#{ headcanon | colt }
spiteless-xo · 11 months
since we're being semi soft today.... do u have any fluffy thoughts on any of the marley boys ?
🙊 i'm answering this out of order from the requests in my inbox because i was HOPING someone would ask this after i posted the fluffy thoughts on the other boys -- so thank you for this 🥰
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╰┈➤ fluffy headcanons pt. 2 - aot.
ft. colt, reiner, porco, zeke. cw. gender neutral reader
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⋙ colt grice.
colt coaches falco's soccer team. he gets up early in the morning, dressed in a fleece half-zip with some gloves to set up pylons on the field for the kids' drills. he knows every kid by name and doesn't give any special attention to falco just because he's his brother -- parents love him. doesn't notice that some of the younger moms are hitting on him until you point it out, and then he gets awkward and flustered every time he sees them.
please just picture this man with little pink-flushed cheeks from the early september chill, blowing steam into his hands to keep them warm. he's calling out encouragements to all the kids as they run back and forth on the field -- always praise, because they're just kids and this is only for fun. he looks back at stands and just beams at you, excited that you were willing to get up so early just to watch him coach a bunch of little kids
idk why, but in my head, colt is not funny 💀 like he just doesn't understand comedic timing and isn't quite a quick or sharp as some of the other boys, but he appreciates every single one of your jokes!! he absolutely kills himself laughing every time you make a joke and he gets so excited about them that he'll tell other people your jokes (poorly 😭) but be laughing so hard they don't even understand him
ALWAYS kisses you and tells you that he loves you when he says goodbye. it's something that he does with falco already (that falco hates, btw), and one day it just slipped with you like "mwah! love you, bye!" and he goes beet red in embarrassment when he realizes, but you quickly kiss him back and now you do it every day 🥺
⋙ reiner braun.
this man only knows angst i think reiner really cherishes quiet moments of intimacy with you. like driving in the car with your hand laced in his, or having a nice meal at home that the two of you cooked together. it means a lot more to him if you show him that you love him through small gestures, instead of telling him.
he looooooooves head massages. he'll sit on the floor between your legs on the couch while the two of you watch tv so you can run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. guy is vocal about it too, groaning and moaning when you rub his temples. 💀 and his knees go absolutely weak whenever you scratch his head
he has a really hard time falling asleep when he's alone 🥺 he gets really anxious at night sometimes, so if the two of you are apart he hardly gets any sleep at all -- but when you're in bed with him, this guy falls asleep the second his head hits the pillow. he feels so safe and comfortable with you that it helps ease some of his worries just knowing that you're beside him.
if you roll away from him in bed when the two of you are sleeping together, guaranteed in a sleepy haze, this man is grabbing at the bed trying to find you again. the second his hand rests on your body, he hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you tight against his chest -- sighing into your shoulder and sleepily kissing your neck. when you tell him about it the next day, he says he doesn't even remember doing it 😭
⋙ porco galliard.
porco is perpetually grumpy and bratty, except for when it comes to you. this man literally will talk to you in a baby voice when the two of you are alone together 💀 if you've ever seen those tiktoks where the girl calls her bf and makes him do the baby voice when he's with their friends -- that's porco.
like "babyyyy, i'm weawy hungee, can you make me a snack?" and he's looking up at you with big dumb eyes and a little pout while he rubs his belly. lowkey kinda cringe but the shift between his baby voice when he's alone with you and his normal voice when he's with the boys is just too funny 💀
also -- loves snacks. has a stash of chips and cookies and treats in the cupboard because he's always munching on something. if you're cooking dinner for him, he'll take a snack tax and munch on one of the foods you're prepping for dinner. you always tell him he's going to spoil his appetite, but he hasn't yet!
