#(at least in comparison to other games. others say it's fine on its own it just made some weird changes to standard game features)
there's a new nancy drew game in development and i'm not smart enough or invested enough to piece together any of the clues but i loooooove seeing the nancy drew board lose their minds over it
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 months
I want to talk about Crimson Flower and 3H as a narrative
So... after FE3H discourse makes the round every other week, I end up thinking about it for a bit until I realize, hey maybe its better to not focus on a 4 year old game at this point and occupy your time with something else. Everything has basically been said about it at this point and you know where you land.
But this time my thoughts were just getting too strong for me to ignore, so that's why I'm writing this both get it out of my system and maybe just be another voice in the crowd that some people might want to listen to on the divisive topic that is Crimson Flower route.
Now I really hate that I have to put this disclaimer up front, but I feel like the well of this discussion has become so poisoned that I have to before I make my piece. I want to say that if you enjoy Crimson Flower, if you love Edelgard and believe she did nothing wrong and this is the right route, if you are a Black Eagles stan and you genuinely do not have any issues with Crimson Flower route as a whole-that is perfectly fine.
This will be a somewhat critical examination of the narrative choices about the execution of CF, which I feel like whenever 3H, specifically Edelgard is discussed, there is often very disingenuous arguments people make. Which I believe can create more defensive fans of a particular aspect of a story that we should be able to criticize freely. Which perpetuates this never ending cycle of discourse of legit criticism and defense against that criticism becomes drowned out by trying to decouple these very disingenuous claims from legitimate flaws. So I at least want to make it known that I am going to try my best to be in good faith with this post about this tricky subject.
I also want to just say, this is also going to be mostly an examination of narrative. The thing that I personally enjoy the most in an FE game, but we need to genuinely acknowledge that narrative isn't the only reason why people may like Fire Emblem. The ability to form parasocial relationships with fictional characters and being able to experience something the genuinely brings you emotional fulfillment is not invalid. Being able to enjoy fighting against establishments or ideologies you in the real world disagree with through the experience of a video game is not invalid. The same way someone who plays this game for the experience of gameplay isn't invalid when their primary enjoyment stems from the actual mechanics rather than the "logistics" of the story. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone will engage in media in different ways and will enjoy it other ways and that you don't want to invalidate those feelings someone had with their personal experience. So this is going to be about me and my experience as someone who primarily enjoys narrative.
I am just one guy with opinions who is going to layout what I had an issue with and how I think for me that could've been improved upon. You don't have to agree with me on that, and I'm not saying my way is legitimately better. This is all opinionated.
Buckle this is a long one
First things first Im gonna say Im not going to be using any information given in Three Hopes that may contradict what Im about to say. As in my opinion Three Houses came first and does not include the content from Three Hopes so I should think that Three Houses can stand on its own merits and the content that was provided.
Next thing is I want to catch people up on what in my opinion are the points I think CF did for me that ultimately left me unsatisfied
The post time skip Fodlan was too different and felt contradictory to Byleth's role
Edelgard's Characterization in CF in comparison to the other lord's in their respected routes
The role of Rhea
The role of Those who Slither in the Dark
SO the first thing is probably the thing I'm mostly going to have to defend if I haven't lost you already, but Fire Emblem Three Houses as a narrative provides us with a five year time skip in the game that depending on the route will change who is control of the monastery at this point in the war, with each route providing a lord the chance the forge their campaign. However, something I don't think is brought up enough is talking about the liberties that CF takes with their time skip vs the other three routes. Azure Moon, Verdant Wind, and Silver snow all paint a post five years Fodlan as one where the monastery territory has been abandoned, Rhea has been captured, the Alliance territory is split between an imperialist faction and an anti imperialism faction, and the Kingdom has been split with Cornelia making an alliance with the Empire to create the Dukedom of Faerghus as the houses of Gautier and Faldarius hold up the Kingdom.
There are obviously minor changes like Dimitri camping out in the monastery in Azure Moon rather than in the care of Kingdom Allies, but for the most part there is a consistently defined world between the three routes. However, Crimson Flower's post Fodlan is much different. With a grid locked Fodlan after five years with just the church territory falling under the control of Adrestia, Rhea wasn't captured and instead made it to Faerghus, The Alliance is still feuding amongst itself, but most importantly than all, Faerghus is a complete kingdom with Dimitri as King and no Cornelia's Dukedom.
So there are two main reasons why this bothers me.
The first is that Three Houses as a game wants to present you with three options at first, with the idea that your choices will effect the outcome of the war when Byleth returns, however there's enough consistency to imply that this is what Fodlan would be like regardless of whose House you would join, with the primary effect being your class making it to the church for the festival which in turn will make the monastery your new territory for which route. However, Crimson Flower decides to do away with the consistency, implying that the effect Byleth had on the situation is far greater than that of any other route resulting in a drastically shifted Fodlan. So this is more of a problem with FE3H as a whole with the consistency of choice. Fire Emblem has never really had a BioWare style choose your own adventure type of game. There's only one real choice you're given in the case of 3H and that's which house you side with, which you are essentially locked into. Black Eagles is really the only route that offers a choice beyond that with choosing to side with Edelgard or Rhea which will effect who the class sides with in the time skip. The reason I bring this up is that it essentially means that you the player are for the most part on rails for a predetermined plot where all the choices for the series have already been made. So the Fodlan post five years being consistent makes some sense as essentially mostly everything that happened in White Clouds was the same with the acceptation of the class. However, the Crimson Flower one not being consistent and being so radically different based on a game with so minimal choice feels more like an act of narrative convenience. That this is what happened because of a writer fully independent from me the player had decided that this is how Fodlan shall be for this story because it fits what they want to tell.
Somewhere I had once read that FE3H shouldn't be treated as one story, but since its a bunch of routes they're all a different universe. Everything might look the same but everything is fundamentally altered that you should accept it as an independent universe. And I can't necessarily say that's wrong as the concept of multiverses is to create a world/scenario that allows to explore familiar characters in unfamiliar settings and you could say that Byleth effect on Edelgard in picking this universe was just so much greater that it would result in such a different universe.
I personally disagree with that which brings me to my second point as I believe this one is going to be a more philosophical point on game design. But I feel like the effort to make three routes so consistent with each other with one so different seems to deliberately undercut the core themes of the game. Offering you a choice that this is who you get to spend your happy schools days with and it is what is going to result in them returning to the monastery one the day of your return. That is the true effect of Byleth on the characters. But as you play through white clouds you can't change what happens to other characters which will result in a brand new scenario. Byleth's presence can never stop Dimitri from going blood mad, Byleth's presence can't stop Claude from discovering the Immaculate One research, and Byleths presence can't stop Edelgard from declaring war. And that is a good thing for this type of on rails route story. Byleth while a player insert who can help their lord in the future, right now everyone is on a path that Byleth can only lightly change. With the characters acting independently of what Byleth and the player desire. And the post time skip Fodlan is a sign of that. Its Five Years without Byleth. This is what these characters would do, that they were always capable of doing and that is why Byleth's return and effect on them is important. This also gives us the ability to observe what a lord is like now after the war, and Byleth's effect on them but also see what a character could be like without that Byleth effect on them. Without Byleth Dimitri stays mad, without Byleth Claude always flees Fodlan, without Byeth Edelgard... well lets put a pin in that.
The only other true choice the player can make beyond the initial one is the side with Edelgard or Rhea which radically alters her. Which honestly feels kinda defeating in a game that has locked Byleth so much on a path and the one time it can deviate actively alters everything. It just feels very hollow as there are parts that make you realize how great the effect Byleth could have on people's lives could be if the game actively wanted to integrate choice with the plot. But it didn't. It wants to make one early choice then lock you in that route for several chapters then remove Byleth and then have their return effect real change on the future of Fodlan. Except for this one route. Its why Crimson Flower feels so much like an asterisk compared to the other route. And I don't just mean the lack of chapters, but this feels like a route that can only exist because it was the one that the developers bothered to create something overly deviating from everything else.
Which brings us to Edelgard's role in Crimson Flower as a whole. Now lets just get this out of the way. Im not going to be talking at all on the morality/realistic implications of what Edelgard is doing. I feel like the "Is she a fascist/authoritarian" conversation is not really helpful to talking about FE3H as a work of narrative and mostly exists to create a bunch of petty beef. This is also not going to be a deconstruction of ever minute detail of Edelgard as a character. This is an examination of her as a character in the narrative that we are presented. This will also involve comparison's to Edelgard and other series lords and I want it to be known that this is not a talking down to the only female lord in the game as being something "lesser" than her male contemporaries. I believe there is genuinely sexism when discussing Edelgard as a character, so I want to say that I am approaching Crimson Flower and Three Houses as a whole in a good conscious that there is not a "right route." That this is a game that where all choices have their pros and their cons. Because that's why we like this entry, right? That 3H would provide us some genuinely complex lords who were all capable of doing great and terrible things regardless of gender?
That's why I had such a long winded discussion about why the change in the post time skip Fodlan is so important both for narrative consistency, but also just generally keeping with the tone, but also it reinforced that Fodlan and its lords while all righteous in their own way can be dangers in their own way. Well that's when I return to the pin about Edelgard. So first I want to go through how the lords are characterized in non devoted routes.
Dimitri in non AZ routes is portrayed as someone so damaged by loss that his who response is to avenge and fight. To never stop making those pay for the damage it has brought on his kingdom as well as any lives lost during the tragedies in places like Duscar and Remire.
Claude in non VW routes is portrayed as a brilliant individual with a lot of charm but seems to be hiding something from everyone. He's a lot smarter than one could assume and that he has some mysterious tie to the kingdom of Almyra that he departs after leaving his land to the stronger kingdom that has come so far, be it Dimitri or Edelgard or the Church.
Edelgard in non CF routes is portrayed as a conspirator to overthrow not only the church but all rule in Fodlan as she believes the Crest based system is flawed and that the only way to enact systemic change is through a single rule. And while she is aware her ideals have costs, she believes that those costs are worth it when weighed against perpetuity of the crest system.
Now I want to talk about what happens to those lords as you play them in their routes.
Dimitri in AZ is portrayed as someone burdened by loss and his quest for vengeance has led to a neglect for his own health and his own actions. That his kill everyone attitude will perpetuate more loss of those he loves and that he needs to learn to rely upon others. That is his true responsibility as king.
Claude in VW is portrayed as an individual who is outside of Fodlan's system who has observed it more as a third party and believes it can be a great place if people work through diplomatically. He too is not a fan of inequality and racism and wishes to make a Fodlan that is more accepting and able to work through negotiation. While he still leaves Fodlan at the end, this time he has been able to implement real systemic change and make one that is sustainable beyond that of a ruler.
In CF we find out that Edelgard is a traumatized girl who was experimented on for the purposes of Crest Research. This makes her a conspirator to overthrow not only the church but all rule in Fodlan as she believes the Crest based system is flawed and that the only way to enact systemic change is through a single rule. And while she is aware her ideals have costs, she believes that those costs are worth it when weighed against perpetuity of the crest system.
Hey wait a minute, that's the same?
So this is where I get to the most glaring flaw for me in this case of narrative and why I think altering the post time skip so much did a lot of damage. Edelgard is a good character and a fascinating one, but in the practice of her narrative, her character journey in her own route isn't like the other lords. Rather she is "right" from the start of the time skip and with the world altering in ways to justify why she is that way.
Now look, I know right now someone could be saying I can't read, that its clearly stated in the text that Edelgard says without Byleth she may have turned into a complete monster to see her goals through to the end. This is referring to how in non CF routes she is on the backfoot getting beaten back and forced to take more drastic measures as whoever Byleth comes closer to ending her ideals. Unlike Dimitri or Claude there's not really a psychological arc she is working through with her sociological arc. Dimitri's arc is almost entirely hinged on him as a character changing in his route. And while Claude the character is also mostly the same, you get an understanding of how his continued participation in Fodlan's politics is so important as he effects sociological change. Claude also does the less stuff that could be considered questionable in Fodlan. He neither initiates the war nor does he intimate greater conflict that is tied into a character arc like Dimitri. Claude action's through the war are mostly to keep the Alliance fighting against each other with avoids giving one side a greater advantage. The truth is Claude real "flaw" is that by being an Almyra he is from a race outside of Fodlan that is inherently untrustworthy in society so his continued prescience in his expanded campaign is done with changing that mentality.
Now one could look at everything I said about Claude and say "well isn't that Edelgard though? She's not the one who needs to change but rather society needs to and this is you making it a fruition?" And I would agree however, then why did post time skip need to change and not Edelgard? So going back to the altered Fodlan, the Fodlan post time skip we see in non CF routes has what can be argued Edelgard's biggest moment of political conquest, making an alliance with Cornelia inside of Faerghus using her authority and influence to expand and bring over a chunk of the kingdom underneath Edelgard's wing. And this makes sense with what has been proposed before us-Edelgard had released a manifesto to lords that would side with her and become her allies in the war to come. This act of subversion is something that benefits her goals for conquering all of Fodlan. However, this is one of the key alterations in CF's time skip. Faerghus is not broken in half, with Edelgard having not empowered Cornelia over the five years. In fact, you do battle with Cornelia with her as a kingdom general.
So if Edelgard isn't a character who is subject to change, why did the world change? Well there is speculation in universe that perhaps Rhea fleeing to Faerghus didn't give her the ability. But I do believe the most likely reason is that narratively the writers of 3H wanted to avoid a scenario where while Byleth was gone Edlegard may have empowered and individual like Cornelia. One of the most objectively evil characters in the game. Now I won't go into to detail if I believe Edelgard knew Cornelia was a TWSITD or not, but as it is presented to us, she seems unaware. Instead I'll focus on the primary point is where they don't want to discuss that while in her route Edelgard was capable of doing something that would potentially cast her in such a negative light. After all, the point of her campaign is the while the bloodshed is worth it to make a new Fodlan free of crests, she's willing to show lenency to those who bend the knee. Again, an action not unreasonable for her character. However, I feel like this not happening in CF genuinely robs us from exploring the flaws of Edelgard's path/showing us what Byleth's effect on her truly is.
This is compounded by my issues with how CF is the only route in which you have an active choice beyond class. That by choosing to side with Edelgard when given the option in the tomb would result in this much radical history alteration. But also all of Byleth's effect on her not being as much conqueror over the last 5 years was all done pre time skip. That all that change was done at that moment rather than being something that prompted her to return to Garreg Mach where they'd remeet Byleth and then that would get them to claim it as a base of oppositions in their future war. In CF, Garreg Mach is already claimed rather than the formation of the Dukedom with no real progress. So it makes it seem as though Byleth's real effect on altering this lord's path was always possible in the short time they knew them before disappearing over five years. Of course this is again a bit miffling given that CF is the only route this is a possibility. We can't Change how Dimitri will act in the pre time skip. That he will make choices without Byleth even if they feel urged to remeet at Garreg Mach. But in the case of CF, Edelgard has apparently been changed despite the only real difference in white clouds fighting beside her in the tomb and against the church pre timeskip. But that has sociologically altered so much of Fodlan.
And maybe you genuinely believe that one extra change is enough. Perhaps that one extra choice is enough justification for such a radically new scenario. For me personally, I find that unsatisfying and feels more like the writers traded in a level of consistency for this new scenario that greater justified being on the side of someone who is portrayed as a more active antagonistic force in other routes (Reminder this not me saying the Empire route is an antagonist route. All routes are antagonistic relative to which side you are on).
This is where we get my first what I would've done to make it more narratively satisfying for me. Keep the same post time skip Fodlan as the other routes. Keep Edelgard having brokered a deal with Cornelia to establish the Dukedom and have Byleth find out about it. Be some that either Byleth or another character close to Edelgard questions the extremity of. Then have Cornelia do something evil like she's experimenting on people for TWSITD or maybe she's just abusing the power. Then have Edelgard clean it up. Have Edelgard realize that while she still wants to make her dream of a crestless Fodlan a reality she can't just back lords or nobles that are willing to go along with her for more power. She can still keep the Dukedom territory, but instead she'd be now more understanding what it means for there to be a ruler with a noble soul. So she continues her campaign of conquest but has realized that if she's going to be emperor, she can't just empower people arbitrarily.
In my opinion this not only would tie together some more TWSITD plot while also paralleling it to Edelgard's past and how there was no authority figure to step in and help her all those years ago. But now she is that authority figure. And while it doesn't call her method in question and like Dimitri and Claude she can continue her expanded influence over Fodlan, but now we actively see that Byleth has helped show her that her allies aren't just those pledging loyalty, she actually needs to empower those who are good. She gets to have her fight with Cornelia level and this won't stop her from killing Dimitri in the future.
Like I said, this is what I'd do. And in my opinion it would give Byleth's presence in CF more purpose beyond the bond with Edelgard is nice and fun. But also stay consistent with each route. Showing that there are flaws in Edelgard's sociological plan, but not undercutting what her actual goal is. You can still believe her quest is just and the only right one with her taking an active role in not making the mistakes she perceives Rhea as doing.
And if you are still with me up to my third point, lets talk about Rhea.
So Rhea as a character can best be described as a neutral evil throughout White Clouds. She doesn't really do anything but there is a lot of ominous foreshowing and presentation that Rhea may be up to something or at the very least complicit with many of her policies and tendencies. And when I say "evil" I don't mean she's bad (please don't skewer me Rhea fans). I mean that if the crest system is flawed and the church is emblematic of the systems maintenance of that flawed system. Then Rhea as the face/founder/head of that church bares some responsibility even if all she does is passive.
In all other routes, Rhea is captured by the Empire. Imprisoned in their capital. Anytime she is seen after she is characterized as somewhat docile or defeated, having been imprisoned for so long. VW goes a step farther to reveal what she did as Seiros and all of her actions leading to this point presumably all thanks to be imprisoned and rethinking her life over. CF is the only one Rhea is allowed to be an active player, she is now portrayed a ranting self righteous warrior priest who swears vengeance upon Byleth for being the reincarnation of her mother but not being a proper vessel as she intended and fighting against her. Naturally, if Byleth being the potential for the reincarnation of Sothis siding against her is what her drives her mad, that is believable, however much like the altered Fodlan Rhea in this version is not captured. This is now for Rhea to serve as Edelgard's true climatic opponent. With her symbolically killing the representation of the church and the power of crests being slain by Byleth and Edelgard. Its very poetic. But once again we reach my issue of the time skip altering so much in CF.
As stated before, Rhea was presented as a neutral evil, in doing so she's not really a direct antagonist in any route. Except of course Silver Snow. Where she is deployed as a weapon against Byleth. In this case killing the immaculate one symbolically is cleansing the church of Rhea and allowing it to pass into the hands of the new archbishop. However, Rhea in that fight is under control. Rather than be conscious as an opponent, they make her more of a beast without choice. Thus making this less a flawed character meeting their end and rather a forced confrontation by the evil cult of evil. Now Rhea I think being kept a neutral party was ultimately a good choice. We are given enough about her to understand she has done things questionable and should possibly not hold the authority she has. But she also has not instigated any open any hostility. As such Rhea is more a symbolic player. By making her an active player, CF has to make Rhea more domino and more a threat. She can't portray constant neutrality in a war. But by making her the active antagonist, it makes her less of a symbol and more if just a rotten character who Edelgard is justified in wanting dead. And much like Cornelia and the Dukedom, this alteration comes off as an attempt by the writers to never truly challenge Edelgard's plans for Fodlan. That Edelgard has no flaws in her plan and the bloodshed is beyond justified more than just philosophically. Had Edelgard captured Rhea in CF this would lead to some genuinely uncomfortable questions of keeping her a prisoner. And to 3H's credit they were actually willing to make the player uncomfortable already in Dimitri's route showing him as a mass murderer. Once again, I want to express this isn't me saying Edelgard's quest or goals are wrong and the plot should undermine it. This is me saying that for a game that wants to genuinely have nuanced and uncomfortable political choices made by their character, this is the route where they opt to alter the scenario so that Edelgard is the most justified and does less things that one could find objectionable. Flattening a lot of interesting implications this would raise and what Byleth as a force in this route could possibly able to influence.
Now one could again say, well the reason Rhea wasn't captured because Edelgard didn't use crest beasts this time. Edelgard not using crest beasts is a sign Byleth is changing her and thus that greatly alters the future. Once again, I can see that as understandable justification, but again, my issue off only ever being able to effect this lord pre time skip comes in again. If it was possible to get Edelgard to not use crest beasts, then how come it wasn't possible for me to get Claude to have Almyra support? How come I couldn't stop Dimitri before the war? The answer is again as a game the only other narrative choice that could possibly alter the story happens in CF which is the side with Edelgard in tombs choice. And while I'm not against the idea of angry pope Rhea, but I feel making her CF's full on antagonist was almost making a straw man antagonist for your opposition.
As an aside we also know Arundel is still on Edelgard's side and he is Thales so while she might not know his entire deal, I hesitate to imagine he'd stop using crest beasts in the war over the two years Byleth was gone.
If I was going to once again alter CF to be something I would personally find more satisfying. Have Rhea captured and then have Arundel use the same rage stuff he uses on her Silver Snow. This way you can facilitate an Edelgard vs TWSITD conflict AND you still get your symbolic victory of Edelgard and Byleth killing the symbol of the crests and church. Again, Edelgard is able to do what she wanted to originally, but now we are also confronted with the role TWSITD did play in her life and allowing her to rectify it as well as truly killing the old world by getting rid of Rhea and Thales.
And final point TWSITD. TWSITD are bad. They've always been bad. And they genuinely damage the overall story of CF because this is beyond just a narrative choice, its very clear CF as a story wasn't complete. I feel confident in saying that given the numerous chapters missing compared to the other routes, but also the epilogue needs to say "Oh yeah there was totally a bunch of war against them. Totally." I know this point is probably the least controversial when talking about CF, but I still think its a glaring flaw.
So what's the tl;dr?
This is not an "I hate Crimson Flower or Edelgard post" I genuinely have no interest in debating people about characters that like or enjoy. Nor did I want to turn this into a moral argument about the implication CF. I feel like these topics do real damage to any real criticisms one can have for CF as a narrative.
Which for me, CF as a route fails to really mesh with the rest of 3H as a whole. It feels like it takes a lot of narrative ways out to avoid potentially making their lord seem objectionable, despite much of this game wanting to be about how tragically flawed everyone is. Im not saying Edelgard needed a come to Jesus moment of "Are we the bad guys?" No absolutely not. In my opinion we just lack seeing Edelgard change the same way post time skip as others have due to creating an entirely brand new setting that keeping her as a mostly the same character is not questionable. Nor does she have to do anything that could truly be seen as flawed. Things that Byleth's influence may overcome.
Edelgard is a good character and her goals are understandable. I just personally find the narrative bending to accommodate her in ways so different from the other time skips genuinely make it a weaker narrative for me.
If you enjoy CF as it it. More power to you. Please keep loving CF. This isn't supposed to be a dissuading post. This is merely me as one guy who likes a lot of FE because of the stories it can tell sharing why he personally didn't enjoy this one. Maybe I helped put it words for some who might feel similar. But this is just my opinion
If you have something you'd like to add or reply in the replies or tags please flee free, but for the love god, please be cordial about it. There is so much toxicity and disingenuous takes around Fire Emblem Crimson Flower and Edelgard and Rhea in general, that I would like for us to please be able to talk about this in good faith.
