#“because we’re friends and friendship is munching on a well-cooked face together
ravenalla · 7 months
I wish I could animate for the sole purpose of using llamas with hats audio with Villainous characters
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traveler-of-realms · 1 year
Faelit was a place to get into all sorts of trouble. It’ll definitely find you, even if you’re sitting on the front steps of a building, waiting for someone to come back.
Ces had left me alone. Only for a moment, but it was long enough for another woman to find me. I jumped as a heavy weight creaked the woods steps beneath me. “Hey, old pal. What’s good?”
A demon woman was smiling at me. Two large horns swept back from her temples, with two smaller ones doing the same below them. They hid two long, tapered ears, and were partially hidden by the mess of curly red hair atop her head. Her skin was red at the edges and faded into a more human pink towards the center. Two rows of fanged teeth showed as she pulled a mischievous grin.
“I don’t know you,” I said, carefully.
She languidly stretched out and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I froze. “Yeah, there’s a creepy lady following me. So now we’re best friends, and we’ve done cool things together and we’ll go on adventures in the future. Because that’s what pals do. Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together.” She laughed at my expression. “I’m just teasing you. So. What’s your name?”
“Jaden.” I mean, those high heel boots probably could make a good weapon against creeps, but that was just my opinion.
“Oh. I like it. Nice name for a nice…” She squinted at me. “Enby?”
“Yeah,” I said, surprised.
“We get a lot of people like that around here. Plenty of species don’t do gender. I’m KJ. Or Kate. Whichever.” She casually wiped some unseen crumbs off her tank top. “What brings you to Faelit?”
“Someone named Ces brought me here. I don’t know why, honestly.”
“Shut up! She’s still alive? I’m gonna have to get a good look at her. I’m assuming she just left you here like a child in a hot car, huh?” I nodded. “Eh. She does that. I’ll keep ya company.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you? Species, I mean. I’m sorry.” Now my curiosity was really piqued.
“Chill out. Your kind calls us demons, and our realm Hell. Though you won’t end up there due to masturbating or not forgiving the person who took the last cake slice at a potluck, I can tell you that.” She took out a flask from her cargo pants and took a sip. I shook my head as she offered it to me. “Weird species, humans. You want to go inside? Grab a bite or a drink? My treat. Ces might not be back for a while.”
I paused. “Tempting offer. Where are we going?”
KJ gestured up the stairs. “In there. It’s a cafe by day and a night club by sundown. You look like you could use a coffee or something.”
“They have things a human can eat?”
She laughed. “Yeah, but it’s slim pickings. We don’t get many around here, you see. Don’t worry, Barry will know what to get you. He’s an expert on biology.” She got up and climbed the stairs. “Come on. Don’t be shy now.”
As much as I didn’t really trust her, I hadn’t really eaten or drank anything since Ces pulled me here. I was getting a bit weak. Feeling like a bit of a whiner, I followed KJ.
The cafe itself was beautiful. Windows that acted as portals lined the left wall, while the right one was taken up by the counter and all the coffee equipment. Every once in a while, the windows would shift scenes, or someone would enter or leave through them. Each table was intricately carved and decorated with unique designs, as were the four chairs each one had. The wooden walls were a soft yellow color, contrasting with the red-brown tiles. Patrons were few right now, but conversation was kept to a murmur. The small chandeliers cast just the right amount of bright, cheery light across the place. It was introvert me’s version of heaven, essentially.
KJ walked up to the counter and softly tapped her knuckles on it. A shadow bloomed into existence, and then a person stepped out of it. Well, it was more like a person shaped hole in the world, if that makes sense. The shadow figure tilted its head at KJ.
“It’s been a long time, miss. Who’s your—“ the male voice stopped cold as his head turned towards me.
“Barry, this is Jaden. Found them in the dump outside. Jaden, Barry. Now make nice.”
Barry didn’t move or speak for a long while. “KJ,” he dropped his voice to a whisper, “where did he come from? I thought humans couldn’t travel here.”
“Ces brought me here,” I offered. “She’s…repaying me for a favor I did her.”
“I see. Well, what can I get you? I’m not sure what humans like to eat or drink, but KJ should be able to help you find something.” Barry set two mugs on the table.
KJ ordered some kind of roasted food that ended up being on fire, and a red boiling liquid. For me, she suggested a few dishes that were far too unfamiliar for me to feel brave enough to eat. Some kind of deformed squid, overly suspicious jelly, fish with seven eyes grilled to near burnt…
I settled on a pastry filled with something that tasted like a pig-chicken hybrid, with a hint of barbecue. I also got a tall glass of water with oddly shaped ice cubes. KJ paid for it all with a currency I never saw before and coaxed me to sit down at a cafe table near a window.
“So…” She smirked at me. “Let’s talk.”
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MK OC Randomness part 8... I think. Fuck it! We're going with it!
Welcome back to the shit show. Let's go!
also some of these jokes are from lamas with hats
Qiao Fu is my name for the Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Also some of these jokes are based off skits done by Moonkitti on YouTube. Just re-worded a bit
Nozomi: Hey uncle Shinnok! Do your old man voice!
Shinnok, in his normal voice: What old man voice?
Nozomi: Yeah! That one!
Nozomi: ooh who's this?
Qiao Fu: That's my old wife.
Nozomi: The one who died long ago?
Qiao Fu: The very same
Nozomi: *eyeing the picture* That's too bad. She looks really cute.
Qiao Fu: I'm sorry, do you find my old wife attractive?
Nozomi: Do you not!?
Nozomi: I wanna see my little boy!
Shang Tsung: *helping Meat walk* Here he comes!
Nozomi: *scooping Meat up and hugging him* I wanna see my little boy!
"Revenant" Michiko: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
"Rev" Reiki: Oh.
"Rev" Michiko: I don't understand how you keep forgetting that.
Shinnok: Shh, do you hear that?
Shinnok: That's the sound of forgiveness.
Melantha: That's the sound of people dying dad!
Shinnok: That is what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.
Shariah: How did you even do this!?
Meat: A dollop of fairy dust!
Shariah: Meat!
Meat: I ripped the tag off a mattress.
Shariah: This isn't funny Meat!
Meat: Who's laughing? Clearly not all the people that just exploded.
Shariah: I'm leaving! I've had enough of this!
Meat: But thank of all the perfectly roasted faces we get to munch on now.
Shariah: What? Why?
Meat: Because we're friends. And friendship is two pals munching on well cooked faces together.
"The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in Hell! And yet, here you are limbo dancing with the devil!"- Melantha to Hotaru at a family dinner.
"Oh no. There are consequences to your actions? Who would've thought?" Krow to Raiden and Flamus, still pissed at them for completely destroying a village that housed the remaining nymphs and nymphlims their husband made.
Nozomi: I'm just here to collect Michiko
Qiao Fu: *tries to stab her*
Michiko: You are not my father!
Qiao Fu: Bring proof you are not my daughter!
Meixiu's ghost in the background: Bitch! You literally murdered her birth father!
Nyx: Get out
Reiko: Aww come on. Can't I check in on my favorite little sister?
Nyx: If you don't leave me my room Reiko, I will stab you. And when I do it won't look pretty.
Reiko: there's a pretty way to stab people? Like with a butterfly knife or something?
Nyx: yup. Handle and all.
Reiko: oh... OH!
Nemos: Greetings Thunder God!
Raiden: Eh? Nemos what are you doing here?
Nemos: I'm taking advantage of your guilt-ridden personality to get a head start on being a better realm protector while no one is looking.
Raiden: Nope. New timeline, new Raiden. Go- Go play with your sisters.
Nemos: I'll have you know I've lived 15 lives in which I've played with my sisters, and none of them have been consequential!
Raiden: *sighs* I'm trying to take you seriously. Really. But it just feels like an even smaller Shinnok is yelling at me right now.
Hotaru: *busting into the Sky Temple and picking up Nemos* My beautiful son, I am back from my epic battle of driving out the rebels!
Nemos: Tell me, man who sired me!
Hotaru: We were fighting when suddenly Soldier B produced a substance that burned through their skin!
Nozomi: That sounds like my poison...
Hotaru: Oh no! We'd never poison anyone. Only ambush them in the middle of the night, kill them through physical violence, and intimidate them in other wise orderly court proceedings. Poison is bad.
Nozomi: Have you considered maybe, asking him if he poisoned them?
Hotaru: Oh no, I trust him completely.
Melantha: *holding Discordia and Harmonia* But, what if he did?
Hotaru: *small whimper before glaring and shouting* Solider B! Come here and apologize to my wife for making her think about things immediately!
Solider B: Hi, what?
Hotaru: I said apologize to Melantha!
Solider B: Uh yeah, sorry for poisoning the rebels or something..
Melantha: Hey, has anyone seen Nemos?
Darrius: It seems one of the soldiers has summoned Melantha to their side.
Hotaru: *spying on the rebels* Gonna go see Melantha. I'm gonna see Melantha at the meeting. Gonna see Melantha. Melantha.
OB: I made a perfectly good Titan
Fuyuka: You fucked up my daughter is what you did!
Fuyuka: Look at her! She's traumatized!
Amara: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Leila: I think you mean cards.
Amara, pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.
Ermac: Bad things keep happening to us, like we have bad luck or something.
Zyta: Ermac, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Zyta: You love me, right, Ermac?
Ermac: Normally, we’d say yes without hesitation, but we feel like this is going somewhere and we don’t like it.
Kristy: *steps on her glasses by accident*
Kristy: *inhales* If I knew that this would be the fate that befalls me and these damned glasses, I would've just let the fire reach my left eye and burn it out completely!
Megumi: I turned out perfectly fine!
Ayeka: Megumi, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Zyta: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Philomela: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
Discordia, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Harmonia: You did WHAT–
Nemos: William Snakepeare
Discordia: Hey Harmonia,
Harmonia: Yes?
Discordia: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Harmonia: Where’s Nemos?
Discordia: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Harmonia: Discordia no.
Nemos: Mistlefoe.
Harmonia: Please stop encouraging her.
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Philomela please come to the front desk?
Philomela, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Amara and Zyta*
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Amara and Zyta, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Philomela: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Erron, driving Ash and Kamden: So how was your day?
Ash: We almost got surprise adopted!
Erron: What?
Kamden: We almost got kidnapped.
Erron: Oh, okay.
Erron: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Nozomi: Welcome, fellow idiots
Kung Lao: Hello, Nozomi
Nozomi: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Kung Lao: You underestimate me
Nozomi: What are your goals?
Kung Lao: To pet all the dogs.
Nozomi: No, fitness goals.
Kung Lao: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Liu Kang: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Nozomi: That's why I carry two swords.
Sareena: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Michiko's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get her out...
Sareena: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Michiko: You mean literally or figuratively?
Sareena: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Sareena: Michiko... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Michiko: Your text told me to Satanize the house before you returned.
Sareena: I wrote sanitize, Michiko.
Sareena: You kill people for money?!
Michiko: I can explain!
Sareena: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump!
@deepinthefog @merplderpl @yuvononik @dontunderestimatemypoison @feistyfandomthings @toomanyf4ndoms7 @daddydestrey @tora-lotus @calcium1790 @starneko123 @dinogoofy @bar10du @cyberbloodgoddess
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dropsofletters · 3 years
how to lose someone in seven steps? | prologue
— summary: love-induced heartbreak is one of the most overrated things to ever be talked about, and she doesn’t get why most of her friends take up on such conversations with sighs following every statement. relationships aren’t something to linger on—but when one of her friends dares her to make one of their infamous exes, whom they had a hard time getting over with, fall in love with her, she takes up on the challenge. earning them? easy. losing them? even easier.
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— title: how to lose someone in seven steps? — pairing: wayv x reader (depending on whose route you select) — genre: bet!au ; strangers to friends to lovers!au ; love experiment!au (and other au’s depending on the routes) — type: fluff ; romance ; humor ; drama ; angst (varying according to the route) — word count: 2,821
She once said she’d die the day she fell in love.
It’s one of those rare concepts that her literature teacher loved gushing about when she wrote them on paper. Dying for love, actually, has been romanticized for as long as she can remember. Think The Notebook or Romeo and Juliet—hell, even The Walking Dead could enter in this category in some of their episodes. The toxicity of such matter, however, goes past what she has ever wanted to portray when saying those words. She’d die if she ever were to fall in love.
Because, falling in love feels like dying, and though she hasn’t lived it, she can tell by the look on her friends’ eyes whenever they got their heart stepped on, munched, bitten, spat out at their feet—whatever. Promises of never going through the same thing lived inside her head when she had to push one of her friend’s hair back to have them throw up on the club’s flooring, crying after a break-up. Or, rather, when she saw one of her friends skimming through Instagram for the twelfth time that day and, yes, absolutely, her boyfriend is, still, liking the pictures of a bunch of women with cup sizes bigger than hers.
It’s unnecessary. People dream about it, hear songs about it, but they never quite think about how much they could avoid if they didn’t go around seeking for love, or for one-time-things that will only end up in another person getting entangled. It’s the common mistake of never getting to know another person well, and hence, never getting to know oneself nicely enough. Love starts from the moment we give our first breath.
As of currently, her friend Ada can’t breathe. Or, well, she can—but she chooses not to as she downs yet another shot and weeps at the memory of her latest break up.
The food settled on the table in between the group of eight women smells delicious, but no one has payed enough attention to the meal itself and rather, downed a few drinks for the sake of making Ada feel better. With her makeup running down her chubby cheeks, her once long brown hair cut into a bob after the break-up that has kept her crying for the past two days, and her hands shakingly reaching for the soju to pour some more, she finally takes the first bite of the salad she had ordered, eyes glimpsing at what she never wants to have.
Heartbreak is the ugliest, yet most overrated, thing that could ever happen in this world.
The kind of beauty a woman possesses when getting into a relationship erases itself when she’s out of it. It’s momentary, sure, she’s well aware that Ada will go back to her bubbly, adorable self one of these days, but it’s neither tomorrow nor the next day. “I—I just don’t get it—” And, preferably, the people on the table next to them must not get it as well. They have been snooping on what Ada has been worrying about for the past thirty minutes. “The sex was good. The kisses were good. I just—Why did he have to be such an asshole at the end?”
Ada believes in happy endings, though. When they were children—and she’s one of her oldest friends—, she’d always dress up as Cinderella on Halloween, throwing her shoe around in hopes of someone catching it and looking for her. No one did, but one can only dream. “Baby,” Elena, the classiest of the group, takes out a small handkerchief from her purse before patting it against Ada’s moist cheeks. “That’s what you get for dating an exotic dancer. Who thinks an exotic dancer is going to settle down for them?” She pushes her long black hair away from her shoulders, her porcelain skin matching the deep burgundy of her plush lips. Elena’s beauty is unmatchable.
“I did, b—but…” There it is, the worry, the excuses that come with dating a man. “But Yukhei just seemed different. He always talked about his dreams…and about how pretty he thought I was. It just—” Before she could refill her glass with soju, she takes the bottle away from her.
Heartbreak may have never reached her, but she’s not letting it affect her friend. “Ada, stop it. Enough alcohol for today. Grab a bite or something.”
“Ah!” Ada, as dramatic as always, pushes her head back. “Stop babying me, you’ve all been in this position. Just let me motherfucking drink—!”
Elena sighs from her spot, fingertips running over the glassed table of the restaurant they’re in. Red curtains over glassed windows who trail over the lightened-up city, matching the champagne colored walls. “I didn’t act like this when I broke up with Kun.”
Yifei, who has just come back to the table after a smoke break, ruffles the curled up strands of her bleached blonde hair before scoffing. “That’s because you didn’t love Kun, honey.” Taking her bomber jacket off, she lets her tattoos be on full display, roses and thorns the most outstanding one. “You’ll know what real love is when they leave you for someone else, not when you’re the one leaving.”
“…Damn.” Ada whispers from her spot, licking the outline of her shot glass before sighing. “Did Kun Hang hurt you that much?”
Yifei has thick skin, hurts in ways that no one ever notices, and her love affair from four years ago still lingers within her. “It’s not exactly pain, but when your high school love admits that he’s been in love with this old ass businesswoman for the entirety of your months-long relationship, it hurts.”
“That was four years ago,” Elena answers, swatting her hand in the air. “Besides, I was in love with Kun, but contrary to your two guys…he loved too much. I felt like I was being constricted and, girls, I am a chef—” Pride bleeds from her every word when she takes a sip of her pink champagne. “I know when bad things are cooking up, and Kun was a big red sign for clingy.”