LOVES GOSSIP!! when the two of you are out with your friends and one of them says some out-of-pocket shit, you see porco in the corner of your eye looking at you like 👀 and you just KNOW he's going to talk about it on the car on the way home. in fact -- when the two of you go on road trips together, you don't even listen to any music. you just spend the entire time filling each other in with drama at work/school/etc. and gossiping about how other people's relationships aren't as good as yours 💀
⋙ zeke jaeger.
zeke is in his early thirties but he acts like an old man. whenever he gets up from sitting down he's pushing himself up with his hands and groaning. cracking his back with a loud moan. sighing heavily and collapsing into the couch like 💀
really into grilling? like spent a bunch of money on a fancy grill and now will take any excuse to have people over for a barbeque. he's got an apron that says something dumb like "women love me, fish fear me". you guys will be having a bbq and he's standing by the grill, watching the meat, with a pair of dark rayban sunglasses and a beer in his hand.
loves feeding you. like physically feeding you. like, if he wants you to try something that he cooked, he'll hold it in his fingers and get you to open his mouth for him 💀 he sets a little piece of cookie down on your tongue or between your teeth, and watch you expectantly as you chew it and tell him your opinion
loves building things, too. like you'll mention offhand that you think it'd be nice to have a garden and the next weekend he's coming home with planks of wood and building you raised garden beds 🥺 you don't even have to ask, he's just like "she wants a garden? ok, i'm on it!" and he immediately gets to work.
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dustcommander · 1 year
I see a lot of post on here about Steve dabbling into Eddie’s hobbies and picking up his taste in music. Which is all great. Excellent. Super awesome I love it. But where is the Eddie getting into Steve’s interests? I want Eddie and Steve at a Super Bowl party and Eddie is so into it and Steve is so smitten with him. It starts out as Steve convincing him to watch sports because “eddie you clearly like to ogle jocks” and eventually he’s all about it.
And I want Steve expanding Eddie’s taste in music because “if you only enjoy one genre of something eddie, then you have bad taste in that something.” And Eddie is obviously throughly offended that anyone could ever dare to even think to allude to him having bad taste in music that he makes it his mission to learn all Steve’s faves and that’s how they end up at a Willie Nelson concert and eddie is decked out in black fringe and black studded cowboy hat, wearing a bolo tie and he’s loudly and proudly singing along to every song and Steve is just absolutely swooning.
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Shitten Shenanigans AU – The Fall of Death
Lamb heaved deep shuddering breaths as they glared at the now diminished form of Nar- The One Who Waits. Their body throbbed with pain and their heart was pounding so hard they thought it might burst from their chest, but all of that paled in comparison to the sheer rage that thundered through their veins.
Lamb stalked towards The One Who Waits, their sword scraping against the floor, as he tried to sit up only for Lamb to stomp a harsh hoof in the middle of his chest, crushing him against the ground. He struggled against it weakly, glaring up at Lamb with bared teeth.
“You’ve supplanted me. A vessel no more, now a crowned deity, you damned lamb!” He hissed furiously. “Will you be a merciful coward or a vengeful false idol, you traitor?!”
Hefting the sword above their head, Lamb sneered down at their former divine patron. “For Asha, I would slay as many gods as I need too! Especially ones that betray me first.”
The anger suddenly drained from The One Who Waits’ face, leaving confused furrowed eyes, and he ceased struggling. “…What nonsense do you speak of?”
The sudden change of emotion stayed Lamb’s hand for a moment and for some reason, they answered. “You betrayed our deal first. You demanded the sacrifice of your most devoted follower, YOUR OWN CHILD! MY CHILD!”
Rage swiftly returned to The One Who Waits’ face and he snarled back, a sudden burst of energy as he shoved the hoof off his chest and reached for Lamb. “I’D NO SOONER SACRIFICE AYM AND BAAL THAN I WOULD ASHA, YOU FOOLISH LAMB! THEY ARE NOT MY FOLLOWERS, BUT MY STUDENTS! MY CHOSEN SONS AND CHILD! MINE!”
Lamb dropped the sword and dipped out of the way of the fallen deity’s grasp, flipping him over. “YOU CALL THEM YOUR MOST DEVOTED FOLLOWER! CONSTANTLY! ALL OF US DID!”
