#& then I made them my otp out of spITE
shaunashipman · 1 month
The Buddie side of fandom is something else these days, that's for sure. I'm about to come out of fic writing retirement just to add to BuckTommy out of spite.
look, I am not new to the 911 fandom, I was in it for years, and it's actually the reason I made a new account a year ago after that garbage fire of a season, I wanted a full fresh start without any of that on my blog
if it had stayed on fox and/or KR had stayed in charge, I would not have touched the new season with a 100ft electric pole. but tim was back, things were looking good so I decided to dip my toe back in
obviously a mistake. if I thought the rancid "long-form storytelling" side of the fandom was bad, this is just insane. wanting a newly bisexual character to immediately cheat? wanting a gay character to get killed off so your otp can get together? repeatedly commenting "umm I think you mean buddie" on official insta posts and willfully misunderstanding Oliver's joking comment?
(I'm not even getting into the disgustingness aimed at Lou or regarding the whole "kid" comment)
no wonder these people block everyone who slightly disagrees with their vision, if they stepped one inch outside their echo chamber they'd be bowled over with the sheer common-sense that they're lacking
and i keep seeing the same, I wanna say "defense"? for their behaviour, that buddie is something they've "been waiting 6 years for" except no. they've been WANTING it for 6 years. and like a child they think if they want it hard enough then they'll get it
sorry nonny, this got long 😬 but my new year's mid-year resolution is to stop censoring my own opinions in fandom for fear of rocking the boat. yes, pls come out of writing retirement to add the growing plethora of bucktommy fics 🙏. I think I've literally read every single one that didn't have a squick of mine in it (except the ones that are buddie fics in disguise 😒) and I can't wait to read more. let's get it to 2000 before the next ep, really make them seethe
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proudproship · 5 months
Shipping was a huge part of fandom culture.
It's what brought people together, and made people keep watching until the next episode, or waiting till that new DLC releases, or the author(s) publish the next book in the series.
It doesn't matter how "good" or "bad" the ship was.
It helped define the fandom.
JayFeather x Stick normalized humour in an otherwise-serious book.
Fontcest kept the confusing shit going and empowered the "edgy" fans to be more cringe.
Foxy x Mangle made a new generation of monster fuckers and furries that wouldn't be embarrassed about it.
You can't deny there was a ship that the whole fandom knew about.
It shaped the community.
Some choose to be grateful. Some remain in spite.
Why do some people remain so hateful of the past? Maybe they haven't let go?
Grief can be hard, and it's harder to have to let go.
But it's even harder to have to continue this war with yourself and your fandommates.
You don't have to like a ship. Heck, you can even hate it!
But just remember there is someone out there that holds their ship close and dear to them, like a child holds their blanket.
You wouldn't want to take away the child's blanket, would you?
My OTP genuinely did help me through depression.
It was my gay awakening, too.
It's kinda the only reason I decided to stay breathing.
This goes for every ship, problematic or not:
Do not take away their blanket. Some people need it.
They will let go on their own; so you should too.
And it's okay.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I hate........how sexualizing teenage superheroes is the norm in the superheroes fandom at large.Forgive me for traumadumping ig but i have really strong feelings on this as an autistic adult with a special interest in superheroes at large themselves and itself as a genre
My first hero spin was Big Hero 6.By the time it came out,i was 13 so i was allowed internet access no problem and naturally i went looking all over for content of literally everything about it but my favorite character was Hiro so he was what i searched for the most and he was LUDICRIOUSLY objectified and fetishized for his wasian heritage and when the series came out,he got an official love interest named Karmi who's 16 to his 14 and she got tons of hate from Hiro x Gogo and Hiro x Honey shippers despite them not only being college aged to his again,FOURTEEN years but we got explicit ages for them in season 2 when the Nerd Gang minus him gratuated from SFIT so they're canonically TWENTY ONE(i feel it's an important sidenote that Karmi's brownskin with a hooked nose and her VA is indonesian/chinese mixed so her heritage is obvious and as to how it contributed to her reception vs easian Gogo and blonde light-eyed Honey)
My second one was Bnha and there's been tons of discussion about the base's problem with the UA students and Himiko and i thank everyone who's posted about it deeply but my specific one is that my otp of the series was and will always be Shouto and Momo aka Todomomo even if i'm not nearly as into Bnha as i used to be because they were the first ship i actively made content for and it lasted years and that combined with me headcanoning them as bi4bi,t4t and autistic4autistic helped my egg crack and realize my own autism big time so their relathionship eternally has a big place in my heart
This means i've witnessed grown ass people saying Shouto almost touched Momo's boobs in that cap where he stopped her during their Aizawa fight(and his hand didn't even land on her chest)as a running thing and same for him acting as a macho man who rules over her body so she can't wear what she wants or exist near other men,including BAKUGOU who Momo HATES IN-TEXT,or have conflict with him because he'll just 'put her in her place as his woman' and Momo who's thee 'silk hiding steel' character and has adultification trauma that triggers her anxiety as the plot of the Todomomo starter 'Yaoyorozu Rising' with Shouto helping her with words of affirmation,healthy communication and good boundries on both sides that became the foundation of their dynamic throught the whole franchise,manga and extras,is reduced down the 'the class mom to Iida's class dad' as if she's ever even looked in his general direction and when she's rightfully earned her place as Shouto's best friend alongside Izuku himself and that is INSANELY imppressive taking into account her limited screentime.All i wanted was them being goth bf x pastel gf and getting to heal their inner child together and what i got was a nsfw Todomomo week on twitter and a certain artist drawing Momo/Dabi as an 'April Fool's' joke MULTIPLE YEARS in a row because he's also a Todoroki so it's also Todomomo lololol and i also did her with Natsuo and Fuyumi,i'm so funny!The only good thing to come out of that i started spite headcanoning Momo and Dabi as found siblings and platonic soulmates and realized i was actually on point
