naturalbeautyhelp · 3 years
Acne Cures on a budget  (revamped)
Acne is a very tricky subject that millions of people struggle with- sometimes for their entire lives. If you have struggled yourself I’m sure you’re aware that there is no cure-all for acne, but there may be some methods for healing the skin that you haven’t heard yet so I’m going to share everything I know with you just in case.  First, the basics:
1. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods. This is just a given. If you want to feel comfortable in your skin you may have to make some lifestyle changes. that Includes getting regular exercise and sunlight. 2. Recognize the fact that your skin is an organ. Like any organ it has an ecosystem of healthy bacteria that ought to be treated with care- much like a garden. It will need different things on different days, and in order to reach it’s fullest potential, the gardener (that’s you) will need to pay close attention to it. 
3. Be aware that pimples are infected pores which are attempting to heal themselves. The puss inside of them is a soup of white blood cells which are trying to repair the skin for some reason. Finding the root cause of the infection before treatment is ideal. 
A few common acne culprits: Your acne could be hormonal, it could be caused by allergies (ex: food allergies, detergent allergies), or your skin may be getting bacterial infections from unsanitary surfaces or poor air quality. 
Now to get into the technical stuff: 
~If your skin is hurting, red, swollen, try putting down harsh chemicals like Niacinamide and Retinol, and try something calming like rosehip oil or aloe vera.
  Amaranthus oil, tea tree oil, rapeseed oil, rosewater, and witch hazel are all examples of gentle things that are amazing for the skin. I know natural skin healers can be very expensive, but if you can’t afford them don’t hesitate to steel them from your local, unethical corporate store. If you need tips on s***lifting,  try visiting this Reddit community at   https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegalLifeProTips/
~Rinse your face with cool or cold water every time you wash it. This seals up your pores and prevents dirt and bacteria from entering them.
~Make sure that the things that touch your face every day are clean. Make sure that the cloths and towels that you use on your face are clean. Disinfect face tools regularly and use hot water on wash cloths to kill bacteria between washes.  Clean your glasses. Change your sheets and pillow cases frequently. In addition, avoid touching your face constantly with your hands as well as your hair, and keep your hands and hair clean. 
~⚠️Don’t pick your face! Pimples are like Petri dishes full of puss and bacteria and when you pop them you are just spreading the ickiness around to the rest of your face. In addition to that, every time you pop a pimple you are damaging the barrier of your skin, which not only can cause scarring and dark spots, but it can leave your skin vulnerable to bad bacteria and cause further breakouts. For these reasons, you should only pop a zit as a last resort. 
~Popping: If you have very stubborn acne and insist on popping anyway, go to an aesthetician if you have the privilege to do so
If you can not see an aesthetician, try this method for safe pimple popping: 
Wash the affected area with hot water and a mild soap. Pop the pimple making sure you get EVERYTHING out of it, wash it again with extra hot water, dry it with something clean. Then, apply lots of pressure to the popped pimple so that it doesn't get the chance to “refill” itself (use a q-tip if you have one for at least 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on how big the pimple is). Next, put some rubbing alcohol, and some diluted tea tree oil on the pimple and cover it with the sticky part of a band-aid. Leave the band-aid on until you are certain that it will not grow back.
~🛑 Stop using all of those skincare products. Obviously if they worked, you wouldn't even be reading this. Using certain products (especially the harsher ones) can cause allergic reactions and sometimes dry out your skin, which can trigger your skin to produce extra oil to overcompensate, which leads to acne. They also tend to eat away at you financially. Break the vicious cycle. Try tossing all of your products and use a mild soap and simple moisturizer for a few weeks before starting anything new again.
If you insist on using acne products then follow this important rule.                 🚨 🚨  Do not use multiple products within the same 3 weeks. Doing this makes it impossible to figure out which products could be helping or causing further damage to your skin.
~Know that many skin care products do have valuable substances, but they use fillers and fragrances that can ruin your skin. Try looking at the ingredients in your skin care products, researching the individual components, and purchasing said components individually. Ex: instead of buying an ‘aloe infused moisturizer’, try purchasing real aloe vera gel- or better yet buy an aloe vera plant- and use that ingredient as you see fit. It can be more cost effective, better for the environment, and a good learning experience. 
~Avoid wearing foundation and concealer. Of course it is tempting to cover acne with makeup, but your makeup can add fuel to the fire by clogging pores and spreading bad bacteria 
~If you are applying makeup to the face, make sure that you are regularly cleaning your brushes and disinfecting your pallets. Dirty makeup supplies don’t just contribute to acne, they can cause gnarly infections in sensitive areas (like the eyes) and send you to the hospital.
Now here are some advanced methods for healing the skin. Feel free to alter them so that they suit your specific needs:
🧖🏾‍♀️The Steam Method:
If you suspect that your soap is a culprit, or you just want to try something new, replace your morning cleansing routine with this (give skin 2 weeks time to purge before deciding whether or not this works for you). Get a light oil, preferably rosehip or coconut, and rub it on your face very well for at least 30 seconds. Then, take a clean washcloth and submerge it in the hottest water you can take. Take the washcloth and firmly press it against the entire surface of your face until it cools. Use the cloth to remove all the oil you can manage. 
