#:Nisargadatta Maharaj
isaluciole · 2 years
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Words :Nisargadatta Maharaj
Indian Guruji
Painting : unknown .
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know-the-self · 7 months
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dearfear777 · 6 months
“Once you realize that the world is your own projection, you are free of it. You need not free yourself of a world that does not exist, except in your own imagination! However is the picture, beautiful or ugly, you are painting it and you are not bound by it."
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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vesora · 5 months
You don't want it - enough.
You: noooo sora of course I do thats why I've been reading about it for months
If you did, you would act upon the knowledge. You would let go and just be. Instead you treat yourself like a clown running around chasing for your glasses that are on your head.
You tell me you act on it but it might last for a second or two and then you're back to chasing. How to be, how to be. This is not temporary. This is a radical change of everything "you" thought "you" knew.
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Have discipline. You cannot let habit limit the Self. Discipline, discipline and discipline until the Self shines through because you are always you, is there a time where you are not you?
You just think that the you I'm referring to is the person, but then you I'm referring to is your very being. Have you ever not just been? Removing all labels, are you not? You know all this, you do but the addiction of chasing is just so strong. You don't want to give up on the body-mind yet, you're attached but you tell me you are not.
Even if illusory objects make "you" happy, material possessions can provide only a temporary happiness. A glimpse. Your happiness relies on a world of falsities; you are creating a world, identifying with it then working to change it, then gathering data from the world You created. Stuck in a loop.
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If you wanted it, you'd give every-thing up and be "reborn" , completely free from thought. Just BE. Not for an hour or 2 hours but constantly. This means giving up hatred, regret, guilt, blame, need-based love and attachments of all kind essentially because they're all illusory. It can feel scary and it can feel sad but it is not how You feel because You are no-thing. It is just an emotion arising that you think is yours.
Resistance might be felt but go against it! Have will and determination! It might seem easier to be in a life where it's what "you" always knew but it's not even real! There is no time, you are just thinking you have lived a life when you haven't because every experience is FRESH!
SO PLEASE just continue going back to who you are; " ". No labels, no attachments, no expectations; just " ". Don't let an illusory object You created control You.
Get to a place where if a seeming someone says "the name you think you are", you KNOW it is not YOU. You know You are Dimitris, Maria, Irene all at once because these are just thoughts, you're free.
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quietlotus · 4 months
“The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj
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dimensional-tourist · 4 months
It is the person you imagine yourself to be that suffers, not you. It is merely a bundle of memories and habits. Dissolve it in awareness. Think of yourself as momentary, without past and future, and your personality dissolves.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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thecalminside · 11 months
Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy.
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
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4dkellysworld · 8 months
A day will come when you will long for the ending of the dream with all your heart and mind, and be willing to pay any price; the price will be dispassion and detachment and the loss of interest in the dream itself. Once you have seen that you are dreaming, you shall wake up. - Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That
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mountain-sage · 2 months
"All you need is to get rid of the tendency to define yourself."
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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salvatore-sunset · 10 months
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non-dualism, manifestation and astrology.
before you scroll, hear me out!
i know we know that astrology is an illusion and should be traded for a pearl of great price but rn i'm bored, a lil tipsy and immensely curious. i want to see what placements are a reccuring pattern in the non-dualism/manifestation community. i looked into the charts of spiritual gurus and found an interesting theory. therefore, i want to expand my findings into this community that seems active, dedicated and passionate about self-realization. please comment your big 3 + jupiter, saturn, north node placements if you know them. your big 3 is your sun, moon and rising sign in astrology. you can use this link to find it. if you're into astrology and want to look over your chart with me, feel free to dm!
so can you humour my inquisitive mind, love?
if i haven't tagged you below but you desire to be a part of my research, please don't be shy to comment on this post or send me an ask!!!
