#(we need a verse name btw
dancesword · 7 months
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NEITH APHRODESIA & SLIVER. water genasi draconic sorcerer & tiefling phantom rogue.
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jayden-killer · 10 months
summary: Miguel is tired of the constant Reader's worries.
next part: AFFECTION.
warnings: SUPER ANGST YOU GOT NO IDEA, yelling, cursing, trauma and Miguel being a bitch. 🫥 Also, not a warning, but I used the Y/N this time lmaooo. WE GOT A FEM READER HERE BTW!!!
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Her voice rang out as he walked through the doors of the lab. No response. She turned her head to look for it with her eyes and only after realizing that he was on his platform, once again isolated from the world, surrounded by screens that broadcast the usual scenes. Scenes she wished her lover had gotten over. But it was a constant loop, and even though he didn’t have such screens in front of him, those scenes were repeated every time in his head, never-ending. Not even sleep reconciled with rest. It was then that he tried to call him, with a more resolute voice.
"Miguel? I’m here, love."
Finally the man turned, and their looks met, despite the distance between the two. Miguel had bloodshot eyes, clearly for lack of sleep, and for work. She always told him to find a moment of rest, of peace, but he wouldn’t listen. He waved a hand and dissolved the conversation. Apparently, there was no solution.
"What is it?"
She looked around again, then looked back at Miguel, now impatient for the interruption. Y/N felt his Spider-Suit tighten his body, feeling that the temperature was rising in that room. Or maybe it was the nervousness that made her like this. Meanwhile, Miguel got off the platform and approached his beloved.
Y/N took a deep breath. The conversation they were about to have was like dropping a bomb. But it had to be done. After all, it was because she cared so much about him, in a way that could not be explained either by words or by gestures. Only the heart could say it.
"Miguel" She began with a thread of voice. " I believe you need rest. True rest." Miguel’s eyes darted over her body, looking down at her from head to toe, as if they were already having that conversation. He raised an eyebrow. "We’ve already talked about it, Y/N. I’m fine. Besides, the Poly-Arachno Multiverse needs surveillance."
"Whatever." And so he turned around with the intention of leaving her there.
Not this time, no.
"You have to let her go." The words flew out of her mouth without control. Miguel stopped her steps. Suddenly Y/N’s body was beaten with chills of fear down his back. That’s not what he wanted to say. In fact, maybe he wanted to, but not by formulating the words like that.
The man contracted his back muscles and muttered something. It was then that he turned around, speeding his body almost attached to the girl’s. "What did you say?" He growled, the canines that were now visible.
Y/N trembled with fear.
Miguel growled louder. "Repeat what the fuck you said!"
The woman felt her throat dry, almost as if she had forgotten how to swallow. The tension had now skyrocketed. "I didn’t mean that." Bravely said Y/N.
"Then, what did you mean? Speak!"
"You have to let Gabriella go, Miguel!"
Miguel’s jaw twitched in an air of pure rage, his eyes looking even bloodier. It gave off the typical feeling of being in danger, as if an animal was trapping you. His height certainly helped him. Upon hearing that name the man now seemed ready to become a beast, and attack her. But a healthy part of his mind prevented him from hurting her. Not physically. He would have destroyed her psychologically.
"Oh yeah? Well, listen well here." Angry eyes never dared look away from her, as Y/N backed up every time Miguel took a step. "You are the worst thing that happened to me. You're such an immature woman, act like one for once! And for fuck's sake, can you at least do something right?! Or are you just a crybaby?"
Those words hurt. They stang like a needle in a vein. They almost burst her heart, and before she knew it, tears burst from her shiny eyes, wetting her cheeks. He dared not apologise, nor repent, too blinded by anger; she, however, was terrified by Miguel’s providential change and stood still.
"You and I are done with this shit. Forever." he said, waiting for a reaction from his beloved. But she said nothing. Her eyes widened, her lip trembled frantically. She opened her mouth, then immediately closed it. It was then that Miguel uttered one final and decisive sentence: "Get out of here. Now."
Y/N wasted no time. Turning around, she ran as fast as she could to the exit, with her legs looking like they were about to give way at any moment. She wanted it to be a joke...or a stupid mistake. But Miguel was determined. And when he made a decision, it was hard for him to change his mind.
Her intention wasn’t to break things. She just wanted Miguel to let go of the past.
But he didn’t accept it, so he also let go of the present and future.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Dancing With Your Ghost: Unexpected Reunion
Miguel O’Hara x M!Reader
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[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
(Btw credits to whoever drew that spider-man character)
Warnings: angst, spoilers for SpiderMan: Across the Spider-verse, and memory loss-ish
Summary: Miguel was in love with his version of y/n from his universe but that y/n dies bc that’s his cannon, and he meets an alternate version of y/n who is the Spider-Man of his universe, but isn’t in love with Miguel
Quote: “I'm sorry, but you're not ringing any bells"
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Miguel is what some people what call “cold hearted” but he wasn’t always like this. He was happy once. He was in love with y/n l/n. He loved y/n so much. But because he was a Spider-Man, y/n died. He died when that universes’s goblin blew up a building, while y/n was inside of it. It hurts Miguel to think about it. The way he held y/n in his arms while he begged for y/n to stay with him. But Miguel couldn’t undo the inevitable, and y/n died in his arms while he cried for hours.
"Miguel" Jess said, snapping Miguel out of his thoughts.
"Are you okay?" she said.
"Yeah, yeah, just a little tired, what did you want to talk to me about?" Miguel said.
"I found a case where an alternate version of the goblin from another universe got transported to another universe, and is now having a tantrum"
Miguel's blood ran cold at the mention of 'The goblin', the bastard took one of the only people making him happy away from him.
"I know you have some issues with the goblin, but you need to remember that he isn't our goblin-"
"Yeah, whatever let's go" Miguel said, completely ignoring what Jess had to say.
skip to when Miguel is fighting the goblin b/c i'm lazy af
Miguel spent what felt like hours trying to land a single punch on the goblin, each attempt getting him more riled up. All of a sudden another spider-man swooped in and kicked the goblin in the face dead-on.
"I'll take it from here" The masked hero said cockily.
That voice... it sounded familiar, but Miguel couldn't quite put his finger on it. But Miguel had no time to play the guessing game, so he immediately swung over to help fight the goblin.
When Miguel finally caught up to the other spider-man, the goblin had already been defeated.
"it's easy when you're as good as me" said the cocky super-hero, as he cut off Miguel.
"Oh great another narcissistic one" Miguel said as he rolled his eye under his mask.
"I wouldn't call it narcissistic, more like- wait- what do you mean another- oh whatever, who are you and what are you doing here" said that universe's spider-man.
skip to Miguel explaining the whole spider organization
"Does you telling me this mean that I'm apart of this organization now, or are you gonna pull a 'men in black' and erase this from my memory?"
"Yes, you can join" Miguel said in annoyance as he opened the portal.
"Holy shit, very cool.." The masked hero said before walking inside of it.
"Hey, scary boss guy, can i take off my mask, that portal thing is making me feel sick" said the hero.
"Yes" Miguel said as he turned to see what the cocky hero looked like under his mask.
When the spider-man unmasked himself, he was revealed to be y/n.
Miguel couldn't speak, his once dead lover was in front of him.
"Oh I didn't tell you my name did I? My name's-"
"Y/n" Miguel cut him off.
"How did you-"
Y/n was cut off by Miguel hugging the life out of him.
"I missed you so much" Miguel croaked.
"Woah, woah dude I don't even know you" y/n said pulling Miguel away.
Miguel took off his mask, hoping that universe's y/n would notice him.
"I'm sorry, but you're not ringing any bells" y/n said.
"Y/n please, we have to at least been acquainted in your universe" Miguel said with tears in his eyes.
"Uh- you're starting to creep me out" y/n said
"Oh, uh, sorry about him, you just look like someone he used to know" Jess interrupted
"Okay then..." y/n said as he walked past them to explore the place.
