historyslittlebish · 6 days
Oof uhh life has really been sucking lately. I have so much missing work in history which is ironic to me because I love history (I just fucking hate American history like okay we get it, we were a bunch of white fucks who were stingy idiots) and I am quite behind and the due date is coming up and I'm tweaking rn.
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Just gonna sip on my Dr pepper while I work late on work hehe
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historyslittlebish · 10 days
heyy i was just wondering if you could do a baldwin iv x reader fic where the reader sings/reads to him until he falls asleep? extra fluff pleaseee. thank youuu.
p.s. i love your writing xx
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a/n: thanks for asking, I've been allowing this to sit in my inbox for a bit so I apologize for the wait (-_-). Also I'm doing fem reader because I felt like it :)
Warning: f!reader, mentions of family and having a child, fluff, slight angst
Pain was a constant in Baldwin's life.
Pain was in many different forms. The pain of not being able to be like other boys in his past years or not being able to be one of gods greatest, being forced to bear the brunt of such a disease.
But the worst pain is not being able to love his wife like any other man would, not being able to bear am heir for the kingdom, not being able to have the family he would have liked.
At the current time, pain was coursing through his aching body and to his head after spending most of his time arguing with his sister's husband.
He slowly trudged through the dimly lit halls, wanting to arrive quicker to his quarters to see his beautiful wife waiting in bed.
As he came closer to the doors and slowly entered the room and saw his wife was nowhere to be found. Baldwin sighed as he continued anyways. Reaching over to the side of his bed to dress in his sleepwear before retiring for the night.
As he finished putting on the robe he slowly reached up to his face and carefully took off the iron mask and set it aside near his end of the bed.
He lowered himself onto the plush and soft bed and allowed his aching bones a relief from the days work.
As he closed his eyes and took a few moments to breathe, he heard the doors to the bathing areas open. His head turned to see his wife, freshly out of the bath braiding her h/c hair and in her sleep wear.
"My love." He breathed out. Baldwin had always found his wife stunning, no matter what she did, what she wore, or what she looked like.
"How is my sweet husband doing?" She chuckled. Baldwin groaned as he layed back down resting on the comfy pillows.
"All day has my mind been on you, my angel." He sighed as he stared at the ceiling. Y/N plopped down onto her side of the bed and scooted over to her dear husband, gently laying a hand on his chest and looking at his face with love and adoration.
"I can sense your unease, my heart.." She said as she sat up in a more comfortable position, patting her lap as an invitation to Baldwin. Baldwin gladly accepted and carefully rested on Y/N, cuddled up to his wife's embrace.
Baldwin sighed as he nuzzled into her touch, being content with spending time with his wife.
"Would..you like me to sing for you?" She asked out of the blue which made Baldwin look up in surprise, that surprise quickly switching to a peaceful look on his face. "Please do, my love, I need something to help me fall asleep after dealing with my duties today." His soft and sweet voice made the queens heart flutter.
Y/N began to hum a small song as she gently stroked his head and back, allowing quiet but beautiful words to flow from her mouth, a soft and graceful melody that Baldwin loved.
He wished he could hear more but his slumber won the battle, the sweet melody lulling the man to sleep, allowing him to rest in his little dream world..
a/n: I apologize if its short and sloppy but I'm like super sick rn and my head has been aching for 2 days straight and I had a super hard time focusing because of how light headed I was Q.Q
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historyslittlebish · 18 days
Quick thing uhh sorry I haven't updated in a bit i'm caught up in school soooo yeaaaaah.
I'll update soon though
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historyslittlebish · 22 days
Hiii, I'd love to submit a request if possible? I love your writing so much :3
Been thinking about King Baldwin iv, and he strikes me as the type of man to absolutely *melt* at head scratches. I'm thinking he's in pain and so tired, but super wired from having to deal with everything that's thrown at him. His wifey comes along, scratches his head, and he is ~out~. (And who doesn't love em: titty pillow???) Hope my rambling makes sense!
