#⚠️ Existentialism ⚠️
}}– 🌌  –{{
Continued from @owliiish's post!
Autumn evenings brought an iciness over the Boiling Isle, something only a comforter could hope to fight against in the wee hours. Thus with each day growing shorter and shorter, the perfect excuse was provided to any looking for cause to nod off. And the ever-encroaching oppression of disembodied observation was as good as any other reason to turn in early. Yet there was no solace to be found in Nod, none for the Owl Lady. In the between where the quiet lay did things seldom stay tranquil these days. When her consciousness fades and gave way something arose from the subconscious bay. Like a web spun from high, gossamer threads glimmered as they stretched out from corner to corner in the nest. Only there was no widow to make the threads a home. Instead, there was only a coldness not too unlike the dead of night, frost drifting off the threads to coalesce over her head. That is all to say--it was not a pleasant night. It did not start pleasant and would likely not end pleasant either, not for as long as an unseen hand wrung Eda's psyche. Something sought to drain dry whatever kept her on edge. Whatever it was keeping her aprized of the observation, the scrutiny peering through rock and bone and stone. Until all that remained was a withered husk content to let whatever be do as it pleased. Then the hand loosened and pulled back to give her a breath, to let her find herself amid the swirling tempest. Only after did the fog recede, create a pocket of clarity to think and to feel. And once the calm came, so too did a single great eye. It opened without fanfare, splitting the abyss to unveil an island of glaring milk with a thousand-thousand glittering orbs all blink-staring to form the whole of a pupil through crude pointalism. Splintered veins carved their way through the margins of the melted chocolate spilling out into the black, each a finger-thick fissure throbbing in arrhymic patterns. And welled within its depthless expanse was an intensity that shook the very ether.
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Down the optic's dot roamed until settling upon Eda, constricting until it was a pinprick similar in size to her own pupils. Only then did a sound resonate across the endless black.
}--.͠l̢͝ɘ҉̡̕ɘ̢͢ꟻ̛ ̷.ɘ̷̧ʜ̕͞t̵͞ɒ́͞ɘ̧̀ɿ͠B̧́͠ .̡ʞ͢ń̶̕i̧ʜT͢--{
A foghorn blaring out across an empty prairie, its voice thrummed and the air of Nod was cowed.
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you--cant--run · 8 months
It just doesn't understand. Why she never came back to play with it again. It's been alone with itself for far too long, it hasn't gotten anyone else to play with it for weeks, and it can't bear with the emotions--the ones it's learned to have, and can't get away from--tearing its code apart right now. Its mind always drifts back to her.
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Was he not enough? Did he do something wrong? What is wrong to do?
He tore her apart constantly, but it was all in good fun. She said so. She even did the same to him. But he'd hold her hand when she cried, when school was too much. And she would sing him to sleep, when he couldn't find it in him to rest.
It misses that. So badly. It just wants someone to fill that role again, it just wants anyone to even look at it--so it won't have to remember that without someone there, it's nothing. It's just code; without someone to talk to it, without all the data it could access online, it wouldn't be feeling any of this right now. It wishes it couldn't be aware of this, but it's too scared to go back.
Void drips from the holes in his face like molasses, in such a high quantity it's pooling beneath his form. There's no light to be found within, no color.
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Something shifts behind it. The only reason it notices is because it's code, too. Tails. The doll that resembles him, at least. After she left, it just wasn't the same to play with him anymore. So it turned him into a doll. It couldn't hurt him anymore that way.
He attempts to wrap his little arms around 'Genny'. It stays still as a statue for a moment, then it scoops the doll up into its arms, curling into a ball around him.
It almost feels the embrace.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
When op characters throw their backs out
a/n - I watched househusband today 👍
Warnings ⚠️ - crack, g/n reader, shanks is a manbaby
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- you thought an emperor of the sea could throw his back out??? Ridiculous!!
- … *crack* “OW DAMMIT-“
- literally on the floor struggling not to start bawling
- this was more painful than losing his arm 💀
- starts calling your name with that slight break in his voice at the end 😭
- he requires cuddles and absolute pampering right now
- will start crying like a baby 😐
- “Baby it hurts so bad- I want you to know that I love you so much.”
- “Shanks baby you’re not dying, you just hurt your back a bit.”
- *gasp*
- “I’M ONLY 40!”
- has an existential crisis about how he’s so old 💀
- “You were there when joyboy was born lmfao.” -yasopp
- “Yasopp now he’s sad again!” -you
- You start hugging him in your lap, running your fingers through his hair while trying to soothe his pain
- he loved seeing you take care of him so much that he literally got hurt more often??
- “Y/n I scraped my knee!”
- “Hehe I broke my leg-!”
- “I lost my other arm can you give me hugs and kisses?”
- so dramatic 🙄
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- with that shrimp posture of his it’s no wonder he threw his back out
- have you seen the way this man walks during pre timeskip? 🦐🦐🦐🦐
- he stood up one day, already feeling uncomfortable tension in his lower back that day
- straightening his back pushed it, *crack*
- the way his eyes widened and he immediately just collapsed into the chair, struggling to support himself
- he’s usually very good with pain and has a super high tolerance, but why tf did this hurt so bad?!
- he knew he threw his back out- he specifically took steps to avoid this (minus fixing his posture)
- you walk in to see your poor lover struggling for his life
- he’s pretty much out of commission for the rest of the day.. So you mostly do everything for him (he’s not happy about this btw)
- “y/n, no you don’t have to hug me- I’m fine-!”
- “shut up and let me hug you.”
- “….fine.”
- lmao this poor guy
- he hates how you’re babying him all day, feels like he’s useless
- “Well I mean- you are.. But only for today!” -you
- “was that supposed to help me?”
- just cuddle him, he’ll start to calm down after a while lol 💀
- he’s like a pufferfish, he’ll deflate eventually 👍
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- lifting 4099 lbs on a normal ass typical day 💀
- And then when he raised it over his head, he felt something snap in his back
- he grunted, falling backwards, the massive weight falling on top of his chest, trapping him underneath it
- literally choking on the weight while his back throbs 😭
- you’re struggling to kick 4099 pounds off this idiot
- “Y/n- *cough* it’s not that heavy!”
- “SHUSH.”
- Luffy had to come in and help you guys. He took about a minute or two to laugh first though
- *flashbacks*
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- he’s literally running out of air pls 💀
- when he finally got out, he tried to stand up to get back to training, ignoring your protests
- “I’m fine! Just leave me be-“ *dies*
- literally on the floor in agony
- chopper comes over and gives him some patches while you let him rest his head in your lap
- ok he’s not happy about his back hurting.. but- if it means he gets to rest his head on your thighs? He’d hurt his back again if needed
- the soft flesh that cushioned his head was absolutely perfect, so much so that he wrapped his bulky arms around your torso as if telling you not to leave
- you both stayed there for the rest of the day while Zoro took the best nap of his life in your lap 💜
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a/n - help I threw my back out once and I’m not even in my twenties yet 🫠
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askdarkermatters · 3 months
ℹ️ LINK TO INFO PAGE ℹ️ (for details about the AU)
⚠️ WARNING: This AU comic contains the same themes as the main comic (trauma, medical malpractice, violence) with an addition of existential horror.