"Listen Miguel, I know you loved y/n and he loved you, but that's a different y/n, I don't want to sound harsh, but he probably didn't know you until now, okay? Just know that our y/n loved you." Jess said as the other y/n was out of eye-sight.
Miguel just broke down. The fact that, that y/n will probably never love him like his y/n, He felt like he was re-living the grief he felt when y/n died in his arms.
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melanthaeunomia · 2 months
Helloo!! This is 💫 anon! (Since you said we could give ourselves emoji names if we choose to stay anonymous) I saw that your requests are open!! (Btw, I loved your latest fic!) Would you write a Jason Grace x reader, where Jason has like a horrible day, he just feels super insecure, and he just breaks down into the reader's arms, and the reader comforts him and makes him feel better? It could be fluffy and angsty mixed if you want!
Unseen Leader, Seen by You -Jason Grace x Reader (Established Relationship)
A/N ❧ hello dear!! Thank you so much for requesting this 💫, and yes you can have emoji names if you want to stay anon. I tried my best to write this, but angst does not come naturally to Me, for I am a sucker for fluff, so hopefully I did good! Thank you again and I hope I did not disappoint! Fair warning English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes, still I hope you enjoy! (not proofread) sorry if this is a bit short! I’m not sure if this is what you meant but jshghj Content ❧ Jason grace x Reader (Reverse comfort), established relationship Warnings ❧ Angst, Fluff, comfort (not book accurate? Or maybe idk) Word count ❧ 1.3k
Requests | Riordan Verse masterlist
It had been a busy week at camp. Jason felt more vulnerable than ever, With all the pressure of being and trying to be a good leader and be a good example, plus the added stress from the disruptive campers getting into pointless fights, his patience and temper had started to alarm you, he always seemed so distressed, fidgeting his hand whenever he appeared to be anxious, you understood why.
He had always been a nice guy, helping campers with what ever they needed, it is his duty after all, the problem was that he could never say no to their requests, feeling obligated to assist them in their journey. You’re not saying that helping is a bad thing, you just thought he needed time to relax, it would help him not be so tense all the time, You tried to talk to him about it, but he quickly shrugged it off, acting like it wasn’t a big deal, and that he can handle it no worries. What's worse is that You were the only one who could see he was struggling, even his own friends didn’t think anything of it, which just made him dismiss the subject because he thought it wasn't important. Suppressing his feelings till he is unable to. And eventually gave in and went to speak with the person he felt most at comfortable with.
He let out a deep breath, wondering if this was a mistake. He didn't want to bother you, what if you were doing something important, and he interrupted then you get mad at him?, what if he’s just making a big deal about this, but it’s all nonsense, and he’s just acting selfish and, sensitive?, what if you dismissed him saying that it’s not that big of a deal?. His overthinking, got worse slowing down his steps as he reached your cabin. He lifted his hand near the door, hesitating before finally knocking.
You had just gotten out of the shower, wearing an old shirt you stole from Jason a long time ago, You gently patted your damp hair with a dry towel trying to get the remainders of the water off, You were about to do your skin care, but then you heard gentle knocks on your door. You twisted the door knob open, a loud screeching can be heard from the floor board beneath as the door glided through. Furthermore, you saw Jason, fidgeting with the rings on his finger, looking down on the ground, refusing to look at you. “Hey…” He finally spoke glancing up at you with misty eyes, and you couldn’t help but frown, seeing the state he is in hurts your soul. You placed a hand up his cheek lightly stroking it “Hi” you whispered back, His cold hands gently squeezing your wrist as you caressed his cheek. Calloused hand wrapped around your waist as he pulled you into a tight hug. He Really needed this. For a moment there was a comfortable silence, you could hear faint whimpers from him, You stroked his hair kissing the top of his head. In your arms, He felt safe, wanted, free from his duties and obligations. “You want to go inside Love?” You suggested, as it was getting colder outside, you received a subtle nod from him before pulling him in your cabin and shutting the door behind you
“Are you okay?” you sat on your bed patting the empty space next to you, He reluctantly walked over, before sitting beside you, a deep sigh leaving him “I-I’m not sure…” he sobbed resting his head on your chest as he listened to the gentle beating of your heart, that made it difficult to resist the urge to take a nap, but he didn’t want to trouble you further. He felt so miserable, and you hated the fact you can’t do anything to help him. You wrapped your arm around him, kissing the top of his head “wanna talk about it?” you suggested, though you already know the reason why he acted like this, Jason let out a sniff, and hesitated, he felt like he was bothering you with his problems, he didn't want to burden you. You caressed his hair, not wanting to press more on the issue if he didn't feel comfortable opening up. “I-...” he stuttered not knowing how to phrase his emotions, he sighed and finally spoke “It’s nothing… i-its just things have been off lately, I don't know why but—” Tears started creeping up his eyes, slowly falling down your shirt, as your hold of him gently tightened “—I’m feeling so much pressure, even though I know there's nothing to worry about. I-i’m just feeling lost...” Jason wept feeling a hand underneath his chin making him look up at you as you wiped the tears in his cheeks away “shh... It's okay, You’re okay…”, he felt so pathetic, crying like this feeling himself be so vulnerable. But he also knew you were the one person that wouldn’t judge him.
Jason felt relieved, in your arms. He let out a small sob as he buried his face on your chest, His breathing and yours in sync, almost therapeutic. “None of my efforts are good enough… I try, I really do. To be a good leader, helping everyone… But it feels like I’m just letting everyone down...” He forced the words out, It was hard for him to open up, bottled up emotions finally spilling out. You frowned hearing what he said “Listen…” He looked up at you with moist eyes, “You are a good leader. You’re not letting anyone down okay?, You may not be perfect, but almost everyone in camp looks up at you, they admire you with or without your mistakes.” He froze at your words, a faint smile in his face, the tears lingered in his eyes despite your attempts on removing them. Still, he didn’t –couldn’t– fully believe you, he felt weak… could you blame him? “I just want everything to be perfect for everyone…” He tried to push negative thoughts away, although they kept taunting him. “No one expects you to be perfect love, You’re already the best leader there is, You’re allowed to make mistakes.” you kissed the top of his head softly humming “I’m average at best” he forced a laugh, Trying to brighten up the mood, but you knew all too well when he started fidgeting on his fingers again, You softly intertwined his hand with yours, stroking it gently, “Average?, You give and help everyone around you, even if you aren't obligated to. You have no right to call yourself average when you work 24/7 just to help people.” You were so fed up with everyone that took advantage of him.
He softly smiled, bringing your hand up to his face a drop of tear fell down and brushed your hand, as he placed a soft kiss on it, a blush on your cheeks appeared, Your words felt like magic to him, he felt so grateful to have you by his side “Do you really think so?..” His breath hitched, still uncertain of your words, but he knew it was all genuine “I know so” You were so confident on your reply, and his lips curled up into a smile, It had been a while since someone praised him for his ability to lead, it felt as if a burden has been lifted off his shoulders, he kept an eye contact, wiping his own tears away. He wrapped an arm around your waist while and rested his head at the crook of your neck “Thank you…” he let out an exhale as his head rested against you, He felt himself grow tired, yet he didn’t wanna fall asleep just yet, not when he has the company of someone like you that appreciate him for more than his worth, someone whom he loves more than himself...
Requests are open!
