#⥽ • z can speak
zeb-z · 2 years
Something about Brasso being the kindness in this series. Warm, trustworthy, friendly, compassionate. He’s who Cassian goes to when he needs a cover, and he’s on the same page without question. He’s who takes care of Maarva the best he can while she’s still alive. He tells Bix to run the moment the Imperials are after her, no question or hesitation as he steps between her and the Imps. He’s patient with Bee when Maarva passes, encourages the old droid to help the Daughters, stays in the house with Bee when he’s asked. The first thing he does when he sees Cassian again is hug him, long and hard. He delivers Maarva’s final words, how Cassian is loved more than any wrong he could ever do. He walks Maarva’s brick down Rix road, he’s the first to start swinging at the Imps, and he drops the fight to rescue the poor kid (who’s name I can’t remember).
Something about him being the kindness in the series in the face of adversity. Loyal and compassionate. Something about how his role is crucial in this rebellion. And something about how, most importantly, he survives.
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meraarts · 9 months
I love you Jenny Nicholson I love you Sarah Z I love you Contrapoints I love you hbomberguy I love you Quinton Reviews I love you Quinn Curio I love you CJ the X
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amerasdreams · 1 year
I'm sorry but you're either for Ukraine or for russia. There is no middle ground. I don't care what your normal politics are. This isn't about politics. This is about people's lives. About them not being taken over by a country that is not only bombing them but raping and torturing them.
If you don't think we should do all we can possibly do to stop such evil, you are on the wrong side of history.
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forgetitbeam · 2 months
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btw heres my super awesome extremely cool shrine of my never-ending dragon ball addiction.
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alangdorf · 4 months
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Finally, my (min qty: 1) requisite Funky Yabusame Drawing. Like with the Tsubakura pic, you don’t gotta read too hard into the symbolism; I was mostly just doing whatever looked cool lol
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swordbreakerz · 2 months
is there a way to become somebody else's sleep paralysis demon bc I need to get inside tim minears brain
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azaisya · 2 months
every time i try to learn how to draw in perspective (specifically 1pt perspective) my artist friends are always like oh its easy! you just need a vanishing point and orthogonal lines etc etc. and i (not trained in art. trained in scenic design) ask how do i know what scale to use. and they can never tell me
like i understand how to scale along the x-axis and y-axis walls but not along the z-axis and it's messing me up. help. does anybody who follows me know how to do this
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zylphiacrowley · 10 days
PTO cannot come fast enough. Work burnout is so real rn.
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zeb-z · 9 months
I'm actually unbelievably unwell about Etoiles character you don't understand. He's always been a sword, protecting by attacking first, by fighting back, offense as the best defense. He jokes a lot about dying for the island, dramatic and half sarcastic, but there's truth in his jests. He would kill, and he would die, for his daughter, for the rest of the eggs, for the safety of everyone on the island. He does not hesitate, for what good would that do him?
Then he gets the shield, and it changes the entire game. And while he can still kill to protect the island, he can no longer truly die for them.
His role is functionally the same - he draws attention to himself, he's just as ready for a fight as he's always been, he fights the codes to protect the island - but its the difference between a sword and a shield, because of his literal shield.
He's the only solid defense between the codes and the island, and all the eggs. The only one who can tank the hits and negate the effects of their crazy powerful swords.
A sword cannot hesitate, but a shield must consider it - he cannot take risks when he’s fighting in the Colosseum, because if he dies he’d lose the shield. He cannot risk attacking the fake Pomme without hesitation, not until he’s sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s not his real daughter.
A shield must be sturdy. It must hold up under pressure. It must stay strong and reliable, no matter the circumstance - as the eggs go missing and everyone else crumbles, Etoiles cannot follow suit. He will play his part and defend the island, shouldering what the others cannot, because who else will do what he does?
To lose the shield would not only mean to lose himself, but to lose his family. He cannot fall without failing the entire island, his loss would mean disaster, for who is he if he’s not standing between the ones he loves and the monsters that threaten them?
