girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
clearing up some things about the deviantart situation
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in layman's terms, they are NOT using art uploaded to the website for THEIR on-site AI, DreamUp... by default.
Your art can still seemingly get put through their AI, but I will get to that in a moment. This "opt-out for having your art used for AI training" thing is for third party AI's, generators hosted on other websites. Some of these models were trained off of random online art, including images posted to dA. The trouble comes in two parts:
The ability to opt-out of having your art available for 3P AI generation is opt-out, not opt-in. The ability to mass-disable this for all your deviations is not available yet, but "coming soon" - so if you want to disable it, you have to go through your hundreds, perhaps thousands of deviations manually. One by one. Art submitted to the website will not be fed into DreamUp unless...
Users can still tell deviantart's AI to generate images in the style of another artist. THIS is what the google form you have to fill out and have reviewed by a real person is for, they claim they will not use images submitted to the website as reference for their AI, but then how will the AI know how to generate images in those styles? You can submit your deviantart username and links to your other social medias in the form, so presumably they have a big loophole - they'll still let their AI look at art from your other social medias, and perhaps even your deviantart, if it's asked to. Sure it wont use your art unprompted, but it Will use your art if somebody puts your dA username (or Any of your usernames) in the generator and you haven't sent deviantart a form asking it Not to do that. Which is scummy.
There are a lot of deceased artists on the website who cannot opt out of either, because they are dead. So that's fun.
I've seen some slight misinformation but people are still coming to the right conclusions, this is a Horrible, Horrible update so please do whatever you think is right in regards to your accounts.
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AITA for telling people I don't care about fandom drama unless it somehow directly involved me? Maybe some people will read this and go "what? No???" And if that's the case I'm gonna be snickering to myself but I digress. I'm a digital artist trying to find my footing in this hellscape of an online environment with tumblr being broken as it is and twitter going down in flames slowly, DeviantArt supporting AI and I don't think I need to go on. For a long, long time I was a fandom artist however and one of the 'bigger' names in a fairly small community. I've 'fell off' as they say because of some beef with people I didn't choose to have but hey, tale as old as time with fandoms am I right? We mess up and move on with our lives. SO YEAH that aside, when you've been through stuff like that and grow up a bit you realize that it was all a pretty stupid waste of time and energy and now I'm in my mid-20s and would really just like to focus on my art. I still make fan art for this specific thing and like make fan art for basically anything I enjoy nowadays and just...spread out my skills more so I got a better portfolio and all that. I'm really just vibing so to speak. Then a while ago I got DMed by someone in my server about some beef they were having with another user in my server. The kicker is that none of said beef was actually taking place in my server but in another server owned by the person DMing me. It's as if you're the manager of a starbucks and the manager from the Burger King across the street comes in like 'Yeah your employee was being shitty in my Burger King so I don't think I'll be going to this StarBucks anymore >:(" Like, what do you want me to do with that information? I can't talk to someone about behavior I didn't even see any damning evidence of and I'm not going to accuse someone of something based on something a stranger said. Somehow this conversation went from me explaining that I'm not about to ban someone or adhere to somebody else's 'blacklist' over things I have seen no proof of, to the stranger DMing me that a lot of people 'are intimidated' by me or that I have them blocked 'for no reason' setting off my paranoia like no other. I had recently dealt with being ghosted by friends who turned around and posted a call-out (with zero evidence mind you, not a single screenshot because they in fact, wiped WHOLE ENTIRE chats as they contained proof of the opposite) and those people stalking me for WEEKS, had to start over fresh and everything. So naturally I didn't like this very much and bluntly stated that if I blocked anyone, it's probably for a good reason and that it's not my problem if that somehow hurt their feelings, I need to look out for my own safety online. I fear I was a little TOO blunt because I did say something along the lines of 'I'm sorry but I do not care, I'm too old for fandom drama not involving me, I'm trying to be professional.' and cut the conversation off because I was exhausted and uncomfortable. I've been told that this was a just a weird and wacky instance and that I didn't do anything wrong, that people who do think I did need to go outside and touch grass and all that but hyea, it stuck with me because I worry that people are badmouthing me behind my back a lot. TL,DR: Got told by a follower that other people in our very small community were scared of me, had them blocked for 'no reason' and that somehow hurt their feelings and that my reputation was apparently decided by what my individual followers behaved like in other servers and spaces because apparently one little spat was enough to have someone threaten to distance themselves from me all-together while I wasn't involved at all. So, I figured if anyone is an expert at these fandom shenanigans, it's gotta be the veterans of the tumblr court.
What are these acronyms?
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transformers-mosaic · 29 days
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Transformers: Multiverse #1 - "Cy-Gon"
Originally posted on September 15th, 2012
Story - Rob Queen Art - Paul Vromen Colours - Eman B. Zubia Letters - HdE
deviantART | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: Did you think I was done? My torments never end: I’m doing all of Transformers: Multiverse too! A direct continuation of Mosaic spearheaded by a few contributors, Multiverse is literally just more of the same. Indeed, this first strip was originally created for publication as a Mosaic; you can see the version with the original branding below. Right off the bat, we’re hit with a blisteringly collar-tugging story which appropriates a brief one-panel cameo in Last Stand of the Wreckers of Marvel UK character Flame during the Aequitas trials to provide thinly-veiled allegory on the Vietnam War. The title of this strip, a location invented for this story, is a bastardised reference to Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam. Look, I’ll admit that I know next to nothing about the Vietnam War, so I’ll leave justifying this strip to the original author, Rob Queen, who posted a lengthy commentary on deviantART explaining the inspiration, which I’ve now mirrored below. Queen implies he asked Nick Roche to draw this strip for him, but was turned down. Notice the cameos for Vector Prime and Alpha Trion on the board! Multiverse mastermind Brandy Dixon did her own take on the colors for this strip, which you can find below.
You have no idea how much i means to me to get this up. A couple years ago, a friend of mine needed some research help for a paper she was doing on the Vietnam War. As I was doing my research, I stumbled upon something interesting.
Ngo Dinh Diem was supposed to be a puppet. His charge was to rally the people of Vietnam to Democracy. Situated in the Democratic capital of Saigon, he quickly proved to not only be unmanageable but ruthless, uncompromising, and bloody. It was not long before he was put into power that his masters, the USA, realized that they may not have found the best individual for the role. Too late to save the cause, President Kennedy had Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated. Some feel that it was the President's inability to establish a worthwhile (read: successful) war regime that led to his own assassination shortly following Ngo Dinh Diem's.
After I slowly reread the bludgeoningly amazing work called "Last Stand of the Wreckers," I saw the single panel of Flame. In Aequitas. Standing trial for his atrocities. "How could this possibly have gone down?" I asked.
And then I knew.
He was a puppet that cut off the hand up his ass.
But unlike Ngo Dinh Diem, Flame was a tragedy because he was too loyal to the cause.
When Nick Roche said that he couldn't do this, I started a search to bring this image to life. When I saw Paul Vromen's art, I knew only he could do so the way I wanted it. The care, attention, and detail he put in continues to blow me away. I love how evil Xaaron looks in Panel 7. I love the subtleties of his work. I love how uncompromising Flame is, how stoic Prowl manages to be. The angles... everything.
Paul's frequent collaborator of hue is Mr. Zubia, who has impressed me as a wonderful talent that I will eagerly approach for more pretty colors in the future.
Apologies, on the other hand, go out to the enigmatic HdE. There was simply too much that I wanted to put in here. Too many words. Too many details. Too many words on the screens behind Flame. I am eternally grateful for his editing judgement, his guidance, and little lessons like "Less words! Less words!" (paraphrased, of course).
In spite of how much I love this, it's not done. I can't help but feel that this one panel can only scratch the surface of the story I want to tell. I would love to make this a real story. By real story, I mean 6 issues. Published by the Idea and Design Works. Anyone think a petition could get Mr. Barber's attention?
Finally, a last apology. I apologize to everyone - American, Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese, etc. - who was involved with the American Vietnamese War. This includes families, survivors, and all who did not receive a hero's welcome. Not only was the war a failure, but if we look at Vietnam now, we will see that the USA did, in fact, win. It just a lot longer than anyone expected. We won through a means that bloodshed could never have: through diplomacy, success, and a few well-placed products. On behalf of everyone who was forced by fear into that terrible disaster - and unlike the puppet-master Emirate Xaaron - I am sorry.
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Yin and Yang: Book 1.12
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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Check out my DeviantArt or Wattpad to see the Art of the FF ;D
Book 1.12: The Storm
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 
And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 
But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.
It’s a beautiful dawn sky.
Happy Hua lays with her head on Katara's lap, while the older girl strokes her black hair.
Jaiyi was cuddled up on her side, yawing cutely.
Aang was enjoying with Momo on his shoulders the last rays of the sunlight.
And Sokka was relaxing on the border of Appa saddle.
Hua could even hear Appa's happy rumble.
All was good.
All was perfect.
“We need you, Hua.”, cooed Katara at her, twirling a piece of black hair around her finger.
Smiling Hua answered: “I need you too. All of you, guys.”
She notices something out of the corner of her eyes. As the  Daimon turns toward it, her expression changes to shock.
The sky's colouring has changed to a dark, ominous grey, revealing a churning storm cloud.
“Oh no, we need to get away from it!”, shouts Hua.
The Daimon turns to her friends, but only she and Jaiyi are on Appa's saddle.
A light shines from above and Monk Gyatso in lotus, floats downward, positioning himself in front of Hua.
Surprised Hua calls out for her old mentor/grandfather figure.
“Why did you disappear, little flower?”, he whispers sadly.
“I never wanted this…I…I just wanted to be a normal girl again.”, admins Hua devastated. “I was selfish, forgive me!”
She reaches out to Gyatso, but before she can touch him, Gyatso turns grey and dissipates into smoke; it blows over Hua, causing her to raise her left arm in front of her face and turn away to shield herself from it.
Lightning splits the sky.
Suddenly it’s raining and Aang is sitting on Appa's head, holding the reigns and screaming at the top of his lungs in terror while they go down. 
Hua holds with everything she got into the saddle, holding Jaiyi tight to her chest. 
A potent gale throws them off the saddle as Appa and Aang splash into the waters of the ocean. 
Appa resurfaces again, and growls, but is quickly subdued anew by another wave. 
Humans and animals fall unconscious into the water. 
As Aang releases the reigns and drifts off, his eyes and tattoos start to glow brightly. 
At the same moment, Hua's eyes start to glow orange.
They slam each of their fists together, creating a bluish-white, orange-dark sphere that encases all four of them. 
As the air sphere slowly solidifies into an icy globe, the young Earthbender hears voices calling for her.
“We need you, Hua!” Gyatsu.
“We need you, Hua!” Katara.
“We need you, Hua!” Sokka.
“We need you, Hua!” Her mother.
“We need you, Hua!” Her father.
“We need you, Hua!” Bai.
“We need you, Hua!” Bumi.
“We need you, Hua!” Kuzon.
“We need you, Hua!” Suki.
“We need you, Hua!” Ai.
“We need you, Hua!”, a thousand known and unknown voices.
“Don’t leave again!”, shout all the voices together.
