#♭ — not back for a day‚ no. ﹝ .ask ﹞
endtiimes · 1 year
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@trahns​ SAID: “ who the hell taught you to do that?! ” steve to Dustin please
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❝ Camp Know Where, ❞ Henderson replies pointedly, though seems to a doubletake at the other's question. He halts for comedic pause, then looks back towards Steve, brows narrowed. Did they have time to talk about this? No, they absolutely did NOT have time to talk about this. They’re literally about to be a two-course meal. ❝ Wait, wait, wait -- I'm sorry, don't we have bigger priorities right now? It's open, Steven. I got it open. Unless you wanna' end up Demogorgan chow, let's just bail, okay? ❞
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Two Weirdos Pt.2
A small scenario for these two lovebirds🖤💚🤍
He was watching him again
It was comforting, in a way, knowing he was never alone. Always having someone by his side. It was nice.
He felt him move closer. He wondered if he liked drawing. Would he like what he was drawing right now?
Damian didn’t stop drawing, the pencil scraping against paper the only sound. Well, now that he listened, he could actually hear him softly singing. It was cute. He had a lovely voice.
'☾@η∂¥ ḉꪮʟꪮяε∂ ḉʟꪮʊ∂ş, ʟḯḟ⊥ ღε ḟяꪮღ ⊥нε ɠяꪮʊη∂
∀η∂ ḉ@яя¥ ღε @ẘ@¥~'
He was right behind him, looking over his shoulder
'Ħḯɠн ʊ℘ ḯη ⊥нε şḱ¥,
Ꮥḯ⊥ş @ ḱḯηɠ∂ꪮღ ⊥н@⊥ ℐ
Ħ@ṽε яʊʟε∂ ꪮṽεя ḟꪮя ∂εḉ@∂εş'
Arms wrapped around him, his head resting on his shoulder
'฿ʊ⊥ яεḉεη⊥ʟ¥ ḯ'ṽε♭εεη
Damian leaned back into him and listened
'ℐ ηεε∂ şꪮღεꪮηε ⊥ꪮ
฿εşḯ∂ε ღε
Шḯʟʟ ¥ꪮʊ ♭ε ღ¥ ḱḯηɠ?
Ꭷя ⓠʊεεη
ℐ⊥ ∂ꪮşεη⊥ яε@ʟʟ¥ ღ@⊥⊥εя ⊥ꪮ ღε
∀ş ʟꪮηɠ @ş ¥ꪮʊ şẘε@я
✞н@⊥ ¥ꪮʊ'ʟʟ @ʟẘ@¥ş
Ꮥ⊥@¥♭εşḯ∂ε ღε
@η∂ ʟꪮṽε ღε ʟḯḱε ℐ ʟꪮṽε ¥ꪮʊ~'
Oh, how wonderful. It was obviously a proposal, he was obviously asking for his hand in marriage. And how could he refuse?
'ℐη ꪮʊя ḉ@η∂¥ ḉꪮʟꪮяε∂ ḉ@ş⊥ʟε
ℐ⊥'ʟʟ ḟεεʟ ʟḯḱε @ ∂яε@ღ
Ꮥḯ⊥⊥ḯηɠ ♭εşḯ∂ε ღε
@ş ʟꪮηɠ @ş ¥ꪮʊ şẘε@я
✞н@⊥ ¥ꪮʊ'ʟʟ @ʟẘ@¥ş
Ḻꪮṽε ღε ʟḯḱε ℐ ʟꪮṽε ¥ꪮʊ~'
Damian had to see him. He had to. He'd waited so, so long, dreaming day and night about his beloved. And now with this proposal he felt it was finally time. He turned his head—
And oh
He was breathtaking
Whispy white hair that danced as if underwater, light mint skin with slightly pointed ears and green dying stars for eyes, he was everything Damian ever wanted and more. Even his freckels were perfect, taking the shape of constellations.
He had to have him. He had to have him Now
Damian reached for him—
And flipped him over onto his lap.
He made as small 'eep' sound that made Damians chuckle. "Don't be embarrassed, my love. I should be, after that wonderful song. Did you write it yourself? You very talented."
His future husband blushed a beautiful dark green that made his freckles stand out, and then he smiled so wide Damian worried it hurt. It also showed him his fangs, which immediately gave him a new petname.
"You liked it!?" he asked, leaning up and wrapping his arms around him. Damian smiled and kissed his head which was so amazing and he NEEDED to do it again and again and again until he kissed every part of him
"I loved it. You want to be wed, yes?" Oh, he looked so happy. It was so cute, so lovely, so perfect.