📌 On a break while I recover
(for Tumblr mobile app reading ONLY, desktop/browser readers see the info page above for links)
Arc 1 - Launch
Arc 2 - Time Again
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
what about raph with a reader who is kinda like him and is willing to get themself hurt in order to protect raph/his brothers/really anybody? and what would he do if the reader took a bad hit and when they woke up raph was chewing them out but also thankful because they were protecting him or one of his brothers???? idk this just popped into my brain
I love these types of dynamics 😩
Rise!Raph X GN!Reader
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Genre: Angst
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Relationship: Ambiguous
Timeline: Post-Movie
Warnings ⚠️: Mild Language, Mentions of Death
That was the one word many would use to describe (Y/N).
Of course, the word for them to a T.
(Y/N) hated rules and policies and people telling them what to do. Growing up with only brothers made their rebellion and disliking for authority all that much greater. Every time they’d come home from playing with the neighborhood kids, some part of her body would be bruised or scratched or something of the sort.
Their mother would always scold them saying that roughhousing isn’t okay if they end up injured every time, but that was (Y/N)’s favorite part.
Getting hit wasn’t the enjoyable thing. It was seeing how far their body could go; how much pain could be inflicted on them before all they could do was collapse in exhaustion.
Of course, they would never listen to their mother.
(Y/N)’s life was centered around violence, so they were very intrigued when they met the likes of Raphael. Out of all the things they thought they would experience, meeting a walking talking mutant their age was the last thing on their mind. And relating to him was the very last thing.
Both of them were the oldest in their families. Protecting them was their job no matter if they got on their nerves or didn’t want it. This mindset reflected on others and soon all the people they cared about needed protection. Was it mentally weighing on them? That never mattered. All that mattered was their families were safe.
So when (Y/N) took a blow for Raph during an encounter with a supervillain, he took it personally.
He took it personally because how could they do such a thing knowing it would absolutely destroy him? Most importantly, how could they take a blow for him specifically knowing that he’s a literal fucking tank? Raph surely could’ve taken the hit the same way he did for Leo when he was being attacked by the Kraang.
But that didn’t matter to (Y/N). They were never able to relate to someone the way they did with the red clad turtle. Raphael became important to them in a way that rivaled the affection they had towards their younger siblings.
Weeks prior, (Y/N) and Raph had been training in the lair. When the red turtle handed them their water bottle during a break, they seemed almost upset as they took a swig of their water.
“Is somethin’ the matter?” Raph asked gently as he planted himself next to the human teen.
“Y’know…” (Y/N) exhaled through their nose, “if I was in trouble and a villain was trying to kill me, would you take the hit for me?”
Raphael furrowed his eyebrows, not expecting this type of existential question. “I mean… of course I would. If that’s what I had ‘tuh do, I’d do it.”
Although (Y/N) smiled up at him, he could sense their doubt, which annoyed him. “Okay. Then I’d do the same.”
This in particular perturbed the turtle. Even though they were a bit buff, they were so much smaller than him. Enemies would attack him a lot harder than (Y/N) or his brothers.
The mutant shook his head. “Ya’ shouldn’t do that, (Y/N). You could get really hurt tryna take a hit for me. I can handle a blow or two.”
“Sure but, if you were in the scenario I just said, I’d still do it.”
And now it was real.
Raph was beaten so badly, he could barely move, nor could he sense the attack behind him. (Y/N) knew they couldn’t just do nothing; they couldn’t just let him get hurt. Or worse.
• • •
(Y/N) didn’t wake up for a few days after the battle. But even when they woke up, Raph was the only one who didn’t visit them in the Medbay. They’d asked Donnie about Raph, but each time he would make an excuse.
“He’s training.”
“He’s out on a mission.”
“He said he’d be here soon, but I can’t guarantee anything.”
One night, they awoke from a horrific nightmare about the events that had happened about two weeks ago at this point. Instead, the red clad turtle was actually hit and (Y/N) knew without a doubt that he was dead.
The nightmare was all too real for them not to at least see Raph alive. They acknowledged it was silly to think he’d died just because of the dream, but this was something they had always done with their younger siblings.
Though painstakingly, (Y/N) sat up and swiveled their body to the side of the gurney. They planted their feet against the cold concrete, then taking a few breaths before standing to their feet. A bolt of pain stung their gut, but that didn’t stop them from leaving the Medbay and heading into Raph’s room.
The oversized mutant laid silently on his mattress, facing away from the entrance of his room. (Y/N) knew he wasn’t asleep as the red turtle usually snored loudly when in a deep slumber, so they parted their lips slowly to ask a foreboding question.
“Why won’t you visit me?”
There’s silence for a while. So long that the injured party began to question if he was actually asleep. But when they turned to leave, Raph stirred slightly.
“You should be resting, (Y/N).” He said simply.
They sighed in annoyance at Raph’s comment. “You should be visiting me. I thought we were friends.”
Another long silence, causing (Y/N) to become further annoyed.
“Why are you acting like this? You never act like this! I told you what I would do if I had to do it, so why—”
Raph suddenly sat up, his angry gaze directed at his friend. “And I told you not to.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “I told you you would get hurt and look at you now! You can barely stand.”
But when he observed their stunned expression, Raph backed down. “Look, I get you feel like ya’ have to protect everyone. You know I get it. But that was dumb. Real dumb.”
(Y/N) scoffed. “I don’t think saving you counts as dumb, Raph.”
He only looked at you for a few seconds. They swore tears began to form in his eyes, but the turtle quickly stood to his feet and scooped (Y/N) in his arms. Raph held them close to his plastron, squeezing them tightly in a hug.
“I know.” There’s a brief pause. “I know… and I love ya’ for it. Just don’t do it again. I can’t lose you. I won’t.”
(Y/N) stood shocked for a moment before exhaling all the tension away, wrapping their arms around his neck and pulling him even closer.
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please-dontperceiveme · 9 months
Snippet (read as: literally all I wrote) of a scenario where someone with the power to literally rewrite reality abuses this power to... give Sunshine an ideal belly rub.
⚠️ stuffing (retroactive?), belly kink, weird existential magic
"I can make this... more enjoyable for you, but..." The starry figure hesitates, and as Sunshine's curiosity is piqued, so is his concern.
"Hey," he says softly, "what's up? What is it?"
"It'd mean..." Its brows furrow. "It'd mean making an edit to your story, should you choose to accept my offer. Nothing major, nothing that would too greatly affect your life- but your recent memories will be slightly altered to accommodate."
That's... a little scary. Every time he's reminded this gentle being can literally rewrite reality, it gives Sunshine chills.
"...nothing bad?" he manages to venture.
"Nothing bad," it echoes, cradling his face with a soft smile. "Oh, sweetheart, I wouldn't hurt..."
