#(just in case any spoilers are added in the tags/comments)
*: endgame in this case means only within the show's canonical timeline, not whether they'll still be together past the show's timeline
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
* B l o g . P S @ re: “Survive”
{DO NOT re-blog} {Comment ok if respectful}
* I probably am picking up game in the end, I don’t really know what to expect going in mostly blind abt gameplay aside from few details they showed us, but yeah
* I will be somewhat following plot stuff and Lore drops/reveals from this game.
* I will tag spoilers as they asked, (“Survive spoilers” is what I use)
* I WILL NOT be “spoiler-free past Chapter 5″ if significant new lore / ‘Mons get mentioned, or any Adventure callbacks/lore relations (Agumon...) so yeah
* PLEASE ACTUALLY USE my spoiler tags ** (Please do NOT make me have to point them out multiple times endlessly, USE THEM.)
* If I see a cute/good/neat art or met@ about lore/theories I might end up rb’ng it.
* Do not expect me to be a Survive-decidated blog by any means, but I don’t mind promoting the nice things I find
* DO NOT EXPECT ME TO PLAY THIS GAME “FAST”. {Important} I honestly do not really have the mental energy to play DGMN games right now. (Or most new games in general unless I was anticipating them even more) I’ll try but yeah
* Do not ever expect me to “rank” Survive charas/plot against Adventure or any other series/spinoff, because I’m super tired of people expecting that of other Adventure-02 fans especially and no, I Will Not rank the Chosen, OK Bye
* If I do get, I’m interested much more in Digigirls’ stories the most, (notably Saki but also Aoi) so I’d be aiming for Bond(??) rankings w/them (Order would basically overall be) Takuma -> Saki and/or Aoi; Takuma -> Shuuji or Ryou; (Wondering about their storylines most) Takuma -> Minoru; (he may skip ahead the other two if prominent story) Takuma -> any of the rest
* Ryou will henceforth be tagged as ‘Ryou’, to separate him from 02-Tamers!Ryo on my blogs. {Full chara names are often used on original posts I make}
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beatrice-otter · 10 months
Time Travel killing Jesus and the religion of empire
There's a post about time travel going around tumblr, and somebody tagged that they would kill Mary before the birth of Jesus, so that Christianity wouldn't exist. Problem is, while that might indeed kill Christianity, it would probably just mean that Constantine would slot Mithraism into his Imperial domination schemes instead. In the late 200s AD there were two mostly-underground monotheistic mystery cults rapidly gaining adherents in the Roman Empire. There were a lot of similarities between the two, at least superficially. For example, there was a lot of emphasis on communal ritual meals. One was Christianity. The other was Mithraism. Constantine was intrigued by both. We know he was involved in Mithraism in his youth. But what Constantine really liked the idea of using religion to unify the Roman Empire. By the 300s, the Roman Empire was beginning to fragment, with regular civil wars. Constantine came to power in one of those civil wars. He thought that if everyone worshiped the same god (instead of different gods worshiped in different places, with the Roman pantheon and emperors as a thin veneer of unity), it would help keep the whole ramshackle edifice together. (Spoiler alert: it did not.) So he picked one of the two monotheistic religions that was rapidly gaining in popularity, and encouraged people to convert to it, heaping power and wealth on (some of) them. And that's how Christianity became an imperial religion. Christianity changed rapidly in response to that. Major parts of the religion were changed or dropped entirely. For example, until Constantine, the vast majority of Christians were strict pacifists. In most communities, soldiers were required to leave the army and find a new trade before they could be baptized. Obviously, this was unacceptable if Christianity was going to become the religion of the Roman Empire. In a straight-up choice between pacifism and Imperial power, the Christian church as a whole dropped the pacifism like a hot potato. 100 years after Constantine you have St. Augustine laying out the "Just War" theory where war is fine as long as you have a good reason for it. That's a complete 180 from everything the early Christians believed. There are many other examples of things that got dropped or changed in Christianity to make it more palatable to Imperial might. There are a lot of toxic things in Christianity as we know it. But the thing is ... many of them come from this process of adapting their beliefs and practices to fit what Constantine (and later Emperors, and the entire power structure of the Empire) wanted Christianity to be. Namely, something tame that affirmed and enforced the existing Imperial power structure. And Christianity has been a partner and tool of the power structures of the dominant culture ever since. This is one of the reasons there's so much difference between Jesus' teachings and Christian teachings, in so many cases. In a straight-up choice between faithfulness and power ... a majority of Christians in the last two thousand years have most often chosen power. But here's the thing. If Christianity didn't exist, that doesn't mean none of this would have happened. It just means that Constantine would probably have chosen Mithraism instead. Do you think the Mithraists would have been any less willing to take the power and wealth on offer to them, in exchange for becoming a lackey of empire? Do you think Christianity was uniquely corruptible? I don't.
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comments Comment? https://ift.tt/uspfvE9
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Sick & Tired (Locklyle One-Shot)
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Summary: George is sick and tired of nearly dying because his friends can't admit they're in love with one another. And he's about to tell them as much.
Word Count: 1.9k
Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x Lucy Carlyle
Tags: fluff, pining, angst
Warnings: Mild spoilers for the books!
A/N: Heyo, me again. Thanks to those who left such lovely comments on my last fic. I know this fandom is a lot smaller than the one's I normally write for so I'm absolutely loving the enthusiasm when it comes to our shared obsession with this lovely little pairing. Hope everyone is having a good week. Like always, let me know if y'all want to be added/removed from my taglist! Love you all x
George didn’t particularly consider himself to be one of the most observant people he knew.
He was smart, sure. Witty, resourceful, diligent, clever. But when it came to being observant to the other people of his species? Well, he could not quite summon the same enthusiasm he had when observing the dead.
Yet, next to Lockwood and Lucy, George could almost be considered the most perceptive person in the world. He could not understand how it was that the two of them were some of the smartest people he knew, and the dumbest. 
Take Lockwood for instance. Just last week George had borne witness to Lockwood’s theatrical monologue as he recounted and solved each mystery of the case they had been on: the real reason of that strange man’s appearance on their doorstep, the true cause of death for the woman’s spirit they were fighting, and the unborn child in her belly. There had of course been some flourishing of his sword, some unnecessary swishes of his coat as he had danced with the ghost before Lucy had sealed the Source. But George was sure that everyone in that room – including Inspector Barnes who had arrived at the culmination of the flourishing and the swishing with a notable roll of his eyes – had been awed at Lockwood’s ingenious in that moment.
Sure, George had been the one to give Lockwood all the puzzle pieces in the first place. But even he had to admit that Lockwood had beaten him to the punch…on that occasion.
Yet, at the same time, it was a stray glance from Lucy that had nearly had Lockwood dropping his rapier mid-battle. A smile thrown his way that had him suddenly choking on his tea once they had arrived home afterwards. A whiff of her perfume that had him missing a step on the staircase and tumbling down to the landing.
And then there was Lucy. By all accounts, she was usually far more composed out of the two in any given situation. Her unparalleled Talent paired with her untameable curiosity made for an excellent co-worker. Even more so because of her lightning-fast reflexes and quick-thinking. 
But she too seemed to suffer from the same affliction as Lockwood: idiocy when in the others’ presence.
Yes, it had been her that had saved all of their lives the other day when she had heard the Poltergeist creeping up behind them in the shadows whilst they had been distracted by the Cold Maiden. But it had also been her who had blushed profusely and stumbled over her words in her report to DEPRAC afterwards when Lockwood had casually complimented her. It had been her who had pulled Quill away from the grips of a Limbless that night. But it was also her who had quite unsubtly tripped Quill on his way out the door after he had thrown one of his usual snide comments back at Lockwood.
It was maddening, really, working with a pair of smart imbeciles.