A hiss leaves her lips then, rubbing her hands together. “Oh, damn, we’re getting good spice today, aren’t we? Tearing your exes apart!”
It’s fun—it’s the kind of activity they have to do to have Ada smiling at them. “Well, Ada, now that you’re single, some advice:” Liying speaks from her spot, fixing her perfectly sleeked back bun just to grab a bite of the immaculately prepared carbonara pasta in front of them, twirling her fork in the air. “Never go for younger guys. I went for a college guy, thinking that because he didn’t have much experience, he’d go to me, and because he was rich as all hell, I thought he’d pay for everything…” Liying’s voice trails dangerously, her face without an ounce of makeup scrunching up in disgust. “But younger guys? They’re insecure, end of story.”
It’s a bit difficult to remember who had swept Liying off her feet, considering she’s now happily in a relationship with a journalist. “Who was that again?” She asks, well aware that she is the only one who has stayed single for the majority of their friendship, and Liying turns to the side to look at her.
“Liu Yangyang. Rich nightmare.”
Yifei whistles from her side. “But he was rich. That’s always a plus.”
“Not when he’s always texting you, Yifei.” Liying conquers, pursing her lips in the process. “Like, babe, like, are you sure that you didn’t, like, sleep with someone while I was in Germany? Like, babe, really, like, it is better if you just tell me. Like. Like. Like.” She repeats over and over again, and it’s at this moment that her brain clicks. Right. Liu Yangyang…Liying had introduced her to him once at her birthday event, but she doesn’t remember much from him.
The women around the table burst with laughter, and she looks towards another one of her friends, trying to make Ada feel better. “This group of friends was formed because we all have shitty tastes in men,” Angela instructs, moving her bangs off her forehead to showcase her big eyes, wetting her lips with her drink before hissing. “You remember my ex Ten, Ada? Sometimes, when we slept together, I used to think he was actually getting off to the thought of himself.”
Elena actually snorts at those words, and to have elegant Elena Wang give such reaction means that it is something truly interesting. “No way!”
“Yes! He was too vain. Everything he said was amen.” Angela raises her hands in the air, sighing deeply. “I was saved the day he decided to break up with me.”
She turns to the quiet woman to the side, Shishi’s platinum hair cascading down her back, her thick eyeliner definitely something outstanding about her. “What about you, Shishi?”
“I broke up with someone not too long ago…” The quiet woman says, though the entire table already knows about that.
Yifei groans. “Come on, Shishi, let it out!”
“Fencer asshole.” Shishi, who rarely cusses, lets it out in the air, wrapping her hand snugly around her fork. “Xiao Dejun liked every woman who had good makeup skills. Wear red lipstick and you’re ready to get on his good list.”
Someone lifts their gaze from her phone—Bingbing, happily in a relationship for the last two years, lover of men with smart mouths to carry on with her perfect texting skills. “Can I talk shit about my ex, too?”
“Aren’t you happily married?” She questions, only to have Bingbing waving her phone in the air.
“And I’m keeping my relationship alive because of what I learned.” Bingbing replies, pushing her body forward and resting her head on her interlocked hands. “If a man is hard to decipher, he’s just not that into you. Men are simple creatures, you see.”
“Word to that!” Ada says from her spot, a hiccup following soon after. “Men are simple creatures, because they can’t be considered human.”
For a moment, silence falls around the table and she takes this time to lose herself in the taste of lettuce, tomato and onions sliced together into a perfect concoction with rosy sauce on top. Only when she takes a big bite, downing it with a bit of water, does she realize that all pair of eyes are settled on her. Fourteen eyes capturing her every move is already enough of a terrifying visual.
“What?” Her voice lifts a bit after she says those words, patting a napkin against her lips in case there is something on her lips.
Ada rolls her eyes, too much alcohol taking away her dulcet features. “Babe, tell us about your biggest heartbreak. The biggest asshole you’ve met.”
For a moment, she tries to think. The last date she had was over a year ago…and after losing her time with someone who actually didn’t want to be with her, she cut things off. Not that it hurt, just that she simply decided not to continue dating. It’s a waste of time, seriously.
“I’ve never…had anyone break my heart. If you don’t let anyone do that, it doesn’t happen.” Or so she wants to believe. She never wants to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
“Come on,” Ada replies, taking her phone out of her pocket and looking for something before turning the screen to her. “Tell me you wouldn’t fall for someone like this. You just have dated people who are not worth a heartbreak, I guess.” A golden skinned man meets her vision, and it’s the first time she has seen Yukhei. His brown hair parts naturally, the dimly lit room letting her see the curve of his plush lips, the straightness of his nose and his big, almost doe, eyes. A glint of sweat trails up his biceps as he places one hand on his head, his collarbones on full display on the picture, and though the image does not go lower, she can tell he’s shirtless.
Attractive and yet, she shrugs. “Too typically handsome. I wouldn’t consider him my type.”
“What she wants is the absolute opposite,” Elena says, already rummaging through her social media. “A goody-two-shoes who would leave everything behind for you: Qian Kun.”
This time around, she gets to see a picture directly from Instagram. This guy’s hair is darker, sporting a chef’s uniform as he lifts a tray of food up into the air. Exquisite at its finest, but he’s not bad looking in any way. Slim lips welcoming a big smile, eyes twinkling in innocence, looking too posh to ever make a mistake. “…Not bad, I like the dimple. He seems too good to break your heart, though.”
“What about an artistic guy?” Angela says from her spot, showing her own phone but from another account. This breakup must’ve been messier, she guesses. “I’m sure you’d get your heart broken by Ten. He’s just…too risqué, you fall for him without thinking.”
This man is seated on a leather couch, a camera up to his face, one of his eyes squinted but the one that is opened lets her see the cat-shaped form of them. His lips are slim, though the glimmer of his cheeks is the perfect highlight, tattoos shaping his form, his legs ones to desire. “Nah, he couldn’t break my heart even if he wanted to.”
It becomes a competition, with Shishi rushing to find the pictures she saved on her phone of her latest relationship, clinging to the side of a man in a white uniform. His eyes are an enigma, though the smile on his face is sweet, his brown hair pushed away from his face. “What about the fencer asshole, Xiao Dejun?”
“He’s okay.”
Then, Liying refreshes her memory of Liu Yangyang. Seated in between a big group of people with a smile on his face, his surroundings rich enough to point out in what kind of party he is, the suit on his body deep blue like the ocean. “What about younger guys? Maybe, she just needs someone who is reckless—”
“I’d crush his heart.” Overconfidence starts to take up on her, taking a sip of her drink. “Give me a better shot.”
Yifei, one of her latest options, pushes her phone forward. “What about Kun Hang?”
She remembers Kun Hang, and the man may be gorgeous—but his goofy ways don’t figure him out as a heartbreaker. “We’d be great friends. I doubt we’d even get together.”
“Last chance, ladies!” Bingbing stands from her seat to get over her, wrapping one arm around her shoulder before showing her the screen. This man is more simplistic, his black hair covering most of his forehead, though the prettiness of his face is not to be missed, plump lips, nicely rounded cheeks, and a look on his eyes that screams ‘boy-next-door’. “Is Dong Sicheng the kind of guy who’d break your heart?”
“Girls,” She says, pushing Bingbing’s phone away before chuckling. “You just give people the power to hurt you. I could make any of these men cry for me if I just put my mind into it. Heartbreak is mental, no matter how much people try to say it isn’t.”
Shishi deadpans, then. “Break one of their hearts and we’ll believe you.”
Ada must have seen a goddess right at that moment, with wings and promises that have her widening her eyes and smacking her hands against the table. God, she’ll be lucky if people stop looking at them for once tonight. “Yes! You can pick someone and break their hearts, and teach us your ways!”
“I doubt this is a good idea…” Elena whispers, though Ada shakes her head.
“Raise your hand if you want her to break your ex’s heart.”
Six hands are raised, and Elena raises it with one final sigh.
It’s one of those ‘a rush in the moment’ things, when adrenaline pumps inside her body too quickly and she’s overexcited. Very rarely does someone feel like this in adulthood—as if youth and power lasts forever, so she puts one hand forward. “Put all your phones down with the pictures of the guys whose heart you want me to break, and I’ll pick someone.”
Cheers fill the air for the tale of a bad idea given by alcohol, but she feels powerful, staring at a group of men that she doesn’t know—men she should hate for breaking the hearts of those whom she loves. It shouldn’t be that difficult, right? If they were able to break her friends’ hearts, she can do the same thing.
Her hand hovers in the air, pondering, seeing, letting her mind choose who would be the easiest, who deserves it the most. A challenge, that’s what she wants—
And a smile appears on her face when she grabs certain phone.
want to pick a route? check out the masterlist
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weirdlyokaywithit · 4 years
Kiss the Girl Pt 3
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
This is the last part of my piece for @valkyriesryde ‘s writing challenge, this has been so much fun to write and I honestly can’t wait for another one! Rylee, you are such a gift in this world and I’m so thankful to be your friend! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this challenge and totally be an awesome person and understanding of me dropping off the face of the planet. I love you and seriously you’re the best!
Warnings: swearing, Disney princess (y’all I think this is hilarious as a warning), smutty thoughts and smut at the end
You weren’t exactly sure how you got to bed that night but you presume it had been Bucky that had carried you, the two of you had ended up watching another few episodes of Criminal Minds before staying up for a while just talking. No nightmares tonight, you just couldn’t sleep well and this was not new to you since a good night's sleep seemed a milliion miles away at all times. You glanced over at the clock and 4:23AM glared back at you in neon green, Bucky was probably up already anyways and it had become almost routine for you to be together before everyone else woke up. 
You really didn’t feel like sparring or working out this morning but you wanted to be around someone else, you crawled out of bed and pulled on some lounge clothes before crankily wandering to find Bucky. You quietly asked JARVIS where he was after you didn’t find him in the kitchen or in the gym, JARVIS responded that Mr. Barnes was on the roof.  A small smile found its way to your lips, Bucky went to the roof when he was thinking and you knew he didn’t know why he found his way up there. You always guessed it was a way for him to find higher ground, he was a sniper at heart and that was where his head would start to clear itself. You took the elevator to the top floor and then walked up the cement stairs and pushed open the heavy door that let out onto the roof. 
Bucky was bent over with his forearms resting on the ledge looking over the city, he didn’t turn to look to see who was joining him. You walked to stand next to him, your hand finding his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Bucky went silent sometimes and he didn’t need you to distract him, he just needed someone to weather the storm with him and you were good at that. Steve had said once that you brought a peace that he never could to Bucky, you had reminded him that it was because you had suffered in nearly identical horrors while you were in captivity. You stood like that for a long time, the sky started to turn pink when he turned to you and your heart ached for what you saw in his eyes: pure agony, regret, loss, anger. You slowly reached for his face, he closed his eyes when your palm cupped his cheek and he leaned into the touch. This man was broken but so were you.
“Thank you.” 
It was so quiet that you almost missed it, and if you hadn’t been touching his face you doubt you would have heard it at all. Your thumb stroked his cheek softly before you let your hand drop.
His eyes opened and his baby blues searched your face and whatever he saw there seemed to make him believe you. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” he asked softly.
“No, I just coudln’t sleep,” you murmured back. 
Bucky nodded and you both turned back to watch the sun rise, you wanted to hold his hand but you were too chicken. You could walk in a room full of guys with guns and make a smart ass comment and not even be slightly scared but the thought of holding Bucky’s hand absolutely terrified you. Not that you weren’t content with how things were now, you were and if he wanted things to stay this way then you would be okay with that. Deep inside of you there was this voice that kept shouting that this man would be the one, the one who always understood, who would always be there for you, the one who would never judge you, who would always be there to turn your frown into a grin. The one. You constantly told that voice to shut the fuck up because you weren’t about to ruin the best friendship you had with this man, and you wouldn’t be able to bear if he didn’t feel the same way. 
“You want breakfast, doll?” Bucky asked, glancing over with a small smile pulling at his lips. 
“If you’re cooking then absolutely,” you grinned cheekily at him. 
He rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his chest dramatically, “I see how it is, you’re using me!” 
“You’re damn right I am, those chocolate chip pancakes don’t make themselves!” You replied with a laugh.
Bucky couldn’t help but return the laugh and you both made your way downt to the kitchen, it was still early enough that no one else was awake. You sat at the bar and watched Bucky start pouring things into a bowl and just whisk away at the batter, he seemed to enjoy making breakfast and you figured it was because of his mom and sister. He never talked about them and you respected that because you didn’t want to talk about your family either, although yours was still alive. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N!” Bucky waved his hand in front of your face.
You snapped out of your head and smiled sheepishly at the man in front of you whose face was now concerned. 
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“No sorries, remember? I just asked if you want to add your own chocolate chips,” Bucky said, motioning to the bowl. 
“OH, yes that's my favorite part!” You exclaimed and jumped off the barstool. Bucky chuckled and poured the batter into the skillet and you dropped a handful of chocolate chips on the batter expertly. 
The two of you managed to make about twelve pancakes that were exploding with chocolate chips, he took a stack of six and you took a generous three although you knew you probably wouldn’t finish them. You and Bucky were stuffing your faces when Steve walked into the kitchen, Steve chuckled at the sight of the two of you. Bucky flipped him off and pointed to the rest of the pancakes sitting next to the stove and Steve grabbed a stack from the plate and dug in at the bar next to you and Bucky. 
“What the hell is this?” Sam asked when he wandered in shortly after.
“Shut your face or stuff your face, birdbrain,” you said between giant bites of chocolate gooeyness. Bucky snorted at your quip and offered his fist which of course you pounded with yours and Sam narrowed his eyes at the two of you. 
“I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all,” Sam said, pointing at you two. 
“I believe the lady already so eloquently said ‘Shut your face or stuff your face,’” Bucky grunted at him. 
Sam made an exasperated sound before grabbing the remainder of the pancakes and sat down to eat. 
“We’re watching the last movie tonight, I say we do an early showing and then grab dinner and discuss the movies and then Bucky can give his decision,” Steve suggested. 
“Sounds good to me,” you said, getting up and clearing your dishes off. 
You started to load dishes and clean the kitchen, the boys started chatting about something Tony was working on. You turned to grab the dishes from them and Bucky caught your eye and he gave you a pointed look that you knew he knew you understood. You don’t have to do that. And you sent him one back with a small smile and a slight shake of your head, because of
course you didn’t have to but some of what your mother had instilled in you remained. 
Later that afternoon the four of you gathered in the media room, you had grabbed some snacks because you were starving and you knew Bucky would munch on them with you. You perched in your normal spot and Bucky plopped down next to you and shoved his hand into the bag of chips you had in your hand. 
“You read my mind, doll,” he grumbled around the chips in his mouth. 
You grinned at him and popped a few in your mouth, Steve and Sam were bickering over something on the other couch. You called for JARVIS to start the Little Mermaid and almost immediately the Disney music cued up and the scene was set. Bucky was dialed in almost immediately, you smiled softly at him being so focused on the movie. You watched him smile at Sebastian’s drama and he chuckled at the hidden adult humor, and you forced yourself to watch Ariel sing about her knick knacks. Bucky stretched suddenly and his arm found its way around your shoulders, your heart pounded and you shifted so that you were pressed into his side. 
Butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely bezerk, your palms were sweating and the warmth radiating from the man next to you was lighting your blood on fire. You cautiously peered up at Bucky and he seemed focused on the movie, feeling your gaze he peered down at you and smiled softly. 
“I can’t focus on the greatest Disney princess movie of all time if you’re staring at me, doll,” he whispered. 
You flushed and whispered back, “Sorry.”
Bucky turned back to the movie and you forced yourself to do the same, you watched the movie distractedly, Ariel was currently singing her voice away to Ursula. Your brain was going a hundred miles an hour thinking about his arm around your shoulders and what it meant. You watched Ariel make her way through the kingdom with Prince Eric, your favorite scene was coming up. As Kiss the Girl started pouring through the speakers, you sensed Bucky tense slightly and you glanced up to see him peering down at you. You offered a smile and he returned it, his eyes flicked down to your lips and lingered there for a second, Your heart was now thundering out of your chest and you knew he could hear it, his baby blues found yours and he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You shut your eyes and relished as his lips parted and his tongue swept throught your mouth, you felt an almost indescribable pleasure sweep through your whole body. 
Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck and pulled him further into you, your lips moved with his and your tongues tangled lazily. Bucky caught your lip between his teeth and your breath caught and you instantly got wet, you couldn’t help but let out a whimper. 
