#/ neg
fagtainsparklez · 21 days
my class is discussing the "real" definition of lesbian i'm going to explode
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inkskinned · 2 months
will you be enough for her, though. little slip child. you hated every time you had to scream to be heard, so you stopped screaming. it feels so fucking demeaning, 16 and shivering, saying please! father! look at me! and having him say in a minute sweetie.
online they're back to making fun of self-harm scars. isn't that funny. we have dropped the silver pretense of empathy and are walking around without any shred of humanity.
are you still shouting? how can anybody love you, then, siren. error signal. your voice so quiet and desperate. nobody is going to help you, stop begging. how can anybody actually look down at you without squashing you flat. oh, darling. you once bit into the back of your hand to stop from crying out, and discovered that it felt too dramatic for repeating.
people like you aren't supposed to cry, because you are too much. you have never meant to, but you take the air out of a room just by walking in. other people can take up room like a sunbeam. you blurt out all your wickedness in oilslicks, everyone can feel it. you slosh yourself over their hands and demand their flinch. you are a bone stuck in the throat.
be more beautiful, more perfect. if you can earn it, they won't abhor you. they might even tolerate you, if you turn the right way and never stand up straight.
but love? her life is a silver fish, a cat paw. your life is a long, thin, impossible desire - angry like a blade. your life is a crack in the floortile. you cannot bring your rotted fruit heart into the church of her hands. you will ruin her. you will overtake everything good for her.
or worse - you will have to beg her look at me. and that moment of desperation will ruin you forever. completely.
deleted scene from body's a bad monster, 9.24.2024
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aropride · 1 year
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vg-bird-reviews · 7 months
Psychonauts 1 seagull owo
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what the fuck
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qtubbo · 5 months
There’s genuinely been such much ableism directed at Tubbo these past few days it’s been hard to deal with, just completely open ableist remarks with /rp at then end or I love ccTubbo but… Constant remarks of him not following social ques, being too loud, having issues with tone, mocking him for having trouble reading the signs, saying that he’s neglecting Sunny because he’s not emotionally aware, ect. It sucks, I don’t like having to see so much of the fandom be openly ableist, why can’t people just be normal able disabled people of any kind. Also saying Tubbo shouldn’t rant about his interests because it ruins your immersion is just horrible and you all know it.
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etoilesbienne · 2 months
after talking with other people i feel like there really is a disconnect between everyone who has other povs they still have left and everyone who just lost all of their povs (the french)/lost most of their pov's lore (bbh with dapper and pomme). like everyone is stressed and some people are making jokes and i get it i really do i like humor in dark situations, but like... this is the worst case scenario that's happened for everyone who did lose everything. pomme said she wasn't coming back to the server and the french cc all said they wouldn't be coming back if she didn't. i don't feel like joking right now. this situation isn't like the previous two cc who were removed for their own actions, this one was because the studio didn't attempt anything to try to retain a whole language after frequent year-long workplace abuse. this doesn't feel like goofy lore drama anymore it's like, wow we really did lose everything. all because nobody in the upper staff knew how to dm an admin. i wish them well is a nice sentiment and all but i feel a little bit callous to it when the reason they're leaving is that no one talked to them. it was all preventable. no shit sherlock of course i'm upset and my posts reflect that. i wish every post i made being critical of this didn't come across like doomposting. even if qsmp recovers all of the parts i loved most got uselessly cut off in the process. there's not much left i can go back to. even if they replaced pomme's actor there's not going to be cc to come back for that. there's just going to be a hole in the server now when i watch. i feel like i'm going through every stage of grief. i don't want the server to burn down, i'd love to see it continue, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't terribly bitter about everything.
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sweet-potato-42 · 3 months
the day people stop viewing tubbo as an ex-minor and instead as an adult is the day we will be free
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rutadales · 6 months
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So instead of sending an ask clearing up misinformation on these tags bc that would be pointless and serve to only make people upset, instead I am going to illustrate to all of you how short, quippy, and wrong statements completely control the conversation. Any attempt to clear up misinfo is going to take twice as long and be a lot less clipable (tbc this person isn't doing this intentionally doing this (at least to my knowledge) but it goes to show how pervasive these quick and wrong statements are). Watch:
"dream gave gumball's va alcohol" completely wrong, dream and gumball here both went to a birthday party of a mutual friend and met 20 minutes prior to the interaction in the Uber. There's nothing to show that Dream even brought alcohol to the event, let alone saught out a 20 year old to give it to him.
"VA is underage" technically correct in the specific context of America's legal drinking age, but so misleading it feels intentional. For most people underage means below 18, a minor, and not a 20 year old adult making the decsion to drink a year before it's legal. Any reasonable person is going to assume 17 or younger here.
"VA had a bipolar swing" There's nothing to suggest this besides people decided it. You can't diagnose a manic episode from a 4 minute clip and the majority of you are not capable of diagnosing anytime at all. No one has confirmed this, not even gold statue Michaelangelo (who by the way has deleted every tweet involving the situation). But even in the scenario where he is manic in those clips, being manic is not a free pass to verbal harass minimum wage workers and be freely antisemitic, ablest, and homophobic. But I digress.