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riveracheron · 7 months
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eh. might as well post this now. a few of these are wish fulfillment rather than actual theorizing but explanations under the cut
i have an alchemy hyperfixation and all the alchemy stuff in tmagp makes me very excited so a lot of my theories are related to that
spoilers for the pilot btw
main character gets an eye injury - the image will not leave my head. in the magnus institute ruins statement there was this whole thing about redcanary having some kind of encounter with or experience with eye trauma and that feels like something thats just. gonna come up again
another mechanisms va - self explanatory, we need to complete the set. would love to hear kofi or rachel.
gwen has trauma related to something that happened with elias - this is going on the theory that she’s not elias’ counterpart, but a relative of some kind. something spooky happens to him and that pushes gwen to research the paranormal.
character referencing nicholas flamel - all the main characters have names that reference alchemists, and nicholas flamel is probably the most famous alchemist of all time. i doubt he’ll be given the smirke treatment because that kinda already happened with the transphobic wizard books, but someone could be sharing his name.
mag 114 statement is relevant - thats the. hill top road statement that deals with other realities, and anya (the statement giver) could be from the protocol verse. we could totally hear about the aftermath of her departure
alice/sam/gwen = three primes - the three main alchemical symbols on the OIAR crest, and a good sort of symbolic trio sorter. the three peimes are salt, sulphur and mercury, and are the basis for alchemy. the down to earth, reliable salt, the firey, unpredictable sulfur, and the adaptable, easygoing mercury. i think these could apply i just want to have it called out in universe
lena is a good person - i don’t think they’d pull the evil boss thing twice. i just think lena’s weird mannerisms are from her autistic swag
celia is related to or is agnes - (related to as in. her story involves agnes, not that shes like. a sister.) this comes from a theory by @/pinklotjeart, i think. basically: through the way her death was described (spark returned to the lightless flame) and some timeline discrepancies and general avatarness making it weird, agnes might not be Dead dead. and celia’s counterpart, lynne - well, she saw a fire ghost. also, both her and agnes are the only non one-off characters who have shakespeare names afaik. agnes MONTAGUE, celia from as you like it…
annabelle cane is related somehow - self explanatory, she was at hilltop road when everything went down. might have been pulled in.
a famous alchemist is robert smirke’d - self explaining, give me more canon historical figures jonny
another kitty cat - i want more kitty in podcast is that a crime
augustus is not jonah - we hear jonah’s voice as ben meredith in 193, so im skeptical that tim fearon’s character is jonah for that reason.
oiar group has a messy moment that devolves into actual physical violence - mmm angst i think they deserve to smack eachother around a bit
bonzo cult - yeah.
oiar found family - we got the group of coworkers that hate each other angst last time gimme the “hurting one to get to the others” and self sacrifice angst this time
colin dies early - mmmm i cant say much about this bc its based on one throwaway line at the MCM panel where jonny doesn’t mention colin in the main character group. so . death flags.
oiar is containing the entities scp style - this was a super early theory of mine, either this or theyre using them for power or energy in some way. even more heavy handed capitalism metaphors yay
someone gets ushanka’d - its computer horror: the podcast. that’s all
cookbook statement - a few clues in the ARG had to do with cookbooks, and alex and jonny have already said they’re getting weird with the statement formats (they mentioned an insurance report!) so. cookbook doesn’t seem too far-fetched
tiktoker/influencer character - archives was 2010s and they had a podcaster and youtuber, which were like. the big things. whats the hip trend now??? instagram and tiktok baybee
protocol editors va a small role a la mag 100 or the wtgfs cult - those characters were voiced by other rq team members (ie helen as laverne and martyn as robin) and the team has since expanded!! some editors dis stuff for cry havoc, so im guessing nico, annie, april and others will get a small role!
a villain’s goal is creating the philosopher’s stone or other alchemical thing - tmagp is heavily inspired by alchemy, and the philosopher’s stone was the main goal of alchemy!! it would grant you eternal knowledge snd the ability to turn lead into gold- which seems like a good. evil dude’s ambition
the desolation gets more focus - the institute burned down, the oiar crest has a lot of sulfur symbols (the fire element), alchemy as a whole having to do with fire, celia and her connection- it paints a very. lightless flame picture
trip to germany - a lot of the arg was set in and around berlin, and there was that exchange between sam and colin about german in the pilot! i could see a germany trip happening in the same way jon took a trip to china and america.
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dandylovesturtles · 4 months
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@theplacewhereidumpmyinterests I can't talk about most of them because they're part of an AU verse I want to keep secret until I have the first fic that's part of it written, and idk when that will be (by summer?? HOPEFULLY??), but I guess I can talk about the other one because idk if/when I will write a fic for him (I'd like to but like I am only human)
"more AUs Dandy?" LISTEN all I do is sit around and think about "what if"s, okay?
ok so this started as me being like, hm, we see Lou Jitsu with a rotating door of women, so many he doesn't seem to remember all their names, so it's not totally out there to think he might have gotten one of them pregnant, right?
and thus Marcus (middle name Kyle) was born! literally!
so the story for this is, Lou Jitsu had a fling with a woman in the early 90s, pre-Big Mama. they were both in agreement that the whole thing was casual and it didn't last very long, but oopsie-daisy about six weeks after their last night together she finds out she's pregnant.
she debates what to do for a bit, because, as established, Lou Jitsu is kinda a fuckboi and she doesn't really want a relationship with him. But once she decides she's definitely keeping the baby she feels like she can't just not tell him, right? so she tries!
...unfortunately he's dating Big Mama by that point and she interferes to make sure that Lou Jitsu never meets with the woman and never finds out, because she knows this would get in the way of her plans.
she takes never hearing back from LJ as a sign he just isn't interested in the kid and resolves to single-motherhood. which she is the best at, btw.
she's still considering trying to introduce Marcus to his dad at some point, but unfortunately her kid isn't even 5 before Lou Jitsu suddenly goes missing, with his teary fiancée telling a sob story to the cops. assuming, same as everyone else, that he's dead, she lets the whole thing go, though she does tell Marcus who his dad is once he's old enough to understand everything.
Marcus goes through periods of being obsessed with Lou Jitsu, watching all his movies and consuming every piece of media about him that he can find, and periods where he can't stand to even hear the name. it's up and down. from his perspective, LJ abandoned him and his mom, but he's also dead, so it's not like he can have closure on this ever, right? so it's just a thing he has to deal with on his own.
but he's fine! he's alright. he gets through high school, then college, then accepted into vet school just fine.
then... his mom gets sick and dies.
yeah, that's a hard blow.
but he's alright! he has a few buddies from college he still sees now and then, and he's started his zoo vet residency at the Bronx Zoo (with a particularly special interest in reptiles), so lots of new people to meet that way! he's doing great! he's not lonely at all!
(a few months ago, he was suddenly woken up by a surge of something, like dozens of voices were crying out to him for help, tugging him toward something, saying his family needs him...
yeah, no idea what that was about. he doesn't have any family anymore.)
then the sky opens up and aliens come out.
Marcus is at work, because of course aliens would attack at the beginning of his shift. he spends the day ushering survivors into safe zones within the zoo, using his medical knowledge to handle first aid, and just trying to stay sane as the whole world turns upside down.
and then just as suddenly as it all started... it stops.
in the aftermath, everyone around him is just trying to get home, desperately calling their loved ones and praying for the best. Marcus starts trying to figure out how he's going to get home, because the trains definitely aren't running, and as he looks as his phone for a spark of inspiration, he realizes... no one has tried to call him. his coworkers' phones have been going off all day, whenever they can get signal, as loved ones try to reach them, but... he doesn't have anyone trying to reach him. and as he sits there he realizes he doesn't know who he should be calling, either.
so. that's pretty depressing.
and as he's sitting there, thinking about his life and what led him here, in a now empty vet clinic outside the bronx zoo... he hears a noise. and then, voices.
ah great. looters.
at first, Marcus tries to call 911 - but obviously the call center is swamped. so he decides to take care of the problem himself, going to see who's there and get rid of them...
wait, who is he kidding? he's definitely not paid enough to confront potentially armed looters! he's going to get out of here.
but just as he starts to leave, he hears the voices again - coming from one of the surgery rooms this time. and they're talking about IVs... scalpels... anesthesia...
suddenly he realizes that these aren't looters - they're here to try and treat somebody.
and like hell is he going to let some idiot kill someone trying to do DIY surgery.
so he turns back around and bursts into the room... on two humans, a rat that counts as giant even for New York, and four very big, very injured turtles.
one of whom immediately points a gun in his face. to be fair, that's what he thought would happen.
"Donnie!" yells the biggest one, and, oh, they can talk. huh.
"Relax, it's just a tranquilizer!"
"Donatello!" that's the rat. there's a sound like a whip cracking and the one with the gun makes a startled noise and drops it.
now the rat is in front of him. he's looking up at Marcus imploringly. "Do you work here?" he asks.