“Seriously, y’all? We are right here!” Sam cried, gagging and making wretching sounds.
You pulled away and Bucky looked like he wanted to do murder because it ended, and you gave him a reassuring smile. For the rest of the movie, you snuggled into Bucky’s side as close as you physically could, his arm was wrapped tightly around you. Your body felt like it was humming with energy and you were sick of not having your lips on him, you turned your head and tasted his neck. Bucky’s hand tightened on your hip and you gave a teasing nip, he made a gutteral sound in his throat and you couldn’t help but trace the area with your tongue. 
“Doll, you gotta stop, I can barely keep myself in check,” Bucky whispered into your hair.
You pouted and pulled away, forcing yourself to patiently watch the rest of the movie. The credits finally rolled and Bucky swept you off the couch and into his arms, you were out of the media room and in the elevator before you knew it. His lips crashed into yours and you moaned into his mouth as your tongue teased his, Bucky groaned as your hands tangled in his hair and pulled. The doors dinged upon your arrival and Bucky carried you into his room, he tossed you on his bed and pulled his shirt off before crawling over you. 
“God, I’ve wanted to do this for so fucking long,” he groaned before his lips grazed yours. 
His hands roamed your body and pulled at your clothes, you pulled your shirt over your head before you yanked his lips to yours. A fire started deep in your belly and you savored the feeling of his body on yours, Bucky caught your bottom lip between his teeth and the nip of pain made your core clench. The whimper you let out seemed to make him go even wilder, he literally ripped your pants clean off your body. 
“Fuck,” you whispered.
“I’m trying, baby,” he teased as he kissed his way down your body. 
The first touch of his tongue between your thighs was your undoing, you were a mess and writhing on his tongue. His large hands slid under you and held you to his mouth, he sucked on the bundle of nerves at the top of your core. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through you and you couldn’t hold your moans and whimpers in as Bucky kept pleasuring you with his sinful mouth. Your fingers tunneled through his hair and you gently pulled so that he finally relented, your body collapsed against the sheets. 
“I need you,” you moaned, tugging sharply on the strands of chestnut hair in your grasp. 
His blue irises were nearly black because his pupils were so big, his lips were glistening with your slick and the sight of him like this made your heart clench. Bucky hurriedly shoved his pants until he could kick them off and you pulled him in to kiss you by the nape of his neck. His lips hungrily melded with yours and you could taste yourself on his tongue, he groaned into your mouth when your hand wrapped around his member. You pulled Bucky gently into you and guided his member into your sex, you hissed at the sheer size of him but the fullness was heavenly. Bucky lowered his hips until he was fully inside of you and you could feel your channel adjusting to his shaft.
“Fuck, baby, you feel fucking amazing,” he groaned. 
“Bucky, I… I need you to move,” you moaned.
He slid out and then slowly back in, you felt electric as he started to pick up rhythm. Your tongues tangled, you were on fire with feeling as he kept a tortuous pace slamming into you. You wrapped your legs around him and then proceeded to flip the both of you so you were on top of him, his blue eyes darkened as he watched you roll your hips in a way that his shaft was hitting that spot inside you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you whipped your body as fast as you could, Bucky’s jaw was clenched so tight you thought it might shatter. His large hands covered your breasts and he rolled your nipples and that sent you tumbling over the edge. You couldn’t hold in your moans and cries, Bucky flipped you onto your back and his hurried thrusts prolonged your orgasm. He let out a hoarse shout and cried out your name as his release came and he collapsed on top of you panting hard. 
“That was… incredible,” you whispered while trying to regulate your breathing.
“You’re incredible,” Bucky said into your ear. 
“So… what now?” 
Bucky lifted himself off of you and pressed a kiss to your lips gently, his eyes searched yours and he gave you a reassuring smile. 
“Now you’re mine, if you wanna be, doll.” 
A huge grin spread across your face and you pulled his lips back to yours and kissed him properly. 
“Now I’m yours.” 
Leave me a comment and tell me what you thought. 
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kpophours · 5 years
A Walk Home (M)
➵ SF9: Rowoon x fem. reader / one shot, college AU / fluff, smut
➵ warnings: explicit mentions of sex (oral: giving, fingering), mentions of alcohol, slight cursing
➵ word count: 5.3k
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A heartfelt laugh and shining eyes.
That’s what he notices the first time Rowoon sees you.
Tousled hair being impatiently pushed back over one shoulder and out of an open, attractive face.
Fluttering hands gesturing widely, more laughs until you throw your head back, giggling uncontrollably.
You're vibrant and energetic.
Warm and open.
You feel like a breath of fresh air on the stuffy afternoon Rowoon meets you for the first time.
Rowoon’s tall frame is the first thing you see out of the corner of your eye.
Tall and dangly, arms and legs that seem too long to fit anywhere properly.
A jawline sharper than any blade, dark smoldering eyes – and a smile so inviting and open that you can’t help but immediately feel at ease around him. 
He uses one hand to push his black hair away from the forehead, a hint of impatience to that gesture. When he sees you looking, he grins - he knows he’s handsome, but doesn’t seem to care about it.
“There they are!”, Jaeyoon says when he spots his two friends just entering the café, “Late as always.”
“Punctuality is a virtue.”, you sigh, taking a careful sip of your steaming coffee.
“One we do not own, I’m afraid.”, Rowoon says, having overheard the last bits of conversation and grinning apologetically at you and Jaeyoon.
“Yeah, I’m sure we make an amazing first impression.”, Youngbin sighs, slipping onto the bench beside you, the chair opposite you now the only available space left for Rowoon. 
You just grin. “Don’t worry, I have a lot of friends who hold other virtues, too.”
"Well without further ado, let me finally introduce these two – Rowoon and Youngbin, two of my closest friends and roommates. Guys, this is Y/N.” 
Both men smile at the you and you respond in kind.
“Nice to finally meet you.”, Youngbin says, while Rowoon nods in agreement.
“Likewise – Jaeyoon has told me a lot about you. So.... You will help us with our genius idea?”, you ask, propping your chin onto one hand and regarding both, curiosity sparkling in your eyes.
“Well, we will try.”, Youngbin quickly dampens your excitement, “We’re no geniuses on the programming side.”
“Speak for yourself.”, Rowoon jumps in, raising one eyebrow in a silent challenge.
“Are you telling me you’ve become a programming genius over night now?”, the older man with the bright red hair asks, grinning a bit condescending.
“Who knows - I have many hidden talents.”
“Dancing the Macarena while balancing a glass of beer on top of your head does not count as a hidden talent, just so you know.”, Jaeyoon intercepts, making you laugh.
“Oh, I’ve definitely got to see that!”, you say brightly, dimples showing.
“Well, we’re having a party at our place this weekend, come over and you might get to see it.”, Youngbin proposes.
“Sounds good. Is it alright if I bring my best friend along with me?”
“No need - I live there too, so I’m already invited.”, Jaeyoon says confidently, making you roll your eyes.
“You are not my best friend, Yoon.”
He fake gasps. “I’m not?! But what about us, what about everything we’ve been throu-”
“I swear to god, you need to stop watching High School Musical.”, you whine, punching him lightly on the arm and making him pout.
“But they are cinematic masterpieces!”
“They are not. Seriously, you are so weird!”
“That’s why you love me."
"I most certainly do not.”
“I know you do and I love you, too. So, back to business then.” And with that, he looks at his two friends, who observe your bantering with amused faces.
The jokes continue through the whole afternoon, which marks the beginning of a new, blossoming friendship.
The four of you manage to plan quite a few things for the app you and Jaeyoon envision for your university project. If everything works out (which it will) you will get a high, if not the highest grade for this.
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You come with your roommate/best friend to the party.
There, you show off your skills at beer-pong, destroying the youngest of the bunch of men living together named Hwiyoung and Chani with the help of Zuho, another of Jayeoon’s roommates; you can’t help but laugh at their shocked faces.
After that, Dawon calls for a round of shots, making you even more drunk which finally results in you showing off your (non-existent) dancing skills. Taeyang and Youngbin rescue you from the dance floor before you can hurt yourself (or someone else) with your flailing arms and legs. Rowoon and Jaeyoon have tears in their eyes from laughing too much at you, but you don't even mind. You obviously already know about your poor dancing skills, but are way too drunk to care.
When the night is old – or the morning young? – you sit outside with Inseong, having dreamy talks about politics and a better society. By then, you have finally begun to drink water; thanks to that, the alcohol is beginning to wear off. Your best friend is already back home, having drunken a little too much too fast and therefore decided to sleep it off.
After the party, you quickly become a regular at the young men’s house: many game as well as movie nights are spent cuddled together on mattresses and under blankets with popcorn and wine, even more are spent with Rowoon in the kitchen trying to improve your cooking skills or with Inseong on the porch discussing politics; sometimes you just sit in their living room, quietly reading one of your novels beside Youngbin - and once in a blue moon you even try to play some computer games with Hwiyoung and Chani (you're really bad at those, making them laugh at you).
It takes a few weeks before the men begin to notice that they don’t seem to remember a time before you. Especially Rowoon, who - along with Jaeyoon and Inseong - is closest to you, doesn’t want to imagine his life without you anymore. He doesn’t know it yet (or maybe he doesn’t want to acknowledge it) but he’s falling for you, ever day (and night) a bit more.
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It’s movie night again and you're currently in the kitchen, helping Rowoon to prepare different dips for the ridiculous amount of chips already waiting with the others in the living room.
“Something’s still missing.”, Rowoon complains, tasting the guacamole he’s trying to make again.
You chuckle. “That’s just because you’re a perfectionist. The others won’t notice anything missing, I promise you that. Their taste is not… refined enough for that.”
He grumbles something unintelligible, scooping some guacamole onto his finger to taste it yet again, but before he can put it in his own mouth, you beat him to it, quickly licking his finger clean.
His heart stops and you giggle at his shocked expression. “Some more garlic, that’s what’s missing.”
With that, you playfully wink at him, take some of the already finished dips and leave the kitchen – Rowoon still standing shell-shocked in the same position, not having moved a single muscle.
When you’re gone, he takes a deep, shaky breath.
This is not good.
He should not feel his heart beating this fast – shouldn’t feel the lust spreading through his whole body, making him ache for more, leaving him hot and needy.
”Hyung, are you coming or not?”, Hwiyoung yells, breaking the spell a bit. Rowoon quickly drowns a cold glass of water, before taking the now finished guacamole and entering the living room, where everyone else is already assembled.
“There you are. We’ve already decided on a movie without you, by the way.”, Chani says, already munching on some chips. Rowoon ruffles his hair, making the younger man flinch and complain: “Hyung, don’t!”
He just grins, plopping down beside you onto one of the mattresses laid out on the floor – it’s the only available space left, a fact that makes him frown. Jaeyoon sports a shit-eating grin and Zuho shoots him a wink, so he knows they did this on purpose.
So… they know.
Just to prove them wrong, Rowoon scoots as far away from you as possible without falling off the mattress.
You don't even seem to notice, too involved into a banter over who gets the last blanket with Dawon. After everyone’s finally settled (you having gotten the blanket from Dawon, who’s now fake-sulking beside you with his arms crossed), Youngbin shuts off the lights and hits play on the first movie.
All you can hear besides the munching of chips and popcorn is the opening music of “The Nun”.
“Why are we watching a horror movie again?”, Zuho finally mutters, blanket already pulled up to his nose with only his eyes left visible.
Hwiyoung snorts. “Because we voted for it, hyung. You know, democratically.”
“Starting tonight, I’m completely against democracy. Can I quickly install a regime of monarchy with me as King? And change the movie?”
A deep sigh follows the denial of his request, but after that, Zuho is silent. You gently pat his leg (the only limb you're able reach as he’s sitting directly above you on one of the sofas). “Just close your eyes when it’s getting too silent during the movie. That’s where they always place some jump scares.”
“Wow, thanks. What great advice!”
You just grin and shrug. “Always happy to help.”
After that, no one talks, everyone silently enjoying the movie (or not completely silent in case of Zuho and Dawon, who seem to scream during every jump scare); all are happily munching on the snacks.
During the second movie (this one another genre thanks to Zuho threatening to leave the movie night early otherwise), the first ones begin to fall asleep; first Youngbin, then Jaeyoon and finally Inseong and Zuho. Chani and Hwiyoung complain about the older ones, making fun of their inner grandpas, but Rowoon shushes them with one look. Dawon is the first one to leave, having gotten a call from another friend inviting him to a spontaneous party only a few blocks away. Chani and Hwiyoung finally retreat to their shared room as well, preferring to play some video games over watching a third movie.
When the next movie begins, you and Rowoon are the only ones left - not counting the sleeping ones still sprawled on the mattresses and sofas.
A third of the movie has gone by when your eyes begin to droop, too. By then, Rowoon has long given up on keeping some space between you as you have offered him half the blanket to share. Your legs are pressed against each other, hands touching too often to still call it accidental.
When your head drops down onto Rowoon’s shoulder, he uses his chance and slides one arm around you. Your response is immediate: you sigh, cuddling even closer and burrowing both hands into his soft cotton shirt.
Your eyes are still closed, but Rowoon feels your fast beating heart thanks to your body being closely pressed to his.
You're not sleeping but are too shy to open your eyes, the closeness to Rowoon so thrilling and exciting – and so new. You don’t want to ruin this moment, afraid to shatter it with confessing you being actually awake. But when you feel Rowoon’s lips on your forehead, you can’t keep pretending anymore. You lift your head and look at him with curious eyes, noticing the soft, loving expression on his face. Time seems frozen with you gazing at each other, hearts beating fast, hands becoming clammy.
Then, Rowoon’s gaze drops to your lips.
Your breathing stops for a second, your heart beginning to hammer uncontrollably, making you dizzy. It’s been too long since you've felt like this, like a teenage girl being in love for the first time.
Weeks of stolen glances, not so accidental touches, casual nearly-dates (sometimes with, sometimes without the other men) and many stupid inside jokes have cumulated to this moment – Rowoon face slowly nearing yours.
Thoughts run through his head that this, THIS is the moment he’s been waiting and hoping for - for so, so long, for weeks – months really…
He sees you close your eyes, hands loosening the hold on his shirt and wandering upwards to curl into the hair at the base of his neck, but before he can close his eyes as well and finally kiss you – he hears someone yawning, blankets begin to rustle and limbs to move.
Both of you immediately jump away from one another, Rowoon quickly snatching his arm back from around your smaller frame and you taking both hands back into your lap, interlacing your trembling fingers.
Cheeks burning, breaths halting, both of you plaster your eyes to the screen in front of you, hearts hammering fast and unsteady.
“What year is it?”, Jaeyoon groans from above you, sitting up.
When Rowoon and you turn around to look at him, you can’t stop a giggle coming from you – he looks too adorable with his hair sticking out in every direction, remains of sleep and dreams still evident in his eyes. 
“It’s 2050, welcome to the future.”, you answer, making your friend groan again.
“Don’t make fun of me. I hate drifting off during movie nights.”
“Shouldn’t have stayed up all night playing Overwatch with the maknaes, then.”, Rowoon chides his roommate, one eyebrow raised.
“Thanks, mom.”, Jaeyoon grumbles, flinging a pillow towards the tall man. Rowoon quickly ducks, giggling at his friend’s antics.
“Just go to bed, Yoon.”, you simply say, but he shakes his head.
“And leave you two alone? Who knows what you’ll be doing! No, I can’t be that irresponsible.”, he counters, smile wicked when he observes you two, noticing your red cheeks and not so subtle looks towards each other. Jaeyoon knows you two are head over heels for each other, but he also knows neither has done anything about the more than obvious crush (obvious to him and the others at least). He loves teasing you, so he stays where he is - wouldn’t make it too easy for either of you.
You just sigh, turn around and gaze at the screen again. “I think I’ll head home after this movie.”, you finally murmur, eyelids getting heavy again.
“I’ll walk you home.”, Rowoon immediately offers. 
You smile sleepily at him. “Thanks.”
With that, silence falls over the room again, but this time it feels heavy – both Rowoon and you are way too aware of Jaeyoon watching you.
The kiss that hasn’t happened is hanging above you like the sword of Damocles.
Half an hour later, the movie ends and you immediately stand up – a bit too quickly apparently, as your head begins to spin. “Oof.”, you huff, trying to find something to hold onto and finding it in Rowoon’s arm.
“Careful.”, he murmurs in a teasing undertone, eyes sparkling with humor.