Worse, even, since he also had to live with them.
And so George’s morning (early afternoon) went like every other as he made his way down from his bedroom. When he entered the kitchen, he had expected to be greeted by a round of applause for having remembered to put his pyjama bottoms on. But instead, he was met by Lockwood and Lucy mooning over each other like usual.
‘Mooning’ was likely the wrong word for what he witnessed, George knew. It could probably be better described as furtive glances thrown between them when they thought the other wasn’t looking. Either way, George was sick of it, and so dramatically rolled his eyes as he went to put the kettle on. 
Whilst George would usually resign himself to eating his toast whilst fighting off his gag reflex as he looked upon the stupidity of his clueless friends, that particular morning saw him lacking in most of his patience. 
The night before had held its usual amount of Lucy and Lockwood’s pining as the three of them, accompanied by Holly and Quill, had investigated a supposed Type Two in a very small and very cramped cottage. In hindsight, all five of them likely didn’t need to be there. But George’s research had uncovered the site to be built on the land of an executioner’s lot, so they had decided it was better to be safe than sorry. 
In the end, it had meant that the working conditions that night had been exceptionally…close. Matters only worsened when Lockwood had the bright idea of pairing Lucy and Quill together for the initial sweep of the house. George had seen it, the very moment when Lockwood discovered his mistake as Lucy had to quite unceremoniously brush completely up against Quill to make her way out of the room. George could’ve sworn he had seen a vein nearly burst in Lockwood’s forehead a split second before the boy’s usual charming smile returned to his features.
What ensued that night could only be described as a complete shitshow.
George liked to think that their relationship with Quill was better now – not the best, but better. He did still consider Quill a massive tosser after all and that would likely never change. But even George had to admit that the night’s mishaps were not entirely Quill’s fault. Although the boy definitely did not help matters when he returned to the kitchen with Lucy laughing at his heel. George had turned back to Lockwood in that instance and had seen his jaw completely tensed. 
Lucy was all but repulsed by Quill, and everyone in that room knew it. George knew it. Holly knew it. Hell, even Quill probably knew it.
And Lockwood knew it. George was completely sure. 
Yet there Lockwood was acting the love-sick idiot for the rest of the night. He swiftly changed up the pairings, sticking Quill with a not-so-happy George instead. But things only seemed to get worse from there.
When the Type Two ghost did finally arrive – with a few unexpected friends – all hell broke loose. On most days, five agents should have been enough to deal with the situation, but Lockwood was seemingly anyone but himself that night. He was slow, his rapier movements lethargic. His orders came out stuttered, unsure of himself. His focus was distracted. Where he should have been looking at any of the ghosts that now surrounded them (he had quite the array to choose from after all), George could tell – even from beneath Lockwood’s sunglasses – that the boy couldn’t stop himself from glancing back at Lucy every chance he got.
So the night had been a long one, full of salt bombs, ectoplasm dodging and several bouts of running away. In the end, it had been Lucy who had screamed the order to find the Source. Lockwood had acted like the thought had never even occurred to him.
So George’s patience had been worn thin that morning, grains of salt still embedded into his hair. Lockwood and Lucy were sitting side-by-side at the table, quietly sipping their teas as Lucy’s bread toasted in the toaster. Neither of them had spoken to each other about the night before, the tension in the room was enough to tell George that. 
“I’m sick of this,” George mumbled louder than he had intended. 
“Sorry, what was that, George?” Lockwood asked, looking up as if he had genuinely not noticed George’s presence in the room.
“I’m sick of this,’ George said again, louder this time. 
George did not particularly want to die because his friends could not communicate with one another, and so he decided in that moment that he had had enough.
“Of what?” Lockwood asked, his eyebrows furrowing. Lucy’s toast popped out of the toaster and, as if autonomously, Lockwood rose from his chair, placed the pieces onto a plate and began buttering them.
“Of last night!” George burst out. Lockwood and Lucy stood still before him, both of their eyebrows furrowing now. “Of every night! Of every moment of every day and how you two as so goddamn stupid!”
“I’ll agree that last night did not go according to plan,” Lockwood began. “But I would hardly say that that warrants this-”
“According to plan?” George said. “What do you mean according to plan? Last night was a complete shitshow. It took us five hours to contain three ghosts! And all because-”
“Well it’s hardly that simple-” Lockwood tried. He knew where this was going now and tried desperately to get George to meet his eye.
“Because you two can’t just talk,” George continued. “It really shouldn’t be that hard! But no, Lockwood, you’ve instead got to bottle it all up like normal and then get wildly jealous when Lucy talks to anyone of the opposite sex. We could’ve been out of that house in an hour last night if you had just focused. Quill repulses any girl within a mile radius. I don’t understand how you can possibly think that Lucy has lost all of her braincells and is suddenly interested in him!”
Lucy and Lockwood’s mouths were now resolutely hanging agape.
“You thought…” Lucy began, turning to face Lockwood.
“Oh, please,” George continued, seemingly unable to stop himself now that he had begun. “Don’t pretend like you aren’t exactly the same. I remember how you acted when Holly first joined the team. You practically brought Aickmere’s down on us with your outburst near that Poltergeist!”
Lucy’s mouth snapped closed as she averted her gaze to the floor.
“I get it,” George said with a sigh. “Life’s hard. Feelings are hard. But I’ve had to put up with the two of you pining after one another since Lucy first set foot in that door. And frankly, I’m sick and tired of it! We have dangerous jobs, we live dangerous lives. One of you could die tomorrow and then where would you be? So just…talk!”
George was breathing heavily now, his panting the only sound that filled the room. The tension in the air was thick; so thick that he could likely slice his rapier right through it. 
“Now,” George continued. “I am going to finish my tea upstairs, alone. Then, I’m going to the archives and when I get back I don’t want to see any more pining one way or the other, please.”
And with that, George left. How he so wished to listen by the door and hear what was to come next. But he had done enough damage for one day and so retreated back to his room.
When George returned back home later that evening, he became nervous when he opened the door and was greeted by complete silence. There was no laughter, no talking, not even the kettle was being boiled and, at that time of day, that was a rarity.
A sense of regret washed completely through George as he closed the door behind him. What if he had only made things worse? What if he had ruined everything? What if Lockwood and Lucy had decided against finally getting together and putting George out of his misery?
His dread only got worse as he walked down the hallway. But as he passed the library, the door only barely ajar, he stopped in his tracks. Tentatively, so as to not make any noise, he pushed the door slowly open.
On the couch in the corner – laying in a position that did not look awfully comfortable – was Lockwood quite soundly asleep. And then there, wrapped within his arms, was Lucy, her head resting against Lockwood’s chest as she too slept. 
George smiled to himself, left the room and went to put the kettle on.
@alicetweven @theh3aven @manamitoyota @mimiluvsualot @cherrypieyourface @kaqua @c0untryclub @goldencherriess @emotionaldreamer @givemethesleep @milkiane @miscreantsnopossoms @legendaryfestsoul-blog
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Weekly Bravern Madness Post ₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
Episode 11 Spoilers ahead, naturally
I'm actually on my second watch since we found out our water heater is leaking so that was a whole thing so not quite first impressions but that's literally me screencapping every scene and screaming so probably better this way
Okay important things about me to consider for my lens as I go through this
I think Isami is so so so cute. I'll probably make a cute Isami screencaps post as a separate thing. His gap moe is so cute. I love his stern face. I think Smith is great too but I love the focus reshifting to Isami. Anyway. He's so cute
In terms of Smith as Bravern I guess I view it as the reverse too? I don't really know how to explain it but I guess in Japanese there's tags for Smith + Isami (Sumiisa) and Bravern + Isami (Braisa?) and in my head it's all Sumiisa. Like he may look like a giant robot but he's still Smith, if that makes sense.
