#(this is a general PSA to anyone reading my tags though)
enruiinas · 2 months
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SHIPPING PSA: PT. 2 (An addendum to my original shipping guidelines here).
           I've mentioned in my rules and PSAs to date that this blog is both multiship and duplicate ship friendly. This is still 100% the case, and as @climatact noted in her PSA this changes basically nothing, but I'm updating this now to say that this blog IS multiship but DOES feature a MAIN SHIP with @climatact's Nami.
           Generally speaking, all ships take place in their own verses regardless, but what this means as my main ship is that unless we're talking about potentially shipping or a specific verse is requested otherwise, it is to be assumed that in any memes, tags, or various interactions set in Law's Main/Canon verse, Law is either actively in a relationship with Bunny's Nami or set to end up one.
           This does not have to (& may not) feature or be mentioned in the threads themselves, but it is a canon/assumed thing in my main verse writings with him. This isn't an aspect anyone has to play into or acknowledge (though you're more than welcome to if you wanna because I love stuff like that - especially since *coughs* the likelihood of a Straw Hat Law is increasing by the day) and as I know the ship may not be everyone's favorite, I am happy to avoid particular focus on it in our main verse interactions if you'd prefer not to engage with that aspect. ♡
           This is not meant to take anything away from my other ships. I love each and every ship I have as well as all the muns who write them with me SO MUCH. I am still multiship and duplicate ship friendly, and would be delighted to discuss/explore ships with anyone who's read my shipping guidelines & is still interested in writing one with me! But as I got into roleplaying thanks to Bunny in general and specifically for the sake of writing this ship together, it holds a special place in my heart and it seems only right that this will henceforth be considered the main ship for my blog.
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as some folks are aware the dominion smp doesnt have a proper fandom tag. for a time it was uncategorized, but recently it was merged into the RPF tag like many other mcyt fandoms have been. i sent in a support ticket about this, and the response i was given boils down to ‘the fandom is too small for us to give you a fandom tag, if you search dominion smp it still works tho so its fine’ 
now any of you that follow me for mianite stuff know this is a load of shit, and anyone that was there for the time before the official dsmp tag also knows its a load of shit. the mianite fandom in its prime was huge and to this day we still dont have a tag. the dsmp fandom was huge for ages before finally getting a tag. and i have seen fandom tags for fandoms so small they had exactly 2 fics on the entire site. not to knock the ao3 staff, i know theyre volunteers and this is likely out of their hands but. yknow.
SO WHAT DO WE DO???? as of right now theres about 24 fics you can find, so if we start now we can makre sure all fics can be found easily on the site
STEP ONE: continue writing in dominion smp as the fandom tag even though its not a real fandom tag STEP TWO: start adding dominion smp as a general tag so that becomes searchable as well (hopefully) STEP THREE: dont spam ao3 about this. we got our response and the only way it will change will be if dominion suddenly blows up and receives a huge influx of fics 
i will say this is at least better than what ive received from my other tickets for other incorrect fandom tags, which is to say, literally no response at all. 
so if youve posted dominion fic on ao3 or plan to, please follow these steps so it will be possible to easily find all dominion fics. thanks yall!
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izzyizumi · 5 years
all of your kagepro x digimon amv KILLS me.(in a good way, of course) i love you for all those contents
aaa thank you!! ;; ;;
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imdreaminadream · 3 years
The results pt 2 ~ “What about it makes you cringe?” Category 1
( - prologue.   - part 1  - category 2  - category 3)
Okay so this is the results to the question in the quiz, What about it makes you cringe. In reference to the questionnaires core subject about smut fanfics.
 Also quick psa there will be a part for the results for the other question -  “In kpop fics, Korean words i.e. jagiya, seem to be a no no, would you like to elaborate why?”
Now note these particular results are going to be split into 3 posts because I decided to split the results into 3 categories. 1 - Writing Aspects. 2 -  Personal Preferences. 3 - Genuine Problems.   
DISCLAIMER BELOW. (please read that before continuing)
This is going to be a long post. The responses were very enlightening but please don’t take this as an attack. Consider this more as constructive cheat sheet to good smut writing or just ignore it if you don’t agree with it. Some of this did get a bit deep appropriate trigger warnings will be put on the appropriate posts but I’m not sorry it got deep fics can also affect real life as much as we wish it were something that didn’t mix in with real life, it does. I’m no official like sex guru or big-time writer, or what ever BUT I did add little advice underneath each answer, which are just a reflection of the people’s answers. Again if you don’t like the sounds of this don’t take it personal and click off. 
Writing aspects.
Poorly written/typos – Nearly all of the people said that, poorly written, bad grammar and lots of typos made them cringe. Answers said that sometimes works are so poorly written it comes across as though the person writing doesn’t know how sex works. Now by poorly written they talked about, the plot being non sensical, choppy or lacking decent grammar, too many typos, using words in the wrong context, repetitive language. They also specified they understand not everyone’s first language is English but the least that can be done is proofreading of the works by them or someone else. And many people cried over the use of first person, they felt it brings them out of imagining the fic. 
Language used – So they we’re talking about strange words for body parts especially genitals, and just weird terms and phrases in general. Regarding body parts, everyone mentioned that childish or full-on scientific names for genitals was the worst. Feedback suggests calling it a dick, cock – although some commented that cock sounded too vulgar, and pussy. Also referring to female’s arousal as juices was a common answer, to quote one of my fav answers “so none of that her juices coated my fingers’ Like bitch it aint orange juice.” Then for weird terms and phrases, no specific example was given but I’m certain they meant things that literally every man and their dog would not say, ever! Personal opinion here but, “you like what you see?” and “Your wish is my command.”, and “tongues fighting for dominance.” should die off. It’s overused and I’m sick of seeing it – pretty sure no one says that during sex in real life anyway.
So, to avoid it alls you need to do is use second or third person, proofread, and learn how sex works if you don’t know. Also, best way to proofread it to leave it a few days then come back and read it again – also there are apps like Grammarly that help with your writing too. (PSA I personally love proofreading work, because I’m weird like that, so if you ever want me to proofread drop me a message/anon.)
So, take a moment to consider what you are writing, again proofreading is very helpful, and just stick to the mature ways to say dick/pussy. Suggestion here if you can’t write it the mature way, stop writing smut fics because clearly you’re either not mature enough or uncomfortable (to be) writing smut. 
Dialogue – Too much dialogue and not enough action cropped up a number of times. Also that the dialogue written is cringy essentially, Then there was too much dirty talk, and dirty talk that shouldn’t even be considered dirty talk which commented a lot in regards to dialogue. And although I think I wrote about this answer previously but weird words, exaggeration, and choppiness in the dialogue. (someone commented over use of buzzword but idk what buzzwords are.) May I also personally add that written fake stutters irritate the living day lights out of me just stop.
---- I actually did another questionnaire about this, it didn’t garner same amount as this one but it gained a good few responses. The answers should be available to see, if you want you can take a look at that to see more about people thoughts when it comes to dirty talk in fics. ----
Advice is, keep in mind when writing dirty talk what sounds good, to plausible, to terrible. Just think about what sounds realistic as well, draw on your own experiences or what you want to be said to you. Also, if you don’t find it sexy don’t write it for everyone else’s sake or to fit in with the trend, stay true to yourself but try to vary it up for each fic you write.
No build up – They talked about how some fics go straight to the dicking down, to action, with no build up or a bit of sensical plot, and it doesn’t work. Or if the characters haven’t even talked and suddenly, they’re down to fuck. They expressed it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t feel like the characters are even that interested, as though they’re fucking for the sake of fucking. This also ties in with some comments that said sometimes people fail to remember smut isn’t just about being railed, it is also about connections with people and making love so going straight to the fucking, fails to make the reader want to continue reading.
The solution to this is to reference history/tension or build up the tension between characters, or just set the scene a little bit before getting straight into it. Also remember no one is having sex without some foreplay and if they are it isn’t very good, so don’t let it be like that in your writing. 