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wfagamerants · 7 months
I’ve always been fascinated by the rival system in Mario Kart and was curious to see how many choices made have an origin we can point to, across all four games to use this system.
In the first two games, I’ll only cover the Top 3 rivals, since those are the ones really meant to compete with the player and they feel the most thought through.
Super Mario Kart is the earliest game in the series, but even for that, it’s choice for the rivals feels remarkably sound for the most part:
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Mario’s an easy one. DK Jr. lines up, given Mario’s history with the Kongs by that point and both Peach and Yoshi are closely tied to him. It tracks.
Luigi also works well. Yoshi did basically compete with Luigi for the role of Mario’s main sidekick during the 90s, due to Yoshi’s break-out status and both Mario and Bowser are easy choices.
Peach also is an easy one, with the exact three characters closest to her on the roster, being her rivals.
Yoshi is a bit odder. Koopa as his main rival does track, given Yoshi had a much more Koopa-like design during conceptual stages and Peach is at least a friend of his, but Jr is pretty random.
Bowser has a basically perfectly logical rival selection, all characters he directly antagonizes.
Jr I got honestly nothing for. Bowser does make sense; they share a weight class, but Toad and Koopa have no ties to him. At most they can be described as usually being fellow small guys, but SMK does disguise that, due to Jr being scaled up.
Koopa’s Is weird. Luigi and Yoshi did at least directly fight his species at that point, but the lack of Mario and Bowser, who have more ties to him, is odd.
Toad mostly lines up, with Peach and Mario, but Jr once again, is the odd one out.
Super Circuit by comparison feels a bit more out there with its picks. Maybe because Intelligent Systems worked on it, but it does feel a bit random in areas:
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Mario’s lines up fine enough, though Wario in third would have made it a more cohesive rival line-up.
Luigi’s is strange. Wario as his main rival I can really only explain with Wario being sometimes portrayed as picking on him during that time, like the Mario Party 1 and 4 intros. Toad and Yoshi are more easily connected, as fellow friends and sidekicks of Mario.
Peach lines up fine enough with Bowser and Luigi is a fitting candidate too, but DK over Mario or Toad is odd, though you could say he was chosen since Pauline’s original design with blonde hair and a pink dress, is a close match for Peach.
Toad’s is fine, all characters he is befriended with and who aid Mario like him.
Same deal with Yoshi, though Mario not being in his Top 3 is curious.
DK’s selection, apart from fellow heavy weight Bowser, I don’t see much of a connection in.
Wario has his fellow heavies as his main rivals and then Yoshi as an odd one out.
Bowser has fellow heavy DK as a bit of a surprising main rival, but it lines up and Peach and Mario are both obvious choices.
Mario Kart 7 feels a lot more thought out across the board again and even has a interesting Third Rival system, with another character taking over if one of the rivals hasn’t been unlocked yet:
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Mario’s selection is business as usual, with Metal Mario now as the other character, due to being presented as a rival in one bio, makes sense.
Luigi’s is also pretty much what you’d expect from him.
Peach meanwhile is weird. Toad is relegated to third rival status, while neither Lakitu nor DK have strong ties to her.
Yoshi makes decent sense. Toad’s a pal, Wiggler a mook that also appears in Yoshi’s Island and DK. is more out there, but a fellow animal character with his own series, sure, it works.
Bowser is relatively business as usual, though Rosalina instead of Peach is interesting. Not out of nowhere though, since he did directly antagonize her in the Galaxy games too.
DK has fellow strong guy with his own series Wario as a rival, which is perfect and Bowser as another tough guy to serve as a rival once more, also tracks. Got nothing for Koopa though, save for a possible callback to SMK, since the starting roster is a nod to it, with DK in Jr’s place.
Toad has Peach and Koopa, someone he has been grouped with as a host and partner in Mario Party before, both track. Rosalina is more out there, but does make sense since Galaxy connects them and Rosalina’s Ice World even has the Red Starshroom. Helps this was before claims Captain is a different character, which were never reflected in the games anyways and are now being backtracked on hard.
Koopa has a fellow mook in Shy Guy and two of his SMK rivals, makes sense.
Daisy has a fairly typical selection with Peach and Luigi. Wario also makes a surprising amount of sense, since both originate from the Super Mario Land games and were created by the same division.
Metal Mario faces off against fellow heavies and Mario, fair enough.
Wario has the Mario Bros and no third rival, since both are default characters. Mario is expected, Luigi remains out there, especially by this point, with them not really interacting anymore, but 64 DS did give them a little more connection to work with.
Rosalina has fellow Galaxy character Honey Queen and Toad, it lines up. So does Peach, they may not have much of a connection now, but were meant to in conceptual stages of Galay, so that tracks.
Shy Guy has Toad, a playable character in his debut game and two fellow mooks, makes sense.
Honey Queen is the most out there, with no specific connection to any of her rivals, besides sharing a weight class with Metal Mario.
Wiggler does get connected to Shy Guy and Yoshi via Yoshi’s Island and is usually a species working for Bowser. Nothing out there here.
Lakitu like with Honey Queen, I struggle to find any connections with. Mario is the closest it gets, being the main character and this most frequent force against his species.
The Miis seem to follow a pattern, especially with the main and female characters in the third rival slots. Yoshi instead of Daisy or Honey Queen as a Female Mii rival throws it off a bit though.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe completes that pattern, with a selection that feels thought out almost entirely across the board:
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Mario is the same usuals.
Luigi is also exactly what you’d expect.
Peach has Toad who is expected and DK once more, just seems like a MK tradition by now.
Daisy has Peach, an expected choice and Waluigi, who she does have a long spin-off history with. I doubt Nintendo internally groups characters like that, but they did join the spin-offs at the same time, most notably Mario Party 3, as the only two newcomers of the title.
Yoshi has Toad and DK, I am assuming the same connections again.
Toad has Koopa we already covered and oddly, Waluigi. My guess is he was just chosen as a bit of a bully character, like Wario for Luigi, but the two do have some history via the Rain Shower animation in Game & Watch Gallery 4 and DDR Mario Mix.
Koopa has Yoshi and Toad, once more, assuming the same possible connections.
Shy Guy, the main mook of the Yoshi’s Island games, has Yoshi. It more than tracks.
Baby Mario, Luigi, Peach and Daisy have all the babies you’d most expect for them and BM also has Bowser Jr, as a good Baby Bowser stand-in.
Wario has Mario, his main rival and fellow Super Mario Land series veteran Daisy. Perfect.
Waluigi has Luigi and oddly, Toadette. Probably just due to them being partners to another character.
DK has fellow strong heavies Bowser and Wario.
Bowser has the Mario Bros, once more an obvious choice.
The Koopalings mostly have each other as rivals, except for Wendy, who has Peach and Daisy, which I do like. Subtly characterizing her as that spoiled brat who antagonizes other girls.
The Inklings have each other and the Villagers and Isabelle have each other too. Link as a solo rep without anyone else from his series meanwhile, lacks a rival.
Rosalina now has Toad as her sole rival and I stick with the Galaxy connection.
Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach have each other. Fair enough.
Birdo has Yoshi, her main spin-off partner, makes plenty of sense.
Lakitu lacks a rival. He’s just chill.
My best guess for Toadette having Yoshi as a rival would be them being grouped together in the Double Dash ending pic. Wario meanwhile may be a direct callback to their Mario Party team names, implying them to be friends.
King Boo and Petey have each other, being old Double Dash partners and retaining good chemistry in the Baseball games.
Baby Rosalina has Toadette. I got nothing for that one.
Metal Mario and Pink Gold Peach have each other. That works.
Wiggler sticks to the Yoshi’s Island connection, with Yoshi and Shy Guy.
Dry Bones has both his living counterpart and Dry Bowser, while Dry Bowser has Dry Bones. Simple and logical.
Bowser Jr has his mama, except not really, Peach as a rival.
Kamek deals with Jr as a rival, which just keeps fitting more and more, especially after Jr’s Journey.
Peachette, being Toadette in a different form, has the same rivals, Yoshi and Wario.
Diddy, Funky and Pauline all have DK as their sole rival and it makes sense in all three cases.
The Miis meanwhile have no rival this time.
It's hard to say how intentional some of these are, but there is a lot of neat stuff in there, that makes the choices made feel deliberate and it adds just a tiny bit of extra flavor.
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frost-felon · 6 months
221 was mostly fine, and 222 was a valley of highs and lows for me. 222 is perhaps one of the chapters that suffers the most from Gege's hardcuts. I would go from, "Are we actually gonna get a better understanding of Kenny's relationship to Tengen?" to 'I love Ino, I hope he has at least a single line of dialogue.' to "'Regulations'. Are these 'higher-ups' or this 'Jujutsu Headquarters' in the room with us right now?" to bemoaning the timeskip, etc, etc.
I'm glad we got some character moments, but knowing that moments like these can't properly stand on their own weight stings. That is, the depth of each character is often held back. I noticed it particularly hard with Maki, whose actions are hard to discern (in comparison to, say, how she acted at her introduction, months prior in the story's timeframe) based on what we're given. The panel I'm discussing, for reference:
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As told to some of my friends: "Is she making a light-hearted comment because she's grown fonder of Gojo? Because she's uneasy? Because she wants to lighten the mood? Is she conscious that she's still giving Gojo more credit than she did months ago?
"It's a change from how Maki acted earlier in the story, sure, but not one I can point to with analysis to her character or how her relationship to Gojo has (or hasn't) changed. It's just there."
I am factoring in how Perfect Preparation changed her, her discussions with Noritoshi, and the sumo self-discovery (which was less about Maki, in my opinion, and more about Toji haunting the narrative), but I can't really land on an interpretation for this moment, with evidence provided by earlier chapters. With the ~month-long timeskip, it is impossible for me to know if any of the character interactions I can presume happened with Maki and Gojo led to this. Simply because I can't know what those interactions were, or even how many they had.
So this ends up just being nothing. The bare minimum, and maximum, it does is tell me that Maki has returned to a state of mind where she can 'threaten' some good old-fashioned roughhousing, maybe. There are some bits just a little later that could potentially give me more to go on, but she's largely played as having the same role as at least two other people in the following scenes. There are differences in expression for the "Go get 'em, tiger." scene with Gojo, but Maki doesn't affect anything through her action or inaction, and ends up replaceable, as a result. Though not nearly to the extent of Miwa, who might as well be named "Missing", for all her lack of relevance to...anything.
This is fairly light analysis, damn near a vent post with extra steps, but I do think the short supply of character-building moments throughout the manga cheapens both its characters and its pacing. Culling Games, while having FAR more pressing issues than needing more time to flesh out characters, did suffer from the time-jumps that the first half of the manga was prone to, and I hate to see this story convention return so abruptly and damningly.
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fecto-forgo · 3 months
Character ask game:
Suzy 1, 2, 20, 25
Forgo 4, 9, 23, 25
Elfilin 1, 3, 14
Zan 1, 2, 14, 19, 20, 23
this feels like i finally got fed after three weeks oh my god the excitement is getting physical my throat hurts from breathing too fast AKHSKAHSKAJAK
1.why do you like or dislike this character?
i rlyyy like how susie is ultimately awful bc its for her benefit thats still fueled by a sympathetic reason i think that makes her extremely interesting.also shes so funny i love characters who r painfully teenage girlie feminine
2.favorite canon thing about this character?
"yippee!" said the susie after her seemingly successful revenge plan.extremely funny of her.
20.which other character is the ideal best friend for this character?
obligatory mention wave 3 in general all would get along w only mildly wanting to kill each other out of sheer annoyance.also i think you can pair susie w any of the other female characters n theyd get along great after a month of her having an obligatory one sided girl rivalry w them.ive said this before but i think you can put her in any 00s girl cartoon abt an overly feminine friend group n shed thrive in the new environment
25.what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
i was soooo hyped to play robobot bc she was cute n sounded extremely funny n ppl were mad she was too bad for reasons that sounded like double standards bs which is essentially like an arrow pointing me towards the character getting that kinda treatment 🩷
fecto forgo!
4.if you could put this character in any other media, what would you put in them?
i think we should throw it in invader zim i think itd have fun there.i already associate a lot of scenes between zim n gir w forgo n elfilin lmao
9.could you be roommates with this character?
yah i think we would get along well 🩷
23.favorite picture of this character?
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very nice. (credit)
25.what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
it was literally love at first sight my bestie wanted me to check the final boss song for katfl to tell her the vibes but the only upload was that video that only has like.inner code names for the songs so i missed elfilis n clicked chimera instead n was like oh holy shit this is MAD good!!! then she finally got to the end of the game n omg silly little revenge fetus 🩷🩷🩷 so silly 🩷🩷🩷 i love you 🩷🩷🩷
1.why do you like or dislike this character?
i think elfilin is cute n looks like a 00s deviantart oc n is extremely funny to bully.i wish i had smth big to say on him but hes just entertaining.lil guy.i wanna waterboard him for shit n giggles
3.least favorite canon thing about this character?
as i saiddd theres.not a lot to say on him?? thats the answer for the question btw theres just.not a lot to him other than some of his dialogue shows he has never been outside before.i feel? i dont own katfl but from reading summaries n the script it feels bc they RLY wanted the forgo elfilis lab split twist to be this huge secret thing elfilin ended up paying in just being a silly goodie two shoes amnesiac half.hes fine i like him! just.not a lot to the little man in comparison to modern kirb characters n even his twin.
14.assign a fashion aesthetic to this character
zan partizanne!
1.why do you like or dislike this character?
i think its v clear by now if a girl is mean n funny abt it i will immediately start stanning.check that.she has a little plot of being very attached to a figure who can be interpreted as a parental figure despite said figures mistreatment.check that.shes cute.check that.she laughs abt trying to kill someone.check that.her mental illness is severe.check that.shes yellow best color after pink.check that.she has the social skills of moldy cardboard in the "just seems angry n mean??" flavor.check that.well damn seems like she meets all my standards!
2.favorite canon thing about this character?
omggg what do i even chooseeeee her mean nicknames r so funny i love how they contrast she calls her sisters "darling franny and berge" but i also love how silly her attack names r.you got the coolest reference to a god n then "spell it w Z so it sounds cooler" "named after candy/rock music" but i alsooo love the severe tragedy of her relationship w hyness n her 50 mental disorders.the clinging to someone who cast her aside like a broken weapon.the clinging to an ideology that ends w a guaranteed paradise after being an inevitable willing death that was given to her by the one who saved her from her own attempt at ending her life.
but i also love shes such a little cutie pie <333 girlie pop laughs when trying to kill you n wanted to see a shooting star sooo badly (we ignore she harassed a child over this) (her awful behavior is an ideal coping mechanism to her inner turmoil! if we try giving her anything else shes gonna get mad or stare at the wall blankly for 20 minutes)
14.assign a fashion aesthetic to this character
i wish i could but frankly im not sure her closet is anything but 50 copies of her cult outfit like a cartoon characters.i think if you placed her in a fashion store she wouldnt know what to do too much choice n she doesnt want to wear anything else shes gonna get overwhelmed.its a miracle she owns a different hat by the time of that anniversary illustration.rip girl go get some boots w spikes or smth maybe youll feel better
19.how about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
BEATING HYNESS W 500 HAMMERS FOREVER N EVER GOD FUCKING DAMN IT GRANDPA!!! THIS RELATIONSHIP IS FUCKED!!! GET MY GIRL OUT OF HERE (dont i dont think shes functional outside of that cult before the end of the game i think shed die) (i have overthought hcs on the the mages feelings on the cult n theyre all fucked) SHES EMOTIONALLY LATCHED ON SOMEONE WHO HASNT LOVED HER IN YEARS.ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS NOT CHOOSE REVENGE ON A BUNCH OF PPL WHO PROBABLY ALREADY DIED OVER YOUR KIDS GRANDPA!!! dont get me started on how she acts abt excusing him in that one chapter of the second novel god FUCKING damn it i hate hyness hes so lucky shed be soooo happy to have him back to normal n alive that i let him live.also bc i dont think he earned death i am going to shove the consequences of his actions down his throat till he chokes.also fucked up to put a suicidal child in your death cult listen grandpa i know you genuinely loved her back then n believed this was good for her but still jesus dude.jesus.
20.which other character is the ideal best friend for this character?
i think flamberge n francisca r an instant obvious answer like i dont even have to explain it i think before hyness' corruption the trio was glued to each other most of the time
for some other answers i think shed get along well enough w taranza they probably go to the same therapist for like half the same issues.also for some reason this made me think of what a funny bad mess itd be to put taranza during/right after triple deluxe n zan during/right after star allies in the same room.christ theyd enable each others apologism for their shitty beloved leaders n enable each others self victim blaming so bad.
i am no longer legally allowed to mention susie n zan together but god knows i love yuri.
23.favorite picture of this character
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goombasa · 3 months
Banjo-Tooie and The Problem with "Bigger = Better"
I love Banjo-Kazooie.
At least, I love the first one. I wouldn't just call it one of my favorite Nintendo 64 games of all time, I would call it one of my favorite games of all time, full stop. To me, Banjo-Kazooie took the layout of the 3D collect-a-thon platformer that Super Mario 64 pioneered, and perfected it. It is not a perfect game (there is no such thing) but any negatives that I see in the game are so minor when compared to the litany of positives that they barely register to me, and it is one of those games that I know front to back and up to down.
And when Banjo-Tooie was announced, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.
And then I played it. And I really, really liked it.
But I didn't love it.
Don't get me wrong, I did think that Banjo-Tooie was a good game, and to this day, I maintain that opinion. It's a good collect-a-thon, but even when it was brand new, something felt off about it compared to the original. It wasn't the tone, though the game's somewhat darker storyline and character interpretation compared to the whimsical, fairy-tale like excuse plot of the first game was a bit of a change-up. No, it was more in the gameplay. And a few years afterwards, I realized what it was, at least for me.
The game was just too damn big.
Look, Banjo Tooie was released pretty late into the N64's life span and it really pushed the system to its limits. I'm not going to pretend that it is not super impressive what they managed to shove onto a tiny, tiny cartridge. But you can tell they were running up against issues just by the fact that the game does not run great on original hardware, even when there's not a huge amount of stuff happening. But it still runs well enough to be played, and of course if you're playing the Xbox remaster, it runs perfectly fine, and that's how I'd recommend it be played. But when you get down to it, in terms of its design, the game is just way too big for its own good.
Banjo-Kazooie, even when its words were on the larger side, were not terribly big by comparison. They were very carefully broken down into manageable chunks that made navigating them really easy. You always knew where you were in relation to everything else in the world. Even more wide open worlds like, say Mad Monster Mansion, each area of the mansion and the grounds stands on its own so well that navigating around and getting from place to place is really easy to do.
Banjo-Kazooie doesn't really have that. Don't get me wrong, its maps are peppered with recognizable landmarks and most of them are also broken up into chunks. I think Witchy World gets the closest out of all of its worlds to the design of the first game, as its basically designed as a compass with a distinct area of the theme park at each of the cardinal directions, and the big top in the center. Of course, each of these cardinal areas have several sub areas inside of them, but the point is, its design is very easy to follow and navigate. But it's one of the few worlds that are designed like this. Most of the worlds in Tooie are made up of massive areas that don't really flow into one another. There's not as distinct a break between one area as there is another. There are landmarks everywhere, and yet they don't help you navigate nearly as well as you would think.
This is made worse by the fact that, especially in later worlds, navigating is just… just such a chore. There's a reason they had to add warp pads in the second game so that you can more easily navigate from one part of the world to the other, but that doesn't help at all when the game deliberately limits your movement options, which feels pretty horrible, especially your first time through. The absolute nadir of this particular problem is definitely Grunty Industries, which makes getting around its multi-floor factory an absolute nightmare, and considering how many of the puzzles require you to jump from floor to floor, sometimes in multiple forms (with each form needing to utilize a different means of getting around the different floors, and having to UNLOCK those means beforehand), you spend a LOT of time wandering around not doing anything because you can't figure out where anything is.
Even the hub world is more tedious to traverse. The first game had the cramped tunnels and chambers of Gruntilda's lair as its main hub, and it was mostly a linear ride from one area to the next, with some offshoots for extra stuff or to solve puzzles to go deeper into the lair or find secrets here and there, but it was purposefully built to lead the player around in a quick and easy manner. In Tooie, since you're wandering around an entire island, every new section of the island is like a miniature level to explore, chock full of things to look over and figure out, and it can get overwhelming. And again, warp points were introduced to make traveling the thing more palatable.
It's not just the level design that feels too big or bloated. The game kind of assumes you've already played the previous game, and as such, it feels like it's designed to pick up right after that. You already have your full moveset from the last game. Now, the last game stopped teaching you new moves a little ways past the halfway point. But the sequel has you learn at least one new move in every single level, or at least upgrading some sort of aspect about your characters, such as giving you a ton of new egg types to use like fire, ice, and grenades.
But most of the new moves that you get kind of feel… unnecessary? There are some good ones in there. The ability to split Banjo and Kazooie up and use them both independently of one another, but most of the new moves are either highly situational, like Kazooie's hatch ability or the beak bayonette attack, straight upgrades to pre-existing abilities, like the drill pound or the first-person egg aiming, and then first person aiming in the air or underwater, all of which are considered separate moves by the by, or so incredibly situational that it feels like they were added in at the last minute and they couldn't figure out a lot of interesting ways to use them, like most of Banjo's backpack abilities.
Not saying that some of the moves in the original weren't situational as well, but it felt like they were used a lot more often than some of the moves in Tooie, and since you stop getting new moves after like world six or so, you have time to get a bit more use out of each move you've learned, rather than only using a move for one or two specific uses during the last couple of worlds… or in the case of the beak bayonette, using it for one challenge. In the second world. Right next to the room you learn it in, and then never again.
I don't want to sound like this ruined the game for me though. The wide, large, sprawling maps do lend themselves to a lot of interesting puzzles, many of them spanning multiple worlds, and all those worlds are often, in some way, interconnected with one another. I like these ideas on paper, but in practice it leads to a lot more busy-work, a lot more backtracking, and a lot of dead air between all the different challenges. There was a single instance in Banjo Kazooie where backtracking for a challenge was mandatory, but in Tooie, every world except for the final one requires you to backtrack to complete at least one challenge. On the plus side, since the backtracking is designed into the framework of the game, it doesn't feel as out of place as it did in the first game.
This does lead into a very interesting feeling. When you do finally complete one of these very long-running challenges, there's no doubt that it does feel good, like you've triumphed over a major obstacle, but at times in between, it really feels like you're spinning your wheels. I really just feel like this game might have been a bit better if they had just taken what already existed and just refined it, and then walked back some of the ‘more’ that they were putting into the game. There are plenty of ways they could have substituted the duo's existing moveset for things that you learn in the second game, and the fact that it insists on you learning the duo's basic attack moves when they're separated as their own individual moves (even forcing you to not be able to learn them unless you're playing as only the necessary character when you find the molehill) does bother me. It really feels like padding meant to make it feel like you're finding new moves with every place.
