#👁️ - An intruder
toxicloveposts · 7 months
Wasn't able to get the lads but I got the ladies! Happy late Halloween everyone! Hope you all were safe and had fun ^^
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Bigger version of Bella under cut :>
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[CN] Spoilers from Victor’s Latest SP Mind Quest
⚠️ If you don’t qualify for the 16+ rating of the game (CN server), it’s recommended that you don’t proceed further~ :> ⚠️
I haven’t gotten started with translating the mind quest yet, but I did go ahead and subtitle this part because I had to 🫠 the writing pushes the limits hard, so again, be aware~ 💦
Context: MC is practicing in the dance studio at their home, and Victor comes to check up on her after taking a shower. So, MC asks him to dance with her and—👇
In case you’re wondering about MC’s “core” – she says it later herself. It’s Victor~ (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)❤️
I do wanna finish with that the mind quest is about “Victor x MC” – the absolute romantics continuing to thrive. So, the explicit scenes are complimentary that make the whole thing complete–– ❤️‍🔥
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asvetrian-wings · 1 year
HEY GANG. I’ve been slowly descending into madness over the Alt!Mark AU by UVPartyBomb on here 👁️👁️ My madness is limitless, and I have all divine feral urges to draw for it. I’ve done two large drawings in one day and I will probably be making more today 👁️👁️ Anyways, here’s my divine doodle dump for the AU! There’s characters aren’t mine, fyi 👁️👁️
Order of appearance:
First drawing: Job Goodman the News Reporter
Second Drawing: The brothers 👁️👁️ *Insert some demonic sound as I stare at you aggressively and the camera shakes*
And the last one is just a random silly doodle of Job and Cesar loafing like little cats. It was seriously just a warm up doodle I made while half awake.
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happiest-hotch · 11 months
Why did i think of Aaron with this? Like imagine him and reader (who's younger) decided to have a baby... Then a few years later they're like, jack it's almost a teen and he loves his little sibling so why not have just one more? But then this happens 😂😂😂 imagine Aaron's face!!!! He'll be like "what you mean there's three???? Babe, i'm too old for this shit!!!👁️👄👁️" And when they tell the team?! OH MY GOD. The teasing would be endless!!!
omg i had to write this asap, i love any expecting!dad!aaron/spencer
Aaron doesn't stop at the FBI offices once the team gets off the jet, and it's almost seven. He knows he'll get caught there for two hours, minimum, and with how tired you've been this pregnancy, you're likely to be asleep by the time he gets home. Plus, he hasn't been so wrapped up in the case the BAU just closed that he's forgotten about the all-important ultrasound you had scheduled.
He gets home just after 7:30, thanks to traffic and some speeding through empty streets. He dumps his go-bag in the laundry room, checking all the doors are locked out of habit.
"Y/n?" You hear Aaron's voice travel down the hallway as he assures you that it's not an intruder.
"Kitchen." You call back, snapping the lid on a container of leftover mac and cheese. Both Jack and Daisy will happily eat it the next day.
He wraps his arms around your waist from behind and pulls you into his chest, tucking his head into your neck. "Hi, honey." He hums.
You turn your head to kiss him for the first time in a week. "Hi, handsome, welcome home."
"Glad to be back." He sighs, breathing in your scent in a non-creepy way. "Kids okay?"
You reach for the baby monitor in Daisy's room, holding it up so he can see the live feed. Jack is crouched at the end of the crib, puppets on his index fingers, while Daisy stands with the help of the rail and watches his puppet show. He's always been an amazing big brother and he loves making up puppet shows for her.
"They've been good." You tell him as you watch the sweet interaction.
He hums in your ear. "So, what's the verdict? How are you?" He doesn't waste any longer than necessary to ask for the results. His wide hand travels down to rest over the little bump that's already appeared. "How is the little raspberry?"
You try not to tense too much in his arms. It would be far too easy for him to notice as your husband and a profiler. So you step away from him, still holding his hand. "Are you hungry?" You ask.
He frowns. "You're deflecting." You narrow your eyes at him, and he folds quickly, answering you. "I ate lunch."
You laugh, handing him a prepared plate. "You're meant to have three meals a day, Aaron."
"I'll eat, but please start talking because I'm getting worried." You can sense the fear in his voice, justified.
"Couch?" You offer before quickly squashing his worries. "Everything's healthy, the OB/GYN isn't concerned."
He lets out a deep breath, taking his plate from you with a 'thank you' kiss before sitting on the couch. You take the ultrasound pictures out of your handbag, sinking down next to him.
"Let me see, let me see." He cheers eagerly. You hand it over, biting your bottom lip as he flips it open. His eyes fill with tears in the most precious way as he gently traces over the glossy picture. "Wait." You know he's caught the descriptor at the bottom. Last time, it was just Baby Hotchner, but things are a little different this time. "Wait...Baby A? Is this a joke?" He turns to you with a playful expression, wrinkling his nose, but he lets a level of concern slip through.
You shake your head. "Not joking. There's a Baby B."
"There's a 'B'?" Aaron repeats, shocked. For someone who's an expert in maintaining an emotionless expression, he's struggling. His eyes look like they could pop out of his head. He takes a look under the first ultrasound, finding another, slightly different ultrasound with a different name at the bottom.
"There's a 'B'." You confirm, knowing he needs to hear it out loud, probably more than once, like you did earlier that morning.
He turns to you with raised eyebrows, letting out another breath. "Two babies." He states- incorrectly- although he's yet to be made aware of it. "Shit." He mumbles.
"Aaron, there's a 'C'." You break the news before he can accept that it's twins.
Aaron's shocked expression gets impossibly more prominent on his features. "Holy shit. Triplets? Oh my- fuck."
You chuckle softly beside him. "Yeah, triplets."
"Wow." He gasps finally, sitting with the news for a few seconds as he looks at the third ultrasound. "That's- wow."
"I know." You agree with his shock. "Crazy, huh?"
He nods slowly, looking at the final ultrasound which is a picture of all three of them. Then he turns to look at you all of a sudden. "This is real?" He asks and you nod. "You're incredible."
You laugh softly. "So you're okay?"
"Are you?" He asks, fully concerned again. "I mean, do you need a higher dose of vitamins? And you need to be eating more. And drinking more. And-"
You cut him off before he can spiral, just as you had. "I'm good, baby." You assure him. "Got it all under control, but this is quite a shock, huh?"
He nods. "We said one more and now we're going to have three more." His eyes fill with tears. "We're so lucky."
"We are." You agree. "There's lots to do though."