Lack of realism/inaccuracies – Okay so this was mainly in regard to sex, the way the body works and some scenarios. To elaborate, people said that there are just some sex positions and places to have sex that just don’t work. In example one person wrote how sex in a gaming/office chair doesn’t work well and they know through personal experience. So, for the readers it’s just super unrealistic that it happens, and it leaves the reader either fixated on figuring out how that is possible or cringing because they know it’s not possible rather than reading the rest of the fic. There’re also just some ways the body doesn’t work I’m not going to go through examples there are so many, but we all know what is meant. Also, I’ll mention that kinks also were apart of the lack of realism, I’ll talk more about that in the next post.
So, based on this the only thing I can say is keep it real and keep it accurate as possible. Like we know its fiction but consider how ridiculous some of the stuff you’re writing may be, how impossible it is. Just don’t be afraid to google things – you can actually freeze and delete your search history – to double check or educate yourself about. Or ask for advice, draw from experience, or maybe try it out yourself with or without your partner then reflect that in your writing.
(Feel free to discuss in comments, in my messages or send anons or anything like that if you want.)
Tag list
@nctsworld, @lauraneuuh, @jooniyah, @ceoofxiaojun, @lovemayble @hyucksie​ @myelle-n
- if anyone else wants to be tagged for the next parts let me know via anon or dm -
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imaginariumrpc · 3 years
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imaginarium : a place devoted to the imagination, largely devoted to simulating and cultivating the imagination, towards scientific, artistic, commercial, recreational and/or spiritual ends.
Hello, bonjour and pusu’l, lovelies! My name’s Arcana, I’m twenty years old, a Canadian, a Solar Cancererian, a Lunar Sagittarian and a Rising Libra, according to the Western Zodiac, and a Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac, Genderfluid, Multigender, Transgender, Non-Binary, Intersex, Queer, Autigender, Pearlian, Two Spirit, Androgynos, Draoidhe,  DemiOmniBiromantic/DemiOmniBisexual, Autistic and otherwise neurodivergent, ENFP, Ravenpuff, Thunderbird, Otherkin, Therian, an Animist, a Pagan and I’m intrigued in the occult and witchcraft and I am additionally a white passing mixed triracial multi-indigenous person of color or more specifically, of Mi’kmaw, Wyandot, Wolastoqiyik, M��tis and Sephardi Jewish heritage! I like cuddling and playing with cats and dogs and animals, eating pizza, taking pictures, music, reading, writing, gushing about friends and helping others. So with that said, I’m here to present you guys my new rpc / rph / aesthetic / inspiration / resource / personal / edit blog ! It’s for my own use but it can also be for your use ( provided you don’t take any of my original content off of this blog without my express permission ), the rpc and anyone else who wishes to use it, too! It features musings, codes, psd’s, psa’s, memes and a LOT more sprinkled with the occasional original content from me.
a discord server affliated with this blog.
faceclaim help. ( poc, lgbtqia2+ and underused faceclaims included! )
alternate faceclaim suggestions ( send me a faceclaim that you don’t want to use and I’ll make a list of alternates. )
fancasts ( send me a character and i’ll make a post of potential faceclaims. )
name help.
label help.
plot help.
admin advice.
url help.
muse help. ( i.e names, concepts, character creation, worldbuilding, lore, etc. )
guides &&. tutorials.
general advice and being here to talk to.
rp advice.
opinions. ( depending on what it is. )
muse inspo.
base icon batches ( uncommon, but will open on occasion. )
psd recommendations.
promo’s. ( provided you submit it to me as a photo. )
unpopular opinions.
character metas. ( occasionally, depending on the muse and on the fandom. )
positivity. ( muses — be they canon or original, fandom aligned or otherwise, and muns. )
venting. ( nothing hateful or discriminatory ! )
rants. ( nothing hateful or discriminatory ! )
first look reviews. ( on occasion. )
critiques. ( on occasion. )
in-depth blog reviews. ( on occasion. )
muse archetype aesthetic edits / moodboards. ( i.e the artist, the femme fatale, etc. )
dynamic / bond / family / friendship / squad / ship edits / moodboards ( poc, interracial and lgbtqia2+, polyamorous, m/m / mlm, f/f / wlw and nblnb included! )
faceless muse edits. ( muses of color and ships included! )
character emotional traits.
multiple genres, time periods and settings. ( i.e: historical, antiquity, medieval, vintage, modern, supernatural, fantasy, apocalypse, action, horror, science fiction, etc. )
aesthetics. ( i.e dark academia, solarpunk, retro, goth, lovecore, etc. )
theme recommendations.
template recommendations.
family templates ( occasional. )
fandom lists ( eventually. )
masculine, feminine and nonbinary.
cultural awareness.
locations ( including but not limited to interiors, exteriors, homes, and all the continents. ).
religion ( specifically for muses from certain religions i.e jewish and muslim muses, etc. )
disabled and neurodivergent muse representation and resources.
resources and representation for the lgbtqia2+ / mogai community and its muses, i.e lesbian muses, gay muses, bi muses, trans* ( including nonbinary, genderfluid, genderless and other non-cisgender ) muses, queer muses, intersex muses, aromantic / asexual muses and two spirited muses, among other muses that are considered queer.
resources and representation for all muses of color, including black muses, indigenous / native muses, latinx muses, asian muses ( all asians, not just east asians ! ), pasifika muses, jewish muses, etc., that overpower than that of white muses, there are still resources for white muses, though muses of color will always be a priority on this blog.
resources for portraying pregnant muses ( will be tagged! ).
resources for portraying muses who practice witchcraft.
resources for portraying muses who are sex workers.
resources for muses of all ages, including children, adolescents, adults and elders.
resources for animated muses.
resources for nonhuman muses.
makeup ( for muses of all genders ! ).
nsfw. ( will be tagged ! )
pride flags.
imagine your otp/ot3/etc.
“make me choose” events.
physique ( friendly to all skin tones, body types, shapes and sizes! ).
mun stuff.
music playlists ( including my own spotify playlists ).
aesthetics and edits of my own muses.
resources and character tags for my muses.
occasionally post some of my fanfiction / drabble works.
occasional drabble / fanfic requests.
occasionally post some of my music works.
possibly post specific music edits when i figure out how to do so.
more to be added when i think of something.
callout posts.
drama posts.
get involved in discourse.
flame other people.
bash on characters, fandoms and/or ships.
post recent spoilers of a series without tagging it.
tolerate bigoted, homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, omniphobic, panphobic, aphobic, arophobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, queerphobic, racist, colorist, sexist, exorsexist, intersexist, heterosexist, anti-polyamory, anti-mogai, anti-neopronouns, anti-nounself pronouns, anti-emojiself pronouns, anti-self diagnosis or mental health gatekeeper, victim blaming, gender/orientation/mental health gatekeeping, anti-otherkin, anti-feminist, ageist, speciesist, ableist, fatphobic, anti-black, anti-native, islamophobic, antisemitic, antiromani, xenophobic, exclusionist, transmeds/truscum, terfs/swerfs, radfems, heightist, sizeist, discrimination on cultures and subcultures, discrimination on religion or lack thereof, mysogynist/misandrist, white supremacist or any kind of supremacist honestly, nationalist, linguistic discrimination, or otherwise hateful, discriminatory, derogatory, vulgar and just overall dumb language, speech, behaviors and attitudes.
gif requests.
gif hunts.
crackship edit requests ( unless stated otherwise. )
edited icon batches ( unless if i’m releasing my own that i no longer use. )
theme / page / code making.
psd making.
more to be added if i think of something.
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So, with that said, PLEASE like and/or reblog this if you’re interested in using it or at the very least spread the word! I really want to try and help people and have fun with you guys, but I can’t do that if this doesn’t get any notes. You can find out more information by reading my F.A.QHERE! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night! Yours truly, with all of my love, Arcana.
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my-fanfic-soul · 3 years
Whyyy are all GREAT fic writers either completely retiring from fic writing, taking a break or updating phenomenally SLOW?? please it’s like a desert out here we NEED more (NIALL) fics!!!
