#[players game]
freddafazbear · 1 year
I know that i have't been active but i gonna be more active
Soooo im gonna post some drawings like them
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Sooo there is frisk and they version by me
Frisk belong to toby fox
Frisk from 'players game" belong to me
And i gonna do an comic from this au
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
the next time you enjoy a meal in your home, eat it viscerally and animalistically. this need not obligate eating it "viciously" or "violently", though the interpretation is left up to the agent.
if it's a sandwich, let it fall apart. if it's not a finger food, make it one. rip it apart. food sustains us. the matter you ingest becomes you, the process need not be beautiful. embrace this extant part of the universe into yourself in the way that feels most natural to you. approach the meal like you've never seen what humans eat and you werent instructed on what to do with it.
this action is worth 10 points.
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luckyfaeth · 22 days
one might imagine sisyphus learning by playing, winning by learning, and begin by beginning
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pisscreant · 10 months
had a vivid dream where there was a "play as Kim" mod and I was super excited
after like 2 mins gameplay Harry just turned around looking scandalised and was like "Ohgod... It's me, Kim. *I'm* Grandpa Piss!"
he refused to elaborate even after I savescummed and exhausted all dialogue options
then a notification flashed like "THOUGHT GAINED: GRANDPA PISS" and I went to the thought cabinet screen. all it said was "What the fuck does he mean by that."
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makeupafgplayer · 4 months
fighting game player who always sleeps in Tiger Knee position
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fluffyartbl0g · 3 months
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @wheryheart-rb AND @staryeclipse WHO WERE EPIC ENOUGH TO LEND ME THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF OVERWATCH T O T!!!! Stary wrote Nami's rant (tho I tweaked it a lil owo) and Whery suggested characters that Nami, Luffy, Franky, Zoro and Yamato could play as! (which u can see below,,, thanks guys <3)
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Anyways I was thinking about a modern AU, but ONLY about what video games everyone would play XD Though I've decided jinbei and brook are the type to not understand pc gaming at all,, so,,,,
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wotchernewt · 1 month
seriously though nothing can stop me from interpreting Real Life as canon just for how it progresses the canary curse situation. i'm obsessed with it. the curse gets broken in secret life and then in the very next "series", as much of a joke as it is, you get a situation like THAT. jimmy enters a mineshaft and everyone but him dies. not just his team, though obviously it's more significant because they were all red, but ren/martyn/skizz all get a mineshaft-death apiece. that canary's not doing his job anymore. he escaped his cage and made a break for the surface and everyone else is paying the price for it, and i for one could not be more proud of that little bird.
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googleplaysore · 11 months
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A selection of escape games from JRK Games.
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bastardlybonkers · 3 months
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ninyard · 1 month
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exy fans + twitter
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 2 months
My hc is that not only do Neil and Kevin host their own Exy Podcast as a side hobby but at one point Kevin is explaining a very funny Exy anecdote and the two of them Crack up so hard that the fans realise that Kevin's real non-public persona laugh is filled with cute hiccups and snorts. And that Neil Jostens laugh is adorably wheezy
The public would be OBSESSED (like me)
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theveryworstthing · 3 months
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"Welcome! I'm glad to see that we still have people interested in volunteering. We have 6 positions open this Riverseason, 3 at each of the base camps. After you fill out your paperwork I'll take you to meet the new Companions and we'll see who you connect with!"
every few years after a heavy rainy season the river swells and a lush, high, patch of forest grows around its fattened middle in a matter of days. during this time strange Creatures emerge to nest in the surrounding area, which is seemingly a safer place to rear young than the forest, and then migrate back when the river begins to lower in a few months. neither the creatures nor the Townsfolk know why the forest appears or what exactly is going on with the river but they learned long ago to (mostly) live in peace. 
while the forest makes most people uneasy, some are very eager (maybe too eager) to explore it. this includes some young Creatures who seem equally compelled to Enter. experience says that mixed teams have a better chance or survival (little guy with Powers + person with thumbs and camping supplies is a pretty good combo even if communication can be rough sometimes) and so that is how the scouting trips operate. scouts start at either upriver or downriver base camps just outside the forest and try to follow the river the entire way to avoid getting lost.
it is so easy to get lost.
most people lose sight of the other scouting teams about half a mile in even though they're all following the same river and going in the same direction. best case scenario is that you make new discoveries, map out a few things, and make it out the other side in way more time than it should really take to walk to the other side. worst case is you can't find your way out before the river starts to dry up and you hope the rain is heavy next year. 
pictured above are the little Companions ready to hike in with someone this season. you will only learn their names if you connect with one, but in loose power typing terms we've got:
a prophesy type (omens good and bad. tea leaves, smoke, tiny bones)
a wander type (never settled and never has to be. a shifter of sorts)
a fungal type (more than it seems. eager for friendship)
a celestial type (looking into the void. navigating by starlight)
a dirt type (grounded and persistent. a terror to terrors)
and a sylph type (the air in your lungs. the invisible belief)
which Companion will you choose? what name comes to you when they choose you back? 
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
Undertale Yellow Gameplay Spoilers…Kinda?
I made this as my little ID and i can’t stop thinking about it.
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Yeah I think my FanComic has altered my brain chemistry….
I haven’t even finished the game. But CLOVER is so baby. I love them. Please I just want to take them home with me.
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siliconcat · 1 year
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so what exactly are inkopolis’s laws on teenage soldiers
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theslimeologist · 3 months
Its viscerally upsetting that our preferences are apparently respected but we’re all automatically opted in for tumblr’s AI 3rd party “partners” to supposedly scrape our posts and content? L O L
If you’re on mobile *you must first update the tumblr app*
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prokopetz · 6 months
Concept: one-shot oriented tabletop RPG which borrows Land of OG's gimmick whereby each player is only allowed to use a specific, randomly determined list of words when communicating with other players (i.e., all communication not involving these words must be carried out via grunts and gestures), except instead of dumb cave men fucking around it's about a group of dungeon-crawling adventurers ascending the Tower of Babel, or some other suitable framing device, and each player's list of permitted words is re-randomised each time the party ascends to a new floor. Certain types of "damage" might involve modifying the affected player's word list, and one of the game's principal advancement mechanisms would entail "locking in" specific words, rendering them immune to loss or randomisation.
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