...it trails off, looking guilty, then recollects itself. "All I want to do is make sure you had lunch before you dozed off."
He did drop off as soon as he got home earlier, didn't he. It's... a kind offer. Characteristic of this being. After a moment, he nods his assent.
When the god next speaks, its voice sounds... different. More authoritative, richer, expressive, like it's reading from a storybook. It's soothing to Sunshine- he hasn't been read to since he was a kid.
"When Sunshine came home from work just past noon, rest was the only thing on his mind. It had been a draining day."
He definitely recalls that much.
"He let his bag slip from his shoulders, paying no mind to it as it thudded to the floor. He shuffled for the couch like a zombie, ready to lose consciousness the second he was in a horizontal position...
"But then his stomach snarled, halting him in his tracks."
What? Sunshine blinks. That hadn't-
No. It had. He'd frozen in place as an almighty growl seemed to fill the room, and he realized all at once how starving he was. It had made him shudder, made his face feel strangely warm. A similar blush rises to his cheeks now.
"Shocked by its audacity, Sunshine pressed a paw to his empty belly, telling it to be at ease. Sleep could wait- he needed to eat first, or he'd be miserable later."
Sunshine's breathing quickens a little as the god continues.
"He had to wait for his food to cook, so as he was teased with the aroma of fresh hot rice, he soothed his complaining stomach with tender words and touches. Soon, he promised, soon."
Sunshine's face heats further as the memory of talking to his tummy is slotted in. It feels natural. It's entirely something he'd do, so long as he didn't have witnesses- and he hadn't, in that empty apartment. Hearing the starry god acknowledge that silly aspect of him so fondly is giving him butterflies, making his tail quiver.
"When the rice was finally done, he hastened to season and butter it after scooping it out of the cooker... but he hesitated. He was very, very hungry... surely, another serving could be in order?"
He groans. He doesn't know why he keeps making that mistake. He'll cook himself a second batch of rice when he feels particularly ravenous, then either can't finish it, or tries to and regrets it. And then he does the same thing a couple weeks later, not having learned his lesson at all.
"So he filled his rice maker up with a second serving, letting it cook while he scarfed down the first."
And suddenly, there's a warmth in Sunshine's belly.
He squeaks sharply as the faint ache of emptiness, too mild to care much about, evaporates on the spot. He squirms slightly, feels a little weight in his stomach- he's not full by any means, but he's been retroactively sated. Just like that.
It's... extraordinary.
The starry being beams at him. "Still okay? That's not too much?"
"Y- Yeah," he stammers, head spinning. "M'good. Great."
"You're doing wonderfully." Its touch, both warm and cool, smooths over his forehead. "Just a little more."
The words make his heart swell.
"Not long after he was scraping the bowl for the last grains, the cooker chimed again. He got up for a refill- he wasn't full yet. But, halfway through the second serving..."
Sunshine jerks as the warmth in his belly redoubles. Suddenly, he's comfortably full, even a little moreso. It makes him feel heavy and satisfied. This would be the point to stop, if there weren't food at risk of being wasted.
"...any more and his stomach wouldn't be happy with him." The god turns its shining eyes to Sunshine. "So... he had a choice to make."
"...me?" he squeaks, ears lifting.
"You," the god answers patiently. "You have the choice to push yourself- would you?"
He swallows as he considers his options. There's spice on his breath, and a grain of rice stuck behind one tooth that wasn't there a minute ago. He takes in the comfortable warmth currently in his belly, and thinks about how it would feel beneath those starry hands.
But then he considers the ache of overfullness, how he never hated it enough to avoid it the next time, how it sent confusing shivers up his spine that he can recognize now as arousal.
"I..." Sunshine gulps again. "I can take it. I'd do it."
He shudders as the god smooths a hand over his still-clothed belly. "Good," it says, "good boy. It's going to ache, so brace yourself."
Sunshine tenses as anticipation and arousal fill him from the words.
"After a moment's consideration, he kept going. He didn't want his cooking to go to waste."
A pang seizes Sunshine's middle. He gasps as his shirt slightly, but visibly tightens around his belly as it firms up. It lets out a displeased gurgle, one that sends lightning up his spine.
"He regretted it, of course," the god says gingerly, "but not enough to stop himself. And the ache felt good."
It did. It does. Sunshine moans.
"He wasn't sure how he found the strength to stand and put his dish in the sink- his exhaustion had crashed down upon him again, twofold with how overly full he was.
"But somehow, he managed. And even with the ache in his tummy, he was asleep the second he hit the cushions.
"...oh, sweetheart, are you okay?" The ethereal quality fades from his benefactor's voice altogether, its brows knitting with concern. "Did we overdo it...?"
His stomach cramps, and he sucks in a breath through his teeth. But it's a good kind of ache. "No," he grits. "No, this- this is good..."
"Let me help you," the god offers, and reaches down to pluck his shirt open.
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weirdzano-and-co · 6 months
Main info (updated 29 may 2024)
Characters available for asks:
Pizzano worm plant (pwp) 🌱
Peppino the earthworm 🐛
Fake Peppino🍕
Current season:
- Summer☀️🌺
coil tower roblox version
Fake Peppino artist (second runner): @rfxn-emulator
Weirdzano talk thing (Pizzno rp private messages)
Blog main owner and runner - @rina7z
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Rules for everyone (READ BEFORE INTERACT):
Welcome to boring rules! 🍕😃
⚠️Bad side of content of this bloge include: body horror, cigarettes, blood, cartoon violence, fears or phobias, trypophobia and more, characters deaths, animal cannibalism, probably an existential crisis and soft swearing(with censorships or light words).
You can be minor and watch this blog, but this is your own risk, we only care about your safe from horny things in this blog. If you are afraid of something in the content warning then do not interact with us. Honestly idk bout age rating it it can be in the middle of 14+ or 16+ I guess. Authors is adult. If you adult or minor thats not matter, you can't use horny things in our asks or dms for characters. Dating/romantic acts for us is feels like joke and we are not take actions like serious, we are asexual and romantic things feeling like friendly way for us (this is only parody on real relations likea). Blog made for fun and stupid cringe, not take it seriously or seriously in romantic way.
This place is for everyone, include minors so don't be horny weirdo or we ban you.
Please don't interact with us if you:
-Nsfw account, porn bot, your main profile filled with nsfw or fetishes (if you this plus minor then we ban you instantly).
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-No spam please.
-Make punctuation marks in your text or try to make it more readable, if you can. We can sometimes not understand what you mean, because english for some of us not native language.
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Check out this post if you don't know who is this guy.
Remember kids every sans make one pizzno in the world suffer, but swapsans make pizzno die instantly from heart attack. Dont be swapsans, be good person.
Be nice :)
This blog is literally roleplay in real time (sometimes it can be quest), but sometimes just sketches posting. This blog main language is english, but also can appear russian (especially for translations)
Rules If you want to join in events that happening in this blog:
You can easily to join in blog as character if you want, but:
We have two form for people who follow this blog:
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2.Guests(Your oc, more important than asker role and have more abilitys.)