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Second watch bonuses: realizing why she reacts this way at his mention ;-;
Right away, I guess I got my beach episode! I love that Isami and Lulu have Bravern brand summer clothes. I hope they come out as merch. It comes up rarely eg. the boxing shoes from ep 5 have the (Burn?) Bravern specific emblem on them and I just think it's so cute. Like yeah Bravern probably printed them just for these instances and I wish we got enough show to see it in action.
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I actually got so emotional at the end of episode 9 when the OP starts playing without the lyrics and this showing up with the ED music is phenomenal. Extra delicious that it starts with part of the full version of the ED that's not in the normal ending.
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I also love this because the other two emotional moments where it's like, starting something but not completing it are the after boxing scene and when Isami is crying into Lewis' shirt (okay this can easily be assumed to fill out as "I wanted the two of us to save the world together" but what else did you want to do with hiiiiim). The shipper mind wants to fill it in with some love confession and then!!!
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After the like, back and forth name stuff (which parallels the Lulu + Superbia fusion) I was like, pre-emptively bracing for some kind of goofy baiting/played for laughs thing but no he goes for it!!
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I actually have a collection of any instance of Isami with any amount of coloring on his cheeks and I've been lamenting that the only full blush moments are when he gets the asian flush drinking but aaaaah so cute. Also he looks so young here! He's 24 he should be falling in love!
Also I'm like, actually really impressed about this scene technically because It's just a really good looking turnaround animation. With Bravern he's 3D so whatever but isami looks good from every angle!
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The artist who adds the extra effects like bloom and color tweaks on scenes occasionally tweets out their before and afters and I really hope we get this scene where they point out they added plush, kissable lips onto Bravern.
I reblogged a post about it but I do really love that Isami isn't like, disgusted or pushing him away or anything. Not even grateful Lulu interrupted it. Maybe he's actually disappointed she interrupted.
I know it sets ups the symbolic washing away of it but in case there was any ambiguity to the nature of this love:
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There's some discussion across japanese twitter about how you're not supposed to do some line in the middle but based on some cursory stuff I'm not sure how common that thought process is. Also Bravern isn't that much of a pro in Japanese culture (even a lot of JP twitter was confused at his proud "This is OMIAI!").
If you aren't involved in Twitter, a comment people like to point out is that they specifically hired a Food Coordinator for this episode lol. I took a bunch of caps of it but between this and Isami's "we need to eat to be strong enough to save everyone" talk I need to do my Dunmeshi + Bravern food as strength and love post.
Anyway I'm obsessed with the fact that Bravern doesn't need to eat but actually has a mouth which reminds me of this tweet my sister brought to me
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Naturally, his mouth is for kissing, Among other things.
Okay honestly the food bit is so weird I was kind of worried the entire first half of the episode turns out to be a dream sequence.
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I need to set this as my desktop background or something. I think it's really cute that they added/implied that Isami and Bravern are now a cutesy couple rather than Isami being all weird about the love confession.
THIS! Is the point in the post I realize that watching while typing these up leads to me just doing a play by play which isn't really much of anything. I promise the rest of the post isn't just as long even though we're only halfway through the episode.
(Hey, timeskip OP here. This might be a lie)
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Lulu + Superbia symbol! It's cute and has a really nice mix of being similar but opposite in it's own way.
I am obsessed with Segnitas being too lazy to fight and honestly I think he's so cute. The interrupting the fusion is kinda expected for a a show with every bit being in universe but it's still a good gag. I'm glad he is around to make commentary until his true death.
I kind of expected the Bravern + Superbia fight to be an episode 2 thing but I guess we won't have the time for that given the end of this episode. Triple shoutout to my Wednesday post by having the "You can get fulfillment from living!", seeing a callback to Lulu's kick and basically having an awesome fight.
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Okay ending time. I have a lot of thoughts but one of the ones as I was watching was just.. He can't eat but he can bleed (and cry)? Actually considering that he explodes it's probably oil or something. Like obvs he isn't going to explode into purple triangles like everyone else but oofda. I am all sorts of sad about this but one thing that gets me is that Bravern doesn't even die fighting! It was a stealth attack!
There's some theories that Isami has a change of heart too fast and this might be another time loop, which I think would be on brand but man his reaction to Bravern dying is too much there's at least no way it's because of a Bravern dying bad end. Actually, I wonder if the damage to Bravern's core is worse than we can tell? Lulu bad end looks way worse though. Or maybe hypothetical Isami time travel route is -> they don't fight Superbia -> defeat one more death drive -> Superbia realizes he doesn't get his warrior death -> he takes on the last Deathdrive 1v1, dies -> remaining DD dies somehow but Superbia is still gone -> Isami goes back to save him for Lulu (they can't risk double time looping her?) -> doesn't ever experience Bravern dying so this is new and terrible.
In this case, Ira is acting unpredictably specifically because they do the no-kill route with Superbia. He's evidently super disgusted and I wonder if it's because its the peaceful resolution between the two? Otherwise I'm curious why else. Actually in general I'm curious why everyone is so personal with Bravern but I think we've all been asking that.
I think some people mentioned it on Twitter but Lulu very casually mentions her time travel lived experiences so it would be weird if they didn't know Bravern himself enabled it. Like I mentioned in my other post. He literally can't take on two giant mechs without Bravern and he knows for sure Superbia can't take on someone.
It's interesting that Bravern has different final words in this timeline than Lulu bad end but he also probably never had that stargazing scene in that route. Actually, you know what, I think Lulu bad end he does know it's Lulu because I don't think Isami was there for the specific curry scene we saw. He's still crying, naked in Bravern during that. Unless he just talks about Japanese curry all the time where we don't see.
Smith's last words are specifically "Brave Bang" (yuuki bakuhatsu) vs Bravern's "Brave Burn" and I'm basically Pepe Silvia-ing it up trying to figure out what it means. It's not really a direct confession about being Smith (because he's still a coward in that regard) but maybe it's a secret move/activation considering the moves are in English?
I think any kind of extra finale speculation requires its own post but that's my thoughts!
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hm. Sorry. Maybe I should get into writing fanfic so you at least get something out of this
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topsyturvy-turtely · 6 months
SNEAK PEEK at chapter two of MISSING!
A/N: happy birthday @safedistancefrombeingsmart!! 🥳🥳🥳 originally wanted to finish chapter 2 of missing (which is based on smartin''s edit) for you but life is too busy for me lately. however i wanted to prove i am actually (kinda) working on chapter 2 surprise you a tiny bit so here is the shortened version of the beginning of chapter two!! i hope you enjoy it. guess i'm kinda glad to know you 😜😘 hope you are having a wonderful day!
please keep in mind, that this is a draft! "[…]" signals that this is a part that i am not yet publishing. the word document got about 2100w so, i am really not that bad at writing ch2! (if we ignore that i didn't even get to the important part yet…)
WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER ONE! read first chapter on ao3!
Even before Sherlock had left the hospital building, he called Lestrade. He started talking before Lestrade could start an unnecessary greeting phrase, “Tell me every little detail you know about this case. And I mean everything.”
“Sherlock?!”, Greg asked. “Where the heck are you?! One minute you were here looking at the-“
“Charing Cross Hospital. John is hurt. Badly. In fact, he is-“, Sherlock’s breath caught in his throat.
He exhaled, seeing John unconsciously laying in the hospital bed, the bloody arm- arm stump. It wasn’t the blood that bothered him so much. It was the bones, the veins, the tendons - everything that was supposed to be attached to John’s hand for god’s sake – that made him feel sick, angry, and terrified. What if John was never gonna have his hand back? Never be able to cook, read, tie his shoes again? Sherlock knew for a fact it would make John miserable, absolutely heartbreakingly miser-
He had to focus. Find the hand. To find the hand, he had to know more about the case. He finally finished his sentence. “John is missing a hand. The doctor said she can reattach it, but it has to be quick. Give me everything you know. I am not going into details.”