Then i watched Batman:Under The Red Hood when i was 19 and Jason became a character i selfship with romantically so i did the logical thing and started reading comics,starting with his.Did you know it's canon that while he dosen't exactly hunt them down specifically,he hates pedophiles and incesters so he once targeted a teacher because he was csa'ing one of his student's and expressed disgust at the thought of kissing any of his brothers based off them being brothers?You wouldn't know either of these things off fanon alone,you'd think he was creepy older guy who seeks out younger people on purpose when he dosen't seek anybody out period and that's his canon relathionships coping mechanism and it's also canon he couldn't talk to girls and pushed a guy off a roof for running a sex ring as Robin.As ROBIN,a fucking 11-15 year old Jason had that much of a moral backbone and willingness to take action in it yet everyone thinks he'd date a CHILD,even HIS OWN UNDERAGED SIBLINGS,with taking advantage of them as the appeal
I absolutely loved Into The Spiderverse as an afrolatino like Miles who was a troubled kid like he is too and i thought Gwen was super good too and Peter B's another character i selfship with romantically so naturally i was hyped for Across and the first thing the fandom did when the trailer dropped?Make a hyperpopular meme where that sweet,soft,wholesome scene where Gwen gets cheeky and looks through Miles' sketchbook and sees he's so in love with her he dedicated it's entierty to her just existing as herself into him seeing her as nothing but a sexual object with degrading features she does not have and it was a sick joke on Gwen because the boy she loves just wants her for sex and not even for what she actually looks and that just makes it even worse!!!Then there's the equally pure implied thing they did of her either stealing Hobie's sweaters because he makes her feel safe after her abusive dad kicked her out for being trans or him giving them to her to borrow as affection that ALSO got twisted into Gwen being nothing but a sex object,by people who see Hobie's age interpretation not even as a minor but in his 20s unlike how actual Ghostpunks do!!!!!!!,and don't think i haven't seen the Margo shit calling her 'thicc' and turning the girls into Miles' 'harem'
And the thing that made realize this is that it's always been like this is when i went looking for Teen Titans screenshots,first Starfire and Blackfire for me and my little sister and then ones of the animated Titans in general for my little brother because he did an edit-redraw of our DC self-inserts together using one so i got excited at how good it was and decided to ask for a few more since we have friends who have DC ocs too and we're all doing a canon rewrite fixit with them but the first results were fucking incest softcore porn and TOO DAMN MUCH horny Bbrae fanart.One of the friend's in question is like another brother to me and he's 17 and he thought there was nothing wrong with Jason/The Fenton Siblings because when i said find it triggering just in general,he tried to explain that i was 'making the wrong assumption' because a lot of people age up Danny and Jazz and he'd learned that from older DPDC fans.They literally groomed him and i'm so glad i met him and helped him unlearn that shit before he could get hurt
That's not normal.NONE of that is normal to involve children even if fictional because they're meant to be exactly like REAL kids mentally and physically and you get upset at the real ones for being upset by you doing this to them and even harrass them for it and i've had to directly defend another one of my little sibling's from harrasment from 'fandom elders' because he dared to have an opinion that 'dosen't follow the rules'.I'm sick of this,i can't stand this,this needs to DIE.There's no exaggaration over ten times the adult superheroes than they're are kid ones and you fucking ship them with eachother instead just sticking to the adults for smut.Batman and Robin were seen as a couple in ye olden times by a group of gay people not because Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson harbord secret romantic feelings for eachother since conception or intended to later on but because that specific gay people were irl pedophiles who used being gay as a defense
I don't care if i sound childish or if nobody who this is aimed at cares,i hate all of you for this.I hate you for tarnishing my special interest,i hate you for violating the history of superheroes and the creation of sidekicks and kid heroes as role models and escapism fantasies for real kids,i hate you for beyond disrespecting that superheroes as a WHOLE were created by jewish folks and that Clark Kent,the FIRST superhero,is the protector of all innocents with a deep love for children and gets especially angry when they're hurt and is a fundemental trait he has to have or he's NOT Superman or Clark Kent Kal-El or Superdad,i hate that the sexualization of underaged supers and them being abused as 'romance' by their fucking pseudo-parents is a long running punchline.I hate you with my entire heart and soul and actual comics reading knowledge
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crownedinmarigolds · 8 days
11, 22, and 50 for Ralph and Khloe on the OTP ask game
AHHh thank you! They're my faves. T_T
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(Yes I did draw them as the Cupid and Psyche statue do no judging plz.)
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?} They're not great at hiding their emotions, but they're also working on making sure to communicate when possible. Khloe still kind of hides a little better than Ralph can, but Ralph is so paranoid he'd pick it up immediately. Like, if Khloe didn't send the right amount of hearts in a text, he would think she's mad. (Khloe is hardly ever mad. At him. Mostly.) They're very BIG emotions people. What reminds each of their partner? Anything that makes her laugh makes Khloe think of Ralph. They're constantly sending each other reels and videos and memes and go "that's you." Lots of funny gym bro videos, funny sexy videos, anxiety related memes... the works. But aside from memes, the quiet when she's alone makes her think of him. Ralph can obfuscate, and after a few incidents, she always wonders if she's really alone. Not wholly discomforting when you love the person just out of sight. For Ralph, in order to be reminded of Khloe he has to stop thinking of Khloe. ;) But also - probably being nice and cozy. Snuggly blankets and soft pillows, something that makes him feel safe. Who's more likely to do something out of spite? Ralph's the king of spite, but also Khloe is the queen of spite! They're not spiteful towards the other, but are INCREDIBLY spiteful to this Fullblood led world! Together they're literally spite-ing all over the ATL: firebombing the Sheriff, spurning Khloe's sire, spurning the love of the Nosferatu clan... OUT OF SPITE!!! Thinbloods rise up! Together. <3 (To mildly explain, a Nos in Khloe's sire's coterie sent a relatively harmless text outing Ralph's real age to Khloe, getting him mildly in trouble.... and then when Ralph was given a choice between helping this Nos or being with Khloe... he made his choice. Got him in BIG trouble with Mr. Hades!! <3 Had a cool speech though. <3)
Questionnaire here!