He giggled and swooned, kissing his cheek and giggling again as he snuggled into him. Snuggling! Into him! Damian could die right now and he wouldn't care. He buried his face into his hair. He smelled like citrus and ozone.
"Oh yes! I've dreamed about it since I met you. Who do you want as your best man? What type of flowers do you like? A season you prefer? A place? Religion?"
He chuckled again. "Slowly, kitten." Damian liked that petname. It appeared his beloved did too. "I didnt plan our first date just for us to jump to the wedding. I dont even know your name."
His beloved smiled dreamily.
"My name is Danny. Danny Phantom."
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gabetheunknown · 10 months
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Ah, there it is! I saw a post like this the other day and I could not, for the life of me find it back, so I'm glad I get to share my thoughts about this after all (not that anything would've stopped me) Prepare for the essay, I never keep things short!
The Rockrose and the Thistle, is in my opinion a love song of sorts, but a different kind of love song that Extraordinary Things is, focused on the first part of it. Both songs are very similar in more ways than just recurring notes. Both songs are written in Dminor. (wheras Extraordinary Things has Minor Melodic elements that raises the 6th note to create the G major chord he plays when he sings the lyrics ‘extraordinary things’ and sings an A on top which sounds really pretty and immediately caught my ear) 
The notes everyone is referring to are in the intro of Extraordinary Things, D C D E F E F G A B♭ A G A  (I put it on a scale because I can and I’m a nerd. I also love the harmonies)
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And it doesn’t just come back in the Rockrose and the Thistle, there’s two other songs written in Dminor in the Horror and the Wild and that is The Horror and the Wild, where the repetition of these tones are beautifully audible in Madeleine’s ‘You are the son of every dressing up box’ and Farewell Wanderlust, where they immediately accentuate that B♭ (which is the 6th note of the Dminor scale) in instrumentals. In Farewell Wanderlust they also play with more chromatic elements as they add a flat second note and a flat seven. The use of chromatic elements (half note distances) isn’t new for Joey and Madeleine and in my opinion it just adds a lot to the musicality of it all, it’s clever, it immediately catches my ear, it’s subtle things like that that make me keep coming back to their music. Rather than a melodic minor scale, Joey could’ve just added that half note distance to add a major G chord to his scale, because the use of major chords in minor scales is just chef’s kiss in my musical opinion, especially in combination with the words he sings. The notes he uses are not uncharacteristic for Joey’s music.
NOW LISTEN, I LOVE this ask because it means I can break down every aspect of what I love about Joey’s singing and what different things I love about Jaskier’s singing. Because oh my god the TALENT, to still make people go ‘wait I just found out that Joey Batey sings both in the Amazing Devil and as Jaskier in the Witcher’ to this day astonishes me and I’m never surprised when someone stumbles upon that realization. The breathiness he uses on his voice in both the Rockrose and the Thistle (and more TAD songs) and Extraordinary Things blows my mind. But there’s a difference to the way he uses it in both songs, let me try to explain. He sings with an aspirated voice (Which means to sing with a breathy voice) in The Rockrose and the Thistle, but in Extraordinary Things, it feels like sometimes he is just breathless and it’s so beautiful and small and soft and intimate, considering the words he’s singing. We, as singers at the conservatory, were taught to make our breaths as inaudible as possible, to remove as much breath from our voices as possible, when singing on record. So needless to say it is a DELIGHT to hear Joey just put his whole heart and soul into every breath he takes, he’s considerate of every syllable, the volume of his voice, the clearness or lack thereof, the shakiness of his breaths fucking kill me dead… ALSO what astonishes me the most about the difference between his TAD songs and his Jaskier songs is the change in vibrato. Jaskier uses more vibrato in his voice than Joey does in the Amazing Devil and I go INSANE about that because my teachers have always said that vibrato is a hard thing to control and requires a lot of training and he’s just out there, mending it to his will as if it is no big deal, like :-) King? I’m jealous, hello? 
I’ve nothing else to say about this for now (lies) it’s already become a full on essay, so I hope this satisfies your needs for now lmao
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bl4cktourmaline · 5 months
Cna I req akito x mischievous fem reader oneshot where reader teaches akito how to make pancakes, and she starts a flour fight and also smears syrup/fruit sauce on his face when theyre adding it? Ty <3
(๑ↀᆺↀ๑) — shinonome akito
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : You, his precious girlfriend decided to help him out for the upcoming school festival by teaching him how to make fluffy pancakes...but during the pancakes making, a war broke out?!
✿ — ♯ GENRE : fluff, goofy kids just being kids as ever and female reader.