He's as much a shield as the one he carries.
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boywithbear · 9 months
randomly thinking about how the anti "transandrophobia truthers" people never think trans men ever face misogyny, especially if they're out of the closet and can pass as a man, and i'm here masculine as hell and would pass to THEM but yet my voice gets me misgendered all the time, to the point during phone calls people will refuse to believe I am who I say I am because of the masculine name not matching up with the voice and so they always automatically assume I am my own sister or mother, and my own urogynecologist fully sees me as a woman despite my FULL BEARD and my bear of a body
like yeah totally i completely have all the same exact experiences and privileges as a cis man! /s
Edit: actually lol to make the point further, I am still here with the full beard and masculine attire and so I'm probably what they'd call "cishet passing" and yet when I go out, I am misgendered ALL the time now because of the combination of my voice, my long hair, and wearing a mask that covers up a good bit of my face. I'm misgendered more than I'm gendered correctly, actually. Like really blows my mind bc I will see these ppl call ppl they dont even KNOW irl "cishet passing" based on seeing pictures of them when that doesn't = reality and also that's a fucking gross ass term.
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nico-the-overlord · 4 months
“You kids have it soooo easy nowa days! when I was a kid we-” ok but I thought that was goal? Raising future generations to not have to go through the shit of previous ones so they can be successful and thrive within their own lives? Why so bitter dude
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badolmen · 1 year
I’m trying to find a way to parse this but like:
Make up culture is bad because of how capitalism has twisted appearance to be a basis of worth and social value. However, humans have been putting stuff on their skin since our ancestors started losing hair (maybe even before?) and ornamentation does have significant historic cultural value outside of modern late-capitalism induced self loathing.
Like. Make-up is not a thing in my immediate family. My mother and older sister? Nothing. My little sister is going to be so lucky to grow up in a space where she won’t have any expectation or support for make-up culture. I know make-up culture a shitty phenomenon; I know it steals time and money and self-worth from people at its worst and at its best feeds back into an appearance based cultural hierarchy.
But. But. There is such a rich and vibrant history to cosmetics outside of what is sold to reinforce that inevitably toxic culture. So many forms of art in face paint and more permanent and interesting body modification! There’s history and traceable evolving styles and intentions! And it fucking sucks that it’s been so corrupted to the point of no longer reflecting it’s original intent of being creative and unique and interesting!
Sometimes it just sounds like ‘don’t have tattoos don’t you know those annoying punks and degenerates have those?’ has just been repackaged as ‘don’t wear make-up don’t you know those annoying preps and conformists do that?’ Like I get what you’re trying to say but there is nuance to these conversations and willfully ignoring that nuance makes you sound ridiculous at best and outright hostile to any deviation from your standards at worst.
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nectar-cellar · 11 months
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same🕊️🤍
omg hiii :3 a fun fact about me is that i can speak/understand 4 languages, with english being my main language. the other languages i'm pretty bad at but still. i count them. lol 😭
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claitea · 3 months
oh my god parfum palace. the zekrom and reshiram statues. unova lore? unova crumbs please
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swordbreakerz · 1 month
Being aromantic and finding that out in ur 20s is soooooooo funny bc I met the 3 people I consider my soulmates (one of whom is now my qpp) in october of 2016, and both before and after this i dated a few people but as i grew closer and closer w this group and also came into my gender and sexuality over the yrs, id sometimes wonder why i didnt crave romantic fulfillment anymore, and not fantasize about having a long term bf or anything. It didn't really worry me? Like, I wasn't concerned about it, but I would go like huh wonder what's up w that. Oh well not my problem!, every now and then
And then thru making friends w a bunch of arospec folks I was finally like oohhhhhhhh it's because my emotional fulfillment needs are already met and these people and our friendship is an intrinsic part of my being and i love them more than i can ever hope to describe. Got it!
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itspileofgoodthings · 9 months
So sorry if this is bothering you but so curious as well... why do you hate Guts?
Thanks for your time ❤
you’re not bothering me!
