ratsinlife · 6 years
hey guys,
  I found this relateable post today,
“I once tried to explain depression to someone as like if one day you gradually started to lose both your sense of taste and your ability to feel full. And you don’t know why, but now everything you eat tastes like mashed potatoes and nothing you eat I satisfying. You keep eating because you must eat to survive, but the effort that it takes to…
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ratsinlife · 7 years
a little update :D
a little update :D
hi everyone! yes, I know. It’s been a while. sooowwwwiiii 😀   But to make it up to you, I have an exciting post coming up about a certain sexy individual that has recently popped into my life out of nowhere! But more on that later. for those of you who would like to read some of my poetry, be sure to go check out my page on tumblr for some of my poems and don’t be shy to leave comments, critique…
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ratsinlife · 7 years
sir slaughter vs blackwidow
A Devil's Confession:
You ride around on your high horse
Words of disappointment shooting from your mouth like daggers
You say this and that, but worse
You forget, sir slaughter
You ran in this maze of dominos too
With each block falling, you dodge and hide
Just to stay alive
My dominos may vary from yours
From ours
But dominos nonetheless
As the night darkens
The air thickens
The struggle to breathe
Grows deep within my mess
On the contrary
Your were not my knight in shining armor
The light at the end of the night
Instead you were a deeper darker tunnel
You were dark and cold
As dark and cold as tunnels go
I dodged the dominos
I thought I'd be afraid
I was a coward
Instead I found shelter in your tunnel
Rather, I longed for your darkness
For whatever one may believe
Your darkness ignited
In my lifeless body
I felt alive
Yearning for your danger
Still, I ducked from dominos
I was a hopeless rat
I needed control and charge
But with you sir slaughter
I wanted no control at all
There was one last domino
I've wronged you
I fear your dark metal armor
You armor that once held me
And for that I beg of you
Please do forgive me, in between the dominos
I know life is such
I have no fear of my mistakes
My weaknesses
My burdens and punishments
I will take those on like a lion a prey
I am aware
My faults and mistakes
Have gone too far
But honestly and truly, they are no more
But Sir Slaughter
I do concede
A life without your darkness
Is a life I want no part of
Do see
My actions were a foolish at best
Driven by a deep desire and care
Oh do see
Sir Slaughter,
Don't be scared
My heart has turned to steel
I won't push you to feel
Dear Black widow,
This maze you speak of is a trap.
I saw it coming and was ready to attack.
I don’t dodge I simply walk through.
The amount of damage I took, you have no clue.
These obstacles you call “dominos” are but distractions.
To think, you thought I was blinded to your traitorous actions.
Nothing escapes SirSlaughter’s gaze,
Not even this pathetic maze.
The darkness, my air.
The shadows light up my stare.
Darkness is where I roam,
Open your eyes and gaze upon my throne.
For forgiveness, you begged on your knees.
All I see is a little rat running for an easy piece of cheese.
Run little rat, run and find what keeps you alive.
My life is bountiful of what keeps you deprived.
You never ducked from any dominos, you pushed them my way.
Trying to damage my armour with your venomous sway.
No fear for your mistakes, I call that no remorse.
A path set for self-destruction lies ahead on this course.
Eat your cheese, it’ll feel like flying.
Run and hide from your mistakes like a rat pretending to be a lion.
In this darkness, I know what I see is true.
Try and raise your claws and show the lack of fight in you.
You are out of your league, pathetic creature trying to belong to the night.
Your filth plagues my domain with a distasteful blight.
Run in fear to the light at the end of the aisle.
Sword drawn, I’m ready for your trial.
Just like you said… Come and kneel.
I’ll be sure to pierce that venomous heart made of steel.
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ratsinlife · 7 years
when it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them.
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ratsinlife · 7 years
looking through the wormhole
looking through the wormhole
hi everyone, I just wanted to thank all of those that has made a response to my posts, and most of all for all of you who have been reading! So the last time I wrote, I explained to you what has happened to me, because of me. So this past week I flew down to where it all happened.And holy shit it was a whirlwind to vaguely describe it. On Sunday evening I did everything in my power to keep myself…
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ratsinlife · 7 years
facing demons
hi everyone, this post is a little harder for me to write. Partly because I’m not too sure what my feelings are currently. As you guys learnt from my previous post, some months ago my bestfriend and lover died. Tonight I have to fly to the place where he died. Up until now, I thought I was dealing alright with all of my emotions and the the trauma I had went through. But now as the time draws…
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ratsinlife · 7 years
background checks
hi everyone, how exciting, my very first post! so obviously you guys don’t know me as yet, so here’s what has shaped me into who i am today from the past few months.   growing up with my mum, I saw how she went from guy to guy after my dad left us. Eventually I became scared that that’s what life has in store for me too, men that come and go into your life as they please without giving it a…
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ratsinlife · 9 years
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ratsinlife · 9 years
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i want this tattoo. for my love of The Used, trees, and Alex Pardee’s amazing artwork.
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ratsinlife · 9 years
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ratsinlife · 9 years
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I looked at view and thought, How is it possible to be so privileged.
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ratsinlife · 9 years
Windy days
Close your eyes Take a breath Spread your wings and Fly!
No tiger to match That power No mountain stands tall enough To rise above you
Now fly like A soaring eagle With the wind rushing Through your hair.
Rats In Life
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ratsinlife · 9 years
The moon should tell me her secrets, so I may find out if he loves me.
The Chatting Heart  (via wnq-writers)
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ratsinlife · 9 years
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To the LAZ bunch,
Drip drip drip
As we sit outside Water droplets encircling us
Warmth and comfort Protecting us From cruelty in pleasure
Unity Defining us through steps of life Gravity Pulling us closer to the earth Universe We are, experiencing itself
Through laugh Heart break And sorrow
We are.
Drip drip drip
Doni, Z.
Rats In Life
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ratsinlife · 9 years
Harry Potter Marathon
I sit here tonight Skies are dark, Hopes fade.
But Like galaxies without stars, Oceans without waves, Popcorn without salt,
I am not complete Without your warming touch On my skin, creeping Deeper Towards my bones.
I yearn for your presence. Love, come quick.
For I may not live, But yet exist.
Rats In Life
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