“Oh, shut up.”, you counter weakly, dampening your words with a soft smile. Jaeyoon stands up as well, stretching both arms above his head and yawns. Inseong, Zuho and Youngbin are still out like a light and you three are intending to keep it that way, tiptoeing out of the living room and into the dark hallway. You quickly grab your shoes and leather jacket and are almost out of the door, when two arms cage around you.
“Not so fast.”, Jaeyoon says playfully, hugging you tightly to himself, “You can’t just leave without saying goodbye to your best friend.”
You giggle. “You’re not my best friend, Yoon.”
You both know it’s a blatant lie by now, but it’s a game you both like to play.
“I know I am. Love you, sleep well, have sweet dreams and I’ll probably see you tomorrow.” With that, he releases you again, but this time you turn around and smile. “Same, same, same and yes.” You kiss his cheek and leave the house – Rowoon already waiting for you on the street, also clad in a leather jacket.
He looks way too good in a leather jacket, you conclude, burying both hands in your pockets so they don’t go wandering in search of others to hold.
Rowoon smiles sleepily at you, pushing his dark hair back from his forehead.
He looks way too good with his hair like this, you think again and groan inwardly. He looks way too good in every aspect, you're tired of lying to yourself – you're hopelessly in love with the tall, dorky man.
You walk in silence towards the apartment you're sharing with your (other) best friend, who's currently out of town visiting some relatives this weekend. You curse her for it; you could’ve really used her to talk about what happened but didn’t happen with Rowoon tonight. And you would rather eat a broomstick than talk to Jaeyoon about this – you can already imagine his smug expression. You know he knows about your crush. You have the feeling all the other men know about it – but Rowoon is too oblivious apparently.
Or maybe he does know about your crush as well, but doesn’t want to acknowledge it – because he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship.
Or because he’s just not into you.
Or because-
“What are you thinking about?”, Rowoon asks, voice laced with amusement, “It looks like hard work.” He points at the lines forming on your forehead thanks to the frown you're currently sporting.
You're silent, unusually so. Normally, your walks are filled with bantering or deep talks or - well, anything, really. You have a connection like this, where you always have something to talk about. Now though, you don't really seem to be here with him – and you’ve almost reached your apartment.
“Sorry, I’m just tired.”, Rowoon hears you murmur, smiling at him, but he sees right through it.
“Mhm.”, he just makes, continuing to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
Five minutes later, you’ve arrived at your doorstep. The sky is still pitch-black, only a few stars twinkle lazily down at you. It’s cold enough for your breaths to form tiny white clouds in front of you.
Rowoon looks at you, but you’re pointedly not looking at him. “Y/N.”, he says softly and you finally gaze up at him. Uncertainty fills your eyes, something uncommon for one of the most confident people he knows.
“Thanks for walking me home.”, you finally answer, the corner of your mouth curling upwards into the tiniest of smiles. As if he hasn’t walked you home hundreds of times by now - but you still continue to always thank him.
“Well, you can walk me home again now. And then I’ll walk you home again. And so on and so on - that way we can spend more time together.”, Rowoon suggests jokingly, making you smile in earnest this time. And that does it for him – that beautiful smile he came to love weeks (months, really) ago, with the dimples in your cheeks and the small creases around your sparkling eyes.
He steps forward, arms sliding around your smaller frame, head lowering towards yours and then – finally – his lips are on yours.
You have thought about this moment for days, weeks – months by now. And when Rowoon’s soft, plush lips are finally on yours, your heart just stops for a few seconds before beginning to hammer inside your chest.
It’s a sweet, soft, chaste kiss.
... At first.
Because the months of build-up it had taken for you both to finally admit to this, apparently have an impact: you slide both arms around Rowoon’s neck, pressing your body even closer to his, moaning softly against this lips. That does it for him, his teeth sink into your lower lip, gently biting down and when you gasp a bit, his tongue slips into your mouth. Desire shoots through your body, hot and needy and you can’t suppress the shudder and louder moan this time. Rowoon groans at this, pressing you even harder against him and grinding against you.
At this, you break away from him, breathing heavily. “I-”, he already wants to apologize, but you don’t even let him finish: “We should take this inside.”
He stutters and looks at you with comically big eyes, before beginning to grin wickedly. “After you, then.”
Your hands tremble slightly while you search for your keys – why did you choose a bag this large for today?! – and Rowoon pressing himself against your backside, hands roaming your sides while his breath tickles your exposed neck, isn't helping at all.
Finally, you manage to find the keys, slip them inside the keyhole and then, you’re inside the house.
You somehow make it into the elevator without getting rid of your clothes, but as soon as the apartment door falls shut behind you both, your mouths are on one another again, teeth and tongues clashing, months of pent-up desire making your moves hurried and sloppy. Your hands slip under Rowoon’s shirt (his and your leather jacket are already on the floor beside your shoes), trembling fingers dance over his abs, making him groan and grind against you again, erection already hard and pressing into your hip.
“Bedroom.”, you just say, dragging the taller man with you into your room. Out of habit, you close the door even though your best friend/roommate isn't even here. When you turn around and gaze with hooded, lust-filled eyes at Rowoon, you see the same expression mirrored on his face, eyes roaming your body, teeth digging into his lower lip.
Lust shoots through your entire body and you feel too hot and needy to take your time. You simply grab him again - just when he pulls you back into his arms.
"You're still wearing way too many clothes.", Rowoon murmurs against your lips, making you smile.
"I could say the same.", you answer cockily, hands slipping under his shirt again and dragging it upwards. He quickly pulls it over his head and flings it into the darkness of your room, not caring where it lands.
"Your turn."
You release a deep breath at this, taking the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head. Rowoon groans when he sees your bra - black lace, nearly see-through.
"Fuck.", he mutters, hands already reaching for you to press your body against his again. He kisses you, slow and deep this time.
Your knees get weak and all you can do is hold onto Rowoon's biceps, so you don't slip to the floor.
"Still too many clothes.", the tall man finally says, when he ends the kiss, a small smirk forming on his lips.
You giggle. "Well, we should definitely change that, then." With that, you open your belt, then the button of your jeans, wriggling free and stepping out of them. Only left in your black panties and bra, you look at Rowoon, a silent challenge in your eyes. He follows it, quickly getting rid of his pants as well. His dark briefs are stretched thanks to his erection pressing almost painfully against them and when your gaze begins to wander towards them, you suck in a breath, teeth digging into your lower lip. Then, you reach for the fastening of your bra, opening it and letting the piece of clothing fall to the ground.
Rowoon swallows thickly, eyes getting even darker with desire when he sees your breasts, nipples already erect. Quickly, his lips are on yours again, arms curling around you.
You're trembling slightly, a fact that makes him hesitate. "You're okay?", he murmurs against your lips, a silent question in his eyes - do you really want this?
But you smile quickly, nodding forcefully. "More than okay, actually. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.", you confess quietly, kissing him once.
He groans. "Thank God, me too."
With that, he takes a few steps backwards towards the bed, pulling you with him and sitting on the edge of your mattress, your body between his legs. His hands wander over your stomach, making you tremble even more. Soft kisses follow the paths of his hands, before his mouths closes over one nipple, his fingers brushing over the other one.
You moan at this, hands coming to rest on Rowoon's broad shoulders, nails digging into his skin. Your breathing gets louder and choppy, the waves of desire making you feel dizzy. More wetness pools between your legs and when Rowoon's free hand brushes the edge of your panties, you curse softly.
His dark eyes gaze up at you, hidden humor sparkling in them at his own teasing. This does it for you, you push him on the bed, his mouth releasing your nipple in the process. You shivers at the sudden lack of contact, but quickly begin to straddle Rowoon, kissing him deeply and grinding against his erection. He moans at this, hands digging into your hips. "Don't tease.", he murmurs, voice dark and rough, making you grin at him. "Says the right one.", you just answer, but quickly lower herself, pulling his briefs down and freeing his erection.
Seeing his length for the first time makes you gulp - his body seems to be... very proportional. He smirks at your reaction, but it quickly dies down when you take his length into your mouth.
Incoherent words leave his mouth and he closes his eyes, hands fisting into your white bedding. You're apparently very good at what you’re doing, his heavy breathing and moans telling you he's more than enjoying this. Finally, he grabs your shoulders, heaving you towards himself and kissing you hungrily. He's panting when he breaks away from you, lips swollen and hair a mess. "I- you... Jesus Christ."
You laugh at this, a mistake apparently - one second he's under you and then he's flipped you over, his tall frame hovering over you.
He kisses your neck, slowly making his way down, only stopping at your breasts for a short amount of time before pulling down your panties.
He teases the edges of your heat, before sinking one long digit inside you, making you mewl at the sensation. When his thumb lands on your swollen clit, you begin to pant, one arm thrown over your eyes, your other hand fisting into the pillow beside you. Rowoon grins wickedly at the sight in front of him, enjoying teasing you a bit too much.
"P- please.", you finally whimper, looking at him with hooded eyes, teeth digging into your own lower lip.
"Condom?", he answers almost immediately, just as impatient as you.
You open the drawer of your nightstand and seconds later, he has already rolled the condom over his length, positioning himself in front of you.
"You're sure?", he murmurs, one eyebrow raised, making you roll your eyes at him. That does it for him - he grins, rolling his hips once and entering you swiftly.
You moan at the sudden sensation of him filling you, nails digging into his biceps until he's bottoming out. He stays still for some seconds, letting you adjust to his length buried deep inside of you.
"Okay?", he whispers gently against your lips and you nod forcefully, kissing him hungrily. He begins to set a slow pace at first, but you quickly demand him to move faster.
Pounding into you, one hand slipping between your flushed bodies to rub your clit, he makes both of you moan in pleasure.
It doesn't take long for you to begin to shake and clench around him, making it harder for him to hold back, his movements becoming sloppier with every second. You’re both breathing hard and when you finally cry out in complete pleasure, he releases the hold on him as well, groaning and moving a few last times, before coming to a halt. 
Face buried in your neck, Rowoon is panting, eyes closed and heart beating frantically.
You slide your arms around his broad frame, gently caressing his bare back and kissing his exposed shoulder.
"That was amazing.", you finally murmur, voice tired but pleased.
Rowoon grins at that, gently pulling out of you and rolling off the bed. "More than amazing.", he confirms, standing up and tossing the condom into the trash bin.
You wrap the blanket around your naked body, eyes heavy and hair spilling over the white pillows. He smiles at you, gaze soft.
"You're staying?", you ask in a small voice, one hand reaching for him.
"Yes.", he simply says, slipping back between the covers, gently pulling you against him.
You fall asleep like this - legs entangled, Rowoon's hand softly stroking your back, your nose pressed into his neck.
You sleep deeply and dreamlessly. 
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The pale morning light filtering through the blinds and into your room wakes Rowoon the next day; you’re still soundly asleep beside him.
Your eyelids flutter from time to time and you mumble something incoherent, but otherwise it's completely silent inside the apartment - time seems frozen.
The dark-haired man continues to gaze at you, eyes soft, a small smile playing on his lips.
He can't believe that last night really happened, but his and your naked body as well as the still fresh memory in his mind are more than proof of it.
You shift slightly, pulling the blanket tighter around your body.
Your hair is fanning over the white pillows and you look so breathtakingly beautiful, so vulnerable, that Rowoon wants to take a picture to treasure this moment forever - he doesn't though.
Instead, he silently slips out of bed and pulls on his dark briefs and white shirt, before stepping into the hallway. He quickly makes his way towards the kitchen and drinks some water straight from the tab, before going to the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror, noticing the smile he simply can't seem to suppress. He hasn't been that happy in a long time.
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When you wake up, you're alone in bed. Still half asleep, you reach over to touch the other side of the mattress, noticing the still lingering warmth.
So Rowoon can't be gone for long.
You groan slightly, reaching for the water bottle you always keep beside your bed and take a few deep gulps of cold water. After you've satisfied your thirst, you tousle your hair and stretch both arms above your head with a deep yawn. You're still naked and shiver in the cold room, quickly pulling the thick blanket around your body again. At that moment, your door opens and Rowoon steps through; hair mussed but eyes bright and awake.
He smiles breathtakingly at you and you answer it a bit shyly.
"Morning.", he says, voice still rough from sleep.
"Morning.", you reply, stretching both arms towards the tall man, "Come back to bed?"
He doesn't even hesitate, quickly crossing the room with two large steps and slipping between the covers with you, pulling you against his own body. You shiver a bit, moaning slightly at the heat radiating from him.
"Slept well?", you ask, your breath tickling his neck.
"Like a rock. And you?"
"Same. I haven't had such a good night's sleep in a really long time."
"Well, you were pretty exhausted."
You hear the smirk in Rowoon's voice and decide to tease him a bit: "Oh yeah, three movies are a lot to take in."
He tickles your sides, making you giggle - the most beautiful sound in the world to him.
You gaze up at him, eyes sparkling with humor. He can't hold himself back anymore and presses his lips against yours, tongue slipping into your mouth.
A few minutes later, both of you are breathless.
"I had the most amazing night.", Rowoon finally says, the corners of his mouth curling into a soft smile.
"Me too.", you answer, giving him another quick kiss.
"I... Just so I'm clear - I don't want this to be a one-time-only-thing.", the young man confesses, holding his breath until you're grinning widely at him.
"Oh thank god, me neither."
He laughs at that, pulling you even closer and pressing his lips against your forehead. "So... can I take you out on a date tonight?"
You smile. "I thought you'd never ask."
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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perspicacity101 · 4 years
best llamas with hats quotes
- "and then i stabbed him 37 times in the chest"
- "i am the henry ford of human meat"
- "i'm not the one shoving people into a meat grinder!!"
- "why did you do that?!?" "probably because i am a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. i don't understand how you keep forgetting that"
- "why did you kill them??" "hey they were stealing all the crescent rolls what can i say"
- "that is the sound of forgiveness--screaming and then silence"
- "i appear to have swallowed an entire person"
- "but think of all the perfectly roasted faces we get to munch on now" "why" "because we're friends and friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together"
- "i seem to have created a rip in space time. with which to collect millions of baby hands"
- "you buried her alive!!" "she wasn't keeping up with her weeding. as president of the homeowner's association i had to take immediate action"
- "didn't you get my apology piano" "pianos aren't supposed to bleed and scream!!"
- "my stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy"
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upirs-and-wolves · 5 years
You could replace Peter and Roman’s dialogue with quotes from “Llamas with Hats” and there’d literally be no difference.
~Peter: “Roman! There’s a dead human in our house!”
Roman: “Whoa, hey... How did he get here?”
~Roman: “I do not kill people; that is my least favorite thing to do.”
-Roman slaughters several people- Peter: “You are just terrible today.”
~Peter: “I’m leaving, I’ve had enough of this.”
Roman: “But think of all the perfectly roasted faces we get to munch on now!”
Peter: “What?? Why?”
Roman: “Because we’re friends. And friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together.”
-kick from inside Roman’s body- Roman: “Oh, that was a foot. I appear to have swallowed an entire person.”
Peter: “That would be the hotel bartender.”
Roman: “Hmm, that would explain why my mojito is taking so long.”
~Peter: “Why would you think any of this was a good idea??”
Roman: “Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.”
Peter: “Oh...”
Roman: “I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.”
~Roman: “Yeah, I’m in the wrong here. I suck.”
~Peter: “It was horrifying...your mouth unhinged like a snake.”
Roman: “Wow, that sounds pretty awesome.”
~Peter: “You know what? Forget it. I’m not even shocked anymore.”
Roman: “Aw, that’s no fun...”
Peter: “This has become the norm for you, Roman.”
Roman: “I’ll have to try harder next time.”
Peter: “Please don’t...”
Roman: “I feel like I’ve been issued a challenge!”
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I mean, am I wrong??
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amnachil · 5 years
To the Perfection Chapter 1 Part 6
I’m late and I’m sorry ! But here is part 6. Part 7 will come this weekend as planned (I hope) :x
Thomas Monday January 21
The weekend had been a two-day long disappointment for the teenager. Raphaël's departure this morning was a release. I don't have to see their idyll anymore. It was painful to watch Dan with his brother. To see them laugh, cuddle and kiss together. Thomas was itching to be at Raphaël's place, and it pissed him to be only a spectator. Consequently, this morning, he had felt relieved. But he was also more than embittered. That was probably why he arrived at school annoyed. Of course, he kept his warm smile. He looked happy to everyone, and it was fine this way. But inside, he was seething.
"Hey, look what Jessica texted me yesterday." told him Joël.
The message was a compliment about his great personality. Such a good joke.