"Y-yeah. I'm a vet."
the rat bows very politely. "my sons are seriously hurt, and I don't have the supplies to help them at home. I understand it is a lot to ask, but... we must use your supplies. please, if you could just look the other way."
Marcus looks around at the turtles, especially the one on the table, the one worst off. he looks mangled. he won't live long if he isn't properly treated.
a rat, two humans who look like teenagers, and the turtles. who the rat called "sons". now that he's noticing, they're all pretty short, other than the big one. are they also teenagers?
"...Are any of you doctors?" he asks. the littlest one starts to raise a hand, but the girl grabs it and forces it back down.
everyone else has left by now. he's the only doctor here.
alright. guess he's doing this.
"...okay, everyone make some room. let me get sterilized, and I'll see what we're working with here."
and that's how the son Lou Jitsu didn't know he had becomes primary care doctor to his teenage mutant ninja half-brothers. ^^
(and then a bunch of other stuff happens)
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sageistrii · 2 months
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I'm going to ignore what this user is talking about because y'all know my opinion on armys and their "boycott". Hobi didn't do well because armys do not like his music and because he doesn't have a lot of stans, not because of the boycott and I think the person in that screenshot proved it. Armys are only listening and streaming the music they like for the members they bias and other artists they like, end of story.
My focus is on the person in the screenshot and that "I think most of us boycotters are rapline biased because we care about the social message" what does that mean?
It's really something that for years that rapline biased armys get away with saying borderline Anti stuff and armys let them because of pity. And I checked the quotes of this tweet, barely anyone's pointing out how weird that statement is, but are more interested in using that account as an excuse for Hobi's less than stellar chart performance.
They have always gotten away with the subtle shades. I remember an army account saying maknae line stans were visual stans, and they also got a lot of likes for it too with no one calling them out.
Rapline stans and their superiority complex, with the way they act you would think they stanned Kendrick Lamar or jcole. No y'all just Stan pseudo-intellectuals and one trick ponies.
What would Hobi do as a soloist if he was banned from basing his concepts and music on how he was a street dancer from Gwangju a million years ago? I think Yoongi is a good rapper but you hear one suga or agust d verse and you've heard most of them, and namjoon rivals Tae when it comes to being pretentious btw with that fake cultured thing he's got going on.
For years rapline would imply that they "wrote, composed or produced x song" and armys would make everyone go with that narrative and then you check the credits it's a million other names before theirs. Namjoon would come on live, give a break down while repeatedly saying "I" and of course to armys it means he did the whole thing himself when he obviously co wrote it with multiple others and most times he isn't even the main writer or composer lol. Most BTS songs are sent to them by other writers and of course the rapline make their own contributions and needed changes to fit the group, but armys will go on and on like they're the sole writers. This has been the foundation of their superiority complex.
And what social issues do rapline talk about? What have they rapped about in their solo songs that impacted society?. What "deep message" do they have in their music that vocal line haven't also talked about in theirs? These men have the advantage of having larger discographies , nothing more.
Edit: Not saying that I don't think they're good artists, I've praised them and their artistry multiple times and I do think Yoongi and Joon are the best rappers in kpop. Just find it annoying how their stans act like they're miles above every other Kpop artist when it comes to the stuff they sing about.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 months
↬ OC Verse Trading Cards
Here it is! The reason (well, one of the reasons) for why I've been so inactive lately. I saw this super cool trading card template by @squea and @buttertrait and thought it was super fun, so I wanted to make something similar for my mutuals and myself. And, as you can see, I rediscovered my love for art deco on the way, so it's very art deco lol
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You can find the template to make your own cards here - and I explicitly encourage you to make your own, because I was kinda hoping I would get to see cards of you guys' OCs and we could collect them all in a binder like this one. It would be really fun! (The number next to the name is the power level btw - I wanted to imitate a set of Star Wars trading cards I used to collect as a kid) Make sure to @ me when you do and tag your post with #ocversetradingcards!
I tried to make the template as accessible as possible so that even beginners should be able to use it without any issues. So, I color-coded the layers!
The red layers are ones you shouldn't touch. They make up the main frame of the card. The orange layers are ones where you can play around with the colors, but that's for advanced photoshop/photopea users. The green ones are the ones where you put in text! Edit those freely. Blue ones are ones you have to select and move as a batch - if you don't know how to do that, check below the cut ^^
You'll need to download these fonts:
Park Lane (name & power level)
Market Deco (main text font)
Artisual Deco Black Italic (blog url)
Below the cut, you'll find a tutorial for the template and a list of the image resources I used - Quick info for everyone, including the more experienced Photopea users: Save your image at 50% quality. The template is a big file and the exported image will also be pretty big if you don’t save it at a lower quality. 50% is what you can see above and I think it's a nice size-quality ratio.
Tutorial Time
Opening the File
Step one: Get either Photoshop or Photopea. Photoshop costs money, Photopea is free and runs in your browser. Take three guesses which one I use. Yeah, it's Photopea. As such, this tutorial will be Photopea-centric, and I also have no clue what the Photoshop interface looks like, so I can't really help you if you work on Photoshop. But I'm told they're essentially the same, so...
Step two: Download the fonts listed above from the links in this post.
Step three: Click on the link above to go download the template. It's a bit of a big file, so I put it into a zip file for you. Don't worry, you don't need a special program to open it. Photopea will do that for you.
Step four: Open Photopea. Click on "File" -> "Open..." and select the "TradingCardTemplate" zip file.
Step five: Click "File" -> "Open..." again and select the zip files for the fonts. This will import them to Photopea. There are also preview images included in at least one of the zip files for the fonts, so just close the windows for those projects when they pop up by clicking on the little "x" next to their file name. You only need the "TradingCardTemplate.psd" tab to be open in your Photopea window.
Great! Now you're all set to edit!
Editing the name, power level and blog url
I decided to group these together because they function essentially the same way
Step one: Select the typing tool. It's the little "T" symbol in the toolbar on the left side of your screen.
Step two: Select the layer of the text you want to edit. The blog url one is in plain view. For the name and power ones, you need to open the corresponding folders first. They're the green layers in the folders!
Step three: Click on the text you want to edit. It's easiest to aim for the middle, that way you have the least chances of missing. The typing tool is a bit finicky with that sometimes, especially if the text is small.
Great! Now you can use your keyboard to delete the placeholder text and replace it with your own! The power level will only fit two digits and picking "00" will look bad. Your OC should have at least some power. They need it to breathe.
Changing the size of the name text
As you might be able to tell, the basic text size only works for fairly short names. So, you might have to make it smaller for your OC's name to fit
Step one: Enter your OC's name as described above.
Step two: Select the text as you would anywhere else in your browser.
Step three: Above the little tag where it says "TradingCardTemplate.psd", there's an options bar. You'll find a box there labelled "Size" with a box that says "150px" and a down arrow next to it. Click on the down arrow and a slider will pop up. Play around with that slider until your text has a good size. Then click on the checkmark.
Step four: Switch to the transformation tool. It's the cursor with the directional cross next to it, at the top of your left-hand tool bar. Move your text so that it aligns well with the left side of the frame but make sure it's below the middle.
Step five: You now have to select two layers at once. The text layer and the frame for the name tag. Do do that, either press and hold your control key on your keyboard while selecting the other layer or toggle the control key using the on-screen keyboard at the bottom left of the toolbar. If you use the toggle, don't forget to untoggle it after.
Step six: On your horizontal toolbar above your project window, click on the icon that's a horizontal line with two boxes centered on it.
Congrats, your text should now be centered!
Adding in your OC picture
Step one: Open the "Picture" folder and select the layer beneath "Add picture here". This will make sure your picture will be in the right spot. Also make sure to click on the eye next to the "Pattern" layer tag to make it go invisible.
Step two: Select "File" -> "Open & Place..." and pick a nice image.
Step three: Once the image has been imported, make sure you change the zoom percentage to 100%, that way the image doesn't look pixely or weird. Click on the checkmark.
