#cured!king baldwin iv x witch!reader
historyslittlebish · 28 days
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Female!Reader)
a/n: I have never watched kingdom of heaven before but I know of it because my sister watched it so I am gonna write for the king :)
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Warning: unrealistic but okay, religious stuff, occ?
Baldwin groaned as he sat on his throne. He praised himself for getting all the diplomatic work done half the time he usually completes.
Every passing day his bones and muscles ached, his mind spinning, overwhelmed with his kingly duties. His mind was filled with thoughts and plans but he was too weak to act on them.
While determined and strong willed, he was aware of his sickly disease and how weak he is compared to anyone else. He often spent time looking up, thoughts of gods plan with him.
Why would god plague him with such illness, what had he done? What was his sin against his creator? he often found himself praying that he could, maybe, just maybe, be cured and continue to live and be the greatest king he could be, have a wife and an heir, to live his life to the fullest with no worry of death coming as soon as he always prepared himself for.
He knows he should not question God, and be grateful for his life but even then his mind does not stop thinking such thoughts.
He sat still staring into nothing, deep in thought as a few servants scuttled about, cleaning and tending to the throne room. The sounds of their whispering had started bothering him, the constant sound of pattering feet didn't allow him to think.
He slowly rose before clearing his throat. Some of the servants looked over in surprise and curiosity.
"I would like to be left alone, please." His voice is steady, firm, but gentle and warm. His servants rushed to leave the room allowing the king his privacy.
He sighed as he sat down once more. Alone in his own thoughts, he allowed himself to be consumed by his own mind, each thought, idea, word, running through his brain as he rested his eyes, deeply in his imagination.
Not too long after however does he hear a female yelp, a loud thud, and someone shuffling around the marble floor.
His eyes snapped open as he saw a small amount of mist covering a figure slightly. His eyes widened in surprise and shock as he stared at the woman in front of him. She wore odd clothes, not the kind he's seen before, her H/C was beautiful to him, mesmerizing even. Her S/C looked so soft in comparison to his heavily scarred and sore ridden skin.
He stood up and suddenly the strange and foreign woman stared at him before getting on her knees and bowing deeply, lifting her head enough to look back up at him.
"My king." She stated.
"Rise." Baldwin said as he motioned with his hand for the woman to stand. Slowly she did stand and still have a respectful demeanor.
"Who are you, and why do you come here?" She looked up, her E/C looking into his blue irises. She inhaled before kneeling and leaving her hands by her side "My king, I present myself as a witch from the North. I've heard of a prophecy that you will need to defeat Saladin but not without outside forces," She rose from her knees and reached into a small pouch, holding a vile with blue liquid, glowing and bubbling. "I've come to present to you a cure. You have my heart should I speak the lies of the devil himself.".
Baldwin was shocked and scared. A witch in his holy kingdom? Witchcraft is the devil's work. He could not decide if he should call his soldiers and risk the witch woman to hex him or to continue the conversation, only to eventually be found dead without reason, or to many, his leprosy being the cause.
He took the latter and prayed that no harm would come to him.
"Well witch, I want proof." The woman nodded and held her arm to her side, F/C mist circling the room, a wall of fog covered the walls of the room. The mist streamed into the middle of the room and created a circle, creating a pocket of white particles creating images.
They showed him being crowned king all the way to his death at an old age.
he could not believe his eyes. The images showed such small moments in his life that he could not recollect well but they were perfect for what he was told.
The mist that engulfed the room suddenly retracted and disappeared into the air.
He stared at the witch who stared back but with a slight fear in her eyes, not knowing if she would be in danger or not. Baldwin's breath hitched but he sat down. He racked his brain for thoughts but he was very overwhelmed by the information. He clutched his head and rubbed at his temples.
The two stayed in silence for a few minutes before the king made his choice.
"I shall take this potion if what you say is true." He murmured.
The witch stepped forward towards the kind on his throne and handed him the bottle gently before stepping back.
"I warn you my king, you will fall in a deep slumber, alive and well, but deep for the whole day." The king contemplated her words but slowly opened the bottle and drank the liquid completely.
After a few moments his head began to spun and he almost collapsed to the floor before a warm pair of arms caught him and held him before his eyes completely shut and he fell into a deep slumber.
Baldwin squinted his eyes as the sun peaked through the window in the early morning. The light was dim due to the window covers but it was still bright to him. He slowly raised his body but was confused when he could feel his body weight shift onto his legs. He had lost feelings partly in his legs and arms but he could feel himself twitch and move on his entire body.
He was wearing some white sleepwear that he doesn't remember putting on and his mask was on the side of his bed. He was confused but slowly walked over to the mirror.
His eyes widened and he stumbled back but caught himself before he fell on the cold, hard floor.
He saw himself but no longer disfigured or ridden with rashes and sores. His golden locks framed his face, his eyes looking deep into his in the mirror, his skin was just glowey as the witch he had seen.
That's when it hit him.
The witch had saved him, the lovely witch that had given him a potion that she said would heal him and allow him to live his life fully.
The whole castle was chattering with loud and bright voices. Their king was not only cured by gods miracle but he would be able to soon produce an heir should he be willing.
He sat on his throne thinking of the memory of you. You, you were to be his wife, you saved him, he could live without the fear of dying anytime soon.
Baldwin got a surge of confidence, he was determined to get you to come back but first he had to deal with royal affairs but nothing could slow him down, not anymore.
a/n: Part 2? Yes. I need to make a male version for anon OR male reader hcs for our king. Sorry if its shit though.
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historyslittlebish · 28 days
☁︎。⋆。 ☾ ゚。⋆Masterlist⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ☾
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Quick Note: Please read rules before requesting (pinned post) also let me know if something is wrong with the links. Enjoy! (pinned post also includes if requests are open)
Updated: 5/31/2024
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Reader) (part 1/2)
King Baldwin IV x Male!Reader NSFW (request)
Alexander the Great x Male!Soldier!Reader (coming soon)
King Baldwin IV x Wife!Reader: scratching his head (request)
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Reader) (part 2/2) (coming soon)
King Baldwin IV x Wife!Reader: singing to him (request)
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