#[ when he's supposed to look the same throughout but like wild ]
denydefeatarchived · 5 months
@maegicks / starter call / Bellamy & Edward
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"We're just going to have to agree to disagree."
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minswriting · 6 days
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DIRTY IMPULSES - Spencer Reid x Reader
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About: Spencer prided himself in being someone that didn’t rely on their hormones when dealing with others. But when he met you, he just couldn’t help himself.
Warnings: NSFW Content, MDNI, Perverted! Spencer x Clueless Reader, dirty thoughts, masturbation (m), brief mentions of a case with usual criminal minds violence, etc.
Word Count: 1,000 words
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Throughout his whole life, Spencer hadn’t been someone that was really interested in others. He prioritized education above anything else. He hadn’t really felt attraction to others until puberty. And even then, he didn’t deviate from his education. In his career, he was the same way. He put his work above personal relationships, his colleagues becoming his best of friends. He never understood the need for romantic partners or sexual relationships.
Until he met you.
The day you had walked into the bureau, dressed in this form fitting pant suit, there was a fire that ignited in Spencer. And he didn’t even know what it truly was. He had taken it as a sign to get close to you, to become your friend. And so he did. The two of you got along greatly, having much more in common than he would have assumed. You both enjoyed classic literature, you listened to him when he yapped about god knows what, you both had extensive knowledge on the cases you work on. It wasn’t hard for you guys to become close so quickly.
It was like you were made to be in Spencer’s life. To say he grew a crush on you quickly was an understatement. Your presence never failed to brighten his day. Your smile always enlivened the room. And the way you nodded your head as Spencer spewed random information, asking questions when you wanted clarification, adding on your own thoughts occasionally, well it made Spencer feel heard for once.
Each and everyday, Spencer looked forward to just being around you. At first his thoughts and motives were innocent. That was until one night, when Hotch had called everyone into the office on the night everyone was supposed to be off, and you came in wearing a provocative cocktail dress with your hair done immaculately and a face full of makeup. That was the day Spencer’s cock hardened at work for the first time. And from there on out, his thoughts took a wild turn.
It’s not like he meant them to. The average person has about anywhere from 12,000 thoughts to 60,000 thoughts per day. And he swore that at least half of those thoughts were completely normal. However, the other half? Well, they certainly shocked Spencer quite a bit. Especially as he had never been so…driven by his hormones before.
Anytime he saw you, he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to have you on your knees, looking up at him with those pretty eyes glistening with tears as his cock was forcibly thrusting in and out of your mouth. Messy hair, glossy eyes, the feeling of you gagging on his cock, the thought never failed to make Spencer cum in his pants. The first time he thought about that was the night you had shown up in that dress. He had to make an emergency stop to the bathroom before boarding the jet that night.
And now? Well, Spencer was at home, thinking about the case you guys had just finished. It took place in a rural part of Texas. A man had been murdering business women that had an “alpha” female personality. You and Spencer had to share a hotel room and the room turned out to only have one bed. It was like a dream come true for Spencer’s cock.
Night after night, sleeping next to you, talking to you about random things, accidentally cuddling one another. It had taken everything in Spencer’s power to not just bury his face in between your legs and make you cry out his name.
Spencer felt his cock hardening in his pants as he thought about your time together over the past week. There was this one instance where you had gone to take a shower but had forgotten your clothes. So he had to hand you your pajamas himself and he accidentally saw your tits. Now that lives rent free in his head. Letting out a soft groan, Spencer undid his pants, pulling them down enough so his cock was out.
He was already so hard and leaking precum just thinking about you. He whimpered as he thumbed the tip before wrapping his hand around his cock and pumping slowly. Spencer just seemed as though he couldn’t help himself when he was around you. Which is how he landed a pair of your used panties that sat on his desk. Part of him felt gross, ashamed. But his arousal outweighed the guilt he felt.
With his other hand, Spencer grabbed the fabric, bringing it to his nose as he inhaled deeply. He jerked himself off faster, smelling the faint scent of your cunt on your panties. Oh how he yearned to bury his cock inside of you. To see you whining underneath him as he fucked you. He would make sure you came at least twice before allowing himself the pleasure.
“Fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure as his thoughts were consumed by you. Your moans would be absolutely beautiful, heavenly even. Spencer could feel the heat building inside of him, signaling he was getting closer. He pumped himself faster, imagining how wet your pussy must be naturally as he sniffed the panties. And with a choked moan, Spencer began to cum, painting his hand and his chest.
He let out a deep sigh, finally relieved. And after a few moments, the shame and guilt overcame him. Spencer sat there for a moment, feeling bad about what he had just done. But that didn’t stop him when later that night, he fucked the pair of panties. And the next day, when you asked Spencer if he had accidentally taken the pair or if you had left it in the hotel, he had simply shrugged and shook his head no.
And two days later, you found your lost pair of panties in your go-bag, cleaned, having smelt much like the laundry detergent that Spencer used.
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msgexymunson · 5 months
One Slow Blink Part 1
Description: As a nurse, you want to help people, as many as you can. But, with the insane things that have been going on in Hawkins, and the crazed look in Dustin's eyes when he stumbles into the ER covered in blood with an impossible tale to tell, it makes you wonder; how much are you prepared to give? 
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, *Here there be monsters! Honestly, there's straight up monster fucking in this so if you're not into that do not read*, AFAB sub nurse reader x dom monster Eddie, kinda Alpha/Omega without them knowing it, injury descriptions, S4 does happen and Eddie lives but he be a monster, hand job, fem oral receiving, male oral receiving, consensual predator/prey dynamic, fingering, very rough sex, biting/marking, unprotected p in v, knotting.
A/N: Part 1 of 2, only due to Tumblr restrictions. Adding the second part in a minute. This has come from yet another deranged dream of mine. I imagine Eddie looking kinda like a mix between the Beast from the original Beauty and the Beast, and the dog/kangaroo guys from Tank Girl, but with a longer snout. If you don't know, that's a dirty mix between a lion, a bear, a wolf and maybe a little of Venom's tongue (because I am a whore.)
22k words in total for both parts, I know, mental, but it's worth it ;)
Masterlist Part 2
Tires screech off of the road and onto a dirt path as Nancy turns erratically in her station wagon, the whole car shuddering in protest. Her hands are shaking on the wheel; so much so that you place a placating hand on her knee to try to calm her down. 
You didn't know Nancy, not really. Hell, you only knew Dustin because he came into the hospital for a nasty cut on his leg when he fell off his bike three months ago. Then all of a sudden he shows up in the emergency room covered in blood, grime matted into his curly locks and tear streaks cutting through the dirt on his face. 
He swore until he was blue in the face that it wasn't his, that he needed a doctor, anyone that could help. You tried and failed to convince him to call an ambulance but he insisted that no one else in the hospital would understand. 
There was something about the desperate look in his eyes. It was frightening; those innocent eyes were hard, harder than they had any right to be. Dustin had seen something no child should have had to witness. With Max being admitted blind and unconscious with both arms and legs broken, and all the talk about strange occurrences around town, not to mention the freak earthquakes, it wasn't difficult to believe. But there was something he was not telling you, you were sure of it. Who comes to the ER without a patient and begs a nurse to come with them?
A feeling had settled in the pit of your stomach. The same thing had happened when the mall caught on fire. A feeling that things weren't what they at first glance appeared. Something strange and unnatural was going in, you were sure of it.
Maybe that's why you stole a trauma kit out of an ambulance. Maybe that's why you got in the car, pushed into the front seat by Dustin and Nancy. Maybe that's why you're being bundled out of said car and running through the woods, bracken cutting your ankles through your scrubs and leaves whipping at your face. 
A light in the distance cuts through the dark, glowing and growing as you quickly approach. A small cabin, you see, ramshackle and falling apart. Stepping towards it, you're about to go in when a bellowing roar echoes throughout the woods and into your chest, vibrating your very lungs and stealing your breath away. The kind of roar that makes your survival instincts run wild, telling you to flee. You would listen to it, if your gut wasn't telling you that you were right where you were supposed to be. 
A minute later, Steve is slamming the front door open, looking dishevelled. There's crimson smeared on his cheek; two long cuts run from temple to jaw dripping blood. 
“Is he why-” 
“Henderson, what the hell dude! You can't just bring anyone here!” 
“I know Steve! She can help, she's a doctor-” 
“Nurse, actually,” you interrupt rather sheepishly. 
Steve rubs his hand through his mussed up hair and takes a pace backwards.
“Great, that's just great. When I told you to get someone-” 
Dustin's response is high pitched and hard, tuning through the clearing. 
“I did. I got someone! It's not like I could freaking advertise!” 
“Look, you said you need help. What can I do?” 
Steve and Dustin exchange dark glances. 
“Alright, you better come with me.”
He heads back inside and you follow quietly wondering what the hell you've gotten yourself into. 
The cabin is quaint, and clearly used to be a well loved home a while ago. Now however, there's a gaping hole in the ceiling and dust trailed across the living area. Robin is sitting on an old sofa, you remember her being in band at school. She looks terrible, cracking her knuckles and mumbling to herself incoherently. 
“He's through here.” 
You trail Steve as he leads to a door that's slightly ajar. Pushing it open with one finger he leans on the doorframe and gestures with the other hand at the most impossible thing you've ever seen in your life. 
“What… is that?” 
“That is Eddie.” 
There's a figure strapped to a double bed with strips of fabric bound to its wrists and ankles. Torn clothing is clinging to parts of it, and what skin you can see is a mass of blood and hair. No, not hair. Fur. Its spine seems wrong, curving more than a humans, and its fingers are thick and adorned with semicircular black claws. The face is not recognizable anymore. You see a huge maw, lips curled in anger with razor sharp teeth on display and spit gathering down its matted chin. That's been bound too; a leather belt wrapped tight around it, you assume to stop it biting. It writhes around on the bed, snarling and growling deep in its throat as various wounds bleed out in front of you. One of its arms, if you could call it that, is bent at an odd angle and seems to be limp compared to the rest of it. 
Standing there open-mouthed, you gawp at the thing.
“You said this is- this is Eddie??” 
“Listen, I know it's insane-” 
You step into the room, pulled by an invisible thread. It turns its head and looks straight into your eyes. Wide, warm eyes, full of pain, pleading with you. They're a soft brown, burnt umber, with a whisper of honey and summer days. Familiar eyes. Human eyes. 
“Its- his arm is broken I think, and these wounds… isn't he wanted for-” 
“He didn't do it. He could never. Just- just do what you can. Please. He- he's a hero.”
Standing by the edge of the bed, you reach out with shaking fingers to touch him lightly on the shoulder. He whips his head around, jaw inches from your trembling hand. His chest is heaving, arm struggling against its bindings. 
You kneel to his eye level and stroke softly at the tatters of his t-shirt. He looks panicked, wide eyes rolling like a cornered animal as he continues to struggle. 
“Eddie, I'm here to help you.” 
Nothing but low growls and broken whines come from his tightly bound maw. The thrashing intensifies; he nearly lifts the bed up with sheer force. Steve takes a step back, but not you. 
You climb up on the bed and straddle his floundering form. Blood smears your scrubs as you grasp his head firmly and turn it to face you. 
“Eddie Munson, you listen to me right now! Stop squirming and listen!” 
The silence is deafening, ringing in your ears. He stops his incessant battle against his confines and looks at you, the look of a frightened boy. 
Voice softening, you stroke at the newly grown fur on his cheek. It's soft and warm. 
“Eddie, do you remember me? We used to have English class together two years ago, with Mrs O’Donnell? You sat next to me. Remember?” 
A flash of recognition dawns behind those soft brown eyes. 
“You were late nearly everyday. You used to draw amazing things in your notebook, all sorts of creatures and symbols and I thought it was incredible. You- any time you caught me looking at you, you winked. You know I nearly failed that class because I was too busy staring at you, seeing what you'd do next?” 
His breathing starts to slow down, his heaving chest moving up and down almost rhythmically now. 
“You are Eddie Munson. You're in there, I can tell. I know you're scared, I get it, but I need to try and treat you. OK?” 
He breathes deep, and something akin to a nod happens which seems to hurt him judging by the way his face tightens. 
“Right. Stay still. I need to try and set your arm. I've got some painkillers in the trauma bag, so I'll need to inject you. Can you- can you blink once for yes, twice for no?” 
He closes his eyes slowly, tight shut, and then opens them again. 
“That's it, that's good. I'll be back.” 
Clambering off his huge form, you turn to Steve who is already clutching the bag in his hands. 
“That was- how did you do that?” 
Filtering through the bag to find what you need, you pull out a syringe and unpack it, and find the drugs you're looking for and start setting up the needle. 
“Listen, if I think about this too much I'm gonna panic, so shut up. I've never done this before.” 
A strange calmness has descended upon you. Taking the needle you move back to Eddie's side and find a vein in his muscular arm. 
“Eddie, I'm gonna inject you with some painkillers to take the edge off, OK?” 
One slow blink. 
“Good. You'll feel a scratch, doing it now.” 
Once the drugs hit his system you know they've helped as the tension seems to leave his body. 
“I need to set his arm, can you try and hold him steady?” 
Steve looks like he'd rather run for the hills, but to his credit he nods and approaches. 
“Right, hold up by his shoulder there, keep him still.” 
You untie his limp wrist and Eddie whimpers when his arm falls to the bed. 
“Now, Eddie, this is gonna hurt like hell, but once it's done it'll feel alot better.” 
Instead of counting down you just arrange his arm into what you think is the right place and twist in one smooth motion. 
Eddie's body convulses; you can see Steve trying to push all his weight into him, knuckles white from the pressure. The howling growl that rips from Eddie is muffled by the leather strap around his muzzle, and then it cuts off. 
Eddie is completely still. After a second, a snarling snore fills the room. 
“I think he passed out.” 
“That's probably for the best. Now I need two straight sticks or something, and the bandages from my bag. I suppose I need to splint this.” 
“What do you mean you suppose?” 
“OK OK! Jeez, you sound just like Nancy.” 
He jogs off to get what you asked for, and when you have your materials you tie his arm into a makeshift splint. 
“Now, there's trauma shears in the bag. I need to cut his clothes off and treat these wounds.” 
Steve fumbles through the bag as you get more bandages and gauze ready. He passes them to you and you methodically remove the scraps of grimy torn clothes, eventually leaving him in a pair of tatty looking boxer shorts. 
“Are you gonna, erm, cut those-” 
“I think we can leave those on,” you rush it out of your mouth, a little faster and more high pitched than you meant to. 
“Now, I need warm water and a clean towel or something.” 
As you work together, Steve following your directions, you clean and bandage each wound you see as best as you can. After what seems like forever, you're finally finished, collapsing onto the floor exhausted with your back flush against the wall to keep you upright.
“He's probably gonna need some antibiotics. Those bites looked pretty gnarly. Maybe a tetanus shot. Fuck, maybe a vet.” 
You huff a laugh with zero amusement in it as Steve sinks to the floor next to you.
“That was awesome, how'd you know all that stuff?” 
“I'm studying to be a doctor, and I read every chance I get. I'm a junior nurse. You get to see some shit in the ER. Nothing like this, but apparently I must have learned something.” 
“Sure did. You wanna go and get some rest? There's a bed next door.” 
“No, I'll stay here, keep an eye on him. He's gonna need food, and water though.” 
“I got it.” 
Steve gets up and leaves, returning with a chair and a blanket. 
“Thanks Steve. Is Dustin alright?” 
“He fell asleep on the couch, when he's awake we'll tell you everything.” 
He goes then, and you hear the front door shut softly. 
You ache, your back bending, contorting in a way that makes it burn. A warm blanket is covering your shoulders though, and the pillow underneath you is firm and fuzzy. There's an odd pressure on top of your head; it's slightly comforting. Risking opening one eye, yesterday's memories begin to flow into your consciousness. 
You're sitting in a chair, bent over Eddie's sick bed, and that's not a pillow. Your head is resting on a furry shoulder. Reaching a tentative hand upward you realise his huge paw of a hand is resting on your head. Fingers find coarse hair, rougher than the fuzz on his chest, and his thick fingers taper into a bone like claw, smooth and curved. 
With the patience of a bomb defusal expert, you lift his hand ever so gently and place it on his stomach. There's much less fur there, you see in the daylight, mostly skin and rippling muscle. It flexes under your gaze as his paw settles on top of it, absentmindedly scratching his skin in his sleep. 
Careful not to wake him, you sit up and stretch, hearing pops and clicks from your backbone. He looks peaceful, huge chest rising and falling gently. The hair on his head is still long, matted and dirty but soft looking. There's a fuzz on his cheeks, and that maw of his is no longer snarling in pain though his canines still jut out slightly. An ear peeks out from his curls, the flesh still soft and pinkish, but it curls into a rounded point with downy fur at the tip. 
Your eyes rake down, over his chest with the tattoo near his heart. The fur is thinner here too, and starts growing thickly in a long rope at his belly button, towards the hem of his underwear. A small gasp escapes you when you see the tent in his boxers. His member is pressing hard against the fabric, trying to break free from its cotton prison. It's thick, and clearly enormously long, your thighs clenching at the thought of touching it. 
Well that was unexpected. You tear your eyes away almost shamefully. Just look at him, he's almost monstrous. Stop thinking about his package. 
The door behind you creaks open, and Dustin is standing there. His gaze sweeps over Eddie, then sees what you just saw. Eyes widening comically, he slaps a hand over his face to block his view. 
You stand, shrugging off the blanket you had wrapped around you, and place it delicately over Eddie. Taking one last look at his peaceful features, you follow Dustin out. 
He and Nancy tell you everything. The demogorgon, the Upside Down, Will, Eleven, Vecna. It takes a couple of hours but you're patient, only asking questions to clarify some points. It's not like you don't believe him. After last night, you think you could believe anything. 
By the time he's done, Steve is back with food, dumping bags in the kitchen. 
“I took Robin home, she's in shock but she'll be alright. So how's Eddie Dog?” 
“Eddie Dog?” You question, brow furrowing. Dustin pipes up. 
“Demogorgon, Demodogs, Eddie Dog. I did think DemoEddie but Dog seems more-” 
“I get it. He seems alright, I think. I mean, he's sleeping. I'll have to check the arm, and see if he gets a fever or anything but that seems like the least of his problems.” 
Nancy speaks then, looking at you gently. 
“You're being really, calm, about all this. You OK?” 
“Oh I'm fine. I don't know why, but I'm fine. I sort of knew, deep down, what's been happening wasn't normal. Something told me I needed to be here, and I was right.” 
Steve nods, happy with your response. At least he doesn't need to worry about you freaking out right now. Nancy just purses her lips and doesn't say anything else. 
“I'm gonna have to untie him, you know. He needs to drink, and eat.” 
“I'll help.” Dustin stands up, but you wave him down. 
“No, I'll do it. He calmed down for me yesterday. I can do it.” 
You stand and walk back over to Eddie's room, pushing the door open carefully. He stirs, looking at you with one eye. 
“Eddie, how you feeling?” 
He snorts, trying to paw at the leather around his muzzle with his injured arm. 
“I'm gonna take that off and untie you. Are you… are you gonna be nice?” 
He settles in the bed, head low to his chest. You take that as the best sign you can get right now. Walking over to him slowly, he turns his head to you. His eyes are soft. 
You reach your hand out and cup his face gently, working the belt off with the other as you make shushing noises at him. You're not sure if they are for his benefit or yours. 
When it's off, Eddie stretches his mouth wide, giving you a flash of rows of sharp teeth, and a long, thick purplish tongue. He snaps it shut and licks his lips dryly. 
“You want some water?” 
He blinks slowly at you. His eyelashes are thick and long, and almost look weirdly feminine against his wolfish face. 
“Oh you remember that?”
Another slow blink. 
“Good. Let me get you some water.” 
You stand up but Steve's already at your elbow with a glass. 
“Hey Munson, still alive then?” 
Eddie stares at Steve for a second, lifts his injured arm up gradually, and unfurls his middle finger. Steve laughs loudly; relief coating it. 
“Seems like you're still you. Good, I can't handle Dustin on my own, he's exhausting.” 
A weird huffing noise comes from Eddie, almost a laugh. You hold the water up and he sits up slightly. No idea of how to get him to drink it, you tip up his chin and trickle some water gently into his open maw. He splutters slightly but manages to swallow it. 
“I'm gonna untie you now, OK?” 
He blinks slowly at you again and an unexpected warmth floods you. You begin at his feet; unbinding them, rubbing his ankles where they are red and sore, and rotating his feet around to get his circulation back. When you move to his bound arm he stares at you intensely, so much so it makes you blush. You take the same amount of time inspecting it, rubbing the redness away and circling his wrist. 
When you move your hand he grasps it awkwardly so you can't move away. An odd noise is coming out of his mouth, a drawn out rumble of sound. His eyes crease with the effort.
A word emerges. 
It's low, animal like, almost a growl, but it's a word. 
“Eddie, you can talk?” 
Tears spring into the corners of your eyes, though you don't know why. His face scrunches again, another bubble of growling sound forcing its way out of his maw. 
He looks like he's about to cry. You hold his cheek, stroking at the soft fur.
“It's alright, I'm sure it'll get better. You're just not used to it. I'll talk enough for the both of us, OK?” 
He blinks deliberately at you again. A moment passes where you just stare at each other. Shaking your head as if to clear it, you cross to the other side of the bed to look at his broken arm. 
“This looks… this can't be right. Eddie, does it hurt?” 
He blinks once. 
“OK, does it hurt a lot?” 
Two slow blinks.  
Untying the bandage, it looks almost healed. You change it, and inspect his other wounds. They look like they're already scarring, a mass of dried blood sticks to each patch of matted fur and skin but you could swear the damage happened weeks ago. They're healed so much that you take the wrappings off and don't bother to recover them. 
“They've healed. I don't know how, but look.” 
Eddie looks down at the scars on his abdomen, pawing at them in disbelief, causing dried blood to crust off in crimson flakes. 
“Do you think you can stand up? We need to get you clean.” 
He nods softly and you move to hold his uninjured arm to help him up. Placing two elongated feet on the floor, he manages to bend his knees and rise from the mattress. 
He's huge. Seeing him unfurl makes you realise just how huge. He's got to be at least seven feet tall, with a broad chest and thick, powerful legs. He turns to the door and whips you inadvertently. 
“Ouch, be careful with your tail Eddie.” 
He spins, turning to look over his shoulder and stares at you with wild eyes. 
“Yes, tail. Look.” 
His paw reaches and feels it, face twisted incredulously. He shuffles forward toward the door frame with it still in his grip approaching where Steve is standing. 
“Don't play with that you'll go blind,” he jokes. Eddie pats him in the chest with what should have been a mock hit, but the force of it pushes Steve back into the wall. 
“Woah, easy there, big guy.” 
You angle Eddie toward the bathroom and he ducks low, shuffling sideways through the doorway. 
“Hmm,” you say, thinking aloud, “no way you're standing under that shower. Tell you what, if you sit in the tub I should be able to clean you.” 
He stares wide eyed, glancing down to his tattered underwear and back up to you. 
“You need help, Eddie, your arms broken and you shouldn't get it wet. Don't worry, I've seen- no wait, I've not seen anything like this before, but I'm a nurse. I can help you.” 
Eddie continues to stand there, a low growl beginning to vibrate out of his chest. You close and lock the bathroom door, then turn back to him with your arms folded. 
“Enough of that, you don't scare me. Pants off and in the tub. Now.” 
Snapping his teeth in annoyance, he hooks claws into his underwear and pulls them down. As he clambers awkwardly in you briefly see his member hanging between his legs before he cups himself and settles down, squished in the enamel bath. 
“Right, stick your bad arm out to the side, that's it, let me get the water running.” 
You unclip the tiny shower head and turn it on, directing the stream to the plug hole until it's warm enough. Then, you begin to clean him methodically, rinsing all the blood and grime away. His fur is soft, muscles flexing under each gentle touch of your fingertips. You rinse his head of hair under the shower head, massaging his scalp, and a noise bordering on a purr exudes from him. 
You're not sure if you should use shampoo over his whole body, but since all you can find to scrub him with is some drug store 3 in 1 and your bare hands, you suppose that will have to do. You begin to lather his head, rinse it off, and start working down his torso. He squirms, getting more tense the further down you go, until he starts hissing at each brush of your fingers.
“Eddie, what's wrong?” 
Voice tight and strained through his tense jaw, he manages a word. 
“I'm sorry, I'm trying to be careful. Where does it hurt?” 
Throwing his head back, it smacks into the wall so hard the room shakes. 
“Eddie, I can't help if-” 
He looks at you and nods downwards towards his crotch, the one place you've avoided entirely so far. You follow his gaze and he awkwardly uncups himself. 