Again, I find the game fun to play, but it's a game that feels so, so draining to play for long periods of time, because it takes so long to feel like you're accomplishing anything. I just can't marathon this game like I can with the first. The positive feedback and the progress in the original Banjo Kazooie feels constant, it's invigorating. With Tooie, that feeling takes longer, the time between triumphs is much, much slower, and I've had whole sessions with the game where I didn't do much of anything because I was just wandering around, trying to figure things out, and yet I never managed to get to the point where I'm moving towards the goals that I've set for myself.
This is a bit of a running theme with other collect-a-thons, even with Rare. The amount of collectibles or the distance between them is just superfluously large. The gameplay is solid, it's sound, but the game just had to get bigger. And if all of these massive, open worlds in games these days are any indication, bigger isn't always better, especially when it hinders an otherwise very well designed game.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 3 months
My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 1 ](REPOSTED)
[Plaintext: My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 1 ](Reposted))
The NoSleep story title aside, here's the...story! I can't really think of a proper way to introduce this but it will probably be broken into parts.
Let's start from a bit of the beginning, shall we? The beginning...of her ending.
( Man it's a bit weird narrating all this when it was all just built up in chats. But it's a little exhilarating too. Like I'm actually telling you a story. How strange. )
Martha. Best of her peers, best of her age, shining star of her school-- All Saints High. Music? Voice of an angel and incredible range to boot. Learns from regular piano lessons without fail. Studies, sports? If you want to get on her level you'll have to grind HARD, and then have to answer her attempts to take the crowning seat back, as well. She can hurl a volleyball just as well as she can jot down Science notes. (Their theology classes fill her with just enough doubts to seek out more on her own ). She's no nobody. Everyone knows her name. She knows them, too. Well enough not to take anything lying down( LEAST of all taunts about her pronouncedly fluttery accent and her own accompanying G-rated cursing ). She won't just survive-- she will surpass. And she's built up the assets needed with everything shes got. Money, skill, sweet words, blackmail, friendships, favours, petty revenge, precious time, sweat, perfection. ALL of it.
Home is a hole.
It is void. A fine place to read thrashy romance novels, if only to forget about the endlessly yawning cavern depths. Others exist, somewhere there. She exists alongside them but they do not acknowledge her. It is alright as long as she never causes a scene, breaks the silence. It is even more alright when she keeps aiming past what is to her the sky, sun and space and beyond and catches their attention. Sometimes, achieving this even means a warm smile or two of them, from the two of them, thrown her way.
She catches it, picks it up, learns to plaster it across on her face. Red lips frame white teeth that twinkle like stars.
Pity they fell out then.
No one could believe it. No one wanted to believe it. In fact, common, widespread verity was so grim in prospect, so sticky a situation that it would attract investigators like flies to the rotting corpse, so un-profitable in comparison to the sum offered to keep lips sealed and stories spun-- that in the end, all that blew up the town to fearfully great heights was that there was a killer on the lose.
The newspapers turn obsolete.
Law efforts turn obsolete.
Gossip becomes old news.
Students turn obsolete as they graduate into college-age adults.
The holy water sprinkled on her casket goes stale.
Her friends do not visit anymore, because life has taken them away.
The school still stands, without Martha. She is there, of course. What could it ever be without her? She keeps asking herself,
staring into the dirty thing bobbing in dark water
cannot leave this bathroom stall
should not
for her murderer is outside, walking free, living, teaching freely
They say if you stay in the stalls all by yourself or look at the stretching mirrors too long, she will appear to drag you into the stories herself. They say if you are unluckier still, it will show itself, rising, rising, rising from and out of the times past, to the top of the water...
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[ ID: PNG of an item from Smile For Me the game, a pair of plasticky looking red jaws with yellow teeth, called the 'Toilet Teeth'. End ID]
Habit is pretty new around here, but if he can't find a single friend then God help him he is going to make the ghost in the bathroom who may-or-may not-exist-but-hopefully-its-a-may-- his friend. Now if only he had any idea where to start?!?!
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malviral · 5 months
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Canon divergence, the long post.
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Alrighty !  Here  is  the  OFFICAL  Wesker  info  post.  This  will  probably  be  long  so  you’re  warned.  Much  of  this  will  be  going  on  Wesker’s  bio  page  when  I’m  ready  to  put  that  up.  So  ultimately,  having  gone  back  through  all  the  games  relevant  to  Wesker  I’ve  got  a  clearer  idea  of  stuff  now  hence  this  post.  I’ve  decided  I’m  MOSTLY  following  canon  with  the  most  major  alteration  being  Wesker’s  death  in  Re5.  
I  kinda  debated  if  I  wanted  to  use  anything   from  Re5  at  all  but  yeah,  ultimately  I’ve  decided  I’m  going  to  because  having  done  some  deep  thinking  about  it  I  do  think  everything  was  fine.   I’m  covering  the  whole  backstory  /  basically  everything  else  of  note  I  can  think  of.  I  wasn’t  able  to  completely  finish/cover  everything  due  to  computer  lag  from  length  lol,  so  I  might  make  a  part  2  if  I  don’t  just  put  everything  on  his  BIO  page  before  then. 
As  far  as  my  headcanon  goes  Wesker  was  raised  by  an  Upper-middle  class   mother  and  father  by  the  names  of  Nathan  and  Diana  Wesker.  These  are  the  people  Wesker  recognises  as  his  parents,  though  obviously  he  now  believes  they  were  not  his  biological  parents  and  were  instead  simply  contracted  by  Spencer  and  part  of  the  Wesker  child  experiment.  None  the  less  Nathan  and  Diana  were  thought  of  as  respectful  members  of  their  community  with  Nathan  working  as  an  oral  surgeon  with  his  own  clinic  where  Diana  also  worked,  thought  to  be  a  family  business.  
Again  Wesker  suspects  this  was  all  smoke  and  mirrors  and  that  whoever  they  really  were,  they  were  working  for  Umbrella/Spencer.  When  Wesker  was  about  13  he  had  already  excelled  through  all  traditional  education  and  had  frequented  two  high  class  boarding  schools.  He  spent  the  next  four  years  studying  for  a  decorate.  He  earned  this  when  he  was  16  and  was  personally  invited  to  participate  in  Umbrella’s  executive  training  programme,  which  would  have  entailed  spending  another  year  or  two  at  umbrella’s  private  training  facility  which  was  not  a  hard  transition  for  Wesker  since  this  was  literally  a  specialised  boarding  school. 
This  meant,  honestly,  in  comparison  to  other  children  Wesker  really  didn’t  spend  a  lot  of  time  with  his  “parents”.  By  the  time  he  was  school  aged  he  spent  most  of  his  time  away  from  them,  only  seeing  them  for  a  few  months  here   and  there.  He  kept  contact  with  them  largely  by  letters  that  he  would  write  them  every  few  days  and  they  would  write  him  back.  When  Wesker  was  about  14  he  received  news  that  the  two  of  them  had  perished  in  a  car  accident. 
He  found  himself  mostly  untroubled  by  this  aside  from  the  initial  surprise.  Again  at  this  time  Wesker  was  studying  for  his  doctorate  so  the  parents  he  already  had  a  somewhat  distant  relationship  with  were  the  least  of  his  concern.  He  doesn’t  remember  crying,  or  really  being  overly  upset.  He  didn’t  like  the  news  but  what  could  he  do ?  He  didn’t  attend  their  “funeral”  and  was  in  fact  encouraged  not  to  and  to  continue  studying  which  seemed  to  work  for  him  as  he  felt  his  “parents”  would  also  want  that.
 He  couldn’t  say  if  he  was  actually  saddened   and   the  work  helped  distract  him  or  if   he  just  never  really  cared  that  much.  He  doesn’t  know.  However,  he  was  probably  more  upset  about  this  than  he  realised  as  he  does  feel  a  sense  of  intense  anger/betrayal  toward  “them”  upon  finding  out  he  was  part  of  Project  W.  Its  not  something  he  entirely  recognises  of  himself  outward,  probably  because  he  would  rather  keep  up  the  illusion  that  he’s  fine  with  it.
He  doesn’t  really  have  any  negative  memories  of  them.  He  didn’t  have  a  bad  childhood  and  considers  it  to  have  been  good   and  normal  beside  the  higher  than  average  school  load  he  had,  but  this  was  something  he  liked  as  someone  with  such  a  high  intellect  so  he  didn’t  take  any  issue  with  it.  Aside  from  the  obvious  emotional  distance  he  felt  between  himself  and  them  he  was  provided  for  and  well  looked  after. 
At  the  Umbrella  training  school  Wesker  met  William  Birkin  who  instantly  captured  his  interest  and  attention.  Initially  of  course  it  was  William’s  smarts  that  put  him  on  Wesker’s  radar.  William  was  only  15  years  old  when  he  was  enrolled  in  the  training  school  and  Wesker  was  just   about  17.  William  being  the  youngest  attendee  made  him  a  bit  of  a  standout  and  at  this  time  William  was  the  record  holder  for  the  youngest  person  to  have  earned  a  doctorate  and  the  youngest  person  head  hunted  by  Umbrella.  Wesker  recalls  that  this  made  William  the  subject  of  much  envy  and  competition.  
He  took  notice  of  how  William  tended  to  be  somewhat  ostracized  and  of   William’s  somewhat  unremarkable  background.  Contrary  to  many  of  Umbrella’s  chosen  candidates  he  wasn’t  some  aristocrat  or  someone  from  a  particularly  wealthy  or  high  social  standing.  What  got  William  where  he  was  was  entirely  that  big  old  brain  of  his.  What's  more  was  William's  somewhat  disconnected  and  “humble”  demeanour.  He  was  plucky   and  confident  when  need  be,  but  with  no  real  conceit  or  arrogance  where  it  wasn’t  due,  that  gave  him  a  pretty  obvious  contrast  against  other  Umbrella  trainee  candidates.   William  stood  out  among  his  well-to-do  peers  who  had  majorly  lived  very  privileged  lives  and  tended  to  think  all  too  highly  of  themselves.  
Wesker  also  took  notice  of  how  largely  unbothered  William  seemed  in  a  way  that  almost  felt  naïve.  William  was  pretty  damn  happy  to  just  keep  his  head  down,  keep  quiet  and  study  and  thats  how  William  thrived.  All  of  this  was  so  extremely  fascinating  and  admirable  to  Wesker  who  pretty  much  fell  in  love  for  lack  of  a  better  way  to  explain.  They  were  quickly  placed  as  the  two  top  students  and  taken  under  the  wing  of  Doctor  Marcus.  However,  Wesker  soon  decided  William  was  not  the  guy  to  “beat”  but  rather  the  one  to  “keep”.  
The  nasty,  heated  rivalry  the  company  higherups  encouraged  between  the  top  students  quickly  became  something  Wesker  recognised  and  felt  was  unbeneficial  to  him.  While  Wesker  may  have  been  arguably  “better  bred”  and  infinitely  “more  mature”,  he  wasn’t  so  arrogant  to  think  he  could  beat  William  when  it  come  to  academics  and  sheer  brilliance  so  instead  he  quickly  became  Williams  friend   and   loyal  ally.   Something  very  easy  considering  how  alone  and  again  how  somewhat  naïve  William  seemed  without  him.  This  was  Wesker  deviating  from  the  norm  and  from  what  was  heavily  encouraged  of  the  students  at  the  Umbrella  training  facility.  Going  to  paste  a  snippet  from  the  last  info  drop  I  made: 
Wesker  was  never  suppose  to  become  friends  with  William  the  way  he  did.  The  two  became  pretty  “close”  and  generally  teamed  up  together  despite  the  fact  that  the  opposite  was  intended.  This  just  became  a  fact  of  the  training  facility  and  later  the  Arkley  research  facility  and  at  some  point  the  Umbrella  higher-ups  had  to  accept  that  Wesker  had  an  attachment  to  William  that  wasn’t  easily  broken.  We  do  know  its  canon  that  there  was  efforts  made  by  Umbrella  higher  ups  to  taint  their  friendship  /  turn  them  against  each  other  but  that  didn’t  work  and  apparently  just  had  the  opposite  effect.
Thinking  about  it  I  think  the  views  Umbrella   had  instilled  in  Wesker  were  kinda  a  factor  in  why  Wesker  entertained  a  friendship  with  William.  Wesker’s  initial  approach  to  William  was  both  a  matter  of  respect  for  his  intelligence  and  indeed  seeing  that  as  something  he  could  use  for  himself. Which  is  precisely  why  William’s  “academic”  superiority  over  Wesker  wasn’t  something  Wesker  thought  of  with  distain.  He  had  no  jealousy  or  contempt  for  William  and  no  drive  to  beat  or  destroy  him.  Instead  he  was  happy  to  befriend  William   and  foster  an  attachment  between  the  two  of  them  because  this  was  something  that  benefited  Wesker  greatly.  more  than  trying  to  rival  him  would/  It  was  easy  due  to  William’s  isolation   and  the  fact  that,  also  drawing  from  my  own  headcanons  about  William,  William  wasn't  built  like  Wesker.  He  was  a  mega  genius  but  he  wasn’t  as  heavily  conditioned  by  Umbrella  as  Wesker  had  been  and  again  he  didn’t  come  from  wealth.
 Though  Wesker  didn’t  know  it  Umbrella  had  been  influencing  and  conditioning  him  since  he  was  a  child.  The  boarding  schools  Wesker  attended  were  Umbrella  run  and   promoted  Umbrella’s  ethical  ideals. William  on  the  other  hand  was  chosen  to  participate  in  Umbrella  training  facility  not  because  of  some  grand  plan  to  produce  Spencer’s  perfect  “successor”,  or  rather,  the  first  in  a  line  of  “superior”  humans  who  would  accompany  Spencer  into  a  “new  world”,  but  because  William  was  just  genuinely  very  smart  and  of  course  Umbrella  execs  saw  potential.  His  intelligence  was  something  the  company  knew  it  could  make  use  of,  even  if  they  had  no  intention  of  him  being  anything  more  than  an  overworked  scientist. 
So  from  early  on,  in  a  way  kind  of  subconscious  to  Wesker,  he  had  been  trained  to  spot  things/people  he  could  use  to  further  himself.  So  though  Wesker  came  from  a  similar  place  of  privilege  as  many  of  his  other  fellow  students,  Wesker  was  not  so  self-absorbed  that  he  couldn’t  accept  his  better  and  instead  find  a  way  to  make  that  work  to  his  advantage.  Becoming  a  highly  trusted  friend  and  confident  of  William  achieved  this.  and  while  this  is  largely  my  own  speculation  I  think  it  works  well  because  it  intentionally  mirrors  the  early  relationship  between  Dr.  James  Marcus  and  Ozwell  Spencer. 
That  being  said  I  do  believe  a  very  genuine  sense  of  love  and  companionship  existed  between  Wesker  and  William. They  were  actually  friends.  Wesker  did  frequently  have  William’s  best  interests  in  mind  and  though  these  interests  usually  wound  up  benefitting  him,  William  was  someone  he  related  to,  enjoyed  the  company  of  and  could  easily  share  thoughts,  feelings  and  ideas  with.  This  along  with  the  fact  they  tended  to  team  together  against  everyone  else  gave  them  a  very  emotionally  intimate  and  sometimes  dependent  relationship.  Essentially  the  feels  /  friendship  was  genuine,  not  to  get  Wesker’s  very  manipulative  and  cunning  tactics  wrong  or  to  assume  he  never  actually  had  any  genuine  affection  for  William. 
Moreover,  another  snippet  from  the  last  post: 
I  kinda  believe  the  friendship  between  William  and  Wesker  is  what  got  them  both  through  the  training  facility.  I  think  had  a  rivalry  actually  ensued  between  them  one  of  them  might  not  have  made  it  through.  Why ? Because  William  had  the  raw  genius  but  Wesker  was  Spencer's  cunning  little  pet  project.  Teaming  up  with  William  ensured  Wesker  would  get  results  worthy  of  approval  while  Wesker’s  existence  as  an  experiment  that  was  essentially  going  as  planned  and  who  was  getting  all  the  marks  needed  to  progress  meant  William  was  assured  a  leg  up  while  they  were  functioning  well  together  as  partners.  It  was  a  very  mutually  beneficial  thing  they  had  going  on,  although  obviously  the  true  depth  and  scope  of  this  was  not  something  either  of  them  knew.  There  is  a  canon  suggestion  that  Wesker  and  William  stole  a  sample  of  Dr. Marcus’  T - Virus  in  order  to  ensure  their  graduation  from  the  training  facility  and  what  ultimately  granted  them  their  senior  status  at  the  Arkley  Research  facility  that  they  were  then  swiftly  moved  to  at  the  age  of  16  and  18  respectively.  This  explains  their  early  graduation  and  the  top  positions  they  were  thrown  into.  They  had  made  a  deal  with  Spencer's  executives  to  steal  a  sample  of  Marcus  work  and  hand  it  over  to  Spencer.  It  make  sense  that  the  two  of  them  would  do  this,  given  the  extremely  cut-throat  /  competitive  atmosphere  of  Umbrella,  even  present  within  their  training  school.  Another  factor  of  this  is  the  canon  fact  that  Dr. Marcus  was  experimenting  on  the  students  of  the  training  facility,  tricking  them  into  infecting  themselves  with  the  T  Virus  and  also  capturing  and  imprisoning  them  in  secret  rooms  where  they  were  being  tortured  extensively  and   killed  again  as  part  of  Marcus’  private  experiments  with  T. 
So  essentially  it  was  in  Wesker  and  William’s  best  interest  to  escape  asap. I  think  the  two  of  them  figured  this  out  and  decided  they  couldn’t  take  any  chances  with  Dr. Marcus  and  quickly  formulated  what  they  could  do  to  gtfo  for  their  lives.  I  believe  Wesker  was  the  one  who  was  contacted  initially  to  steal  work  and  he  basically  involved  William  in  the  scheme  because  of  their  friendship  and  William’s  worth  to  him  in  the  long  run.  Plus  everything  went  easier  with  two  people  working  against  Marcus,  one  to  do  the  distracting  and  the  other  to  snatch  a  sample.  If  anyone  ever  wondered  why  Wesker  and  William  were  so  personally  invested  in  Dr. Marcus’  downfall   and  assassination  this  is  why.  This  is  pretty  much  canon  via  files  found  throughout  Resident  Evil  0. 
Wesker  worked  at  the  Arkley  facility  with  William  for  a  number  of  years  after  this.  Things  were  however  turned  upside  down  when  Alexia  was  named  a  chief  researcher  for  Umbrella  at  age  10.  
This  was  when  things  started  to  slide  down  hill  as  Alexia’s  existence  turned  the  rest  of  the  staff  against  William  and  to  an  extent  Wesker,  who  they  felt  they  no  longer  had  to  see  as  their  superiors  in  a  nut  shell.  Wesker  was  able  to  largely  shrug  this  off  but  it  destroyed  William  and   threw  him  into  depression  and  paranoia.  Wesker  made  efforts  to  keep  William  afloat  but  they  were  now  struggling  and   their  research  was  becoming  stale  as  William  was  no  longer  functioning  the  way  he  used  to.  Wesker  had  to  recognise  things  were  bad  and   he  wasn’t  sure  if  he  could  “fix”  William  despite  his  efforts  and  aspirations  to  do  so. 
As  a   result  he  began  to  put  his  efforts  and  focus  else  where,  believing  that  the  Alexia  bullshit  would  eventually  cool   off  and  things  would  switch  back  to  normal.  Wesker  was   carrying  the  research  at  this  point  and  desperately  looking  into  other  resources  that  they  might  be  able  to  use  to  further  things. 
However,  it  was  during  this  time  during  Alexia’s  arrival  and  continuing  until  slightly  after  her  “death”,  Wesker  began  to  notice  other  things.  A  big  factor  in  Wesker  changing  his  direction  in  life  was  when  he  began  to  suspect  Spencer  was  up  to  something.  He  began  to  feel  as  if  a  lot  of  what  was  going  on  was  intentional  and  he  began  to  question  what  Umbrella’s  /  Spencer's   true  goals  really  were.  He  noted   research  into  T  was  starting  to  become  costly  and  despite  being  presented  as  a  B.O.W  a   lot  of  things  weren't  making  full  sense  as  such.  
A  major  point  in  this  was  when  Wesker  was  out  on  one  of  his  routine  hikes  through  the  Akrley  mountains  and  started  to  recount  on  the  research  they  were  doing  with  the  T  Virus.  Wesker  thought  about  how  viruses  like  T   have  a  high  infection  rate  and  that  they’re  not  limited  to  one  species  as  a  host.  He  noted  the  sheer  amount  of  biological  material  that  surrounded  the  Arkley  research  facility,  various  different  flora  and  fauna  and  then  the  fact  that  there  was  a  decent  sized  city  (Raccoon  City)  not   far  off.  He  came  to  realise  this  was  an  INCREDIBLY  dangerous  place  to  be  researching  a  virus  such  as  T. 
He  began  doing  some  of  his  own  personal  experiments  to  test  his  theory  and  was  quite  disturbed  to  find  that  yes,  T  is  able  to  infect  biological  matter  indiscriminately.  Birds,  insects  and  plants  were  easily  infected  and  weaponised  by  T  and  that  was  just  the  things  they  hadn’t  done  too  many  tests  on  previously  as  they  already  knew  T  could  infect  marine  life  and  reptiles  and  all  mammals  as  they  already  had  ample  data  to  prove  that.  So  here  was  a  virus  that  could  infect  pretty  much  all  living  organisms.  Being  worked  on  an  extremely  biologically  rich  environment.  If  it  ever  got  out  somehow  it  would  be  absolutely  catastrophic. 
 Couple  this  with  the  knowing  that  Spencer / Umbrella  executives  had  been  open  about  desiring  a  100%  infection  rate  from  T  (  which  was  already  a  little  unusual )  and  the  research  that  was  currently  being  done  was  being  done  to  remedy  the  fact  that  no  virus  could  ever  have  a  100%  infection  rate.  There  would  always  be  carriers  who  were  asymptomatic  and  those  who  were  naturally  resistant  to  the  Virus  (like  Jill  turned  out  to  be).  The  reason  for  working  on  B.O.Ws  like  Tyrant  and  Hunter  was  for  them  to  be  a  clean  up  crew  in  the  event  of  a  virus  outbreak,  and  take  care  of  anyone/thing  that  escaped  death/destruction  via  T. 
So  Wesker  was  suspicious  and  alarmed  and  had  an  idea  something  more  than  just  simple  B.O.W  research  and  production  was  going  on.  Wesker  details  all  of  this  better  in  Wesker’s  Report  2,  but  thats  the  summary.  Its  unclear  how  much  of  this  Wesker  was  able  to  share  with  William,  though  he  expresses  wanting  to,  he  finds  it  hard  given  William  was  still  in  his  very  depressed  state  in  coping  with  the  existence  of  Alexia  and  he  just  wasn't  sure  William  was  stable  enough  to  be  having  the  same  level  of  chats  they  used  to  have. 
Wesker  decides  at  this  point  he  needs  a  career  change  to  get  to  the  bottom  of  it  but  decides  to  do  this  very  very  slowly  so  as  not  to  arouse  suspicion.  For  the  meantime  he  goes  back  to  trying  to  help  William  and  progress  research.  He  found  out  about  the  NE-type  parasite  being  developed  within  Umbrella’s  European  branch  and  began  to  tell  William  about  it,  careful  as  he's  aware  William’s  mental  state  hasn't  been  top  notch  lately.  At  first  he  notes  William  wasn’t  really  interested  but  he  soon  managed  to  get  him  on  board.  This  is  also  occurring  just  after  Alexia  was  declared  dead  from  a  lab  accident.  