✿ — ↠ NOTE : hii hii stella! Sorry it's took me a while, I have to ask for help with how to make pancakes and all because I generally don't know tbh so hopefully it's still live up to your request! I love goofy kids, they are so wholesome<;33
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ♭ ⁿᵒʷ ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ... : @msith
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : In The Kitchen, There is War
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The sun shines brightly across the clear blue skies, the soft chirping of the bird's song echoes throughout the neighborhood.
The patter of bare feet slapped across the kitchen floor, running around hastily as a young girl start opening many...and many cabinets, looking for something hidden inside.
"Ugh, now where the heck is that flour...I could have sworn it was here..." Letting out a grunt, moving on to the next cabinet "Ah!"
Inside the wooden space lay a small sack, seemingly untouched "Found it!" You hummed happily, reaching inside to grab the sack of flour
Closing the cabinet behind and went to grab the baking powder in one of the kitchen shelves, "Aki, can you get the butter from the refrigerator? Make sure it's the unsalted butter!"
"Sure" Grabbing the butter from the refrigerator as he turn his head towards the girl rushing around the kitchen counter, carrying some ingredients in her arms "is that all?
"Yeah, and oh! Don't forget to wear your apron" You said while placing the ingredients down on the counter "You can borrow my dad's apron, it's on the hanger next to the oven on your right"
"Alright" Akito noted.
"Okay, I think we got everything, right?" Standing in front of the kitchen counter before you are various ingredients such as flour, sugar, milk, baking powder, unsalted butter and vegetable oil.
You cheered "Now we can start the cooking!"
"Why do I have to do this?"
"Oh come on, you know it's for our school festival, it's not that bad"
"And how do you expect me to trust that you wouldn't do anything stupid?"
"Hey! I can be nice once in a while too"
"... almost never" He smirks.
"I can't believe you!" You whined, puffing your cheeks up "Just trust me this once please?"
He stare before sigh in defeat "... Alright"
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Some time later...
"They actually do look good" Akito smiles proudly at the sight of a very fluffy pancakes sitting nicely on the white plate, looking very delicious to devour "We are missing the syrup, where did you put them anyways-"
He paused himself when he felt the weight of powdery all over his hair. Akito reeled back, surprised and stared at the culprit in question: you
You only narrowed your eyes, grinning "Oops?"
Oh, it's on.
Before you could act, Akito grabbed his own handful of the white powdery and start throwing them at the girl, letting out a squeak in surprised when it's successfully hitting her cheek, covering her face in white which he laugh "Oh hello, miss clown, lovely weather today?"
"Oh, why indeed, it's a nice sunny day outside, isn't it mister popsicle, lovely hair you have right there by the way!" You looked at him with a playful smile before taking more flour and tossing it at the male.
"You ask for it!" He hide behind the counter for cover and plan his next attack.
...and the next few minutes, the room is filled with laughter and running with the floor and counter being covered by a large amount of flour. So white that they can see their own footprints tracing behind them as they continue playing their cat and mice game.
“Okay, okay you win!” You raise up your hands, surrendering.
"Are you sure?" He stood up from his hiding spot, walking towards you cautiously.
He was so focused on your face that he didn't notice the sweet and thick liquid on the tip of your fingers. Good.
"Yeah, you can see I don't have anything on me right?"
When he was close enough, you took the opportunity to smears the syrups on his nose and cheek which he stagger backwards in surprised "Wha-"
"Hehe, aren't you a sweet one?"
"Why you little minx, get over here!!"
"Nah uh!" You squealed as another heap of flour hit the back of your dress, trying to make your escape but you were easily cornered with his arms around your waist and...
"Noooo!! Stop!!!"
You start laughing uncontrollably as he started tickling your sides up and down "Okay, okay, okay I surrender!! Just please stop hahaha!!"
“Promise?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Yeah, Promise so please!!”
"Alright" He remove his hands slowly as you take a few moments to breathe.
The whole kitchen is a complete mess as if a tornado just come in and ruin the place. The poor pancakes are probably cold by now...
"This is going to be a pain to going home like this, I hope you know that"
"Aww, don't say that, you were so into the fight too, you can't lie to me!"
"Shut up before I kiss you"
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Aftermath...
"(name), we're home! What do you want to eat for dinner to-WHY IS MY KITCHEN A MESS?" The older man was staring in disbelief at the white powdery covering the room as his daughter was awkwardly standing there.
"Oh hey, mom dad...I can explain..." You mumbled under your breath. Uh oh.
Akito bow his head "I'm so sorry miss and mister (surname), I did tried to stop her from playing around with the flour"
"Oh dear..." Your mom sighs, disappointed.
"(name), you're going to help me and clean this up" Your dad said, rolling his sleeves up.