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I am digging the gag of "Morgana, you could totally do better," and she for sure could. But there's something sappy romantic (probs their favorite kind honestly, the dramas) that she's not after anyone else and she's not in love with him to fix him. And somehow she's not settling either - like, she could absolutely go and find someone else and I'm sure be very happy with them, but she likes the happy that Darkwing makes her. I have to believe that she likes that they are strong enough individually where they fight and still come back together because they disagree on topics but still love the other person. Even though DW could be better, she loves him and who he's becoming because some of his episodes where he is most considerate and most honest are when he's with her and she gets to see him growing.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, or I'm overly romantic, but I like that they choose each other anyway.
It's not perfection, or settling, or picking up a project, they just consistently mutually choose each other.
first off about the gag -
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Second, I completely agree with you! And it's why they're one of my OTPs - both of them are far from perfect, and it's pretty dang obvious, but it's in spite of that that they're totally crazy about one another. From their first episode it's obvious that he's made her a better person (after all, he's turning her from a villain into a hero) but it's easy to miss that she's changing him in turn.
Funny enough, at work I was thinking about the Silvani comics and specifically how they portrayed the relationship. For those not in the know, the storyline starts with Drake having retired from the superhero life and how it affected everyone - including Morgana, who went almost fucking catatonic without him.
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Apparently without Darkwing around, she promptly fell apart, and just saw no reason to keep her magic in check... or even her own sanity. When Darkwing returns to heroing and tries to get back with her, it's definitely not easy, as she doesn't even realize he's there.
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When he tries touching her, she freaks out and just casts magic on instinct, still without even seeming to realize he's there. She's THAT of a mess without him. It's even shown she abandoned her beloved familiars, Eek Sqeak and Archie! Darkwing continues to try to get through to her, going through their past dates, of all the good times they had together, but nothing is getting through. Then he finally admits what happened to her is his fault.
That's right - narcissist superhero Darkwing, who has been aptly descripted as having the go the size of a small planet, admitted something was his fault. Very few people get that out of him! And I think this whole chapter proves something very near and dear to me. Yeah, he's gaga over her looks, but he's really and truly in love with her.
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Of course, being Disney and all that, naturally the tear is what snaps out of her out of it. And here's where it really gets me right in the kokoro, because what do they do when she's finally back to normal? A big kiss, obviously, and then?
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It's one of my favorite panels out of the entire run. Somehow this just... gets to me, way more than a passionate kiss or flowery words of romance. They just look so peacefully content together! I just... wehhhh ;_;
so yeah, apologies for the ramble, but I'm glad you're enjoying the silly memes, and I'm always happy to spread more morgwing love!
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beanerbrujx · 2 months
Finally a blog that isn't toxic I've been wondering while looking at it about the NaruHina being trans and that was mind boggle mind sharing the story for it
It sound hilarious (srry if I may seem like I am making fan of trans it's just that the situation is funny)
Kishimoto accidentally confirmed NaruHina's trans because during an interview, someone asked him why Naruto had whiskers on his cheeks, and Kishimoto just replied it happened from being in the womb of a jinchuriki, but both Himawari and Boruto also have whiskers, so using that logic, Naruto had to have carried them in his womb, and since both kids belong to Hinata, she had to have gotten him pregnant, thus, trans NaruHina
Trans fans of the pairing (such as myself) went wild and so we flooded the NH tag with our own edits and just would RB/post about it because it was fun, and we were literally having fun as NH fans
My mutuals and I (that share the same HC and OTP) also found it hysterical how transphobic NH fans said I was spreading "false news" (for literally quoting Kishimoto) and also said I was posting "Fake manga panels" for my (DONE VERY POORLY ON PURPOSE) manga edits that are clearly not meant to be taken seriously:
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Like I literally made the font different/cut into the speech bubble, cause, yk, it's all meant to be shit posts and I ended up making more out of spite just to piss off transphobes
I make tons of shit post edits of my favs constantly because that's just the kind of fan I am (my icon and header on mobile, for example)
I don't post much Naruto anymore because I left the fandom for the most part (literally most of it SUCKS) but I still occasionally RB/make edits to this day, and I will also say trans NH is canon, just to ruffle transphobic feathers
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unnecessaryrants · 8 months
The vampire diaries is sooo mf complex like I hate the fact that basically if I want to rewatch it? I have to binge it, actually pay attention, and watch through delenas insufferable relationship. I hate Damon, I only have a sexual liking towards his character but no emotional kind of connection, respect, or liking towards him. Damon throughout that whole show was a piece of lowlife shit to me, especially killing Vickie. Vickies death was low asf to me and for literally no reason ESPECIALLY THE ABUSE ON CAROLINE. Everyone takes his good moments and his shots at redemption as this save all as if that suddenly puts all the lives he’s took and ruined in the past or even in the present goes away and just becomes forgiven for all his monstrous actions. “He’s a villain that’s what he’s supposed to do” SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE VILLIANS and I don’t like Damon as a “villain”. To me he’s more an anti hero or just a bad guy with mental issues but if we’re gonna put his actions towards the villainy route then so be it. I LOVE villians mind you, they’re smarter than the protagonist usually and have really good reasoning for being the way they are or doing what they’re doing. But Damon? Was pure revenge and spite. He said it himself he was gonna make Stefan’s life a living hell for forcibly turning him but I feel Damon went completely overboard with everything he’s did throughout season after season after season. It never stopped, he never stopped taking the good things and people Stefan had away from him, he never stopped abusing ppl until like last minute, he manipulated woman and so much more. And let’s not talk about how everytime Elena “rejected” him or made him upset? That always ended in a body dead the next couple of days PLUS HIM LITERALLY SNAPPING JEREMYS NECK BECAUSE ELENA REJECTED HIM. Was that not enough? Like idk it’s just fucking delusional to me how Damon fans love to act like he’s a saint or him redeeming himself suddenly makes up for the shit he’s done. it does not. he still kept doing these things. He’s done a lot of good and I see that, Damon is capable of caring, loving, protecting, and being loyal to people but he can be an absolute monster WAS an absolute monster, and I don’t think any of the things he’s done that were supposed to redeem him? Did it for me. It didn’t, it doesn’t make up for anything he’s done in my eyes it’s as simple as not accepting an apology. There’s a good man in there but where was he when he was out doing the bullshit he was doing? Hurting people? Abusing women? Manipulating them? Attacking tormenting and hurting his own family? No where. “I’ll admit it took Elena for me to actually wanna do right by people” and that’s the saddest most fucked up thing he’s could’ve ever admit to. Everyone always praised how he’s able to take responsibility for his actions but these actions are FUCKED UP ADMITTING THAT IT TOOK YOUR BROTHERS GIRLFRIEND TO ACTUALLY CHANGE AND STOP KILLING AND HURTING PEOPLE???? TO ACTUALLY NOW just start giving asf about all the things you’ve done because you fell in love with a stupid girl IS SICK. Like omg 💀💀💀💀 but nooo “delena otp. delena epic!! Delena forever”. Fuck no. That’s so fucking cruel.