Wesker  notes  this  really  “helped”  William  as  suddenly  he  became  relevant  again  and  the  other  researcher  were  once  again  back  to  looking  at  him  and  Wesker  as  their  superiors,  as  they  should.  With  the  respect  and  balance  restored,  William  started  to  go  back  to  normal,  so  normal  in  fact  he  apparently  found  interest  in  a  another  fellow  researcher  called  Annette  and  struck  up  a  romantic  relationship  with  her.  Wesker  noted  a  faint  sense  of  contempt/bewilderment  for  this  but  basically  minded  his  business.  What  else  could  he  do ?  Besides,  William  seemed  happy  as  odd  as  it  were 
and  this  was  the  beginning  of  the  birth  of  the  G  virus.  The  tests  ran  on  Lisa  Trevor  using  the  NE  type  Parasite  lead  to  G’s  discovery.  During  the  four  year  period  between  G’s  discovery  and  approval,  Wesker  had  transferred  into  Umbrella’s  intelligence  unit.  Wesker  notes  his  reasoning  for  this  was  because  G  was  going  beyond  his  ability as  researcher  but  William  on  the  other  hand  was  thriving.  He  decided  it  was  the  perfect  time  to  transfer  as  both  his  interests  had  changed  and  everything  seemed  to  be  quite stable  and  normal,  William  seemed  to  have  things  under  control.  
So  while  Wesker  had  transferred  to  Umbrella’s  intelligence  bureau  William  and  Annette  were  transferred  to  the  NEST  which  was  constructed  specially  for  the  research  being  done  into  G.  Wesker  also  notes  that  this  was  a  huge  point  of  interest  for  him  as  he  found  it  odd  that  Spencer  took  such  personal  interest  in  and  approved  further  research  into  G  given  it  deviated  from  the  norm.  G  was  not  so  good  as  a  B.O.W  but  it’s  eugenics  potential  was  astronomical.  This  was  a  clue  of  sorts,  and  Wesker  took  close  notice  of  Spencer’s  behaviours  and  noted  that  he  seemed  to  be  readying  himself  for  something. 
I’m  kinda  happy  to  mince  some  of  the  lore  in  the  REmakes   and   the  stuff  that  was  canon  /  implied  in  the  original  games  so  from  here  on  this  is  majorly  my  own  headcanons  /  interpretation  of  events  based  on  the  games  /  what  makes  the  most  sense  to  me  as  sometimes  things  in  canon  are  a  bit  weird  /  hard  to  follow  /  some  things  do  contradict  with  others.  Some  things  will  be  added  to  /  slightly  rewritten  as  a  result. 
In 1998,  Wesker  and  William  are  directed  to  reopen  the  old  Umbrella  training  facility.  William  who  would  be  one  of  the  head  / leading  roles  of  the  newly  re-opened  facility,  basically  taking  Dr.Marcus  former  role  and  Wesker,  who  had  spent  the  last  five  years  dabbling  in  the  military   and   part  of   Umbrella’s  personal  security  force  was  set  to  oversee  this.  However,  as  preparations  were  being  made  to  reopen  the  facility,  something  unexpected  happened.  Dr. Marcus,  who  had  been  assassinated  about  ten  years  prior,  resurrected  from  the  dead  and  began  to  wreak  havoc  on  the  facility  and  surrounding  areas  with  T-infected  leaches  who  began  to  rapidly  spread  the  virus.  Birkin  and  Wesker  in  a  state  of  concern  and  confusion,   and   tasked  with  containing  this  bizarre  incident  sent  an  Umbrella  security  team  to  investigate.  They  are  however  quickly  overwhelmed  and   killed  by  the  T-infected  leaches. 
As the two (Billy and Rebecca) search the training school, they uncover disturbing evidence of what happened here both in the 1970s and recently. While built to oversee training of gifted teenagers recruited by Umbrella, evidence points towards Marcus deliberately using the children as test subjects in inhuman bioweapons research, turning them into Zombies, with two-level basement containing a torture chamber covered in dried blood. Zombies roam the halls of the school. Some of them are those children, left alone for twenty years. Others belong to Birkin's investigation team, consisting of USS and technicians sent recently to refurbish the school for re-opening.
Wesker  and  Birkin  quickly  start  to  figure  out  that  the  man/creature  behind  the  outbreak  is  actually  Dr. Marcus  himself,  despite  the  odds.  Wesker,  who  had  been  planning  on  leaving  Umbrella  for  some  time  now  decides  this  is  the  perfect  opportunity  to  jump  ship.  He  and  William  have  apparently  had  talks  about  this  together  previously  and  had  both  been  interested  in  diverging  from  Umbrella.  Wesker  because  he  no  longer  trusted  the  company /  suspected  Spencer  was  up  to  something  and  William  because  they  continued  to  deny  him  the  promotion  he  was  practically  owed  and   treated  oddly  as  they  did  not  want  for  William  to  get  any  power  over  the  company.
So  while  William  was  very  much  entertaining  ideas  to  leave  Umbrella  he  wasn’t  ready  to  depart  right   away  due  to  his  work  with  G   and  more  than  likely  fearing  for  the  safety  of  his  wife  and  child,  which  had been  a  major  concern  on  his  mind  ever  since  the  executives  started  making  it  clear  they  were  trying  to  keep  William  from  achieving  any  higher  rank.  So  considering  nothing  good  would  happen  to  his  research  or   and  his  family  if  he  just  up  and  disappeared  for  a  while  he  wasn’t  quite  ready  to  leave  immediately. 
Wesker  who  had  no  such  ties  though  decides,  despite  William’s  fears  he  can’t  be  deterred  from  executing  his  ‘escape’  plan  as  he  didn't  see  Umbrella  being  able  to  recover  from  this.  This  would  be  the  beginning  of  the  end  for  Umbrella.  William  attempts  to  oppose  this  but  Wesker  assures  him  there's  nothing  left  he  can  do.  They  come  to  an  agreement  that  William  will  stay  behind  long  enough  to  finalise  his  research  on  G,  While  Wesker  would  proceed  to  do  what  he  needed  to  do  in  order  to  collect  the  combat  data  that  he  could  log   and  trade  to  The  organisation  he  had  been  courting  as  a  big  step  out  of  Umbrella.  The  idea  being  William  stays  behind  and  lays  low  long  enough  to  finish  G,  then  Wesker  would  contact  him  when  he  was  ready  and  they  would  begin  the  process  of  getting  himself,  G  and  his  family  out  of  Umbrella  as  well.  
They  agreed  that  Wesker  would  lure  the  remaining  S.T.A.R.S  members  to  the  Spencer  mansion  as  he  had  already  been  instructed  to  do,  while  William  putting  up  a  good  front  for  Umbrella  would  set  off  the  self  destruct  in  order  to  eliminate  Marcus  and  his  leach  army,  hopefully  delaying  the  outbreak.  Seemingly  as  a  precaution,  William  then  gave  Wesker  a  sample  of  a  virus  he  created,  perhaps  to  sweeten  the  deal  between  the  two  of  them  and  the  rival  company. 
Meanwhile, Birkin and Wesker begin their own plans. Operating on the theory the mysterious man is somehow Marcus himself brought back to life, he poses a considerable threat and must be dealt with. Birkin plans to set off the facility's self-destruct device to blow up the training school and the man along with it.
This  is  where  the  canon  divergence  really  takes  effect  for  me  because,  during  the  early  RE  games,  the  Virus  William  gave  to  Wesker  seemed  to  be  the  G  virus.  Which  made  Wesker  a  functioning  G  human.  This  was  changed  in  RE5  when  we  found  out  this  was  suppose  to  be  the  “prototype”  virus.  I  wrote  a  post  here  explaining  why  I  diverge  from  this  and   why  thats  a  kinda  stupid  decision  IMO.  Those  posts  can  be  found  here  and  here.  Warning  they’re  also  quite  long.  
The  second  one  is  more  of  a  nutshell  version  of  the  first  +  the   conformation  that  what  I’m  about  to  say  was  actually  “canon”  prior  to  RE5.  So  feel  free  to  only  read  that  one  if  any  of  my  hyper fix  nonsense  interests  anyone  at  all  LMAO.  I  also  want  to  note  its  pretty  easy  for  me  to  take  it  back  and  follow  canon  so  if  the  G  human  Wesker  thing  doesn’t  work  for  some  folks  its  fine,  it  doesn’t  have  to  be  a  thing,  although  given  its  minor   and  doesn’t  really  change  anything  highly  important  and  only  makes  things  easier  to  understand  I  don’t  see  how  it  would  be  an  issue  for  anyone  tbqh. 
With  a  sample  of  the  G  virus  in  his  possession  and  William’s  research  findings  on  G’s  regenerative  capabilities  Wesker  attempts  to  exit  the  training  facility  through an  underground  tunnel.  Here  he’s  confronted  by  Colonel  Sergei  Vladimir  who  was  apparently  keeping  tabs  on  Wesker  and  felt  suspicious  of  him.  He  confronts  Wesker  and  berates  him  for  his  decision  to  set  off  the  self  destruct  device  in  the  training  school  as  this  had  not  been  ordered  by  Spencer.  Interestingly  enough  William  isn’t  mentioned,  which  suggests  Sergei,  due  to  his  pre-existing  suspicions  toward  Wesker  apparently  decided  this  was  Wesker’s  idea  and  doing  alone  and   took  a  big  issue  with  it  as  it  wasn’t  ordered  by  Spencer.
 With  Wesker  making  no  attempt  to  indcate  otherwise  Sergei  is   unhappy  with  the  insubordination  Wesker  was  showing  and  he  instructed  his  Ivans  to  teach  Wesker  a  lesson,  however  Wesker  managed  to  come  out  on  top  and  escape  and  without  much  time  left  before  the  self-destruct  device  would  detonate  Sergei  was  forced  to  leave. 
This  was  the  first  snag  Wesker’s  plan  had  hit  and  this  made  it  obvious  to  him  that  he  was  in  more  danger  than  he  realised.  Moreover  the  X  day  plan  was  already  extremely  risky  to  his  own  life.  It  may  have  been  obvious  at  this  point  that  William  might  have  been  in  more  danger  than  originally  thought  was  well  but  given  Sergei  never  mentioned  William  and  seemed  to  believe  it  was  Wesker’s  idea  and  Wesker  who  set  off  the  self  destruct  device  it  seemed  William  was  pretty  safe,  particularly  as  Wesker  makes  no  attempt  to  correct  Sergei’s  assumptions. 
Continuing  with  Umbrella’s  instructions  Wesker  lured  the  S.T.A.R.S  Alpha  team  the  to   mansion  and  from  here  the  plan  seemed  to  get  back  on  track,  however  two  things  remained  on  his  mind.  That  unpleasant  confrontation  with  Sergei  and  the  fact  that  Lisa  Trevor  had  survived  Umbrella’s  execution  attempt  no  worse  for  wear.  It  became  apparent  that  she  was  simply  put  into  a  death-like  state  for  a  few  days  and  regained  consciousness  later,  her  body  repaired,  which  essentially  further  proved  William  Birkin’s  opinions  about  the  G  virus  and  its  regenerative  capabilities  if  utilised  correctly.  
This  is  where  Wesker  began  to  realise  he  could  perhaps  use  the  virus  on  himself  with  no  adverse  effects  and  that  it  might  give  him  the  edge  he  needed  to  survive  the  mansion  as,  aside  from  his  previous  knowledge  of  the  mansion  from  working  in  the  underground  laboratory  there  was  NOTHING  guaranteeing  Wesker’s  survival  either.  From  here  he  concocted  a  plan  to  set  a Tyrant  on  the  remaining  S.T.A.R.S  members,  record  the  combative  data,  take  out  the  creature  and  pocket  the  specimen  sample  and  hop  over  to  the  Rival  Company  with  honours.  
Shortly  before  the  confrontation  in  the  mansion  basement,  Wesker  infected  himself  with  the  Virus  sample  William  had  given  him,  understanding  the  likelihood  of  his  own  death.  He  found  no  ill  effects  present,  in  fact  he  wasn’t  sure  anything  had  happened  at  all.  When  confronted  by  Jill  and  Chris  he  then  unleashed  the  Tyrant  but  unexpectedly  it  instantly  attacked  him,  impaling  him  through  the  abdomen,  killing  him.  Wesker  was  left  in  a  death-like  state  of  unconsciousness  for  a  short  amount  of  time  while  the  virus  that  had  bonded  with  his  system  activated   and  repaired  his  wounds.  When  Wesker  woke  up,  he  instantly  attempted  to  retrieve  the  Tyrants  combat  data,  only  to  discover  he  had  been  locked  out  of  the  computer  system  curtesy  of  the  Red  Queen  /  Sergei.  Something  that  seemed  to  have  been  pre-planned.  
 Moreover,  the  S.T.A.R.S  members  had  destroyed  the  Tyrant  leaving  him  completely  empty  handed.  Infuriated,  Wesker  began  his  hurried  escape  from  the  mansion  where  he  began  to  realise  he  hadn’t  just  been  saved  from  death,  he  was  now  stronger  and   faster  than  he  was  before. One  of  the  first  signs  that  something  inside  him  had  changed  beside  the  remarkable  regenerative  display  was  Wesker  realised  his  vision  was  near  perfect.  As  he  battled  his  way  out  of  the  mansion  he  realised  his  strength  and  speed  continued  to  increase. 
By  the  time  he  reached  safety  he  came  to  realise  that  he  no  longer  needed  Umbrella’s  data  or  specimens.  He  was  the  specimen.  Moreover,  he  could  use  his  “death”  to  his  advantage.  He  was  able  to  link  up  with  the  Rival  Organisation   and  seemingly  begin  his  take  over  of  it  with  little  resistance.  From  this  point  on  Wesker  continued  to  watch  Umbrella,  preparing  for  any  opportunity  he  could  to  steal  data  and   research  from  them. 
However,  3  months  later  in  September  things  began  to  go  sour  on  William’s  end.  Believing  Wesker  was  dead  and  feeling  the  heat  from  Umbrella,  he  attempted  to  enter  a  deal  with  the  US  government  for  asylum  for  himself  and  his  family  in  exchange  for   the  G  virus.  Wesker  attempted  to  intervene  here  and   retrieve  the  G  virus  and  William  however  to  his  dismay  he  found  Umbrella  was  ahead  of  him  and  got  to  William  before  his  operatives  could.  With  William  confirmed  “dead”,  he  had  to  instead  opt  to  collect  a  sample  of  the  virus. This  was  left  up  to  Ada  Wong. 
In  my  canon  this  is  pretty  much  Wesker’s  one  massive  regret.  He  had  every  intention  of  saving  William  but  Umbrella  was  too  fast  and  honestly  it  feels  to  him  like  all  stuff  he  really  should  have  known.  He  should  have  acted  sooner.  He  should  have  found  a  way  to  reach  out  to  William  right  away.  William’s  death  changed  altered  Wesker’s  plans  and  direction  as  William’s  G  virus  and  brilliance  was  intended  to  play  a  big  role  in  Wesker’s  new  organisation.  However  without  William,  Wesker  lost  interest.  Back  to  focusing  on  Spencer,  he  continued  to  steal  Umbrella’s  data  and  hammer  nails  into  its  coffin  while  amassing  wealth  and  power  along  the  way  for  his  own  means. 
This  all  very  much  follows  canon  from  this  point  on  and  I  don’t  have   any  other  divergences  to  note  up  until  RE5.  The  canon  divergences  here  are  that  Wesker  is  still  very  much  part  of  Spencer’s  Wesker  Project  but  I’ve  changed  this  a  little  because  frankly  I  thought  it  was   last  minute  addition  to  rewrite  an  otherwise  fine  bit  of  canon  info. When  Wesker  confronts  Spencer  he  finds  out  the  details  of  Project  W.  He  was  essentially  artificially  manufactured  as  part  of  this  personal  pet  project  Spencer  had  cooked  up  to  develop  an  advanced  race  of  human  beings  as:  “Spencer  believed  the  world  to  be  corrupted  by  human  decadency  and   longed  for  a  utopian  world  of  gifted  intellectuals.” 
 He  attempted  to  achieve  this  by  selectively  breeding  a  bunch  of  suitable  participants  in  the  project  who  had  high  intelligence  and  desirable  genes,  who's  children  were  then  raised  in  various  fashions.  Many  were  fostered  out  to  specially  selected  “families”,  others  spent  their  time  in  Umbrella  run  orphanages.  All  these  children  were  closely  monitored  by  Umbrella  +  those  involved  in  this  extremely  top  secret,  fucked  up  little  project.
 They  were  groomed  into  fostering  Spencer’s  ideals  in  various  ways,  whether  through  the  teachings  of  the  Umbrella  owned  orphanages  or  through  the  direction  of  the  specially  implanted  foster  families.  However,  of  the  hundreds  of  candidates,  only  13  of  them  showed  promise  for  Spencer’s  vision. Wesker  himself  was  one  of  the  13  other  Wesker’s  who  stayed  on  track  into  adulthood.  However, by  1998  Spencer  found  himself  with  only  two  Wesker  children  who  still  showed  promise,  essentially  resulting in  failure  of  the  experiment,  particularly  as  Spencer’s  health  was  failing  and   he  was  desperate  to  put  his focus  onto  something  that  would  save  his  life.
William’s  G  virus  was  very  strongly  considered  as  the  miracle  drug  that  could  achieve  this,  however  development  was  a  slow  process.   This  is  where  all  the  research  Umbrella  was  doing  begins  to  piece  together  to  create  an  disturbing  picture.  Ultimately  Spencer  intended  to  use the  T  virus  to  wipe  out  most  of  man  kind  and  the  G  virus  to  restore  his  own  life.  (in  the  meantime  working  on  other  projects  to  so),  they  would  then  rule  over  the  planet  as   below  only  Spencer  himself.  Needless  to  say  the  many  time  constrains  due  to  Spencer's  age  /  health  and  the  ultimate  collapse  of  Umbrella   meant   this  insane  dream  could  never  reach  fruition. 
Except  for  the  fact  that  Wesker  had   achieved  super-human  status  via  the  G  virus  sample  he  was  given   and  all  this  had  taken  a  toll  on  his  psyche.  Knowing  he  had  been  an  experiment  his  whole  life  both  repulsed  and  fascinated  him.  At  this  point  Wesker  was  someone  who’s  connection  to  humanity  had  already  disintegrated  and  in  a  twisted  way  learning  all  this  restored  Wesker’s  direction.  Enter  the  “Uroboros  Plan”
A  plan  that  failed  thanks  to  Chris  Redfield  and  Sheva  Alomar.  Wesker  was  weakened,  captured  and  taken  into  custody  as  opposed  to  being  killed.
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mrmallard · 4 months
Okay, gonna start Final Fantasy 13-2.
I'm not gonna get as raucous or butthurt as I did over the first game because reception has always been pretty positive for the sequel. I have my nitpicks regarding the story, the antagonist and the set-up for the game's existence in the first place, but as much as you can enjoy 13 as a game past a certain point, Final Fantasy 13-2 is just a solid RPG all the way through with a ton of content and a cohesive, open-ended play experience. 13-2 is like when ff13 Got Good, except for the entire game instead of after hours of narrow gameplay corridors.
FF13 had good gameplay, but the way the game was built felt kinda flawed on a foundational level (on top of the linear level design, grinding was almost impossible and totally disincentived by capping player levels between story chapters, but grinding DID help at points which required exiting to the main menu to reset the enemy placement which took a few minutes every time). 13-2 has a noticeable graphical downgrade, mostly in the FPS, but however the gameplay was foundationally flawed in the first game, the second game fixed. The narrative is fine, but this is a gamey RPG. This is the sort of game I like.
I said before that Final Fantasy 13 is worth playing on its own merits. It is. It's worth experiencing to see what it does, to sort of understand the weird position Final Fantasy was in when it came out. It's a beautiful game and I like the characters, for better and for worse, and I think it's worth experiencing just to say you've seen what all the fuss was about.
Final Fantasy 13-2 is better. Perhaps not character-wise, but in just about every other way it's straight-up a better game.
Everything I don't like about the first game, 13-2 does better. That being said, the two things I like about the first game - which I won't mention - are exactly where this game fumbles, though the former is a total nitpick and I'm mostly just salty about the latter because of how hard they have to break the narrative just for this game to even exist in the first place. The games are polar opposites in every area of comparison.
Or at least, this is how I felt for years. I played FF13 back in the day, I was less harsh than most but I had my issues with it. 13-2 was a game where I would just lie down facing my TV screen, and play that motherfucker for hours on end. I'm really excited to play 13-2 again.
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astraves · 11 months
Sessions in Ink - Postscript
A letter came to me, by post.
I had abandoned Ouvedhe’s office when he brandished the blade at me, and made his request.
His approach and candor were uncharacteristic, and his sudden turn to show the mended hand scythe and explain the state of its make admittedly staggered me. Ten thousand some-odd years after the fact and my first reaction is anger before reason.
He’s capable of his own dirty work. That entire attempt at our discussion was... odd, like he was trying to carry on the talks until someone hounded into his ear that it was time to play his hand.
Bear in mind, our discussions were his idea. I’ve never been under the impression that he’d abandon them or fuck it up, and yet here he was, doing both.
He requested to see me in Suramar again. I told him to come to Dazar’alor instead.
Valente and I have made a vacation of it. He plays with the other children here, sits in for lessons on old legends and all the rest. I’ve had to bribe more than one instructor, but times are changing.
Suramar, Dazar’alor, the Horde... They acknowledge that he’s an elf. He acknowledges that they’re trolls. The children don’t care until we tell them to.
So I don’t tell them to. He seems to like their culture just fine, and they like him.
These people are well aware of history. They’re living embodiments of it, not unlike us, but the trade-off for shorter lifespans is the capacity to always be current. In the moment.
Zandalar’s tribe, and really the others that would have us at least, are like exercises in mindfulness.
For my part and his, we’re trying not to be the sorcerous bogeymen and godless, baby-eating night monsters their legends claim. I’ve already had a man throw bones at me and claim that I’m weaker in the day, powerless without the moon.
I explained that it’s because I’m nocturnal, and that noon is still the middle of my night in comparison.
I was offered coffee and asked, very kindly at that, not to curse him and his children, which I didn’t. So he asked if I could bless him and his instead, or curse a rival angler with my “elfin witchcraft.”
When he learned I couldn’t (or wouldn’t), I was deigned useless and left alone.
The coffee was good though.
I’m left to sit by the harbor, waiting. Nursing this brew in the sun with the golden glare of the temple behind me and the ocean breeze howling between the ziggurats.
“Volseth,” a voice called out amid the bustle of the docks. Ouvedhe’s, by any measure. 
Astraves sat on his crossed legs like a gull taking roost atop the lamp posts leading up in their procession to the higher tiers behind him.
Clutched between his hands is a clay cup, simply made without a handle and just enough of a glaze to seal the earthenware. He nursed the dark, bitter brew within and watched the tide.
“You got my letter,” he says quietly.