He cups your cheek, thumb stroking over your skin. "Tomorrow, baby. And I'll be the one doing everything. You're growing those perfect babies."
"I've got your first task." You tell him and he waits for it, no doubt going to do whatever you want. "Kiss me." He chuckles softly at what is a really easy request to grant and he leans in, kissing you gently.
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cattonicdragon · 10 months
So like what I'm see, could you do glamrock chica Roxy Monty bonny marinette and baby with a animatronic reader built for security and has access to the cameras,
this idea has been inside my head for awhile now and i know my x reader viewers are starving so yes.
also may i say your taste in fnaf animatronics is just 🤌
also i didnt know which bonnie you wanted so i just did glamrock bonnie
hows everyone feeling abt ruin???👁️👁️
there will be spelling errors
{not proof read}
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glamerock chica
the pizzaplex had many security messures in place,including security bots
not that they made the most difference
its not until after a break-in incedint that they decide they need to up their security a tad bit more,however they were already paying enough fees and did'nt want to pay another security officer so instead they went for the next best option!
a new security animatronic that was sentient like the main four+sun and moon
chica was quite surprised once she saw you lurking around,that was until she remembered that the staff had said there was a new bot for extra security
she decided to approach you abit before opening since you both had'nt needed to survey the pizzaplex
you both got along very well actually
she found it very interesting and was slightly jealous that you had the ability to access the cctv cameras around the plex
she was quite happy that there was another animatronic though,you made for good company
if she every saw a security camera she would wave at it,regardless of if you were watching or not
she has offerd you trash before,though wether or not you accept it though is up to you
its the thought that counts atleast
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monty/montgomary gator
similar situation to chicas
he was surprised to see another bot wondering round the plex
though hes not one to dweel on something that isnt his buisness,so he was mainly just curious and let you be
your first real interaction is when a customer gets particulary aggitated with the gator when you stepped in
you had told the woman the whatever had happpened she could bring it to customer service,you also warned her that if she did not comply she would be escorted out of the pizzzaplex
he hadnt seen anyone stand up for him before like that
you also presented yourself very professionaly,being an animatronic you stood fairly tall but the way your presented yourself almost made yyou seem taller,you were assertive in our words and spoke without stuttering
it was a very nice manner
although hes thankful that you stepped in he dosnt show it
he just huffs and leaves to his green room to blow off steam
after making some more meetings though an unlikely friendship manages to form
he trys to perform even better now that he knows your potentially watching
speaking of that
he finds it cool how they trust you enough to allow you access to the cameras,though hes not jeoalous because he has gator golf
he loves compliments whether your giving them to him or vice versa
hes very possessive and will cuddle you in his greenroom
he will either give you his glasses to wear temporarily or will get a copy made and then give you the copy
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roxanne wolf
she would be one of the first ones to learn of your existance due to her excellent eye sight
she gets a little aggressive until she learns that your not an intruder and also not one of the "main" bots
it turns out mangament just thought it'd be a good idea to through you into the pizza plex with no for warning
she does get nervous that youll take her spot light a tad bit since animatronics do tend to draw more attraction then old ones
she needs quite a bit of confirmation that your not threatening her stance and thats shes still the best
after adjusting to you though shes very friendly
the chances are very high that she'll introduce cassie to you
she lets you into her green room preety much whenever
having a shitty day? go straight to her! she'll cheer you right up!
ashes constantley giving you makeovers,with your consent of course and other things
she loves racing you and she gives you many praises if you win
shes very soft with yopu,surprisingly even in public,although its not to the same extent as when your both alone she'll still be very sweet to you.
if people have a problem with it they can leave
your very quick to come to her aid if someone is being rude to her,also having the security cameras to back you up is a bonus
she gives you many of her merchandise on a whim,your talking and she has to leave,oh wait.before she goes she gives you a limited addition rare roxanne wolf plushie.how sweet ;)
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glamrock bonnie
he wouldnt be to surprised to find out tghat managment added another animatronic that was strictly for security,wouldnt be to surprised that managment had'nt told anyone either
he'd probally be one of the first ones to come up to you,having a smug smirk on his face will dramatically spinning a bowling ball with one of his fingers
very flirty,however alot of the time it usually ends up with something funny happening,so flirting but failing at the same time.
he'll lean on a wall,about to recite a very cheezy monologue of randome romantic words when he suddenly just,falls.he slips off the wall and onto the floor,whatever words he was about to say,yea unless hes feeling particularly confident he will just get up,apologize and walk off
he tries to impress you tones,and i mean TONS
if your ever nearby he tries to get the most amount of attention possible,hoping that in the crowd he would have hooked your interest
he has honed his skills of bowling and hes going to show it
if you ask him to teach you a trick in bowling he will drop EVERYTHING just to show you how to do it
he absolutely loves when you give him attention and if you ever tease or flirt back,hes like putty in your hands,oh so sweet and tripping over his words like a highschool crush
he will unironically do the finger thing where he just 👉👈
will give you all sorts of gifts
if your not a pro bowling player by the time you actually get together(if you do) than you might just need alittle more help from him,but hes not complaining
fyi,you probally figured out he had feelings way before he told you,you most likely saw him rehearsing(and failing) through the cameras
speaking of wich,if he thinks/knows your looking at the security cameras and there one near him,hell wink and do a finger gun or some other flirty action towards it,and then most likely trip afterwards
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shes quite surprised when you get added as additional securty measurements
dont the toy's already have saftey measurements like face recognitional scanning features and stuff
shes abit confused as to why they would do that instead of just upgrading the already made animatronics,like you already have tons of animatronics and instead of saving money you decide to waste it?
the only reason she can think that your here is maybe for increased popularity aswell?
shes confused but also curious,the toys can get a tad bit annoying and its nice to see a fresh face around,well animatronic technically speaking.
shes intreguded by the fact that you have access to the camera systems,theyve always been so adiment about only letting the night guard have it so why do you?