-Anon <3
A/n: I barley wrote much but tysm! I really like this idea because as someone who is sensory sensitive in general, its a great feeling. I was told I had really fluffy hair by a girl in my class in 3rd grade and she would spend most of reading time playing with my hair and stuff so yeah. Anyways here's a mini one shot. I hope this is accurate to some degree because again I never saw the movie and I was doing this at 2am soooo
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Warning: insecurities, slight angst, comfort and fluff
Baldwin sighed as he entered his quarters. Parts of his body were sore and aching for a relief of sorts. His eyes wandered towards the bed and he saw your beautiful figure. Your soft H/C hair was being braided by your own hand. After you finished the last of the weaving, you turned and with a soft smile, beckoned your husband to come sit on the bed with you.
Happily, Baldwin obliged and slowly trudged his way over to you and slowly sat down.
As he sat down his muscles felt weak and sore. He let out a pained groan before settling on the bed, relaxing himself.
"My love, are you in pain tonight?" You asked as your hands reached over and gently stroked his clothed arm. Baldwin sighed and looked over to you, his eyes felt wet and he took his only functioning hand and grasped your smaller one with it.
"How can you love a man like me? What do you see in me?" Baldwin asked. He felt his heart ache for a true answer.
"Because you are a great man, you were god's design, you are a kind and strong ruler." You replied as you gently hugged his arm and rested you face on his shoulder.
"Would you like me to soothe you before you sleep?" You asked and you slowly reached to take off the yarmulke from his head while at the same time, hesitantly, Baldwin reached to remove his iron mask.
You both sat in silence as you stared at your dear husband. You smiled and leaned over pressing a kiss to the crown of his head, then beckoning him to lie down on your lap.
He allowed himself to lean into your touch as rested on your thighs.
While gently stroking his deformed face, you began to massage his scalp and stroke his shoulders and back.
There was a deep rumble in Baldwin's chest, a sound of pleasure from whatever sensory he could feel. He slowly lifted himself and pushed you onto the bed and grabbed the blanket to cover the two of you.
He nuzzled himself onto your chest and let out a sigh on content.
You giggled as continued to stroke, massage, and scratch him. He thanked God he is blessed with a woman like you as his wife. He also prayed you would be alright, never contracting the same, awful disease he has.
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historyslittlebish · 23 days
Really appreciated that Baldwin x Male fic, made my day seeing it
I'm glad you enjoyed it, amigo! I happen to get quite a few requests for Baldwin so it's cool and it was fun.
I'll do a multitude of historical figures whether in shows, movies, or irl so feel free to request anyone else :)
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historyslittlebish · 24 days
Your Baldwin x Knight male reader is perfect! Thank you very much for your writing! I appreciate your effort. 🫡
Of course! Feel free to request more from any character/figure :)
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historyslittlebish · 26 days
As a Muslim I’m so conflicted because I like king Baldwin and not the small amount of like , I would unironically irrevocably and absolutely die for this man if he asked me to and I’m not talking about the kingdom of heaven one , I’ve read books. I still love him. How do you think he would react to this information because I feel like I sound insane and I need to tone myself down in case I die and go to meet him.
I would like to state before anyone comes after me for getting anything wrong, I have the average education of an american student while also having ADD to some degree and I only know so much of the worlds history from learning on my own time but most of my knowledge is American history, and I've failed my social studies once so uh maybe not the best person but yes!
Ancient kingdoms and countries like Egypt, Mongolia, Japan, China, Greece and etc have a very rich history and cultures and honestly it's very hard for me to keep up with everything.
Glad to have people who are fellow history buffs! But while also pining for historical figures (Marie Antoinette COugh) :))
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historyslittlebish · 27 days
I truly appreciated it that you tried your best to fulfil the NSFW request. Please do not be afraid to decline the request again if you feel uncomfortable writing at any point. This is your blog, therefore, it is your rule ;)
Also, believe it or not, I think you and I have the same scenario in mind. I really like the concept of a romance between a loyal knight with a beloved king.
I am looking forward to reading your fiction. Keep it up :)
So I edited my answer on the og request and you should look at the first request you sent because I'm editing the story there but I hope it is to your liking! I might post 2 parts, 1 sfw and 1 NSFW so there's more depth and I can organize better but I really hope it made you happy, I would love to here more from you!
It is complete!