He managed to roll to his feet and dodged their own lunge. “I WAS SPEAKING OF YOU!”
The air seemed to still as the rage within Lamb’s snuffed itself out just as quickly as it had arisen when Narinder had first spoken of a sacrifice. “…What?”
Narinder snarled as he drew himself up, lacking the monstrous height he once had but still a good foot over Lamb. “You were my most devoted follower. It was your sacrifice I spoke of!” He paused for a moment as something akin to hurt intermingled with the rage. “You truly believed I would command such a thing upon my own? Even after I had given my word no harm should ever come to them under my protection.”
Lamb tilted their jaw up stubbornly, their anger growing anew yet at a much dimmer level. “You ordered the death of your own siblings. Why would it seem such a stretch?” They knew the answer as soon as they said it.
The hurt faded as rage covered it up again, the force of such causing Narinder to shake. “My siblings betrayed me and bound me! They committed genocide for fear of me! They deserved their fates as you well know!”
Lamb flexed their fingers. “…They were still your family once. Besides, why not simply say? Why call for your most devoted’s death when you knew that is what we called Asha?”
“I had thought you would have a modicum of intelligence to recognise it was not the child that I spoke of!”
“Well, maybe if you didn’t insist on dressing up your orders, we wouldn’t be in this situation!”
“Why would you think I commanded you to leave the child with the rat if I wished for their death!?”
“You command a lot of contradictory things! Sacrifice a follower, resurrect them! Oh here’s a ritual to brainwash your followers but if you tell them to not consume strange substances, they’ll work harder at the cost of falling sick when you brainwash them!” Lamb stalked towards Narinder and jabbed a finger into his chest. “’Take Asha to Ratau’s then bring them here to die!’ is not out of character for you!”
He grabbed their hand and moved it to the side, gripping it harshly. “I sent Asha to that useless rat so that they would not have to watch! To see you sacrificed in my name would have caused them harm for how much they love you! For however much they adored your visits, they cried at every death!”
Lamb snapped their teeth in his face. “And what would you have told them?! When I never appeared again? Would you have told them the honest truth, that you had me killed? Or would you have lied to them as well?!”
Narinder grabbed them by the shoulders and shook them roughly as if to somehow rattle sense into them. “THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO NEED FOR YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN BY MY SIDE!”
Silence reigned across the blazing field of the afterlife as the two stared at each other, their breaths intermingling as they panted. The Red Crown still discarded aside.
The pain started to creep in along the edges of Lamb’s vision. “…Swear to me it was me and not them.”
Narinder started to sway as the last vestiges of his own energy began to drain away, but even then pure honesty shone in his eyes. “It was always you, Lamb.” He seemed to be staying on his feet out of pure stubbornness and by the grip he still had on Lamb’s arms. “So what is to become of me now? Will you slay me like my siblings or are you a merciful coward?”
The crown finally returned to Lamb's head.
They reached out and grabbed him as he lost the fight against his injuries. Pulling him gently into their embrace, they slowly lowered to the ground and pressed a hand to his chest, summoning the indoctrination circle below him. They couldn’t help the way they tucked him closer to their body.
“If it makes me a coward to prevent my child’s sorrow at the loss of their father, then a coward I must be.”
Narinder sputtered a bitter chuckle as his eyes went hazy with pain and betrayal. “I will not forgive you.”
“Can you blame me for doing what I thought was to protect Asha?”
Silence again before something passed over Narinder's face and he closed his eyes.
"...No, vessel. I suppose I cannot."
With that, Narinder fell into the blackness of the teleportation, leaving Lamb alone in a field of damnation and the feeling of bitterness.
This.... was a lot less cracky than I thought it would be when I started. I was going do like a fade to black in the middle of the argument to the POV of one of the cultists who are watching what is essentially a marital spat between their leader and their god, but it didn't fit the vibe.