more questions than ones being answered,though maybe you could answer them
she can be a tad bit harsh and brash,with a pinch of shyness when she approacesh you,well actually the likely hood is,that she'll probally lure you to her box where she can stay safe instead of being in the outside world
once she gets to know you shes much more calm
she allows you to be in her box with her if you wish,with others she dismmises them with a harsh swipe of her black and white striped arm
she likes listening to her music box with you,just sitting in almost complete silence as the soft lullaby fills the air with calm music
she loves giving you gifts or leaving them around for you
she makes the pressents that belog to you blatently obvious as to who its for,one of the toys took one of your pressents once and it wasnt a very happy ending
she likes to just wrap her long lanky arms around you,seeking comfort in your presense and just you being there
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circus baby
shes rather annoyed apon your arrival
circus baby is a mastermind and also likes things to be in place,specifically in places where she wants them
you put a very large and prominent thorn in her side
im not very sure on the lore but there's a high likely hood that you were made by henry and given as a gift after some concerning reports were leaked
shes an extreme mix between being friendly and being harsh
she annoyed because now shes going to have to re-arrange her plans and make accomadations for you,who can see into the security feed
but she needs to play nice if she wants her plan to go smoothly
shes a toxic mix between the two emotions,however as time goes on her feelings start to subside and change
she distances herself as much as your circumstances allow as she tries to configure her conflicting feelings
shes a robot made to kill,and your.well ,not
she eventually decides to see how her feelings lpay out and then plan around that
safe to say,she was very wrong,she thought that letting things happen,her feeling would subdue.nope,they just became stronger and she feel for you harder
she eventual;ly comes to a grueling conclusion that she likes you and after a short confrontation about feeling and such.her plans will have to change,again
shes very sweet with you,aswell as openly affecttionate
she uses alot of her mechanisms to wow you
like making heart shaped ballons randomly and giving them to you
she uses her high status in the funtimes frequently
she refuses to let the biddy babs anywhere near you
she likes keeping you by her side,you keep her calm and collected
she vents to you about the troubles she faces and asks your opinions and what she should do.
shes very caring towards you and sweet
to you:(//ó//w//ò//)
to the funtimes:(ò~ó)
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wonhoscumrag · 3 months
Gepard HC
He's very hardheaded. Even with the aid of Serval and Lynx, it's hard to sway him when he's made his mind up about something.
Despite how stubborn he is, he's a good listener.
He forgets how tall he is. Sometimes it's cute and endearing, other times it's just hot.
He makes HEAVY eye contact. Like omg we need to blindfold you or something. He's not like staring into your soul like 👁️👁️. More so , he's just very focused.
You were working on a project for Serval in her workshop, and he stepped in to get lunch with you while he was on break. You were so focused you couldn't hear him say your name. It wasn't until he leaned over and mumbled in your ear that you became very aware of his presence.
You thought it was an intruder and tried to shove a screwdriver in his face. Without hesitation, he calmly plucked it from your hand and tossed it on the counter before apologizing for scaring you.
“Why are you apologizing? I almost stabbed you. I should be apologizing” you said as he pulled you in a hug as some form of comfort. “I'm trained to handle immediate threats, you wouldn't have been able to land a hit on me.” That comment pissed you off, and he paid for lunch as another apology.
At first, he sat with his back straight, but then he asked about your day. While speaking, he leaned as if to show you had his full attention. While looking at him, your heart rate spiked, and you lost track of thought.
“Um yeah, that's about it” You said while looking away from him as if to hide your flustered composure. Before he could ask about your change in behavior, a guard came up to him to request his aid.
He quickly looked over at you with a soft look. He didn't want to cut the date short, but, his job unfortunately came first. You squeezed his hand as a signal that it was okay for him to leave.
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iamthecomet · 11 months
Oh damn that would suck if you wrote a second part to the mountain w the toys ficlet where he leaves the door unlocked this time and maybe dew (and maybe some others) walks in and uses mountains toy on mountain… 👁️👄👁️ That would awful 👀 not hot or nasty at all. 🥵
A follow-up to this ficlet.
It starts the same as always.
The soft sound of a whimper through the wall.
Dew opens his eyes, looks at the ceiling. There’s a reddish glow across the recessed tin panels. The last light of the dying fire in the fireplace.
He listens. Waits.
The next noise is a little louder, less whimper more whine.
He pictures Mountain working himself open and his stomach swoops. Cock twitching against his thigh. He pushes himself out of bed when he hears Mountain again, choked off, a real moan this time. The next noise is muffled, like Mountain’s shoved a pillow between his teeth to try to feign considerate. And Satanas, if Mountain’s going to wake up the entire Abbey again—Dew’s not just going sit here and listen. He thinks about a shirt—abandons the idea—and steps into the dark hallway in just his boxer briefs. Getting chubby already, there’s a low burn starting at the base of his spine. He only has to take a few steps to get to Mountain’s door. They share a wall—over the course of their time topside it has been both blessing and curse. Dew isn’t sure which one of them it is right now. There’s a small slant of amber light pooling over the stone floor. It flickers, candle or firelight. Dew tracks it back to the edge of Mountain’s door. Pressed in, cracked open.
Dew feels his mouth go dry.
He’d told Mountain to leave the door unlocked, not open. There’s a moment where Dew thinks he should turn around, shouldn’t intrude. But then again—Mountain’s the one who left the door open, an invitation. Dew steps into the light, finds it warm, throwing heat across the cool stone under his feet. He steps closer, angles his head just enough to see through the crack. The first thing he sees is a flash of golden skin, firelight flickering over it. A sheen of sweat already glimmering on Mountain’s stomach. Dew watches the muscles there jump. Heaving beneath his happy trail. He shifts on his feet a little, tries to see more. His eyes catch a flash of deep red. The base of a dildo cupped in Mountain’s palm, knuckles straining as it disappears into Mountain’s body. Dew’s fully hard now, twitching in his boxer briefs, straining against them. He cups his hand over the head and presses down. Pressing his fingers under the head hard enough to make himself hiss.
Mountain freezes. Dildo halfway into his ass and Dew wants to melt into the floor. He wants to run, to hide.
His feet are rooted. Eyes glued to the sliver of slick silicone he can see.
“Are you just going to stand there?”
Motion comes back to Dew’s body all at once. He presses his palm to the door, smooth and cool beneath his overheated fingers and pushes it open just far enough to slip in. He closes it behind him, flips the lock.
Mountain cocks an eyebrow as he does.
“What?” Dew asks. “Are you waiting for someone else?”
Mountain holds his gaze, he shakes his head.
It’s warm in here, the fire cracking in the corner. Warm even for Dew. No wonder Mountain’s sweating. He tracks a drop of it as it slides down the side of Mountain’s face. He’s moving. Kneeling next to Mountain’s ribs, leaning up to drag his tongue over that bead of sweat and up to Mountain’s temple. Dragging his nose over the base of Mountain’s horn and earning himself a broken whine.
Dew grazes his fingers over a pebbled nip, catches a blunt nail on it and Mountain arches up toward him. Head tipping back.
Dew pulls back far enough to really look at him. Skin turned golden in the firelight, freckles dusted over most of his visible skin. He’s hot and hard, leaking pre onto his belly. He has one hand curled around the base of his cock, fingers reaching down to cup his balls.