I took a day to respond to this because I was in a bad mood and I was definitely about to come at you sideways. 😂 Whether it was your intention or not, this read like you were trying to guilt/pressure me about my absence on this website.
I can't speak for everyone else, though I'm assuming that jobs, real life, and a lack of genuine interaction are primary factors in most people not updating frequently or deciding to step away altogether. We don't get paid for this, so often times we have to put our writing pretty low on our list of things that get our mental energy.
Also, I'm fairly certain a lot of people are just leaving Tumblr in general, both writers and readers. It's the nature of the beast.
For me, it's that my heart just isn't in Niall fics at the moment and it hasn't been for a long time. I have a post about it pinned on my blog but long story short, I'm writing for a completely different fandom these days on a different website.
I'm just happier in that fandom right now. Even when people aren't interacting or are only voting on/liking things, I can still tell there's people reading unlike on Tumblr. I've found my niche and (when I'm not writing chapters heavy on conflict) I'm happy writing, again.
I've left things open ended for my Niall fics. There's always a chance that I'll come back and finish them, but it's not in any future that I can currently see. As a general PSA to anyone who might be reading this, if you really want to support and encourage fic writers currently posting and updating their Niall content, I'd suggest:
Reblogging posts. That's what gets fics more attention. This isn't a fic friendly website and simply liking a post won't help spread it to an audience that would potentially be interested. Even if you think you don't have enough followers for it to matter, it shows the fic writers that you care.
When you do reblog, add comments in the tags! Authors love that crap. Comment on how much you loved the chapter or how it made you feel. Some of my favorites are just "ke jerghgifhg a MEGHAN!" and I still have screenshots of them saved.
If they have it available and you're more comfortable sharing your thoughts that way, comment directly on the post or even send the author an ask talking about the parts of the chapter/blurb/one shot that you liked. Asking for updates feels like pressure, but people rambling on about how much they love characters or things that characters are doing fills the tank with fuel to help keep writers pushing forward.
If they're a blog that reblogs question posts, especially about their WIPs, interact with it! Even if you're just picking numbers at random, this sort of thing can help both with inspiration for writers and show them that people are genuinely interested in their fics and them as a person.
At the end of the day, fic writers are creating something for free. We're pouring a lot of time, energy, and emotion into something that (in my experience), may not see a lot of return. I loved the interactions I did get and I always appreciated the likes but for most writers, it's just not enough. And on websites like this where you have to either be posting or reblogging at exactly the perfect times to get your writing in front of the people wanting to read it, it's pretty easy to decide that it's just not worth the hassle anymore.
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enruiinas · 7 months
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This blog is independent, private, semi-selective, and medium to low activity. IC interactions are limited to mutuals only. I will not follow back if there are no easily accessible rules on your blog or I can't see our muses interacting. AU, OC, and crossover friendly but I'm fairly selective with both.
NSFW material will be present on this blog. The mun is 25+ and a fan of angst, dark themes, spicy/smut scenarios, and more. Smut will be tagged nsfw and hidden beneath a banner and a read more; other common triggering themes will be tagged appropriately. Minors MAY interact at their own risk, but note that I WILL NOT write any spicy/nsfw material with a mun under the age of 18 and would prefer not to write ships with anyone under the age of 20 at all. Any minors attempting to engage in nsfw material or caught lying about their age will be blocked on sight.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PSA: My muse and overall activity are sporadic. Sometimes I reply to things as soon as they come in; other times it may take me weeks. I go wherever the muse takes me, am prone to hyperfixating on threads, and I openly favor interactions with my affiliates (people I frequently chat with OOC!) I rarely respond to my drafts, asks, etc. in the order they came in. I might like or post meme calls even if I owe things. I might send you memes or unprompted things even if I already owe you things. None of this is meant to be hurtful; it's just how my brain works. For the sake of my mental health and your time, please do not interact if any of these things are a deal-breaker for you.
That said, I like to think I'm a really laid-back RP partner. I'll never rush you for replies, I'm okay with dropped threads, I'm totally fine with (and encourage) you sending me memes or unprompted starters if even if you already "owe" me things... At the end of the day I'm here to have a good time and hope you are as well. Nobody should feel guilt or make others feel guilt over a hobby. If you're feeling it, DO IT - if you're not, you're not. Full stop, no explanation needed.
November 28 2023: This blog’s URL was formerly misfitsandmusings-x, a temporary blog I resorted to when my main (misfitsandmusings) was shadowbanned and subsequently terminated without explanation back in October. I did put in a ticket and am still hoping Tumblr support will eventually come through so I can recover missing tags, asks, HCs, etc. - but seeing as it’s been a full calendar month with no acknowledgement, I’m not holding my breath! Most people have been understanding about this but I wanted to put this in here so those I’m refollowing know what happened. Though the sideblogs underneath it still seem to exist and I get ghost notifications from the main one on Webhooks, I DO NOT have access to anything that was on misfitsandmusings, thebutterflymansion (my KNY multimuse) or scribbleswithsaro (my short lived meme blog; trying to recreate this at @memesbyme).
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If we're mutuals, feel free to send me memes, IC asks, headcanon prompts/requests, like my starter or meme calls, etc.
I'm also really interested in chatting with my mutuals ooc as well! I know this isn't everyone's favorite, but for me I find it easier to write with people I chat with on a regular basis. I'm generally very shy, but I value this so much I am 100% willing to reach out and be the outgoing one if you're shy or don't know how. You can literally just IM me like "Hi I want to talk but I'm shy!" and I will be like -cracks knuckles- "I GOT THIS." Mutuals can add me on discord if they prefer to chat there (@ misfitsandmusings). Please just send me an IM to let me know who you are if you add me!
A note about memes and inbox spam: When I say I welcome inbox spam, I freaking mean it. You can literally send me every prompt on a meme and I will not bat an eye. You can continue sending me memes even if you owe me things or I already owe you things - if the ask box is open and you want to send a thing, do it. As long as you've read "EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PSA" in the section above and are okay with me responding to things in random order or it taking me a while to get to everything, I generally encourage and even dare you to send whatever you feel like sending. If you're a new follower I honestly prefer to receive a few memes at a time. That way if the muse doesn't come right away for one you're not waiting for me as long!
My memes don’t expire. I scroll back through them regularly, so if it’s something I no longer feel like answering I’ll delete it. If it shows up under the meme tag, ifs fair game (though I would appreciate it if you could mention what meme it’s from when you send in an ask! I like to link back to them.)
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SHIPPING STUFF - some of this needs to be updated following my shift to a single muse.
The mun of this blog is shipping trash. I'm not only here for ships, but I'm not going to lie, I'm like... 75% here for ships. It's my RP experience and I make no apologies.
Ships are chemistry based and must be discussed beforehand. I will never force a ship or assume you're interested in one even if A ) our muses are together canonically or B ) I have our muses listed as a fave ship. Please don't assume or force a ship on me, either.
As a general rule of thumb, my muses are portrayed as demisexual and demiromantic. They’re way more adventure-driven than pleasure-driven and in most cases I’m going to assume they’re fairly if not completely inexperienced until proven otherwise. (But I’m also self-indulgent trash and will 100% lean into “Law’s a surgeon who’s very good with his hands/anatomy in general okay.) I'm pretty openminded with my ships. I enjoy some toxic dynamics, I'm pretty lenient on age gaps as long as both muses are 18+... I'll add more to this as I think of them but yeah. If you're shy about pitching a ship, feel free to send in an anon ask to see how I'd feel about it.
NSFW memes are open exclusively to people I already ship with. Don't send me spicy stuff unless we've agreed to explore a ship beforehand. If we’ve gushed about a ship in any capacity and are mutually “into it”, that’s good enough. I’m fine with timeline hopping so if there’s a pretty good sense we ARE going to get there, you’re welcome to send shippy/suggestive stuff.
This blog is multi-ship. I don't and will never do exclusives (please don't ask.) I'm more than open to writing the same ship with multiple people so if you see me RPing a ship you'd like to explore already, don't let that stop you from reaching out.
