#( richie;replies)
inkly-heart · 10 months
(Showering Richie's face with kisses)
RICHIE MY SWEET HANDSOME BOI How have you been doing, boo? uwu
I got some blankets and made some watermelon cubes for you, so we could snuggle in the couch and enjoy a little snack together. ^^
Or maybe you wanna try this risqué cow costume that I found in my storage box. It's your siiiize~ 👀
Of course I'm okay with either uwu As long as you're happy, ma bebeh
Richie-"Awww that's very kind of you. Thank you. I guess I could take lil break. I admit work have been rough but don't worry. I will handle it.."
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"and uhh...about the costume.. Maybe we can leave that out."
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violetheart77 · 6 months
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Hey remember my tags on this reblog
⚠️ (Link Warning: Robert M. Jumpscare)
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Shoutout to the three (3) people who agreed with me today on Jons stream that Richie listens to Will Wood
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fruityzari · 10 months
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Don't know what this shit post is, goodnight y'all.
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nosensedit · 1 year
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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papermccn · 6 months
continued from ♫ 65 ( richard gecko && aerith gainsborough ) @vcndetta
scientist- twice
"you got a crush on me?" richie teased with a slight smirk; as he held aerith's hands; creating the slightest gap between them. "-can't say I ever saw the day, but I think it's about time I made you mine.. what do you say, want to be my girlfriend?"
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brzatto · 11 months
Hello again! Since I started watching season 2 of the bear I've been building up some thoughts regarding the overarching plot and characterisation. I haven't been able to share my ramblings with anyone else, so I hope it's ok to share them with you. It's been a while since I've been this disappointed by the direction a show has taken. :(
I mentioned before on one of your posts that I saw Carmy as asexual, or at least not seeking a physical or romantic relationship with women. In season 1 I was so happy that Sydney was kept as a colleague/friend, which carries into season 2. I was legitimately hopeful to get just one show where the main character doesn't have a contrived romance storyline. I feel they always just derail the main plot for meaningless character interactions with terrible dialogue, with male and female characters never being allowed to just be friends. When Claire was introduced I audibly GROANED. Manic pixie dream girl has entered the chat.
The scene in episode 6 where Richie and Mikey are saying how in love Carmy is with Claire, how amazing she is, how hot she is—it felt like they were trying to convince me and not Carmy. You and others have said before how Claire just exists to be a love interest, and every scene with her does nothing except try (desperately) to solidify that. I feel like I'm being repeatedly beaten with a bat that has "Claire is nice so you should like her" written on it. The scene where Richie is legitimately upset that he messed up the generator and is worried Carmy will dismiss him—why was Claire laughing at that? I thought she was meant to be nice? That's what every character keeps telling me... Every scene with her drags, every character that mentions her name suddenly causes the scene to shift to focusing on Claire. It's like Claire is the centre of the universe and is pulling in and crushing everything with her gravitational pull.
When Carmy kissed Claire in episode 5 it made me lose hope for his characterisation. It was like I was instead watching JAW's character from Shameless. All nuance thrown out the window for a rushed relationship with no chemistry. His journey to heal from his traumas and come to terms with Mikey's death sidelined to make way for boring shot reverse shot talking scenes with Claire. Carmy doing restaurant business? Nah, let's watch him and Claire have some boring dialogue during a car journey.
Hater mode activated: Claire as a character is boring, shallow, and only added because "hur dur boy must like girl". Despite what her character was supposedly introduced for, I think her introduction just caused season 2 to waste time on meaningless fluff that actively made other characters worse by association.
I have 3 episodes left to watch but I'm feeling pretty low about this season. I shouldn't have expected an asexual main character because I just set myself up for disappointment, but the bear really had me thinking it wouldn't do something this lame. I'm still carmrichie for life though, your fics are keeping me hanging on. Sorry for such a long and depressing ramble in your inbox. ❤️
P.S. The scene with Richie and Mikey confronting Carmy in episode 6 really gave me vibes of Carmy being closeted and feeling pressured about his friendship with a girl (similar to what you previously said about the monologue in s1e8). I also got vibes of Richie trying to hide his own insecurities with women by being vulgar in this scene.
hi! <3
if i’m being honest i agree about everything :/ and i hate saying that this show’s disappointed me because all of my friends know just how much this show means to me and the steel grip it’s had on my brain for the past year since the first season first came out… i feel like i’m partially the problem because my expectations were probably too high + the shift between s1 and s2 was very drastic and i’m honestly not a huge fan of change either. i’m not sure exactly what i expected from s2 but the demo and remodeling of the beef felt very rushed to me… like the restaurant was undergoing very significant changes but all of that felt like it was put on the backburner in favor of focusing on the characters. and obviously a show will focus more on individual character storylines than settings (and i actually did really enjoy some of the growth we got for our side characters, sydney marcus tina and richie’s episodes were all amazing and i loved that sugar’s presence was much more prominent this season) but like you said the claire plotline with carmy felt very out of place and ooc… it just felt extremely weird for carmy’s character to make this jump from s1 where we see all the emotional trauma he still suffers from being so attached to mikey, how he uses the beef as a distraction for his grief but obviously those two things are deeply intertwined for him and by obsessing over the beef day and night carmy still remains entrenched in mikey by extension—there’s still so much about carmy’s trauma in relation to mikey that’s been left unaddressed and imo he still largely lacks closure and i was expecting that to be fleshed out properly in s2 but instead he spent all of it being infatuated with a girl we were introduced to for the very first time this season.