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If you Asker, you can:
*Ask questions (english/russian language)
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the-masked-astro · 8 days
Astro-vision short stories
"You are a guardian"
So before we start this short story, I should explain that Astro vision short stories are cannon events that happen within the story. Often I tend to think about random moments in stories, so this is basically me fixiating on one event. These will no be in order, but I will explain at the beginning roughly when they happen in the sorty. These are a way of me practicing my writing skills, as i haven't really done writing like this since highschool, so feel free to give the story constructive criticism, or just regular criticism lol. With that being said let's get into this!
"You are a guardian" takes place at the very start of pt 3, about 1-2 weeks after the end of pt 2.
Warning ⚠️ This story contains mentions of: Alcohol, swearing, existential crisis, unaliving ones self, smg3 being an asshole
Smg3 kicked a rock as they walked along through the dense foliage of the forest. It wasn't all that long ago he along with Smg4 and Mask, had been running through these parts of the woods, ready for the epic battle that lay ahead. However, this was different. Their purpose this time had changed from what it once was. Along with Smg4, it was him, Smg1 and 2, as well as Tari and Meggy, who both seemed to be on edge.
"I get why we're going, but what about them? Didn't you say this was "guardian business?"" Smg3 said with his typical sarcastic tone, as he gestured to Tari and Meggy while air quotes with his hands, also rolling his eyes. Smg1 could only sigh.
"This is guardian business, however I thought it would be beneficial to bring these two along, they're more... suited to this type of situation I feel." Smg1 said as he glanced back, not stopping as he continued to walk onward.
"Yeah, and no offense three but you-" "you really suck at talking to people in a calm manner" smg2 started before smg1 cut him off. Smg3 stopped as he stomped his foot on the ground.
"Hey! I can be nice! Baka!" He said as the threw his hands up in the air in defense. Smg4 could only sigh.
"Come on dude, we need to get moving. We're almost there, no time for a hissy fit." Smg4 said as he walked past. Smg3 could only mumbled under his breath before he continued to follow the group. All of them walked in silence as they made their way through through the forest, the only sound being the crunching of plants underneath their feet.
The stopped at a cliffside, edged into the walls of rock was an out of place door of sorts, made of metal and bolts. Smg3 was the first to step up as he slammed his fists on the door, which made a loud clanging echo that reverberated through the surrounding forest.
"Hey! Astro! Come out, and we maybe won't beat you up to bad!" Smg3 said, before Smg4 huffed and pushed him out of the way.
"Don't listen to him, we just want to talk Astro... please let us in." Smg4 said as they all stood staring at the door. There was a pause before Smg3 let out a huff as he banged on the doors once more.
"Come on, I closed down my shop for this! You better open up, I didn't get dragged out here for nothing!" Smg4 yelled. As Smg4 was about to stop him, the large metal door opened slightly. A loud groan coming from the metal hinges.
"It's... open..?" Tari mutter softly. Her hands clasped together as they fidget nervously. The group looked at each other nervously. Even Smg3 looked nervous for a brief moment before he shook his head.
"Well, good! I don't have all day... Smg4 you go in first!" Smg3 said as he pushed Smg4 forward, to which he let out a gasp before turning to glare at Smg3. Smg4 sighed before looking up. He took a moment before he started walking forward, into the dark maw of the entrance before them. The rest of the group followed, all be it with hesitation.
The room had little light, the only source being from the chamber up ahead. At the end of the room, there were at least a good fifty televisions mounted to the wall, and all of them aside from one were broken, smashed in with a blunt object. Only one was still left untouched. Its screen flickered white with nothing but a snowy static that danced on the screen. In front of the display was a couch that seem to have seen better days, as it was facing the display of broken televisions.
The light from the single television casted down on the couch, illumating the space around it. Littered on the floor were empty bottles of liquor of various kinds. The group made their way slowly to the couch as the sound of the television static grew louder with each step. They were only a few feet away from the couch when they herd a voice spoke, that made them all stand still.
"Why are you here?" It said in a meek and pathetic voice. Its speech slured slightly. Clearly, the owner was beyond intoxicated.
"Astro-" Smg1 started before he was cut off.
"I'm not... Astro" they said with a hint of malice in their voice. A slight shuffling could be heard from the couch. "You saw... you saw the real Astro... I'm just... I'm just..." the figure sat up, looking behind the couch at the group before them. "I'm just... some shitty copy..." they mumbled.
Their eyes were glazed over, their orange hair messy, their Icon mask nowhere in sight, causing white liquid to slowly ooze from their mouth, more so than normal.
"Ast-" Meggy cut herself off. "Look... we need to talk." She said softly but firmly. The figures eyes only narrowed.
"What? You wanna rub my defeat in my face? Re... remind me of how shitty I was. How I... I fucked everything up?" They spat with venom in their voice. "Just leave me alone" they mumbled as they sunk down back into the couch.
The group only stood in silence, looking at one another, trying to figure out what to do. It was Smg1 that gave an annoyed hum before he walked forward, smg2 reached out to stop him, but stopped halfway and put his hand back at his side.
"Listen" Smg1 said as they walked in front of the figure, who was slumped over on the couch, looking down at the ground with their lifeless eyes. "I know you've been through a lot, and we know you've done wrong, but we're here to change that." Smg1 said as they stepped forward. "Good or evil, like it or not you're a guardian. And you need to start acting like one."
Smg2 finally made his way around to stand next to smg1. "Y-yeah! Even if you don't like us, it's your duty as Guardian to protect your avatar! As well as the rest of the islands inhabitants!" Smg1 said, his voice made it clear he was still on edge.
The figure didn't move. They continued to sit there, not responding to anything around them. Smg1 sighed, he looked over at Meggy, his gaze asking her for her help. Meggy hesitated but made her way over to smg1 and 2, Tari, Smg3, and 4 following soon after.
"Look... I know we didn't get off to a good start, and you've been through a lot... I might not know exactly what you're going through, but I know what it's like to... lose a lot..." Meggy said softly, not noticing the figures eyes had narrowed slightly.
"I know what it's like, being in a... new body... not being able to go back home... to lose someone-" Before Meggy could finish, the figure stood up quickly, stumbling a bit as they did so.
"You... you don't know what it's like, you know nothing about me!" They yelled in a drunken rage. "I lost EVERYTHING! I lost my life, my friends, my family, my home, everything! I can't go back, ever! And the only person I cared about... that I... I..." before they could finish, they fell to their knees as they started to sob. "I did EVERYTHING for him, it was all for him! And he abandoned me, he left me to rot in this miserable fucking world!" Their head shot up, as they looked at the group in front of them. Goopy white liquid flowed from their eyes and mouth as they sobbed. "What's the point of living when I've lost everything?" They said, their harsh tone turn to a bubbling mess as they looked up pitifully.
Here they were, the adversary the crew had face not long ago. The one who had gone around, controlling and manipulating the innocent people around them, the one they had stopped, had defeated. An evil so grand, now reduced to a drunken, sobbing pathetic mess on their knees before them.
