mournful-morticianxx · 1 year
Idk what to call this but…
In the excitement I lost myself
and the regret still ceases to grow
despite the contamination you caused
The hope sprouts through the cracks
in the part of my brain
that knows better than to yearn
for a melody to a song
that won’t ever be written.
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mournful-morticianxx · 1 year
High Tide
I want my body to fade into sand
My hands to crumble into a collection of rocks and pebbles
Disappear slowly, my legs to become grit,
seashells to be where my hair should lie,
and small stones to replace my stomach
I want to be swept away into the water,
and be mixed up in myself infinitely
I want to experience inner peace,
in providing beauty for others,
in a way I will never be able to provide for myself
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mournful-morticianxx · 1 year
The late night shopping for red lace
perfectly tending to size and detail
ensuring it would fit the curves
I so desperately hoped you would hold
Strained palms grasped onto the hope
of being asked to remain in place
and doze to the sound of your breathing
until dusk returned and left only the smell of you in my hair
You see, I wanted to give you everything
and in return
you gave me ailment,
and an empty gas tank
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