The other is still on the base of that dildo. Dew can see now that it’s red and gold, not too big, a reasonable size. Leave it to Mountain to not even test his limits when he’s alone.
“Come on,” Dew says, tweaking Mountain’s nipple cruelly as he sits back on his knees. “Fuck yourself for me. Show me how you like it.”
Mountain’s eyes flutter closed with a groan. Dew shifts just enough so he can get a good view. Can watch as Mountain pushes the dildo in and grinds down on it. Gut punched sounds falling from his lips as he finds an angle he likes.
Dew watches, leaking steadily into his boxers. Content to ignore himself for as long as the show continues. He’s rapt. Watching the way Mountain’s body opens up for the dildo, stretched, greedy.
“Touch me,” Mountain grits out eventually. He lets go of his cock to reach for Dew’s hand, grabbing at it desperately, pulling Dew’s spindly fingers toward his cock. Dew indulges him. Finds him hot and slippery with pre. He makes sloppy work of it, leaning over to spit directly on the head just to get it a little wetter, to make the noise of him jacking Mountain off more obscene.
Mountain fucks himself harder. Body arching into Dew’s touch. Sweat pooling in the hollow of his throat. Dew bends down, drags his tongue through it, up along Mountains’ hammering pulse.
“Make a mess for me,” he whispers against Mountain’s overheated skin. He pulls away just as Mountain goes rigid.
Mountain bows off the bed. Dew turns his head just in time to watch him squirt. Spilling hot and pearly over Dew’s knuckles and into his happy trail. Dew tips his head so he can watch the way Mountain’s hole clamps down on the dildo. Each rhythmic clench sending heat through Dew’s body. Mountain falls backward, sags against the bed. He throws his forearm over his eyes, drags the other hand through his sweaty hair.
“I like that one,” Dew says, shoving his one hand down his pants to rub his palm over his sticky head. The other he reaches between Mountain’s legs to press on the dildo, grinding it deep and making Mountain groan. “Where’d you get it?” He pulls his arm away from his eyes to look at Dew, brow furrowed in thought. “Sunshine.”
Dew grins at him, bends down to drag Mountain into a sloppy kiss just as he spills all over his own hand, shuddering through it as he pushes his tongue past Mountain’s lips to lick over the inside of his fangs.
He pulls away, dragging the points of his sharpest teeth over Mountain’s bottom lip. “Next time I’m shoving my dick in alongside it.”
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smilegirl64 · 8 days
I recently got really into the That's Not My Neighbor fandom and made this based off a comic by @albaricomics that I thought was cool.
Here's the comic!
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AITA for telling my autistic classmate off
(👁️ <- so I can recognize my ask)
I (18ftm) am in the same class as K (18-9m), he has an autism diagnosis & is non verbal, I don't really mind, tho it makes things awkward when communicating with him since his main way of getting his points across is pointing at stuff until you understand him. That's not the problem.
The problem is he doesn't respect personal boundaries. So I have cptsd, adhd & autism (albeit under diagnosed cuz ableist family makes it impossible for me to get proper help). K likes to walk around the class & people watching I guess, just standing behind people silently. I am VERY privy about people intruding my personal space & I react badly to people watching me from behind cuz trauma. And I can't stand him being behind me most the time, I've tried to get him to understand that I DO NOT like that without telling him about my cptsd (because people are not entitled to explanations of my trauma & I'd like to keep it that way also to protect myself) but he still does it, creeping me out so much to a point where I always leave the class when it's just the 2 of us & only return when I know most of my friends are also there.
K also really likes to show us random stuff he found, most of the time I'm too occupied with work to react to it (I also don't let stuff that isn't super duper important distract me when I finally got into my focus mode cuz adhd, I also have my headphones on most of the time so I am unaware of K) & his reaction to that was to shove the object he's trying to show me right in my face. And I was reasonably irritated, I shoved his hand away & told him off, because he was intruding my personal space when I was clearly busy, he knows about my disdain towards that.
I told him to never come close to me ever again & how much I hate him for always intruding on my personal space despite already telling him to not do so. Some of my friends said I was overreacting while my family members & a few friends said that I was just defending myself as someone who is traumatized
What are these acronyms?
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Don't wanna intrude but your lucifer not liking doggy style headcanon got me thinking.
There is only one single exception to when he "prefers" it and that's when he's already so close to climaxing but wants to hold out for his partner. Not looking directly at them takes the edge off for just a bit till he can keep going again while looking at their face
What can I say, I am just a simple little guy, I like this man getting close really easily 👁️👄👁️
This is DEFINITELY an idea I can subscribe to because our poor boy is always so entranced by you that he never last for too long. If you haven’t cum yet, I can see him flipping you over on your hands and knees to get SOME sort of relief and trying to stop himself if he’s that close to the edge. You know he would be beside himself if he hasn’t pleasured you fully first.
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wakandas-vibranium · 1 year
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Not a Virgin
-- Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
-- Warning(s): 18+ minors DNI 👁️ smutty smut, age gap(legal), kissing, swearing, teasing, dirty talk, oral/fingering(v receiving) unprotected p in v sex, creampie, slight dom!joel if you squint, praise kink, you like it rough and of course Joel obliges.
-- Word Count: 3.7k
-- Summary: You are on your usual afternoon patrol in Jackson with your usual group and the guys your age won’t stop questioning your nonexistent sex life. 
-- A/N: Sorry, no beta reader(nobody likes me on this app) There shouldn’t be too many mistakes though. Please like, comment and reblog!
You’ve been in Jackson for a little over three years now and you were grateful. The outbreak turned your life upside down and seemed determined to take everything and everyone you loved. 
You were surprised to not only find a new home in Jackson but also a new found family you’ve grown to care deeply for. You got close to Maria quickly because she reminded you of your mom’s sister. She was the spitting image of your Auntie Giselle. Maria was kind enough to help you keep your locs in tip top shape. She was very sweet, but also a very firm when needed. 
You weren’t super close with the hundreds of people here in Jackson, but a good 20 or so had your back and they knew without a doubt that you had theirs. 
You were currently on your afternoon patrol with your usual group: You, Felicia, Melvin, Josh, and Joel. Your group patrolled the gate entrance Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2pm to 8pm. 
It was a quarter to 7pm and you were ready for this patrol shift to be over. Not only because you were starving, but also because Josh wouldn’t shut the fuck up. As per usual, but today you were more miffed because you were hungry. Hangry. 
“I’m not a virgin, Josh. I just haven’t gotten any in 4 years.” You reluctantly explained to the taller man. 