His cock is standing to attention, twitching and throbbing. The end is bulbous and as purple as his tongue, the shaft thick and long, snaking out from a base of matted fur. 
Your face glows with heat, blood pumping viciously to your cheeks. 
“Did- did it get, er, injured, yesterday?” 
He shakes his head, wincing with the movement.
“Do you want me to leave you for a minute?” 
It's practically a whisper. Eddie looks anywhere but your face. Moving his hand, he shows you that he can't hold around the shaft with his thick claws. 
“OK I get you,” you say, nerves shaking your voice.
You said you'd help him. You can just help him, right? 
“D-do you want me to help?” 
His eyes snap to yours, wide and wet. He doesn't move or say anything further, just stares. You reach down with your hand, checking up with his face. There's no change in his beastial features. Hesitantly, you cup the swollen head with your palm. He flinches, water cascading out of the tub, but doesn't take his eyes off you. 
Reaching down, you gather some lather from the grubby water and begin to move your hand up and down his bulky shaft. It feels hot to the touch, and solid as a rock underneath the soft feel of his delicate skin. The noise he makes is almost a sigh of relief, head leaning backward as his spine arches to your touch. 
You're struggling to get your hand around his thickness, so you extend your other arm and wrap both hands around his impressive length, stroking firmly up and down. Eddie starts whining in his throat, a desperate noise. He's thrusting into your grip, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. You start to feel throbbing between your own legs, a pulse thumping deep inside that's difficult to ignore. Focusing on your strokes, you push the feeling to the back of your mind.
You watch him instead, his chest heaving, legs beginning to shake as his dick leaks pre cum down your hands. Adding a twist to the tip of his head with each upstroke, he whimpers and whines in his throat. Impossibly, he seems to be getting even larger. You feel a bulbous growth at the base of his cock at the same time he releases, splattering cum over your fists, his chest, the water, his legs. You've never seen so much cum in all your life. He tenses all over, stifling a broken grunt from his maw. You go to move off him but he places a paw over your hand, a silent plea to keep you in place. So, you keep holding him firmly as his breath starts to regulate again. 
A few minutes later he lets you go, his cock still half hard and slightly submerged in the water. Not saying a word, you rinse him down, cleaning any remaining suds and sticky release off of him, not daring to look up at his face. Once that's done, you cough and stand up, grabbing a scratchy towel to dry him off with. As he gets out of the bath, water winding down the drain and gurgling in protest, you dry him off as best as you can, taking care to be gentle around the scabs and scars. The room smells like wet dog. Finally wrapping the towel around his waist, you step back, looking over his body to check if anything is bleeding. 
A clawed hand reaches to your face, the rough furry knuckle tucking under your chin, lifting it up. For the first time since it happened, you look back into his eyes, shame tumbling in your gut. 
“Don't mention it.” 
He gestures widely at his torso, and you snap back to your senses. 
“Clothes! I'll- I'll find you something to wear, just- just hold on. I'll be back.” 
You stumble quickly out the bathroom, back slamming against the shut door and close your eyes. 
What in the absolute fuck was that? 
You have no answers. Surely you were just being a good friend? A really good friend. It didn't explain why you are turned on so much, your own thighs feeling wet and sticky, slick dampening your underwear. 
Nancy approaches as you snap your eyes open. 
“You OK? Can I help?” 
“Yeah, er, we need some clothes for him. Big clothes. Real big. Is there… anything?”
“Hmm,” she says, “I think I saw some of Hopper's old things in the closet. I can go out? Grab some things?” 
“That would be great, thanks.” 
She nods, flashing a tight lipped smile, and grabs her keys from the side. You search the closet and find a white t-shirt and some sweats, returning to the bathroom to help him put them on. The top is a stretch; on anyone else it'd be baggy but on him it looks like a muscle shirt. After some minor adjustments to the pants, which included cutting a hole for his tail, they fit well enough. 
“Listen, Eddie, I need to leave.” 
He snaps his head towards you, whining. 
“It's alright, I've just got a shift at the hospital. Nancy's getting some more clothes for you, and Steve's brought some food. Go. Go and eat, and I'll be back in a few hours.” 
He huffs, but moves carefully to the living room anyway. You explain what's happening to Steve, making sure to tell him to change the bedsheets, and turn to the front door. As you're about to leave, you hear a low, growling word that shakes through you and makes your eyes brim with emotion. It's your name. 
You shower and change at the hospital, willing your shift to be over and done with. Managing to explain away your disappearance last night to your boss with a trite story of helping with Search and Rescue, you breathe in the relief that you won't lose your job. He even understands that you need a couple of days leave; after you hint heavily that you had lost your family in the earthquakes of course. It's a dirty lie, your family doesn't even live near here anymore, but he doesn't need to know that. 
With all the medical emergencies, you're rushed off of your feet, which at least makes the time fly by. After the shift you race back to your apartment, flinging things in a bag. Changes of clothes, a bunch of leftover food from the freezer, and a tape player with a few tapes that you hope will cheer Eddie up. You change as well, putting on a summer dress and tennis shoes, trying to convince yourself you're not doing it for him. 
It's inexplicable; you're aching to see him again. It's like a limb has been severed and the phantom pain is excruciating. Which is fucking mental to say the least. You barely know him, and he's… changed. 
Driving like a woman possessed, you reach the dirt turning in record time, slamming the breaks when you reach Steve and Nancy's cars. At least he's not alone. 
As you jog toward the cabin, you hear a roar, one so loud it dislodges birds from their nests, flapping anxiously to escape. The jog turns into a run as you fly toward the front door, unceremoniously slamming it open. 
“Thank Christ it's you! I can't. I can't deal with him. Please.” 
Steve looks drained, begging you with wide eyes. There's a fresh cut under his eye with a small bruise forming. 
“What the hell happened?” 
Nancy approaches, placing a thin hand on your forearm. 
“Eddie, he's… we can't do anything, he just keeps calling your name.” 
“Roaring it, actually,” Steve adds, looking at your hand with the bulky bag in it. “Are you staying?” 
“Yeah, well I thought, I mean- I live alone. No one's gonna miss me for a few days. The hospital knows, so yeah. I suppose I'm staying.” 
A crash next door makes you all jump. 
“Are you gonna-” 
“Yes, I'm going in there. I'll be fine.” 
As you tiptoe to the door, you hear Steve mutter, ‘she must be one of us, she goes towards the scary noises.’
It's nearly a whisper, but he hears, whipping around to face you. Before you can do anything he's striding forward and wrapping his fierce arms around you. You tense, expecting him to break your ribs, but you relax when the hug is soft. 
Your eyes scan the carnage in the room. The chair you'd sat on whilst nursing his injuries is in splinters on the floor. A cabinet looks like a bull ran into it, and there's glass under your shoes. 
The bed seems fine at least. Coaxing him gently, you lead him to it and perch on the edge. He sits next to you, not letting you go. 
“Eddie what the hell happened?” 
Unclenching his grip, he looks at you with tear filled eyes, anguish etched into his very skin. He's trying to form words, you can see it in the way he's concentrating, but they just won't come. Face screwed up, he balls his fist and howls when a claw digs into his own flesh, which only serves to exacerbate the ball of emotion that's fighting his insides. 
“It's OK, I'm here, just breathe.” 
His maw continues to open and shut, paw gesticulating wildly. You grasp it, being careful of his sharp claws, and try something else. 
“Alright, you can't use your words. That's fine, you can just let it out. Just like, awoooo!” 
You let out your own mini howl as he stares at you in disbelief. 
“Go on, it'll feel good. See? Awwooooo!” 
He stares at you with wide eyes, an almost amused look dancing within them. 
“See? I feel better. Awwooooo!” 
Shaking his large head, he gives you a side glance and tilts his head back to the heavens. 
It's long and loud, bursting in your ears as a wall of sound. 
“Eddie that was awesome,” you gush, hand reaching to wind fingers into his curls. 
“Are you OK, I heard- oh.” 
Steve bursts in and sees you smiling, Eddie staring at you like a puppy. 
“Right, now that's just- what in the- I'll just-” 
He leaves looking stunned, never finishing a sentence. A giggle bubbles out of you, a silly little thing that dances in your chest. Eddie reaches to touch your hand in his hair but the claws hit first making you flinch at the sharpness. He looks at you, pained. 
“It's alright, you didn't hurt me. At least I can do something about that. Come with me.” 
You guide him up and out the room. Steve and Nancy leap off the couch, staring bug eyed, on the cusp of running. 
“It's fine, he's just- frustrated. It's a lot to deal with. I'm sure he's very sorry for scaring you, aren't you Eddie?” 
The last words are directed at him and he looks down at his feet. 
“See? If you calm down a little you can speak. We're gonna cut his cla- his nails.”
Steve shakes his head, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, but Nancy? Nancy just smiles, looking between the pair of you, like she just heard a secret. 
“I think we should go Steve,” she says, holding him by the elbow to guide him towards the door. 
“But we- what if he-” 
“Alright, alright! Keep your pants on. I hope you've got food in that big bag of yours, ‘cause he ate three whole rotisserie chickens. Three! Bones and everything.” 
“We’ll be fine. Trust me.” 
Nancy drags Steve out the door as he's shouting over his shoulder. 
“We'll check on you tomorrow!”
The front door shuts and it's silent in the cabin. Coughing awkwardly, you look around the room searching, speaking as you do so. 
“Right, so, let's sort out the bedroom first.” 
A broom rests against a nearby wall, so you take it and sweep up the glass shards and bits of furniture and dump them outside. It's not perfect but at least you shouldn't cut your feet. 
“OK, nail clippers are not going to work. We need something…  is there a toolbox or…” 
Mumbling away, you finally locate a dusty red snapbox by the back door and extricate a pair of tin snips and a metal file. 
“These should do. Sit down Eddie, I'll put the TV on.” 
He does as he's told, carefully tucking his tail under as he perches on the couch. It screams with the weight but holds steady. 
You get to work, sorting out the claws on his feet before moving to his bearish hands. The TV mutters indistinctly in the background as you clip and file his claws to half their size; as close to his fingers as you dared. When you look up you see Eddie's gaze is transfixed on you. Ignoring the heat of his stare, you finish up, prodding the end of each nail with a finger pad. 
“See? No more scratching. Should be able to practise using your hands more too.” 
A heat rolls across your face at your own dirty thoughts. If Eddie notices, he doesn't say anything. 
“I brought some beers, you want one?” 
He can nod and shake his head now without pain, you've seen him moving with ease, but he chooses instead to blink slowly at you. Gasping a little, you get up and fetch the beers from the fridge and hand one over. It's tricky, but he manages to hold it, looking at you for validation. 
“See? That's great! You just need practice.” 
“Yes! That's really good, Eddie.” 
You beam a sunny smile at him but he looks down and away from you. 
“What is it?” 
Turning back with glassy eyes, he waves a hand at his new form. 
“Sorry, what?” 
“No! No, Eddie, stop,” you respond, holding one huge hand in both of yours, “you're not a freak. You're scared and, and different, and God knows this is a strange situation, but you're not a freak. You were never a freak.”
He brings one burly arm around your shoulders and hugs you tight to his chest. You can feel the pads of his fingers now, stroking at your arm. For some reason, that's what makes you cry. Tears fall unbidden, streaking down your face alarmingly fast. Eddie pulls away to look at you, eyes brimming with concern. 
“I'm fine, it's fine. Really. I just- I can feel your fingertips now.”
Eddie flashes the closest thing to a smile his new face can allow and laces his tough, furry fingers with yours. You sit like that for a while, drinking your beers and staring mindlessly at the TV. Eyes beginning to close of their own accord, you realise you need to go to sleep before you pass out. 
“I need to sleep Eddie. Hang on, I'm gonna go change.” 
You stand up, fishing a tank top and sleep shorts from your bag as well as a toothbrush, and go about getting ready for bed. 
When you return, the TV is off, and Eddie's sitting in a pair of plain black boxer shorts that Nancy must have bought him. 
“Eddie, do you think you can brush your teeth or do you need a hand?” 
He gets up determined and goes into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Trusting he knows what he's doing, you make your way to the spare room. The bed is tiny and there's no duvet or pillow, just a ratty blanket. 
Eddie appears in the doorway. 
You turn and he waves a hand at the bed almost in disgust. Taking you by the arm, he leads you to the main bedroom. 
“You, herrre.” 
He turns and the word is out of your mouth before your brain has a chance to wake up. 
As he looks at you expectantly, you blush and stammer over your sentence. 
“I mean, that other bed- it's too small for you Eddie, and theres- there's no pillows and-” 
Reaching out with a paw-like hand, he settles it on your forearm gently. 
“Yeah? If you don't mind, of course.” 
Without a further word he climbs onto the bed, covering himself with the duvet you'd found in the closet. You shut the light off and get in too, laying at the very edge of the bed, knees dangling over thin air. 
Eddie's not having that though. His arm swipes over and pulls you close so fast air leaves your lungs in a gasp. You settle into him, hand laying on his chest, a furry leg underneath your knee. 
“Goodnight Eddie.”
When morning rolls around you find yourself alone in the bed, a cold dip in the mattress next to you. There's noise coming from the kitchen area but it sounds contained; nothing like the sounds you heard when you arrived yesterday. 
The bandage and sticks you hastily splinted his arm with are discarded in a pile on the floor. The material looks like it had been ripped apart by sharp teeth. 
Padding out of the room on bare feet you see Eddie's back. The fur along his spine is longer and thicker than the rest, and his tail is swishing. It's sticking out of the hole you made in a pair of sweatpants as he wiggles a frying pan. 
“Morning Eddie. Your arm healed already?” 
He flicks a glance over his shoulder and flashes his canine teeth, waving the arm around to show you. 
“-orrning. Bet-terr.” 
“Are you making breakfast?” 
He points to a plate next to him where a haphazard tower of pancakes sit. 
You walk over, shivering a little. Someone's going to have to do something about the holes in the ceiling here. Making a mental note to speak with Steve, you cross the room and stand next to Eddie. 
“You need any help?” 
He shakes his head and gestures to the table. 
“Sit. Eat.” 
You pick a couple of pancakes up and put them on a small plate and unearth an ancient bottle of maple syrup from a cupboard. The pancakes are surprisingly good; you find a hair in one but don't mention it. 
“Eddie, these are delicious! Thank you.” 
“You'rre -elcome.” 
“And you're speaking so well!” 
He sits opposite you with an enormous plate stacked high with pancakes, offering another to you. Taking one more, you place it neatly on your plate. 
“Thanks but that's it. I know you need practice but we don't need so many-”
He picks up two and puts them in his mouth, barely chewing before swallowing and picking up three more. 
“-Oh. We're gonna need more food.”
Eddie nods, finishing the stack of pancakes in less than a minute. When he's done, his thick tongue lulls out to lick his fingers. It's so long, practically wrapping around each individual digit. 
Mouth hanging open, you snap it shut and close your eyes for a moment trying to will the hedonistic thoughts you're having to stop swirling around your brain. 
When you open them again he's staring at you intensely, a hint of amusement in those soulful eyes. 
Looking down to avoid that stare, you ask something that you've been dying to find out. 
“Eddie, can I ask- are you still, you, in there? Like completely? Or is it, different?” 
He looks away, seemingly thinking. It's a while before he turns back, face contorting with the effort of words. 
“Still -e, I think. Head… fog-gy. Hurrts. Prrractice.” 
You nod and reach for his hand, proud of him for his longest sentence yet. He holds yours gently; the thumb rubbing back and forth over your knuckles showing much better dexterity than yesterday.
A loud knock at the door startles you both, until you hear Steve's voice ring out.
“It's me, it's Steve! You alive?” 
Eddie rolls his eyes and you stifle a giggle. 
“No Steve, I died! I was maimed! Blood and guts everywhere!” 
You smile as you say it, winking at Eddie. Steve barges in, shaking his head. 
“Ha ha, very funny. Excuse me for caring,” he turns to Eddie, voice softer than before, “how you feeling, buddy?” 
Eddie flashes his teeth. 
“Good, awesome. Hey, did I miss breakfast?” 
“Sure did. Eddie made it.” 
Steve looks stunned, glancing back and forth between the two of you. 
“Yup, he did. All on his own. Actually, while you're here, we need to fix those holes in the roof. At least board them up or something.” 
“Yeah sure, I can do that, but I'll need a hand.” 
“I… can hel-p.” 
The boys get to work and you leave them to it. You busy yourself too; dusting and cleaning the cabin, hanging a sheet up in the bedroom as a makeshift curtain, and making a list of everything you need from the store foodwise. Then, you add even more to it, including four rotisserie chickens. 
Whilst food is on your mind, you make a huge pile of sandwiches and call them both in for lunch. Steve looks shocked at the amount of food.
“Woah, don't think we need all-” 
Eddie shakes his head and grabs two sandwiches, putting them both in his mouth at once. 
“Ah. Right.” 
“I think he needs a lot of food because of the injuries. He healed so quickly, I mean, he's got to get the energy from somewhere, right?” 
Steve slowly nods, looking at Eddie as he stuffs another sandwich in his mouth. 
“Yeah, I guess. Plus, look at the size of him.” 
Eddie swallows thickly and stares at the pair of you. 
“Can… hearrr you. Rrrude.” 
“Sorry, you're right, that was rude of us Eddie.” 
You reach a hand out and stroke his arm; his gaze immediately softens. 
“Wow, you're like, the Eddie whisperer or some shit.” 
Eddie growls in his throat. 
“Hey, that wasn't about you it was about her!” 
After lunch, they get back to work, completing the patch job on the roof in a few hours. By the time they're done, the sun is starting to set. Steve leaves the pair of you, taking the shopping list and promising he and Nancy will be back tomorrow with fresh supplies. You offer him some money which he swears blind he doesn't need, but you give it to him anyway. 
Once dinner is demolished, you and Eddie sit on the couch, watching some made for TV movie. Well, he seems to be watching it. You're uncomfortable, thighs clenching in an effort to put out the raging fire between them. Hyper aware of his arm over your shoulders, you try to block all the horny signals to your brain but it's not working. Huffing loudly, you bite your lip, shuddering at each touch of his gnarled finger pads on the smooth skin of your arm. 
“You good?” 
You glance up and see Eddie's eyes boring into you. 
“Yeah, of course, I'm great.” 
Flashing his teeth, he lets out a rough chuckling sound. You press your lips together firmly, refusing to respond. 
“You want me. You… want… this.” 
He points to his mouth, tongue dipping out past his sharp teeth, far longer than a tongue had any right to be. He twirls it in a little circle and puts the purplish muscle back in his mouth. 
“Oh really?” You reply hotly, “and what makes you think that, huh?” 
“Can scent.” 
Wordlessly, he points between your legs. Clenching your thighs harder, you glow scarlet, face igniting with such heat that it almost hurts. 
“Eddie, you can't just say that's it- it's impolite!!” 
Letting out a little howl of amusement, he strokes up and down your back with his large hand sending shivers through your spine. 
He's not wrong. Your panties are clinging to your wet heat uncomfortably, thighs sodden with false anticipation. Your blood is on fire, pumping fast and hard to your aching clit. It's bewildering; you've never felt so needy in all your life. He must be letting out some pheromones or something, brain grasping wildly at straws for an explanation. 
“-Orry. Just… you help-ed mme. I can… help you.” 
“I don't think- I'm not sure that's a good idea. I mean, your heads all foggy, you said, and, and-” 
“Want to.” 
He looks entirely serious, meeting your gaze with hardly a blink. 
Are you really gonna do this? 
Your body is protesting the lack of a decision, pulse thumping hard in your cunt as if to remind you of your predicament. It takes over, urging your hands under your dress to peel off your sticky underwear and put them to one side. Eddie doesn't move, waiting for you to speak, but you can see his pupils are blown, eyes nearly fully black. His snout is snuffling the air, tasting you through his nose. 
“Could you… please?” 
Tears are stinging your eyes at the discomfort. Eddie blinks once slowly at you, and immediately crouches to his hands and knees on the floor. As he crawls between your thighs, it strikes you that the movement seems more natural than him standing like a person. Gently, he slides your dress up your legs and pushes your legs apart with his giant hands. 
You're waiting for the first touch of his tongue, but it doesn't come. First, he smells you, inhaling your cunt so deeply that embarrassment blooms in your chest. The growling, humming noise that emanates from him vibrates into your very bones; it's laced with such desire that your thighs begin to quiver. 
Then, he tastes you; tongue lapping at your sex suddenly. You were expecting it, but you weren't expecting the sheer relief that flooded your senses at the first touch of his dripping maw. He slathers it all over you, cleaning your slick from the tops of your thighs, tongue slithering through your folds, around your clit, right down to your ass, as if he can't get enough of the taste of you. 
Whining and bucking your hips up already, he growls, holding you open with one brutish hand as the other pushes into the softness of your belly pinning you in place. You can see where his thick blunted claws push at your flesh, leaving dimples on your stomach. 
Then his tongue is writhing inside of you, twirling and dancing, hitting spots no other tongue could ever reach. Moans are ripped from your chest, the kind of sounds you would never dare to make before. Pathetic whines, hoarse shouts, screeching cries of pure pleasure. His snout is pressed firmly up against your clit; it's scrunched with the pressure, and each flick of his head makes him nussle it over and over. 
Despite Eddie's firm hand holding you down, you still manage to thrash about, legs twitching and back bucking uncontrollably. Your walls are convulsing around his muscle, fluttering with each pulse. He tongue fucks you in earnest then, knowing you're reaching that crescendo as your noises get even louder. 
You're beyond words. You couldn't tell him you were about to come if your life depended on it. The only word you can manage is a high pitched squeal of his name as your release floods out of you, slick gushing over his face. 
He laps it up, tongue washing over you as you collapse back into the sofa cushions, throat hoarse from yelling. There's an odd, murmuring grunt sound coming from him, the same sound over and over. As your ears finally stop ringing you release he's mumbling a word into you, almost incomprehensible in between licks. 
“Mine. Mine, mine… mmmmine.” 
Over and over he says it; like a mantra, a prayer to your cunt. Eventually you have to tug him away by his hair to stop him compulsively lapping at you. 
He looks up, dazed eyes starting to refocus as he pants like a dog. You pat the fur on his neck over and over, rubbing your fingers through it, your stare desperately trying to tell him what a good job he did. 
As he sinks down and sits on the floor, you join him, sliding off the couch and crawling into his lap. He holds you close, nose nuzzling your neck. 
“Wan’ kiss you.” 
You know what he means. He wants to kiss you properly, like a man and a woman kiss. Not like a beast. 
You cradle his head, making your hands appear tiny in comparison, and twist your fingers gently in his fur. Pulling his closed maw toward you, you press your lips against it softly, nudging his nose with yours like he did with your neck. It seems to placate his needs. He keeps his arms in a tight embrace around you as you move your heads as one, nudging your faces together, letting actions speak instead of words. 
For the second time in as many days, you wonder what the hell you're getting yourself into. 
“Eddie, come try this!” 
Calling from the kitchen, you mix batter in a huge bowl, trying to work out if you've used enough sugar. Technically speaking, you're not a chef. Far from it. The last cake you made sank in the middle so much it resembled a sad bundt cake. 
All you hear is muffled music playing from the bedroom. You go and investigate, spatula in hand, and gently swing the door open. 
Eddie's shirtless, his sweats hanging low on his hips, with his guitar slung around his neck. His muscles flex with every strum of his fingers, face screwed in concentration as he attempts to follow along with the tape.
Finally he glances up, eyebrows unknitting as he looks at you. 
“Wherre you find… the aprrron?” 
You'd forgotten about the apron. Glancing down, you see flour dusting it. You brush it off absentmindedly and look back at him. 
“Oh, it was in a drawer.” 
You giggle, cheeks flushing. 
“What you doing Eddie? Practising?” 
He huffs, taking his guitar and laying it gently against the bed. 
“Trrrying. Not good enough.” 
Exposing his teeth in a bestial smile, he walks over to you. 
“Yet. What you calling forrr?” 
He tilts his head, exposing the fuzzy tip of his ear through his hair, rough hand rubbing up your arm.
“Oh, I see. You could hear me, hmm?” You place your hand on your hip dramatically. He nods, crowding over you, making your breath hitch in your throat, as thick furry fingers stroke at your skin. 
“Well, I was asking you to try this.” 
You tap his nose with the end of the spatula, leaving behind a splat of uncooked cake batter. His maw opens in shock as you laugh. 
“Don't… do…” 
“What, don't do this?” 
You get him again, this time on his cheek, smudging the mixture in the soft fur. He raises an eyebrow at you, face stoic as he crosses his arms over the expanse of his chest. He'd look intimidating, if it wasn't for the batter dripping off his snout. 
“What you gonna do about it, huh?” 