"Looks like I earned one point." laughed the cocky lad. "Maybe she has a secret crush on me ?"
"Sure. Keep dreaming man." ironised Thomas.
Joël snorted. Next to them, Ilhan was finishing his history's assignment. He didn't start the second semester pretty well.
"Dudes, I don't know how I will manage science." he complained. "Thomy, could you help me ?"
Hell no. Why me ? Sure, he was the best student of their promotion, but he had others things to do than help this boots-licker.
"Sorry." he smiled. "But I'm busy enough with all the stuff we have to do. Besides, I'm sure you'll manage pretty well."
Ilhan nodded, half convinced. They entered in class, but Cody held the ginger back. He waited a moment, until their friends were far enough. What ? The young millionaire had always been smarter than the others. Two years ago, he had reproached Thomas for being distant and not really involved in their friendship. But my smile convinced him of the contrary, right ?
"Why you didn't tell us your mother has left you to move in England ?" he asked curiously. "We could have support you."
"How do you know that ?"
Thomas realised it was a stupid question. He already knew the answer.
"Raphaël told me." revealed Cody. "He said you were feeling sad, but you wouldn't admit it. Man, Joël and I are your friends since kindergarden. You should have tell us."
He did that on purpose. Maybe the ginger was seing evil all around, but he thought Raphaël wanted to tear Dan and him apart.
"My brother is wrong." he said with a cheerful smile. "I'm perfectly fine. I mean, yeah she left and I've felt lonely, but it's okay now. I reckonned it was useless to alarm you for nothing."
Cody stared at him a moment. You can't read me. Thomas knew he had a warm face and inscrutable eyes.
"If you say so..." finally mumbled Cody.
And they went to class.
When he arrived at home this evening, Thomas shivered. He sensed Raphaël's presence everywhere. Even my so-called friends are his pawns. His brother engulfed his life. It was so infuriating.
"Thomy ? What is going on ?"
He suddenly realised he was showing his feelings, and quickly put up a front. Dan looked at him, perplexed.
"I'm fine." smiled the ginger lad. "I'm going to cook something amazing tonight."
"I thought we could order something." suggested Dan, much to his surprise. "Spend the evening playing videogames together ? I mean, only if you already did your homework ?"
Thomas nodded slowly. It was hard to not rush in his friend's arms and express his feelings. Resist to him is so hard. Not only Dan was cuter each day, but he also seemed more and more attentive. Of course, it was only as a friend, but the teenager didn't see it that way.
Pizza arrived half an hour later. They started a new game Thomas got from his mother. It was kind of fascinating, and time passed rapidly. But the young lad wasn't focused on the screen at all. He was watching Dan as his friend wolfed down the first pizza. And the second. His stomach was getting rounder which each slice. Once he finished, the junior rubbed it, causing a soft blech.
"That was good." he sighed, satisfied.
Then, he went back to the game. I should too. But... I can't let things like this. Seing Dan taut belly turned him on. Since his friend was always shirtless, he could note even the tinier details. His tummy button getting slighly deeper. His bulging lovehandles. Nothing could escape from Thomas's stare. Dan suddenly handed him an orange juice.
"Here." he said. "Fresh and with low-sugar rate, as you like it. We're close to the hardest level, so better be refreshed."
He knows me so well, this is insane. Thomas let his fantasy got the best of him.
"Thanks." he smiled. "I'll go grab some foods we could snack on."
He brought more than enough. The pie leftover, cakes, his secret box of cookies, some donuts from Mrs. Liliano's bakery... But Dan didn't notice it, or he didn't say. He only took a big morsel of pie, and gobbled it.
For two hours, it continued like this. They lost the level several time, because Thomas was way too distracted. His friend's middlesection was growing larger. He was getting very bloated from all the food and the beer he was consuming. The way his belly pushed his sweatpants made the ginger hard as rock. Each burp made him shiver with pleasure. And Dan continued to eat, barely taking the time to rub his overstuffed stomach. Finally, when he finished the pop-corn Thomas just brought, he grunted. He leaned back to find a more comfortable position. His belly gurgled, way too full.
"It's... burp... so hot in here." moaned Dan.
Thomas didn't answer. He was frozen, unable to do anything but stare. Feed someone and see him overfed was already his turn-on. Seing Dan in this state was more than that. His dick was sore. His lust prevented him to think clearly. Only the fear of Dan's reaction stopped him to do the worst mistake of his life. His friend groaned, his two hands rubbing his distended belly.
"No wonder I'm... burp... growing fat." he said. "I can't control myself around food, can I ? Sorry for... burp... that. You shouldn't see me like... that."
"Like the glutton you are ?" asked Thomas before thinking.
Dan looked at him and smiled.
"Yeah, something like that."
The ginger lad hesistated. What the hell am I doing ? He wanted to rub Dan's belly, who was obviously in pain. He wanted to put him at ease. To soflty kiss him. To fuck him. No way. This is a terrible idea. Thomas stood up, hiding his erection as best as he could.
"Imma going to sleep." he declared. "Tonight was awesome Dan, thank you. And don't worry, I don't mind if you indulge a bit. I think it's nice."
And he went to his bedroom in order to masturbate.
Dan Thursday January 24 – Friday January 25
When he entered in the sheriff office, Dan sighed. He adjusted his too-tight belt. I shouldn't wear it  anymore, it pinch me. Gregory noticed him and came closer.
"Hi Dan." he greeted. "Here to pick up your criminal sister ?"
It was dark humor. Since she gratuated from highschool, Shirley was often in troubles. Nothing too bad, but she ended up several times at the police station. His brother, maybe because he was naive, maybe because he was too kind, was having her back. He had been lying to their parents all the time for her.
"What did she do this time ?" he asked.
"Well, she entered illegally in a private property. The owner reported her, but he hasn't sued her."
Dan sighed again. Why she turned like this ? During highschool, she had been a top student. Good grades, good in sport, she had had a nice boyfriend. She had even managed to make Raphaël genuinely smile once, which was rarer than snow in summer. Well, she had been in troubles during 11th grade because she was suspected to be homophobic... Since then, she never had made up with their parents. Or him, to be honest. They weren't close at all since she tried to hurt Raphaël. His boyfriend had forgiven her, but Dan had some difficulties to do the same. He only helped because he thought he didn't have a choice.
"The sheriff will be there soon." announced Gregory. "You can wait him here. Donuts ?"
Dan looked at the pastry, but declined politely. He had to save room for Thomas's diner. And he was already gaining weight fast enough. Not even one month, and all his clothes were already snug.
Eventually, Mr. Davos arrived, and after a talk, Dan's sister was free. She looked at him with a smile.
"Sorry big bro." she said. "I promise it'll never happen again."
He wasn't that stupid. It the fourth time in less than a year.
"What were you thinking ?" he asked, irritated. "You know how much troubles you could have been in ?"
She shrugged, detached. She was wearing a dirty speckled pullover, with holed jeans and shoes. She had left their parent's home last july. She had crashed in her boyfriend's home during one month. There, she started to be on a slippery slope. She did pickpocketing, but luckily the victim didn't press charge against her. Then, she tried to resell drugs from the local dealer. Without any real evidence, the sheriff had to let her go. Eventually, around november, Sam had dumped her, and Dan couldn't honestly reproach him for that. She had been a real pain for him, always demanding more and more. I don't know why she became like this. I don't know how to help.
"Shirley, where are you living now ?" he wondered. "And how are you eating ? You should go back home, or come live with me in the worst case."
"No way." she answered. "I'm free, totally free. I'm not going to see mom or dad ever again. And I don't want to live with you."
She looked at him, mocking.
"I wouldn't be able to hold myself... You're so hot."
"That's gross." he mumbled. "Just... Don't do anything stupid again please."
He felt powerless. What can I do ? Maybe he should let the sheriff lock her up. Maybe he should talk with his parents ? He was so hesitant that in the end, he did nothing. He let her go on her own. I'm not the brother of the year...
On the next day morning, Dan was cosily munching cookies when he got a call from Mrs. Muller. She told him the school had contacted her about Thomas, because he and his friends caused a little blast during science lesson, apparently on purpose. What does that mean ? He would never do that. Anyway, he got suspended, which worried his mother. Dan took the time to reassure her. When he hung up, he was very concerned. Thomas's friends probably had done a mistake, and they were all grounded. But still, it wasn't the ginger's type to get suspended. Wait, science class... Does that mean it's Darren who punished them ? Well, Dan's bestfriend was new in town, he probably wasn't affected by Thomas's natural charm. So this explained that. Dan decided to text him, but Raphaël suddenly called.
"This is improper." he said straight. "We can't tolerate this."
I guess he's talking about Thomas... His apathetic tone warned Dan. He was angry.
"I asked you to be nice with him, and this is how he behaves ?" continued Raphaël. "There are limits he can't cross."
The junior didn't answer yet. He knew how to act when his boyfriend was annoyed.
"There's no way I could let such a bad behaviour unpunished. I understand he's sad and he feels abandonned, but this is no excuse to be suspended from science class. I'll call him straight this evening."
"Honey, can you let me handle this ?" suggested Dan.
It was the good moment to step in.
"I'll talk to him, and we'll see what happened. You know it is possible he did nothing wrong. Maybe he just helped his friends ?"
A cold blank followed. Nice, he's thinking. He's always overreacting when it comes to his little brother.
"Fine." eventually agreed Raphaël. "But make sure he perfectly understands. I don't want mom to tell me things like that ever again."
"Sure thing love. Just... try to calm down, there is nothing to be worried about. I got this."
Now I can relate to Mrs. Muller. It must have been very difficult to raise these two boys. Raphaël was already quite a phenomenon. But Thomas had his own difficult character. Dan knew it as soon as he arrived at home this evening.
"Are you gonna lecture me ? Because my teacher already did." he said as an introduction.
The young teenager was smiling. His most genuine, most cheerful smile. I see right through this mask.
"It depend." he answered prudently. "What did you do exactly ?"
"Nothing. Ilhan got the formula wrong and he made a blast. I laughed. Our teacher thought we did it on purpose... I don't like him."
Oh good. So... I guess I'll make the presentations later...
"Look, I'm not your father, and I trust you." Dan stated. "Just be careful next time okay ? We don't want your mother to come back here only to yell at you, right ?"
Thomas lowered his eyes, seemingly ashamed.
"Yes." he said. "Sorry Dan. I didn't intend to put you in trouble."
"No problem buddy."
"To make it up to you, let me cook an amazing diner." suggested the teenager.
And that was how the junior knew he was gonna end the day completely full.
To be continued
Shirley was the main character in the High School Game. She’s a strong and indepedent young women, but who as a tendancy to find troubles. She doesn’t has a major impact in this story, but she’ll be there.
Also, The College Society is coming back next week with chapter 3 !
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pagesuponstpages · 5 years
through the seasons
ofc: mallory jacobs
warnings: some curse words scattered about, a slight mention of cheating, & a teeny bit of alcohol
word count: +3.2k
synposis: snapshots of calum & mallory through a year, from their fateful meeting to falling in love, deeper than either of them expected.
a/n: so at 1 am on calum’s birthday, I decided to write a fic in celebration for the one and only c-dizzle thomas hood’s 23rd birthday (happy belated birthday cal). also purposely writing in lowercase, it being an artistic choice. also also welp meant to finish and post this on the day of, but this weekend was unusually busy. :( but hope you enjoy.
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w i n t e r
the first time they met, it was at a party. to be specific, calum’s birthday party.
mallory was freezing her arse off, while waiting for ashton to buzz her and katie into his apartment building. ash was hosting said party at his place, which was something along the lines of being big enough to have all their friends come over (katie thinks that it might have been better if they rented out a club or something).
“irwin! hurry the bloody hell up!” katie yelled, standing right below the open window of his apartment.
“geez, i might as well not let you in,” he said through the intercom. 
katie rolled her eyes. “yeah, say that to the people that has all of your drinks,” she said, smirking, as if he was standing in front of them. mallory pushed katie to the side, so she could talk into the intercom.
“oi, stop fighting and let us in. it’s bloody cold out and i’d rather not freeze my toes off.” and the door buzzed, notifying them that it was unlocked.
although both mallory and katie hailed from the uk with their blindingly cold winters, they got used to the la weather too quickly. and now, if it even reached in the 30-degree-range, the both of them would gripe and complain to all of their friends’ dismay.
“you didn’t have to do that, he would’ve let us in.” 
mallory looked at her best friend with a raised eyebrow. “yeah, sure but with the both of us having nearly frozen off our fingers and toes.” 
katie shrugged, both walking into the elevator. “it’s all irwin, not me.” 
mallory scoffed, but didn’t push any further.
despite only knowing ashton through katie, mallory guessed that there was this unidentified thing in their friendship that had them both snarky and biting towards each other, which seemed to start when they both moved to la. mallory thinks they need to either have a sit-down chat or fuck with their feelings (either might not end well, to be honest).
once they both got to ashton’s floor, mallory knocked on the door, while katie rambled on about some guy that bumped into her right after she got her usual iced coffee in the morning (don’t ask her why she gets iced coffee in the middle of winter, both mallory and ash have tried and failed).
“look who showed up!” 
mallory grinned at luke who answered the door, while katie just walked right past him.
“thanks,” she said, as luke took two out of the four bags that she was holding, each full of different types of alcohol and soda.
“no problem,” he said, as they walked into ash’s kitchen. “put some of the drinks in the ice bucket and the rest in the fridge.” 
mallory nodded, dividing the various beers, soda cans, and bottle waters into their respective buckets on the floor by the counter.
she turned, to see ash with a wide grin and his arms spread out, about to tackle her in a hug.
“when’s the birthday boy coming?” she said, her speech muffled into ashton’s shoulder.
“soon,” luke said, who was standing by the kitchen counter with an amused expression at her and ash’s exchange.
“is it really that cold outside?” ash asked. 
mallory raised her eyebrows, waiting for the rant that was about to come.
“fuck yeah!” katie yelled from her spot on the couch. “it’s below freezing!” 
mallory had to stifle a laugh, as katie and ashton continued back and forth.
“so do you think that they’ll ever fuck?” luke said, leaning on the counter next to her.
“don’t know. at this point, it looks promising,” she said with a wry look. 
luke chuckled.
there was a buzzing sound, one that was barely heard over ash and katie’s arguing.
“i’ll get it,” he said, standing straight.
“i’ll go too, i don’t want to be a witness to whatever this leads to,” mallory said, directing her hand to the two in front of them. she trailed luke to the door, watching him as he pressed the intercom button.
“whooo is it?”
“it’s us you fucks! let us in; it’s freezing out here,” michael said, his voice cracking through the small speaker by the door. luke and mallory shared a look, both trying not to burst out laughing.
“some people beg to differ the temperature outside,” she said, pressing the button to talk.
“i think it’s pretty obvious. i can’t feel my knees,” michael said. 
luke giggled, then pressed the button to let them in. “alright, but only because we kinda need you to have your legs for the band.” they heard unintelligible voices, followed by the familiar buzz of the door unlocking.
a few moments later, the door knocked, signaling their arrival.
“they’re here!” mallory yelled, swinging the door open. the argument in the living room stopped suddenly, while there were babbles of ‘happy birthday’ along with shouts of greetings as each guest walked into ash’s apartment.
“mal, you’ve met everyone in the band except for the man of the hour,” michael said, directing her attention to the curly-haired, gold-skinned boy standing tall over her head. mallory chuckled, shaking her head at mikey’s words.
“hi, i’m calum,” he said, his dark brown eyes meeting hers.
“mallory. pleasure to meet you.”
s p r i n g
mallory thinks that she spends too much time with calum. or at least, more time than friends usually spend together.
“do you think this goes?” 
mallory was sat on the couch, slouched to the point of her long-sleeve shirt riding up to the middle of her back. calum requested her help in sorting through his wardrobe, figuring out what would stay and what would have to go.
“i think so,” she said, looking up from her phone. he was clad in black slim-cut trousers with a white printed dress shirt on top.
“c’mon mal, this is serious,” he frowned. 
mallory sighed, sitting up on the couch. “but isn’t that ash’s top?” 
calum looked down at the shirt, the red poppies staring back at him. “probably. after touring together for so long, i think our wardrobes started mixing together.”
“do you think he needs it anytime soon?”
calum shrugged, putting his hands into the pockets.
“looks good. keep it,” she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. mallory wondered why she got herself into this mess, watching calum try on different outfits, matter of fact that all of them looked good on him. he nodded, walking back to his room to change.
“what do you want to eat?” he said.