"WHAT? Mom Dad! He is lyingggg, he was playing around too!!"
"Now now, don't bully your own boyfriend now"
...thus the loud chattering within the (surname) household into the night.
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yjyt85r98r · 1 year
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Differences between Aikatsu and Pretty Series music, and how the changes in music reflect other changes in the series
I wrote a thing discussing the differences between the two series’ coords, and it seems I can’t stop writing these silly little things. Anyway, it seems to me like the styles of composition actually reflect the styles of outfit design, and change accordingly alongside the outfits.
I will try my best not to use too much jargon, but no promises.
So first, the general differences between the two series. In the thing about outfits, I wrote that Pretty Series outfits tend to have more flashy/outlandish concepts but less detail than their Aikatsu counterparts, and I think that reflects in the music, somewhat. Aikatsu music usually has a consistent amount of detail in all their songs, whereas Pretty Series often spreads or concentrates the level of detail so that it isn’t all the same. It’s a bit harder to judge the amount of detail in songs compared to in coords, because you can’t really ‘see’ a whole song at once. (I mean, I guess you could make sheet music displaying every instrument and every part of the song, but that seems like a difficult task even for me.) Even so, I’ll try to name some examples.
The instrumentals during the first verse of a Pretty Series song will usually be pretty quiet and simple, sometimes to the point where if you listen to the off vocal version on a low volume, there can be a 10-second period where you’ll hardly hear any sound at all. This is especially prevalent in their more classical or theatre-inspired songs from the mid-2010s (e.g. 0-week-old, Pure Amore Love), but it also happens in newer songs like Believe. In comparison, there are hardly any parts of Aikatsu songs where the instrumentals are very quiet. To be honest, I actually quite like the Pretty Series’ approach to instrumentals in first verses, because it allows more build-up to happen later, and it brings more attention to the character’s voice.
Despite the fact that the Pretty Series sometimes opts for very simple instrumentals, it also goes to extremes that Aikatsu never does. The Pretty Series has put out some noisy, noisy stuff, even exploring the territory of metal music. Aikatsu doesn’t really do that. Even Glass Doll, one of the series’ heaviest-sounding songs, is quite clean and melodic, giving the electric guitar a designated time to shine and then making it go back to the sidelines. That being said, some of the pop-type songs are a bit noisy and incorporate a lot of strange or confusing sound effects.
Aikatsu songs use rhythm changes, while Pretty Series songs use key changes. Most Aikatsu songs feature at least once change in the rhythm. Dreaming bird is the best and most extreme example, but it happens in lots of songs such as Light Pink Day Tripper and Believe it. As for the Pretty Series, I can count the number of songs with notable rhythm changes on one hand. Well, there are probably more than 5, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head. (Adding/removing percussion doesn’t fully count as a rhythm change if the overall ‘feel’ of the rhythm remains the same even without percussion.) Around half of the Pretty Series songs feature key changes. Some of them, like nth color and GOst♭Coaster, feature a quite-frankly-ridiculous level of key changes that I have to admire the audacity of. For comparison, I only know of 9 Aikatsu songs that have key changes. Nobody asked me, but I personally much prefer rhythm changes over key changes. To me, most key changes are jarring, cheap tricks designed either to invoke emotions without actually trying, or to keep a song within a very limited vocal range even though I know the singers could go outside of that range. Rhythm changes, on the other hand, merge perfectly and sound effortless but require more creativity to write. That’s not to say all key changes are bad and all rhythm changes are good, but... I’ve made my preference clear. (Aikatsu is also a lot better at using key changes in clever ways, where it slowly guides you from one key into another, rather than just changing it all at once. Some songs, like The Wasteland’s Miracle, have such subtle key changes that I didn’t even notice them until the second or third listen.)
So, on to the ways that the music has changed alongside the fashion.
Pretty Rhythm’s fashion is much more simple and “everyday” than any of the fashion from its descendants and competitors. Pretty Rhythm’s music reflects that by limiting itself to the genre of dance-pop and using repetitive, simple melodies. Come Rainbow Live, the fashion changed to be slightly more detailed and costume-like, but still not as wild as the fashion that would come later. The music also changed slightly, by giving classical/orchestral music to the nonhuman characters, and sometimes incorporating orchestral instruments into the dancey songs, like the violin in Get music! Post-Rainbow Live, the fashion and music both became much more outlandish, as well as more diverse. The level of detail and volume of fabric increased on the outfits. The styles of music and types of instruments used became more varied. Songs from the newer series follow the standard “A-melody, B-melody, chorus” format (AKA verse, bridge, chorus), whereas many Pretty Rhythm songs don’t even have a B-melody/bridge at all.