Melvin and Felicia made taunting noises of pity and you rolled your eyes at them. Not everyone was as lucky as them to fuck like rabbits every chance they got. Joel of course didn’t say anything, but you could tell he was listening. His shoulders straightened and his grip on the gun loosened. Definitely a dead giveaway. 
“Well, don’t you miss orgasms?”
“Of course I do.” You huffed. 
“Damn, why so long then?”
“Because my husband died 4 years ago, you nosey asshole and I haven’t found anyone interesting enough to let fuck me.” 
“Well, no need to look any further, Y/N. I’m right here.” Josh boasted, holding up his hands as he did a full spin. 
“Oh, please,” you scoffed, waving off his no game having ass, “I want a real man, Josh. Not you.” 
Josh had been in Jackson almost two years now and he’s been a real gigantic pain in everyone’s ass, but he’s still family. Sort of. Yes, he was young and his bronze skin was gorgeous, but his impulsivity on patrols and all around arrogance was a major turn off. 
Plus, you fancied older guys with brown eyes anyway. 
“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m 31 just like you. If that ain’t grown then I don’t know what is.” 
“Well, maybe she’s into more mature dudes.” Melvin pointed out. You grinned at him and nodded in thanks. He was one of the few men your age who used his brain every now and then. 
“Well, how old was your husband?” Josh continued to prod. 
Felicia rolled their eyes at Josh’s invasiveness. He’d always intrude carelessly but it was still annoying. 
“My husband was 10 years older than me, but there’s more to being a real man than age, Josh.” 
“Like how?”
“Well, my husband took his time to learn my body. He was the type of man to make sure I finished twice before he did. Does that sound like you?”
“Hell yeah it does.” He lied right through his crooked teeth.
“Nah, I don’t think so,” You disagreed, “Cause from what I’ve heard, you cum after four pumps and all that tells me is that you’d be a waste of a fuck.” 
Melvin and Felicia snickered loudly while Joel at least attempted to hide his chuckle with a cough. Josh flushed as he stood there in embarrassment. 
He talked too damn much. He should’ve just stood there and shut the hell up like the rest of y’all who were on patrol did.
Josh frowned at Joel as he noticed the older man covering his grin, “And just what the hell are you laughing at old man? You’re so scary nobody here wants to fuck ya.” 
“That’s not true.” Felicia laughed as they shook their pointer finger. 
“Definitely not true.” You chimed in, laughing even harder at Josh’s horrified face when Melvin nodded in agreement. 
“So, what?” Josh huffed, gesturing wildly to where Joel was perched, “You won’t fuck me, but you’ll fuck Miller? Are you serious?” 
“I’m sure Miller can last more than four pumps, so yeah...” You shrugged. 
Joel still didn’t utter a word, but he raised a curious eyebrow at you, no longer covering his knowing smirk. You shot him a soft smile before turning back to Josh’s aggravating ass. 
You had a thing for Joel that you refused to let be known. The older Miller was a mystery and simultaneously he reminded you of your late husband. You knew getting involved with Joel wasn’t a good road to go down for several reasons. However, there was a tiny voice in the back of your head and a deep ache between your legs that wanted you to push that big red, Joel Miller button and have as much fun as you could. 
“8pm switch!” Tommy called from the ground. 
Thank all the beings in the world for Tommy. You couldn’t hear any more comparisons from Josh or you were going to toss his giant ass over the railing. 
It was dinner time. 
Your patrol group usually ate dinner together for about an hour or so. 
Today was Wednesday which meant Joel stayed later because Ellie was spending the night at Dina’s. There’s no particular reason why you knew this information. You just did. 
Tonight they were serving stewed beef and potatoes. One of your favorites. You all prepared your plates and grabbed a half bottle of whiskey before sitting down at your usual table.
Josh moved to sit down next to you, but Felicia and Melvin swung their feet under the table and slammed them down next to you, making it impossible for Josh to sit down.
“Sorry Joshy,” Felicia started, “This table is for people who don’t cum quick.” 
You and Joel choked on a piece of meat and you refused to look up at Josh. Cause if you did you’d lose it.
Joel would never admit it, but he looked forward to patrols with your group and dinner. He was grateful to spend time with people other than his brother and surrogate daughter. 
A few months ago he started paying attention to the heated looks you’d give him when you thought he wasn’t looking. Still, he wasn’t gonna say anything. 
“I don’t cum in four pumps,” Josh growled. 
“Well, three pumps then.” Melvin shouted. 
You took a sip of your whiskey to refrain from making a guffawing noise. 
Josh shook his head and stormed off, “Fine. I’ll just eat outside you fuckers.” 
Dinner went very nice that evening. Everyone was more relaxed and in a good mood. Melvin started asking about your husband and you could tell Felicia thought it made you uncomfortable, but it really didn’t. You were glad to have friends to talk about your late husband with now. 
“Did y’all have any kids?” Melvin asked as he stabbed his last potato and shoved it into his mouth. 
“Nah, we didn’t really want kids. Plus I was born without a uterus so…” You trailed off awkwardly. 
You chanced a quick glance at Joel to see if he was listening and you jerked slightly when his intense eyes met yours. 
Fuck. Real smooth, Y/N. Real smooth. 
“What about you two? You gestured toward the energetic couple and grinned at them, “You two fuck so much I’m surprised Fel’s not already pregnant.” 
“My pull out game is strong.” Melvin grinned back at you. You held out your fist for him to bump and laughed softly when he did. 
“Was it Infected that killed your husband?” 
“Melvin!” Felicia admonished as they slapped their partner’s arm.
“No, it’s okay,” you reassured, “I’m at a place where I can talk about him now.” 
“Are you sure?” Felicia asked.
You nodded at them as you gave a small smile. 
“My husband and I were headed to a QZ in Atlanta. Things were going pretty well until a bomb went off 10 steps in front of us. I was a few paces behind him so he took most of the damage.” 
“Fireflies?” Joel asked as he sat forward, leaning his arms against the table.
You looked at him and nodded, “Fuckin’ fireflies, man.” 
“Marlene loves her fuckin’ bombs.” Felicia grunted.
Felicia and Melvin left a little before nine, leaving you and Joel there. Joel didn’t say much, but it was clear he enjoyed listening to you talk. It was a little after nine and you were ready to head home so you could masturbate, shower and go to bed. 
“I killed her.” Joel whispered as he leaned closer to you across the table.
“Who?” You whispered back as you peered into his intense brown eyes. 
“I shot her twice.”
You don’t know if it was the one shot of whiskey, a full belly or if it was the sheer knowledge of Joel bringing justice to your husband’s killer, but you started giggling. 
