#— w: bo.
mybigjacket · 1 year
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Louise Glück, “Unpainted Door” Poems 1962-2012 / Ingmar Bergman, Bergman On Bergman interviews with Stig Bjorkman, Torsten Manns and Jonas Sima / Moonlight 2016 dir. Barry Jenkins / Fiona Apple, Second Bite interview by Craig McLean, The Guardian / Eighth Grade 2018 dir. Bo Burnham / Norman Rockwell, Little Girl Looking Downstairs at Christmas Party / Anne Carson, “The Anthropology of Water” in Plainwater
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ryllen · 6 months
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.+💚. Green .💚+.
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
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I’ve been convinced of a new ship
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moodymisty · 9 months
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Russ goes on a massive bender and destroys part of the Palace, earning Dorn's ire while Perturabo is on damage control.
@commodoreprocrastinator I hope this high effort low quality shitpost is close enough to what we had in mind
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tangledinink · 8 months
so I made the big momma dress and my brain went
"Big momma may be toxic as ever but she's still probably be chill with the twins wearing dressed if they wanted to she's just want to chose them"
So I made these more unfortunately for them after
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Leo's dress: much more flowy and dynamic made for the long strikes of confidence and to draw attention. Loose sleeve to make the dress more skinny and dramatic the bottom half is see through becuse pretty and lets more are through die to the mess.
Donnie's dress: alpt tighter and more form fitting made dark to blend in more and be the polar opposite of leo's much more triditional and calm eith short scenes to show off his markings. Belt attached on the waist and a more flowy ribbon is around the end of the sleeve.
Leo's pin: a simple brass sheild with twin katans stick into a tigars eye stone and ble glass behind the scene enphasises that leo's the defense of the two
Donnie's pin: based off a drawing Donnie made of a tech bow(becuwe I cant remember if he has one) with purple glass squared to highlights donnie's magic. Normally work on the belt attached to the dress getting simple enphasises donnies the awfence of the two
I love your au(is it wasn't obvious lol)
while im not quite convinced that big mama would go along with any potential requests from gemini's end, (not that they'd make any in the first place...) i can absolutely see her putting them in dresses if, say, a prominent enough designer proposed a lucrative enough brand deal of some kind...
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most stressful photoshoot of gemini's damn lives
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sylph--scope · 1 year
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polishmael (translation under cut)
image 1: My co-worker is a fishing fanatic. Half of the bus is fucking covered in fishing rods, it's the worst. On average once a month someone will step into a fishing hook or anchor lying on the ground and it has to get taken out at the hospital, because they have barbs on the edges. In my 22 year old life i was on such a procedure like 10 times. A week ago i went for some random check-ups, and when the reception lady saw me, she told me to take off my shoe, because she thought there was a hook in my foot again.
image 2: I am lord of the fishing rod, prince of bobbers, enchanter of fish, i am a fisherman.
image 3: [Have a] good day, my fishie.
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zer0point5ive · 7 months
something about lawrence thinking he’s a little past it, looking at adam and feeling a strange mix of envy and insecurity creep in alongside the fondness, wondering what adam sees in him and then .. well then there’s adam. love hearts in the air, cartoon eyes popping out, hammer on head looney tunes style, the whole deal just. absolutely head over heels over lawrence’s whole .. everything at all times, going cuckoo if lawrence’s shirt buttons strain slightly, grabbing a handful whenever lawrence bends over, burying his face in lawrence’s chest at random intervals because, hey, he never claimed to be gods strongest soldier and boy oh boy. man oh man, lawrence gordon md will do that to a guy. lawrence is just trying to get changed? well you better believe adam’s getting a front row seat to that show and. if lawrence happens to let it slip that he’s been feeling a little inadequate? yeah, adam is absolutely taking that as a challenge. good for them both
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seoinquk · 9 months
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My heart keeps beating fast when I see you. My heart has never beaten this fast for anyone. I've never spent the whole night awake thinking about someone either. Do you know how much my heart ached… in the cab on the way back from Sokcho? When you talked about your father… I thought my heart was going to melt. I don't cry for other. But when I look at you, I want to cry. I can't sleep either. All day long, I'm curious about what you're doing. It's so annoying that you live in the same house as Jae-kyung. But still, I like you.
DESTINED WITH YOU 이 연애는 불가항력 (2023) dir. Nam Ki Hoon
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doomingthenarrative · 1 month
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they’re such girlfailures together
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st0nesnglitter · 1 year
plinks for Pedro pascal :))
tihihihihihi blushing
After a long shoot
Rough doggy
Audio 🌽
Audio 🌽 en español ;)
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glitchingfluffster · 1 month
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a continuation (or extra) of this post
"raph is a type of peepaw that lived under a rock" is a concept that will never not be funny to me
+ a few doodles under the cut cause I don't know where to put them
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pianju · 1 year
bo katan: "i promise you there’s nothing magical about the living waters in the mines of mandalore"
the fucking MYTHOSAUR: bitch.
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rosiefemme · 3 months
the level of manipulation in dan’s interview is honestly staggering. everything- from the green background and clothes, the lovable black character actor, the calculated tears, the pointed and carefully worded questions- is meant to disarm us as viewers.
there’s a reason he released this the second quiet on set premiered. he and his team wanted them to show their hand before they laid anything out. the information they offered was specific, convenient, and ticked off as many “plausible deniability” boxes as possible. and they had this interview locked and loaded for the moment they knew what the survivors had on him.
he is trying so hard to shape the narrative by pinning blame on everyone else, while the other adults who were involved in his work are turning their wrongdoings back on him. it’s cowardly and shameful that so many of them kept quiet for this long, and the whole time it was happening, too.
when it comes down to it, an industry that revolves entirely around making money off of children should not exist. children are not cash cows or puppets or sexual objects, and the people who profit off of them are predators. yes, we need far more regulations when it comes to child actors, such as on set therapists, but ultimately breaking down this media conglomerate and getting back to the actual art of acting is what will protect children and families the most.
kids don’t need to be on screen. if your child loves acting, support your local children’s theater. don’t sell out your child, or someone else’s child, for your own gain.
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kanskje-kaffe · 1 year
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so anyway who’s excited for the ahsoka show?
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koszmarnaadziewczyna · 10 months
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msookyspooky · 3 months
HoW Fandom: "Bo is just a serious grouchy asshole all the time."
Bo in House of Wax:
- Being a giant theater kid to lure in victims. No one that is super serious would do that to kill victims; costume changes and all bfr.
Probably giggling when he went back inside the Church after saying 'Let me just go dump the casket in the ground' to make Carly and Wade feel bad. Bet he went from 😒 to 🤭 as soon as that church door closed
- His actor Brian saying Bo probably had a blast telling Carly and Wade stories and manipulating them the whole way to the house
- Script Bo mocking Carly and repeating what she said in a whiny mocking voice "whErEs WaDe?"
- Script Bo the entire pool scene saying "Aw shucks, ya got in without me!" when Carly fell in the dirty pool
- "Gotta use the can?" with this face. Like he is having sm fun knowing Wade is gonna get killed by his brother and he'll just have to get Carly later
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