The darkness around her goes up in flames. 
A male silhouette stands in the inferno and attacks her with his flames!
With a scream, Hua wakes up.
At the same moment, Aang awakes from his nightmare too.
He startles Momo, who was curled up on top of him. 
Momo leaps onto Katara's stomach, causing her to shoot up with a startled look, before jumping on Sokka's, who shoots up, still sleepy, halfheartedly wielding his dagger and boomerang.
“What's going on?”, asks Sokka drowsily, looking around. “Did we get captured again?”
Hua and Aang find the eyes of each other and see the same terror.
Ah, they had nightmares each again.
“We just had nightmares, again. Go back to sleep, Sokka.”, tells Hua.
The water tribe boys don’t let him tell it twice and snuggle back down in his sleeping back.
Worried Katara looks at her two young friends. “Are you all right, Hua and Aang?
Both say at the same time they are okay.
“You both seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. Do you want to tell me about it?”, offers Katara.
“I think I just need some rest.”, says Aang rolling himself in a ball.
Meanwhile, Hua stands up.
“I gonna splash some water on my face.”
“Okay, be careful.”
“Always, Katara.”
As Hua makes her way over to one of their water container she hears how Sokka wants to tell about his dream, but Katara just gives him a look and he stops.
After she washed her face, Hua curls back into her sleeping back.
She waits a few seconds before she pokes Aang.
“Hey, you awake?”
He opens his grey eyes.
“Mmh, mmh.”
“Wanna go for a walk?”
Quietly to not wake their friend they walk away from camp, along the coastline of the ocean they camp.
“Did you dream the same again?”, wants Hua to know.
Aang makes a sad sign and nods.
“Me too.”, murmured Hua in defeat, but Aang still heard her. “I think they are our heavenly punishment because we run away like cowards from our destinies as Daimon and Avatar.”
Thoughtful Aang picks up a stone and lets it spring over the water's surface.
“I’m starting to think this too. Also, the feelings of guilt we have don’t help either. How could we leave anyone hanging?”, he wonders.
Hua picks also up a stone and lets it spring over the ocean.
“We were dumb and selfish. It’s that simple, we didn’t wanted to listen to how the world needed us.”
“The world still needs us. This time we can’t run away.”, reminds Aang, letting a stone spring again.
“Yeah, but we also need some sleep.”, mumbles Hua tired. “I don’t know how long I can go without a good night's sleep.”
“When was the last time we slept well, it seems so long ago.”
Surprisingly a cute blush forms on Hua's face, which makes something in Aang's stomach all fuzzy. 
But the good kind.
She looks very pretty with a blush.
Now he starts to blush because of his thoughts.
“You remember our little canyon adventure?”, begins Hua sheepish. “And the next morning when we woke up cuddling and said we never gonna talk about it again? That was the last time I slept well.”
This…makes Aang feel a lot of confusing and strangely nice feelings. 
His blush gets darker.
What was going on with him?
“Oh…you know I slept well that night too.”
Both twelve-year-olds play nervously with their hands. 
Then they talk over each other and don’t get what the other says.
Ever the gentleman Aang tells Hua to go first and she suggests they should cuddle with each other to fall asleep.
Now both look like peperonies.
“It’s completely platonic.”, explains Hua fast. “Bai and I shared a lot of times our beds and cuddled. It will be just like that.”
Something in Aang practically whines at this.
He ignores it.
“Sure, we can try.”, he murmurs shyly.
He was so tired and sick of nightmares, if cuddling with one of his best friends helped then by all means.
A pretty smile formed on Hua's lips and no, Aang didn’t though about how otherworldly beautiful she looked under the moonlight like this, this were his past lives bugging him.
Perish this thought.
So they made their way back to the camp and well…they cuddled facing each other like when they were in the canyon.
Not even five minutes later they fell asleep.
And no more nightmares this night for them.
Morning came and Team Avatar-Daimon packed their campsite up.
Katara carries their packs towards Appa, who yawns. As the animal closes its mouth again, Aang is revealed sitting on his head.
“Look at those clear skies, buddy!”, cooed Aang at his bison, petting him. “Should be some smooth flying.”
Katara looks into a bag before holding it upside down, and sprinkling the ground with crumbs; Momo and Jaiyi instantly eat them. 
Sokka walks past her toward Appa, carrying some of their luggage.
“Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, 'cause we're out of food.”, tells them Katara, as she climbs on the saddle.
Hua, with their sleeping bags, joins her. Momo and Jaiyi follow.
“Guys, wait. This was in my dream.”, exclaimed Sokka. “We shouldn't go to the market.”
All turn to look at him and Katara ask what his dream was.
“Food eats people!”
This only made Katara shake her head and Hua made a facepalm.
Oh Spirits, not this early!
“Also, Momo could talk. You said some very unkind things.”
Momo's ears droop as Sokka speaks.
After this little episode, they finally fly themselves to a little harbour.
They looked around for food, but Katara was not convinced to buy the watermelon the merchant lady formally threw into her face.
However, since they are out of money, they can’t buy it.
Frustrated the four teens walk around.
Sokka bemoans how they are out of food and out of money.
What should they do?
Katara sasses back that he should get the job.
It’s like the universe wants to do them a favour since they hear how a fisherman and his wife argue about going fishing.
The wife doesn’t want to, because she feels in her bones that a big storm is coming, for which her husband proclaimed her crazy since it was a beautiful day.
Yet the fisher wife won’t change her mind.
So the fisherman said he would give the next person who wanted to help him the doppel of her money.
In a beat of an eye, Sokka was on the side of the fisherman and was hired on the spot.
The rest of Team Avatar-Daimon stared at Sokka.
“What? You said to get a job ... and he's paying double.”, reminds Sokka.
The fisherman rounds up on Sokka with a wild expression: “Double? Who told you that nonsense?”
Well, what was done was done and Sokka had to work now.
Just as he helped the fisherman load his boat, Aang and Hua noted how the sky became darker.
Both remember the faithful storm which ended with them trapped in the iceberg for 100 years.
They are getting scared.
“Sokka, maybe this isn't such a good idea. Look at the sky.”, points Aang at it.
“You can still back down, we will find another way to get money.”, adds Hua.
“I said I was going to do this job. I can't back out just because of some bad weather.”. disagrees Sokka.
The fisherman's wife speaks up: “The boy with the tattoos and the Earth Kingdom girl have some sense. You should listen to them!”
This makes the fisherman stop, turning to Aang and Hua.
“Boy with tattoos? Airbender tattoos. Earth Kingdom clothes. Well, I'll be a hog monkey's uncle. You're the Avatar and you must be the Daimon, ain't ya?”
“That's right.”, confirms Katara.
All three of them smile friendly.
“Well, don't be so smiley about it.”, snarled the fisherman, making them frown. “The Avatar and Daimon disappeared for a hundred years! You both turned your backs on the world!”
“Don't yell at them!”, shouts Katara back. “Hua and Aang would never turn their backs on anyone.”
“Oh, they wouldn't, huh? Then I guess I must have imagined the last hundred years of war and suffering.”
It’s like Hua and Aang get slapped in the face. The old feelings of shame and guilt reappear.
“Hua and Aang are the bravest persons I know. They have done nothing but help people and save lives since I met them.”, defended Katara, not seeing how both were stepping away and gripping each other's hand. “It's not their fault they disappeared, right Hua, Aang?”
Finally, she turns to her friends and sees how freaked-out they look.
“Hua, Aang, what's wrong?”
As an answer Aang opens his glider, Avatar and Daimon grip each other and the glider with one hand each and fly away.
They ignored Katara's shouts for them and the fisherman's harsh but true words.
They…they just can’t face it, alright?
They know all is true, but it still hurts been remember how utterly selfish they had been.
Any day they fight with these feelings, getting them thrown at them makes it even worse.
And then sweet Katara who believed in them and protected them.
How would she react when she knows the truth?
Neither wants to find out.
They find a little cave on the side of a cliff face.
Entering it they just sat down in the darkness, back to back, facing a wall.
None of them had anything to say.
What could they say, what they didn’t talk about already?
Time passes, the weather changes to a storm and Katara turns up in their hideout.
“We’re sorry for running away.”, chorus the Avatar and Daimon together.
“It's okay. That fisherman was way out of line.”
“Actually, he wasn't.”, disagrees Aang.
“What do you mean?”
“Neither of us wants to talk about it.”, confesses Hua silently.
“It has to do with your dreams, doesn't it?”, suspects Katara and puts a hand on the shoulders of Hua and Aang. “Talk to me, guys.”
Aang and Hua search for each other eyes and after a moment they nod.
“Well, it's kind of a long story.”, begins Aang.
Suddenly, Momo and Jaiyi leap past Hua, Aang and Katara, startling them. 
Appa has also entered the cave. 
He nuzzles Aang's head with his nose, making Aang smile. Aang pats Appa's chin.
Jaiyi curled up on Hua's lap licking her cheeks. The Daimon pats her between the ears.
Katara asks if Hua can make a little fire and the younger girl agrees.
Making a campfire was like second nature to her now.
They all sit around the fire, Momo and Jaiyi on the laps of their master, as Aang begins to tell his side of the tale.
How he was showing his friends the air scooter, the council of elders who talked with him, telling him he was the Avatar because of four toys, the Avatar relics, he picked and how war was coming and that’s why they told him at 12 and not at 16 his identity.
Now Hua took over.
She stared into the flames and it was like the day her life changed came alive before her…
Gritting her teeth Hua followed after her mother and father. Bai was holding her hand, looking utterly bored.
The Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se was as always full of poverty and misery.
Sometimes Hua had the feeling she could taste the negative emotions in the air, but this was silly.
No one could do this.
“Mom!”, she whined. “Why must we go to the temple, it’s not like we are religious.”
“It’s so stupid, I wanted to play with Daisuke and the other's earth ball.”, whined Bai also.
“I wanted to meet up with Ai.”
Ah, pretty Ai with the auburn hair.
The prettiest girl in their neighbourhood and she liked Hua!
The one boys were scarred because she could bend better than them and the girls mocked for ill-fitting clothes.
But Ai told her she was like a warrior princess from her favourite book and admired her.
That’s why she became her friend.
Now they were more than friends.
Hua could still feel her hot lips on hers.
Ai was such a good kisser.
“Kids, please the Earth Sages send us personal a message.”, explained Haruka for like the 1000 times her children the reason they had to go. “We can’t ignore an official invitation.”
Their father turned to them giving them a grin.
“Maybe they just want to convert us. Don’t worry kids, we will be just really annoying and they will let us leave!”
“Don’t tell our kids to be annoying they have to show the Earth Sages their respect.”
Their parents kept on bickering, which made Hua and Bai roll their eyes.
This was their parent's weird way of flirting.
Hopefully, they wouldn’t get another sibling.
Five mouths to feed was already a lot.
When they reached the temple, Hua already got a weird feeling as one of the sages said, only she could enter the centre chamber and her family had to wait.
Nervous she sat before the five sage who stared at her with green piercing eyes.
What they told her, changed her whole life in a beat of an eye.
“Are you sure?”, she asked desperately.“The Earth Kingdom is so big, maybe you are wrong!”