SHIP BIASES (added November 28 2023): My top 3 ships for Law are LawNa (Law x Nami), LawBin (Law x Robin), and LawZo/ZoLaw (Law x Zoro). These are NOT the only ships I’m willing to explore so don’t be afraid to reach out if there’s others you want to know my thoughts on! They’re just my personal favorites. Please note, however, that I absolutely WILL NOT ship Law with either Donquixote brother or any members of his crew.
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Other Misc. Notes:
Affiliates are people I talk with OOC a lot! I'm always open to more of these, so if we talk regularly and it's something you'd be interested in just be like: "👀 Affiliates?" and I will be like "Affiliates. -nod nod-" (Like, I think you'll know if we have this dynamic? I'm not subtle/shy.)
I LOVE AUs and playing in each other's verses. I love intertwined muses. If you like one of the threads or verses you see me writing with someone else and you think your muse would be interested in playing / adding to that dynamic, PLEASE DO IT I WOULD LOVE IT. I'm interested in exploring multi (2+) player verses/threads as well! I love canon-divergent "What If" scenarios and building entire AUs from the ground up as well as dabbling in each others' pre-existing verses.
NOTES ABOUT MY PORTRAYAL: I’ll add links to relevant posts later regarding these things later, but the most important things to note about my particular portrayal of Law are that 1. I 100% interpret Law as autistic. He is way more socially awkward than he is bitter/unpleasant (but he does lean into his RBF for the sake of his “big bad scary pirate” persona). He’s undeniably a Little Shit and does have some sadistic tendencies but no, he’s not a bloodthirsty killer. 2. My portrayal is HEAVILY influenced by the Law novel. It features in a lot of my headcanons and Law’s introspection because the time he spent with Wolf and the boys on Swallow Island was every bit as essential to who he is as a person as his own family and Cora-san were (for its own reasons. I’ll write up an analysis on what he took from each of those sources later.) I’ll do my best to tag direct/major events from the novel as #Law novel spoilers but I’m admittedly pretty bad about remembering to do so unless someone has specifically told me they NEED me to be careful with it. Then I’ll be hyper-aware of it, so feel free to yell at me in advance if you don’t want to be spoiled to anything from it. 3. Law is a good person, even if he doesn’t see himself as such. He’s not cruel, he feels strongly about “bad adults” making children’s lives miserable, he doesn’t like killing (he 100% will to protect those he cares about but no, he doesn’t want to).
Further portrayal notes: my grasp of Wano arc lore is pretty weak because I was at the end of a speed read and just wanted to get through it, so Wano based interactions are not my favorite until I get back there in my reread. However, I am technically up to date with all Law-related events up to and including chapters 1081 & 1082. I don’t have a lot of interest in the Egghead arc as a whole, but I’m totally open to exploring the events of those chapters and potential aftermaths in threads!
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doesitsparkjoytho · 3 years
Blog Asks
1. Why did you choose your url?
I've actually never seen Marie Kondo's show or read her books or anything. But the idea of keeping things that spark joy, that struck me. I had deleted my rather large previous blog (it was a FFXV blog) and started over. I needed something new. New and pretty much completely anonymous. And I was going to post everything that makes me happy :) And now I make others happy, too! At least that's always my goal/hope.
2. Any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
I post here way too much to have another one lol.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Honestly? I don't even know. I've been on and off for years. Since at least 2015. I think I had blogs before that, though.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
#the queue brings you here? (callback to FFXV when Ardyn says "the boats bring you here? Well, they'll not take you forth.")
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I can't remember if it restarted with DBH or Good Omens. But my main purpose in blogging is to spam the shit out of whatever I'm obsessed with. I have a compulsive need to create content.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Connor with swag glasses just reminds me of this nerdy android who thinks he's cooler than he is, and I vibe with that.
7. Why did you choose your header?
It's a still from Fallout New Vegas. You climb this super high crumbled building to find a hidden cache up top where this dead dude is hanging over the window with the message "I feel fine" on the wall next to him. It's just....so perfect. It was so funny to me the first time I found it.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I think it's Good Omens memes. Followed by the Hank and Connor PSA.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
A few! I'm slowly coming out of my shell again on here.
10. How many followers do you have?
A lot more than I'd ever expect to have (how? why? I have no idea 😂)
11. How many people do you follow?
200+ (and it grows everyday!)
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I don't think more than 3 days pass without me doing so
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Way too much
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?  Who won?
I don't do drama. Everyone so far has been pretty chill. I generally ignore comments that are negative in any way. Discourse is fine, but anything implying what I'm posting is an issue, well....nope.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don't see those often?
16. Do you like tag games?
I do if they're not just music ones, those kinda bore me
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't know, but I would not be surprised!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I haven't had a nonfictional crush in a very long time tbh. Platonic feelings, though? Totally!
20. Tags?
Heh? If anyone feels inclined, you are most welcome! Not gonna tag on this one.
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racxnteur · 3 years
FAQ: ‘#superstitious posts’ tagging
Original Post | This post last updated 24 Jan 2021.
Q. Why can’t I just use the ‘#rb bait’ / ‘#reblog bait’ / ‘____’ tag(s) instead?
Uh, you can? I’m not in charge of anyone’s specific tag procedures, so you can do whatever you want to.
The reason that a distinct separate tag would be more helpful, though, is that “reblog bait” tags cover... a lot broader spectrum of posts, including things like ‘put x in the tags’ posts or ask memes or other such game posts. (Also explained in my reblog and answer.) If that doesn’t bother someone, then blocking that whole tag means they don’t get any of that other stuff either.
I mean, they could click it open, but they wouldn’t have any means of knowing which posts were safe. So. It’d be nice if you could add the ‘#superstitious posts’ tag to that particular kind, as to make them easier to avoid.
Q. Couldn’t you just reblog them privately or to a sideblog that doesn’t have any followers?
Okay, well, that’s one technique to reduce the spread of them, but it doesn’t actually... solve the fact of seeing them and being distressed. Or, you know, not wanting to have to fulfill a compulsion every 40th post on one’s dash. Or the general lasting anxiety/paranoia, because the problem isn’t always having to reblog, it can be a self-contained stressor/trigger. Plus, not every post is ‘reblog for x.’ Sometimes they’re framed like, ‘if you see this post at all, (blah blah).’
Basically, that’s a fine band-aid and all, to an extent; just, you know... seems like it would be better if people had the option of not encountering the problem in the first place.
Q. I think ___ is a better term / the tag ‘superstitious posts’ for this kind of thing doesn’t personally appeal to me.
Q. “Superstitious” is hard to spell, though.
Yeah dunno what to tell u about that buddy. English is kind of a whack language.
Q. I’ve reblogged a post like that one or more time/s in my life and I’m SO sorry!
No self-flagellation necessary; I ain’t judging on the past. The PSA was just meant to be informative for future practices, not a reprimand. (-:
Q. If I make or share a post like those described, especially if it’s an immunity or good luck post, does it help to include an assurance that just seeing it once is enough / that you don’t have to reblog?
Depends; read my answer here.
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angelicbrokenburd · 3 years
Rules for Moblie: Under Read More because long.
I do not own the rights to Starscream, the Transformers franchise, it's characters or it's lore. The rights belong to the lovely people at Hasbro. However: My portayal, headcanons and the such are my own! I also create my own icons and graphics (banners for pages, post and such) and ask you to DO NOT steal and claim them for your own.
Other Notes (idk what to call this part lol)
This blog is Completely headcanon based being there is no offical Transformers Prime Shattered Glass continuity. I take some inspration from the oringal G1 Shattered Glass comics but everything else is my own! While this blog is mostly Prime/Aligned, I may add/take some elements from a few other continuies such as G1, IDW and Animated.
