light-yagamis-gender · 8 months
Babe, listen
Your fic isn’t a flop, it’s a cult classic. Only the coolest freaks like it, don’t worry about it, it’s great.
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light-yagamis-gender · 8 months
Swipe: Light Yagami x wyvern!reader
TW for mentions of minor character death
You were halfway home when you saw him. Halfway home to your comfy nest on the tallest peak your sharp eyes could find. This better be worth it- he better be worth it.
You were pretty sure this human was a male, most likely. The arbitrary concept of 'gender' was not something easily grasped by dragon minds, full as they were of much more pressing matters. Matters like treasure!
And hunting... humans were a treat.
Chances were this one was male, as you more often found humanmen trying their best (poor things) to slay you than humanwomen.
So, he, he was trying to sneak across the run-down parking lot. Burned to the ground, of course. You'd had kind of a bad day.
With one flap of your leathery wings, you soared closer. You could make out details: decently tall, pale brown hair, neatly styled.
And the smell...
His smell was intoxicating, the undeniable, unmistakable reek of magic. Dark magic (you would later find this out to be ironic.)
Emanating from his... trousers?
How odd. Well, this might just be fun enough to justify a slightly later dinner...
For funsies, solely for giggles, you let your wings be less than silent in their flapping. He froze, preferably with fear, and couldn't resist looking up.
The look of blind terror on his pale little face was the most hilarious thing you'd seen in a long, long, long time.
With a screech, you landed, great head snaking forward. You could easily look down upon him, but it was more condescending to lower yourself to his level.
He'd hate not being taken seriously - you could smell a level of arrogance never seen in a non-dragon.
Interesting... very interesting. Shame he wasn't a dragon, he'd make a fine prospective mate. And it wasn't just that luscious smell of magic emanating from his hindquarters- but now you could smell it wasn't them exactly, more something shoved right next to them.
A... amulet? No, a tablet. No, a tome... a tome of the yummiest magic of all, death magic!
You sniffed... the fear-smell was fading. It was slowly-but-surely being replaced by the distinctive of smell of small things who thought they were big things.
In other words, confidence.
Normally you hated it, the indignity of not being as feared as you deserved. But with him, you didn't really mind.
He was just so cute! For a human, and as humans were one of the cutest things out there, that said a lot.
The humanwomen must love you, cutiepie, you thought with a smile. The ones into men, at the very least.
His eyes met yours - they were a lovely shade of brown. They lacked the pleasant warmth of humans, instead having a much more familiar stone-cold. Eh, that was hotter anyway.
"Rrrrrrrr? Rrrrrrrllllllsssss."
You could see the change in his face when he realized that talking might be an option.
"Uh... hello, dragon-san. You look... well. I deeply apologize if I'm trespassing..."
Blink, blink. Some leaking smoke for emphasis.
"Not that it's not a pleasure to meet you!" Clearly, not someone accustomed to fear. He was starting to get mad that he was scared at all. Most likely very high-standing in the humandens.
"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Yagami. Light Yagami."
Light... a nice name. Pretentious, but nice. 'Yagami' probably meant something lofty in humanspeak too.
"What brings you here? I happen to be looking for something I've lost. You wouldn't have happened to have seen it in your travels, would you?"
You were offered a gleaming smile. Smooth, Yagami Light Yagami, smooth.
"Sssss...." You licked your chops.
He stumbled backward, panic flashing across his pretty face. He tripped and almost fell. Your expert snout caught a whiff of magic - shame, you'd almost forgotten why you were here in the first place!
Book. Yummy. Book on little humanboy...
Well, there was only one thing to do.
You leaned forward, balancing yourself with one wing, and with the other slashed through his belt. With almost comical grace, his khaki trousers fell to nest around his ankles, revealing some silky red shorts. Judging from his indignant scream, they were never meant to be seen by dragon or human eyes.
And peeking out from the waistband of the shorts... was your prize.
Your wingclaws, sadly, were not nearly dexterous enough to pluck it out. But, were you to take him back to your nest in the clouds...
Maybe an arrangement could be made.
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comedic tall s/o hcs ; light
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requested by ; anonymous (19/12/22)
fandom(s) ; death note
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; light yagami
outline ; “can you please write light yagami x very tall female reader who carries him on her shoulder and puts him on top of the fridge when he is evil”
warning(s) ; vague crack-fic vibes (?)
light wasn’t the sort to be bothered about vain things, about appearances: height, body type, skin type, hair, eyes, etc.