Trying to connect the following two things together is a bit of a stretch, so maybe I shouldn’t be viewing them as connected at all, but: Aikatsu Stars fashion expanded somewhat in directions that the original Aikatsu did not, and the same could be said of its music. The difference isn’t huge, but it’s there. Right from the very first coord that Stars ever showed in CGI (namely the Dreaming Princess Coord), the dress silhouettes were, at times, getting longer and wider. They took this to 11 in season 2 with the Sun and Moon dresses. The music in Stars is very similar to the music in the original Aikatsu, but they tried some new things. Lily’s songs use irregular time signatures (e.g. 7/4, 5/4) which change throughout the song. Then there are songs like One Step and TSU-BO-MI where there isn’t a beat drop or crescendo at the chorus, but instead the song actually gets quieter or simpler at the halfway point. These could be seen as expanding the “shape” and “size” of the music. At least they could if you’re me and you’re trying way too hard.
Then of course Aikatsu Friends changed the fashion and music by focusing on matching outfits and duet songs. And when Aikatsu Planet came along, the outfits because slightly less detailed, and the songs started to have simpler lyrics and more repetitive melodies.
I don’t have any conclusion to make out of this, or at least not anything I haven’t already said.
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tfbsattic · 10 months
Huey, Dewey, Louie, and a Magyar PM’s Demise
While touring Budapest during the Balkan Explorer Tour via Expat Explore in 2023, the free day coincided with Philippine Independence Day – also MY 34th BIRTHDAY. Being a Disney fan myself, the city’s sights brought up DuckTales.
And I do mean the original 1987-1990 run.
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Photo taken 6/12/2023.
So what does a Disney animated series have to do with Budapest – or rather, the whole country of Hungary? Ask any resident who was between 3-12 years old and living in said country on December 12, 1993, and they’d likely tell you that something somber interrupted an episode of it.
Picture if you will being a kid watching Disney Sunday, the equivalent of America’s The Disney Afternoon in a post-Cold War Hungary (or a few other European countries) on that day. The theme song plays as normal.
“It will never leave,” said Doug Walker, the Nostalgia Critic. “it will never leave. It's like an addiction. You think you're over it. You think, “I only know a few lyrics of the song…’”
“Life is like a hurricane Here in Duckburg Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes It’s a Duck blur Might solve a mystery Or rewrite history." “DuckTales, woohoo! Every day that I've been making DuckTales, woohoo! Tales so daring, do-bad and good Luck tales.” “D-d-d-danger lurks behind you There’s a stranger out behind you Gonna find you What to do?” “JUST GRAB ONTO SOME DUCKTALES!” “WOOHOO!“
“I mean once you hear it once, it will never, ever go away. And you wanna know what the creepy thing is? I think this show stayed on the air strictly because of the theme song! I mean think about it, what do you actually remember about this show?”
Many a Magyar ‘90s kid’s disturbingly thorough answer came to a head during Uncle Scrooge’s breakfast conniption in the Catch as Cash Can story arc episode, “A Whale of a Bad Time.” He was dismayed and enraged when he lost half of his fortune via the boat containing it being eaten by a sea monster. As Huey, Dewey, and Louie restrained him, every TV screen in every Magyar household open to DuckTales desaturated, changed to static briefly, and went black for 15 minutes.
The Magyar Televízió logo appeared in a gloomy grayscale, accompanied by a track of the 3rd movement of Fredric Chopin’s Piano Sonata No. 2 in B♭ minor, Op. 35. It signified to Magyars of all ages – even and especially the perplexed ‘90s kids trying to make sense of whatever abruptly interrupted their DuckTales fix – that someone very important had died.
That someone very important was József Antall, the first democratically elected prime minister.
Shortly after his inauguration in May 1990, Antall was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He underwent surgery that October, with him having an interview on the response to the taxi blockade in ihis sleepwear. His cancer recurred in May 1991.
Antall died in his sleep due to complications on December 12, 1993. Magyar adults and well-informed teens who knew and loved him were bereft of a strong leader in Hungary’s post-communist history, whereas befuddled kids wondered why the TV cared more of about a prime minister’s death over a Disney animated series.
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Those children who grew up back then were dubbed the “DuckTales Generation.”
“I wanted to switch channels to see if there was another cartoon,” recalled one Magyar adult, “but my parents wanted to watch M1 because – unlike me – they knew who PM Antall was and why the news of his death was important.”
“As a result of the shock, I rushed to the bathroom,” recalled another, “but I could barely tell what had happened all the way through. My mom cried to my dad, ‘Antall is dead!’ And then they looked at me, over my head. The children watching DuckTales at the time experienced a minor trauma as they were torn out of the safe world of Disney magic – and the unknown, incomprehensible blackness came.”