This is a side blog to @fatesyetunwritten, which plays as an OOC hub for the blogs connected to it. So obviously I cannot follow you with this blog but my main. Even though not necessary, I also recommend following my hub blog as well being that’s where most PSAs/OOC updates in regard to ALL my blogs will be posted. Personal blogs are free to follow, but I do ask you don’t comment/reblog/reply/etc to any IC threads or post. Same implies to post that say ”//DO NOT REBLOG” or -DO NOT REBLOG-” in the thread/tags. If any of these rules are broken I will block you! I won't even give you a second chance, you're out! If you are a personal and do have a sideblog, PLEASE contact me telling me so. I’m more than likely not going to know otherwise unless I followed you first and it’s noted. My IM/askbox is always open. If you need to contact me in anyway and (if we are mutuals) want to plot/scream about our muses/just talk/etc. Don’t feel shy to approach me. I love talking and meeting new friends.
I am selective and will only roleplay with mutuals. Just because you follow me doesn’t guarantee that I will back. I often look at the muse, content and mun beforehand before making up my decision in doing so. Do not force/guilt trip me into following you!! Putting aside it’s rude and selfish to do so, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT!! Muse doesn't equal Mun and vice versa. This should be obvious but sometimes people do confuse fantasy and reality. Please don't confuse the two. No Godmodding! This is standard fare I don’t think I have to elaborate more on that. If possible Please trim your post. I won’t get up on anyone's case about it if you don’t, but it’s considerute to do so. Keeps the dash clean. Also transfer ask to a new thread if you wish to contiune it. Same reasons as above: Keeps things clean and orgainzed. Don’t worry about formatting/using icons in your post! Just because I like to time to time doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. Write in whatever style that works for you. All I ask is that you use proper grammar and spelling, or at least enough for me to read your writing. I’m not perfect neither so don’t sweat it if you make a typo there and there.
Shipping and Relationships
Let’s get this out of the way:I’m a shameless shipping whore! I love shipping and building relationships. But I won't just jump onboard to a ship however Like most relationships, there needs to be Chemistry. If the two clash off each other well, we can discuss things further. Each ship (unless said otherwise) has it's own verse and not overlap with other ships... This doesn't just imply to romanatic ships! Friendships, kinships, hateships, YA name it!. As I said, I'm a ship whore. I’m also a fan of AUs! Give me some of those AUs bro!
Mature Content
Both me and my Muse are of age and won’t shy away from mature themes. All NSFW threads/ask/etc will be tagged as such, along with any triggers that need tagging. In worst cases, like a hard R (which is rare), I will put everything under a read more flither. Themes include, but not limited to: Violence, blood or/and gore, alcohol and drug use, depression/PTSD, abuse and (maybe?) sexual themes. I will also likely The only things I will not roleplay are anything to do with rape, sexual assault, pedophila and/or incest. I'm open to roleplaying smut but I will be extreamly selective on who I write with. I have to feel comfortable with the mun plus likely already have to have an establish ship going. I will, by no circumstance, roleplay sumt with minors!! NO ITS, NO BUTS! If I learn you are lying about your age, consider yourselfPermanently blocked with all threads deleted.
Who I’ll Interact With
Well, obviously I will roleplay with other Transformers characters, (Not limited to just Prime). I’ll roleplay with just about almost all fandoms. I am a bit more selective over fandoms I'm not too familiar with but that doesn't always mean my doors aren't closed to them neither. To put it simple: If a muse interests me, I'm more than likely on board. What is always the case however is that I will not, and I do mean WILL NOT roleplay with muses base off Youtube Let’s Players or any real life people WHAT SO EVER!! Sorry, I’m sure a good share of you are fantastic people, but it’s something I am simply against mortality. I’m open to roleplaying with OCs both fandom base and/or fandomless, but again, I’m still selective. I always check out the mun’s page before following and if I don’t see a bio for your OC, I will simply not follow. I can't interact with a character I know nothing about. Really, a good indication that I want to interact with you is if I follow you, either before or after you do.
The Mun
Name: Jessie/Sweets Birthdate:August 2nd, 1989 Hello loves~ So...about myself: I love to write if it wasn’t obvious yet, but some of my other hobbies include but not limited to: Drawing, video games, comics, animation. The general geek crap. I like to believe I'm a down to earth and chill person to hang with so don’t feel shy to start a conversation with me outside of our general roleplay affair. For OOC post, Doctor Nefarious from Ratchet and Clank and/or Wander from Wander Over Yonder as faceclaims but more incline to use the former. Things to keep note of: I am diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum. This can at times affect my abilities to socialize and communicate normality and at times even makes it hard to pick up cues if not direct enough. Miscommunication could happen and if I misinterpreted/stepped over the line/did something uncalled for that I’m unaware of; You shouldn’t fear about addressing the issue to me privately. I don’t do things on purpose. Most people don’t. And more than half the time, these problems can be addressed by talking it out. Communication and understanding is key to be a successful roleplay partner. The last thing I want is to make my friends unconformably and treat them with respect and I expect the same! I also suffer from depression and anxiety and can affect my mood, as well as my will to interact/socialize that day and may even not want to be bothered. This never has anything to do with the other Mun, this is me and Me alone! My mental health comes first after all and I’m sure you all can respect that and vice versa. Roleplaying is a hobby for me, not a job. I go at my own pace. With my mental health addressed; it can play into how active I am. Some days I can write replies/threads like no ones business, others I can be sluggish and not want to do anything. Do not pester me for replies! They’ll come when they come. Thankfully, I don’t have many triggers. Nothing that I can’t blacklist anyways. I always make sure to read the Mun’s rules but if there's anything you need me to tag that I may have glace over, don’t feel shy to speak up about it.
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brujoenlafrontera · 4 years
hi!!! I’m a puertorriqueño/nicaragüense enby looking into resources for learning bruja stuff, any good place you know to start?
I’ve gotten a couple of asks about this lately, and i’m so happy to know there are more latinos finding their way to the practice, tumblr’s brujeria tag often gives the impression that theres so little of us out there reclaiming our practices but getting asks like these brings me a lot of faith that thats not true :) first and foremost:
it really is. baby brujos like us know that better than anyone- getting started, is often the hardest part of doing anything, and its no different with brujeria. it can feel so overwhelming and feeling lost is natural. from my experience, although i am still a newbie ive been able to find a lot of information out there, here are the best places to find info, sorted by priority:
FAMILY! a little self explanatory, but brujeria at its best is truly is an inherited, familial practice. If you can, before delving into internet resources, definitely connect w your family if you’re able to and ask them for guidance and about their experiences!
Your family is always the best resource over anything you can find online; theres so much misinformation out there or information not relevant to your region and if someone in your family already has established practices, always trust them first
 Do some thinking back to all your cultural traditions, quirks, stories, and superstitions that you’ve  learned from your family across time and never thought too much about- and rediscover them under a new light
KEEP IN MIND: brujeria is NOT a singular , concrete practice w concrete rules in itself, the term blankets a lot of traditions across latam, the caribbean, mexico, but imo its always best to stick with brujeria related to your heritage and where your connection is.
this can be hard for people (like me!) with huge family taboos toward brujeria that make it unsafe to ask around about, and/or limitations in family connections (also like me unfortunately). I personally can really only get the tidbits and stories that my family accidentally slips out when I occasionally see them. i try to write them down as much as possible, but the info i can get is limited... and thats where the following comes in.
