#(mods you do not have to reblog this)
satari-raine · 6 months
I'm still not used to fully talking on here but I just have to talk for a minute about Sleep Token and Wembley.
They did fantastic. After touring so much this year, doing back-to-back shows, dealing with a band member having to take a leave of absence for most of their final tour, incorporating new changes to their routine and style, and with Vessel having hurt his voice during such a huge show, they did fantastic.
I watched along with Discord. Mostly lurked. And everything I saw from the effects on stage, the fun antics, the performances, the playing - guitars, bass, drums, the dancers, the choir - they did fantastic. And Vessel. I said it in chat that he doesn't need to hurt himself or his voice to earn the love of those who listen to his music, but he kept going. He sang, and pushed through when he had every right in the world to put a stop to the show and focus on his health. He kept on going while also giving to the crowd the chance to carry him through, and seeing everyone - from those on stage with him to the crowd to people in chat and what I saw on here - still loving him, loving them?
They did fucking fantastic, and I dare anyone tell me otherwise. As a community, we should be celebrating them despite any differences of opinion - being kinder and supportive of one another is literally everything they've shown with III's situation and in general. It's what so many of us showed back to them with the hand salutes for III and the marked ? on our hands during specific songs. Their new outfits have fan-made decals to them, for fuck's sake. They are absolutely, without a doubt, genuine about making everyone feel loved.
Look, I'm just a stranger on the internet at the end of the day but this band has come to mean so much to me since I found them, to the point where they've honestly kept me going some days - them and the wonderful people I've met through them - and I just need them to know that they did fantastic, their music still brings people together despite hiccups along the way, and regardless of any of those hiccups, they are so loved. Loved beyond belief.
The night didn't just belong to all of us at Wembley, but to them, too.
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mcyt-trios · 9 months
Welcome to the Stats post!!! Warning!! Lots of stats and graphs with text on them ahead! With that said, click Read More to view the whole post!!
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For the most submitted people, regardless of what trio they are from, here are the numbers!! Grian came in with a smashing first place at 233 submissions, with a relatively even and natural decline from there.
Next on our list, the most submitted for SMP's regardless of trio!
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We have our top 3 SMP's, and top 3 by a long shot, with Hermitcraft alone making up more than 1/4 of all the submissions, and the Dream SMP and Traffic SMP/Life Series each taking up just under 1/5 of all submissions. It is a dramatic jump to 4th place, but a happy surprise to see in 4th, Lifesteal!! Which has more submissions than the QSMP or Empires SMP!! Congrats guys!!
And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for, here are your most submitted for trios!!!
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Coming in at first place, no questions asked, no competition we have the Buttercups!! Made of Grian, Mumbo, and Scar. They have exactly 100 submissions which is very satisfying. A difference of 33 submissions between first and second! Wow!
The next large leap down is from 5th to 6th where we have the Bad Boys in 5th (Grian, Joel, and Jimmy) and Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss (Scott, Pearl, and Cleo) in 6th! A 21 submission difference there!
All trios listed in the top 25 will be in the final bracket, as well as many not seen here. We have trios in the bracket that have as little as just 3 submissions! So if you didn't see your favorite trio here, don't loose hope! They still might be in the final bracket!
With that said, the bracket announcement will be up tomorrow, everything is done and ready, so get hype!! Thank all very much for supporting this project!! <3
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mansionfreaks · 1 year
Hi Nina slender told me to tell you that you left the stove on and now the house is on fire :)
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top ten weirdest experiences: getting back home to see someone rping the fuck whose been waiting for you in the kitchen all night.
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Sometimes your keyboard switches from English to Icelandic and uses words you don't know just because you refuse to get rid of your access to special letters like ð and þ. Sigh.
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solradguy · 8 months
I don't know where people have gotten the idea that Sol ever forgave Asuka because it's implied the arcade and gameplay modes are post-Strive's main story* and Sol is very ready to throw down still haha
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(these are his win lines against Asuka #R and R. Kreutz respectively)
*There's a line by Ky that refers to how much weaker Sol is now without the FoC in Sol's arcade mode (Sol: Stay outta this. I’m takin’ [Nagoriyuki] down one-on-one. Ky: You hardly count as “one” in your state.). I think there's a line somewhere else that implies it too, but I can't find it at the moment.
If they ever get around to it, I think Sol's going to take the rocket he's building at the end of Strive to go to the moon where they'll likely tie up emotional loose ends between him and Asuka, but I really don't think it's going to be on very friendly terms.
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dailydracart · 1 month
What's this blog for?
My goal is to follow the "Dracula Daily" tag for the year 2024 and reblog story-relevant art. This means I want it to turn out almost like a picture book -- where there's one tag for every Dracula Daily date, and you can look through the fanart for each date.
I will also gradually be reblogging art from the previous years (but keeping it spoiler-free!) You can find the art for each year under the tags "2024", "2023" and "2022", as well as in their respective date tags.