Step four: Resize your image so your OC fits nicely into the frame. The image should fill the entire space inside the frame and can stick out as much as you want.
Step five: Right-click (or press and hold, if you're on mobile) your image' layer and select "Clipping Mask".
Perfect! Now your image should no longer stick out of the frame. Feel free to adjust your image's coloration, brightness etc. by selecting "Image" -> "Adjustments" and your preferred action.
Changing your stats bars
This works the same for each bar and I tried to make it as simple as possible.
Step one: Open the corresponding folder.
Step two: Select the set of three blue layers together. You can do this by selecting one layer normally, then selecting the other two while holding your control key or while having it toggled using the built-in on-screen mini keyboard at the bottom left of your screen. If you use the toggle, don't forget to untoggle it after.
Step three: Switch to the transformation tool (the one at the top of your left-hand toolbar, it's a cursor with a directional cross) and move your layers. By moving them to the right, you'll reveal more of the gold underneath the overlay. More gold = higher level of the corresponding stat.
Great job! Now adjust the bars to your liking.
Saving your project + card image
To save the project: Click on "File" -> "Save as PSD". This will download the current project under the same name as the file that you downloaded it as. So, it will be called "TradingCardTemplate (1)" or something similar. Make sure you change the name in your files so you know which is which. Alternatively, you can also change the name of the project by double-clicking the little square that currently says "TradingCardTemplate" and type in your new name. If you save again now, it will show the new project name! Make sure to save your project if you want to be able to recover it and/or work on it later!
To save the card image: Click on "File" -> "Export as >" and pick your preferred image file type. I suggest JPG for best results. Make sure to turn the quality slider to 50%, then hit the save button. This will download an image file of your chosen type, under the same name as the project name. To change that name, refer to the bullet point above or go to your files :)
Advanced: Changing the BG color of the pattern
Step one: Select the pattern background of either the name tag, power score or picture and turn it to 100% opacity.
Step two: Color-pick the current background color of the pattern.
Step three: Click "Image" -> "Adjustments" -> "Replace Color..." and click on the colored rectangle in the new pop-up. Replace the default color with your color-picked color. Now use the Hue, Saturation and Lightness sliders to get a new color that you like. Note down your slider values for later so you have them for the other elements.
Step four: Color-pick your new color and select the corresponding solid background layer. For those layers, click "Edit" -> "Fill..." and make sure you have "Foreground" and "Normal" selected, your Opacity is 100% and you have "Preserve Transparency" checked.
Step five: Don't forget to turn the opacity of your pattern layers back down to 60%.
Congrats! You have your colors changed! Repeat this process for the other two patterned elements.
Extra advanced: Changing the card's background color
NOTE: I DON'T recommend this. You can do it, but it's a lot of work.
Step one: Select the background layer and change its color to the new color you want. You can do it with the "Hue/Saturation..." adjustment, with the "Fill" edit as described above, or whichever way you want. Color-pick your new color.
Step two: Open the smart object PSDs for the frames for the frames for the picture, the name tag, and the power counter by double-clicking on the preview image of the layer.
Step three: Select the lowest colored layer of each and change its color to the same as your new card background color. Click on "File" -> "Save (Smart Object)". Close the project windows.
Step four: Open the folders for the various stat bars and select the "Color Overlay" layers. Change their colors the same way you did for the other layers. Warm colors and high-saturation colors will most likely not look good here and you might need to find a different way of making the stat bars look good. Playing around with the "Brightness/Contrast" adjustment layers above might help, but I can't promise anything. This is the main reason why I don't recommend changing the card background color. The stats bars are adjusted to the background color.
There we are! Either your card looks very pretty now or you understand why I don't recommend this. Either way: Good job!
Resources from Freepik:
Corners by tartila Power counter frame Picture frame by pch.vector Stats bar by tartila Pattern
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Taglist (we're bringing out all fandoms today): @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats @fluffle-system @wheresmybloodynauglamir @nanukanal @supermarine-silvally @cody-helix02
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ruthflemwad · 8 months
parts of the npmd soundtrack that scratch my brain perfectly (act 2)
again its all under the cut. i hope this is comprehensible its longer than the last one. idk what else to say
dan's whole bit at the start. just the way he says everything. so good
the ahh ahh ahhs
the electric guitar <3
curt's voice for bailey esp the growl
the smoooothness of corey's voice and the way he sings things auuauauuau
the harmonies on man down down down down
the little plinky organ melody in the backround that comes in halfway through the chorus UAUUAUAUA
the way jon says donna
donna's "DAN!!!"
i certainly dont LOVE killing!
the harmonies on "bailey's/barry's on the loose and he's got a gun" (im talking mainly abt the soundtrack and not the proshot so bailey is more applicable here but both r so good)
fits the bill! it fits the bill!
the who's swingin the hatchet now harmonies
bryce's solo <3 all of it is so good
BOY JERRY <3 and gerald monroe ig but i love jerry
kim's little opera bit
the final in hatchet town harmony <3
this whole song in general btw. i love ruth fleming so so so so so so so so so much this song was such a silly contemperary theatre tribute
NO, i haven't seen your grill brush, MAURY. huh YEAH! i used it to BRUSH MY HAIR this morning CANT YOU TELL. ugh
DONT LEAVE ME OUT HERE WITH THE MEAT, MAURY! medium WHA? how can something be medium AND WELL, MAURY?
ugh. maury.
*sigh* i turned 40 today.
the piano coming in
the synthy strum
the way lauren sings the word saturday. her voice throughout this whole song just scratches the brain itch so well
the way she says window, right, dream, and had
they never win
and LIIIIIFE is FULLL of all of the Trappings of The Well to Dew
god i love ruth. i love this song i love this song.
the slight tonal shift (thats not the right word ugh) for the choruses.
the way lauren says ensnared
and of the two who's the worse for wear (ME.)
the tambourine
idk what that instrument is in the bg of second chorus it sounds like a saxaphone but also synthy???? idk but i love it
the clarity of lauren's first oh UAUAUA
all 3 just for onces esp the last one with the riff
THE WAY THAT BEHIND THE JUST FOR ONCES YOU CAN HEAR THE "if i can finally be cool i will know that i'm not a loser" MOTIF AUUAUAISUAUUAISIAU
the way the tone calms back down but its still like so vulnerable... uuuuuauu
the way she says every word in this last verse
i used to dance :(
joey's general tone in this UAUAU so good
mariah's deeper voice HEART EYES AUUUU
i just love lautski this song is so good i can barely pick things out bc this whole song scratches my brain
joey's lil growl on "oh babe i'd let u know"
OOOO! i guess we'd better save the date!
need a lover MAYUN
i love when jeff blim crams a lot of syllables into an amount of time like that its so fun
the harmonies <3
wake me up when u turn 18!!!
if i IF I!!!!!
the repeating round style of singing in order to come together eventually I lov them
dissonance <3
the way the lords names are sung i love it sm
the lords names being whispered in the background
tNOY karaxis
the woah ohs and the drums kicking in
the music cutting out
the we will build a portal motif
the laughter
just the whole little lord verses its so discordant and fun and i love it so much i love the voices they put on i love the lyrics
the book has all but closed on ur life!
blinky's we've been watching u gracie
the way curt says spankoffski and toy box
tinky's laugh
jon's wiggly voice
the drums
swallow his soul i wanna lick it!
i wanna see thaaaat
AAAAUHGUGH there IS something!
something FUN!!!
the lords in black the lords in black call us...
what do u want steph...
do it... or DIE
what's in your pocket STEPH-A-KNEE
i love this whole song its so silly and crazy
that last "the lords in black the lords in black call us"
this one makes me really sad :( still so good
one of us is in love :(((((((((
it doesnt TAKE a detective
the violins coming in again
is it really a crime if you get to live your life to the fullest :((((
the i love u i know :(((((((
ur not as cool as u think u are! :(
i will know that you have to do it :(((
joey's lower register for this last little if i loved u chorus :(((
loved u more than the stars above :(((((( (how many sad faces can i use)
the pause before could've :((((
i cant even say anything more abt this one it makes me too sad
ok yes i can the i never wanted you anyway breaks my heart
the guitar
the needy beast esque pronounciation of words idk how else to say it i just love it
we hurted!
