing the poor young man.
The moment Felix’s presence could no longer be felt, Florence let out a breath.
Turning back to the window, she considered the boy, who was wholly wrapped up in the joy of his work having an impact on those who witnessed it.
Tentatively, and with the slight smile of a small rebellion, she turned the window’s handle and stepped out onto the office’s balcony.
She wouldn’t let his light be dimmed in the same way she thought hers was.
And she would certainly not go home.
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Love's a Game, Wanna Play?
I'll Write Your Name Chapter 1
Roy Kent x Latina!Popstar!Reader
2.9k words
Warnings: Language, mentions of drinking/partying, Roy being kind of pathetic for Keeley
A/N: Ahh I'm so excited for this series! I was inspired while watching the Eras movie and it just kind of spiraled from there. I am so, so excited to share this with you ❤️
As always, @agentstarkid is an absolute angel for letting me yammer about this thing nonstop!
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The tabloid headlines screamed up at me from my publicist’s office coffee table, all about how Everett, my idiot boyfriend- ex-boyfriend now- had punched out some guy in a club. And in every photo, there I was behind Ev, holding two drinks and laughing. Granted, one of those drinks was his. And the laughter was because in my drunken state, I genuinely thought Everett and the other guy were just goofing around. But none of that mattered when people had magazines to sell.
“Babe,” Lanie, my publicist, was saying from her spot next to me on the couch. “We need a serious image makeover.”
“I already broke up with Everett for continuing to be the world’s biggest jackass,” I reminded her as I grabbed some M&M’s from the coffee table. “Not sure what else there is to do.”
April, my personal assistant, picked up one of the magazines and began to flip through it. “It’s not just Everett,” she started slowly, opening up to the article all about mine and Ev’s ‘wild night’ at the club. “It’s you. You party, you go out with guy after guy, this Twitter thing with, well, you know…” She shrugged. “You’re getting something of a reputation, love.”
I sighed and popped another candy into my mouth. “I bet Ev’s people aren’t having this conversation with him right now,” I grumbled childishly.
“Because everyone already knows he’s garbage,” Lanie snorted. “This is exactly the kind of behavior they expect from him. But you-” She grasped my hand, her face full of affection. “-you are amazing. You’re a great writer and performer, and you’re a role model. So what the hell you were doing with that rat, no one could ever understand.”
“Hmmph.” I slouched further onto the couch, pretending that she wasn’t completely correct about Everett being scummy. He was cute, in that skinny, pale, undernourished, unshowered way rock stars tended to be. He was famous and had a commanding stage presence with a swagger he really hadn’t earned. And he was always ready to have a good time. But he wasn’t exactly sweet. Or sensitive, unless someone was criticizing his art. Or really all that intelligent, although he liked to talk like he was.
April cleared her throat. “Lanie and I think we might… need some outside help.”
I narrowed my eyes, always suspicious when these two were in cahoots without me. “What kind of outside help?”
“Keeley Jones,” Lanie said simply, pulling out her phone. “Has her own firm. I’ve worked with her before. The woman’s a bit… quirky. But she’s brilliant, babes.” She showed me a picture of a woman I was sure I’d seen before. “We’ll meet with her the day after tomorrow to talk strategy.”
“She’s a fan,” April added in that helpful voice of hers. “She loves your music.”
I studied the picture carefully. “Keeley Jones,” I murmured. “She’s a model, right? Or was, I assume?” Before either woman could respond, it clicked. “Oh shit,” I hissed. “She’s one of those poor women who got her photos and videos leaked last year, isn’t she?”
“She was,” Lanie confirmed. “So, she completely understands how ruthless and, frankly, unfair the press can be to a woman. It’s one of the reasons I think she’ll be a good fit. She’s pretty passionate about defending women from unfair treatment.”
“Well,” I sighed, leaning back, “guess we can hear her out, see what she has in mind.”
Lanie cleared her throat, glancing at April, who looked just as anxious. “Actually,” my publicist said slowly, “we already know what she has in mind.”