@goddessxeffect @4dbarbie-archive @charmedreincarnation @realisophie @msperfect777 @lotusmi @lains-reality @sexyandhedonistic @iamthat-iam-blog @glitterdoll888 @shineshineyy @vesora @deusexmachinawitch @heart-shaped-tears @youalreadyhavefullresults @sexydreamgirl @voidprincessblog @enzloa @23209 @diorprncess @miracledarling @littlemissprettyprincess @itsravenbitch @loadreams @starryvoid111 @arisuworld @awarenessis @zen-shu @moonbakeries @babygothprincess @starnightlover @consciousnessbaddie @mysticbewitched @sirensplayhouse @napolonio @itzalizeyyy @remcycl333 @rawhoneybliss
(sorry for tagging all of you. i could really use some exposure for my research and of course, you are all some of my favourite bloggers so i'm quite curious 'bout you!)
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kamala-laxman · 2 months
Love is not selective, desire is selective. In Love there are no strangers. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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lains-reality · 7 months
nisargardatta, i am that, ch.96.
Q: Unless I am told what to do and how to do it, I feel lost.
M: By all means do feel lost! As long as you feel competent and confident, reality is beyond your reach. Unless you accept inner adventure as a way of life, discovery will not come to you.
Q: Discovery of what?
M: Of the centre of your being, which is free of all directions, all means and ends.
Q: Be all, know all, have all?
M: Be nothing, know nothing, have nothing. This is the only life worth living, the only happiness worth having.
Q: I may admit that the goal is beyond my comprehension. Let me know the way at least.
M: You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself it will not be your own way and will take you nowhere. Earnestly live your truth as you have found it -- act on the little you have understood. It is earnestness that will take you through, not cleverness -- your own or another's.
Q: I am afraid of mistakes. So many things I tried -- nothing came out of them.
M: You gave too little of yourself, you were merely curious, not earnest.
Q: I don't know any better.
M: At least that much you know. Knowing them to be superficial, give no value to your experiences, forget them as soon as they are over. Live a clean, selfless life, that is all.
Q: Is morality so important?
M: Don't cheat, don't hurt -- is it not important? Above all you need inner peace -- which demands harmony between the inner and the outer. Do what you believe in and believe in what you do. All else is a waste of energy and time.
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dearfear777 · 5 months
Increase and widen your desires till nothing but reality can fulfill them. It is not desired that is wrong, but its narrowness and smallness. Desire is devotion. By all means be devoted to the real, the infinite, the eternal heart of being. Transform desire into love. All you want is to be happy. All your desires, whatever they may be, are expressions of your longing for happiness. Basically, you wish yourself well
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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vesora · 10 months
my opinion + quotes at the end
the concept thinking from the end in itself can bring lack i believe
there is no beginning, there is no middle and there is no end.
there is just now.
there is no 'end', there is just a different persona to the one 'you' - as in your true self - has now. every possibility is happening all at once - all NOW.
there is no time lag. stop looking outside of you for answers. realise who you really are and that is - God. just bask in that for a bit.
there is no trying. there is no effort. there just is. you just are.
just surrender and eliminate the possibility of problems existing.
you are no-thing, therefore you can be any-thing. you are formless, therefore you can take shape of any form. you are free.
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"You are a master. Not a victim, not a slave. You are here to be a God, a creator, a chooser, a responsible party of creation-- a free agent of Infinity." - Bentinho Massaro
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"Be alive! This is a dream! Move on, create, be fearless, be immortal, be timeless, be unafraid. Be focused on what you do not yet know; be focused in the new-- in the non-physical" -Bentinho Massaro
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"The mind creates time and space, and takes its own creations for reality. All is here and now, but we do not see it. Truly, all is in me and by me. There is nothing else. The very idea of “else” is a disaster and a calamity." -Nisargadatta Maharaj
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“I will be” is a confession that “I am not “ The Father's will is always “I AM.” Until you realize that YOU are the Father (there is only one I AM and your infinite self is that I AM), your will is always “I will be.” ― Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness
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Nothing outside yourself can cause you any trouble. You yourself make the waves in your mind. If you leave your mind as it is, it will become calm. - Shunryu Suzuki
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quietlotus · 15 days
“Wisdom tells me I am nothing.
Love tells me I am everything.
Between the two my life flows.”
— Nisargadatta Maharaj
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dimensional-tourist · 5 months
"The realised man is egoless; he has lost the capacity of identifying himself with anything. He is without location, placeless, beyond space and time, beyond the world. Beyond words and thoughts is he." Nisargadatta
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