“Which only went to prove that you received mine,” the elder offered as he folded his hands behind his back. “We need to speak.”
Volseth took a drink of his coffee and kept to his silence.
“What was that, at our last discussion?”
“Certain entities wanted proof,” the director started. “I was hoping to make it an easier process, smoother. More readily transitioning, but...”
“They rushed your hand and told you it was now or never, right there. You couldn’t get me into position, got flustered. Threw your hand on the table and lost the game.”
“On the contrary,” Ouvedhe began, “I won. Consequently,” he added as he settled in on the wall beside Volseth, “so did you.”
“The original argument when Geillais presented her evidence was that you were either psychologically broken, beyond all repair and remediation, or that you were some kind of psychotic fiend - that you yourself would’ve easily been another one of your victims, were it not for your justifications.” “They thought you were sick,” he went on, “and that there was no cause or effect for you. That you killed animals as a boy, hurt girls in your adolescence and took your stifled frustrations and powerlessness out on society as a man. But they wanted to corner you, isolate you, and have you dead to rights before disturbing the social fabric of things.” Volseth sighed through his nostrils and took another drink. “They wanted you, the alienist, to substantiate her report.”
“Yes. And I could, in some ways. Largely, though, I could not, when it was coupled with our conversations. By your own confession, you did have a spell of powerlessness. Frustration. Your father’s death was the breaking point of that, but it was well into a century before you started taking lives for it.”
Astraves nodded and straightened his back out with a grimace.
“And as you’re quick to point out, deserving ones... The man I told you about last time, he’d been quietly arrested and resolved while you were away from the world. You wouldn’t have known, I suppose.”
“Elsewise, you... Love animals in the way that you decidedly don’t keep them, preferring to let them be in their natural element... You’ve never expressed violence toward the disenfranchised or impoverished, never... flexed your muscles as it were upon any you deign beneath you...”
Volseth raised a hand and waved it on.
Ouvedhe went quiet and cleared his throat.
“It’s as close to an exoneration as you can get for killing at least five hundred people. Documented cases, at that. You are as cleared as I can make you, Lord Astraves. I know, though. They know. Some shadow of that will always loom over you, and no small degree of threat. What’s to stop you from snapping and cleaning house again, hm?”
“The presence of air in my lungs,” he answered quietly. “Maybe if our peers and superiors can keep their fucking noses clean, they won’t have that problem.”
“Ah... That’s the Interior Ministry’s problem,” Ouvedhe mused with a grin. “Not ours.”
“It’s my problem if we falter again. We built Suramar. I’m not perfect, but I occupy the history and position that I do because I have standards, Temeril. Standards keep the towers aloft. People fed and educated. Lives and livelihoods in order.”
“As a predator, then, you’ll know that you’ll starve,” Ouvedhe remarked, “unless you’ve resolved best practice for eating elephants.”
“Protecting territory to one is another’s stewardship. Both have the same outcome. I’d like to think you want to help me see to these outcomes though. You have a stake in it as well, and we can do this legitimately.”
“Or you can take that tool you had recast and do what you need to. I’m done.”
Volseth shook his head. “I can simply leave. If Suramar falls, I live somewhere else. If Azeroth falls, there are other worlds... Being married to something and unable to walk away doesn’t work so well with me, Ouvedhe. Staying for it, fighting for it... That’s just going to get me killed, and almost has in the past. I have things now that I’d rather live for.”
Temeril Ouvedhe took in the din of the shipyard as Volseth went quiet and emptied his cup with a grunt. Both men watched the seabirds, the ships trundling in and away. Crewmen barking at one another, priests blessing ships, children playing chase... “I’d say this is worth killing for,” the elder thought aloud. “So is home.”
He stood and plodded a weathered hand on Volseth’s shoulder before turning to walk away.
“One man to another, you could use an anchor. I mean it in the best possible way... You’ve got a new assignment as well, on the Isles.”
“What is it?” Volseth asked tiredly.
“Time,” Temeril said as he walked away. “Namely, its disruption... Fel won’t help you. Call your lightspark and get out there, Volseth.”
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weelittleweasley · 3 years
Rosy Cheeks | Fred x Reader
Prompt as anon requested: Fred has always been very forward with his feelings, especially when it comes girls. You on the other hand were always taken aback by how forward he was. 
Warnings: fluffy, blushy, cute, warm, and fuzzy :)
Word Count: 2.4k
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Small chatter in the library filled Fred’s ears as he sat at a small table pushed against the wall. He leaned back, twirling his quill in his fingers, not paying a lick of attention to the study group at the table. He tuned out Alicia’s voice going on about Flitwick’s class, arguing with Angelina about an answer to the study guide they made together for their upcoming exam. This was all nonsense to Fred in comparison to what he was staring at; rather who he was staring at.
Fred maintained a soft gaze on you from across the library. He watched as you sat alone at a small table, hair pulled up sloppily into a pony tail, the loose strands falling around your face, framing it. You propped your head up with your hand as you read through a book, flipping its pages, struggling to find the information you needed for the same exam he was preparing for. Fred’s heart fluttered in his ribcage as he watched you bite your lip, squinting your eyes as you read the words on the page. How was it possible for someone to be this adorable without even trying?
George leaned back in his chair, laughing at Alicia and Angelina fighting over the right answer. He turned to his right to see his twin, staring off into the distance. He followed his brother’s line of sight and saw exactly who he was gawking at. He let out a light chuckle, “Fred, mate, stop gawking at her and go talk to her.”
Fred snapped out of his daydream and turned to his brother. “I don’t want to disturb her, she looks so peaceful,” he retorts with a small smile on his lips as he returned his gaze to you from across the library. Alicia rolled her eyes at Fred, knowing well enough that Fred wouldn’t care disturbing a girl from her work if it meant he could talk to her. “I’m serious. Anyway, what were you two going on about?”
“Ah, ah, don’t be so quick to change the subject, Weasley,” Angelina shakes her head. “I didn’t know you had a thing for (Y/L/N), when did this start?” she asks, leaning forward, more intrigued in Fred’s little crush than the work in front of them. 
George laughs, “It wasn’t obvious before? Fred drools at the mouth when he sees her.” His comment makes Angelina and Alicia both laugh as Fred punches George in the arm as a warning. “Godric, calm down, I’m just teasing you, mate.” 
You were in the same year as Fred and George, but you had never really been friends with them. Just acquaintances. Fred didn’t start having a crush on you until your fifth year at Hogwarts. You had all come back from summer vacation, and all of a sudden it seemed like you had grown up before everyone’s eyes. You cut your hair, you didn’t have braces anymore, you started wearing light make up to highlight your facial features, and not to mention you suddenly became more aware of your feminine figure. The male gaze was much more present on you and you could feel it. It’s not that you didn’t like the attention, you just weren’t used to it. You were used to blending in the background, minding your own business and keeping a tight circle of close friends. So when random boys came up to you, like Fred, you were always caught off guard by their flirtations. It’s not that you didn’t find Fred cute, because you indeed find him to be incredibly handsome, you were just not used to how forward he was with his emotions.
Fred leans forward and puts his head in his hands. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but it seems like every time I try to talk to her or flirt with her, I just end up screwing things. I compliment her, I try to talk to her as much as I can, I offer to walk her to class, but when I do those things it seems like she just freezes up.”
Closing her book and surrendering to the conversation, Alicia speaks, “For starters, Fred, you aren’t very subtle when it comes to fancying girls.” Fred furrows his brows. “You are always very forward with them and make it known that you like them and some girls prefer a little game. Some back and forth, make the bloke sweat a bit. You on the other hand are...intense for lack of better words.” 
Her comment makes the table burst out in laughter as Fred tries to defend himself. “Intense?! I’m intense?!” he exclaims before noticing his rising volume, earning a few shushes from the people around him. “Alright, fine, I can be a little intense, but it’s just because I don’t like playing games. I like getting right down to it. Why waste time?” 
George retorts to his brother, “But how do you know that she doesn’t like the chase, mate? Maybe she needs to take things slow.”
Fred just rolls his eyes, “Have I ever not succeeded in getting a girl with my method?” Alicia and Angelina scoff before returning back to their books, their argument about the right answer ensuing yet again. Fred continues talking to George, “Look, she’s also studying for Flitwick’s exam. Maybe she needs help. How kind of me to offer her some help!” 
Fred rises from his seat, grabbing his book leaving the table. “How are you gonna help her when you barely know what you’re doing, mate?” George speaks.
Spinning around, Fred quickly responds, “She doesn’t know that. Fake it ‘till you make it.” He sends his brother and their friends a wink before heading over to your table, unbeknownst to you.
You were deep into reading your book for Flitwick’s class, flipping wildly through pages to find the charm and wand movement you were looking for. “It has to be here somewhere,” you mumble to yourself, licking your fingertips before flipping through pages. 
“Need help?” you hear a voice speak. You look up to see Fred Weasley towering over you, a small smirk on his lips. Your heart rate speeds up the moment you see him, heart pounding against your chest. Your mouth goes dry and every thought in your mind vanishes. He literally made you speechless. Don’t freak out, you think to yourself. “May I?” he asks, referring to the empty seat next to you. Nodding your head up and down, you quickly look away from him as to not draw anymore attention to yourself. Fred takes the seat next to you as you feel your cheeks heating up, suddenly becoming more self-aware in the space next to him. “Studying for Flitwick’s exam?” he asks.
Taking a gulp, you muster up the words to speak to the cute boy next to you. “Um, yeah,” you nod your head, eyes still glued to the textbook, refusing to look at him. It felt wrong to look at him for some reason. Fred’s gaze did something to you. It felt so intimate for the strangest reason. “Or attempting to,” you add. “I can’t seem to find the charm I’m looking for in the textbook.”
Fred scoots his chair closer to you and you tense up a little bit. He reaches to your textbook and says, “Maybe I can be of some help? What charm is it?” As he asks you, he places his arm around the back of your chair, resting it around you. You become very aware of his slick placement, an obvious move, and your mouth goes dry. Fred was making his move and he was monitoring your reaction carefully.
You didn't know what to do. Flirt back? Answer his question? Tell him that you’re okay and that’ll you’ll find it? You didn’t want him to think that you didn’t like his flirtation because you did, you just didn’t know how to react. Instead of saying something flirty back, you just look at him and answer the question. “Erecto,” you speak as Fred widens his eyes. Of course. You just widen your eyes back as Fred chuckles. “I-I-I didn’t mean it like that, I meant that’s the charm I’m looking for!” you justify your answer. 
Fred continues to chuckle before replying, “At least take me on a date first, (Y/N).” He sends you a wink as your cheeks go bright red, making Fred chuckle more. “You look adorable when you blush,” Fred confesses which only makes you blusher harder and look away from him, a smile forming on your lips which Fred doesn’t miss. The smile makes Fred smile wider and his heart flutter. “Alright, let me have a look,” he pulls the textbook, flipping through pages with one hand, keeping his other arm around the back of your chair. You just sit quietly and play with the quill in your hand, tucking your hand behind your ear. Godric, this was embarrassing. “And here we have it. Right next to Engorgio,” he winks at you as you bite your lip to hold back your smile. Fred notices and speaks, “Hey, don’t hide that smile from me. You look beautiful when you smile.” He pushes a piece of hair out of your face and brushes it behind your ear as you heart stops, making your mouth go dry. You let a small smile pull at the corners of your mouth. “There we are. Beautiful.”
The two of you look at each other for a moment, staring at the other. Fred’s eyes dart all over your face trying to gage your reaction to his words, nervously scanning you. You just stare at Fred’s eyes and look at how much life are behind them. Aside from being a goof, Fred Weasley had so much charm and charisma. That’s what made him so attractive. He was confident in himself. But you don’t let yourself get carried away. You break your gaze and go back to your work, but Fred keeps looking at you. “Thank you, Fred,” you tell him quietly, scribbling down the charm on your parchment.
You can still feel Fred’s eyes on you as you write, growing uncomfortable in his gaze. It wasn’t that he was making you uncomfortable, it’s just the fact that he loved look at you was something you weren’t used to. “Can I ask you something, (Y/N)?” he asks as your heart stops. Uh oh. 
Your mind is racing with possible questions he could ask you, but you still say, “Sure.”
Fred takes in a breath before speaking, “Do you consider me intense?”
You furrow your brows, “Intense?”
“Yeah, like Alicia told me I’m intense. I understand that if she was referring to me when I’m playing quidditch, but she meant like...when I’m around a girl that I like...I’m intense with them. Would you agree?” he asks, arm still around you as you bite down on your lip, confused.
You open your mouth to speak, trying to formulate a sentence. “Well, I don’t know...I haven’t seen you interact with a girl who you fancy,” you tell him as you play with the quill in your hands.
Your comment makes Fred laugh and shake his head. “Merlin,” he breathes out. “You’re bluffing, right?” You furrow your brows yet again, completely confused. You were being truthful. You knew that Fred flirted with you, but didn’t he flirt with everyone? That was Fred’s thing, wasn’t it? “(Y/N), I fancy you. I have since fifth year,” Fred confesses.
In that moment, your heart stops. Fred Weasley fancied you? So the flirting was because he fancied you? “Oh,” you speak as Fred just chuckles, waiting for you to say something. Your shyness gets the best of you again and you just blush deep crimson for the thousandth time, making Fred smile. “I didn’t know, Fred.”
He shakes his head, “For someone as smart and as gorgeous as you, you’re quite oblivious, (Y/N). I’ve been flirting with you every day, sneaking a glance or touch when I can. You thought I was doing all of that to be friendly?” You just shrug in response. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable during any of it, it’s just the way I’m used to flirting with girls,” he tells you with a soft smile. “But I am serious. I do have a crush on you. And I’d love to take you out on a date if you’d let me, (Y/N).”
Your heart is beating a mile a minute and your palms are sweating. There’s no way that this is happening right now. Five minutes ago you were freaking out over an exam and now you were being asked out on a date by one of the fittest guys in your year. With a shaky breath in and a smile, you reply, “Okay. I’ll go on a date with you.”
Fred gives you a toothy grin. “Brilliant,” he beams. “How does this Friday work? We can go to the Three Broomsticks and get some Butterbeer?” he asks. “7pm?” You give him a small nod, rubbing the back of your neck, trying to hide your excitement. “Cool. Don’t worry, darling, I’ll make it worth your while,” he winks before placing a small kiss on your bright crimson cheek. “I’ll see you then.” He rises from his chair and makes his way back to the table where George, Alicia, and Angelina eagerly wait for him.
As he walks away, you let out a little giggle, excited for what the weekend has in store for you. Now with a beaming smile on your face, you continue to study for the exam, in a much better mood than before. “I’ve got a date with Fred Weasley,” you whisper to yourself, blushing hard as you flip through pages of your book.
“And?” George asks as Fred plops back down in his chair. “You scare her away again? Or did you behave yourself?” he pushes Fred’s shoulder.
Fred looks at his friends and brother and simply speaks, “Intense my arse. Guess who has a date this Friday?” he leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest as his friends’ jaws drop. “Don’t act surprised. I told you my method always works.”
George scoffs, “Yeah right. Hey, (Y/N)!” He bellows from the opposite side of the library, grabbing your attention as your eyes widen at the call. “My idiot brother said he’s got a date with you on Friday. That true? Or did he bribe you to say yes?” Fred slaps his brother upside the head.
You let out a light laugh, very aware of the multiple pairs of eyes on you from various students, anticipating your answer. “I don’t do bribes, George. Besides, your brother has quite the way with words,” you tease with a little more confidence, earning a few oohs from around you.
George stares at you and then Fred in disbelief. Then he speaks, “Nice going, mate!” Fred chuckles before looking over at you, sending you a wink.
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a discussion of jabberwock with team interaction hcs + deeper nash analysis
for anon who asked "Can we get some headcanons for jabberwock members or like headcanons when they're together? (its okay if it was jason or nash only)" and made me realise it's about time i get these guys' personalities down
note before we start: cause i didn't know their names until i wrote this
zack is the bald one, allen is the one with a headband, nick is the other white guy apart from nash.
team hcs
nick gets bullied for being under 6ft, but not by jason
nah good old jason teases all of them for being short fucks, emphasising that they’re all 5ft tall in comparison to him
he 100% lifts things out of the others' reach and then laughs for ages after when they try get them
unfortunately though, they’re all used to this and now just ignore him. either that or nash stares at him so intensely jason actually repents and hands it back
zack’s another one with a very good glare, but he’s used it too often on jason and it’s since stopped working.
also jason gives me ‘straightens his back as much as possible when getting measured so he’ll measure in as 7ft’ vibes
oh and he thinks he could wrestle a gator and win. i’ve got no explanation for that except for the fact you can't tell me it's ooc.
allen’s very protective over his white headband - it’s his lucky item - but he’d never let anyone know that
he’s confident in his abilities like the rest of them, but there’s nothing wrong with wearing a headband just in case
(nash knows anyway)
they watch nba matches together and do not shut up once throughout the entire match - lots of jeering, booing each other if someone criticises a player they like, lots of “i could do that”, lots of “get your fucking hand out of my popcorn do you want me to punch you in the face” etc
they used to all live together, but nash has since moved out. he was sick and tired of trying to make people do chores, as the only one who kept their room clean.
yeah the others’ house looks like a heap of trash but also very much “where’s my toothbrush?” “it’s in the third coke can by the orange peel behind the sink” *silence* “yeah thanks” *a minute later* “who the fuck has been using my toothbrush”
they’re all “bro your dribbling sucks why are you on this team loser” to one another, but also very protective (aka arrogant for one another) if anyone else Dared to criticise one of their teammates
then again, what kind of person would criticise jabberwock
half of the time he spends with jabberwock, nash is a Single Mother TM trying to get a bunch of man children to behave; the other half of the time, he's just as bad as the rest of them
i talk about this a lot but i get the feeling nash is an exceptionally hard worker, but at least he gets to let his hair down around his teammates sometimes
nash is also the only person jason thought was truly ‘strong’ at first sight
and nash is also the only person who can beat jason in a fight, and also the only person who can get nash to train, and also the only person who can.. [etc. you see my point].
(n.b jason calls himself the ‘almighty me’, nash says that ‘even god can’t beat me’. point made.)
you know how jason silver’s motto is “I have never thought”
imagine him proudly stating that, before zack adds with a straight face, “yeah cause nash does it for you.”
in short, the team would fall apart without nash.
although the team’s communication and coordination is very fine tuned, nash is the guy who keeps everything in order off the court to prevent what is essentially a team of aces ('main characters', if you will) from falling apart
they hang out together a lot, but do all have other friend groups that do not overlap
team bbqs
unofficial rule not to criticise anchovies on pizza because the one time nick did, nash snapped
however pineapple on pizza is fair game, even though zack quite likes it
more than once, jason has brought a girl home and nick has stolen her attention away with effortless trick shots, funky ball manoeuvring etc
more than once nick has had to trek to nash’s place (with a black eye) at midnight to have somewhere to sleep
do you see a correlation?
oh and everyone in the team has been walked in on by nash when they were naked with some girl
nash has absolutely no shame
he apologises to the girl with a charming albeit insincere tone, and then remains standing in front of the bed/couch until his teammate does what he expected of them
usually it involves not having come to practice
allen learnt a few (emphasis on ‘few’) words of japanese before they travelled to japan and was disappointed that he never got to use them
that said, one of those words was hentai
and now a quick analysis of some panels
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a) so there's at least one player who wasn't underestimating vorpal swords. if i were to overanalyse, i'd add that nick's wearing a hoodie (possibly athletic wear) whilst nash has a 'fancy' shirt on; perhaps nick wasn't expecting them to be going to host clubs instead of chilling/training?
b) i know what you're thinking: "how can you say nash is a hard worker when he didn't want to practice for the match". i reckon he was still pretty high on the complete and utter success of their previous match, that plus being around girls, encouraged him to have a more 'jason-y' personality. (either that or fujimaki didn't want to add too much depth/realism into nash's character bc he's unequivocally the villain, right? and obviously this helps with the plot and the jabberwock bad geniuses gom good geniuses rhetoric.)
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earlier, i mentioned how nash is the only one that could keep the team together, and is thus the undeniable head of the team; here's a clear example. you can see both jason and zack have no interest in continuing - if anything, there's disgust in their faces, kinda just saying "we spat on all of japan, now we can go home". whereas nash won't allow for the slightest of possibilities that there might exist a team stronger than them, and hence agrees to the match. the key thing here is that the others do as he says without too much fuss.
another thing to note is nash's reference to harakiri. now what can we make of that, alongside his proficiency in japanese, in relation to his character? the way i see it, he's either a weeb or possibly has some japanese lineage. (you could spin that even further and say his mother was japanese, taught him the language, then abandoned him, and hence his almost excessive hatred/mockery of the japanese people.) (is that why he wanted to do another match in japan..?)
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just a quick point. "thanks to him" - jason isn't so superior as to think that he could win this match effortlessly without nash's support. links pretty nicely with my earlier idea about how nash is the only person jason has always considered 100% strong.
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yet another point about how nash is the strongest of the team in pretty much every way you can think of. you know how scary/powerful you have to be to shut jason up (after he's getting real pissed from being prevented from scoring?)
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i personally think this is a pretty important panel, though i've never seen anyone mention it before. did nash grow up training in a professional basketball training situation, as opposed to growing up playing streetball like i suspect the others did? well, to answer that question, imma bring in another panel.
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here we see visible rage on nick, zack and jason's faces - they can't accept their loss, which is fair enough. but i'd argue that nash's face seems to depict sadness more than it does anger like to rest of them, look at how downturned his mouth is - and he's looking away from the 'camera', as if hiding his shame.
when you combine that with what he says here, i have no doubt that this is someone who has experienced some proper lows in basketball - as would be expected from someone who's played 'properly'. he's possibly not even a prodigy like the rest of them - compare jason's motto with his. "i have never thought" versus "do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door".
there's various lines of thinking you could design with this - he might have been trained by alex (hence, himuro having heard of jabberwock, though he should have known of a team as popular of jabberwock regardless), he might have grown up with professional basketballer parents etc. but here's my own little theory:
nash received serious basketball training from early on - maybe because his parents were living vicariously through him, or maybe he always loved the sport and wanted to be no1. so there he was training away, but, as he grew older, it started getting all a bit too much.
he didn't want to dedicate his entire life to basketball. after all, his hobby is water sports and his speciality is boxing; that's a lot of different things to be keeping up with, whereas the pipeline for promising athletes demands people focus solely on basketball. as a result, nash become bitter: stopped attending practice regularly, got in trouble for trash talk of increasing severity, etc.
result was he was kicked out of the program.
only when he was no longer playing basketball again, did he realise how much he missed it. and hence he got into streetball, where he was tremendously successful as someone with so much training, 'elite skills', and the overly confident attitude to boot.
then, one fateful day, he met jason and the rest is history.
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anime-grimmy-art · 3 years
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Told you guys I’d ramble in due time.
I absolutely adore Bravely Default 2. It came at a really bad time cos I can’t waste 70 hours on a jrpg, but well, it’s too late to be concerned about that now. And as is tradition with me obsessing over a new game / show / whatever, you’ll basically find a fullblown review disguised as ramblings right under the cut. Be aware that I’m gonna talk about EVERYTHING, so spoilers are a given. Some maybe even for the previous Bravely Default games.