This Narinder never lies. He doesn't always tell the truth but he doesn't lie. Which is why Lamb took him at face value when he said he wanted to kill his most devoted and when he said everything here.
They're both too proud to have an actual conversation about this until they get locked in the confessional by the kids.
Narinder also feels a bit tame but, 1) he's currently in shock at the loss of godhood, 2) he just spent the past couple of years co-parenting with Lamb which bonded them closer than in canon and 3) its my au and I do what I want.
Asha is my shitten's name which fun fact means hope/wish/desire in Sanskrit (same origin as Narinder's name) and life/longevity in Arabic/ Swahili which I thought was cute.
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shikiii-skadi · 1 year
Attack on Titan Love language Season 4ver.
part 1 (eren jäger, mikasa ackermann, armin arlert, levi ackermann, christa lenz)
includes: eren jäger, reiner braun. pieck finger, porco galliard, colt grice
warnings: mentioning of insecurity
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Eren Jäger:
How they love you: Physical Touch
Over the years, he has become expressionless. After all he has seen and done, he feels most comfortable when you touch each other, since he is no longer able to express his love for you with words.
How they want to be loved: Words of Affirmation
Even if he would not admit it but there are times when he doubts himself or the things, he believes in. At these times he wants to hear nothing but your soothing words filled with so much love for him. He himself can't understand why you still want to be by his side.
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Reiner Braun:
How they love you: Acts of Service
Reiner thinks he doesn't deserve you. He thinks it's more tolerable to be by your side if he is of use to you. If you need something, you don't even have to say something. He is already on his way to get it for you. Reiner is doing the little things as well. Always checking if you have enough water with you while training or if you seat in a meeting is close enough to the front so you can hear and see everything.
How they want to be loved: Words of Affirmation
As said before, Reiner is really insecure. He thinks he doesn't deserve you and that you deserve someone better than a broken man like him, with whom you will never have the life you dreamed of, because of his position as a warrior and Ymir's curse. But if you, someone so wonderful and important to him, tells him how much you love and appreciate him, he feels a bit better about himself.
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Pieck Finger:
How they love you: Physical Touch
Pieck likes to touch you. She likes the feeling of your soft skin and how warm it feels. There is nothing is better than to cuddle with you after a long and stressful day. Pieck also likes to give small gestures of affection, for example fixing the collar of your jacket, while slightly brushing against your neck with her fingertips.
How they want to be loved: Quality Time
Pieck knows that you two can't spend your entire lives together, as much as she wishes it. That's why she wants to spend as much time as she possibly can together with you. You don't have to do anything special every time you have a free day. It's enough for her to just cook together or sort out old clothes. The only thing that's important is that you do it together.
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Porco Galliard:
How they love you: Quality Time
Whenever you are together, you have his undivided attention. He will always set aside time just for you. Even if it sometimes doesn't look like it, but Porco always listens to you very closely and remembers what you told him weeks later. You have his full attention even if you are on the other side of the room or something like that.
How they want to be loved: Physical Touch
Porco always tries to maintain his tough guy image, even if it's just the two of you. That's why he often can't bring himself to admit that he really likes it when you two cuddle. Therefore, he is more than happy when you make the first move.
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Colt Grice:
How they love you: Acts of Service
Colt will do anything for you to make your life a little easier. No matter what it is, Colt is immediately at your side ready to help. Even when it comes to easy things, he always asks you if you need his help.
How they want to be loved: Receiving Gifts
Colt can't think of anything nicer than the thought of you spending your free time figuring out what the perfect gift for him would be. All the time and effort you put into this just to make him happy warms his heart. He also doesn't care what it is or if it's valuable. Because the fact that you gave it to him makes it valuable enough.