“Shit, Sherlock. That is horrible- holy shit. Are you sure you are okay searching-”
“Greg.”, the consulting detective’s voice was sharp, intolerant. He could not lose any more time. “This is not the time for compassion towards me. This is about John. Finding his hand is my first and foremost priority. Tell me everything about this case. Now.”
Lestrade finally seemed to overcome his temporary attack of compassion and started to lay out the case to Sherlock.
"That’s it! That’s their connection!”, Sherlock concluded after their conversation.
“You- That’s true. Thank you, Sherlo-“
The consulting detective hung up on him. He raised a hand to call a cab. He got one immediately. “Just over Hammersmith Bridge. Drive fast, I’ll double the fare.”
"In a hurry, mate?”
Sherlock glared at the cabbie through the rearview mirror. The cabbie’s smirk left his mouth, because he hurriedly shifted into first gear and drove away. He was fast but not as fast as Sherlock would have liked. Sherlock paid with a generous amount anyways. Thames Path, secluded somewhere between the trees. That’s where John was found. The nurse had given him coordinates and with his phone Sherlock found the place pretty quickly.
Branches were snapped, dirt was posched up, a pool of blood was in the middle of a clearing. Sherlock got close, knelt down, tried to find more clues.
Then he heard shouting, he looked up but his vision was blocked by darkness, a heavy smell stung his nose and then Sherlock hit the ground with his back.
A/N: i hope you don't mind me tagging a few more people? and i hope the people don't mind either xD it's just that most comments on ao3 were like "OMG CONTINUE ASAP!" so i thought... that would maybe nice of me to tag other people? even though i did yet another cliffhanger with this teaser... whoops.
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful
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bugsbenefit · 9 months
no spoilers here yet but just as warning in case you don't want to see any talk about the set production you can blacklist my s5 spoiler tag, i'll tag everything so no worries :) (also applies to any actual future spoilers ofc)
i just care about show production processes and i like having things in one place for organization purposes. so here's a summary of the things that came out over the past few days that are confirmed to be real because i saw some confusion and misinformation about it
1) replica elements of the Hawkins downtown area are being constructed (the tall greyish building is Melvalds so this is basically confirmed to be the ST production and a real leak) link to the source
my bet is they'll either use it for an UD version of downtown or for something that requires massive alterations to the set they can't do to the real location without digital effects. like damage to the buildings, extensive special effects like fire or explosions, and so on
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2) they're building military set pieces as well source and source
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very curios where those will end up going since they clearly don't belong in the downtown set area and are all on movable platforms. there'll be a military base Somewhere for sure tho
and neither of that is actually really new information, we already saw a military presence in Hawkins by the end of s4 and them rebuilding downtown was something i expected but seeing the process is still cool
also adding here so people don't get their hopes up or base too much of their s5 expectation on it; there's a picture of cut out missing posters going around that seems to be a fake leak. sucks since it's the only photo that would allow for any actual plot speculation but alas
this one
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which is from behind the scenes of the ST Day event, so they're not up to date or from the current production of s5, which the og poster clarifies in the comments (link to the post here)
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the-fandom-crossroads · 5 months
Help Pick Furina's Character Song!
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I am currently making a Playlist of every Genshin character being represented by one song. Some of them I still can't find a song for. List of missing characters post Here!
But Some character's like Furina have TOO Many Songs so I can't decide on just one. So here's a poll to help me decide which song should represent Furina in the playlist!
If you have a suggestion I'd love to hear about it in the comments or tags!
This is the basics of what I look for when trying to see if a song fits the character. The song should fit their personality, but also their drive/inspiration for doing what they do. Basically why Celestia picked them to get a vision. In the case of Show Yourself it would be channeling the Moment of getting Furina's Vision.
A longer breakdown of why I think each song fits Furina under the read more! Includes minor 4.2 Spoilers!
The first 3 were actually picked before 4.2 came out. But the added context to Furina's Story in 4.2 built more depth into them that they didn't originally have. Regardless nearly every line of these songs fits Furina so don't be surprised by the wall of lyrics. It's what makes picking so hard!
"Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise. Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised."
"Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it.
I'm headed straight for the castle. They wanna make me their queen. And there's an old man sitting on the throne. That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean."
This was the first song picked out for her back during 4.0. It perfectly describes the Mask personality Furina wear's for the roll of Hydro Archon along with hinting at the cracks. It really fits Furina's vibes in the beginning and the confidence she shows. But it doesn't go deeper than that and it doesn't hint at Focalors involvement in anyway.
It's mostly still on the list because it was the first and because Furina's character trailer just is this song. Like I could use those clips for an AMV of this song and it would fit without changing any context.
Little Talks
"There's an old voice in my head. That's holding me back.
Well, tell her that I miss our little talks.
Soon it will be over and buried with our past."
"You're gone, gone, gone away. I watched you disappear. All that's left is a ghost of you.
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart. There's nothing we can do. Just let me go, we'll meet again soon.
Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around. I'll see you when I fall asleep.
Don't listen to a word I say (Hey) The screams all sound the same (Hey)"
So I also picked this one back during 4.0, but it has only grown to fit more as we have learned more. There are two lead singers for this song. The lady and her Lyrics (italics) are Furina, while the man (Bold) is Neuvillette. By the end they are both singing the lyrics.
The "old voice" originally was just Furina's internalized anxiety we saw during Lyney's trial. But it now can also fit the warnings of Focalors and how that held Furina back from trusting in Neuvillette to be able to help her.
The "I watched you disappear" would also be Neuvillette witnessing Focalors death. While "is a ghost of you" is the depression spell Furina clearly fell into between the Archon quest and her character quest where she pulled away from everyone.
"the screams" would be from the centuries of trials they oversaw together. Childe was not the first to refuse to go quietly. Furina acted like it was all entertainment. But some of those guilty verdicts would stick with anyone and to have collected hundreds if not thousands of those sorts of verdicts over the years. "The screams of the damned" as they say. Will probably haunt both of them for the rest of their existence.
The State of Dreaming
"My life is a play, is a play, is a play."
"If only you knew my dear. How I live my life in fear. If only you knew my dear. How I know my time is near
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming. Living in a make-believe land. Living in the state of dreaming, of dreaming, of dreaming"
Now this song is currently already on the playlist for Nilou because of 3.0 and the Samsara dream. But Furina's been acting the roll of Archon for centuries now. Her life is literally a play. But the songs lyrics only repeat this phrase. So it doesn't cover other parts of Furina's story.
Show Yourself
"Something is familiar. Like a dream I can reach. But not quite hold. I can sense you there. Like a friend I’ve always known. I’m arriving. And it feels like I am home."
"Where the Northwind meets the sea. There's a River. Full of Memories."
"Step into your power. Grow yourself into something new.
You are the one you’ve been waiting for
All of my life. All of your life."
So this one only got added to the list after learning about Focalors at the end of 4.2 and now I can't unsee it. Fontaine's water holding memories is literally pulled from Frozen II. Like that was not a common thing before Frozen II.
Furina her whole life was waiting for Focalors the "real" Hydro Archon to show up and take over as Archon. But Furina had always been Fontaine's real Hydro Archon. She was enough. I like to image the end being Furina getting bestowed with her vision.
The only thing causing me to pause with Show Yourself is that, like with State of Dreaming, the song is already being used by another character. Xingqui's VA sang a cover of this song and that cover is part of the reason I even thought to make this playlist. So it has a place of being one of the first songs picked for the character.
Of course if it sweeps the poll I'll swap it in for Furina. That's why we're doing this poll because I can't decide on my own.