“Chopin's funeral march and the deep blackness cast a pall over the country for just a couple of minutes.”
“I called my parents, ‘Dad, I think (Antall) had died,’” recalled the owner of conservative blog Meanwhile in Budapest.
The death announcement of Antall wasn’t the only kids’ show interruption in history. On June 2, 2020, Viacom-owned TV channels (including Nickelodeon) around the world interrupted TV shows with an 8:46 PSA.
The white text, “I Can’t Breathe,” faded in and out to the cadence of a sound effect of a human breathing. The duration matched the one in which Derek Chauvin held his knee down on George Floyd’s neck till he suffocated. Either a Color of Change text number or the Amnesty International website (depending on country) appeared alongside it.
The PSA scared some kids, which lead some of their parents to rant about it on the Viacom channels’ social media accounts, some with some political rebukes.
But whichever their political views, most Magyar children who grew up when a death of a beloved dignitary interrupted a Disney TV show in the ‘90s knew that their moment was a blindingly brighter lightbulb memory. Even a traveling exhibit by Magyar artists on the childhood children in Hungary spent between the late ‘80s and noughties was APTLY named after that episode of which doleful breaking news interrupted it.
As Walt Disney said, “Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. Most things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from reality.”
Simply put, life HAS BEEN like a hurricane, anywhere in the world, whether kids and parents like it or not.
Especially in early ‘90s Hungary.
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Photo taken 6/12/2023.
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madewithonerib · 9 months
Changed by the Word of GOD | Eric Gilmour [James 1:18]
LOL this is cracking me up [1:22] this is #not what you think, I am laughing about how quickly GOD is saying as a course correction.
the experience of an extravagant kind is a little bit above #CHRIST as revealed in Scripture, but that's not true; nor is it equal to Scripture or just a little below Scripture.
What saves ppl is CHRIST revealed in Scripture & what we need is HIM as HE is revealed in Scripture.
James 1:18 | ¹ HE chose to give us 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 of #truth, that we'd be a kind of firstfruits of HIS creation.
I think we have circled the wagons on this topic for today, seriously we walked #around this topic of GOD's being & #truth being #intertwined & unalterable/inseparable, and that is our #problem—we're still in shifting sand when we look away from GOD at other thoughts/hurts/past as tho any of the #snapshot of our lives as it is currently is the final outcome.
It's not, GOD said to me a few weeks ago, wait until the end..LOL & I'm like what??? YOU just confirmed me into YOUR family!!!
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Hey maybe that's why GOD started us kids out in being traumatized with OT, Oliver Twist, like the kid left out in the field, unwanted & abandoned to die..
Ezekiel 16:4-5 Jerusalem’s Unfaithfulness ⁴ On the day of your birth your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water for cleansing. You were not rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths.
⁵ No one cared enough for you to do even one of these things out of #compassion for you. Instead, you were thrown out into the open field, cause you were #despised on the day of your birth.
And this links up with James 1:27, which I was led to study or pair together earlier in thought of pursing GOD [Romans 9:31-32]
Like a giant chain reaction that takes place just from following GOD around, trying to be where ever HIS Presence is--rather than like a slave doing what he thinks will suffice for his MASTER, we're like the #nursery rhyme about the little #lambs that followed Mary everywhere she went ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ 🎼🎵🎶
..................................................................................... John 10:27-28 | MY sheep listen to MY voice; I know them, & they follow ME. ²⁸ I give them eternal life, & they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of MY hand. .....................................................................................
James 1:27 | Hearing and Doing Pure & undefiled religion before our GOD & FATHER is this: 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 #𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗻𝘀 & widows in their distress, & to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I am looking for a job and this thought kept coming up, "I should do something for GOD" like Andrew Klavan driving around LA in his newly minted corvette & he generously says:
GOD YOU have given me so much! What can I do for YOU now?! 'Acknowledge that you're Christian.'
What?! YOU can't be serious, that would be career ending suicide!!! As the story goes AK did come out of the Hollywood closet & puts the Holy Wood as focal point of all his work.
Also this lady was recorded on the local news as saying the way we treat the most vulnerable in our society [#orphans/homeless/widows] is a reflection of the depravity/downward spiral of our morality [fraying of the fabric that binds us all together, kind of like that idea of the #acorn, when we realize compassion starts with a keen understanding that we're no different though all our present circumstance says otherwise.