ONLINE COMMUNITIES. i.e, youtube, tumblr, instagram brujx communities. notice I haven’t said “internet” in general- the reason why i trust community based social media more than random individual websites you find on google is because, in the case of brujeria and honestly any non-european craft, you’re often gonna find a LOT of white people writing blogs, books, etc about their “spiritual experiences” in latam countries and wrongly/incorrectly taking ATR or indigenous traditions (like with smudging). I know, with social media, although those same white people are also on insta and tumblr, it’s a LOT easier to see the face behind the accounts and differentiate who to trust, who’s legit and has real experience to share, rather than a nameless, faceless, website that is actually some colonizer sharing colonized ideas who thinks theyre on a spiritual journey taking traditions all willy nilly. And the fact that in social media, its much easier to find a lot of good brujas at once bc they tend to follow each other lmao.what ive personally done to find information tho is essentially SCOUR tumblrs, insta accs, and watching tons of youtube videos for posts, accounts, videos, etc, and narrowing down good info from there through , namely:
again, brujería is different depending on where your family is from in latam, and if you have an established connection to indigenous and/or black roots, so it’s useful to use keywords relating to that when searching (like if ur black, you can look into ATRs(african traditional religions) which tend to mix deeply with brujeria, if ur indigenous, finding other people from your tribe is great, and if youre not pursuing your already learned traditions you can think about connecting to them more deeply(altho indigenous traditions are their own thing, sometimes they do mix with brujeria too), and apart from familial roots, if ur catholic/christian and/or want to explore it, saint work/catholic brujeria might be a good fit for you!)  
tumblr: there are a couple of fantastic brujxs on this site with great blogs and resources who have sadly left the site, but i still go through their posts heavily for spells, rituals, scraps of info! etting started w brujería is hard bc there’s really not that much info out there right now, but i compile as many good brujeria posts i find on my acc.
@brujeria-n-bongs great for catholic brujeria, now at @Upliftherbs on instagram
@brujeria-lost @barberwitch @reina-morada @highbrujita
@naomi121406 is by far the most active and informative tumblr resource ive found, shes an afro-indigenous diaguita curandera from argentina so shes also really helpful if ATRs are in your path!
Im not black myself and dont follow ATRs so i don’t really know many good blogs for afrolatine brujxs out there but if anyone would like to tag some in the replies thatd be awesome!
instagram: Ive found that instagram #brujeria tags has a pretty healthy active stream of posts. You’re gonna have to sift through a lot of them to get to the good stuff though- imo a lot of hispanics use the brujería tag not to mean “latine brujería” but just the spanish word for witchcraft, so a lot of white hispanics will put wicca/neo witchcraft in the tag. imo that’s really not something i’m personally interested in bc it’s not true to brujeria’s traditional nature, is very white/eruropean , and that wicca shit basically just got here. its a relatively a recent thing😭 so i try to stick to bruja accounts that aren’t influenced by that.
youtube: The youtube brujería tag is hit or miss? and again, contains a lot of wicca. But there are some good practitioners on there like The Mexican Witch! You just gonna look around, and dont be afraid to click on videos by really really small youtubers; they often are the ones with the most informative and legit things to say!
Everyone’s path as a bruja/o/x (sjdf trying to be inclusive w gendered language is difficult) is different but here are some topics i think are great to look into as a beginner!
ancestors: start at the bottom and figure out who they are, where theyre from, and set up an altar. it’ll help you a lot with figuring out your identity and path as a bruja later on.
setting up a grimoire
divination: tarot is actually what got me into brujeria at first! tarot isnt strictly traditional and is european in itself but its a wonderful tool for connecting to dieties, saints, etc as well as super fun and helps a lot with introspection
ritual abrecaminos, aka road opening spells!
amarres (love spells... proceed with caution)
limpias, mal de ojo
saint work: even if you’re not catholic (im ex catholic), a growing number of us (especially lgbt latines like @/upliftherbs on instagram) are starting to take back and decolonize our view of saints like La Virgen Maria and removing her from the rigid european/colonized interpretation thats been forced into us
candle spells in general (i fucking love candles tbh, cheap, easy, fun, and WORKS)
spiritual colognes, how to cleanse
finally, here are some helpful posts yall should definitely read and think about moving forward!
about using tumblr as a resource
about looking into brujeria as a part-white part latine
bruja psa + about reclaiming lost indiginety
honestly naomi’s entire brujeria tag is great and super informative for beginners and basically holds answers for almost anything at this point
hope this post helps yall out!
Tumblr media
EDIT: oh lord now that this is posted the outline format i tried to use is all kinds of fucked up please dont mind the odd numbering lmfao tumbr hates organized formats
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a-lil-perspective · 4 years
I don’t want to be that person—
But I really need to get this off my chest. This is the culmination of two months buildup of thoughts that have been screaming far too loud for me to continue simply taking in stride. I can’t do it. I apologize in advance, for anyone who actually reads this, if this is a deterrent to you about my character or my minuscule space taken up here on Tumblr. Again, I really can no longer remain silent. If it’s any solace:
I tried.
Where to begin. First off—as much as I’d love for this to be an update on the next chapter of Remember Me, it is not. For those of you who’ve kept up with the story, I’m sure you’ve noticed my uploading pattern these past few weeks has been reduced to solely weekends—and barely that, might I add. While I will try to have Chapter 9 up within the next few days, I cannot guarantee when. At this point in time, it’s not a lack of creative streak, it’s a lack of time. I have all these outlines and segments in my head but can’t seem to even catch a breath much less put the story down in my notes or in Word for later edit and upload. But I’m trying. I really am. As I’ve said before: I will finish this story, come hell or high water. But currently being engulfed in the former has been a huge burden.
Per my past psa’s: My health? Two giant thumbs down (nothing to do with COVID-19). Personal aspects? Two giant thumbs down. Both are and have been slowly corroding me. To avoid this post seemingly grabbing for sympathy, I’m going to just stop there with that. But I’m truly suffocating in this corner.
Next point in case: I’m going to be completely candid here. It’s extremely difficult and utterly exhausting to continue posting fics. Mentally and Emotionally. The pressure to post. The pressure to post because if you don’t in a timely manner, you lose your momentum and “fall behind” when you post again. Then you’re right back to square one thereafter because people have grown absent in your absence. It’s exhausting and stressful to spin in that wheel.
It’s difficult when you pour every drop of energy into a work, only for it to sit largely unnoticed on your blog. To stay up literally all night making sure your punctuation is impeccable, re-reading the same fic over and over before you post until your brain explodes and you utterly forsake the fic the minute you hit that post button. To take up space on a post tagging and adding those notes and engaging flares that go unrequited. It’s... well, it’s detrimental. It gets you down. It gets me down. I’m not going to lie about that. We all want validation and I will be the first to shoot my hand up in acknowledgement.
I’m going to stop right there as you’re reading to clarify: This is not a call-out post. This is not a guilt post. This is not me giving an ultimatum. This is not me demanding reblogs. This is not me telling you “your likes don’t matter” (I have literally seen that on posts and it kind of disgusts me. That’s all I’m going to say about that for now).
Reblogs, while unanimously appreciated, are not a priority to me. Comments and feedback and communication are invaluable to me. That’s it. That coveted and intimate interaction between the Writer and the Reader. One is not more important than the other. We’re a team, a unit, a force that balances each other on a broad, diverse scale.
I don’t ask for much—I don’t ask for anything here, actually (unless it’s directed towards the general audience over what y’all would like to see, which largely goes unengaged whenever I bring up). No, I don’t post fics that frequently. No, I don’t crank them out as quick. No, I don’t have that many. Yes, I’m new to fanfic writing. But I work quietly and solely with all my own plots and dialogues and ideas (I love prompts and requests, though). Thus my usually hefty works. Y’all get the whole nine yards. But I don’t feel like I really get to bounce my ideas around to others, which can further exacerbate that sense of isolation for me around here. I put myself through a really long process for every single thing I write because, the quality of my work matters to me. A lot. So I try to take my time to deliver that. And... I guess I just hope you know that or can discern that as you read each time.
Another astronomically exhausting aspect is this platform itself. It’s painfully evident to me, in my four meager months here, that Tumblr is just one big popularity contest. Who can upload the most, the fastest, the most efficiently. Who has the most followers. Who accumulates them the quickest. A place where your “exposure” is literally at the mercy of others. And when people purposely don’t want to aid in that, it spirals into this really toxic mindset causing friction between Writers and other Writers, causing unnecessary strain, avoidance, insecurities, and hinderances to YOUR precious work. And I’m not about that. It’s a no from me.
Also, I’ve just got to interject with this bit: Bad Batch Writers. Bad Batch Writers struggle. In my opinion, from what I’ve seen, it’s like if you aren’t writing for a popular Clone like Wolffe or Fives or Jesse, you don’t get traffic. Which I think is just... kind of corny. Okay. I think it’s really corny and ridiculous. Please know that I’m not saying anything bad about those Clone babies, the people who write them, or anything like that. Please don’t hear what I’m not saying. I’m just making a point. Bad Batch does NOT get enough love. And the Writers ultimately suffer because of it. That’s all there.