Also, if you wanna talk about this game in any capacity, hit me up, I’m DESPERATE to talk more about it.
Just for reference on how long this is gonna be, I made a voice recording while driving to remember all the points I wanna make, and that recording is almost 2 hours long. I did cut it down but still, this is gonna be a lot.
I’ll start off with the things that actually bugged me about the game, since there are only 3 things that really bothered me. First of, I really don’t like that you can name Seth. He has too much personality to be a self insert and player integration is not that big of a part in the game that this decision can be justified. It wouldn’t bother me that much if it didn’t leave a bad mark on the ending. First of all, we were robbed of Gloria desperately shouting for Seth, which makes the impact work less, and it’s just so prevalent that the name can’t be said because you have all the normal sound design going. If they’d just let the credits still play I wouldn’t have batted an eye, but because every other sound comes in it’s so obvious they’re just silently shouting in this scene, which makes it look silly. Like I said, this decision is more a detriment than an addition, and it’s a shame it casts a shadow on an otherwise heartfelt ending.
Speaking about lost potential, the other thing that really bothers me is the lost potential in certain plot points and character conclusions. I mainly mean Adam and Edna here. Both of them have been built up to be these formidable foes but they just, die. If it was just Adam I’d be fine with it, since you expect Edna to backstab him and be the actual big bad of the story, but I cannot fathom why they dropped Edna this HARD. If not Edna herself, I don’t understand why we don’t get more of a reaction from the Fairies and especially Adelle. I mean, Edna was her sole reason she left for her journey in the first place, then Edna dies and that’s it? No part where she grieves for a second? No concern from the others about Adelle? Mind you, I haven’t finished all the Sidequests, so maybe there actually is one in which this is addressed, but I think even just a Party Chat after Bad End 1 would have been sufficient to show how Adelle suddenly feels about the loss of Edna. It would have made Bad End 2 / The Secret Ending even more impactful, because, yeah, of course, you kinda know Adelle isn’t going to turn her back on fairy kind, but one of the reasons she doesn’t leave is because if Enda didn’t get a happy ending, then she shouldn’t either. It would have been amazing foreshadowing if she showed this sentiment before this scene happened. Other than that, it’s a shame that we know so little about Edna, or rather, how she became “bad”. I get she’s supposed to be corrupted by the Night’s Nexus, but how did it even come to this? It can’t have been a gradual thing, after all, Adelle says Edna was always good natured and then just disappeared one day. Really would have loved seeing more of that plot point.
Ok, last gripe I have, some choices in the soundtrack and sound design. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the OST, and I will get to that, but damn, whatever Revo used for the lead instrument in Wiswald hurts my ears. It’s a really good track, but I always have to turn down my volume because these high pitched sounds physically hurt. And for sound design. Dude, the Night’s Nexus is the least threatening, nightmare fueled abomination that ever existed. I get that its growl is kinda supposed to be layered with Edna’s or sth, but it, it just sounds silly. If they went the route of just swinging between different voices or began distorting it from phase to phase, it would have been fine. But the choice they made really made an otherwise creepy design just absolutely silly.
Ok, enough jammering, on to the good stuff. Like I said, there’s going to be a lot, so I’ll try to be brief in each aspect.
I honestly like the new battle mechanics more than the old ones. This individual, turn based system feels way more dynamic and it’s easier to strategies in battles. Because nothing made me more angry than setting up for a heal and the enemy suddenly being faster than me and killing my healer. Now it’s easier to plan ahead a bit.
I also found myself experimenting more with the jobs. Not sure what it really is, but none of the party members leaning more towards certain types of jobs and the job leveling being way faster probably helped.
And I know some people get up in arms because the boss sometimes can be a real pain in the ass (looking at you pope dude), I still found it very interesting getting around counters or even using these counters as a benefit. As an example, I made Adelle my main physical fighter and gave her lots of counter abilities to help her profit from being countered by enemies themselves. Now, she can attack enemies, get countered, automatically evade that counter and earn a BP at the same time. Made a lot of boss fights way easier and fun to exploit.
Ok, I will try my best to be really, really brief, because in my recording this part takes up almost 40 minutes. Anyways, Revo might have just become one of my absolute favorite composers ever. I don’t know what kind of magic he used, but I initially wasn’t that impressed with the OST, but every time I listened to it, I just fell in love harder and harder. Before getting into specifics, I wanna highlight the two things that made me love this OST overall. First of all, this soundtrack almost seems like a refinement of BD’s. While losing some of that fairytale vibe, it sounds even more fantasy now. And in contrast to the original, this almost sounds more balanced? Like, BD’s OST felt high energy throughout, BD2’s on the other hand manages to find a good balance between high and low energy pieces. Like, the character themes or battle themes are absolute hype, but the overworld themes are a lot calmer and easier to listen to while exploring. Second big point that makes this soundtrack amazing is that Revo is an absolute god at using emotional progression/storytelling and leitmotifs in his songs. And heck, do I love myself my leitmotifs. You’ve got some obvious ones, like the final battle theme in which all the character themes and other leitmotifs are integrated. Then you got some maybe more subtle once, just like how the overworld themes are just the main theme, just a lot calmer and using the lead instruments of the towns of the areas.
But my absolute favourites gotta be the character themes and the main theme. I love how fitting the themes for the characters are and in general, each of them is such a bop. At first I prefered Elvis’, because I sure am a sucker for jazzy vibes, but over time Adelle’s became my fav. It’s just something about the trumpets, and how the theme almost sounds a bit melancholic and bittersweet, that drew me in. And considering her story, mostly her bad end, that the bittersweet tone really fits.
Then there’s the main theme. Just like BD’s it shouts “triumphant anthem” and it definitely gives you a very familiar vibe, but I’d argue it has even better emotional progression. Heck, the first time I heard the music start up in the reveal trailer, I didn’t have to look at the screen to know this is gonna be a BD game. Also, the credit song version had me weeping at the true end. I’m someone who’s very easily affected by music (if me shouting about soundtracks on this blog wasn’t proof enough) and just hearing that ending song, getting the after credits scene, just for the second credits to start as a freaking duet. Dude, at that point I just started sobbing, I’m not gonna lie. Just this little part showed how much Revo knows how to put emotion in a song and also write it in such a way that he can elicit strong, emotional reactions from you too. 
People have been complaining how the story is too boring and kinda disappointing in comparison to the last one, but I just think the games tried to accomplish different things here. Since the BD series is a celebration of old, classic jrpgs, “cliche” storytelling is a given. Though, BD did throw a lot of meta stuff in there too. BD2 in contrast just feels like a direct execution of that initial idea. It feels familiar, it feels comfy and it feels safe. Except for the little things with the endings and then overwriting the Nexus’ “save file”, BD2 doesn’t really get that meta, which is totally fine. It doesn’t try to reinvent or innovate anything, it just wants to be a fantasy story, that might be cliche, but still fun and enjoyable in its own right.
I’d also argue that the pacing is a lot better than the old game, because with BD I sometimes found myself skipping through scenes to get on with the story. Not that this game didn’t have me rushing through stuff as well, but I found it kept my intrigue way better than the original.
Next to the music, this is the part that I absolutely love the most. While, yes, they did lose a lot of potential with some characters, mostly with the villains, the main cast is just so much fun. I love these 4 dorks so, so much.
I honestly can’t stand how much people compare them to the original cast. Yes, ofc, I’ve been doing my fair share of comparisons too, but calling these four a more boring version of BD’s party physically hurts me. Because except for some initial impressions, the Heroes of Light are completely different from our beloved Warriors of Light.
While yes, Seth and Gloria give off strong Tiz and Agnes vibes at first, they both grow into such different characters that they’re not really comparable. I think this shows with Adelle and Elvis even more. I do understand how people could compare Adelle and Edea, since they’re both the feisty girl type, but I can’t understand how people can see Ringabel and Elvis as the same character type. While those two are the “suave” party members, they act so differently from another. And that’s honestly apparent the first time you meet them. 
Anyways, I love these 4 so much.
We technically don’t know a lot about Seth at all, but they manage to pull so much out of just the fact that he’s a sailor, that it makes him really endearing, really fast.
I was kinda disinterested with Gloria at first, because again, the initial impression was Agnés2.0, but she grew on me a lot. Gloria is way more hard headed and honestly sassy in comparison to Agnés and I absolutely adore it.
Elvis. Elvis, my man. I love this fantasy scottosh wizard so, so much. He’s such a ridiculous character but so endearing at the same time. You got all this dorkiness, with him setting himself on fire as a student, him doing god knows what for a good drink or just laughing danger and prejudice in the face. But then you got his super empathetic and caring side. Mind you, most of his wise moments come from quoting Lady Emma, but still, as much as he’s hopeless with certain social situations, he’s actually still really good at reading the room and playing things smart. He’s a smart and powerful idiot, which makes him a danger to everyone and himself, and I love him for it. (I also can’t believe they called him Lesley I MEAN COME ON)
And then there’s Adelle. I liked her from the start, but I didn’t think she would stick out to me. I think now she’s my favourite character. Not even talking about all the stuff that happens in chapter 3 and onward, because these story threads are awesome in their own right, but there’s just something about her personality that’s interesting and appealing to me. Like I said, I’m not surprised people compare her to Edea, I did too at first, but while Edea walks very close to the line of a Tsundere, I was really surprised that Adelle is, well, not a Tsundere at all. Yeah, of course she’s putting Elvis down a lot, but that stems more from her preventing his ego from going to his head than her being all embarrassed. No, Adelle is actually really well adjusted when it comes to communication. While it’s hilarious that she and Elvis met with her chucking her shoes at him, the two just got along well right from the start. Adelle in general has this really open and helpful personality, but also doesn’t shy away from putting her foot down, even if that sometimes comes out as an embarrassed sputter. She’s also the mother hen of the group. She looks out for the other three and gets concerned about them real fast. 
I dunno, Adelle just really grew on me over the course of this game, and then her kinda being paired with Elvis too, as partners and as partners, makes me like her even more. Because as much as I like their personalities individually, I like their character dynamic even more. I honestly love the relationships between all four of them a lot. You really feel them grow closer as friends and all the little character sidequests just always made me really happy.
You might not believe me, but I really held back there. This could probably have been 3 times its length. As much as I love this game, it’s of course not perfect. It struggles and flails in some parts a lot and it certainly has some aspects that might turn people off. But for me, it was just a very familiar and comfy game that didn’t necessarily deliver anything new, but that told its story in such a way that it still got me excited to keep going. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing and the conclusion of the story actually got me to cry. While not groundbreaking, this game is highly enjoyable and leaves you absolutely satisfied at the end.
Also, I would like to iterate that I am desperate to get more content about this game, so if you wanna chat about it, hit me up.
Anyways, anyone else felt like having a fever dream when everybody in chapter 2 started talking fantasy scottish? Cos I sure did.
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therenlover · 3 years
In Fleeting Touches & Airy Sighs Chapter 3 Part 2 + Epilogue (A Helmut Zemo x Reader Fanfiction)
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(Thank you to everyone who has joined me on this unexpected journey. If you’d like to start from the beginning, you can find Chapter One HERE)
Synopsis: At the end of the day, Helmut and his wife fall back together as they always do, and rediscover their intimacy in the wake of their past arguments with no more games left to play. 
Tags: Smut, Fingering, Kisses, Neck Kisses, Married Sex, Soft Sex, The Morning After, Fluff, Banter, Excessive References To Old Literature, Wuthering Heights
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Explicit Smut, Swearing, Mentions of Alcoholism/Alcohol Withdrawals
Word Count: 10,500~
This work has been crossposted to my AO3!
The two of you stayed there for a moment, your heart alight with an almost childlike wonder as you relished in the pure bliss of your husband’s hand holding your own. It was as familiar as your own name and yet so new, so different than it had been before. Had he ever held your hand this tenderly? Or looked at you with such adoration? You couldn’t say for certain. Definitely not while you were so distracted by the romance of it all.
Still, all good things must come to an end, and after what could have been an eternity or a moment Helmut pressed one more kiss to your hand before lowering it back to the bed.
“Your trembling has stopped,” he muttered, more to himself than you, “that’s good. Are you still in pain? You could still take one more naproxen if you think it would be helpful,”
You shook your head. “No thank you. I think I’ll be fine for now,” Slowly, you stretched up, your joints cracking loudly as you yawned. Across the room, the clock on the wall ticked silently past 8 o’clock. Could it really be that late?
Helmut seemed amused by your little movements and mental musings. With a sweet smile, he leaned back in his chair. “Tired already?” He teased, but there was no fire in it. You didn’t have anything in you to make a funny quip with, so you opted for simply giving an honest nod. That was enough for him. He dimmed the bedside lamp a bit and picked up his novel once again before he spoke. “You can rest now, Schatz. I’ll be here if you need me,”
Then, nonchalant as can be, he opened up his book and started reading again.
It was a bit… strange, the idea of falling asleep while being watched, even if it was just by your husband. You settled into the sheets, but the thought of it irked you enough that you had to roll onto your side in the hopes that once he was out of sight you’d forget about him being there. It didn’t work. Then, you rolled onto your back thinking if you just closed your eyes, sleep would come eventually. That didn’t work either. You were quickly sat face to face with a conundrum: You couldn’t sleep.
Not in your current situation at least.
As if he could sense your discomfort, Helmut peered to you from above the pages of his book. “Are you reconsidering my offer for pain medication?” He asked.
You groaned. “No, I just can’t sleep. It’s weird being watched,”
Helmut watched over you with kind eyes. He didn’t set down his book as he watched you toss and turn until you finally rolled onto your side to face him, but he did tilt his head slightly as he studied your face. Once he was sure you weren’t in any pain, he gave a curt nod. There was something almost awkward and adolescent about the expression that crossed his face as he spoke.
“Are you… I’m sorry, would you rather I leave?”
The thought of being alone, even if it meant not being watched, made your stomach drop. You had spent so long wanting to fall asleep with Helmut at your side once again. To have him leave now, after everything you’d worked through? It felt like a massive step backward in comparison to all of the progress you’d made. That being said, him sitting at the edge of your bed like some sort of visitor at a hospital bed wasn’t what you wanted either.
No, you wanted him closer.
Needed him closer.
The only problem was that you had absolutely no idea of how to ask for what you wanted. It had always been so simple before. Ever since you had broken him out of the raft you had fallen into bed together exhausted every night with very few exceptions. There was no asking about it, you just did because that was what a married couple would do. That wasn’t even mentioning the nights you’d fall together after the throes of passion onto the nearest soft surface, fully satisfied and boneless and exhausted, but you didn’t want to think about those times. They brought a flush to your face and other places long neglected. You pushed the feeling down. It wouldn’t get you anywhere to be thinking of things like that in your current situation.
Back to the problem at hand, you started to think about if there was a possible, non-awkward way to ask Helmut to lay with you.
After a minute you became acutely aware that there wasn’t.
He was still waiting for an answer though, dark eyes watching you with an intent care and fascination as you struggled to sort through your thoughts, ever patient and careful with you. From your position on your side you had to tilt your head up slightly to see him fully upright in the lamplight but it didn’t matter much. He was still stunning, even sideways. Slowly, you took a deep breath. “I want you to stay, it’s just a little weird to have you watching over me like that,”
The words were soft and delicate in the moonlight. Helmut, thankfully, took them at face value and nothing more. He was still wearing that same strange expression from before, awkward but not painfully so, as his eyes flitted around the dark room. “You… last night and the night before you woke up a lot, inconsolable and vomiting. I didn’t want you to choke or make too much of a mess, so it was easier to sit up and watch you, just in case,”
“Oh,” Your soft lips parted as your heart fluttered, “I’m sorry, I guess? And thank you? I don’t know quite what the right response to that is,”
“There’s no need to apologize, it’s nothing, and I don’t need thanks either. I’m not doing anything any other decent husband wouldn’t do,”
“Well, you’re only halfway decent, so I’d consider this a win,”
Helmut laughed then, something low and throaty that made your chest feel fuzzy and heavy with warmth. “Touché, Schatzi. Now try to sleep? You need your rest,”
You obliged him once again, letting your head hit the pillow. Your eyes remained open, though, as you admired his features in the darkness. He hadn’t shaved properly in a few days and it was obvious from the dark stubble forming on his cheeks and chin, but you didn’t mind it. In fact, you found it incredibly endearing. His turtleneck looked thick and soft as it hugged every plane of his soft chest.  Even his face, furrowed in slight concentration as he found his sentence once again and began to read, looked sweet in the lamplight, framed by unkempt locks of his chestnut hair that had fallen out of their usually precariously kempt style. He looked like an angel there, illuminated from the side while his eyes flitted back and forth down the page.
Part of you yearned to reach out and touch him, because at that moment he seemed far too beautiful and idealized to be real.
After a moment, though, his eyes met yours again. You spoke before he had a chance to offer pain medication a third time.
“What are you reading?”
He regarded you with a practiced gentleness. This was a game all its own that you were both intimately familiar with, and it was much more fun than the ones you usually found yourselves playing. Helmut loved his books, but he never read one without reason. You were curious to see what he found appropriate for the occasion.
“Wuthering Heights,”
A small grin spread across your face as heat rushed to your cheeks. “Really? How morbid,”
“If you think this is morbid, you should have seen me last night,” he chuckled, “I was still neck-deep in Anna Karenina until the early hours of the morning. It did nothing for my nerves,” Somehow, his accent seemed thicker as he rolled the title gently on his tongue. If you closed your eyes, you could see the scene in your mind; Helmut watching you intently in the darkness as you shook, his eyes flitting back nervously to the words on the page before darting back to you again as he read of love and infidelity and death… it was almost too much to bear in the best of ways.
“What will you read next?”
Helmut paused, but his decision came quick. “Pride and Prejudice, I think,”
“How fitting,” you hummed, “I like Pride and Prejudice,”
“As do I, Schatz. As do I,”
The two of you sat with that silently for a moment as you took in a deep breath of cool nighttime air. Outside, you could hear the soft sound of distant passing cars in the darkness, but that did little to soothe the thoughts now racing through your head and making your heart beat faster. Suddenly, and without deliberation, you acted with your heart alone and not your mind.
“Helmut?” you called softly into the darkness.
He lifted his eyes from his book without a hint of annoyance at your repeated interruptions. “Yes?”
Suddenly, your throat felt very tight. “Do you remember the last night we spent in Berlin?”
“Of course I do,” he hummed, but he offered you nothing more to work with. Trembling slightly from the effort, you tried again.
“You read to me that night and it helped with the nightmares. Do you think…” your voice petered off, but came back stronger when you steadied yourself again, grounding yourself in the warmth of Helmut’s eyes, “do you think you could read to me again?”
The smile he offered you was brilliant and kind.
“I would like nothing more,”
With a bit of adjusting, Helmut scooted to the front of his chair so that his knees brushed the edge of the bed. You stared spellbound up at him. If you reached out, just the smallest bit,  you would be able to rest a hand on the warmth of his leg and relish in the feeling of his soft dress pants. Still, it wouldn’t be enough. You needed to be even closer, surrounded by him, entirely engulfed by the warmth and strength and scent of him.
“Do you believe such people are happy in the other world sir?” Helmut began, reading aloud in a voice reserved for you and you alone in these incredibly rare moments, “I’d give great deal to-”
Helmut looked up from the novel with a soft ‘hm’ of confusion.
“I-'' you stuttered, “I want you to lay with me while you read, like you did back then,” His eyes lit up and his cheeks flushed as you floundered for some sort of excuse or placation that would explain your sudden boldness. “You don’t have to! I just… I thought it might be nice. If it’s not, that’s more than okay, I didn't mean to upset you. I guess what I’m trying to-”
“Shhh, Schatz. You’re okay,”
At the sound of Helmut’s soft reassurance, your heart slowed down a bit from its jackhammer rhythm against your chest. What? He was… agreeing? Slowly, he stood from his chair and rounded the bed before sitting on the opposite edge. You had to roll over to watch him go, but when he finally sat you reached a hand out to him, which he took into his own without a hint of hesitation.
“It’s not good to work yourself up like this,” he cooed as he toed off his shoes and socks, moving them away with his free hand. “I’m still your husband, just as you are still my wife. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be held,” Your cheeks burned with shame, but somehow you didn’t feel like he was chiding you. He slipped below the sheets then, resting his back on the headboard and beckoning you forward to rest on him. You were scrambling towards his warmth before he had to say another word.
Then, you were finally safe.
There, with your cheek pressed flush against his chest and your arms wrapped tight around his middle, you breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed for the first time in… well, since you could remember really. He chuckled, but you didn’t notice. No, you were far too busy enjoying your newfound warmth. Your limbs were trembling a bit again, but not from your withdrawals. Instead, you seemed to have so much love running through your veins that you just couldn’t manage to keep still. Slowly, you swung your bare leg over Helmut’s clothed one before interlocking them to ensure your closeness.
Helmut smiled down at you and pressed a kiss to your forehead as he smoothed down your hair with one hand and re-opened his book with the other. “Now where were we? Ah, yes. Here we are. Do you believe such people are happy in the other world, sir? I’d give a great deal to know,”
You tuned out his words quickly, instead opting to focus on the timbre and lilt of his tone as he made his way down the page. There was a lightness to it, an honesty that came with reading words that came from another’s mind and not his own. There was no room for bartering when he read, no way to twist the sentiments of the author into his own narrative. Instead, he spoke plainly and often from the heart. You liked to think that was why he spent so much time choosing the books he read. They were, for him, a beacon of clean, clear-cut honesty to cling to even as his brain fought to deceive himself and everyone around him.
As he continued, though, you did notice something strange.
Your husband, especially when focused on a task like reading, wasn’t one to let his mind wander. If he wanted to do something he would simply do it without hesitation. Needless to say, it was also very difficult to distract him once he got fully invested in something. That being said, as he turned the page and continued to speak, his voice seemed to be losing its focused intensity by the second. He also was squirming. Well, no, squirming wasn’t quite the word for it, but he couldn’t seem to get comfortable below you. It was clearly not the weight of your body that bothered him though, nor was it the temperature of the room. Only when you shifted your leg up slightly and heard his breath hitch roughly in his throat did you notice the growing hardness in his pants.
There was something almost giddy about knowing that you could still affect him the same way you always had, even while half delirious with sleep and suffering through one malady or another, and while a small part of you grew nervous at the thought of reuniting with Helmut like that for the first time since your initial argument all those months ago, on the whole, every nerve in your body was longing to feel him against you again. You smiled softly at the discovery. Some things truly never changed.
As you determined the best way to go about initiating something, you tuned back into his words again. His voice was still sweet and low with his heavenly accent cutting through the old language in a way that made butterflies erupt from your stomach down towards your newly aching core, and yet there was an inconsistency to it.
“She lies with a sweet smile on her face,” he muttered, breath hitching slightly once again as he blinked, long and hard in the darkness, “and her latest ideas wandered back to pleasant early days. Her life closed in a gentle dream - may she wake as kindly in the other world,” As he finished his sentence he looked down from the page to you, prone against the broadness of his chest. His pupils were blown wide with lust in the yellow lamplight and, after a moment struck mute, he licked his lips. “Schatz-,”
“Don’t stop now,” you breathed into the darkness, “we’ve only just gotten to the best part,” Slowly you rose from your place slotted against him. The loss of contact was difficult for you both, but you quickly amended the issue by placing a hand flat against his upper thigh. It was so close to his growing length and yet so far away at the same time.