Keeley sat in Roy’s chair, feet casually up on his desk, scrolling absently on her phone while she waited for the gaffer to come in from the pitch.
“Oh. Uh, hi Keeley.” Roy Kent stood stiffly in the doorway, the way he often stood when he saw his ex-girlfriend. Fuck, she looked pretty today, in a stupidly fluffy pink sweater and ridiculously high heeled boots. Keeley always looked pretty.
Either Keeley didn’t notice the way his eyes softened at the sight of her, or she chose to ignore it. “Hey there, Roy-o!” she greeted, swinging her feet off his desk and sitting up straight. “D’you have a minute?”
For Keeley? Roy had all the minutes in the fucking world. To an extent, she knew that; he did come stumbling to her house with Jamie Tartt, begging her to choose between them, after all. And she cherished Roy, she really did. He treated her better than anyone else ever had. But she also knew that the way he loved her wasn’t the way she loved him or was even the way she wanted to be loved.
But that didn’t mean she couldn’t use his softness for her to her advantage every now and then.
“I’ve got a proposition for you,” she started slowly as Roy leaned on his desk, not growling at her to get out of his chair like he would to anyone else. “See, I’ve got this client, and she needs some help in the PR department.”
Roy smirked. “She wanted the best, so she came to Keeley fucking Jones for help?”
Keeley shrugged off his praise. “Well, kind of. Her people came to me for a consultation. I know her publicist, she’s fabulous, they’re just a bit at a loss right now.”
“Can I ask who it is?” Roy vaguely recognized the name Keeley responded with. “That fucking pop star, right? With all the boyfriends?”
“Pop phenomenon, you mean,” Keeley snorted. “She’s only one of the biggest names in the world.”
Like Roy gave a fuck about some pop princess. “If she’s so big, why does she need PR help?
Keeley sighed. “She’s got some bad press right now. Her gross boyfriend- ex-boyfriend now, thankfully- got into a fight at a club, sent the guy to hospital. And somehow, this is her fault. Not to mention that this actress that she used to hang out with is all over Twitter badmouthing her, saying she’s trying to steal her boyfriend. She’s just… got a lot going on at the moment.”
“Fucking trainwreck,” Roy mumbled, starting to wonder where the fuck he came into play.
“She’s really not,” Keeley insisted. “Her publicist- Lanie- says she’s actually really great. Very kind and intelligent. She just goes out a lot and apparently has shit choice in company.” She lit up. “That’s where I need you, Roy.”
I need you, Roy. Those four words had Roy sitting up taller, smirking a little as he gazed at that pretty face. “And what, exactly, do you need me for?”
Keeley bit her lip. “D’you know what a ‘publicity stunt’ is?”
I drained the last of my giant coffee cup as I approached the elevator, sighing when I realized it had not made my tequila-caused headache disappear. While I’d promised Lanie I wouldn’t be going out for a bit, she’d never said anything about me having people over. Just a dozen of my closest friends, laughing in my living room and losing track of shots. Definitely what I needed to take my mind off the headlines, but probably not the best idea before an early-morning breakfast meeting at KBPR.
“You need to press the button.”
“Excuse me?” I turned in the direction of the voice- the growl, really- that pulled me out of my thoughts.
The bearded man let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling his brown eyes. “You need to press the fucking button,” he repeated slowly, as if to a toddler, “if you want to call the lift.”
Behind my oversized sunglasses, I narrowed my eyes at him, ignoring my initial observation that he was pretty damn cute. “Are you really implying that I don’t know how to use an elevator?” I scoffed.
He reached around me, completely invading my personal space, and hit the button in question. “Well, you’re standing here just fucking staring,” he grumbled. “So, either you’re a fucking zombie, or you don’t know how to use a lift. Either way, you’re making me fucking late.”