“don’t know,” she said, raising her voice just enough that he could still hear her.
“you say that all the time.” calum sat on the couch next to her, now wearing grey sweats and a white t-shirt.
“can’t help it. i’m fine with anything.” 
he gave her a look, a dark eyebrow raised. 
“okay fine, maybe not everything,” she frowned.
“i’m ordering chinese,” he said, pulling up the website menu on his phone.
“done with wardrobe cleaning?” 
he shrugged. “we got through most of the things that i wanted you to look at, but i did some the other day by myself.” 
mallory nodded, focusing back on the tv, which was playing an episode of chopped.
“oh! can we get the eggplant dish and the salt and pepper squid?” she asked, suddenly remembering.
“i thought you said you didn’t care?” he said, staring at her with a hint of a smirk.
“shut up,” mallory said, pushing his shoulder.
calum called the restaurant, his voice being the background of the four chefs cooking on the tv. their food arrived about forty minutes later; calum went to the door downstairs, picking up the bags of takeout and tipping the delivery person. mallory told him to tip a little extra because they had to drive about three kilometers from the restaurant along with the rain coming down quick outside.
“for you,” calum said, giving her one plastic bag as he set his on the coffee table. they unpacked and opened their boxes, before digging into their food.
“hey! eat your own food!” mallory exclaimed, swiping away at his hovering chopsticks.
“i thought we were eating the food together?” calum said, his voice raising higher.
“dude, we’re eating next to each other, not sharing food,” she grumbled, turning her back to calum. he reached over her shoulder, snatching a rather big piece of salt and pepper squid and popped it into his mouth before she could react.
“it’s family style, ‘cause we ordered at the same time.” 
mallory huffed, turning back to facing calum and extended the box of fried squid to calum.
“you sound like my uncle,” she said, taking a piece of his kung pao chicken.
“how?” he was happily munching on the sauteed eggplant, to her frustration.
“whenever my family would go out to eat, we would normally order dishes with the intentions of having it family style. but this one time we went to a thai restaurant, where we ordered our own dishes. my uncle practically asked everyone at the table if he could have a bite of their food, and my aunt was so mad at him for doing that. but all he replied was ‘if your food looks good, it’s family style,’” mallory said, shaking her head at the memory.
“did you give him some of your food?” calum asked.
“yeah,” she sighed, “but at least he was considerate enough to offer his food first before taking a bite of mine, unlike somebody i know.” mallory was looking straight at calum, her eyes narrowing.
“hmm, wonder who that could be,” he mused, with a smile creeping onto his face.
she punched him in the shoulder. which she didn’t realize, was that her chopsticks were in the hand that she threw the punch, thus the chopsticks flew in the air, past the other end of the couch.
“oops,” she said, her eyes widening to his now narrowing eyes. “oh look at the time, have to go!” she said, dropping the takeout box in hand to the coffee table and ran to the door.
“you’re not gonna get away with that!” and then calum took off after her, running around his apartment to avoid capture. at one point, duke jumped in the chase, which distracted mallory enough for calum to tackle her to the ground. “gotcha,” he said, his face inches from hers.
she was staring at his eyes, them not breaking eye contact for a few moments. then he leaned in, meeting his lips with hers, before she could even realize it.
s u m m e r
when the weather gets warmer, people usually take out their swimwear and jump into a nearby pool. but calum and mallory were laying on the ground in front of the fan and sharing a bowl of ice cream. duke was content with his own doggie ice cream above their heads.
“here,” calum said, tapping the spoon to mallory’s lip.
“thanks love,” she said, swallowing the cool and creamy flavors in her mouth.
“why can’t we go to the pool?” he said, taking a spoonful for himself.
“coz ash wanted to come too.”
“where is he?” 
mallory sat up, looking down at calum, who was taking another bite of ice cream, before giving her another spoonful. “shouldn’t you know more about your bandmates than me?” 
calum raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. “you did know him before meeting me.”
“that was because of katie.” she laid back down, which duke then took the opportunity to lay his head on her forehead.
“oh right.” calum gave her another spoon, barely avoiding duke from taking a lick. “did they fuck yet?” 
mallory snorted.
after calum’s birthday, the two girls started spending more time with the guys, thus leading to katie and ashton having more tension than she’s ever seen. to make it even worse, katie would complain about ashton to her, when they would drive back to their shared apartment.
“i’m 75% sure that they already are. but no.” 
calum chuckled. “i wouldn’t be surprised if they are, but also that they’re both dealing with different things, before that would even start.” and mallory had to agree.
katie and her previous boyfriend broke up due to him ‘being jealous of her with other guys,’ despite finding out that he’d been cheating on her with multiple girls. ashton also had a rough breakup, the facts not being clear, except for the few tidbits that calum tells her here and there.
“i just hope that they figure it out,” she finally said. calum was silent, not even moving to eat more ice cream. mallory turned her head, to fully see calum. his eyes were closed, but his eyebrows were scrunched with tension. she schooched closer to him, until her chin touched his shoulder. duke got up after mallory moved, and he settled in between them, laying down right by their ankles.
“i can’t tell if you’re asleep or not,” she whispered, reaching up a hand to stroke his cheek. “but by me touching you right now, i’m assuming not.” the fan continued to whirr in the background.
“fuckin’ hell, why are we doing this? we should be in a pool right now.” despite the heat, her hands were cooler than the rest of her body (some phenomenon that she’s always had, ever since she was a child.
“but nooo, we have to wait for ash and probably the other boys.” it felt calming, her cooler hands touching his skin which was nearly blazing in the summer heat.
“we don’t technically have to wait for them,” calum suddenly said, opening one eye to her.
“jesus!” she jumped, dropping her hand back down from his cheek.
“don’t stop, like that,” he mumbled. so mallory raised her hand back, stroking his cheek, with her now slightly less cool hands.
“don’t stop, doing what you’re doing,” she hummed under her breath. calum groaned, instantly recognizing the song she was humming.
“i don’t even know why you’re my girlfriend.” mallory stopped, freezing at his words.
“girlfriend?” he turned his head, his nose barely touching hers.
“guess i did that to myself,” he mumbled. she continued to stare at him, while she heard the faint noise of a car door slamming and voices coming closer.
“so whaddya say, do you wanna be my girl?” his lips spread into a lazy grin, with his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“hmm,” she bemused, leaning closer so their noses were now touching.
“i think yes.”
a u t u m n
as soon as the leaves changed into the lightest shade of red and orange, mallory dragged everyone to the nearest pumpkin patch. which happened to be about an hour drive to a city between thousand oaks and santa clarita.
“are we almost there yet?”
“didn’t you ask that ten minutes ago?” katie said, turning from her seat to ashton who was squeezed in the third row with luke and luke’s girlfriend.
“so?” mallory pushed katie so that she was looking forward at the road ahead of them.
“calm down children, google says we have a couple more minutes until we get there.” katie and mallory’s neighbor graciously let them borrow her minivan for their little road trip, as long as they returned it with a full tank (katie and mallory were gonna make the boys pay for it). due to mallory not fully trusting any of the guys driving the borrowed minivan and katie was no good with bigger cars (when she was practicing for her driver’s test with her mum’s suv, she didn’t make the turn and rammed into a tree. thankfully no one was hurt and the car didn’t have significant damage, but mallory would try to be the only one driving in their friendship).
“we’re not children, we’re grown men,” she heard luke say, with a gruff tone. she snorted.
“yeah, keep telling yourself that, mate.” and all the girls in the car burst out laughing.
“calllum, your girl’s being mean to me,” he whined, tapping on the bassist’s shoulder in front of him.
“lukey, ‘ya brought that one on yourself,” he said, laughing.
“i don’t know how you can survive on one tour bus for months on end, if you lot are like this,” mallory said. “by the way, we’re here.”
once they found a parking spot, everyone hopped out and took off in their own groups.
“guess it’s just you and me.” mallory looked up from her phone, replying to her neighbor’s text about the drive, to calum, clad in his green hoodie and grey beanie.
“how unfortunate,” she said, clicking the key fob twice, to make sure it was locked.
“fine then. i’m gonna find ash and luke then,” he huffed dramatically and stomped towards the entrance of the patch. mallory rolled her eyes, but then quickly stuffed the keys in her pocket and after calum, grabbing his hand.
“alright, alright, calm your tits,” she said, tugging at his hand. “you’re not unfortunate, you’re just alright.” he looked down at her, side-eyeing mallory
“just alright?”
“eh,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. calum scoffed, pulling her closer to him.
“wow, this is the kind of treatment i get from my girl.”
“only the best for the bassist of 5sos,” she quipped. calum laughed, shaking his head.  they walked through the pumpkin patch that was behind the store, with their enclasped hands swinging back and forth.
“see anything worth picking up?” calum said, his eyes sweeping the pumpkins that they walked past.
“don’t know. has to be the right one. like, the one.” every year once autumn would just hit, mallory would pick the perfect pumpkins for carving, plain decoration, and even pumpkin pies that she fell in love with once she moved to the states.
“the one, you say?” calum said, looking at her with an incredulous look.
“yep,” she said, nodding her head. “i need nice round ones for simple decoration and carving, and ripe ones for cooking and stuff.” calum nodded, his eyes still scanning for mallory’s “perfect pumpkins.”
“this one any good?” they both stopped walking as calum picked up a decently size one that was mostly round. mallory still held onto his hand, while studying the pumpkin, from what seemed to be at every angle.
“it seems like a good contender.” he nodded, placing the pumpkin in the little wagon that he had been dragging. mallory tugged at his hand, already moving on to another pumpkin that caught her eye. after a few tugs, he let go, seeing her walk faster to a pumpkin towards the end of this row that they were walking by. she squat in front of it, carefully rolling it to check for any patches or dark-colored bumps. he caught up to her, standing a few feet away with his phone out to capture the moment. calum laughed, seeing her eyes continue to scrutinize at the pumpkin while clicking her tongue in satisfaction.
“what?” she said, looking at him with wide eyes. he shook his head, the smile still spread on his face.
“nothing. just love you.” mallory stood up with the pumpkin in her hands. she stepped towards him, putting the pumpkin in the wagon next to the other one.
she held onto his sweatshirt, tiptoeing to meet his lips.
“i love you too.”
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cloudsofcollection · 5 years
My Experience with Ayahuasca
The way these few weeks orchestrated itself to align my soul with my ayahuasca ceremony was very intentional. I’m grateful that I’m able to trust my intuition to guide me to good and I’m grateful that I have the strength to follow through. Discipline takes work. It’s not that it’s difficult.. It just takes genuine work and effort. The gifts that come from that discipline make it all worthwhile and can even have you question why it took you so long to get here in the first place. But everything is as it is supposed to be. The struggle. The lessons. The choices made. Everything.
For the most part, I felt very relaxed and ready. I had been preparing for as long as I could remember and I trusted that I could handle this experience. I originally wanted to go to Peru, the sacred land where the magic started. To be in the jungle with the plants and the medicine, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. All year, I asked questions and researched how to get there. I accepted that it wasn’t time, but one day it will be. I had then crossed paths with someone who had done ayahuasca… here… in Winnipeg. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. If I can’t experience the jungle, what better way to do ayahuasca than to do it in my hometown, the city I was born in (rebirth is such a strong theme for me right now). A few months had passed. My heart was still yearning and this time the universe was taking the lead in our harmonious dance together. She guided me to this woman, Lori, who’s partner holds ceremonies in Winnipeg. Get this… she was the newest hire at my work. This allowed me to create a friendship with her, a bond that I could trust and feel safe with. It is incredible how magical this Life can be if we let it. There are so many loving and supporting energies that want you to be happy and want you to live the best Life. We’re all in this together.
Originally, the ceremony was supposed to take place a week ago, December 29. I was excited to end 2018 with a healing experience to help me recharge for the next year. I had felt ready and I anticipated it more and more with each day. The night before the ceremony, I received a message from Lori saying that the ceremony needed to be postponed for another week because her partner had caught the flu. At first, I was frustrated and upset. I allowed myself to feel those emotions and with each breath, I accepted the situation. I then realized that I have more time to cleanse, prepare, and rest. I said to myself, “I guess I have more work to do.” And I sure did. I spent my New Years alone. At 5pm on New Years eve, I packed a bag and booked a hotel room. I was going through an exhausting time because of the holidays and everything that comes with it. I felt drained in all areas and needed to refill my vessel. I had a very spiritual and intimate evening with myself. I was relearning how to love me again. As it hit midnight, I laid in a bath tub with my crystals. I aligned my chakras, did a breathing meditation to centre myself, and brought in the new year being reborn.
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I woke up right before the sun started to rise. I stretched with the sun and enjoyed breakfast with my fellow crows. This will be my new ritual every year (maybe even every season). I am beyond grateful that I followed my intuition. I was broken before this. I felt like I “needed” to be with my family to celebrate or I “needed” to be out with friends partying. But deep, deep down.. that was all ego. When you can get out of your head, and into your heart, it can be so healing. This needed to happen for me because immediately after my beautiful experience, I was back in work mode. I had 4 days until the ceremony and I worked at my job all 4 days.
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~ It was during this very moment that my heart had felt full. The sun was shining through me & I could feel absolute gratitude for all Life ~
Leading up to meeting the medicine, I chose to make some changes in my lifestyle (my guides also helped me with this as well). With about a week left, I took care of myself and my health. I chose carefully and intentionally what food, what feelings, and what information to process. I cut out caffeine and only drank water or herbal teas. I chose to ate mainly vegetarian dishes with the occasional fish or chicken. I ate ALOT of fruit. This alone took training and discipline. During this time, I was staying at my grandmother’s house and let me tell you… my grandmother’s cooking is my favourite cooking. She puts so much love into it, it’s always perfect. With that being said, it was really hard for me to watch my brother eat adobo, which is my absolute favourite, as I munched on a spinach and apple salad. Or how much I wanted to have a slice of Little Caesar’s pizza hours before my ceremony.
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~ vanilla chia pudding with mashed bananas & blueberries ~ avocado toast with bruschetta ~ spinach salad with apples ~ quinoa with mixed veggies ~
Now that I’m on the other side, I’ve realized that those temptations and cravings are temporary. And temporary gratification is worth the lifelong gifts you can receive if you choose otherwise. My vessel was clear and pure for the medicine to be absorbed and for the healing energies to transform. I was ready. One step led to another and fast forward to January 5, at the peak of the new moon in Capricorn as well as a solar eclipse, I had journeyed with courageous and beautiful beings.
There were seven of us. The number seven is considered to be “the Seeker, the lifelong Searcher of Truth”. And that is exactly what we all came here to do, to seek our truths of our world. These people were all strangers to me, but I felt safe. I felt like we’ve walked this path with one another in a different Life. The ceremony was held in an art gallery in the heart of downtown Winnipeg. We had open space and it was perfect for the size of our group. I became comfortable in the corner close to our main guides. I laid out my crystals and stones that were also ready to walk this path with me. After brief introductions, smudging, and settling into the energy of the room, the ceremony began.
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~ This was my time traveling space ship (hehe). My fucking awesome homies to the left: obsidian, selenite, amber, lapis lazuli, and a pine cone :) ~
Jeff, our ayahuasquero, blessed the medicine. I kept wanting to watch what he was doing because I was so intrigued. But that was my ego talking. My spirit was telling me to “centre in and stay grounded because it doesn’t matter what he looks like, what matters is where you are about to go”. I was the first one to receive the medicine. My female companion, Lori, came to me with a gentle smile and with a whisper, passed me a small wooden cup and said, “cheers”. With gratitude, I drank the ayahuasca very slowly, wanting to feel every bit of it move through my body. I closed inwards and gave thanks. As I sat still, I moved my awareness to my body, needing to stretch and move the energy through me. I repeated to myself, “I will heal. I will grow. I will let go. I will heal. I will grow. I will let go”. It was time for me to lay down. The lights turned off and it didn’t take long for me to feel the magic. At first, a red light dawned over me. I opened my eyes to see where it was coming from, but there was no red light anywhere. I only could see it with my eyes closed. This resonated with my root chakra and gave me the gift of grounding. My spirit was preparing me for my journey. I then saw a tiny eyeball blink at me and it scared me. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. This was going to be some crazy shit.