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dish-licker · 10 months
I really, really wanted to love Borderlands 3. Especially after the Commander Lilith expansion, which I adored. (Brick and Mordecai's whole thing 😭 and Hector! Good villain!! And he had so many parallels to my OC Bool. Big magic, both me and the new writers of the series stumbling on basically the same villain.)
And I know how hard writing can be. I imagine writing for a game is way, way harder, with the limitations of the genre and everyone meddling. So I don't want to blame the new writers.
But damn. For me, BL3 was a bunch of disappointments, one after another. Starting with the characterisation of Vaughn. Was so looking forward to that unlikely little nerd coming into his own as a bandit leader on Pandora. But he was just an annoying joke.
The Maliwan CEO was dull as dirt....the new characters were mostly unmemorable......most of the jokes didn't land for me.....Troy and Tyreen having muddled, watered down characterisation in spite of being Exactly My Type, boy/girl evil siblings, and wishing I could have loved them more....rghh...stupid little things, my own fault for speculating, like hoping we would acquire characters from the previous games onto the ship and their rooms would have environmental storytelling, or even little vignettes together that you could hear as you walk past. But nah....
I also had mixed feelings about the way Brick and Mordecai were handled. Of course I was touched that they made a home together with Tiny Tina, because, holy shit, what more could you want? But the monkeys paw of this is that Mordecai seemed really, really sad. It's been a long ass time since I played BL3, so maybe I'm misremembering, but he really bummed me out. Also if you talk to him enough times, he makes a remark about not being able to date anyone because Brick and Tina make it difficult to bring women around, and I dont know, man, I dont know, I'm not proud of it, but I just want my otp to be canon, alright? I'm only human, and that voice line really got me down.
So much of this wasn't the creators of BL3's fault. Just my own expectations. There was some stuff that was objectively bad (lots of long, drawn out Bad Stuff happening during cinematics while my characters should be able to interfere with events, but we have plot paralysis I guess. Overall weak plot. That shit fucking scene at the end where Tannis, TANNIS, WHO I'VE KNOWN FOREVER, BEEN THERE FROM THE BEGINNING TANNIS, is like ????? What's going on I don't get it????? And Ava, BABY AVA, has to explain shit to her? And I think Ava becomes the boss after that?? Nah man nah....nothing against Ava but she ain't next in line.)
But ye I can acknowledge it was mostly my own fault for expecting too much 😞
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twig-tea · 4 months
Tagged by @lurkingshan and @stuffnonsenseandotherthings to dig into the vault. Friends, I have been Perpetually Online since 1995, when that meant I had to haunt my school library computer at lunchtime, so this is going to be for the fellow Olds. Sorry in advance for the HP mentions.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Have I let any ships go? Hmm. I'll go with Mulder/Scully from X-Files. Watching now, they should definitely not end up together lol
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Sailor Mercury/Sailor Jupiter from Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. I. Was. Obsessed. This ship hit me like a ton of bricks in I want to say 6th or 7th grade.
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I watched the show as it aired with English dubs, found out the episodes we got were censored, immediately fell into my completionist ways, went to the Asian mall (it was literally pan-Asian with stuff from Japan, China, Taiwain, Korea, etc.) and got definitely not official VCDs with Mandarin subtitles, and would sit with friends who spoke Mandarin and had them translate the subs to English for me (I say this like I forced them, but they offered because they were my friends and they also felt passionately about people seeing the uncensored show). I then learned how to Internet and would trawl for fanpages of the manga (it would take 20 minutes to load an image at the time, so rather than full scanlations I'd get walls of text describing what happened with maybe a single panel illustration). Uranus and Neptune were fantastic, but I already had Ami and Makoto aka Mercury and Jupiter long before I got to the Uranus/Neptune episodes (or the Sailor Stars manga arc).
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Definitely Sailor Moon fanfic was the first fic I read. It was an easy step from finding fan summaries of the chapters not yet out in English > finding fan sites with fanfic on them, back before we had archives or even decent search engines and you had to just find the sites you needed through links from other sites. It was like a whole new world of possibilities opening up. The first real fanfic community I was in was Harry Potter.
In terms of first fic I wrote, I am not a writer; I've only ever written a small handful of not worth mentioning ficlets featuring the Kirk/Spock ship (Star Trek TOS).
