#✉.kaeya alberich
darlingpwease · 2 years
omega!kaeya, who prides himself on his inaccessible openness and the ability to talk to anyone, coupled with an absolutely restrained personality — he is no stranger to hiding and keeping silent — only to turn out to be unusually silent when you give him flowers tied together in a kind of bouquet; not as lush as he could see on store shelves or feel in his hands, but surprisingly pleasant smelling and gentle. you say that you specially made it for him — as a thank-you — but the efforts made are nothing compared to what he did for you, and kaeya can only stand, carefully clutching the flowers to himself, confused for a couple of moments before returning gratitude.
it's not that he receives gifts or flowers for the first time, but yours have been on his table for too long and receive too careful and gentle treatment, put in the best place for them, even if everything else has to be rearranged. and even when they eventually dry up (probably after kaeya freezes them a couple of times), they find a place in one of the books that he keeps next to him, without letting it out of sight, and opening it every time during short breaks, touching the stems and leaves with his fingers; just the same pleasantly smelling and soft to the touch, as if artificially created, too perfect for something real.
or maybe they smell too much like you, even if you smell completely different.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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cafes-et-friandises · 2 years
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✉ - Evénement du Calendrier de l'Avent 2022.
─ ­ ­ 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 ▹ Scénario
─ ­ ­ 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴 ▹ Fem!Reader | ☆ Happy Ending | ♥ Débordant d'amour | Taquineries
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Venti ─ ­ ❝ 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞́𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 ❞
─ ­ ­ ­ « S'il vous plaît. »
Ta voix douce appela tendrement le jeune homme pitoyablement allongé sur la table de la taverne, secouant légèrement son épaule du plat de ta main. Ton regard se faisait soucieux, ce n'était pas la première fois que tu avais à faire au petit barde, plutôt célèbre à travers Mondstadt, mais tu ne l'avais jamais vu dans un état aussi lamentable. Le secouant une nouvelle fois, le barde te gratifia d'un léger gémissement d'inconfort, visiblement peu ravis que tu le réveilles de cette façon. Ses yeux lagons papillonnèrent légèrement avant de s'embuer de larmes, comme quelques heures plutôt, son rêve ayant laissé quelques séquelles à son esprit fatigué. Les larmes coulaient toutes seules. Il ne te laissa pas le temps de réagir, enroulant avec force ses bras menus autour de ta taille, enfouissant sa tête contre ton ventre, comme un chat s'y pelotonnant affectueusement. Son béret tomba sur le sol dans un bruit étouffé. Dès qu'il avait vu ton visage, il avait en quelque sorte été soulagé.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Ne m'abandonne pas, pas toi aussi ! » Pleurnicha l'ivre, te laissant pantoise, ne sachant pas où te mettre complètement raide dans sa forte étreinte. « Je ne veux pas être seul... »
Celui-ci resserra possessivement ses bras autour de ta taille, manquant de te couper le souffle, étouffant ses reniflements contre le tissu de ton tablier de service. Tu ne savais plus quoi faire. Est-ce qu'il fallait lui caresser le haut de ses cheveux ? Lui dire des mots rassurants ? Tu restas complètement muette, tes mains figées en l'air et le souffle coupé, mais une chose était sûre, tu n'avais pas le cœur à le jeter dehors. Même si tu le ne le connaissais pas autant que tu l'aurais voulu, il était loin d'être un inconnu, aussi espiègle qu'il était, Venti avait réussi par inadvertance à voler ton cœur.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je... La porte, il faut que j'aille fermer la porte, donc si vous pouviez juste me lâcher trente secondes ? »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Non. Toi aussi. Tu vas disparaître. » Lança l'archon au caractère bien enfantin pour la soirée, ajoutant quelques mots de plus dans un murmure. « Et je ne veux pas. »
Tu fus incapable de comprendre ses derniers mots, même si le barde ivre avait besoin de ton attention, ta conscience te rappelait qu'il te fallait fermer la porte à clef. La cité de la liberté ne croulait pas sous les criminelles, mais ça restait ton travail de veiller sur cet endroit, Charles t'ayant fait confiance pour fermer. Soupirant, tu étais à deux doigts de réitérer ta demande, quand tu le sentis bouger légèrement pour lever sa tête en ta direction. Ses joues s'étaient rougies à cause des larmes et ses yeux brillaient encore de ses derniers pleurs, il te semblait si faible et si inoffensif. C'était comme si un petit chiot cherchait ton attention, laissant voir ses yeux lagons de chien battu.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Tu vas rester avec moi, pas vrai, [T/P] ? » Demanda le barde, se retenant de sourire alors qu'il te voyait fondre sous ses yeux. « Puisque je t'aime. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je... Oui. »