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wttcsms · 5 months
domesticity with colt is him filling a jar with pink skittles that he had to meticulously pick out because he knows that those are your favorite (and that you like them for the aesthetic). it’s him having an album of pictures he’s taken of you when you’re not ready (washing the dishes or hyperfixated on the tv) and you think you look goofy in all of them but he swears (and believes) that you look absolutely beautiful. it’s you always being a passenger princess but still always wanting to place your order at the drive thru speaker (even though he knows all your complicated orders by heart). it’s him ignoring the way you dig your palms into his thigh trying to keep yourself upright, and he knows the employee must think you two are obnoxious, but all colt can do is stare at you with heart eyes. it’s the way in every photo taken of you two together, he’s never looking at the camera; he’s looking at you. it’s him sprinting, nearly slipping on the ice on the pavement and breaking his ankle, because you beat him to the car but he still wanted to open the door for you. it’s spending a sunday afternoon together, grocery shopping in target, and he’s pushing the cart (because you know you’ve got a boy down bad if he’s doing this). it’s you accidentally getting little egg shells in the scrambled eggs you make him, and he’s telling you (with a smile) “that’s ok, babe, i like the extra crunch”. its asking him insane hypotheticals to gauge his loyalty, and he passes with flying colors every time. it’s your “what if the hot bartender offers you free drinks because she thinks you’re cute and wants you to herself”, and it’s his “im telling her i made a vow of sobriety and i’m never drinking again”. it’s love that’s so simple and pure and all yours.
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masterdizzi · 5 months
BEHOLD, my incomplete brawlstars Headcanon chart-inator. I'm open to any and all suggestions!
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rest in the reblogs
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postwarlevi · 1 year
AOT characters and what you'd do for Valentines Day
Erwin - Fancy night out. You're both dressing up for dinner reservations Erwin made months ago. He loves showing you off.
Levi - Private night in. Levi loves having you to himself. Dinner at home, movie at home, both of you together. Perfect.
Miche - Volunteering. Big guy has a heart of gold. You spend the day reading to kids at the library and adopting walking shelter dogs.
Hange - Sky diving. You're both up for adventure! The excitement and adrenaline hits hard and somehow it's very bonding.
Eren - Movies. This could be movies at home or movies at a theater. Either way there are snacks and probably a little kissing.
Armin - Aquarium. Viewing sea life up close. You do the animal encounters like feeding stingrays and meeting the sea otters!
Mikasa - Play/musical. A little dress up and holding hands in the dark, sharing laughs and smiles while watching a show.
Jean - Stargazing. A blanket and drinks are packed. He points out specific romantic constellations and you see a shooting star.
Connie - Escape Room. Romantic? Sure. Fun? YES. You team up with other couples and made it out in time, all going out for drinks after.
Sasha - Breakfast in bed. Today she is spoiling you, and a large breakfast is first up. It's cleaned up for a nap, then lunch is next!
Historia - Dance class. From learning proper hold for a waltz to the energetic cha cha to doing spins for swing, you have a great time.
Ymir - Rock climbing. She'll cheer you on as you go first. Chances are you share a moment at the top, or when you come back down.
Annie - Dinning cruise. A quiet-ish romantic evening on the water. Dinner, nice scenery, and some entertainment, if you want to dance.
Reiner - Painting class. You get to paint something for each other. It's guided so will come out just fine even if you don't think you're artistic.
Pieck - Botanical Gardens. A nice afternoon of walking through pathways of flowers, trees and ponds. Butterfly garden is a bonus.
Porco - Beach sunset. A large blanket and a cooler for drinks and snacks. Wear your bathing suit, cause you're going for a swim too.
Niccolo - Outdoor picnic. A shady spot under a tree with the radio playing love songs and dishes you and Niccolo made yourselves.
Colt - Carnival. Rides, games and food. You hold hands on the ferris wheel, he wins you a stuffed animal and you get churros and donuts.