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Oh it was likely Serena/Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon and it was in person, because I had friends who got me into anime and manga early and they were artists who drew a lot of fanart.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Friends, I had a Livejournal. It was impossible not to get into ship discourse.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I am going to echo @stuffnonsenseandotherthings and @lurkingshan and say I was dead-set against Hermione as a ship with any of the men in Harry Potter (Hermione/Luna or Hermione/Ginny, though, we could talk), and I also really disliked Draco/Ron. I also am not here for Spock/McCoy (Star Trek), and I don't really enjoy Stucky (as in Captain America/Winter Soldier or Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes from Marvel).
OH and can I be a hater on main for a second? The first couple that I remember hating as a thing was probably Jo and Professor Bhaer from Little Women; I was SO MAD they married in the end. I felt very validated years later when I read that the author Lousia May Alcott was forced by her publisher to marry Jo off and made up the couple out of spite.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
The last fic I read was a Word of Honour modern AU pairing Wen Ke Xing/Zhou Zishu in which they rescued stray kittens.
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SInce I started this, I've also read a One Piece Luffy/Zoro fic (and that's not even my favourite ship--I've been a Zoro/Sanji girlie since the early 2000s! I'm weak for banter.)
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I have so many. SO many. Truly. I don't even know where to start with this question! I follow several AO3 tags and fanfic writers that I get regular fic updates from. Most of my OTPs are either canon (from queer/BL/GL media) or the most popular ship (I feel very lucky that my taste is so basic). There is no one couple I love the most. Just going to throw a dart at the board: From BL, the one I come back to a lot is Hira/Kiyoi in Utsukushii Kare, because their dynamic is so intense.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Hmm. That's what fandom is for, so not really? I usually get more annoyed when people do get together that I wish had stayed platonic (never forgiving Pacific Rim for that kiss, it was so unnecessary). And I'm extremely mad about censorship, i.e. couples that DID get together but we didn't get to see it for whatever reason (see e.g. Uranus and Neptune from Sailor Moon Sailor Stars; Chinese danmei novel live-action adaptations). Otherwise there are lots of these but I just read the fanfic and recover. I'll say I'm still annoyed Buffy didn't get to have with Faith what she had with Spike though. Their chemistry was off the charts.
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
This is such a hard question. I came around a little on Lan Xichen/Jiang Cheng from MDZS/the Untamed, though it's still not my fave (it's a soft no not a hard no). I'll also give you an oldie: Andie McPhee and Pacey from Dawson's Creek. I hated Andie's character back in the day but now I like her character but really dislike how she was used in the show, which isn't the same thing. And I actually really liked how she and Pacey worked together.
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I'll also give you a BL one: Kurosawa and Haruta in Ossan's Love. Ossan's Love s1 & 3 it was clear they were not OTP so that's a bit irrelevant anyway, but it's much less clear in s2 (the AU season) and the first time I watched it I wasn't sure how I felt about the way that season ended as much as I loved the season as a whole. I like it more every time I rewatch.
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
LOL I am with everyone else on the Brian/Justin train but since that's been said twice I'll go with something else. I was a big Harry/Draco shipper back in the day, which would now probably get me cancelled for shipping someone with his bully (though a significant part of the fun of that ship was about how Draco was such an ineffectual bully...but I digress), in addition to of course how the author's transphobia ruined the whole thing for all of us (fanfic doesn't make her any money, so I don't have a problem continuing to read it in theory, but it's left a sour note over my experience and makes any engagement in that fandom less fun).
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I was one of those foolish people obsessed with Hawkeye/Coulson before we'd even seen them face-to-face or knew almost anything about MCU Clint Barton. I still read fanfic of that ship even though it's been fully jossed and makes no sense at all anymore. Ok one more, I really love the very small Breakfast Club fandom shipping Brian/John and Claire/Allison. I've read the few fics on AO3 for the queer pair ghost ships in that show multiple times.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Of all time, I've probably read the most Kirk/Spock fanfic. But that's due to the length of time I've been into the ship, the amount of time it's existed, and its popularity. I still read Kirk/Spock regularly.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Honestly most can be boiled down to grumpy/sunshine pairs in which both are very competent in specific ways and both are hiding crippling self esteem issues behind their grumpy or sunshine-ness, and have strong but differing moral codes that they each respect in one another (and is usually where the feelings start). Banter is a must. I am admittedly also here for height difference in my ships. Double-plus bonus for terrible communicators who learn to understand one another's particular communication quirks.
Perfect encapsulation of this dynamic is Danny/Steve from Hawaii Five-0 (listen that show was copaganda trash but the fanfic was fun as hell).
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Power dynamics that remain unaddressed as part of the story. Hate to love that isn't earned over time. When the relationship makes each other worse rather than better. When they never learn to trust one another. When one of them is in it as part of a savior complex and that doesn't get challenged or worked through. When only one of them has a personality. There's very little that I'd say is a hard no in terms of dynamics or setup for me, but it has to be handled well, and sometimes I don't have the energy to give something the benefit of the doubt.
tagging: @respectthepetty @wen-kexing-apologist @so-much-yet-to-learn @ginnymoonbeam @bengiyo with as always no pressure, plus anyone who sees this who wants to fill it out, consider yourself tagged and let me know so I can see it!
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sareinadale · 4 months
please tell us more about this helsa series you are writing 👀💕
nonnieeee!! but it wouldn't be a surprise now, don't you think so?
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okay honestly, i wasn't planning on working on a long helsa series, though i did have a similar plan with the 'marriage of convenience' trope as the core of the series.
what started out was really just a series of twitter banters with my friend that expanded into fully fleshed plots, with some spanning over a month or three depending on how far the plot develops.
truthfully, i've been yearning to find a writing partner who could match my writing style and be excited to write SO MUCH about a ship. while helsa initially wasn't my OTP ( yes, i started out as jelsa ), somewhere in 2022, i turned into an ardent helsa shipper thanks to my other friend.