I think the simplest way to answer this is with one of Olivia’s own lyrics from pretty isn’t pretty when she sings “none of it matters and none of it ends” because. That is kind of her whole ethos about how life works. She believes that! And so her work, to me, is profoundly cynical and self-absorbed because it can’t point to anything bigger (none of it matters) so it revolves purely around her own feelings. It won’t ever situate itself in a wider picture. And I love whining in a song tbh. I love when an artist captures those uglier emotions —the discontent, the restlessness, the irritation, the blandness and staleness of it all and the railing against it—because those are all part of the human experience. I am continually shocked—it is shoCKING—by how many negative emotions I can and do experience over and over again. But it is thankfully against the backdrop of reality. My bad moods are something that can be so unpleasant to feel and so ugly to witness—I wrestle with how ugly and small my suffering is—but there is a way in which, all discourse about the validity of any and all of my feelings accounted for, those aren’t real. Just symptoms of my suffering and sometimes my convalescence (lol, love a symptom of convalescence) but reality is still always so much realer. It’s always ready to break in a million times a day; the beauty and sturdiness of reality, the texture of existence, as Flannery O’Connor once said, is always there and with enough time (and with patience and help and love) I can get back to contact with it. Not just the state of my own mind full of bitterness and worry and pain, endlessly stewing in its own unhappiness.
I am not good at that, it takes a lot to get me there. But I guess my point is—to circle back—Olivia’s music doesn’t try and doesn’t want to. Its scope is so narrow, every song no matter how pleasing at first eventually sours (lololololol) because it’s JUST rooted in her own experience, generally her own suffering. And there’s no sharpness or cleverness in the world (she can be both sharp and clever!) that can hide that lack of range. So you hear a song once—for me, it was brutal—-and you’re like YEAH. I recognize this kind of whininess because I’ve felt it before. There is something true to it! But the more she writes the more you watch her do it over and over again (sonically, too, she loves to speak-talk and tbh they’re just sub-par remixes of brutal) the more you start to be like “oh, is that it? We’re not going anywhere with this? There’s no turn or catharsis or bridge or anything that lifts us out of this even for a second?” and it’s just —blegh.
And the thing is there doesn’t even have to be, like, some triumphant girlboss victory where she feels better. I’m not saying her songs are bad because they’re sad and depressing. It’s that they establish no outside contact with reality. They are, for all her clever little film-noir references or whatever, only ever self-referential. And that gets old so fast no matter who is talking.
#yes of course I contrast her with Taylor#Taylor can be beautifully petty and restless and sad and insecure and her songs are never just about her#They are always situated in a broader picture of reality. They go down to the roots of things. Of humanity and love and the human condition#and it’s just. It’s so much bigger. It is not stifling#and that’s the staying power and that’s the inherent hopefulness she has and that’s her desire to know the truth and speak the truth#Even when she’s getting it wrong it’s all still there#anyway it’s funny because Taylor gets accused of what Olivia actually is doing so much more than Olivia#people love to pretend that Taylor is a wallower and self-indulgent#and yes there’s a very human humanity to the expression of her emotions. There IS brattiness there is anger#but the core is so good that those things become what they are —only the endearing and funny trappings of her expression#never the heart#it’s why Taylor wears so well and also why sometimes she is jarring on first listen. You can just hear the dissonance (for me too)#But it’s like that one tweet said. Doesn’t matter if you like a taylor song on first listen. You WILL eventually#and it’s so true. And that’s the quality drawing you in#Olivia (and much of gen z tbh) is kind of the opposite: the humanity is in the trappings#She’s fairly easy to listen to and like ….. at first#the humanity and cleverness and beauty such as they are are on the surface#there’s a deceptive ease and an openness that doesn’t actually lead you anywhere#It leaves you empty because it’s just all kind of built on the fumes of a bad mood tbh#turning off reblogs lol#Anyway thank you for asking and giving me this opportunity to speak#all opinions are mine and that’s what they are. If anyone feels differently more power to you. Go forth and enjoy guts#Just putting all my caveats here
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