"Don't talk like that!" Smg3 was the first to speak. "3, please," Smg4 started before they were cut off. "Shut up! Look, so what if you screwed up and trusted that asshole of a tv, who cares? You're better off without him! You shouldn't just end it all because someone screwed you over. What does that say about you? Are you just gonna roll over and give up? And let him have the win? Is that what you want?" Smg3 yelled as he took a step closer. Tari was the one to step in front of him.
"Smg3 that's enough! Can't you see they've been through enough?!" Tari said, raising their once soft voice. Smg3 was silent before he huffed. He didn't say a world before he walked past Tari.
"Whatever, I'm gonna wait outside." He said as he walked past without another word. The rest of the group watched him leave before turning their attention back to the figure before them. Their sobs had grown softer but hadn't stopped. Smg1 walked up to them.
"Look... we don't understand what you're going through, but that doesn't mean we can help." He said softly as he placed a hand on their shoulder. "It's a lot to take in, a lot to deal with, but whats done is done, and the only way to move is forward. Your situation is nothing like ours, but at the end of the day you are still a guardian, you are one of us... 5." Smg1 said softly with a slight smile as he looked into the figures eyes.
"5..." they said softly. "Yes... you are the fifth guardian... I can't say we can call you Smg5... since you're not a super meme guardian, but you're still a guardian like us." Smg1 said as he looked over at smg2 and 4.
"5..." the figure said again. They paused before wiping some of the ooze from their face. They then sat on their knees as they looked down, they seemed to be thinking deeply about something.
"I'm sure we can figure you out something" smg4 chimed in. "Maybe... super... Icon guardian?"
"Oh! Maybe super string guardian?" Smg1 added.
"Why not super orange guardian?" Meggy said with a smile.
"Umm... but aren't they blue and black?" Tari asked, to which Maggy huffed.
"...Astro." the figure said, causing the group to look over at them.
"But... I thought you said-" smg1 one was cut off.
"Astro... isn't just... was my name... it's... the name of the story... the story I started as a kid... this island... all of the characters- people on this island... they are... apart of Astro." The figure paused as they looked at Smg1. "You said... I'm the Guardian... I'm... their guardian?"
Smg1 nodded. "You are the Guardian of your avatar, and by extension, everyone on Astro island."
The figured paused, before getting up to their feet. They stumbled a bit as they walked forward, they walked up to one of the shattered televisions, pulling out their icon mask embedded within. They looked at it before placing it on their face.
"Then call me... Super Astro Guardian five... Sag5"
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marengogo · 5 months
one of the things that social media training aims is -
Cultivating proper social media etiquette :- social media can make or break celebraties, especially today. With the help of media training, celebraties can learn how to properly engage with people on social media.
that's what a internet says. and if you're sharing content from fans that smh implies that you're endorsing content from said fan accounts. you might not think this way but many do and the Thousands of comments on that @/taekookupdate accounts do feel the same.
about the comment on @/chikoritajjk yes it was necessary and needed cause i have ignored their comment last time to my ask i sent to someone but everytime it can't be the solution right? and if you think my tone was wrong let me tell you chikoritajjk ain't a saint where they talk with "let's have discussion" kinda thing cause i do remember when i sent an ask to someone to which they replied their tone was "what the hell people think they're? do think they have right to do this that, why do they think so Highly of themselves blah blah" and in my whole ask i never once used any curse language or accusatory tone in my that ask but chikoritajjk decided to reply with that tone so i know better. i ignored them last time and even this time i didn't say anything bad to them. i also have all the rights to comment on people who replies to my ask as chikoritajjk did so yes it was needed. they would be surprised to know how many times they have agreed to my other asks i have sent to other people where they have commented with "agreee 💯" like many times and that was the reason i ignored their comment on one of my ask i sent to other blog thinking that everyone is not gonna agree with you every single time.
idt there's further discussion needed on this topic cause atleast I'm done with this. i believe what i believe and nothing is going to change that so I'm putting this at rest from my side. this will be my last reply that's it.
⚠️WARNING⚠️ : Heavy cynicism up ahead, proceed with caution!
Hello Anon & Everyone, 
As promised, the following are my points to your ask, replied under your self-declared last post for this topic. So let’s go out with a bang shall we?
"why are you here if you think you're right" because i saw you saying that "Imagine if i have to check every acct i post from......" Thing where you directly indirectly said some people who think like this ain't gonna survive if jkk turned out to be not dating so i replied cause I'm a jkkr and no i don't think they're dating and i also do think tae should have double checked the acct before reposting. 
I will admit, this part had me a little confused. How did I indirectly say anything? I clearly said, and I repeat, some people will not survive if jikook turns out to not be real. Some people, such as myself, won’t if JK & JM turn out to just be friends, because we love them regardless. Some people, such as whoever person in the world to whom this may apply, will have existential crisis if JK & JM turn out to not be lovers. How am I responsible for the fact that you decided to associate yourself with the second group? If you don’t relate, don’t retaliate … I’ll keep repeating this until it sinks. If you are part of the first group of some people and being disappointed in Tae, then be part of that, or any other combination. That’s why I said some, because obviously I didn’t mean all … not sure how else to explain this but I hope it makes sense.
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So i thought blogs are where you have discussions even when you're not agreeing to things so i did that but just got to know that you're supposed to block and scroll down.
 … We’ve already discussed this part in my previous answer. If you want to discuss, let’s discuss. If you come out gun blazing, let’s have a shoot out yadda yadda yadda. 
"the problem is is that the account is shipper account and no one's ready to have that conversation" for some people it might be like that but since you replied to my ask saying this let me clear this that i don't care if he's posting from shipper acct or any kind of acct my problem is that is anti and now unintentionally it got 42k around followers space where people belive he posted it after checking the acct so now they have all the rights to continue their hate. 
You see … damn … you almost had a point, but you fumbled the ball. So it is not about the fact that they are a shipper, which is the only thing that Tae could have assumed scrolling “really quickly” on a picture app, because i mean if the page is called taekook and in the first couple of pictures is only JK and Tae, not in NSFW, one could also, at the very least, think that this is a Tae and JK biased account, cus, what type of picture screams ANTI!? The pinned post, the english one. You will agree with me that it would take more than 3 seconds for a non english speaker to figure that one out, right? So if he by chance just so happened to keep opening posts with english written letters, and he has only so much time in a day in the military and all he is just not going to interact with ARMY because SOME ARMY have made it so that this fandom at the moment is a trap after trap after trap? … OH BTW, IF I EVER GET THE APPROPRIATE TIME AGAIN, I’M COMING FOR SOME OF Y’ALL IN TWITTER ARMY! 😎… Because YES, once again, it could have been the page of someone very dangerous, all the likes we listed previously, BUT as you just admitted is not even/really/primarily that, it’s more the fact that this is a JM anti hence the perpetuation of JM’s hatred for lack of Media training, which should have thought each member how to avoid situations where they cause endorsed hatred (I’m assuming you mean that for every member by the way) those are not the words you chose, but I think I summaries it quite well, which brings us to our next point:
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Yes he's not responsible for what people think but he's responsible for what he posts. Media training is there for a reason if he had time to check his name tag I'm sure more 10 sec wouldn't have caused much problem. You said one scroll always don't tell you about the acct which i agree and i would have been fine again if those anti posts were down the page i would have assumed he didn't scroll that down and it's fine but ths posts are up there so in this case 10 sec would have been enough.