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
King Charles the II of Spain Autopsy (Quick Facts)
Warning: Graphic description, gore-y
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Inbreeding was common in royal families in Europe and in the Spanish king's parents were first cousins. The Habsburg jaw was a common trait and got more and more severe the more inbreeding there was.
The deformation of the jaw made the tongue enlarged and made it hard to eat, swallow, and speak.
King Charles the II didn't learn to walk until 4-8 and even then could not walk very well and most likely could not speak until age 3-4. He was mentally retarded and had many health problems and diseases such as tuberculosis, measles, and smallpox (+more) but ended up surviving until the age of 38.
At autopsy is was noted and I quote (from Wikipedia if you wanna find it), "heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."
The fact he was alive was a miracle.
The inbreeding continued for centuries and made many have 'royal diseases' such and Hemophilia (seen in queen Victoria of England, Alexei Romanov, Lord Leopold Mountbatten, etc).
ps. feel free to fact check me!
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
History info/facts Masterlist
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King Charles the II autopsy description and facts
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Female!Reader)
a/n: I have never watched kingdom of heaven before but I know of it because my sister watched it so I am gonna write for the king :)
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Warning: unrealistic but okay, religious stuff, occ?
Baldwin groaned as he sat on his throne. He praised himself for getting all the diplomatic work done half the time he usually completes.
Every passing day his bones and muscles ached, his mind spinning, overwhelmed with his kingly duties. His mind was filled with thoughts and plans but he was too weak to act on them.
While determined and strong willed, he was aware of his sickly disease and how weak he is compared to anyone else. He often spent time looking up, thoughts of gods plan with him.
Why would god plague him with such illness, what had he done? What was his sin against his creator? he often found himself praying that he could, maybe, just maybe, be cured and continue to live and be the greatest king he could be, have a wife and an heir, to live his life to the fullest with no worry of death coming as soon as he always prepared himself for.
He knows he should not question God, and be grateful for his life but even then his mind does not stop thinking such thoughts.
He sat still staring into nothing, deep in thought as a few servants scuttled about, cleaning and tending to the throne room. The sounds of their whispering had started bothering him, the constant sound of pattering feet didn't allow him to think.
He slowly rose before clearing his throat. Some of the servants looked over in surprise and curiosity.
"I would like to be left alone, please." His voice is steady, firm, but gentle and warm. His servants rushed to leave the room allowing the king his privacy.
He sighed as he sat down once more. Alone in his own thoughts, he allowed himself to be consumed by his own mind, each thought, idea, word, running through his brain as he rested his eyes, deeply in his imagination.
Not too long after however does he hear a female yelp, a loud thud, and someone shuffling around the marble floor.
His eyes snapped open as he saw a small amount of mist covering a figure slightly. His eyes widened in surprise and shock as he stared at the woman in front of him. She wore odd clothes, not the kind he's seen before, her H/C was beautiful to him, mesmerizing even. Her S/C looked so soft in comparison to his heavily scarred and sore ridden skin.
He stood up and suddenly the strange and foreign woman stared at him before getting on her knees and bowing deeply, lifting her head enough to look back up at him.
"My king." She stated.
"Rise." Baldwin said as he motioned with his hand for the woman to stand. Slowly she did stand and still have a respectful demeanor.
"Who are you, and why do you come here?" She looked up, her E/C looking into his blue irises. She inhaled before kneeling and leaving her hands by her side "My king, I present myself as a witch from the North. I've heard of a prophecy that you will need to defeat Saladin but not without outside forces," She rose from her knees and reached into a small pouch, holding a vile with blue liquid, glowing and bubbling. "I've come to present to you a cure. You have my heart should I speak the lies of the devil himself.".
Baldwin was shocked and scared. A witch in his holy kingdom? Witchcraft is the devil's work. He could not decide if he should call his soldiers and risk the witch woman to hex him or to continue the conversation, only to eventually be found dead without reason, or to many, his leprosy being the cause.
He took the latter and prayed that no harm would come to him.
"Well witch, I want proof." The woman nodded and held her arm to her side, F/C mist circling the room, a wall of fog covered the walls of the room. The mist streamed into the middle of the room and created a circle, creating a pocket of white particles creating images.