ANYWAY, back to the series ( me and my big mouth can't hold it back anymore ):
the entire premise of the story takes place after the events of Frozen 1, but not until Frozen 2. her magic is still there, just not at the forefront as it did in the first movie. and oh, yeah, it's in the mid-1800s! there's also inspiration drawn from ( majorly ) the frozen musical, a frozen heart and a little bit of dangerous secrets.
others may have written something similar like mine, but this is really an extensive series of ‘what-ifs’ that mainly focuses on the aftermath of her coronation, her struggles of trying to be a good queen for arendelle and all the times she shouldn’t hang out with hans, who showed up on arendelle after serving his prison sentence for two years ( roughly ) – which led to her falling for his pretense like anna.
of course, there's a few original characters that we made for this series! besides that, i personally have a pinterest board dedicated to hans and elsa, alongside a spotify playlist that follows their entire journey :D
there’s also an element of hans’s morally grey side, which, as santino fontana said, hans isn't what he seems to be ( meaning he has personal motivations like any other people ) and my lovely friend who writes as hans has the most detailed lore on him and everything, and i honestly couldn't be luckier and so SO grateful to know them and write together ❤️
obviously, when we started plotting, we realized that their story's going to be LONG, and we've decided to break it down into three major acts. the second act is arguably going to be the longest and where we are currently.
so, the theme of the story is the title of the series itself: 'in hindsight'.
in hindsight is basically a sequel to a prequel titled 'shattering ice'. in this one, the story explicitly deals with her first visit to the isles and meeting the star-studded cast of the westergaards whom, again, my friend here has built – completely tragic, awful, and all things negative that shows who they are as a family.
also the prequel will serve as the starting point of their relationship because we don't want to jump on that chemistry building with haste.
right now, we're mostly focusing on in hindsight and pretty much pausing shattering ice. also, because the former became a full blown series, i had to upgrade my g-drive storage hahaha so all of their past plots and current ones are safely stored in there.
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all in all, this series is arguably the most special endeavor i've ever done. it's got a TON of emotional realism in there, soft moments in the form of jane austen-esque longing touches kinda way, gut-wrenching angst and a bittersweet ending ( i'm not ready for the last part, but we've planned on how the series will end ).
even in spite of our busy schedules, we found time to keep writing out the replies, info-dumping personal headcanons of our characters and hyping each other whenever the ship had their fluff / angst moment. i seriously could not thank my friend enough, and i really appreciate her for all the helsa brainrots ❤️
and finally, the reason i've not put it up on AO3 is because i didn't want that invisible pressure of needing to update it. i mean, yes, it's still ongoing, but imagine if i just upload the complete series and voila? basically giving a delight to potential readers that the series is done hahaha.
i don't foresee we'll finish it by end of this year, even though we started out since june last year. but who knows, it could end well until the following year?
okay nonnie, there you go 🤓
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chaosrealm · 2 months
For the OTP/Ship game.
1, 13, 22, 42, 50, 51 - Reiko and Aella 😁
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1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’?
Both of them. Especially in times when one of them takes a risk to save the other and ends up hurt. "Why would you risk yourself? I had it under—" "Because I love you! And that is the only reason I need."
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
Unsurprisingly, it's Reiko. During a sparring match or even at royal feasts, Reiko can and will find an opportunity to tease Aella. He'll taunt that she could do better when he's got her in a hold she can't get out of. If she's made to wear a dress to a feast? Better believe he's stroking her thigh under the table.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Reiko is reminded of Aella anytime he looks up at the moon and stars, hence her nickname: my light. She is his guiding light even in the darkest of days. Aella is reminded of Reiko when she's under the fur blankets in their bed. When she's having an awful day, she's curled underneath them, remembering all the memories they've made together.
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
They love sharing rainy days in bed together. Whether focused on a book or unable to keep their hands off each other, they cherish their private moments together.
50. Who’s more likely to do something out of spite?
Reiko!!! After everyone told him he couldn't tame Onaga and that it was an impossible task, what did he do?? He tamed him!
51. What’s a non-verbal way they say I love you?
When they lock hands and butt their helmets together. A shared nod before any fight/battle. When Reiko insists he stitches up her wounds instead of her straining with her magic. Sharpening each other's weapons / Mending broken armor.
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mikkeneko · 1 year
For choose violence ask game: 6, 12, 21, 24 (I was thinking mdzs but if you prefer to do them for another fandom go for it!)
Lots of options! Starting from the top!
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? ... for SVSSS.
I considered this for MDZS, but nothing really fit the bill. Other people doing this meme have named some subsets of WangXian stans, and while I can see the frustration, my OTP is also WangXian so those don't usually annoy me personally. XiYao and other 3Zun combos don't impinge on my enjoyment any, various F/F shippers are fine, juniors shippers bounce right off me... there are some specific types of character stans that annoy me but not so much ship fans.
However, I'd say that there is a specific subset of ship fans in SVSSS that do annoy the heck out of me -- LiuJiu shippers who seem to have decided that Shen Jiu is the actual one true hero of SVSSS and Liu Qingge is the one sole, shining source of reason who Understood Him (what?) and every other character is a horrible monster for doing him dirty. This character assassination starts at Luo Binghe (okay fair) extends to Shen Yuan (he didn't even get there until SJ was dead!) and Yue Qingyuan (c'mon, really?) and around the point where the ship thesis was explaining how Mu Qingfang was actually a horrible monster who denied medical care to all the disciples on Qing Jing Peak out of unfounded malicious spite against Shen Jiu, I was turned off this particular mindset quite permanently.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them... also for SVSSS
I dunno that I've got one of these. I think I don't tend to get into fandoms where the characters I like are broadly unpopular. There are characters who are divisive, but they tend to have fervent defenders as well as detractors (Anders from DA, Jiang Cheng from MDZS.) And characters that are broadly unpopular, well, I don't usually like them much either.