Son plan fut un succès aussitôt où tes lèvres donnèrent ton consentement, il ne te fallu pas grand-chose pour céder à sa demande et Venti savait parfaitement ce qu'il faisait. Tes doigts glissèrent avec tendresse sur le haut de ses cheveux alors qu'un sourire rayonnant prit place sur son visage. Il était comme un chat satisfait de la réponse, ronronnant presque pour avoir acquis ton attention. Pouvais-tu croire les mots d'un alcoolique ? Est-ce égoïste de le vouloir ? Non, Venti n'allait pas dire le contraire, lui-même plus qu'égoïste en cette soirée. Feindre l'ivresse, une excuse pour la bonne cause, une excuse pour se rapprocher possessivement de toi, une excuse pour révéler le choix qu'avait fait son cœur. Cependant, ce qu'il n'avait pas prévu en s'endormant, c'était de refaire face à ses souvenirs du passé qui avait réveillé une vieille tristesse profondément enfouie.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Merci, [T/P]. »
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Kaeya Alberich ─ ­ ❝ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 ❞
─ ­ ­ ­ « Est-ce que tout va bien capitaine ? »
Le regard perdu à l'extérieur du grand bureau qu'utilisait le capitaine de la cavalerie, Keaya avait un visage impassible pourtant le saphir de son regard, lui, semblait bien plus fermé, comme glacial. C'était comme si son seul œil valide semblait refléter parfaitement le temps pluvieux à l'extérieur. C'était si rare, ou plutôt, peu commun de le voir aussi intensément plongé dans ses pensées, comme si y réfléchir changerait ce qu'elles sont. Enfin, tous ceux-ci n'étaient que la supposition de ton esprit, le voyant presque se noyer dedans si tu n'avais pas frappé à cette porte et parlé.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Dire que notre petite [T/P] fait autant attention à moi. » Ronronna la voix taquine de ton supérieur, se tournant à demi dans ta direction un sourire de chat aux lèvres. « J'en suis très flatté. ~ »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Tant mieux. » Soupiras-tu discrètement, déposant ta course sur son bureau. « Si vous avez encore le temps de flirter, je suppose qu'il vous en reste pour les papiers transmis par Jean. »
Ton soupir n'échappa pas à l'utilisateur cryo se contentant de t'observer, de vieux souvenirs affluant dans le coin de son esprit, chassant ses anciennes pensées. Il se rappelait encore de votre rencontre plus que maladroite dans ce couloir de l'ordre, toi, la jeune recrue au regard [C/Y] indifférent au sien. Aucun de ses compliments n'avait semblé t'atteindre et encore moins ses différentes touches de flirt récurrentes qu'il voulait innocentes et un peu passe-partout. À chaque fois, tu l'avais remercié avant de passer à autre chose, n'y prêtant oreille que quand elles étaient sincères.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je me demandais. » Commença le capitaine, changeant si bien de sujet comme il s'avait le faire. « Suis-je toujours un Casanova à tes yeux ? »
Sa question te laissa sans voie, surprise, te détournant de la porte que tu t'apprêtais à ouvrir pour retourner à tes occupations, aussi rapidement que quand tu avais mis les pieds dans le bureau. Pourquoi se rappelait-il de ça ? L'avais-tu traumatisé avec ce mot ? Silencieuse un bon moment, peu sûr de ta réponse, Keaya se demandait même si tu te rappelais de tes propres mots. Pourtant, il fut patient observant calmement tes gestes dos à lui, ses bras confortablement croisés sur sa poitrine.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Un alcoolique assez compétent dans son travail. » Le taquinas-tu en retour, un sourire malicieux aux lèvres, pensant à demi-mot ce que tu venais de déclarer. « Je ne savais pas que mon avis comptait pour vous. J'en suis très flatté, capitaine. »
Il resta quelques secondes circonspect, te suivant de son œil valide quitter son bureau. Quand la porte se ferma à ta suite, Keaya ne put retenir un rire amusé étouffé par le dos de sa main. Tu lui semblais si mignonne avec tes yeux [C/Y] taquins. De bien meilleures humeurs que tantôt, le capitaine de la cavalerie laissa de nouveau son regard glissé sur l'extérieur pluvieux. De nouvelles pensées balayant son frère et son père, Keaya avait désormais bien d'autre préoccupation. N'était-il pas temps d'aller à la vitesse supérieure ? Devait-il t'inviter à déjeuner ?