Helmut regarded the digits with a sure disbelief and mild amusement. “Don’t stop what?”
Somehow the word sounded obscene as it dripped syrupy and saccharin from your lips. You leaned in closer now, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off your husband’s body as his gaze flickered down to your mouth. Despite your words, though, Helmut was quick to mark his page and reach to set the book down on the dresser beside his side of the bed.
“Do you want me?” he gulped, letting himself brush his fingertips ever so lightly against the bottom hem of your sleep shorts. “I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, after everything,”
You replied with a question of your own:
“Do I look like I don’t want you?”
He was quick to shake his head. It was his turn now to steady himself. “I’ve yearned for you every day since I left,” he whispered, and you could feel the heat of his breath on your lips from the proximity alone, “I never should have gone, Schatzchen. Not then and not before. To be without you is torture. I’ve wasted so much precious time...”
You replied with a simple, breathless, “Kiss me,”
Who would he be to deny you?
With the slightest of smiles, he leaned in and captured your lips with his own.
You had kissed him hundreds, probably thousands of times and yet you never got over the feel of his mouth against your own. Hot and wet and always ever so slightly minty from the small, sweet lozenges he kept in his right breast pocket, it laid claim to you. When you kissed him, there was nothing except him and him and him for eternity. You never considered yourself much of a wordsmith, your talents were elsewhere, and yet you could write sonnets about the bliss that came only when you connected in these brief, close moments of peace.
There were no threats here, not now. There was only Helmut, with his dark eyes and wild hair pulling away from you just long enough to breathe in the darkness of the room before dragging you back in to kiss him again.
Time had no bearing on you then. You could have been sitting there and kissing him for hours, your soft hands gently exploring each other once again but never daring to touch where the other wanted to be touched more than anything. Eventually, though, Helmut pulled away for a meaningful period of time, letting his forehead rest gently against your own as you both breathed heavily, hands finding each other blindly to clasp together in your lap.
When you felt like you were finally grounded to your body again, you chuckled softly, paying careful attention to the way the dim light accentuated the soft blondes and reds hidden in your husband’s brown hair.
“What is it?” he cooed in the darkness, “What could you possibly be laughing at now,”
“I thought I asked you to keep reading, Baron. You stopped at my favorite part. How am I supposed to focus on this when all I’ll be able to focus on is that once we’re done, I’ll finally get to hear what Heathcliff has to say,”
Helmut didn’t respond to your gentle ribbing, not at first. Instead, he leaned back in for one last fleeting kiss before letting his hands rest at the bottom edge of your sweater, bunching up the excess fabric. You assisted him in removing it by pulling your arms from the sleeves as he lifted it over your head. Then, you were finally semi-bare before him.
The cool, dark, nighttime air felt frigid in comparison to the almost burning heat of Helmut’s hands as he ran them down your sides. It made you shiver. That being said, it was nothing in comparison to the full-body tremble he evoked a moment later when he leaned in close to your ear with a sinful smile.
“May she wake in torment,” he quoted softly. The sound of it, so lewd and yet so refined, only added to the wetness between your legs. It didn’t help that his hands had moved on to find purchase on your breasts. He took a nipple between his fingers, rolling it ever just so as he continued. “Why she’s a liar to the end,”
Distantly, you just barely had enough complex thought to marvel at the fact that your husband had memorized your favorite passage from Wuthering Heights. It didn’t surprise you in the least. The last thing that crossed your mind before it clouded fully with lust was that there was something so tender in Helmut’s eyes when he looked at you that you just couldn’t bear it. It wasn’t long after that, though, that Helmut let one of his hands creep under the elastic waist of your shorts to cup your mound and you lost all ability to think about anything other than his soft voice and the feeling of his hands on your skin.
He touched you as if he knew you, and he did. You had known him carnally in more ways than could be counted. Though a bit rough with time, his fingers fell easily into their usual rhythm as muscle memory took over. He relished in dragging you to the edge in a way only he knew how to, and for the first time in months, you let him.
“Where is she? Not there,” he purred against your cheek as his fingers caught just so against your nub. You arched into his touch without a thought. “Not in heaven,” Slowly, his mouth departed from your face. He trailed wet kisses down the sensitive column of your throat, and yet he never broke from his steady rhythm of stroking down your wetness before letting his fingers come back up to circle your clit.
“Not perished,” As Helmut paused, he sucked a deep purple bruise into the soft nook where your neck met your chin, “Where?”
It had been so long. So long since you’d been with him, since you’d touched yourself. You could do little more than cling to him and gasp his name as he played you like a well-tuned fiddle.
He delighted in the feeling of your fingers in his hair, yanking at the nape of his neck and urging him lower and lower as he continued to bring you towards completion. In all honesty, he was smitten with you, and anyone who saw him as he was in that moment, wide-eyed and slack-jawed at just the sight of your pleasure, would know it. Still, his devotion was lost on you, especially in your current position.
That was fine by Helmut.
As long as you were happy, he would be too.
“Oh! You said you cared nothing for my sufferings!”
“Helmut!” You gasped low and sweet and right as he nipped at your collarbone.
The grin that you found when you met his eyes again didn’t do anything to help you put your mind back together, nor did it prepare you for two of his thick fingers to suddenly breach your sopping wet entrance.  He paused then, searching your face for any signs of discomfort or hesitance, but he was only greeted by pure and utter bliss on your end.
Good. That was his goal.
With a soft tug to his hair, he was off to the races again.
“And I pray one prayer,” His mouth was on your breast now. Your hips canted and bucked to meet the quickening thrusts of his digits, which were curled ever so slightly and dragged at that rough right spot inside you with every push and pull. “I repeat it till my tongue stiffens,”
Then, suddenly, his eyes found yours again, and you felt you might perish then and there from the pure ecstasy of it.
“Y/N L/N, may you not rest as long as I am living!”
His fingers dragged across your sweet spot once again.
“Helmut, darling-”
Your voice was a stunted wail against his quiet, sure tone.
“You said I killed you - haunt me, then!”
His mouth was on your peaked nipple, your throat, your collarbone.
“Darling I’m so close-”
“The murdered do haunt their murderers,”
You were climbing, soaring, flying.
Higher, higher, higher…
“I believe,” he faltered for a moment. It was all too raw, all too real. God, how you loved him. “I know that ghosts have wandered on earth,”
You were up on your knees now, and Helmut had followed you up. He held the weight of your body on his clothed chest as he added a third finger. If you thought you had reached the heights of pleasure before, you had broken all the way through the ceiling, up through the sky, and into heaven now. Words dissolved on your tongue as spittle dripped warm from your open mouth down to the messy sheets below.
Suddenly, though, in the heat of it all, there was a tenderness.
The hand that had come to wander your body and assist Helmut’s mouth when it was preoccupied came to cup the back of your head and hold your gaze to him, keep you a captive audience to the way he looked at you; full of lust and love and adoration of the basest most human kind.
“Be with me always,” he urged, and the words were his . There was no more Heathcliff in them than there was Brontë or Austen or Tolstoy. “Take any form,” Tears, big and fat and wet dripped down your cheeks at the sight of it. This was your husband. Husband . Oh, the wonder of such a little word! How had you gotten so lucky? You feared you’d never know. All you truly knew was the sound of his voice as he drove his fingers into you with a mad fervor. “Drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!”
Finally, your words seemed to return as you soared to your completion.
It was a wail. A cry in the dark. A promise.
“Oh, God!”
“Oh, God! It is unutterable!”
Just two more lines.
“Helmut, please,”
Something inside of you was breaking by the second as you clung to him.
“I cannot live without my life!”
“Yes, yes, yes-”
“I cannot live without my soul!”  
He crooked his fingers just so.
You snapped at the finality of it all.
Wordlessly you spasmed against him, hands clinging to every single part you could find purchase on. His neck, his arms, his back; you only had half the mind enough to kiss him as he pulled you through, never stopping his steady rhythm of thrusts. He kissed you back just as eagerly and wiped your tears with his free hand while he did. How could he be so perfect and fucked-up and yours?
You didn’t think to ask.
Instead, you rode through your bliss before slumping bonelessly into the arms of your husband, smiling and crying and utterly alive.
What a gift it was to be human, short life notwithstanding.
You had almost forgotten that.  
After a moment, Helmut slowed his ministrations. He pulled his slick fingers from your body and out of your sweat-soaked sleep shorts and all the way up to his mouth, where he deposited them and sucked the remnants of your release off of the pruned digits. You would have considered it extremely sexy if you weren’t still recovering from a leg-shaking orgasm to end all orgasms. Instead, you just laughed weakly as he removed his fingers from between his lips with a wet slurp and wiped the excess spit onto the sheets.
“How the hell did you manage to remember all that?” You finally asked, nudging him softly in the side as he chuckled above you, settling down once again against the headboard.
He shrugged before he replied. “During my incarceration, I had nothing more than the books you sent me and my own mind. After discovering that particularly filthy annotation you included in my copy of Wuthering Heights, I found I was eager to reread the highlighted paragraph quite often. With time and repetition, the words simply remained,”
You held him closer to you in the darkness.
Outside, the crickets were still singing their sweet song to the sleeping world, dancing along the wisterias and honeysuckles down in the yard, planted long ago with love and care to be pressed and sent along in the very books Helmut had previously mentioned.
“It’s a shame you had to leave it behind when James broke you out. I put a lot of effort into my notes,”
“Take a closer look, Schatz,”
His words were an incentive that provided enough energy for you to just barely push yourself up from his chest on shaking limbs. Sure enough, though, and true to his word, the copy of Wuthering Heights sitting on the dresser beside you was the same well-loved copy you had mailed to him in his first months of imprisonment.
“You never miss a single detail, do you?” You asked, incredulous. He answered you with a simple kiss.
“Do you want to get cleaned up? I could run you a bath,”
The question had your mind wandering to the luscious jetted bathtub in your ensuite bathroom, sitting unused as it had for months in the wake of your fight with Helmut. Perhaps the memories of your endless trysts in that very tub would no longer haunt you as they had before. Despite the temptation of it, though, you had other plans.
“Helmut,” your voice was barely a whisper as you brought your hand to cup him through his pants, “you didn’t get to finish yet,”
Despite the way his breath hitched in his throat, he shook his head. “You’re tired, Schatz, and I will be fine to wait for another occasion. This was about you,”
Excuses, excuses.
You tutted softly as your hand wandered towards his belt.
He made no move to stop you.
“I’ve missed you so much,” The admission escaped you in a breathless sigh. You needed him. Needed to see him, to feel him, to connect with him, trembling hands and aching head be damned! Helmut seemed to understand that because as you released him from his belt and unzipped his pants he busied himself with removing his turtleneck. “Every night, I swear I thought of you every night while you were away. I would lay here alone and close my eyes and hope, so foolishly, that when I woke up you’d be right there beside me again,”
Shuffling out of his slacks, he discarded them haphazardly into the darkness of the room along with his boxers. “Lay down, Schatzi. I’ll take you if you’ll have me,” His words were tender in the night. You did as you were told. In the yellow glow of the old filament bulb, you could see his proud cock, thick and leaking, and it made you want. For what you didn’t know, but you wanted. You needed.
You yearned.
The yearning didn’t last for long, though. There were no games to be played that might make your husband taunt you or force you to work for your pleasure. It had been far too long for that. Instead, you lifted your hips and let Helmut pull the soaked sleep shorts from your legs to deposit them with the other clothes. Then, you were both laid bare.
There was no need for words past that point.
Helmut lined himself up with your opening and, gazing down into your soul, pressed each and every inch of himself into you as he groaned like a man possessed. You clung to him, bringing your arms up around his shoulders, and for a moment the two of you stayed put, connected and completed in a way only the two of you ever could be. Languid kisses were shared. You passed them back and forth like secrets from wet and swollen lips. Only after an eternity when you dragged your pelvis up the slightest bit to grind against him did he move once more.
When he pulled himself from your wetness, just about halfway, he did so with the same slow precision he entered with. You wouldn’t have had it any other way.
There was no desperation to it like there had been when he got you off, no fast-paced need driving you together in frantic breathless shouts. Instead, Helmut kept his pace slow and deliberate. It was like he wanted to memorize the feel of every inch of your body, inside and out. So, he took a snail’s pace as he worked you open below him.
The lack of speed didn't mean there was a lack of passion, though.
Oh no, you both possessed passion in spades and it reflected in the breathy moans that filled the chamber of your shared room. Your room. Your bed. Your home. The thought of it brought you closer to the edge by the minute.
In that darkness, lit by your little lamp and the light of the brilliant moon outside, you could pretend things were different and yet the same. Helmut was simply a businessman who traveled often. You were his little wife. The home was cheery and filled with light, and he would come home to you every weekend with a smile on his face and flowers in his hands. There was no danger lurking in every corner, nor was there the threat or separation at every turn. Instead, you could leave your house freely to buy groceries or visit the Sunday market in the city square down the road. Things were happy. You weren’t going to die.
Oh god, you were going to die.
It was a fact you both knew, now, and had accepted. Your fate was sealed the second you chose to stay at his side all those years ago. Still, it was all approaching so very quickly, you barely had any time left to prepare.
Despite it all, though, you had this time.
You had this moment in the darkness where you could wail and moan and cling to your husband without fear. He had you in his arms and under his chest and filled oh so good with his cock and for just a second, just a sweet blissful tick of the clock, you could forget. You both could. So you did.
Your second orgasm didn’t come on in a steep climb like the first.
No, it crept up on you without you even knowing it was coming. Helmut fucked into you good and slow and deep for an eternity before you felt those telltale jolts of pleasure urging you towards your end. He felt it too, felt it in the way you tightened around him and arched your back when he pulled back only to push into your heat once again.  
There were no words. You didn’t ask for permission. Instead, you just let yourself fall into a pit of your own pleasure as you kissed Helmut and clung to his hips with hands that left bruises in their wake. He followed quickly behind. In the wake of it all, his return and your seizure and the fight and your recoupling, you felt a bone-deep ache of heartache and peace. Then, Helmut pressed a kiss to your forehead and collapsed beside you, pulling the sheets over the both of you and wrapping you in his strong arms. The skin on skin contact was divine.
“Your doctor is going to be very cross with us,” he muttered into the crook of your neck.
You let your fingers dance lightly down his back, slick with sweat, as you chuckled. “Let them be cross, then. I needed you. Besides, you started it,”
He nodded against you. Slowly, you both shifted to a more comfortable position. Helmut laid his head on the pillow, propped up against the headboard, while you opted to use his chest as a pillow instead, running a finger through his chest hair and looking up at him with tired eyes. “I will take full responsibility for my actions,” he said softly, “both recent and past,”
“I’m still mad at you, you know,”
“As you should be, Schatz, I’ve been a poor husband and partner as of late,”
“But you’ll stay now, right?” Your voice was more uncertain than it should have been as your husband reached for the dresser once more, retrieving his book.
Helmut met your gaze and nodded ever so slightly in the darkness.
“I will be beside you from now until I draw my final breath. Now sleep, Schatzchen. You’ll still have me when you wake,”
Slowly you let your eyes drift closed. You were pretty tired out… Wrapping an arm around his soft stomach, you murmured softly up to your husband. “I love you, Helmut,”
“And I love you, Y/N,” he replied, and as you drifted to sleep you could still hear his soft voice, ebbing and flowing with the breeze and cricket song in the nighttime.
“He dashed his head against the knotted trunk; and, lifting up his eyes, howled…”
“What is it with you and bathtubs,” You chuckled, sitting on the lid of the toilet as Zemo straightened out his well-gelled hair in the mirror. Beside you, the body of a man sat bloody in the tub as rigor mortis set in.
Helmut shrugged. “I don’t like to leave behind a mess for those unfortunate enough to find the bodies,”
His words were heavy, but that didn’t stop you from humming an upbeat tune idly as you watched him work. In the end, you had been the one to land the killing blow on… well, whoever was now starting to smell as his bodily fluids crept towards the drain. You didn’t care much about him enough to remember his name. No, not while you could be watching Helmut with an intent fascination. He hadn’t trusted you with his plans, not fully, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to try to figure out what they were by watching the minute twitches of his muscles as he gazed at himself through the thin glass.
If there was one thing in the world you were good at besides killing, it was deciphering your traveling companion’s expression. He looked… tired.
“We’re reaching the end of the line, aren’t we?” You asked.
The words made him pause, catching your eyes in the mirror, but he surprisingly answered you straight.
“Yes, my plans are almost complete,” he hummed, turning to face you, “The Soldat will be moved into his cell to be evaluated tomorrow. I shall assume Mr. Broussard’s identity and, if everything goes according to plan, I shall be traveling to Serbia from there to kill the remaining super soldiers and stage the final fight between Iron Man and Captain America,”
You leaned forward from your perch on the toilet lid, letting your legs sprawl out towards the wall. “So that’s it? Just one more day and it’s done?”
He repeated your words; an affirmation.
“Just one more day and it’s done,” his eyes remained glued to you as you laughed lightly, leaning back to let your head rest against the cool wall behind you. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” you snorted, “I’m just trying to figure out where you’ll drown me now that the bathtub is already in use. The sink?”
The look that crossed Helmut's face was between amusement and disgust as he let one small huff of laughter escape from between his lips. Slowly, he closed the small gap between you and leaned against the opposite wall. From his new position, you could see all of him more clearly. The rough beginnings of stubble on his chin, the bloodstains on his sweater, the way his hands fidgeted nervously at the edges of his pockets; everything about him was endearing. You had to remind yourself that both of you would be dead in a few days to push down the burgeoning feelings that began to bloom in your chest.
Besides, Helmut was still in love with his wife. If he wasn’t, you wouldn’t be sitting in a cheap hotel bathroom with him and a corpse in the first place. Still, it wasn’t terrible to have fantasies. You were a woman, after all, a woman with needs you were sure Helmut would understand. Distantly you were glad you’d be dead before you had to part ways with him. If it was a choice, you weren’t sure you’d ever choose to leave him.
“About that,” Helmut said, low and sweet. He licked his lips after he spoke. If you didn’t know him better you would have assumed he was nervous. About what, you had no idea. Then it hit you.
“You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
As Helmut nodded, you took note that it was the first time you had ever seen someone look ashamed for choosing not to commit murder.  He gulped down a breath before he began his attempts to explain. “I try not to kill without reason. The deaths of those innocents at the UN are already weighing on me more heavily than I anticipated. It’s only a precaution, but I fear that if I killed you, the guilt would eat at me enough that it might interfere with my mission,”
“Mhm,” your response, a low hum, came with a slow nod that told him you were far from convinced with his reasoning. “It’s a real shame you dragged me all the way to Berlin just to make me find my own way home. I wish I would have known I was making it out of this alive. Maybe I would have remembered to grab my wallet before we left the house,”
“That is another thing I wish to talk to you about,”
You raised your eyebrows in mild disbelief. “There’s more?”
Helmut nodded. His formerly nervous expression was now replaced with a loose smile. Well, as loose as it could be on the face of a former colonel and current terrorist.
“We’re both aware that I will not be making it out of this little escapade alive. Now, I wanted to thank you somehow for your assistance, and I figured leaving you a monetary endowment of some kind would be a good way to repay you,”
“How much are we talking?” Without even noticing it you leaned forwards towards him. He grinned all the while, wolflike and half-mad. You adored it. Adored him.
“At least one million euros,”
Your jaw dropped.
“I’ve gotten in contact with my butler and have taken the liberty of purchasing you another hotel room across town, far from where the Winter Soldier will be set loose. You can check in any time after noon and stay there for up to a week. If you choose to accept my offer, my butler will meet you on the seventh day of your stay with the money, papers to create a new identity, and free transport to wherever you want to go. After that, should you want it, you will receive monthly payouts to help pay for any bills or extra expenses after you get the lump sum. Now, if you’d like something a bit more… permanent, I could also arrange for an extra few million to be delivered in cash up front for you to purchase a house. You will be free of your past, free of everything that has bound you. You can start over and live like any other person. Does that seem like something you’d be interested in?”
Before you could even speak you had launched yourself into Helmut’s arms. He smelled warm, like cedarwood and mint and fresh-pressed linens as you clung to him like a lifeline. There were no words you could say to express your gratitude, nothing you could do to beg him to change his mind and stay. You just held him there, close as you could manage to, as you smiled into his chest.
You were free.
You were free.
“I assume that’s a yes?” He asked. His voice was almost a coo as he finally wrapped his arms around you and reciprocated the affection. The motion caught you by surprise. You didn’t mention it, though, not when you were so deeply entrenched in the feeling of his pulse soaring under your ear.
“A million times yes,”
“I’m glad,” he whispered, “It will give me solace to know you’ll be taken care of. Now, where will you go? What will you do? I want to hear it all. I need to know what I’ll miss once we’ve parted ways,”
You let an almost goofy grin cross your lips. “I’ll retire, buy a little house somewhere in the middle-of-nowhere France with cash, and spend the rest of my days on this earth living in delicious sin. There’ll be no more killing, just cooking and cleaning and painting. I might take up watercolors again. Maybe I’ll even stop by the castle on my way and grab that big painting of you as a token to remember you by,”
Helmut cringed beneath your cheek. “You wouldn’t,”
“I would,” you quipped back, “and I will! I’ll hang it right in the middle of the living room so all of my guests have to pay homage to the man who set me free,” The fact that you wanted to see his face every day as you sat on his couch went without saying. It was simply implied. Helmut seemed to gloss over that fact entirely.
“What will you tell them about me?”
“That you were a good man. A dear friend. Someone who left the world too soon after doing what had to be done,”
“Is that a promise?”
As you breathed him in, Helmut became fully aware of just how close the two of you were, pushed tightly against the off-white wall of the bathroom as the smell of lemon cleaner just barely masked the sweet rot of death. If he minded, it didn’t show. You only pulled away from him when a soft knock on the door of the main room broke you from your reverie.
“That’s breakfast,” you muttered, “I’ll keep her from coming in,”
“You do that,” Helmut replied, but he hesitated before turning back to the mirror. “Y/N?” He called softly.
“If I don’t get another chance to say it, thank you for everything. I won’t forget the kindness you’ve paid me,”
“Neither will I,”
“Will you stay with me till the end?”
Morning came quickly.
Not quick enough for your rest to feel unsatisfying, but still too fast. There would never be a period of time spent in Helmut’s arms that felt like it lasted long enough. In the end, though, you woke feeling a full-body warmth from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
There was no blaring alarm to rouse you this time, no spasms wracking you and dragging you out of your peace, there was only the soft chirping of birds and the gentle humming of the air conditioning unit as your eyes fluttered open and your arms stretched out to the bed beside you to find… nothing.
You paused.
After a moment of adjustment, you found that your eyes agreed with your hands. Helmut was gone.
Even in the worst heat of the fight the night before, you had never felt quite as upset as you did in that moment while realizing he had left you again. Tears pricked at your eyes. How could he? After all of his promises, he had left you alone the same way he had before. Knowing his schedule, he’d be long gone by now; off the runway and up in the air if not already on the ground at his next destination. The only thing that kept you from bursting into an angry choked sob was the sound of the bedroom door creaking open.