He takes a step backward, unfolding his arms, and cracks his neck from side to side. His knuckles are next, popping with the stretch. Then, he starts growling out a low countdown. 
“One… two… thrrree…” 
“Oh, it's like that is it?” 
“...fourrr… five…” 
You run out of the room, flinging the spatula onto the kitchen side, and look for somewhere to go, but there isn't anywhere. This place is tiny. Jogging around the couch, you hear Eddie roar like a lion and your pulse quickens. He shoulders nonchalantly out the bedroom, crouching low. Adrenaline hits you as you try to work out how to get past. 
Attempting to fake him out, you run one way, then immediately double back, dashing around the back of the couch. Eddie's moves are a blur, husky arm scooping you up by the waist and dragging you over his shoulder in an instant. Kicking and giggling, you bash at his back trying to get him to let go, but you may as well pound on a concrete wall. 
There's a sudden rush of air and your back meets the wooden floor, landing with a soft ‘ooft’ noise. He pins you down, powerful legs straddling you, holding both your arms over your head with one brutish hand almost lazily. It easily circles both of your wrists. 
Taking his free hand, he scoops the mixture off of his nose and licks it with his tongue, twirling it around until every last bit is gone. You're breathing heavily. That display, teamed with him wrestling you to the ground so easily, has your heart thumping a tattoo inside your chest. 
He makes a face, scrunching his snout. 
“That bad?” 
“I know… what rrrather eat.” 
Flashing his pointed teeth, he runs his tongue over them, looking at you like you're his favourite meal. He leans in close, hot breath fanning your face. 
“You like this.” 
“No.” You say, even though you're trembling and hot all over. 
“Liarrr.” He says it whilst tapping his nose. 
He pushes his body against yours so you can feel his solid bulge pressing up against your core. Nothing can stop the whimper that gurgles out your throat, no matter how much you bite your lip. 
A warm hand paws at your breast over the apron as his tongue dances across the shell of your ear. Pushing upward with your hips, you make a futile attempt at escaping. Not that you want to, but the game is just getting good. He growls in your ear and the sound shoots straight to your cunt…
Then the front door flies open. 
“So we got- Jesus Eddie, no! Get the hell off her!” 
Steve drops paper bags on the floor as you both turn your heads to face him. Nancy's running in beside him trying to drag him backwards by the elbow. 
“Steve, I don't think-” 
“It's not what it looks like!” You stammer it out as Steve gawps. 
“What- what's going on!” 
Nancy turns him so he has to look at her, talking to him like a child. 
“Steve, when a man and a woman like each other very much-” 
His face immediately starts glowing scarlet. Eddie clambers off you and holds one hand out to lift you off the floor, hunching awkwardly to try and hide his erection as he takes refuge behind the couch. 
“Seriously? Him? He's- he's-” 
He gestures widely at Eddie. You hear a snarling coming from behind you so you hold a hand out to calm him, fingers meeting soft fur. Your eyes harden as you stare sternly at Steve.
“He's Eddie. He's just Eddie. He might look different but he's still here, and you're being… rude.” 
“You're right, I'm sorry,” he looks over to Eddie sheepishly, “sorry Munson, I didn't mean-” 
“Don't worrry, I… underrrstan’. Harrrd to rremem-berrr… even forrr mme.”
Steve looks surprised at how much his speech has come on, but he doesn't mention it. Instead, he holds out a hand, taking Eddie's giant one in his own and shaking it. 
“Listen, I got what you asked for, it should be all here. If you're both alright, we'll get out of your fur- shit- hair! Out of your hair!” 
Eddie snickers low in his throat as Steve tries to hide his face from his own faux pas. 
After packing the food away, and a couple of hugs and goodbyes, they leave you it. Nancy promises they'll be back in a couple of days to check in, and that they'll knock first. 
Once you're both alone you breathe a sigh of relief, turning to Eddie. 
“I'm sorry about him.” 
Eddie looks down, clutching the back of the couch. 
“I'm s-orry. Should have… ask-ed you out beforrre… this.” 
You round the couch and grasp his bicep in your hands, staring at his side profile. 
“Hey, hey, you didn't know this was gonna happen. How could you ask me out? It's not like you even noticed me really before, right?” 
Eddie refuses to meet your gaze. His eyelashes are dipping down, nearly kissing his cheeks. 
He rumbles a sound out, shaking his head, making his hair ripple about his shoulders. 
“I… lik-ed you. Wan-ted you. Was… scarrred. You werrre.. arrre… too good forrr mme.” 
An ache settles in your chest at his words, face creasing with anguish.
“Oh... Oh, Eddie, don't do that. I'm here now. And I'm not too good, that's just not true.” 
Your fingers wind into his fur, trying to tug him around but it's no use. You can see the tension in his arm underneath. 
So, if that isn't working, you'll try something else. 
“Seems I won.” 
His head turns quickly then, staring at you, muzzle wrinkled in confusion. 
“Our little chase?”
You wipe the remnants of cake batter off of his cheek with two fingers. He watches you intently as you bring them to your mouth, pushing them deep inside and hollowing your cheeks. Eddie grunts, maw extending open slightly as he swallows thickly in his throat. You suck hard, and pull your fingers out, running the flat of your tongue up and around them, leaving a string of spit behind. 
“I think you're right, that doesn't taste good.” 
Eddie's staring at you, eyes nearly black as his tongue lulls from his mouth, panting. 
“So, I won. I got free, didn't I?” 
Eddie's ribs are rising and falling distinctly. He steps toward you, the back of his hand dragging its coarse knuckles over your cheek. 
“Don't count… Caught you.” 
“Yeah? And I got free! So I win, right? Unless you don't think that's fair?” 
Snout nuzzling at your hairline, he breathes in your scent deeply and cups your face, pulling it towards his. You kiss his mouth gently, crushing soft lips against his hard jaw. He pushes his maw against you, opening his mouth and snaking his tongue between your lips. 
It's messy, tongues licking each other as spit pools and drips down your chin. His burly hand rests on the back of your head, covering it completely, forcing you to stay in place, while the other reaches down to grasp at the flesh of your ass. 
When you break away, you're both panting, breathing laboured and ragged. 
“Woah. Fuck,” you huff out between hard exhales, “you can kiss.” 
You're dizzy from the kiss, lips red and swollen, still slightly parted as his fingers trace down your back. 
“We werre… interrrup-ted. Don't count.” 
“Ah, I see. So what do you-” 
“One. Two… thrrree…” 
This time you fly from his grip and race out the room, considering the bathroom for a second before you dive wildly into the main bedroom. Eyes scanning as quickly as you can, you see a trap door at the foot of the bed. 
It swings open when you pull the rusted metal ring and you stick your head inside. It's little more than a crawl space, full of cobwebs and mouldy boxes. You scrabble inside and snap the trap door shut just as you hear a bellowing roar from the other room. 
He won't actually be expecting you to hide, and you're rather pleased with yourself at the spot you'd managed to find, laying on your back wedged in the stuffy space. 
The door swings open and you will your heart to slow down. Surely he can hear it hammering from here? It's thumping loudly in your own ears, blood whooshing through your head. 
The floorboards creak with each step he takes. When he falls to the ground suddenly, crawling on all fours, your thighs clench. 
“Sweet-hearrrt…I know you’rrre herrre… can smell you…” 
His sing-song tone, along with the growling purr of his voice had you biting your lip so hard you could taste tin.
You follow the shadow of his form through the slats, not daring to move, not daring to breathe. Suddenly his massive furred arm swipes under the bed, catching nothing but air. You slap a hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. 
He goes entirely still, pressing his snout to the floor, and sniffs between the floorboards. You can see his nose twitching just above your head.
“Arrre you… in the crrrawlspace?” 
He sounds impressed, finding the trap door only a second later. Light floods your hiding place as you try to wriggle your body away from him, but there's no room. In an instant he's got your ankles in his clutches as you shriek in protest, pulling you from the gap below. 
In seconds he scoops you up and hurls you on the bed as if you weigh nothing at all, then jumps on top of you, pinning you down as the bed springs squeak dramatically. 
“Cleverrr… but can't hide from mme…” He purrs, and leans closer to your ear, voice a deeper, threatening growl. 
“I can smell yourrr cunt.” 
You take a sharp inhale at his words. As if your pussy could understand him, you feel squelching wetness seep out, aching to be touched.
Eddie sits up, straddling you, and rips your apron and top in half as easily as tissue paper, exposing bare flesh. Greedily, he lathes his tongue from the nape of your neck down to your breasts, swirling it around each nipple leaving a trail of spit in its wake.
Your skin itches, flashing red hot, the throbbing between your legs becoming unbearable. You're whimpering, close to tears with the sheer need for him.  
“Eddie, Eddie please.” 
Wasting no time he climbs off the bed and yanks your jeans off in one go, not bothering to even unzip them, and does the same with his sweats. Standing fully to attention, his monstrous length looks painfully hard, throbbing purple. 
You hook fingers into the waistband of your panties to take them off, but Eddie slaps your hand away, and leans down, hot breath dancing over the skin of your thighs. Sharp teeth graze your abdomen, not enough to cut your skin but enough to leave angry red marks in a pathway to your sex. 
Then he's gripping your underwear in his teeth and ripping the flimsy lace off, leaving it in shreds. The feral gesture has you groaning out loud, thighs immediately opening to him. A thick tongue slivers through your folds, tasting you, until he presses a clawed finger to your opening, thrusting it inside with no warning. 
“Fuck, that- that feels so good!” 
Just like when he went down on you, that familiar rush of relief at his ministrations pours over you, nearly bringing you to tears. He moves up the bed, other arm holding him steady above your head so he can crowd your senses, intently watching your face as he fucks you with his finger. 
He forces another finger in making you cry out, small hand gripping at his forearm to try and slow him down, but his movements are unrelenting. 
“Eddie, too much, please-” 
He growls, the sound making you clench even more around him as he curls his fingers, keeping them painfully deep inside. 
“Have to. You need… to take me… prrrincess.” 
You nod your understanding as you wince at the stretch, but the discomfort melts away as your release slinks up your spine, heat pooling in your belly making you moan and push back into his grip. His rough palm presses harshly into your clit, thick skin slipping against the silken nub.
“See… goood girrrrl.” 
You clutch at his fur as your orgasm expels from your body, throwing your head back into the mattress as your cunt gushes around his grip violently. He purrs his satisfaction in your ear and pulls his fingers from you. Rubbing them over his pulsating shaft, he spreads your slick and holds his girth by the base. 
“Eddie, I-I'm ready, I need you.” 
Grunting at your words, he forces the swollen head into your soaked folds. Your eyes snap tightly shut as you cling desperately to muscle and fur. Seemingly unable to control himself, he thrusts his whole length straight into you, tilting his head back and roaring so loud that dust falls from the ceiling. 
You're expecting blinding pain at the enormity of his length but it doesn't come. Instead, that first thrust pulls a second orgasm from you, one so profound that it fizzes through your every nerve and leaves spots in your vision. The blazing heat of your skin subsides as you throb around him, your prior discomfort melting away entirely. The same sureness that settled in your gut when you arrived is back. This is where you're supposed to be. 
No words come from Eddie, just forceful thrusts and throaty noises as he fucks into you like an animal. He's on his hands and knees, one arm dipping into the small of your back, holding you firmly against him as he forcefully humps into you, using you. The slick sounds of your conjuncture echo through the cabin; all wet sucking noises, gravelly growls and high pitched moans. 
Suddenly he snarls, teeth exposed, and grabs you by the hips, flinging you to the floor on your front. Your breath leaves you in shock, wooden boards rough against your naked skin. Yanking your ass in the air by the flesh of your hips he forces his throbbing member back inside, fucking into you so harshly that it's hard to stay upright. You're slipping forward with each piston of his hips, arms trembling with effort. 
Eddie's panting, pools of drool gathering at the base of your neck, mixing and mingling with your sweat. A sharp pain cuts through all the pleasure, ripping into the meat of your shoulder, causing you to scream and tense up, pussy fluttering pathetically around him. It pushes you over that precipice once again, the hurt and the bliss intertwining into a mass of feeling, tangled and twisted, unable to exist without the other. 
His member swells, growing impossibly, and a bulbous growth locks in you as he releases with a desperate broken howl. You feel the pumping of his cum deep inside, coating your trembling walls, claiming you.
A minute or so later he's collapsing to the side, pulling you close with his bearish arm, still firmly buried inside your cunt. Time seems to stop as you both pant, gasping for air, tangled in his furry embrace. As his breathing finally slows, he manages to purr one word in your ear. 
Part 2
Taglist (if you want to be added please send me a PM)
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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sanhwaism · 6 months
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ choi san x gn .ᐟ reader x bestie .ᐟ wooyoung
synopsis ⟡ what was once supposed to be a date just between you and san, turns into a trio-trip with a familiar and hungry companion. the problem is that san wants your eyes on him and only him, how dare you play with his heart like that and make him feel jealous?
genre ⟡ established relationship, fluff, slight comedy of course because wooyoung is here ^-^ woosan silly bickering (giggles yes thats a genre!)
warnings ⟡ mentions of food, pet names, wooyoung lets out a curse oopsies, san is acting all jealous and sulky so i'm warning you!! don't let the cuteness aggression get to you!!
w.c ⟡ 1.6k
author's note ⟡ why lie i finished this in class and i was trying SO hard not to giggle imagining woosan being their usual silly selves and bickering with each other (lovingly!) this cutieful idea was requested by @minghaoslatina so i really hope you'll enjoy it!!
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san is starting to regret some life decisions the more he walks beside you, holding your hand while your head is turned towards wooyoung. and before he can even try to get your attention, you laugh at his best friend's choice of words. probably a silly joke of his.
it's not that he doesn't enjoy the state you're in — all giddy and relaxed, visibly comfortable with wooyoung's company here — it's just that his dear, close friend seems to have forgotten about... well, for the lack of a better word, sharing you with him, at least. this was supposed to be a date just between you and san, but take a wild guess who decided to join, whining about how hungry he is. san couldn't refuse, not when you turned around to look at him all hopeful and excited for this little trip and not when wooyoung suggested a very nice restaurant that he wants to go to, but not just by himself. how could san refuse if you want his best friend to join this time? and obviously because food was mentioned, (delicious steak, to be more precise) his interest was piqued instantly.
and that's how he found himself on the rather crowded streets of seoul at night, accompanied by the one and only for dinner. the scenery is eye catching, soft and warm lighting surrounding all three of you as you stroll through the city until the destination is reached. it's always the same atmosphere when this trio gets together: full of laughter and affection, goofing around or reminiscing about different topics. throughout the years you have been getting close to wooyoung mainly because of san, and thanks to your boyfriend you consider woo one of your closest friends now. not to forget how eager he was to meet you after san told him about you, pouring all of his feelings into that conversation and talking about how you make him feel. his best friend was so happy for him and kept teasing him about how he finally managed to get over the 'shy, talking' stage. once you two met, wooyoung's friendly and open nature made you feel at ease and you immediately understood why everyone adores him.
truth be told, san is barely listening to whatever wooyoung is saying or doing to make you laugh this much, his undivided attention being on you. how beautiful you look. what you have done with your hair, how you accidentally matched outfits with him but you're not aware of it — because if you were, you would've pointed it out — which san finds very cute. you're wearing a jacket that matches his and which hugs your body just right, and the color of your comfy scarf surrounding your neck just accentuates your pretty, sparkly eyes. and suddenly he realizes how much he wants those eyes to look at him. why aren't you looking at him?
"jagiyaaa," you hear your boyfriend's pleading tone and immediately focus your attention on him, still giggling while wooyoung does the same next to you. he lightly shakes your hand in his with the smallest pout possible, trying not to appear affected. "don't forget the love of your life, will you?"
his dramatic reaction makes wooyoung burst out laughing once again as he covers his mouth with a hand.
"this guy! ah, really... he's so annoying!" he complains, clearly amused with san.
on your other side, san keeps pouting at you and doesn't break the intense eye contact. you try so hard to stop yourself from grabbing his face and squish his soft cheeks. is he jealous?
the thought evokes a soft giggle out of you. all of the sudden you feel like teasing your boyfriend a bit, just because he looks so cute all sulky like this.
"how can i simply just forget about the love of my life, hm? of course not," to san's utter shock, you turn your head again to his best friend. "right wooyoung?"
hearing san's loud gasp, you try your best not to laugh while wooyoung smirks all knowingly and shakes his head in approval, quick in figuring out your 'teasing san' game and mastering it with no difficulty. he's a pro when it comes to poking fun at his best friend.
"mhm, exactly, that's meeeee~" cutely giggling to himself he drops an arm over your shoulders, giving you an affectionate side hug as his cheek rubs against the soft material of your scarf like an adorable cat.
this game actually ends faster than you would've thought.
you hear san's grave and more serious tone, then a familiar pair of hands touch your waist. you can't even blink once and you're already being held hostage in san's strong arms that wrapped around you tightly, keeping you close to his chest.
"this isn't funny." he talks in pout, his squinted eyes shooting daggers at the man who's snickering behind you. frowning, san bites his lower lip and slowly blinks at him, a habit of his when he's annoyed. "ya, stop laughing. you're the annoying one here."
wooyoung pauses laughing and gives san a dumbfounded stare, eyes widening. "eh? how am i the annoying one? what did i do?"
"don't forget you are the one joining me and y/n for our date."
wooyoung huffs and immediately fires back. "oh really? then i can pay for the food with my own money and sit at another table, thank you very much mr. jealousy."
"that's not what–"
you intervene to put an end to their familiar bickering, which you're used to and often find entertaining. but this time you're aware that you caused it in the first place. guilt washes over you.
"okay, okay, enough you two." you sigh and look up at san. he immediately notices your gaze on him so he lowers his head, eyes softening at the sight of you. even if he wants to be upset, it's impossible for him to stay mad for more than one minute. he loves you too much. and even if he is aware that the relationship between you and wooyoung is purely platonic and his best friend is your best friend as well, he can't help but sulk and feel jealous.
though he won't admit that out loud. not with wooyoung as a witness, at least. it's embarrassing.
"look, i'm sorry baby, i started this," you apologize with a soft, honest voice while caressing the sides of his exposed neck with your hands. "now let's go, i'm starving!"
you hear wooyoung letting out a loud, dramatic sigh, relieved that someone finally understands the main problem here: that you guys are still not inside the restaurant, eating. his stomach is growling at this point.
yet san doesn't move an inch once you make two steps forward, trying to pull him after you. confused, you turn around and when your gaze falls on his puckered lips, a small laugh escapes your own.
"sannieee, come on," he pouts even harder, messing with your poor fragile heart. "honey, i told you that i am sorry. what else do–"
"oh absolutely not. nuh-uh." wooyoung is quick to disagree, his nose scrunched with revulsion. san steals a glance at him, trying to think of a savage comeback. all of the sudden his pout turns into a menacing smirk.
"why not? you knew you were going to third wheel this whole time yet you still decided to self invite."
"ya! what's wrong with you?" the attacked man laughs at him. "i just said i don't wanna go by myself, that's boring you idiot. i also can't take you seriously with this face expression you have. am i supposed to be scared of you or..."
the more they bicker with each other, the more braincells you feel like losing, so letting out an exasperated sound you manage to grab both of the five years olds' attention.
"oh my god, you guys! just... san. my love, my dear, tell me, what kind of kiss?"
your boyfriend stays silent while slightly turning his head to the side.
"cheek." he talks in pout again, shyly looking away.
"i can't fucking believe you." you hear wooyoung as you move swiftly closer to san. you want nothing more but to stop his sulking as soon as possible and to finally go to that restaurant. the moment your lips press against his cheek and kiss it lovingly, you can feel the famous dimple making an appearance.
"there!" giggling, you pull away as san hums, definitely satisfied. his cheeks are now flushed red and you fight the urge to kiss his other cheek. "is that enough?"
"don't you dare." wooyoung groans, letting his head fall back. his patience is running thin and he is so close to committing a murder soon.
"am i the love of your life?"
you chuckle and nod your head. "yes, san, you are the love of my life. that's you." he can sense the seriousness in your voice and it soothes him. it feels so nice to hear it from you. the way you say it melts him as he feels his heart almost jumping out of his chest. all he manages to do is let out the most endearing giggle as he interlocks fingers with you and pulls you in close. you three start walking again after what feels like decades. neither you or san noticed that wooyoung took some pictures of you being all lovey dovey a minute ago.
"you two are so cute i might puke and my stomach is literally empty."
you laugh as san rolls his eyes at his friend, amused. "shut up."
wooyoung throws a playful wink in his direction.
"i love you too, jagiya~"
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ taglist: @yuyusuyu
{💌ྀི} masterlist.
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luvlyhyunjin · 9 days
Fallen Star┃Jake Sim
twelve - were angels meant to look this somber? warnings: smut , unprotected sex (stay safe!)
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Serenity fills your body, mingling through your soul and travelling all around your being. Its touch warm and gentle. Like feathers that graze the skin of your wrist. And it presses right down on your pulse. The warmth seems to intensify at the sign of your life enough to pull you out of your darkness, opening your eyes to a pair of worried eyes that stare back at you. Despite the tiredness pulling at you, you feel a weird pain sneaking its way into your heart. It pulls at it so nimbly and your eyes close shut killing your confusion just as quick.
Were angels always meant to look this somber?
Your eyes flutter open with a jolt, the unfamiliar roof above you only adds to your panic as you scramble to reach for your phone. The time only plays a smaller part in your rising panic and so you get up in a haste. Realizing you’re alone in Jake’s hotel room has your cheeks growing red in embarrassment, you hadn’t meant to fall asleep and especially not on the couch. You were supposed to check on him and leave yet how did you manage to invade his space and above all that sleep in?
You hurry to move. As if the growing humiliation will die as soon as you’re out of the room.
“Shit,shit,shit” is the only thing falling from your lips like a mantra as you wash your face briskly. It’s only when you’re about to leave the room that you catch sight of the coffee and a couple of bills on the table. You pause, the coffee is still warm when you pick it up despite the lack of a note or any confirmation you know he left it for you.
It’s only a small gesture and yet like a flutter of a butterfly wing that has abraded the surface of your heart it spreads warmth through it. Setting an unfamiliar feeling right at the center, pulling at your heartstrings so easily along with the corner of your lips. They turn upwards with a smile embedded with softness as faint as the chirping of the birds outside.
Then you ensnare yourself in a similar trap, a cage that you just got out of recently and yet you’re now walking back into smiling and so an ever growing darker one follows. Akin to childhood scars that loom on your life. Fear.
On your way to work your mind recalls glimpses of last night, from Jake’s boredom filled expression to later the sight of his worried eyes staring at you. The cold scratched touches you felt against your skin. and yet you remain unsure the longer your thoughts stretch. It only propels the questions further: was the solemn angel looking down at you with broken wings a dream or reality?
You don’t get to think about that same question and instead about a hundred different ones prod at your mind throughout the day when you realize Jake is avoiding you. At first it wasn’t super noticeable or more accurately it wasn’t noticeable to you. It all started with you walking into his dressing room ten minutes late.
“Someone had a wild night,” Sunghoon comments, walking past you with a smirk and you hit his shoulder lightly with a giggle.
“Good morning.” You greet.
Jay tilts his head at you with a nod as a response and your eyes flicker to Jake who is sitting down in his usual seat. Probably minutes away from getting his makeup done. The lack of answer from him doesn’t raise any questions in your head.
However, you grow into concern the longer your gaze settles upon him, despite his face remaining an exuberant beauty the bags under his eyes dragging a bit deeper, eyes a little colder, they’re almost empty and his expression is nothing short of crestfallen.
“You okay?” you ask him, tone so soft that when Jake reaches for his earbuds and puts them on, you aren’t sure if he’s ignoring you or didn’t hear you.
It stirs a weird sense of anxiety within you, you brush it off.
Your anxiety comes back tenfold, brushing against your fingertips and this time you can’t seem to let it go. It’s in the way Jake never looks at you, not even for a spilt second and if he did somehow mess up and stumble upon your gaze, his irises are void of emotions. Like he’s nothing but a soulless body walking around. It’s in the way every time you talk to him, he’ll reply with a word or two, or not even acknowledge your existence as you fiddle with your fingers awkwardly.
Rationally you know you might be embellishing things in your head. You know that your relationship with Jake was never on friendly terms and it’s not like you and him were having delightful daily conversations. If anything, you have probably spent time in the bathroom more than any time talking to him. Yet how come you’re growing anxious over something so transitory? Closer to being notional than non.
Nonetheless you flow with a grave excitement when your phone buzzes and you see a message incoming from him.
my boss is a dick 🙏: Are you stupid? Yn: Huh? my boss is a dick 🙏: why are you carrying these heavy boxes? Ask one of the staff to do it.
