moon-writings13 · 5 months
💞💞Thank you for existing 💞💞 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox💕
Thank YOU for existing! Hope everything is going well!
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moon-writings13 · 1 year
Hi guys, I’m alive and writing, I’ve been more focused on school and the real world so I haven’t been on tumblr much but I’m also excited to share some things I’ve been working on. I started writing a large original project, that I actually am thinking about publishing when its finally done (though that will take a long time), but I still plan on continuing writing fanfic if I don’t get too busy. The type of fanfic I post might change a little because I’m not that big on X Reader anymore but will finish up the pieces I started at some point.
Anyway this is an original piece that could be set in a Star Wars or dystopian type of setting. I hope you like it.
taglist (sorry if you no longer want to be tagged just tell me and I’ll remove you):
@helllucifer @fullangelimagines @samslave @grimreaperlover11 @bluetree76  @e-bendy @stiles-o-dylan24 @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog  @roseisreallytired @satanic-panic139 @starlit-bri @dickgraaysons  @heartifilias @the-long-gone-souls  @gaeasun
Anyone missing tell me, anyone not wanting to be tagged tell me
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moon-writings13 · 3 years
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
I'm working on a bit of a backstory to 'For you I'd deal with the Vultures' or I'd deal with the Vultures for short (I need a better shortened title) and I'm having a hard time figuring out whether to go with the version that Includes the New York special or Ignores it. Leave your recommendations in my ask box or the notes
I might post a preview of both options for you guys to decide
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Kiana's Masterlist
This will be divided by pairing, fandom, and what type (x reader or a pairing)
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For You I'd Deal with the Vultures
Preview, idea, photo, date dress, asking about the name
Chapter 1 [not yet available]
Maze Runner
Twin series (oc Marie centric, Marie x Gally, Marie and Thomas are twins):
My art, painting version (takes place in When the Darkness Comes)
When the Darkness Comes [Fever Code and Maze Runner rewrite] chapter 1 (not yet available)
Thomas's Mutiny [Scorch Trials and Death Cure rewrite] chapter 1 (not yet available)
Whatever you put me through I come out alive [miscellaneous pieces during Death cure] part 1 (not yet available)
Thomas and the Lullaby (side piece)
Thomas x Ocs:
Lise Subject B-13
Chapter 1 [not yet available]
(#stilesodylan24celebrates1k prompt:“You must be mistaken - I don’t know who you are.") [wip, not yet posted]
[not yet posted, undecided whether it will be a multichapter or one shot]
X Readers
Dylan O'Brien characters:
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Hold On
Thomas (Maze Runner)
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"I won't lose you too" prompt fic [wip, not yet finished]
DCU Characters:
Jason Todd
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Hell was the Journey but it Brought me to You
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Hell was the Journey but it Brought me to you (Invisible String Song fic)
Loosely based on the song Invisible String by Taylor Swift 
Jason Todd x Reader
'Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at Centennial Park'
I remember reading by the lake in my favorite park, a state park that wasn't all that far from where I used to live. Its beauty always stunned me, looking like a magic realm in my eyes. I hoped someone might find it as beautiful and peaceful as me.
'I used to think I would meet somebody there
Teal was the color of your shirt
When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money'
I used to think I'd be with someone I went to school with, but then I saw you pass by one day. I was 15 and so were you, you were passing through, off to do something that I had no clue about. One look and I was stunned, one glance and then I passed by you, I kept on walking and passed you by.
Back then you were eating and barely spared a glance, at least that's what I thought back then. You were relaxing wearing a hoodie and jeans, I had no clue what you were doing there. 
'Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?'
I thought that'd be the only time I saw you, but years fly by and I see you again. I never expected to see that boy I passed by on a walk again and was surprised when I realized it was you.
'And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
It's a pretty thought that we were meant to meet and be together, you and me tied together like soulmates in the books I read. One I constantly get as we snuggle close together. 
'Bad was the blood of the song in the cab
On your first trip to LA
You ate at my favorite spot for dinner'
I had never expected my music to become radio worthy, under a pseudonym my song played on the radio and you hummed along to it on your trip through my smallish town, eating lunch in a local park. You told me you saw me walk by that day, you said I looked cute in the denim dress I chose.
'Bold was the waitress on our three year trip
Getting lunch down by the lakes
She said I looked like an American singer'
One day a while on a date in a local Gotham park, I remember a random girl came up to us and asked if you were Red Hood. I think it was because you decided to wear your jacket casually that day, still the thought of your expression that day makes me laugh.