We’re all supposed to be in this together. Your work—your writing—is neither good nor bad. There’s no such thing. There’s only YOUR writing; your unique, beautiful words that I LOVE more than anything, that only YOU speak. We all speak a different dialect and flow through our storytelling. And it’s a beautiful, wholesome thing. It always has been. It should never be this detrimental stage Tumblr has made for content creators. Let’s be honest: Tumblr is not the ideal place to thrive. And I’m just... sick of it.
I’m beyond an exhausted state. I can’t remember that last time I wasn’t. (I know everyone is, with the ebb and flow of our world’s daily uncertainties during these unprecedented times). But for me, personally, it’s getting increasingly harder to keep up with the reblogs and comments and blogs of all the stories I love, while updating my work and trying to interact on my blog, while battling my health and nonexistent energy, and constantly be exposed to the “Tumblr Tumbles”, as I call it—the overbearing popularity and the waiting and the wondering and the silent seething because of it. It’s just too much. And it doesn’t take a detective to pick up on that attitudinal shift around here. It’s all just one big, pernicious cycle. And seeing that here nearly every day, exhausts me. I don’t know how else to convey as much. But I just can’t do it. And honestly, I get this overwhelming loneliness just being here.
I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I’m going to continue doing my thing until my engine sputters out. I’m going to keep up with storytelling, because I love it more than anything. I just needed to get this off my chest. I’m just rambling. I might delete this but, I might not. Who knows.
I just... Geez. I need to know that I’m not just shouting into the void over here like always.
Communication to me is key. If you don’t want me to tag you anymore: tell me. If you don’t want me to message you: tell me. Please. Just don’t like me? Cool. Tell me. It’s better to know and communicate than to walk on eggshells around everyone and everything. I’ve applied that flawed strategy throughout my whole life and I strongly dislike doing so. It adds no benefit to either party. Just be honest with yourself and others. That’s always super important.
For those of you, my handful of regulars who are around... you know who you are. Thank you. My thanks is but a meager conveyance of my undying gratitude for you. But I want you to know how much I appreciate your presence here. Words cannot express.
@halzore... You are a real mate. You are an incredible being who is not only insightful but, a true muse here. I look to you as more than just a devoted Reader of mine, and you should know that I would NOT have gotten this far with my Bad Batch Post Order: 66 series—or any of my Bad Batch works, for that matter—without your encouraging words. Holy cow. You’re a dearest friend. Your writing, art, and musical talent leaves me in awe. (A truly brilliant mind, please go love her y’all). Thank you for seeing all the good, little things in me and my work. It makes this all worth it. You make it all worth it. I get really overwhelmed thinking about it. But I just want you to know I appreciate you so much.
To anyone who’s ever left me kind, encouraging, and wonderful comments... I remember them. I do. I think of them when I’m down, and I think of them now as I write this—which is in my dispirited state, ironically. But I appreciate it. I think it is so SO important to lift each other up with words. You don’t have to reblog and all that (only speaking for myself here). Just take a moment to say something kind to someone. It makes someone’s entire day, week, month, year. Please... love other Writers. Love yourself. We all struggle. But let’s do it together. Let’s be there for each other.
Come talk to me. I don’t bite, I promise. Tell me about your day. Tell me something about yourself. I care. I love that interaction, because you are MORE than just a Reader to me. You are a valued human being with feelings, desires, wants, needs... come share that with me. If there’s something you’d like to see in my future works, something that would engage you more; please, come tell me.
I’m going to try and get better. At writing, at navigating this strange place, with my health, with life. I’ve been at my breaking point for so long that my barely held together pieces and exposed, worn chinks are almost uneffected and unresponsive to any help or healing. But I’m going to try.
Thank you for being here. I’m sure it can be hard to have patience with me and my nonexistent uploading schedule, but, I do have several wips in the works (teases in my masterlist in case you’re wondering). They’ll come around. :’)
Keep your head up and shining, lovelies. And I’ll try to do the same.
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olderthannetfic · 4 years
The Cost of Warnings
I see the “CNTW is evil” debate is going around again. I agree with the usual pro-CNTW arguments, like those laid out by @road-rhythm here.
My big picture summary is that we wrote the AO3 rules to be pretty good for a lot of people. We did not write them to be perfect for anyone, much less everyone.
Like that other post mentions, compromise is both desirable and inevitable.
There are a few points that I feel routinely get left out by people who hate CNTW. The big ones are these:
1. Warning as Genre
First, warnings don’t just tell you what’s in the story. They imply quite a lot about how that thing is. ‘Noncon’ tends to imply a standard rape recovery fic where the bottom is traumatized. It doesn’t literally mean that and it doesn’t have to mean that, but this is what it generally does mean in fandom.
I write fluffy fics, making the warning tonally dissonant. I also tend to write fics where the "aggressor” is the one who is traumatized.
I tag fics with whatever more specific tags I think are relevant like ‘Consensual Snuff’ + ‘Under-negotiated Kink’ on a Deadpool fic where Deadpool is totally fine with what’s going on, but Cable is freaking the fuck out. Frankly, I do think there’s a bunch of noncon in that fic, but it’s all the top getting mindfucked and the bottom not understanding boundaries.
In fact, the majority of my CNTW fics are that:
Jeeves freaks out about his badwrong sadistic tendencies. Bertie is cheerfully enthusiastic. Bad guys made them do it.
Crowley goes all feral on Aziraphale. Only afterwards, while Crowley is freaking out, is it revealed that he was set up to hurt him by the villains. Pity for them Aziraphale is too kinky to torture.
Connor mindfucks Gavin Reed into topping.
Hooker steals a drugged drink to save Gondorff, then finds himself hired as a... well... hooker, while too doped to stand on his own. Not that he’s complaining.
Alejandro arrives in search of violent revenge. This is straight up Too Kinky To Torture fic.
Illya’s been drugged and is feeling violent. Napoleon doesn’t mind at all but doesn’t bother to say so. Illya misreads the situation.
Comedic were-jaguar noncon bestiality where Jensen is like “Get him off me” and Aisha is like “Do you want me to shoot him? What am I supposed to do here?”
Et cetera.
2. The Purpose of Fic
So why don’t I just give detailed warnings on the fics themselves then?
It’s simple: these fics have plots, and I want you to have emotions while reading them, but... they’re also porn.
They are porn for you to masturbate to.
I find detailed author’s notes about the exact flavor of noncon or dubcon in a fic to be a gigantic lady-boner-killer. x100 if there’s any note of any kind like “This would be bad in real life”. PSAs are a mood-killer for me, both as a writer and as a reader. Not everyone is like this, but I am far from alone.
I’m certainly not going to clutter up my porn with things that ruin the entire point of the fic.
3. Different Media Types
I also have a bunch of stuff labeled ‘CNTW’ that is vids or very old fic.
The reality of AO3 is that it contains more than just fic. For some other media types, I’m not always sure where the line on ‘graphic violence’ is. Or maybe I’m vidding a source that had noncon, but it’s not totally clear in the vid. Or maybe the source had no noncon, but I feel the vid might strike an unfamiliar viewer as though it did.
“Depicted on page” and “depicted on screen” are different. A text description of an overwhelmed, overstimulated character crying often won’t read as noncon where a drawing of the same thing will. “Graphic violence” in text has to be a lot more violent to count than “graphic violence” in live action footage.
CNTW can bridge that gap in expectations between different media types without forcing a warning one finds inappropriate onto an artwork.
4. Historical Preservation
AO3 also has a lot of older, imported work. I have some stories that are either kind of long or in fandoms I now dislike. I have stories I find embarrassing to reread. Some people have hundreds and hundreds of stories to import. AO3 imports whole archives. Even people who prefer to give specific warnings sometimes just don’t have the time.