You blink at the box you just left on the ground; it was only moments ago that you came across one of the staff struggling to carry boxes inside the building alone. It was a diligent call for help and who were you to ignore it?
Your fingers fly across the screen to type out a reply.
Yn: Oh, the staff looked like they needed help with it, so I decided to do it. my boss is a dick 🙏: you’ll hurt yourself. Leave them. Yn: Don’t worry boss 😤! I’m actually really strong! Read.
Although you kept checking your phone multiple times throughout the day, a reply never comes, and despite you telling yourself that he doesn’t need to reply, that he had left you on read multiple times before. That this is how Jake always acts. Your anxiety still grows tremendously. like thorns pricking at your being.
It drives you into a need to somehow please and tame down an anger that doesn’t even exist. It permeates into you and spreads through the vessels in your brain and you’re nothing if not a slave to your misplaced worries. And so, you stick to Jake’s side all day. Like a puppy following its owner and fetching them anything, ambitious for praises and maybe a pat on the head.
You only manage to get a side eye from him when you open doors for him, or when you’re fixing his chair, his belongings. You went as far as to fix his hair that was out of place. Apart from the weirded-out look he sent your way; you got nothing and it all accumulates to an explosion during lunch time.
“I think Jake is mad at me!” you blurt out, pausing the pacing of your foot back and forth and you chew on your nail nervously.
Sunoo and Sunghoon share a look that you don’t get to witness. Your eyes beholding the back of Jake’s head who’s busy eating his lunch no further than a few meters away from you.
“Why do you think so?” Sunoo asks between full bites of kimbap.
“I don’t know. Doesn’t it seem like he’s avoiding me?”
“He seems pretty normal to me?” Sunghoon says, eyeing the way you start to pace back and forth again.
“He looks a little tired that’s all.” Sunoo adds and you shake your head in complete gainsay. Just as you’re about to go on a full rant on why you think you should dedicate the rest of your life to giving Jake a handwritten apology for everything wrong you’ve ever said to him, your thoughts are interrupted upon hearing his next words:
“Why is this salty?” He’s complaining to Jay. Despite the distance and the loud chatter of the staff members you hear it so very clearly. And you know it’s god’s mercy that have finally fallen onto your lap. A golden ticket is offered to you, and you snatch it with vigor.
Like a being suddenly taken over by superpowers, your senses are heightened (probably by your enormous anxiety) you feel like spiderman when the words Jake’s mutter reach your ears like you’re next to him. And so, you dash towards him leaving behind a very confused Sunoo and Sunghoon,
“Your food is salty?” Jake jolts in surprise at your voice, looking up behind him at your figure that almost seems like it materialized out of nowhere.
“What the fuck?” he mutters, and your lips stretch into a grin, doe eyes widening, taken by a twinkle of a desperate need to please.
“There’s this new Chinese restaurant that opened close by the company. I can head down there and get you something?” he opens his mouth to answer but you don’t even let him, immediately picking up where you left off “I had a little chat with one of the employees earlier and she said they have really good spicy garlic noodles I can grab you some?”
You’re rambling. You realize it when the room grows quieter the longer your words take to fall from your lips. And so, your face burns with heat, turning hot and red in color when you feel multiple eyes are on you. Jake’s eyes are blank as they linger on you.
“I’m fine, yn.” he says so simply as if his words didn’t resemble that same pitying god, you hate so much.
“Oh well- “you cover up your discomfiture with a nervous chuckle, feeling overtaken by embarrassment that you cannot explain how it managed its way into you “I have this pistachio chocolate cupcake I got earlier in my bag I can get it for you.” You go to turn to grab it, but his hand circles your wrist to stop you.
The touch is so strikingly familiar. It has goosebumps erupting on your skin in the span of a heartbeat.
Your body keeps track of everything.
“Are you trying to kill me, bunny?” he deadpans, and you blink stunned.
“Jake is allergic to pistachios yn.” Jay speaks from beside him, a soft smile colored in a similar fellow feeling, and you find yourself wishing your face didn’t burn the way it did.
“Oh right.”
You walk away with a smile tinted with pitiful awkwardness, it has you curling onto yourself and wishing to minimize in size. Or maybe blend in with the walls and not have to be perceived for a while.
Your pessimistic emotions only seem to intensify the longer your day drags on.  like a shadow trailing your every step and clinging to your feet. Painting the inside of your mind with an eerie silence and aiding your screaming insecurities to raise above all. Taking over every sense of logical thinking (not like you had any to begin with). Like a whirlwind of negativity that overtakes you they’re nothing but obstructive.
And that’s how you end up right outside of Jake’s waiting room. A cup filled with water and a couple of ice cubs just because you heard him talk about how his water wasn’t cold enough, it probably wasn’t something that salient. If Jake needed a different water, he would have talked to you or got it himself and yet you somehow found yourself way too far in. An it itch in your fingers and your limbs that you cannot seem to resist you rushed with that same ambition to please and got him water. Cosplaying yourself as some sort of a fairy that grants wishes. It’s the only way to persist before your thoughts anyways.
You have never been the type of person to eavesdrop so you aren’t sure why your hand stills against the doorknob when you hear the voices of Jay and Jake talking, it might not even be that much of importance but perhaps it was your unpliable need to know anything that could help quieten your anxiety.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You can leave early I’ll talk to Jennie about it.” you hear Jay ask and you press yourself closer to the door.
“I’m fine.”
“That was the worst attack you have had in a while Jake.”
“I know,” there’s a short silence that settles, your mind starts screaming at you, that you’re being ridiculous and to stop this nonsense yet your fingers flex against the doorknob and pause at his next words “and it had to be in front of her out of all people.”
Is he talking about you?
“Ah. You’re worried about that?”
“Of course, I am. I wish yn wasn’t there.”
Your heart, as weak as ever drops at that, shattering right at your feet and you stare at it, unable to move, unable to collect the pieces.
“I know. "a breath of exhalation escapes Jay "Did you even sleep? You look super fucking tired man.” he adds.
“I did sleep.”
“For like three hours. I kept waking up because of her.”
“Fuck. I shouldn’t have let her stay back.”
You aren’t sure if their conversation ends there or the scratch forming on your heart has somehow started working as an obstacle to your hearing. Every fiber of your being throbs with a familiar betrayal, an all too known feeling that is always lingering around the corner clambers over you. Disappointment latches itself onto you.
At the sound of rustling behind the door you realize you can’t be standing outside like this and so collecting yourself is a trying task you attempt. And it all falls apart way too quickly, you opening the door and Jake walking out at the same minute. You don’t get a chance to blink or stop yourself before you’re bumping into him. The contents of the glass you’re carrying is splashed all over him. Soaking his shirt and you could only watch with terror as he drips in water.
“Oh my god,”  your hands are frozen in the air unsure if you should be touching him “I’m so sorry Jake – fuck” apologizes flee from your mouth without resistance. You’re overshadowed by liability, and you expect Jake to be angry, to glare at you and even go as far to yell because you deem yourself only worthy of such treatment.
But you don’t expect the apathy coloring his face. His eyes are drained of life and overtaken by exhaustion.
“It’s fine, bunny.” His words are out akin to a sigh and yours dissolve on your tongue. He dawdles past you with another sigh and your shoulders slump, eyes flickering to Jay who watched the whole thing unravel.
“s-should I get him a shirt or something?”
“I think he can manage himself yn.”
The smile Jay sends you is as gentle as ever yet there’s an underlining sympathy that makes you feel as if he knows you heard everything. You’re not indisputable enough to understand anything anymore. But you know that Jake is exhausted, and you have managed to add piles of burden to his already heavy shoulders. It is too late, but you realize then, that you have caught yourself too far in once again. Too much.
It's a familiar relic from a state you’ve always known, always found yourself drowned in. it’s mere moments that plunge you into the frigid truth and you’re constantly treading on recrimination of yourself.
You are but an infuriating entity.
God hated you. You’re sure of it. You must have done something so awful in your past life to end up where you are right now. There’s no other way to explain how you’re outside of Jake’s apartment with his phone between your fingers and you, drenched in water because the sky decided it’s the perfect time to pour the moment you stepped foot outside the company doors.
Jake is god’s favorite. This must be karma for spilling water on him earlier. You knew you were meant to walk into a mess the moment you were getting ready to leave and Jay had found you, an apologetic smile on his face as he told you that Jake had forgotten his phone and if you could take it to him.
You should have said no.
“What are you doing here?” Jake asks as soon as he opens his door, surprise evident in his tone as his eyes take in your trembling figure.
“Your phone,” your voice shakes as you extend your palm to him with the device in it. Jake blinks, taking his phone as he tries to register everything that’s going on, but you don’t give him a chance to linger on any passing thought. Not a chance for his eyes to take in your disheveled state.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry about everything." taking a deep breath in and then like a monster that has been unleashed, your anxiety transforms itself in the only way you know how to be; sorry.
"I’m sorry about pressuring you to see me yesterday. I’m sorry about falling asleep on your couch and I’m sorry about today I know I was being so annoying-“ your apologies fall like confessions, like sins and you’re only awaiting punishment to strike you.
“Woah! Woah, slow down yn.” He interrupts you, eyes fliting across your features in evident concern, and you take another deep breath in. not realizing how quickly your tears have managed to well up in your eyes.
“It’s fine,” he assures when you look down at your feet suddenly growing embarrassed “you’re fine.”
“Okay.” You sniffle, teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“Come inside.” he suggests, his fingers envelope your palm and you shake your head.
“I don’t want to annoy you.” You reply in a small voice.
“I’m not letting you leave like this bunny you’re shaking. Come on.”
As Jake leads you inside, you watch with an inquisitive gaze as he immediately places his phone on the counter and heads for the kitchen sink. You stand there for minutes that seem to stretch way too long as he turns on the water and seem to be washing his hands. your eyes dancing across the opulent interior as the sound of running water fills the silence between you two.
Your gaze settles upon the vase of blue colored flowers in the middle of his table. A litheness you don’t expect to see in his belongings. A struck of color in between his blacks and white, it looks out of place.
“What are those flowers called?” When Jake turns the water off and faces you, there’s a distant look in his eyes, as they flicker between you and the flowers. It's solely momentary, yet you capture it.
“Forget me not.”
You grasp how you dislike the way you act around him. Repeatedly stumbling on a cold façade, putting on an overly exaggerated charade that somehow never goes through. While Jake is akin to a strong mountain, unweaving. You feel like the wind, hallow and fleeting.
You’re pushed into feeling like an embarrassing child and the feeling stays even when you end up in his shower. Covered in a scent that isn’t yours but one that you know, one that is strong enough to provoke dark emotions from you. has your cheeks blushing and blooming into things you pretend you don’t know. Even when you’re all clean and dressed in another woman’s clothes that you can’t help but wonder why he has. Your blush remains despite the hideous green sense of foreboding crawling up your spine.
“Fits okay?” he asks once you’re out the bathroom and you hum an approval.
“Why do you have a woman’s clothes though?” the question escapes before you can stop it, your teeth biting down on your lip. And your insides are set ablaze when his eyes dart to them.
“They’re Soojin’s. She stays over sometimes.”
“You guys seem to be close.”
“Yeah,” he hums, brushing past you to the bathroom and your eyes follow him. Watching with intent focus “it’s good that she was there last night when you know..” You trail off, your fingers fiddling with the end of the sweater you’re wearing nervously.
“Soojin is always there. She’s so attentive and observant to the point where it’s annoying at times.”
His words resemble the edge of a blade that’s plunged straight into your chest. His words from earlier swirl around your head and that combined with her remnants lying in his space evokes emotions from you that you wish did not manifest within you.
The sound of running water fills the empty spaces of silence between you once again, you lean your head on the wall and watch as Jake washes his hands once again. Telling yourself it’s not because he just touched your clothes is a trying task you fail.
“How long have you guys known each other?” Your question hangs in the air, unanswered. His speech impairment has you raising an eyebrow in confusion. Jake is staring at nothing in particular, eyes unblinking and clouded. It takes a few tantalizing minutes before he snaps himself out of a daze.
“I asked how long you guys have known each other?” you repeat, the syllables coming out slower.
In response, Jake closes the water and takes a step forward, his shoulder brushes against yours delicately and you hold your breath without meaning to “a while,” he mumbles, vaguely as he walks back into his room and again you follow.
You feel akin to standing at the edge of a cliff, close to jumping into an ocean filled with nothing but regrets and sorrow when he sits on his bed and his eyes find yours. As if finding the brightest star upon a dark night sky.
“C’mere bunny.” He pats the space in front of him, your knees buckle under you, you hear your heartbeat in your ears.
There’s no way for you to feel safe here, is what you think as you take hesitant steps towards the bed and with a lumbersome feeling clinging to your body. You settle upon the soft sheets, his scent envelopes you and the tilt of his lips is enough to have your cheeks warming up.
“Turn around.”
“What are we doing exactly?” you ask, tone laced with suspicion, and he rolls his eyes at you.
“Your shoulders hurt from carrying those boxes earlier today, don’t they? I have this pain relief gel for you. Turn around.”
You cannot help the surprise that overtakes you, hadn’t expected such a kind gesture from him and so like a thin thread of string you bend so easily. Pulling so effortlessly at your heartstrings, your blush only deepens, a darker feeling lurks beneath the surface.
“You don’t have to do that. I’m okay really.” You reply, a flimsy excuse of defiance.
“Bullshit. Turn around stop making me repeat myself.” His tone is stern and it’s enough to have you growing weaker if possible. You swallow around nothing, giving him your back and nerves creases your features.
With his hand encircling your waist he swiftly pulls you closer to him, raising a gasp from you when you feel his breath hit the back of your neck, eliciting shivers from you and an exhalation.
“I’m gonna lift your shirt up,” he whispers, voice so low it only helps you divulge into desires that you thought you successfully locked away. At your silent nod, he lifts your sweater enough for him to see your bare skin slowly come into view.
His fingers are cold against your shoulder blades, the feeling of his new forming scabs are rough and yet you manage to find tenderness lacing them. It’s anything but pleasant so why does it have heat licking its way up your stomach? Fiery hot and overwhelmingly impossible to ignore.
It’s the way his touch feels the same way it felt in your dream. Like grazing feathers, as soft as you imagine feeling heaven on your skin would be like. It’s as if you’re a delicate flower that he’s too afraid to pressure, to hurt. As if you would fall apart as easy as it is for his fingers to touch and perhaps that’s why it felt so facile for your brain to melt, like running water that is incapable of coming up with a strong enough defense. Conceivably you surrender.
When you turn your head to look back at him his face is mere inches away from yours. His eyes catch yours, capturing them into place and how is it possible for you not will yourself to him when they’re so clear. When they break through you as if you were a trivial piece of glass, you are so fragile you break with the blink of his eye. You fall apart with his rattled breath brushing against your lips, his thumb on your shoulder blade. You’re like a trivial piece of glass, see through and so you spill all your contents to him.
It’s in the way your irises soften in a manner so foreign to him, the tilt of your brows in affectionate rendition is so quick, almost like a ghost floating by that he’s not sure he sees it when this time your castle burns to the ground first. So abrupt, swift, and more than anything destructive your lips seek his as though they didn’t know anything else.
You kiss him and it’s innocent, short yet enough to have you breathless. Your body tingling with overflowing warmth when your hand cups his jaw akin to a delusional trick a sweet lover would pull.
“What was that for?” he asks when you pull away, eyes lidded as they implore into yours.
“I don’t know I just-“ you try to conjure a smart enough of a response. Something that could be passed by as sexy enough to match up with this brittle boldness yet you’re traipsing on your words and then there’s nothing. They melt on your tongue and in the darkening shade of his gaze “I’m sorry I don’t know what I was thinking.” You settle with, bashful like crushed petals of roses have found home on your cheeks.
Your temerity flees before it’s even here, eclipsed by a hallow void, touch starved.
You stitch your pride together with fallacious force, the same one you use to tilt your lips upwards into a faux smile. You attempt with a quivering heart that you pray will turn coarse one day yet today seems to join a chain of failures. That same shakiness runs through your hands as an attempt to collect the ashes of your dignity. You’re barely kept together by anything when his hand is turning your head to face him.
The intensity of his stare is unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed, it could only be inhuman. A beauty so out of this world it feels unjust to for you to behold. Jake is astoundingly breathtaking, exuberant as if every eyelash was carefully crafted by an angel. He is god’s finest work.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, bunny.” His words are whispered right upon your lips, and in a brief exhale, a fluttering of your lashes, he’s nothing sort of angelic and so you go to pieces, unsure if it’s a warning or an entitle of temptation.
You’re nothing but a trivial piece of glass, albeit even when you shatter, you’re rough and you cut into his flesh deep and painful. You turn your body fully to face him, as if controlled by your desire you straddle him, and his hands fall to your hips naturally. His palms itching all over until they are under your shirt, and you shudder.
“Should I finish it then?” you whisper back, wrapping your arms around his neck and your labored breaths are your enlarged lust's giveaway.
A phantom of a smirk starts to form on his pinking lips, and you don’t give room for triumphant to bloom further before crashing your lips into his. The kiss is nothing alike the one before, it’s rough and desperate, all teeth and tongue and you move together as if tranced, lead forward by an overwhelming hunger clawing at you. It makes itself evident in him when his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you closer into him, pressing himself more against you.
You taste so sweet, dripping with lure and Jake licks it up. Your body fits perfectly into his plan, articulated by his mind’s need to run away.
You feel him smile lazily against your lips when you start grinding down on him in a despairing need, your desire breaks your faith first.
“You want it that bad?” he murmurs, pulling away just enough to let his words out. It is more than enough to irk you, yet you find nothing to say back. Not when his fingertips are venturing under your shirt, grazing the soft skin of your hips.
You roll your eyes in apparent disregard, focusing on the way your body grows hotter by the second and yet Jake remains tenacious.
“Mhm?” He itches for an answer, gaze chasing your wandering one and this time you take his lips for yours in attempts to quieten him. It seems to work because he groans against your mouth, licking inside your lips as his hands move to the swell of your ass.
It works until it doesn’t anymore. Until the way his endless need to annoy you takes over.
“You’re awfully quiet compared to last time.” He says softly, leaning down to place kisses upon your jaw and if he wasn’t smiling you wouldn’t notice the teasing edge.
“And you’re awfully talkative.” You retort, turning your head to give him better access to your skin.
“Mhm.” There’s a pause, tantalizing enough to have you squirming on top of him when his teeth to nibble on your earlobe.
“You missed my cock that much?”
What a fucking arrogant piece of -
“You didn’t last long enough for me to miss it.” He chuckles against your neck, the sound travelling straight to your stomach and goosebumps erupt all over you. you convince yourself it’s because of the feeling of his lips.
“Acting if you weren’t the one who came first.”
“Are you gonna fuck me or what?” you huff, pushing at his shoulder and he follows easily enough to know there’s a catch. It manifests in the way he leans his head against his headboard with that smug smile disperses across his lips. Strands of his dark hair fall over his eyes almost perfectly into place to paint the picture of how a devil would gleam with satisfaction.
“Maybe if you beg me this time. Can you do that?” his words set your insides ablaze and you aren’t sure it it’s anger or just pure lust at this point.
You were never religious enough to go against sins, nor do you wish you were and so you chase after him, blinded by the glamour of him. Your foreheads touch and his eyes are on your lips following every rising breath you let out, his façade almost falls apart by the way you keep grinding against him, his cock is already half hard.it almost falters if your eyes weren’t turning hazy.
“Fuck off.” You breathe out against his lips, all bark no bite and he chuckles incredulously “I could just go and ask anyone else to fuck me.” You’re almost moaning your words out, the shake in your voice gives your want away and that’s why Jake is growing amused, titling his head to watch the way you somehow managed to hang on by the edge of falling apart without him touching you.
“Oh yeah? why don’t you go and do that then?” he replies minutely.
“Maybe I will.”
“Uh huh. Who do you have to ask?”
“a-a lot of people.”
“Like who? Give me names bunny.”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t. I’m just curious since you brought it up.” He coos and you huff in response, your frustration grows adjacent with your lust. You wish upon any star in the night that he’ll shut up and fuck you, his lopsided smirk tells you otherwise.
Your eyes harden into a glare, yet the trembling of your fingers and your heaving chest unravel your weakness for him. It’s all so evident to him.
“They’ll probably make me feel so much better too.” You mumble.
in stark contrast to your expectations, you somehow contrive to dismantle his curtains of indifference, every semblance of fun leaves his body replaced by a parching heat. Akin to anger that turns his stare icy, it has a shiver running down your body and a soft gasp escapes you when he pulls you flush against him.
“You fucking piss me off bunny.” He spits through his teeth and this time you’re the one glistening with elation.
“Good.” You breathe out when he rolls his eyes at you, he shifts your position and before you get a time to blink, to think. You’re on your back against the plush bed sheets.
“Quiet.” His lips are a breath away from yours and you arch into him, a yearning for the taste of him and he compiles. Meeting you in the middle for a kiss, too rough, too messy and yet his hand against your cheek is anything but that. Too gentle, too tender and you feel it in the deepest parts of you.
You loathe it.
You loathe it even more when you’re momentarily separated with your shirt being taken off and when your eyes cross again there’s a flicker in his gaze, they soften for a fleeting moment, his hand caresses your cheek and it’s too lenient for a sexually explicit instant. You almost miss it all, by the twinkling of an eye you dimly register how his eyes glaze over. How there’s a pause in his air as his eyes rake over your body, over your nude breasts, your slender neck and then he’s drowning in you, akin to an ocean he wants to bask in.
You’re almost as pretty as the forget me nots coming to life with full bloom in his living room. However, you’re nothing alike, you smell so much sweeter, cinnamon, and vanilla ricochets off you, and he comes by himself growing dizzy. You’re so cordial, equivalent to the cherry blossoms he witnessed last spring.
You’re almost as pretty as his forget me nots and yet you’re nothing like them at all. There’s no way for someone like you to be anything close to tepid. So, he ignores the question raising in your gaze.
It’s evanescent yet your heart constricts in your chest, painfully so when he leans down and kisses you again, your words are stolen by his soft lips, and he ventures with them just the same. Leaving a trail of kisses in-between your breasts and all the way down.
“Didn’t think you’d have a tattoo,” he speaks against your skin and it’s fairly unjust how you tremble. Your skin feels sensitive under his touch as if they were flames upon you.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“Is this the fucking alien from toystory?” his thumb brushes against your hipbone, right where your small piece of ink is at and you groan, overwhelmed by the need to hide your face somewhere.
“What about it?”
“It’s not very well done if I’m being honest.”
“Yeah, because it’s a stick and poke. My friend did it on me when he was like 17.” You look down to glare at him and it falters as quick as it comes, melting away into your arousal. Because the sight of Jake being between your legs is something you couldn’t have prepared for.
Not in this lifetime or the one before.
“Are you still friends with him?”
“Yeah. he’s my best friend.”  You answer with a sigh, falling back into the pillows with a flushed face when you feel Jake’s lips hover over your tattoo before he kisses right above it, slowly enjoying the taste of your skin.
“Jake..” Your voice comes out as soft as a mewl when you thread your fingers through his dark hair, you can’t help but think about how soft it is, how his sheets smell exactly like him. You realize a tad too late that you’ve somehow drowned yourself in pieces of him and it only flusters you further.
“What are you doing?” you splutter when your pants are swiftly unbuttoned and pushed down the length of your legs. You grow self-conscious at the realization that you’re almost fully nude in front of him for the first time.
“I’m gonna make you feel good. what does it look like I’m doing?” With bated breath, your thoughts grow overwhelmingly loud with screaming insecurities that you don’t get to register his next words fully;
“I’m not keeping you quiet this time so you can be as loud as you want to be. Let me hear you bunny.” His tone is laced with allure, profoundly ample for you to clench around nothing.
A squeal escapes you when you feel his breath against your clothed cunt and then he’s burying his nose into you, feeling you completely soaked, it’s only added inflation to his ego “J-jake w-wait-“ you sputter with a burning face, your fingers tug at his hair and yet he ignores you. busy with taking your panties off.
“When was the last time you got your pretty pussy eaten, bunny?” you open and close your mouth a couple of times in shock. Somehow your mind cannot keep up with how lewd an angel’s mouth could be.
It is not something you prepared to hear that you almost ebb and flow out of consciousness, your sanity clings by a hair.
“Stop asking me stupid questions Jake!” you groan, burying your burning face in your hands. and much to your annoyance he chuckles in response.
“So, you can be cute too.” Your heart, as delicate as it always has been, throbs against your ribs as if trying to break free. You peek at him through your fingers and his hungry eyes flicker up to yours as if he senses your stare. Their severity is enough for you to fall into a feeble silence.
you feel the hot muscle of his tongue trace over your dripping folds and your lips fall apart with a silent scream fuck! Is the only thing running through your mind when you tug his hair harder, and he groans against your pussy sending vibrations throughout your entire body. tongue pushing into your hole and lips kissing and sucking at your clit.