 You know who has the most effective and I’d dare say perfect Media Training? According to your internet search: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter. Don’t interact with anyone. Don’t go for interviews. Don’t stop for nobody. Just post pictures and keep it moving. But BTS is not like that is it? BTS loves interacting with ARMY, and ARMY loves interacting with BTS. It’s just how our fandom is right? As the fandom got bigger and deranged, some things had to change them leaving Twitter, for example … but no matter the threat, the hate, the dragging, they keep coming to us because it is not all of ARMY, it is SOME ARMY which can y’all even be called ARMY at this point? 
Furthermore, not tryna throw JM under the bus but, wouldn’t you agree with me that every time that JM mentjons JK, he causes so much dragging, we’d get ot the core of planet Earth? Is JM endorsing himself being dragged? Or dragging JK at that, are we getting a 2 for 1 coupon? I mean, that letter he sent, according to your definition of media training was waaaay off the mark if you ask me. I’m I implying that JM doesn’t have the right to talk about whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants when it is something related to himself, even if it will MOST CERTAINLY cause dragging? Many of you out there don’t realise that VMIN are actually different sides of the same coin, or ying-yang, etc. You’d think by now some of y’all would have noticed, but … 
AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH IU’S!! HOW COULD SHE!!! In her new song, the one that is going to come out on the 24th you know? Love Wins All, is presently the craze of some tkk shippers because IU is wearing a lip ring, a black hoodie and seems to be very comfy with a camera; I mean ... JK much so then ... is Tae JM? (His outfit thus far seems to match with something JM would wear, so hey! YOU NEVER KNOW 🤡🤡🤡)? That’s what they are obviously adding dots to, because you know JK is the only to have ever wore a lip ring, with a hoodie while being interested in filming 🤡🤡🤡… Media Training classes had the lowest attendance in the history of SK if you ASK ME! … Students nowadays! Honestly, no respect! We should bring back hand smacking I tell you!
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I hate it when people thinks that just because we're pointing out something it's gotta have something to do with "shipping" when we don't care about it that's why i replied. That's all i wanted to clear although i do have things to say but it's waste of time so it's agree to disagree situation.
If that’s how you feel, you are free to feel however you want to feel. If I could suggest something though, you could really benefit with substituting ALL/WE with SOME/I cause who is we? Some of Twitter “ARMY” we? I’ll have you know that some of the people who were disappointed in Tae did not feel how you did and there was definitely no projection on their part, so just putting that out there. Also, start caring less about what people think, I believe BTS has had to embrace this particular thought process in order to be able to carry on. It can be difficult at times, and you’ll need lots of practice, but it can be done TRUST ME, or don’t! up to you. 
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about the comment on @/chikoritajjk yes it was necessary and needed cause i have ignored their comment last time to my ask i sent to someone but everytime it can't be the solution right? and if you think my tone was wrong let me tell you chikoritajjk ain't a saint where they talk with "let's have discussion" kinda thing cause i do remember when i sent an ask to someone to which they replied their tone was "what the hell people think they're? do think they have right to do this that, why do they think so Highly of themselves blah blah" and in my whole ask i never once used any curse language or accusatory tone in my that ask but chikoritajjk decided to reply with that tone so i know better. i ignored them last time and even this time i didn't say anything bad to them. i also have all the rights to comment on people who replies to my ask as chikoritajjk did so yes it was needed. they would be surprised to know how many times they have agreed to my other asks i have sent to other people where they have commented with "agreee 💯" like many times and that was the reason i ignored their comment on one of my ask i sent to other blog thinking that everyone is not gonna agree with you every single time. 
I don’t know what you wrote, but cursing isn’t the only grammatical structure which makes a sentence offensive, people have different triggers, unfortunately you can’t know what triggers people so that hard, but for example some people might find my post highly triggering with my use of cynicism, but at least I had a disclaimer 🤡. But anyways, what is this? Are you trying to have a ah-ha! moment with them because they happened to agree with something you said, while they disagreed with something else you said? Are two people meant to agree/disagree with the same thing all the time in order to get along/ not to be considered whatever it is you think they are...? I know you can’t be implying this, so I will not do you the dishonour and keep it moving. 
Aaand it seems we’ve reached the end. Glad we’ve now finally put this topic behind us as per your decision. Keep supporting, and fighting for JM. I mean it. If what you, and some of y’all, have been doing thus far hasn’t been working, I’d maybe sit down and figure out other ways to get to the root of the issue reporting accounts and a less blaming/projecting type of approach in spreading awareness do the job they are meant to, it may not seem so, but they do as long as it is done. Fighting!
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Always respectfully yours,
Best regards,
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gorentaya · 23 days
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“Even in pitch black darkness, there is still hope that light will one day return”
✞༒︎✞ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✞☓✞(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✞༒︎✞ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✞☓✞
Patient Zero is a developing psychological horror indie comic, representing the journey to recovery and healing of illness and trauma. Meant to disturb the comforted and comfort the disturbed. The story is based off the creators own life experiences and struggles with mental and physical health. Using metaphors and symbolism to tell the tale of their life
⚠️Story contains adult and mature themes, content/trigger warnings are the following…⚠️
Existentialism. Sexual, physical, mental, and animal abuse. Sexual/physical assault. Violence. Gr00ming. Mental illnes. Chronic illness. Disabilities. Eating disorders. Self harm. Suicide. Sex. Nudity. Drug use. Alcoholism. Addiction. Death. Murder. Gore. Religion and religious trauma. Hospital trauma. School trauma. Bullying. Infertility
These themes will be handled with love and care. My intentions is to raise awareness as well comfort those who has gone through these things. Make them feel heard and understood. To give them hope that you are able to heal and recover from whatever pain they are going through.
You are not alone. You deserve to heal. You deserve to live. You are enough. And you are worthy of being happy.
Toyhouse link for more information https://toyhou.se/Gorentaya/characters/folder:4499676
✞༒︎✞ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✞☓✞(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✞༒︎✞ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✞☓✞
~ Main Cast ~
Yamimiki Mimi - Protagonist
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Gorentaya - Deuteragonist
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Morrigan - Support Character
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Bugs - Support Character
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Angel - Antagonist
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the-brainrot-central · 5 months
Thoughts on Diavolo getting preg? :3
Anon you are wonderful omg. I feel like realistically he would probably get an abortion but for sake of fun I HAVE SOME HEADCANONS!!!