So yeah those are the songs. I feel like I'd probably find a 5th option if I looked at Christian Songs, so I'm specifically not doing that. But if you think of one and you feel like it fits better than these feel free to share it!
Thank you for reading if you got all the way down here!
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Betrayal (14)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Crossover of Spooks and Pilgrimage (Modern AU)
Pairings: Lucas North x OC/Raymond de Merville x OC
Warnings: Love triangle. Angst. Language. Sexual references/language. Cheating. Stalking. Some spoilers from season 9. 
Summary: Amy Holland is Lucas North’s girlfriend of six months. Amy is aware of his job as an MI-5 agent and supports him. However, Lucas’ cousin, Raymond de Merville, has always loved Amy and uses their one night stand together as leverage for something more.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in. I’m gradually removing people from my tag lists who do not interact.
I also want to thank everyone who has stuck with me so far through this fic. I know it’s probably very different from my normal kind of work and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but your encouragement and support has been amazing, those of you who have shared in this writing journey with me. Again, thank you. 
If you enjoy this fic, please remember that a reblog is always much appreciated and helps us writers out immensely with getting our fics circulated. <3
The journey time on the train from Coventry to Manchester was just over two hours. Every second felt like an eternity for Raymond as he kept hold of Amy's hand. He studied everyone who walked past, excusing themselves up the cramped aisle of the carriage. If Vaughan had been aware of Amy's location and told Lucas, then he obviously had eyes in various places. Between them, Vaughan and Lucas had a number of cards to play which would get them the whereabouts of Raymond and Amy.
"Are you okay?" Raymond asked suddenly, turning to Amy. He noticed that she'd been quiet since boarding the train. He squeezed her hand for emphasis and nudged a little closer to her.
"Yeah," Amy replied in a quiet voice, adding a weak smile. She looked at Raymond and couldn't help but feel something swell inside her chest and stomach, something intense and not quite the same that she had felt with any other partner. It was almost an ache in her gut that spread upward into her chest, a knowing somewhere that this man in front of her was true.
Amy leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Raymond's stubbled cheek. "I'm sorry," she told him.
Raymond cupped her cheek and kissed her small nose. "Don't be sorry, love. There's nothing to be sorry for."
A short while later, about half way into the journey and Raymond brought himself and Amy a coffee each and some chocolate.
He noticed that she had nudged closer and was now sitting with her head on his shoulder. Her could feel her jaw moving against his shoulder, eating a piece of Twix.
Had Amy ever felt like this with Lucas? Content, protected, truly wanted and loved? Perhaps to a certain degree, but nothing like this. There was a longing in Raymond's eyes, a want for love, a yearning. She silently thanked him for not giving up on her, despite all her attempts to push him away. He had always remained in the shadows, waiting to catch her, knowing there would be a fall. Raymond was prepared to watch his cousin fall and succumb to the consequences, but never Amy.
Once the train pulled into Manchester Piccadilly, Raymond and Amy waited for the majority of passengers to disembark first. Then they walked with Raymond in front of Amy, his hand still in hers. His gaze flitted back and forth, checking across the platform, just in case anyone was there who looked suspicious.
Manchester Piccadilly was the last place that Raymond had been seen on CCTV. Tariq remained in contact with Lucas, texting him the whereabouts.
"John. Oh, John," Vaughan's manipulative and sly voice came, slithering down the phone line. "I know you want to keep up with that little girlfriend of yours, but our agreement still stands. The Albany file. My advice is that you bring me the file and nothing will happen to Miss Holland. She's in the safe hands of Mr de Merville from what I've been told."
"You fucking bastard!" Lucas spat.
"It seems as if she's taken a liking to your cousin, John. Your position has been filled."
"Fuck you!"
Lucas terminated the call and tossed his phone on the passenger seat of his car. His hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning white. He needed to get to Amy, to protect her no matter what happened. Surely Vaughan wouldn't stay true to his word; Amy would still suffer.
Amy took money from her bank account, accessing an ATM around the corner from a hotel that was just two streets away from the train station. This was now the only access to her money and was traceable. Everything that she and Raymond did was traceable. CCTV, bank account activity, ANPR data; nothing was scared. Every step was identifiable.
"He'll find us, Raymond," Amy said. "You know he will. Lucas is resourceful, clever. He's got the means that we don't have."
Raymond looked up at the towering hotel block which was easily ten floors. "We can't stay at this one now that you've taken money out here. He'll know. We need to walk. Try and get out into the outskirts of the city."
Lucas finally made it to Manchester. The sun was disappearing, casting a great shadow on the land. Tariq confirmed that Raymond had last been spotted walking past a department store and was accompanied by an unidentified woman.
He scoured the city, glancing up and down murky backstreets as he walked. Still keeping his phone in hand, checking messages that Tariq sent through. By the time that it turned 7pm, Tariq text that Raymond had not been seen now for an hour and a half. He must have stopped.
Lucas took that last location, following a map on his phone. To everyone around him, he looked like a tourist maybe, someone unsure of their way around. Definitely not someone who was conducting covert activities. Blending in had become second nature.
The last location Raymond had been seen was at a junction, crossing the street and disappearing behind a hedgerow. In that same vicinity were three hotels, all of them approximately half a mile apart.
One by one, Lucas enquired with the clerk at the main desk of the hotels. The only way he would be able to get the information was to introduce himself as security services. And then, at the final hotel, Lucas held up a digital photo of his cousin on his phone, asking the middle aged man on reception if Raymond had been seen.
"Yes, I do believe I've seen him. May I take his name?"
"Raymond de Merville."
"There is no one by that name here," the clerk explained.
"You bastard," Lucas whispered. He was almost certain that Raymond wouldn't be dumb enough to use his real name. "I need to locate him. It's a matter of national emergency. Even if it means going to each room one by one, then it must be done."
"I understand. I believe if my memory serves me correctly that he checked in with a young woman and she was the one who paid."
"Amy Holland?"
The clerk tapped away on his keyboard. "No, I can't find her name. But I believe she was sent up to floor eight."
Lucas would wait however long was necessary and tear every room apart.
Amy sat down on the bed, her hands shaking. Raymond was sat across from her in an armchair, his gaze locked on the window. Raindrops were hitting the pane and dripping down, collecting on the ledge.
There was a sudden beep as the door lock activated and opened.
Terror hit Amy square in the chest as she saw Lucas staring at her, his jaw clenched.
Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @middleearthpixie @luna-xial @knitastically @meganlpie @guardianofrivendell @xxbyimm @rachel1959 @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @sunflwrnsunnieshine
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chaotic---calm · 10 months
Hi! I just read your new XiCheng fic and it looks fantastic!!! I'm really liking the premise (I love omega LXC and political marriages, so both in a single fic make me so excited!) and the writing (LXC and JC's characterisation so far is excellent! LXC holding back the hurt —all the feelings about being unable to be true to himself!—, JC pushing through his own difficulties) so I'm really looking forward to what comes next. How will JC present his case? And the reactions! I'm curious not just about LXC's but also LWJ's, because I think he would find his brother marrying out a terribly hard pill to swallow.
Speaking of LWJ, I can't help but notice that there's no WangXian tag in the fic, I wonder if that means it'll be added later, they won't end up together or if those two won't even be interested in each other here (I don't mind any way it goes, though reading fics without that ship can be so refreshing). And continuing with the tags, I see that LXC & JYL tag! I'm already in love with it! The two omegas bonding! All the commentary on gender expectations (fitting and not fitting and the degrees in between, the limitations of each route, the lack of fulfilment) that could fit there! Yes, I'm very excited about that tag. And also about the NHS & JC tag. I love that friendship. I love the idea that NHS and JC could continue to just be friends even as omega and alpha, especially considering NMJ's prejudices. Speaking of him, I am so excited about NMJ's place in the story in the future! His friendship with LXC is so important to both of them, NMJ will have to face his prejudices and the route already sounds glorious. (Oh! JC was thinking that other alphas would want to marry LXC, would NMJ think marrying LXC would be doing his friend a favor? Oh, I can just see the cracks on their relationship if the offer is made and rejected, the explanation of why LXC would not choose NMJ would be delicious. But that's just a possibility, I don't mind if the story doesn't go there at all.)