'Time, mystical time
Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
It had taken years for us to meet after that first glance I got and the multiple glances you gave me without me noticing, both of us just teenagers. Then one day I moved to the outskirts of the city you lived in. Nature around me but still within city limits, and barely any neighbors.
'A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar'
One day after going to work it was raining and it would have been useless to drive with how heavy the rain was and I ended up in the same bar you were in, I never thought anyone was as kind as you that day. You gave me your coat cause you saw I was freezing and we talked about random things till the rain stopped, all I got that day was your name just your first. Your name was my last thought before I fell asleep that night, Jason.
'Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you'
One day maybe a week after that I ran into you again, this time it was while you were working as an anti hero, Red Hood and you saved me and helped me while I broke down. I still to this day don't know how you found me back then Jason.
'Cold was the steel of my axe to grind
For the boys who broke my heart
Now I send their babies presents'
I had never really been in a relationship before my one with you, love, but I still had my scars mainly from people who were supposed to be my friend. It took a lot to walk away from them.
'Gold was the color of the leaves
When I showed you around Centennial Park
Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven'
I brought you to my favorite park far from where we live, we read together on a rock my head on your shoulder with your head on mine. My journey was hard and riddled with my issues, but somehow it brought me to you. Your journey was basically hell and I hope to help you find your heaven on earth. Jason, you deserve more than you receive, your worth more than you believe. I think to myself as I lean against him.
'Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
"Life can be hard but it lead me to you," You kneel on one knee with a ring in hand, the sunset behind you. "With all that has happened, I can't help but feel as though we're meant to be. I know they'll be challenges but we can face them together. Y/n, you have brought me so much happiness, you are my light in the darkness. Y/n L/n, will you marry me?" 
My eyes fill with tears and I can't help but pull him close. "Yes! Yes!" I basically scream with happiness then I softly tell him, "Jason Todd, I love you."
A/N: I don’t normally write fluff so feedback would be extra appreciated. I wrote this when I couldn’t sleep the other day and thought it was too cute an idea not to try and write it
I rest my forehead against his as he replies, "I love you too, Y/n. I love you so much, I'm lucky that the universe guided me to you."
@helllucifer @fullangelimagines @samslave @grimreaperlover11 @bluetree76 @satanic-panic139 @dylinski @Lesbi-fanficdreamer @e-bendy @fan-child @stiles-o-dylan24 @Theoriginalsherlockhomesblog @one-weird-book-adict
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Daminette leaked photo AU (no name yet) preview
Original post
Dick Grayson was not having a good time, in fact he was sweating bullets after he realized what he accidentally posted. He meant to just post some pictures of a recently opened park that he went to with his siblings, pictures that didn't include one of said siblings and their girlfriend, well at least it didn't show her face. Damian and Marinette will be less likely to kill him since her face isn't in it so it isn't a total reveal of her and their relationship. 
The media will definitely peg them as a couple but her identity will be a mystery at least, all they really have is an arm and designer clothing, made by Marinette but they don't know that. He could salvage this, all he has to do is make sure they're calm when he tells them and who is he kidding, while Mari will listen to reason once she's calmed down Damian will still be pissed and attack him.
It was too late to delete the post, he'd only realized that image was included because his followers brought it up, and the media will have definitely gotten its claws into it as it would make an interesting story. People are already making posts about it, wondering who this mystery girl is and most include a screenshot of the photo from his Instagram. Dick was officially screwed because of this, there was no way of getting out of this unscathed. The media probably already noticed that Marinette wasn't in any photos with them before this, so her relationship with the family will be both a mystery and speculation, they couldn't just pretend she was one of their family friends, that would just make the media more suspicious.
@helllucifer  @fullangelimagines @samslave @writingsbychlo @grimreaperlover11 @bluetree76 @satanic-panic139 @dylinski @lesbi-fanficdreamer  @e-bendy  @fan-child @stiles-o-dylan24 @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog @one-weird-book-adict
Daminette photo AU: 
If you wanna be added to either taglist or taken off just send me a ask or message and I'll add you❤️💕
Hope you guys liked this little preview
MoonGoddessKiana, y'all can call me Kiana or Moon (this is just my writing side blog)
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
I will cling to you like a koala
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Love you Sarah❤️💕
Just ... just let me give you hugs
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i’m very touch starved atm, so hugs are welcomed. and cuddles...and kisses if there’s any takers out there 👀
call me out in my asks
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
“This is your daily, friendly reminder to use commas instead of periods during the dialogue of your story,” she said with a smile.