Just for fun some more accurate sounding than others please just enjoy haha
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feather-of-argos · 1 year
"Felix is a sneaky bastard", yes, it is pretty much implied that Felix does have a habit of eavesdropping, being conniving, and acting innocent at the drop of a hat and that's a funny staple mark of his "evil" personality but it's also definitely 100% a survival tactic he learned to clue himself in on this father's moods so he can better prepare himself for any further abuse he may receive
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mypersonalpalace · 1 month
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Just random school pen sketches
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roonotrue · 2 months
Cotl Fanfic - Thoughts & Opinions?
So, this is the first post on this new account and it's a question for my Cult of the Lamb fandom pookies. I just recently got the game and I'm obsessed with it and have been thinking about writing a BUNCH of fanfiction.
So I wanted notes and suggestions on some things, and I might even make polls on some of them, starting most importantly with the topic below:
Gender, Pronouns, and Sexuality that are so far, are solely based on vibes and what I've seen the rest of the fandom agreeing on (And canon of course):
- The Lamb's identity will probs change depending on the fic type, but for most of them they will be assigned male at birth, He/They & Pansexual. Simple and sweet because our lamb boi is just tryna SURVIVE out here in a cult of idiots that can't even cook their own food or clean up their own shit. (Is this just me wanting to write more he/they characters in my stories because I'm he/they? Yes. Yes, it is folks.)
- Narinder is transgender male He/Him. I'm making him transgender male because I said so. I want more trans rep guys, leave me alone. & Homosexual because if his whole vibe and personality doesn't scream gay angsty emo cat I don't know what else in this world does.
- Leshy is cisgender He/Him. I can imagine him experimenting with they/them though. I may include something on that... If anyone has any notes on that I'm all ears. Best Bi. His level of chaos just radiates ADHD bisexual with way too much energy and free time.
- Heket is cis-gender She/Her. The only girlie in the family, fates have mercy on her and her patience. A lesbian for sure. I think the whole fandom just sort of agrees on this, right? With like, lots of wives because she is a highkey baddie? At least that's the impression I've been given based on all of her fanart and simps.
- Calamari- Sorry, I mean Kallamar, is cis-gendered He/Him. I was thinking of making him a transgender man too? Idk, I've just been told the cis's need rep too, and it made me gag and now I want to wave my magic writer wand and make all the characters trans and nonbinary. Opinions on that are welcome. Anyway. A pansexual, and I hear he canonically had multiple spouses? Despite looking like he has zero rizz. I mean, damn. Good for him I guess. Go squid boy, go.
In this, he's gonna be single though, because I like the idea of him struggling to find new spouses and Heket laughing at his struggle.
- Shamura is absolutely nonbinary they/them. A friend has told me this is canon, and that people may gun for my fucking throat if I change it. Not that I really want to, it fits. Shamura is lowkey one of my favorites. I just like spiders. I'm also deeply afraid of them and cry if I see them irl. I also think they're bisexual in the exact opposite way as Leshy, in that they are a calm, mildly tired wine aunt of the family, mixed with the senile grandparent that snores loudly then stops and everyone pauses and looks at each other like 'Are... Are they fucking dead?'
Anyway, this is a long post, but I needed to get this out there before I started writing stuff for this fandom. Any opinions are welcome, but no bullying other people's thoughts, and be chill guys.
Fr. I'm like a skittish cat, you'll scare me away, and then no one gets fanfiction.
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sweetcloverheart · 3 months
I think it says something about MLB as a show that out all the abusive/neglectful parents in it, only the ones that are never on screen (Mr.Lee, Colt Fathom, Mylene's mom) are confirmed as such, while the ones who's abuse/neglect is shown are presented as just "overly strict/protective" or "showing love in their own way"
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mrdraws · 1 month
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Lil dialogue meme-y thing with my new zombie cowboy! Original meme is by @cereovo and can be found here.
