layuki12 · 7 months
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Old x New! I kinda love both of them in their different ways :0
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misskattylashes · 18 days
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This essay is so big, it needs two parts!
The EYCTE cycle
Part 1
From ‘I Just wanted to be one of the Strokes’ to ‘I’m scared of love’ and why I don’t think we will get TLSP 3 any time soon.
There is no doubt that Planet Milex is a different place to where it was in 2015. Back then, they hung out in LA, treated girlfriends like third wheels, were pictured cuddling and behaving like a couple outside The Kills gig, and then went onto record Everything You’ve Come to Expect.
Planet Milex 2024 seems like a desert. No official pictures of them together, the only indication they are still in each other’s lives being Miles frequently mentioning in interviews about hanging out with Alex, still sharing clothes, a picture of them walking the streets of Shoreditch, a sneaky photo at a Scott Walker tribute concert (which interestingly was taken down immediately). Then ultimately, Alex wanting his beloved to be the support act for the final days of the tour, when it was clear at times Alex felt a little overwhelmed by it all, and of course, Miles was there to hold his hand and bring him back down to earth.
‘Maybe I was a little too wild in the seventies’
It’s interesting out of all the Monkey’s songs, it is I Wanna Be Yours that Alex then merged with Star Treatment (often adding ‘I just wanted a jet ski for the moat’ – more of that later), which kind of confirms who I Wanna Be Yours is about – I have no idea why no none has ever questioned the addition of ‘secrets I have held in my heart’.
I think the EYCTE period was one where feelings deepened and promises were made. The one to watch is Miles. At the beginning of the promotional period, Alex looks like an adoring boyfriend, but Miles is quite composed and whilst flirty with Alex, it’s no more than he ever was before, during the SIAS and AM eras. By the end, in the days of Sziget and Rock en Seine. Miles is looking like a soppy puppy with eyes full of love (pretty much how Alex has looked at him since 2008!). But judging by the lyrics of Star Treatment (which Alex started writing during EYCTE), Alex was aware their little bubble couldn’t last ‘here ain’t no place for dolls like you and me’, but Miles, having fallen hard thought they could keep it going.
Alex went off to France to record TBHC leaving Miles stranded in LA, friendless and a bit lost, meanwhile Alex went through a period of self-reflection and justifying to himself why he had let Miles down. Not all the songs on TBHC are related to Milex, Alex was influenced by a whole variety of things, but songs like Star Treatment, Golden Trunks, Batphone and The Ultracheese address their situation. The Ultracheese even ends ‘I done some things that I shouldn’t have done, but I haven’t stopped loving you once’. I see TBHC as Alex’s ‘excuse album’. Sorry I let you down Miles, but look what a big superstar I am with all these big responsibilities, but know I love you’
Miles on the other hand was angry and hurt and wanted to lash out. Coup de Grace is full of angst with thinly veiled digs at Alex (of course during the official promotion, Miles said it was about Hannah his ex but I do think mentioning Alex’s personal information in Killing the Joke is kind of telling). Wrong Side of Life is possibly one of the saddest and most desperate songs I have ever heard. And on Silverscreen, how do you explain Two Faced Johnny as being a woman?! The only hint at self-blame is on Too Little Too Late, with the lines ‘I’m too fickle set in my ways, I’m too little too late’ – which has echoes of Troubled Son. Personally, I think one of the reasons Alex possibly wanted to go back to how they were prior to EYCTE was because Miles had never committed before (see most of AM!) and it was a case of do the hurting before being hurt. But CDG ends with Shavambacu, which in an interview Miles said was about an ex and they used to call each other Shavambacu as a silly little name (cue footage of Miles calling Alex Shavambacu on stage). And the last line is ‘oh honey I love you’. Like TBHC, CDG ends with a declaration of love.
In between CDG and CTS we have the night at La Cigale (which I will write about in a different post) where I think their fall out came to a head, because not long after that, we have grainy footage of them hanging out in East London. At the same time Miles is writing Change The Show, and whilst the songs are still a bit angsty, there is a lot more pragmatism. See Ya When I See Ya stands out, and we have the ‘Johnny’ character again, but instead of being angry with Alex for his double life and secrets, Miles has resigned to himself he’ll always be there for him and keep his secrets for him. I think because they had reconciled to a degree, Miles realised they weren’t going anywhere, but it didn’t mean Alex didn’t annoy him. Final track Adios ta ra ta ra indicates exasperation at their constant battles, but there is still an air of resignation.
Part two tomorrow
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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dreamer-garage · 6 months
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Cadillac CTS-V
by j.vizualz via instagram
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verthanthi · 6 months
Hello and welcome back to Your Feelings, will you be staying with us long term, short term, or an undetermined amount of time?