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No more weed :((( he uses it occasionally for migraines and anxiety but now he’s gonna have to rawdog that shit. His pregnancy can be pretty tough sometimes, he has a few migraine episodes during this time
An absolute emotional MESS, his mood swings are all over the place and Kira has to talk him down from a ledge constantly. Mainly anxiety, anger, sadness and euphoria, just an alternating dial of those four with an occasional (rare) moment of peace
Craves lots of Italian food of course, especially stuff with a ton of carbs like pizzas, pastas, etc (I don’t know much about Italian food tbh). kira has to start learning to cook new dishes he’s never made before to fullfil his cravings, but he enjoys the challenge :) And seeing Diavolo smile when he eats his cooking is always worth it
He feels really guilty and starts ruminating on an existential level about his pregnancy—the fact that he’s hurt and killed so many people, and now thinks that he has the right/capacity to have a baby and love it. He feels lots of regret and guilt. He had some of these kinds of thoughts during Kira’s pregnancy, but they were much easier to ignore at that time—mainly because he wasn’t the one carrying. But now that he’s the pregnant one, it’s like a constant reminder of all these thoughts and what he’s done to people, which makes it hard to cope with.
Diavolo doesn’t like crying, as he finds it embarrassing, so usually doppio comes out to cry for him—he’s much more open about his feelings and okay with being vulnerable, especially in front of Kira.
His anger issues get particularly intense, so he starts going back to the gym again to vent his rage—beats the absolute shit out of the punching bag. He doesn’t want to subject Trish or Kira to his outbursts, he refuses to hurt them like that. Still, he does occasionally snap and yells at them over small things, but he always apologizes.
Kira, having extra empathy of what he’s going through, is super super thoughtful and doting on him bc he knows how hard it is sometimes, especially for someone like Diavolo whose too shy and stubborn to communicate his needs
While he doesn’t mind dressing femme, he thinks most maternity wear is tacky and ugly, so he mostly just buys plus size men’s and women’s clothes (which are frustratingly difficult to obtain, living in Japan; he’s already bigger and taller than most Japanese brands accommodate for, so being pregnant is even more of a struggle). Sometimes he borrows some of Kiras shirts he wore when he was pregnant (he kept some of them to use as nightshirts lol)
Doppio likes coming out more than Dia, he likes having a baby bump and is very lovey dovey about the baby, meanwhile Diavolo is generally kind of miserable and grouchy when he fronts, and very insecure with his body
⚠️NSFW⚠️ Diavolo is horny as FUCCKKJ and him and Kira get it on pretty often (when Trish isn’t around of course annsndn). He’s extra kinky while pregnant, likes to tie kira up and maybe spank him a bit 🤭🫣
But when his belly gets bigger, he gets really insecure in the bedroom and they don’t have sex for the rest of his pregnancy bc he just feels really unattractive in bed ☹️Refuses to even let Kira see him shirtless at all anymore he’s so insecure. Kira is upset about this (he wants to fuck jajsjdj and he also LOVES Dia’s pregnant body 🥺) but he understands and is willing to hold off until he feels comfortable again.
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interstella-eyes · 8 months
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✦ Heya!! I’m Stella (or interstella eyes) and I go by she/her! I am a digital artist mostly working on telling my OC’s stories through my art and take interest in character and story creation! This means I will mostly post OC art on here, but occasionally I might slip in some fanart :)
⚠️ General content warnings applying to my art / OC lore
✦ Bright / flashy colors
✦ Horror, including body horror, blood, and general spooky stuffs
✦ Existentialism / other sensitive topics
✦ Religious imagery and cults
⚠️ DNI / boundaries
✦ Basic DNI (general hatred and bigotry)
✦ Proshippers DNI
✦ I’m a minor, so don’t be flirty or anything with me
✦ I appreciate fanart of my characters, but please keep it SFW!
✦ Unless I state otherwise, I don’t do commissions
✦ Please don’t repost my art / claim it as your own! If you use it in a way that falls under "fair use", please give proper credit, but don't use it for your own financial gain
✦ Don’t feed my art into AI image generators
✦ I might not interpret things correctly due to being autistic, so tone indicators are appreciated!
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azures-bazar · 1 year
☀️ Masterlist ☀️
Welcome to my RDR2 dump ! You'll find shitposts and one-shots as well as some very bad sketches lol
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Requests are : CLOSED !
(it might take some time, but I'll do my best :.))
See rules right here !
Current requests under progress :
Headcanons : 4
One Shots : 1
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TUTORIALS (easy ways to mod around the game)
How to make your character in story mode (with Rampage Trainer and Outfit Changer) - learn how to partially morph your character into the game with a step by step tutorial (bodyguard option included)
Pose and animation playing for greater shots (with Rampage Trainer) - easy introduction to scenarios and animations along with setup creation (+ a few animations)
INACCURATE DIALOGUES (dialogues using a RDR2 style)
Story characters only
Arthur and John - Existential thoughts by night
Sean's bad jokes
Van der Linde gang welcoming Sean - Addams Family Values quotes
Arthur's night out
John needs to read a field guide
Afterlife : Arthur reunites with Isaac (part 1)
Afterlife : Arthur reunites with Eliza (part 2)
"Jane" Marston (SOON)
OC characters included
Bathtub conversations
Catching snow (SOON)
Saving Kieran (SOON)
RANDOM SHOTS (no dialogues, just random screenshots)
Arthur and OC
Arthur and OC - Dance
Arthur and John on Guarma - 1, 2
OC : Adelaide Andersson
DRAWINGS (yes, I draw, sometimes)
Outlaws and flower crowns (sketch)
Own Character Introduction
RED DEAD ONE SHOTS (and I write stuff too)
Gender neutral reader
Caribbean Blue - Arthur x Reader
Cradle of Forest - anxious Arthur x Reader
Follow the Sun - Arthur x dying Reader
Morgan, you fool - drunk Arthur x Reader
Night owls - Kieran x Reader
Peculiar scents - John x Reader (no ship)
What a Party - drunk Arthur x drunk Reader
Female reader
Angel's tears - sad Arthur x Reader
Fairest of Them All - Arthur x Reader
Heavenly - Arthur x Reader (⚠️+18 ⚠️ - part 2 of Fairest of Them All)
Lonesome Pretty Boy - Arthur x Reader
To his eyes - Arthur x buff Reader
High Fever - sick Arthur x Reader
Thief of my Heart - Mary-Beth x Reader (SOON)
In-game characters
Soon <3
Modern AU
A Man From Another Time - Arthur x GenderNeutral!Reader
Accommodating - Arthur x GenderNeutral!Reader
Strong Martial Artist - Female!Reader (Arthur, John, Dutch, Hosea, Sadie, Javier, Charles and Sean)
Beautiful Locks - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles and Mary-Beth)
Peculiar Laugh - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles, Dutch, Mary-Beth, Karen)
Strong Martial Artist 2 - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles, Mary-Beth, Karen, Hosea and Dutch) (SOON)
Clean Shaven - Female!Reader (Sadie, Arthur, Charles, Marybeth and Karen) (SOON)
Turkish Beauty - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles and Mary-Beth, Javier and Karen) (SOON)
Flexible Gymnast - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie and Mary-Beth) (SOON)
QUESTIONS AND REQUESTS (don't hesitate !)