From a historical preservation perspective, it is crucial to be able to get works onto AO3 without needing to spend an age labeling them. CNTW is a convenient way to do that.
If we had no CNTW, we would save fewer historical fics.
5. The Burden of Labeling
This is the big one for me.
Labeling takes time and thought. You can rail forever about how important it is, but you won’t change that fact.
Sometimes, when I’m feeling blocked, I go write for a kink meme. I never write for ones with elaborate labeling requirements because the whole point is to let the nasty flow, posting as fast as possible.
If I have to stop to think about labels, it inhibits my creativity.
Yeah, you can hate that. Yeah, you can think that a hypothetical stranger’s triggers are more important. You won’t change the fact that:
I genuinely find it inhibiting.
It’s not something I made up as a gotcha: it’s my actual experience as a writer. Just like we would save fewer historical fics if the burden of labeling were higher, we would have fewer off-the-cuff fics. I would also get around to posting fewer of my vids.
Often, I’ll post a kink meme fill or a vid with almost no labeling at first, just to get it up on AO3. Later, when I’m feeling more analytical, I’ll come back and fill out more complete information. (In fact, some of those CNTW vids I just scrolled through could probably use a more specific label... I guess now is that “later”...)
Fanworks are not a professional project. There isn’t an intern in charge of writing blurbs or adding metadata. It’s the main creative person doing their thing alone in the time they have.
Sometimes, asking for more labeling is asking them not to post at all.
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Shoot, I knew I was forgetting something today. Gonna be posting another fic up soon.
As a general PSA, a lot of what I'm posting this month will be Bad Things Happen Bingo prompts bc I have the requests and I'm trying to finish out the card. If you want to block them since they're gonna be angsty and since it's the holiday season, no worries. I'm going to tag them from here on out with "#false bthb". That way its specific to my blog rather than just the general "bthb" that will block any and all stories in the genre.
The next one going up soon will be a two parter, with the second part going up tomorrow. Be warned it's about human trafficking and though nothing explicit happens the implications are there. I dont like how I wrote as much as the other bc I got lost writing it which is why it's in two parts but if anyone does read it know I tried my best.
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deadlyanddelicate · 4 years
hi, does 18+ in your bio mean you're 18+ or the blog is? can minors follow?
hey there! it kind of means both. i am an adult, and i consider my blog to be a space for adults -- meaning that though i try to be considerate and tag everything appropriately, it can contain adult themes and thoughts in general. i don’t have a ton of nsfw posts specifically, especially since the big tumblr ban, but basically what i mean by 18+ is that i am not curating my blog for an underage audience -- i’m an adult, and my online presence and the way i interact in fandom inevitably reflects that.
i don’t believe in telling minors (or anyone) not to follow; i remember being a minor on the internet and following/reading adults’ blogs, and for the most part i had a good experience. just know that if you follow, you do so under your own responsibility.
however, on my side, i try not to follow anyone who’s a minor -- it’s not personal, and it’s not because younger people are not funny or interesting or cool -- but i don’t want to take the chance that it will make them or me uncomfortable. (psa: if you’re a minor but don’t say so in your bio and i’ve followed you and you would like me to unfollow, you can always let me know).
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lucvscott · 4 years
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˖ ✧ — 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙙!  lucas  scott  from  one  tree  hill  in  the  flesh !  the  eighteen  year  old  dacre  montgomery  lookalike  is  notorious  for  being  eloquent  and  altruistic .  but  if  you  get  close  enough ,  you’ll  learn  that  they’re  broody  and  reckless .  anytime  i  see  the  cismale  human ,  i  think  of  the  echo  through  a  sleepy  town  of  a  basketball  being  dribbled  against  pavement ,  a  collection  of  old  leather - bound  literature  with  spines  creased  from  being  read  countless  times ,  constantly  battling  between  what  you  want  and  what  you  believe  everyone  else  needs .  don’t  tell  anyone  i  told  you ,  but  i  heard  he  cheated  on  his  girlfriend  with  her  best  friend ,  who  he  believed  he  was  in  love  with .
heaux  ( behind the scenes )
look who’s finally rollin up late as all heck lmao ya girl cj here, ready to be your personal lucas scott tour guide on this sure to be wild ride. i’m 23, living it up in the ast part of the world & trying to avoid cabin fever while living a sane quarantine life. psa i tend to ramble ... if u couldn’t tell by my heap of tags JESus anyhoot i’m super pumped to plot / write with each & everyone of you !!  now onto the stuff you’re really here to read about lasdjkfjghsa
full name: lucas eugene scott nickname: luke, broody birthday: may 20 zodiac: taurus hometown: tree hill, nc sexuality: heterosexual
first thing’s first.  this fella’s pulled from a little over halfway through the first season.
lucas was born a bastard child to karen roe and dan scott.  leaving karen as a single mother to raise lucas, dan was absent in their poor boy’s life and therefore merely a name on his birth certificate. instead, lucas formed a close bond and found a father figure in his paternal uncle, keith, who also helped raise him. his absolute favorite memory is his twelfth birthday, when his mom and uncle took him to see a duke basketball game and made a while weekend out of it. it was the first time he felt like they were a proper family, away from the small town gossip of tree hill. lowkey would give anything to relive that birthday.
for many years, lucas didn’t even know that dan was his biological father. it was only after playing on a little league basketball team his half-brother, nathan scott, attended as well that he found out ( through cruel teasing ) he was dan’s bastard son. of course, he had to ask his mother as soon as he got home whether it was true or not, and she disdainfully denied it. however, afterwards, lucas overheard her crying in her room and it was with that reason that he quit the team, so karen wouldn’t have to see dan’s face again.
growing up, he avoided the school’s basketball team, and any sports team in general, which garnered him the label ‘loner’. instead, he chose to spend his time playing at the river court, which was a sort of safe haven for those who were not known to be the ‘popular’ kids in high school. it was a place where lucas and his friends could play basketball freely, without rules and without pressuring competition. being the complete opposite of his half-brother, the two ignored each other; acted as though the other didn’t exist. that is until lucas was offered a spot on the tree hill varsity basketball team, of which nathan is a star player.
throughout this whole ordeal of family drama, he develops a crush on nathan’s girlfriend, peyton sawyer. unlike the majority populace of the raven cheerleaders, she stood out. maybe it was their apparent shared taste in music, or the fact that she wasn’t just another narcissistic blonde bombshell, or maybe it was the way she constantly tried to shut him out that peaked his interest. whatever it was, she was different from the rest and he couldn’t help but be drawn to her. no matter how hard he tried to break down her walls, though ( especially after her split from nathan ) , lucas was repeatedly shut out; rejected.
introducing the next to capture a piece of his heart; brooke davis. after being called by the head cheerleader for help in getting a drugged peyton home from a college party, lucas doesn’t hesitate. unexpectedly ( but pleasantly so ) he sees a much deeper side of brooke that he was unaware even existed, and with peyton’s rejection still fresh in mind, he takes a chance and begins a relationship with brooke. 
after it’s revealed peyton’s father is lost at sea, lucas accompanies her to find out what happened and end up having to stay at a motel together. it was an emotional roller coaster for her that he empathized with, so when they found out that her dad was safely found, those emotions were still running high, which ended up with the two of them hooking up. 
the longer their secret relationship went on, the more lucas was sure he’d made the mistake of giving up on peyton too soon before, and the more the guilt of his betrayal ate away at him. he was determined to come clean to brooke, so that he and peyton could be together, but it proved to be easier said than done.
only a day later, while on their way to pick up karen from the airport, lucas and keith got into a terrible car accident ( keith drinking before driving tsk tsk ). lucas fell into a coma and was out for days, eventually waking up to a broken shoulder. despite peyton leaving town, lucas still ended things with brooke, unable to carry on their relationship after what he’d done.
with his high school basketball career put on hold because of his broken shoulder, and losing both girls he cared so deeply for, lucas decided to leave tree hill with keith. they were on the road for what seemed like forever, until they stumbled upon cherryville. both immediately taking a liking to the town, decided to settle there for a fresh start.
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