the harmonies on town and down
this song is just so fun
it's like you knew me b4 u knew me! that whole bit! i love it!
never gonna fall!
the echoey verse in the back at the end Auuu so good
the ending note harmony
the souls of the pervs make me strong
her laugh
everything she sings here sounds so incredible
i just love this reprise its so so good
i cant point out specific parts bc its just all incredible
when the ensemble comes in heart eyes
run pervs RUN
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trashiest-person · 3 months
people I'd love to know better (???)
uhh i have never done any of these kinda posts ever in my 5 years of tumblr-ing but i got tagged by @thedemises so ig im gonna do this
last song: CLOSET by Yoh kamiyama
this is actually kinda a lie cuz the last song i actually listened to was smth from one of those daily mixes on spotify
BUT is it the last some i added to the playlist of songs i like so it counts??? i guess???? pretty nice song go listen to it 👍🤠👍
also go listen to will wood and tv room (bro has 7.5k followers on Spotify PLEASE + also he made Say It Back if u ever saw it on yt)
fav color: purple, red (except not really)
i used to really like purble but tbh i don't really know what i like anymore
a big chunk my fav characters have red so i like it by association lol (+ red eyes go hard)
last movie: across the spider-verse
decided to go watch it w/ my kid cousins once and now i need to see unspeakable things happen to Spot. i will not elaborate.
sweet or spicy or savoury?
sweet & savoury
tbh all of them r good but my spice tolerance aint strong enough to devour spicy dried squid like id want to :(
relationship status: single and not lookin for anybody (+demiromanic)
id like to get a lover or lovers (i kinda wanna be in poly) at some point but not yet (not sure if i'll ever manage to :/)
last thing i googled: "portal characters"
so context: i suddenly thought of a oc idea and i wanted them to be trans and that they named xemself after a portal character n yeah
meet Wheatley lol (i know nothing abt Portal btw)
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(good lorde my style is inconsistent as hell)
(note @ringdabel they're in that prev wb we did if u wanna see thems)
hohhh boy here we go
current obsession: BOOTHILL 🤠👢🪦‼️‼️
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bros highkey actin as my will to live rn...AND he got dripped 1 day RIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE HIM. 250 passes + 40 pity he WILL COME HOME
im fucking insane for this guy
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so yeah datz itz i think thankz mori (i think thats ur name???????? i cant remember names)
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australet789 · 1 year
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TLK: Perfectly Valued: The Thornbush Pride 
Let me present you...Dalili's Pride (the lion characters minus Darius and Nia)
The top 3 are all old lioness that carry the mark of The Thornbush Pride, that is the stripe on their heads, that represent a thorn. These are the 3 lioness left of the lineage, since most of the pride left when Zira did (and part of them became The Outsiders). They are not related to each other btw, just the mark shows where they are from.
Kulinda: This lioness was made in honor of my late teacher that died last year (if you saw the post i made about it, i dont want to share the details again). She is verse in understanding old paintings without the need of a mjuzi staff, and she is the one who teaches Dalili what the paintings on her den mean. Kulinda sometimes regrets it.
Sikitiko: Named by her own mother, her missing tail was actually her mother's doing as well. She wanted to leave the pride originally when Zira did, since she never liked Mkuu and Mtemi, but she couldn't leave Ukingoni behind (Sikitiko has feelings for her). But her daughter (this lioness of the right from The Lion Guard) did.
Ukingoni: She used to be the main hunter in the pride and, when Tanglemane was leader, she actually supported Ayubu's (Stranger lion) ideas of making him leader. She obviously realised how wrong he was but very late. Her missing eye (yes the whole gouged out eye) is Dalili's doing when Ukingoni tried to disobey her. Since then, Ukingoni hasn't been the same.
The bottom 3 are the new additions, Amun (who we saw in Act 1) and his two sisters, all of them of tsavo lineage.
Amun: We will know more about of him during the comic, but he is very protective of his sisters. He is the oldest of the 3.
Layla: She, as well as Masika, are still pretty young (between 17-18 in human years, hence the youngling spots on her paws). She is very grumpy and suspicious of everyone, but would die defending her siblings. Has a semi-crescent moon mark on her right shoulder.
Masika: If Layla is grumpy, Masika is the "happy-go-lucky" type. Very extroverted, she usually tries to put a nice face for both of her siblings. That doesn't make her naive and she knows when to shut up when Dalili is close. She is a maned lioness and has a waterdrop mark on her right hind leg.
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autisticempathydaemon · 5 months
hihi im here for the redacted matches thing, if its still open :)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? “Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But…” by Arctic Monkeys! ive always loved indie rock music, and this song in particular just scratches that musical itch in my brain
What is your Enneagram type? Type 2, The Helper
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? nooo they’re too long :(
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. i was supposed to have a childhood imaginary friend? nah fam i played with calico critters all day, i dont think i ever had a childhood imaginary friend
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? usually just listening to comforting audios, or taking melatonin 
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) it sounds cool as hell, and if the person i stole it from isn’t using it anymore, imma yoink that shit and claim it as my own
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? "Your Boyfriend's a Flirty Vampire Prince and ALSO a Cheeky Dork". heart eyes at Vincent rn
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) Yandere!Ivan and Regulus who genuinely makes me uncomfortable, i only ever listened to Yandere!Ivan for lore reasons and i have refused to even go near Regulus bc that mf is CREEPY. i dont get the hype for either of them really
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. OOOH okay SO theres this book called Just Ash by Sol Santana, and the main character is intersex!! ive only ever once seen an intersex character in a piece of media, and that was 7 years ago. Just Ash kinda details the struggles that some intersex people can go through, and i learned a lot because of it (i didnt even know that salt wasting was a thing before reading this book). Just Ash also inspired me to start doing research on disabilities that arent as well-known throughout the world, such as scoliosis or ostomy.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Huxley. i need some good hugs in my life man. and Porter for queer reasons (that man is GAY you cannot tell me otherwise — plus you already know that he has some great sarcasm with the whole gag reflex quip)
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) when im low on energy, i either go nonverbal or start saying random silly things
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. despite being white, i have never had the classic white experience of visiting a gas station and terrorizing the cashier with my friends. i dont have a specific gas station that i like, but i looove the cherry slurpee omg that shit goes hard
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. i have ceremoniously named it ♥️ good shit ♥️ because it has good shit in it (imo). Arctic Monkeys, Laufey, Mitski, Lovejoy, The Orion Experience — basically any indie rock band/soft-voiced sad girl that goes hard
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? boyfriend asmr that surpasses asmr because its chocked full of lore and likable characters and world building and
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! i loveloveLOVE pink omg best color ever fr. also. i eat lore for breakfast, literally my favorite thing ever. i will listen as you info dump about those silly little characters that run around in your head. im also autistic btw if that counts for anything 👍
(ive done this before, but i dont think it sent last time 😭)
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Oh, this is easy peasy lemon squeezy. If you’re an autistic person with a love of lore and stories, there’s no better match for you than Guy, our resident storyteller!
One, we love an A4A relationship, and Guy has got to be the dictionary picture of an AuDHD dude, you know? Two, Type Two’s are characterized as being friendly, giving people who want to love and be loved, and Guy would be a good match for you because he is just so loving, so affectionate. I also love him for you because Guy is kind of as far from a yandere as I can imagine, and that feels right.
The more I think about it, the more I realize just how much fun you and Guy would have. He, of the Redacted bois, strikes me as the most likely to listen to Redacted, so couldn’t you just imagine it being a shared special interest between the two of you? You could listen to early access together and scream about it on tumblr, because let’s be real, Guy 100% has a tumblr. He’d also adopt popular lines and the Redacted ringtone as vocal stims, and I can imagine you finding that charming and funny because it would be.