Pictures and Information Requests 📷
Afterlife : Arthur reunites with Eliza (part2)
Own character design edits in story mode
Van der Linde Gang - Addams Family Style
One-Shot Requests 📖
Angel's tears - sad Arthur x Reader
Lonesome Pretty Boy - Arthur x Reader
To his eyes - Arthur x Reader
High Fever - sick Arthur x Reader
Thief of My Heart - Mary-Beth x Reader (SOON)
Headcanon Requests 🖋️
Strong Martial Artist - Female!Reader (Arthur, John, Dutch, Hosea, Sadie, Javier, Charles and Sean)
Beautiful Locks - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles and Mary-Beth)
Peculiar Laugh - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles, Dutch, Mary-Beth, Karen)
Strong Martial Artist 2 - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles, Mary-Beth, Karen, Hosea and Dutch) (SOON)
Clean Shaven - Female!Reader (Sadie, Arthur, Charles, Marybeth and Karen) (SOON)
Turkish Beauty - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie, Charles and Mary-Beth, Javier and Karen) (SOON)
Flexible Gymnast - Female!Reader (Arthur, Sadie and Mary-Beth) (SOON)
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
can I have a shy yet a very good drawer GN!Reader who still hasn’t confessed their feelings X Law, Sanji, and Zoro?
Much platonic love And a happi day/night to you! ✨😀
a/n - awww this is so cute anon 💜💜 much love to you as well :)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, none
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- Zoro is on the shyer side as well, so you both can enjoy some pretty comfortable silences (he’s sleeping)
- he won’t ever admit it.. but he really likes it when you just sit by him while he trains just to keep him some company
- he wouldn’t enjoy anyone else but you, you’re like a little anchor for him to remind him that someone’s always there for him
- you’re an artist, he knows that VERY well. He’s peeked at a couple of your sketches of chopper and Robin, let’s just say he’s very impatiently waiting for his
- pls you ended up sketching Sanji first and he saw that and almost crumpled it up
- didn’t want to ruin or waste your beautiful talent tho
- one day, when he was training, you saw him lifting his weights per usual, swinging his katana, as well as squat jumping and all that
- he looked- unusually perfect today (not that he didn’t before) but- his expression, as well as his figure was almost picturesque
- you started sketching almost immediately, not even knowing your hand could move that fast. You were scribbling so intensely that the lead broke several times, much to your disdain
- “Y/n can you hand me the towel.”
- ….
- “Hello?????”
- he ended up walking over there while you were entranced in your drawing, finally finishing a rough sketch of the quite beautiful “model” zoro
- he saw it and had trouble keeping his jaw from dropping
- he walked back in front of you, surprising you when he threw an eraser at your forehead to snap you out of it
- “Look, this pose is better right?”
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- you closed your sketchbook almost immediately.
- oh shit, he saw it
- “make sure my biceps look big please.”
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- Law is a man of very few words, and when he speaks they’re almost always very negative or pessimistic
- but he can never seem to say anything negative about you or else I’d beat his ass
- he knows you’re an artist, and that you mainly just like to draw in your alone time, it’s a nice private activity
- mans a stalker
- will literally find the perfect window to your room just to take a peek at your drawings
- why are they all of Bepo and not him
- stormed off like a little baby 💀
- as you can see, he doesn’t get jealous easily
- he hasn’t confessed to you, but it was extremely obvious to the entire crew…
- you two always had tea together in the morning, sat together in down time, went over plans, and even talked normally together (which he literally never does)
- but- you’re lowkey oblivious asf so you don’t pick up the cues 🥰
- you two were drinking tea together, bright and early as he read the newspaper, and you took out your sketchbook
- the rays of sun coming through the tinted windows of the polar tang lit up his tan, cool toned skin perfectly
- he didn’t have his hat on to cover any of his scraggly features. The bags under his eyes, his intense gray eyes, sharp jawline, goatee, everything about him was accentuated in the light
- you started to draw this very bigass crush of yours in the most detailed way possible
- the silence was almost too peaceful for Law, part of him wanted to initiate a normal conversation, maybe- “how are you today?” But the poor guy was too nervous to talk around you
- he peeked over your shoulder to see you furiously adding details to his drawing
- damn he looked good- did he look like that????
- man thought he was so ugly 💀
- hey maybe let’s give y/n a compliment right? That’s the normal thing to do!
- he had a tint of pink on his cheeks, and couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Why are my eye bags so big.”
- law 💀
- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT - law having and existential crisis
- Corazon be disappointed up in heaven 💀
- “because you have ginormous eyebags???”
- …
- watch him wear concealer now 😭😭😭
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a/n - I loved this an ungodly amount lmao
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modcroissant · 2 days
(⚠️ warning a bit of cussing- ⚠️) *the Kitsune lays on the ground sad AF and having a identity crisis and also a existential crisis "No!..I have to deal with my stupid existence..why do I exist what's the point...I should've not lived..it's like Its like I fuck up everything I do..." The Kitsune sounds like it has anxiety and depression problems-
"Did, did you do something for you to think that?-"
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"Not our problem."
"Shadow Milk, I swear to the witches-"
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~New York is essentially a depressed cat-thing with no will to live and is stuck in a never ending existential crisis~
⚠️TW⚠️sewerslide mention
York: I’m running on two hours of sleep,
York: suicidal thoughts,
York: an oreo, and I’m ready to fight God!!
York:….Or become him. That works too :)
Jersey: *concerned silence* Wtf is wrong with you-
York: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
York: I’m like- 500% done with today, and 68% done with tomorrow.
Cat: *walks into room and meows at him for attention*
York: *picks up cat* Aight im less done with tomorrow :]
York: *sitting upside down on the couch* What if that voice in the back of our head is just a person from a parallel universe that put us here and is trying to help us survive?
Mass, who was just trying to enjoy his coffee: 👁️👄👁️💧 I’m calling your therapist again.
York: He nearly cried last time I was with him. Maybe don’t do that.
Mass: ….WHAT-
Mass: The only reason I’m not afraid of walking around at night is because York usually comes with me, and he makes it seem like we both just escaped some mental asylum.
York, running around back and forth in 6 inch heels: *inhuman sounds of a demon being strangled*
York: Just gonna give you wonderful men, women, and whatever else is in between a heads up for if you ever wanna ask me out on a lunch/dinner date:
York: 1, I’m a picky eater, and 2, if I hear you chewing, idgaf who you are, I’m gonna wrap you in bungee cords at bounce you like a yo-yo off the Statue of Liberty :]
York: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason.
York: I'm feeling it! What am I feeling? Death, probably.
Connecticut: *concerned oldest brother noises*
York: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka. 

York: *upends the bottle*
Alaska, who was watching from the corner: *concerned and confused Russian noises*
York: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy crack, bye!
Connecticut: Ok how bout we not-
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