spiciestpotatoes · 2 days
I wanted to expand upon this post because I just can't stop thinking about it... I love this concept and I love it when people just go full ham on their tummies when they hurt. From a precise and careful massage to anything more desperate like clutching, doubling over, kneading your tummy with your entire fists.. just doing anything to find relief when in reality they have no idea if it's going to help or not.
And I also just love it when it's not even a conscious decision to do that but more like an instinct. There's no hiding it with people like that. You'll instantly know they're in pain because the moment they feel it their hand is on top of their tummy in a matter of milliseconds.
I could fantasize about this topic forever...
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spiciestpotatoes · 3 days
Imagine someone working at home at their desk. They're really invested in their work and have come a bit too close to the table. Their belly is being crushed by the table but they don't realize it since they are so focused on their task. An hour or so later they're finally done and only when they start to pull away from the desk do they realize the damage that has been done.
Having been crushed between that table, their tummy is now hurting horribly. The conundrum that they now face is the fact that they desperately want to rub their tummy to make the pain go away but it is so sensitive from all of the pressure that any sort of touch just makes it worse...
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spiciestpotatoes · 4 days
Barely got home from work today. My stomach started cramping in the middle of my shift and I could barely stand straight. It's still horrible.. I've barely managed to get myself into bed.. someone help
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spiciestpotatoes · 6 days
So I'm not lactose intolerant, however, milks with a higher fat percentage tend to upset my stomach.
Well, I've got a free day today, so I decided to go for a ride in the morning, and I decided to stop at my favorite coffee shop. As always, as I was making my order, I specified I wanted skim milk or almond milk since those are my two safe options.
After I drank my coffee, I set off on my ride, and within the first few kilometers, it became apparent that my coffee did not contain skim nor almond nor any plant milk but rather a full fat milk. Mind you, I can get past with regular milk, too, but the full fat ones just can't go by without causing hell.
By the time I got to the end of my planned route, my tummy was already hurting and felt really uncomfortable due to the rumbles caused by its struggle to digest the milk.
The ride back was an absolute nightmare. Three quarters of the way back, my stomach was cramping heavily, and I had to slow down significantly because the cramps got really bad at times.
It's been a few hours since I've gotten home, and while the cramps aren't that bad anymore, the pain is still quite bad and rest assured I am done with any activities I had planned for today.
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spiciestpotatoes · 6 days
This is actually perfect. An ultimate fantasy of mine
I love the idea of desperate massaging. Like your tummy hurts so bad that in your pain ridden mind the only thing that helps is shoving your fingers into your sides and punching yourself?
Me likey (I swear I'm not a masochist)
ooh this this this (i am quite the sadist in my fantasies). also a big fan of rocking back and forth in the fetal position from pain, or them laying on their side and digging their knees into their chest/stomach.
or maybe even begging their partner for a rough massage, hoping that it will sort out the chaos in their stomach, a sort of “don’t stop no matter how hard i wince or cry because it needs done” type thing.
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spiciestpotatoes · 6 days
It's been such a long time since I've rp-ed with someone so if anyone is up for it, hmu 😏
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spiciestpotatoes · 10 days
I always admired people who could withstand heavy pressure on their tummy. Which makes me think of how one's guts must be messed up after something like that.
Pushing deep around your stomach, basically reorganizing your intestines, must cause quite a ruckus inside.
And then taking care of someone who's been through something like that. Their tummy is raging but they can't stand any touch on there because it's sore all over.
Honestly... heaven.
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spiciestpotatoes · 11 days
Feeling some type of way with my tummy emitting some cramps, seemingly cooking up a storm...
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spiciestpotatoes · 14 days
I'm seeing a lot of content regarding tummy issues that lead to the bathroom one way or the other
But I'm not seeing enough people talk about those issues that are riddled with just pure pain. Pain that doesn't get you into the bathroom. Pain that can't be solved just like that. Such that keeps you chained to your bed because any movement or touch sends you writhing.
It doesn't have to be agonizing, though. It could just be strong enough to make daily life tasks difficult. Strong enough that you can't keep your hands off your tummy because you need that slight touch of comfort.
That type of pain is a completely different story...
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spiciestpotatoes · 23 days
It's been a while since I posted, mainly because I haven't been experiencing so many issues with my stomach. However, life is getting stressful again, which means that my stomach is so much more sensitive..
I haven't had cramps in a solid month so today has just been a nightmare cause they started hitting early in the morning. Basically right after breakfast I was already feeling some pains and they blew up into some nasty cramps which I am still dealing with 😣
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spiciestpotatoes · 27 days
i got a tummy ache :,((
Aww, do you know what's causing it? Is there anything I can do to help?
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spiciestpotatoes · 1 month
That sickly feeling in your stomach which borders between pain and just awful discomfort and it feels no amount of rubs can help :/
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spiciestpotatoes · 1 month
Thinking of a game people could play where they both starve for as long as they can. The one who gives in has to eat whatever the winner tells them to. And even though their hunger will finally subside, a whole different pain will take over 😏
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spiciestpotatoes · 1 month
This might turn some people away, but if you come into my DMs and you don't even have the common sense or decency to at least say hello before you start talking about what it is you want from me, you can be sure I won't be talking to you. And if this attitude does turn people away, honestly, good riddance.
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spiciestpotatoes · 2 months
Here's an rp idea.. if you'd like to do it with me, let me know ;)
A and B go to a restaurant one day for dinner, it's a Friday so they've decided to treat themselves with the night out, knowing they can relax the following two days as well.
When their food arrives, A can't help but notice how their food seems to smell a bit odd. However, they don't want to bother anyone and settle for eating it despite the suspicion. As the meal progresses, their suspicion is confirmed by the weird feeling in their stomach as the food settles there. They don't feel like they can finish the entire plate. B looks at them as they've stopped eating and encourages them to finish it, unsuspecting of what's going on beneath their partner's shirt.
A's belly starts growling uncomfortably and they lean back, pressing a hand to their stomach. B finally notices that A has gone a little pale and asks if they're okay. "I think something was wrong with the food.", A confesses, "my stomach feels really weird" B pulls them closer and places a hand over their tummy. Worry mixed with desire dance in their eyes as they feel the chaos starting to unfold in A's stomach. "Does it hurt?" B asks while pushing their hand into A's stomach. "Yeah a little.." A says while grimacing. "Can we go home?"
They leave the restaurant and on the drive home, B pushes around A's tummy, teasing them and preparing them for all that will insue when they get home...
I want to leave the rest of this up to your imagination. I'd gladly explore the rest through an rp, or I will develop this into a more detailed post later on!
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spiciestpotatoes · 2 months
Had a lot of carbs and fatty foods today.. and now I have a stomachache and I regret letting my emotions drag me into this :/
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spiciestpotatoes · 2 months
tummies that are a little pudgy and round are SOOO cute ugh!!!!
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