How about Zhuzhi-lang? I like Zhuzhi-lang. I don't know that he's unpopular so much that generally just doesn't seem to get much attention overall. Same for Tianlang-jun, maybe. Anyway what I like about ZZL specifically is that particular combination of sweet, good-hearted nature and absolutely blue and orange morality. You showed kindness to me and I love you! Now I will repay you by completely ruining your life. This step is completely logical and I can't see how anyone else wouldn't get it.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped... for MDZS
Guanyin Temple. I will not elaborate.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse... for MDZS
Absolutely everything relating to the Jiang family dysfunction. You can get takes in a spectrum running from "Yu Ziyuan was right to treat Wei Wuxian as she did because he was a bad seed and it doesn't count as abuse because it was normal for the setting" to "suggesting there's any kind of complex dynamics at play or that any of the people involved are any more complicated than a 2d papercut monster is abuse apologism" to "Jiang Cheng should simply have Understood that everything his parents and culture taught him was completely wrong, on his own, in a vacuum, as a teenager" to "Jiang Yanli should have made her parents stop being abusive, this is a reasonable thing to expect a teenager girl to accomplish" and they are all very bad
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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chartreuseian · 29 days
For the fanfic emoji ask: 💖, 💪, 🥘, and 🐸, please! :D
Hi hi!! Thank you for these.
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
Hmm... At the moment probably the Lessons series because it's one of the most complicated things I've taken on in a while. The first few stories are mostly just silly sexy smut, but as the series goes on it's going to shift and get a bit deeper than 'how hard was it to convince Nikola to jump into bed with John and James?'
💪What motivates you to write?
Spite, mostly.
Which is not actually a joke. I am exhaustingly stubborn and last year (after The Breakdown to End All Breakdowns after being metaphorically kicked in the teeth too many times) I had this moment where I realised that I was letting something I don't really care about (work) consume me entirely and that I hadn't done the things I liked to do in almost a decade as a result. So I made a point of reclaiming my time and my life, and part of that is writing every day even if what I produce is utter garbage. I track it and have a little graph to show my progress to keep me motivated too!
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
Ugh. All of them? I mean, Lessons for sure because I'm really pleased with how the Jack the Ripper part of the story is going to play out (I don't think it's what people will be expecting).
Weighted blanket smut for the lols.
And my attempt at a modern AU that is slowly but surely forming. I think it'll be fun, though I'm still not confident of my ability to write it well! It might never see the light of day, but I'm at least excited by the idea of it.
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
This is where I have to admit I'm not a Disney person. I've seen some of them, but I didn't grow up on them and I've never really gotten into them since. Like, I know the plot of Lion King only because it's Hamlet?
I think you could do a Beauty and the Beast thing though, but maybe flip it. Helen is the evil beast in the castle who is cursed (with longevity which gets really damn annoying after 1000 years or so - she just wants to be able to live out her life in peace) and Nikola is the innocent little flower who ends up breaking said curse because he can see past the bluster of her?
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shi-daisy · 8 months
Chapter 13 and 14 have me reeling omg ma'am! 😭 The fluff 💗 the twists😱 the smut 🥵 We been blessed! I love how Tamlin is finally getting his healing arc/found family/Lucien romance because the way you write our boy is so cuteeeee!!! The flashbacks were adorable, Lucien is so handsome and adorable and I need both of them to be happy and cherished forever. Goodbye SJM canon this is what's canon for me now!
Few questions tho, given that you've named all the other 'nameless' characters like the Vanserra family, Tamlin's family, and other secondary characters is there are a reason why you haven't named Rhysand's family? Like is it because you're looking for a fitting name or a story reason?
Also, given that the new Dusk Court is seemingly a mix of Greece and Japan do you have headcannons for the other courts? What would Spring, Autumn or Winter be?
Finally I can't wait to see more of the Njght Court rebellion. After the whole Dusk reveal I'm excited to see their reactions and maybe backstory, and them with the Valkyries because Gwyn and Lunara would be such a cute friendship. Also Grim is best boy I love this man he's had one scene and now I need a prequel we stan himbo dad warrior in this house! He's what Cassian should've been!
Speaking of, Nesta needs to come back and read everyone for filth! Book 2 might be all about her but she so fun to read here too, especially as Tam's sister (they'd be cute as a ship too but platonic siblings Nestlin is life)
Anyway so sorry for the long message, I love your fic and I'm cheering you on! 💗
Aaaaaaaaa!!!! Anon c'mere and let me hug you! You're so sweet! Thank you so much!!! 🥰🥰🥰 it's been a joy to write this fic and while I already loved Tamlin and Lucien both as individuals and as a ship before, thanks to the fic they've gone up to otp status in my heart. I'm so excited to keep bringing you my boys and their adventures be it sweet and fluffy or high stakes.
Okay so to answer your questions, the reason I haven't named Rhysand's family (or the other bat boys family) is less interesting that twist a or story and has more to do with spite. I am spiteful AF when it comes to the page hogging bats and I refuse to give them any once of development or thought other than antagosnist. So I have zero intention of naming any of those characters because I know SJM would grant them names before the Acheron parents or the Vanserras or any other more important character. So no, I'm just a petty spiteful slug in that case. Sorry to disappoint.
Glad to hear you cought the Greece/Japan mix invented for Dusk. Given that Night seems to be based on Greece along with Middle East at least from what little world building we were shown I thought it would be cool to have them have Greek influence due to Night's colonization but also retain the Japanese inspired culture and aesthetic that was theirs before their fall. I have some ideas for the other courts but these are just headcanons.