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Eula Lawrence ─ ­ ❝ 𝐕𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐝𝐞́𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 ❞
─ ­ ­ ­ « Pourquoi me regardes-tu aussi fixement ? »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Ce n'est pas le cas. »
Son ton ne laissait pas une once d'espace à la taquinerie ou à une discussion, aussi glacial qu'un blizzard lui-même. Elle avait été prise sur le fait, et plus que consciente d'avoir dévoré ta silhouette de son regard, délaissant son livre sans même s'en apercevoir, elle se sentait affreusement gênée de l'avoir fait. Ses joues pâles rosirent presque imperceptiblement alors qu'il fit mine de regarder par la fenêtre, s'esquivant par espoir de cacher son trouble. Espoir qui fut très vite balayé par l'éclat [C/Y] de ton regard la couvrant d'interrogation et bien vite remplacé par la culpabilité écrasante de sa froideur.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je me souviendrai de cet affront, [T/P]. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je me demande à combien j'en suis ? » L'interrogeas-tu un magnifique sourire prenant place sur tes lèvres, consciente des pensées qui avaient pu traverser son esprit. « Auriez-vous compté, Madame Lawrence ? »
La chevalière resta silencieuse, son regard se perdit dans le vide, son esprit cogita silencieusement. Eula était aussi raide qu'un piquet, le regard dur, comme si l'appel de son nom : « Lawrence » lui avait jeté une réalité en pleine figure sans même s'en inquiéter. Légèrement déstabilisé par son changement soudain d'humeur, ayant presque de la peine pour ce livre coincé entre ses mains, tu quittas ton poste. Rejoignant la capitaine assise sur le canapé en face de ton bureau, tu t'installas à ses côtés, récupérant avec précautions le prisonnier de papier. 
─ ­ ­ ­ « Me détestes-tu aussi ? » Demanda la voix sans états d'âme ton amante, fixant tes prunelles [C/Y] désorientées, comment avait-elle pu penser à ça. « Les Lawrence sont des - »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Absolument pas. » La coupas-tu, t'attirant le regard mécontent de la jeune femme. « Devrais-je t'épouser pour que tu ne l'oublies pas ? »
À demi une blague, tes mots valaient leur pesant d'or en apercevant le regard timide d'une Eula morte de gêne. Un sourire égailla ton visage, plus que ravis de lui avoir fait cet effet. Prenant son visage en coupe, tu déposas avec tendresse tes lèvres sur les siennes, la prenant gracieusement au dépourvu. Fière de l'avoir fait taire, occupant chaleureusement ses croissants de chaire avec tendresse, lui faisant oublier ses anciennes pensées, tu profitas égoïstement de la timidité de la jeune femme. À peine ses lèvres furent libres, qu'elle ne put s'empêcher de râler à demi-mot.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Celui-ci aussi... » Marmonna-t-elle en touchant ses lèvres du bout des doigts, laissant sa tête se poser contre ton épaule. « Je m'en souviendrai. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Autant que tu veux. » Lui murmuras-tu à l'oreille.
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Masterlist ・ Christmas Calendar 2022
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seaoflostdreams · 3 years
Say your Kaeya content and I am living for it.
This man would probably develop masochism (for you only) if you were to bully him and it must be said
I honestly want to bully and tease him so much. Just have him so worked up that he stops thinking rationally and gives into his desires fully.
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bellehalla · 2 years
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bellehalla™ blog for fixation purposes
➤ Hello, my name is Belle!