can i say something actually. ik the creators and both jaw and ayo have all said that there won’t be any romance between carmy and sydney but i feel like they actually will be endgame and the creators are just trying to throw fans off so they won’t expect it LMAO or at the very least the way the writers have set up the storyline leaves it open as an option if they do change their minds and decide to go that route eventually. i’ve said before that i don’t ship them but i think there is a genuine and undeniable bond between carmy and sydney, although i enjoy their relationship platonically their dynamic and relationship has waaayy more depth than whatever carmy and claire are supposed to have going on… and i hate disliking female characters for being bland and stale because 9 times out of 10 it’s never their fault that they’re written that way, but seeing how realistic, grounded and likable our other female characters are (sydney, natalie, tina) it feels like there’s less of an excuse for her to be that way. she feels like a generic self insert pulled out of a x reader fanfic 😭 i immediately got the romantic vibe from her and carmy even from the season trailer but seeing what we’ve been told about carmy’s character i was sincerely hoping that i was misinterpreting it and she was just his cousin or something lmfsodoajaoaj and it felt so cheap and tacky for them to pull the “actually she’s his estranged childhood friend and he’s always had a crush on her!” card in e6. i also agree with what you said about that conversation sounding like carmy being closeted while richie and mikey tease him… also was kind of put off by the way they were talking about her tbh especially considering the fact she’s supposed to be carmy’s age and we know they’re both significantly older? i’ve also actually never considered interpreting it as richie overcompensating in that scene since he was still with tiff at the time (who i actually loved… i have my beef with carmy and claire but i would stand by tiff and richie until the end of time actually) but now that you mention it i think that makes sense too… much to think about
i can’t remember if i’ve said this before in another post but i also really disliked how love triangley they framed all of sydney’s interactions with carmy in relation to claire… i understood the purpose of other characters instilling this seed of doubt in her about her partnership with carmy and whether or not she was capable of trusting him, really trusting him, but i feel like there were multiple moments of unnecessary tension between the three of them and like you said, i’m so tired of contrived romance subplots in shows where there’s a female and male lead. i love carmy and sydney as individual characters but the possibility of their relationship being romantic just genuinely does not compute with me in my brain… that being said though it genuinely was very wild to me that everyone involved in the show made it clear on multiple occasions that there was no intention of sydney and carmy’s relationship going in that direction, just for them to introduce some random white girl this season just to give carmy a love interest. like? this season was longer than the first one and they still weren’t able to flesh out carmy and claire’s relationship and dynamic the way they did with him and sydney in s1, they felt so incredibly rushed and it was ABSURD to me when carmy openly admitted to liking and even loving her because those are things that feel like they should be so monumental for someone like him, who is supposed to be emotionally traumatized and romantically inexperienced—it was honestly strange to me hearing him tell even richie that he loved him and you know how i feel about them so. anyways you pretty much summed up my feelings towards claire and her plotline perfectly, and i genuinely wish that weren’t the case but i feel like that plays a part in why i find myself so incapable of rewatching this season t_t and i know objectively the point of the plotline was to show that carmy actually isn’t at a place in his life where he’s capable of maintaining a healthy romantic relationship/balancing it with his work but it still just felt strange to derail from the whole grief theme/mikey plotline for that when i was expecting them to delve even deeper into that this season instead.
i’m assuming you’ve finished the season since sending me this—just in case you haven’t i’ll refrain from talking about anything else that might spoil you but i will say that the one thing they absolutely did correct this season was e7. i’ve been dying for a richie centric episode and that gave me everything i could’ve asked for, it was so so gratifying seeing richie find his niche like that and i’m so excited to see what else the series has in store for him. this season wasn’t all bad but i was admittedly disappointed by a few things—nevertheless all that being said i did actually genuinely enjoy how the season ended and where it left off; that felt a lot more like s1 to me and i’m eager to see how they’ll pick things back up between carmy and richie specifically next season… hopefully s2 is just a product of middle child syndrome and s3 will blow us out of the water
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hearthouses · 2 months
wip guessing game: gauze or cereal
Richie always patches him up after, won’t let anyone else do it—fucking snarls, teeth bared and eyes yellow if someone else tries to touch Seth, tries to come near. They learn fast, bringing Richie the kit and leaving fast, leaving them alone as Richie examines the new damage, fingers cool and gentle, pressing in against Seth’s fresh bruises, seeking the tender spots.