The Great Earth Sage just looked stoic at her.
“Believe me, young Hua, we have our way to pit-point where the next Daimon is born and also…do you remember this.”
He earthbend to her a scroll which opens up.
In it are four different toys.
A feeling of familiarity washed over her.
“These are the Daimon relicts. Toys of past Daimons of your past lives.”, he explains. “Eight years ago we tested all the children of Ba Sing Se, you were the only one who picked this.”
Like in a trance Hua's hand strokes over the toys.
“I totally forgot this day…but I’m remembering it now.”
The Great Sage nods pleased.
“Good. Now we don’t have much time. You must be united with the Avatar. Only together you will stop this war on the horizon.”
A bad feeling takes its place in Hua’s stomach.
“What does it mean?”
“You will be immediately brought to the Southern Air Temple to meet the Avatar. You have five minutes to say goodbye to your family.”
Back in the present Hua looks up from the flames and sees how tears are in the corners of Katara's eyes. She feels her own too.
“They really only gave me five minutes. I couldn’t even say goodbye to my friends to my girlfriend or pick up my things. I was carted away like some cabbages.”
“Oh Hua, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay Katara, you aren’t at fault here.”
“So you were upset that you were the Daimon Hua and you the Avatar Aang?”, summarized Katara. “Why wouldn't you be excited about it?”
“Well, I didn't know how to feel about it. All I knew was that after I found out, everything began changing.”, told Aang.
Hua agreed with a nod.
Aang starts again with his tale.
How his life changed because he was the Avatar, his friends not anymore playing with him, training and waiting for the Daimon to arrive.
“Monk Gyatsu told me I would feel better after I met my other half.”, began Aang.
“But the day I arrived at the Southern Air Tempel, we both just saw in each other how our whole lives changed. It was easy to direct this anger to the other.”, enden Hua.
Katara looked at them in compassion.
“You felt like you couldn’t choose anymore right?”
The twelve-year-olds nodded.
“What happened then?”
“I began living in the Southern Air Temple and me and Aang were drilled in our elements. One of the Earth Sages, Master De, stayed with me there to make me an earthbending master, but Monk Gyatsu was my guardian, like Aang, and he decided over us. He wanted us to stay kids a bit longer.”
Again Hua stared into the flames and was transported into her memories.
Hua was sitting on a windowsill reading a scroll about legendary animals and where to find them, while Monk Gyatsu and Aang played a round of Pai Sho.
“Very interesting move, young one.”, mussed their guardian.
“What do you mean?”, asks Aang.
At the right moment, the girl looks up to see how Gyatso uses airbending to make a spiral, flipping a part of Aang's clothing. 
Quickly Gyatsu moves two pieces around. 
Aang flipped his clothing back into place.
“Hey!”, he called, but all three started to laugh.
That’s when the door opens and Monk Tashi and Sage De enter.
“You're playing games with him?”, scolds Monk Tashi.
“And you let her read some fantasy story?”, adds Sage De.
“The Avatar and Daimon should be training!”, they annoucon together.
Calmly Gyastu answers: “Aang and Hua have already trained enough for today.”
“Time is short.”, barks Monk Tashi and waves Aang over. “Come with me. I must test you on some high-level techniques.”
“Daimon Hua stop reading this nonsense and come with me, we still have to work on your basic forms.”, reminds Sage De.
Disappointed Aang and Hua stand up to join with them, as Gyasti states: “No. As long as I'm their guardian, I will decide when they train ... and when he gets his butt kicked at Pai Sho and she can read the scrolls she loves.”
With a huff, both Monk and Sage leave them.
Happy Aang and Hua smile at Gyastu.
They are so happy to have him.
Hua returned from her shared memories with Aang, which he told Katara, as he explained how one day all turned worse.
The other monks and the Earth Sage wanted to take him and Hua away from Gyatsu since he was too close to them.
They should be brought to the Eastern Air Tempel to complete their training.
“That's awful, Aang and Hua.”, says Katara. “I don't know what to say.”
Angry Aang stands up and goes into Avatar State shouting: “How could they do that to me? They wanted to take away everything I knew and everyone I loved!”
He makes hot ciders fly, but Hua, also in Daimon State, just bends them away saying with a cold voice: “They took me away from my family and wanted to take me away from my new one too. I couldn’t forgive them.”
“Hua, Aang.”, calls Katara out to them.
It helps and they get out of their States.
They say sorry for losing their nerves.
“You two have the right to be angry after the monks sent you away like that.”, reassure them Katara.
“Well, that's not exactly what happened.”, signs Aang. “I was afraid and confused. I didn't know what to do. So I talked to Hua.”
The Daimon took over: “Aang came to my room, telling me how he had spied at the council meeting and what would happen to us. I told him I would rather be back home with my family if they have us leave Gyatsu.”
“What, are you saying…”, Katara trailed off. She didn’t want to say what she thought.
But she didn’t need to, because Aang took over the story.
How they packed their things, left notes for Gyatsu and ran away.
Then how they got caught up in the storm and froze there.
Aang ends the story with his next memory of waking up and seeing Katara for the first time and Hua adds she remembers looking into Sokkas face.
“You two ran away.”, summed up Katara astonished. So she had understood right before.
“And then the Fire Nation attacked our temple. My people needed me and I wasn't there to help.”
“We weren’t there.”, reminds Hua, laying a hand on his shoulder. “We are both at fault here.”
“Hua and Aang don't know what would have-.”
They interrupt Katara together: “The world needed us and we weren't there to help. The fisherman was right! We did turn  our backs on the world!”
Full of compassion Katara looks at her friends, these two children, who just wanted to be normal and were burdened with the most important task in the world.
Who would live their lives full of regrets because they made a decision when they were hurting so badly.
It was unfair.
“You two are being too hard on yourself, even if you did run away.”, tells them Katara. “I think it was meant to be. If you had stayed, you would have been killed along with all the other airbenders.”
“You don't know that.”, disagrees Aang.
“I know it was meant to be this way. The world needs you two now. You give people hope.”
Hua and Aang just look at each other. What could they say?
Katara still believed in them…maybe it was enough.
That’s when the fisherman's wife enters their cave asking for help. The storm has turned into a typhoon and her man and Sokka aren’t yet back from their fishing trip.
Immediately the young heroes jump to action to save them, while the fisher wife stays in the cave.
They fly as fast as they can on Appa through the typhoon to find the two missing people.
After a while they find them.
Aang jumps down onto the boat. As a pole is falling down, Aang brings up four pouts of water, splitting the pole in half. 
After the pole splits in half, Sokka and the fisherman are shown hugging each other. 
Hua throws them a rope and yells at them to climb it up.
The fisherman and Sokka do so. 
Appa starts flying again. 
The rope swings up, making Sokka and the fisherman land on the saddle. 
A big wave hits the gang underwater. Everyone is shown floating away from Appa. 
Hua and Aang go into the Avatar and Daimon State and save everyone. 
They all go back to the cave safe where the fisherman's wife is. 
The fisherman's wife runs up to the fisherman and hugs him.
“Oh, you're alive! You owe this boy and girl an apology!”
“He doesn't have to apologize.”
“I would like to have one.”
“What, Aang?!”
“What if, instead of an apology, I give them a free fish and we call it even.”, suggests the fisherman.
“He doesn’t eat meat.”, explains Hua with crossed arms.
“Fish ain't meat!”
“Seriously, you're still going to pay me, right?”, joins them Sokka.
As an answer, the fisherman gives him a fish.
Hua huffs, but turns with Aang to Katara.
“Katara, I think you were right before. I'm done dwelling on the past.”, proclaims Aang.
The Daimon lays a hand on his shoulder and both smile at each other.
“What my other half wants to say: we both are done with it. We will never know if we would have died with the air nomads or not. We can’t change the past, but we can create a new future.”
“That’s a wonderful thought.”, agrees Katara. “Me and Sokka will help you along the way. I don't think you two are gonna have those nightmares anymore.”
Then the fisherman steps towards them and actually says sorry and thanks them.
“Do you hear that?”, ask Sokka. “It stopped raining.”
Everyone goes outside. Appa shakes raindrops off himself, splashing everyone.
“Appa!”, scolds Aang, yet a second later all start to laugh.
The storm outside and inside was over and now possibilities were on the horizon.
That night Aang and Hua didn’t have any nightmares.
They dream of a world, full of peace and love and harmony with all their loved ones.
They smiled in their sleep and cuddled each other tighter.
With soft eyes, Katara looks at her two young friends.
She was happy for them and how they were free from their nightmares, they deserved it.
A little smile forms on her face as she lies down and thinks about how these two idiots will ever realize how they are falling in love with each other.
One could only hope they realized it before one of them nearly died, this would be too dramatic.
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And done!
Next Chapter The Blue Spirit and anything will change :D
I can’t wait for it!
See you next time!
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artthemasquerade · 2 months
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Archangel Michael
I thought I'd finally draw Archangel Michael who first appeared in the Devilman Lady manga, not much was shown about Michael aside from him being a willing lackey to God and manipulating events from behind the scenes and being the twin brother of Satan. But I thought it'd be fun to make my own version of Archangel Michael in how he relates to my Devilman fic (Love before its too late) since he will show up in the later chapters. Instead of the full golden armor he wore at the end of the DML manga, I thought I'd give the classic blue and red outfit Archangel Michael tends to have in the old paintings, since I felt like it showed his closer connection to humanity in my verse. Also in my verse Michael's and Satan's hair used to be longer and wavier like how Satan's hair was in Crybaby since it kind of reminds me of a Lion's mane, since in Gnosticism how the Demi Urge in has a Lion's head https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lion-faced_deity.jpg and Go Nagai was clearly inspired by Gnosticism when he made DML (maybe even as early as Devilman or VJ but that's another topic for another day lol) But in my verse when Lucifer turned against his father's orders to destroy the demons, he was captured and punished horribly and Michael cut off his wavy locks since he was jealous of how often his father would go on and on about his twin's beauty. For a brief time Michael became his father's new favorite until in the big battle that ended with the angels withdrawing and the demons winning, Satan got his revenge on Michael by cutting off his hair and scarring his twin's neck with his own flaming sword. Michael was blamed for the failed battle by God and was greatly humbled by the experience, vowing that the next time he fought Lucifer he would not be so cocky next time... that's all I'll say about Michael for now lol, there is more going on with him and you might be able to guess it if you listen to this playlist I made for Michael too cause again the brainrot was really strong XD
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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zoguy1 · 2 days
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Here's Flame and Mulberry!!
Flame was an OC my high school sweetheart came up with. He's a Sans x Grillby child.
Mulberry is a Swap!Sans x Fell!Sans ship child I made back in middle school. For whatever reason, I was obsessed with the Sanscest ship children. I think it was because I loved the idea of combining two character designs and fusing design motifs and whatnot.
Also, this Mulberry has no connection to Star-Beau's Mulberry. UT OC | MULBERRY + BIO by Star-Babu on DeviantArt. Complete coincidence that we both have CerryBerry children named Mulberry. Lol.
I've explained half of Mulberry's story in Calli's Pride Art.