✉ 22 ✉ INFP ✉ she/her ✉ Capricorn ☼ Taurus ☽ Aries ↑ ✉
➤ bellehalla asks - for all the asks/replies
➤ rf - for all asks and posts regarding Raging Fires
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— wip: Raging Fires - Kaeya Alberich x Reader
About to be married off to a man to pay off a family debt, you chance an escape from Inazuma to hide in the most sensible place and manner you know: off to Mondstadt, of course, disguised as a man to become a Knight and claw your way to freedom. And that’s where you found the most infuriating Captain of all—or, rather, that’s how Kaeya found you.
❏ asks ❏ playlist
— others:
cecidit avis --- ❏ genshin impact ❏ on indefinite hiatus ❏ tumblr masterlist
something strange --- ❏ jujutsu kaisen ❏ gojou satoru ❏ ongoing ❏ tumblr directory
There is no happy ending. --- ❏ jujutsu kaisen ❏ gojou satoru ❏ completed
-- future projects:
missing, never return --- ❏ jujutsu kaisen ❏ getou suguru ❏ ao3
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░░ jujutsu kaisen ░░ boku no hero academia ░░ genshin impact ░░ haikyuu! ░░
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✦ whats up? ✦
working on Raging Fires. send help :)
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darlingpwease · 2 years
special thanks to my precious and my gorgeous.
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𝐜𝐰 / 𝐭𝐰 lapslock, collaring + leash, established relationship, light possessive talk, pet play, pet names (kitten; puppy); power exchange, light choking (g.), mention of brat taming; light petting, praise (g.)
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| kaeya alberich |
he already has a rather 'eccentric' reputation and is too playfully provocative to abandon this idea. your collar? hmmm... is this your new way to demonstrate that he belongs to you as your pet? are you really that worried that someone will steal him from you?
... oh no, don't make that face, he's just teasing — after all, you both know that you don't need a collar to confirm this little fact. not that anyone else is claiming him. you know, it's just nice to know that you like him — or rather, when you confirm that you like him again.
even if you both know it.
even if everyone in town knows you're a couple.
just... It's kind of cute that you're so possessive, my my.
・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼⸙͎۪۫ { ๑ } ۪۪͎۫⸙✼:*:゚*:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・
{ ♡ } — dark classic collar that goes well with his casual clothes.
Kaeya likes dark colors, even if he likes to be in the light. it's not about being inconspicuous, but that it should look natural.
dark blue. black. purple. bronze.
... white? isn't that too bright for "dark"? he purrs that it's okay if it's just for you.
he doesn't mind being exclusive.
dark red is also just for you.
{ ♡ } — it's not too tight if it's a work-time collar, but if it's a home one, then he definitely won't mind, especially if the tightening increases in proportion to the tightening of the leash.
it's not that you have a weakness for strangulation, but you look too attractive when you have power...
... a lot of gentle, but definitely provoking teasing, if you actually tend to lose control of yourself or change your behavior when you dominate. sometimes it looks like he is playing with fire — but soon you will realize that he is not just "playing" and provoking, he just sometimes also allows himself to... lose a little. or maybe it's one of his desires to act the way he wants, regardless of the consequences or actions you can do.
he's so draining sometimes.
{ ♡ } — probably also has one with a silver signature where it says that he belongs to you or that he is your cute kitten — yes, maybe Kaeya sometimes (constantly) behaves like a brat, but he's still very attractive and playful, hmm? shouldn't he be called your 'cute kitten'?
wouldn't you like to call him that?
... no? oh, darling, he'll find a way to convince you that being your kitten is the closest description of his personality. because he has so many of these feline traits, especially when he almost purrs when you touch him, especially if you touch his collar. do you know that the neck is the most vulnerable place, dear?
should be treated gently.
when you tighten the collar a little, he doesn't say anything, but can't help — allow himself a cat smile, fleetingly touching the collar with his fingers. it fits him so naturally, as if being your pet has also become something natural.
hmm?.. just thoughts, my love.
{ ♡ } — Kaeya always looks awesome, and always looks like he came out just to amaze someone. this is a created image for others? he needs attention? he's trying to find himself? this is not so important, because when others notice that something has changed in him — something else has appeared, — you almost blush when someone notices that a cavalry captain has a new cute collar with your name on it.
it looks much better than you expected. of course, he certainly looks good on any thing, too pretty face, but maybe it's not just the lighting or a good combination of the collar and his clothes. something else.
you quickly realize that the point is how happy he looks.
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| albedo |
flasks. bottles. burner is switched off.
the blue liquid glitters like water full of sequins in a tightly sealed vessel.