I closed my eyes and then I saw a key hole. It was inviting me in and I trusted it and kept going. Mama Aya appeared. She carried this essence of an ancient wise grandmother. Her face was a carving on a large tree trunk. Her roots extended out to me, comforting me, telling me that she was here to help me. Jeff began to sing. The timing was perfect because the medicine had finally settled and I was somewhere else. The frequency of his voice was creating images and colours within my mind. Everything was very bright and electric. “This is a lot. This is intense,” I said to myself. Fear began to rise. I wanted to go home and be in my bed. I wanted to be in a familiar place. Everything I was experiencing was new and different and it was a lot for me to process. In my head, I was trying to figure out what to do next. I would try to enjoy the intense high I was feeling, but it felt like system overload. I called over to Lori to comfort me. I looked up at her, and she came to me as a bird. I told her I wanted it to stop because it was a lot. I felt her touch and she continued to comfort me. She looked down on me, and whispered, “it’s okay Mel. It’s the medicine. Everything will be okay.” It took me awhile to release resistance. I felt cold, I just wanted to be warm, I wanted water but couldn’t figure out how to grab it. There was a moment where I knew I was going to throw up, but couldn’t get up. I accepted that I was going to throw up on myself and call it a night. This was it. This was my experience. I whispered out loud, “I need help. Can someone pass me my water bottle? Where is my bucket?” But a voice came to me and said, “you can have whatever you want, but it’s you that needs to do it. No one else can do it for you.” So I sat up and opened my eyes. Thank God. I took a few deep breaths and observed my surroundings. The art gallery was no longer a gallery. But a blur of energy floating through the air. Every direction was a different realm. I came back to contact with my physical body. “Where is my wrist? Yes.. there it is. Grab the hair tie, Mel. Put your hair up. Drink some water. Where are my glasses? I got this. I got this. I have control. Shake it off. Try to throw up. It’s okay, just get it over with.” I couldn’t throw up even after hunching over my bucket with my finger in my mouth. I talked to myself, ALOT. (I mean, I talk to myself alot as it is so it makes sense that it was necessary for my experience. Lol) I laid back down and snuggled in my blanket. Intuitively, I went in the fetal position. Jeff and Lori were going back and forth in song. It was so beautiful. The song was coming from their heart and it helped carry me through my fear. Their song also moved the plant medicine within me. Everything was working together in every moment. I never felt so connected. I then felt like I was being packed into a cocoon. Spirit animals surrounded me in a circle to protect me. I could feel their physical touch pat me as if I was a baby. Waves of energy were pouring into me. My demons were nearby, but my spirit animals were warding them away. But I couldn’t have them do all the work themselves. It was my turn. I began to release resistance. I opened up from my cocoon and spread my body out. In that very moment, my heart opened and I was blessed with so much love. Ethereal beings showed me their world and it was so bright. It felt like they were each taking turns feeding me and nourishing me with love and light. They cleansed my body and had me in a bubble of unconditional love. I saw codes and symbols but I couldn’t understand it at the time. “What is happening? What does this mean? How do I integrate this information?" System fucking overload. My galactic family was showing me light language. Matter did not exist here. There was nothing physical to this experience. I had to touch my face and body just to make sure it was still there. I felt detached from my body. I felt like my mind was floating through consciousness and all it has to offer. Everything worked in frames and layers, pulsing back and forth. Now I wonder what would have happened if I stepped into each frame. Everything was detached, yet all connected. 
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~ This is the best image I could use to describe the pulsating frames & layers. Holy fuck, I was inside bismuth ~
Then Mateo started to play his didgeridoo. I was in awe the whole time with what I was experiencing. I couldn’t help but say out loud, “this is so beautiful. How is this happening? How are you doing that?” There were moments when Lori and Jeff greeted me in my corner. They had me sit up as the blessed me and placed mama beads around my wrists. Jeff had blown tobacco smoke around me to cleanse my energy. They both worked so well together. Their intuition, guidance, and all-loving energy made the ceremony perfect. I was in admiration by what the medicine and sound can do together to any experience. It was very spiritual and deep and our energies were all working together collectively. There was a moment when I had felt that everyone was hovering over me. Watching me and protecting me. Their spirits came through and journeyed into my world for a moment. I couldn’t believe all the beauty and love I was witnessing within. I now finally understand how our universe is holographic because I was in the matrix. I traveled through space and time and I am so grateful that I was filled with the most loving energies.
Leading up to the ceremony, my angels were sending me messages of support. They do this by showing me angel numbers (one number repeating itself 3 times, for example: 222, 444, 555). On the day of the ceremony, I didn’t feel or see any messages. But I knew that was because I needed to do this one on my own and I needed to trust that they are always with me and sure enough, they were.
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~ When trying to use words to describe my experience, I was blank at first. I came across this photo and this is very close. This is where my galactic family greeted me and showered me with love~
I was finally coming back to Life. The medicine was still within me, but my travels were coming to an end. I was coming back to my physical body and needed to reground. I felt a wave of excitement and happiness. Everyone was very pleased with their journey. We began to share stories and exchange wisdom with one another. It was hard for me to process everything at the time. My body was back on Earth, but my mind was still running around the universe. As I sat up, I enjoyed the aura of our space. Everyone was happy. Everyone was working through their blockages. People had break downs. People had break throughs. We supported each other and it was perfect. We sang songs and gave hugs. As we let light into the gallery, the reflection shined through the window. A beam of light stretched across the room and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was the most perfect way to close my ceremony. It’s so beautiful to see how the medicine works. It doesn’t work for you, it works with you. There is a relationship between the medicine and the human being. The medicine is there to show you what you are willing to see. The human being is there to receive the gifts and share it with the world. I learned a lot about my flight or fight tendencies. I initially craved for warmth and something familiar because the unknown scared me. But man oh man… the moment I let go and released resistance, the unknown was the most sacred and most wonderful world I could dream of. It was hard for me to fall asleep because my ego was coming back & I started to judge myself. I was telling myself I was acting obnoxious or I was talking too much, and as I was doing this to myself, I could feel my heart hurting. My rose quartz necklace even broke from tossing and turning so much. And rose quartz helps with the heart and unconditional love. So I placed my hand on my heart and told myself to be gentle. Focus on the good, because there was so much to be gained. I also now see my potential as a human being. There is this world that I can tap into to gain wisdom and to recharge my vessel. I woke up the following morning feeling awake inside and energized, but my body needed to rest. I needed a full day in my pajamas, my grandmother’s cooking, and the opportunity to share the love I gained. The best gift I gained from my experience is feeling secured. I feel secure in my body and in my skin. My eczema is healing. I’m letting my hair down. I’m comfortable with who I am and I have so much love to give. Now all I can do is spread my light and inspire others to ignite their own.
There is so much to our world outside our four walls. We are conditioned to live in fear, but once we move from that, we possess so much magic within. Our Creator gave us the tools to succeed, but we must come back to our natural selves. Love, light, and nature are our best healers. They are here for us and are wanting to shower us with many gifts. You don’t have to see it to believe. You first have to believe, then you will see.
I will work with plant medicine again, but in moderation. This experience was very intense and a lot for me to process. But I survived. I didn’t throw up, and I didn’t shit myself so that’s always a win. Haha!
Wherever you are, I am sending you so much love. I encourage you to challenge your beliefs and explore the corners of your mind, and push through your inner fears. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise.
Love and light to you and yours,
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uwu-whore · 6 years
Anti: But think of all the perfectly roasted faces we get to munch on now.
Chase: What? Why?
Anti: Because we're friends. And friendship is two pals munching on a well cooked face together.
Chase: That isn't friendship, Anti. That's sick.
Anti: Well, then you're probably not going to like your birthday decorations.
Chase: It's not even my- oh my God.
*Balloons with faces hanging off of them float through the room*
Anti: Surprise!
Chase: Oh... oh no... awww...
Anti: I'm sorry, I thought you liked faces. Obviously, there's a miscommunication.
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evilrobot1101 · 3 years
Because we’re friends and friendship is two pals munching on a well cooked face together.
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brosif40 · 6 years
Its how they're relationship would work out like.
Madilene: BoooOOOssss you've tracked mud all over the carpet...
Enoch: now right there is a mess.
Madilene: I just had it cleaned yesterday boss.
Enoch: Im not responsible for this, I've been jamming on my saxaphone all morning.
Madilene: They're clearly your foot prints boss.
Enoch: Then there is an imposter on the loose.
Madilene: They lead directly to you.
Enoch: clue number one, the imposter is an phantom.
Madilene: Boss stop avoidin-
Madilene:..... BooOOOOSSssss...
Enoch: Happy birthday!
Madilene: its not- please dont tell me you had nothing to do with this.
Enoch: Why dont you blow out your candle.
Madilene: You've gone too far this time boss..
Enoch: Whats that? Its hard to hear you over melting city.
Madilene: How did you even do this??
Enoch: A dollop of fairy dust.
Madilene: Boss.
Enoch: I ripped a tag off of a matress.
Madilene: this isnt funny boss.
Enoch: Whos laughing? Clearly not all the people that just exploded.
Madilene: Im leaving, Ive had enough of this.
Enoch: But think of the perfectly roasted faces we can munch on now.
Madilene: What, why?
Enoch: Because we're friends, and friendship is two pals munching on a well cooked face together.
Madilene: That isnt friendship boss. Thats sick.
Enoch: Well then youre probably not going to like your birthday decorations.
Madilene: Its not even my- oh my god..
*faces hanging from balloons are floating down*
Enoch: suprise!
Madilene: oh awwhh nooo ooooOOOAAUUGHHHH...
Enoch: Im sorry I thought you liked faces. Obviously there was a miscommunication.
Madilene: This is awful, boss.
Enoch: Youre right its not as nearly as tasteful as I pictured it in my head.
Madilene: I think im gonna throw u- Oh god one just touched me!
Enoch: This was clearly the wrong way to go.
Madilene: You think, Boss?
Enoch: What can I say? I expected them to be cooked more, raw face is just gross.
Madilene: But that isn't the problem boss! Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Enoch: Probably because im a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Madilene: oh..
Enoch: I dont understand how you keep forgetting that.
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Midnight Snack - Shinwon (Pentagon)
Group: Pentagon Member: Shinwon Genre: friendship fluff. lame jokes. food. Fun fact: Shinwon’s birthday is 4 days before mine, but I’m born the year before. :P Most people enjoy actual snacks for midnight snacks, Shinwon’s concept of midnight snack is the complete opposite and he gets really talkative past midnight.
It’s time like these where you’re sitting in the closed lobby of a McDonalds at 12:30am with a full tray of food, in your comfiest sweat pant and hoodie with the teenage fry cook hitting on you that you wonder how you become friends with a guy like Shinwon and why? 
Saying you’ve known Shinwon your whole life was the best way to explain things, your mothers were friends and ended up getting pregnant around the same time, he was only a few days older. So the two of you literally grew up together. There was no one else you’d trust with you life, even if he’s the one that put it in danger. Both of you were very adventurous children, that became adventurous teenagers that later brought you to now, adventurous and still dumb young adults.
Why he had to call you at 11:30 asking if you were busy is beyond you. Why you agreed to his strange idea five minutes later is completely unexplainable. Maybe it was the unyielding trust you had in each other. Or maybe the possibility for a new adventure awaiting that you just couldn’t say no. But here you were looking your laziest with your hair in the messiest bun you could manage, your glasses were perched on your nose and a pimple you’ve been fighting for the last three days on your cheek. How he had convinced you to take a late half hour bus ride to this particular Mickey D’s is baffling. 
Sighing you looked over at Shinwon who was dying on the other side of the booth watching this teenager trying to chat you up. You sent him a look before as sweetly as you could telling the kid you’re not interested before asking him to leave. Before he could open his mouth the manager (and Shinwon’s hook up here) called the kid back and told him to clear the deep fryers.
“I can’t believe you just sat there.” You grumbled, a still hot fry crunching between your teeth.
“I had to let him do his thing, I can’t interfere with destiny.”
“Destiny my ass. He’s at least five years too young.” He looked young, he was too fresh faced to have been in high school long.
“C’mon you like younger guys. He didn’t seem to bad.”
“Five years younger is boarder line cradle robbing Wonnie. Just because I dated a younger guy last year of school for a few months does not mean I like younger guys.” You watched as he took a swig from his drink and munched on a small handful of fries.
“Ya know, between you and me, I know of two guys who have a teeny tiny crush on you right now.” You paid him no mind. “And I have a feeling, theoretically, who you would pick.”
“Okay, I’ll bite. Who?”
“Hongseok has been asking about you lately, wondering if you’re eating well with all your classes going on.”
“Hongseok and I bonded over cooking.” You shrugged. “As your best friend I can’t let you starve and I can’t let Hongseok do everything for you children.”
“Our little Hyunggu gets all nervous when you’re around, he even asked for help picking out your Christmas present last year.”
“Hyunggu is a sweetheart. I never expected a gift from him and knowing you helped pick it out makes sense as to why it was so spot on. Plus, he’s always been nervous around me, from day one.”
“My point.” This time Shinwon shrugged as he took a bite of his chicken nugget. “What to know my theory?”
“Why not Wonnie.” You gave in, just curious. “What’s the worse you could say?”
“First, before I start you have to promise you won’t hit me when I’m done.” He stuck his pinky out.
“If I have to promise not to hit you, you’re going to stay something to make me mad.” You squinted at him, trying to search for any indication of what it was getting at or any hint as to what he was up to. “Fine, I promise I won’t hit you.” You locked your pinky with his before he smiled.
“Alright. I know you’ve liked all the guys at least for a week, like a mild school girl crush.”
“Of course, I’m human, I’m a woman. Have you seen them?”
“Yea, they’re pretty good looking, but I’m the best.”
“Sure you are.”
“That’s rude. Anyway,” He cleared his throat, “You seem to have liked all the older ones for a longer period of time, you fawned over Hui hyung for almost four months before Changgu got those flowers for you randomly and suddenly you’re in love again.”
“They were gorgeous. He said someone man just gave them too him because he found out his girlfriend cheated on him which sucks immensely. He didn’t want them to go to waste. And I wasn’t in love. I was just smitten because it was so sweet.”
“Regardless of the fine print, that’s the big picture.” He was talking with his hands, so you moved his dipping sauces out of the way and his drink away from the edge. “You had a thing for Wooseok for like three days before you found out he still sleeps with a blankie.”
“That was a little weird, but I get it. Sometimes you need that security item. Also keep in mind Seokie is three years younger than us. That’s out of my range friend.”
“You forget you still sleep with a stuffed pooh bear?”
“I’ll fight you here and now Shinwon.”
“Okay, moving on then.” He rolled his eyes at your lack of humor. “You’re still super protective of Changgu and Wooseok though. You don’t treat Jinho hyung, Hui hyung or Hyojong hyung like you treat the younger guys. You’re almost too calm around Hongseok hyung. It’s weird.”
“I’m their Noona Shinwon, I have to be a little protective and mature when it comes to them. They’re like the annoying little brothers I’ve never wanted but got anyway.”
“I’ll make sure to tell them you said that, the maknaes might be hurt.”
“They know where they stand with me. All of the guys do.”
“Hyunggu and Hongseok hyung don’t.”
“Let me finish. So you’ve liked them all at one point in time which is no big deal. And we’ve had our fling in high school just to prove to everyone we’re not meant to be like some hallmark movie. Based on their personalities, the best matches for you are actually Hongseok hyung or Hyunggu, it’s weird they’re the two who like you.”
“You do realize that it’s almost 1 now and you’re starting to speak nonsense.”
“Just listen, I’m almost done.” He took a quick drink. “Hyunggu, even if he’s only a little older that Wooseok he’s still three years younger than us. Which means you’ve never admit to liking him back because you feel like a cougar with that age gap. Even though it’s no big deal. Whereas Hongseok hyung is a year older, much more mature, he’s someone you could build a life with now. He checks off all the boxes on your list but I still think you’d pick Hyunggu simply because you go for cute before anything else. Hongseok hyung is cute too, I guess, but he has a more manly image, a manly mother image. You like the cute guys that look so sweet they’d give you a cavity.” He looked up at you for a reaction and you just stared at him.
“I mean, maybe. It would all depend on who I felt most comfortable with, who would seem like the best long term investment and who things felt right with. If it happened to be Hyunggu then I’d pick him obviously. But equally, if it all felt right with Hongseokie, I’d choose him. It all depends.”
The two of you sat in silence for a minute. The manager coming over and asking you two to finish up so he could clean that table and your trays. You and Shinwon quickly gathered your trash onto one tray and bagged the rest of the nuggets and fries for the walk back to the bus stop. After you cleaned the table the best you could and threw away your trash a thought dawned on you.
“Did you call me out here just to tell me your weird theory that wasn’t even a theory?”