Every time I think of you/ I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue/ It's no problem of mine, but it's a problem I find/ Livin' a life that I can't leave behind/ There's no sense in telling me/ The wisdom of the fool won't set you free/ But that's the way that it goes and it's what nobody knows/ Well, every day my confusion grows
I’m not gonna lie- I don’t super know what this song means, and neither would Guy. I do know that it’s fun, it’s a love song, it’s indie rock, and it’s a classic. This strikes me as the type of song that Guy knows all the words and can perform without a second thought, thus he loves turning it up and singing it at you whenever it comes on in the car.
David is a runner-up for you because I love A4A pairings, and David is my favorite Redacted boi to headcanon as autistic after Guy. However, I do prefer Camelopardalis as a runner up; he’s not autistic, but I think his nature is more outwardly effusive and affectionate than David’s which would be better for a Type Two.
note: thank you for waiting~ you did send this before, and it came through; it just took me some time to get through the entries before you 💛
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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goldennika · 8 months
Initial Thoughts on TOMORROW X TOGETHER's The Name Chapter: Freefall
Ok so i just listened to TNC: Freefall in full and damn, okay. Really solid album, sonically. And i say sonically bc i haven't read up on the lyrics just yet (i don't think the eng trans are out yet ☹️)
Am loving how they're showcasing more of their vocals (txt lower register enthusiasts, we are being fed at last 😭) and the whole band/session feels of the music really emphasizes that.
can we take a minute to talk about beomkai's vocals?? bc i really think this might be their era 🥹 and seeing as all of the boys have at least 2 credits to their name in this album, it really feels like this is their sound, and their personal music preferences came through too
i'm on the fence about DILT's inclusion in the album though. we all know it was not a planned track at all but it was a really good opportunity for them to collaborate and have a fun summer track out before headlining lolla 2023.
that said, it just doesn't seem to fit in (at least sonically) in this album. i don't know if moving it higher up in the tracklist would have been better since i haven't read the lyrics yet but sonically, it might have worked more since the more powerful/complex sounding tracks are in the first half, imo
but overall, this album is full of surprises, and very good ones at that!! I'm sure i'll love it even more when i listen to it again but yeah, from the first listen alone, i would recommend this album!!!
Track first impressions under the cut! very raw reactions ahead haha
Track 1: Growing Pain
oh damn gritty TXT ???
legitimately gave me goosebumps
that's it. that's the thought.
the guitar is so good ugh
this will absolutely kill when performed live 😵‍💫
Track 2: Chasing That Feeling
giving TCHFTG and Blinding Lights by The Weeknd (i love The Weeknd btw)
Yeonjun's voice is so soothing??????
wait is the nod to the TCHFTG instrumentals intentional??????
maybe this is just me but their choreo (based on the MV) looks like it goes so hard but this song feels relatively chill/easy listening (esp compared to their last few title tracks bc sugar rush ride was a doozy to take in) so it seems a bit... off? idk idk
looking forward to a stage/practice vid to come out to appreciate their performance more!
Track 3: Back for More (TXT Ver)
already reacted to this before and ugh so good
Yeonjun's is also so good
love their adlibs so much 🥹
super interesting to place this track right after Chasing That Feeling 🤔
dance break instrumental and adlibs have my whole heart actually
like i can see them dancing in my head even if i'm just listening
Track 4: Dreamer
oh shit i love the bass already??????
kinda scared to check the lyrics ngl
oh this song is delicious
i can already see all the tiktok edits happening (not necessarily a bad thing for them imo)
ooh shit "let me break it down for you" jdfh;kdjsfb;nsfkja
or is taehyun there too?
the "let me break it down for you" is going to haunt me in my dreams thanks
Track 5: Deep Down
strong start. nice
yooo the minimal instrumentals in the start was so good
oh it got clubby in the chorus
this feels so different from the usual TXT but it works??
okayyyy the trumpet sounding stuff in the outro was a nice touch
Track 6: Happily Ever After
pretty sure i'll cry if i read up the lyrics of this one haha 🥲
oh this track is so smooothhhh in the pre-chorus
oohhh the la la la's are growing on me
it's like happy fools but more refined?????
LOVE the blending/harmonization 😩
SOOBIN I LOVE YOU (outro ver) 🥹😭
Track 7: Skipping Stones
the cymbals? hi-hats? at the start oh god *chef's kiss*
feels like a band session up in here!!!
oh damn beomgyu???
taehyun with the high notes mhmmm
band txt is the future i can see it all so clearly now
LOVE the way they start off each line durign the verses. scratches my brain sooooo good when they give the little oomph then blend it down ugh (sorry idk musical terms)
kinda obsessed with this music already wtf
the female vocals too!!
mhmmm soobin's falsetto
just wow
Track 8: Blue Spring
i know we were joking around about band txt but what if it's not a joke anymore bc we've had track after track of band/session sounds and i am not okay anymore
i'm never gonna be normal about this song sorry not sorry
what if i cry.....
hmmm the rest of the instrumentals kicking in. so good.
and then they strip it down??? to let the vocals shine????
so so good
soobin's verse with yeonjun's adlibs is what dreams are made of actually
god yeonjun and hueningkai are gonna make me cry
Track 9: Do It Like That
ok yeah ngl the mood shifted dramatically after all the band txt sounds lol
DILT is a cute song but i don't think it makes sense in this album
or at least not in this placement???
i may reconsider if this was a TXT ver lol
or maybe they were thinking about our mental health when they decided to keep it in the album
i would probs be a sobbing mess if tnc: freefall rly just ended with the studio ver of blue spring 🥹
Track 10: Chasing That Feeling (English Ver)
including this here bc why not it's on the tracklist anyway haha
tbh i wasn't feeling this track much from the teasers
but hearing the song in full changed my mind
the build up is good
why does yeonjun's voice sound so good in this genre like how is it soooo good
time's a thief that won't stop stealing -- well damn did i feel that
taehyun our belting star 🥺
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septembersghost · 11 months
How do you think the order of the JM story goes now, if there is one?
i know some people very much don't like this conversation, which is okay, but i do think there's a lot of insight about her and her experiences and her writing that exists within it. i won't go too in depth into that, but the story and progression has significance in my mind, so:
i think there definitely is an order, though only taylor herself knows or could wholly explain that. i want to also preface this with the memory of what a big deal john was at that time, because sometimes i think people either don't remember or don't know, since he's not at that stature now, but room for squares, his debut album, came out in 2001. by 2009, he was working on his fourth album (battle studies, on which taylor featured) and had seven grammys. he positioned himself as this soulful, sensitive, misunderstood guy who was so passionate and lovelorn and dedicated to his music. the friend who introduced me to him was starry-eyed about him, the idea that he had a bad boy streak only added to the appeal. slow dancing in a burning room was on all the swoony playlists (though i was partial to 3x5 and stop this train, and then we got war of my life and edge of desire...). due to his status as a musician, and the specific compliments he gave her (ie: stevie nicks to his tom petty, "this girl is going to be around for a long time") i get why taylor looked up to him and felt that infatuated thrall. (his infamous playboy interview had not happened yet btw). he lived in a duplex in gramercy park that was converted from a church parish house, it still has stained glass windows (stained glass windows in my mind, i regret you all the time). remembering that context is an aspect of the story here. anyway, this is very subjective and my own interpretation, but, to me, they'd go like this:
superman (because it's innocent and sweet and hero-worshipping. "he's not all bad like his reputation") -> i can see you (trying to keep it professional, but developing a situation) -> electric touch (some are attributing this to JG, but i really don't see it because it's very closely aligned with treacherous, and this is the first date, and she's already so nervous and fatalistic. i also have some feelings about the subject here, the duet, and half of my heart. electric touch in and of itself sounds like it could be a JM title. patrick's verse is extremely john-coded. as is, "and you won't need space or string me along..." when connected to his own writing) -> ours (the situation is now serious feelings from her. "they'll judge it like they know about me and you...the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours.") -> treacherous (parallels back to the idea of hiding away, sleepless nights, an edge of danger. "your name has echoed through my mind and i just think you should know that nothing safe is worth the drive..." the two headlights also appear both here and in electric touch) -> foolish one (she's in love and realizing he isn't feeling the same, and she's already questioning herself and some of the manipulation she's experiencing. "you give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high.") -> haunted ("don't leave me like this, i thought i had you figured out, something's gone terribly wrong, you're all i wanted") -> dear john (it all falls apart, and she is deeply hurt and scrambling for solid ground, and reassuring herself that she got out in time. "you are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry, never impressed by me acing your tests") -> the story of us (he acts as though everything that happened wasn't even a big deal, where to her it was defining. this and dear john could maybe be reversed? but i feel like that breaking point of devastation already happened and she's trying to get her bearings in the story of us. "this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less, but i liked it better when you were on my side, the battle's in your hands now, but i would lay my armor down if you said you'd rather love than fight") -> i knew you were trouble (basically a reiteration of "i should've known," "and the saddest fear comes creepin' in, that you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything..." again hearkening back to "half of my heart is a part of a man who's never truly loved anything") -> would've could've should've (she's grown up, she has all the power of hindsight, maturity, and experience, and she realizes the full extent of damage that was done and that she carries with her. she didn't emerge as unscathed as she'd originally tried to convince herself. she's still haunted and battling the memories. "i damn sure never would've danced with the devil at 19, and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven, and now that i'm grown, i'm scared of ghosts, memories feel like weapons, and now that i'm grown, i wish you'd left me wondering." every single one of the previous songs speaks directly to those lyrics. "living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts, give me back my girlhood, it was mine first").