LOL my last job was told to follow people around, #follow! #follow!! I was like what, every time GOD put me in a strange role where it felt like I was #reverting back to my #childhood again — the not knowing what to do & having to ask for everything
We're going back to Eden, the perfect place with GOD at the center of our lives. I do have to say I always thought it strange how Noah reacted so #vehemently against his son for looking upon his nakedness... today it clicks Love covers a multitude of sins [1 Peter 4:8]
Ham was wrong to focus on the bad.
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 2 years
♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye
Send one for your muse to…
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"it's nothing. You don't need to get all railed up about it" Shisui protested as blood came out of his nose, his split lip was bleeding too. Shisui got into fight just cause he could not look away from what he heard, he wanted but something in him was stronger and made him punch the other man.
Shisui screwed up things this time. God, it's pretty bad, he should just have stayed home. Shit.
"Hey, will you go on a drink and dinner with us? " Happy faces of his ANBU fellow nin asked andShisui more than happy accepted.
"Is that him?"
"That cursed Uchiha who plays teacher to that Hyuga brat? Teaching him but what?" Shisui knew that people gossip but to so openly talk to get his attention?
Why can't people just keep their mouths shut? Shisui ignore comments and tried to catch up with my companions. But the man was drunk and he got into Shisui's face.
"You should be saving lives not endangering them, you are described as all Uchihas are. Hokage was right to put you all in the far corner of the village as animals. Did you use Sharingan on Neji? Is that it?"
Anger darkened Shisui's sanity. Chakra filled his veins. He was like another person. He punched the man in the face. And the man was not giving up he punched back. The smell of blood excited Shisui. The change was visible. Only then man saw that he will die.
"No Shisui!!!" His companions prevented the tragedy that day.
Shisui was still not looking at Neji, which the younger man solved gripping Shisui's jaw to make him look him in the eyes. The grip was strong almost squishing Shisui's cheeks, Shisui blinked his big eyes almost not believing....
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fragmcntdstars · 6 months
♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye / from andy to nica
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she's been cooperating with chucky, almost to a point where they're more intertwined than she'd wanted at the first. he helps her walk && its the first time she's been able to do that on her own in her entire life. yeah, she's got to use some mobility aids at times, but there's still something else about the freedom that she can't quite fight. so she doesn't. she knows that she should, though. she knows that any further intertwining with chucky ends up putting her in a greater risk, but some small part of her can't muster up the energy required for immediate care. its always something she'll end up pushing toward tomorrow. always tomorrow, because tomorrow was definitely easier than the current day. there's a twitch of her jaw, but she ends up looking at andy with a slightly angry expression on her face. "what?" she asks, tiredness creeping into her words. "i'm not hurting anyone && i'm not doing anything bad." its the truth, && she knows it, but she's also just tired. she wants to get back into her wheelchair, or at least go to bed. she leans a little more on the crutches, trying to put as much weight off her legs as possible.
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endtiimes · 1 year
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@warraigoe​ SAID: he's learned to turn off his brain… it was better to just not think about the deaths you're causing because you thought you were HELPING… piers thought about chris every day, thankful that he was avoiding this purgatory where watching others die was for entertainment. it isn't until he grabs a survivor, holding up the man that his vision clears and he ends up dropping the human. ❝ ch…chris.. ? ❞ / killer piers…
So close, ridiculously close to finishing off this generator. Some would call his commitment dangerous, stupid, but the whole team's reeling, and he needs to focus on getting everyone out alive. So when he hears the thudding footsteps around the corner, he turns one more gear and the machine bursts to life.
Of course, it doesn't transpire so swimmingly when he's grabbed from his pedestal. The resistance is immediate, kicking and manoeuvring in the other's grip -- until he finds himself thrown to the floor, grunting in pain. Sick bastard probably wanted him to bleed out, or so he thought, looking up to see who the killer actually was. And all color drains from his face.
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" ...P...Piers...? Wh-what--? "
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endtiimes · 1 year
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@blowhxle​​ SAID: ❝ I knew you were crazy from the beginning. ❞ [vanellope]
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❝ Crazy? ❞ Vanellope remarks, sitting up on the console -- and PROBABLY leaning on millions of dangerous buttons. Is she aware she's a menace to scientist society? Oh, yeah, very much so, but that's hardly going to stop her. She kicks her legs off the edge of the counter, then cocks her head with a VERY condscending glance in the doctor's direction. ❝Nah, I think that’s just your buzzkill talking, buddy. I bet you've never had any fun in your life. Like EVER. I mean, come ON, what's else pumps adrenaline like hitting a bunch of buttons you  have no idea what do?! ❞
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endtiimes · 1 year
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@warraigoe​ SAID: ❝ ada, that kid… ❞ leon starts, but he's unsure what he wants to ask… and if he even wants to KNOW. still, his curiosity was getting the better of him, but he KNEW better. at the end of the day, he was SCARED of whatever the answer would be… no matter the outcome. an exhale, ❝ nevermind. ❞
The woman is immersed in a book, barely batting an eye at Leon; it's a rarity for her, given their dynamic. The fact of the matter is, however, that their circumstances are a tad more... dire. The critical nature of their relationship being that of parenthood. Ada had no ties left; no parents, no family -- such a concept had been the last thing to come to mind. In her field of work, having family meant nothing more than leaving footprints and leverage for your enemies. And she had to be a step up from the competition at all costs.