Joel’s dark eyes widened in surprise and he only began to chuckle once you let out a full blown cackle. You both quieted your sounds as you received weird looks from some of the kitchen staff. You motioned for him to scoot closer so he would hear your breathless question. 
“Did she beg for her life?” You asked before bringing your half empty glass of water to your lips. 
“A bit.” Joel admitted as he shrugged nonchalantly. 
Your whole face lit us as you choked on your water, bursting into giggles again. It was the way he said it and how he tried to stop the corners of his lips from turning up, but you caught it. Joel let out a full blown belly laugh. It almost sounded like it hurt him to laugh. You wondered how long it’s been since he’s allowed himself to laugh like that. 
He should laugh more often. He had a dazzling smile and dimples that were partially hidden by his beard.
“You have a heart stopping smile Joel. You should smile more.” You reached out your hand and traced the outline of his lips. 
“I like your hair.” He complimented as he traced one of your locs, squeezing it curiously between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“Oh?” You beamed at him. Unable to stop your body from getting warm at the slightest touch from him. 
“Yeah it’s kind of like Maria’s but a little longer.” 
“You can pull on it while you fuck me from behind back at my place.” You propositioned.
Joel stood up as he gathered your trays and cups to throw away, “After you.” He gestured to the dining hall exit. 
Luckily, your house was not far from the dining hall. It was surely closer than Joel's. Joel picked you up as soon as you opened the door. You let out a shriek and wrapped your legs around his waist. You kissed him hungrily as he walked through the doorway, into the kitchen, and sat you on the counter. You nearly forgot he came over before to repair a few broken windows, which explains why he was so familiar with your house.
“Yeah?” He breathed as he unbuttoned your yellow top. 
“You should shut and lock the door.” He took one look at the wide open front door before looking back at you with crimson cheeks. 
While he moved to close the door, you finished taking off your shirt and jeans. When he returned to the kitchen, you were still there where he left you, but only in your bra and underwear. You bit your bottom lip in response to him gawking at you and the erection in his blue jeans.
Once he was within arm's reach of you, you pushed two fingers behind his leather belt and pulled him in between your legs. 
You made quick use of unbuttoning the blue jean sweater he had on and once you had access to his full neck you licked a wide stripe before sucking a mark there. 
“Oh,” He murmured softly, “You like leaving a mark, huh?”
“Mhm, you’re mine.” 
“Damn right.” 
“Take me to my bed, please.”
“Your room’s still down the hall, right?”
“Yes.” You nodded. 
He picked you up and took slow steps towards your bedroom. Once you made it in your room he kicked the door shut before plopping you down onto your surprisingly comfortable mattress. You still haven’t gotten used to its fluffiness. 
Joel uncinched your bra and flung it across the room. He kissed your breast tenderly while placing his palms on either side of you, boxing you in. 
He leaned back to admire the wetness between your spread legs and let out a groan as he palmed himself through his pants. You were soaking wet.
“Goddamn you’re wet.” 
“All for you.” You hummed happily as he helped you out of your underwear. 
He leaned down on his forearms, big hands resting on top of your lower abdomen, licking a warm stripe up your wet slit. You jerked slightly in anticipation of the touch. It had been a long time since you had been handled in this way. You were almost positive that you were going cum within minutes. 
“You don’t have to finger me, you know?”
“Hmm? You don’t like being fingered?”
“No, I love it actually. It’s just that…when you finally slide your dick into me…”
“Yes?” He urged as he added a second finger and began to suck on your clit. 
“I like it to hurt a little bit.” You rushed out, biting back an obscene moan. 
“Naughty girl,” Joel quipped, adding a third finger, “I’m still gonna finger you a bit. I’m on the larger side.” 
“Oooh baby,” You let the pet name slip, moaning loudly, “I mean Joel—fuck!”
“No, you had it right the first time.” Joel chuckled, hooking his thick fingers upward and twisting them at a much faster pace. 
“Shit it feels so good.” You panted as he kissed your soft inner thighs gently. The complete opposite of what his fingers were doing. 
“Joel, I’m cu—“
“—I know, baby. I can feel it. Cum for me. I need you nice and wet for the good ole poundin’ I’m about to give you.” His filthy words, coupled with the sensual inflection in his voice, were enough to drive you home, your moans growing louder as he talked you through the best orgasm you'd had in years.
As you writhed against the bed, your fingers pulled at his soft silver-streaked brown waves. You couldn't decide whether you fancied his mouth or his fingers more. Either way, 10s across the board.
Joel backed up to remove his pants and underwear before settling both his knees on the bed. His hungry, chestnut eyes bore into yours as he jerked himself slowly in one hand. He smirked as your gaze drifted to his hard dick, mouth watering at the enticing sight. You ran your tongue across your bottom lip in anticipation. You wanted to taste him so bad. 
“Don’t get too excited. We’re savin’ that for another time,” He said as he motioned for you to turn around, “Hands and knees.” 
Once you assumed the position, Joel pulled you back against his hips to line his thick cock up with your entrance. In one swift motion, Joel was fully seated inside you. He stretched you pretty good with his fingers and you were soaked, but it still pierced a bit as you adjusted to him. It was that good kind of hurt that you missed. Joel had to be seven or eight inches in length, but his girth was astounding. 
You guess your luck was finally starting to come back around. 
You were already losing your mind, and he had only just slid inside you. You knew you weren't going to last. Joel pulled all the way out and slammed back inside, moving you higher up the bed. He thrusted a third and fourth time, and that tight coil in your stomach snapped. Your orgasm caught you both off guard. You had no choice but to lean forward into the pillow and scream as your thighs shook violently.
You came as hard and as loud as you wanted. Sleeping neighbors be damned. You'd been holding on to it for four long ass years. The orgasm was more than pleasant, but you knew the older man had more in mind for you.
“Fuckin’ hell, Y/N. I guess you’re giving Josh a run for his money, huh?” Joel teased as he gently rubbed your thick quivering thighs. 
If the circumstances were different, the utter surprise in Joel's voice would have made you snort. You were too busy cumming your brains out and sinking your teeth into the pillow to find any amusement at the time being.
“You good to go or do you need a minute?” He asked, smug as ever. Your head was still buried in the pillow, but you could hear the smugness in his voice clear as day. 
You lifted your head and cast a smoldering glance over your shoulder at him, “Shut up and fuck me.” 
“Yes ma’am,” He smirked as he lined himself up again and sank in until he bottomed out. 
“Ugh,” He grunted, “The way you wrap around me is gonna be a problem.” 