Albedo looks at you for a few minutes with an expression that does not show any emotions, and you are ready for him to refuse you — after all, he rarely does something that he does not see the point in. and if he does not consider this one useful enough for alchemy.
(he's a little too immersed in his research, but that's why you love him.)
but instead of refusing or asking questions, he obediently lifts his hair, giving you a silent sign, which you interpret in your own way — carefully fasten around his neck.
a light collar looks amazing on light skin.
Albedo gently touches and is silent, hardly breathing; then gives you a restrained affectionate smile.
and returns to his studies without saying anything.
It's only after a few minutes that he gently says “thank you, I'll take care of it.”
・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼⸙͎۪۫ { ๑ } ۪۪͎۫⸙✼:*:゚*:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・
{ ♡ } — light collar, soft and flexible.
Albedo has light skin, light clothes, light eyes, light hair — he looks like a golden flower himself — which makes the dark collar look like a seal on him. too bright, too noticeable, too heavy.
but even if you offer one, he will not refuse. it's still a gift. it's still an expression of your feelings and your attitude.
it's still an expression of your relationship.
light gold. blue. purple. white.
other people's views are not so important. if you think it looks good, then it's good, right?
{ ♡ } — Albedo is not interested in the reactions of others, nor in thoughts. he spends most of his time in the mountains, engaged in research and development, immersed in his own world, and even when he goes down to Mondstadt, he is still not bothered by others.
the collar looks natural, like an ordinary part of its appearance, although Sucrose blushes when she notices it. an almost casually neat signature "belongs to" with your name.
belongs to you?.. it sounds a little possessive, but if it's you, then everything is fine.
even when you pull the leash a little harder and he is forced to move, trusting you, not seeing anything.
good boy — good not only in research, but also in service.
good puppy.
{ ♡ } — pet names are not exactly what he has a weakness for, but even if there is something like 'kitten' or 'puppy', he does not mind. 'your cute puppy'? it doesn't sound so bad, even if he doesn't quite understand why you think he's a puppy, and whether it's a good thing.
is this a special form of falling in love or you just love puppies and think he's just as cute? do you think he's cute?
even the mark of his imperfection?
... kissing in the lab is a little uncomfortable, but he is sure that he moves away not because you hold his collar tightly, but because he does not want to.
this is also a kind of study.
{ ♡ } — the collar doesn't squeeze too tight, but Albedo can't help but touch it.
maybe it's not right to feel happy about it, but he can't do anything about it.
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darlingpwease · 2 years
... what toys do they prefer
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content warnings... sub?ish reader, sex toys (dildo; vibrator for kaeya & diluc), bottom boys, discipline, dom/sub, rough sex, praise (g.), hyperstimulation (g.)
pls don’t judge me its my first time writing sub reader im such a big dom im not capable of subbing but still tried🥺
source: BF -bijoux fantaisie-
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brat-taming + sadism/masochism + degradation names / pet names (puppy, mild 'slutty' / 'needy') + orgasm denial (g.) + double penetration + size kink / belly bulge
Ajax is always submissive, but sometimes, if you insist, he can dominate; although at such moments he looks so pathetic, since he is used to being a brat and your fuckboy, whom you tease and fight until you win, since a partner capable of defeating him is rated by him as more suitable (always stretches to someone stronger), but after your insistence, he, of course, will make concessions.
But even so, Ajax does only what you allow, although you may think that you will obey — but in the end you will still grab him by the hair or by the collar and punish him, because during the "domination" he does not stop teasing you, forcing you to seize control. Absolutely hopeless dom, there is no bigger sub than him, and every sub next to him becomes dom.
painslut. the more painful, the better. make him whine from the sensations, even when it's just the beginning — his face becomes so feverishly rosy, especially when he sees his stomach getting bigger while you push it further, stretching, as if preparing to break him. hr tries to accept the toy even more, whispering to you that he can still, but his body is already close to not being able to stand it — these are the sensations he strives for. Ajax will not be able to calm down until his body becomes perfectly malleable, no matter what exactly you want to play with using his body.
double penetration. almost the same as painslut — if his body can withstand several at once, then doesn't he look even better? especially if you like to see belly bulge, because Ajax definitely likes to feel completely full. he tries his best not to cum, but the 'training' is so hard because he can't hold back when pain and pleasure consume his mind. he is more sensual than thinking, and it is so hard for him to resist his body.