You clutched the sheets to your bare chest expecting one of your guests. Then, Helmut stepped into the bedroom.
What? He had stayed?
Your heart thundered in your chest at the sight of him.
He smiled broadly, with the sleeves of his striped cotton button-up bunched at his elbows and a dirty dishrag in his hands. His voice was soft and tender as he approached. Everything about him seemed so domestic that it almost brought you to tears all over again. “Schatz!” he cooed, reaching the edge of the bed, “did you sleep well?”
Nodding mutely, you offered a wet smile.
“I’m glad,” he said. One of his large hands found yours, still knotted up in the soft fabric of the sheets. The silver wedding band on his ring finger gleamed brightly in the soft daylight. “I hoped I could be here when you woke, but Sam and James requested breakfast and I didn’t want to wake you up quite yet. You seemed peaceful,”
“I was,” you let yourself lean into his touch and smiled when he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, “I am,”
Helmut sighed. “What I wouldn’t give to be able to crawl back into bed with you and enjoy that peace. Unfortunately, I still have to finish cutting up fruit downstairs. I just wanted to make sure you were doing well when I found a minute to sneak away,”
“Well, I appreciate it,” your voice was light as you brought up your free hand to Helmut’s collar and pulled him down for a proper kiss.
He fell into the familiar rhythm with practiced ease. It was brief, just a momentary press of the lips, but it made your heart beat just a little quicker when you felt him against you, warm and real and solid. As soon as it began, though, it was over, and Helmut was pulling back with a smile. All the while, he never let go of your hand. The two of you sat silent for a while, happy to just relish in the feeling of being together, but a clang from downstairs urged a deep sigh from your husband as he finally stepped away. You hated to see him go.
“Duty calls,” He chuckled, accent thick, “Do you think that was James or Sam?”
You nodded softly. “My money’s on Bucky, but knowing what I do about those two it was probably both of their faults. You’d better go survey the damage before they break anything else,”
“I suppose I should,” Helmut paused, turning back to you with his hand on the doorknob. “Will you join us downstairs for breakfast? Or would you rather I bring you up something to eat once I finish entertaining our guests,”
It took a moment for you to respond.
There was a certain safety to remaining in bed. Helmut would be sure to return as quickly as he possibly could, doting on you once again with the same soft vulnerability. You would probably even be able to pull him back into bed with you if you waited long enough. Getting a few more hours of holding him would be a luxury, one rarely afforded even when things between the two of you weren’t rocky. Something, though, urged you towards the other option. Maybe it was the quiet aching in your legs or the urge to see if your husband was able to keep his commitment to bettering your relationship outside of your bedroom, there was no knowing, but the universe wanted what it wanted, and what it wanted was for you to get out of bed.
“You make leaving our room seem like I’m exploring some wild, new frontier,” you snorted, throwing your legs over the edge of the bed. You both ignored your nakedness, though Helmut’s eyes did linger on the swell of your breast as you stood. “But yeah, I should probably get up. I need to clean up anyway, after… well,” you gestured to the mess of dried slickness between your legs, “all that,”
Despite the fact that you had been married to Helmut for over a year and had known him much longer, there was a bashfulness in your regarding of the events from the past night. It might have had something to do with the absolutely caddish grin on his face as he beheld the reminder, though.
“I’ll set you your usual place at the counter,” he said, watching you wander over to the closet like some bare goddess in the morning sunlight. Before slipping away back downstairs, though, he indulged you with a sweet “I love you, Schatz. I’ll await your arrival downstairs eagerly,” Then, he was gone, having closed the door behind him and retreated back down the stairs to deal with whatever nonsense Sam and Bucky had gotten up to in his absence.
You giggled softly to yourself.
Sure, your head still ached slightly and there was a tremor in your hands that wouldn’t quite go away, but for the first time in months, you had hope. The sun seemed to shine extra brightly thanks to that fact. Inside the walk-in closet, Helmut’s cologne was once again just cologne, light and pleasant as you gathered up a soft t-shirt and some sweatpants. After some deliberation, you grabbed another one of his awful thrifted sweaters too.
It didn’t take long for you to take a quick shower next. You washed away the evidence of your coupling under the warm spray, and as you did, something told you that you’d be doing a lot of that in the future. The water was heaven on your aching limbs. About 15 minutes later, you were dry, dressed, and patting the dampness from your hair on the edge of the bed.
Beside you, the nightstand was almost entirely cleared off. At some point in the night Helmut had taken away the tray with the long-forgotten toast, but in its place sat your wedding ring. It seemed to stare up at you with a gaze all too human. The decision wasn’t an easy one to make, far from it actually, but as you pulled on your husband’s sweater you grabbed the ring and slipped it back onto your finger where it belonged, and where you hoped it would stay into the distant future.
With one last deep breath, you made your way out the door and down the stairs to find out exactly what your guests had gotten up to in your absence.
You heard them before you saw them.
“I said cube, James,” Zemo groaned from the kitchen, “not slice. Mangos are best enjoyed cubed,”
Sam chimed in next. “Dude, it’s just fruit! Does it really matter which way he slices it?”
“Maybe if you cared so much about how your fruit was cut up,” James added, “you could do it yourself!”
You crept softly from the landing to the archway leading into the kitchen only to find exactly what you expected. There, crowded around the island and all dressed up in matching aprons, were the three men, all fussing over some part or another of what looked to be a breakfast spread fit for a queen. Well, baroness. Same difference. The sight was one you enjoyed a little too much, so kept yourself quiet for the chance to witness just a little bit more of their natural conversation. Between them, in a high necked vase, sat the salvaged bouquet of spring flowers you had abandoned on the front table. You were glad to see they had made it through.
Zemo was the next one to speak, walking to the stove where he flipped a delicious smelling slice of french toast.
“I believe you were the one who offered to help out this morning. If you hadn’t I would have happily completed breakfast on my own,”
“Yeah, I offered because I’m not a complete jackass,” Bucky quipped back.
“Language, James,”
“God, please don’t ever say that to me again,”
Sam noticed you then, your soft chuckles a giveaway. He smiled warmly and set down the strawberry he was coring as he addressed you. “Hey! Look who it is!” In an instant, all eyes were on you. Somehow, though, the attention wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, your presence seemed to calm the constant animosity between your husband and your guests. “How are you feeling, Y/N?”
You replied with a smile. “As good as I can be. Did you guys break anything while I was upstairs?”
As you passed the men to take your own spot at the end of the island, Bucky looked up from his butchered mango almost sheepish. “No, no we didn’t break anything,” Quickly, he added, “It’s good to see you up and running again,”
“He broke a plate while playing catch with Sam this morning,” Zemo added, “Nothing important, we won’t miss it much,”
Bucky blanched.
The domesticity of it all was almost painful as the room shook with everyone's combined laughter. Even Bucky joined in once he got over his mortification. For a moment you all seemed like an odd sort of family, bustling around that kitchen as the last bits and bobs of breakfast were sliced and fried.
It smelled heavenly.
When you had the mind to sit down at your spot on the island to eat you found Helmut had just barely beaten you there and was pouring you a mug of coffee beside your full plate. Oh, how long had it been since you’d had coffee in the house? Probably since last January, when the short days were spent watching out the window for a man who wouldn’t come back. You disregarded the thought as you examined your plate. Tropical fruit, french toast, and a small portion of omelet (with more waiting in the pan), sat, fragrant and saccharine and ever so tempting, but instead of digging in you watched intently as Helmut poured your cream and doled out your sugar. He caught your gaze just as he set a small spoon in the mug to stir it with.
“You still remember how I take my coffee?” You asked.
Instead of answering, Helmut just watched as you brought the mug to your lips. It was, as expected, perfect. Sweet enough but still biting at your tongue as you swallowed it down. Hot, but not too much so. Just heated enough to warm you from the inside out. Perhaps it was Helmut’s gaze that warmed you too.
He turned back to the stove then, gathering his own plate, but you knew he was still watching you even when turned away.
“Of course I remember how you take your coffee,” he finally replied, “You’re my wife,”
“You didn’t get me perfect coffee,” Sam added from his place beside you, beginning to pick at his food as he stared at the dark liquid in his own cup.
“Yes, Sam, but you are certainly not my wife,”
The room was laughing again then, but in a quieter way. Helmut came back around the island with his own plate and took up his seat on your other side as you ate and drank your coffee in the warm glow of the morning light. There was something so alive about being surrounded by compatriots, even if your truce was temporary. Your husband could see the change in the way you smiled.
Slowly but surely, breakfast was eaten and seconds were doled out. You discovered that Bucky, for all his harshness, had a soft spot for french toast with extra syrup and he, in return, learned that mango really did taste better in cubes. The sun rose higher in the sky and, through glass doors, you could hear birdsong outside as they enjoyed the amenities of your garden. Maybe Sam and James could be put to work digging weeds…
You had to work hard to stop yourself from getting attached.
To the guests, to the laughter, to the house you’d lived and loved in. It would all be gone soon enough, shot through or smashed or burned in the months to come, as would you be. Still, you enjoyed it while you could. If this was to be one of your last true spring days, you would savor every tiny minuscule detail.
It did you no good to live in fear of the inevitable.
Instead, you enjoyed the moments in the hope that when it all did come crumbling down, you could face the end knowing you had truly lived.
Helmut’s voice pulled you from your morbidities as he finished the last bite of his omelet. “We’ll have to run out to the market for more groceries today, I’m afraid,” he hummed, “but perhaps that’s a blessing in disguise. It’s far too lovely a day to spend it cooped up inside,”
You quirked up an eyebrow. “We?”
“Yes. We, Schatz,”
Something about the way that he was trying so hard to write his past wrongs was incredibly endearing. It made you grin into your mug as you swallowed the dregs of your coffee. “I guess I could take some time out of my incredibly busy schedule to go shopping with you,”
“Could you really? I can hardly believe it,”
“I’ll have to actually get dressed first, but I could pen you into my schedule, just this once,”
“I hope that you won’t change out of that lovely sweater, though. I find it ravishing on you,”
“Oh, really? Thank you. It’s my husband’s,”
You said the word proudly, The sound of it made Helmut’s face flush as he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
Sam’s voice pulled you from the soft display.
“Man, you guys are so cute it’s kinda gross,”
Bucky didn’t say anything, but the set of his jaw made you think he agreed.
“My house, my rules Sam,” you jested, “and my rules are that I get to kiss my husband,”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just try not to get all mushy. Some of us are painfully single over here,”
“Like you?”
“No, not me, I get all the ladies. Bucky, on the other hand…”
“Hey!” Bucky interjected.
And you laughed. All of you laughed. You laughed and the world turned and somewhere across the globe, John Walker scoured Madripoor for an informant who could give him a lead on Sam and Bucky, but you didn’t know that, and even if you did, you couldn’t quite bring yourself to care.
Not when Helmut’s hand was in your own, fingers laced together tight, as you brought your head to rest on his shoulder.
“Yes, Helmut?”
“I love you,”
“You know what darling? I love you too,”
You really did.
a/n: Wow. It feels so surreal to be done with this project. Thank you to every single person who has supported me through this process. It means more than you know. If you enjoyed the series, or want to scream into the void about it, I always love comments, so feel free to leave one! Thank you again!!!
TAGLIST: @tatestripedsweater , @elaineygrace , @multiyfandomgirl40 ,  @lovelymischief , @rami-malek-trash , @avgravy​ , @wh0re-4-techno​ , @forcebros​ , @sugarsweetkiss​ , @grandmuffinsharkbailiff​ , @killsandthrills​ , @novasstudy​ , @thnksfr-ptrkstmp​ , @inmate-marmalade​ , @alanathedeer​ , @your-pixels-are-showing​ , @shit-post-things​ , @bbarton​ , @sux-ubus​ , @halefirewarrior​ , @janelongxox​ , @rax-writes​ , @wondermia69​ , @booklover2929​ , @lol-im-done​ , @rorodendra​ , @spookycereal-s​ , @viviace​ , @wxrmh0le​ , @whatawildone​ , @mush-room-princess​ , @aliyahsfantasticlife​ ,  @gredvb​ , @chipster-21​ , @whatawildone​ , @cloud-of-roses​ , @bry-97​ , @mossybank​ , @simsiddy​ , @xxspqcebunsxx​ , @be-cautious-around-bri​ , @metaphorical-love-for-a-car​ , @frothonthedaydreams​ , 
Please don’t repost my works, thanks!
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
My Best Friend is dead. Her name ...was MARTHA. She resides in the bathroom now, but I'm still trying to make her smile. [ Part 1 ]
The NoSleep story title aside, here's the...story! I can't really think of a proper way to introduce this but it will probably be broken into parts.
Let's start from a bit of the beginning, shall we? The beginning...of her ending.
( Man it's a bit weird narrating all this when it was all just built up in chats. But it's a little exhilarating too. Like I'm actually telling you a story. How strange. )
Martha. Best of her peers, best of her age, shining star of her school-- All Saints High. Music? Voice of an angel and incredible range to boot. Learns from regular piano lessons without fail. Studies, sports? If you want to get on her level you'll have to grind HARD, and then have to answer her attempts to take the crowning seat back, as well. She can hurl a volleyball just as well as she can jot down Science notes. (Their theology classes fill her with just enough doubts to seek out more on her own ). She's no nobody. Everyone knows her name. She knows them, too. Well enough not to take anything lying down( LEAST of all taunts about her pronouncedly fluttery accent and her own accompanying G-rated cursing ). She won't just survive-- she will surpass. And she's built up the assets needed with everything shes got. Money, skill, sweet words, blackmail, friendships, favours, petty revenge, precious time, sweat, perfection. ALL of it.
Home is a hole.
It is void. A fine place to read thrashy romance novels, if only to forget about the endlessly yawning cavern depths. Others exist, somewhere there. She exists alongside them but they do not acknowledge her. It is alright as long as she never causes a scene, breaks the silence. It is even more alright when she keeps aiming past what is to her the sky, sun and space and beyond and catches their attention. Sometimes, achieving this even means a warm smile or two of them, from the two of them, thrown her way.
She catches it, picks it up, learns to plaster it across on her face. Red lips frame white teeth that twinkle like stars.
Pity they fell out then.
No one could believe it. No one wanted to believe it. In fact, common, widespread verity was so grim in prospect, so sticky a situation that it would attract investigators like flies to the rotting corpse, so un-profitable in comparison to the sum offered to keep lips sealed and stories spun-- that in the end, all that blew up the town to fearfully great heights was that there was a killer on the lose.
The newspapers turn obsolete.
Law efforts turn obsolete.
Gossip becomes old news.
Students turn obsolete as they graduate into college-age adults.
The holy water sprinkled on her casket goes stale.
Her friends do not visit anymore, because life has taken them away.
The school still stands, without Martha. She is there, of course. What could it ever be without her? She keeps asking herself,
staring into the dirty thing bobbing in dark water
cannot leave this bathroom stall
should not
for her murderer is outside, walking free, living, teaching freely
They say if you stay in the stalls all by yourself or look at the stretching mirrors too long, she will appear to drag you into the stories herself. They say if you are unluckier still, it will show itself, rising, rising, rising from and out of the times past, to the top of the water...
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[ ID: PNG of an item from Smile For Me the game, a pair of plasticky looking red jaws with yellow teeth, called the 'Toilet Teeth'. End ID]
Habit is pretty new around here, but if he can't find a single friend then God help him he is going to make the ghost in the bathroom who may-or-may not-exist-but-hopefully-its-a-may-- his friend. Now if only he had any idea where to start?!?!
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
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these were notes on my journal till yesterday but the news that we're getting the nectar-making skill with horses i figured i'd have some fun with it yet still be loud with my opinions, so i'll reblog with updates from time to time - im reposting with the original slot texts bc i was unhappy with my sleepless decision making 👍👍 | details under the cut if u wanna know but i'm a bit of a hater fyi |
longer seasons - i don't think this will happen, if miracle mods show up i might stamp them on in a different color but from what i've found it's pretty ingrained in the game that 28 days is the longest and if modders we're going to crack it they might've done it already but when im playing on pretty long life spans i just 💔💔 50+ days seasons would be the dream, but i'd be happy with 45 👀 10 outfits per category - same as before ig, this is probably super niche but i'm not satisfied and i hate having to get into cas to change it up so much bc in my head they have a closet each and i want to mix and match pieces in a realistic way 👚 pack refreshes - tbf, they did set up an expectation for that one which for the looks of it they are done with it; there's so much to fix, dine out in general, mermaids deserve some love in comparison to the other occults, updates to the bodies of water (going in the water in windenburg would be legendary), hu just bug fixes and compatiblity here and there would be nice (more hiking ? power walks in more places? its so weird how they are restricted to ONE place) now by world refreshes - i mean that in my dreams they go back and expand the maps they give us 🗺️🗺️ im greedy and want 2 neighbourhoods for my vampires & spellcasters, a lil more space in moonwood mill, granite falls & del sol valley too why not not gonna happen so i can say wtv an extra space in mt komorebi with apartments and since we're at it in san sequoia too; will def not happen working gallery - ig that might be coming too ?? idk my gallery sucks at times like it wont find any results when there are ?? and i know there are bc if i restrict more it might come up with something?? also just wanted better mechanism for the searches, i never had issues with disturbing content showing up tho so idk i heard some simmers weren't so lucky
bigger households - having to control or monitor 8 human/humanish sims is challeging enough but because pets, because having to fake apartments, because reasons; i use mccc but this workaround brings issues in cas so yea, wishlist ✔️ snakes // lizards - this would've been appropriate to launch with horses imo and i'd love if there had been interaction/compatibility from snakes in the wild and those taller friends & other small pets - small pet options in ts4 are non existent, sorry, birds only exist in that one tree (they are probably happy about not being captive actually), bunnies are also wild (personally im fine with it but i know that its a popular pet so i'd love if it was an option), reptiles don't exist (yet) and rodents are exclusive to the slap-in-the-face-of-this-community pack... 🐁🐇🐢🦎🐍🐦🐜 faeries or other fae kin - i feel like they've hinted at it for quite a while and we've seen it show up in quizzes too?? 🧚‍♀️ so i'm hopeful for this one and hope they are just trying to make sure they properly deliver on it bc there's a lot of fantasy enthusiasts and they deserve it & woodland creatures - personally would love it if the fae pack came with woodsy world and the addition of woodland creatures at least the spiritual kind (like unicorns or a white doe which they possibly alluded to with puzzles - it made me real giddy) bonus points if it has some outdoor retreat compatibility
owning more lots - after winning the lottery or keeping up with a family for generations, sims can accumulate quite a lot of money, there's not a lot of expenses in the life of a sim tbh, travelling only costs one loading screen, gardeing makes you rich and thats ok ig but being able to own a holiday house would be welcomed, not just a business 🏘️ nectar making - when tartosa came but no nectar making i was a bit let down, imagine making or acquiring a special batch for your wedding?? it would've been lovely and appropriate for a wedding pack but ... yeah anyway it comes with the horse pack for some reason so at least it's coming, and only 3 years after juice fizzing 🥂 bands and more instruments - another thing they've hinted at in polls and i kinda wished it to come with HSY yet was not surprised it didn't; that being said we need drums and other instruments like bass and/or contrabass, just more than what we have if we're to have bands plz skating and/or surfing - these two are very different and honestly idk how the latter one would work, i just think they are popular sports we could have; at least skate boards should be easy enough to implement and a cute way for sims to drift around their closed off worlds so i have more hope for that one 🏄
hotels - even if they've been around the franchise and ts4 seems to draw all it's ideas from previous iterations i'm not confident they haven't just been replaced by rental properties but it's not the same, i'd like to be able to meet other guests vacationing on the property without having to engineer everything about it, ordering meals at hotel services and running/owning a hotel also; retirement homes - ELDER SIM LOVE IN GENERAL (canes, health issues, idk im not that old yet ..hum wills & testiments, special interactions) i feel growing together really fucked up on that one but i was not surprised bc it's ts4 and we rely on crumbs mods here and thats why some players stop buying dlc 👵☕👴 the townie refreshes - just pay some fans to do it at this point bc it's taking so long; most of them don't need to be redesigned anyway, just add hot and cold weather outfits, preferences and maybe a sneaky extra trait or lifestyle they could have developed and voilá, finish that chapter disabilities - i don't want it in the form of traits and thing it's rotten to make people to pay for it BUT i'd love to see some disability representation in this game, physical, cognitive and what not. i understand at this point it might be hard to introduce but i think it be really important to have this in the sims and ts4 is about time funerals & cemeteries - death is a part of life, this is a life sim... thats it basically, i want it, i miss it in comparison to previous games, i fake it with parks and inviting guests over, but we shouldn't have to tho seems pretty basic stuff
more and better apartments - i would like it if we saw more conjoined builds, more apartment builds, both with few floors and plenty, the option to have sims living in different floors of the same building and even having business or community lots in builds that are divided into multiple lots - ambitious ik - bonus points if they update apartments in a way you can own one or more and rent them out - i don't want to play as a landlord, i swear - i just want my sims to be allowed do simbnb while they go for a weekend in the city (which ig u cant bc of the current system/coding idk) or bringing them to more existing worlds but bc of the obstacles to that i have 0 hopes well-crafted worldly words - i see a lot of americancentric choices being made when creating the worlds, it's unrealistic for a global player base and hum.. a life sim and whenever they drop interesting worlds they are always so frigging small you have to sacrifice making a lively town, with people and businesses, if you want you're sim to live in certain environments (or use multibuilds, which is fine ig but it bothers me a bit) and they fail to utilize the common spaces of the neighbourhoods in ways simmers would love to, to bring some life into these worlds; 🌍 the worldly part of it... i am yet to see african like climates and cultures represented, asia is so wide & full of diversity and we get one japan inspired world so far, south america if confined to a destination world if you don't have mods ig (maybe it's changed by now im not sure) and europe while being represented in 3 packs so far - and one of them being the best in terms of lots per world we've had so far - 2 of them have few lots and its all very niche, so in a way i don't need to be able to point to the actual cities that inspired those worlds, it's not my priority just something that crowded and lively that draws from wider range of cultures and that mre people could recognize as close to their experience would be nice 🌏 also more islands maybe im a sulani simp new jobs & careers - i love GTW, it was the first pack i got and sure it deserved a refresh by now and i would welcome it, especially if it meant more careers, i really liked that gameplay feature; that being said i feel like we deserve more job options OR branches. y no dentist ??? i cant think of ideas right now but while playing the game and setting up townies or sims i feel limited a lot trans content fixes - yea i avoid using the in-game system for trans rep (i headcanon a lot and cheat stuff basically) bc its just not the best in general (clothes fit weird, there's no changes in the frame through time as there would be with hormonal treatments - which there arent in the game so makes sense), not in comparison bc i dont know other games to compare it to just real life ig but im not even that informed tbh; i am happy they didnt create a life sim where trans people are erased and don't want them to be discouraged to stop investing in this at all so i try not to mention it but fix the binder at least & here's a tumblr post that helps me a bit something that surprises me - /pos !! because... they don't... a lot of what we see seems to me like repeating the content ideas from older games but spreading it out to make as much dlc as possible; i had a lot of more wow reveal moments with ts2 & ts3 i feel like but cant truly be sure bc brain is mush
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