Every negative thought swirling around your mind moments ago grows faint then it dissipates instead being replaced with your stubborn pettiness that is telling you to keep silent, do not give him the satisfaction of knowing how good it feels.
It's all deemed impossible when he keeps flicking his tongue against your bundle of nerves until it’s pulsating, and you crumble exasperatingly fast.
“F-fuck!- mhm –“ Your body is buzzing with electricity, your sounds forcing themselves out of your mouth as your body withers against his sheets.
It doesn’t help that Jake keeps humming against your pussy, as if you do taste as sweet as he sounds. As if he’s having the time of his life watching you fall apart on his tongue. It only aids the last bit of resolve within you to shatter.
“Jake- oh my god- f-feels so good.” You cry out, hips arching so high off the bed and your toes curl in absolute euphoria. You feel akin to falling off a cliff, like constantly being on the verge of losing your mind when two fingers prod at your clenching entrance, proceeding to push in without warning. It’s all what it took for you to completely implode in ecstasy.
 “c-coming- I’m coming- holy” you attempt to warn him, your trembling fingers trying to pry his head away from your throbbing pussy, but Jake doesn’t relent, instead you feel him smile against you, reinforces his grip on your hips and buries his fingers deeper into you, following every buck and twitch of your hips with ease.
Son of a bitch.
“J-jake!” You aren’t sure how loud your voice goes, aren’t sure of how hard you pulled on his hair and how painful it must have been. You’re only sure of how your mouth falls open and by the end of your orgasm you feel like you’re floating amongst the stars. You whine when he keeps pressing kisses to your puffy folds, your hips bucking away from him.
“s-stop. Too much.” You whimper, with stroke of your fingers through his hair as if your digits have grown apologetic to their radge behavior on their own.
When Jake lifts his head, you catch yourself growing breathless once again at the sight of his face covered in you, nothing could have prepared you for it, nothing could come close to how he manages to look ethereal even while covered in your arousal. How his dilated pupils manage to find a way to cut right through you. you’re trying so hard to breath – equally stolen by your orgasm and how angelic he looks.
“Too much? I haven’t even fucked you yet,” he muses, an arrogant smile taking place onto his handsome face. Your mind is hazy that you don’t find anything to say back, your eyes dancing around his and he arches a brow at your silence and you almost squirm, a growing urge to look away yet your pride grows taller.
“Don’t tell me your shitty excuse of an ex never made you come twice before?”
“I don’t feel like talking about my ex when you’re about to fuck me.”
“Oh? Weren’t you the one talking about other men when I was about to fuck you?” his tone is stagnant, and you look away with hot cheeks. it’s inhuman how piercing his eyes are.
“that’s different.” You mutter weakly. Your mind is too fucked out to think of anything witty to say.
Thankfully Jake doesn’t seem to have anything to say either. Instead, the sound of clothes rustling fills the room as Jake takes off his shirt. When he leans over you, your eyes meet in all too presumptuous severity. It coaxes forth the gentle touch of his rough palm against your cheek and your palms trace his chest. and it’s prodigiously scorching. With a strong impulse, you kiss him first and he chases after your taste like a starved man.
His need grows glaringly obvious, his indifference crumbling albeit much later than yours, it ends up right next to your petty recalcitrant. It has a faint grin dancing upon your lips.
“I need to get a condom.” He whispers, his lips abutting against yours.
“I’m on the pill. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, just fuck me already.”
Despite your demeaning desperation you’re rewarded with a quirk of his lips, his thumb brushes under your bottom lip and when he places a fugitive brush of a kiss there, you grow a hinge to curl into yourself. There’s a divergent gentleness that coats his actions, it has the apples of your cheeks growing warm, tinged with pink. When he leans back his hand works fast to undo his jeans and you allow your eyes to travel across the expanse of his body with appreciation, you’re unable to hide it.
You find yourself growing in awe again, so pretty.
He’s so pretty.
When his lips touch yours, you think that’s what stepping into heaven must feel like, and you could only whimper against his lips when you feel the tip of his cock begin to prod at your entrance. It turns into a broken moan at the feeling of him entering inside you, your head drops back into the pillows and his hands fall on your hips with a bruising grip.
“Jesus, this pussy is gonna drive me fucking crazy.” He growls, thrusts growing faster and harder. Barely giving you any time to adjust or breathe. Your body pushed further up the bed with each thrust, the sound of skin slapping echoes throughout the room and it all grows way too lewd, too quickly.
Soft cries leave your mouth and your body writhes against his, your nails dragging along his back, rough enough to leave evidence for the following couple of days. You don’t have it in you to care, not right now not when he keeps driving his hips into yours, eliciting louder and louder moans from you.
“You’re so loud, bunny. Does it feel that good?” There’s a dark glint in his eyes when he asks, a mean edge to his tone.
“S-shut up- ah!” you try your utmost hardest to glare at him, yet you slip at a particularly hard thrust of his. His cold chuckle only pushes you further into anger. Like it runs in your veins and with your blood. It’s almost patronizing.
“How am I gonna explain this to my neighbors?” with his question he leans closer to you, his lips inches away from yours as they curl into a smile that should be considered evil “mhm?” he taunts and you groan, pushing his face away from yours with your hand.
“Fucking asshole,” you hiss. Resisting the urge to cover your face, you won’t give him the satisfaction of that. It all seems futile though when his grin goes wider. Pressing his lips onto yours with a short kiss, just to see you try to harden your eyes at him again.
To see the same glare melt away and then your brows knit together, turning your head and then you’re attempting to cover your face with a quivering hand, as if harboring a shield from the bullets he carries as his eyes.
“I’m close.”  He murmurs, a tad too sweet as his hands abandon your hips and circles your wrists instead, pressing them into the sheets and his hips are pounding against yours. And you can only gasp in response, your fingers flexing in his brutal grip, sure to leave evidence of his own on your body. Your own orgasm approaches just as fast and almost as intense as your first one.
“You too yeah? I can feel you clenching around me nonstop- holy shit.” you nod furiously. His voice alone is vigorous enough to send shivers of pleasure through your entire body and your eyesight starts to blur with unshed tears.
Jake cannot perfectly recall it, he’s almost sure he was enamored by how you look the first time he saw you but nothing could compare to how you look right now. Nothing could come close to how pretty you look crying on his cock.
It feels dizzying, the way your cunt keeps squeezing him and the way your face screws up, body trembling and mouth falling open it’s all more than enough to send him over the edge.
You don’t expect him to kiss you, but he does, it’s so softly sweet it steals your breath away and you’re growing frustrated because of it. Raking your mind to find a reason as to why and coming back empty handed yet again.
How is it possible for a mere kiss to feel unanticipatedly sinful?
You break it first, failing to look away fast enough not to catch his eyes and yet again you’re stumbling into weird feelings once more with how unweaving his gaze is. Strength that you lack and unlike him you’re constantly trembling. He captivates you with his beauty a second time and you’re more than thankful when he rolls off you with a sigh. It has you letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
Despite the silence growing heavy between you two, it doesn’t last very long.
“Get up.” Jake speaks, stumbling out of his bed to change his clothes. A grimace on his face.
“What?” you ask, blinking at him.
“Get up. I need to wash the sheets.” He answers, monotone but not unkindly.
“Can’t we rest and then you can wash them later?”
“No. I’m washing them now so get up,”
But I’m tired.
Are words you swallow down, realizing you’re probably being a nuisance. You tumbled into his apartment without permission and so you get up. Jake moves to tug off his sheets. As he collects them in his arms he shoots you a look.
You have already given him enough trouble these few days and just as the clouds of lust disappeared, the guilt takes over.
“I’m gonna go wash them in the other bathroom. Use this one to clean up.” At your nod he leaves the room.
You clean up at a speed that cannot be deemed human, putting Soojin’s clothes back on and leave without another word muttered to Jake. You leave with a heavy feeling clinging to the edge of your feet. It paints your whole being and only bleeds out from your eyes when you’re in the back of a cab. Silent tears stream down your face for the first time in quite a while.
It coaxes a deep self-hatred you know runs through your blood. From a trivial piece of glass, you grow to feel more like a graveyard, collecting bodies that never stay, never flourish into life, and mellow down to fleeting moments closer to death than anything else. Your existence feels embarrassing, overwhelming, and utmost cruelly lonely.
You realize it then, it was never Jake, or anyone else at that. It was always you.
When Jake comes back to his room there’s a bottled water and a protein bar in his hand that are deemed useless as soon as he sees that you’re nowhere to be found.
“What the fuck?” He mutters to no one, to himself and perhaps to the thoughts coming back to invade his mind like a parasite.
His disappointment doesn’t linger very long, it goes away with the shake of his head.
You realize chaos is unfolding the moment you’re in the corridor leading to your apartment. The sound of music is so loud that it cannot be coming from anywhere else. and you’re right because when you’re inside, bottles of alcohol lying everywhere are more than enough evidence to tell you so. And the smell of smoke greets you.
“What the fuck guys?” you exclaim, hand on your hips while a very high and drunk npp stare back at you. Jungwon is lying on your couch upside down, while Heeseung blinks at you with a joint between his fingers.
“What? We’re just having fun.” Ryujin defends with a giggle, words slurring together.
“I can see that.” You reply nonchalantly. With a sigh you go to turn off the music and a loud and in union “NO!” has you jumping startled, a look of horror washes over your face.
“Why do you have to kill the fun?” Niki whines.
“Your so-called fun is gonna get me kicked out. I could hear the music all the way down the hall.”
“Woah,” Jungwon speaks suddenly, stealing everyone’s attention “your tits look huge like this.” He says amusement colors his voice and really, you’ve long made peace with the fact that your friends are insufferable.
Yet it is moments like these that have you questioning why you kept them around for so long.
Niki with criminal like eyes, grabs a pillow and hits Jungwon in the face multiple times with it until it looks like he’s on the verge of suffocating him. You swivel your head away from them, you cannot be a witness to a crime you didn’t see.
“Come on! Let loose a little you need it as much as we do.” Ryujin says, walking to you and wrapping you into an embrace with an arm around your shoulders. She nuzzles her cheek against yours with a pout and you hate how your heart warms up immediately at the gesture.
“Yeah, you look tense as fuck Lilo.” Heeseung stands on your other side, his arm wraps around your waist and a bottle of soju in his other hand. Your eyes flit to it momentarily.
Instead of having an angel and a devil on your shoulders you wonder how you end up having two devils. Perhaps it was the unyielding urge to hit your head against your wall, or just the desire to walk to a mirror, steal a glance at your reflection and then watch it smash to pieces. It was the immense desire to run away. From yourself, from everything. And that’s why you end up snatching Heeseung’s bottle, chugging it down with one breath.
“Yeah! that’s my girl!” Heeseung whistles with a cheer and Ryujin turns to the music back up. It reverberates through your living room.
Out of nowhere, all your words feel too much inside of you. like your chest is so heavy and you need to unload it somehow. They come up to your throat so immensely fast there’s no way to stop them.
“I can’t believe I just fucked my boss again.” You blurt out.
You’d think that the sound of music was loud enough for them not to hear you clearly but maybe it was the same mockery that god liked to put you through every single day that manifests right now. A pregnant silence commences. Long enough for your confession to dawn on you,
Niki gasps and Jungwon tumbles off the couch with a thud loud enough for Ryujin to go check on him.
“What?!” Niki sputters, a mortified expression on his face.
“Again?” Heeseung looks at you, contrary to your brother he looks somewhat impressed. with a wiggle of his brows and a smirk tilting his lips.
“First time was at work and second time was like an hour ago.”
“Whore.” Jungwon mutters on the floor and you kick a pillow at him.
“I don’t think fucking your boss is a good idea yn.” you groan at Niki’s words.
“ugh I know!”
“Damn I wish I could fuck my boss.” Heeseung says and then there’s a heavy pause that follows.
“Your dad is your boss hee.” Ryujin replies with a disgusted frown.
It’s only a few hours later with more drinks in your system than you can count that you find yourself dancing around your living room with Heeseung. To You by Mallrat plays in the background and with his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. There’s a pleasurable buzz settling in your blood, drowning out the self-pity and hatred you were in withering in not long ago. And when he spins you around, with giggles erupting from you and a smile so big it starts hurting.
A feeling so close to peace nestles its way into you and stays for a while.
Holding on to you
Is all I want to do
The lyrics engrave themselves into your brain and even when the song is over and you’re still twirling around with Heeseung. They come back to you all night even when you’re so tired you end up passing out in the middle of your friends.
You’ve long made peace with the fact that your friends are completely insufferable.
Yet it is moments like these that make you thankful you kept them around for so long.
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→ taglist : @slutforsjy @wonwoos-wineparty @nxzz-skz @piripurora @vousty
@realrintaro @slut4hee @chartrucewhore @iveivory @hearteyesforseungsung
@jooniesbears-blog @hee4lifer @pretty-bluntz @babrieeee @mandoscyare
@stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @softieluvsyou @seunghancore @chaewonshoney @chaeyunloveeee
@beommii @fuxktaekook @antonsgirlfriend @rockyhedgehog @lukeys-giggle
@arikazu @jakeyverse @not-very-slay-of-you @chlodavids @belovedsthings
@vveebee @pochamocharoll @direxila @nessas-archive
@riksaes @niniissus
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starogeorgina · 4 months
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𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞
Paring: Aegon II Targaryen × Targaryen OC, Jacaerys Velaryon x Targaryen OC
Warnings: Swearing, smut
You stare straight ahead as Aegon’s hips snap against your bare ass; his hands are placed firmly on your back, keeping you in place, bent over the table you often sat at while breaking fast with Helaena. Wine spilled from the jug as his rough thrusts caused the table to shake. Small splatters of the sweet-smelling liquid hit your face, leaving behind a horrid, sticky feeling. Your nipples rub against the smooth wood beneath them, which occasionally causes a spark of pain.
“Fuck!” Aegon takes a fist full of your hair and says, “You're so greedy and desperate to be filled by me that you’re sucking me dry.”
Rolling your eyes at his words, you slip a hand between your legs and begin to rub quickly at your clit, hoping to give yourself an orgasm before your husband spills his seed inside you for the second time that night. Before you got betrothed, Aegon claimed he was gentle in his touches, but the thrill of taking your maidenhood was far too exciting, and now Aegon treats you the same as the whores he visits on the street of silk.
He grunts before falling forward, putting his full weight on you, making you feel trapped beneath him. Aegon lets out a few raspy breaths before slapping your ass hard enough to leave a red mark, then pulls out of you. “I hope that will keep you satisfied for now.”
Straightening your posture, you fix your skirts and adjust the front of your dress so your breasts are no longer spilling out the front of it. “And what satisfaction was I supposed to have gotten from that? You jumped on me like a wild animal.”
Chuckling, he tucks his cock into his breeches, “the satisfaction of being full of my seed.”
Shaking your head, you bring a cup of wine to your lips, but Aegon snatches it. Since his coronation a few days prior, your brother and future husband has become almost unbearable to be around, and the power he wields has made him even more arrogant. In public, you put on the act of the perfect princess and would gush to the other ladies of court how amazing your son-to-be husband is; King Aegon seconded his name, but in the secrecy of your chamber, the facade was dropped.
“Seven Hells,” you try to grab the cup back, but he holds his hand up high, smirking as you stand on your toes and struggle to reach for it. “You’ve used me all night; now stop behaving like such a cunt!”
He grips your jaw with his free hand and says, “Careful sister, I am still your king.”
“My apologies. Please stop behaving like such a cunt, my king.”
He raises his brows, taking a gulp of wine, then holds it to your lips. He allows you a small sip, then pulls it away again. “I will have two wives, as did Aegon the conqueror, and both of them will give me heirs. But until we are wed, you’ll need to keep drinking the tea the maester brings.”
“You already have two sons and a daughter; you don’t actually need me for heirs.”
“Hmm, that’s not how the king's hand sees it.” He finishes the cup and slams it onto the table. “Now, I’m going to visit Helaena. Hopefully she’ll be more enthusiastic to see me.”
“And if not?”
He slaps your backside. “I’ll just come right back to you.”
“Thank you for keeping me company, brother; I know how busy you are.”
“Nonsense,” Aemond says as he walks beside you. “Although I suspect mother won’t be happy that your gown is ruined.”
Since the sun has risen, you have been searching among the flowers and bushes that grew in the gardens, keeping an eye out for caterpillars to give Helaena. Jars of them were placed upon a table in her quarters, and when they hatch from their cocoons, the twins realize them. Since it had been raining throughout the night, the bottom of your gown now looked much darker, with damp dirt sticking to it. Aemond was right; your mother most definitely wouldn’t approve of the green blending into black on your gown.
“I thought you hated wearing the color green.”
You observe the way your brother links his hands together behind his back, holding on so tight that his knuckles turn white. You usually wore silver-gray clothing to match the scales of your dragon, Seasmoke. “It’s been advised that me and our sister wear green and gold to show support for our king.”
“I saw him entering your chambers last night,” he says quietly. “I intended on returning the book you so graciously let me borrow but thought it best not to disturb the soon-to-be couple.”
You had helped Aemond learn high valyrian and would often share books about the history of your house. “You needn’t worry, brother, about returning a book. In truth, I think I misplaced the last one you gave me.”
“You mean the same one our king destroyed while inebriated?”
You smile up at him. Although Aemond was the second-youngest of your siblings, he was definitely the wisest. “How long do you think it will be until our grandsire returns from Dragonstone?”
“Not long,” he says, letting out a sigh. “I assume you’re not looking forward to his return.”
“Of course I am; he is—”
Aemond tuts, “is the reason your first marriage was dissolved, and in the place of our strong nephew, your to become a second wife.”
“I’m still surprised the faith is allowing this, or mother for that matter.”
Your grandsire was obsessed with Aegon sitting on the throne; he had started to plan Rhaenyra’s usurpation years prior. And he was trying desperately to recreate the image of Aegon the conqueror with your brother; he even suggested having two wives to mirror Visenya and Rhaenys.
“If I speak freely, you won’t think of me as a fool, will you?”
The gardens were empty at this time, aside from the knights on patrol and servants hurrying back and forth. It wasn’t often you were able to speak so openly, but Aemond never judged you. He nods for you to continue out loud with your thoughts.
“I’m a Targaryen, a dragon rider; I want to be more than just a broodmare.”
Surprised, he asks, “You want to be part of Aegon’s council?”
“Not necessarily his council... But I would like it if my future husband viewed me with respect and needs me for reasons that don’t involve squeezing out heirs. I want to do more than just my duty, I want to keep my family safe.”
Just as you reach the doors leading back into the keep, he pats your shoulder and says, “I’m sure you’ll be able to charm him into getting what you want; he does have a soft spot for you.”
Heart beating faster by the minute you refill the golden goblet Aegon was holding up. Anger was simmering beneath the surface, and even Sunfyre could feel it. The golden dragon was circling the sky above, roaring loudly, letting out the anger his rider was struggling to hide. “Everybody out, except Lynesse.”
You gather the goblets as each member of the small council leaves the room; surprisingly, Aegon allowed you to be present during his meetings that day as a cupbearer. Ser Criston squeezes your shoulder as he walks by, giving you a curt nod before closing the doors behind him, leaving you and Aegon alone.
Taking a moment, you lick at your lips and begin to unlace the top half of your dress so your breasts are nearly exposed. Many important things were discussed during the meeting, but you doubted Aegon wanted to rehash them, not when he had you sink to your knees and suck on his cock before the meeting started. When you turn to face him, Aegon is no longer sitting down; he is standing by the window, staring down at King's landing with a faraway look on his face.
He was scared.
Wrapping your arms around his bulky waist, you rest your cheek against his back.
“Do you know why I’m going to keep you close?” he asks, tilting his head. “Aside from having the sweetness between your legs whenever I want?”
“Aegon…” you groan at his vulgar comment.
“You won’t lie to me; everyone else is telling me what I want from hear and not telling the truth about what I did,” he says. “So tell me, do you think our sister would have killed us if she sat on the throne?”
Aegon chuckles.
“But now that she’s been usurped, I suspect things will be different.”
“I could have your tongue removed for even suggesting such a thing.”
You took a deep breath. “You said it yourself; I won’t lie to you.”
Footsteps echoed back and forth outside the room, followed by Ser Cristion’s voice telling whoever requested an audience with the king that he was preoccupied. The thought of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, a man who had watched over you since you were a baby, keeping guard while you engaged in premarital sexual acts with Aegon, turns your stomach.
“I never wanted it,” he whispers. “Do you think our mother lied to put me on the throne?”
“Our father had twenty years to change his mind. But no, I don’t believe she would lie, but perhaps she was misled. not that it matters now. What’s done is done; all you can do now is try to keep the casualties to a minimum.”
Aegon swallows as he slowly turns his face to you, but he stays close enough for you to keep hold of him. “What is your proposal?”
“If you want to strike the image of the conqueror, you’ll need to do what he did; he accepted counsel from his siblings, brothers, and sisters.”
Aegon stands up a little straighter, shaking his head. “When the king's hand spoke of sending ravens to different houses, you didn’t agree. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to overstep.” It was the truth; accept that it wasn’t Aegon’s reaction you feared; it was your grandsire. Otto had worked hard to have such control over your brother and would easily convince him to not allow you near any politics if he saw you as interfering.
He tuts, “What is it you wanted to say?”
“Why send ravens when you have dragon riders? Send us, me and Aemond, as envoys, just as Visenya and Rhaenys did for their brother.” Unlike Aegon, first of his name, your brother was no conqueror; he was just a boy who had been manipulated, but you did love him, the same as your other siblings. “You cannot expect proud lords to break oaths without a little convincing.”
“Okay, I’ll send you as my messenger. But what of Rhaenyra? What should I have done with her?”
“Nothing; no man or woman will follow a kinslayer. Allow her to remain as the princess of Dragonstone, and Lucerys the heir to Driftmark.” You move your hands to his face, forcing him to meet your gaze. “It’s easy for the men on your council to advise you to kill her, but the gods would disagree. Our family does not need to tear itself apart, and you don't need to be remembered as a king who killed his own sister and her children.”
His eyes gloss over, but Aegon doesn’t seem sad, but irritable, as the look he’s giving you becomes more intense. A chill runs down your spine as he runs his thumb over your bottom lip, as he seems to be contemplating something.
“Don’t ever betray me, sister, and I won’t put that pup you care about so much to the sword.”
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HII!!! CAN U GET A FLUFFY ONESHOT WITH DOTTORE(WEBTOON VER) PLSSSS.... like he has a huge soft spot for you but REFUSES to acknowledge it when ppl ask... and he can never stop staring at reader IDK im down horrendous for him
Dottore (webtorre) x Reader
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Of course you can. Thanks so much for requesting something from me it rlly means so much you're my fav person rn😭🖤
I'm just calling him webtorre so hopefully that's fine.
Tell if you like it or not 😋
You've been Dottore's lover for a while now so of course you're allowed to wander around the lab since he gave you special permission to. Obviously in the lab it would be impossible not to meet his clones. They're everywhere, lots of them. You've met segments that look identical to him, segments in his Akedemyia days and even segments that are children
In your opinion though your favorite segment is when Dottore was in his early fatui days. This version of Dottore has gained your affections quite easily and if you're not with Prime everyone's second guess is him. His name is supposed to be Theta but you gave him a nickname, Webtorre. He pretends to hate it though.
You love Webtorre very much. He's much more wild in terms of Prime, but he's quite funny. He has this "hee hee, ho ho" laugh and it makes you giggle every time at his sharp toothed smile.
You find that he's quite affectionate too, in more strange ways that is. Often, you notice that if you're in the same room with him, he can't stop staring at you. If you ask he'll say you're being delusional but you know that those beautiful, red eyes have been locked on you the whole time.
Throughout harbinger meetings, or while you roam the lab. There is always a pair of eyes on you. Webtorre loves to look at you. He won't tell anyone else that not even you, his darling. However he just can't seem to drag his eyes away. You're not stupid you know he's burning holes into you but you don't say anything.
Believe it or not you like his staring. How he can't look away even if he wants to. He gazes at you like you're the most important thing to him and you love it.
You love the way his attitude changes from you compared to other people. To other people Webtorre is a terrifying segment of Dottore. Who experiments on people and tortures them just for the fun. Webtorre shows ill intent or aggression to other people, but never to you. Never you.
He looks at other people with angry eyes and furrowed brows, or a look of intrigue because he plans to dissect them. Not you though. When he looks at you it's the literal definition of "his gaze softened".