Mulberry's story starts before he meets Calli. He canonically was just a child that spawned into existence, and Swap Sans was like "omg so cute! Fell Sans, can we keep him?" And Fell Sans was like "Bitch, why? We can barely afford food on the table." And Swap Sans was like "I'm gonna keep him anyway."
The reason why I chose the CherryBerry ship wasn't because I actually shipped these two. It was because I didn't see any popular CherryBerry children. Like, Ink x Error had Paperjam and Gradient. Ink x Dream had Palette. Geno x Reaper had Goth, and so on and so forth. So I believed that having a Swap Sans x Fell Sans would be well received. My actual opinion on the ship at the time was very meh. I liked Swap!Sans, I didn't like Fell!Sans very much. And that favoritism was obvious in this story. Lol.
Mulberry grew up with a normal-ish childhood. It was obvious that things weren't going great at home. But Mulberry didn't let it sway him at the time. He was a very sweet child. Very friendly and nice to his fellow peer group.
But things at home got progressively worse. Fell!Sans was pretty much the breadmaker of the house. He had to work double time to keep food on the table, and that piled onto an alcohol addiction he apparently had. Swap!Sans had a problem with this because Fell!Sans was pretty neglectful of Mulberry.
Arguments would pile up and one day, in a drunken rage, Fell!Sans severely injured Swap!Sans, ending up with him in the hospital, Fell!Sans loses custody of Mulberry, and Mul ending up in the care of Swap!Papyrus while Swap!Sans was recovering. Once Swap!Sans recovered, he moved in with his brother and that's where Mulberry lived by the time he meets Calli.
The only reason why this story had this child of divorce plot was literally that Mulberry was a Mary Sue, and I, like every young teenager, thought that giving him a tragic backstory would fix that. Now having gone to therapy for several years, I can see where little kid me came up with this story.
Tips for being a story writer: don't give your OCs trauma. Give yourself trauma and then project it onto your OCs. /j
Post Calli's adoption, Mulberry made some friends. One of them being Flamelight. Mulberry and Flame kind of became self-inserts for me and my at the time bf. So they were just pretty much a fluffy romance. I don't remember Flame having much of a story. He's a chill nerd who loves science and has anxiety.
When Mulberry and Flame grew up, Flame got his dad's restaurant, and Mulberry became a baker. having that passion since he was a kid. They have a child named Cambri Pepper who was close to his cousin Juniper.
I have a fondness for Mulberry because he was the first time I started posting my art and my OCs. I opened up an ask blog on Amino, and I had frequent engagement with it. It made me feel like I had something to give to the world, and that the world appreciated what I did.
I want to start up another ask blog at some point. Not now. But at some point.
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Here's some Mulberry pictures I didn't share on Calli's Pride post. This is him with Parasplat.
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Him with Nova.
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A playlist I made, because I noticed that a lot of songs that reminded me of Mulberry were all candy, food, and comforty themed songs.
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eeveenicks · 3 months
It’s so weird to me that kids and adults are forced to use the same websites now and there’s an expectation that we need to make social media “kid friendly,” but the definition of “kid friendly” is so fucked.
I guess I’m old but when I was a teenager I played on Neopets and posted on Nintendo Power forums and only really instant messaged with IRL friends and you were always being told not to post pics of yourself or your real name anywhere. I wrote fanfic on FFN and drew anime characters and shared sewing projects on Deviantart and everyone had cute creative screen names to express themselves and things they liked. Using the internet was fun! It was meant to be fun not obligatory!
There were safety rules you learned and kid/teenager friendly spaces. Even Facebook and MySpace had options to set your profile to private iirc. And hell, even on Facebook you needed a school email address or to be accepted into your high school network to join and even then you really only interacted with your IRL friends or future college classmates. You just poked each other and drew on each other’s walls and posted memes about 300 or flipping your pillowcase over to the cool side or whatever. It was stupid but fun before it became the fully evil empire.
Now the internet is like… Twitter and TikTok and shit that profits off of giving people anxiety or making them angry and getting people to post their faces and share personal information. And they frame making stuff advertiser friendly as making it safer for kids while also actively encouraging kids to engage in riskier behavior online and it’s just so fucked up.
Like I was safer on Deviantart or Livejournal in 2005 not sharing my face and personal information and knowing to click away from porn or age restricted stuff I wasn’t comfortable with seeing than kids are today with all these so-called “child safety” measures.
Like goddamn no one is getting traumatized by a “female presenting nipple” or the word “dead.” They’re getting traumatized by fucking pedos and shit knowing their faces and scanning the backgrounds of their TikToks to see where they go to school. They’re getting groomed by people clicking on their profiles seeing their trauma and triggers and using it to manipulate them. Or predatory ad companies targeting them by demographic.
The fucking penis-enhancement spam emails of 2005 would cause pearl clutching by today’s standards but we just laughed at them and moved on instead of being targeted and manipulated. Shipping wars were about flaming each other online (and only online) about who you wanted to get with who, not fucking swatting people or sending followers to harass them for being “problematic”.
I don’t know where I’m going with this. I get it. I’m old and out of touch. Not everything was better in 2005. But I think there’s something to be said about the way stuff was set up on the old internet with kids having kid spaces and adults having other spaces and niche interests all having their own websites/forums/chat rooms etc. and making cool screen names and profiles and signatures based on self expression and interests rather than just feeding your age, face, demographics, and insecurities to websites literally designed to sell everything about you to ad companies. And then normalizing having the same handle and stuff across platforms to make you easier to stalk.
I’m so grossed out by the fact that sites and apps are designed to make people angry. Your negative emotions are monetized for engagement. And there’s this weird sense that you have a moral obligation to doomscroll about upsetting shit because otherwise you aren’t aware or empathetic enough. It gives a weird moral value to unproductive suffering. All because it’s easier to monetize anxiety, anger, and fear than any good emotions. Creating monetary incentive to make children anxious and depressed and encouraged to show their real identities online because that’s how social media and ad companies make money is so fucking disgusting. The idea that anxiety, anger, and emotional pain is somehow more virtuous than being emotionally healthy and enjoying life is fucked regardless of the context.
The internet really started going downhill after that Facebook emotions experiment in the early 2010s, and the sad part is so many kids only remember the internet after that point and those tactics are so normalized.
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agnerd-bot · 9 months
Been getting back into VS Writing recently
I used to write some Death Battles on DeviantArt a while back, but I fell out of it a few years ago. However, given recent seasons have been giving me a VS writing itch, I thought I'd share a matchup I've working on. Enjoy!
Phantom Field, Purgatorium
Deep within a world hidden between the folds of time and space, within a land of flame, stone, and darkness, a massive castle stood. Forged of twisted steel and hewn from molten rock, this fortress served as one of the only safe havens from Purgatorium's molten domain.
Inside the castle, the fortress's master and sole occupant sat within a laboratory. A tall, voluptuous witch, with her long pink hair going down to her back and eyes colored black and gold, walked through her chambers, mind deep in thought. This was Konoe A. Mercury, master of the domain of Purgatorium. Suddenly, her stride stopped, and the witch's eyes narrowed, calmly waiting, even as she heard and saw absolutely nothing around her.
"AIYEEEEEEE!" From the rafters of the laboratory, a figure fell down, hitting the ground with a crash, the intruder's cloud-covered cloak wreathed in flames. To Nine's curiosity, the figure bore a bright orange mask, obscuring most of his features from view, save for a single hole for one of his eyes, and the bushy black hair sticking out from atop his head. "YEOWWWWW! HOT! HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT!" The fool who dared invade her sanctum was now rolling on the floor like a madman, desperately trying to put out the flames on his clothes. "STOP, DROP, AND ROLL! STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!"
Konoe, being the one who set him on fire in the first place, merely scoffed in annoyance at the childish flailing before her. "You have some nerve trying to sneak up on me..." the witch hissed out in barely-restrained rage. "Who are you? How did you get here? And why are you here?" Snapping her fingers, Nine raised her hand to ready another fireball. "Speak quickly, unless you want me to melt that mask to your face with this next attack."
Patting himself down, the masked man held up his hands placatingly, ignoring the remaining embers. "Hey, hey! Don't you think you're being a little too aggressive?! I am your house guest after all! A pity that you didn't have any snacks set out..." Seeing the former hero's eyes narrow,  the man began to sweat even more. "A-ny-ways! I was just in the neighborhood, dimension-hopping and all that, you know, the uuuuuuuuusual! And I thought I would stop by! After all, it's not often you find a world displaced from time and space like this!" Putting a fist to his chin, the intruder began to wrack his brain in thought. "Let's see, let's see, is there anything I'm forgetting...?"
"Your name," Nine responded exasperatedly. Did this man have rocks in his head, or was he simply enjoying being this annoying?
"Ohhhhhhhhh!" the masked man laughed, slapping his head. "Silly me! How could I have forgotten?" Extending a hand and no doubt smiling an infuriatingly dopey grin underneath his mask, the stranger let out an irritating guffaw. "My name's Tobi! Nice to meetcha! What's your name?"
"Tch!" Nine callously slapped Tobi's hand away, before pointing a blackened finger directly at his one visible eye. "Leave this place, clown. This isn't a daycare for morons. If I ever catch you here again, I will make sure that I eradicate you from existence." With that, Nine turned on her feel, marching away to resume work on Requiem.
"Awwww... Are you sure you don't want me to come back?" Tobi whined. "This place is sooooooo cool after all! I found so many interesting things to talk about when I get home!" Letting out a low chuckle, Tobi blinked, revealing his blood-red eye and the black wheel pattern within. "So many things indeed..."
At the sudden change in tone, Nine stopped mid-walk, turning to face the masked stranger, meeting his crimson eye with her own gold. "...I'll ask again." Nine rolled her shoulder back, cracking the knuckles on her left hand. "Why are you here?"
"That mechanical monstrosity you've constructed is powerful... and dangerous," Tobi began, keeping his voice in the same deep tone as before. "I can't have something like that interfering with my own plans." The two began to circle each other, neither one taking their eye off the other. “So I have to get rid of it… And if I need to, I’ll ensure the creation won’t be separated from its creator for too long…”
"Is that what this is about...?" Nine mumbled. "How short-sighted of you. My creation will replace 'God' and bring this world to order. I've seen the strings of fate that manipulate this world, and I intend to cut them all away. Tell me, you mask-wearing fool. Can you even comprehend my purpose?"
"Hehehehehe..." In an instant, Tobi vanished from before Nine's eye. No, it was more like he had vanished from existence entirely. As Nine looked around the room in confusion, she suddenly felt a chill run up her spine as a hand clasped at her shoulder. Leaning in close, Tobi whispered softly into Nine's ear.
“More than you could ever know..."
Before Konoe could even process the fact that Tobi had reappeared behind her, she felt a dull impact in her side as the Akatsuki member slammed his leg into her body. The witch's body was sent flying into a nearby window, shattering it upon impact and sending her flying out of her castle. Nine's body tumbled along the burning rock of Purgatorio, before she forced herself onto her feet.