🧖🏼‍♀️The other Steam Method:
Get a pot and boil water in it. Put your face over the boiling water (not too close lol) and let the steam open up your pores for 5-10 minutes. After you are done, use a clean, damp washcloth to wipe your face. Then get an ice cube or cold water and put it all over your face to seal your pores back up. Personally I like putting tea in the water sometimes. Peppermint tea and green tea are great. 
🩹 Bandaging:
Now this might sound ridiculous, but I have learned that putting bandages/band-aids onto your face at night can make a world of difference when it comes to acne and hyperpigmentation. My personal method is this: each night after I steam and wash my face, I put tiny bit of rubbing alcohol onto each pimple. I then wash and sanitize my hands with rubbing alcohol, apply diluted tea tree oil to each problem area on my face, and then take an ordinary cloth bandage and cover every zit that I can find. After each zit is covered, I apply moisturizer and serums to the rest of the face as I normally would. Change bandages frequently (1-3 times a day depending on how oily your skin is), and leave them on the affected area until swelling has gone down. Repeat the process as many times as you’d like. 
Usually normal bandaids are fine, but at times when my acne flares up badly I will go so far as to use gauze on large areas of my face. The cloth absorbs any oil that your skin secrets while protecting it from bacteria and sweat all night long, and the bandage seals in the tea tree oil so that it can penetrate your pores. I have noticed that the sticky part of a bandaid does the best job at diffusing large pimples as opposed to the white cloth part which is best for blackheads. 
~If all else fails and you have done your best to cure acne at home, consider talking to a doctor if you have that option. 🥼 They may try to prescribe an acne medication, but these options tend to be extremely expensive and hard on your organs. Ask them if you can try a prescribed antibiotic supplement first. 
Last but certainly not least: Sit with the fact that picture perfect skin is not healthy skin. As mentioned earlier, your skin is an organ. And it’s job is merely to protect your insides- not to get you onto the cover of a magazine. Your skin is not meant to look like the porcelain on a doll. 
💊💊💊💊💊And that is it! wow that was a long post. I hope this can help at least one person out there with their skin troubles because this took forever 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 3 years
No to messages like this. Capitalism is not self care! 
You owe it to yourself to be wealthy.
You owe it to yourself to break generational curses.
You owe it to yourself to wake up and have more money than you could ever spend in your bank account.
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naturalbeautyhelp · 3 years
All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.
Ellen Glasgow (via qvotable)
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naturalbeautyhelp · 5 years
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Please put sunscreen on your skin and hair regularly ❤️ 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 5 years
take care
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naturalbeautyhelp · 5 years
Get rid of chapped lips
🕊Drink plenty of water
🐈Eat vitamin rich foods such as fish, chicken, and leafy greens
🐉Exfoliate your lips by wetting a wash cloth with warm water and scrubbing
🐏use coffee grounds or sugar as an exfoliant
🐿Replace chapstick with castor oil or vitamin E oil
🦌check the ingredients of your lip products. Make sure that there are no dyes or strange chemicals in your makeup and moisturizers
🐢if your skin tends to be dry, consider taking a vitamin B supplement
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naturalbeautyhelp · 5 years
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naturalbeautyhelp · 5 years
How to have long hair (for all hair types) part 2
1.  Eat more vitamin rich foods (especially those oily foods) such as fish, avocados, nuts, chicken, and whole milk. 2. Wear protective styles throughout the day. Protective hairstyles are styles which hide the ends of your hair and prevents them from being snagged on clothing and other objects. Braids, buns, and up-dos are considered protective styles. This does not only apply to curly haired folk! 
3. STOP PULLING YOUR PONYTAILS SO TIGHT. Having a smooth pony or bun looks great and all, but doing this all of the time can tear out your hair from the root. Doing this also lessens blood flow to your scalp which inhibits hair growth. If you ever get a headache or notice that your edges are thinning out its time to loosen those hair styles, people. Braids, buns, ponytails, etc. should allow for your fingers to access the scalp easily. 
4. Stimulate the scalp with touch. While having your hair up can protect your hair from dirt and breakage, you should still let it down every day or so and rub your scalp with your fingertips to stimulate hair growth. 
5. Do not scratch your scalp with the nails or with combs. Not even while washing it. Doing these things damages the scalp- and where does our hair grow from? that’s right, your scalp lol. Baby your scalp to avoid skin disorders, itchiness, and dryness.
6. Use a “refresher”. Grab your favorite conditioner or hair moisturizer, dilute it with a ton of water, and spritz a bit of it on your hair and scalp at least once a week. 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Via Pinterest
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
How to Get Rid of Cellulite  (that “cottage cheese” looking skin)
If you have cellulite and are feeling self conscious about it, do not worry. Here are some facts backed up by science that may help you feel a bit better.