validation. when you say how well he accepts everything, or how charmingly rosy his face is, or how cute his belly is getting full — Ajax lives to hear what a good boy he is, even if you mix your praise with degradation, calling him your desperate or lustful, or saying that he is not he can even withstand a couple of pushes, his body is too sensitive. he eats everything and asks for more, not being able to be filled with your praise, being dependent on confirmation that he is good and tempting for you, practically your puppy when it comes to validation.
rough & raw. slap his ass, grab his hair, bite his lip, scratch his arms and back, make him feel used and overwhelming because of the sensations passing through his whole body. when Ajax has to cum until you want to stop, or when you tie his hands, not letting him touch until you have fun yourself, or when you stretch his needy holes — when there is so much of everything that he is close to losing consciousness, but instead feels like you are pushing him even more then, cooing something about how desperate he looks, having stopped begging you for a long time, only giving himself into your hands. you may think it's "too much", but it's perfect for him.
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oral sex + monsterdildo (toy) + fucking machine + fingering g. + double penetration + splitroasting + size kink / belly bulge + mild inspection kink + mention of mild breeding + semi-dragon form (dragon zhongli)
An old tired man, Zhongli probably has experience as a dom in the very distant past, but even when he was “young and wild”, he was a brat who likes to be stepped on, and the first experience as a dom pushed him away, but of course he can try if you want! However, not for long — he is a pillow prince, preferring to obey and do what you want from him (even if his brat nature sometimes finds a way out, forcing him to say in a condescending voice "what is best to do", as if he wants you to snap, without even realizing it until you tell him), but at least he tries before he gives up, because directing from below is much more convenient than doing something, especially dominating someone.
He is more likely to help and guide you, trying to cheer you up or do what you want, than to think about how to make you feel good and at the same time not forcing you to lead him — Zhongli has a huge preference to be in the role of a sub or power sub than to be any dom, because to accept, to obey and lie to him is much more comfortable and familiar in intimate life than vice versa.
biggest & different. his body is very flexible and malleable — much more malleable than you might think, considering him "mature" and "enjoying life after seeing a lot." after all, Zhongli is not really a 'human', and has already tried a lot in his life to understand what he likes when it is intense and unusual or gentle and consistent. because of his near-dragon nature, he likes when toys are large and inhumanly shaped (maybe even with soft spikes or porous, or looking like it can't be tried without additional preparation), even if he's a little surprised when you suggest something like that. Zhongli's body is very elastic to take something big without difficulty — he likes it when his body stretches, especially when you look closely, controlling the whole process; he won't say openly (and won't deny it), but he definitely has inspection kink.
fucking machine + splitting. "when his mouth is occupied with one dick while his hole is filled with another" — of course, he will never use such vocabulary, but you know that he enjoys it. Zhongli's weakness for understanding that you are watching him while he is in this state only gets stronger when his hips are shaking while a toy is driven into him from one side and from the other, making him so open and sensual that you can approach from either side to enjoy the view or join in. probably, this is the peak of his awareness of the thirst to be in control, and not to have power, even if initially he is not sure whether wants to try it or not — but it feels much better than he could imagine, especially when your hands slide over his wet sensitive body, caressing and spanking at your will. but he can't say anything or distract himself.
double penetration. maybe it's an almost childish desire to surprise you, maybe this body really sometimes longs to feel too full, as if wanting to be broken — you don't know, but to watch how his face becomes when you try to give him even more, pushing on with wet hands, without taking your eyes off with his rolling eyes, as if he's about to lose consciousness. squeezes the toy, taking a deep breath before relaxing and spreading his legs wider, unwittingly taking a semi-dragon shape in the form of claws and fangs while shaking as if in a fever — you are sure it's worth stopping, but he hoarsely begs you to continue, he's so close, you can't right now stop it. when he cums, without ceasing to tremble, while you see the bulge on his stomach, you do not know whether you want to continue pushing toys to make him continue to have an orgasm, or not to move and capture such a scene for the rest of your life.
gentle. gentle treatment is necessary. it doesn't matter what the sex was, you have to show him care and tenderness, it's not even discussed — even if you made him cum from deep thrusts before, as if you were trying to make him bred, he knows that every lovemaking needs aftercare, and will take care of you if you are too exhausted — and expects that you will also pay attention to his needs, such as hugs, kisses, courtship together or tea. yes, maybe you don't need to tell him during what a good boy he is or how his body is perfect for playing with him, but Zhongli needs it after. something like charging him so that he feels a surge of energy again, knowing that you feel good.