Click here to go directly to a date:
Pre-story | May 3 | May 4 | May 5 | May 7 | May 8 | May 9 | May 11 | May 12 | May 15 | May 16 | May 18 | May 19 | May 24 | May 25 | May 26 | May 28 | May 31
June 5 | June 17 | June 18 | June 24 | June 25 | June 29 | June 30
More Notes & FAQ unter the cut:
Reblog guidelines:
I try to keep it as story-relevant as possible.* This means that I won't reblog AU art, most character portraits with no further context, and similar things. Some of it may be a bit of a gray zone. For example: character portraits that feature a specific character who only appears in one or two entries, I will probably reblog for that entry. Character portraits of, let's say, Jonathan I won't reblog bc that's too unspecific, UNLESS there is something linking it - again - to a specific part of the book that's easy to pinpoint, like the very first days of his journey. *Note: "story-relevant" doesn't mean "100% text-accurate". Joke posts and art related more to the general impression of an entry that are not direct illustrations of a scene absolutely count!
Spoiler policy:
This blog will be spoiler-free for the 2024 season! Any art from the previous years that concerns a later date will only be posted when that date comes around. Please note: Sometimes a piece of art for a day will allude to or foreshadow things that happen further on in the story, while not outright being a spoiler. For these cases I will use the tag "spoilery content" - please blacklist that tag if you want to avoid possible spoilers completely!
What about things like collages, edits and moodboards?
I'm not opposed to reblogging them, too! They only need to be made specific enough so they can be attached to a specific entry. But since they're not my first priority when scanning the tags for pictures (my brain skips anything that's not a drawing almost on autopilot), I've likely missed them all. You're welcome to send something in that you think fits here! (Anything by "kindlythevoid" and "aotearoa20" is already in the queue though!)
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boxbug · 2 years
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Some behind the scenes from my @winnerspovzine piece - character designs, thumbnails, memes!
You can get the zine for FREE HERE
Working with the 80s aesthetic was SO fun lol
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(this ask isnt really meant to be answered but if youd like to or to post about it go ahead)
tw for ableist and abuse mentions
this person called idkpillows has been reblogging your posts (specifically ones that are violent in nature), which it in itself isnt bad, but they believe in borderline, antisocial, and narcissistic abuse. idk exactly why they are reblogging them but i assume to prove that those disorders are "dangerous", and that those kinds of abuse is "real". which.. is really nasty.
idk if you have blocked them yet but if you havent i really suggest doing so since they like infiltrating npd, aspd, and bpd safe spaces in specific
so sorry to bring this bad news but i feel its safer to send this ask than for one of your mods seeing any of their posts without warning.
um yeah thank you for reading this
Eugh, we'll have them blocked right away. Thanks for the heads up, anon; I recommend other folks block them too, just to be safe. (I don't, however, recommend harassing them--even if I did condone harassment (which I don't in any situation), doing so would just prove their point, whatever that may be)
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thisbluespirit · 3 months
New seasonal challenge up at TARDIS Library, the Dreamwidth Doctor Who reccing community!
Simply comment in the sign-up post, receive 5 random characters (we have lists for New Who, Classic Who & various spin-offs you can choose from), then rec 5+ fanworks for at least 1 of those characters at the comm to complete the challenge, receive a banner, and share the love for some excellent fannish creative endeavours!
You will need a Dreamwidth account to post recs to the community, but they're free to sign-up for, with no strings attached, if you'd like to take part. <3
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Hey Kitty, I got you something!
*He holds out a scratching post, one of the ones with a little perch on top of it*
*gasps happily*
I haven’t gotten one of these in ages!!!
My other one hasn’t grown at all, but it doesn’t seem to be dying either, so I think maybe this is just as big as they get? I don’t mind! I love them anyway!
*takes the cat tree and your hand and teleports us to the other cat tree I got last year, which I planted in the ground*
See? It looks great! I’ve been watering it and letting it get plenty of sunlight in my Tulgey Wood!
Such a good tree~! I’ll plant this one right by it!
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
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black-salt-cage · 10 months
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I wonder how many people I make ugly cry because I post a gifset that gets popular
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arrogantsuggestion · 2 years
We are like stars, looking up to each other~ equally beautiful, striking, awe-inspiring.
There is no need for competition when we are all winners.
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marshmallowprotection · 10 months
Okay, I finally saw the Barbie movie today, and now I'm thinking about Lila creating all sorts of gorgeous outfits inspired by it 😭 Actually, I'd love to imagine a Barbie movie night for all your cmc's... Who's the most likely one to cry? (Definitely not me, nuh-uh, didn't shed a single tear, wdym)
The Barbie movie is The Lila Aesthetic. It's a bubblegum technicolor pink daydream and it is the moment she's been waiting for. I am so happy to inform you that she would take that movie premiere upon herself and create looks for everybody in the house, regardless of this thing called Post-RAE or Secret Ending. This is her Moment.