Webtorre is quick to deny the claims that he has a soft spot for anybody, much less you. Waving the claims away, but if anyone were to take a chance on you because of his denial? You'll find that the person has gone missing and you might even find parts of them in jars the next day.
So while Webtorre does deny the claims and rumors, everyone knows not to touch you, much less look at you unless they want an angry harbinger in their path.
You let out a big sigh, slumped on Prime's office desk. He's left for some big mission again. Which leaves you here alone and bored. What do you do when you're bored? Bother Webtorre.
So that's what you do. You wander down halls and rooms looking for him. The lab is actually quite large and branches off to even more places, you often get lost. You open a door to a smaller lab and finally spot fluffy blue hair.
"Webtorre! I've been looking for you my love, are you busy?" You say in a sing-song voice and walk over to him.
He grunts from his seat, "Of course I'm busy" but he pats his lap anyways, demanding that you sit with him. And who are you to deny? You slide on to his lap and lie your head on his shoulder. He's always acting like such a grump but he never denies you of anything.
You shiver from the lab's AC. Even though you're in the freezing winters of Snezhnaya, Webtorre loves keeping the rooms cold. He's quick to move his coat around you though so you can warm up. He doesn't need it, he has his own heat source. His heat source is lumped in his lap right now.
You yawn and shove your face into the crook of his neck, while he scribbles away in a notebook. It's an early morning and you're still sleepy. Webtorre smiles and shows his sharp rows of teeth. "Tired, my love?"
When you nod he starts rubbing his hand through your hair. "Then sleep, I'm not moving anytime soon."
You hum and close your eyes. You could use some sleep but you enjoy just relaxing here. Plus it's hard to sleep when you can feel his gaze locked on you, and when he's playing with your hair. You enjoy it though so you say nothing to halt his actions.
It's not until another presence walks in the room that Webtorre goes back to being a grump. He doesn't push you away or anything he just goes back to his huffy-puffy attitude. You smile to yourself and keep your eyes closed.
"Oh? Look at you Theta. You're getting soft, I see" you hear Pantalone's voice tease. He takes a step closer to you but is quick to take a step back when Webtorre's eyes snap to him.
"I'm not going soft, they fell in my lap" he huffs and looks back at you. It is undeniable how his gaze softens though. "Don't call me that, my name is Webtorre you incompetent oaf" you fight off a giggle.
"Don't be so polite, Webtorre. That one is always clinging to your side... Or maybe it's the other way around?" Pantalone chuckles raising his hand to his mouth.
"I don't cling to anybody, idiot. You're a blind fool if you think that's what's going on. Obviously they're the ones clinging to me" he rolls his eyes. "It's not your business anyways, get out before I put you on a lab table" Webtorre snarls.
Pantalone laughs but he leaves anyway. You are trying to hold yourself together so you don't start having a giggling fit into his neck. Webtorre isn't dumb though he knows you're awake.
It's amazing how fast his claws are put away and he stops his hissing. "Oh, what's so funny my dear?" He smiles and grips your waist.
You hum tapping your lips, "I think we cling to each other don't you think?" You tease him and look up at your lover's face.
"Ugh you're just as dumb as Pantalone, be quiet and go back to sleep." He huffs and tries to shove your face back into his neck.
You laugh, knowing he's just trying to hide his blushing face. "Noooo, you cling to me just as much Doctor" you giggle, and start giving little pecks to his face.
Webtorre groans and stares at you, "... Maybe" he grumbles. He pulls you closer against him and fixes his coat back on you. "Now shut up and sleep before I kick you out" you giggle but willingly lie back down into his chest. You know he would never push you away. You're his darling after all.
I hope it isn't too short and I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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sleepingelvhen · 5 months
Sleeping Spider Lily Pt. 3
Blade/Reader NSFW Minors DO NOT interact Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 -- [🌹Part 4🌹] MASTERLIST After a long day of sleep and an intimate dream, you decide to meet Blade where he's been hiding.
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Jing Yuan understood when you told him you needed sleep. Any work you had to do was put off to allow you a full day of sleep after the stress from the day before. He had smiled sadly, eyes filled with what you had assumed was remorse, as he told you to relax. He had apologized then, expressing regret for keeping Blade a secret all these years. And you had forgiven him. 
When you had thought about it, it made sense. To hear that the love of your life was cursed, to hear that he had left with scant a word and then suffered years of pain and multitudes of deaths at the hands of a friend. Mara struck and alone. Jing Yuan had good intentions, in his eyes it would hurt less to hear him dead. He had given you a reason to mourn and to heal. 
After he had left you to rest, you had promptly crashed into your bed and fallen asleep, overcome by the exhaustion of the hours without sleep and the emotions running wild inside. Your dreams had not given you a moment of respite, either. 
Chaotic and full of confusing emotions, you faced an endless darkness. Somehow, a low sound echoed from within, almost like a wolf growling towards you as the shadows inched closer. And yet, the closer it approached, the less fear you felt. You stepped closer, your feet meeting the edge of the darkness and in a blink, the dark was gone and you stood in front of Yingxing.
He smiled at you, his white hair loose, curling around his face, fluttering in a soft breeze behind him. He spoke, words soundless in the empty voice, surrounded by white lilies that slowly began turning red. White hair turned to black, eyes matching the flowers surrounding you both. A once kind smile turned cocky, eyes dark as he regarded your form. 
But still, you smiled at him all the same. You took his hand, watched his face morph into shock before he was leaning ever closer, his own fingers gripping your waist and pulling you close. 
You felt his breath on your ear, tongue on your throat. A dark chuckle echoing in your mind, overcoming your senses. And through all this you felt warm and safe and…he kissed your neck, fingers gliding along your sides gentle yet desperate.
“Are you still mine?”
You shot up in your bed, sweat beading down your neck. You were cold but also warm and you could still feel Blade’s hands upon your body. It had been a dream, yet the most vivid one you’d ever felt. His hands had been on you, his lips, his tongue. Your hand reached to where his lips had been, your breathing evening out as you came back to reality.
With a deep breath, you turned to look out your window. How long had you been asleep? Long enough for it to already be dark outside it seemed. Your eyes automatically sought the little note you’d set on your nightstand. It taunted you. No, it tempted you.
Blade had given you a place and a time. He was inviting you to meet him, to talk to him. Trusting you not to use this information to catch him again. Or maybe he simply knew it wouldn’t matter if you decided to betray such trust. 
Just imagining him made your body react warmly. Your breath quickened, warmth spreading throughout every part of you, especially between your legs as you kept thinking about the way his hands and breath had felt in the dream. 
Everything about him made your mind completely foggy. It made you make reckless decisions like dressing in shady clothing and sneaking back out, dodging the cloud knight rotations and seeking out the small hidden alcove that seemed basically right around the corner.
As you rounded a corner, you heard soft voices echoing. One of them feminine and sarcastic, though you supposed it could be best described as slightly uncaring. Blade’s voice followed her’s, his dark uninterested tone automatically causing you to take a sharp breath as your heart flipped. 
“You’re taking a big risk here, Bladie. Elio would be upset if he heard you diverted from the script.”
“Did I ask for your opinion, Kafka?’
“Hm…I suppose not. Just make sure you’re not caught if things don’t go how you want.”
Blade simply huffed a little, leaning forward against the table he sat at. His expression only able to be described as intent glowering. That is, until he saw you approaching in the corner of his eyes. He perked up a bit, his eyebrows raised until he saw Kafka smiling at him. He evened out his expression then, huffing again. 
Kafka chuckled, sauntering towards you, completely relaxed as if she had no need to fear anything bad happening in this moment.
“So, you’re Bladie’s little girlfriend, huh?” She leaned towards you, an intrigued small smile on her face. It was the only way to read her expression, her pink eyes betraying no emotion whatsoever. “How cute~”
You couldn’t help the blush that coated your cheeks, Kafka’s intent gaze and voice almost hypnotizing in a way, like you could feel her in your mind. It would be so easy to listen to whatever she wanted–
“Kafka…” Blade’s warning tone interrupted whatever was just happening, Kafka lifting her head with a fake pout. His eyes narrowed at her, his hands curled into tight fists, the corner of his mouth lifted in a snarl. 
“You’re no fun, Bladie,” she murmured, shrugging and strolling right past you, her heels causing an echoing click with each step. “Have fun you two~” She lifted a hand, a half-hearted wave goodbye as she rounded the corner and as soon as she had been there, the sound of her heels disappeared and you and Blade were alone. 
Blade stared at you, his eyes relaxed now that Kafka had left. Jing Yuan had been correct in his theory, Blade was working with the Stellaron Hunters. But that wasn’t really what you were focused on at the moment. You smiled at him, unable to stop yourself from giggling.
“Bladie, huh?”
He frowned, unimpressed. But he sighed, said nothing, and cocked his head as a way of telling you to come over to him. You happily joined him in the small, dingy, home, and plopped down next to him, leaning forward as you looked him in the eyes. You swore you saw him blush a bit before he turned away.
“You gonna talk to me or did you invite me here for a silence contest?”
“If I did, you’d be losing.” A low chuckle left him. His deep voice made it hard to notice his light-hearted tone but you could hear it. It had been something you learned when he was Yingxing and it made your heart churn when you recognized it in Blade.
You weren’t sure what knowing he was alive meant for the two of you. It was impossible to tell with him being a part of an organization that was wanted across the galaxy and sworn enemies of the Xianzhou. But the one thing you knew was that your feelings had not dampened in the years you’d been apart. Even as he is now.
He turned to face you finally, his face stiff but calm when regarding you. Just looking at him kept reminding you of your dream. Heat in each touch and each glance, shivers as his tongue dragged across your throat. Your breath hitched and you shut your eyes tight, trying to will your mind into more serious matters.
It didn’t help when you felt his fingers hook under your chin and lift your jaw up, forcing you to look up at him as your eyes shot open. 
“Yes?” His voice drawled, intrigue within each glance, his eyes wandering down your body and up back to your face.
“I–I don’t know what this situation means for us,” you take a deep breath, braving yourself. “But I still care deeply about you.”
Blade’s fingers slid from your chin to your jaw, his hand gently gripping your face. His thumb stroked your cheek, his eyes darkening when you spoke.
“That is a dangerous thing…to care for me,” he grumbled, his gaze heated. 
You gulped, your body on edge but his touch only made you heat up and unable to speak. 
“I–uhm–I like danger?” It sounded so much less confident than you had intended but Blade seemed to enjoy the answer regardless. 
He leaned closer to you, lips close to your own. You anticipated a kiss, leaning in as he did. But his lips avoided what you wanted and found your neck instead. So much better than a dream, his lips burned your skin, soft and sensual. His tongue darted out, licking up the side of your throat. You could feel him smirk as your body shivered violently, his hands now gripping your wrists and moving you to lay on the table, your arms up above your head. 
Blade growled, nibbling your ear, his breathing quick and warm.
“Are you going to feel the same?” He murmured, his breath shuddering as he pressed his waist between your legs, rolling his hips to grind against you. He smirked at the moan that left your throat. “Or have you changed even like this?”
You were enveloped in his hold as he leaned above you, his body completely hovering over you. It was an all-consuming warmth and safety despite the intimate position he had you in. Blade had always had a way of making you feel completely at ease despite the situation. 
Your breath hitched when you locked eyes with his heated gaze. Even now he waited for confirmation. No matter how much he had changed, how violent he had become, he would never do anything against your will. He was not a monster.
“Do you wanna find out?” You lifted your legs a bit, finding a comfortable position to keep them spread and loosely around his waist. You watched as his eyes widened a bit, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath.
Your wrists were released by his tight grip, his fingers gliding through your hair, caressing your face, then down your throat, a lingering choke hold. His nose flared, eyes intensely set on you, like you were the only thing he ever wanted to look at. Blade pressed his forehead against yours, his thumb grazing down your throat, gliding his nail against the sensitive skin.
“I would like nothing more.”
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
From this post about Eddie controlling the demobats
When Eddie returned, so did the bats. In a great blast of cracking concrete and flapping wings, they emerged like a storm right in the middle of main street. The people of Hawkins, who were still getting over the earthquake, had run inside every nearest building, waiting for the revenge of the man they had hunted down.
Eddie had simply taken one long look at their cowering faces through the windows, and then walked off. The horde of bats followed closely behind him. They were still just as menacing in the daylight but they never strayed to pick off a helpless human.
So Eddie was back. Good news!
The bats were also top side. Bad news?
Eddie had control over them. Definitely good news.
It was an odd arrangement. It was made less odd by the fact that Eddie didn’t bring them absolutely everywhere. They mostly stayed in a dark cave unless called upon.
At least at first.
It started with small things. These were wild, territorial things and they never backed down or deferred to anyone who wasn’t Eddie. Except for Steve. Eddie had been sitting on a park bench, tossing some food to the geese who dared to get near. The demobats were perched next to him and around his feet, at least a dozen. They were immovable. But as Steve walked up and drew near, they parted and cleared a space for him.
He had staunchly refused to be around the bats at first. He never wanted to give them a taste again. It appeared his worries were for nothing. Because they hadn’t touched him once.
“Do you think they think I’m gross?”, Steve asked as he tossed to the birds. “I mean, they chomped us both up but they obviously like you better.”
“Why? Is the king jealous?”, Eddie teased, flashing his fangs in a grin.
“I’m just saying you’d think they’d have better taste. No offense, but I’m basically prime rib and you’re just some beef jerky.”
Eddie scoffed in offense despite Steve saying no offence. “Robin is right, you’re a total meat head sometimes. Tell me Steve, when you’re on an hours long road trip and need somethin’ to keep you going, do you just fork a whole steak while driving? Or do you stop at a 7-Eleven for a Slim Jim?”
“You’re just proving my point at how slender you are compared to me.”
While he and Steve traded barbs it would’ve been clear to anyone who made the connection between Eddie and the bats that he wasn’t offended at all. But no one had made the connection yet.
It was one of those days where a bunch of things had simply lined up and everyone was in the same place. Hopper was fixing his car with the help of Jonathan, Mike, and Max. Joyce was merrily cleaning the house and even rearranging the furniture with the assistance of El, Steve, and Eddie. Robin, Dustin, and Erica were posing for a painting outside for Will. Argyle and Lucas were sitting on the porch, talking about California.
As usual, Eddie’s command for the bats was to stay in the cave. Even if the others knew they wouldn’t be attacked, they still didn’t feel totally comfortable with them around. But throughout the day, a few at a time had appeared, making the roof their perch.
“Should we be worried about those?”, Argyle asked, pointing towards the sky.
Hopper looked up from the hood and let out an exasperated sigh. “If they cause trouble we can handle ‘em. Mike, oil.”
Eddie looked out the window and cursed under his breath, making El pause as she moved the couch.
“It’s fine. Nothing. I guess I’d get stir crazy in a cave all day too. Aren’t bats supposed to be nocturnal?”
“They’re not exactly normal bats”, Steve grunted as he pushed the fridge into its new position.
Eddie bit his lip as he watched the way his arm flexed a little and right then a demobat face planted into the kitchen window.
Joyce whipped her head. “What was that?”
“Nothing!”, Eddie rushed to cover his tracks. “There’s always one that’s a little uh, new to their wings, you know?”
Their need to follow Eddie was beginning to be a problem. Because they only seemed to disobey when he was with Steve. When Eddie was by himself, they stayed put. But the moment Harrington was in the picture, these little monster shits had to be there. And if anyone ever realized that, his cover would be blown.
Eddie thought he’d been keeping a good handle on things all considered. That is until one bat decided to have a personal vendetta against him. Eddie had been calm, cool, and collected while he and Steve hung out by the quarry. A couple of bats had joined them as usual. But Eddie kept a straight face about it.
And then their bull session turned to serious talk. About what the future held for them after this. About how they’d never be able to leave this town. About how it felt like no one would need them.
Eddie was quick to shoot down that part for Steve. This man was like the air he breathed and if there was ever a day that Steve wasn’t in the world, that would be it for him. That’s not what he said though.
“People need you more than you think. Just cause we don’t say it, doesn’t mean we’re not thinking it.”
“Dude, we’re about a six pack in, too many negatives.”
“I’m saying we all want you here. Even if we don’t need you to hold our hand, isn’t that enough?”
Steve’s eyes softened. “They need you too. I can’t even describe how they all-how we were while you were gone. We need you just as much Eddie.”
And then one of the bats, those traitorous bats, sidled right up to Steve and nuzzled its ugly little head into Steve’s side like a pitiful dog and Eddie could’ve cried. At least he did internally.
‘Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo what are you doiiiiiiiiiiing????’
Steve was visibily nervous at first because that was the same area he’d been eaten but the bat didn’t put its mouth anywhere near and simply rubbed its cheek to his torso.
“Hey, hehe”, he laughed a little when it was clear he wasn’t being attacked. “I think they like me now.”
“You don’t say”, Eddie breathed out in a strained, punched out voice.
That incident was enough for Eddie to have a heart to heart with his group of followers. He paced around the mouth of the cave while the bats sat on the ground at attention.
“Okay, here’s the deal guys. You can’t keep stalking Steve like this. I get it, trust me. But if people start to catch on to what I’m feeling because you guys keep. Making. It. Obvious. Then we’ve got an angry mob on our hands again.”
Eddie felt like he was talking to a pack of puppies because that’s exactly how they looked right now and didn’t these things kill him before? He couldn’t believe he’d ever been afraid of them.
The talk did nothing though. They still left the cave in the middle of the day to find him and Steve together and were getting more and more affectionate as the days went by.
And somehow Steve just got more comfortable with it. Nancy had them in her garage, teaching the two of them how to clean a gun and a demobat was honest to god (was there a god up there? If there was, he was getting his giggles in) snuggling up in Steve’s hair. In his hair! The crown that Eddie dared not touch. He had never been more jealous or mortified.
“Those things really like you Steve”, Nancy mentioned.
Eddie was mentally begging her to not be a sleuth for once.
“I think they’re just realizing which of us would’ve been the better boss based on flavor.”
“On the flavor?”, Eddie and Nancy deadpanned in unison, also giving him twin looks of judgement.
“Nancy how you’d ever date this guy? It’s like he’s got beef for brains.”
Nancy shrugged. “I guess I’m just a little carnivorous. I think we’ve got that in common”, she said, giving Eddie a meaningful look.
Outwardly, his throat bobbed. Inwardly, he was screaming from the edge of a cliff. Still his feelings for Steve trumped any panic that Nancy Wheeler might know his feelings because the demobat just burrowed deeper in his hair.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Yeah”, he admitted. “I’m pretty carnivorous. Maybe a little too much. That bother you?”
Nancy shook her head quickly. “To tell you the truth...I might be....”, she hesitated on the words. “Going vegetarian.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up while Steve was on another page entirely.
“Vegetarian? Nancy you’ll never survive in this town, everyone cooks with bacon grease or lard.”
“Well it’s more like, I’m omnivorous but I might be trying to add more vegetables to my diet”, she amended. “Does that bother you Eddie?”
“I’m in no position to argue Big Wheel. I’ve been circling your steak like a vulture.”
“I haven’t looked at that steak in ages. You can have it. Not that you need my permission.”
“I get the feeling you guys aren’t talking about food anymore”, Steve said.
And Eddie just couldn’t resist that confused face Steve made. But the moment wasn’t right to reveal his and Nancy’s ahem, dietary preferences. So he just patted him on the shoulder.
“We just agree with the bats man. You’re pretty tasty. Even if not all of us are getting bites in anymore.”
“Oh that reminds me”, Steve said. “We weren't able to get you a blood bag. I kinda dropped the ball. So tonight you can just drink of me.”
At least five bats descended and inched their way towards Steve like desperately hungry animals and Eddie had to stop them in their place.
“Looks like steak’s on the menu tonight”, Nancy commented.
Part 2
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nervousmiseryy · 1 year
I need non-spanish speakers who found out about Roier through the QSMP to know about The Hotel Room Incident bc i find it so fcking funny
To give you some context: a bunch of spanish speaking streamers were all in Mexico, staying in the same hotel bc of The Eslands (an award show for streamers that was happening on the 29th of January).
And somehow, even though most streamers arrived on the 28th and were tired as fuck, a party started to from on the hotel. So throughout the night we kept getting instastories and videos of the guys saying hi to fans outside the hotel. Here are some examples: 1 (yep, that’s roier in the beginning), 2
Mind you, the event started really early the next day.
So the next morning we start getting tweets and stories from these streamers who are very obviously hungover and tired (a whole bunch of them ended up going with sunglasses to the awards lol).
And Mariana posts this story:
M: [...] The problem here is Roier, I don’t know where he is. He was supposed to stay here with me bc he did not have a room and I told him “stay with me, no problem dude” and there are his things and everything... he’s not here! and I have like 10 messages and 10 missed calls from him saying like “dude, I can’t get in!”. The dumbass is him bc I gave him a key.. no way [..]
Roier is missing
He could be sleeping in the middle of the hallway for all we know.
After like an hour or radio silence, Roier tweets this:
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R: when you end up sleeping with spreen bc mariana fell asleep
S: you suck it good
R: you look really pretty sleeping
And other than this story (which is mainly Roier insulting Mariana lmao) we get no more context at all.
For like two days
Nothing will ever compare to all the communities trying to piece together what the hell happened that night through all the vague tweets, it was so fun. Istg it all felt like one of those Twitter AUs.
So, the awards happen, everyone goes back home and the fun part stars:
The streams where the streamers talk about the trip.
No one was safe (especially spreen) (it doesn’t matter to the story but you have to know everyone had a different wild ass story about him)
It turns out Mariana got so drunk that he forgot and fell asleep, and the key he gave Roier did not work, so Quackity had to use his lawyer skills to get the hotel people to let Roier in.
AND IT COULD HAVE WORKED, the hotel people opened the door, but they had to ask Mariana if Roier could enter, and he was just not waking up at all 😭, so Spreen (who had a whole afterparty forming in his room) offered his room.
And this was only one of the many things that happened during that trip (for example, at one point Mariana got them kicked out of a store bc he leaked their location and a crowd was forming 😭 ). So, what I guess I’m trying to say is that I’m really excited for when La Velada comes around and all of them can meet up again, and you should too, because these mfs cannot be normal when they get together.
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devildomwriter · 7 months
Horror Movie Marathon: They React to Llamageddon
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• He does not want to watch it but he wants to know why the hell you want him to.
• He is completely blocking this out, he will pretend to watch it when you’re looking at him but he’s really thinking about tracking down whoever wrote this.
• Sax music has been ruined for him for a long time to come.
• “The llama did a fine job” is his only commentary.
• You should watch whatever he wants next if you want him to sit through this
• He’s laughing so hard.
• He’s looking up how much a movie of that quality made because he knows he can outdo it.
• He finds it genuinely funny, like what the fuck are they doing? He never knows what’s gonna happen next. Will the llama smoke weed or bitch slap someone? You literally never know.
• Mammon, being himself, doesn’t look at Llamas the same way after the movie
• He’s never even seen hentai this level of weird—possibly?
• He’s gawking at the screen and not even eating the popcorn, just looking horrified
• “Why is that animated? Of course there’s tentacles!?”
• He keeps criticizing the camera positioning and making wild hand gestures
• What the hell did you get him to watch? The llama is pretty funny though. “Yeah! Kick the normie’s heart out”
• He no longer feels ashamed of his anime choices because he just had to watch a llama/human birth scene or whatever that was supposed to be
• He’s judging you so hard. How did you even find this movie and why would you watch it with him?
• He’s wondering if these people are serious through the entire film
• “Why is that one guy wearing a different shirt in literally every shot?”
• “How would the llama know to throw something electoral in the hot tub? And it does not take that long to die from electrocution.”
• He only enjoys the llama killing people and feels bad when the llama is killed.
• “I have no words…” he is not letting you pick out the next movie
• “Literally what the fuck am I watching? Is that supposed to be a sex scene???”
• “Why the fuck is there so much sax music, it’s not that sexy! What’s happening?”
• “Eventually he just starts talking to the movie because he can’t sit and watch it seriously.”
• Horrified gasps and fake faints throughout the movie.
• “Poor llama! Those weird people deserved that!”
He’s just watching. He honestly doesn’t care about quality, he’s here for a story which kind of happens.
The blood made him hungry for meat so now he’s got steak in addition to popcorn
Wonders if space llamas taste any good. They might be spicy if they can blow stuff up.
He really doesn’t have an opinion he just can’t figure out what happened and why.
• “The fuck did you put on…”
• Tries to go to sleep but it’s so weird he can’t take his eyes off screen and that kind of annoys him because it’s just so bad and it’s completely on purpose
• Has a personal grudge against the director but is laughing so hard when someone gets blown up by the CGI lasers.