“It’s not professional,” he says, tipping Seth’s head back, examining his battered face from another angle, “to have you constantly looking beat to hell.”
Seth swallows the sharp retort, the I don’t care about looking professional; he’s learning how to pick his battles and when, locking his jaw shut. He keeps quiet and lets Richie finish up, leaning against his hands as they cups his cheeks, holding Seth’s head this way and that, making sure nothing is broken under the swollen flesh, under the blood.
He can’t help the whimper that escapes when Richie begins to lick him, running his tongue along the split skin at his hairline, through his eyebrow, lapping up the excess bleeding, the dried blood staining his skin, cleaning the red away with his tongue—it’s new, this way of cleaning Seth’s cuts and scrapes, makes his cock feel heavy in his briefs whenever Richie does it, the feeling of Richie’s rough tongue swiping across places where Seth was broken open.
The neosporin is cool and strange after Richie’s tongue, his fingers rubbing the cream into the cuts, then Richie applying a piece of gauze, taping it down. “Best I can do,” he says, sighing, and grabbing for Seth’s hands—not the best, Seth thinks, not your absolute best, and lets it hang between them both.
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lemonsherbetsss · 1 year
What colour do you think Gyro’s bedroom walls are painted⁉️⁉️
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inkly-heart · 10 months
Richie I just had a nightmare ;;w;; A dream demon just spooked me and paralyzed my whole body, now I'm too scared to go back to sleep again TwT
Can you stay with me for a moment and give me a good night kiss? ;w; I don't feel safe right now...
Richie-"I'm sorry to hear that happened to you..I hope you're doing ok.. But don't worry. I will gladly stay with you and make sure you will feel safe again."
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thefudge · 7 months
your The Bear twitter thread...why were Richie and Syd standing so close to each other in ep 7?? they were literally nose to nose. they make me want to claw my face off
I KNOW right?? that was so unnecessary and i'm so glad it happened.
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
100k fic you say? Please, do share.
I wish I could say it was Harringrove, as this is mainly my Harringrove account, but it’s Reddie! I’ve fallen in deep for the tragically pathetic middle aged gays! So if anyone is looking for sweet, hot, funny, angsty, fluffy Reddie, check this fic out! It’s phenomenal so far!
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fruity-cryptid · 2 years
richie probably likes pineapple on pizza ngl
As much as I hate to say it, I agree
Richie would enjoy pineapples on pizza and Eddie would judge him severely for it
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nosensedit · 1 year
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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papermccn · 1 month
closed randomized event starter for octavia & richie tozier !! @hiddenpxpercuts
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"whoa calm down, i don't want to hurt you- or anyone. i'm just trying to find my dad- though he's probably with his boyfriend." she sighed, "-though, if you'd like i guess I could keep you company."
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mewatchingstuff · 2 years
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The more I rewatch -which is a lot- The Bear, the more I feel less annoyed by Richie.
Richie as a character makes sense when you remember that before Carmy and Sydney as the dynamic duo, it was Michael and Richie.
Richie spent essentially his entire life (or at least the formative years) with Michael and his family. Richie was the #2 of the original beef. People loved and looked up to him. Michael was his best friend/brother/cousin/business partner and they shared a similar vision for the restaurant and the neighborhood.
Richie's entire adult life and purpose was wrapped up in Michael and the restaurant. Presumably, Richie's marriage fell apart partially due to his commitment to Michael and the original beef.
Then Michael died. Richie lost someone incredibly important to him and lost a piece of himself.
Then Carmy came back because Michael left the restaurant to him, so now Richie's remaining crucial piece of identity is in flux.
Then Syd comes in and really he's no longer #2. He's more like a secondary #2. The other employees don't look to him as much because now Carmy and Syd are in charge.
Carmy's grief took precedence, because Michael is his actual brother and he's the main character, but Richie's grief showed up in every aspect of his character. You just have to look beyond his obnoxious behavior. Richie is a man who lost his purpose in life and realized the world still moves forward even if doesn't.
The only thing he has left is the original beef and now Carmy. That's why in my prior posts about him, I predict the new changes to the restaurant and his position in it will rock his world in season 2. I don't agree that he's an anchor holding others down. He really doesn't have any lasting impact on anyone's life or decisions since the show began.
Richie is loud and boisterous but ultimately a sad and lonely man who's lost his connection with the world he was accustomed to his entire life. Now he has to really figure himself out.
I like that his character arc is more subtle than the actual character is. Because if you take Richie at face value then there's not much to him other than comic relief. However, if you really look at him, you can see his presence, his behavior, his interactions, and introspection is a bit more nuanced than we originally believed.
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