Spring- Scottland, France
Summer- Kingdom of Hawaii, Polynesian, Caribbean
Autumn- Spain, Ireland
Winter- Russia, Norway, Korea
Day- Madagascar, Kenya, Roman Empire
Dawn- India, China, Vietnam
Dusk- Japan, Greece, England (Gothic period)
Night- Greece, Middle East
You shall get more Night Court rebellion content soon, I love this group and trust me you haven't met them all yet, lots of peeps want Rhys gone. Gwyn and Lunara will be good pals don't you worry, priestess stick together and I really want more Gwyn she is a delight. Seriously considering a prequel with them at some point.
Funny you mention Grim, he's the favorite so far out of the Rebellion oc's and while I love this precious edgy himbo he is not of my creation @maplesamurai made him as an NPC for one of our D&D campaigns and I've been obsessed with him since then (that version of him and of D&D Lunara are also a couple, mates in every universe baby!) So thank him for the best boy and best himbo. Cassian's got nothing on the best dilf!
Nesta too will get more page time, I'm just keeping from adding too much before her own book, while her healing is mostly happening offscreen and she will be stable by the time of book 2 girlie will have stuff to deal with later that I need to put off for now, but do expect her to get a good moment along with the rest of the squad. Also yes platonic Nestlin for life! They'd be an awesome ship, but as siblings they're a winning combo. Eris look out Nesta now has an older brother to keep an eye on ya once you're official!
Don't ever worry about long questions anon, I live for comments and asks and any attention so I'm absolutely delighted that you sent me this and so grateful you love my silly fix it fic! Thanks so much and I hope I've answered your question! 💙
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dykekakashi · 4 months
Naruto - for the character ask
favorite thing about them
guy who refuses to give up on the people he loves? hello??????? he's this mr robot quote that has lived deeply in my psyche for probs like 5yrs now
But then there are some people out there … and it doesn’t happen a lot. It’s rare. But they refuse to let you hate them. In fact, they care about you in spite of it. And the really special ones, they’re relentless at it. Doesn’t matter what you do to them. They take it and care about you anyway. They don’t abandon you, no matter how many reasons you give them. No matter how much you’re practically begging them to leave.
least favorite thing about them
i have said this to u before but it does bug me a little that narratively he's never allowed to grapple with "bad" emotions ... difficult emotions. pain, anger, rage, etc. i love when he yells at nagato that he wants to kill him so badly he can't stop shaking. i wish we'd had more of that and the resolution to it ...
favorite line
it's between "can you kill me calmly, sasuke?" and "i'll bear the burden of your hatred and i'll die with you" 🤡
sakura & naruto my beloveds!! their annoying siblings energy is so off the charts. but also they love support and respect each other<33 it's so good
does it even need to be stated ...... that man has eyes for sasuke only ...
does it .... need to be stated .... n*ruhina sorry ...
random headcanon
i believe wholeheartedly that used to eat glue as a kid. in class. mainly because he was bored and curious and then iruka scolded him once and it just made him want to do it more
unpopular opinion
he would not. be a good dad. i know this one hits a lot of people the wrong way and tbh i don't mean i agree w boruto. the issue isn't that he doesn't have time it's that he doesn't have the skillset for it and frankly after all the hashtag trauma and the way he handles his own emotions ... learning that is just not his #1 priority. adopting a bunch of random older orphans as found family is the way to go abt it for me
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
this one has been the easiest to do.
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tweltchy · 4 months
Well, hello. I haven't been tagged in one of these things for literal years! Was tagged by @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n to fill out a sort of "get to know me" meme. Thanks so much!! To keep this going, I'll tag some beloved mutuals.
@rye-satchel, @kaykayfranco, @lottafuckingshit
3 ships:
Not much of a shipper and the ones I do like are kinda strange, but I got a few that hold a place in my heart. It's not three, tho. Ye get two.
Rarity x Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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The MLP Resurgence on this website is a gift from above. I get it now........... they are so cute and we stan gay horses. Iconic butch/femme couple....... I don't think I need to say more than that.
Sam Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Feel like i need to justify myself here.
Listen........... i know the show is dumb and stupid and it's over now, but I still think about it. Tbh, I shipped it out of spite at first, but then I kinda started to see potential in it, and now it's one of my OTPs. They are both queer in some way and i will die on that hill. Big sucker for the Friends to Lovers trope, and and and...... idk I just think they're sweet, especially given their growth together in the show. plus Sam doesn't abuse Cass like Dean does so that's a plus lolololololol
IDK. I just think if Cass confessed to Sam, Sam would have at least shown strong emotion. Probably would have tried to sacrifice everything to try and get him back.
first ship:
Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
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Again, not really much of a shipper, but I remember the first ship that I reeeeeaaally got into was this one. They are just...so perfect for each other.... it's hard not to love them.
last song:
The most underrated as well as the darkest song the band ever made. I think about it constantly and adore it.
last film:
Ginger Snaps (2000)
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It's one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I saw it was free to watch on YouTube and watched it twice in a row. It's so good and a unique take on werewolf stories. I recommend it if you have an interest in werewolves. It is free to watch in English on YouTube, but it's only available to watch in the USA for some reason. It's blocked everywhere else, INCLUDING Canada. ??? That's dumb as hell. Snag a VPN and watch it.
Regardless!! Good movie.
currently reading:
-Lots of TTRPG corebooks/rulebooks.
I love tabletop RPGs!!!!
-Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica.
Jules Dapper on YouTube sold me on this book, and it's one of my new favorites. Very dark and depressing, but also very compelling!
currently craving:
A BIG sandwich with every vegetable ever.
fav color:
All shades of purple!
relationship status:
Not single.
last google search:
"halifax glove guy"
The fact that this dude is actually real and not some weird urban legend fascinates me more than it should. Stay safe out there, guys.
current obsessions:
-Kingdom Hearts (my forever fandom and favorite game series ever)
-Final Fantasy series
-Animation and art
Thanks for tagging me!! :D
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