With a scowl, I turned to face the doors, desperate for them to open- although less desperate to get into the enclosed space with this man. As soon as the elevator dinged, I stepped inside the still opening doors, smashing the floor number Lanie had texted me and settling myself into a corner with crossed arms. The man stepped on after me and reached for the buttons, but stopped, thumb hovering over the number I had just hit. With a small hmmph, he slouched in the opposite corner, mirroring my closed-off body language.
It was a silent ride, filled with scowls and impatient huffs from both of us. I tried to remember the last time someone was so snide to me; it definitely didn’t happen often, at least not away from the safe anonymity of the internet.
When the elevator got to our floor, the man glared at me, a grunt urging me to step out first. I gave a hum of acknowledgement, matching his curt tone and refusing to give him the satisfaction of eye contact.
What a dick.
Unfortunately, that dick was about two steps behind me as I walked down the hall to the KBPR office. I tried to ignore the heavy sounds of his footsteps and focus on the insane idea this supposedly brilliant PR expert had come up with.
That PR expert smiled at me when I approached, sticking her hand out. “I’m Keeley Jones,” she chirped, her professional tone and handshake contrasting with her bright pink dress and sparkly shoes. “It is so nice to meet you!” Her eyes shifted behind me. “And I assume you already met Roy in the lift!”
Oh no. Oh hell no. There was no way this was the guy, this scowling, rude, son of a-
“Can we start this meeting?” the man- Roy- grumbled as he approached. “I’ve only got like an hour. I left Beard in charge of training, so the team’s probably in the fucking sewer again.”
“Come on in,” Keeley Jones hummed, gesturing for us to follow her. We walked through the bright office, following her into what I assumed was her personal office, one as brightly lit and colorful as her.
Lanie was already on the plush couch, scrolling on her phone. She raised her eyebrows when she saw me. “What’s up with the sunglasses? Not hungover, are we?” Her bored tone was annoyingly familiar.
I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch next to her, removing the shades. “Didn’t want to be recognized on my way into a public relations office,” I muttered, tucking them into my purse. “Figured that would defeat the purpose of this whole operation.”
Keeley Jones smiled at me, an admittedly lovely, friendly smile, as she took a seat behind her desk; Roy hovered nearby. “She’s a smart one, Lanie, just like you said.” She looked up at Roy. “You two got acquainted on the lift, then?” When he simply grunted in reply, she turned back to me. “Now, I understand if you think this idea is crazy,” she started slowly. “And it kind of is. But believe me when I say, it’s been done, and I’ve seen it work.” She cleared her throat. “Celebrities fake-date all the time. To promote projects, to deflect bad press, to hide secrets. So you wouldn’t be the first ones to do this, trust me.” She gestured towards Roy. “And I think Roy here is perfect for you. He’s older and more mature than your previous boyfriends, so none of that party-boy stuff. He’s dated plenty of celebrities- including myself- so he knows what comes with the territory. Absolute football legend, so I think you’re suitably matched in terms of fame. And he’s pretty damn private these days.” Her smile softened. “And if I’m being candid, he’s probably the best guy I know. He’s so protective and trustworthy. He’ll have your back.”
“What’s in it for him?” I couldn’t help the way I narrowed my eyes at the brooding man; he returned the glare in kind.
“He could use the press too,” Keeley chuckled, gazing up at him. “I love you, Roy, but you’re not the most poised with the media.” She turned back to me as he rolled his eyes, something close to affection on his face this time. “He could use some of your charm and charisma to bolster his own reputation with the papers.” She nodded firmly. “It’s a match made in heaven. Or KBPR.”
Lanie nudged me. “What d’you think babes?”
I thought it was insane. Fake dating to get the press off my back? There were so many ways this thing could backfire. Not to mention the fact that my potential fake boyfriend was already on my nerves, with his probably permanent scowl and annoyed eyes.
But, as my mind wandered to the headlines I’d passed at the newsstands on my way to this meeting, I knew that I had to at least try.
“Yeah,” I murmured with a shrug. “Let’s do it.”
Roy only vaguely heard her agree to the plan. He was too busy trying not to smile at Keeley’s praise; that he was mature, a legend, protective, and trustworthy. As ridiculous as he thought this whole publicity stunt business was, he was willing to give it a shot- for Keeley.