“Do buses even run this late?” He dodged. “It’s just after one, we should be able to take a bus back right?”
“Look, one’s coming! Hurry!” He took off towards the bus stop, not a single vehicle was coming from either direction.
“KO SHINWON!? YOU MADE ME LEAVE MY APARTMENT FOR THIS?! YOU’RE DEAD MEAT!” You ran after your best friend, ready to knock him into next Tuesday.
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nozoroomie · 7 years
Burger Queen or Bomino’s?
Summary: After graduation, the third years decide to move in together and share an apartment as they attend university together. Nico loves living with her friends, but as more time passes, the more her feelings for them grow from friendship to something else. When Nozomi and Eli start becoming a little distant with each other, Nico worries the reason might be because of her. With that on her mind, Nico contemplates whether she should leave so Nozomi and Eli's relationship isn't strained, or stay and watch it fall apart in front of her.
Notes: HELLO EVERYONE! I realize I've past the date I said I would update my latest ongoing fic with, but I just had to write this story while I still had it on my mind. And boy has it been difficult, but so worth it. My need for domestic NozoNicoEli fluff has been satisfied and I can't wait to upload the rest of the story for you all to see.
Thank you to my friend Hannah (@ Fireflypendants on twitter) for the hilarious knock off name for a certain pizza place.
Because I have most of this fic done already (just not in order) updates for this will be very fast and probably done within the week! Please look forward to it!
Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging! I hope you enjoy the story!
word count: 3124
The sound of a key turning in the lock echoes through the apartment cluttered with boxes. Shortly after, the door knob twists and the door opens just a smidge. From the other side, Nico carefully pushes the rest of the door open, holding a stack of boxes that climb just a bit higher than she is. All of them aren’t incredibly heavy, but carrying them up the stairs to their apartment takes its toll on her tired arms.
“Finally,” Nico sighs, balancing the boxes carefully as she closes the door behind her. “Oi Nozomi! Eli! I’ve got the final boxes!”
“Great!” Eli calls from down the hall. “What’s written on them?”
“Uhhh,” Nico twists her head to try to find a label and instead just finds Nozomi’s name scribbled on the side. “I think it’s all Nozomi’s? Nozomi why didn’t you label what the boxes were?! I don’t know where to take them!”
“Because those are probably my personal belongings!” Nozomi calls from the kitchen, “Take them to Elichi, she’s in our room right now!”
Nico grunts and adjusts her hold on the boxes before making her way down the hall to the last room. She walks through the doorway, finding a nice clear spot out of the way and placing all three boxes down there. She exhales a tired breath and stretches, happy to be done the difficult parts of moving. When her back cracks she hums contently and relaxes, looking over to Eli as she examines the placement of the boxes.
“What are you thinking about?” Nico asks, noticing Eli’s frown.
Eli turns to Nico and brings a hand down from her chin, giving her a soft smile.
“I was thinking about what wall to put the bed on.” She explains, sticking her hands in her pockets. “Nozomi and I won’t be able to pick it up for another few days, but I felt planning ahead wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Ah. Well, you have fun with that.” Nico says, waving her hand. “I’m gunna go see whatever Nozomi’s up to. Have we figured out what we’re having for dinner?”
“God, I haven’t even thought about that.” Eli groans and sighs. “I’ll just go with whatever you two decide.”
“Got it.” Nico flashes her a thumbs up before heading to down the hall towards the kitchen. She finds Nozomi with an open box in front of her and a lot of different kitchen utensils scattered around the kitchen, including her pig tea kettle in its new home on the stove top. She steps closer to her to peer into the box only to find it’s empty.
“Getting the kitchen set up?” Nico asks with a curious stare. Nozomi nods.
“I was hoping that the move would be faster and we might have time to go to the store to make something for dinner, but halfway through emptying this box I became too tired to even think about cooking.” She laughs a little as she holds up a ladle. “You’d think that after so many moves I’d remember something like that.”
Nico frowns a little and reaches over to her, poking her hard in the upper arm.
“Hey. You know what makes this move better?” Nico asks and Nozomi hums, waiting for an answer. “Me. I make it better.”
Nozomi chuckles softly and shakes her head.
“You certainly do.” She says with a smile. She keeps her hold on the ladle and glances to stove, focusing her attention on the burners. She turns the ladle a couple times in her hands before speaking in a quieter voice. “If you told me three years ago I’d be moving in with my best friends after graduation, I never would have believed you.”
Nico sidesteps closer to Nozomi, nudging her gently with her arm. Nozomi turns towards her with slightly watery eyes. Nico gives her a tender smile and reaches up, poking her cheek lightly.
“You’ll never have to come home to an empty house again, alright? You’ve got me and Eli here, and if you do end up coming back to an empty house, the only reason will be because Eli and I are already with you, so we all get to arrive home together.”
Nozomi’s eyes water some more and Nico pokes her cheek a little harder.
“Ah! Hey! No crying! Today is a good day and we’re gunna spend it doing nothing the moment we decide what to have for dinner.”
“R-right. Dinner.” Nozomi says with a wet laugh, reaching up to wipe her eyes from the bit of tears that pooled at their rims. “I guess we’ll be ordering take out?”
“Yeah, looks like it. Eli said she’ll have whatever we decide so what are you feeling like?” Nico asks. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and opens it up to the browser, looking for close by restaurants they’d be able to run to.”We’ve got a Burger Queen and a Bomino’s pizza down the road if we want something fast and greasy.”
“Ooh, did you say pizza?” Nozomi decides to peer over and look at Nico’s screen to see what else may have popped up in her search. “We could always get pizza. It’s an easier clean up, and they deliver!”
“Oh my god- you’re right, okay it’s settled we’re getting pizza.” Nico immediately clicks on their website, browsing the online menu. “What do you want for toppings? I’m pretty okay with everything but pineapple. If you two want it, we can get separate pizzas because I don’t need that in my life.”
The green eyed girl starts laughing loudly, the sounds of it echoing off the many blank walls in their apartment
“I’m serious! It sounds like I’m kidding but I’m not!” Nico glares her way, which only makes her laugh harder.
“What’s going on in there?!” Eli calls to them. Nico’s quick to reply.
“We’ve decided on Bomino’s but stupid Nozomi is laughing because I said no pineapple!”
“What’s wrong with pineapple?!” Eli shouts, much closer than before. Nico does a one eighty and peers out the entrance towards the blonde, narrowing her eyes at her.
“What do you mean ‘what’s wrong with pineapple’?! Everything! That does not belong on pizza! It’s disgusting and mushy and unappealing. The texture is as horrible as it’s tastes and the only place pineapple belongs is on its own, in a fruit salad or in some kind of pineapple dessert.” Nico’s retort is passionate and firm. Nozomi wheezes in the background. Eli frowns as she reaches the kitchen, quickly noticing Nozomi as she clutches onto the counter top for support.
“I mean, it’s not my favourite but it’s not that bad.” She reasons and Nico frowns. “It’s alright when ham is on the pizza too.”
Nico makes a face of disgust. Nozomi’s laughter begins to wind down into smaller giggles as she pushes herself away from the counter. There’s a brief moment of silence from her before she covers her mouth to hide some final chuckles.
“Are you telling me you’ve willingly eaten pineapple on your pizza, Ayase Eli?” Nico asks, her voice laced with nothing but abhorrence.
“Y… yeees?” Eli draws out her answer, hesitantly continuing. “I don’t understand the huge deal about this?”
Nico turns to Nozomi with a pointed stare.
“I pity you, Nozomi.” She says sympathetically. Nozomi’s laughter finally subsides and she sighs contently.
“It’s okay, If Elichi didn’t like pineapple on her pizza, it’d make her almost as perfect as you are.” She jokes as Eli pouts, crossing her arms and staring at the two of them. Nico smirks a little.
“A fair point.” She laughs at how Eli glowers and she goes back to her phone, opening the pizza creator and looking at the toppings list. “Seriously though, we can all agree on no pineapple, right?”
“I’m sure we’ll all live without pineapple.” Nozomi answers with a smirk.
“Good. Eli, what do you want on it?” Nico turns to the pouty blonde, “Bell peppers? We know how much you like those.”
“I do enjoy bell peppers on my pizza.” Eli grumbles. “...can we get mushrooms too?”
Nico nods, tapping a few things on her phone.
“Okay, Nozomi? What do you want?”
“Meat.” Her reply is quick and simple. Eli smiles and Nico shakes her head at the vague answer.
“Okay genius, there’s like 7 different meat toppings. Which one?” Nico shows Nozomi the list and she scans it, tapping on the one she wants. Nico turns the phone around and glances over the photo of the pizza they have in the pizza creator.
“So we’ve got bell peppers, mushroom and beef. I’m adding extra cheese and some red onion. Is that good?”
The other two nod and Nico finishes the rest of the details for the order. The online tracker gives them an estimate of when the delivery will arrive and she smiles, slipping her phone back in her pocket and looking at her new roommates. Nozomi’s gone back to fixing up the kitchen with Eli helping out by placing dishes in the cupboards. They playfully bump hips every now and again and Nico shakes her head at the weird gestures of affection they give one another.
Nico decides to offer additional support in tidying the room, taking the stacked pots and pans and moving them into a different cupboard. Once the kitchen is mostly done, their dinner arrives and the three of them set up a makeshift table with some boxes. They sit around it, munching on their pizza and talking between bites about what they want to do with the big space.
“Should we get a couch? I feel like our living experience will only improve from having a couch.” Nico suggests, looking at the wall most of their boxes rest against. “We can put it on that wall since we’re throwing the TV on the opposite one.”
“Good idea!” Eli beams, “Nozomi’s table is small, so we’ve still got a lot of space from the dining area and the kitchen too.”
“Maybe if we get more books we can have a bookshelf?” Nozomi proposes, glancing at the dining room area, “Or maybe we can just use it as spare storage space. Like if we invite the girls over and we need more chairs. We could put them there.”
Nico finishes chewing on the bit of pizza, swallows it and nods.
“That’s not too bad. Actually, maybe it’d be a good spot to keep our laundry rack too.” she contemplates out loud. “Well whatever, we’ve got a lot of time to figure out how to make this place look the best.”
The other two hum in approval as they continue to eat. At one point Nozomi shuffles over to the side of the room, digging through one of her bags excitedly. Nico and Eli watch with curious eyes as she pulls out her camera. Nozomi carefully takes the lens cap off and looks towards them with a broad grin.
“Picture time~” She grins, moving back towards them. Nico looks at Nozomi incredulously, wondering why picture time is now, of all times.
“Seriously!? Can’t it wait until we’re done eating?!” She asks, watching as Eli puts her half eaten piece down and moves to Nico’s other side.
“Time waits for nobody, Nicocchi~” Nozomi replies sagely, “Now, say cheese~”
She squishes herself against Nico, causing her to push into Eli. Nico’s aware of the way Eli pushes back against her and how her face leans closer to hers. She looks up to the camera just in time as the flash goes off and Nozomi captures the first official group photo of the three of them in their new apartment. Said girl sits up, turning her camera around and looking at the image preview displayed on the small screen. She smiles and turns it towards them, humming contently.
“Look at that. A perfect picture.” She laughs.
Nico examines the photo and to her dismay, Nozomi’s right. Nozomi’s to the left of her, a bright grin slapped on her face while Eli on her right side has that picture perfect closed mouth smile she always has. And her? Well she’s perfect in every photo, but this photo’s lighting and the surprised expression suits her. Even the little ‘o’ shape her mouth is in is perfect.
“Well, it is impossible to take an unflattering photo of me,” Nico reasons, earning a chuckle from her roommates, “This one is probably the best spontaneous picture of me though. Good job Nozomi.”
“Thank you~”
They finish up their dinner and Nico and Eli clean up the garbage while Nozomi searches for a deck of playing cards. They decide to spend the rest of the evening playing different card games, Nozomi somehow winning more often than not. Nico and Eli temporarily team up to take her down for a few rounds. By the time two hours have gone by, their exhaustion hits them and Eli suggests bringing out their blankets and camping out in the living room together to end the move in day celebration. Tiredly, Nozomi and Nico push themselves out of their spots on the floor and tidy up the small mess of cards thrown at each other to make a clean spot for all the comforters and pillows. Nico places the poorly made stack on their makeshift box table while Nozomi trudges towards the hall, moving to help Eli grab all their blankets. Nico follows afterward, going to her room and grabbing her own for the massive blanket bed they intend to make.
When she comes back with blankets and pillow in hand, she finds Nozomi’s wrapped herself in one of them and rolled into one corner of the bed space they began to make. Eli stands with one hand holding a blanket and the other pinching the bridge of her nose. Nico snorts and shakes her head, deciding to help Eli out.
“Wow that’s a pretty lumpy blanket.” She says, poking it with her foot. “I guess we’re using it as pillows?”
It takes Eli a moment but she catches on, bringing her hand down from her face and smirking a little.
“That’s exactly what I was going for Nico. You know me well.” Eli gives her a playful wink and Nozomi rolls, peering up at them through her blanket. Nico drops down onto the floor, resting her head on Nozomi and sighing contently.
“Well your idea is great. This might be the best pillow I’ve ever used. So lumpy and warm, you could-” She pauses her speech to give a big, fake yawn and squishing her head into Nozomi more. “Practically fall asleep instantly.”
Nozomi’s muffled laughs can be heard and Eli follows Nico onto the floor, resting her head on  the Nozomi blanket mound as well.
“You’re right. I feel like with just this big lumpy blanket pillow, I might have the best sleep of my life. But there’s one thing missing-” She says with a hint of laughter in her voice. She grabs one of the blankets she held earlier and drapes it over the both of them. “There we go. Now we’ll stay warm and have the best sleep of our lives.”
Nozomi’s laughing so much she’s shaking, but Nico and Eli go along with it some more.
“A massage feature?! Eli, where did you even find this lumpy blanket?!” Now Nico’s laughing along with Nozomi, and Eli can’t help but laugh with them.
“It was a gift! From our lovely friend Nozomi. I have no idea where she went though, she’s really missing out on the experience.”
Nozomi begins to squirm and rolls herself away from them, letting their heads fall to the floor. Nico and Eli wince from the contact, but continue to laugh. Nozomi pushes herself onto her knees, the blanket still wrapped around her as much as possible. She looks at them and moves the blanket off her mouth so she can speak.
“Really Nicocchi, if you wanted to experience a real massage from this blanket, all you had to do was ask.” The area where Nozomi’s hands are moves ever so slightly and Nico pauses for a short moment before laughing harder.
“Oh my god you look so dumb-” She says between wheezes, “Eli- s-stop her, get her out of there!”
Eli’s still on the floor but she does as requested, moving onto her knees and looking at Nozomi eye to eye. She’s still laughing as she begins to unwrap Nozomi, letting the large blanket fall to the floor and freeing the other girl from it’s warm confines.  She laughs again and looks at Nico.
“Can you believe our lumpy blanket pillow was Nozomi this whole time?!” She asks a little too excitedly.
“Honestly, we may have never known until she started talking.” Nico jokes, earning a few more laughs from them.
With Nozomi free from her blanket, the three of them decide to actually get the bed set up this time. They set a few blankets on the ground as a makeshift futon, then set their pillows up in the spots they wanted to sleep in. Eli remembers something and hurriedly scans through one of her personal belonging boxes in her bedroom and returning with a small night light. As she heads off to plug it in, Nico and Nozomi place the final blankets down and look at their creative bedspread.
Afterwards they head to their furnitureless bedrooms, scanning their clothes boxes for pyjamas. They each change there and begin getting themselves prepared for bed. Nico takes her ribbons out of her hair carefully, reaching into a different box for a brush to brush her hair out. She smiles satisfied and puts her brush down before heading back to the living room.
She’s the second one there after Nozomi, who’s put her hair into one side ponytail. She smiles and waves Nico over, patting the spot beside her. Nico makes a tired sound and doesn’t waste any time in making her way to her spot in the middle (it was unanimously decided because she gets cold easily and will benefit in the center.) She worms her way under the covers and sighs contently as Eli makes her entrance, hair down and blue nightgown on. She flicks the big light on the wall off and revels in the warm glow of her night light as she makes her way to her side of their bed, crawling under her covers and humming happily.
“Goodnight Nicocchi. Goodnight Elichi.” Nozomi says, yawning afterwards and lying back on her pillow.
“Goodnight Nozomi. Night Nico.” Eli replies, pulling her blanket up higher and Nico yawns.
“Night. See you two in the morning.” Nico finishes, closing her eyes and letting her long awaited sleep take her.
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