"Hahahahaha! Made you look!" Tobi cackled, his voice returning to the same high-pitched, nasally tone it had before. Leaping out from the open window, he landed gracefully before Nine, taking a strange facsimile of a combat pose. "Now then, since you so rudely refused to take my generous offer of advice, you have left me no choice but to-"
"Hrrragh!" Infuriated at the man's sheer insolence, Nine unleashed a wave of fire, aiming to burn Tobi to nothing but ashes in the wind.
"EEEEEEEK!" The Akatsuki member's eye bugged out from behind his mask as he flinched back from the witch's wrath. However, even despite his panicked reaction, the area around his eye began to morph and swirl...
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Sing the Infinite Requiem
Nine the Phantom VS Obito Uchiha(Blazblue VS Naruto)
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potatos-messy-mind · 11 months
So i decided to put this up here. I wil eventually be making one for Chun, no worries, but wanted to post this here for future reference for myself and anyone else who needs it. Since this is going to be a big reference sheet, I will include any and all reference images that are important. At the top are References for Tao's appearance, and below that are images of certain items he has with him at all times amd any other images that are relevant.
But first, I'm going to include each artist who drew the images, including the two so far that i've drawn. If any more images that relate to Tao's powers are made, I will update this with said image and the proper credit.
Artist creds
On Twitter: lupinebones77(Most of Tao's current refs aside from King and the inscence burner)
melocelli (Kaiju form)
torikalmia (King and the Incense burner)
deni_acp (Yang image)
On Deviantart: TropicalIndigo (Jinjing image)
My art: Tiger/Snow Leapord Hybrid, Li Yun(Electric/dark big cat).
Some general Info about Tao before we get into his powers.
Relationship Status: Taken by their partner/Fiancée Zihou
Age: est. 1500 (at least half the age of Wukong and Macaque)
Gender: Intersex (both male and female genetalia)
Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Demisexual
Mental illnesses: Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, DID (magic makes this work somewhat differently in demons from how it presents irl), CPTSD
Physical Illnesses: Asthma, Pulmonary Atresia
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Incense Burner/Ball and Chain Weapon
This incense burner is wrapped around Tao's waist and tends to spew some of his mist magic at any given time. It acts as both a weapon and storage. It can be used similarly to the ball and chain weapon from twilight princess, but can grow and shrink depending on what Tao needs. Misty spikes appear on the sphere when Tao is using it as a weapon.
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A plushie made in Wukong's likeness that Macaque made for Tao when she was little. They told Macaque what clothes he wanted the little guy to wear, after seeing a future vision of baba wearing his more modern outfit. Has several small pocket dimensions inside of him that Tao can go into at any time.
Tao's Powers
Blessings of the White Snake
• Forked Tounge
• Hands(all four) can morph into snake heads
• Heatvision (Using his forked tounge.)
• More liquid/snakelike movement
Powers from Sun Wukong
72 Transformations
• Panda(Bear)
• Phoenix (Bird)
• Tiger/Snow Leapord hybrid (Big Cat)
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• English Lop (Rabbit)
• Chow Chow (Dog)
• Long Eared Jeroba (Mouse)
• Chinese Moon/Silk Moth hybrid (Bug)
• Maine Coon (Domestic Cat)
• Datong (Horse)
• Impressed Tortise (Tortise)
• Yellow Pond Turtle (Turtle)
• Leatherback Turtle (Sea Turtle)
• Dulong Cow (Bull/Bovine)
• King Cobra/Burmese Python Hybrid (Snake)
• Chinese Water Dragon (Lizard)
• Tokay Gecko (Gecko)
• Chinese Alligator
• Eastern Dragon
• Yangtze Finless Porpoise (Porpoise)
• Hainan Eld's Deer
• Himilayan Marmot
• Steppe Polecat (Ferret)
• Asian Small-Clawed Otter
• Asian Badger
• Rhesus Macaque/Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Hybrid
108,000 Leap Somersault
Useful, but can cause Tao to have an asthma attack if preformed too fast or in a place with lots of debris.
Chi Manipulation
Mainly used in exorcisms and not in actual combat with living beings.
Loves soaring all on her own. can use his body to propel himself around and even gets help from the wind.
Replication/Shadow Cloning
Makes misty clones that can take on a physical appearance if nessicary.
Telepathic communication/Astral Projection
Has links to Wukong, Macaque, Chun and Zihou, but can easily astral project to anyone so long as they accept.
Flaming Fist of Fury
Strengthened by the Yang Samadhi fire to dangerous levels
Lazer eyes
Has the ability to use this power, but has never done so.
Gold Vision
Capable of using this in it's original state, and an altered version that allows him to see as if he wasn't blind.
Kaiju Form/Smoke Generation
Inherited from both parents (I will go i to more detail about his Kaiju in Macaque's section.)
Powers from Liu Er (Macaque)
Enhanced Hearing
Although Tao only has one extra set of ears, his hearing is still very sensitive.
Shadow Manipulation
Tao's shadows are more fluid-like in appearance compared to Macaque's.
She is capable of calling upon their mother's shadows should he ever find the need to.
Shadow Cloning/Replication
Clones usually take on a misty, cloud-like appearance, but have the ability to turn into identical clones to the original. Shadow clones of Macaque's can also be summoned if needed.
Shadow Transportation
Tao can use this ability easily, and the shadows tend to do most of the work for him. Macaque can sense each time Tao uses the shadows to warp.
Smoke Generation /Kaiju form
A misty form with a stone-like mask and chest plate with all four of the hands being stone as well as some stone bits around her wrists and tail. This form has three alternate forms depending on Tao's mood and the element that corresponds to it.
The Kaiju's base form
Height: Mainly between 120 Meters (394 Feet) and 158 Meters (521 feet), but can shrink to smaller heights. (Imagine the heights between Godzilla in Godzilla vs. Kong and King Ghidorah)
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Fire Form
Uses the Yang half of the Samadhi Fire to further fuel itself. The base form has only parts of Tao's hair, the twin tips of his tail and around his wrists ignite, the same places where his stone parts are excluding the stone mask and chest piece. This differs fron his fiery wrath form, in which the entire body of the kaiju is engulfed in flames, which burn any and all they come in contact with.
Water Form
Uses the primal power of Tao's water abilities to fuel it. This form is rarely used for fighting and more as a method of escape, as it can seemingly 'melt' into any large body of water and vanish. Every time this form appears, heavy monsoon-like rains follow. This form is completely made of water with the exception of the stone bits.
Dual Form
A mix of all three forms and is the most destructive in terms of passive property damage. It has currently never been used, and for good reason. It's power alone rivals the power of the primordeal gods of old. The Yang Samadhi fire is unaffected by the water from this kaiju.
Powers Unique to Tao
• Echolocation
• True Sight (A modified verison of Gold Vision that allows Tao to see as if he wasn't blind)
• Familiar creation, allowed him to summon a unique companion based deeply on his personality. There are currently three. These three count as pokemon in the Pokemon AU I have for Tao.
Yang (Height: 9'2" Feet)
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A fiery ghost dog that has been Tao's friend and companion since they were young. He used to be a living being, a half hellhound. Died protecting his master, and once in the Diyu he became so distraught and enraged over his master still being in danger that he singlehandedly broke out of the Underworld by digging himself out. His flames were so intense at that point that no one could get close without severe casualty to their person, not even the 10 kings. He lost all skin on his paws and head aside from his ears in the act, and successfully escaped to return to his master's side.
He is the only being aside from Wukong that has successfully escaped the Diyu, and since his only goal was to be reunited with his master, the ten kings decided it wasn't worth trying to bring him back. His bays, barks and howls is so intimidating that most sane beings will instinctively flee upon hearing it. He is semi-incorporeal. he consumed his own body as a spirit upon returning to battle and can choose to be more ghost-like or not. Yang often stays in Tao's incense burner/pokeball, or his master's shadow when not needed at that moment. Yang can control his flames to the point that allies will not be burned by them, but instead feel very warm. He's the perfect heater on cold winter days.
Jinjing (Height: 3'5" Feet)
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A spunky fishy fox familiar that has also been with Tao since she was young. She acts like a service animal when Tao goes out and about, since Yang and Li are too big to do so without issue. Yang may be able to phase through walls but his Aura is extremely intimidating even for Erlang's hounds. and Li is far too big to be able to fit comfortably in most places. Jinjing knows DPT, can retrieve Tao's medicine on command, and helps to break them out of anything from a spiraling episode to ADHD paralysis (Not a medical term). Those big blue flowing antennae can act as hands if she really wants to use them. The webbed collar is backwards to help with drag in the water. when she flips it out, it helps slow her down in the water and causes drag. She can also inflate it enough to keep her head above water.
Li Yun (Height: 6'0" Feet)
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The newest of the familiars, Li is the second most intimidating of the them. They can summon lightning storms at will and are capable of absorbing electricity. Their barks can sound for miles, and wherever they step, thunder and lightning are said to follow. They are generally neutral in most affairs and are more reserved than their Fire and Water counterparts. If Li isn't running about and stretching their legs, they're either in Tao's incense burner/their pokeball, patrolling Megaopolis from the rooftops, or by their Master's side.
• Feelers by his ears that allow him to sense the most subtle changes in the atmosphere.
Past/Future Sight
Able to see into the past or future. This ability is very different how his mother Liu Er sees into the past and future. Tao can only see one type of vision at a time. The triggers for both visions are very different and he can only see one type at a time. The inner color of his each represent the past (Purple) and the future (Yellow). When having either vision, his eye swill glow a pearlescent white color, and some kind of sparkling dust matching the color of the inside ear comes out of the corresponding set of ears.
The past visions are usually triggered by physically touching an object that either has a spirit or spiritual energy attached. Places that have a lot of spiritual energy can also trigger a vision the moment Tao finds a high enough concentration of energy. Sometimes he will move around during these visions, coming to in places he didn't pass out in.
Future visions are different with the exception of the glowing eyes and yellow dust. These visions can happen at any time, and leave Tao completely immobile until it ends.
Those who ingest the dust from either set of ears will temporarily gain the ability of future sight or past visions. These only have one use and may drive one mad the more they ingest. Humans and demons from all over sought to capture Tao for his oracle abilities, and to collect the dust he creates during a future vision.
Yang Samadhi Fire
Unlike what has been told about this powerful flame, in reality it was split into two seperate pieces long before the birth of Red Son. Tao possesses the 'Yang Half' of this flame, equally as powerful as the 'Yin' Half Red Son was born with. What is different about this flame is that ist is less likely to be triggered by emotion, but for Tao anger is the only trigger outside of activating the flames himself.
The flame tends to have more untriggered power behind it despite being of equal power to the Yin half. This flame tends to have a higher power output in the spring and summer months in accordance to Yin and Yang. It is a calmer flame compared to the Yin half, which feeds off of the emotions of it's host, and in Red Son and Mei's case makes it harder for the host to control their emotions.
The Yang Half of the flames is the only thing capable of completely calming the flames of the Yin.
In the primal days, the combined flames were said to scorch anything it touched into nothing, and was split in two in an attempt to mitigate the intense damage it caused when it raged unchecked. For the time being, the Samadhi Fire will remain seperated until the proper time.
Water Manipulation The ability to use and manipulate water (In a similar mannter to the water benders of ATLA, but with some differences.) to his whim.