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semi-public sex + public sex + titsjob / nipples play + mind game + mild breeding + collaring (light possessive behaviour?) + brat taming
He dominates only your mind, and so persistently that at some point you may start thinking that you like it — then it's also brainwashing. But physically? Kaeya avoids any intimacy that can affect him, preferring instead to create the impression of friendly relations with everyone and close to no one. He is so desperate to keep himself as far away from everyone as possible, emphasizing this in everything that the only one who can get feelings from him is someone persistent and seeking him, who can convince you that you need him and he needs you, and this is not a relationship where you will judge him or love him for a reason.
... But that doesn't mean he won't try! Of course, Kaeya will try to make his 'little one' happy, especially when you will breed him in the alley, squeezing his hips, leaving bites on his skin because he is such a brat that, in the end, he will still be submissive and whining, clinging to you and trying to sound as seductive as possible, even if others can see. He's so needy and hopeless.
sensual. he's tight and needs a long preparation for something big (if you want him to be able to walk the next day), so better to handle small things, like anal plugs and vibrators; prostate massage, fingering, nipple clamps, shibari under clothes, controlled toys — he's into everything that can be used. of course, Kaeya won't stop you if you want to stretch him, but you will have to take responsibility for the consequences — he knows how to look like a 'dying bird' and uses the opportunities to the maximum; but, of course, if you give up the idea of rough treatment, you lose the opportunity to see his delightfully needy and excited face, so this is an ambiguous choice.
prove. collar of your favorite color around his neck is almost as obvious a way to tell that he is 'busy' as your marks on his body. even if you try to confirm in your favorite way that he has already been taken, Kaeya continues to be teasing and evasive, especially if you try not to be loud about your relationship — he is both grateful and dissatisfied if you avoid directly indicating that he is your partner. the best way?.. after all, he makes adorable noises when you pinch him in a doorway where no one will look intentionally; squeeze him and force him to kneel — or press against the wall until you're done, anything is fine as long as you don't let him slip out of your hands. or — you know what you're doing when you fuck him in front of everyone, making everyone know how good you make him feel. perhaps, Kaeya perceives only this kind of possessiveness very well. after all, he definitely has a slightly soft spot for being publicly fucked, contrary to his desire to make everything more intimate and "one on one".
job. clamps, bites, kisses, rubbing, pinching — his chest is not too sensitive, but over time definitely becomes so the more you play with it. and he definitely welcomes your predilections, even if at first may be a little shy of paying attention to his chest, but it won't last long — Kaeya loves attention, and he likes to have what makes you so desperate, even if his nipples don't stop hurting because of constant affection. wear vibrators under clothes? surely he will snuggle up to you so that you can feel it. clamps? whenever he moves carelessly, the sensations make him flinch. maybe his unusual facial expression and body movements make others wonder, but he's so good at diverting attention — or leaving in perplexity, depending on how playful he feels. but, besides the fact that his chest is good for toys, it is very pleasant and suitable for... sleeping. of course, for sleeping. well, for sex too. just all of a sudden, if you need it, Kaeya doesn't even tease when you want to use his chest, although his smile suggests that he is restraining himself with all his might. after all, you can always use his mouth as well, you know.
loveable. yes, he's a brat, a terrible brat who likes to make you almost go crazy with his riddles, evasions and smiles that mean something, — you don't understand what, — combining them with quite straightforward words... but that doesn't mean that he doesn't expect love and affection from you, even if you bite his shoulders or order him to beg you if he wants to touch himself. his desire to be loved and good is much softer and more imperceptible, and is absolutely denied by him, as if the only thing he deserves is cold walls, which makes him easily slip from cold to hot. you will soon realize that Kaeya is the type who wants to be treated both as a "whore" and as a "prince" when you give him cute names and let him cum until he can't even think about his need to defend himself, but when you pull his collar to yourself and bite when you're close. Kaeya himself sometimes does not know what he wants — roughly or gently, hot or cold, innocent or dirty, and that is why he trusts you with this question, allowing himself to be deprived of thinking at least about it.