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maxsix · 1 year
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untouchvbles · 7 months
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Cadillac CTS-V at Hot Rods On Hampton (2023) in Butler, WI.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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captain-amadeus · 4 months
To be honest, Cedric isn't as good of a father to Cedric than Cedric. Cedric has been a dad for Cedric longer than Cedric, and it took a long time for Cedric to become good for himself and for Cedric. Overall Cedric and Cedric are two Cedrics that Cedric loves, and they should both be recognized for what they both give to Cedric
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Peugeot 307 CC Concept, 2002. Presented at the Paris Auto Show, a prototype for the series production 307 folding hardtop convertible. Designed by Murat Gunak the roof system was made by German supplier Car Top Systems (CTS)
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nsdclassic · 5 months
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Cadillac CTS coupe
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worldsonlylevifan · 6 months
carpal tunnel so bad i cant even jerk of... :(
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palmiz · 1 year
Giusto per mettere i puntini sulle i, chiedetevi perché il PD e 5 s hanno votato contro le commissioni d'inchiesta, su gestione crisi, protocolli, effetti collaterali, morti... . La passeranno liscia, all'italiana, figuriamoci; loro, CTS, medici vaccinatori etc etc tutti con immunità e culo ben parato dai colleghi .
La passeranno liscia anche televirologi, giornalai ben retribuiti a disinformare, discriminare, insultare chiunque ponesse dei dubbi.
La buffonata di Fiorello vi ricorda qualcosa adesso che gli effetti collaterali hanno rotto il muro di omertà? Così, un esempio a caso, tutti a ridere allora, tranne chi stava già male (adesso vedo gente pregare a denti stretti ... )
Comunque Confido esclusivamente sul karma , lungo e doloroso, per loro e tutti quelli che li hanno aiutati in un modo o nell'altro ( per chi ci ha lucrato stavolta, come su ogni sciagura era già scontata una mia maledizione... ) ; sperando vivamente che un po' di gente in più apra gli occhi per le prossime volte, anche se ho dei dubbi a riguardo.
Si tranquilli, ci riproveranno ancora, garantito, e garantito anche che saranno milioni a cascarci ancora...
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layuki12 · 3 months
Louis - CTS OC
Louis is one of the 3 main characters from CHALLENGE THE SYSTEM ( CTS is an original story of mine I'm still figuring out what media to tell on - animation, comic, film-).
The story takes place in the year 2300 with a very cyberpunk but cozy (S-FI) aesthetic. Especially in Louis' story arc.
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Born as humans, Louis Guimarães and Violeta Guimarães were raised by their Brazillian Father and American Mother in Texas at a very big farmhouse. However, due to the racism and xenophobia from the American side of the family, the couple would get into fights constantly. Until they decided to divorce and force the Brazillians out of the farm. Louis in particular doesn't remember much but Violeta was definitely traumatized by the sudden changes.
The siblings started living with the dad in California in a very tiny apartment. The father (Rodrigo Guimarães) was always not home working on a project for his lab that the kids didn't have any knowledge of. With that in mind, he constantly forgets to give food, give baths, or keep the house clean ... but Violeta takes notice of that and drops out of school to take care of both her and Louis. The father wasn't happy with the decision and would use violence to get his point across, mostly on the older sibling.
One night, Louis was crying in his bedroom hearing Violeta and their Father have another fight over basic needs. But something happened that night, Louis only remembers crying for his older sister to give him a bit of the sandwich the dad had in his hands. Instead of giving the sandwich, Violeta grabs Louis by the arm and runs away from home.
From then on, They live in an apartment paid for by Violeta's hard work as a waitress at the local cafe shop while Louis is in his high school years and still doesn't know/want to do anything with his life.
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Louis and Violeta's dynamic
is pretty rough.. Violeta is always overworked and can't really give Louis the attention he needs, and Louis is trying to figure out his soon future but can't stop relying on Violeta because he's scared of going out of his comfort zone.
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featherisderp · 11 months
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So we've decided that in every AU, Tiff has a bandana. It was given to her at different points by different people in different universes.
Stardust - Kirby gave it to her after Nightmare's death. It's white.
Fading Shadows - Meta Knight gave it to her when she was smol. It's orange.
KittyOrbs - Meta Knight gave it to her when she was small. She was a bit older than when she got it in MetaDerp, though. It's pink.
BabyGala - Kirby gave it to her after Nightmare's death. It's blue.
Crossing The Stars - Kirby gave it to her after Nightmare's death. It's purple.
Midnight - Meta Knight gave it to her after she got possessed. It's the same in the alternate ending as well. It's black.
Dawn's New Star - Meta Knight gave it to her after she disappeared. It's red.
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venigni · 8 months
Surprisingly, Lies of P (Playstation controller) is very kind to my CTS. I've been playing Spider-man 2 and it's a killer but Lies of P? Could play all day. Of course everyone's bodies are different but I honestly would've guessed it the other way around!
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wildstarpress · 11 months
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🐎 It's time! 🐎
Coiled to Strike (A Western Anthology) is now open for submissions!
For more information find it here:
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mikec137 · 9 months
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Mägenwil, Switzerland, July 2023
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