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!
❤️💖🤍Happy Valentine's Day to all these lovely people!🤍💖❤️
@writingsbychlo @wildewisdom @moongoddesskiana @thessaia @dylinski @tenshinaki @sarcxstic-stilinski @lavendergarnets @samslave @daisyxbuckley @thelittlestkitsune @panimation @thegirlinthetardisat221b
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Thank you so much, you have no idea how happy this makes me, I'm like on cloud 9
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That's basically me in my head right now. I'll definitely add you to my Tagglist, I'm losing words from happiness so don't feel bad about losing yours.
Hold On (Stiles x Reader)
By: @moon-writings13
Author's Note: This is based on the song 'Hold On' by Chord Overstreet and my own dark mind.
It's also open ended and not beta read, no one but me has read the entire thing. Tell me if I missed anything and I will gladly go back and edit the warnings. Also there is no planned sequel but if it's asked enough I may just write one.
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*3 person point of view*
He couldn't believe what she was saying, he thought they were friends, he thought she understood that this had to be kept secret.
"You're not listening to me Stiles! I'm just saying that Danny and Lydia deserve to know the truth, at least part of it. They're wrapped in this mess too, poor Lydia thinks she's going insane and Danny their friend." She paced around the table as she spoke." If something happened to me and I thought I was crazy but you knew I wasn't and you didn't tell me Stiles I'd be broken. And if Scott and I weren't telling you about something that was hurting us, you would do everything in your power to find out."
"That's different-"
"How is that different Stiles-" She stood still and glared at him-" tell me how is that different from us?"
She took a breath, stood up and gathered her things, she tugged her purse over her shoulder and zipped up her hoodie.
"Y/n" He reached for her, and she stepped back.
"I'll see you tomorrow Stiles, I think we both need to cool down, clear our heads a and talk with Scott, Deaton and maybe even Derek." She kissed his cheek and walked to the door, her y/e/c shining with sadness and anger. "We've been through a lot these past few weeks, we need a break before someone says something they'll regret."
Come the next day Stiles was looking everywhere in school for y/n, he couldn't find her anywhere, sure she was often sick but he had a sick feeling in his stomach. Every time she was out it felt wrong, who else did he have to talk about Star Wars, geek out and have his hoodies stolen from, he didn't know what he would do without her and her shy smile.
"Don't worry Stiles, she probably was a migraine and will be back tomorrow." Scott patted Stiles' back as they walked down the hall.
"I don't know Scott, something feels off-"
"Why don't we visit y/n after school, that way we make sure she's fine and there's nothing to worry about."
*Reader's Pov*
You were curled up in a ball, clutching your head in your hands. "Why can't this all just stop? It hurts so much, I can't do this any more! Just make it stop-" you sunk onto your knees hoping the pressure will make your head stop exploding-"there's nothing left for me, no one needs me, I'm not wanted here. I'm not good enough."
You went into your bathroom, locked the door and gazed into the large vanity mirror, then leaned against the door, curling up again.
 'No one wants you-' her mind screams- 'Stiles only pretends to put up with you, Scott forgets you exist half the time the rest he just ignores you. You never had lasting friends before them, why should that end now? Face it you're just a waste of space, you're a dumb, annoying, ugly, awkward, useless waste of space. No one cares if you live or die, so why don't you just die y/n, you're not wanted or needed just die and you won't feel the pain any longer.'
You get up from the bathroom floor against the door and rummage around the drawers and find a blade. Slowly but deeply, you cut your wrist. 'Maybe now it will all be over'
You black out for a while, you don't know how much time has passed when you hear your front door open, when you hear them, you know what they are going to do, try and save what had been broken long before you met them. Hopefully it was too late for help.
You hear them faintly from upstairs, "Stiles, ...I smell blood, it's fresh, Y/N?!?!"
You heard them run up the steps, you heard a faint in 'here', likely from Scott. You just wanted it all to be over with the pain, your emotions, everything. 
When the door burst open you knew they came too fast to stop to you, even as you were blacking out. Your body felt cold against the tile when one of them pulled you in, why would either of them do that? Scott can hear a heartbeat in your house no matter where he was, and Stiles knew that, so why would either of them do that.