Thanks to the maleability of the water in his body plus the blessing of the White Snake, Tao is able to extend his limbs far past their normal limits. when using this ability they can move around as if there are no bones in his arms. They can also extend and retract at will.
An extension of this ability is an extremely dangerous one,
Blood Bending
Tao is able to control the blood of living beings, being completely capable of controlling their bodies. Most beings can attempt to resist and break free, but anyone blood related to Tao will be unable to control their body until he releases them. This only works on Wukong, Macaque and Chun. Tao doesn't like using this power often, however he often uses liquid bending to help defeat any construct that uses a similar circulatory-like system.
When they were younger, Tao would often cause some unintentional issues, as when she cried, rain would start to fall in a certain raduis around him and quickly become monsoon level rains if left unchecked.
Siren Song
Tao has a singing voice similar to the likes of sea sirens, being able to influence and/or control others through his voice. His voice is also powerful enough to rip flesh off of bone should he choose to use it, or cause the user hearing it to go mad. However this power is rarely used due to Tao not wanting to cause potential death and/or property damage. The inside of her mouth glows yellow when using this ability. Glamours/Illusions
Tao can use glamour to take on a human appearance at any time, and prefers to not look so much like a monkie. He can also make illusions with his shadow abilities.
Water Warping/Portals
Tao is capable of using a very unique method of travel similar to shadow warping. The main difference is the stream of magic that is being used. Warping through water is usually done by oracles, as the stream of water magic used to travel is also the closest to the timespace stream, the flow of time and space around that entire dimension, In it's own pocket dimension, a seemingly strange place where water flows around breathable air in a tubelike tunnel from all sides. This is an area that only oracles can access, and with the floating islands scattered about it is safe for them to make living areas there.
Water Portals
These take more concentration to use, but are very handy for travel; as the requirement for warping is different. Unless the place is somewhere Tao has visited before, he can warp to and from any large puddle or body of water to anywhere in the world, even places he hasnt visited before.
Tao can also breathe underwater, but doesn't really need to breathe at all.
Primal Diety
Tao and his sister have full control over certain elements, regardless of the control gods from China and other pantheons have. In other words, an example being that the gods of the sea (ex. Posiedon) loose their control if Tao extends his control of water to the entire planet, same with fire.
Misty Form
Tao can turn himself into mist at will and change back at any time. He is more succeptable to being trapped in items like jars with an airtight lid or enchanted items of the same ilk, but he can return to a shrunken form at any time, or change back to his normal size and potentially break the item holding him if it isn't strong enough to contain him.
Fairly Recent Abilities
Tao was kidnapped by the Spider Queen some time during her attempted takeover of Megaopolis in the season 2 finale. See tried to turn them into a spider demon, but the only thing the venom did was give her silk glands in her hands that produce high quality enchanted silk (Silk moth like silk). This is abnormal since there is no other creature that can create enchanted silk naturally, so Spider Queen took quick advantage of this, using Tao as a silk producer for her takeover. Unfortunately making so much silk at once caused Tao's pawpads to become agitated and inflamed, and they stopped producing enchanted silk. Fortunately he managed to escape before the Lady Bone Demon tried to capture him for his half of the Samadhi fire.
The silk strands come out through the pawpads on their hands, and by pressing them together and stretching his arms apart, the silk forms into thick, glowing strands with each motion. This raw material can be used in many products from clothing to armor to fabric.
Misc. Info
• Tao is capable of storing immense amounts of magical power and has more potent magic than his twin sister. His snake heads, when not hands can sink their fangs into a person and suck their life essence and even their soul from their body.
• They a connection to death and the 10 kings, and his mist magic is capable of acting on its own and raising the dead, mainly those who's lives were tragically cut short.
• She sometimes sleepwalks, and depending on the phase of the tide, either moves around like a slow shambling zombie (low tide) or gets aggressive in his sleep and goes into water kaiju form (High Tide). this is one of the only times the water form becomes aggressive.
• Being physically intersex leaves him a target for European alchemists from all over.
• Sometimes purple and gold christhamanthemums spring from her bare feet whenever they touch natural ground. (Think Amaterasu from okami when she runs) these flowers have very potent medical properties.
• Their familiars are an extension of his magic and personality given form, and usually reside in his incense burner/Pokeballs/Shadow (Yang only) when not needed or resting.
• Her fire antlers were once crystal-like purple horns, that upon awakening the samadhi fire burst into flame. These flames started small in the beginning, but grew with age. They shrink to a smaller size during sleep.
That's everything I have at this time! This will be updated each time there is a change or new reference image. If you've read this far, thank you for actually reading all the way through! I would give you a cookie if I could. Tao is one of my most developed OCs, and I hope you've enjoyed reading this, I put a lot of research into him and the AU he's a part of as a whole, and I can go into more detail on the world building I've done at a later date if anyone is interested!
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liamthemarowak · 1 year
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Art Trade with hornetsrcool on Deviantart
It was a good day at the elemental dojo, and Liam is Checking his percentage on all of his elements. "Seems all of my elemental powers are fully charged up and ready to battle!" Liam said. "Yes, so lets have some training, at the fire section!" Jack said as they went to the fire section to let Liam train his fire abilities. The training dummies went out, and Liam is ready to do his fire moves. "Ok, here we go, gonna train with the fire of mine!" Liam said. He uses his fire throw, this flame kick and even his fire ground smash. The training dummies are out, and Liam did his training successfully, without any mistakes. "Wow Liam, I never seen you did very well on your training, and you didn't make any mistakes!" Jack said. "I really did! I should be a movie actor and become a star with my elemental powers!" Liam said. This gives Jack a great idea! "Hey, that gives me an idea! I have the invite for you to act in the scene, and they want you to be part of the scene!" Jack said. Liam was so interested. "Really? an invite for me? That's very awesome Jack! I could have my own tv series if I become a star actor and learn all of the moves!" Liam said. "Well, they are doing a tv show with different characters, kind of like Robot Chicken." Jack said. "I remember watching Robot Chicken, it's one of the best shows with different characters from different franchises!" Liam said. "Alright, I will give you this invite now." Jack said as he gives Liam the invite. Liam opens the invite, and decides to read the letter. The letter reads: "Dear Liam, I have heard that you own an elemental dojo, and you have so many elements that you could switch into like your fire element. So, your scene is to defeat Eelectrode, one of the strongest characters that no one can defeat him. I hope you will act well! Signed, Kangawa-Ku." "So, Kangawa-Ku has chose me to become part of the tv series, Sure, I will be interested!" Liam said. "Great! Now let's hop into our karts and let's go to the studio!" Jack said as Liam and Jack hopped into their karts and drove to the studio. They have arrived at the studio, and Eelectrode and Kangawa-Ku are here to see them. "Well, welcome to the studio Liam and Jack! I am here to make my very own television series, I have many different characters done, now you are the next one Liam to be part of the scene!" Kangawa-Ku said. "Well, for me, I could film the set, and tell Liam what to do." Jack said. "Yes, you have to help me Jack, or else I don't know what I am doing!" Liam said. "For me, I been in the studio all of the time practicing my own moves, and even reward myself a star for all of my effort!" Eelectrode said. Liam and Jack are very surprised about Eelectrode. "Wait, you got a star award for being the best actor? That's like the top of the list for you there!" Jack said. "He sure is becoming the best actor! So, enough of the talking, let's go to the studio and film the scene with Eelectrode and Liam!" Kangawa-Ku said as they went to the studio to begin the filming scene. "Right, let's set things all up. The first scene is the desert with the view of the canyons." Kangawa-Ku said they try to set up the desert scene. They have done setting the scene up, and Jack is about to write about what Liam is going to do. "Ok Liam, I have written down the actions for you, so the first thing that you are going to do is to look around this awesome landscape of the desert, just like we took some photos in Sydney last time. Then, Eelectrode will come into the scene, and your goal is to defeat him. Have you got all that Liam?" Jack said. "Sure, I have got that all, thanks for telling me on what to do." Liam said as he gets prepared for the scene. "Ok, lights, camera, action!" The Director said as the scene starts. It starts when Liam was looking around the desert scene. "This desert looks like a good place to take a look at the view!" Liam said. When he was walking around the desert, Eelectrode appeared in the scene. "Ha, you have found me Liam! Now let's face off in this one on one combat in the desert!" Eelectrode said. Liam activates his fire powers and gets ready for the epic combat. "Alright, I'm ready when you are!" Liam said. The battle began, and did his flame kick, But Eelectrode decided to dodge it. "Ha, seems your fire powers are no match for me!" Eelectrode said. "Oh yeah? Well take this!" Liam said as he throws his fireballs to Eelectrode, and he also dodges them as well! "Ha, do you ever take lessons on aiming? Well, catch me if you can!" Eelectrode said as he ran off to the scene, Liam also ran off the scene as well. "And cut!" The director said. Jack and Kangawa-Ku where so pleased about Liam's performance. "Wow Liam, I never seen you did well on that scene!" Jack said. "You are very talented on that performance battling with Eelectrode! Now it's time to have a break at the break lounge, help yourself, there is some coffee and even some biscuits." Kangawa-Ku said. "Sure, I will deserve a break before the next scene appears." Liam said as Liam, Jack and Eelectrode went into the lounge to have a coffee and also a biscuit each. All of them drank the coffee, then Jack was liking this coffee. "Wow, that coffee is made fresh, and also tastes good!" Jack said. "Yes, our coffee is well made from us with the fresh ingredients!" Eelectrode said. Liam was wondering if they have a coffee factory. "Well, Do you and Kangawa-Ku have a coffee factory? It might be good if you have one." Liam asked. Eelectrode nodded, "Yes, we do have a coffee factory. It was a huge factory with loads of ingredients, and also being shipped worldwide." Eelectrode said. Liam and Jack are very amazed because that factory was so huge, just like a big company. "Now that is a huge company to have, might be very expensive to have!" Jack said. Just then, Kangawa-Ku came in to the lounge, and he asks them it's time for the next act. "Ok Liam and Eelectrode, your next scene begins now! come to the stage so we will film your best performance." Kangawa-Ku said as they go back to the scene to continue on with the scene. "Ok, your next scene is that you and Eelectrode are running in the desert, and you use your speed element do catch him and defeat him with a slide!" Jack said. "Yeah, I will defeat him and become the best chaser there is on this tv show!" Liam said. Both Liam and Eelectrode went on the conveyor belt with the moving scene. "Alright next scene! Lights, Camera, Action!" The Director said. The conveyor belt started moving, and Liam and Eelectrode ran on the conveyor belt. "Better catch me if you can!" Eelectrode said. "Well, not for long!" Liam said as he uses his speed element so he could trip over Eelectrode. The Conveyor belt stopped and Eelectrode tripped over by Liam. "Oh, you got me!" Eelectrode said. Liam cheered for victory that he defeated Eelectrode! "and that's a wrap!" The director said. Kangawa-Ku was so proud at Liam for making the best scene ever! "That was a splendid performance there! Now we just put it on the tape with the other scenes by others!" Kangawa-Ku said. "And and for a special treat, we will air this on television so you could see yourself and me on it! But you better be quick because it's going to air soon." Eelectrode said. "Sounds like an Idea to make, So let's go back home and watch it!" Jack said. "I can't wait to see myself on television!" Liam said as they went back in their karts and drove back home. Back home, Liam and Jack are watching the tv show that it was made by Kangawa-Ku. "Seems Kangawa-Ku has made a great job on this television show with different characters and different scenes!" Jack said. Just then, the next scene contains Liam and Eelectrode. "Hey, that's me! Now that how everyone feels that they will learn in my elemental dojo soon, it will be a surprise for me!" Liam said. "I should be, so let's head to the elemental dojo to they will arrive!" Jack said as they turn off the tv and went to their elemental dojo to train the others.