"and called Dream a faggot" yeah that parts true
Even more additional context that is relevant is Dream was physically assaulted by Gumball's VA. Gumball's VA directly asked if Dream was Jewish after saying Dream would never get rid of his money, called the Uber driver the r slur and said the Uber driver had down syndrome. He then threatened to kill or paralyze Dream.
See how long that took? Almost 400 words to counter 4 lines. And I'm giving the original commentor the benefit of the doubt here and assuming they're just repeating what they heard but you see how that's dangerous? You see how this method of controlling interactions keeps the flow on the side of the person who is factually wrong?
And I didn't even get into how this is a tactic of the alt right, how it serves to normalize using faggot as a weapon, how it actively desensitizes people to bigotry if the person on the receiving end "deserves it". Or how harmful instantly trying to make the assaulter in this situation the victim, or using mental illness as an excuse to assault and threaten to kill people is also bad! Because even though that is all true and absolutely necessary in this conversation, I can't get into it! Because it would take even longer and "I ain't reading all that" is the most annoying, damaging phrase on twitter right now.
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oddlyzephyrous · 6 months
people who obviously don't watch badboyhalo don't be insanely biased against him and refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt and always assume negative intent from his actions for one second challenge level IMPOSSIBLE.
just saw ppl saying "-10000 RP" and "i can't believe bbh ditched his team for the christmas event" like. dude. you obviously do not watch him and don't understand why he does anything he does and you have a bias against him so you read everything he does as negative. like.
1-really really wanted to do the christmas event but supported his whole team through the big event.
2-got on early so it makes sense for him to conserve time. He has faith in his team to survive and plans to get back on later.
4-has established canon-plausible reasons that his character in QSMP and his character in Purgatory 2 both exist and that they share knowledge to a degree. 1/3 of qBBH, the more violent and brutal side, is in Purgatory. the other 2/3 is on Quesadilla. There are overlaps in their knowledge.
Like I get you guys don't know all of his lore but seriously. Maybe try not assuming every thing bbh does has negative intent. Just admit you don't like him and move on, stop trying to justify it with things you know nothing about.
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tobi-smp · 8 months
for the record, the other reason why I'll be bitter that the "dream torments tommy after escaping prison" plot line was left to fizzle and die for no good reason is because it was implied that jack and tommy were going to Finally get a reconciliation arc and I will never ever forgive them for what they took from me
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
just saw a clip where f1nn5ter was saying how at this point, he can’t be cis, but at the same time, he doesn’t feel like he’s trans—he’s just neither. and someone in chat was like “you can’t be neither cis nor trans that’s not how it works” i love finn but why is his chat so fucking bad 😭 stop recreating binaries for the love of god, identity does not have to fall into these neat little boxes for you to police
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sculkcensor · 10 days
ALSO ALSO I think they should've maybe. Put something for the admins at the end lol. Even just like a thanks for ur work or smth the fact that there was nothing was. hmmm.
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aropride · 8 months
like if ur a professor and a student isnt turning in work u shouldnt just jump to "oh they dont care abt this class" or "theyre being rude on purpose" like u have got to consider that people have lives outside of ur class and u very well might be being an asshole to someone going through one of the worst experiences of their life over a couple reading quizzes
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oasisr · 7 months
When men neg you by putting down your talents, run. Things will not get better.
Even if you aren't good at something and are just a beginner, he should not be mocking you or bullying you for that.
I'm not a great singer or painter, but I enjoy singing and painting sometimes. My ex would mock me and tell me that he wanted to marry someone who could actually sing.
I gave him another chance after he hurt my feelings. He was good for a couple of weeks, and then went right back to mocking me and putting me down.
Just run. You are beautiful even if you aren't good at everything you try. You don't need someone to put you down and try to harm your self-worth.
You are worthy of someone who will treat you like you are a special and beautiful woman. Because you are.
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qtubbo · 4 months
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Sign says “CHEATER” and it’s from Tallulah, she calls Sunny a cheater for defending herself completely ignoring that Leo wasn’t letting them leave the box. Also it was about Sunny not Leo, she and Pepito run in to go dance with Leo and congratulate her for winning. Plus it was placed directly in front of Sunny.
Being Sunny has got to be the worst thing ever because your siblings just watch you get beat up as you were trying to leave, but you punching back in defense was seen as cheating. Sunny also leaves a sign for Empanada after crouching scared, but we can’t see it.
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bigboobyhalo · 2 months
I feel so fucking awful for CC!bad. this dude has obviously gotten so incredibly passionate about MCRP over the past few years, and the characters that he’s created have been so lovingly crafted and complex with rich lore and dynamics and emotions. and every single time, the opportunity to give these characters complete and satisfying narrative conclusions has been ripped away from him cuz both of the roleplay servers he’s been on became absolute dumpster fires!!! like dude I’d start killing people with hammers!!!!!
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