"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME Y/N! Please don't leave me." Stiles was, crying? Why was he crying, there's nothing to be sad about.
'It's almost over, finally.' You thought, a small smile etched on your lips.
"Come back y/n, I still want you, I still need you, just comeback sweetheart." Stiles grabs your hand, while Scott finishes his 911 call. Scott grabs your other hand, both are putting pressure on your bleeding wrists.
"I swear y/n, we'll make this right, you're my little sister. The one I've always wanted so come back." Scott was choked up from the sound of his voice, but you knew it wasn't the truth this was his way of lessening his guilt and trying to make you feel wanted.
You heard sirens approaching, you couldn't even move to react. Then you heard a whisper you had always wanted to hear, but knew you never would. "I love you y/n, I've loved you since the day I met you, hold on y/n. I still need you."
\\ Time Skip 1 month later //
You looked at the unconscious form next to you, it felt wrong to see Stiles so silent and still. You drove down the highway towards the hospital, hoping that Stiles' condition wouldn't worsen before you could get him help. You felt chilled to the bone after the fight you just witnessed, Gerrard was a sick bastard. Torturing Stiles, Boyd and Erica, while you were slumped on the floor only able to get them all out and into a car after he left. You got the betas' into your room and texted Derek their location telling him they were hurt. Now you had to focus on getting Stiles to a hospital.
The drive seemed to be too slow, you needed to be there already. You drove to the emergency entrance and yelled for help. "HELP! MY FRIEND HAS BEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED AND IS UNCONSCIOUS."
A nurse approached me, "Please ma'am he's in my passenger seat just help him, please."
I watched helplessly as he was put on a stretcher and paced as they checked his vitals. 
"Please don't leave me Stiles, I can't make it with out you. Come on Stiles, hold on, I still need you. You can't leave me, I swore I'm going to love you all my life, hold on still I need you." You curl up in the waiting room chair knowing they won't let you follow him. 
You knew you can't let Stiles die, he had become your anchor since you woke up in the hospital. Without him you had no strength left, you just wanted to hear him say what he said the day you were discharged from the hospital 'Come on baby let's go home. Come on I'll take you.' You needed Stiles to live, you didn't want to live without him.
Tagglist: @samslave @grimreaperlover11 @bluetree76 @bisexualmage @dylinski @writingsbychlo
Tentative adds: @helllucifer @dream-in-charming
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
I went to be with 4 notes and woke up to so much more love thank you all so much, you make my day with every note and comment❤️
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to everyone who’s ever said something kind about my work: you help me get through the day. thank you.
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
Hold On (Stiles x Reader)
Hold On (Stiles x Reader)
By: @moon-writings13
Author's Note: This is based on the song 'Hold On' by Chord Overstreet and my own dark mind.
It's also open ended and not beta read, no one but me has read the entire thing. Tell me if I missed anything and I will gladly go back and edit the warnings. Also there is no planned sequel but if it's asked enough I may just write one.
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*3 person point of view*
He couldn't believe what she was saying, he thought they were friends, he thought she understood that this had to be kept secret.
"You're not listening to me Stiles! I'm just saying that Danny and Lydia deserve to know the truth, at least part of it. They're wrapped in this mess too, poor Lydia thinks she's going insane and Danny their friend." She paced around the table as she spoke." If something happened to me and I thought I was crazy but you knew I wasn't and you didn't tell me Stiles I'd be broken. And if Scott and I weren't telling you about something that was hurting us, you would do everything in your power to find out."
"That's different-"
"How is that different Stiles-" She stood still and glared at him-" tell me how is that different from us?"
She took a breath, stood up and gathered her things, she tugged her purse over her shoulder and zipped up her hoodie.
"Y/n" He reached for her, and she stepped back.
"I'll see you tomorrow Stiles, I think we both need to cool down, clear our heads a and talk with Scott, Deaton and maybe even Derek." She kissed his cheek and walked to the door, her y/e/c shining with sadness and anger. "We've been through a lot these past few weeks, we need a break before someone says something they'll regret."
Come the next day Stiles was looking everywhere in school for y/n, he couldn't find her anywhere, sure she was often sick but he had a sick feeling in his stomach. Every time she was out it felt wrong, who else did he have to talk about Star Wars, geek out and have his hoodies stolen from, he didn't know what he would do without her and her shy smile.