none of those sway him when it comes to a potential partner, so your height difference hardly bothered him
not when his colleagues mocked him for it, nor when his parents asked him about it
only ever speaking up when it was in your defence about remarks that you’d become too used to over the years
no, it wasn’t your height that bothered him
it was how you used it — or, specifically, how you used it against him that bothered him
how the slightest shift in his demeanour or a darkening of his eyes or a reach for his pen or a chilling remark could have you weaponising your size difference for evil (to him, anyway)
hoisting him above your head with all the ease of a stuffed animal, acting like a parent scolding their child before unceremoniously popping him on top of the nearest and tallest surface
telling him to sit there and think about his actions — thinking out loud about leaving him there until he stops being weird
it’s humiliating being shoved on top of cabinets and fridges and fences and walls, too tall to jump down safely but too small to warrant a call for help
not that his ego would allow it either way
he’s an adult, the leader of the new crime free world, and yet he’s being treated like a petulant child and being put on time out
grounded in a way he hadn’t been since he was six — and even then they didn’t lift him on top of fridges
ridiculous, cruel, unnecessary and humiliating
and if he didn’t love you so much he’d have written your name in the death note years ago for it
but, unfortunately, he does and thus he usually just waits for you to come back and help him down
listening to your lecture and nodding dishonestly when you ask if he’d learned his lesson
because he hasn’t. he never will
but you keep on trying anyway and he doesn’t know whether to admire your determination or be irritated by your inability to recognise the pattern
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my ao3 is dragonsandcorsets
fic ask game!
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write?
✿ did anything major change when you started writing [fic] to when you finished?
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
✄ what’s your editing process?
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
ϟ tell me what moment/scene in [fic] made you sicko in the window.jpg to read and i’ll tell you which scene made me feel that way to write
⊞ send a prediction for a fic i’ll write in the future
♡ pick a fic and I’ll pick a comment that made me really happy
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line
❖ pick 2 fics and I’ll combine them somehow
↻ pick a fic and a different ship and I’ll tell you how I’d rewrite it
☰ send a fic and an unrelated trope and I’ll remix it
♫ send a fic and i’ll make a 3-5 song playlist for you
✹ wildcard - ask any other question you have!
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You can’t tell me Light doesn’t react when you push up against him, you’re taller than him by a few inches and definitely a lot more muscular, you could probably pick him up by his arm if you wanted to. His reaction would only be a small whine or gasp escaping his mouth but it’s enough to get ryuk to tease him about it later.
Having death note thoughts bc my friend bought all the manga and I’m jealous lol
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Calling all transfem Light Yagami enjoyers!
I am starting a transfem Light Yagami collection on ao3. My account is dragonsandcorsets.
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hey, you read fanfic lines right? would you mind reading some from one of dragonsandcorsets' works on ao3? take your pic, only 2 fics so far. thanks. also the G word in your title... u know right
That's it. The greatest masterpiece I will ever produce. Thank you for this top tier request. A reading of this stellar fic.
World's Greatest Detective Fails To Make It Clap
by dragonsandcorsets https://archiveofourown.org/works/45155020
(And yes, I changed it and am slowly working through doing so with the rest of my socials.) <3
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posted a new (depraved) fanfiction on ao3. (dragonandcorsets)
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"can has... cuddles? ...no? o-okay..."
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"L, predictably, hadn't found anything useful. Everything was either some horror movie or some poorly written, albeit creative, horror erotica."
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can you do l x yandere reader? who cameras/bugs his apartment like he did to light? thanks i think it would be karma lol
This has been in my inbox for a bit! I forgot about it! I'm sorry.
Reader is gender neutral
L is no idiot. He knows his "apartment" was bugged. What is more difficult to find out is who is responsible. He'll give whoever did it their fun, but they'll be arrested once he inevitably catches his stalker.
It's extremely impressive that someone managed to not only bug his home, but add cameras as well. Naturally, he's interested in the mystery person.
Meanwhile, in a home just a few miles away, you grin at your screen, forever entertained by the disheveled young man doing the most basic of tasks.
He's so pretty! Why doesn't everyone like him?
Although, it's good they don't. That would be rather troublesome.
You could spend hours admiring the dark circles under his eyes alone.
"I'm aware I'm being watched," L says, his voice grainy and of poor quality through the microphones. "I applaud your achievement, but be aware that I do plan on catching you."
You fan only grin wider. He's so smart! It's really no wonder he's the world's best detective. But you don't plan on getting caught.
L solved your best friend's murder. The least you can do is protect him. He deserves it.
Protect him from angry friends of criminals. Protect him from people who want to steal him away.
Just thinking about someone else getting their hands on him makes your hands itch.
Of course, keeping a close eye on him is laughably simple.
After all, you work with him on the Kira case.
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can I get some soft submissive L headcanons? I love him
If he has a tummy ache, it is your job to pet it until he feels better. If you do a good job, he will make soft noises and butt his head against your hand.
Cuddling him is very bony but very warm.
Sometimes if you hug him from behind he will turn his head back to give you a cheek kiss.
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I forgot this tag was in my folder I’m crying laughing there have it as well
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Light with FtM reader who wants to help with his Kira work hcs?
tw death, murder mention
Light'd of course accept you - science supports trans people, and there is zero way it can be considered morally wrong
anyone who dares disrespect you? gone
he influences lawmakers so that your transition goes just perfectly- only the best for his boyfriend, his darling
he wouldn't be exactly enthusiastic about you wanting to help at first- of course, anyone who understands that he's doing what needs to be done is welcome, but it's dangerous...
Light just can't imagine what his life would be without you
he comes around eventually- you do something that helps him see how much of a help you'll be
you're much more reliable and steady than everyone else
and since this world needs a new God,
why not two?
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hey y'all, please read "milky" on ao3 under dragonsandcorsets. I'd really appreciate reviews.
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prompt: write a smut fanfiction in rhyme
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