Ahem, so sorry for rambling, I just think this fic is already looking fantastic and am excited for more of it. Thanks for writing, author! Keep up the wonderful work! *sending bunny hugs if you want them* 🐰💛
Hello! Ah, I'm so excited to see such a long comment/ask!! Thank you, anon! 💜
Your enthusiasm is awesome. I'm glad you're so into some of the trope set-up I've done (and that you think I've done a good job with characterization). I like political marriage stories a lot as well, and yass, omega LXC is always a refreshing change from the "norm." I'm in the process of writing Chapter 2 right now. I think you'll like all the discussion and reaction from the others; LWJ will definitely find it hard to let his brother go, but there's also the prospect of sticking it to those asshole elders. 🤔
Regarding WangXian, it will be here, but I'm keeping it very much in the background, so I opted not to tag it just because I didn't want to disappoint any readers who really want any lengthy focus on that. XiCheng is much more where I want to keep my focus.
I am SO excited to get to the parts relevant to the LXC & JYL tag. I think you and the other readers will really enjoy it. I've always felt like the two of them would really mesh well together personality-wise, so I'm happy to have the opportunity to give them that here. Plus, someone's gotta help the boys navigate the perils of being married and companions/partners! 😁
I don't want to give away any spoilers, but yeah, I'm going to try to do the best I can with the various relationships. NHS and JC should always be besties, haha! I think it's good when opposites mix: JC can help NHS be a bit more serious, and NHS can help JC keep from having a stroke before he's 30. 🥰 As for NMJ in this fic...let's just say that marriage to LXC is not the first thing that crosses his mind. 😬 (I really do love your idea of him trying to make the offer and being rejected, though! That's not what crossed my mind when plotting this fic, but it would be an absolutely delicious plot thread to follow.)
Please please please never apologize to me for long posts, rambling or otherwise. I can't tell you how wonderful such enthusiasm and joy and praise feels to us fanfic authors. It absolutely made my day to see that this had come in, so thank you so much. If it's not to presumptuous of me to ask, I sure hope to see more comments/thoughts from you as the story continues, whether here or on AO3. 💜
(Bunny hugs are absolutely delightful! 😊🐰)
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phxntomhives · 17 days
Welcome to my sideblog
That has most likely become my main one. But idk how to change main and second one. So yeah.
I will try to keep this blog mostly related to Kuroshitsuji and twst but who knows what I will like next. From memes (mostly repost because I am not that funny) to theories you can find anything here.
I am not spoiler free BUT I try my best to protect the new fans and hide things under the cut. Unfortunately, I am human, so you may run into spoilers, I am truly sorry.
I am 25, she/her pronouns, INTP. I would love to get to know more people in the fandoms I am in, but eeeh my social skills are lacking. So feel free to hit my dms, I don't bite I promise. I am trying to make more moots/mutuals pls
Here most thing you can find me posting about/comments etc (under the cut because it became long ops)
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Sebaciel shippers do not interact. I will just block and move on. If you see me liking one post tagged like that it's because I am stupid and I don't always read the tags, pls let me know and I will fix the problem.
Now that the important part is over: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW SEASON AAH. The Weston College arc is my favourite so I am very happy and it feels so nice to see my children here :3
I am up to date with the manga as well, so if you need to cry with someone, I am here. Sobbing.
My fave is Ciel, and Lizzie slander shall not be tolerated (half joking, you are free to dislike her but I am ready to fight at any time to defend her).
A couple of things you may want to check? If you are bored???
New manga chapter comments under: #Phxntomhives Kuro manga yapping
"The Parade of Battlers" song analysis
Finny grew up (chapter 211 spoilers)
Short analysis of the GFantasy May cover
Silly theory of the cricket's ending dance.
He sure is very much unlucky when it comes to life decision...
Vanitas no carte/The case study of Vanitas
Up to date with both anime and manga! And not so patiently waiting for each update. I miss them, I hope for a new chapter soon.
Twisted Wonderland (JP SERVER)
Up to date with main story and eons behind with the events ops. No I do not know japanese, tho I am trying to learn, but I started the game when that was the only version avaiable and I will not start again on eng server sorry. (Technically I have started but I had no more space on my phone and one had to go)
If you are curious about what I think about the story check #phxntomhives twst yapping (because I plan to type a lot and refuse to keep updating this list it's supposed to be pretty after all)
Theory on how the events are canon. Part 2: wish upon a star.
Silver gets a title copium.
Tokyo Aliens
Parallels between Tokyo Aliens and Negai no Astro
Spoiler/Analysis from scans: chapter 41, chapter 42, chapter 43, chapter 44, chapter 45, chapter 46, chapter 47, chapter 48 (After I added these I basically took over the tags plsssss)
Dr stone
It's appearing more on my feed so I had the feeling I had to add this lol. I love it dearly, I finished the manga and I need to catch up with the anime. I am extremely worried about the rumored (?) new volume that is coming ngl
Negai no Astro
Damn, I am hooked.
Parallels between Tokyo Aliens and Negai no Astro
Aaand honestly many more, feel free to ask! If it helps, here is my not updated because it takes forever MyAnimeList! But I probably missed many of them so really, just come and ask.
I may drop some suggestions to read too sometimes, here they are
Suggestions for you <3
Why you should read Merry Marbling
If you like Negai no Astro or Tokyo Aliens PLEASE CHECK THE OTHER SERIE MENTIONED.
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itsevanffs · 9 months
For the writing ask game, 19 & 29?
19. what is your most-used tag on ao3?
'age difference', surprisingly (or not). it's currently got 8 uses, but that will be nine when i'm done with this motherfucking pornshot i'm still wrestling with.
29. what's your revision or editing process like?
so, my editing process is kind of unique, i think, in the way that it's not much of an 'editing process' at all. i tend to edit on the go, which is to say, as i'm writing i hop back to the previous paragraphs and adjust things that need to be adjusted, smooth things out that feel janky, and adjust plot beats when necessary (which includes frantically pinging my friends for kinks to include.) it's a part of the writing process. i don't actually sit down to edit.
i do have a revision process, though, and i can show you it.
want to know more? have a look at this ask sheet for fanfic writers, and choose a number! or, if you can't find the question you'd like, just pop me one of your own in my ask box, which is open to anons and non-anons alike.
the first step in my revision process, much like plotting an extremely complicated fic, is to note down every big story beat i've got. (i've been organising to rewrite/revise my fic 'in the dark', so that makes for the perfect example. spoilers ahead, mostly for published chapters.) in practice that looks like this:
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this list (of which i will not show its entirety) goes to article 74, which is in fact the end of the fic. when i'm revising a fic i plan out to the precise end, and i won't move on from this planning stage until i have the end in sight. this happens with the big, complicated fics too, which is why you haven't seen any of them yet. (sorry.)
next, i digitalise the list and strip or add certain aspects. the digital list is 75 articles long, and has, among other things, 'drunken mistakes' removed, as well as some articles later in the story (around the middle) added. it's very rudimentary and not padded in the slightest, and often 'masked' so to speak since i tend to write in public:
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these are all published scenes, so it's nothing you haven't seen before.