"Don't worry Stiles, she probably was a migraine and will be back tomorrow." Scott patted Stiles' back as they walked down the hall.
"I don't know Scott, something feels off-"
"Why don't we visit y/n after school, that way we make sure she's fine and there's nothing to worry about."
*Reader's Pov*
You were curled up in a ball, clutching your head in your hands. "Why can't this all just stop? It hurts so much, I can't do this any more! Just make it stop-" you sunk onto your knees hoping the pressure will make your head stop exploding-"there's nothing left for me, no one needs me, I'm not wanted here. I'm not good enough."
You went into your bathroom, locked the door and gazed into the large vanity mirror, then leaned against the door, curling up again.
 'No one wants you-' her mind screams- 'Stiles only pretends to put up with you, Scott forgets you exist half the time the rest he just ignores you. You never had lasting friends before them, why should that end now? Face it you're just a waste of space, you're a dumb, annoying, ugly, awkward, useless waste of space. No one cares if you live or die, so why don't you just die y/n, you're not wanted or needed just die and you won't feel the pain any longer.'
You get up from the bathroom floor against the door and rummage around the drawers and find a blade. Slowly but deeply, you cut your wrist. 'Maybe now it will all be over'
You black out for a while, you don't know how much time has passed when you hear your front door open, when you hear them, you know what they are going to do, try and save what had been broken long before you met them. Hopefully it was too late for help.
You hear them faintly from upstairs, "Stiles, ...I smell blood, it's fresh, Y/N?!?!"
You heard them run up the steps, you heard a faint in 'here', likely from Scott. You just wanted it all to be over with the pain, your emotions, everything. 
When the door burst open you knew they came too fast to stop to you, even as you were blacking out. Your body felt cold against the tile when one of them pulled you in, why would either of them do that? Scott can hear a heartbeat in your house no matter where he was, and Stiles knew that, so why would either of them do that.
"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME Y/N! Please don't leave me." Stiles was, crying? Why was he crying, there's nothing to be sad about.
'It's almost over, finally.' You thought, a small smile etched on your lips.
"Come back y/n, I still want you, I still need you, just comeback sweetheart." Stiles grabs your hand, while Scott finishes his 911 call. Scott grabs your other hand, both are putting pressure on your bleeding wrists.
"I swear y/n, we'll make this right, you're my little sister. The one I've always wanted so come back." Scott was choked up from the sound of his voice, but you knew it wasn't the truth this was his way of lessening his guilt and trying to make you feel wanted.
You heard sirens approaching, you couldn't even move to react. Then you heard a whisper you had always wanted to hear, but knew you never would. "I love you y/n, I've loved you since the day I met you, hold on y/n. I still need you."
\\ Time Skip 1 month later //
You looked at the unconscious form next to you, it felt wrong to see Stiles so silent and still. You drove down the highway towards the hospital, hoping that Stiles' condition wouldn't worsen before you could get him help. You felt chilled to the bone after the fight you just witnessed, Gerrard was a sick bastard. Torturing Stiles, Boyd and Erica, while you were slumped on the floor only able to get them all out and into a car after he left. You got the betas' into your room and texted Derek their location telling him they were hurt. Now you had to focus on getting Stiles to a hospital.
The drive seemed to be too slow, you needed to be there already. You drove to the emergency entrance and yelled for help. "HELP! MY FRIEND HAS BEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED AND IS UNCONSCIOUS."
A nurse approached me, "Please ma'am he's in my passenger seat just help him, please."
I watched helplessly as he was put on a stretcher and paced as they checked his vitals. 
"Please don't leave me Stiles, I can't make it with out you. Come on Stiles, hold on, I still need you. You can't leave me, I swore I'm going to love you all my life, hold on still I need you." You curl up in the waiting room chair knowing they won't let you follow him. 
You knew you can't let Stiles die, he had become your anchor since you woke up in the hospital. Without him you had no strength left, you just wanted to hear him say what he said the day you were discharged from the hospital 'Come on baby let's go home. Come on I'll take you.' You needed Stiles to live, you didn't want to live without him.
Tagglist: @samslave @grimreaperlover11 @bluetree76 @bisexualmage @dylinski @writingsbychlo
Tentative adds: @helllucifer @dream-in-charming
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
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moon-writings13 · 4 years
I feel that on a spiritual level
when you come back to an old wip and you’re like. WAIT WHO WROTE THAT. IT SURE AS HELL AINT ME.
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