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pet names [master, good boy] + mild name-calling + dirty talk + light pet play + collaring + light bondage + anal beads + quiet sex + role-playing
Maybe he could be your dominant, but Diluc likes to sit on your lap and be a cute pet, not responsible, only obliged to be a good boy and follow orders. His closed nature makes him too repulsive, and although he is undoubtedly very good at leadership, that is why in a relationship he prefers to be led — too much responsibility, too much work, he is much more comfortable just sitting and being pretty while you decide everything. Any dominant names make him uncomfortable if they are not used in a slightly degrading way and turns him off — besides, being dominant also in a relationship is too much for someone so soft and full of shy submissiveness, so you will not be able to convince him to take control.
In addition, even his need to take control and closeness was not something that "naturally appeared", and the opportunity to be "second" again is much more pleasant to him. Maybe he's not dominant, but Diluc can also be nice and enjoyable, like your cute pet, whose hair you comb while doing important things. You won't force him to dominate you, right?
perv. your marks are hidden behind clothes — even the collar, which Diluc is quite proud of, is usually hidden behind the collar of his clothes, since he does not like to bare neck or body at all. his body is a temple that only you can touch, even if you want to "desecrate" this rather — only you can do it anyway. tie his hands, make him ride on a toy, talk about how voluptuous he looks, although you are sure that a week ago he would not even be able to accept something of this size — but now Diluc can even get obvious pleasure from it, ignoring your comments, as if you can't consider him now from all angles. if you had a camera, you would love to take a photo of how desperately he wants to be filled. even a toys are small at first, Diluc copes well with the gradual fascination of sizes, even if he cannot help but worry at first that you are too enthusiastic about fucking his holes.
master. “master Diluc” when you pull the beads, hearing long loud moans, making him tremble with sensations, especially when you ask again if "everything is fine with the master" — and he can only whine softly when you spank him, repeating the question. the more you degrade him with respectful addresses, the more excited he becomes — you recognize him, but do not let him feel in charge. maybe there's something wrong with him, he's sure of it, but he just likes to have his body used, even when you know he has a lot to do, or when he can't be active anymore, so instead you do everything, giving him the opportunity to lean back and trust you, while Diluc can stop thinking about anything and just follow your orders.
show. he likes to put on a show in front of you. he's very good at controlling and controlling his body, and he knows what you might like, so definitely takes advantage of it, wanting to see interest and desire in your eyes — but forbidding you to touch him; even if he lets you squeeze him here and there, it shouldn't affect his position and movements when he is too absorbed in what is happening. and he's very good at being the center of attention; riding a dildo? chain attached to his nipples? good kitten who wants to get your attention when you are busy with something? even if Diluc is uncomfortable at first, over time it becomes an opportunity for him to share his feelings, giving something more raw, access to which he received only after your appearance in his life. it will be awkward if Adelinde comes in at the moment when you are playing with your cowboy, but Diluc is so vocal that you are sure that she will not do it by accident — and she is smart and mature enough to understand why her master makes strange noises when is alone with his partner.
approval. he doesn't like names (he's actually very picky about affectionate names), but he likes it when you talk about what exactly he did well, and how he made you feel when he did it — and he also likes physical touching, but when you're in a very close relationship, since, although he is terribly touch starved, he does not like it when strangers "touch him for too long", as this makes his skin irritate, but when you are close, he does not stop clinging to you like a drowning man to a circle. Diluc adores it when you squeeze him, rub him, stroke him, push him apart or spank him while he feels your skin on his. and he is so desperate that even takes your hands when riding a toy, or when cums from a vibrator, but still needs you to let him know that you are there; otherwise Diluc may experience a sharp emotional decline if he does not receive enough love and tenderness. therefore, gentle and soft aftercare is also very important to him, and without it, he feels very broken, even if you had to give it up because of something serious — he controls emotions, but you have no idea how much influence you have on him.
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I hope you enjoyed it! I tried to be subby but they're so breedable that I just want to make them cum while they whine underneath me I'm so dommy🥺 I'm so used to them crawling pitifully in my legs that it's hard for me to imagine them at least a little dominant but I tried very hard!!!🥺🥺
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