it's okay to ask your Deities for help when you have nothing to offer in return, especially when you're scared
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did not think i’d end tonight sobbing whilst praying, but here we are. things are bad right now. any extra warmth or good energy anyone could send would be greatly appreciated 💛
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an average day with Apollo
me: gosh, i’m feeling so unmotivated and self-conscious right now. i’ll never be good enough to do musical theatre, maybe i should give up on my dreams of performing and just do something i hate for money
Apollo: NOT ON MY WATCH (present for my audition that i dedicated to him, now I’m in the top 5 choices for BOTH female leads in the end of year show)
me: nvm i’m gonna keep performing i love you <3
in other words i literally cannot explain how much i adore Apollo and how grateful i am that he’s with me every step of the way - and knows how to kick me back into gear when life is shitty 💛🧡
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it’s a lonely path, sometimes :(
I'm so tired of practicing alone. Physically, yes; but i also just feel so separated from the community.
I want people to stop saying there's a specific way to pray, worship, work with, devote, honor, or practice within hellenic polytheism.
But on the physical hand, i want people to dance in the sunlight with me as we pray to our gods. I want to be surrounded by like minded people as we practice what makes us and our religion ours.
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y’all i study musical theatre (praise Apollo and the song he gave me to share) and i’ve just found out my end of year show is footloose. FOOTLOOSE. i’m honestly fuming 😭 but at least i have an excuse to sing some upbeat 80s pop for Apollo and call it rehearsals 🫡
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making stupid devotional memes >>>>
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this this this! i wish people realised that you don’t have receive permission from a God or Goddess to pray to them - just start praying, lovely, they’re listening 🫶
I love to pray formally but there’s no rule saying you have to. Just pray wherever, whenever, and however you feel called to. The gods aren’t bound by rites and rules, and you shouldn’t be either. More prayer in 2024! Prayer is for everyone!
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looking back through my notes today and slowly starting to realise that i’ve seen an angel number every single day of 2024 so far… feeling extremely divinely guided and protected <3
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Polytheist & Pagan Asks - @khaire-traveler 🫶
🙏 - Which pantheon(s) do you actively worship?
i worship the Greek pantheon!
🌞 - Which deity(s) are you closest to/do you worship the most often?
as you can probably tell from my url, i’m an Apollo devotee :) i’m closer to him than i have been with any other deity, and i worship him every day.
✨ - Do you believe in patron deities? If so, do you have any that you know of?
i do, and Apollo is my patron! i found this out a year or so into worshipping him, and it brought me so much joy honestly 😭
🌍 - Which pantheons do you believe exist?
this is a tricky one! in my practice i exclusively worship the Theoi, however i’m not sure on the existence of other pantheons as i can’t speak for them. however, i firmly believe that people’s personal experiences have to be considered, so i’d probably say that i believe there’s truth in every religion. my main focus will always be the Theoi though, so i don’t really dabble or look into much else beyond interest.
📜 - Have you ever made an oath, vow, or contract with a deity? If yes, how did it go (you don’t have to share)?
i have not! my relationship with Apollo is very personal between him and i, and i’ve never felt as though i needed to make a “contractual agreement” in order to feel his love or demonstrate my devotion. lots of respect for those who have though!
📿 - What are three things you’re grateful to your deity(s) for?
1) his understanding and care when i don’t want to be understanding or caring towards myself. 2) his support on my journey, no matter the path i take. 3) his presence, and the signs he sends me exactly when and where i need them
🖋️ - If you could say anything to your deity(s) right now, what would you most want to say?
just a very simple, always appreciated “i love you”. because i truly do, with my whole heart.
💌 - What is your favourite form of deity communication?
my favourite (and go-to when i really need to talk with Apollo or get advice) is oracle cards, but i also appreciate dream messages!
🎭 - What is an emotionally impactful or a silly worship-related experience you’ve had?
a silly little one: i went shopping with my parents a few years back, and just before i left i was praying to Apollo about wanting to find something to honour him but not being able to afford a statue. i was in the kids section, looking for a little something for my little sister, and then i saw a mini figure and practically felt Apollo tell with excitement. it was a yellow care bear with a sun on its belly, no bigger than my hand, and now instead of speaking to a statue of Apollo when i’m at his altar i talk to a little yellow care bear that he wanted me to get for him 😅
❤️ - What’s one memory of your practice that you reflect the most fondly on?
there are so many memories, but one of my favourites is when i was really struggling mentally after being rejected from my dream drama school. i prayed and sent thanks for the opportunity to audition, but i was absolutely devastated especially because i’d worked so hard. i’d finished crying and was about to settle to sleep when i felt almost like blanket of warmth wash over me, and i swear to this day i “felt” a hand against my back. i really needed that, and i’m forever grateful to Apollo for loving me and knowing exactly how to look after me.
🥂 - What is your favourite devotional act or offering to give?
being a musical theatre student/actress, i devote every show i perform in to Apollo, which is one of my favourite ways to worship him. i also sing a LOT whilst divining/using oracle cards, so that would be a close second. in terms of physical offerings, i’ve always adored the “i’d give you my last ____” sentiment, so often if i’m having a snack like an orange, or a pack of sweets, i’ll give him the last bit of it as a reminder of my devotion.