Liam The Marowak and Jack the Cubone belongs to me
Eelectrode and Kangawa-Ku belongs to hornetsrcool on Deviantart
Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
My Redesign of Selina
I originally wasn't going to have Selina be in my version of Winx Club, even though I do like her and consider her to be the best of the post-season 3 villains. But because me and my girlfriend @keeloves keep on shipping Stormy and Selina together, I eventually decided to add her to my version of Winx Club and she appears in my version of season 5. For her body, I used Nani from Lilo and Stitch & the face of Vanessa from The Little Mermaid. For her base witch form, I took inspiration from Katie Cassidy's version of Dinah Laurel Lance. For her Dark Witch form, I took inspiration from Gerganafen and florianamar. She is the witch of reptiles and myths. So she not only has power over snakes but all reptiles, as well as to bring to life any creation from a story from The Legendarium.
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As for the backstory I gave her, she was an orphan on Earth that grew up in the foster system of Gardenia. She was best friends with Bloom, who was the one shining light in her miserable life. However, at the age of 15, Bloom went away to Alfea (Because I'm having it as a four-year school, along with the other magic schools) and Selina was left alone.
She wasn't very good at making friends and was often the target of Mitzi's bullying. Her only friends were reptiles and she'd often read fairytales and stories about witches. She never saw Bloom after she went to Alfea because one day she got into a fight with Mitzi (Even somehow managing to get a snake to attack her, though not a poisonous one) and her foster family sent her back into the system. She was sent to another foster home outside of Gardenia. She became isolated and was bitter that her best friend left her without so much as a goodbye and she was alone having to deal with Mitzi. She didn't even have a way to contact Bloom.
When she turned 16, she was paid a visit from Mandragora. She explained to Selina that the incident with the snake attacking Mitzi wasn't just a freak accident. Mandragora revealed to Selina that she is a witch with the power to control reptiles and myths. She offered Selina the chance to learn magic from her. Selina was hesitant but she ultimately accepted the offer. She trained with Mandragora for years and learned that her friend Bloom was the fairy of the dragon flame, making her unbelievably powerful, not to mention she's a princess. She was envious of Bloom even when they were friends because of how Bloom had an easier time making friends and was adopted by a loving family. Knowing this and that Bloom had moved on to have new best friends made her envy turn to resentment and rage. She wanted to make Bloom pay for what she's done to her.
Unbeknownst to Selina, she's a creation of Mandragora. Centuries ago, before she and The Ancestral Witches were imprisoned in Obsidian, she had created an egg that would hatch when Bloom was found (Because Daphne had sent Bloom into the future as a baby to protect her) and would be sent to the location she'd be found on. It turned out to be Earth, so the egg was sent there after centuries of waiting and hatched into a little baby, Selina. All apart of The Ancestral Witches plan to help them escape from Obsidian and take over the entire universe.
And since I have Selina being the love interest to Stormy, they'd definitely bond over their terrible childhoods and how they grew up without a family to love them (Well, apart from after Stormy met Icy and Darcy).
Credit for the character base goes to SelenaEde of DeviantArt
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csmeaner · 2 years
Found a new species on deviantart called (Stelciars). I would say design/adopt-wise, the quality deserves the price they sell for. They mainly go for $60-200 but the art is clean and not sketchy. Although, the species is unoriginal (a cat with flames) however they do have lore to make up for it. Haven't seen any issues with the owner or the community up until now. deviantart(.)com(/)fumi03/art/Close-Stelciar-Ocean-929451811
if you want to actually promo a species then go to @cspraise there is only salt and derision here
shit's cute but it's a fucking cat you could make yourself pls if you actually like this species don't bring it up on a fucking drama blog. pretty much discount elnins
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Perfect Freeze Glacial Naiad - CR13 Sorcerer
I’m the even strongestester
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Artwork by paxiti on DeviantArt.  Terrible ice texture on skin is my doing.
This is a fourth (final?) version of the glacial naiad NPC, higher level than the previous three.  She focuses on metamagic to improve her spells, especially (cold-elemental) Scorching Ray.  Compared to a typical CR 13 creature, she’s very much a glass cannon.
The artwork and basic concept for this NPC is based on Cirno from Touhou Project.
Similar to nymphs, naiads aren’t actually born.  They spring into existence in response to natural beauty.  This particular glacial naiad came into being as the manifestation of the beauty of a frozen pond high in the mountains in the northern reaches of the world.  She woke up in a bubble under the ice fully grown and mature - or at least as mature as any mischievous fairy.  Eventually realizing she was lonely, and wanting to seek out the art and poetry of different cultures, she began venturing out into the world, and got herself into a whole heap of trouble.  Over time, she’s realized that people treat her strangely if she doesn’t wear clothes, and usually wears a simple dress when in civilized areas.
The naiad carries cloth flags attached to sticks, on which she’s drawn pictures of her own face,  When she finds a large body of water, she plants a flag at its edge and claims it for herself, activating her Water Bond racial ability.  PCs who go near the water's edge can actually find these flags and either remove them, follow her tracks from there, or potentially use a knowledge check to learn about what kind of creature might have planted them.  RAW, a typical naiad’s water bond leaves no physical signs and can’t be removed, but this slight reflavoring of the ability adds some extra gameplay for players.
Typical naiads have skin that looks like flowing water, but for an ice sorcerer, I thought it made perfect sense that her skin would look like ice instead.
In combat, she’s staying far away from enemies and mostly looking for openings to blast them into popsicles with Scorching Freezing Ray spells, which deal cold damage due to Elemental Bloodline Arcana, deal 4 extra damage per ray due to Blood Havoc, deal 50% extra damage due to Empower Spell metamagic, ignore 5 SR and 5 cold resist due to Blood Piercing, slow the target due to Rime-Blooded Arcana, entangle the target due to the Rime Metamagic Rod, have medium range due to Metamagic Master and Reach Spell, and are still only standard actions due to Spontaneous Metafocus.  
Spontaneous Metafocus opens up her move action to move, but also to cast Flaming Sphere (typically as a cold spell and using Empower Spell) on her first turn and use her move action to cause it to attack each round.
Burning Freezerburning Hands, Ear-Piercing Spine-Chilling Scream, Flaming Glacial Sphere, Acidic Arctic Spray, Ice Slick, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold, and Ray of Frost also deal extra damage and can benefit from Blood Piercing, and, if they’re cast as cold spells, have a chance to slow one target and can benefit from the Rime Metamagic Rod. Casting Ear-Piercing Scream, Flaming Sphere or Acidic Spray as a cold spell is optional, but Scorching Ray and Burning Hands can only be cast as cold spells.
If she doesn’t have an opening to attack, or doing so would put her in danger, she buffs herself with Fly or Elemental Body III (water), or uses Summon Monster IV to summon Medium Ice Elementals. Since she has far more high level spell slots than high level spells, she can usually use Reach Spell to summon them further away from herself, unless she needs to move in the same round.  Her skill point in linguistics allows her to speak Aquan and give them instructions.
Unusually for an NPC, she has traits.  Two-World Magic lets her cast Create Water, while Metamagic Master lets her cast a metamagic version of Scorching Ray using a lower level spell slot.
For the sake of GMs who aren’t familiar with all of these sorcerer abilities, I included slightly abbreviated descriptions of several of them in the special abilities section.
Perfect Freeze Glacial Naiad - CR 13
XP 9,600 Naiad Cross-Blooded Rime-Blooded Sorcerer 14 CN Medium fey (water) Init +3 Senses low-light vision; Perception -1
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 insight, +4 mage armor, +2 shield) hp 79 (14d6+28) Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 DR 10/adamantine (140 points) Resist cold 20
Speed 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. Melee unarmed +4 (1d3-3) Ranged heavy crossbow +10 (1d10/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th); concentration +21) -  0th (3/day)—dancing lights
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 14th (15th with evocation spells); concentration +20 (+21 with evocation spells)) -  7th (5/day)—none known.  Often casts empowered reach intensified seeking rime scorching ray (ranged attack +11, 4 rays, 6d6+6 cold per ray plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 22) -  6th (5/day)—elemental body iii, ice crystal teleport (to bonded pool from water bond; DC 24).  Often also casts empowered reach seeking rime scorching ray (ranged attack +11, 3 rays, 6d6+6 cold per ray plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 22) -  5th (5/day)—cone of cold (15d6+15 cold plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 25), damnation stride (4d6+4 cold plus rime-blooded arcana or 4d6 fire, DC 23), mass charm person (DC 23) -  4th (7/day)—wall of ice (1d6+13 plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 24), stoneskin (already cast), creeping ice, summon monster iv.  Often also casts empowered reach rime scorching ray (ranged attack +11, 3 rays, 6d6+6 cold per ray plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 22) -  3rd (7/day)—protection from energy (168 points), water breathing, hydraulic torrent (CMB +23), fly -  2nd (7/day)—scorching ray (ranged attack +11, 3 rays, 4d6+4 cold per ray plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 22), summon monster II, ice slick (1d6+10 cold plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 22), flaming sphere (3d6+3 cold plus rime-blooded arcana or 4d6+4 fire, DC 22) unnatural lust (DC 20) -  1st (8/day)—burning hands (5d4+5 cold plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 21), ear-piercing scream (5d6+5 cold plus rime-blooded arcana or 5d6+5 sonic; DC 18), charm person (DC 19), hydraulic push (CMB +23), mage armor (already cast) -  0th (at will)—create water, detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost (ranged attack +11, 1d3+1 cold plus rime-blooded arcana, DC 20)
Bloodlines boreal (rime-blooded), elemental (cold)
Without mage armor and stoneskin, the glacial naiad’s base statistics are AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 and she lacks DR.
Without water bond, the glacial naiad’s base statistics are AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16; Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6; CMD 17.
Str 5, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 26 Base Atk +7; CMB +4; CMD 18 Feats Dodge, Eschew Materials, Empower Spell, Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Intensified Spell, Reach Spell, Seeking Spell, Spell Focus (evocation), Varisian Tattoo (evocation), Spontaneous Metafocus, Weapon Focus (ray) Traits Metamagic Master (scorching ray), Two-World Magic (create water) Skills Bluff +9, Handle Animal +7, Linguistics -1, Swim +9, Use Magic Device +16 Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan SQ blood havoc, blood piercing, crossblooded, elemental bloodline arcana, elemental resistance, naiad’s inspiration, rime-blooded arcana, water bond Combat Gear scroll of cure light wounds x8, rime metamagic rod (medium) Other Gear heavy crossbow with 20 bolts, +1 mithral buckler, belt of incredible dexterity +2, headband of alluring charisma +4, waterproof bag, waterproof scroll case, sunrod x3, flags with her face on them x10, 750 gp of diamond dust; 300 gp
Naiad’s Inspiration (Su) The glacial naiad can choose another intelligent creature to inspire by giving that creature a token (typically a lock of her hair). As long as the creature carries the glacial naiad’s token and retains her favor, that creature gains a +1 insight bonus on Will saving throws and Craft and Perform checks. The glacial naiad retains a link to her token and its carrier as if she had cast a status spell on the carrier. The glacial naiad can end this effect at any time as a free action. A single naiad can only inspire one other creature at a time in this manner.