next, i go onto the detailed outline, which sections the articles/scenes into chapters. itd's revision will have 17 chapters. the summaries of the scenes range anywhere from this to this to this:
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these include a short (ish) description of the scene itself, underneath a chapter (in this case, the chapter's title, too, since i have already chosen those, but in other circumstances it would just be a number), and can include offhand comments by me about, well, anything, can be detailed, and can include allusions to overarching story beats (like in 10, with tom setting lily up as complicit, which is a theme that comes back multiple times across the first half of the fic).
then i start rewriting:
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this does say 'annotated' but it's not very annotated. shh don't tell my old self that, it's a secret. i start with copying over old paragraphs that i particularly like (see: opening sentence, 3rd paragraph, partly) and rework the spaces between those paragraphs to flow more coherently.
meanwhile i choose sections to 'discard':
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these are scenes that i don't intend to include in the final story that i'd written before in the heat of the moment which i later felt added no meaningful contribution to the text, and at worst even ruined the pacing or undermined a theme i was trying to set up.
important: I NEVER GET RID OF ANYTHING. a collection of, like, twenty to fifty thousand words has a file size of maybe, at the absolute most, half a mB? which is nothing. for reference: cumulatively i've written almost 700k of words that i can meaningfully measure (so in my google docs alone) and, assuming i have nothing else in there and it's just writing, i've used 3.5GB of 15GB of storage. (fun fact: google docs are not the only thing i keep on my google drive! i do huge spreadsheets, have old songs on there that i haven't deleted yet, and 2.66GB of that 3.5GB is a single recording of a radiohead glastonbury performance.)
that's almost 200 stories, averaging at well over 3k a piece (i've got averages, since i'm a bit of a data freak), totalling to less than one gigabyte in storage. the original version of in the dark is my largest document file at 72,551 words and 155 pages, and it is just shy of 750KB. trust me: you have space for every story you'll ever write and then some. never ever get rid of anything you write, because one day you'll be sorry.
i've reused countless old ideas for new ones. 'at the expense of the world' is half as old as i am (wouldn't you like to know) but i only found a way to express it in a way i liked earlier last year, wouldn't you know it. so, yeah, even when i completely turn a fic upside down and shake it out, i never ever get rid of even a single word. i always keep a copy of the complete original somewhere. and i suggest you do the same! you may find yourself recycling ideas later.
but that's my revision process, which is marginally more in-depth than my editing process will ever be. hope this was at least somewhat interesting.
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Good tidings, weebs.
Welcome to the Good, the Grand, and the Ugly.
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We're a fan driven anonymous submission/confession blog, dedicated to whatever discordant, belligerent opinions you have about your FGO blorbos, the game, the devs, or the fandom at large. We love FGO just as much as the next Type-Moon fan, but here, we believe a little hate is healthy for appropriately enjoying media. If you've ever encountered something related to FGO that makes you want to scalp someone, this blog is for you.
This blog is NOT related to grandorderconfessions in any way.
Underneath the cut, a recap of our rules will be available for mobile users.
Absolutely no bigoted comments talking about any aspect of a character’s identity, even if it’s “positive” (e.g., calling a brown/dark skinned character “choco”.) You will be blocked. This applies to the replies, as well as the submissions themselves.
No sexually charged confessions about underaged characters.
Adult characters that are child-like (Melusine, Chiyome, Hans, etc.) are allowed, but comments expressing discomfort over them being viewed in a sexual light are also allowed.
Criticisms of fandom are allowed, but no name-dropping people.
Criticisms of a specific subset of fans, such as fans of a certain character or characters, is allowed, but either keep the complaint simple and generic (e.g., "I can't stand Arcueid fans") or explain why you are bothered (e.g., "I think Saber fans are obnoxious because they misinterpret her character"). The onus needs to be on how YOU are being made to feel, as opposed to simply calling the fans shitty or brain-rotted.
Try to keep your confessions succinct. It’s fine if you want to take a character’s throbbing knot or see them impaled on ten swords, but don’t make it too detailed, and aim for under 200 words.
If you disagree with a post, do not send another confession talking about it.
Confessions will be put onto the images as-written, with spelling and grammar errors intact, but the alt-text will have spelling errors fixed.
We don't tag spoilers and spoilers will be posted, but in certain instances, like with Samurai Remnant, if a servant's true name is only revealed later in the story and they are referred to within the fandom with different titles (such as the servants in Samurai Remnant being named "remnant saber" or "remnant archer"), they will be tagged as such for convenience's sake.
We tag posts with characters for our own archival purposes. If you stumble on a submission while browsing a character's tag and find it to your distaste, we not only suggest, but encourage you block our blog. Any hate that we receive that is directed toward the blog itself will be deleted without engagement.
Adding to the above, we highly, HIGHLY insist that you BLOCK US if you dislike seeing our posts in a character's tag. We moderate not only the confessions we receive, but the replies on the posts. If we see consistent, negative comments from someone who SHOULD be blocking us but for whatever reason has NOT, we will do you the favor and block you ourselves.
We review confessions on a case-by-case basis and can make the decision to not post your confession. If we find your confession controversial enough, we may ask you to come off of anon to discuss with us privately.
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ikoodboy · 2 years
\\//_ Rough Guide _\\//
I take requests, but no smut for now (I respect others' wishes, therefore I won't post any smut 'til I become 18). You'll know when I take and when I don't take reqs based on the blog desc at the top.
You can also message me privately for whatever reason, like if you just wanna ask a simple question (eg: how's your req going) or want to be added to my tag list. I check Tumblr daily.
About Fanfiction requests (in no particular order):
I don't write fanfics about IRL people nor about movie characters (I'm referring to romantic fanfics only), unless the people in question had said that they don't mind it (eg. DreamNotFound, etc). Otherwise, it makes me uncomfortable.
If you have a request but you're not sure if I'll write it—just send it to me. I won't judge you or anything, but I will have the chance to decide whether or not I actually do it. You don't know if you don't try, eh?
I'm not asking for dictionary-level perfect grammar, just that you make sure your req's actually making sense and doesn't contradict itself.
LGBTQ+ themes are absolutely in, whether it's mlm, wlw, trans, nonbinary, aro, ace and so on. Just note that I might mess up, in which case; I wouldn't mind an advice or two from people with actual experience :).
Fanfics can be either Character x Character or Reader x Character (romantic or platonic). Can also be monologues with just one character, but I haven't tried that.
I'm slow and I often rewrite the same thing at least a couple times, so I don't promise daily updates. I try my best though.
If you're writing a scenario, eg. Reader is a yandere for Midoriya (MHA), how would he react to this?, please tell some plot. Otherwise you'll have to wait extra long for me to think of one.
If you don't know if I write for the fandom you have a request for, once again, just ask me. I'll answer with a simple no or yes.
If I write and post your request and you don't find it satisfying or feel like I could've done something differently please feel free to comment on the post, message me privately, whichever you feel most comfortable with. I'm asking this so that I don't repeat the same mistakes over and over again and to improve.
If you request something not very well known or something (like reader having a weapon from a not well-known mythology, etc) please write some sort of description that I can go off of and a vague plot to use. I did some reqs before and it happened a few times that I couldn't finish a req 'cause I couldn't find anything about it online. It was very frustrating. Plus I couldn't even ask for some sort of explanation 'cause the requester was anon.
You have every right to request and I have every right to refuse a request, that's a fair treatment. If you request anonymously I won't be able to tell you I rejected your request, but I will make a pinned post informing you guys of the works I'll do it's easy to know from then on.
Remaining anonymous is entirely your choice and I don't care about it. If it what makes you comfortable then—hey, me too! :)
Fandoms I write for (not all are listed)&(not in particular order):
— Fanfictions are stories retold with bigger-smaller changes from the original, for the purpose of entertainment. They're not all about smut and romance.