She's not sure how she's taking it. Of course, it's been like that for years now. Maybe it's just that protective instinct everyone talks about... though she felt pity for the children in this world, she hardly deemed herself good with kids. She could infiltrate pharmaceutical organizations, stage a heist and live life as a fugitive -- being a mother isn't exactly on her resume.
❝ ... ❞ there's a silence that answers Leon, and she closes the book, looking at him expectantly, finally. Then, away as she sighs in resignation.
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❝ You know, Leon, it isn't a very hard puzzle.  ❞
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endtiimes · 1 year
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@warraigoe​ SAID: there’s a jolt as he wakes up suddenly. leon’s chest is practically heaving as he’s trying to collect his thoughts. he turns towards chris, hoping he didn’t wake the other... but then again, he just wanted to confirm that HE WAS THERE. that chris was real... and that they were here together... but there’s a wince as he sees the other man’s wake up, ❝ sorry -- did i wake you ? ❞ he asks, hand running through his hair.  ❝ just had a weird dream. ❞
Sleep; that's such an outlier word these days. Between the horror movies reality keeps delivering to his doorstep and his loved ones endangered at every corner, Chris doesn't remember the last time he'd so much as gotten a wink. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees them. STARS, Raccoon City -- the list goes on. All the people he could have saved, but didn't. So typically, those weren't comforting thoughts to fall asleep to, but human beings couldn't function on determination alone. Even Chris Redfield, whose determination carried through his blood like oxygen. He'd finally seemed to be about to doze off, at least... until he senses unease from the other beside him, and the jolt awake acts as a synchronised wakeup call.
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❝ Mmm...? No, no... was already 'wake anyways... Leon... ❞ Redfield yawns, voice groggy as he looks over. He had far more pressing matters than sleep now. He moves to rub his eyes, then wraps an arm around the other, giving a gentle squeeze. ❝ Y'wanna' talk about it...? ❞
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endtiimes · 1 year
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@floraprin​ SAID: ❛ i’m not afraid of anything. not anymore. ❜ / to chris !
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❝ That a fact? ❞ the man replies, leaned against the tree with a raise of his eyebrow. Not that he's completely surprised -- he expected that kind of attitude from her, and it seems he wasn't too far off the mark. Right on it, actually. Honestly? He could relate... he's been through enough that everything had been tried and tired... Sure, there are people he worries about. Always. But otherwise, fear isn't a word in Redfield's dictionary. He radiated... 'confidence,' as he's sure she did. Still, these things didn't come without a story to tell... ❝ What changed? ❞
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endtiimes · 2 years
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@warraigoe​ SAID: ❛  i blame you for everything .  ❜ / killer leon to ada 💖
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❝ I didn't do this to you, Leon, ❞ Ada replies coldly; blunt as it sounds, if it were up to her -- none of this would have happened. THEY would have never happened at all. Maybe it would make this whole ordeal less messy... she hated the way her heart ached looking at him. What the world, what the Entity put him through... it sickened her. Moreso that she couldn't understand the pain, for she had ripped it from them all too quickly. Maybe she's flippant, but she can't let Leon's words hurt her; she can't afford to. ❝ And the sooner you realize you're just part of her game, the better. ❞ If he can, anyway... that hope from all those years ago -- it’s strangely contagious, even now, against her better judgement.
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endtiimes · 2 years
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@showcrime​ SAID: "silver?" kris's eyes widened at the sight of him, all too aware of her uniform, the r blazing across her chest. she didn't think he was around - not that she could have shirked out on the mission - but she'd have tried to be further in if she'd known. "what are you- you can't be here right now."
Silver had come to expect many things of Kris; she and Gold were baffling to a degree that the rival would never be able to rightly describe. A sickening amount of compassion that he would never be able to attest to. So seeing her here now, clad in a uniform under an organisation he's come to greatly despise... forgive him if his blood boils, just a little.
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❝ You. Why are you wearing that? ❞ he replies pointedly, tone edged dangerously. ❝ To be so weak to imitate the most disgusting -- why? ❞
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