Water Bond (Su) The glacial naiad gains strength from a pond, lake, river, or other body of fresh water by bonding with it and planting a flag at its edge. While within 900 ft. of her bonded body of water, she gains a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class and a +1 racial bonus on saving throws (these bonuses are not included in the stats above). Once per day as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the glacial naiad can forge a bond with a body of fresh water.
These bonuses are already calculated into the glacial naiad’s statistics.  If she is forcibly moved more than 900 ft. away from her bonded body of water, or if her flag is removed from the water’s edge, she loses these bonuses.
Blood Havoc (Su) The glacial naiad gains +1 damage per damage die rolled on evocation spells.  This bonus damage is already included in her statistics.
Blood Piercing (Su) Three times per day, when the glacial naiad casts a sorcerer spell that deals damage, creatures affected by the spell reduce their energy resistance and spell resistance against the spell’s effects by 8.  The amount is Charisma-based.
Crossblooded (Ex) As a crossblooded sorcerer, the glacial naiad has two bloodlines, boreal (rime-blooded) and elemental (cold).  She gains class skills and bloodline feat options from both of these bloodlines, and gains both bloodline arcana powers.  When she gains a bloodline power, she can choose which bloodline to gain the power from.
In exchange, the glacial naiad has one fewer spell known at each level than a typical sorcerer, and takes a –2 penalty on Will saves.  These penalties are already included in her statistics.
Elemental Arcana (Su) Whenever the glacial naiad casts a spell that deals energy damage, she can change the type of damage to cold.  This also gives the spell the cold descriptor, allowing it to be used with Rime-Blooded Arcana and the Rime Metamagic Rod.
Rime-Blooded Arcana (Su) Whenever the glacial naiad casts a spell with the cold descriptor, she may select one target of the spell to be slowed (as the spell) for 1 round. A Fortitude save (with the same DC as the spell’s normal DC) negates the effect.
Metamagic Master: Scorching Ray (Su) When the glacial naiad applies metamagic feats to the Scorching Ray spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, she treats its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.  This allows her to apply the Reach Spell metamagic to Scorching Ray without increasing its spell level.
Spontaneous Metafocus: Scorching Ray (Su) When the glacial naiad applies metamagic feats to Scorching Ray, she can cast the spell using the normal casting time instead of at the slower casting time.
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sleepyivoryrose · 3 months
Sorry, that got a bit too real. Don't make always everything about you, silly guy! keep it together! god damn it!
I guess I will weaponize this "being sorta dead inside" to help my brother and my friend, if they need it. Probably not, my friend isn't a huge Dragon Ball fan, and my brother probably rather die than confide in me, but...oh well. Moving on.
I did myself something good just now, a hot cup of strawberry tea. Weird, how warm, fresh strawberries would be always disgusting, but hot strawberry tea is just fine.
Soon the season for hot tea will be over, and I didn't drink as much as I would have liked to. Thank goodness tea doesn't expire that easily.
It is still relatively cold, but March is still kind of half winter half spring month, so I'm not surprised...
I wonder how one can train their creativity. I'm always doing the same trick over and over again, I beat these to death. Normally I'm quite comfortable with it, is is something relatable, but once in a while I see for example the crazy good and colorful designs on Deviantart, and I'm like...how do people consume internet and stay creative? It's wondrous to me.
Maybe I'm too deep in the consumer side of things and have to work my noggin a little bit more. But thinking out of the box is a virtue. These last weeks I tell myself "okay, creative brain go!" and he hands over a blank sheet of paper like he's a student who wants to flex on their most hated teacher.
Maybe that's why I'm writing more than normal. Because I feel like this is a little bit creative, in a way. A tiny amount, barely visible, but maybe it just needs a spark to keep the fire going.
On another note, the dothack countdown seemed to have been a ruse to get people to download a virus. It's kind of sad, the fandom is already almost dead, and a few people are doing things to rekindle the flame (see what I mean with not creative? again with the fire imaginery...) but people like that destroy it again. Someone told me I should give up on getting a new entry in the dothack universe, but NEVERRRR. Even though, to be fair, I'd probably would be shocked if there is. But giving up? Not an option. Not interested, as Cloud Strife would say.
I feel a little bit better now. I need to be kind to myself. Kind to myself, and kind to others. In perfect balance, as all things should be.
Well, time for dinner.
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doctorguilty · 4 months
For what it's worth I'm definitely feel unhappy and concerned about the current application of ai art in like industry and how the prognosis looking in regards to to, but it's absolutely impossible to have any kind of meaningful or productive conversation about it because the social media populace at large has still not moved past the most bottom shit tier arguments, namely a) "it doesn't count as art because art is made by humans and art has meaning and soul" (as if the philosophical definition of "art" isn't one of the most subjective things in the entire world, but more importantly, this is a 100% irrelevant point) and b) "making ai art is stealing other peoples art" (it's not, and "stealing" is just a really nonapplicable word when talking about visual art and derivative work at large), and these points keep coming from echo chambers made up almost entirely of people who actually will see close to no consequences of exploitation of ai generation, because they aren't working in any professional industry (they're just convinced ai will undercut their independent commission revenue or whatever) or, even worse, people who don't do any digital art whatsoever but are just parroting "support human artists" talk
I said this from THE BEGINNING that ultimately, the debates about what constitutes "real" art and everyone's collective lack of understanding about fair use and deviantart circa 2007 mindset that referencing a pose too closely = stealing are all utterly irrelevant points to the entities with the power to exploit the tools and cut back on their staff and produce more and more quick, cheap, low quality material for a profit. Companies like Disney, for example, don't give a shit about art having enough "human soul", they don't give a shit about whether or not copying artstyles or scraping data is "stealing" because they can do literally whatever they want with their impenetrable legal team (and they most definitely have no moral hangups about it)
But everyone is so latched onto their hyper individualistic mindset about art, all the discourse that should have been dedicated to the bigger picture is instead constantly funneled into "protecting" themselves (from the threat of other independent artists online allegedly looking to "steal" from them) and attacking anyone who so much as fucks around with some silly prompts in dall-e or anyone who's trying to like, direct the conversation away from the useless vitriol that will harm absolutely nobody who holds any power to exploit the medium, and instead making us just like, crabs in a bucket, you know?
It's been, what, a year now? And no amount of raging about it online has stopped companies from publicly flaunting how much ai they are using, so clearly it's not even a PR issue, which should give all the picture necessary that the points people are angry about don't matter. And that makes everyone MORE angry, but instead of like, considering WHY the discussion isn't going anywhere as it is and conceding that the answer to "what is art? 🤔" is "who give a shit", everyone's turned it into a black and white moral issue about the perceived correct answers, and if you're not on board with them you're saying "no I hate art and I hate all artists I hope they die" it's exhausting. That's why I kinda gave up talking about it because I feel the debate is kinda lost, not because I think I'm incorrect, but because it doesn't seem like we're budging from those irrelevant arguments (and complete misinformation I didn't address that but my god there's so much misinformation being passed around as fact) and there's nothing I can really do about it except watch it all go up in flames
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ayamisc · 16 years
rant about dealing with endings.
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(c) Kishimoto Masashi (Naruto)
It's Feb 24..and I have a LOT of things to do. Yesterday..i didn't feel good, so i didn't get to do ANYTHING.
[plus the fact i was in my obsession phase at the time as well…]
ANYHOW. i know i should be doing something now.. but i feel lazy this time. but i'll do it anyway ^^
i've pushed off music for now because i have a LOT of things to do…
however, next week… rest assured, i will play the piano again.
uh..err.. before i go.. manga rant? ..haven't had those in a while…lol..just kidding… now i know why a part of me hates vacation. WHY? because i use the wasted time to do something unproductive..like READING MANGAS.
this president's week. due to my extreme boredooooom. yes. bored-doom..coz i always end up doom at some point during my times of extreme boredom… i figured i'd go read mangas of animes i've watched/liked since i was little..
i chose ruroken this time.. rurouni kenshin, i mean. like what i felt during the end of reading the manga Flame of Recca during the summer…. i really don't know what to make of it.
i guess i'm just not good at dealing with endings. it's true. i really don't know how to deal with them. sure they say endings are just beginnings of other things. BUT STILL…grrrrrrrrrrrr
for example..HARRY POTTER.
6 months before the final book came out. i distanced myself from anything Harry Potter. i didn't even THINK of Harry Potter at all. i completely blanked it off my mind.
and what happened after the 7th book came out?
i didn't even touch the book after reading it? that was the last time i ever touched that book.
it's sitting on the bookshelf now. not doing anything.. gathering dust.
then the movie came. i was so un-enthusiastic about seeing it… but since my friends wanted me to see it with them..i did
i liked the movie..it was okay.
…and that was the end of my harry potter…obsession? not even...just...a liking, really.
same goes with manga endings. anime endings aren't so bad.. coz they tend to leave the end very vague.
manga though.. are the original storylines of the animes..so.. u can pretty much say the end of the manga is the end of the story.
My issues with endings isn't only through fiction as well. Same goes for real life situations.
A.K.A. ...the impending end of high school [thank god..after SIX years..FINALLY…lol]
anyhow. so yeah. i HATE thinking of anything that has anything to do with the word "COLLEGE"
i hate it. i hate it. i just hate it.
..i think i'm afraid of changes. yeah..probably.
i'm a pretty laid back person. so changes are too TROUBLESOME for me...for lack of a better word.
but. I'll live. ^_^
THE MANGA RANT: …skip if u want lol eh. ok. Ruroken: so much better than the anime. sadder. funnier. more awesome. BUT…. much more troublesome too! >< ..REALLY don't know what to think of it.
so. Naruto and BLEACH.. nothing much to catch my eye..nothing enough for a rant. lol…
Vampire Knight. so..it's the 24th so LALA magazine has been published. so. comment about VK?
ZERO!! YUUKI!! YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
…lol..so u pretty much know i'm a Yuuki/Zero shipper.
so. again. 24th of the month. LALA magazine. if so. WHERE IS MY OURAN 59!!! T_T
they're published by the same magazine. so. really. where is it.
…oh. and Kin'iro no Corda [La Corda d'Oro] is also published by LALA… but i haven't caught up yet to the current.
…i don't think i will for a while either. i have too much things to do.. like i said. so.
hn. so..that's my rant.
i'll add to this rant when i get my monthly dose of Ouran 59.
it should be here by later today... or tomorrow.
PS. This blog was originally posted on DeviantArt.
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