• He’s secretly rooting for the llama because he thinks its fluff might be comfortable
• He has some weird dreams about llamas for a few nights after
• Straight up says “no” he’s not watching it but he ends up doing so anyway when you beg him to watch it with you
• He’s not enthused and is hoping chewing his food will tune the sound out but the weird sex scenes and close ups have him choking on the food.
• “I’ve watching humanity grow for so long and accumulates…to this…”
• He does laugh at some point because it’s just so stupid is funny. He’s dying because how is this a movie?
• And then it gets even weirder and he’s sighing into a pillow and hiding his laughter
• Immediately tries to turn it off unless you tell her there’s some good traps in the movie
• She’s waiting for them impatiently but she does get a few—very violent ideas
• “Why’d that girl’s face never change. She’s not even acting? Why’s that guys shirt keep changing? No one kisses like that!? What is this!? MC—“
• She’s never watching a movie you recommend again unless it’s reviews are near-perfect
• She wanted to llama to win because the humans were too annoying
“I wonder is Solomon would survive a turbine?”
How dare you play a movie with sex scenes while Simeon is there and they’re not even sexy, it’s weird as hell.
• They’re throwing a party at the home someone was murdered in?
• What are you showing him. It just keeps getting weirder, and is that a fluffy egg? Is that human birthing a egg!???
• He’s got a pillow to the chest. He’s not scared, he’s so incredibly weirded out he’s kind of frozen.
• He does not let you pick out the next movie, he needs to pet real llamas to get over that weird movie.
• Tells you this movie is why you shouldn’t do drugs. You should also start avoiding other humans.
• He’s giving you a lot of judgmental looks
• “Someone was just murdered there and they’re having a party?”
• The weird close ups and tongue wagging gross him out.
• If you find a mysterious substance on a tree, do not emerge yourself in it? He’s shaking his head so much.
• He feels bad for the llama because it did nothing wrong and has to hang out with loud college kids
• Mildly amused by the dads parting words of how to kill future space llamas and then there’s cries of more. He hopes that means they’re won’t be a sequel.
• A stupefied expression on his face the whole time.
• Is this a joke or are they trying to be serious because he can’t decided and he wants to strangle the actors—his standards are way too high for b horror movies
• This human government has the worst investigative skills ever. Why would they leave the remains of the ship? How did they not see the goo? Are they really just not doing to address a fluffy egg?
• This is why he doesn’t attend college parties, are they all this weird. Have the humans truly lost it.
• How dare they disrespect sax music.
• His investigative method will lead him to find the real names of the actors and personally chastise them
• Each time something cringey happens he takes a good long look at you, judging your choice in movies
• Why would you show this to him? Why was this even made
• He doesn’t even have the energy to sigh while watching this.
• If he goes to make tea and you pause the movie until he gets back he will be internally very upset but try not to show it
• Even a time lord does not have the time for this movie but he sits there anyway, mostly looking at you as you die laughing from its stupidity.
• It’s so bad he’s laughing. They know what they’re doing, it’s crap and they’re embracing it.
• Only enjoys the llama and the bad special effects
• He literally won’t stop laughing.
• He feels like the actors are his friends goofing off behind the camera and it’s bringing tears to his eyes.
• He assigns them random names, “no, the llama got John!”
• “…is he….turning into a llama? Oh now it’s animated… oh no…is he giving birth?”
• Ever the optimistic he gives them an A for effort and is still laughing long after the movie is over.
• “Humans are so interesting…”
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bullet-prooflove · 13 days
First kiss with Alden
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @sarakafarrah @caffeinatedwoman @elefrog25-blog
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You don’t realise that Alden’s courting you, not at first. The dinners start off as a thing between colleagues to vent and discuss the challenges of being in a leadership role. He’d been trying to negotiate muddied waters with Nick Torres and came to you looking for ideas because of the nature of the work you do.
“You’re good at getting people to talk, at making them feel comfortable enough to open up, maybe you can give me a few pointers.” He’d said as the two of you shared a coffee in the breakroom. “I’m at my wit’s end with him.”
“I’ve got a couple of ideas, things I use for difficult witnesses.” You’d told him as you glanced at your watch and sighed. “I don’t have the time right now…”
“There’s this great Portuguese place I’ve been dying to try out.” Alden says with an enthusiasm you envy. Alden Parker and his pastries are legendary around the office. When he first arrived it was suspected to be some form of mind game “Perhaps you can meet me there, we can grab a couple of drinks, maybe a bite and you can help me figure out what to do about Torres.”
The first part of the night is spend discussing strategy. You work with people in trauma on a daily basis, it isn’t hard to recognise it in Nick Torres. You give Alden a little insight into Nick’s history before you lay out a few techniques you’ve had success with in the past. It segues after that into other topics, books you’ve read, the music you love, the fact you have this weird thing for plush lobsters.
“It’s something about the little claws.” You tell him, your hand mimicking the pincer as he peppers you with questions about this revelation. “My niece buys me one every Christmas. It helps that they live in Maine so there’s an abundance of choice.”
He has the same thing with birds, he explains. He still isn’t allowed in a certain national park because he climbed a fence he wasn’t supposed to in order to snap a picture. It’s what started his feud with the Park Service.
He puts you in a cab at the end of the night with the promise to feedback how it goes with Nick. It goes from there after that, dinner becomes a weekly thing, something you look forward to throughout the week because Alden knows all the best places to eat and he’s excellent company.
It’s the night he walks you home that things change. The back of your hand brushed against his, shoulders nudging. There’s this chemistry between the two of you, a connection. It’s been happening for a while now, the little touches that feel like electricity, the heated looks. You can’t stop thinking about how good his hands would feel on your body, what it would be like to undress him.
When he says goodbye, your hand captures his, drawing him back. You can see the surprise in his eyes but you can also see the yearning, the want. Your fingers chase up the lapels of his jacket as you raise up on tip toes and press your mouth to his.
That kiss…
It’s everything.
It’s fire and it’s passion, everything you’d been missing throughout the duration of your marriage. It awakens something in you, something wild, something reckless. You need him, his mouth on your skin, the scrape of his beard between your thighs. You’ve fantasied about this man for weeks and now it’s time for the reckoning.
“Come upstairs.” You request and Alden, he can’t resist.
Love Alden? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Incubus Smiley x male reader part 2 what happens after the first time, does Smiley bring us home him, I must know
Sure friend
Warning: mentions of sex, demon nahoya, omegaverse
Demon! Smiley x Omega male reader
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(name) didn't see the demon for months though a new development arose.
(Name)s belly grew in size, the town believing be was attacked by an alpha and left pregnant but (name) knew what happened... He was mated to a demon. A few alphas tried to step up to care for the "poor omega" and help raise the pup but (name) wasn't interested in them.
His Omega longed for the demon.
"We think it would be best if you perhaps pursued a relationship with the eldest Shiba son" (name)s dam said softly "he is willing to support you and the.... child so long as you devote yourself as his mate and remove the mating mark" they said softly and (name) felt his heart drop and his mouth moved before his brain could stop it "no..."
"No... I-I am not going to mate with him when I have an alpha..." (Name)s voice was quivering as he gripped his pants and his parents looked at him disappointed "and how do you wish to care for your pup? Think of them"
(Name)s eyes were watering as he stood up and stormed from their small home, holding his belly.
He didn't know where he was going as voices called to him "(name)!" A voice boomed out as a large hand grabbed his wrist, there stood Taiju Shiba in all his glory "have you considered my proposition?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and stared down the Omega whom he intended to make his bride "I-I need time to think about it..." (Name) said nervously as he fidgeted slightly "don't make me wait to long" Taiju said releasing his wrist that was already bruising slightly as the man walked off.
(Name) knew he wasn't supposed to go in the woods, he knew little omegas should be at home safe...but he needed his alpha... Before it was to late.
"Hello?" (Name) asked softly to the trees as he stepped through the deep forest and tried so hard to hear anything he could but the woods were... Silent.
Unnaturally so.
"...my omega..." A whisper in the wind called out and (name) perked up at the voice he recognized "alpha?"
The trees and landscape warped to arch a pathway.
(Name) felt hypontized as he followed the path, sweet whispers in his ear as his hand gently held his belly and gentle kicks from his pup as he reached a cave entrance.
The cave was unnaturally dark, almost like a void as multiple red eyes opened up and (name) despite everything walked towards the void that stared back as a whispy hand reached to him "alpha..." (Name) was relieved as he smelt the pharamones that were his mate, pulled into the void and the cold air wrapped around him like an embrace "mine" could be heard echoing around him, multiple voices speaking but all from the same person as (name) was set in a bundle of fabrics and pillows.
"Nessst" a voice rang as candles lit up, he was in a room full of pillows and candles lit by magic "you made me a nest?" (Name) said as he snuggled a pillow, it was a messy best and obviously made by an alpha who didn't know what he was doing but the sentiment made (name) melt "thank you... May I see you?"
The whispers went silent as the eyes moved to one being and from the shadows came a man-- sort of.
The demon had six eyes and wild pink hair that had long almost ram like horns spear through with intricate designs throughout it.
He was intimidating to say the least but... This was him.
His alpha.
"I missed you" (name) whispered as he reached to the Alpha who kept a smile on his face, moving to scent the Omega "who touched you?" His voice was clear and territorial and (name) hesitated as he looked away and fidgeted but the demon caught the bruise on bus wrist "whose looking to die...?" Who harmed his Omega, the only marks he should bare are from nahoya himself.
"... My parents want me to mate with the village pastors son..."
Nahoya giggled at this though his laughter was anything but happy as his grin grew "you're mine" he said possessively and (name) held him close "that's why... I came looking for you, I didn't want them removing your mark"
Nahoya grinned at this "you can't remove the mark... Whoever tries will burn from the inside and die... You're mine and only mine"
Nahoya kissed his neck and reached down to touch his belly "why did you take so long to get here?"
"I... I didn't know where you went, you mated me then vanished"
"I can't feed on you till our pups born... We're mates now so you are the only one whom I can feed on but don't worry it won't kill you but I can promise it will feel delicious"
"May I know your name?" (Name) asked as he was settled into the nest, the demons claws gently touching at his stomach "my given name is Nahoya Kawata but many call me smiley"
(Name) heard of him, a demon feared by many and took lives with a smile.
"What's yours?"
(Name) (lastname)..."
"Silly Omega... You're (name) kawata" he said almost condicendingly as he crowded his Omega and held him close "they won't find you... I control these woods and will lead them astray..."
"Could you lead them back to the town?"
"...fine" nahoya said with a grin "in exchange for a kiss"
(Name) gently kissed him, the demon taking control of the kiss as his long tongue wrapped around the omegas small human tongue "I will keep you alive by my side... We demons have the power to grant immorality..."
"Are you going to..."
"...turn you? Fuck no, I like my sweet little human just as he is...easier to mark and bend and fuck full of pups"
"Perverted alpha..."
"Baby you don't even know, your mates with a sex demon" nahoya said teasingly "and I like you human, my sweet little Omega"
Humans had something demons didn't, nahoya could never place it but it was something nahoya craved constantly.
And now he had it laying before him.
Pregnant and ravishing.
"I tried to make you a nest, it's kind of shit... I got you nesting materials I know omegas like"
(Name) saw how relaxed nahoya became, the Alpha less formal demon and now speaking seemingly how he would in causal conversation.
"It's not bad for an alpha" (name) said genuinely as he struggled to sit up, the Alpha snickering at him "shush! You're not carrying a watermelon on your stomach!"
"Yeah yeah, lemme help you little Omega"
Nahoya helped the Omega sit up with some teasing and watched as he fixed the nest and handed him items "it needs your scent" (name) said with a blush and Nahoya grinned before scenting it and tossing it back, this became their routine for the next hour and the demon was pleased with his mate.
Nahoya was watching as his mate slept, tilting his head slightly before standing and vanishing in the shadows, going to handle business.
Nahoya would make sure no one ever found him again, never would try to take his Omega from him.
The demon walked through the shadows of the night, placing curses on the town.
If any harm his mate their young will die before the age of two.
Pleased he returned home to see his mate still asleep, and made food for the Omega.
Demons didn't need to eat but nahoya enjoyed it, he enjoyed the flavors though they didn't provide him anything other than joy.
He would make sure his mate and young would never need anything.
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chrollosbm · 7 months
Sunflower Fields: a Choso Love Story Chapter 5
You're broken from a past relationship, thinking you only deserve the worst. Choso comes along, making you realize you deserve the world and more. Will your ex-boyfriend let you go without a fight? (Choso x black!reader, yandere Choso)
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art cr: einruji__ on x
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It had been a week since your first date with Choso and you were still over the moon, thinking about what an amazing time you had in his company. The entire time, even after he drove you home and dropped you off at your doorstep with another kiss, he had you smiling from ear to ear. It sincerely was the best date you had ever been on, so of course, when Choso told you (more like demanded) there was going to be another date a week later, you had absolutely no problem with complying. In fact, you were thrilled he planned another one so soon. 
The two of you didn’t even leave the fair before he told you to be ready the following week at two PM, seeming too impatient to wait until he at least got you home. You weren’t complaining though, it felt great to be courted with such eagerness. It’s what you deserved after dealing with your ex and his lazy-ass date planning. Towards the end of your relationship, he stopped planning dates anyway. You cringed whenever you thought about the fact that you used to beg him to take you places, instead of just sitting in your apartment together, watching TV and fucking all day. Now, you didn’t mind doing just that sometimes, but it came to a point where it felt like he just didn’t care to go out and do things with you.
Choso had been texting you more, sending you both a goodnight and good morning text everyday now, with the occasional texts throughout the day to see what you were up to and inquire on how you were doing. Your face lit up with excitement every time you saw his name pop up on your screen, your heart skipping a beat in exhilaration. Starting something new with someone who actually seemed to put in the effort to take initiative felt incredible. It all felt so exciting and so natural at the same time.
You currently had no idea what you were doing today. Choso didn’t let you in on anything, as a matter of fact, the only thing he told you to do was to wear something cute and yellow. You didn’t mind that he didn’t tell you what you were doing, in fact you kind of loved it. You loved being surprised and considering your last date with Choso, you knew you were in for a good time. You trusted that he would plan something just as exciting as before. 
Your heart raced with thrill each time you thought of the complex man who seemed to be giving you a stun as he opened up more. He was letting you in slowly, allowing you to access a hidden side of his personality, his competitive nature coming out and his love for games catching you by surprise. At the time you had no idea what to think of him, and it was something you didn’t expect. It made you feel amazing knowing that he was comfortable enough to show that side of himself to you. He also made you feel safe enough to share things with him, despite his intimidating persona. After learning he was secretly a big nerd, his hardened shell began cracking slowly, and you were happy to see his soft interior, even if it was only a fraction of his personality.
 His request (demand) for you to wear yellow prompted you to wear a tight mustard yellow maxi dress that showed off your curves. The weather had been flipping from hot to cold every other week, and luckily the day of your date was supposed to be pretty warm. You loved how the dress’s snug material made your body look, how it clung to all your curves, specifically your ass. You knew it would probably drive Choso wild, which was the plan, anyway. You paired your outfit with a pair of white sandals and a small white shoulder bag as your accessory. You had on gold of course, and your knotless braids were left falling down your back, still looking fresh due to your efforts in taking proper care of it. 
You heard a knock at your door and checked the time on your phone, seeing that Choso was on time once again. You appreciated his promptness, him clearing having respect for your time.  
You practically skipped to your front door, excited to see the strange, yet exciting man on your doorstep. You opened the door and as expected, there he was. He was matching you, dressed in the same shade of yellow with medium wash jeans for his bottoms. His t-shirt was short sleeved, showcasing his tattooed sleeves and muscular arms. His hair was down today, falling just above his shoulders, and his diamond earrings were shining through his jet black hair. 
You felt like you were going to pass out, your body felt hot all over and it felt like you were having a hot flash. Your stomach was twisting, the sight of him made you burn up like you had a fever and you wanted so badly to fan yourself, in fear of sweating your makeup off your face. You didn’t of course, that would be too weird.
He stood there with a comically large sunflower in his hand, staring at you as well, mouth slightly agape. His eyes scanned you up and down, having no shame at all and when his dark pools reached yours, there was nothing but desire in them, with yours surely matching his.
You started to feel self conscious, almost going to cover your body with your hands, afraid he would find a flaw, but you decided against it. Even if you weren’t as confident with Choso’s eyes raking over you (over and over again, at that,) you had to fake it until you made it.
As if he could read your mind, he looked back into your eyes and reassured you, making all your worries disappear. “You look fucking amazing.” The desire in his eyes didn’t go away as he continued, with a straight face, as serious as ever. “You’re glowing in this color, Sunflower.”
There goes that nickname again. Sunflower. It was growing on you.
You finally cleared your throat to speak, realizing you have yet to say a single word to him. “Thank you, Choso. You look really good too.” You told him, honestly. He looked fucking delectable. You wanted to take him inside, keep him all to yourself, and never let him leave. 
You grabbed the flower from his hand and smelled it with a sigh, the scent fresh and earthy. You could get used to getting sunflowers from him every week, the plants were growing on you. Your flowers from the previous week were still thriving, as lively as ever.
“You alright?’ He asked, taking you in, with an eyebrow raise as your nose was still in the flower, your sniffles abusing the aroma of the plant. You snapped out of it and nodded, embarrassingly, so engrossed in thinking about flowers that you almost forgot Choso was there.
“You’re a strange one.” He said, giving you a small laugh and grabbed your hand with his soft one. You were the strange one? Yeah, sure. 
You rolled your eyes playfully as he began dragging you out of your apartment with the flower still in your hand, careful not to pull you too hard, and waited for you to lock your front door. He led you to the passenger seat of his car and opened the door, waiting for you to take a seat. When you were sitting, he reached over to buckle your seatbelt for you and you felt your heart start to melt at the extremely sweet gesture. As he leaned over, you smelled his familiar aroma, laundry, mint, and that mystery cologne. You had to know what scent that was. You were going to make it a mission to find out. When you heard the click of the belt buckle, he came to face you with a smile on his face. His face was so close to yours that you could see the glow of his skin and the birthmark that stretched across his nose up close. It was so perfect, adding a unique element to his face that you’d never seen before. You gave him a big grin, which made his eyes soften at the sight of you.
He gave your cheek a small and sweet kiss, then lifted himself from you, shutting the door soon after. The feeling of his lips lingered on your skin and you never wanted it to go away. Your cheeks were hurting from how hard you were grinning, your cheekbones high with glee.
He hopped in the car soon after and looked at you with a close lipped smile on his face and excitement in his dark orbs. “You ready?” He asked.
“Yes.” You answered, nodding excitedly. “Can you tell me where we’re going now?” You asked, getting impatient. You liked surprises, but now you just wanted to know what you were doing, especially since he showed up at your door with yellow on, as well. There seemed to be a theme to today’s date, but it still gave you zero hints.
He began pulling out your driveway, arm on the back of your seat, a concentrated look on his face as he backed out of your driveway. You waited patiently on his answer, enjoying the view of his biceps flexing in your face while his other hand was on the steering wheel, thick, pale fingers and silver rings gripping lightly. 
Your mind somehow drifted to a place you had thought of many nights before. These scenarios consisted of you sitting on Choso’s lap, hands gripped on his broad shoulders as he thrusted those thick digits inside of you with a vigor. His lips would be whispering filthy things in your ear, all while telling you how pretty you were, just as your legs twitched and you came on his-
“We’re going to a sunflower field.” He cut off your dirty thoughts with a smile and you were both grateful and disappointed. That was your favorite daydream these days, with you using your vibrator to bring you to an intense release at the thought of it. You needed to be in the present, though. Especially with the news he just let you in on.
Realization snapped onto your features and that grin you always wore around him returned. Enthusiasm filled your voice, and you didn't hold back. “Cho!” You all but shouted, causing him to jump slightly.
“What, baby? I’m right here, no need to yell.” He laughed and grabbed your hand, soon interlocking fingers with yours. Your cheeks warmed and you squeezed his hand tightly. His hand was soft, large, and warm. The cool rings on his fingers cooled your digits as you were gripping him. 
“You’re taking me to a sunflower field?” You asked loudly and you knew you were being dramatic, but you didn’t care. It was such a pleasant shock. 
“I am.” He answered, eyes remaining on the road, but you saw the smile on his face, anyway. His dark eyes were twinkling, giving you small looks every now and then, glad to have you so merry at what he planned for the both of you. He was surprising you again with how romantic and slightly cheesy he was.
You loved it.
He brought a single giant sunflower to your house, ordered you to wear yellow to match him, and is now taking you to a sunflower field. How corny. 
You adored it. 
���Wow…” You responded softer this time, deciding to tease him. “Who knew you were such a romantic?” You smirked and he turned his head to you briefly to give you a bewildered look.
“You just now realized that?” He asked, his cheeks reddening in the process and you narrowed your eyes at his sarcasm, not ignoring the way you obviously just made him blush. “Did winning all the stuffed animals currently renting out my backseat not already prove that?” His tone was playful and you saw a smirk tugging from the side of his lips. You turned to the backseat and saw he was indeed telling the truth. There were a plethora of stuffed animals in the backseat, all sat upright, with Choso Junior directly in the middle.
Oh, right.
The sunflower field was large and seemed never ending. The yellow flowers came in a variety of different sizes, with some reaching the height of Choso and some towering over him. The two of you laughed when he stood head to head with some of the large plants, being surprised at the heights of them all. You never knew they could grow that large to begin with, so seeing how some of them were reaching the heights of ten feet tall, astonished you.
The air smelled crisp and fresh, the plants creating a slightly fragrant aroma around you. The sun was shining down on the blossoming plants, making the view absolutely beautiful. The dirt paths were being lit with its shine, creating a trail of yellow and orange as the two of you walked hand in hand, taking everything in.
Your excitement never faltered as the two of you walked through the field of never-ending sunflowers. It seemed to go on for miles, with you never getting tired. Your hand held his the entire time, his large, warm palm squeezing yours every time you were audibly excited, and when you looked at him, he would have a smile of adoration on his face. It was hard to not notice the way he was looking at you, even when you were dragging him behind you with intense glee. His patience never broke, even when you stopped to gaze at said plants for long periods of time. His eyes would read nothing but joy the entire time, seemingly happy watching you have a good time. He observed you as you stopped and smelled almost every flower in your path and convinced you to pick out as many as you wanted. Everything was being paid for by him, he assured you. 
You were looking at a small bush of them in awe when he basically ordered you to get as many as your heart desired. You tried to interject, telling him he already showed up to your house with one, in which he responded, “I would single handedly pick every sunflower grown from this Earth if it meant I got to see you this happy.” 
You swore your heart almost dropped out of your ass hearing that sentence fall from his lips. Tears almost welled in your eyes, but you held them back, afraid he would think you’re insane for crying over that. He was just so sweet, you couldn’t help but get emotional. You instead gave him a grateful smile, in which he pulled you towards him by your hand and gave you the quickest peck on the lips, leaving you with sorrow when he pulled away so soon.
You were having such a great time with him again, as expected. You wanted to punch your past self for ditching him at the club that night, but you also knew the time wasn’t right at that moment. You didn’t believe you would be here with Choso, with his jet black hair blowing in the wind, and his dark orbs brightening in the sun, turning to pools of chestnut instead of its usual almost pitch black color. They were warm and inviting, staring at you with admiration and warmth, rather than their usual intensity. You loved the intensity of his eyes, but this was a welcomed change, as well. His pale skin had a red tint to it and you weren't sure if it was from the sun, or something else. Either way, he was the most gorgeous man you had ever laid your eyes on. 
The two of you spent more time at the sunflower field, holding hands and enjoying the view. At some point during the date, Choso began (and wouldn’t stop) taking pictures of you. Everytime you looked up, his cellphone camera was on you. You yelled at him playfully every time he didn’t tell you to pose, claiming he wasn’t getting your angles. He reassured you that every angle of yours was perfect, not forgetting to add a borderline hostile tone to his encouragement, which only made you laugh and feel that familiar twinge in your heart. Choso was definitely a romantic, but he couldn’t help but add a bit of aggression to the mix. 
The sun was barely setting and you felt sadness creep up on you. You didn’t want the day to end already. The date today felt shorter and in all honesty, you wanted to spend more time with him. You knew you would see him again soon, the day seemed to go by too fast for your liking. The two of you just pulled in your driveway, and the Weeknd was playing in the background, again.
“Did you have fun?” He asked you, and you turned to look at him, trying to hide your disappointment. 
You nodded your head quickly. “I did. Thank you so much for today.” You said in an excited way, maybe too excited. You might have given yourself away. 
You seemed to be correct with the way Choso began observing your sudden change in behavior. He tilted his head and a look of concern covered his features. “What's wrong, sunflower? You can tell the truth, did you not have a good time?” He asked you, confused.