“Well, since we’re all onboard,” Keeley hummed, pulling out her tablet. “All that’s left to do is sign NDAs and plan your little romance.” She glanced at the calendar on her desk. “I’ve got a meet-cute in mind, actually. You’re friends with Dani Rojas, right?”
Roy blinked as the pop princess nodded, showing enthusiasm for the first time since he found her in front of the lift. “Dani? Oh, I love Dani! He’s such a sweetheart.”
“Oi.” Roy frowned at Keeley. “If they already know each other, why didn’t you ask Rojas to do this shit? The press like him a hell of a lot more than they like me.”
A snort came from the couch. “Don’t think his girlfriends would like him adding another woman to their relationship, even if it’s just pretend.”
Keeley nodded. “Exactly. And again, you’ve got this steady older guy thing going on, Roy. You manage a professional football team, you coach your niece, you sit at home and read. You’re very domestic, and I think she needs to be seen that way.” She grinned. “Dani doesn’t exactly have that same reputation. But he does provide you two with a connection.” She turned her attention back to her visitors. “Here’s what I’m thinking: you get Dani to invite you to a Richmond game and go out with the team afterwards. Win or lose, those guys pretty much always do something after a match. And that’s where you two can meet and connect.” She leaned back comfortably, looking every bit like the boss she was. “Then we’ll get you two seen together, get you to a few more matches, get Roy to a show, make some cryptic social media posts. Soft launch. Then we’ll do your debut as a couple, have you attend events on each other’s arms, gush about each other online and in interviews. Maybe you write Roy a song, maybe you go on holiday together, that kind of thing.” She flipped through the planner on her desk. “All in all, I’m thinking four to six months, then you can end things amicably and stay friends.”
“Six months?” Roy carped. “Keeley, you didn’t mention-”
“That’s a respectable period of time,” the ex-model interrupted. “Long enough for you two to get attention, be believable as a serious couple, and to get everyone to forget about these headlines.” She shook her head at Roy. “What, you thought you’d go on one date and that would be it? Come on, Roy. It took at least three weeks for us to start making headlines together. You know this takes time.”
Roy’s voice went low. “Keeley-”
Keeley stood and grabbed Roy’s arm; he wondered if she could feel that same little surge of energy at the contact. “Will you ladies give us one moment?” She dragged Roy out of the office, out of earshot. “Come on, Roy,” she huffed, letting go of him. “You said you could do this.”
“That was before I met her,” Roy grumbled, folding his arms and missing her touch. “This isn’t gonna work. No one’s going to believe us. We’ve barely met, and already she’s a right fucking nightmare-”
“You’re not exactly my daydream either, Kent.”
Roy whipped around. She stood in the doorway, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. She walked over and gazed up at him with nothing but determination on her face.
“Listen,” she started. “I get it. This is stupid. The press is stupid. I think Keeley and Lanie are insane for this scheme, and I don’t really believe it’s going to work, if I’m being honest.” She looked at Keeley. “No offense, Miss Jones.” She turned her eyes back to Roy. “But this whole fame thing is an absolute fucking game. And apparently we both need help playing it.” She stuck her hand out. “I’m in if you are.”
A slow sigh escaped Roy’s lips. He really could use the positive exposure. Despite his growing comfort in front of the cameras, he still had years- decades- of shit press to make up for. And the Greyhounds could always use whatever positive publicity they could get. It’d be good for the club, and Roy would do just about anything for the club.
And he’d do absolutely anything for Keeley.
All it took was one glance over at that face, the face he missed waking up to, and he was done for. “Fine,” he huffed, shaking the popstar’s hand. “I’m fucking in.”
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @ladygrey03 @book-of-roses @thatonedogwithablog @misshall14 @wibblywobblyvampywolfystuff @akornsworld @itswhateveripromise @purecinnamonextract @oceanncurrent @dearvoidgoodnight @hopefulromances
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