You giggled at the peculiar way he told you your pussy was tight as fuck. You rocked back into his slow thrusts, finding a flawless rhythm.
“Jo—Joel! Shit, you fuck me so good.” You whined as you reached under your thighs and played with his balls. 
“Goddamnit!” Joel cursed as his thrusts faltered just a tad. 
“You’re doing so good for me, baby. Takin’ every single inch I give you.” He praised, angling his hips before starting up at a merciless pace. 
This man knew just what to say to get you over that fucking edge. 
The lack of a full-body mirror in your bedroom was bittersweet. You knew Joel must have looked downright mouth watering while he drilled into you from behind. You were also mindful that your eyes had rolled into the back of your head and that you were an incoherent slobbering mess.
Joel gathered as many of your medium locs as he could in one hand and yanked them back while his other hand gripped your waist and his hips brutally slapped against your soft, round ass.
The entire fucking room sounded like mouse traps going off.
“Fuuuck,” You cried out, eyes shutting tightly, “I can’t believe I’m cummin’ again.” 
“That’s alright,” he encouraged, letting out a low, guttural groan as he felt your walls clench around him once again, “Give it to me.” 
As you came, he landed two hard slaps on your bouncing asscheeks. Your mouth fell open in a silent O. You didn’t even realize that you were trembling, but Joel sure as hell did. You couldn’t remember ever feeling so blissed out like this. Has it really been that long? Or have you just never had this level of sex? Something to ponder about in the morning. 
Joel trailed steamy kisses down your sweat glistened back, scraping a fingernail down the back of your thigh as you rode out your consuming climax. 
He flipped you on your back in one hasty motion, tapping your sensitive clit with his swollen tip and slurping your hardened nipple into his hot mouth as he lined himself up with your drenched entrance.
He hovered over you, gazing into your lust filled eyes as he raised an eyebrow, “Do we need a break?” 
“Don’t fuckin’ play with me, Joel.” You huffed impatiently, slapping his backside for good measure. 
He shook his head fondly at you before plunging back inside you. His smile vanished swiftly as you both let out a ridiculously high-pitched moan.
You wrapped your legs around him even tighter and clung to his arms and shoulders as he fucked you into the mattress. You sobbed a moan as hot tears began to pool in your eyes as you were railed into a purer level of ecstasy with each calculated thrust.
“Are those tears, angel?” Joel slowed his pace, fucking into you deep and slow. 
“Yes. Hap—happy tears. I never thought I’d be able to experience pl—pleasure like this ever again.” You admitted breathlessly. 
“Thank me.” He ordered, licking the escaped tears that streamed down your cheeks.
“Thank you,” You praised, whimpering softly as he found that sweet spot inside of your core. You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him wherever your lips could land. His cheek. His nose. His bearded chin, “Thank you. Thank you Joel for fuckin’ me so good.” 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
“Fuuuuck,” Joel whined as your praises got to him, “You’re welcome, sweet baby.” 
Joel locked his lips against yours in a desperate kiss, both moaning as your tongues danced together. His unrelenting thrusts and needy kisses were causing you to run out of air, but you couldn’t give a damn. If this was how you were gonna go out then so be it.
“You’ve fucked me into oblivion so now it’s your turn to cum. Please Joel.” You panted, eyes blown wide with anticipation. 
“Mmm,” He gasped as he felt his end nearing, “Where do you want it?” 
“Cum inside me.” 
His movements faltered for a brief moment as he thought about something then nodded his head in agreement. 
“Okay.” He grunted as he buried his face into your neck, sucking a bruise onto your shoulder. 
“Please, baby,” You begged as you felt his cock pulse inside of you, “Give me all of it.”
“I’m cummin’, baby.” Joel warned, panting as his rocks lost their rhythm and became more erratic. The first stripe that shot inside of you made you shiver and you jolted right along with Joel. 
“Ahhh!” You would have let out an ear-piercing scream if your voice hadn't already been shot to hell. Another climax ripped through you. You bit your bottom lip and clung to Joel for dear life as you both shook with pleasure. 
“That’s one for the history books.” Joel blurted as he snuck a quick peek at you before settling back down along your spent body.
You both burst out laughing as you tried to calm your hash pants. 
Both of your untamed laughs eventually turned soft giggles then into steady breaths, and within 10 minutes the room was filled with soft snores.
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toxicloveposts · 1 year
Got bored n felt like doing something silly so here's the cast's understand my ship thingies
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ctitan98official · 4 months
@idcjustletmescroll : heyo, may I request Dimitrescus'/Miranda's/Donna's reaction hcs to a y/n who after years of long or fluffy hair goes full buzz cut? Ngl I might've done this yesterday 👁️👄👁️ (Also just saying 👀 I feel like Alcina is the type to be big mad her y/n got sheared lol
Alcina would be pissed, no doubt! I shaved my head a few months ago… Sinead O'connor anyone? Let’s get into it!
When you walk into her room, Alcina spies your new haircut and legit freaks.
She asks you why you would shave your beautiful hair… Mostly, she wants to know why you did it without asking her, though.
You just laugh and say you needed a change.
Alcina is not impressed with your answer. She actually sheds a few tears over this.
She gives you the cold shoulder for a few days. Drama queen.
The doll maker can’t help the gasp that escapes her lips as she looks at your shaved head.
It’s not a bad look to her, she is just so used to your normal hairstyle that this is kind of shocking.
Angie hates it, but Donna tells her to keep it to herself.
One of Donna’s favorite new things to do is run her hands over your short hair. It calms her down.
You like the head massages, so you’re not complaining.
Poor Miranda was just trying to have a cup of tea. When you walk in with your new extremely short hair, she chokes a bit and starts coughing heavily.
Miranda recovers and moves to your side to investigate.
She doesn’t hate this new look, but she knows she needs to get used to it.
A couple of times, she’s caught glimpses of you out of the corner of her eye and thinks there’s an intruder in her house. But nope, just you.
Bela is mad. Very mad, actually.
She doesn’t like change and you are her favorite thing so… Yeah, she doesn’t take it well.
Bela whines at you and asks you why you did it. You playfully roll your eyes at her and tell her that it’s your hair, not hers.
Well, that did it. She makes you sleep on the couch for like a week after this.
She comes around eventually, and finds that she loves to bury her face in your short hair.
While Cass is pretty pissed at first… She likes this new look on you.
The thing she’s most heartbroken about is that she can’t tug on your hair during… Ahem. Adult activities.
Cass convinces you to let her try to make shaved designs on the side of your head.
You’re apprehensive at first, but Cass makes some really cool patterns.
Honestly, Cass is the most skilled with bladed instruments out of the sisters, so she was your best bet anyway.