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skykiuwu · 1 year
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There’s context behind the first one I swear- but you get happy Baal as an apology for the angst :)
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Finished page
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Unpopular opinion (???) but Colt and Jean would make the best boyfriends out of the Aot boys
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Let’s not even talk about how f*cking fun flirting with Colt’s inexperienced ass would be oop
But like seriously the fluster, the confusion and shyness in his eyes but you can still see the longing in them??? Walk with me for a sec lol lemme stop
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
more colt grice sfw and nsfw hcs next! we know you love him 😉
i do love him 🥺 i was actually watching a bit of season 4 today and was further reminded of how cute and adorable he is 💗
nsfw headcanons under the cut!
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╰┈➤ general headcanons - aot.
ft. colt. cw. explicit sexual content, explicit language, gn!reader.
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said "i love you" really early on in the relationship, like one month in. he just can't help himself 🥺 he's never met anyone as kind and cool and caring as you and he's never been very good at keeping secrets so he just blurts it out one day
the two of you are cuddling together and he's acting kinda weird. he's blushing and flustered and can't quite look you in the eye and you're like "is everything ok?"
and he's like, "i've just been thinking about how i feel like i've known you all my life and how you're the only person that really gets me and how --" and he just goes off on this tangent that you're certain he prepped beforehand but he swears it was impromptu. finally ending with, "yeah, so anyway, i think i'm falling in love with you."
you think it's really funny because yeah, duh, of course he's in love with you! he's been looking at you with hearts in his eyes since before the two of you even started dating, but you play it off and pretend like this is a surprise because you know he'd be embarrassed if you told him the truth
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very vocal in bed! this man is whimpering and moaning in your ear as he fucks you -- he tries to muffle himself by burying his face in your neck, but the vibration of his voice against you just makes you squeeze him tighter and then he gets even louder.
seeing you wearing his clothes turns him on like crazy! whenever you spend the night at his place, he gets up early to make you breakfast in the morning, and when he sees you come down wearing one of his shirts? ugh, he can't help himself from pinning you up against the countertop, kissing you, and running his hands across your body. he loves pressing his nose into your shoulder and smelling the mix of you and him together
he's usually a little shy about initiating sex, but every once in a while he wakes up in the middle of the night with an insatiable urge for you that has him slinking his arm around your waist to tug you tight against his chest. you wake up to the sound of him breathing heavily into your ear as he grinds his hard cock against your ass, his other hand sliding down the side of your underwear like his hand isn't sure if he wants to grab your ass or slip between your legs
he cums really fast 🥺 and he gets so embarrassed and apologetic about it, but he always makes sure to get you off first so it's hard to complain (also, you love watching his face scrunch up as he tries to hold himself back. the way he whimpers and whines underneath you when you're riding him and how his hands twist into the sheets and his hips buck up against you. part of you actually loves seeing how quickly you can make him cum, but you'll never admit that to him because watching him try to hold himself back is too much fun)
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bloodyyconverse · 1 year
So like I personally believe Copia was horrified that his brothers died and he didn't want any part of it, nor was he approached about it, but like I've been considering the interpretation of the magazine photo where Copia himself beheaded Terzo.
(For context, Imperator is a full antagonist in our timeline because we love a spiteful bitch)
Copia has to do it and he's looking at his big brother, his closest friend, kneeling there before him and he feels the blade in his hands and he keeps making eye contact with Terzo and he can't.
If he does, he wakes up every single night in a cold sweat, if not just fucking screaming. Once during a ritual, years down the line, he can feel the warm blood soaking his sleeves and he almost passes out on stage. The ghouls recognize that distant look, the way his voice starts shaking and he glances toward his water and quintessence ghouls in a silent plea through cloudy eyes. It was in the middle of Mummy Dust this time. He could smell Terzo's blood again.
If he doesn't, he is intensely scolded by Imperator and she kills Terzo herself. She never lets C live it down, and he still has to live with the visual and the nightmares.
He can't ever get over Terzo quietly muttering that it isnt your fault, Copia, I dont blame you, you're not a bad person, we love you, Cardinal, I'm so sorry, as if he werent the one on death's doorstep.
Rain has found Copia sobbing at 2 am before because he dreamt of Terzo comforting him again.
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