— Some of these I haven't finished watching/playing/reading and some of these I haven't even started watching yet, but I absolutely don't care about spoilers (they're literally what get me to start reading/watching) so just throw it at me. Major plot point, twist or character death? Give it to me! Lol But seriously, give me a small explanation/description if you're req involves something. :)
Haven't started = √
Haven't finished = #
# My Hero Academia
# Haikyuu
# Attack on Titan
Dauntless (not a popular one, but come on!! 😩)
√ Demon slayer
Seraph of the End
# Naruto & Boruto (Probably just AUs or filler fluff—I never finished it, but I like a lot of the characters and story, just not the way it was executed)
# Jujutsu Kaisen
√  Overwatch
√  Rainbow Six Siege
# That time I got reincarnated as a slime
# Minecraft (maybe for a crossover or something, idk. I'm just writing down everything that comes to mind)
# Ark Survival Evolved (I love dinos! 🥰)
Goblin slayer
Among Us (not complicated, so yay!)
√ Genshin Impact
Bungou Stray Dogs
Detroit Become Human
Original/ No Fandom
+ A bunch more that I just can’t remember right now. :’)
Name's Iksys (he/him). Kinda really questioning. :')
\\//_ About me _\\//
Know how ageless blogs are a nuisance, so here; I'm 17. There ya go, not hiding or lying. (9 months left for the blog to turn 18+)
Art student, introvert and a (not good) gamer. Deprived of energy and likes to learn languages; English is my second, currently learning Spanish, Korean and Japanese (focused on Spanish mostly). Native language's Hungarian.
Likes dark humor, stand up comedies, listening to music for hours every single day and watching videos. I also write fanfictions (but that one's pretty obvious) and I'm incredibly shy and awkward with strangers for the first few times. But I'm always happy to reply and I'm told it's nice to have a conversation with me 'cause I'm very open and don't degrade others for having different opinions than me.
I also very much suck at summaries, introductions and the likes.
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saetoru · 3 years
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please refrain from copying my theme or layouts. do not steal/save any of my dividers. i make/customize most of them myself and i make them for my usage purposes only so do not save anything directly from my blog. also do not use or copy my “minors do not interact” banners such as this:
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must be 18+. basic dni criteria. have an age in your bio before interacting or following—this blog engages with nsfw & dark content
do not recommend me on ANY platforms outside of tumblr especially tik tok. no translating my work anywhere. no reposting. no using for asmr content. no plagiarizing.
do not spam asks/my talking posts. writing is fine as long as you reblog too
do not comment criticism on my writing. i didn’t ask. you will be immediately blocked
i shit post and have a lot of non writing posts. please unfollow me if that bothers you
this blog is not spoiler free unless it’s a recently released chapter: then i will tag it with #(fandom) spoilers
do not interact if you are anti-aging up. end of discussion.
do NOT say slurs in my inbox, bring up things about politics or religion, ask me personal questions, or vent to me about your personal things
do not bring up topics such as rape, suicide, self harm, pedophilia, eating disorders, depression, etc.
please do not call me bitch, slut, hoe, whore, etc. even if it’s affectionate unless we’re close. please do not playfully curse me out unless we are friends. i just ask you don’t get too comfortable unless we’re close or else it feels weird
my dm’s are set so that only people i follow can dm me. if you have something important to tell me privately but i don’t follow you, reach out to me through my ask box and indicate you’d like for this to be kept between us and tell me the issue you’d like to discuss. i will either answer privately or dm you myself
do not ask to be mutuals ; do not ask why if i break the mutual. i soft block to break the mutual, i hard block if you’ve made me uncomfortable
if you have been blocked, it can be for a number of reasons such as tag abuse, no age in your bio, posting problematic stances on dash, making me personally uncomfortable through an interaction, etc. if you suspect i have blocked you because you didn’t have your age in your bio, and you have since then remedied that, feel free to send an anon ask and let me know your url and that you’ve added an age. if that was the reason why i blocked, then i’ll happily unblock you (i wont post the ask don’t worry.) if that was not why, i will not unblock you and simply ignore your ask—please refrain from further reaching out if that is the case.
i try my best to answer asks and i do enjoy / appreciate interactions. that being said, i do get drained / busy often, and answering asks can be difficult for me so please be patient and please don’t rush / send the same ask multiple times. if i don’t end up answering it’s probably bc my asks have piled up and i’ve deleted old ones, i do apologize if that happens to yours i’m trying my best :,)
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i do not take requests, but you can always leave thirsts in my inbox and if i’m inspired i’ll write a drabble on it. but again, i do not take requests for plots/scenarios
things that i won’t write for include: eating disorders, mental health, sacrilege, daddy kink, scat, vore, vomit, feet, lactation, noncon, and possibly more i’ll add along the way
if you’re actually reading my rules and not just skipping to the bottom—to find my masterlist, go to my pinned post and click “onlyfans”
do not ask me to specify the appearance of reader. i write gender neutral only for sfw works (unless it involves pregnancy) so don't suggest for gender to be specified. for nsfw works, it will vary between fem! reader and afab! reader most of the time, but it may occasionally be gender neutral
i do not have a post schedule, just when i find the time nor do i have a taglist
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
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Imagine: Comforting your old rival Yelena at Natasha’s grave
Requested by anon
You spotted her standing there, peering down at the grave. No matter how many times you had fought her and almost dreaded her presence, that sight saddened you. You cautiously walked up to her. Knowing Yelena, you felt like she had noticed your presence already. In any case, the only hint she gave you was a look from the corner of her eye. 
“It’s good to see you when we’re not trying to kill each other” You muttered, trying to break the ice as you positioned yourself beside her. 
“What are you doing here?” Yelena dryly asked, not looking at you.
“I heard what happened, and I figured you’d be here”
“That doesn’t answer my question” 
“Look, it’s been years since we were enemies” You began, completely turning to be facing her. She only continued to watch you with the corner of her eye. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss” 
Yelena didn’t move for a moment. In the end, though, she smiled a little and finally looked at you. 
“Thank you” She simply told you, hiding her watery eyes by looking up ahead, to Natasha’s grave once more. 
You reached out to pat her arm, but ultimately didn’t. With all your history, yours was a complicated relationship, but now that she wasn’t a Widow anymore and that you didn’t have a reason to fight, maybe it could change. Overall, you wanted to keep her from doing something she might regret.
“I heard about Barton” You piped up, saying what had been burning in your tongue. 
Yelena whipped her head to peer at you. Her brows were furrowed. 
“Then you know why I must find him” Her tears, frozen in her eyes, seemed to change from sad to angry.
“I know the Avengers, and I know Barton” You gravely said, locking eyes with her. “He would never hurt Natasha” 
“He can explain himself when we’re face to face” You held gazes for a moment, both of you adamant on your determination. In the end, knowing you were stubborn enough not to back down, Yelena sighed. “You’re welcome to join me if you’re so worried about it”
Reblogs and comments are appreciated!! // Masterlist
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @fandomxreaders​ /  @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @spilled-almond-milk​ / @elllie-does-the-posts​ / @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader​ / @fortheloveofbenyandtom​ / @suenami3​ / @caswinchester2000​ / @bitchingpretty​ / @lookinsidemyhead​ / @danietoww04​ / @locke-writes​ / @trunks-kiwi​ / @andreasworlsboring101​ / @goldenhoney-cas​ / @sinister-sleep​ / @lxncelot​ / @its-just-kit​ / @anxiouslyreckless​ / @qtmeryr​ / @captainshazamerica​ / @24-stilinski​ / @okay-j-hannah​ / @under-the-clouds​ / @everyday-imfangirling​ / @timeladygallifrey​ / @swanimagines​ / @imaginationismykingdom​ / @hhmmmmmmmm​ / @zoeyserpentluck​ / @sitherin-mxschief​ // Send an ask if you want to be added to the tag list for this fandom!
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