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mrlivingdude · 8 months
Bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro this weekend. Saturday, October 7th
Sunday, October 8th
And also Monday, October 9th
I've loved it so much
And I just want to give a big ol thanks to @lizardgoescrazy8, @thefruitybash, and @briggybuckets
Brig. Brig. October 7th is a day I will never forget. The pure joy you were able to give me through just one message was magical. I pray I can give you half the joy you've given me dude. ALSO THE FACT YOU THOUGHT I LIVED IN THE EASY EHHEHEHWHABA but dude if I EVER
Do anything to make you feel uncomfortable, or angry, or sad, or annoyed, tell me.
That's all I can ask for. And I'll be waiting for the day we meet🙏🙏
While I'm here, thanks to @hopeless-rainbows, @dittosprigatito, @spoomkeearts, @heywhatsgooddude, @satsalloni, and @hyp3rfixation-h3ll ! We didn't talk all too much this weekend, but I really do appreciate everything y'all do, even when it ain't related to me in any way. I love seeing everything y'all do, and I wish you the best of luck.
rown, never stop being the kindest ever.
Mangli, you're kinda like a jack of all cards. As you aren't like kind to an inhuman degree, or funny to an inhumane degree, but I love that of you!! It's hard to explain but you're just the greatest by not being the greatest lol, I like hearing you be passionate bout stuff.
Spooonkeeee never stop doing what you love cuz God damn are you good at it. Do your own thing Spoomkee, and just know I got all my faith in you. SIMON BELIEVES IN YOUUUUUYUYUUY.
blido your brand of humor is so spot on so so often you know when a joke will be good YOU KNOW HOW TO HELP SO MANY PEOPLE YOU'RE SO COOL BRO!!!! You just the bestest dude. Happy birthday btw!! I already said it but yeagh.
AND RONNIE!!!! Thank you from the bottom of me heart for getting me into BotBots. And for being so silly!!! And normal!!! I kinda gotta do my Scrubforce review series for 6-10, and then I kinda have a Burger-Tron and Spud edit to But She's Not My Lover by Jet Age Of Tomorrow, and then also a Spud edit to Mike G's verse on Parking Lot by Tyler, The Creator. I'll get to it eventually!!!!!!!!!!!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I've been wondering something. Ok, so you know how Jk is always debunking tkkr stuff, right? But it seems like Jimin doesn't debunk yoonmin. In fact, yoonminers are thriving right now lol
Like if Tae or Jk talked about each other as much as Jimin talks about Suga, the shippers would explode. Or like how Jimin is participating with Yoongi in his promo stuff like the thing that Yoongi uploaded today where Jimin is scolding him. Or Jimin naming is mossball Suga. Just little random mentions.
If Jk or Tae did that in their stuff, Jikookers would be going insane. But literally no one is talking about yoonmin lol except yoonminers (and me, I guess).
I just don't get why Jimin talks about Yoongi all the time (like Tae does with Jk) except that Jimin is actively participating in stuff with Yoongi often, and not just name dropping like Tae does.
I hope this makes sense. It was hard to sort my thoughts out.
You need to understand one thing first. At first, most Yoonminers were Tkkrs because they needed somewhere to shove Jimin. Right? To keep him away from JK?? But Jikook continued to Jikook and so they became Jimin antis. You know how we call Jhope the Jikook president? Well, they used to call Jimin their president 😂😂
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But now they loath him because they see what we see: JK's love and treatment for Jimin is way more and way different than that of any other member. Than that of V. So now I do think the majority of Yoonminers left are genuine ones. I mean they're wrong, they're always gonna be wrong...but I don't blame them for thinking Yoonmin is real.
As we have stated before many times, Suga is one sus mofo, alright? It is what it is.
Jikookers let me call u out for a second here while we are on the topic of name dropping, can we talk about the fact that Suga name drops Jimin ALL THE TIME and no one ever bats an eye? But wait until V name drops JK and all hell breaks loose
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But okay, fine I get it. Tkkrs are pieces of shit who attack Jimin for the smallest things so u would rather V not do the thing. But, for all we know JK could be V's favourite member, right?
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I mean, he's clearly not JK's favourite member but ain't nothing wrong with JK's being V's...no?
If Tae or JK did that in their stuff Jikookers would be going insane.
They would anon. They would and they will if some Tkk unit thingi happens. But u have to understand, the vermin are the root of all evil.
Did you know that Vminers think Vmin are married? Like genuinely. Like they literally think Jimin and V are married? Did you know that Jinkookers believe that Jin and JK are a thing? 🤢🤮 Like, legitimately? That the Osaka live it was Jin hiding in the bathroom? They have their own analysis and everything. And don't even get me started on Minimonis.
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What am I saying? We have other hard-core Jimin and JK shippers out there but they are not as toxic as the vermin. I mean, don't go into their space and try to argue with them because they will eat you alive, but they believe what they believe and there ain't nothing we can do about it.
If Tae or JK talked about each other as much as Jimin talks about Suga, the shippers would implode.
True. But here's the thing. When Yoonmin are in the same room, we have bickering, Suga all over Jimin which again, no one seems to have an issue with, and we have them complimenting eo and just them being them. Which is something they've done for years. But when Jimin is just on his own talking about Suga, its about how much the dude supports him, its about work, mostly. Not all the time but mostly. But yes, Jimin does adore Suga, that much is clear. But....don’t forget, he adores other members too. Yes, Suga is his favourite rapper, yes, his favourite line out of all BTS songs is by Suga (JK was the only one who knew this btw) Yes, his Nevermind tattoo is from a verse by Suga, yes, he named his mosball Suga, and the list goes on. (Ps- Jimin appearing in Suga's skit while I'm sure both parties were down for it, it was the company's idea. So that doesn't count) But u won't catch Jimin treating Suga any different than he treats any other member. To add to this I'll post a screenshot of my friend who puts it perfectly
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i.e: -Anyone with eyes can see Jimin is way closer to JK and Jhope than he is to Suga. -There's nothing for Jimin to debunk because Suga when he name drops Jimin he's not insinuating...well, things. And he tells it like it is. He doesn't exergerrate.
-Jimin treats Suga like he does other members.
-Jikookers have way more logic than the vermin and use their brains how they're supposed to; To think. And be smart.
Yoonminers are thriving right now lol.
Yes. I'm still side eying the company on these constant Yoonmin parings. Like why tf would Suga be promoting Busan with Jimin? Why not Jimin and JK?
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They're the ones actually from Busan?!?!?!?!
Anyway, anon. At the end of the day, Tkkrs a.k.a the vermin are the problem. They're the issue. If they weren't so fucking mentally deficient, Jikookers wouldn't have an issue with certain things that V does. But alas!
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