They showed him being crowned king all the way to his death at an old age.
he could not believe his eyes. The images showed such small moments in his life that he could not recollect well but they were perfect for what he was told.
The mist that engulfed the room suddenly retracted and disappeared into the air.
He stared at the witch who stared back but with a slight fear in her eyes, not knowing if she would be in danger or not. Baldwin's breath hitched but he sat down. He racked his brain for thoughts but he was very overwhelmed by the information. He clutched his head and rubbed at his temples.
The two stayed in silence for a few minutes before the king made his choice.
"I shall take this potion if what you say is true." He murmured.
The witch stepped forward towards the kind on his throne and handed him the bottle gently before stepping back.
"I warn you my king, you will fall in a deep slumber, alive and well, but deep for the whole day." The king contemplated her words but slowly opened the bottle and drank the liquid completely.
After a few moments his head began to spun and he almost collapsed to the floor before a warm pair of arms caught him and held him before his eyes completely shut and he fell into a deep slumber.
Baldwin squinted his eyes as the sun peaked through the window in the early morning. The light was dim due to the window covers but it was still bright to him. He slowly raised his body but was confused when he could feel his body weight shift onto his legs. He had lost feelings partly in his legs and arms but he could feel himself twitch and move on his entire body.
He was wearing some white sleepwear that he doesn't remember putting on and his mask was on the side of his bed. He was confused but slowly walked over to the mirror.
His eyes widened and he stumbled back but caught himself before he fell on the cold, hard floor.
He saw himself but no longer disfigured or ridden with rashes and sores. His golden locks framed his face, his eyes looking deep into his in the mirror, his skin was just glowey as the witch he had seen.
That's when it hit him.
The witch had saved him, the lovely witch that had given him a potion that she said would heal him and allow him to live his life fully.
The whole castle was chattering with loud and bright voices. Their king was not only cured by gods miracle but he would be able to soon produce an heir should he be willing.
He sat on his throne thinking of the memory of you. You, you were to be his wife, you saved him, he could live without the fear of dying anytime soon.
Baldwin got a surge of confidence, he was determined to get you to come back but first he had to deal with royal affairs but nothing could slow him down, not anymore.
a/n: Part 2? Yes. I need to make a male version for anon OR male reader hcs for our king. Sorry if its shit though.
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
Hello. I would like to ask for your permission before I submit a full request.
Do you by any chance accept King Baldwin x Male!Reader request? It might involve NSFW scenario as well.
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King Baldwin IV x Male!Guard!Reader One shot NSFW: (Completed!)
a/n: Hi anon and I know I declined but I'll still do it because I feel bad for rejecting, Idk how to write NSFW so it's gonna be bad but i'll do it. I also don't know if this is a scenario you wanted but if you wanna request a different one please do! Also I apologize because I have never watched the movie and I'm not sure how accurate this is.
Warning: fluff, handjob, occ for our king I think
It was often unheard of, two men in a romantic or sexual relationship. Many thought it was sin, it wasn't something god accepted but they can never really know the answer can they? Why would god let them feel the feelings, why would god allow it to be an option? That is something many people never ponder enough.
Something that a knight named Y/N never pondered until he met with the great king of Jerusalem, Baldwin the IV.
Y/N had been hired as a knight since Baldwin was 12 and Y/N was 15 and a freshly knighted boy. As years past, Y/N was named best soldier in the brackets of the armies. He was agile, quick, resilient, strong, and most of all, loyal.
He was the kings personal guard which he didn't mind at all. He had grown close to the king, enough to get the king to show him his sore ridden face, his scars, his 'ugliness' but to Y/N, he was anything but ugly.
Y/N saw a kind hearted boy and man growing up, intelligent, brave, and strong willed, those were the words Y/N thinks when describing the king, everyone does.
Growing up, he saw Baldwin's determination to become a great king and to overcome his deadly illness. Only one could be truly possible but Baldwin was content, despite being numb to the bone, skin lesions, and more.
Today was like any other. Baldwin had a few things to get done but after that, he could have his peace.
Y/N stood slightly behind the throne Baldwin sat on, staring at the arguing lords and counsel members. Each fighting on whose strategies are better, who's morally righteous, whatever that is available to bicker about.