🎉 - Do you celebrate any festivals? If so, which ones?
i don’t really! i celebrate the traditional pagan holidays (lammas, imbolc, samhain, yule, etc) but none really in regards to my deity worship.
🫂 - Do you syncretize any pantheons with one another? If so, which ones?
i don’t 😅
🔮 - Do you delve into topics like the occult or the mysteries? Do you do anything esoteric?
i am hugely into the occult, especially the paranormal and things like that. before i discovered spirituality i was a ghost hunting girl through and through, and i’ve never lost that fascination with the occult!
⭐️ - What is something you wish people outside your practice knew more about?
the fact that our mythologies aren’t meant to be read like the Bible and taken completely literally! a lot of them are products of their time, as well as teaching lessons and humans reflecting their own flaws and features onto divine beings.
📖 - Do you like the way your pantheon is most often portrayed in media? Why or why not?
not at all :( between lore olympus, percy jackson (which i love, don’t get me wrong), and portrayals of Greek mythology throughout the years, it can be so difficult to worship online or in public when people have extremely stereotypical views on the Gods. i understand consuming that content - you do you - but i wish people would seperate the real Gods from what they see on TV.
🏛️ - Do you have a favourite statue or temple to your deity(s)? If so, which ones?
i’m wracking my brain but i genuinely can’t think of a favourite, i adore them all 😅
🔥 - Do you have a favourite myth or tale from your pantheon or others?
the tale of Apollo and Hyacithus always makes me bawl, but i love it - it’s a tale of true devotion and love.
🧭 - What led you to your practice?
i was very into Greek mythology as a child, and my parents said when i was little i used to leave little gifts and have conversations with the Gods. i started worshipping the Theoi around halfway through high school when i researched into witchcraft after going to a fair near my house, but i like to think they’ve always been with me :)
🧿 - Did you have any spiritual beliefs before discovering your current practice?
i did! i’ve always been a believer in energy/divination/witchcraft/paranormal etc, and i was a practicing witch for a few months before i stumbled across hellenic paganism.
🪽 - Do you believe in angels and/or demons? If yes, do you worship/work with any?
this is a bit of a weird explanation but bear with me. i don’t believe in angels and demons in the biblical sense, but i do believe in non-human spirits that either have so much positive or negative energy attached to them that they achieve a demon or angel like status. so like a haunted house may not have a demon in it, but it may have a spirit that is so dark and powerful that it appears like a biblical demon.
🪄 - Do you practice witchcraft? If yes, do you keep it seperate from your deity worship?
i do, however i practice much less than i used to because my main focus is paganism. but sometimes i will invoke Apollo or other deities for spells (with their permission and after giving them offerings ofc).
🪦 - Do ancestors or human spirits play a big role in your practice?
not really - i’ve never felt much of an ancestral pull spiritually and i have a lot of respect for spirits so i prefer to let them be rather than actively involve them in my life.
🐾 - Do animal spirits play a big role in your practice?
🌱 - Does nature - plants, nature spirits, etc - play a big role in your practice?
i don’t particularly invoke nature spirits, however when worshipping Apollo sometimes i’ll devote time spent in nature or connecting with the sun and the elements to him.
💀 - Do you believe in ghosts? If yes, have you ever had an experience with one?
absolutely i do! i’ve had many many many experiences, but one of the most notable was in my house. i was watching a horror film (i’m a massive horror film fan) and the TV remote was on the arm of the chair i was sitting in. out of nowhere, the volume started going up - i had it on 23, and it turned all the way up to 100. the remote was completely still next to me, and when i picked it up to turn it back down NONE of the buttons were working. after about a minute, i managed to turn it off and my dog started barking. i called him and he started coming down the stairs, but stopped halfway and yelped - his body moved back up a step like he’d been kicked. he then sat on the top step and refused to come down, even when i held his favourite treats out in front of him. terrifying 😅
☄️ - Do you believe in astral travel/the astral realm? If so, have you been there before?
i believe in the steal realm, but i don’t think i’ve ever been there; it’s not particularly of interest to me to visit it, so i’d much rather hear other’s experiences and research rather than attempting to get to it.
(disclaimer: these beliefs are completely personal to me. if you disagree, that is perfectly okay and i’m glad that we all have the freedom to explore and worship in our own way <3)
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intro post 🌻
hey there! i thought it would be fitting for my first post to be a bit of an introduction, so here we go!
this blog is a little digital devotional space where i post about, and for, Lord Apollo. i have been both worshipping and working with Apollo for several years, but more recently i had to take a very long break due to personal reasons, and this is my first step on my journey of reconnecting with him.
so expect a lot of reblogs and posts about my experience with Apollo, along with devotional activities, prayers, and maybe even a few oracle readings here and there :)
praise be to Lord Apollo, and i hope you have a wonderful day! ☀️🫶
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