Okay. For Minji and Judas, I've got to tell you that she would want to recreate the disco for them. Minji has the legs for a jumpsuit and it would be a waste if she didn't show off those long legs. She's a vision in gold and silver! I'm telling you that! I know you might expect any sporty Barbie for Minji, but that's thinking in smalls when we need to think in large. Minji is a runner, a dancer, put those together and you've got a delightful melody in your hands.
See, Judas is flexible like Saeyoung. It would never be hard to get him to dress in Barbie or Ken's outfits. But, he loves to coordinate and since Saeyoung and Minji would absolutely... go as Barbies, he would gladly settle for that perfect opportunity to be their arm candy... I just have to debate if he would match Minji... or Saeyoung... that's the hardest question to answer.
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I think I'm biased as Hell but I want to see Saeyoung as a cowgirl Barbie. Listen. Could I boldly say that I want Saeran in that outfit? I can. I will. But, in the context of this situation, I would say that Saeyoung wants his titties and stomach to show comfortably.
There's... something about Saeyoung in flared jeans! I don't know how else to elaborate here! I think he would be gorgeous! The hot pink brings all the red out of his hair and I just know he'd be the guy who makes a prop gun that shoots a piece of paper out that says "Kiss!"
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So. Uh... The key takeaway is to Debate Disco Judas or Cowboy Judas as his fate. Both are equally good opportunities to choose from and you can't go wrong. I'd say think long and hard about whichever one seems amusing and exciting to you and go with it. There is literally no wrong answer here.
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The gingham dress is my true love. There is something about it that just screams classic staple Barbie. It's not too much and it's not too little. It is just the right amount of Barbie to feel like Barbie. The accessories are what make it and I'm in love with those light Daisy charms. Lila would love those, too. She loves Barbie as much as I do and it would make her feel giddy to be able to see her reflection in an outfit like that. I'd say she'd go for classic Barbie through and through—
But what does that mean in the situation where GE Saeran or SE Saeran get to be a matching set? You absolutely know what it means. If she's going to be classic Barbie then he's going to be classic Ken. What's more classic than a beach Ken? At least, to me, my view of Ken has always had him as a lifeguard.
I feel like Lila is the only one in the house who consumes Barbie movies. She's going to have to introduce all of them. SHE'S ABOUT TO TAKE THEM ON A TRIP OF A LIFETIME AND I'M GONNA THINK ABOUT THIS ONE. I WANT HER TO CRY OVER THE EARLY 2000s MOVIES AND SHOW SAERAN HER COLLECTION OF DOLLS.
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percentstardust · 2 years
after the whole disaster that was the aftermath of losing his eye, aemond was walked back to his rooms by criston and alicent. helaena and aegon followed behind them out of concern for their brother but they were sent to their own rooms. criston had to eventually pick aemond up cause he looked like he finally was about to pass out and he couldn’t stand the pain any longer. they had to make a detour despite the fact aemond was on the verge of passing out to take him to vhagar for she could not be calmed down. everyone was afraid she would rip the castle apart so her new rider was presented to him in criston's arms with his mother by his side. he is barely awake but able to speak a little with vhagar to calm her down. he is taken to his room. alicent sent for a maester to bring milk of the poppy for him. he was given it and to make sure her son made it through the night, alicent stayed by his side ALL night. when they sailed home, he was given more milk of the poppy to ease his pain and he slept all of the way home. alicent would check in on him on and off, as to let him have privacy to deal with this if he woke up on the way home.
once home, he was administered it again because they needed to open his stitches and remove his dead eye. mind you, he is not given as much as a grown adult would be due to the fact he’s a child and there’s a high chance he could become addicted faster to it, so he felt this happening even if it was dulled down. he had to be held down for the maester to do this entire procedure because he eventually started getting violent. after it was done, he was given dreamwine to help him sleep. he caught an infection, which left him in bed for days. he was able to fight it off out either pure luck or the maesters medical methods. either way, he almost died because of this infection. he was taken out to vhagar several times to show her he was alive and not dead. she spent the entire time WORRIED ABOUT HIM. she would be seen flying over kingslanding CONSTANTLY. he was in constant pain and he would eventually have to take milk of the poppy or dreamwine to help. he would have to have his empty eye socket cleaned out on the regular, eventually learning how to do it himself so he wouldn’t have to rely on a maester. he would only allow alicent to help him, sometimes letting helaena or aegon help if he wasn’t in too much pain.
he had to learn how to function with one eye, which was frustrating as hell at first. it was harder to read, his reaction times were off when training, he ran into things a lot and over all had a hard time doing basic tasks that were not hard for him before. add this on top of him having chronic pain he has to deal with along with phantom eye syndrome, nerve damage, and his self esteem seemingly becoming worse than before, aemond was in hell. he overcame it, it just took a lot of work.
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brinesystem · 2 years
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