Y/N heard Baldwin sigh as he raised his hand and made a sound.
Suddenly everyone looked over and quieted down.
"I will meet with Saladin, we shall negotiate peace." Baldwin shifted slightly before hearing one of the older counsel members try to inerject.
"How do we know we can trust that Muslim r-" Baldwin raised his hand once more, immediately silencing the man "He may be Muslim, but we will respect him and treat him with nobility and equality.".
Y/N's heart thumped in his chest at the kings word. The kings kindness and true compassion was incredibly admirable but also making him lust for the king.
The people of the counsel glanced between each other but bowed at the kings words before swiftly making their exit, allowing the two men to be alone and at ease.
Baldwin slowly stood from his throne and looked at Y/N.
Y/N could see the exhaustion in his eyes, his beautiful sky blue eyes. Y/N snapped himself out of his thoughts and kept up a stoic expression.
"What now, my king?" Y/N asked as Baldwin stepped towards him. The king cautiously touched the mans arm and looked deep into his eyes. "I think I require a way to relax before I retire for tonight." As he said this, Baldwin's hand tools Y/N's and slowly led it down to his pelvis area where a little tent formed under his white and gold robes.
"My king.." Y/N breathed as his hand ghosted the man's bulge.
"Make me a happy man, Y/N, I long for your touch." Baldwin's raspy voice murmured as his being was consumed with lust. Y/N doesn't know how a man of God to dare go against him in terms of lust for another male but Y/N can't say he doesn't thoroughly enjoy it.
It doesn't take too long before Y/N helps the king to his quarters and settling on the soft and silky bed.
Y/N helps the king reveal his bulge.
His cock bobbed as soon as it was released from its confines. "Y/N.." Baldwin groans as his hips slightly buck. This is one of those moments when Baldwin thanks the heavens that the feeling in his crotch is not numb or too sore ridden.
Despite the sores, Y/N didn't mind at all. his hungry eyes took in all the kings cock as he played with the tip soaked in pre-cum.
Baldwin groaned as he sat half laying down as the man continued to fiddle with his manhood. Y/N loved the sweet sounds the king was making as he felt himself nearing his peak.
The man let out a loud moan as his semen spilled into the mans hand. As the king came down his high he stared at Y/N in awe, despite him being hired and a guard, he could still love a man like him.
Slowly, Baldwin sat upright and gently grasped Y/N hand, silently hoping that he would not get infected either. Baldwin leaned over and pressed a his to the mans temples.
Y/N softly smiled as he held his beloveds hand, enjoying each others presence. Love radiating off the two.
This is a sin but it is an amazing feeling.
A/N: Hopefully this is to your liking anon! Sorry if its bad :/
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
Updated: 5/13/2024
No hate, discrimination, racism, homophobia or any 'ism' there is, be kind
No slurs
No joking about SA, CA, or any serious traumatic accidents
No requests of any WW 1 or 2 people, just no
No figures from the year 1900-current time please
Don't throw a fit if I reject your request
Don't like what I write? Don't be here, leave.
NSFW is allowed but i'm just starting out so don't be surprise if I reject (but I will make NSFW)
No fetishes that cause harm or are non-consensual please for certain characters
exceptions are made sometimes
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
☁︎。⋆。 ☾ ゚。⋆Masterlist⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ☾
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Quick Note: Please read rules before requesting (pinned post) also let me know if something is wrong with the links. Enjoy! (pinned post also includes if requests are open)
Updated: 5/31/2024
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Reader) (part 1/2)
King Baldwin IV x Male!Reader NSFW (request)
Alexander the Great x Male!Soldier!Reader (coming soon)
King Baldwin IV x Wife!Reader: scratching his head (request)
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Reader) (part 2/2) (coming soon)
King Baldwin IV x Wife!Reader: singing to him (request)
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
Step Forth, Friend!
Welcome, call me Cassius or Cas.
I write for historical figures and make fics I guess, I talk about history, and I share weird shit too.
Feel free to reach out.
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Request: Open
History Info/Facts Masterlist
Ask box (Open)
Rules *please read*
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