You quickly shook your head and reassured him. “God, no! That’s not it. I had an amazing time, it was one of the best times I’ve ever had, don’t worry.” You said way too quickly, but he seemed to understand with the way his face softened. “I’m just sad that the day is ending, is all.” You admitted, looking down at your nails, deciding to just tell the truth so Choso wouldn’t think he did something wrong. 
As quickly as you put your head down, his hand was there, lifting your chin up to look at him. You weren’t sure what to expect, but you weren’t expecting him to have a smug smile on his face. You were about to make a smart comment, thinking he was laughing at your sudden neediness, but he pulled you closer, enveloping you in a kiss soon after. 
Your full lips seemed to be a perfect match for his. His soft pillows moved against yours in a slow, intense, intoxicating way. His hand moved to your cheek as he deepened the kiss, slowly adding tongue into the equation. He still tasted like mint, and his scent soon entered your nose, making you sigh softly. Your cheeks were burning hot again and your stomach felt that same temperature and intensity, wanting to stay in this moment forever. His lips on yours, your heart filled with emotion, and your mind filled with delirium, lightheaded and lost in the kiss. Your tongues continued moving in sync, and it was suddenly burning up in his car, and you wanted nothing more than to take him into your apartment immediately. Your core was swirling with desire and your panties for sure had a wet spot in them at this point. 
You pulled away and pressed your forehead against his, breath heavy and looked to see his dark pools were full of desire and anticipation. He was breathing in your face harshly as you were sure you were doing the same to him when you finally spoke.
“Did you want to come inside?” You asked and it seemed like relief washed over his face as he nodded urgently. Before you even had a chance to respond, his keys were out of the ignition and he was at the passenger side, opening your door and helping you out the car with urgency.
“Choso! My sunflowers!” You pouted as he quickly led you to your front door. 
“Fuck the flowers.” He said darkly, seduction laced in his voice. “I’m starving and I want to eat.” Your core burned with desire at his words and retrieved the apartment keys from your purse, unlocking your door with a purpose. You were glad you decided to wear panties today, or else you would be dripping onto your living room floor. Choso’s sudden demeanor change was both scaring you and turning you on.
As soon as you shut your apartment door, you were scooped into Choso’s arms bridal style, causing you to let out a surprised yelp. You looked up at him to already find him staring down at you with hunger in his dark orbs. “Where’s your bedroom?” He asked, but it somehow sounded like a command. 
You quickly gave him directions and he seemed to have you there in a flash. The door opened with a small kick of his foot and Choso walked to the corner of the room to your made, queen sized bed, placing you gently in the middle. He was soon on top of you, careful not to crush you with his entire weight, lips locking with yours quickly. You kissed him back with urgency, your tongue finding his easily. Your tongues moved in sync as he explored your mouth with ease.
His groin was on top of your clothed pussy and you felt him press against you. The sudden movement caused you to gasp, the small sensation making your thighs stick together, with both sweat and wetness from your core. Your heart was pounding in your ears and you wanted nothing more than to feel his bare cock on you, which was currently rock hard and poking you with each grind of his hips. 
Your desire was becoming way too much and you felt like if you didn’t do something about it soon, you were going to lose your mind. The wetness in your underwear was becoming unbearable and you wanted nothing more but to be cleaned up. You needed to feel something, anything. The pit in your stomach was driving you absolutely feral.
You pulled away from the kiss and breathlessly called his name. “Cho…” You whined, as his lips moved down, finding your neck, giving you kisses and sucks that were causing goosebumps to form on your brown skin. You were filled with chills and you were hungry, craving him, needing him. He hummed against your neck as a response, his tongue currently working on the sweet spot of your neck as you tried to find the words you wanted to say. “I-I want you to touch me.” You stuttered, having trouble with words, the simple feel of his lips on was making you tongue tied.
“Touch you where, baby?” He asked as his fingers were rubbing small circles into your hips now, his lips getting dangerously low on your open chest. You felt his growing erection on your leg and it felt like a fucking brick at this point. You couldn’t wait until it was inside you, filling you up, hitting that special spot inside of you, over and over again.
Your back started to arch slightly. “Please…” You whined.
He sat up slightly, lips removing from your body, causing you to let out a disappointed sigh. His dark orbs, full of an intensity that almost gave you a fright, found yours, causing you to moan softly at the sight. So fucking sexy.
 His fingers were still rubbing into your hips slowly, softly. “Tell me exactly what you want. I’ll give you anything you want in this world, baby. You just have to ask.” He encouraged you, that look remaining in his eyes, causing your breath to become more shallow. He was causing this reaction just from the way he was looking at you, his eyes burning fires into yours, and yet you couldn’t look away, feeling hypnotized by those dark, haunting orbs of his.
Desire swirled in your stomach and you reached up to touch his face. “Touch me everywhere. Baby, please.” You practically begged him. Your heart was racing at an impossible pace, just wanting him to touch you, to make you feel good, to make your daydream become a reality. You’d never needed something, someone, so badly.
He tilted his head, feigning confusion, a small smile on his lips, obviously in love with the sound of you pleading for him, desperation in your voice. “Everywhere?” His hands lowered ever so slightly, touching the fabric on top of your pussy and your breath hitched in your throat. He seemed to notice your reaction and quickly moved them back up to your hips causing you to let out a louder whine this time, tears welling in your eyes.
He was fucking teasing you. He knew how bad you wanted him, yet he was getting off on you whining and begging for him. It was pissing you off, but at the same time making you wetter by the second. It confused you.
“Choso, touch my fucking pussy!” You finally let out in frustration and he smirked, rubbing his thumbs into your waist harder, causing your face to scrunch in pleasure and pain.
“That’s not very nice now is it, baby?” His smirk left as soon as it came, and amusement was no longer in his voice. His eyes were now fixated on you and the sight of you begging from underneath him was making his cock impossibly hard. You saw it, it was fucking huge in his jeans. Tears began to spill out your eyes as he continued to pester you. Your desire was becoming too much and you needed to release. His lips slowly turned back into that smirk as soon as tears spilled from you, a lustful gaze in his dark eyes.
“Choso, please…” You basically sobbed. “I need you.” His eyes were low as he took you in, desperate for him, and finally seemed satisfied enough. 
“Okay, baby, okay.” He said, nodding softly as his lips touched yours once more but he quickly pulled away, beginning to kiss away the salty tears from your face. He then slowly started to move down to your chest, eventually reaching your breasts. He pulled your dress down until it sat on your hips and his breath hitched as he stared at you in delight.
 “So beautiful.” He said to you, eyes gluing to yours then quickly to your brown nipples, standing up straight and rock hard, waiting for attention. He wasted no time, not wanting to make you wait any longer.
You moaned softly as his warm tongue swirled around one of your swollen buds, and he played with the other with one of his hands. He squeezed your other nipple lightly with his fingers, causing you to let out a groan, a tingly feeling shooting up your body. It was both pleasurable and painful, the theme for the night, it seemed. Your nipples were extra sensitive, being that they were under the fabric of your dress for so long, aching for attention. With his free hand he slowly started to drag your dress down further, until it landed at your feet, which you quickly kicked off, along with your panties, all in one go. You weren’t waiting any fucking longer if you had a say in this. You needed him. You don’t remember the last time you longed for someone the way you longed for Choso’s touch.
His mouth switched nipples and he showed the same attention to your other breast but was quickly cut off as you were tugging at the bottom of his shirt and he took the hint to pull his shirt off with ease, his arms flexing unintentionally as he removed it. You were faced with a rock hard stomach that included a full six pack of abs and more tattoos on his chest. You were sure you were leaking at the sight of him right now. You thought he only had sleeves, but this man was tatted everywhere. His silver chain was shining as it laid on the tattooed skin of his chest, and you bit your bottom lip, absolutely pleased at the sight of him. He was truly your dream man, in terms of both looks and personality. You were so damn lucky. 
It seemed like he was admiring you in the same way you were with him. His lips were parted as he scanned your body. “You are so fucking perfect.” He said in a serious tone, his eyes full of hunger meeting yours, which you were sure were full of the same intensity. You were starving for him, starving to feel him in any way possible. Your pussy was crying for attention at this point, just as you were not too long ago.
Your face got hot at the sudden praise he’d given you. It turned you on to another level hearing compliments and words of approval from Choso and he knew it. He’d known since the night at the carnival, you figured. Your eyes suddenly snapped down to where his cock was currently rock hard in his jeans. It looked like a damn rocket and you were worried about how that was going to fit inside of you if it looked like this while it was constricted.
He seemed to read your mind and reassured you. “You don’t have to worry about that right now. I’m going to focus on you today, baby.” You were slightly disappointed at those words, your face telling on you again. You were both excited and scared, but you wanted, no, needed, to feel his obviously large cock inside of you, filling you up whole. 
You opened your mouth to protest but you were suddenly distracted by his lips reattaching to your body, slowly going south. His full, pillow soft lips were leaving wet kisses down your stomach with leisure and you whined in frustration. He was moving too slow, teasing you again. You sat up on your elbows to watch him with your breath caught in the back of your throat. Shivers ran down your entire body in anticipation as his lips eventually landed on top of your pussy, where he continued to leave wet kisses. You needed him lower. You needed to watch as he slurped you up, like he hadn’t had a meal in days. You wanted to see him drenched in your juices, it was a need. His lips traveled to your inner thighs and he began leaving small pecks on them, raising goosebumps all over your entire body.
He was so close to your dripping core, so, so close.
His warm breath was dangerously close to your opening and you let out another whine, lips twisted into a frown. His eyes shot up to yours and you could see him smirking at you. “You’re so fucking wet, baby. You smell so good too.” His breath was heating you up, the wetness of your pussy now becoming full blown drips down your leg. The moistness of his breath caused a shiver to go down your body, causing your hips to jolt slightly.
“Choso…” You whined his name again, tears brimming in your eyes, threatening to pour out, again. He was teasing the shit out of you, once more. And once again, it was driving you crazy and turning you on at the same time. 
His eyes had a glimmer in them, clearly enjoying this. He seemed to have a sudden hunger in his eyes and needed no further encouragement. His tongue plunged into your pussy, licking up your slit slowly, finding your clit almost immediately. You moaned out in surprise and he moaned back, using your name with a curse, causing a vibration to come from his already vigorously working tongue. He was giving you what you wanted, finally, after making you cry and whimper, and it was oh so worth it.  
His tongue seemed to never slow down, never giving you a break, working you like a vibrator never could and you were losing your fucking mind. Your back was arching and Choso held his hands tightly on your hips to keep in control. That pit in your stomach was becoming undone slowly, but surely, causing you to try to rock your lower body on his face, and he granted your wish, his hands loosening their grip on your waist. You gasped as you began rubbing your cunt on his face, and he was below you, kneeling like he was at an alter, worshiping your pussy and lapping you up greedily, as if he were malnourished.
Your breathing was getting ragged just as you felt a very thick finger at your entrance. He plunged it into you, the juices of your drenched pussy making sloshing noises as he started to move his finger in and out, incredibly slow, watching you from below, knowing he was the cause of your undoing, wanting to drag this out. It seemed to motivate him, causing him to add another and switch his movements to curve his digits deeply inside of you, prompting you to pant heavily as he stretched you out with ease. He was hitting your g-spot with expertise and you suddenly felt dizzy, breathless. Your mind was going blank as his tongue was still on your sensitive bud, moving dangerously fast, and his thick digits continued hitting that spot over and over again, faster this time.
His dark eyes met yours again and groaned into you at the sight of you falling apart because of him. Your eyes locked onto his, tears brimming yours once again and you knew your face was twisted as you let out a sob. You were so close to the finish line, feeling that knot in your stomach build and that lightheadedness returning. Your legs began locking up on his shoulders and you were grabbing onto his dark locks, needing something, anything to hold on to as you felt yourself nearing the end. He seemed to notice you were close and lifted his mouth from your cunt, causing you to let out a pant and a whine. 
The bottom half of his face was covered in a mixture of your juices and his saliva, with some of it currently dripping down his chin. He was staring at you with a slightly opened mouth and dazed eyes, looking absolutely pussy drunk and you audibly moaned at the sight before you. You swore you were going to cum just by looking at him intoxicated off of you, face covered with your essence. Your blood was rushing to your head, giving you that familiar build up again as his fingers were still hitting that spot deep inside of you with a purpose, your soft walls tightening around his thick, long digits, getting you closer by the second.
“Need those pretty eyes on me while you cum. You hear me?” He demanded you with a tone of authority, his warm breath on your core, forcing you to do nothing but nod, unable to speak anyway, needing to cum right fucking now. You were feeling that tingle in your stomach, a warning that you didn’t have much longer until you released right onto his pretty face. His swollen, wet lips then reattached to your sensitive bundle of nerves, using sucking sensations this time and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Your eyes remained on his as promised, and it all started to become too much. 
His fingers were hitting your g-spot, your clit was being abused, and his dark eyes were burning fire into yours. Your thighs were tight around his head, but he didn’t seem to mind, in fact, he seemed to take it as encouragement as he continued attacking your pink button, wanting to complete his mission. Tears were now streaming down your face at a rapid pace as your breathing became ragged once again, finally seeing those stars you craved so badly. The feeling of relief washed over your entire body as you came all over his beautiful face with a rock of your hips, your body shaking and your moans loud enough to be heard on the street. 
He lapped up your juices slowly, still looking into your eyes with seduction and you winced from the overstimulation. He eventually released you, seeing your body twitch, and kissed up your body slowly until he reached your lips. They landed on yours and you tasted yourself as his tongue entered your mouth.
“You did so good, baby.” He wiped your tears with his soft hands, then began giving you small pecks all over your face. You smiled widely at the praise. “My good girl…”
He then rolled off your body, but stayed close and pulled you towards him with ease. He then pulled the sheet on your bed up to cover the two of you (mostly you.) You rested your head on his chest and he kissed your forehead causing you to smile into his hard pecs. His free hand grabbed yours and you lifted your head to look at him. 
The bottom half of his face was still wet with your juices and you smirked at the sight of him. You wiped your hand down his face softly to clean him up and his eyes looked at you with adoration. “Do you want me to help you?” You asked, looking down at his very obvious erection that showed through the sheet and he gave you a small smirk back.
He shook his head. “I told you, today was all about making you feel good.” He pulled your head down to his bare chest again, not explaining himself any further. You wrapped your leg around his waist, too exhausted to argue with him on the issue.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence and you felt his fingertips run up and down your back. He was so warm, your own personal heater. You fell into a deep slumber shortly after. 
Chapter Six is Posted
118 notes · View notes
intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Pairing: Reader x Bradley Bradshaw
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, use of sex toy, mention of sex, dirty talk
Summary: Bradley overhears a conversation he wasn’t supposed to hear, and he decides to teach you a lesson
Hearts, reblogs, and comments are highly encouraged and greatly appreciated! I’d love to know if y’all are enjoying my works! If you wish to be added to my Miles teller tag list please let me know I’m always happy to add more people. Thanks everyone again and enjoy! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"Bradley please." You begged from the bed the handcuffs digging into your skin.
Bradley was standing at the foot of the bed watching your every move. Your wrists bound to the head board. A vibrator stuffed in between your legs at high volume. Your moans filling the room along with the buzzing of the vibrator.
You had said something that really blew him up, and now he was punishing you. The punishment was not being able to cum. Which was kind of your fault, but still he didn't have push you like this.
"Bradley please I'm sorry." You whined tugging at the restraints.
He wasn't breaking though. That man was determined to not give in, and stay strong not letting you release.
"No I let you cum so many times last night but that wasn't good enough." His voice stern and rough.
He overheard a conversation that you were having with Natasha or Phoenix about how he only ever let you orgasm once during sex, and that you wanted more. Instead of talking to you about it he just figured he’d punish you for it.
Your head back against the pillow desperate to cum. Legs shaking with need, and arms becoming tired from being held up for what felt like hours. Your juices probably soaking the vibrator. He just continued to watch and stare at you.
The vibrator was buzzing inside of your pussy, making the most filthiest of noises. It made your cheeks heat up, but turned you on even more at the same time. Your walls welcoming it and refusing to let it go.
"Fuck if only you could see yourself." He groaned as his eyes looked your trembling body up and down.
As if that wasn't torture enough he decided to thrust the vibrator inside of you. Moving it slowly in and out of you not plunging it deeply enough. Your screams not echoing throughout the room. Your back now arching off the bed.
"Fuck." You squealed.
Your pussy clenching around the toy trying to make yourself cum. Moving your hips along his movements hoping to get a better angle. Your sweet release so close, but yet so far away from you.
When Bradley saw what you were doing he stopped thrusting the toy inside of you making you groan. He just smirked at your shaking and sweaty body writhing on the bed.
Looking at him your saw he was trying to restrain himself. His pants were forming a tent and his body language screamed lust and desire. He wanted you just as badly as you wanted him. A deep growl coming from his chest.
All he wanted was to ravish your trembling body that was begging for him. He had to remember that this was your punishment.
“God baby your little whimpers are driving me wild.”
Your mind was swirling with all type of feelings and thoughts. You tried imagining it was Bradley’s cock inside you. Remember the feeling of how good it felt when he was pounding into you. Your thighs clenching at the memory of everytime he would fuck you into oblivion.
Your legs bending hoping maybe you could move the toy on your own. Bradley could tell what you were trying to do and placed his hands on your legs keeping them flat. It wasn't enough and you wanted more and he knew that.
"Do you want to cum sweetheart?" His tone mocking but you couldn't help but nod tears pricking at your eyes.
You were so desperate to have that familiar feeling over take you. Whimpering and whining like a desperate animal, but all Bradley did was smirk at how pathetic you looked.
"Do you want to cum baby?" He asked again as he pushed the vibrator deep inside of you keeping it there making you squeal. "Bet your squeezing this toy so tightly."
Unable to form words to speak you just kept nodding your head pleading with him. Without saying a word he walked over to the right side of the bed.
His hand reached down, and you thought he was going back to thrust the vibrator inside of you. Closing your eyes as you waited for the feeling to happen, but instead nothing happened. Mouth parted open as you kept glancing from him to his hand hovering between your legs.
Instead his fingers attached themselves to the little bundle of nerves that was throbbing. Rubbing figure eights which caused your body to twitch. Your stomach was tightening with how close you were getting to orgasm. The sweat was just beading on your forehead.
“Come on sweetheart I know you can take it.” His tone softer than before feeling a little bad now.
The air was getting thicker and it was making it harder to breathe. All you wanted to do was grip onto his hair or something. This man was driving you crazy, and you just wanted him to give in, and give you what you wanted.
"Bradley please fuck. I need to cum." Your voice shaky and desperate to cum.
Tears were running down your cheek unable to take anymore of this teasing. He just had this shit eating grin on his face. A lump forming in your throat as you tried to swallow the saliva in your mouth.
Not saying anything his hand gripping the vibrator and thrusted it into harder this time. Toes curling against the sheets, and your hands gripping onto the restraints feeling yourself get on edge.
Your head leaning far back against the pillow, and closing your eyes relinquishing in the feeling. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. It was the best feeling in the world right now to you.
“That’s a good girl for me.” Encouraging you as your legs started to tremble.
A couple more thrusts and you felt yourself squeezing the vibrator drenching it in your fluids. Your body tired from the sexual torture Bradley had put your through. Your chest heaving up and down trying to catch your breath.
"Maybe this will teach you to appreciate how many times I let you cum." He whispered into your ear giving your neck soothing kisses before taking the restraints off. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No babe I’m okay.” Weakly lifting your hand to caress his face.
“Good.” Feeling his hand softly and tenderly stroking your upper thigh. “Cause I’m not done with you.”
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vigilante-3073 · 2 months
James Wilson x Reader (REQUESTED)
Summary: James and Y/N Wilson welcomed their first child almost five months ago. Y/N begins to notice the distance between her and her husband after he returns to work.
TW: Angst, lonliness, mentions of infidelity, babies and falling out of love.
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Y/N sat in the rocking chair in D/N's nursery, she rocked back and forth gently as she cradled the baby in her arms. D/N's nose scrunched up as she dreamt, small hands grasping onto the light pink blanket wrapped around her.
D/N was almost five months old, she had her father's temperament along with his beautiful brown eyes. Y/N had never known a love like the one she felt when she saw her baby girl for the first time. She and Wilson were overjoyed when they found out that she was pregnant after almost a year of trying. Wilson was present and supportive of her every need throughout the pregnancy, whether it be cravings, morning sickness or body aches.
Wilson was attentive and helpful throughout his three-month long paternity leave. He was up and out of bed at the first sound from the monitor and he always had their daughter in his arms whenever he could.
Wilson was an amazing father, but then he went back to work and it was like the dynamic had changed entirely. He left early in the morning and stayed at work late, only coming home long after Y/N had gone to sleep. She couldn't help but feel like he had lost interest in her and their daughter.
Y/N knew about Wilson's past infidelity and tried desperately to keep her imagination from running wild.
She knew that her body didn't look the same after the pregnancy, but there was also a part of her that knew her worries could be purely caused by hormones or exhaustion. No matter how many times she told herself that she was making something out of nothing, she still couldn't seem to push her worries aside.
She was tired of being alone and caring for their daughter by herself. Y/N missed her husband and she could feel her resolve starting to crumble.
Y/N looked down at her sleeping daughter before slowly standing from the rocking chair and moving over to the crib. She carefully leaned over the railing and laid the baby down on the plush mattress.
D/N shifted with a whimper, her small fists clenching. Y/N shushed her softly, resting her hand on the baby's chest and brushing her thumb across the fabric of her pink pyjamas.
The baby settled after a few moments, allowing Y/N to step back before picking up the baby monitor and making her way out of the nursery.
Y/N made her way into the living room, eyes glossing over with frustrated tears immediately as she saw the mess. Every surface was covered in clutter and a few scattered cups or plates. Y/N huffed, silently moving around the room as she began to clean up. It suddenly felt like the entire apartment was suffocating, she was overwhelmed and frustrated without any possibility of relief.
She knew that she would eventually crumble underneath the pressure.
Y/N made her way into the kitchen, tossing away the garbage and setting the dishes on the counter before returning to the living room to continue tidying the space. She froze in place when she heard a key slide into the lock, her eyes found the clock and saw that it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning.
Of course James would be coming home.
Y/N shook her head, folding a blanket as he opened the door and stepped inside. She could see the brief moment of shock on his face when he saw that she was still awake.
"I thought you'd be asleep," He said gently, closing the door and taking off his coat.
"Of course you did or you wouldn't be here," Y/N stated, draping the blanket over the back of the couch. She bent down and collected their daughter's toys from the floor, tossing them into the wicker basket beside the couch.
Wilson's brow furrowed, "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, she shook her head, "Forget it," Y/N muttered.
"No, come on, talk to me," Wilson said, moving around the couch to stand in front of his wife.
Y/N huffed, swiping at her cheek as a tear broke free, "What's going on with you?" He asked gently.
"What's going on with me? What's going on with you? I haven't seen you in weeks! You're gone before I'm awake and you don't come home until I'm already asleep. It's like you can barely stand to be in the same room as me for more than two minutes," She said.
"That's not true," Wilson replied.
"Who is she, James?" Y/N snapped.
"Who is who?" He asked, she huffed as more tears rolled down her cheeks, "The woman you're cheating on me with," Y/N said quietly.
"I'm not cheating on you. Why would you think that?" Wilson asked.
"I'm alone all the time and I can't do this anymore. If you're sleeping with someone else, I just need you to tell me so I can stop feeling like I'm doing something wrong," Y/N pleaded, breath catching in her chest as she tried to keep from falling apart.
"I'm not cheating on you," Wilson stated, hands resting on her biceps.
"Then where did you go? Why don't you want to be with me anymore? Do you not love me? Is it my body because I can-" "Stop, don't even think about finishing that sentence," He said.
Y/N wiped her cheeks with a sniff, "I just miss you and I can't do this by myself," Y/N said shakily.
Wilson pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest. Her body trembled in his arms as her hands gripped onto the material of his shirt. Y/N broke down into quiet sobs, tears soaking into the material of his shirt.
"I love you so much and I am so unbelievably sorry that I made you think I don't want you," Wilson said softly.
He held her until her crying had dissolved into small sniffles, head tucked into the crook of his neck as she calmed down. Wilson's hand rubbed over her back soothingly, "Do you want to know where I've been?" He asked.
She nodded, "I've been transferring the care of some of my patients to another Oncologist at the hospital," Wilson said.
"Why?" Y/N asked softly.
"To spend more time at home," Wilson stated.
Y/N huffed a laugh, "I thought you were cheating on me," She muttered.
"I didn't exactly explain myself before jumping straight into this so I'll forgive you for assuming the worst," He said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"I love you, James," Y/N said.
"I love you too, honey," He replied with a soft smile.
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