As soon as you walk into you and Dani’s shared bedroom, she starts laughing maniacally.
She jokes that you are trying to copy her hairstyle.
She is very excited and immediately circles you to get a better look.
She says you look hot and, secretly, you’re relieved that she approves.
It was kind of an impulsive decision on your part.
Dani loves to give you head scratches and feel this new short hairstyle.
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life-winners-liveblog · 5 months
Oh, that's just great! Can't even ask Scar for help!
Ok, this is fine! Jimmy, how did you come back to the void last time?
3L!Scar: What do you mean ask me for help?! What happened?
3L!Scar: Watchers?!? Did something-
👁️It seems those little friends of yours-
3L!Scar: Scott isn't my friend really-
👁️It seems they have found themselves in another plane👁️
3L!Scar: Oh! Well ... I just need to create a portal like I did with Grian.
👁️Not quite, you managed to acquire Grian because the land of Third Life is under our jurisdiction... But the plane in which they found themselves? Not so much👁️
3L!Scar: What does that... mean?
👁️We cannot in official capacity mess with the code of the plane... not if we don't want to cause a conflict of multiversal proportions... so making a portal is not a possibility👁️
3L!Scar: We can't... officially ... intrude?
👁️As long as you don't use your watchers abilities you may do what you wish to get them back👁️
3L!Scar: ... Thank you... Watchers.
👁️Consider it a favour👁️
SL!Jimmy: You still didn't tell us who you are... So who are you?
????: Oh me?
SL!Mumbo: Theres 3 of us who else could he be asking mate?
Ghostbur: oh right! The name's Ghostbur!
SL!Jimmy: Ghost...bur??
Ghostbur: It's a mix of ghost and Wilbur... It's a long story.
SL!Mumbo: I ...see?
Ghostbur: Do you want some blue? To calm down?
SL!Mumbo: ehm...no...thanks?
DL!Scott: I found something.
DL!Cleo: What?! There was nothing there! I searched!
DL!Scott: you should have searched better then... It's almost like soft?
DL!Cleo: What does that-
DL!Scott: The entire void has unbreakable hard floor but this point is almost soft...I just need to push and-
DL!Cleo: Wh...where are we?
DL!Scott: Jimmy told me that it was a train station... this doesn't look like one.
DL!Cleo: This...this is just a gym-
????: Oh look what the cat dragged in... a zombie cosplayer and her friend with blue hair and pronoums.
DL!Scott: Everyone has pronoums-
DL!Cleo: And I am not a cosplayer thank you very much.
????: Oh! You two are hilarious.
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sketchy--akechi · 1 year
oioiohhhh i love the joker palace au a normal amount (daily affirmation) and i got a question for it: is shadow akira actually in control of the palace? like does he actively send shadows to attack the intruders? or is he more like shadow futaba who didn't really interfere with the thieves and was like "eh. you'll probably die but here, I'll show you the way"? 👁️👁️
oooo good question!! i haven't put a lot of thought into shadow akira yet but i think he's more like shadow futaba, except he doesn't really interact with intruders at all (too depressed to be social, feel you shadow akira), except for real akira (who's stuck in his own palace). you know, just driving him a little more insane, feeding into his doubts about his 2/2 decision, and urging him to stay in the palace, because there's at least the cognitive double of akechi here. if real akechi didn't interfere, akira would eventually agree to stay in the palace forever, and shadow akira would then kill him-- the palace collapses and akira is gone forever. but luckily akechi is here to save the day before that happens!!
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monsterfloofs · 9 months
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Thank you @windydrawallday for once again being such an inspirational and supportive friend!! 😭 So— we were talking about monster taming games— AND THE ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART THAT THEY ARE SAID “I bet you would make some really cool monster designs for a game like that. 👁️👁️✨”
And and and AND— My brain went BRRRRING and here we are. A little creature taming story??? Game??? Called Calming Curses, where you the protag. goes around finding and befriending/soothing mischevious sometimes venegeful spirits who are possessing various kinds of antiquities. The only thoughts I have for the player characters would be that the feminine character would be inspired by Wednesday Addams, their would be a masculine character, (dress unknown) and a non-binary character would be dressed in dark pants, a button up shirt and a sweater vest. (Though pronouns would be interchaneable with any of the designs because!! I luff me some options!!) Guessing that the characters are magick sorcerer types. (Becuase this is me— everyone needs a lil magic)
This first design is for critters I have deemed Implit 👁️👁️
+ Implit are little candle imp critters that are known to steal things like car keys, lost earrings and whatever shiny things they can get their droopy hands on. Little sprite tricksters that if treated well and with compassion will help you find missing objects and will light your way through dark nights.
If left in an their angry begrudging state, these little fire starters can be a huge problem! Knawing on— and thoroughly crispi-fing whatever they are left to angrily chew on 🥺
I wanted to make multiple colors n designs for the lil guys, and also I wanted to make a “happy n friendly” colorant and a still feral n causing trouble one :3c
I thought once they are befriended the creatures would undergo a color change. 👁️👁️ Kinda like a shiny, except more in the sense of you can tell which bbies you have spent the most time with, who is your go to partner in crime because of how they look compared to the standard design.
Annnnnnd continuing the cursed object parade!! The teapot is Gettle and the little tea cup spirits are Cuphost. One in a defensive, shy form and the other is in an offensive, bravado form!
Part of the same set these creatures are kitchen dwellers who manifest from antique ware💖And they work well together as a team to chase out intruders.
+ Gettle is a grumpy creature, whose boiling temperature has people running from the small quadrupedal being. Like an angry grumpy dog that can cause some nasty burns if it manages to run into you. x////D They are protective of the smaller spirits, as they have been together for a very long time. But it’s very rare to find a whole manifested set.
When calmed and no longer bearing a grudge their original faded colors come back shiny and new. If Gettle is treated well can be a beloved lapdog who keeps their hosts warm on chilly days.
+ Cuphost are timid, taking to hiding in tea cups and defending themselves with silverware. The few braver and mischevious ones are known to throw things like sugar cubes at unsuspecting visitors. Sometimes using the spoon like a catapault or baseball bat to get better range.
They are soft natured though can hold grudges at the loss of their fellow cups. They are easily broken, fragile beings and need someone with a soft heart and compassionate to gain their trust.
Cuphost’s original colors also come back when they are fully befriended, and make very good and sentimental beings to tell your troubles to when you’re sad, great listeners who will warm your hands when you are feeling blue.
Gettle and Cuphost are actually the first designs I made, so they have a soft spot in my heart ahaha🫀
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