1. Working out, losing weight, taking a supplement, or applying a topical ointment will NOT get rid of cellulite. This is because once you have a fat cell in your body, it is there for life. However, you can shrink fat cells, tone the muscle around them to hide them better, and prevent new ones with the stuff I’m gonna share today. (thats right. look it up! any scientific article will tell you that cellulite does not just “disappear”. Don't give in to false advertisements. All of these “supplements” and “miracle treatments” are just scams, hun).
2. Stop eating pork, stop eating processed foods, and stop eating butter/margarine. Foods like this will worsen the appearance of cellulite and maybe even cause your body to produce more of it. That stuff is bad for your body anyways, so ditch it. 
3. Cellulite is partially caused by excessive rubbing against the skin, which separates the fat from the muscle, and forms little “pockets” of fat under the skin (rendering the cottage cheese texture). Avoid wearing tight clothes and try to avoid sitting and lying down all day long. 
4. 8 out of 10 women have cellulite (even some men have it!), so you are far form being alone in this. It is very normal for women to have cellulite simply because of the way their bodies are made.
5. Sometimes cellulite is hereditary. If your mom or grandma has it then chances are, you need to work extra hard to avoid developing it.
6. Having cellulite does not necessarily indicate that you are overweight or out of shape. In fact, many skinny women have cellulite. 
7. For those with thigh/bum issues or those who just want to prevent cellulite: Do squats whenever you are bored or just aren't doing anything. Literally anywhere, any time. This will prevent further fat cells from being deviants and turning into cellulite, and toning your booty can help disguise cellulite that has already been established. 
8. and For those of you with tummy issues: Plank until your abs burn whenever you feel the urge to snack. 
9. If your cellulite is already well established, everything will be okay👌 There are many classy ways to disguise your problem areas:
     -Just cover it up. Wearing tights under skirts, bloomers under dresses, corsets around your bae, shawls/shrugs/chiffon scarves on dates, robes around your home, and ruffled sleep shorts at sleepovers can not only hide everything you are feeling nervous about. It can make you feel super cute and confident about yourself. Doing this will also make your wardrobe more complete and make you look more put together. 
     - Rub castor oil into the skin. The shine will take tons of attention off of your cellulite, and the vitamin E in the oil will tone the skin, making issues less noticeable. 
     - Use highlighter to highlight your attributes to take attention away from your flaws. 
10. Please love yourself and your body and leave anyone who puts you down or makes you feel ugly. You are perfect just the way you are and your body is simply doing its best job to support you and keep you alive. 💕 
Here is a source btw because credibility is important: https://www.webmd.com/beauty/get-rid-of-cellulite#1
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Put some fresh flowers in your hair 🌸 ✨ 
Not only will they look delicious, certain flowers provide you with aromatherapy. Roses, rosemary, chamomile, honeysuckle, and jasmine will keep you smelling beautiful and calm all day long. 
Pro tip: rosemary takes forever to wilt, so you can wear it for days on end. it also is very fragrant 🌿 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Bath Bombs Hurt Vaginas
Scientists are still working on cracking this case, but many health experts are worried that most bath bombs may be affecting the genital health of its users and increasing chances of yeast infections. 
“Some people think that the perfumes in bath bombs can harm the ‘good bacteria’ in the genital area, allowing harmful bugs that might cause problems like thrush, urinary infections and cystitis to flourish. So if you are prone to these problems, you may want to try using an unperfumed bath bomb instead of perfumes ones.”
Try using organic bath bombs and reading the ingredients closely. If you don’t understand an ingredient simply ask the company about it or google it- chances are it can be throwing off your pH and causing some smelly, itchy health issues for you in the future if you aren’t careful.
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Take a soak in some fresh flowers (skip the soap and soak for about 20 minutes) 🌸 🌹 🌼 This will purify the skin, soften the hair, and the aroma will calm you down. 
Roses, peony, rosemary, chamomile, hibiscus, jasmine, lavender, and marigolds, are only a few of the many flowers that not only smell lovely but are healthy for your skin, hair, and mind. 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Herbs, Milk, and Flowers work wonders on your skin and organs. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise 🌹 🍂 🍃 🥛 ☕️ 🍵 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Garlic, Onions, and other Alliums (especially garlic, garlic is lit)
Garlic Contains a Compound Called Allicin, Which Has Potent Medicinal Properties. It Is also Highly Nutritious and contains very few calories. Oh, and it combats illness. Its just one of the best foods ever to be honest. 
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naturalbeautyhelp · 6 years
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Here are some good things to bathe in to improve the health of your skin, hair, and general wellness. 
1. Essential oils. Essential oils can heal your mind and improve your mind with aromatherapy (frankincense, sandalwood, and lavender oil especially), , and some of them -such as tea tree and eucalyptus- can improve the health of your skin and scalp 2. Mineral salt (not to be confused with table salt). salt evens out your skin tone, releases muscle tension, heals bruises and scrapes, and purifies your pores (preventing acne). 
3. Milk. Milk (especially raw/unprocessed milk) is full of vitamins that nourish the skin and hair and treat dryness. 
4. Wine. Wine reverses aging, tones the skin, and prevents hair loss. 
5. Tea. Plenty of different types of tea are beneficial to the hair and skin- especially Green tea.
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